#simming rambles
sircesimblr · 4 months
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This happy little one lives on my island. She's shy, she's a loner, she loves to be outside no matter the weather... She replies when other kids try to talk to her, but she's never the one who initiates, she never seeks them out to play. Her own little world, with her wooden horse and her sandcastles, is enough for her. Together with the two people that have her heart, the ones she calls papa and maman. She's the happiest little being, and she wouldn't even be in my game if it weren't for a freak accident. Papa and maman know, they cherish and love her to bits 💛
And I too. I play rotationally and don't see her every session, but I'm always looking forward to it and always wondering what her storyline will be.
Sometimes I'd like to share the story of her island up to her, sometimes I think I'd be happiest playing with my wooden horse and sandcastles on my own! Still, I'm a writer at heart and after having been blocked for years, the sims on this island are what made me think of stories again, and write little bits for them. So if a story starts rolling on this simblr... 💛😄
Thank you @kimmiessimmies for tagging me in the Simblr New Year's Resolutions for 2024... this reply is a little late because of all the pondering, but maybe a good way to get this blog going too!
What's your resolution for your simblr?
to not have this be a read-only simblr anymore (✔️check).
learn to make age conversions of cas items, to help my founders settle into elderhood. And share those! There's so little for elders in cas (⬆️ well on my way).
reblog things! One thing I'm thinking about is a cat-post-of-the-week-reblog, because I love cats and sims 3 cats are the cutest! Another thing is mods and cc that made my historical-ish gameplay a bigger joy (⬆️ under construction).
aaaand... maybe, start posting my story Shipwrecked on Northeney. The screenshots are there, but now the writing... (😲 let's see, 2024).
What do you want from the Sims franchise?
I'm a Sims 3 girl. From how it's going, I don't expect EA to update the Sims 3 if platforms become too advanced for the oldies. So I'm cheering on the modders and the open source departments for this. Keeping it playable! And if the Sims 5 turns out to not be a Sims 3 remastered, but more like an updated Sims 4, I will jump ship to another simulation game. BUT only after such a game and all the expansions equal what I love about and can do with the Sims 3 now! So that would be years...
Any other new year's resolutions?
yes! Write more! Write again.
take more strolls in the woods.
finally persuade the cat to sit on my lap.
Not tagging anyone, because, well, it's far into 2024 already 😅
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red-archivist · 1 month
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coffee-bat · 2 months
i'm abt halfway through season 1 of tma (i think?) and i just wanted to say it's so fucking funny how jon puts his whole archivussy into voice-acting every story, then after 20 minutes of stellar in-character acting he just goes "well that was fucking stupid innit, seek psychiatric help lmfaoo" and ends the episode
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ceaseless-rambler · 6 months
Being bullied on tumblr dot com (people keep reblogging my awful posts)
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keepthebeanscool · 4 months
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sensing a theme
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travalerray · 4 months
choose your horror denier: Alice "it has nothing to do with us" Dyer or Jonathan "it's all nonsense unless it's about two very specific people I hate very much" Sims
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nem0-nee · 11 months
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Statement Ends.
Hi I totally didn't die crying while making this >:^))
[ Based on "Ivan the Terrible and His Son Ivan" by Ilya Repin. ]
BONUS workplace comedy shot below:
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I'm not even sorry /j
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fox-guardian · 10 months
remember that time the admiral crawled into Jon's lap, shoved his furry butt in his face, and started purring up a storm because of how much he loved him. and then Jon said "yes, yes, I love you too" and started giving him belly rubs. y'all remember that.
do y'all also remember the horror trope of animals being sensitive to the supernatural and how they would growl/hiss at monsters and inhuman impersonators and whatnot. and how, in a season during which Jon is starting to really struggle with whether he's human or not, the admiral shows him just as much love and demands just as much affection from him as he likely would if jon wasn't getting eye-ified. he's not entirely human anymore but the admiral still demands belly rubs. y'all ever think about that.
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losergirlranboolive · 2 months
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jonathan canonically doesn't fuck sims
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emotionalcowboy18 · 3 months
one of my favorite favorite things to visualize is tma season 5 but due to Nightmare Logic jon and martin get an automatic mandatory costume change for each domain they travel through.
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sadraccoon061 · 3 months
Y'all ever use a hair for one of your Sims and then can't use it on other Sims because it's "their hair"?
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unsat-and-strange · 3 months
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silly thought :)
text id cause of handwriting:
panel one: TIM chosen weapon: fire extinguisher
panel two: TIM chosen weapon: gun
panel three: JON chosen weapon: borderline god-like powers given by an entity powered by fear
panel four: JON(NY) chosen weapon: gun
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looks-at-you · 5 months
have you ever considered an all-avatar group chat BECAUSE I KNOW I SURE HAVE:
Jon gets added when he wakes up from his coma and spends all his time ignoring it
Micheal sends awful quality memes at ungodly hours (not 100% sure if Helen would tbh..)
Nikola and Annabelle in a war over the chat name (Helen joins the fight on Annabelles side)
sometimes elias sends pictures of jon and everyone clowns on him
^this is also what was happening when he first discovered the chat sdsghsfdsdsds
jon: "hey could i not get kidnapped today?" everyone: "hmm no"
feel free to add on idk im tired
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decafdoodlez · 5 months
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Spent my evening recreating Fox’s livestream setup in the sims. ╰(*´︶`*)╯♡ 🦊🔪🧡
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dumbasswithapen · 4 months
random fun fact
if anyone was wondering (they weren’t) (except me) what book was in this photo of nastya(‘s actor) and Jonny
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I (okay my dad) found it! Which was kinda difficult because the only things you can see of the cover are the words mirror and love! But here:
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It’s a collection of stories about homosexuality in Japan originally published in the 17th century! (Presumably, of course, translated to English much more recently than that)
in conclusion, Nastya(‘s actor) is a fucking nerd <3 and so am I for finding the damn book
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fox-guardian · 16 days
periodic reminder that Jon was not being stupid and in supreme denial of the statements and the supernatural in s1. he fully believed everything the entire time. he was just pretending not to and playing the role of skeptic because he felt like whatever was watching them would "know" he was afraid otherwise.
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