#shire gets anons
ghost-proofbaby · 26 days
any updates on shire is burning ?🥹🥹🥹
this is one of the nicer asks i've gotten regarding it so i'ma respond just using you my lovely nonnie <3
it's a work in progress!! not abandoned but i don't push myself to write it or put it out as quickly, and i definitely am far more critical with it than i am with other fics since willow and eddie are my babies.
i wish i could give a more exact timeline of when to expect an update, but i'm really just vibing over here as i write it haha <3 probably not terribly soon considering i don't have a majority of the chapter written yet, tho :-(
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Not a question, just wanted to say how much your artwork has cheered me up through the holidays. You are really talented and seem like such a wonderful person so I hope you get through the seasonal depression you’ve mentioned before. You’ve helped me stay strong in some of these dark times so I hope you can see some of that wonderful light you put off reflected back and it helps you like it has me.
I am okay
I am very okay about this
Not an emotional wreck at all, I I I
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I always want to be able to help and I hope you can stay strong yourself.
But even if you can't, please understand that it's okay. We don't have to be strong all the time. Life is a bitch and moments of weakness are human. Being vulnerable or sad isn't a crime, and anyone that makes you feel like it is can frankly get fucked and I WILL FIGHT THEM.
actual depiction of me fighting them below for emphasis:
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But in all seriousness, I know that the holidays are a hard time for a lot of people (it's me I'm people) and I'm glad I was able to help, no matter how. Knowing that alone helps me, too. We gotta be there for each other, and I'm beyond happy to be there in any way I can.
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klngfili · 1 year
To follow up with the previous ask, also Gandalf closing his eyes for strength when Saruman enters. Elrond could have told him Saruman was there, but if he had to deal with a surprise visit from Galadriel, then Gandalf has to deal with a surprise visit from Saruman. It’s only fair.
he went on an entire journey from haha elrond you sly motherfucke
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to this
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to his entire existence from the first notes of music of the ainur to this exact moment flashing before his eyes
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to giving elrond the stinky side-eye of disapproval
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to hey grandma havent seen you in a long time
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thewulf · 4 months
For That Long? || Aragorn
Summary: Request -Hello! 👋 Your work is absolutely amazing! Especially your Aragorn fics (My King! 🗡️👑❤️) In fact, whenever works best for you, here’s an idea: During the victory celebration at Helm’s Deep, the reader (also a Dunedain Ranger) offers a quick dance lesson for Aragorn to a) enjoy the celebration with him and.... Read Rest Here
A/N: Thank you for the sweetest little request anon! I had too much fun writing this one. I love trying to get into his head. Keep sending amazing requests my way! And thank you for you kind comments!
Pairing: Aragorn x Reader
Word Count: 3.5k +
TW: fluff?
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“Not like that, Strider.” You giggled something fierce as he tripped over his own feet for the umpteenth time that night. Somehow you had convinced him to dance with you after quite literally decades of trying to get him as your partner.
“Have I not already told you how hopeless this is, Callia?” He asked you by your chosen Ranger name. You had to abandon Y/N when you left home all those years ago. If you were captured you must never give up your true name for your family could bear danger to your chosen work.
“You just need to relax yourself. Your mind.” You poked his forehead while grinning from ear to ear.
He sighed, “I cannot keep making a fool of myself in front of…”
You stopped him by placing his hand on your hip catching him most off guard, “My King overthinks.” You whispered as you took a soft step towards him. He smelled good. Like of the woody scent he naturally had but even better.
“I am no King.”
You smiled more to yourself than him, “Not yet. But the people have decided. It be but a mere month and you shall be.”
“It does not feel right hearing you call me that, my lady.” He countered while raising his eyebrows right up waiting for your retaliation.
Trying your best, but failing, you made a face in reaction, “You know I am hardly a lady.”
He hummed. Not even realizing you had begun to lead him you kept talking trying to rid his mind of the thoughts that plagued him. For if there was anybody who knew Strider better than himself it was you. Time had a way of making your heart the softest for him and truly only him. Countless sleepless nights of diving into your worst nightmares and trauma would find a way to bond the two seemingly hopeless souls.
“The opposite is true.” He smiled down at you with a look you had rarely seen from the hardened leader. You had been away from him longer than you wished. He had told you to go to Minas Tirith after getting orders from Gandalf to help the Hobbits of the Shire. You had heard the story of the great Bilbo Baggins and now apparently Strider had to accompany his nephew, Frodo. He had told you to go to Minas Tirith and wait for his word.
That had been six months ago. You had gotten used to life without him how odd it may seem. You had made a few friends that you probably never would have had Strider joined you. It was terribly uncomfortable. Your simple life changed when you had gotten word from him asking you to join him in Rohan. He knew something was coming and needed all the help he could get.
“A lady does not count her kills.” You spoke breaking the comfortable silence between the two of you. A shift occurred as he had taken control of the dancing now. Your easy banter all but freeing his mind from his thoughts. Dancing wasn’t so bad. Especially if he got to hold you like this.
“By your definition.” He smirked down but dared not look into your eyes for he knew he would cave to any of your demands, “Not by mine. And did you not say I was to be King?”
You fought every urge in you not to pinch his side, “You are impossible.”
“Do you not refute, my lady?” His smirk only grew as he noticed your face fighting the urge to react. It was amusing watching you try and stay neutral. For he had missed this. Sure, it was not only the two of you dancing but it had felt like it. You had a way of taking his mind off of whatever he needed. You had always seemed to have known what he may have needed.
“It is no use in arguing with you, Aragorn.” You gave him the eye letting him know you were not over the little secret he had kept from you for so long. You had only found out of the name when Legolas shouted it on the battlefield almost costing you your life. It had left you stunned. Who was Aragorn and why had Strider reacted as if it was his name.
Because it was. He had apologized profusely before you finally gave in. Leading you to this moment with him. You had finally convinced him he needed to learn how to properly dance since he was to be the king. And lucky for him you so happened to know many dances as your mother had insisted a girl your age to learn them all those years ago in Dúnedain.
An amused smile crossed his features as he led you across the dance floor. Maybe he was not so pathetic after all, “It is not like you, Callia, to bite your tongue.”
