#since they’re cousins of the Ninja
rere9500-18 · 8 months
This fanfic (‘Brothers By Blood’), but I’ve thought about how to really make it canon. (Or at least in my head anyways.) With a few tweaks to the actual fanfiction.
Art by me. Fanfic by ‘@MultiFangirl7148’
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Family tree:
Wu has a wife in this. Her name is Carolin. The four main ninja (Zane, Cole, Kai, and Jay) are the sons of these two, with Zane being the oldest, Cole and Kai being twins (I headcanon Cole to be the older by 8 minutes), and Jay as the youngest of the four.
Ray, originally just a friend of Carolin’s in the fic, was changed to being her younger brother in my head, making him the uncle of the four main ninja, while also making his daughter, Nya, the cousin of the Ninja. (From their mother’s side.)
Garmadon is Wu’s brother, making Lloyd the cousin of the Ninja as well. (From their father’s side.) Which makes Garmadon the Ninjas’ uncle.
It is only those 6 children-wise (No Crystal or Owen) in my headcanon.
You’ll have to read the fic to the end (SPOILERS)
but when you do, Carolin uses a spell that actually, let’s say, “resets” Ninjago in order to save her children’s lives. Unfortunately, it cost her her own life, killing her. A life to save a life. (From now on, it’s just me adding on with my headcanons since the fic ends with Carolin sacrificing herself.)
Carolin, from then on, is only really remembered by Wu and a select few in this ‘reset-ed’ reality. (Somehow, Carolin was able to maneuver that to be.) (Unfortunately, the select few would become a lot of people to everyone as a spell can never really be that full-proof. Plus, she reset everything in Ninjago with the spell. Something had to give.)
From then on, Wu would set out to find his sons in the world Carolin reset to save their family.
The memories would only be restored by this family as they grew. Wu just needed to find them and figure out just how exactly to restore them.
He would find his eldest son turned into a robot, (mostly) by Dr Julien. Once an old friend to Wu and Carolin, he tried his best to do well by them and their family, but sometimes we all think differently when we think of ‘the best’ for others. He wanted to protect Zane from emotional hurt, so he took apart most of his humanity and sliced it in half. Something the soon-to-be-other Ninja would despise him for. He would always claim to have the best in mind for Zane though. And maybe he did. But the Ninja would soon realize they could never truly forgive him for that. (While he looks like a robot, there still is humanity left in Zane no one can take away. Although turned half-robot half-human, the soon-to-remember Ninja would love him.)
Wu would then find his second-eldest soon in the care of Lilly. Lilly, former elemental master of earth, originally a dear friend to Carolin in the fic, was changed to being her baby sister in my headcanon. She gave her powers to Cole, due to this thing I made up being an elemental master can give their power to a potential future elemental master when they’re (the former elemental master) is old enough and mentally ready to pass said powers on. Both Lilly and Ray have done this for Cole and Kai.
Both her and Ray are special cases actually. While her spell was completing itself, Carolin somehow managed to step into space and time and communicate with her baby siblings. She asked them to take care of her babies as she had to separate the twins in their care.
She gifted Cole to the youngest sister (making Lilly Cole and Kai’s aunt) and gifted Kai to the middle sibling (making Ray Kai and Cole’s uncle). They both promised to look after her boys, wanting to do right by their older sister.
Carolin left Kai with Ray, Maya, and Nya because she knew he was going to be a good brother to Nya. She’s seen it with her own eyes. As they grew older and inevitably learned the truth of their now two childhoods combined, they’d learned that they were never siblings, but cousins. Fortunately for all of them, the ninja would learn that Nya and Lloyd are still family and would ultimately call/treat them like siblings anyway. Because that’s exactly what they did when Carolin was here. (Once they remember, of course.)
And last, but not least, Jay would ultimately be left at a scrap yard, much to Carolin’s lasting disappointment. She had gifted Jay to a close friend of hers, the former Lightning elemental. But due to some reason (maybe she couldn’t handle the stress of it all?? Maybe something deeper was going on?), she left Jay and possibly Carolin and her family behind for someone else to get involved with: Ed and Edna Walker. While they were not asked to, they saw little Jay on their doorstep and immediately took him in, and for that, Carolin will always bless them from whatever space heaven there is.
I’m not too sure on Lloyd rn. I just know he’s found later too.
On the concept of ‘Found family’, I’d like to think in this universe, it’s Carolin and her dedication to protect her family, even at the point of RESETTING THE ENTIRETY OF NINJAGO that sort of paved the path for the soon-to-be-ninja, as they walked their own ways to find each other and their memories.
Once they get their memories back, Carolin will come up in conversations; memories of when they were all in a previous un-reseted Ninjago. The times where they would be doing the next craziest thing or simply telling Christmas stories in the comfort of their home. Memories they’re gonna have to carry alone in this new Ninjago… together.
(Well, they’re not alone. Ninjago has this trend where something that’s claimed to only be known by only a few actually is known/gets to be known by almost everybody, so Ima stick with that trend because it’s actually kinda funny 😂
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ok hear me out
what if April was older
pov you’re like 15, working your after school job at your local pet store, nbd
Then this guy walks in wearing a literal suit of armor. It’s bright blue. He’s got long pinkish hair and golden horns. Are those freaking gargoyles on his shoulders. he asks for four turtles.
Sure, whatever. New York be like that sometimes. You get him four turtles, different types. While you’re, like, ringing up the turtles or w/ever, he starts droning on about how he’s going to mutate them into the greatest warriors in the universe and use them to reclaim his peoples’ rightful place on the surface
you aren’t really paid enough for this, but honestly it’s either this or freaking McDonald’s, so you deal with it
guy takes his turtles and leaves
maybe you mostly forget
maybe it keeps you up a few nights, idk
you get fired four months later in an incident that Totally wasn’t your fault but the managers just saw thirty hamsters dyed bright pink and jumped to conclusions, yknow? That’s how it be sometimes
Anyways, picture about 3 years later
you pick up a part time delivery job at a pizza place. Not ideal, but when you’ve been blacklisted from the majority of businesses in your general area, beggars can’t be choosers. Anyways, a guy asks for 3 large pizzas. You can hear kids yelling in the background. He sounds tired. Mood. then he asks you to leave them in an alleyway near a manhole. uhhhhh
look, you’re dead inside from customer service, but you’ve still got a Little of that investigative spirit that got you expelled from that fancy smancy high school sophomore year
So you wait
A rat man (!!?!???) emerges from the sewer, holding a very small toddler that’s also a turtle (?!???!?)
Wait. wait. wait.
that guy from the pet store.
no way.
Anyways, it takes a lot of yelling, panic, a few ninja moves (??) and some really awful lies from the rat man, but they manage to talk it out. It helps when one bawling turtle kiddo quiets after a couple minutes of the April O’Neil flair. (For once’s she’s grateful for her many younger cousins)
besides, she’s basically their aunt at this point. She sold them to the goat man, so she kinda counts. She’s pretty sure Rat Man- Splints- is just glad to have some help wrangling the disasters. He pays her nicely for her services, which is great, so she drops the other jobs and babysits mutant turtles in the sewers. It’s weird, for sure, but it could be way worse.
Plus, they’re all so cute.
Raph is super helpful, always following her around and trying to participate in whatever she’s doing. It’s so cute watching him bite his lip as he carefully fills Mikey’s sippy cup with juice (April holding onto the carton to make sure he doesn’t spill everywhere)
Donnie is super smart already, eagerly recounting to April whatever cool facts he’s learned. April buys him some Legos to build stuff, and he’s over the moon about them. Mikey eats one of the pieces, leading to a few hours of panic and a lifelong hatred of people touching his stuff.
Leo is a little show off, always yelling “April, April!! Lookit this!!” (Those words have proceeded, to date: three broken bones (at least mutants heal quickly), two sprained ankles, a sprained wrist, a nasty cut down his leg, and more scraped up knees that April can count).
Mikey is much less of a daredevil on his own, but he’s quick to copy whatever dangerous stunt Leo is doing. He’s always easily mollified with colorful bandaids, though, and Leo has more than once abandoned a trick when he sees Mikey trying to attempt it too. His drawings cover both the lair’s fridge and April’s own.
((( idk what this was I just think it’s very cute. My brain went “haha Draxum in a pet shop” and then everything else happened. i don’t know where Splinter gets his money, but he obviously Has it. He doesn’t work, but the boys can still afford pizza and have allowances (I’m assuming, since it’s unlikely they have jobs to earn money, so whatever they get is probably from Splinter.) and also?? Electricity?? (Where do they get that)
anyway I have Many questions that are never answered about that)))
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sea-jello · 7 months
if anyone remembers my movie morro au here’s the part where he’s the villain finally LMAO
i had this idea in mind already and it just so happened to sorta line up with the morrotober prompt so
Day 7/October 7: Crystal || Wishing Well || "Too late now." (?)
