#shoe's on the other foot now buddy
wishing-stones · 6 months
Baggs Z: A taste of one's own medicine >:3c
Z. [Make up your own] A taste of one's own medicine >:3c
This was a challenge to figure out how to pull off but, well...
There's always a bigger fish, buddy.
He did not like the way that Nightmare was looking at him. That half-lidded, almost coy appraisal made his hackles raise, although he did his level best to ignore it and continue his work.
"I've been pondering how your magic works," Nightmare drew Baggs' attention back to himself the instant it forcibly left.
"I've no doubt you have," Baggs returned airily, focusing on his work rather than the uneasy feeling that his benefactor's attention presently inflicted.
"How does a human trait bond with monster magic in order to create an entirely new type? If we consider how perseverance affects the soul normally, it creates the ability to restrict movement to only a few avenues. With the holding ability of patience, to force damage unless one is completely still, it makes a certain amount of poetic sense. Restricted and forced to remain still or suffer the consequences."
He feigned disinterest, but Baggs was actively listening. He'd thought about this a number of times and come to the same conclusion Nightmare was approaching; the latent patience in his system attached to the foreign perseverence and crafted a new magic that utilized traits from both. The stillness of patience and the rigidity of perseverance literally swirled together to create his unique brand of magic. Since both traits affected the soul and its movement, it was little wonder it leeched into affecting the mind as well.
"Not to mention the almost Determination-level of focus it grants-- it's more than evident in the way that yours is more pink than purple. It dances a fine edge that I'm sure very few can escape."
"If you are getting at something, sir, it would behoove you to get to it rather than waste my time." There were rare occasions Baggs felt comfortable in pushing his boundaries with Nightmare. This was one of them. Nightmare was actively distracting the doctor from his work, and Baggs was already irritated and verging on overtired again. When Nightmare had initially shown up, he'd assumed it was to herd him to bed... but no. The Guardian of Negativity had simply stayed and watched. Baggs thought he might, perhaps, be watching his work for a while, until he saw how frequently Nightmare was watching him specifically.
"Oh my, we are getting cranky, aren't we?" Nightmare cooed in a voice thick with amusement, "I've a point, doctor, but it bears explanation."
Baggs leveled his best unimpressed, expectant stare at Nightmare, who only smiled serenely at his underling.
"And that explanation is...?" Baggs prompted, sitting down at his desk to transcribe his notes for the evening.
(He subtly checked the access records to make sure that no one had come snooping while he wasn't here and is relieved to see he has nothing to worry about today.)
"I believe I've broken down the specific way your magic resonates." Nightmare took up a seat near his desk, "As everyone's magic passes on their own unique wavelength, yours, likely by nature of perseverance, acclimates quickly to an individual's unique magical wavelength. It's how you can seize control-- you work instantly on the same individual wavelength... or more accurately, your magic attunes everyone else to yours. I have seen how you can command an entire room at once. Each soul in that room attunes to you."
Baggs paused and steepled his fingers.
"Those more in control of their magic and more attuned to their souls have more capability to resist that call." He hummed, "And the presence of Determination makes it easier to maintain one's own unique magical resonance. Interesting hypothesis."
"Indeed." Nightmare nodded sagely, smile still eerily composed, "And any good hypothesis should be tested to ensure its validity, wouldn't you agree?"
Baggs eyed him out of the corner of his socket.
"What are you getting at?" He said slowly, not entirely certain he liked the tone Nightmare took up.
"I've a very fine control over my magic, doctor Baggs." Nightmare stood, and Baggs shifted back minutely, "So much so that I can control the resonance of my soul consciously. It makes cloaking my presence to those who know it very easy. It is how my brother oft times does not know something it transpiring in another world until it is too late."
He was putting on theatrics. Baggs resisted the urge to roll his eyelights and elected not to comment. Best to let Nightmare get it out of his system.
"I've a theory that my control is even fine enough to force other souls onto the same resonance."
"Like my magic does, in theory."
"Yes, precisely."
Baggs screws up his mouth.
"You want to test this theory."
"I do."
There is a very heavy silence that follows, and Baggs finally breaks it after a moment with a callous snort and toss of his head.
"Go bother Killer with it."
"Oh, but doctor, where is the fun in that?"
Baggs did not like where this was going. He slowly pushed himself back from his desk to face Nightmare, scowling.
"What a pity, I'd assumed an academic like yourself would have welcomed the opportunity for hands-on research regarding your very unique ability, and to understand how it works better." Nightmare idly inspected his phalanges, "...Aside from the fact that I wasn't really asking."
Baggs was very suddenly no longer sitting in his chair-- he was struggling against tentacles, kicking his legs fruitlessly and squirming to no avail.
"Unhand me!" He barked, and Nightmare only chuckled.
"What ever is the matter, doctor? You trust me, do you not?"
He was beginning to rethink that stance.
"Besides, I would never do anything to hurt you. That much you can be completely assured of."
Baggs quick kicking his feet and frowned.
"Beyond all of that, it is high time that you cease your work for the evening."
He glanced sideways at his computer screen, squinting faintly at it. He'd saved... and if the computer just went to sleep it would require a password to get back into.
Something... something strange squirmed against his soul, and Baggs recoiled with a bark of indignation. He tried fruitlessly to get free again, but the more he struggled, the more it felt like something was trying to work its way in.
A heavy feeling settled on his shoulders, and he struggled against it, shaking his head fitfully.
It did nothing. The feeling of something working its way past his defenses, to the very innermost parts of his mind and soul was pervasive... But at the same time, strangely... not unwelcome?
Was this truly what it was like?
Struggling grew more and more difficult as his limbs began to respond more slowly. His head felt heavy, difficult to keep aloft, and when it tipped to the side, it was righted with a tentacle.
While Nightmare's eyelight didn't swirl and pulse like his own, it did seem very difficult to look away from. It held an unearthly, beguiling light that seemed to leak into the farthest reaches of his mind and quiet the relentless buzzing of his thoughts.
...It felt kind of nice to not think for a bit.
Nightmare chuckled softly. Baggs tried to return some witticism about his self-satisfaction, but nothing came but a weak, feeble moan that tailed higher at the end in almost a questioning manner.
"Hm. That hypothesis seems rather firmly proven correct." Nightmare observed airily, "And an interesting new utilization of my own magic. Really, I ought to thank you. Had we not met, I doubt that I would have thought to try this."
The words sunk heavily into Baggs' mind, followed by the feeling of both amusement and genuine gratitude. Nightmare might be having fun toying around with him, but he was, at the very least, truly thankful for the insight.
Still, it was getting harder and harder to keep his sockets open. This was not an unfamiliar feeling-- He was quite used to the sensation of Nightmare forcing his unruly magic into submission so that he could sleep. It was slightly different now, though. His magic did not try to retaliate. It complied easily-- almost as easily as Nightmare himself carried Baggs away from his lab and to his quarters.
He tried again to vocalize the faintest flicker of a thought, but it was snuffed out, and the words came out as a quiet, nonsensical mumble. The flash of unease that accompanied the realization that his acute mind was succumbing to numbness lasted only a moment before he was hushed-- hushed in the same way he so often hushed his own patients-- and then all was quiet.
"There, now. Nothing to fret yourself over." Nightmare's voice was a low, sweet lull, and Baggs finally lost the fight with his sockets, letting them fall closed with little resistance. The gentle sway of Nightmare's gait was pacifying as well, and he teetered on the edge of consciousness, only rousing slightly when he felt the softness of his mattress beneath him. He tried to stir out of it, but felt a tentacle smooth almost soothingly over the top of his skull.
"Sleep now, doctor. We will discuss this come the morrow."
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iwillfightgodandwin · 2 years
Fun new idea.
Start referring to heterosexual rom-coms as buddy comedies.
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jockfootstories · 1 month
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Opening the car door, Jake saw the bare feet staring back at him authoritatively. He glanced up at his brother’s, college buddy Ryan who gave him a slight grin. Having to share the back seat with him as his bro was driving and his other friend Tyler was in the front seat, Jake being pushed to the back. Not long into the trip, Ryan had slipped off his shoes and propped his smelly socked feet in Jakes lap. Jake not really doing anything about it… only mentioning to Ryan that his feet stunk. Ryan immediately then bringing one foot up to Jakes face for him to sniff in which Jake resisted. This irritated Ryan as he was used to getting people to do what he wanted so for the next 15 or so minutes he blatantly kept wearing Jake down with his feet until Jake eventually submitted.  Now slumped down against the car down, both socked feet covering his face, he breathed in the college boy’s feet. He could faintly hear his bro and Tyler talking in the front over the music playing but wasn’t aware of if Tyler had seen what was going on in the back seat. Occasionally Ryan would move his feet around or press his socked toes over his nose, making him inhale his toe odor. Jake would breathe in deeply, the smell filling his nostrils, as he lay there letting the feet quietly dominate him. They stopped about 30 or 40 minutes into the trip and Ryan had removed his feet as they pulled into the parking lot. Everyone got out with Ryan and Jake’s brother walking ahead. Tyler leaned over to Jake and said teasingly,”Did you like being Ryan’s footrest in the back seat?”   Jake could feel himself blushing out of embarrassment  and said,”No but he wouldn’t let up. I finally tired out thinking he’d quit.” Tyler snickered and teased back,”Nah, you liked it. I could smell his feet from up in the front so when I looked back, you were just laying back there enjoying it.”  “No I wasn’t,” Ryan stuttered back, now feeling a bit more embarrassed. “I’m just messing with you Jake. I don’t care if you lay there and be Ryan’s footrest. We’ve got about an hour and a half left to go so you better get used to it.” He chuckled out and caught up with his college buds before Jake could protest. Jake grabbed a drink and some snacks, all the while seeing Tyler crack up with Ryan, as they all checked out. Jake was the last one to head to the car as he saw his brother double back in forgetting to get something in the store. Jake adjusted himself below and opened the car door to see the bare feet in front of him.  “Get in here footrest!” Ryan said cockily, “My bare feet need sniffing.”  Jake threw his supplies on the floor, utterly seeing it was hopeless to argue at this point, hoping the two of them would keep their traps shut, and not tell his bro he was being the designated footrest in the back. He shut the car door and slowly slouched down as he was before. Ryan wasted no time in extending the bottom’s out, pushing his soles into Jake’s face, making sure the nose was pressed into the middle of one of them. Jake grunted and felt both soles slide up and down his face as he breathed in, hearing Ryan jeer,”Oh, you like the smell of my bare feet more? Huh footboy?” Both college boy’s cracked up with Tyler agreeing he did. Ryan added,”We’ll be over a lot during the break, so maybe when you’re bro’s distracted, maybe see if you can handle four feet in your face.” Tyler quickly picked up on what Ryan was saying and agree’d he be into torturing Jake with his foot smell as well.  They saw Jake’s brother coming back and Ryan removed his soles bending them back. They got on the road, giving Jake enough time to get a drink and wet his whistle some. After 15 min, Ryan put his earbuds in, and placed his soles comfortably back on the face. Jake sunk down some, letting the bottoms smother his face as he breathed in their strong smell. The feet rubbed against his face, toes scrunched over his nose, Ryan not letting up in making him breathe in his dry foot odor. He knew it wouldn’t be the last time being at Ryan’s feet and wondered if he’d get ganged up on by Tyler's feet as well.
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princessbrunette · 3 months
okay so hi! i wanted to send in a lil jj and rafe prompt myself for the kook princess.
so i lowkey think that she gets tired of the beefing one day and she’s just all upset because she doesn’t know what to do or who to chose in this whole situation, so she just pulls a “if i can’t have you both i don’t want either of you” which was hard enough for her to do anyway because let’s be so real standing on business with RAFE & JJ is hell in itself. so she like really stands on business doesn’t come around either of them avoiding parties the whole nine until she ends up needing to go to midsommars or something kinda much like kie in season one her parents are making her go, so word gets around fast that she’s going because people haven’t seen her in a while and jj leaps on the opportunity to work with pope & heyward, so he can see her and obviously rafe is gonna be there regardless. she doesn’t come until late which gave rafe and jj enough time to at least come to a certain level of an agreement, she still avoids them all night staying with her parents and drifting to sarah whenever she got the opportunity. so she finally ends up going to the bathroom and they basically corner her (teamwork 🤣) and they talk to her and they both end up fucking her in the stall.
this!!!!! this is perfect. i never brought the two of them together bc i just thought it was too unlikely because they really don’t like eachother — but if they’re kinda forced together by reader giving them no other choice it seems more likely.
˚ ༘ ೀ⋆𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪
jj practically jumps you in the corridor, appearing frantically infront of you in his lil waiter get up and starts dragging you to the bathroom.
“jj, no — i already told you—”
“just five minutes just — just hear me out for five minutes okay — c’mon, in you go, chop chop.” he pushes you into the bathroom before turning round and blinking at passersby who worriedly witnessed the low level kidnap. “nothin’ to see here alright just, carry on…” he excuses awkwardly before closing the door.
upon entering, to your surprise rafe is stood in the centre of the room with his hands in his pockets and lips pursed like he was forced to be there too. he perks up a little on your entry, eyeing you over. he speaks your name and you glance between the two boys nervously.
“damn, you— you look really beautiful i mean—” rafe begins as he edges towards you and you all but nearly stomp your foot, pointing to him with an angry pout.
the oldest boy holds his hands up, slowing his pace as he approaches you, showing he comes in peace. “alright, alright… look we… just wanted to talk to you. ‘that okay?”
your eyes slide over to jj, who’s gazing at you with this desperate plea that makes you soften a little. you cross your arms and nod, and naturally the boys close in on you, shielding you from the rest of the room.
“trust me, okay— the last thing i wanna do is share you with rafe freaking cameron but,” the blonde runs a hand through his hair frustratedly as the cameron rolls his eyes. “you went goddamn… radio silent on us and i was worried, okay? are you seeing the level of concern you caused right now? ‘cus i’m standing next to rafe and my hands aren’t around his neck—”
“yeah like you could reach, buddy.”
“i’m like three inches shorter than you asshole i’on even wanna hear it right now ‘cus—”
“guys.” you interject sulkily, huffing a sigh out your nose.
“sorry, sorry— yes, so uh— to cut this thing short, maybe until you like, make a decision or whatever… we can alternate weeks with you?”
you gaze up at them from beneath your lashes unsurely. “like… you get me this week rafe gets me next week… and so on?”