“Hush you.” A laugh escaped you. It was no use trying to hide your own amusement. Yes, he pushed you, but it had also shown you how much he too cared for you.
He slowly stopped the two of you from your dance before replying, “You are most fortunate the music has ended."
A quick nod left you head as it spun out of control by his soft touch and daring words, “Most fortunate indeed.” Begrudgingly you took a step back knowing the moment between the two of you had ended.
But his words had stopped you from turning all the way around, “I will stop teasing you if you lead me in another dance. For I must learn. I do not wish to embarrass you.”
You only grinned before stepping back into his hands, “You could never embarrass me Strider.”
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Your eyes glistened with unshed tears as you took in the breathtaking room before you. Stifling a laugh, you couldn’t truly believe you had made it here with him, alive and in one piece. Your truest and oldest friend crowned the King of Gondor. How you would never have believed this only three years prior. You watched as royalty and common people alike danced with joy and glee for their newfound leader. Aragorn. It felt the most surreal as you watched him mingle with people that mattered. A King. Who would’ve thought. Glancing down at your nearly empty glass you sighed knowing you had to make the walk back to get another drink.
But you never made it as you were intercepted by nonother the man you were watching far too often that night, “Strider!” You smiled trying to play it off as nothing as his broad hands covered the length of your forearm with ease, “You best get dancing. You have many eyes on you, my King.” You grinned with ease knowing calling him such made him uncomfortable. You truly had known him as Strider for as long as you could remember. You’d met as teenagers in your youth, kids from Dúnedain.
Your fathers were friends keeping you close together often until he went off on his own. When it came time to leave you had heard Strider was a Ranger. Having a feeling you’d run into him again you weren’t surprised you were assigned to his company not long after you left home to find a purpose. Just like him. In a lot of ways, you were the same. But in so many different.
For the last sixty or so years the two of you became something of a menace in the North. Something to be feared. Always working as a team, the two of you always seemed to come out of battles unscathed.
He grumbled in response to the title name you had used on him, “I have told you not to call me that. It does not feel right hearing those words from you. Strider will do.”
You smiled seeing how you managed to get under his skin with such ease, “Strider is too informal. May I call you Aragorn at least?”
“I think Strider is perfectly formal. But you may call me as you see fit. So long as it is not, my King.” He smiled right back at you. Even he had to admit how nice it was seeing you so at ease. He had roamed the North for nearly sixty years with you. He had never seen you so relaxed. He was sure he had seen you smiling more tonight than he had in the past sixty combined. You smiled like that bright eyed teenager who had an obvious crush on the older teen. It was times like these that made him wish he had told you how he had felt the same. He had longed for you for so long in silence. He had a duty to uphold. But now? Time was different. He needed somebody on his side. He had always known that somebody was you.
You bowed just knowing it would push his nerves further, “As my King wishes, I shall only refer to him as Aragorn.”
His mouth dropped at your brazenness, but he should have known better. He was convinced you were placed with him was to keep hm grounded. You had a certain way about you that had him acting his very best, “Y/N.” He let out an audible sigh letting you know he was annoyed.
“Strider.” You raised an eyebrow as if to challenge him knowing that name was now obsolete in your vocabulary. He was Aragorn now. You could get used to it.
He looked to the dance floor before turning back to you, “Would you join me in a dance?” He held his hand out for you to take giving you your favorite impatient face. It was your favorite thing to do after all, push his buttons.
Your smirk turned up into a genuine smile, “This is a pleasant change. I would be honored to join you in a dance, Aragorn.”
“Are you going to choose a name Callia?” He grumbled as you placed your hand in his. His smile never faltered even though he pretended to be most annoyed by you. It wasn’t lost on your how gently he wrapped his hand around yours before nodding his head to the nearly empty ballroom floor.
You giggled more to yourself knowing how annoyed he was with you. Maybe you should stop winding him up. It was almost too much fun to stop though, “Am I not allowed to interchange two of your many names?” You followed along his lead down to the center of the empty floor.
He stopped once he had found a place good enough. Placed one hand over your hip and one behind your back, “Hands on my shoulders.” His voice dropped nearly an octave as he gave you a simple order. A shiver ran down your side at his touch. This was new for you as well. Sure, you had found him ever so attractive, but he hadn’t the slightest interest in you. Everything was platonic as could be between the two of you. So, you had backed off and kept it cool knowing nothing was ever going to happen.
You did as he wished and wrapped your hands around his neck, far more intimate than you had intended but you were committed now. It would be almost more embarrassing to unwrap yourself from him, “You did not answer my question.” You spoke trying to rid your mind of overthinking this situation you had seemed to find yourself in.
He gave you a grin as his eyes trailed all over your face, “I was only playing with you. You may call me as you please.”
Before you could answer the music started forcing your concentration of following his lead. It was impressive how quickly he had picked up on the steps of the dances you had only taught him only a few times a month ago. It had been a little over a month after the Celebration of Helm’s Deep after the hell that was the battle.
You were almost upset when the music had stopped knowing his hands would soon leave you. It was not right to have these feelings for such a longtime friend. Let alone the King of Gondor. But how could you not? He was Strider the great Ranger of the North. He was Aragorn the leader of the Fellowship. He was the King of Gondor. He was everything.
Fortunate for you he hadn’t move his hands from your waist even as the music stopped, “I do think I should call you Aragorn. It suits your stature. You have outgrown Strider.”
He bowed his head before slowly bringing his eyes up to yours, “Then Aragorn I shall be, my lady.” He was smirking now knowing how much you too loathed the high title he had seemed to start calling you.
With a frustrated breath your eyes narrowed at his, “If you shall call me my lady, then I will call you my King.” You too didn’t enjoy how the high title rolled off his lips. You were anything but a lady even in the dress you protested but had been convinced of.
He let out a breathy chuckle as he finally came back to his senses and let his hands go of your waist. You feared to admit how much you had enjoyed his touch and closeness, “I suppose that is fair, Callia.”
Stepping forward to straighten his collar you could only smile up at him in adoration, “You look very handsome tonight. Who knew you cleaned up so well?”