OKAY so you probably should go read the other part just for the worldbuildings sake but i think you’ll survive if you don’t. anyways he’s still a high up gang member but instead of sneaking around behind the scenes he actually does stuff this time. he still does lowkey stuff he doesn’t go in guns blazing, so like spy stuff, or stealth missions. he still does the jobs from the other part like collect intel, make plans give orders yada yada. also he specialises in poisons instead of weapons cause he has an advantage with his wind. and cause i think it’s cool. like tranquillizers, sleeping potions, smoke bombs stuff like that (ties back to the stealth missions. he still fights he doesn’t just sit back and let the chemicals do the work. they’re just incorporated in) i don’t think anyone knows he has wind cause people would tie it back to him being associated with the ninja, so he uses it but like sneakily (remember in the movie when lloyd says “wind isn’t taken can i be wind?” YUP)
NOW in the other part i said he was very undercover and that’s why they couldn’t catch him. well this morro is a little more involved. as in he and a couple other members tried to steal the biggest crystal in ninjago from the borg vaults, which have the highest security possible (i like to try and incorporate canon and it’s either this or he goes fucking grave robbing and i don’t like that, so it’s the vaults). so they sneak in, they trigger the alarm and they’re like well okay no point now (too late now HAH morrotober prompt that wasn’t even intentional) and start trying to fight their way out. and it’s going alright until surprise surprise, the fucking ninja show up and they get arrested
before i forget morro and lloyd as regular civilians aren’t like close at all cause morro was wus student before the ninja ever were, and he used the stuff he learned from wu to rise up the ranks. they know of each other and they know they’re cousins (ish idrk if morros actually related to wu) but they’ve seen each other like once or twice probably. would recognise if they were asked to identify each other, but do not know of each other’s ninja/gang business cause they’ve both got masks. although i think it would hurt more if they were close so i might change that
so they’re incapacitated and the ninja are like sick let’s go fucking celebrate and dip before morro and the rest of their identities are revealed, so lloyd finds out his cousin was fucking arrested through morros crusty mugshot on the news here too LMAO. i was debating on if they should stay not knowing each other’s identities throughout but that’s like impossible since morros arrest is on the news and movie lloyd would pull his mask of for that “you don’t have to be evil my dearest cousin” speech the second theyre face to face
robbery plus breaking and entering plus aggravated assault plus assaulting a police officer PLUS gang activity since they obviously have proof he’s actively participating (and also he goes out more here that in the post where he’s not the villain so they have more evidence than they did in that version)?? that could add up to like twenty something years in jail. he’s 16 when he gets arrested, but you can be tried as an adult if the crime is severe enough. so he is and BAM hes probably gonna grow up in jail. he’s currently in juvie but will be moved when he hits 18. but he’s not gonna spend his prime years in JAIL
so he breaks out a year later. obviously. remember he is infamous for being a mastermind escape artist
he’s out of jail and he’s out for the ninjas blood. he’s gone three years without ever getting caught and all of a sudden these color coded high schoolers in 20 feet tall robots toss him in the slammer?? they’re going down
the ninja find out he escaped through the news again and come to the conclusion he’s probably coming back for revenge lloyds like oh my god my fucking cousins gonna kill me i’m gonna die at the hands of my own family. wu pops up and he goes blah blah you need to TRAIN i know all of this kids tricks you need to HARNESS the ELEMENTAL POWER INSIDE OF YOU instead of RELYING on your MECHS or whatever idk let’s be honest they need to learn not to rely on them more. the ninja are like 👁👁 you know this guy CUE classic wu backstory montage
i’m not very sure how this would end yet but i feel like it would be really funny if they were planning to hit him with everything they have and it ends up with lloyds “come back to the good side dear cousin of mine” speech anyways. either ways there are multiple fights in which lloyd does try to pacify him and make peace, but morro never gives him a chance to explain who he is so he doesn’t know he’s the green ninja til the end lmao. if this were a lego movie it would be a fight that sucked terribly, make a plan and improve and train, fight again but this time they’re sure they’re gonna get him but everything’s failing at a sudden turn of events near the end, and lloyd gives his heartfelt speech. maybe morro refuses but a new bigger threat appear like the overlord or something and they have to work together and morro realized hey fighting with people isn’t so bad. idk i’m just throwing this at the wall atp see what sticks
this one isn’t that long cause the last one was more worldbuiling and this one’s more about plot, and it’s not that great cause i speedran it in time for morrotober and it’s like lowkey underdeveloped and it’s currently 3 30am i might come back and change some things. the only thing i had completely set on this was he tries to steal the crystal, he got arrested, then broke out, so feel free to suggest some changes!
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Part 3
Dustin Brooks (THE BOY)
Has two amazing parents that he loves very much
His dad taught him all about dirt bikes and they bond over it
Grew up on motocross and loved it from the start it is his life
His dad got him the bike he has now at the beginning of freshman year and he’s had it ever since
He gets his Adhd from his mom, who is an absolute sweetheart
She is also friends with Shane’s mom and they have family dinner together (Tori also joins once she gets adopted into the family)
Has an older sister who is much older than him so they aren’t incredibly close, but she’s a badass and he respects the hell out of her
She’s a lawyer and kicks legal butt, it’s great
Also has two younger siblings (one boy, one girl, twins, they are 7)
Can, have, and will kick Dustin’s butt when the urge arises
Very feisty but also protective of their favorite brother (he’s a fun bro who plays with them and rides a motorcycle)
He is the coolest and the dorkiest in their eyes
They love their big brother
His aunts and uncles live nearby and they visit pretty often
Has so many cousins
His house is constantly full of people
Just a very big family
He loves the chaos and has a hard time adjusting outside of it sometimes
They do those cheek kisses and Shane and Tori were very surprised when he first did it with them
It’s chill tho, they get it now
They have a game called ‘guess their relation to Dustin’
It’s a lot of fun
Shane and Tori were also his first real friends
While very friendly and sociable, he has a hard time getting close to people since he can come on a bit strong
People tried to bully him verbally, but it went right over his head so a lot of them resorted to physical violence to get their point across
He was a crier when he was little (no shame)
Shane and Tori were the first people that let him in and he was ecstatic
They are basically his pseudo siblings and they tease and banter a lot
Usually plays mediator for actual fights, but is also known to stand to the side and watch with popcorn (no one knows where he gets the popcorn)
He doesn’t understand half of what Cam says most of the time, but he likes how passionate he gets about tech
Sometimes he’ll just sit with Cam at Ninja Ops and have him talk as he does other stuff (usually homework)
Went off about power rangers with Cam after that first mission
Knows a lot about zords and morphers
When he does know what is going on that other half of the time, they have very complicated tech talk (Dustin can fix up motor bikes, he knows quite a bit of mechanics, thank you)
Dustin is Cam’s favorite (Shh don’t tell)
Was very excited when he started hanging around Blake and Hunter because Biking Buddies!!
Blue screens when he meets Blake and Hunter (they are very pretty) (Bisexual disaster)
They like bikes!!!! I like bikes!!! We should be friends!!!!
Oblivious to the sus at first, just excited to info dump about motocross
Picks up on it after a couple of weird encounters (Said they didn’t live with their parents then told Tori that they had parents to get back to)
Is kind of heartbroken when they turn out to be evil because he put a lot of his heart into that friendship
Is not following with what is happening in that cave with the crystal
Just knows their parents are dead (sad)
And then they left (sad)
And then they’re back!
But they’re evil again (sad and confused)
Deviance from canon!
Dustin comes up with the idea to wash the toxic chemicals off Hunter’s face
So they do
And it helps Hunter break out of the brainwashing spell after one last good hit over the head from Blake
Tackles Blake and Hunter into a hug after that whole debacle (much to the confusion of Blake and Hunter and to the delight and amusement of Shane and Tori)
Loves having Dirt Biking Buddies
They teach him a lot of tricks for going really fast
Blake is chill and Dustin sees him as a bro, but not like Shane and Tori
Him, Blake, and Hunter are pretty competitive for motocross, but they’re all good sports
Hunter is Dustin’s favorite because they’ll info dump on dirt bikes with each other and go on and on and on
Blake can too, but he usually bails to let them talk alone *wink wink*
They hang out a lot
Dustin’s family adore Blake and Hunter, especially the kids cause they’ll play with them
Kelly is also like a sister to him and he thinks she and his oldest sister would get along really well
Helps a lot with his motocross endeavors and encouraged him to keep improving 
Always taking him to tournaments across the country when she can and thinks Dustin is one of the best motocross riders she’s ever seen
Dustin hates letting her down and is very protective of her and the shop
It’s his safe space and he loves it in there
What do you mean it isn’t canon that he has Adhd, have you seen him? 
Has Adhd, 100%
Has time blindness, selective memory, can’t sit still, impulsiveness, blunt, easily distracted, has a hard time with eye contact, special interests is dirt bikes, loves loud noise (he’s a punk/metal fan), and has a hard time with social cues so things fly over his head a lot
Also hyposensitive to most shit, can take a lot of hits and often doesn’t realize he’s hurt
Can also be spacey and gets into his head a lot so you have to keep his attention or he’ll get distracted and stop listening
Has Combined Adhd (a mix of hyperactive and inattentive) so he went undiagnosed for most of his life
Cam brought it up once and then he went to get diagnosed
“With regards to your Adhd-” “I have Adhd?” “... We’re taking you to the doctor.”
Things make a lot more sense now for everybody
He’s just a happy to be here
While he can be competitive, he’s the most mellow-headed out of everyone
I guess you could say he’s grounded
Is terrifying when mad
Him being upset is one thing (he’s like a sad puppy dog and no one can deny Dustin when he’s genuinely upset)
But he’s never, ever mad, so when he is you know shit’s about to go down
Shane and Tori have only ever seen him truly mad once and they it was the scariest thing they have ever seen
Dustin being nice is a choice, not a result of naivety 
Is very affectionate with his buddies (hugs, pats, friendly punches, fistbumps, high fives, anything and everything) (cheek kisses only when he’s comfortable with them and if they are comfortable with it)
(Shane, Tori and Hunter are fine with them while Cam and Blake don’t really like them) 
Is the most physically affectionate with Hunter for reasons
Many of them romantic
Eats a lot
Like, a lot a lot
The first time Blake and Hunter were with the crew for a food run, they were gobsmacked by the amount of food he got
“You guys getting anything?” “That was all for you???”
He’s a hungry boi (his powers are very energy consuming so he has to eat a lot to make up for it)
Speaking of powers
Is SUPER strong (he can lift 100 tons)
Has to be careful with his super strength and often hits things too soft in fear of hitting things too hard
Can sense the earth beneath his bike and uses it to find the smoothest/quickest path
Doesn’t know that’s what that is and just thinks everyone else is just being silly when they chose the worst paths to ride through
Blake and Hunter are the ones to tell him about what he’s doing when they accuse him of cheating and he gets very confused
very quick to pick up on stuff but also quick to forget (Has used his duplication technique like twice)
Specialized in the warhammer, but can also use a mace and axe
Is actually very smart thank you very much
He just has a funny way of showing it (Adhd)
Often comes out more like common sense
“What’s more powerful than 5 rangers?” “6 rangers!” “...Fair enough, let’s give it a shot.”
Everyone always forgets just how smart he is (expect Cam and Hunter, because Dustin can semi keep up with Cam’s rants and Hunter and Dustin rant about dirt bike mechanics all the time)
Just knows? The most random facts? And can do the most random things? (Adhd, bitch)
“Oh yeah, I play the sax.” “...What?”
“I can do a perfect, very complicated gymnastics routine.” “Why?” “I had a phase.”
“I know how to jumpstart and rewire almost every vehicle in existence including a fighter jet.” “Do I want to know?” “I had to hotwire my old bike once and it devolved from there.”
Has the best relationship with himself 
That one episode where sensei has them “fight” themselves, Dustin is literally just playing with himself and is very excited to have another him
He’s having a blast
(Tori is just smart and figures out what’s going on and Shane is always ready to fight something)
Goes into Freestyling with Kelly as his sponsor after the show
Eventually does Freestyling and Motocross racing because he’s just build different
He and Blake race all the time and get very competitive (It’s all good fun tho)
Everyone tries to make it to as many competitions as they can
Main post
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revlischarm · 1 year
I have some questions abou the noodle shop ghost au.
Would Morro be someone who when talking about someone, specifically say their physically/mentally tired or would he just say their tired?
You've mentioned Morro being recognised as Macaque's successor by spirits of something (I can't remember). Does that mean he gets Mac's powers? If he does, would Macaque have to seal away some of the powers like Wukong did with MK?