“yeah i’m not thrilled about this guy gettin’ you at all but i’ll… i’ll take it.” rafe scuffs his shoe on the floor, uncharacteristically bashfully.
you think, and honestly as it was the best case scenario you nod, gaze flickering between the two of them.
“okay… just… want you both. missed you.” you don’t know who to look at, so you cement your stare to your shoes. there’s some shuffling of feet through the tense silence before you feel a pair of fingers gripping your jaw lightly, tilting your head up to them.
“look… why don’t you uh, why don’t you give maybank here a little kiss. alright? i’m— i’m actively showin’ you i’m cool with it.”
even jj’s brows lift in surprise, licking over his rubied lips as he watches you for permission. you let rafe’s hand drag you closer, before bringing your mouth to jj’s, locking lips. rafe’s hand switches to cup the back of your head, supposedly feeling this was the most control he could have in the situation. his eyes flutter in irritation as he watches jj slip you tongue and after a moment he pulls you back, immediately bringing your mouth to his— to kiss you sloppier and dirtier than the blonde.
jj’s eyes roll, licking over his lips once more. “jesus, dude — okay.”
you let out a pleased moan after a moment, just happy to have your favourite boys back with you, this time together — and rafe tugs you back with a smug smirk. you watch his eyes flutter up to the cubicle behind you, before his gaze moves to jj.
“get the door, yeah busboy?” he slaps jj on the back, and with his tongue in his cheek — he pushes the cubicle door open for the three of you to fit inside.
“watch it, douche.” he glares as rafe leads you in. it’s a squeeze, but it’ll do for now. the competitive nature in them both was flared up to ten, set on using this time as a way to prove themselves to you.
˚ ༘ ೀ⋆𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪
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fluentmoviequoter · 19 days
Walk Dates
Requested Here!
Pairing: Tim Bradford x fem!reader (+ Kojo and r's service dog)
Summary: You and your service dog meet Tim and Kojo during a walk. The dogs force you and Tim to keep meeting, but neither of you mind. When you're late for a walk because of an emergency, Tim decides he would like to be more than walk-buddies.
Warnings: r has a service dog for unspecified reasons, r passes out and goes to the hospital, mostly fluff! unplanned Shania Twain reference
Word Count: 2.8k+ words
Masterlist | Tim Bradford Masterlist | Request Info/Fandom List
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“Match my shoes or complement?” you ask your dog.
She barks once and raises her left paw to point to the grey booties you’re holding. You nod and put the other pair away before kneeling before her. She raises one foot at a time so you can put her shoes on to protect her paws from the concrete outside. Your doctor told you going on walks could be beneficial for your mental and physical health, and your service dog seems to enjoy them just as much as you do.
“Ready to walk?” you ask as you stand.
Rather than barking to answer, she runs to the end cabinet in your kitchen and sits. Her leash and your small medical bag are inside, and you shake your head in amusement. Once your bag is on your back and her leash is clipped to her harness, you exit the back door and lock it behind you.
“Let’s go, girl.”
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Tim sighs as he shifts his truck into park. His shift was hectic, but he knows Kojo has been trapped inside and would like a walk. The weather is nice today, so it would do Tim some good to get outside too, he thinks.
As Tim suspected, Kojo is bouncing excitedly and full of energy when he enters. Kojo runs to the shelf holding his harness and leash, then back to Tim. “I know, I know. Let’s do it, buddy,” Tim tells Kojo.
They leave a few minutes later, and Tim takes a deep breath as Kojo leads the way. The neighborhood isn’t busy this time of day, so Tim can relax a bit and follow Kojo rather than dictate where they go while actively looking for any threats.
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Your service dog stops when another dog barks happily. You look away from the butterfly you were watching and smile when you see a man walking a dog. His dog seems interested in meeting your dog, and you click your tongue to signal her to keep walking.
“Kojo, no,” the man says, pulling the leash tight to his side.
“Hello,” you greet kindly.
“Hi,” the man replies, dipping his head in greeting. “Kojo.”
“Beautiful dog,” you add.
“He thinks that means he can do whatever he wants. Sorry, he likes meeting other dogs.”
“He’s fine,” you promise.
“She’s working, Kojo,” he whispers harshly.
“He can come over,” you offer. “She’s sweet, and she can multitask.”
“Are you sure?”
The man loosens his grip on the leash and steps toward you. Your dog wags her tail quickly, slapping your leg every time she does. She sits, and Kojo flops down as they introduce themselves as dogs do.
You extend your right hand and tell the man your name and your dog’s name.
“I’m Tim, and that’s Kojo,” he replies. “We usually have more manners.”
Your dog steps over Kojo’s back legs to stand over him, and you chuckle as you say, “We don’t.”
“I haven’t seen you over here before.”
“Our walk times differ daily,” you explain. “I should start coming out now, though, because there’s no one else.”
“That’s why we love it.”
Your dog stands quickly and presses her nose into your thigh. Time to go home. “That’s my cue,” you tell Tim. “Maybe we’ll see you and Kojo on another walk soon.”
“That’d be nice. Enjoy the rest of your day,” Tim agrees. You smile as your dog leads you back the way you came. Tim is nice, his dog is adorable, and they exude comfort. You truly wouldn’t mind running into him again, you decide.
As you leave, Tim watches you go, and Kojo does too. Kojo looks up at Tim and pants happily.
“Good boy, Kojo,” Tim compliments. “But we need to talk about your manners. Service dogs can’t always hang out, bud.”
Kojo tilts his head as his ears perk, and Tim shrugs. He doesn’t know why you have a service dog, but it doesn’t matter. You do.
“We’re both going to be thinking about them for a while aren’t we?”
Kojo barks in return, and Tim sighs. There are worse things to think of.
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Tim falls asleep thinking of you and wakes with a smile on his face. Kojo jumps onto his bed with his leash in his mouth, and Tim assumes he’s thinking about you and your dog, too. When Angela and Lucy started joking that Tim and Kojo were exactly the same, just different species, he didn’t expect to prove them right so easily.
“Fine, fine,” Tim concedes when Kojo moves to stand on his chest. “A quick walk before work. They won’t be there, though.”
Tim shakes his head as Kojo leads him to the same stretch of sidewalk where they met you last night. You’re nowhere to be seen, as expected, but Kojo keeps walking.
“Good morning, Kojo.”
Tim looks up quickly when he hears your voice, and your smile is stronger than any coffee he’s ever tried. He returns your smile and steps closer. Kojo greets your dog happily, and they step into the grass-covered yard beside you.
“Good morning to you, too, Tim,” you add.
“Good morning. Didn’t expect to see you so soon.”
“This one couldn’t stop thinking about Kojo,” you explain, pointing to your dog. “And my doctor wants me to walk more, so win-win.”
“They’re best friends now, aren’t they?” Tim asks.
You turn at the same time as him, and your arm presses against his as you watch your dogs play together.
“They certainly are. Do you think they’ll keep waking us up to see each other?”
“Kojo will.”
“She will, too.”
“Well, I have to get to work, but it was great seeing you. Kojo appreciates your early morning walk.”
“What do you do?” You scrunch your nose and add, “Sorry, if that’s too personal you don’t have to answer.”
“Not at all,” Tim assures. “I’m a cop.”
“I knew it,” you reply.
“What about you?”
You give him a quick overview of what you do but leave out the part where sometimes your dog won’t let you. She does her job a bit too well sometimes and she’s already pulled you away from Tim once.
“Have a good day at work, Tim,” you say. “See you around.”
“You, too.”
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Over the next week, you and Tim meet on walks once or twice a day. Your dog seems attuned to Kojo’s schedule and lead you to Tim every time you go for a walk. Within a week, you and Tim decide to walk together rather than stand in one place and interrupt your walks.
“I- this may be too forward,” Tim begins as you walk beside him.
“May not be,” you counter.
“Would you want to exchange numbers? It could be easier to let these two partners in crime meet up if we can talk before,” he suggests.
“Don’t call them partners in crime! Then you’d have to arrest them.”
“I’m sure they’d get off with a warning.”
“Tim!” You chuckle before agreeing to exchange numbers.
When your fingers brush Tim’s as you hand him your phone, you suddenly understand why your dog wants to see him and Kojo every day. You could get used to life at his side.
“I tried to leave last night to run to the store, but Kojo wouldn’t let me pass his leash,” Tim tells you as he returns your phone. “Had to take him for a walk before I could go get dinner.”
“Is he that convincing?” you inquire.
“He’s that bossy.”
“I wonder if he gets it from you,” you muse playfully.
“His former owner. Friend of mine from work, so I can blame that on her.”
“But all of his good traits are from you?” you guess.
Tim shrugs with a smile, and you bump your shoulder against his. These walks are doing you more good than your doctor anticipated. Your dog hasn’t alerted you to any health-related threats in days, which you attribute directly to walking with Tim and Kojo.
“Tim…” could we be more than neighbors who walk their dogs together?
Tim says your name, matching your tone as you return to your starting place.
“I just wanted to ask if we could meet again tonight. For another walk, to wear them out before bed?” you suggest, rather than saying what you want to.
“Text me the time.”
You nod and return home with a smile on your face. Though you have plenty you could do, you waste most of the day staring at the clock and looking forward to meeting Tim and Kojo again.
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The leash hangs limply from your hand after you retrieve it from the cabinet. Your health took a sudden dip about an hour ago, but you’re trying to stay strong enough for the walk. Paws thud on the floor behind you, and when she presses her snout firmly into your thigh, you lower your hand toward her head.
“I know,” you mumble weakly. “I know, girl. But we can walk, right?”
She barks before she tugs on your shirt with her teeth. You shake your head, and she wraps a paw around your calf. Despite your need to see Tim, you know she’s right, and you carefully lower to the floor. As soon as you sit, your dog licks your cheek and presses her nose to your chest, but her whines are muffled as your eyes flutter closed.
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Tim has never been more excited to walk Kojo than he is today. He had a rough day at work, so he doesn’t hesitate to take Kojo out as soon as he arrives home. They get to your meeting spot early and wait. As your suggested time comes and goes, Kojo gets antsy. Tim pulls his phone from his pocket, but he doesn’t have any messages from you. He sends you one, but it goes unread until he turns the screen off.
Kojo starts pulling on his leash a few minutes later. His nose is lowered to the ground, so Tim gives him some slack in his leash. Kojo walks through your usual route but passes the place where you and Tim part ways. He stops in front of a house several blocks from Tim’s and looks at the yard before he leads Tim to the door.
“What are you doing, Kojo?” Tim asks.
A dog barks inside, and as the barking continues, growing louder as the dog nears the door, Tim recognizes the sound of the bark. It’s your dog. She scratches against the door and whines, and Tim realizes that if you’re late and your service dog is upset in your house, something happened to you.
He leads Kojo off the porch and calls for an ambulance as he rounds the house. The side door is unlocked, and as Kojo steps inside, Tim sees your hand against the floor, with a leash beside it. Tim pushes the door open quickly and barely manages to catch it before it breaks the window behind it. Tim drops Kojo’s leash, and Kojo lies beside your legs to provide comfort to you and himself. Tim has known for over a week that Kojo loves you but seeing you like this makes Tim question how he feels about you.
Tim says your name but gets no answer. “Hey, girl,” he tells your dog instead. “What do I need to do? Show me.”
She presses her nose against your pulse point, and Tim follows suit on the other side. Your heart rate is elevated, and your slumped position is likely making it hard to breathe. Tim gently moves you into a more comfortable position as Kojo moves with you.
Your dog moves away from you and pulls a cabinet open before dragging a small backpack to Tim. He unzips it and sees medication, water with minerals and electrolytes, and a small booklet with instructions on what to do in case something like this happens.
Tim lays the book open and begins working through the recommended actions. In his mind, he pleads with you – begs you – to come back to him. He can hear the sirens on the ambulance approaching when you finally blink your eyes open.
“Tim?” you ask softly. “What are you doing here?”
“You didn’t meet us on the walk,” he answers. “Kojo got worried.”
“Just Kojo?” you ask knowingly, brushing a thumb over the crease between Tim’s eyebrows.
“Ambulance is here,” Tim tells you. “You’re gonna be okay.”
You see your bag beside him and whisper to thank him. “Sorry, I missed our walk.”
“You’ll have to make it up to me when you feel better,” he replies.
His hand slips into yours as you and your dog are taken to the ambulance. He asks the EMTs which hospital they’re taking you to before he kisses your temple and heads back into your house to clean up the mess he made. The deep scratches on your front door will have to wait, but he was nearly as upset as your dog when he got inside. Kojo whines at the door with his leash dragging behind him, but Tim says, “We have to wait. She’ll call when she’s ready.”
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The moment you get discharged, you call Tim. He agrees to pick you up before you even ask, and he and Kojo are waiting for you in the lobby when you’re pushed out of the elevator in a wheelchair.
“You can still walk, right?” Tim checks.
“Yes,” you promise. “And I’ll need lots of walks to feel better.”
Tim frowns, and you rush to tell him that you’re teasing. You feel much better, thanks to him, and the doctors said he helped you properly and with plenty of time to spare.
“They think I should keep you around,” you add quietly.
“Kojo would happily become your second service dog,” Tim replies.
“Thank you, Tim,” you say as he helps you into his truck. “For everything.”
He nods once before closing the door, and you sit back to watch Kojo get comfortable beside your dog in the backseat. He would look cute in a service vest and booties.
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After a few days of hourly check-in messages from Tim, you feel as good as new. You text Tim as you leave your house, and inhale deeply as you enjoy your first walk since your impromptu hospital visit. Your doctor scolded you for even trying to leave when you knew that you needed to act, but when she heard you talking to Tim, she understood why you put someone else before yourself. You’re not supposed to do that again, though, doctor’s orders.
“Hey,” Tim greets when you turn a corner.
“Hi,” you reply. “Care to join us for a walk?”
“We’d love to.”
As you walk side-by-side with Tim, you allow your arm to press against his and your hands to brush as you move along the sidewalk. You talk to Tim about his day, he asks about yours, and along the way, you lose track of time. When you notice the sun dipping below the horizon, you realize that it’s time to get home.
“I needed this, Tim. Thank you,” you tell him as your turn to return home.
“Let me walk you home,” he offers. “Kojo and I can’t let two lovely ladies walk home alone in the dark.”
