#shitty little meme redraw
hampwned · 2 years
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edithdraws · 1 year
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Is this not exactly what happened
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ilostmymojo · 9 months
Hello, Pikmin community, please accept my humble offering.
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arden-wings · 28 days
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my favorite pastime is making shitty meme redraws with me and my friends' ocs
(the little thingie in the reply bubble belongs to @frostbitten-icarus)
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the1weepinqguitar · 4 months
Some more art to feed my grubs
First of all we have the most recent, because I know you guys like my tmbg stuff
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I dunno why but I thought it would be cool if I wrote about jl searching for the Spiraling Shape despite Flans' warnings and getting turned into a fucking bird monster. I dunno. I like it.
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I put more effort into this one. I like how it turned out.
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This one is based off of this image of George and Ringo:
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Ringo sketch (stylized, of course) and a shitty little meme redraw
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Forgot about this one! it's John L. as a loser gargoyle
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He's guarding 😡
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my Hotel Detective OC. I think she's cool.
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Random thing I drew. Message me if ya want her cause I don't.
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Mojo and Puff doodles. The first one is an AU and the second one is just Mojo's page. I love that lil guy.
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gratielalovebot · 6 months
5 and/or 6 for da ask game :3
5: What work are you most proud of (regardless of likes/reblogs)?
i dont know tbh ? theres a lot i was proud of but i might have to go with the scene redraw . i was proud of sigmas little smile :) even though theres a few things id fix up now . also my pinned one . that one was cute even tho it was just a crappy pose practise
6: What work of yours has the most likes/reblogs/notes this year?
the shitty meme redraw of nikolai and fyodor hitting sigma with pillows 😭 it got over 1000 notes somehow . for things i actually put more than the barest amount of effort in, that silly little 2 frame animation i did of him might be the second top ? not sure tho
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suuez · 9 months
Little tips made by Suuez :)
Have you ever been trying too hard to draw, but nothing really good comes out? You know how to, but you simply can't.
You don't want to make full pages of poses n perspective practice anymore? Well pal, I'm always in the same shitty situation as you are! Here are some tips of what I do to prevent Burnout from that!
1 - Drawing a meme
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Yep, drawing a meme.
This may sound silly, but this actually helps — Your art and you. By drawing a silly meme with your characters, you can get a laugh and relax a bit from expecting too much from your art. And it in fact will help you improve, by drawing these memes (witouth tracing ofc, just by making a base around it, studying and making ur art) you can learn some poses, anatomy, and even improve on drawing backgrounds if you want to draw 'em!
2 - Redrawing
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Pretty obvious, but it actually helps! By redrawing an old piece you liked a lot or didn't even like at all (the 'I could've done better' feeling) you can see how much you've improved and see in what else you can work on to improve!
3 - Prompt Generator Ideas
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By using some Internet Prompt Generators, you can get almost any idea from whatever you'd like — Ships, fights, funny stuff, nsfw...
That's great for Aus, fanfictions and drawings! Here some links of some prompts sites I use, but you can even find some prompts here on Tumblr!
Oc Shipping
4 - The FANGIRL/BOY one
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This one's about you putting your Oc into an media universe you like. For example — Shoving them into a book universe such as Harry Potter or smt, I know it's very silly but I can take hours into making this silly one.
5 - Redesigning a Character
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Redesigning an old character or changing an character appearance takes a lot of time! Thinking what colors would make it look better, what kind of clothes they'd use... It's great for art blocks I guess.
6 - Drawing your character in an Album Cover/Magazine cover pose
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Jojo did it a lot and I gotta say, redrawing an album cover in your style with your character is very cool, I did it once or twice, but I'll definitely do it more! Imagine drawing your cute Oc in a Charlie Brown Jr album cover? So sick.
Well, that's all from now. Hope I've helped someone 👍
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characternerdocs · 1 year
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Honestly are we surprised I jumped on this bandwagon? I actually wanted to redraw Vincent and Heather’s mugshot anyway and then the Barbie and Ken meme dropped. Serendipity
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And a little history of the Partners in Crime mugshots over the years
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 - 2014 ... I don’t know what Heather’s poster has gone?
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 - 2016
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- 2016 again - animation in a REALLY SHITTY Freshman final
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- 2017 easter egg in an (really crappy) animation mid-term
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 - 2018
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 - 2020
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melonthesprigatito · 2 years
Evolution of Avieon, my Flying Type Eeveelution Fakémon (2013-2020 onwards)
I thought this would be interesting to share, but ever since my early days as a Pokémon fan, I've had this one Pokémon I completely made from scratch. I kept continuously drawing her and over the years her design has been altered over and over again until I finally found one I was satisfied with. So I thought I'd dig out all those old drawings and share them on here.