What is PIF's opinion on Morro? You know, with Morro's elemental power and stuff.
Would Morro even recognise the ninja at first when he meets them? You know, with their designs and stuff, when he last saw them they looked like their old designs. Would he recognise their voices (excluding Lloyd)? Would Wu immediately recognise his old student, no matter how much he's changed (physically and mentally)?
Let's say he meets the ninja and the ninja recognise him first, will they attack him out of reflex or something or will they leave it and wait until he does something that gives them reason to attack. Would Kai just immediately pounce of Morro without hesitation? Would Lloyd have a mental breakdown?
Let's say that Morro recognises the ninja first, what would he do? Would he have a mental breakdown or will he just exist the room silently?
What would the reactions of the LMK cast be lik? Would Wu and Macaque have a custody fight over Morro? Would Kai pick a fight with Red Son over "stealing his thing (Which is fire)"? Would Pigsy just look at all the ninja and decide that these are his kids now?
Those are all my questions. For now at least. You don't have to answer all of them but the questions I want answered the most is one and three.
Hooooooo boy. Okay. So.
1. Mentally tired more than anything, it takes a lot to wear Morro down physically—especially since they refuse to admit to such ever.
2. It’s a technicality! He’s technically recognized as Macaque’s, although it’s probably just Heaven trying to mess with Macaque for the fun of it lol. No, he won’t be automatically gaining Mac’s powers, anything Morro learns is something that Mac teaches them. As of season 4, Morro can only manipulate shadows visually, teleport via shadow, hide in shadows (to a small extent) and they’re currently working on figuring out like…shadow attacks. They don’t automatically get all of Mac’s powers. I need more information from whenever season 5 comes out about MK and his whole deal before I do anymore concrete Morro and Mac successor lore stuff.
3. Since I personally love the idea that Mac is sworn siblings with both DBK and PIF, I’m keeping that idea in. Morro and Red Son are cousins. PIF is like an aunt sorta. After the whole LBD stuff/DBK getting possessed that one time, they’re on better terms! Red Son can and will threaten the ninja if they show up that Morro’s under the protection of the Demon Bull family.
But yeah PIF and Morro vibing and you do not want to fight them. Combined, their wind powers are…a whole lot.
4. Morro would definitely recognize them. They’re very recognizable. Although in the fic that’s being worked on (heheheheh thank you coolest friend ever) and in my original ideas, Morro doesn’t meet the ninja first; the ninja end up interacting with the LMK gang beforehand who then realize from Morro’s previous descriptions that these are the Ninja (and because Jay mentions Ninjago) and one of them texts Morro as a forewarning and it really freaks Morro out. More to come on that, hehe.
And yeah they’d recognize Morro, his voice is the same and he’s still. Well. Morro.
5. Lloyd will not be having a mental breakdown because I don’t feel like that would be his reaction to Morro?? A reflexive panic, maybe, but Lloyd is still a ninja through and through. His first line of defense is actual defense. Put up a front of confidence and all that. Although you’re correct to guess that Kai is straight up trying to launch himself at Morro lmao
Although the LMK gang won’t exactly be very pleased about that hehehehe
The girls are fighting, y’all :]
6. Mental breakdown when they receive the text 100000%. Shadow-travels to Mac’s place immediately. Very upset and freaked out.
7. Everyone is fucking battling it out okay no one is safe. Although Wu is back in Ninjago for reasons. Anyways.
There’s gonna be a really awesome fight thing it’ll be great so look forward to hehe
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spiderdreamer-blog · 10 months
My Adventures With Superman: “Adventures of a Normal Man, Pts. 1 and 2″ Review
Since the end of Superman: The Animated Series, Superman has not had an animated series solely dedicated to himself as an adult in the intervening 23 years. He’s certainly been part of team shows like Justice League/Unlimited or Legion of Superheroes (albeit as a teenaged Superboy) that had his character as a key component. And there have been no shortage of movies, live action or animated, that starred him either. But it feels like something’s been lost, especially on the live action end, where interesting ideas by Zack Snyder and Henry Cavill largely failed to coalesce into a compelling character (and also were a major contributing factor in the current disaster zone that is Warner Bros. Discovery, so, that doesn’t help). But we finally have a new series starring him in My Adventures With Superman, and its two-part premiere has finally surfaced. How do things shake out for the Man of Steel?
Rather than start with the standard origin, the series picks up with Clark Kent (Jack Quaid, The Boys, Star Trek: Lower Decks) arriving in Metropolis to start work at the Daily Planet as an intern alongside his roommate Jimmy Olsen (Ishmel Sahid, Cousins for Life). They quickly meet Lois Lane (Alice Lee, Zoey’s Extraordinary Playlist), a fellow intern who dreams of bigger things, but is currently stymied by the Planet’s gruff editor-in-chief Perry White (Darrell Brown, Gabby’s Dollhouse). Lois drags Jimmy and Clark along on a story about military tech stolen by mercenary Leslie “Livewire” Willis (Zehra Fazal, Voltron Legendary Defender, Amphibia, She-Ra and the Princesses of Power), which pretty quickly spirals out of control. Clark quickly leaps in to save the day, and now the question of who or what this “Superman” is becomes THE question.
The first, most striking thing about My Adventures With Superman is its look and tone. Aided by the ever-capable Studio Mir, the character designs are bright, expressive, and far more rounded than the stripped-down, angular DCAU look of old. Clark in particular has an appealing sweet softness to his farmboy frame, Jimmy being black has been done before but never quite this excitable, and Lois is now a full-on tomboy with short hair and dark skin, much to the consternation of idiot YouTube grifter screamy men everywhere. This spreads downward to the tone, where producers Jake Wyatt (DuckTales), Brendan Clogher (Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles), and Josie Campbell (She-Ra) basically position the proceedings as a shoujo/josei romantic comedy that happens to have superhero action scenes.
Nothing against them, of course, they’re very well done (and fix a core problem I had with She-Ra in that the action scenes were, number one with a bullet, the weakest part due to jank). But just as much attention is paid to loving close-ups of Lois and Clark blushing as they realize they might LIKE like each other. Needless to say, I find it incredibly charming, especially after years of SnyderBros breathlessly insisting that Cavill’s dour, contemplative lonely god Superman who SNAPS PEOPLE’S NECKS is the best version of the character instead of some pussy who, I don’t know, saves kittens from trees.
(Full disclosure: Cavill is a fine actor in other projects and I have a great deal of admiration for Zack Snyder as a filmmaker, just...not them together for the most part)
In particular, a Clark who’s unsure of himself gives things a bit more of a mysterious tone than usual, particularly in the most intriguing plot hook so far: the Kryptonian ship that he came in contains the usual hologram of Jor-El, but he speaks in garbled Kryptonian that Clark can’t understand and is frightened by as a child. This, the ship creating The Costume (though Martha adds a humanizing touch with a belt and shorts), and a flash of a space battle when he unhooks a piece of damaged tech from Livewire’s back hint that it may be harder than usual to reconcile his Kryptonian and Earth selves. Which I’m not opposed to. While, as said in my STAS review, I don’t generally like the idea that Krypton was some cold unfeeling society with no value to Clark, this could be going a different, more interesting direction.
The awkwardness also adds great dividends to his interplay with Lois, who he generally has to keep up with anyway. Jimmy is also boosted in terms of already having an interest in extraterrestrial stuff, and he feels like a genuine part of the ensemble instead of a third wheel. The supporting cast is also going in some interesting directions, with a wearier Perry White than usual as a solid semi-antagonistic force, Livewire standing out as a smart, canny villain even before she busts out the Electro powers, and an excellent read on the Kents, with Jonathan and Martha warm and supportive, but fretting about losing Clark to this new persona. (Hey, Snyder? That’s how you make the Kents conflicted about Clark being Superman, not “idk, maybe you should let kids die rather than reveal your secret”)
All of this is aided by an incredibly strong voice cast. Quaid is my favorite Clark voice in a long time, affecting a soft dorkiness rather than going for a slightly formal patrician vibe. His comic timing is also great, such as in an early scene where he first meets Lois and is quickly embarrassed. Lee matches him well by switching out Lois’ usual businesswoman vibes for “overcaffeinated”, as well as self-aware enough to admit her mistakes, though not enough to cop to her immediately becoming smitten with Clark. Sahid is a funny, excitable Jimmy, taking the edge off what could have been an eye-rolling “CONSPIRACY THEORIST” gag, and his interplay with Quaid and Lee is often a highlight of the show. On the supporting end, Brown wisely dials down to be a straight man, Fazal is credibly tough and intelligent as usual, Kari Wahlgren gets those aforementioned great beats as Martha, and Azuri Hardy-Jones is immediately endearing as Flip Johnson, a gender-flipped version of the leader of Jack Kirby’s Newsboy Legion (now the NewsKIDS Legion, given some other gender-swaps in the group); she’s very much a believable scrappy kid, worrying at one point if they should call the President or “my mom”.
(Sidebar: the funniest, most unusual casting here is Chris Parnell as an anime twunk-ified Slade Wilson/Deathstroke, who appears as an ominous figure that tries to get intel out of Livewire, fights her, then captures and interrogates her with Amanda Waller and seemingly Sam Lane in attendance after Superman de-escalates the situation. Now, Parnell is an excellent voice actor with a long resume at this point, but his stock in trade is usually characters like Cyril Figgis on Archer or Jerry on Rick & Morty, who are most charitably described as weak-willed sexual obsessives. It’s a head-trip to hear him take on a role previously essayed by deep-voiced gravel pit legends like Ron Perlman, Will Arnett, Mark Rolston, and the late Miguel Ferrer. Though perhaps wisely, he doesn’t try to imitate those guys and leans into his own tones, just more of a smarmy asshole variant. His delivery of “We’re the good guys” at the end of the premiere is wonderfully insincere.)
Overall, My Adventures With Superman is immensely promising and I hope it has a decently long, unimpeded-by-Discovery-fuckery run. By going off-book but also appealing to the fundamentals of the character, it’s a fresh take that I am keenly interested in seeing develop and grow. Also, it’s just really dang cute, sue me.
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cooliogirl101 · 2 years
More Reina and Neji pls ;_;
Neji's pov makes my heart clench so bad.
He’s so nervous around her, desperate to seek her approval while at the same time believing he’ll never have it 🥺🥺
After all, why would she love him, when she already has a son? A son who never hurt his cousin, who’s always been there for Hinata as the protective older brother-figure she should’ve had. A son who’s just as much a prodigy as he is (they’re technically the same person, after all), but who had access to the Main Clan’s strategies from birth, who never had a Cursed Seal, who grew up with the unwavering support of both parents— and as a result, grew up to be a stronger ninja than Neji will ever be. A son who’s undamaged and happy, who’s never known the crushing weight of sacrifice.