“Well, thank you.” After a few steps, you remember that you never told Tim where you live. “How did you find me?” you ask.
“I didn’t. Kojo did. He’s obsessed with you.”
“The feeling is mutual, Kojo,” you tell him.
His tail wags faster at your attention, and you chuckle as Tim shakes his head. It seems like you reach your house much faster than usual, and it’s time to say goodbye to Tim and Kojo again.
“Would you like to go on a date?” Tim asks quickly as you stop by your door. “With the dogs?”
You open your mouth to reply, but Tim continues talking before you can.
“These walks are nice, but I’d like to try something more… if you’re willing,” he finishes.
You smile as you open your door. Leaning against it to keep it open, you say, “I’m willing. As long as the dogs are there.”
“Like they’d let us meet without them,” Tim scoffs.
“I’ll try not to have a medical emergency this time.”
“I’ll pick you up Friday night, around the same time as our walk?” Tim suggests.
“Sounds perfect. Goodnight, Tim, Kojo.”
“Goodnight,” Tim replies. As he turns to lead Kojo home, he says, “Say goodnight to our girls, Kojo.”
Our girls. You smile long after Tim leaves. If the walks impacted you this much, dating Tim will make spending time away from him and Kojo infinitely harder.
You text Tim before you fall asleep, looking forward to your first real date.
What happened to letting service dogs work?
Just before you drift off, you read Tim’s reply and your smile grows.
We’re her number 1 helpers. Besides, someone had to encourage you to take those walks your doc recommended.
A picture of Tim and Kojo accompanies the message, and suddenly, Friday seems an eternity away. You’ll just have to take as many walks as possible between now and then.
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subfootboii · 2 months
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"Good morning."
"Is it a good morning, it Saturday I should be at bed not in the office doing extra work."
"Well at least it's just the two of us in the office."
"Lucky me."
Sam is your coworker, he always bullied you at work, and you never stood up for yourself. You enjoyed it especially when it is in front of other coworkers or boss. He is the tall charismatic guy your female coworkers had a crush on. Little did they all know you also did. Another secret was your foot fetish, you've never told anyone or did anything about it, but you fantasized about Sam's size 13 feet and daydreamed about them all the time.
You both started working and he made himself comfortable as he rested his feet on the desk facing you. This made you hard and less focused on your job. An hour in, he was asking you to get him stuff, prepare his breakfast, and clean his dishes. You complied with all his demands with a smile and a node. Halfway through you've barley finished any of your tasks, as his feet were taking all your focus.
"Go get me the stapler from that desk... Heyy buddy I'm talking to you."
He suddenly removed his feet from the desk and you realized what happened.
"Where you looking at my feet?"
"No... what? Did you need anything from me..."
"You freak were looking at my feet. Just when I thought you can't steep any lower."
"Why are you saying that? What do you mean?"
"Cut that bullshit off. I know you're faggot, look at how you'd anything to please me. But a foot faggot, you're so pathetic aren't you."
"No... let's just get back to work... we have to finish everything by today."
"That wasn't a question fag. Come to my side and kneel before me. Now."
You were never this scared in your life, you felt pathetic and worthless, but your dick was just getting harder than ever. You did what he ordered you to without thinking much of it.
"Yeah that's right fag. No need to lie to yourself anymore. I've had a fag in high-school and one in college, I know how to treat you well fag. Now, here's how things will work from now on, every single day you'll finish all my tasks before yours. I don't care how much overtime you work for yours. You'll address me as "Boss" even in front off our coworkers. Now I'll give you my feet to worship, but don't think you'll get them often. I might leave you my socks every now and then if you're a good fag. Now beg for my feet."
You bowed down and begged as he laughed.
"Please boss let me worship your feet. Please boss let be your fag. Please boss humiliate me. I beg you boss. I'm nothing but a lowlife faggot boss. I beg you boss make me your property."
"Pathetic, here lick my shoes clean."
His shoes were so dirty and smelly but that didn't stop you. You licked them both as hard as you can to make sure they're clean.
"Good fag, look at you taking your nutrients, maybe I should let you pass by my place and clean all my footwear. My college fag loved that."
You were so glad to hear that compliment, you made more effort in licking.
"That's enough shoes. Now take it off, I have a surprise for you."
You took his shoes off and he had no socks on, a stinky smell hit the whole office and made you almost faint. He laughed and pushed his foot on your face.
"Yeah I know you like that fag. Now you better clean them, you don't have much time. I texted my friends and they'll come and get me. I still have some tasks be sure to complete them then spend the whole night doing yours."
You didn't miss a second and attacked his feet, they were sweaty and big, his toes were perfect and his soles were soft.
"Well I guess that's it fag they're here, I have to go now."
"But boss I just started with your feet please give me some time."
He struck his foot against your face making you lose your balance and fall.
"A pathetic fag like you gets the opportunity to taste my feet and now you want more time, while fags would die to see my bare feet. I don't think you'll ever see my feet again faggot, and as a punishment I'll have your paycheck this month."
You knelt as he got his shoes on to leave and begged for forgiveness.
"I'm sorry boss. You're right. You always are, a faggot like me is lucky to be able to be kneel before you. I beg for your forgiveness boss."
"Yeah know your worth fag. For now, no foot duties to you. Let's see how good of a fag you are first."
"Yes boss. Thank you boss."
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bunnysbrainrot · 9 months
No Vacancy - Day One
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Relationship: Sam Winchester x fem!Reader
Content: fluff, nothing spicier yet
Summary: Separated from Dean and Castiel, you and Sam are on your own. Now paired up, you spend a few days in a motel. The only problem? The last room available only has one bed.
A/N: shout-out to all the Sam lovers, this one’s for y’all (me included tbh) **forehead kiss**
“Well,” Sam said, his hands gripping the steering wheel, “I think this is literally the only motel in town.”
And he was right. The two of you had scoured the area for over an hour, driving block after block for any other place to stay. This lone motel was far from where you needed to be for the case, but beggars can’t be choosers.
“That’s what you get in a small town, I guess,” you reply, grabbing your backpack from the floor of the car. Of course, Dean couldn’t fathom letting the two of you borrow Baby, so you had to get another ride. Thankfully, Sam had his own car in the garage of the bunker, a newer one with polished leather seats yet less flashy than the Impala.
Sam parked the car and cut off the engine, letting out a sigh.
You looked at him, tilting your head in concern, “At least we can rest, now. We can shower up and turn in for the night.”
Sam nodded in relieved agreement - the past few days had worn you both thin, exhausted and in need of proper sleep. The two of you stepped out of the car, grabbed your duffles from the back seat, and walked to the lobby of the motel to rent your room.
The clerk at the desk was not a talker, the silence in the room feeling uncomfortably thick. Sam nodded to the man with a terse smile and guided you back outside.
“That guy definitely wants to go home,” joked Sam. At last, you reached room 115, your final spot for the day. You stretched your aching neck as Sam unlocked the door and stepped inside.
“What is it?”
“I think we were given the wrong room,” Sam continued, stepping out of the room to let you peer inside. A single king sized bed sat against the wall, with no other place to sleep. You turned to Sam, who had already made his way back to the main office. You waited for him for a few moments, seeing him return with a remorseful look.
“What’s up?”
“That’s the only room left,” Sam explained, “you wanna stay here anyway? They didn’t have a cot, but we can figure something out.” He scratched the back of his neck nervously.
You waved dismissively, giving Sam an embarrassed smile, “Don’t worry, we’re both adults here. Sharing a room doesn’t bother me.”
Sam looked at you for a moment, contemplating the next step. He shrugged and opened the door to 115 again, leading you inside.
The room was small and sparsely furnished - just the bed, an armchair, and the TV sat on a minuscule set of drawers. You placed your bag down next to the lonesome armchair, and sat down to remove your shoes.
In front of you, Sam paced at the foot of the bed.
“They, uh… didn’t have a cot, so I’m not sure how you’d want to go about this.”
You kicked your boots to the side and glanced up at him.
“Scared of sharing a bed, Sam?”
If you were being honest, you were petrified of the idea. Ever since joining this self-proclaimed ‘Team Free Will’, Sam had been the one you’d gotten closest to. Before they took you in, you had been more reserved and quiet. A more nerdy type of person; Sam was the perfect guy to buddy up with. You both had a passion for research, to Dean’s dismay.
“So we finally have a chick on the team, and we get another nerd?” He had teased.
Despite Dean giving you shit for it, you had never felt more welcome into a group. There was a sense of purpose, a motivation to save people from monsters. With your help, the world would be a safer place for those unaware of what lurks in the shadows.
Bringing you back to reality, Sam cleared his throat.
“I’m not, I just don’t want you to be uncomfortable.”
You retorted, “And why would I be uncomfortable with you?”
He quipped, “I mean, how often have we been forced to share a bed?”
He had a point, and your brave façade of nonchalance wouldn’t last much longer. Sure, if you both kept to a side of the bed, fully clothed, it would leave the fewest issues. But the butterflies in your stomach told you that this may not be something you could handle easily.
Your mind raced back to a memory of a case three months back, out in Tennessee. It was another shapeshifter, and it was hard for Sam and Dean to gather intel about much of anything. It was Dean’s foolish idea to send you and Sam to question the local townsfolk, masked as a tourist couple to keep your anonymity to a maximum. That time spent with Sam opened your eyes to what you had been missing for a shamefully long time. Love, or at least what felt like it.
Although it had been an act, the sweet gestures Sam had to uphold for the charade won your heart. He opened each door for you, kissed your cheeks, held your hand, the whole nine. Everything he had done drove you wild. Except, the one thing he never did was press his lips to yours. It seemed like a sick game of Dean’s pairing you up like that. You made sure to give him shit for it, telling him how embarrassing it was to have two friends act like a couple. What Dean didn’t know was the secret gratefulness you had for his plan.
At one point Dean did suggest you liked Sam, to which you denied, fumbling over your words like an idiot. He had shrugged it off, but now you wondered if that interaction inspired him to cut you off from him and Castiel. You silently cursed that damn Winchester for it.
“Never, but it’s just for a couple nights, right? We’ll share ghost stories and braid each other’s hair. It’ll be fun,” you joked, having walked over to Sam and patting his arm.
You went to the bed and furiously fluffed each pillow - the ones in motels were notoriously limp. Next you shook out the blanket. You hated the way it stayed cold when it’d been pulled taught to the mattress all day. Of all fun facts about you, Sam found that the most endearing. He hadn’t told you before, but he’d always been keen on your quirks. Simply put, he loved that he wasn’t the ‘weird one’ anymore.
Getting comfortable on the bed, Sam flopped down, still fully dressed in those tough denim jeans and signature red flannel. Your eyes grazed over him as he closed his eyes from exhaustion. Your pajamas were in your duffel, so you fumbled for them before heading to the bathroom to change. The sound of the TV muffled against the door - it seemed to be one of those dramatic crime shows you and the brothers scoffed at.
Pajamas was a loose term for the oversized t-shirt and mid-thigh sleepshorts you wore to bed. If you were alone maybe you’d have worn far less. Sam had removed his shoes, at the very least. You dimmed the lamp in the corner of the room and settled onto the bed. Then that was it, the exhaustion of today had finally gotten to you. It took everything in you to not let your mind drift off to sleep.
“We gotta go into town tomorrow?” You asked Sam.
“Yeah,” his voice honeyed with a groggy softness, “we should talk to the families of the victims. Figure out if these really were ‘accidents’.”
“FBI? Police? Ooh, maybe church officials?”
Sam let out a breathy laugh at your joke, the husk of his voice reverberating through you. God, it could be absolute torture to be around him at times. When the stress of hunting melted away, and you two could be your real selves.
“Just FBI, Cas is on standby as our ‘supervisor’.”
You looked to him fully, “Cas is our supervisor? And Dean actually trusts he can do that? Cas doesn’t know the first thing about the FBI.”
“Eh, Dean thought it could be good for the ‘people skills’,” Sam replied, finally opening his eyes at turning his head to you. Suddenly the two feet between you felt like mere inches. Your breath caught in your throat; you couldn’t reply even if you tried, so you opted for a small smile. Sam countered it with one of his own - the flashy grin that melted your heart more each time.
“We’re gonna have to get up so early. I’m not too excited for that.”
Sam’s face softened, his voice lowering, “We should get some sleep, then. You good with that side of the bed?”
You nodded, rising out of bed to switch the lamp off. The light from the TV drew Sam’s sights to you, loosely shrouded by your shirt and shorts. His eyes raked over your bare legs, wandering up your thighs until your shorts stalled his imagination. Sam followed suit and stood, but walked to the bathroom with a handful of clothes plucked from his bag.
A moment later he returned to see you under the covers, hunched over from the cold. Whatever those shitty detectives said on the TV drowned out as you noticed Sam. Just then you realized you had never seen him wear anything but a suit or his regular garb. Even in boxer shorts and a black t-shirt, he managed to catch your eye.
He caught your eye contact and smiled once more, that familiar ache in your chest growing stronger. You reached over and lifted the covers for him, letting him settle on his side of the bed.
“Do you sleep with the TV on?” You asked softly.
“No, do you?”
You gave him a small laugh, closing your eyes, “Nope. Keeps me up too late.”
Sam smiled. A part of him was relieved that he could get some proper rest with you here. Dean had the habit of leaving the TV on, depriving him of countless hours of sleep.
Even though they were rare, Sam appreciated these moments alone with you. It was easy to be with you. It was easy to laugh, to open up, to ramble on about whatever lore he had obsessed over. He loved the way your eyebrows tugged together when you didn’t understand something, and the way you tried piecing words together before asking your questions.
The A.C. unit cranked on beside the bed, pumping freezing cold air on your back. You shivered, curling into yourself to keep the warmth in.
Sam’s eyebrows raised slightly, “Hey, are you cold? I can turn the A.C. off.”
“Nah, don’t worry about it. I’ll warm up in a minute,” you insisted. Sam sighed, knowing you wouldn’t say yes, and turned the unit off.
He quickly settled back into bed, letting out a shuddering exhale. You waited until he shifted under the covers to speak.
“You cold, too?”
“Maybe just a little bit.”
In the faint light of the TV you could make out his smile. A part of your mind drifted off to a place where that smile met you every day, lounging around in bed. Sam’s hands would run across your skin and tangle into your hair, pulling your mouth to his before making you breakfast.