He took your hand in his once more, “It took a fair bit of work. But I must say, it is you who shines the brightest tonight.”
He had never complimented you so forthright before it drew a small gasp out of your very own mouth, “You are most kind to me. Thank you Aragorn.” You were suddenly thankful you had put some makeup on. You were praying it was covering up the sure-fire pink tint that was bound to be covering your cheeks.
He watched as you turned away from him, “You must get back to your advisor. He looks very weary over in the corner.” You tried a good excuse to walk away from him. He was suddenly becoming too much even for you.
“Wait,” You stopped and turned back to him with that subtle blush coating your face. When you stopped he continued, “Come take a walk with me. I wish to talk with just you.” His darting eyes let you know people were listening, always listening in now that he had such a high title.
“As you wish.” You followed him as he left the hall as discretely as he could.
The two of you had made it all the way to the gardens before he had spoken once more, “I want to thank you, Y/N.” By speaking your true born name, you knew this was serious. There was no playfulness of my lady or the knowing name of Callie. Y/N.
You had no clue where this was coming from. Truly, you rattled your mind for further thoughts before you gave in, “Whatever for?”
He smiled as he led you down the path of roses he had grown fond of in his short time here, “For always being there for me. You have shown up for me time and time yet again.” He paused taking your hand in his before placing a gentle kiss on the back of it. Had he no idea what he was doing to you?
“You are my truest friend.” You answered honestly after a few long moments of trying your hardest not to cave into whatever was taking over your mind. He was your friend! Only a friend. That is all he had ever wanted. He was simply thanking you for the journey. That was all. One chapter of your lives had closed and the next was to begin. You had to wonder where you would end up. In the capital being a guard? Roaming the woodland realms for danger? Head home and care for your aging parents? The choices were endless for your new life.
He let out a short laugh, “For that you are. May I tell you something?”
“Anything.” The response was so automatic it almost took you by surprise.
“If not for you, I would not be here.” He spoke quickly.
It took you much longer to process those words, “What do you mean?”
“If I had not known you would always be there I would not be king.” He smiled as his eyes traced your nervous face. You were truly the most beautiful woman he had ever known. How had he gotten so lucky with you? And by any other stroke of luck, you would accept his next question that had been weighing heavily on his mind.
“I am not sure what you mean Aragorn.” Your heart rate sped up just a tad as he stepped back from you. He fished something out of his robe pocked. Your eyes went wide as he held an old relic. A beautiful ring covered in gemstones.
“You have always been there for me Y/N. I fear nobody could ever take that place. I wish nobody to take that place. For I am the happiest when I am with you. Those last six months have not been good for me. But now that I am back with you I feel whole once again. There is no lady that could take your place Y/N. For your place is next to me.” The last words to come out of his mouth almost came out as a whisper for even he was nervous. The mighty King of Gondor afraid of some feelings he had almost his entire life. Oh, how his father would be laughing now.
Your heart rate kicked it up another notch. It felt like you had been training it was racing so fast, “Forgive me, I fear I am not enough…”
He stopped you this time though by placing a gentle finger on your lips, “I wish to not hear you speak poorly of yourself. For I do not respect those words. I will never believe them. I do know your entirely Y/N. Please, do me the honor of letting me court you.”
Your breath had been taken from you now, “You like me?” You had managed to get out feeling oddly faint.
“I love you.” He said so effortlessly you weren’t sure you had him quite right.
Your eyes turned up to his as he stepped closer to you, “You love me?”
A quick nod came from his head as his eyes bore right into yours, “I do.”
“I love you, too.” You spoke back before you could let your thoughts get the better of you.
His hands moved to your cheeks as he held you in his own, “For nearly seventy years I have yearned to hear those words from your lips.”
“For that long?” You asked in bewilderment to his statement. How had he kept it from you with such ease? It amazed you he had managed to be so stoic when you had been so obvious. Why had he fought it for so long?
He did what you least expected and bowed down to you, slowly. He had made sure you knew his intention, “I may not have always been wise to it but indeed. I have always loved you.”
You nodded quickly, your smile beaming brighter than ever before. He was sure that was his new favorite look on you, “Yea.”
“Yea?” He asked you as confirmation.
“I accept. I would be honored to stand by your side Aragorn.” Before you could bow to him he caught your chin in his hand shaking his hand to let you know that would be most unnecessary.
“You are doing me the honor.” He fastened the necklace with the ring on your neck tucking it underneath the top of your dress. His hands trailed down your sides resting on your hip for longer than he should have. He needed to take a step back or he would kiss you. Not that you wouldn’t let him, no. He was sure you would be more than happy about it. He simply wanted to charm you before he kissed you. He would not rush into this with you. For he had taken nearly seventy years to admit how he had felt. What was a little longer?
“You made it, Strider. You did it.” You brushed his wavy hair away from his face knowing that would be the last time you referred to him as such. From here forth he would be Aragorn. And you would wed him. How a life you dreamed of had come to fruition was beyond you.
He shook his head grabbing at your hands once more, “We made it. We did it.” He spoke of all the wishes the two of you spoke about in your many long nights. The dreams had seemed to come truer than either of you could have imagined. It almost didn’t feel real.
You nodded with nothing but love in your eyes, “Indeed, we did it.”
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Permanent Taglist (Message me or comment below if you want to be added!) : @loving-and-dreaming @kmc1989 @memeorydotcom @matisse556 @buckylov3r @taygrls @ah-blossom @hardballoonlove @rosiahills22 @djs8891
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sgiandubh · 5 months
Well well... It looks like today was the day to reap the rewards of Cait's PR team: Finally, The Cut's IMDb starts showing her as part of the cast, some information about Aviator circulating, that vote on Just Jared, and, finally, a note in Variety. Everything today. Organic? Sure, Jan...
Dear Aviator Anon,
It's not The Aviator and C is not Cate Blanchett.
It's The Amateur and it's just been included in a 'most awaited' list or something like that in Variety, which is absolutely commendable.
This page and this blogger are thrilled about C's success. Along with all the people I read and trust in the Shire.
And, most importantly, along with Sam Roland Heughan.