(It’s been a while since he’s thought about fate and destiny, but now, he can’t help but wonder— the thing is, he could’ve grown up in a unified clan, with a proud father and a loving mother, unmarked by a cruel tradition that should’ve been abolished centuries ago. The other Neji was proof enough of that. And so why was it his fate to suffer? Why had he been destined to grow up in this world and not the other one?)
Meanwhile Reina loved him from the moment she set eyes on him, but she doesn’t want to overstep her place by forcing herself into his life as a mother figure if that isn’t not what he wants. He’s had enough of his choices taken away, and so she’s trying to follow his lead instead, only Neji is too nervous to actually ask for what he wants, because he thinks it’s asking too much and ahhhh lots of pain all around 😭😭
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j0ystix · 1 year
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pt 5
honestly, if Dolly and the FSM were lovers in their teens, realistically speaking, they’re bound to do the devil’s tango. They had a son but the FSM didn’t wan the son. It was when human first began slowly integrating into Ninjago and the FSM was still in the beginnings of building Ninjago. He wasn’t ready to be a father. Dolly too wasn’t ready, she still felt too young so they gave away the boy to some couple. Before the boy went off, the FSM gave him the very first element to be passed down. That element was a special one. It was thought to be a lost element that no longer existed. It was the element of space(open dimensions, summon portals) he gave it to his son so that the son can live in this harsh world. He also gave his son a name tag with his name written on it. “Yijun” = harmony . Btw space energy is the only energy the FSM couldn’t control and even Dolly is quite wonky with it. Since the FSM gave this element quite early on, he never truly mastered it. He did, however, encased some of the elemental energy in a realm crystal and passed on the rest to Yijun.
3 years later, Dolly was crystallised.
4 years after Dolly was crystallised, the FSM got married and had Wu and Garmadon.
So Yijun is 7 years older than Wu and Garmadon.
Yijun lived his life like normal but he knew he could control space. He kept it a secret, he didn’t know that about his parents nor about Garmadon and Wu. Yijun didn’t really care for his origin because he knew that he was an abandoned and unwanted child. He THOUGHT that his powers were a curse and that’s why he was abandoned because back in his time, there were still bad omen around magic, witches etc.
Yijun has a son (step cousin to Lloyd) his name is Prince who inherited his power. Prince was more accepting. He wanted to master his element but Yijun refuses. Yijun scolded Prince everytime he uses his powers. However, once, Prince saved a falling child using his powers and Yijun saw. Yijun got super angry and wanted to hit Prince but Prince used his power to defend himself. Furious, Yijun chased Prince out of the house and told him never to come back. Prince took this to heart (partially because he’s super stubborn) so Prince went on to travel between realms to create his own identity. Yijun obviously didn’t mean what he said and regretted it, he wanted his son back but Prince never contacted his father again. But he did come back to Ninjago TWICE temporarily(once when he felt an immense power which was when Lloyd unlocked his golden power& when the crystal king was being defeated)However, the only realm he fell in love with was the cursed realm where he met Morro. Prince is the same age as Lloyd currently (I hc that Lloyd aged forward by 4 years) so technically Prince is 4 years older) Ok since the show doesn’t explicitly show lgbtq characters, Morro and Prince are good friends BUT I WANT THEM TO BE CHILDHOOD LOVERS. Prince dyed his hair to match Morro but soon it was clear that Morro was way too obsessed with being the green ninja to the point of him becoming toxic. When Prince came back to Ninjago during the final battle, he saw Lloyd the green ninja. Honestly Prince didn’t know what’s so amazing about Lloyd and got jealous that Morro wanted to be the green ninja(keep in mind Morro haven’t met Lloyd yet and didn’t know he was the green ninja) Prince can’t stay in the cursed realm for long either. He knew his partner was becoming bad for him so he left. After adventuring the realms, Prince came back to Ninjago as he sensed a super strong entity (Dolly). Btw prince doesn’t know that Morro died lol. Until he went to the ninjago museum. He was, unfazed. He knew that Morro would do something dumb to get himself killed so he wasn’t surprised at all. Eventually, the person he would confide to was Master Wu, they’ll share a touching moment about how both of them misses Morro.
His persona ; opposite of Lloyd. He doesn’t speak much, Morro is usually the one who talks none stop lmfao. He’s works better alone. Lloyd was ecstatic to meet him because he was like a actual brother to Lloyd but Prince had no interest in Lloyd. But Prince will eventually warm up to Lloyd. This means Prince has Oni, Dragon and witch blood in him. Yet he doesn’t have an oni form because he’s not that connected to his roots unlike Lloyd. He only uses Space energy and he truly mastered it. he has a very very strong sensing of his opponent, he can smell power from a mile away. So whenever Lloyd and Prince faces an opponent, if Prince start getting worried and refuse to fight, it’s because he can sense the opponent’s capabilities VERY well. The only few times we can see Prince show strong emotions were 1) when he was a child and his father kicked him out of the house 2) when Master Wu tried to talk fondly about Morro, Prince got angry because he felt as though it was Wu’s fault for Morro’s death so Wu shouldn’t act so innocent 3) Occasionally irritated when Lloyd tries to get close to him 4) he bonded with Wu and had a heart to heart talk 5) he realised that he loved Harumi and Lloyd (like his siblings) and would do anything to protect them. He almost died for them and his lost his power for them. Prince is pretty insecure without powers btw.
Lloyd, Harumi and Prince are all strong however, Lloyd is the strongest of course. His power matched those of the witches (like how the FSM was Dolly’s equal) he’s stronger than Harumi because Harumi is still novel to her powers. He’s stronger than Prince. Although initially when they fought, Prince was like a formidable foe that Lloyd couldn’t defeat. Prince’s ultimate downfall was because he couldn’t work in a team so Lloyd had to work alongside the ninja to defeat Prince. In the future, Lloyd alone is sufficient to defeat him.
In the afterlife, they’ll undoubtedly meet again. Morro would apologise for being a dense idiot, for letting his greed for power overcome him till he wasn’t able to treasure Prince. Their dynamic is, Morro talks a lot and tease Prince a lot when they first met. Prince initially wouldn’t reply but then he’ll begin teasing Morro back. Prince fell for Morro first and he fell hard, he showed his love extremely subtly (he’d hold Morro’s hand when they were in danger, he’d watch Morro flex his elemental power because Morro loves to have his ego inflated, Prince is taller than Morro by 10cm so he’d always bent down to listen to Morro talk, he’d move Morro’s fringe away from his forehead cause it’s too long) prince is the smarter one and he would stop Morro from doing something that could kill him. Prince has NEVER said ily but Morro always said it but in a joking manner although it’s genuine like for eg, when Prince saves his life, Morro would laugh and say “Thanks! I love ya Prince”. Morro has a lot of nicknames for Prince. Some of which are but not limited to:
- His Royal Badness
- A royal pain in the ass
- Prick
Prince nickname for Morro is
- Air head
- edgelord
till now, Prince refers to Morro as “my partner” and Prince doesn’t rly age fast (witch blood). Prince has countless of dreams of Morro, he truly misses him so much:(
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He is a Natural born blonde and his powers are grey&blue-ish in colour with white stars. His powers look like the colour of the universe.
Initially I wanted space powers to be literal space. Like, physical space not universe space but now I think I want both for him. He manipulates the space around, allowing him to teleport easily and go into different realms. But he is also super knowledgeable about the universe space because he loves the stars and he can deliver power punches/kicks with brute force. His catchphrase before finishing/starting a battle is “may the 7 stars judge your sin and have mercy cause I shan’t”
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cowabungas · 1 year
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Name: Millie Dawn Hamato Date of Birth: March 27th (21) Abilities: Mystical energy using nunchucks/skilled ninja Parent: Michaelangelo Hamato Faceclaim: Kaylee Bryant
+ warm, creative, loyal, jack of all trades - impatient, chaotic, naive, prideful
Millie Hamato lives her life one day at a time. To her it’s all about the moments of the here and now that need to matter if her life is going to be meaningful. There were moments when she sat in the quiet of the dojo meditating with her father that she felt connected to the forces that moved the planet. Her dad always told her there was magic in everything and that even the smallest actions can have immense consequences and so Millie did her best to always be kind. It was a great philosophy and honestly, it sounded amazing but Millie Hamato was someone who did as she pleased. She absolutely lived by her fathers code of kindness but it was easy to forget when someone was running at you with the intent to hurt you and the people you love. Forgiveness for her wasn’t easy not matter how much she meditated.
Mystic energy came to her as easy as breathing though. She knew it wasn’t the same for cousins but she made sure that she was always available to help. She can’t say she has a favorite uncle since she’s always invading all of their spaces. She talks Leo’s ear off when they’re training, hangs off of Raph, and she’s pretty sure she’s the only one besides Diana who’s managed to sit on the lab tables without getting something thrown at them. She enjoys her family and their bond more than anything else. She’s proud to be a clone because it means that her Uncle loved his family so much that he made them. Millie knew that the love they all shared was the most important thing. So she made sure that she was good at everything. Sure, she caused as many problems as she could but she also fixed them! 
Outside of her life as a Hamato, she loved having hobbies. She was either in ballet or gymnastics, she even tried cheerleading but she had too much of a temper for that. Whatever kept her active, she was there. She was also always invading the lives of her cousins. She wanted siblings and they were the closest she’d get. She did struggle to make friends though. She was constantly pushed to go outside of her circle but she was comfortable here with her big family and their life’s mission. She didn’t need anything else. 
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lilythelitten · 1 year
Rooftop Ninjas
(A recursive fanfic for TMNT: From the Hidden City, an incarnation by @hopeaterart )
…I wrote over FOUR THOUSAND words for this. Four thousand words for a fanfic of a fan incarnation that technically hasn’t even been written yet. I’ve never even written 4k-word fanfics for published works. What the heck, brain.
So since there aren’t plans to flesh them out (understandable, they’re far from the main focus) I have been thinking for a bit about the future kids. And in the process, created a very specific dynamic for Lita/Hinata and her brother Nagato. So have this story about them. Did I spend too much time on this? Yes, yes I did.
Should mention since there’s (again, understandably) not much to work with, I basically gave myself carte blanche to do whatever the fuck I wanted with the future kids (within reason). It’s not like any of this is canon anyway, so…yeah.
Few more things before we start: fight scene’s not great, sorry about that, hard to write a fight scene from the POV of a six-year old; I don’t know if everyone still lives in the clinic but I’m assuming they do for storytelling purposes; and she/her pronouns are used for CJ because I am assuming he hasn’t started using she/he at the point of time the story takes place, apologies if she has, not malice, just me not knowing.