Avieon: Version 1 (2013-August 2015)
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Here we are, the first time Avieon was ever put to paper... or, digital paper. The design was already in my head in 2013, I just made a shitty drawing of it in Pokémon Art Academy that I posted on Miiverse in 2015. As you can see, she's pure fanservice. She has to be cute and pink, this was 2013. I love cute and pink. She has a Flareon-esque cloud shaped forehead and neck fluff and mouth shape, purple eyes, wavy shaped ears, blue wings and a raccoon tail (that I forgot to colour in fully). Why a raccoon tail? Well, the tail is the most interesting part. It's meant to resemble one of these:
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A wind sock! The lore explanation I came up with for why Avieon's tail looks like a wind sock is that because it's hollow like a wind sock, that makes her fly faster. Or something. I dunno, I thought I was being clever.
Avieon: Version 2 (November 2015)
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Woah. Good god, what was I thinking. The very defintion of the UPGRADE. FUCK, GO BACK meme. Like, what is this, past me??? Avieon has been fully Flareon-ized, now having a cloud shaped fluffy tail. Her wings and ears are pinkish purple now for some reason and she has stars in her eyes. Her ears are just... boring now. With brown insides. Just... what the hell, past me. No wonder I redesigned this one.
Avieon: Version 3 (April 2016)
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Ooh, now THAT'S more like it. Her eyes are more detailed, her wings are blue, her ears are back to matching her head colour, now with purple cloud shaped insides. Now her mouth is shaped like the later Eeveelutions as opposed to the Vaporeon/Jolteon/Flareon cat smile she had earlier. And this time, she has little clouds around her paws and little fangs like Umbreon and Sylveon. Very cute.
Avieon: Version 3.5 (early 2017, idk)
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An old sketch from a notebook, not from Miiverse which is why I can't pin a date to it. Basically the same thing, except I was experimenting with a different forehead puff shape since I wasn't satisfied with the cloud. It's a swirl now. Very fancy. And we're back to cat smile.
Avieon: Version 4 (March 2017)
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Basically a redraw of Version 3, but with a slightly different tail shape. Also, I found a head puff shape I actually liked. Now we're back to Sylveon mouth shape.
Avieon: Version 5 (June 2017)
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MAMMA MIA, A TOTAL DESIGN OVERHAUL. And a really BAD DRAWING. This was the point where I realised that Avieon looked too much like Flareon and I wanted to set her apart. She swaps from Flareon's chubby short legged body shape to a more slender Espeon/Sylveon body shape. Version 5 introduces features that stayed for the final version: the three pointed head puff, the wing shaped ears (though they're more rounder later) THE RETURN OF WIND SOCK TAIL, and the cheek fluff. I wanted more Eeveelutions with cheek fluff like Espeon.
She also has Leafeon/Glaceon/Sylveon boots but purple coloured and the clouds got reduced to frills. And yes, lets talk about the elephant in the room. I gave her plane parts for some reason. A propeller shaped Sylveon bow and tail fins. She also has purple wings now instead of blue.
Avieon: Version 5.5 (August 2017-2020)
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And so, Avieon stayed like this for a while. A Sylveon shaped Eeveelution with wing shaped ears with purple insides, a white three pointed head puff, purple eyes, cheek fluff. Once again we return to the Vaporeon/Jolteon/Flareon cat smile mouth shape (I keep alternating.) She has purple wings, this time with white feathers on the inside, purple Leafeon/Glaceon/Sylveon boots with white frills, a wind sock inspired raccoon tail, and purple tail fins and a white and blue Sylveon style bow. The end? Not quite.
Avieon: Final Version (Some time in 2020 and onwards)
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SUPRISE, WE WENT BACK TO INSPIRATION FROM VERSION 3. Now she has a chubby, short legged Flareon body shape again, and the cloud neck fluff and cloud ankle fluff is back! I realised "We need more Eeveelutions with neck fluff like the Gen 1 Eeveelutions", and voila. It is done. See what I mean about the rounder edges on her ears? Forehead fluff and cheek fluff are also rounder. And the beloved wind sock tail from all the way back in 2013 is still here. This time it's only like a wind sock in appearance. It's not hollow. I couldn't figure out the logic with that. And I completely got rid of the plane features because I thought they looked tacky and out of place. Cat smile is here to stay. :3 As for the Umbreon/Sylveon fangs...? IDK, I guess I just forgot about them?? Maybe they're still in there???