Now, then. Quick: go back where you came from, across the Great Rift, and tell them to try again. This won't do, Anon - I know exactly what you were expecting and I have nothing against clean, professional PR. Those people are paid to do exactly this: prepare the public, raise interest and expectations, make it a topic, get it into the mainstream press.
I see no harm, here. Good for her!
I will comment on that movie the very moment I watch it. Not a minute before, nor a minute after.
Something else you wanted to say ?
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anxiteyandsleep · 1 month
hi there spring! :D i'm the anon who made the thranduil hcs request, and they are so so lovely, thank you so much💗
um i don't know if you write poly relationships, so feel free to ignore this request if you don't do that.. but if you do, may i request some fluffy headcanons about how thorin, bilbo, and a male dwarf reader might settle down together after the trip to the lonely mountain? (also thorin is alive in this au because canon is painful and he deserves to be happy dang it :^3)
Wahh thank you so much the requests <3 I have no problem with doing poly as long as it's like a paring that's healthy/I like ! ❤
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° it definitely took you and Thorin time to adjust to living in the shire, though it's peaceful and the perfect place to relax after such a long, tiring and dangerous journey.
° once Bilbo got all his belongings back from the other hobbits, he rearranged things so there was room for yours and Thorins things, even buying weapon stands !
° Thorin at first is still recovering from his injuries, you and Bilbo have to practically tie him down so he'll rest because he kept wanting to help in the garden, making food, unpacking, everything.
° Bilbo insisted you two get your own armchairs, it was very important to him that you and Thorin had a lovely place to sit and read, or smoke.
° Thorin really enjoys gardening, he gets pretty competitive about it to!! He'll grumble sometimes about how his vegetables are far better than a neighbors, that he took better care of his garden than them. You and Bilbo find it adorable
° hearing you and Thorin sing is absolutely something Bilbo loves, he'll sit in his living room, on his beloved armchair, just listening to your songs fill his home. It's precious to him and he has no problem letting you and Thorin know that
° the biggest thing was having to get a new bed for you all to comfortably sleep on!!! The first few weeks had a lot of sleepless nights caused by accidentally elbowing each other, yours and Thorins beards getting in Bilbos face, as well as trying to be careful with Thorins injuries.
° Bilbo did get a much bigger bed, you all have plenty of room to lay comfortably but of course you still cuddle, Bilbo quite likes being snuggled between the two of you, despite him complaining about your beards being scratchy at times.
° the other hobbits are really confused by you and Thorin but are polite, it's just not common to see dwarves everyday but they adjust. And they definitely like how you guys party!
° also when Frodo is born, he has three uncles now and he brags about it when he's a little kid. Frodo will be like "oh yeah well uncle Thorin was actually a king so we're rich :3" "all my uncles fought a dragon and survived!"
° he's you three's biggest fan and loves braiding Thorins hair, and yours if it's long enough!
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3, 9, 10, and 49 for Grima?
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Two Grima anons!! Because you all are amazing and know me and the way to my heart
3. Obscure headcanon
Honestly, I feel like I've talked enough about Grima that all my headcanons have been exhausted in the "Grima Thoughts" tag and the "Grima Wormtongue" tag more broadly on my tumblr.
I suppose one that I've never voice too much, and haven't played with (YET. GET READY.**) is that I headcanon him as distinctly Not Cis but he's very convoluted and vague about what that means. The whole seidr aspect I read onto him adds different layers to how you can interpret that, especially given some views that seidr-working might have been viewed as an alternative gender, or an additional aspect to gender, or something in that ballpark of being different from man and woman.
I just enjoy that, aside from Eowyn, he is one of the characters you can make the strongest argument for being Outside the Gender Norms of Their Respective Society. This makes me very pleased and happy.
Grima just wants to be queen. Let him be one!!
**this only applies to people reading What Makes a King
9. Scene that first made me love (or hate) the character
For the movies it was the tear-drop scene in TTT after Saruman sends the uruk-hai off to Helms Deep. So much regret and realization of the scope of the impact of his actions captured in a single emotional moment. And it's fleeting! But so well done. No words are needed. Just dawning horror and that stomach-dropping-out-from-your-body feeling of What The Fuck Have I Done - This Was Not How It Was Supposed To Go.
In the books it's 100% when Grima is sassing back at Treebeard. He is Peak Drowned Rat and a GIANT TREE is telling him: You need to go to Orthanc. It's voer there.
And Grima. Who has been on a horse for two days straight, riding through the night, and probbaly hasn't eaten in 48h, and is now stinking soaking wet becuase Treebeard dropped him in the muck and mire of the waters around Orthanc. That man. That man looks at the Giant Tree, the stuff of childhood legends in Rohan, and his instinctual reaction is to be the sassiest most lie-filled bitch on the planet.
What the fuck Grima.
Grima: Well, since you don't think I was here on behalf of Theoden which was My Quickly Thought Up Plan Because I DID NOT Expect This. I will now just be super sassy at you as my fall back. Seems reasonable.
Tree Beard: ????
Love that deranged bastard so much.
Grima: [sees a being way, way more powerful than him. Gandalf, Treebeard, whatever] What if I just said some sick burns and was a petty bitch for fifteen minutes??
Eomer: . .... ..,, , as a treat?
Grima: As a treat!!
10. Best moment on screen (or in the book)
I loved his seduction scene in the film. That whole speech is masterfully rendered by Brad Dourif and Miranda Otto is also fantastic in that scene. Seeing her tempted, truly tempted, then pulling back like: nope, nope, nope, I can't. Grima's face when she leaves. Absolutely phenomenal.
I also love the "These Men Don't Know What Personal Space Is" scene with Eomer.
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Nothing to see here. Move along everyone.
In the book, the best scene is everything in the Scouring of Shire. The wanting to take Frodo's offer of a helping hand. The desperation for that salvation from himself and the situation he is in - yet, he is so trapped in whatever it is he feels for Saruman. That quasi-enslaved state by the time we get to the end of ROTK. It's so fucked up and such a fantastic representation of the push/pull of abusive situations. I want out/I can't leave/I can see a future/I can't see a future. So well done.
(And I think Saruman-Grima dynamic is something Tolkien didn't know he had - at least in terms of the potential that is in it.)