The room dimmed as the television went silent. You and Sam shifted under the covers for a moment before getting fully comfortable, the silence of the room felt like a bated breath.
Sam broke it first, “These blankets don’t really do their job, do they?”
You replied to him, “Not a damn bit. It’s freezing in here.”
“You can, uh… move closer if you need to,” his voice wavered. The silhouette of his form moved to face you, dimly lit by the light from street lamps in the parking lot. You could make out his sharp cheekbones and the chestnut brown hair draped around his neck.
When another shiver won your body over you took the offer, moving closer to Sam until your arms touched. Now inches from one another like you’d wished, your mind went blank.
It took everything you had to remind yourself what this was, well, wasn’t. This wouldn’t be the lust-driven breakthrough you had hoped for. Nor would it be the time for Sam Winchester to take you the way you ached for. An awkward, strictly business sleeping situation.
You let your mind wander off, the waves of exhaustion turning into the gentle lull of sleep. You could’ve sworn you felt Sam’s arm wrap around your waist, keeping you warm.
By the time you woke up, Sam was still fast asleep. You had never seen him like this up close, with his eyes fluttered shut and breathing slowed. The image painted itself into your memory.
You were right, though, Sam had laid his arm over you. And now both had enveloped you close to his chest, rising and falling steadily against your ear. It took twenty more minutes for Sam to wake up.
He stirred until he noticed you flush against him, and he stilled completely. You wiggled in his grip to look up at him.
With a groggy smile you greeted him, “G’morning.”
“Hey,” he said, voice still thick with sleep, “sleep okay?”
You gave him a simple nod, regaining your composure. You scooted yourself away to give him the space that should’ve been there all night. Even though a part of you crumbled as you did, you padded out of bed to the bathroom.
“At least we know to turn off the A.C. tonight. Maybe a room with two beds will open up while we’re out, and we can switch.”
Sam opened his mouth to speak before you closed the bathroom door. What he was going to say escaped him.
He just hoped no other rooms opened up before the evening.
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Thank you for your support, everyone! Day two will be here soon
- Bunny
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haven-of-dusk · 28 days
An interesting result of the...Buck/Tommy situation? Tevan situation? I personally don't love that ship name because it makes Tommy sound like a cute add on to Evan as a full name (which feels indicative of how their relationship has been written so far as well, but I digress). Back to the point, the Tevan discussion has revealed who is a Buddie fan/stan, and who is a Buck fan/stan who shipped Buddie.
And this isn't solely talking about the weird twitter people saying Eddie should die or be written out somehow so Buck and Tommy can adopt Christopher as their own, because that's a whole different level of wtf.
What I'm also referring to is a subset who say they only want Buck to be happy, essentially trying to say Tevan is fine if Buck is happy, but then when asked don't have an answer as to what Eddie's happy ending would be in that timeline. The utterance that maybe he could just settle down with Marisol, which I have seen, made me physically cringe at how little understanding it displays of Eddie's arc, the important parts of his character, and how fundamentally wrong it would feel to give Buck a whole self-discovery and self-actualization arc and then turn around to make Eddie's "happy ending" a random girl with which he has no chemistry, and his relationship with her actively undermines his arc up till now.
Like I get wanting Buck to be happy, that's valid, but it demonstrates how much of a Buddie vs just Buck stan one is if they're willing to disregard Eddie's ending entirely just because Buck would get a happy one. Eddie is not Buck's love interest, and part of what makes Buddie so meaningful to so many is that it's two well-developed characters whose arcs intertwine in an engaging way. If you truly love and ship Buddie, I'd be very surprised if you didn't love both of them as individuals. That's not to say you can't have one you prefer (mine is Eddie, if I haven't made that obvious before), but a casual disregard for the other makes proported love for the ship feel disingenuous.
And don't misunderstand, if the shoe was on the other foot and we were witnessing the Eddie/Tommy story right now, I'm sure there's be some alleged Buddie fans ready to toss Buck aside in favor of Eddie's happy ending. I would speculate it wouldn't be as numerous, because Buck is generally the more popular character, but I'm sure it would still happen.
I hope some part of that made sense. I just really do love both Eddie and Buck, and seeing people claim to love their ship and subsequently toss Eddie aside and disregard him deserving a happy ending as much as Buck does makes me...upset.
And to you magical people who are mutli-shipping Tevan and Buddie at the same time and coming up with alternative timeline happy endings for everyone regardless of how the triangle of sorts plays out, I salute you. I don't think my brain could handle that, but I respect that you can.
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starry-hughes · 2 months
the breakup
dakota called multiple times. the bar emptied. the watch party ended. “mark please just call me and tell me you’re okay.”
he wasn’t answering. watching some of his teammates pack up forever. he couldn’t breathe. he didn’t feel like he could breathe until he got back to ann arbor.
dakota was there to pick him up he kept walking. “mark.” “go home dakota.”
he kept walking. she glanced at his friends. “dakota just give him a second.” she ignored them, following her boyfriend. “i don’t know what you’re feeling right now. and i just want to help. but you can’t just walk away from me.”
mark stops, he’s fiddling with something in his hands. his teammates watching. “please.” he turns for a second and metal hits dakota’s shoes. she doesn’t want to look down. “leave me alone dakota.”
her apartment key, mark’s copy. it’s laying at her feet. “dude,” ethan shouts, taking off after mark, he turns, tears welting in his own eyes for his friends, “kota i’m sorry.”
dakota couldn’t breathe until she got to her apartment. she threw her keys to the side and the sob escaped her lips. she was sobbing. she went to her closet, ripping down all the michigan hockey shirts she had collected. she couldn’t breathe. she looked at the wad of yellow ribbons she always wore in her hair for games, angrily throwing it into the trash.
everything was in a trash bag. it was late when she knocked on the door of the house. “dakota he’s not in the mood-” dylan duke opened the door, eyes still red from tears. “take this. i don’t want his shit. i can’t look at it,” she cried handing him the bag. “dakota just give him-”
“tell him that i don’t ever want to see him again. do you understand dylan? never. tell him to walk the other way on campus. tell him to not come to my work or try to make it better. i am tired of being shut out.”
dylan swallowed hard. “dakota, please.”
she laughed through the tears. “i-i try. i try to understand how much hockey affects you guys. and i know you guys love it and it’s your life. but mark is supposed to love me too. i try to help and every time i try to help he refuses.” she holds her head high and wipes her face. “i’m sorry you guys lost. and i’m sorry about the guys leaving for their teams. and i’m sorry for making you the messenger. but i can’t keep doing this.”
she walks down the driveway, to her car that is still running. dylan is biting his tongue but he can only do it for so long before the protection of his best friend comes out. he would do anything for mark.
“yeah you’re right, it’s better you walk away from him now. when he’s going to need you the most. can’t wait to watch him tear down that photo of you in his locker.”
she turns on her foot, noticing ethan has entered the doorway. she wants to say something but she can’t. “mark is our best friend. so sure we will pick up the pieces for you. because you’re going to break him. this is going to break him,” dylan continues.
dakota looks at ethan. “you should go before he comes downstairs,” ethan says coldly, “you know, so you don’t have to see him.”
she bit her bottom lip, keeping herself from completely breaking down. the door slammed as she walked away and got into her car. the boys wouldn’t admit it, but they waited until she got into her car safely to stop watching.
dylan threw the bag to the side, where all the shoes were in a pile. “who was that?” mark had come downstairs, eyes bloodshot. “no one,” ethan said, eyes flickering to mark’s attire. he was wearing shoes and his keys were in his hand, “where are you going?”
“i think i should go apologize to kota.”
“mark-” dylan started. “i was shitty to her and she just wants to help.” “buddy-”
“i really love her. and i was a dick to her and-”
“she just dropped all your stuff off here.”
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priceof-freedom · 2 years
Fanfic: In khaki and nothing more (Bob Floyd x Reader)
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Pairing: Robert “Bob” Floyd x F!Reader (Top Gun: Maverick)
Summary:  An outtake based on the bonus scene from “Of gym buddies and overlapping schedules”. In front of everyone else, Bob tends to be quiet and easily flustered. Behind closed doors, he’s anything but… especially when he sees you wearing his clothes.
A/N: I always had a head canon that Bob could be the opposite of shy in bed, given the right circumstances. Thus, this little thing was born. 
This is legitimately my first attempt at smut, so releasing this to the world is making me extremely extremely anxious.
Warnings: Smut, 18+ only, MINORS DNI
Word Count: 2.0k
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From “Of gym buddies and overlapping schedules” (Best to read that first!)
You handed him his khaki uniform button-up, neatly folded, making sure everyone else knew exactly what it was. “You left in quite a rush this morning, and you forgot this.”
Bob’s cheeks instantly turned pink, and you were certain he was recalling the exact reason why he hadn’t taken his uniform with him in the morning. You had woken up in the middle of the night and, not wanting to go nude into the bathroom, you grabbed the first article of clothing within reach. It just so happened to be his uniform. He must have woken up as well while you were in the bathroom: when he caught sight of you in nothing but his uniform button-up, an intense, almost hungry, look graced his features. Suffice it to say, the two of you lost about another hour or so of rest, and you had fallen asleep after that in blissful exhaustion while still wearing it.
Everyone in the vicinity were shell-shocked, even the others like Lts. Fitch, Garcia, and Machado who joined in on the commotion. Except perhaps for Rooster, as he seemed to be thoroughly enjoying what he was witnessing. Bob himself was quite stunned to silence, and you marveled in how flustered he is now when he was anything but that last night.
Upon returning from the bathroom, it was only then that you noticed how truly messy the state of your room was: clothing and underwear littered across the space, shoes frantically kicked off, and a chair near the door even fell to the floor. As quietly as possible, you picked up everything one by one, neatly folding and organizing them by the foot of the bed.
“Hey,” came a groggy voice.
You whipped around in surprise and found Bob smiling sleepily at you. The sheets were until his chest and his normally immaculate hair was mussed from sleep and the previous night’s activities.
“Oh no!” you whispered apologetically. “I didn’t mean to wake you.”
“That’s okay,” he said, reaching over to the nightstand for his glasses. “What are you doing up?”
“I was just fixing up. Can you believe that we even toppled over that chair?”
He began to chuckle, but as his vision cleared up with his glasses, the laughter died in his throat. He regarded you with an intense look, eyes traveling from head to toe. He called your name gruffly.
“What are you wearing?”
You looked down and realized that you had Bob’s khaki uniform on. You had grabbed the first article of clothing you found on the way to the bathroom earlier, and didn’t even bother buttoning it up. And that was all that you were wearing.
“Shit. I’m sorry! I just picked up whatever was closest. I didn’t mean to wrinkle it or anything—”
“I’ll iron it and it can be good as new by the morning—”
“I’m pretty sure it’s still clean and unstained. Gosh, I’m so—”
You stopped and looked at him apologetically, wringing your hands with uncertainty. Whatever it is you and Bob started was still pretty new and you did not want to risk ruining it over something small like this. You weren’t sure if he was particular about his clothing and appearance, but since you rarely saw a hair out of place with him, you could only assume so. Gosh, you’re such an idiot, you reprimanded yourself.
“Come here.”
His tone was… different, to say the least. Your brain couldn’t really process the change in his voice, but your body recognized it for what it was: a command. Bob was now seated with his back against the headboard, the sheet now covering only until his waist, his chest bared. The same look was still on his boyish features: if you were to find one word to describe it, it might just be… hungry. It sent a shiver down your spine.
Once you crossed over to his side of the bed, he reached out his hand. Your brain was still trying to keep up with what was happening, yet everything else seemed to just respond naturally to what he was doing. He guided you to straddle him and your arms fell onto his shoulders. You could feel him, soft and solid beneath you, only a sheet acting as a barrier.
His hands traveled from your thighs, tickling at your sides into the skin beneath the open uniform. He laid his palms flat against your back and pulled you flush against him.
An involuntary whine escaped your lips. “Bob…”
He nuzzled at your neck and nipped at the skin above the collar. “You look good in my uniform, baby.”
This was a version of a Bob you haven’t seen. You were having difficulty reconciling what you’re experiencing now to how you’ve gotten to know the quiet pilot, and even to how he was during your first time together a couple of hours ago. Then, he was absolutely attentive and eager to please. That Bob was loving and giving.
This Bob… If the wetness gathering at your core was any indication of how you felt, you weren’t sure what was.
Your body really was acting on its own accord and a part of you felt like you should be embarrassed. But you were just too focused on what Bob was doing and how he was making you feel. His lips traveled up the column of your neck, ending with a soft bite to your earlobe. In no time, he had you moaning and grinding against him.
Rough palms slid from your back and down to your thighs, but he stopped just shy of the apex. You let out another noise, almost pained and complaining. Bob pulled away slightly and he looked at you questioningly. Brow raised and a smirk on his face. It was a look you haven’t seen on him; it radiated confidence and boldness. You’re quite sure it caused you to gush a little more.
“Tell me what you want.”
Words were failing you and you could only whimper his name. “Bob, please…”
“Please, what, baby?”
“Touch me.” 
You were rewarded with a bruising kiss, making you gasp against his lips. It was nothing like the kisses you were accustomed to sharing with him: it was urgent and raw. It was like his lips were chasing something that only you could provide. The grip he had on your thigh tightened briefly, then his hand made its ascent, slowly heading to the point you craved. The brief contact of his fingers against your folds was enough to make your breath hitch.
“Fuck, you’re soaked,” he breathed. He slid his fingers up and down your slit, coating it in your slick. You could practically hear how wet you were, as he went back up to your sensitive bundle of nerves. For every slow and deliberate circle he made to your clit, a gasp escaped you. “And I thought I had it bad seeing you in my uniform.”
The evidence was begging for it to be seen, rigid and erect beneath the sheets. It felt deliciously hard underneath you, and it made you rub yourself against him. It was Bob’s turn to groan. He gripped your hips in an attempt to stop you, but you were having none of it. “If you keep this up, this isn’t going to last very long.”
You giggled and did it again, eliciting another groan from him. Getting on your knees, you tugged the sheet down and he sprang free. It was thick and pulsing and it made your mouth water. Just as you were about to wrap your hands around his shaft, his wrist stopped yours. In one swift motion, he flipped you both and had you pinned to the bed. His face was inches from yours and the cold metal of his dog tags were brushing the valley between your breasts. He smiled wickedly at you, then captured your lips again in his own.