(ignore the blue and white scarf, that's just there because it was a drawing for Pokémon Mystery Dungeon)
Thank you for joining me on my trip down the memory lane of questionable design choices.
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kannasideblog · 2 years
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Minna, thank you for supporting my little shitpost blog! I smile each time I see a new like or repost, it means everything! Also just as a reminder - I was making memes for my friend, she is the one I watched i7 because of, and I liked the boys as well.  I do not want to offend or upset anyone with my memes, I just made them according to what came to my crazy mind. All the characters are really good equally! Here, have my shitty screenshot redraw. :’)
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ziracona · 3 years
dude, your missing the point of ophelia that it painful. Your going to kick yourself once lostbelt 5.2 kicks in.
‘Dude’, you’re missing the point of basic manners. Also, you wish. If she grows up and has a wild change of heart and grows a conscience, I may end up liking her or changing my opinion to meet those new changes, but that doesn’t mean I’m wrong about her now! All the Crypters unless one is playing a long con or something are completely terrible. They destroyed their families and everyone they knew, everyone on the planet, because they’re whiny little bitches who were mad they didn’t get to be the hero. That doesn’t mean there’s nothing good about any of them, but they all sure as hell suck no matter what. Ophelia can have any kind of tragic past, and it won’t change the fact that she killed the MC’s family and everyone she and Mash ever knew and loved and the entire world like it was nothing, and feels no remorse over this, or that she oversees a Lostbelt that forces every human child to get pregnant by age 15 or be killed, ends all human life at 25 regardless, or that she treats her heroic spirit like garbage, which is the one leg up Kadoc has on her—he might be as bad as the other Crypters in the grand scale, but at least he doesn’t treat his heroic spirit like a slave and genuinely cared for someone else—and her low self-esteem notice-me-senpai for self worth at Kirschtaria doesn’t count. If she decides to take a huge look at her failings and become a changed and wildly different person, maybe she’ll become cool, but that’s never gonna change the fact that I am /absolutely/ right she’s a self-important heartless villain right now. Also, u don’t gotta agree with me. And I don’t gotta agree with you! Why on earth are you sending me anon hate because you don’t like my take? Did you never learn manners? Grow up and learn to process your emotions in a healthy way—you are not entitled to my slavish compliance with your feelings towards a fictional character. Or as Da Vinci would say:
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Eat mud. 💙
#ask#anonymous#Lostbelt 2#fate go#ophelia phamrsolone#lostbelt 2 spoilers#this wouldn’t be in the character tag if people didn’t keep harassing me but if people are an asshole to me I’ll be an asshole right back#you’re a bunch of really mean clowns who think harassing an irl person over their dislike of a fictional character is the moral high ground#and I’ll spam the fucking tag if you keep it up. I have a family member dying. leave me the fuck alone or I’ll curse you#this ask is the result of someone being a whiny little baby over the fact I made a meme they don’t like on my own blog it was a caption#redraw. but you’re so unflinchingly self-absorbed you cant leave other people alone. I hope that feels really good I hope you’re proud.#I hope you get exactly what you deserve and get back anything I felt over being harassed threefold somewhere in your life#also there IS no fandom rule saying you can only comment on what you like and love. I have as much right to talk about charcaters I dislike#as characters I like what are you five years old? it’s not a fucking ship tag. she is the /villain/ of a fucking arc I am on in a fucking#phone game. if you like her go make your own posts about how much you like her. but leave me. the /fuck/ alone.#I have every right to be here. or are you suggesting I have to ask the entire ATLA fandom how they feel about firelord Ozai before I can#make a text post about how happy I am Aang clowned on him? you self absorbed self righteous shitty little fucks#you’re a bunch of entitled assholes who think your opinions are protected under law and no one has a right to voice opinions in the same#fandom space if they aren’t yours and that it’s somehow okay to harass someone over that?#You’re all terrible people who have such social media Brain Rot you don’t understand how to relate normally anymore#be a normal human being and make your own posts. block who you don’t like. and move fucking on and accept not everyone will agree and thats#okay. it does not give you the right to harass them. you selfish little bitch#stay away from me or I will kill you#(​obviously not really but since the reading comprehension on this site is like -20%)
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randomfandomfamily · 5 years
More of my kiddos just because.
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Naalir and Xaj are friends now, but at first Naalir wouldn't trust them with a paperclip, much less her precious cinnamon roll friends.