Aaaaaand GO!
“Hina! Hey, Hina!”
Hinata blinked awake at the sound of a sharp, somewhat muffled whisper. Still sleepy, she closed her eyes again and buried her face in her pillow, trying to go back to bed.
This time, the whisper came with a poke to the back of her neck. Then another. Then another. Hinata let out a soft groan, tilting her head so she was facing whoever it was. “What?” she mumbled.
Instead of an answer, a hand slowly pulled up her sleep mask so she could see who it was. Her vision was kinda blurry at first, so they were just a fuzzy silhouette, and she blinked a few times to clear it. And once it was clear...she had to blink again to be sure of what she was seeing.
A ninja. A small figure around her own height, maybe an inch taller, wearing a black jumpsuit with the hood and mask pulled up, two swords strapped to their back and two hanging from their hip. Through the darkness of the room and the visible space around their eyes, she could make out green skin...
But she didn’t need to. She knew who this was.
“Naga, why’re you in your Halloween costume?”
Her brother sputtered for a moment, then pulled down the mask to glare at her with a pout. “It’s not Halloween an’ it’s not a costume! It’s a ninja disguise worn by ninja.”
“Okay. Can I go to bed now?”
“But it’s late.” Hinata squinted at the clock, the one bit of light in an otherwise pitch black room. “It’s ten. That’s really, really late.”
Nagato puffed his chest out proudly. “That’s nothing. One time, I stayed up ‘til midnight.”
Hinata gasped. “No!”
“Yep! And I’ll tell you all about it if you go do this with me.”
“Do what?”
Her brother set his hands down on the bed, grinning. “I wanna play Ninja.”
Hinata’s eyes went wide, and she shot up in bed. Ninja was a game she and her siblings and cousins had invented two years ago, and it was the best game ever. They’d all go outside (after the pepper spray incident Granduncle Splinter said they couldn’t play Ninja indoors) and divide into two teams—good ninja or evil ninja—and then they’d all pretend to have a ninja fight. Sometimes, they made up the situations. Other times, they’d act out battles their family had done a long time ago (Nagato always called dibs on playing their daddy). Every time, they pretend-fought until all the members of one of the teams were out (they had a rule, three strikes and you were out), and then the team that still had members won.
Hinata loved Ninja. They all did. But...
“But it’s late,” she said. “No one else is awake. We need teams to play Ninja.”
“No we don’t. We just need two people. One as the good ninja—” here, he pointed to himself “—and one as the evil ninja.”
She frowned. “Why’m I the evil ninja?”
“Because I don’t wanna be the evil ninja. Now c’mon!” Nagato grabbed her arm and yanked her out of bed, Hinata toppling to the floor with a yelp and a thud. Across the room, their sister stirred, and both siblings froze, holding their breath—but all she did was shift a bit before quieting again.
Nagato sighed in relief. “Gotta keep quiet,” he murmured, pulling Hinata to her feet. “I don’t wanna be tattled on.”
“Why don’t we ask them to join?” Hinata whispered.
“‘Cause none of them will listen to me even though I’m the leader.”
“I don’t think you’re the leader.”
“Who else could be the leader?”
“CJ’s our cousin, she doesn’t count!”
Hinata opened her mouth to respond, but Nagato cut her off. “Plus she never said she was the leader, but I did. Plus I’m older than you. So I’m the leader.”
Hinata wondered if she should point out that both CJ and Jan were older than them. She also wondered if she should point out that even among them and their siblings, Nagato was only second oldest, it was just that Kiyomi was completely uninterested in leading and so made no attempt to argue when Nagato declared himself the leader.
She then decided that it wasn’t worth the argument, and nodded. Her brother smiled smugly, puffing his chest out. “Like I said. I’m the leader. Now c’mon! Let’s go before we wake someone up.”
And so the two of them crept through the dark room, steadily making their way to the door and out into the hallway. They couldn’t risk turning on the light—that might wake someone up. They had to make their way through the darkness, carefully heading down the staircase to the second floor, where they’d have to be extra careful (this was where the adults slept).
They were almost to the next staircase when Nagato suddenly stopped, then gestured at the door beside him—the door to the dojo. “C’mon,” he whispered. “Go pick out a weapon.”
“A—” Hinata’s heart skipped a beat, and she stared at her brother in shock. “A weapon? We could kill each other!”
“Shhhhh!” Nagato hissed, putting a finger to his lip. After a pause, he continued. “We’re not gonna take actual weapons. Just practice ones.”
“How is that better? What about last time?”
“This will be better than last time!” Hinata was kinda amazed at her brother’s ability to whisper-shout. “Just...go grab one. I won’t hit you in the mouth. Sibling’s honor.”
(The “last time” they spoke of was a game of Ninja back when they were five, where Nagato had snuck practice weapons out of the dojo and CJ had ended up hitting Hinata in the mouth with a katana, knocking out her two front teeth and causing her to run sobbing to her parents. That day, Hinata had learned that she was supposed to lose baby teeth, and Nagato had gotten in trouble for sneaking weapons out of the dojo, and CJ had gotten in trouble for hitting her cousin in the mouth with a wooden katana.)
Reluctantly, Hinata stepped forward, opening the door to the small dojo and staring at it, too worried to go in. “Won’t we get in trouble?” she asked.
“Only if we get caught—now go!”
And her brother suddenly shoved her into the room. Hinata stifled a yelp as she stumbled forward, but once she steadied, she let out a resigned sigh and headed to look for the weapons.
It didn’t take her long to find them. It also didn’t take her long to pick one—she always liked the sword. Maybe it was ‘cause both of her parents were sword users. Whatever the case, Hinata carefully picked up the practice katana and nervously edged towards the doorway, heart loudly thumping with every step.
“You got it?” Nagato whispered as soon as she was there. When she nodded, he grinned. “Awesome. Let’s go.”
“Aren’t you gonna get a weapon?” Hinata asked, following him down the hallway.
“I’ve got my weapons.” He patted at the swords on his hip and the ones on his back.
“...why’re you bringing four?”
“You’ll see!”
They climbed down the second staircase, being extra careful with their steps—the first floor stairs were pretty creaky. When Hinata’s feet touched the floor, she felt a relief sweep through her. And a bit of thrill at having made it all the way to the first floor late at night without anyone noticing.
“Alright,” Nagato said. “Hard part’s over—now we just gotta get outside.”
Hinata stopped. “But the door’s locked,” she said. “An’ I dunno how to unlock it.”
“We don’t need the door.” He headed over to a nearby window and stood on his toes, pulling himself halfway up on the windowsill to fiddle with something Hinata couldn’t see. After a few seconds, there was a click—and, with a huff of effort, Nagato lifted the window.
Hinata’s eyes widened to dinner plate size. Nagato looked over his shoulder and grinned proudly. “Kiyomi figured out how to open the windows an’ showed me. Now we have secret passages outside.”
“How did you do that?” Hinata asked, walking up to the window as Nagato climbed fully onto the sill.
“Can’t tell you. Oldest sibling secrets.”
“But you’re not—”
“I’m the oldest brother. Do you wanna play Ninja or not?”
Hinata did, so she let her brother help her onto the windowsill. She carefully swung her legs so they were dangling on the outdoor side, then slid off the sill, landing on the ground. Nagato landed next to her a second later. “We gotta keep the window open,” he said, voice louder but still low. “So we can get back into the house when we’re done.”
“Back into...” The full implications hit her. “Oh my gosh. We— we just left the house!” Her voice was giddy with either excitement or worry. “We left the house an’ it’s late an’ we’re not allowed to leave the house at night an’ we stole from the dojo an’— an’—” She cut herself off with a gasp, clapping her hands to her cheeks. “We’re gonna get in so much trouble,” she whispered, eyes wide.
“No we’re not! We’ll be done and back in our beds before anyone even wakes up.” Nagato sounded so sure of it that Hinata relaxed a bit despite herself. “C’mon—follow me!”
He turned and started walking away. Hinata stared after him. “Aren’t we gonna play now?” she asked.
“Here? No! Everyone will hear us! I’ve got a better idea.”
“Nagato,” Hinata said, trying not to panic. “This is a terrible idea.”
They had just arrived at a building. They had climbed. The fire escape. All the way to the top floor (sure, it was only five floors, but still!). And they were about to climb onto the roof. To play Ninja.
Hinata wished she had stayed in bed.
“It’s fine!” Nagato insisted, standing on his toes and trying to grab onto the edge of the roof. “Daddy jumped around roofs all the time!”
“He was fourteen! What if we fall?!”
“We’re not gonna fall! We’ll stay in the center!”
“But what if we don’t?!”
“I’ll catch you!”
“What if you fall?!”
“I’m not gonna fall because I’m good at ninja-ing!” Nagato strained to reach the edge of the roof, standing on the very tips of his toes, then dropped into a slump with a groan of defeat.
“We can’t even reach it,” Hinata said, eyes nervously flicking up to the top of the building. “Can we please just go home and play in the backyard? I’ll be super quiet, I promise!”
“No, no!” Nagato declared, holding up a hand. “I know what to do here.”
He backed up a bit, took a deep breath, then shut his eyes in concentration. Everything was quiet for a bit, then there was a flicker of light. Then another. Then—slowly—the blue outlines of a second pair of arms shimmered into existence from his shoulders, flickering and wobbling before becoming stable. One magic arm reached up to grab the ledge, and Hinata’s eyes went wide. Is he gonna...?
He did. The other magic arm grabbed Nagato’s regular arm, sloooowly lifting him up to the roof. Nagato squinted in concentration, eyes glowing blue and regular arms stretched out to grab the ledge. Hinata watched him in silent terror, very aware of every wobble the magic arms made. What if he fell? How was she gonna catch him? If she couldn’t catch him, what was she gonna tell their parents? Her heart pounded in her ears as her brother reached for the ledge—
—and then the magic arms fizzled out of existence, and Hinata screamed and flinched away, covering her eyes.
“I got it!”
Hinata peeked through her fingers. Nagato had...he’d made it. He’d grabbed onto the ledge and was climbing up onto the roof with both his regular arms and the magic ones and...Hinata stared as he hoisted himself fully onto the roof, briefly disappearing from sight before his head popped out to look down at her, looking smug. “I told you I wasn’t gonna fall,” he said in a “duh” kind of voice.
Hinata was still staring. “I can’t believe that worked,” she said.
“Of course it worked! I’m a magic ninja!” He huffed, crossing his arms. “An’ I got magic first, so I know more about it than you.”
“Don’t brag.”
“What? I did get magic first!”