What this man was doing to you was absolutely mind-blowing. When you went on your first date, you had no idea that this was hiding beneath that kind bespectacled face. Now that you’ve had a taste of it, you were sure that it will be a craving that you will forever have. A craving that only he can satisfy.
Your back arched, pressing your chest against his, as the kiss deepened. Bob slowly dragged one hand along your side and down to the crook of your knee, hiking it up to his hip. At this point, the space between you was almost non-existent. You could feel the warm tip of his cock brushing against your warm center, making you moan into the kiss.
He released your lips, but his own never left your heated skin, traveling from your jaw to your neck. “Let’s make sure you’re ready for me,” he murmured into your skin.
His hand found its way back to your core, rubbing your lips with the wetness gathered there. Slowly and methodically, he plunged his digits into you; one first, testing the waters, then a second one, stretching you more. You were nothing but a whimpering mess already.
“Bob, please…”
At the sound of that, he removed his fingers, just as the tension was reaching the peak. You groaned in frustration, throwing your head back into the pillow. Then, the man had the audacity to laugh at you.
“Just a little patience, baby,” he said, with a smirk that you’re coming to love on his boyish features.
“Bob, I swear to god—” But he silenced you with a kiss. He made quick work of the condom and he was positioned above you in no time.
“Ready?” Teasingly, he lined himself up to your slit, only barely entering, but not completely. He absolutely knew what he’s doing to you, and the look on his face was telling you that he was enjoying it.
“Please,” was all you could get out.
Slowly, he pushed into, inch by inch. The stretch is deliciously incredible, making you involuntarily clench around him. The sound that escaped your lips was a mix of a gasp and a moan. He grabbed your leg again, hitching it against his hip, and filled you to the hilt in one thrust. The position of one of your legs wrapped around him made his cock reach a different angle, making you feel thoroughly full with nothing but him.
For a moment, both of you stayed this way, breathing heavily like you had run a marathon. His forehead was resting against yours, eyes closed shut. You could feel him throb inside you and it was so so good.
Your hands traveled from his shoulders, where you had previously been grasping onto him for dear life, to either side of his face. “Bob,” you whispered. His eyes flew open, pupils dilated with lust. “Fuck me.”
It was like a switch. Bob moved immediately, drawing back until only his tip was inside, then roughly sinking back in one strong fluid thrust. Both your legs were now around his waist, giving him more leverage for his thrusts. He was relentless in his movements. He kept his face buried in your neck and he was chanting your name into your heated skin.
The sound of your skin slapping against his spurred you further towards your release. He probably could feel it too, with his increased pace. You could no longer control the noise coming out of your lips: he had you crying out with every hard thrust.
“I can feel you’re close, baby.” His hand moved towards where the two of you were joined. His fingers found your clit again, flicking it and aiding your release. “Just a little more.”
It was unbearable, in the best way possible. With another push into you, you fall apart.
He followed not too far behind. Bob picked up the pace, chasing his own release. You met his every thrust, clenching around him as you could feel him solid and pulsing inside you. It was your turn to murmur into his ear, praising him and urging him to keep going.
In one final jerk of his hips, he shuddered and let out a grunt as he came apart. 
He collapsed, most of his weight on you. Beyond carefully sliding out of you, he made no move to get up. Both of you were gasping for air. Silence enveloped you, and only the sound of your labored breathing filled the room. You felt utterly satiated, and honestly still surprised about what just happened. This was not something you had on the cards when you started dating him.
As if sensing your thoughts, Bob swiftly gets up on his elbows, a look of worry and concern on his face. “Shit.”
“Oh, god—”
He softly holds your cheeks. “W-was that too much?”
The absurdity of his question and timing made you choke out a laugh. Now, this was the Bob you had gotten to know over the last few weeks. At the sound of your laughter, his brow furrowed even further. You tried, really you did, to stop laughing. But he looked so extremely adorably worried for something you clearly enjoyed.
“You just gave me a mind-blowing orgasm and you ask if it was too much?”
The concerned look was replaced with his signature sheepish one. “Well…”
“Bob,” you said emphatically, you own hands now on his cheeks too. “If wearing your uniform gets me that reaction from you, then I will definitely do it more often.”
He let out a relieved laugh and kissed you again.
(From the previous fic)
“I—y-yeah,” stammered Bob. “T-thanks, Y/N.”
“I’ll see you later, yeah?” you said, and gave him a kiss on the cheek. You didn’t wait for him to answer and simply walked out, your goal having been accomplished already. You heard some laughter from the group and hushed whispers, like a bunch of gossiping teenagers. 
“Always good to see ya, Doc!” called Rooster to your retreating back, the mirth apparent in his voice. While exiting, you saw in the mirrors that he had happily clapped Bob on the shoulder in support, and the latter was sporting a small confident smile. You also caught sight of a still gaping Hangman.
You smiled in satisfaction. You couldn’t wait until you saw Bob again tonight.
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A/N: Aaaand that’s it for my first ever smut. I hope everyone likes it! *nervous laughter* Please do leave a comment and reblog! 💖
Check out the other  stories in this universe:
A fluffy drabble on Bob and Reader’s date
A smutty drabble on Bob being called “lieutenant”
A one-shot featuring Rooster and Penny’s niece
A drabble set right before Rooster and Niece!Reader have their date
Currently, I do not run taglists. I might in the future. :)
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inanimatefan1 · 9 months
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Did not go as planned (Collage roommate Sneaker TF Story)
My roommate Tyler like new sneakers, i was dying to know what it was like to be his sneaker, so when he left the room to go to the bathroom, i transformed into a pair of sleek, brand-new sneakers, for him, nothing will go wrong, i thought.
My perspective has radically shifted; seeing the room from the sneaker's point of view and him coming out of the bathroom. I feel Tyler's feet coming closer, and before I know it, his socks are slipping into me. It's a weird feeling, not unpleasant, but I am suddenly very aware of how sweaty and smelly feet can get. I can't move or express any emotion, but internally I'm both thrilled and apprehensive.
"Wow, these feel great!" Tyler exclaims, oblivious to the fact that his new kicks are actually his friend, me, transformed. He ties the laces, securing his feet snugly within me.
That's when I notice Tyler reaching for a marker on the table. He uncaps it and scribbles something on the sneakers tongue. I feel a slight tickling sensation but can't see what he's written. Instinctively, I know that Tyler's just marked me as his property. My heart sinks, realizing the gravity of what that might mean for my ability to change back. I frantically focus, trying to muster the energy to revert to my original form. But nothing happens. I'm stuck, and the panic begins to set in. My situation worsens as I remember Tyler's reputation for making his belongings quickly smelly and worn out. I'm about to become one of those belongings, I think to myself, but all I can do is "exist" as a pair of his sneakers.Tyler starts walking around, and I can feel his weight pressing down with each step. The warmth and moisture from his feet start to make me feel more and more like a regular pair of sneakers, and less like Josh trapped in this form.
Finally, Tyler heads to his friends college dorm room, where he meets up with some friends, notorious for their messy habits. They're impressed with Tyler's new sneakers, giving them a few admiring glances, completely unaware that I am those sneakers. Tyler kicks me off, throwing me casually into a corner where I land next to other worn-out shoes and discarded clothes. The smell is overwhelming, a cocktail of sweat, dirt, and who knows what else. As I lie there, waiting for what comes next, a sinking feeling washes over me. Tyler and his friends start a video game marathon, and I know it's going to be a long night. Even worse, Tyler's got a track meet tomorrow, and I've got a front-row seat—or perhaps more accurately, a foot-row seat. All I can do now is be the best pair of sneakers I can be, because for the foreseeable future, that's all I am. And as much as I'd like to change back, it looks like I'm stuck in this form for a while—Tyler's smelly, well-worn sneakers. And there I am, Josh, trapped as a pair of sneakers with no way to communicate or revert to my original form, subjected to whatever Tyler and his college buddies have in store for me.
Over the course of several weeks, I come to realize that my efforts to transform back are futile. Each day, Tyler's activities—whether it's a long run, a gym workout, or simply walking around campus—intensify the smell inside me. Initially, the stench was overpowering and unpleasant, but a strange thing starts to happen as the days pass. With every wear, the scent permeates me more deeply, and I find myself becoming increasingly disoriented yet oddly calm. It's as if Tyler's distinctive smell has become a potent aroma that affects my very essence. I become more accustomed to the smell, and the sharp edges of my previous panic and anxiety start to blur. As Tyler slips his feet into me day after day, something within me starts to change. What was once a nauseating odor has become, inexplicably, comforting. I feel more attuned to Tyler's rhythm and routine. It's like I'm enveloped in a sensory haze, somewhat akin to a high. When he takes me off at the end of the day and tosses me into the smelly corner of his room, I no longer dread it; I actually look forward to joining that pungent pile of worn clothes and old shoes. After a few weeks of this, I find myself in an almost zen-like state whenever Tyler wears me. My earlier thoughts of changing back into my human form have all but vanished. It's as if Tyler's smell has a hypnotic quality, grounding me in this new existence. And so, I find a strange form of peace in my new life as a pair of sneakers, completely intoxicated by Tyler's scent. My worries, my former life, and even my sense of self become distant memories. I'm not just a pair of sneakers; I'm Tyler's sneakers, and strangely enough, that has become my entire world. I don't know if I'll ever change back, or even if I want to. For now, I'm oddly content, basking in the heady atmosphere of Tyler's college life. And so, I continue to exist, half-aware and half-lost in a fragrant fog, a small but integral part of Tyler's world.
I can't imagine anything better than being Tyler's smelly sneaker…
First part of at least 4 parts.
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broooooo · 11 months
Coaches gift
"I'm Aaron, a very forgettable 20 year old guy with no life, technically speaking, you could say I haven't left my house for 20 years, I might be in a dorm room at university, but I don't feel any different, I'm not very interested in a relationship or sex, partying doesn't sound fun, and friends? Yeah I wish, thinking I'm a waste of space isn't new to me, dying alone is what I imagine my future to be.
Too be honest, IV always wanted to play sports, ever since I was younger, but my parents didn't allow it, I wish I was more like the other guys, dating and having fun with a big group of friends,
If I could choose, I would play football, those guys are always so hot, and have lots of fun, too bad it's too late for me, I'm not 4 anymore.
Any time I have jacked off, when I was younger, it was to the fantasy of a transformation, but now I don't feel anything anymore, just tired and dead inside, wishing won't help anymore, nothing will change my fate now"
Untill one day..
I go to the mail room in the universities dorm entrance to check if anything is in my box, nothing inside but shockingly underneath is a box with a letter addressed to me.
I pick it up to shake it, it's heavy, sounds like a pair of shoes? , I'm very confused, I take the box and letter to my dorm.
I lock my door behind me, my heart's racing with curiosity to what's inside, I open it up to find.
A pair of football cleats?
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*this is very confusing, damn, but why?", I ask my self
Looking at them they are well designed, I enjoy them, just why I wondered?
Turning my attention to the letter I open it up, wondering what the universe had in store for me
---------------------------------------------------------- dear
aaron, you must have a lot of questions right now but in time they with be answered,
Ihear your plee for change and have come to help, take this gift as a sign of brotherhood
I hope you enjoy them
- coach and the team
I put down the letter in shock
"am I being spied on or something? This sounds way too coincidental"
Oh well, guess there's no harm done
Starring at the cleats, it's creepily ominous, I can't wait to try them on
I quickly take them out, the feel of the leather on my skin is satisfying and the smell of it, fresh and new gives of a high iv never felt,
In the excitement I notice my dick Starting to harden
" whoa there buddy, guess this is truly something different isn't it "
I slide them on my feet, a perfect fit, I tie them
"AaaaAAAHHH hhhhhh this tightness, hehehe" the feel of the right cleats make me happy, each foot movement gets massaged by the tight leather, sending orgasmic eaves through me,
Sitting on my drom floor , now rock hard and drooling, "hhuuhu, damn in horned up"
I take my dick out, pulsing and begging to leak, I stoke slowly, enjoying it all, feeling dizzy and horny, drooling like a complete idiot
""aww yeahhh brahhh"
Not noticing the changes, my body starts to grow and expand, muscled blow up , my abs hardening and my jaw line straightening out,, my legs hard as trees and my feet getting even tighter inside the shoes
With each stroke, my muscles grew , my hair become quaffed and short, just like the other guys, and my mind changed
I was no longer who I was, my insignificant self going into my balls, my hand stroking as pre covers my dick
I think of sex, football, beer , ..."brahhhhhh.,."
*Damn pussy... Tits....bhuhu "
With each stroke my new identity sets in. I'm a
" football jock... Horny .. big... BRAHHHHHHH, YEAH BRAHHH"
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Just like that cum, cum explodes everywhere, soaking everything, ropes of cum go all over me and my now, new jock dorm room
Looking up at a poster of a nude model on the wall, I burst with cum even more
, I lay there covered in cum and still horny
My door opens to jet, walking in, my best bro, almost as horny as I,
"damn bro, you want some help there bro? "
"brahhhh u mind bro? "
"anything for a bro
Just like that, jet jacks me off again before practice,, he too joins in as we both jack each other off
"yo Aaron, heard there's new babes at the party tonight"
"YOO LETS GOOO brahhhh " as our dicks explode with cum .
We lay there, soaked in cum, ready for practice, ready to obey coach, ready to breed some chicks
Jet turns to be and says ," damn bro, nice cleats, coach got them for you?
"yeaah brah, nice aren't they? , U can borrow them if u like"
"thanks bro, now let's go, can't let coach wait for us to long"
"rght bro, off to practice"
What do u guys think? Good? I'm not sure about it XD but I wanted to do something hehe
The first part of the story is true to the real me, allas, sports is a faint dream at this point
Anyway, baii, enjoy your fantasies
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ughthisisntright · 11 months
This is For Us | Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw x Reader | Part 1
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Summary: A chance encounter.
Warnings: None!
Word Count: 2,069
Next Part
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Music. Thumping. Pounding. Wasn't much of an older crowd in tonight, hm?
Bradley was stunned to see so many young people around. Could just be spring break or something but he wasn’t sure. He’d been so swept up with his training that the days sort of melted together at this point. Just as they did for the rest of his squadron.