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lemondoddle · 3 years
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one of the first drawings i ever did for tma was this silly little self-insert comic i made based on a meme and i thought it’d be really nice to redraw it and i think it turned out lovely
[I.D. a five panel comic drawn in pencil featuring jon and martin from the magnus archives as well as a statement giver. panel one shows jon sitting in a chair at a table with his hand on a tape recorder. he has darker skin, a collared shirt, and short side-swept hairstyle, and small rectangular glasses resting at the bottom of his eyes. he wears an unimpressed half-lidded expression with an eyebrow quirked as he asks, “statement regarding?”. martin, a fat man in a sweater with light skin, curly hair, and glasses can be seen walking in the background. the second panel is a reverse shot of the table, now showing the statement giver. they have white skin, a curly mullet, round glasses, a t-shirt and jacket and a small mustache. he’s responding, “ ‘weird’ is just a serring on my dryer.” panel three is back to jon, who is now sporting a perplexed expression with his shoulders slightly hunched as he asks “... and what does this setting do?”. panel four is back to the statement giver, who shrugs and responds with “makes the clothes wetter”. in the final panel, martin can now be seen leaning over to jon’s side and adding “that is weird”  while jon has his eyes closed in an exasperated expression. end I.D.]
and here’s the very shitty original version under the cut if you’re so inclined:
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[I.D. a comic very similar to the one described above, but drawn on lined paper in a much worse quality. in this version, martin has straight-ish fluffy hair, no glasses, and a hoodie. martin is also seated next to jon in this version and does all the responses to the statement giver while jon makes various irritated expressions. end I.D.]
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shoutmon1v1 · 2 years
Monkie Kid is a fun little series
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Have this shitty redraw of that one meme with a smug cat and a knife
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snappingsweater · 3 years
My 2020 Tumblr Top 10
1). 19,045 notes - Nov 20 2020
everybody shut up and read this
2). 3,108 notes - Mar 24 2020
Outfit inspo
3). 1,469 notes - Dec 1 2020
4). 1,032 notes - Jan 10 2020
I’m just SAYING if I were running a radio show for a mysterious little desert town and you HAPPEN to be investigating all the...
5). 1,016 notes - Apr 15 2020
6). 481 notes - Nov 10 2020
*bill and ted at a sleepover* Ted, in the middle of night: hey Bill, I never asked but what does the “S” stand for Bill, half...
7). 354 notes - Nov 9 2020
The four types of Keanu fans are • horny • gender • yearning and homosexual • please be my father
8). 270 notes - Dec 3 2020
wanna watch bill and ted together (confession of love)
9). 234 notes - Feb 22 2020
*sobs while eating a gummy frog*
10). 212 notes - Oct 23 2020
Tumblr user snappingsweater back at it again with shitty bnt meme redraws
Created by TumblrTop10
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foxdies · 4 years
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hi, i’m danny. i’m a 22 yr old trans man, disabled but not yet on disability benefits as the process is very long. i’ve been experiencing some pretty shitty financial issues since i turned 18, so i’m opening art commissions! i am a self taught artist who likes to draw for the funsies and will draw you things! 
rules: i will draw  ocs, canons, original content, redraws (screencap and memes), nsfw (just ask me for examples and i’ll privately send them to you since tumblr will flag this otherwise), people, furries (though i need patience for this one, i’m not very good at furry art so it will take longer trying to give you a better product)  i will not draw guns, robots, fetish art, or anything i morally disagree with.  i ask that you are patient with me and understand my lines will always be a degree unsteady as my hands anxiously shake, and stablizers dont fix it. please understand i also suffer from chronic pain and cannot work on more than one to two commissions a day.
i charge 15 usd for a colored & shaded bust, 10 for an uncolored bust (12 if you’d like some shading but no colors), 20 for an uncolored full body (22 for shading w/o color), and 25 for colored full bodies. 5+ usd for each extra character (so, for example, 2 characters, full body, fully colored = 30 dollars.) 
i will also do these little silly pixel sprites for a dollar! (they’re somewhat in the style of LISA. i do not use a grid as they’re just for the funsies.) 
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PAYPAL ONLY. my paypal is https://www.paypal.com/paypalme2/knifeofdunwall and i take payment either upfront or after i’ve shown you a sketch, it is entirely up to what you prefer! if you buy more than one piece from me at a time i will give you a discount! discuss commissions with me here (@foxdies) or @dojiryu​! 
thank you so much! ~ ❤️
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