That was true. And very unexpected. A while ago, their dad had explained to them—all of them—that they were gonna get magic when they were older, probably teenagers, maybe earlier or later but the chances of that were low. And then two weeks ago Nagato got the blue power during the last game of Ninja they’d played, accidentally shoving CJ to the ground with magic arms.
It wasn’t impossible to get magic at six years old—Aunt Zia had been even younger when she got her power—but it wasn’t common, and all the adults had been really excited that he’d gotten it so young. And so for a week after getting the blue power, Nagato used it for everything and kept looking for excuses to use it and bragged about it to their siblings and cousins all the time.
Nagato was kind of exhausting sometimes.
“Now come on!” He leaned over the ledge, stretching his hand down to her. “I wanna play already!”
Hinata shrunk back, looking up at him in fear. “Wh-what if I fall?”
“I’m not gonna let you fall! I promise! Sibling’s honor! I’ll pull you up with the magic, just come on!”
Hinata hesitated, then grabbed her brother’s hand. The magic arms flickered back into existence to grab her arm, and Nagato pulled her up, helping her up onto the roof. She stumbled a bit as she stood up, and her heart skipped a beat—but she didn’t fall.
She was on the roof.
Hinata’s shoulders sagged and she sighed in relief. Nagato beamed, magic arms finally flickering out for good and his eyes fading back to black. “I told you you wouldn’t fall!”
“I was so scared—”
“You didn’t need to be! ‘Cause I didn’t let you fall!”
“I can’t believe I’m up here!”
“Believe it! Now—” Nagato gestured to the swords. “Can we play?”
“...” Hinata looked back at the edge. “Not so close?”
After moving to the center of the roof, the two stood apart facing each other. Hinata held the sword she’d taken from the dojo in both hands, not entirely sure whether it was one-hand or two-hand, while Nagato drew both swords from his belt, shifting a bit to try and get into a proper stance. The air itself buzzed with anticipation, and Hinata found herself unconsciously fidgeting. They hadn’t played Ninja in a while. Was she still good at it? Was she gonna get beaten in five seconds? And why—
“You’re s’pposed to talk.”
“The evil ninja always talks about what their evil plan is at the start! An’ you’re the evil ninja, so you hafta talk.”
“O-oh, yeah.” Hinata cleared her throat, then thought for a bit. They didn’t agree on a scenario this time, so...maybe just make it up? “Um...fear me, people of Earth, for I am, uh...the Ultimate Ninja?” She looked at her brother, who gave a thumbs-up, prompting her to continue. “And I’m here to take over the world, and I’m starting here, with this city of yokai. Now, um, surrender, or I will...um...hurt you real bad.”
It wasn’t great acting. She was always rotten at playing the evil ninja. Fortunately, her brother more than made up for it.
“Halt, evildoer!” Nagato declared, dramatically pointing one of his swords at her. “You should be the one surrendering!”
“And...who are you supposed to be?”
“I am Leonardo Hamato! The coolest ninja of all! Now either leave this city or prepare for an awesome butt-kicking!”
Hinata paused. “I will not,” she said awkwardly. “You think you can beat me?”
“Of course I can!”
“Then...” She lifted her sword to point it at him. “Come face me.”
Nagato grinned and yanked up his mask so it covered the lower half of his face again. “Hajime!” he yelled, and charged towards her.
Hinata scrambled out of the way of the first sword strike, though she didn’t entirely need to; it was a slow swing, and Nagato had to throw his whole body into it. She tried to swing her own sword at his side, but it was heavy and slow and he dodged easily.
“These are heavy,” Nagato muttered.
“They’re made of wood,” Hinata pointed out. “Wood’s heavy.”
“Well—whatever!” He spun to her and swung, and Hinata scrambled backwards to avoid the hit. Nagato kept going though, relentlessly swinging his swords and forcing her back further and further to avoid them. Which, since they were trying to avoid the edge, led to him chasing her in a circle, spinning around the roof while clumsily swinging swords.
Seemingly realizing he was getting nowhere, Nagato spun the katanas so they pointed the same direction and thrusted them in a stab. Hinata sidestepped, barely dodging, and Nagato’s eyes widened—and then she thwacked him on the arm with her sword.
“Ooooow!” Nagato yelled, dropping his sword, while Hinata cheered, “Strike one!” Her brother glared at her, then stomped—hard—on her foot. “Ow!” she wailed—and then yelped as he thwacked her in the stomach with his other sword, sending her sprawling to the concrete.
“Ha! Strike one!” Nagato grabbed his dropped sword and raised them up, and Hinata raised her own sword to block it. The swords THUNKed against each other and Nagato stumbled backwards, Hinata frantically scrambling to her feet. Not waiting to regain her footing, she ran towards him, stumbled—
“Ow!” she wailed, grabbing her shoulder, which stung from the blow. Nagato laughed and cheered “Strike two!” then pulled back, readying for one more swing. Hinata’s eyes widened, trying to find some way to fight back, before Nagato swung with so much force he spun in place—
—and Hinata ducked under the swing and smacked her sword into Nagato’s side.
“Oof!” Nagato staggered backwards, arms flailing before he dropped to one knee, trying to catch his breath. “Strike two!” Hinata called out. A few seconds paused, then Nagato stood up, eyes narrowed.
They were both at two strikes. The next hit would end the game. Neither of them moved a muscle, just stood there staring at each other. Was he waiting on her? Did he have some kinda plan? Who was gonna move first? Who was gonna—
“Pssst,” Nagato fake-whispered. “You’re s’pposed to talk now.”
“Oh! Um...” Hinata hesitated, then cleared her throat. “You are quite skilled, ninja,” she said, sounding just as awkward as she had the first time. “But you cannot defeat me.”
“Ha! That’s what you think, bad guy!”
“Ultimate Ninja.”
“Whatever! For I, awesome ninja that I am, have a secret weapon!”
Hinata blinked. “Secret weapon?” she said, genuinely confused.
Her brother’s eyes glowed blue. The magic arms flickered into existence from his shoulders, but this time...Hinata’s eyes slowly widened to dinner plate size as they reached back, drawing the swords strapped to his back with a swish. He posed with the swords in his regular hands, the magic arms holding out the two other swords.
Hinata’s jaw dropped. “WHAT?!” she yelled.
“Behold!” Nagato declared, and she could hear his grin under the mask. “My shi kenjutsu!”
There was a brief silence on the roof.
“That’s Japanese for ‘four sword technique’.”
He reared back, leapt forward—
—and bonked himself in the head with a floating sword.
“Ow!” he yelled, stumbling back—and bonking himself again. “No—” The sword dropped a bit, this time hitting him in the shoulder. “Stop—” Hinata stared as Nagato backed up, trying to adjust the magic arms and bonking himself with his own swords over and over until he let out a scream of frustration and dropped on his butt, crossing his arms and scowling as the magic arms disappeared and the swords clattered to the roof.
“...” Hinata walked over, looking down at him with worry. “Are you okay?”
“No.” Nagato yanked down his mask and pouted, not looking her in the eye. “It was gonna be so cool...”
Hinata sat down next to him, and neither of them said anything for a moment. “Why’re we up here anyway?” she asked. “Couldn’t we have played Ninja normally?”
“Why not?”
“‘Cause CJ and Jan don’t wanna play with me anymore.”
“I asked if they wanted to play a few days ago an’—” Nagato’s lip quivered, and he looked away. “An’ they said no, they were busy.”
“That’s not—”
“They were playing earlier!” he insisted, head jerking to look at her. “I saw them! That’s why I asked! They just don’t wanna play with me!”
Hinata stared in confusion. “But why don’t they wanna play with you?” Sure, her brother was kinda bossy and sometimes he got them into trouble, but he wasn’t mean or anything.
Nagato’s pout morphed into a scowl. “It’s ‘cause they’re jealous.”
“Jealous? Of...” And then she realized. “Of the magic?”
“Mm-hm. They played with me before I got magic. Now they don’t wanna.”
“Oh...” Hinata wasn’t sure what else to say. “But...they play with the rest of us, right?”
“They won’t,” he said, his hands balling into fists. “You’re gonna get powers too, an’ then they’ll stop playing with you because they don’t wanna play with us because we have powers and they don’t!” His voice cracked on the last word, and he furiously rubbed his eyes. They were quiet for a bit after that, mostly just because there wasn’t much they could say.
Then, Hinata picked up one of the swords and lightly tapped Nagato on the shoulder.
“Strike three!” she chirped. “I win!”
“Nooooooo!” Nagato wailed, springing to his feet and glaring at her. “You— you— you jerk! You cheated!”
“Nope!” Hinata replied brightly, standing up. “The rules are three strikes and you’re out! An’ we were still playing! I won!”
“I wooon, I wooon, I won I won I wooon!” she sing-songed, and Nagato pouted again.
“I’m leaving you on the roof,” he muttered, grabbing the swords he’d dropped and sheathing them on his back. Hinata gasped, all smugness gone.
“No— no! I’ll let you win, I’ll say you won, please don’t—”
“I’m joking, I’m joking!” he yelled, holding his hands up. “I’m not leaving you on the roof. You’re my sister, I like you. And I’d get grounded forever.” He picked up the other two swords and sheathed those on his hip.
She watched as he went over to the edge they’d climbed up from. “Are we done now?”
“My side hurts. An’ my arm.”
Hinata was suddenly very aware of the aches where the swords had hit. “Me too,” she said, following him to the edge.
It wasn’t a long drop down to the fire escape, and the two sat on the edge. “Naga?” said Hinata.
“If we do this again, can I wear my ninja costume too?”
“Yours is pink. What if everyone sees you?”
“They won’t! I’ll be extra stealthy, I promise. Sibling’s honor.”
Nagato thought for a moment, then shrugged. “Okay, sure.” And then he started climbing down to the fire escape to head home, Hinata following close behind.
By the time the two of them got home, they were giggling uncontrollably, giddy from having a ninja fight on the roof and getting away with it. They giggled as they climbed through the window and Nagato did that weird oldest sibling thing to close and lock it. They stifled the giggles when they climbed up to the second floor and briefly entered the dojo to put all the practice swords away, but it was right back to giggling once they were on the third floor and had made it back to Hinata’s room.
“That was amazing,” Hinata said, climbing onto her bed with a grin.
“An’ no one knows!” Nagato had an equally wide grin. “See, we don’t need meanie cousins to have fun. We just need each other, fake swords, an’ a roof.”
“An’ me winning.”
The grin slipped off Nagato’s face. “I’ll do the four sword technique right eventually,” he grumbled.
Hinata didn’t respond for a bit, thinking. “Do you think Daddy ever tried that?” she wondered. “Using four swords at once?”
“Probably! It’s s’pposed to be really cool and Daddy’s the coolest so he probably thought of it. An’ it’s hard to do because no one’s as cool as Daddy.”