Top Gun was no joke, he found out quickly. Had his father been alive, he was sure he would have gotten an earful about how not to do things. After being with Maverick for all those years he was sure there were some pretty hard and fast dos and don’ts.
Moments like these where he and his buddies could go out and blow off steam were absolutely essential for Bradley. He felt he’d lose his mind if he spent too long on base. He hadn’t accounted for literally everyone else in San Diego being at this bar tonight, though.
The music aside, the game of pool with his friends was going quite well. He leaned over the table and closed one eye to line up his shot just so. He carefully drew the stick back, brought it forward and back a few times to make sure he had everything lined up properly, then hit the cue ball hard. Two balls sank into the pockets and he grinned, mustache twitching upwards with the motion of his lips.
Turning to face some of his buddies, he caught a quick blur of someone brushing past him gently. A small voice rang out a sheepish “excuse me” as the person passed. He watched them the whole way back to their seat at the bar. Instantly mesmerized, he set the pool stick down and leaned against the pool table.
You sat at the bar with what Bradley assumed were a couple of your friends. Unfortunately they looked more interested in the young aviators that sat just a couple seats down from you. You, on the other hand, seemed to just be enjoying being out and about.
And that was every bit true as he’d assumed it was.
Your smile, your head bopping to the music, and the happy little way you sipped whatever it was you were drinking. Your foot tapped the stool to the beat just as your head bobbed along and he took note of the beat-up shoes you sported. Something he found endearing, though, he couldn’t quite put his finger on why.
“I’ll be back,” Bradley called over his shoulder to his buddies. He walked up to the bar and decided to order himself another beer, standing ever so close to you that you might have thought he didn’t even see you there. The bartender nods and turns to grab the bottle before handing it to the young man. He then set his sights on you.
“Hey,” he said with a smile, grabbing your attention. “You look like you could use another. Mind if I get it for you?” He gestures to your glass.
You looked up at the man and drank him in - tall, muscular, fluffy brown hair. This man was the definition of golden-retriever energy just based on looks alone. Fortunately, just your type. And to boot - he was in his khaki uniform that screamed “Naval Aviator.” With a small laugh, you hold up your empty glass.
“You must have a sixth sense for knowing when a girl needs a refill,” You mused over the music with a grin. “I’ll take whatever you think I need.”
With a sly grin, Bradley turns back to the bartender. “I’ll also need a tequila sunrise for this lovely little thing.”
He turned back to you as the bartender was mixing your drink, that same grin plastered across his face.
“The name’s Bradley. People call me Rooster, though,” he held his hand out to you to shake which you happily did.
“Rooster? Is that a euphemism for something?” You raised a brow and tilted your head, earning a hearty laugh from the man whose hand you were now holding.
“No! Oh, but only if it was.” His laughter transitioned to a gentle chuckle and he wiped a fake tear from his eye. “It’s my callsign. I’m an aviator.”
You smirked and shook your head at the man. “Like that wasn’t obvious enough?”
“Hey, what’s that supposed to mean?”
“Look at you. I wouldn’t choose to wear that much khaki even if someone paid me a billion dollars!” You laughed, not necessarily at him, but you still laughed. The mirth with which you laughed elicited a nervous laugh from Bradley. He brought his hand up to scratch the back of his neck.
“Hey, I’ll have you know that khaki was a tactical choice.” He said matter-of-factly. You shook your head and laughed again.
“And what tactical purpose does khaki serve?”
“Look at us,” he gestured to the pool table where aviators dressed in that horrendous beige gathered - no, swarmed. “The enemy will be so busy saying ‘Holy shit, that’s a lot of khaki’ that they’ll never even see us coming.”
You let out another howl of laughter, your friends turning irritably in your direction and then immediately turning away. They hadn’t even noticed Bradley next to you. Good.
“You’re slick, I’ll give you that. Take a seat.” You pulled the bar stool next to you out for him to sit down. He happily obliged and rested his hands on the bar top, picking at the label on his beer bottle. Soon the bartender returned with your tequila sunrise - what a girly drink. He must enjoy these in his alone time, you thought.
“So, Rooster,” You started with a smirk. “I’m assuming you’re only here for a short while? I know the military likes to jerk you around in every direction.”
He nodded slowly, “I’m currently a student of Top Gun, the most elite fighter pilot school in the world. I graduate in a couple of weeks, actually.” He had an air of pride as he explained this to you. You figured he should be proud - he was at a very prestigious school for aviators.
“Oh, wow, you’re an even fancier naval aviator,” you eyed his khaki uniform. “Just need to start dressing like one.” Your smirk was like art to Bradley. The way it crinkled your nose just a touch and the apple of your cheek growing more supple and kissable.
“Maybe someday,” he replied casually, sipping his beer.
You finally decided to take a sip of this cocktail he bought you. Once the tequila touched your tastebuds, it was game over. You were hooked. It killed you to admit that the girly drink he bought you was actually fantastic. You set the glass down with a smile.
“Alright, Bradley,” you started, crossing one leg over the other on the stool. “I can stay for this one drink. But I have to work tomorrow so you’d better give me everything you’ve got within the next 45 minutes.”
“Everything? In 45 minutes? You drive a hard bargain… I’m sorry I never even asked for your name, did I?” He let out a laugh and shook his head. “You can clearly see where my head’s at.”
You let out a soft laugh and shook your head as well.
“No, no, I didn’t offer it. We’re both the same level of stupid tonight.” You put your hand on his arm reassuringly. You then gave him your name, to which Bradley grinned proudly at.
“Well then,” he offered you his hand, repeating your name. “I won’t waste my time around these parts if I have to impress you in such a short timeframe. The beach is just out back, and we’re going for a stroll.”
You smiled at his confidence and downed the rest of your beverage before standing up. You were about to put some cash down on the bar to pay for your drink, but Bradley beat you to it. He slapped down a $50 bill and took your hand. He then looked past your head to your friends. They still hadn’t noticed what was unfolding behind them, and you decided to keep it that way. You shook your head with a smile and pulled him to the door at the back of the bar that led directly out to the sandy beach. 
“Oh my, gosh, you’re joking!” Your voice rang out over the crashing waves with a laugh.
“Nope! Right over the damn thing, I swear.” He chuckled at your laugh, the sound very quickly becoming like music to him.
“And you just decided not to land immediately? I would have broken every protocol just to see something like that up close.”
“Well, hey, maybe someday I can take you to see the real thing. Beats breaking rules, right?”
“Well maybe the thrill of breaking the rules would have made it that much better,” Your voice dropped lower, hand sliding up Bradley’s arm as he told you about his flying stories. You’d been walking on the beach for well past those 45 minutes you’d mentioned. You’d just call in sick tomorrow. This boy was simply too good to pass up.
“You must be thinking of one rule in particular?” He brought his hand up to the side of your neck and caressed your jawline gingerly. He loved the way the sunset made your skin glow. He loved pretty much everything about you so far. Little did he know that one particular rule of yours involved him directly.
“Well…” You looked into his eyes with a sheepish grin. “I’ve got my own little rule about dating aviators.”
His eyes widened, but that expression was quickly replaced with a smug grin. Knowing what you were about to say next, he took a step closer to you, your lips almost touching.
“But for you, I’ll bend my rules just a touch.” You grin back at him. Feeling the moment sweep you up, you closed the distance between your lips and kissed him softly. The tickle of his mustache on your upper lip is nothing compared to the sneaky way he gripped your waist. You felt his fingers dip below the waistband of your shorts ever so slightly and it sent a shiver up your spine. The very thought of going all the way with him had you seeing stars, but you knew now was not the time. He can’t get the wrong idea. So, without giving it to him, you pull away slowly.
“Hey, now…” He grabbed your chin and scanned your entire face. “I wasn’t done with you.” He kissed you again. This time there was more of a purpose behind it, like he was trying to prove to you that he was the one you wanted. You let your guard down just for a moment, enjoying the way his lips molded against yours, and the way his fingers assumed their position below your waistband again. The tingle between your legs was not to be denied, and you weren’t about to. It was only when a small whimper left your lips did he pull away.
“I think I’ll let you keep imagining it, sweetheart,” he quipped with a smirk. Your confused expression spurred him to elaborate further, you thought. “I’ll give you everything you want, everything I want, too. But in due time. I don’t graduate for another couple of weeks.”
You rested your head down on his shoulder, his hand coming to caress your back and fingers to run through your hair. You closed your eyes and let out a soft laugh.
“So this means you’re going to take me on a proper date, yeah?” Your voice was soft but it could still be heard over the crashing waves behind you.
“Yes, sweetheart,” Bradley chuckles as he speaks and kisses your head. “I think… I’ll pick you up tomorrow night. Six o’clock sharp. And I want you to wear something pretty. Gotta show you off.”
You look up at him now with narrowed eyes, but the way he looks at you melts the hard expression you wear into a softer one. You smile and kiss him again, which he happily returns. Then, in a swift motion, he’d swept you off your feet and spinned you in a circle. You let out a laugh against his lips.
This was going to be either the biggest mistake of your life, or the happiest ever-after there ever was.
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jockfootstories · 9 months
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Ethan heard his phone alert go off, reached in his pocket, and pulled it out. He saw his friend Jared posing with his huge socked foot out at him from his study hall. Ethan gave him a “Nice pose” response. A few seconds went by and another text from Jared…”In your face later.”   Ethan didn’t respond back as he knew Jared would be coming over to Kyle’s house after his basketball practice later on to chill for a bit before they all went to the movies. Ethan still found himself somewhat embarrassed when Jared foot dommed him in front of their friends, even though Kyle and David had seen him do it a handful of times to him before. Regardless, it was Friday night and he was spending time with his buddies and hitched a ride with Kyle and David back to Kyles house. 
About 45 minutes had gone by as Ethan watched David and Kyle continue gaming when he heard someone coming up the stairs. Ethan had grabbed a walkthrough gaming book from under Kyle’s desk and remained crossed leg on the floor while reading it. Before he could turn around, he felt the heavy pressure of something rest upon his shoulder, now pulling him backwards onto the floor.  Ethan fell back as his other two friends Kyle and David acknowledged their friend Jared coming into the room, before going back to the video game they were playing. The large size 12 held him down by the shoulder, Ethan having no time to react, before it lifted up over him, and cushioned down onto his face. Ethan could instantly smell the warm, intense, out of shoe, scent of the jock’s bare foot as he naturally grunted. Ethan moved his face some against Jared’s dominating sole and tried to sit up but the foot just pushed his face back down. “Nah, don’t get up,” Jared said. Hearing the other guys laugh, Ethan’s 🍆 began to get hard while the 6’2 jock stood over him like a giant, rubbing his foot casually on his face while he made small talk with Kyle and David. Jared finally removed his large sole, pulled Kyle’s desk chair over,  and sat down. Seeing as it was uselesss, Ethan tried sitting up again only to see both jock bare feet lower onto his face, pushing him back to the floor. He felt the warm soles smother into his face, his view going dark, and hearing Jared say from above, “I got next game.” Ethan then heard David ask teasingly, “Like being Jared’s footrest Ethan?” The feet on his face rubbed a bit more firmly into his face as Jared answered cockily,”Yah he does. You like these huge feet in your face don’t you?”  He shook the high schoolers face and slid one foot downward so his toes curled over his Ethan’s nostrils. He looked up at Jared and saw him say,”Now smell.”  The new game went on for 30 minutes as Ethan’s face and nose were played with by bare feet while Jared gamed.  About half way through the gaming session, Jared forced his toes on Ethan’s mouth, signaling he wanted them licked. Ethan start licking between each plump toe and eventually dragging his tongue up and down each of the jock’s soles. Ethan could see both feet cover his face again as he heard one of his friends get up and heard Kyle say,”Well since you like being part of the floor…,” and felt his friend step up onto his stomach and over as he headed to the bathroom.  Ethan grunted some as he continued being smothered under his friend’s size 12’s. Kyle stepped on him on the way back, briefly standing on his stomach and chest, both boy’s lightly mocking him being under their feet.  Ethan lay there, feeling the weight on him, now comfortable being the designated foot servant to Jared amongst their friends. 
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blancetude · 1 year
Childe x Single Mom!Reader
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➢𝔰𝔶𝔫𝔬𝔭𝔰𝔦𝔰: Childe never believed in love at first sight. That was until he met Teucer’s new friends Mom.
➢𝔤𝔢𝔫𝔯𝔢: modern au, fluff, angst, hurt & comfort
➢𝔴𝔞𝔯𝔫𝔦𝔫𝔤𝔰: bullying, mentioned character death.
➢𝔴𝔬𝔯𝔡 𝔠𝔬𝔲𝔫𝔱: 6.6k
-ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ- -ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ- -ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ-
Childe tapped his foot along to the music playing through his headphones as he sat on at a bench across the street from his little brother’s pre-school.
There wasn’t anything particularly special about today, just finish a lab at school, have at least an hour of studying and homework meanwhile Tonia and Anthon came home from their own school and help Childe prepare lunch before one of the three go pick Teucer up and that’s the day.
Childe felt pretty restless after a pretty boring class so he volunteered to take the walk down the street to get the youngest red-head.
Before long the door to the building cracked open revealing a line of tiny tots with big eyes scanning the group of parents ready to find theirs and go home.
Childe paused his song and jogged to the building looking for a puff of red curls among the little lot.
It wasn’t long before little Teucer stepped out, his blue eyes sparkling in excitement as he saw his big brother wave to him and kneel down to catch the little boy in a tight hug.
“Big brother!” Teucer giggled happily as Childe scooped him up into his strong arms and gave him a twirl.
“What’s up little man? Did you have a good day at school?”
Teucer flashed him a wide smile, his little hand coming up to show his wrist that now adorned a crudely made bead bracelet with bright neon colors that made no sense.
Childe chuckled and tilted his head, “wow that’s beautiful! did you make that today?”
Teucer shook his head and pointed behind him to another little boy with raven black hair and big green eyes that sat by himself on the little bench by the playground. His head down as he watched his worn shoes kick up and down as to entertain himself while he waited for his parent.
“He’s the new kid! We sit together and made bracelets!”
Childe looked around as most of the kids and adults had already left. It seemed like his parent was running late and he of course didn’t want to leave the little boy alone despite there being the workers around so he set Teucer down and took his backpack from him.
“Why don’t you go play with your friend until his mommy or daddy come to get him okay?”