While I have gone on before about Grima's death being a let-down in terms of thematic satisfaction, I do love, love, love that he gets to kill Saruman. He gets to put the knife in Saruman's back. That is so fantastic as a full circle of all the traitors betraying each other. ALSO, of course, Grima gets to kill the man who has spent the last eleven months torturing him for shits and giggles. We love to see it.
16. Deepest darkest secret they won’t even admit to themselves
I think Grima is very afraid to look at a lot of things about himself. He cannot look into the mirror straight-on. All truths about himself have to be captured in peripheral vision - which is to say, only ever faintly brushed against.
I don't know what the darkest secret is that he can't admit to himself. I suspect, for him, it's several. He's done so much harm in his life, and he's been also denied so much too, and wants so much, and has broken so much - it's all a tangled mess.
I think for Grima, what drives a lot of his actions post-Helm's Deep is a two-fold sunk-cost fallacy (that's the thing he can't admit to himself - it's not all lost. He can and should walk away. "If it's shit, hit the bricks" was not something he ever learned) and the inability to be able to see a life outside of Saruman. A path away from Orthanc. (Granted, no one was being helpful in that regard until Frodo. Literally no one. Not in any meaningful capacity.)
24. Most annoying habit
Maybe stop stealing things from people?
Probably, though, the sycophancy. The whole "oh my lord" this and "a wise/brilliant thing you said my lord" that. Ugh. Miss me with the verbal dick-sucking there, Grima.
I get why he does it. I 100% understand. I still find it grating. This is something, I will say, that turns up in fanfics more than canon. I've written it, myself, because it works for his character! It's what he would do! It makes sense post-Saruman that he would be like this! If he wasn't it would be weird! But my god Grima, get a spine and a sense of self-worth!
(Grima: shall not.)
For proper canon things, we don't really see enough of him to have specific habits to pick on. Because frankly, I find his thieving delightful and funny, if not a little whimsical. In fact, he should do more. Steal more things! Steal more things!
(Grima: Shall!!! Right now!!)
32. Something guaranteed to make them smile/laugh
Scathing commentary on people he hates. This man is a gossip and a first-class professional Bitcher. He can bitch with the best of them. Hearing dirty things about people makes him so happy.
Also, I think he likes word play and clever jokes. Riddling games and the like, especially ones that are terribly, terribly clever are near-guaranteed to make him smile.
I don't know that he laughs all that much. I think he does that snort/exhale as a form of "laughing" but I don't think he does full on laughing. Save very rarely, and I think it's a shockingly warm sound for someone who is a walking glacier in many respects.
49. Favorite toy as a child
Oh gods. This is hands down the toughest question. If only becuase I have only ever envisioned Grima's childhood as fairly toyless. But he would have had toys - even in the bleakest versions he would have had toys.
I can see little Grima, as a four/five/six year old, being partial to a small, carved cow. He likes the gentle eyes and is familiar with cattle and they smell like home. I can see him also having a small wagon as a boy and he would go out to a small copse and pretend to be a runaway who has joined up with a band of robbers or highway men. In the wagon he'd pack food and water and such, also his bow and a small knife.
Practicing a quick get-away since he was eight.
Thank you both so much! <3 <3 <3 This got long but 0 regrets. Grima deserves it.
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frodothefair · 1 month
If the Shire was plopped into the modern era hobbit holes and all, what do you think they'd do when they saw and experienced all the modern art and furniture of our era? How would hobbits adapt to furniture from styles like Bauhaus and mid century modern to the Scandinavian modernism designs of Ikea? Cause all of it was made without traditional woodworking attached, granted, but the main motive for a lot of the interior design and furniture in modern styles is the 'optimal' or most efficient levels of convenience and comfort- and hobbits *are* big fans of both soo... it's not like it's a rigged game here. and let's be real, the food court mid-Ikea might warm them up to their aesthetic after all~~ 👀😇
💐 ASK ME about my headcanons about hobbits and the Shire! 💐
Wow, I love how your brain works, anon! (Some of the asks I've been getting are seriously so creative, I can't even...)
As for me, I am of two minds about this issue. Comfort, you see, is not just physical comfort, but also that which is familiar, that which is "home." In the case of hobbits, they likely value both, and are generally averse to all things new and unfamiliar.
As such, I believe that at first they would be quite put off by the sharp angles and the straight lines of midcentury modern and other similar styles, and if they had a choice, they would gravitate towards traditional Amish-made furniture and anything that you might find in an antique store.
However, the key word is at first. Once you trick them or bribe them into sitting in an Eames chair, for instance, they'll realize that it feels like curling up in the palm of a hand designed specifically to cradle you, and they'll be one hundred percent sold. And let's not forget the hygge aesthetic, which is all about warm light, soft palettes, and lots of warm, huggable pillows. Hygge and hobbit, I think, are concepts that go hand in hand!
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(image credit)
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sotwk · 6 months
hope you are having a wonderful festive season! I was wondering if you have any headcanons about how your fav middle earth characters celebrate yule - thranduil's family, eomer's family, anyone else you enjoy writing!
Hello my Anon friend!
A Festive Holiday Season to you, too! :) I'm not sure if you've seen my teaser post announcing it, but I'm getting ready to start releasing some special stuff next week! Here is a peek at the series banner:
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Although it's not evident in my Fanfiction Masterlist, I actually spend most of my time worldbuilding and developing headcanons specifically for the Woodland Realm. Currently, all my headcanons about the holidays describe traditions in Thranduil's kingdom--those of the Silvan people, and of his immediate family.
Here is an overview of the concept of "Yuletide" in the SotWK AU:
"Yule" or "Yuletide", is a winter observance that developed into an annual community celebration by the Elves residing in Greenwood the Great, some centuries after the Woodland Realm was established by King Oropher and his court.
Many different traditions were created and practiced by the Silvans over the course of the centuries, but the Yuletide season was at its peak as a kingdom-wide celebration during the reign of Elvenking Thranduil and his Queen Maereth.
Although spring and harvest festivals were historically viewed as the bigger celebrations of the year, Yule became very popular among the Silvan Elves due to many fun and joyful traditions established and/or propagated by the House of Thranduil.