She leaned in closer. “Not even Uncle Mikey?”
“Not even Uncle Mikey.”
“Not even Papa?”
“...” Nagato hesitated. “Well, yeah, Papa’s really cool, but...Daddy’s cooler. Don’t tell him I said that.”
“I won’t,” Hinata said, nodding.
They were quiet for a moment, then Hinata yawned, suddenly aware of how tired she was. “‘S late. I’m goin’ to bed.”
“Yeah, me too.” Her brother turned to head for the door.
Hinata burrowed under the blankets and pulled her sleep mask down, laying her head on the pillow. “Night, Naga,” she called out, already drowsy.
“Night, Hina.”
She heard the door softly shut, and then there was silence. Hinata shut her eyes, hardly daring to believe how much she’d gotten away with tonight—and no one but Nagato would ever know.
The last thought she had before she fell asleep was that having siblings was pretty great.
(One last author’s note: I am aware it has been stated that Raph and Donnie taught their kids to not antagonize their younger cousins due to jealousy. For my purposes, I imagine that lesson was taught sometime after Nagato ended up being an early bloomer powers-wise; they never thought they’d needed to have the talk so early. Also, eight-year olds can be jerks. Aaaaanyway hope you enjoyed this monstrosity I spent too much time on.)
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authordgaster · 2 years
Age Swap AU Pairings
A list of who gets together and my opinions/reasons for these pairings.
This will be specifically for a Revelations Route, so if you wanna ship different combinations of characters in this AU, I won’t stop you.
I also won’t be getting into the Child Units (yet.) With all of that in mind, here’s the ASAU Pairings:
Corrin X Azura. I mean… it’s Corrin and Azura. How can I not? Especially since they’re not altered in this AU, but their kids are. Imagine big sibling Kana little brother Shigure dynamic.
Sakura X Hana. I’m as much of a sucker for Sakulise as the next FE14 fan, but honestly the bond these two have and have had for easily a decade at this point just overrides the softness of Adult Sakulise. Shiro is their son with Ryoma serving as a surrogate father.
Elise X Effie. Same as with Sakura and Hana, Elise and Effie’s bond in this universe (realm?) is just too strong for me not to pair them together. Siegbert is their son with Xander serving as a surrogate father.
Takumi X Oboro. This is a cute pairing, what can I say? Can you tell I’m a sucker for Liege X Lord pairings? Also, just imagine cute and sweet Kiragi making his mom’s Demon Face.
Leo X Niles. I don’t even know how to put my feelings on this pair into words, so I’ll just trust y’all to accept it. Forrest is their son with Beruka serving as a surrogate mother.
Hinoka X Hinata. This pairing is unique since it’s the only time I don’t ship a lord with their non swapped retainer (or another lord) but honestly I just like the himbo samurai/tomboy princess dynamic. Also protective older cousin Hisame is interesting.
Camilla X Beruka. Cute but strong Malig and her scary Assassin waifu? What’s not to love? Also Niles served as a surrogate father so they raise Nina together.
Ryoma X Xander. I decided to pair these two together since I figured I should do at least one pairing between a Hoshido and Nohrian royal. Since they couldn’t have kids with each other, they agreed to be surrogates so their oldest sisters could have kids, allowing Shiro and Siegbert to exist in this world.
Jakob X Charlotte. A very… very chaotic duo. This was simply a duo born from the fact that they were kinda just leftover after I paired off most of the other characters. Add super strength to Dwyer’s mountain of secret skills.
Silas X Felicia. One: they’re cute. Two: imagining Sophie inheriting Felicia’s clumsiness and ice magic is equally hilarious and terrifying.
Kaze X Orochi. Stoic ninja who struggles with feeling like he failed his liege due to something out of his control plus merry diviner who struggled with feeling like she failed her liege due to something out of her control equals both fun shenanigans and absolute angst. Also imagining Midori being able to somehow use a combination of Divining and her Medicine could make her a force of nature in her own way.
Saizo X Kagero. What can I say, I’m a sucker for this duo too. I’m sure they could be happy together once Saizo learns to stop having the personality of a cactus. Plus having two Ninja parents probably makes Asugi a super ninja.
Laslow X Selena X Odin. If I was gonna have Corrin get with Azura, an OT3 would be needed so all the kids would be capable of existing and I’m just a sucker for this trio. I’ll be using Henry!Laslow, Robin!Selena, and Lon’qu!Odin. Soleil inherits the Fell brand, Ophelia inherits the Exalts’s brand, and they get to be awesome redhead step sisters. Sorry to anyone who ships these two.
Azama X Subaki: …ok, look, so far I’ve done three wlw and only two mlm pairings. Two more guys were gonna have to get together. And after I saw these two, reread their supports, then read @unassumingvenusaur’s fanmade S Support for them, I wound up enjoying this pairing immensely. Also for the sake of not having to do anymore surrogates because this is getting complicated: Transmac Subaki (which I feel could not only make his backstory more interesting given the implications of how terrible his parents are) allowing for them to have a brown haired Caeldori and a red haired Mitama who are sisters.
Arthur X Setsuna. Apparently luck works like integers because when you combine an unlucky Fighter with an equally unlucky Archer, you get a doubly lucky Wyvern riding super hero. Also imagining dorks like Arthur and Setsuna together is just adorable tbh.
Kaden X Peri. When I don’t pair Peri (heh) with Laslow, I usually pair her with one of the furries so I can create an absolutely terrifying Kitsune/Wolfskin. In this case I decided that Peri would be Selkie’s mother and the rest of the army gets to suffer then consequences.
Hayato X Mozu. One: this is basically genderswapped Cyril/Lysithea and Donnel/Maribelle which already makes it a win. Two: Rhajat with Mozu’s hair and freckles is a hilariously adorable image.
Benny X Rinkah. Gentle giant meats muscular spitfire to create flaming good boy.
Keaton X Nyx. Yes, let’s pair the most mature woman in the army who considers herself a monster with one of the most immature guys in the army who can turn into a monster.
Feel free to share your opinions on the pairs, I’ll probably talk more about the child units in the future.
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squeemcsquee · 1 year
PeoriaCon 2023: Saturday
This year was the fifth PeoriaCon, a small pop culture con at the Expo Gardens. It’s a con that really feels first like a marketplace, and second like a full-con experience. I really feel like part of that vibe is because of their location. The Expo Gardens admin/youth building has a snack bar and bathrooms and the exhibit space, so you’d think it would be perfect – and it is, if all you want is a marketplace. But if you’re trying to add in panels or game tournaments or anything else, well, then it’s just a wee bit cramped and noisy. Which I guess you can sort of tell from looking at the con map.
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Still, the con is growing each year and is definitely popular. This year was the second year of the con being a two-day weekend. If you wanted to attend both days, you did have to pay each day -since they’re still relying on hand stamps as proof of admission for regular attendees, there’s no way to get a weekend pass yet.
In an effort to get people in right at the start, PeoriaCon offers limited edition posters each year. Sadly, we didn’t get one this year – there was already a decent line by the time @lechevaliermalfet and I arrived on Saturday morning.
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We paid for admittance and did a quick loop of the dealers, just to get a feel for what we might be purchasing. A strength of PeoriaCon’s marketplace is the variety of vendors you’ll encounter.
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There were two free-to-play arcade cabinets set up. Lines weren’t terribly long for either during the weekend, which was nice. We played a few rounds on the Ninja Turtles machine before stepping away to let others take a chance.
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We then returned to the panel / cafeteria portion of the building. Here, we submitted entries to PeoriaCon’s sweepstakes – every hour, they announced two winners, who would receive something from one of the vendors on-site. We didn’t win any of these drawings either. Guess luck wasn’t with us this year.
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I looked into the panel options for Saturday and the space of the panel area. There were topics that caught my eye, but as in years past, I ended up skipping the panels. The limited space and minimal barriers to the sounds coming from the exhibit space, the photographers set up in the cafeteria, and the bathrooms in the hallway next to the panel space just prove to be too distracting for me to easily relax and enjoy myself during the years I have attended panels.
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There was also mock fighting going on, but we didn’t choose to do that, either.
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With the sweepstakes entries taken care of, we returned to the marketplace to lighten our wallets a little. But I think we got a great haul, honestly – plenty of good artwork, some new books to read, new dice, and more.
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We then had to re-up our hand stamps, as they were starting to fade, and then left for lunch. Nothing against the snack bar at the Expo Gardens – their prices are comparable to what you’d pay at other snack bars for events – but the line was long and the seating limited. So, we went to where we could take our time.
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Seriously, how do they expect that stamp to last all day?
@el-draco-bizarro​ met us for lunch and then joined us when we returned to the con. This year, the guest of honor was Walter Jones, the original Black Power Ranger. He had arrived at the con while we were away at lunch and when we returned, we were surprised at the length of the line. After @lechevaliermalfet confirmed with con staff that Walter Jones would be back on Sunday, I opted to skip the line for Saturday. But I look in on the line from time to time. It took approximately 1.5-2 hours for attendees to get through the line on Saturday to get their autographs, photos, and videos.
I thought I had a photo of the line, since it was so impressive, but nope, I guess I don’t.
There was more shopping and people watching. And I played Pokemon Go all through the day, which probably doesn’t surprise anyone.
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I ran into one of my cousins and got to hang out with her for a few minutes.
I also had a vendor recognize me from PeoriaCon’s first year, when I cosplayed my original build of the Glow Cloud. I told him I was working on a new build, due to how heavy the old one was. And because I’ve had some ideas on how to improve the smaller build that I made last year.
And then, at the end of the day, it was time for the cosplay contest.
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PeoriaCon may be small, but they have a sizable cosplay contest. This could be in part due to their partnership with a photography studio – all contest participants are guaranteed to get their cosplay professionally photographed.
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Seeing the cosplay that’s on display at PeoriaCon is impressive. But I do wish those watching the cosplay contest could see it better. The con doesn’t have any kind of stage or platform for participants to stand on to elevate them for audience viewing. Volume is also an issue – because of the acoustics of the room (the cosplay contest is held in the cafeteria area) and the limitations of the Expo Gardens audio equipment, it can be extremely difficult to understand the emcee.
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I took photographs during the contest as best I could, but the angle was super, super shitty for most of them. So, I sadly don’t have many I think are worth sharing.
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I did end up going on Sunday as well, so I’ll have that write-up soon. 