Teucer didn’t need to be asked twice as he sprinted towards his new friend, the green-eyed boy looking up startled before breaking into the cutest smile and shrugging off his own backpack to join Teucer on the swing set.
“Big brother!” The younger red-head waved, “come push me and Beau!”
Childe grinned and slung the small bag over his shoulder before making his way over to the two boys.
His friend, Beau he guessed, shrunk into himself shyly as he looked up at the much taller man.
Childe held back his need to pinch the cherubs cheeks instead kneeling down and extending a hand out with a gentle smile.
“Hello buddy! My name is Childe, I’m Teucer’s big brother, what’s your name?”
The boy hesitated for a moment as he looked at Childe’s hand and back at Teucer who only smiled wide.
His friend wasn’t joking when he said his big brother was a big as a building, or every other praise his classmate sang about the man during their time in class.
Beau was very shy but something about the warm blue eyes told him he was safe with the man. He took his much larger hand in his tiny one and gave him a shake, the laugh that came from Childe instantly calming his worries down.
“So you guys want to go up up high into the sky or what?” Childe grinned as he stood placed one hand behind each boy and gave them a small push to get the swing started.
“Up up and away like an astronaut!” Teucer exclaimed with excitement, his hands gripping the chains of the swing tightly.
Beau began to giggle and nod as he braced himself just as Childe began to push them a little harder sending them into a steady rhythm.
Soon enough the quiet playground was bursting with happily shrieks and laughter as the little boys wiggled their legs and looked up at the sky with the granted height the swings gave them, which wasn’t a lot to begin with because Childe made sure they didn’t actually get hurt, but was more than enough for them.
“Beau!” The boy’s head snapped down at the familiar voice and wiggled excitedly when a woman practically ran into the gated playground, her heels clacking with each step as her worried expression melted into a relieved one.
Childe helped the little boy off the swing as he wasted no time in running over to you, his little arms wrapping around your neck as you kneeled down to the cement, not caring that the dirt was not staining your new pencil skirt.
“Oh my baby!” You sighed out dramatically before placing loud kisses on Beau’s chubby cheeks as he giggled and tried to get away. “Mommy is so sorry my love. Did you wait a long time?”
Your worry came back full force as you held Beau at arms length, inspecting him for any injuries.
Beau shook his head and turned around to point to Teucer and Childe as they made their way over with Beau’s forgotten backpack.
“Teucer and his big brother played with me! I went up into the sky like a rocket!” He jumped up making noises as Teucer joined in.
Childe felt his heart stop when you looked up at him, your smile enough to make his hands clam up and his mouth open and shut like a fish as he tried to find words.
You were probably the most beautiful thing he’s ever seen. You couldn’t have been more than 23, it made him wonder how young you were when you had your son or more importantly– if there was a ring on your finger.
“Thank you so much for staying with Beau. We just moved to this city so I got a little lost figuring out the train system. I hope my boy wasn’t too much trouble for you?” You smiled that graceful smile that entranced him.
Childe coughed into his closed palm as he tried to collect and not embarrass himself. “Oh don’t worry about it, I wanted to make sure he wasn’t by himself. He’s a little angel, I should be thankful that he can handle Teucer.”
He watched as you looked back to the playing boy, a soft smile on your lips as your shoulders slowly lost their tension.
“I’m Childe by the way.” He held his hand out to you.
“Oh! I’m (Y/n)! I’m sorry where are my manners, today has just been– busy.” You laughed and took his hand, giving it a grateful squeeze.
Childe tried not to think about how perfectly your hand fit into his. “Don’t apologize, I understand. You said you just moved here? Where did you move from?”
You slowly walked to the bench Beau was previously sitting on and plopped down with a sigh as Childe followed. “We moved in from Sumeru, I wasn’t finding good work there so I decided Liyue would be a better city. I just never expected it to be so big.”
Childe laughed and nodded along. “I hear you, my family moved here from Snezhnaya when Teucer was just a baby. It took some time to adjust but it’s not too much trouble, I’m sure you’ll get a routine going soon.”
“I hope you’re right.” You smiled but it didn’t reach your tired eyes. “I start my new job tomorrow so I need be able to read the train routes properly or I’m dead. Even finding this place was kind of a challenge, I’m glad they let my Beau in.”
A comfortable silence over the two of you for a moment before Childe decided this was his chance.
“I’m more than happy to wait with Beau until you get a hang of things around here.”
You looked back at the man with sparkles in your eyes. “Really? I couldn’t ask you to do something like that– I’m sure you’re very busy. Actually I might be holding you back right now!”
You stood from the bench and picked up your sons backpack, turning to call him.
“Hey hey, no it’s okay honestly.” Childe smiled and put a gentle hand on your elbow to stop you.
“I live down the street anyways and I’m always free around this time so–“ He shrugged trying to play it cool.
You studied him for a moment before throwing yourself into him for a tight hug. “You have no idea how thankful I am. I’ll pay you back I promise!”
Before Childe could put his arms around you, you pulled away and took your cellphone out asking for his number that he couldn’t have given fast enough.
The weeks that followed were complete bliss for the red-head. Being able to see you a few times a week was enough for him to develop a small crush that was growing day by day until he began to associate even the smallest of things to you.
A song on the radio about love? Your smile reminded him of that. A pretty dress in a luxurious window? The material would look perfect against your skin.
Everything about you had him entranced, even the tiniest of actions. Like now– how you pulled a wet wipe out of your purse to wipe chocolate ice cream off Beau and Teucer’s cheeks made his heart flutter.
Your laugh was perfect, he could count the galaxy in your eyes, and when you wrapped your arms around him in thankful hugs he couldn’t keep the feeling out of his head.
His friends Kaeya, Dottore, and Yoimiya would constantly tease him when he’d confined in them even going so far as to steal his phone one night and dial your number as Childe frantically chased Kaeya around his living room until he managed to hang up just before you were able to pick up.
“What’s wrong with you? I swear–“ Childe huffed I’m annoyance as he shot you a quick apology text, trying to explain the call without too many incriminating details.
“Oh come on!” Kaeya laughed as he held his hands up in surrender. “I just wanted to help a friend out, you haven’t made a move and she’s bound to get snatched away if you don’t hurry!”
Dottore laughed loudly as Childe rolled his eyes and plopped back down onto the couch next to Yoimiya giving her his best puppy eyes as a sign of help knowing that the blonde was the only one who could bring order to all this madness.
“Okay guys that’s enough, stop teasing him like you two don’t have your own romantic issues.”
Kaeya looked scandalized as he placed a hand against his chest in mock shock. “When I like people I tell them, I don’t like playing cat and mouse.”
Yoimiya gave him a deadpan look. “So I can just call up Rosaria and talk about how you dream about ‘kissing her under the moonlight’ right?”
The sputter of jambled words was enough to prove the girls point and make another snort leave Dottore’s lips. “Don’t think I won’t tell Scara about you either.” She gave the blue-haired man a side eye that shut him up in record time.
She turned to Childe and placed a friendly hand on his shoulder, giving it a soft squeeze. “Listen, as annoying as the guys are they kind of have a point.”
Childe shot the blonde a look of betrayal only to be kept shut as she held a hand up and continued, “I’m not saying you need to confess right this second but if you’re serious about her you need to start making a move– see if there’s a chance she feels the same. Invite her and her son over for dinner at your place or something.”
Childe wanted to argue, turn down the helpful advice that forced a dust of pink across his cheeks but he bit his bottom lip instead and looked down at the locked screen of his phone in his fiddling hands.
“What did you say her name was again?” Dottore questioned.
“(Y/n) (L/n).” Childe was more than happy to supply.
“Wait a second– (Y/n)? I think I’ve heard about her. Pull up a picture I need to make sure.” He got up from his seat on the floor and forced his way between the blonde and red-head ignoring their protests as he waited for Childe to pull up a picture you’d taken of You and Beau at a petting zoo.
The picture looked liked it’d be taken a year or two ago, Beau was even tinier and you’d looked like even more of teenager than a young woman.
Dottore squinted at the screen before a lightbulb went off in his head. “Ah! I remember now! (Y/n) from Qixing Inc. right?”
Childe looked confused before nodding slowly, trying to reason how Dottore could know about you. Well, Dottore knew a lot of people and he lived in Sumeru for a while so it wasn’t entirely impossible but that didn’t mean that he liked it.
Trying to push the burning jealousy bubbling in the pit of his brain away he instead asked how he knew of you.
Dottore shrugged, “A friend of mine had taken a few classes with her at The Akademiya. Said that they’re surprised (Y/n) even managed to graduate.”
Now this was surprising. Childe remembered you mentioning that you’d graduated from The Akademiya but you’d looked far less than happy bringing up the school’s name so he decided not to press on.
Childe knew he should have respected your wish to not talk about it but curiosity got the best of him and he motioned for his friend to continue.
“She disappeared for like a year and suddenly came back. They said that she barely attended class, and when she did she had to leave right away or sometimes even in the middle of it. Some classmates were worried she’d gotten herself into trouble so they followed her to ask if she was okay–“
Dottore paused for a second as if placing pieces of a puzzle together.
“Turns out the owner of the cafe down the street was babysitting her boy while she went to school. Everyone was shocked, said she never seemed like the type to date much less have a kid so young. Anyways, stuff was said about her character but it’s not very kind. I’ll spare you the details.”
Childe let out a soft exhale. He guessed you’d gotten pregnant, taken a year off to raise Beau, and went back to school even if it was difficult. His heart ached imagining how hard it must have been on you juggling so many things at once– still.
Childe spent the rest of the night in thoughtful silence, feeling slightly guilty for knowing something you’d seemed like you’d wanted to keep from him but it helped him understand you so much better.
It all made sense to him now as to why you’d change the subject whenever Beau’s father came up. He never pushed you about it but it didn’t help tone down his curiosity and jealousy about the man who’d been lucky enough to call you his at one point.
It was a sunny Saturday afternoon and Childe was busy buckling Teucer into his booster seat in the back of his very shiny and very expensive car.
Childe placed a bag of takeout in the boy’s lap after the little one had insisted he wanted to help his brother out. “Make sure not to drop it or else Beau and (Y/n) won’t be able to have lunch okay?”
Teucer gave his big brother a look of fiery determination and clutched his little fists around the bag tightly. Childe laughed and ruffled the boys hair before getting in and typing your company’s address into his cars fancy gps.
It was a beautiful Saturday morning perfect for a day out so after much pacing around his living room Childe summoned all his courage to call you and ask if you and Beau would want to go to lunch with him and Teucer, maybe take the boys to the park for a bit after.
What he wasn’t expecting was a jumble of sad apologies as you explained that you were actually at work although it was your day off– something about a trade with another company going south so you were urgently needed, even bringing Beau along who you’d tried to entertain in your office.
Childe could hear the stress in your voice and decided if you couldn’t get lunch he’d bring it to you. At least then you’d have a moment to relax and Beau could play with Teucer.
He’d asked for your work address simply telling you it would be a surprise and with that he was off. Your workplace was surprisingly nearby, Childe wondered how he’d never noticed before. Then again you kept many things about your life hidden away, almost as if you were too scared to mutter anything from the past.
Childe couldn’t help how clammy his palms got when he’d parked in the spacious underground parking lot and help Teucer out of his booster seat.
The cool air of the compound did nothing to help his flushed cheeks while he texted you of his arrival, waiting patiently in the lobby as you and Beau hopped out of the north side elevator and sped walked to the pair. Beau’s eyes were practically shining in excitement as he threw himself against his ginger friend. The two boys immersed almost instantly in their own little world as Beau rambled about his Mommy’s big fancy work building to an equally entranced Teucer.
“Hey boys!” You chirped with glee as you pulled Childe into a friendly hug, then an extra tight one to little Teucer, careful as to not crush the bag in his arms.
“What’s in the bag sweetie?” You questioned Teucer who was trying his best to give you the bag.
“Big brother and I bought yummy food for you and Beau!”
You looked a bit surprised before a heart melting smile graced your features. “Is this what the surprise was? Thank you so much.”
You leaned down and gave a soft kiss to the top of Teucer’s bouncy curls before moving over to Childe, your lips grazing his right cheek for only a second but it was enough to stop the poor man’s heart.
He struggled to say anything as you suggested you all go up to your office, instead following close behind you and the kids like a gaping fish trying to communicate.
Childe couldn’t help but notice that they’d gotten a lot of curious looks as you led them back to your office. Some people even leaning in and blatantly whispering to each other as they watched.
An uneasy feeling flooded him as he realized the weren’t looking at the new comers but at you.
Now wasn’t the time for jealousy but it was beyond that, even Childe wasn’t that immature. He’d caught the eyes of a dark-haired woman dressed to the nines and covered in expensive jewelry eyeing you up and down with a not so friendly glance before her expression melted into a kind one as you stopped to introduce her to Childe and Teucer.
“Ah who do we have here? A little family get together?” The woman wondered as her eyes feasted on Childe so openly, ignoring little Teucer who stood right beside Beau.
“Oh um, hi Lynn. This is my good friend Childe and this is Teucer.” Childe couldn’t help but take notice of how you’d moved the two little boys to stand behind you, your figure shielding them away from the woman. Beau nervously slipped his hand into Teucer’s as his other clutched your skirt.
“So this is the famous Childe? Oh (Y/n) how selfish you’ve been hiding such a handsome man away.” She stepped closer and held out a perfectly manicured hand for him to shake. “I’m Lynn, thanks for taking care of your little sister.”
Childe took the woman’s hand and smiled almost painfully. He knew what game she was playing and he was more than happy to join in.
“I can say the same thing about everyone here, always keeping my (Y/n) away from me. I couldn’t stand being away so here I am. Isn’t that right honey?” Childe released the woman’s grasp and moved to stand beside you, his arm coming to wrap around your shoulder.
He tried to keep his cool and charming composure as best he could but it was hard when you were pressed up against him, the soft smell of your perfume making him dizzy with need.
You’d tensed up in surprise at the sudden contact before relaxing in his hold, even going as far as to lean into his larger body, both of your molding together perfectly. If Childe thought he was a mess he had no idea the storm that was wrecking chaos upon your poor little heart.
“R-Right.” You nodded quickly. Lynn’s smile turned down into a frown as she eyed you again, turned up her nose, then gracefully walked away with a huff.
You wasted no time in escorting all three back into your office, setting the bag down onto your office without a word.
