#signs and symbols
domesticabuser · 8 months
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outstanding-quotes · 8 months
After all, living did mean accepting the loss of one joy after another…
Vladimir Nabokov, “Signs and Symbols”
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musclem3m0ry · 1 year
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Apple with the image of an apple on its skin
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feralchaton · 2 years
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1-1-s1ay-2-2 · 1 year
ransom notes 💯 | explained 💜
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Numerals of the Magic
Ancient System of Secret Numbers
At least so they are claimed to be by occult authors
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Here is some of the work in progress for Cistercian Ciphers (an upcoming page). Still working on the write up, but I have completed the png images for the ciphers
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secattention · 2 years
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vesperalia · 2 years
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I'm very pleased to have the image of my  Custom Card Deck featured on the Summer 2022 issue of Superpresent magazine! The theme of this issue is “Signs and Symbols”  and several other artists contributed with their poetry, sculptures, photographs, drawings and more, approaching the topic in a wide variety of styles, materials, and techniques.  The digital version is out now at superpresentmag.com and the print edition will be available by the end of July.
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dreamsymbols · 1 year
A very good omen in a dream, a fruit bearing apple tree suggests an exceedingly propitious future ahead.
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389 · 29 days
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Karla Knight
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splatoongamefiles · 6 days
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this sign that you can only see for like 2 seconds in a cutscene!!
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ethanwoods · 2 years
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Infinite and other symbols.
Trying to keep an eye out for messages from the big one.
Anthropomorphizing as a positive practice. A spell that opens the potential for a communication with all things.
Everything has a message if you know the way it wants you to listen.
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josukespimphand · 1 year
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the new season is so close, im about to throw up
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respectthepetty · 6 months
The Eagle & the Serpent in The Sign
As a lover of tattoos, I noticed in the trailer that Phaya has wings tattooed on his back as well as another design.
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Also in the trailer for the show, there was a shot of a book titled Legend of Naga & Garuda.
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They are important mythical (and religious) entities. Garuda is a birdlike deity and is in a constant battle with snakelike Naga.
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We saw them in the trailer as well.
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The title card for the series also features them. The eagle is on the left and the serpent is on the right with its tail being the top of the wording.
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This is Naga in creature-form confronting our Garuda in human form .
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Phaya comes from a wealthy family (in any life).
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And was in the air force before being recruited into the special investigations unit, which could be the reason for the wings tattoo.
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So who could the serpent in human form?
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And because I always pay attention to colors, Chalothon wears green ties, so this could be him or someone sent on his behalf watching Tharn.
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In the trailer, Phaya speaks to a woman wearing a gold serpent crown and serpents on her necklace.
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She mentions her sister will find Phaya in any life, and when we see Wansarat, she shares the same accessories with a serpent belt and bracelets as well but in green.
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She was Naga's in their past lives.
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But in this life,
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she will be Phaya's.
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Because Phaya is "of the air" he will struggle with water.
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And he has since he was a child.
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In the tale of Garuda and Naga, their conflict stems from powerful water that Naga possessed.
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Note that there are three kids who see Phaya drowning: Tharn, Yai, and another unnamed kid.
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One kid appears to wear green.
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Wild Ass Theory - That kid is Chalothon and he had something to do with Phaya being in that water.
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Tharn's parents died in an accident when he was a child, and he almost died as well.
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He has the gift of foresight, and Garuda's most known wife is Unnati who was known for her wisdom. His gift is tied to karma, and as a child, he was told to free himself from the person he was tied to in a previous life, he needed to return a protective amulet to its owner.
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Two Theories - I think for Tharn to no longer be tied to Chalothon, he had to save Phaya who is the person Chalothon has wronged in the past (and possible present) or Wansarat betrayed Chalothon by saving Phaya in a previous life therefore tying them together forever, and she must save him in every life now.
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So when will the necklace reappear?
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Because Phaya seemed to be wearing some sort of necklace when he confronted Tharn in the bathroom.
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Bonus: We have a lion on the squad.
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And Yai's girlfriend, Sand, is played by Yoshi who is transgender and Miss Tiffany's Universe 2017, so Yai better keep his eye on the prize and quit looking at other girls.
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This week, decide an ancient and uncommon European numeral system that uses overlapping glyphs
The numerals, developed in the 13th century, were likely developed in response to the introduction of the foreign Hindi-Arabic numerals by a rival religion but they never achieved the same level of popularity
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Everything here and more is available at historysurvivalguide.com 🚀
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omaano · 9 months
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This project is officially out of hand - I swore 3 months ago that I won't expand it to clones territory, I really won't, and look where I am now! I also had to double down on Rex, if I'm here and have accepted defeat, as I finally got around to watching Rebels and I just love him so much with that beard, and his freckles omg TTnTT (I really really wouldn't mind seeing him in the Ahsoka show either, please)
The rest of the Mandalorian Star Wars meets Hades AU project is here
I've spent my sick day real productively, I believe :3
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