All PeoriaCon 2023 coverage:
Saturday (current post)
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sifafinalfantasy · 1 year
Warrior of Light: Rem
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Name: Remyen Etienne MacGanahan-Talonspyre Age: 30 Height: 6′6 Race: Hyur (Highlander)/Au Ra Main Job: Ninja/Gunbreaker Secondary Jobs: Bard, Red Mage Starting City: Ul’dah Server: Aether/Jenova Rem’s family background is rather complicated. His grandfather, Tobias Talonsypre, is a Garlean Legatus, but his father Stef defected to Eorzea. His mother is a Raen born in Doma who fled with her sister to Sharlayan after the Garleans invaded. His mother was adopted by a Hyur couple with the surname MacGanahan. Rem usually goes by that name because technically, that family no longer exists. He appears as a Highlander Hyur, but he does have faint scales. He was raised in Ul’dah and initially was a pugilist. But eventually he was drawn into the ‘family business’ of espionage, trained by Kazereux Darkblade, the grandfather of Kezzaril Darkblade (current spymaster of Ul’dah) and his father Stef.  Eventually, he traveled to Doma and Hingashi to track down the remnants of his mother’s Au Ra family. Rem honed his skills in ninjitsu and met a member of the Bozjan resistance, who taught him how to use a Gunblade.  Rem is a sociable, talkative person. During espionage missions, he usually acts as the distraction, with his height, red hair and personality serving him well here. As a Gunbreaker, he’s the first one in and the last one out. He refuses to leave until everyone is safe or the enemy is beaten, whichever comes first. That stubbornness can be a bane for any Healer (especially his husband, Kaiden). He met Trippy Cracklefist at the Pugilists’ Guild and they’ve been friends ever since. They make a rather odd pair, but they’re very alike in temperament and disposition. If there’s a bar brawl, chances are good that either one, the other, or both are involved. Rem is a miner and an armorer and often can be found at the forge. He is married to Kaiden Fehn. (Rem is one of my oldest OCs, being my original Shepard, Remy Shepard in Mass Effect, and a Smuggler Gunslinger in SWTOR. His history as an OC has been really complicated, dying multiple times in multiple game universes, and even spawning a ‘cousin’, Connagan. Long story.)
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mintytrifecta · 2 years
I kindly ask you about your Ninjago AU *^*
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@yaboiignis @bootychomper WELL- Imagine this: it’s been over 200,000 (two-hundred thousand) or so years since the original ninja have died and Zane still remains. As the only one of the original ninja remaining, Zane has spent most of his life finding, training, and battling alongside the new elemental masters he finds. By this point, Ninjago has figured out space travel and spread out a considerable distance in the solar system, which kind of makes Zane’s whole mission tedious but not impossible. His most common descendant to find is Cole’s. Zane has no idea why but he theorizes it’s due to the element of earth being one of the easiest to connect to in space, unlike lightning, which requires a bit more specifics to show up, but when they do, lightning masters are some of the most powerful he’s seen. Fire and Water always come together, even after centuries. Whether they be as cousins or close friends or an aunt and nephew or any combination they always come together. When they train together, they’re like siblings. It’s.... bittersweet to Zane, but he enjoys seeing them be happy when they can be. Zane has come across many different elemental masters, not just the ninja. He’s seen a descendant of Neuro who could trap a person in their worst nightmare, a descendant of Tox who ruled the northernmost point of an inhabitable gas giant planet, A descendant of Griffin who raced speedships around a binary star’s moons. Yet... any master of energy, any person who possesses what the green ninja once had, he’s left alone. The ones who have it are always so young and get everything taken away from them so fast. He meets with them, of course, but never whisks them away to fight some grand evil. If they end up joining, Zane waits until they are old enough to let them do so. Of course, he isn’t entirely alone and the past isn’t entirely forgotten. His spaceship is still the Destiny’s Bounty. As much as he is Teacher/Master he is still Zane. He managed to find both Cryptor and Echo very early on and they’ve been with him ever since. Even the elemental masters have remnants of his original friends, some more than others. Zane doesn’t know if it’s reincarnation or just coincidence, but it’s comforting to see nonetheless. He doesn’t always tell them where their powers are from or of his origin. Some take it well, but others.... Well, they have their ways of dealing with it. And that’s about the gist of the AU ^^; idk what to call it lmao
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beppuccino · 1 year
🌠Who was your OC’s first friend? Do they remember them or are they still friends now? Talk about some of the people your OC has lost contact with over the years. Do they have any regrets about losing these people and would they revisit them if they could?
Cryo's first friend would probably be Lavender since before that the only people they'd been with longest ended…….. quite terribly. They are still friends yes. Most of the other friends Cryo has made that they've lost contact with it's cause they're probably dead but I'm not gonna go into because of spoilers but yes they'd revisit if they could.
Lavender's first friend was Cryo since up until they met she only ever knew those in her family. It's the same with Cryo where she has many friends she'd probably revisit but I won't go into specifics cause of spoilers.
Bauxites first friend was his cousin who he met for the first time named Angel. Other than that he also is friends with Cryo and Lavender so he also follows the same format as them
🎀Do they wear a specific accessory with a special meaning behind it? What is their usual fashion sense like? What do they wear when they want to be comfortable and what do they wear when they’re going to a fancy party? Or do they just not care? Cryo tends to wear fingerless gloves with most of their outfits mainly out of habit from starting out as an adventurer but the pair they have sometimes . They normally like to wear anything warm like jackets or high boots (Though their current black mage outfit has shoulders out lmao they are cold help them). They don't really differ in clothes much since their normal clothes are always a borderline of casual and (magical) fancy so they tend to keep the same clothes, casual for them is anything that's not their normal clothes. Lavender always wears a necklace that's half the shape of a crystal. Cryo made it for her, it's not meant to be a friendship necklace but moreso Cryo made it by accident, and she liked cause shiny. She likes to wear button ups and skirts since she normally wears her dragoon armour or her ninja/dark knight fit (though her ninja and drk fit are also quite casual just .... blood stained). She likes to wear dresses to fancy parties though, it's less that she cares and more that she just wants to be fancy. Bauxite tends to wear the exact same thing every day, he has a ring that his cousin gave him as a "good luck don't die!!" present. He also tends to wear the same thing every day and will dress up for things but generally doesn't care.
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I posted 2,474 times in 2022
17 posts created (1%)
2,457 posts reblogged (99%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 799 of my posts in 2022
#voltron - 192 posts
#vforce11 - 184 posts
#voltron force - 180 posts
#buddyworks - 102 posts
#buddyart - 86 posts
#darrell pidge stoker - 84 posts
#toast talks - 84 posts
#vf pidge - 83 posts
#voltron force 2011 - 75 posts
#vld - 70 posts
Longest Tag: 135 characters
#and like! people have already spoken about how ben and other characters have been uncomfy with the idea of not being able to stay human
My Top Posts in 2022:
Chapter 2 is up! Once again cross posted into FF and AO3
This one is going to followed by a break I had the weekend to work with this but life isn’t pull punches right now, so I posted an interlude that goes right after the chapter too!
4 notes - Posted November 19, 2022
I'm caving, here's some VF HCs but pidge centric because he's my babygirl
Pidge and Larmina do get along but Larmina acts cold to him because he never could tell her why he had to leave so ubruptly after The Incident, she saw it as him pulling away and acting like every other adult in their life
Speaking of, Larmina and Pidge used to be glued together almost like siblings or the favorite cousin in the family, her ninja skills came from him
Pidge can't eat marshmallows, all Baltons can't. It's likely the high fructose corn syrup in it that ends up punching them in the gut and sends them into a bad drug trip
He has heterochromia! His glasses hide it most of the time but his eyes are normally brown, they're green because his eyes have a reflective backing to it which is what we see
got like 4-5 cats, Salami (the oldest), Oscar (the middle child), Miwa (the alien one), and Kevin (the kitten), and also green lion who he will die for before giving up his pilot seat
this man is not straight, I refuse to believe it, he is still interested in women though. Currently have him as Panromantic Demisexual
speaking of romance: I pair him with all the pilots gotta be honest, mainly shipped with Lance, Hunk, the new royal advisor, and the head of the castle guards
he does pole workouts, helps with core body strength and grip, he tries to keep himself balanced with exercise he thinks is fun
had a falling out with the original mice, ended up building the robot ones himself but he underestimated his abilities and now they're sentient :/
he's quite literally the teams trump card, with more years of combat experience than the team and his specialty in incapacitating enemies, theres a time and place though so he never goes all out
I have more but this is already getting long, don't be surprised if I upload more but centric on the others
4 notes - Posted November 7, 2022
Using this to help flesh out the character for my plot
VF Hunk HCs 💛✨
Pulling from the comics, he’s from a big family, literally, he’s the youngest out of about 5 siblings and also the smallest out of them all
Yes the team has met them and they all get along, his family loves Pidge the most since he’s the baby of the team
He’s got tons of tattoos, he has a sleeve on one arm and the other is just small ones
the sleeve was taken from this art so thank you @chibi-pix for letting me do so
the small ones are more Voltron themed, taking from the vld lion symbols and also just a lion tattoo because he deserves it
Also has many many piercings, he’s the reason why Larmina and Pidge got some because frankly they’re so rad
He’s got a burn scar on his eye to match yellow that also has a funky eye, he got it from protecting a kid from some flaming debris, he couldn’t block it all and it got on his face
This man is ALSO a genius because how the fuck does he land in an engineering position if he doesn’t know just as much as Pidge does
He acts like a meat head mainly because it was the mask that kept him safe while working for Wade, he has trouble taking it off when he’s back on Arus with the team
Usually the team eats what the kitchen staff make but sometimes Hunk steps in and makes a dinner for them instead, if he can grill he can cook normally
Cooking is also the way he gets the cadets to bond, he likes being the cool uncle but he also does want to teach them things
his carnivore tendencies means they cook a lot of meat based dishes
He helped give some personal touches to the uniforms, while the design itself is kept basic and uniform (aha) everyone wants their own touch of something
In his case he and pidge got short sleeves as they work in the hangar a lot, will probably add to this soon but in terms of uniforms that’s all I got
His anger issues didn’t fully go away to be honest, he learned to reign in it yes but it comes out when kids and mothers specifically are in danger
That’s because he really does care for kids and he remembers his own mother and if he doesn’t want his own to get hurt he won’t let anybody else’s get hurt either
He’s the only one with a normal ish family, he’s got two parents and siblings that are all alive and well
He does have some issues based on how his family treats each other but they mainly get along even if it isn’t entirely healthy
I swear I’m working on my rewrite, script writing is just hard 😫 I’m currently working in the first episode which is basically the same as the canon one with some changes to the Drule side of things so hopefully I’ll be able to post soon
6 notes - Posted November 17, 2022
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In the spirit of my last reblog here's a shitty icon edit 💅
If used as an icon you can't tell how bad the lines are lol
8 notes - Posted June 1, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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See the full post
18 notes - Posted July 21, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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