Winter was a special season personally for Thranduil and his family because both Queen Maereth and Crown Prince Mirion were born in the middle of winter (Foreyule in the Shire Reckoning), a very unusual time for Elves to be begotten or born.
Yuletide festivities (as practiced during Thranduil's reign) were traditionally held over the course of 12 days, from December 21st - January 1st (Gregorian calendar).
More details to follow when the series gets released! <3
If you are interested in being tagged for this series, please say so in the comments. You can also fill out my Tag List form . (If you want to be tagged on this holiday series ONLY, please choose the "Other" option.)
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For more Thranduil/Mirkwood headcanons: SotWK HC Masterlist
Elves HC Tag List: @a-world-of-whimsy-5 @achromaticerebus @aduialel @asianbutnotjapanese @auttumnsayshi @blueberryrock @conversacomsmaug @elan-ho-detto-elan-15 @entishramblings @freshalmondpandadonut @fizzyxcustard @friendofthefellowshipsnerdblog @glassgulls @heilith @heranintomyknife23times @ladyweaslette @laneynoir @lathalea @lemonivall @LiliDurin @quickslvxrr @ratsys @scyllas-revenge @stormchaser819 @talkdifferently6 @tamryniel @tamurilofrivendell @spacecluster
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Other useful links:
Introduction to SotWK
Fanfiction Masterlist
Fanfiction Request Guidelines
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fantasyinallforms · 8 months
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Despite my warnings, I've gotten some Anon hate for this series. I get that some are spicier than others, and I'm writing on a very wide range of kinks. Super saucy isn't everyone's thing, and I get that. That's why I've written a few more tender ones specifically for those who prefer that. The label is right on the can, so to speak. You're under no obligation to read it but don't be mad at me for writing it. Not really inspiring me to write more, but they also want that, so I'll keep going anyway. I do this for one month out of the 12 months, so kindly get out of my DM's.
Thank you to @tolkienpinupcalendar for hosting this event! Thank you to those who have said a kind word, and thank you to my fellows on the NSFT Discord. Your encouragement and chats have meant the world to me.
without further adieu
Day 13- Bagginshield - Dom/Sub with light to medium degradation (Bilbo Dom)
Thorin walked through the door of his royal apartment, exhausted. Not physically but mentally. Being king meant making choices all day. It meant a constant barrage of information all directed at him. He was constantly expected to set an example and a standard for his people.  Most of the time, he loved it and couldn't imagine doing anything else. Other times he wanted to run far away from responsibility and choice. Like he did today. 
He removed his boots and walked into the living room to find Bilbo at his writing desk, scribbling letters for trade orders and ambassadorial summons. He looked up and smiled as Thorin walked in but knit his eyebrows when he saw Thorin's haggard disposition. 
"You held open court today, didn't you?" Bilbo asked. Thorin nodded yes. "I'll be sitting in my armchair when you're appropriately dressed." Bilbo put his pen back in the inkwell and left the room. A swooping sensation filled his stomach. He had been desperately hoping for that response. Not long after his coronation, the weight of rulership settled on him. It made him tired, irritable, and not the best company. He hadn't seen how much it hurt Bilbo until it became a shouting match. That fight ended in Thorin finally voicing all his burdens, and of course, his clever hobbit had a solution. He had been skeptical initially, but it took no time for him to fall in love with the dynamic they had built. One where he was not in charge and made no decisions. 
Thorin pulled the black and white dress Bilbo commissioned for him out of his wardrobe. It was made to resemble a maid outfit that was common in the shire, though it was likely much shorter than the real thing. He put it on and smoothed it out before walking into the sitting room. Bilbo was where he said he'd be, patiently waiting with his legs crossed and his fingers clasped together over his knee. 
"Go look at yourself in the mirror and tell me if what you’re wearing counts as appropriate attire," Bilbo stated. He turned to the mirror and realized his mistake. 
"I forgot my headband," Thorin replied. 
"Let's not also forget our manners in your haste. You forgot your headband, what?" 
"I forgot my headband, Master Baggins." Thorin recited. 
"Very good. Go get it, and also bring me the black paper-wrapped package in the top drawer of my desk." Thorin returned to the bedroom and pinned his hair up in a bun so that the headpiece would fit appropriately. He smiled at himself in the mirror. For the next several hours, Thorin was not a king. He did not have responsibilities or a kingdom. He would not be catered to or held in regard. He was something for Bilbo to play with or belittle as he saw fit. The package he was told to grab was heavier than he expected. It made him curious and excited.
"Good, we can start. Now, I am concerned with that little blunder that you've forgotten the rules, so I'm going to remind you of them. So long as you are wearing those clothes, you don't get to make choices. You do what I ask when I ask. Fail, and there will be punishment.  Nod if you agree." When he nodded, Bilbo got up and walked over to him to take the package." If you need to stop, what is the only word I'll accept?" Bilbo asked
"Smaug, Master Baggins," Thorin replied. Bilbo grinned.
"Good boy. Now that I'm confident you remember how this works, I have a present for you. I had it specially made." Bilbo unwrapped the paper to reveal a plug made of silver with a jeweled acorn engraved at its base. Thorin's eyes went wide as he gulped and shuddered in anticipation. It was a good size, bigger than any of the other ones Bilbo had used on him. "It looks like I'll be spending most of our time together helping you remember your manners. What do we say when someone gives us a gift?" 
"Thank you, Master Baggins. It's very generous. I'd be happy to accept such a gift from you." 
"I'm glad to hear it. Let's not waste any time then. Grab the oil and get on your hands and knees in front of me. I want to watch you open yourself up. Do not touch your cock." Bilbo sat back on his armchair and watched as Thorin worked his fingers into himself one at a time. He loved having Bilbo’s eyes on him, judging him worthy of his time. He looked over at him every time he added a new finger to watch the satisfying smile play out on his lips. When he could fit three comfortably, Bilbo commanded him to stop. “Very good. Now, head down, arch your back, and spread your legs.” Thorin hesitated. In all the times they had played together, this was not a position Bilbo usually put him in. He was typically expected to insert his own toys. His hesitancy earned him Bilbo’s foot on his neck. Bilbo applied pressure until his cheek was pressed into the floor. “I don’t like being ignored or disobeyed, Thorin.”  When Bilbo took the pressure off, Thorin didn’t move. He adjusted his hips and sloped his back as he was told.