Childe knew he had messed up by how deep in thought you were. He knew he should have controlled himself now he might just have ruined any chance he had at all.
“(Y/n), I’m sorry I-“ he was stopped as you held a hand up, surprising him with a satisfied grin.
“You have no idea how long I’ve waited to see Lynn speechless, and you managed to get her to walk away.” You laughed and gave his shoulder a playful slap. “The food is getting cold, let’s feed the boys and I’ll explain everything okay?”
During lunch you’d told him everything with a hushed voice as if someone were listening. Lynn was your bosses secretary, holding no other title than that but she acted as if she were a chairman.
Since day one she’d had it out for you, always making you uncomfortable and giving backhanded compliments in front of others. You usually stood up for yourself but you’d been too scared to cross the line and end up in hot water. This was the best job you were blessed on receiving and you weren’t about to mess it up just cause some weird coworker hated you for no reason.
“I know this sounds insensitive, but why not look for another job? You’re way overqualified for this place anyways. I can help you, I know some really important people.” Childe claimed as he helped you clean up.
You smiled and shook your head softly. “I really appreciate it, but this is a really good company. My boss is a very kind man– well from the few times I’ve seen him– and the pay is good. I get to keep Beau in a good school and our apartment is beautiful. I don’t want to mess all this up over some playground fights. I don’t want to let her or anyone else drive me away. I’m tired of running.”
Your last statement made Childe perk up. He remembered what Dottore had told him, this was his chance to finally ask about your past and hopefully bring you closer together.
Before he could even open mouth the phone on your desk rang loudly making his eye twitch in annoyance. The Archons were out to make sure he didn’t get a single chance to talk to you properly.
You sprang up from your seat and took the call, muttering a few replies before hanging up and giving your friend an apologetic smile.
“I need to take these files down the hall real quick. You’ll be okay here with the boys?”
Childe waved you off with a kind smile, telling you not to worry about a thing.
In your haste to deliver the work you dropped a paper by the door but you were too fast. Childe couldn’t catch you fast enough as he watched you disappear around the corner.
He turned and kneeled by the kids. “I need to step out of the room for two seconds, can you two be the best big boys and stay put?”
The tots were quick to promise their good behavior and Childe was off to find you. He barely made it past the second door from your own when he was stopped by an aggravated looking Lynn.
“I hope I didn’t upset you earlier, I’m just genuinely surprised (Y/n) would have a friend like you.”
Childe’s fists clenched.
“Why wouldn’t she have a friend like me?”
Lynn scoffed a bit as if such a question was even worth answering.
“Judging by your expression I can guess (Y/n) hasn’t told you about her past?” A smug smirk stretched her lipstick clad lips as Childe looked confused.
“Not a very good friend.” She continued, leaning back against an empty desk beside her, “did she tell you how despite being engaged she still got knocked up by a stranger, cut off from her family, and continues her little games with our CEO?”
Lynn gasped as Childe stepped in menacingly, his eyes showing nothing but rage as his words dripped venom.
“You know nothing about (Y/n). Your crazy jealousy over the fact that she has more humanity in one finger drives you up the wall. I know your type. You try your best to land any big wig in your bed just make your way up in the world and use your little games to get what you want, but I’m not the one you should be messing with. Never speak another word about (Y/n) or her child if you know what’s good for you.”
Lynn tried not to tremble as the tall man spat out his threat, her eyes looking around for an escape before she resulted to her only defense.
Crying out bloody murder worked as suddenly some workers came out of their offices looking at the very incriminating position Childe and Lynn were. The frightened woman pinned back against the desk, mascara tears running down he powdered face, and Childe’s chest heaving slightly as he tried his best not to blow up on the conniving leach.
“Childe? What’s going on?” He turned upon hearing your bewildered voice, seeing you standing next to what he assumed was your boss.
“Oh! Ms. Ningguang! This man tried to attack me! Please call security! He’s crazy!” The odds were staking against him as Lynn ran into the arms of the white-haired woman who looked anything but amused.
“What? Wait no! Childe wouldn’t do something like this!” You were quick to defend your friend, rushing over to grip his arm, pulling him behind you. “Tell them Childe!”
“Childe?” A deep voice came from behind Ningguang, three very familiar faces coming in through the door looking every bit as intimidating.
Childe felt his shoulders drop in relief as his most trusted friend gave him a questioning look. “Zhongli! Ganyu! Xiao!”
Zhongli stepped in closer to fully take in the scene before him. “You know Mr. Zhongli?” You questioned aloud.
“He’s a very close friend in fact.” Zhongli answered for him, giving one of his gloves as his golden eyes moved over to eye Lynn down. “So close that I can vouch that he wouldn’t do something so heinous without a very very good reason.”
“He did try to attack me! Why are you all just standing there? You wouldn’t really take his side would you?!” Lynn cried as she tried to find comfort in Ningguang’s arms only to be blocked as Ganyu stepped between them.
“Now now Ms. Lynn. This isn’t how we conduct our investigations. You claim Childe tried to attack you, but you have a history of causing disputes around the office.” Ningguang said calmly as she paced around the room. “A history that I think shouldn’t be used against you so easily but it’s hard to believe you, especially when you’re standing right under a surveillance camera that could easily clear the air.”
She turned to look at Zhongli, motioning with her hand towards her office. “We can check the cameras in my office with no issue. If what Ms. Lynn said is true then we shouldn’t waste anymore time.”
Lynn shook her head in disbelief, anxiously chewing on her thumb’s nail as everyone watched her, calculating her next move.
Trying to continue her victim mentality, she silently followed the two CEO’s, dabbing her tears away with her sleeve.
“We’ll conduct this quickly. (Y/n), why don’t you head back to your office for now while Childe cools off.” Zhongli said, giving Childe a we’ll talk later glance before following the women down the hall, followed by a worried looking Ganyu and an annoyed Xiao.
Without another word you pull Childe back into your office where the two little boys sat huddled together, tears rimming their large eyes.
“We heard a scary scream.” Was all Beau said as you kneeled down and pulled both boys into your arms, cooing to them that everything was okay and that they were so brave.
Childe reached out and placed a hand on your shoulder. “I’m sorry about all this, if I had controlled my emotions better I wouldn’t have caused so much trouble.”
You glanced back at him and smiled sadly. “We should talk later. Not here, not now. The walls have ears and they listen well.”
Childe acknowledged your warning and waited.
It wasn’t until later that night when Teucer was tucked into bed that you finally called Childe, asking him to meet you at the park in front of your apartment building.
Once he arrived he was greeted by your tired figure wrapped up in a brown blanket seated at a lone bench watching the stars that hung brightly above you.
The man cursed himself for the frown that pulled your lips down. He needed to take better control of himself, why did he have to ruin everything when it was going so well?
“(Y/n)?” You looked up and smiled warmly as you patted the space beside you. Once Childe sat down you didn’t hesitate in opening your blanket and allowing him to scoot in, protecting him from the cool breeze. This was a good sign, he thought.
“I want to apologize–“ you cut him off with a single finger pressed to his lips. “It’s alright, Lynn confessed to everything. I knew from the start you didn’t do anything. I should be thanking you for sticking up for me and Beau like that. Not many people would have done what you did. How did I get so lucky?”
Your voice broke a little at the end forcing you to look away as tears began to burn the rims of your eyes.
“(Y/n) look at me.” Childe turned to face you, his hand going to rest on your knee giving it an encouraging squeeze.
His heart broke when you looked at him, you looked so tired and defeated, he wanted nothing more than to put you at ease.
“I care about you and I want to help you but I feel like you’re hiding such a big part of yourself and it hurts to see you suffering through it alone. I understand that you’re being strong for you and Beau but I can see how it’s affecting you and I want to help you. Please, just let me in.”
There was a moment of silence before you spoke, moving your hand to rest over his own only for him to quickly intertwine your fingers together.
You took a shaky breathe and decided to let it all out. “You’ve probably heard some shocking things about me today right? That I was engaged? That he left me after having my baby, my family shunned me? Well it’s true.” Childe tried not to show the surprise on his face. He wasn’t surprised in a bad way, he was surprised that you’d condemn yourself for it.
“Ever since I was young, I was set to be engaged with another family’s son. Our futures were decided before we could even walk. Him and I got along growing up, we were very close in fact but that was the problem. We were more like siblings and we couldn’t have been more different. We agreed that once we were of age we’d stuck up to our parents and break off the engagement. Well, I ended up moving out as a teen desperate for my independence. That’s when I met the person who would give me Beau.”
Childe unconsciously tightened his grip on your hand and you were quick to gently stroke the back of his palm with your thumb.
“Her name was Lily. She was the daughter of a local farmer and we became best friends. She was also very private, until later I found out she was very sick. She’d been born with Eleazar, but that never stopped her. She did so many amazing things despite her illness. She even fell in love and had the most beautiful baby I’ve ever seen.”
The red head held his breathe as the impact of your words began to ran down on him like ice shards.
“But the pregnancy took a massive toll on her already weak body that we knew she wouldn’t make it. She begged me to take the baby, her father was already getting on in age and there was no way he could raise an infant on his own. So I took that beautiful little boy and I’d do anything in my power to make sure he has the best life he can. My fiancé found out and we used my sons birth as an excuse to break it off. My parents swore never to speak to me again so I picked up everything and moved around until we got here.”
You paused a released a shaky voice, your hands beginning to tremble as guilt began to rot in your heart.
“How could I use Beau for my own selfish reasons? What kind of mother am I? Every day he acts more and more like Lily that I just feel so terrible for making him a pawn in my selfish game.”
Your shoulder shook as you’d finally let out all your grief that had held you down. Childe wrapped his arms around you tightly, pushing your face into his neck as he gently rubbed your back and allowed you to sob into him.
He’d gently shushed you, whispering sweetly into your ear. “Don’t say that. Not everyone is an expert at being a mother right away. You’ve been through so much in silence but you shouldn’t suffer alone. You deserve to live the life that you want, not the life that other people expect you to live. Beau is a blessing for you, some higher power out there knew that only you could care for him, and he knows it too. Whatever shame and guilt you feel I hope will leave your mind because you’re amazing.”
It felt like hours until your sobs turned to soft sniffles as you snuggled in close to Childe. His steady heartbeat thumping gently against your ear as your arms wrapped around him for dear life.
You finally pulled away and gave an embarrassed laugh. “I probably look like a mess, I’m sorry you had to see all that.”
Your hands moved up to wipe away at your red eyes. “(Y/n)…” you stopped upon feeling Childe’s warm hands cup your tear stained cheeks, tilting your head up so you could look into those cerulean eyes.
He wanted to say a million words and nothing all at the same time. Your heart thumped loudly against your chest you were worried you’d faint right then and there as his gaze flicked down to your lips then back up as if silently asking permission.
You allowed your eyes to slip closed, praying to every Archon above that you hadn’t made a fool of yourself. All worries vanished in an instant as soon as you felt a set of plush lips cover your own.
Sure you kissed a few boys here and there growing up but it never felt like this. Childe held onto you as if you were made of glass, treasuring you so deeply that the very thought sent a shiver down your spine.
After a moment you both pulled away, your foreheads leaning against each other as you kept your eyes shut trying to process what had just happened.
“(Y/n).” The man called again, his voice as smooth as velvet.
You looked at him and almost felt another wave of tears brim your eyes at the sheer amount of love his eyes held alone.
“You have no idea how long I’ve wanted to do that.” He grinned happily, peppering your cheeks with soft kisses. You couldn’t help but giggle and turn your head to catch his lips once more.
“How long?” You questioned, a bit in shock that someone as perfect as Childe could love someone like you. You weren’t a bad person, you just usually weren’t someone’s first pick.
“Since the day I first laid eyes on you.” He confessed, chuckling at how your cheeks darkened almost instantly. “So have I.” You mumbled shyly, looking down and playing with the blanket still wrapped around you both.
“So does this mean I can call you mine and mine alone?” He leaned his head down and pressed a soft kiss against your neck, sending a shiver down your spine.
You wrapped your arms around his waist and gave a soft hum. “Only if I can do the same.”
Childe pulled away and gave you his signature boy-ish smile making your heart melt. You moved in to kiss you again but you were quick and cupped your hand over his puckered lips. “I asked my neighbor’s sister to watch Beau while we talked, she has school tomorrow I don’t want to keep her up.”
Childe pouted but nodded and slipped his hand into yours as he walked you back up to your apartment. The cozy atmosphere immediately set him at ease upon seeing the toys that were littered here and there and the endless amounts of framed pictures of Beau, showcasing his growth in great detail.
His heart swelled knowing how much you loved Beau, he was positive you were meant to be his mother. You let Childe follow you to Beau’s bedroom where the little boy lay tucked in and peacefully sleeping. Next to him sat a blonde teen, her fingers gently ran through Beau’s hair as she hummed a gentle lullaby.
“I’m back! Thank you so much for watching him last minute. I hope he wasn’t too much trouble?” You whispered as you stepped in, picking up a few stray toys off the floor and placing them into a bin.
The girl, Barbara, stood up gracefully and shook her head. “Not at all. Beau is a little angel as always.” She noticed Childe standing by the doorway and gave him a friendly nod.
“Oh hello.” She said politely as she followed you out into the living room. “You must be Childe, (Y/n) talks about you a lot.”
Childe smirked in your direction as you gave Barbara a pleading look. “Yep that’s me, the boyfriend.” He said with a cocky tone making you roll your eyes and bump your hip into his.
Barbara have you a knowing look before moving to slip on her shoes by the doorway. “Well then I won’t get in your way any longer. Have a good night!” She giggled and slipped out the door leaving you looking like a tomato.
“Do you maybe want to sleep over?”
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deusvervewrites · 3 months
Forum AU: By the time the Sports Festival ends, everyone on the forum has FINALLY figured out that Izuku is their little forum buddy, so now the shoe is on the other foot, and his forum buddies are struggling to maintain proper internet forum etiquette and keeping their personal information personal, but are also dropping as many hints as possible as to their identities whenever they incidentally run into Izuku IRL, without making it blatantly obvious.
Aizawa and Nighteye are especially Having A Time because they're trying their damnedest to remain as unbiased as possible towards Izuku now that they know who he is, but are failing miserably, for different reasons.
The idea of all these heroes trying to get Midoriya to notice them and that he already knows them from online is absolutely incredible.
Nighteye might have a conniption
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