“I’m sorry, Master Baggins, I forgot myself.” Thorin apologized. Bilbo tutted at him. 
“I’m inclined to forgive you only because you look quite pathetic like this. We’ve barely begun, and you’re already leaking onto the floor.” Bilbo trailed his hand over his back and down his thighs, paying close mind to never touch his cock or his stretched hole. Every small touch was like an electric shock. It left him wanting more and made him aware of how empty his body felt. He groaned and tried to think about the cool stone under his face. Soon, he felt cool metal tease at his entrance. “Remind me how much you want my present,” Bilbo commanded. 
“Please Bil-Master Baggins. I want to accept your gift! I want whatever you’re willing to give me!” He spread his legs a little wider and thrust his ass as far up as possible. Bilbo snapped his garters against his thighs with a hint of satisfaction. 
“Take a deep breath and exhale slowly. Do not stop breathing.” The moment after the command was given, Thorin felt the cold metal breach him. He grit his teeth but kept breathing as Bilbo pushed it further and further. It was painful, and the pressure pushed him open further than he had ever been before, but the stretch was intoxicating. After what seemed like forever, he felt the base settle against his ass and whimpered at the realization that this was constructed to settle just under the spot inside him that made him see stars. His body adjusted to the new intrusion just before Bilbo slapped it and forced another broken whimper from him. “A perfect fit. I might even make it part of the uniform. Bilbo tugged on it, testing the seal and laughing as Thorin buckled. “Well, now that you have my present, you can make me tea. Stand up.” Thorin tried to do what he was told and failed the first time as the plug shifted and made him tremble. His cock ached to be touched, and his body was on fire. He felt as alive as he did in battle. 
He was finally able to fully comply and hung the kettle on the fire. He could feel every inch of what was still inside him. He wanted to squirm and bounce until it brought him to completion, but he obeyed his command. The tea was made, and he prepared it exactly how Bilbo taught him in his first session. Two cream and two sugar. He brought it over to him, and Bilbo took it with a smile. 
“Well done. Kneel beside me and hold out your hands. Do not move, and do not spill a drop of my tea." Bilbo sat the saucer and cup on his open hands and started reading. Periodically removing the cup to take a sip. When he was finished, he demanded another one and remanded Thorin to the same position. Only this time, he did not drink it. He read, and Thorin continued to be his tea table until the tea itself went cold. After another ten minutes and long after his hands and legs had gone numb, he felt Bilbo run his hands along his leg and over his thighs. He lifted the front of his outfit and let out a disappointed sigh. "Well, isn't that a shame? Even with my present inside you, your cock has gone soft. It looks quite sad, just bobbing between your thighs like that. Don't you think you should apologize to me for such a pitiful display?" Bilbo dropped the hem of the dress and stared expectedly. 
"I'm sorry, Master Baggins." 
"Sorry for what, Thorin, be specific." Thorin stared at the floor. Bilbo was in a mood to humiliate him, likely blowing off his own steam from spending a day being diplomatic to those who barely deserved it. Thorin tried not to smile at the thought that his humiliation could help his husband in such a way.
"I'm sorry that my cock is pathetic enough that it can't stay hard. I'm sorry that you are forced to look at it, and I hope that you can forgive me for making you have to remind me of my manners." He felt his cock twitch, but with just how numb his legs were, it remained soft. Bilbo took the cold tea from him and used his foot to push Thorin over onto his side.  
"I accept your apology, and I won't even punish you. I'll give you another chance to redeem yourself. Go make me a fresh cup of tea, and if your legs are too numb to walk, you can crawl to the kitchen." His legs were too numb. He crawled across the floor, the plug shifting within him with every movement of his hips. By the time he got to the kitchen, his legs prickled, and his cock was half-hard again. He panted, aching with the burning need to touch himself but craving the promise of Bilbo’s reward more. He managed to stand long enough to hang the kettle over the fire before collapsing. In the time it took for the water to boil, he regained sensation enough to walk and re-entered the room with a hot cup of tea. 
"Hand me my tea and get on all fours in front of me facing the door. Do not slope your back," Bilbo demanded. When Thorin was in the correct position, Bilbo placed the cup just below his shoulder blades and walked around to face him. He grabbed his face and forced their eyes to meet.
"Now I think we can agree I've been very patient with you this evening. You're not an easy toy to train, but I will keep trying. What makes you worth it is how eager you are to please. That is a quality I approve of. I'll say this for the last time. Do not spill my tea, and if you can manage that, I'll use you as the little cum dump you’re training so hard to become." Bilbo watched the hopeful reaction play out on his face with a wicked grin. 
"Thank you, Master Baggins. You're more generous with me than I deserve." Thorin couldn't keep the adoration out of his voice if he tried. 
“Yes, I am,” Bilbo replied as he took his seat. The game he was about to have to play was apparent immediately. He felt Bilbo’s hand caress his rear, and then, with a bolt of beautiful agony, he felt the plug turn in him as Bilbo slowly took it out. He wanted to writhe and felt his shoulders shake, but the moment he heard the rattling of the teacup, he stopped and tried to steel his nerves. It left him panting and mumbling words of mercy. Bilbo showed him none, and he would get none unless he uttered their red word. He did not stop, and he did not slow down. When the plug was almost out of him, he pushed it back in with enough force to make Thorin scream, but he still did not move. He held fast as Bilbo assaulted his body with the toy until he was crying and begging for release. When he felt like he was about to collapse, Bilbo stopped picked up the tea cup and set it aside before uttering the first genuinely kind words of the session. 
“Thorin, you did so well. Not a bit of my tea went to waste. I’m going to give you a special reward just because I know how difficult that was. Turn around and open your mouth.” When Thorin turned around, Bilbo had his cock in his hand. He caressed his face and hooked his thumb into his mouth. He smeared some of his precum on his lips before slapping his cock on his tongue. Bilbo fed his cock into his mouth until Thorin swallowed all of it and fucked the back of his throat hard and fast. Thorin was so relieved to finally be worthy of Bilbo’s affection that he came untouched onto the cold floor. While his body shuddered from the aftershock of his climax, Bilbo gripped his hair and, with a cry, spent down his throat. 
Thorin didn't spill a drop.
Find the kinktober list here!
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monstersandmaw · 1 year
whats your take on satyrs and centaurs etc? do you have personal hcs on them like centaurs personalities depending on them being hotblooded or warmblooded? or social routines of satyrs gathering to braid and groom each other's fleece? they're not always a particular favorite, but it is fun to dive into lore abt them
(sorry for sitting on this for so long!)
I like to think that there are as many variations to centaurs and satyrs etc. as there are to their real life inspirations in horses, deer, goats etc.
You get tough, stubborn Shetland centaurs and big, chill Shires and Belgian drafts, good all-rounder, easy-going Dutch Warmblood types, and highly strung Anglo-Arab centaurs etc. etc. Same goes for cervitaurs - hardy red deer and delicate fallow, tiny muntjac, and small but tough reindeer, plus some really big moose folk too. Goat satyrs who have a tendency to faint if surprised, as well as some shy sheep-based satyrs who have close family units...
I have a headcanon for centaurs that it's a huge deal for someone to be allowed to sit on their back and ride them (let alone put tack of any kind on them), and for some it's taboo or just too revolting to consider, while for others it's a sign of deep honour and trust. I mentioned a story idea I had a while ago for an elite messenger corps that uses centaurs who are paired with a rider, but I never did anything with it (yet?).
I think satyrs would have very strong family units, and cervitaurs and centaurs are traditionally nomadic, though they tend to stick to one large area and roam across it. They're wary of outsiders, but if you gain their loyalty, they'll do anything to protect you. Satyrs love music, and throw the best and wildest parties and they're also good at brewing and distilling fruit wines and cider and ales etc., while centaurs are more known for their herbalist lore and skills in medicine, and cervitaurs are caretakers of the forest and are the best at woodland management and coppicing etc. :).
The quadruped species in particular are used to having family members and close friends take care of them - mutual grooming and hoof-picking and stuff is all very natural to them - so they're not generally body shy, but they're also very in tune with people's body language, and are able to read if you're not comfortable with a situation very easily.
I'm sure I've got more thoughts on them, but for now, I hope that was fun to read :). Thanks for your patience, anon.
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ghost-proofbaby · 1 year
Breadcrumb anon here....
One last time for the road? Epilogue crumbs?
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breadcrumb anon, thank you for your service. i hope you stick around for the sequel and continue to ask for these, because i genuinely love it. as always... the crumbs are beneath the cut <3
A small, white lie. A classic sales technique when Eddie needed to truly reel in his buyer. Make them believe they're getting the best deal possible, and they’ll comply even faster.
He doesn’t mention the fact that the only person who has in fact robbed him blind, is Willow. She was his only ‘customer’, if she could be called that, that had ever received his largest discount: free. They’d smoked nearly a quarter of his last supply from Rick, and Eddie had gotten chewed out for it. It was worth it to shotgun with her, feeling her soft lips brush his as he breathed the smoke into her mouth and watched her eyes go glossy. She was cute when she was high. Sue him. That girl and her soft puppy dog eyes would probably never have to pay for her own weed as long as Eddie is around. Damn her. Damn him.
But Chrissy wasn’t Willow by any means, and Eddie still needed to make a quick buck. So fifteen dollars it was.
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conundrumoftime · 5 months
2023 fic round-up
Total works: 26 plus two old fics I uploaded from 2004 and 2008, across 6 fandoms
Fics I started writing on the power of irresistible vibes hoping a cohesive plot would turn up and it did:
Banquets have burned for you - Haladriel, M, written for eastwynds for the Haladriel fic exchange. The second time I have leaned heavily on Aeschylus for fanfic (first was years ago for Battlestar Galactica which lends itself very well to Greek myth and tragedy, but it worked for Numenor too). I am slowly coming round to writing a sequel for this one next year some time.
Say it like the sunrise when it’s talking to the fog - Celeborn/Glorfindel, Silm-LOTR, written for @yletylyf for the Trick or Treat exchange. Saw the pairing on a pinch hit list and the vision struck me like some sort of revelation. This was so much fun to write!
Things I wrote this year that I would not have seen myself writing:
Longfic: Shadow-Bride, Haladriel, now at 30 chapters and nearly 170k words. I have always been a shorter fic person and haven’t done epics and I am so pleased this one’s still going fine. It’s helped to have the basic plot already planned while the space around that structure has let me develop it as it’s gone along. This fic is my beloved precious baby.
Mpreg: technically (because it’s a shapeshifting Sauron taking the form of Galadriel), in To hold all the promise of blue-velvet dark, TROP, Celeborn/Sauron. I am pleased with how much this one stayed ambiguous w/r/t whether Sauron was indeed doing this to get to Galadriel or whether he started off with that intent but just got more into it than he'd planned, one thing led to another, etc etc. I think probably the second one.
Favourite AO3 tag used this year:
'Sapir-Whorf hypothesis as a metaphor for the pain at the heart of your marriage' on Softest of Tongues, Silm-LOTR, Galadriel/Celeborn.
Things I couldn’t get enough of writing this year:
Noldor-Sindar drama. I just. It’s so compelling, and I think all? of the elf/elf pairings I’ve written use it as background somehow.
Celeborn/Sauron - like @liminal-zone I have gone fully off the deep end with this one. It’s been a speed run from “haha what if THIS crackship?” to “please be seated for the 57-slide Powerpoint presentation on how It All Makes Sense.” Started when I wrote a Twitter Haladriel promptfill where Sauron referred in passing to “your pretty Sindar prince” and, well, here we are.
Galadriel and Celeborn’s marriage: I have many thoughts about established relationships as fandom ships which are for another post, but, this one’s got a lot of intriguing hints in the canon plus Noldor-Sindar drama plus more ways to write about Galadriel so I am very into it now.
Trying to fit Celeborn into Rings of Power canon, which led to the whole series offics with half-Maia Celebrían being raised by a Celeborn who knows that and is a good dad to her while working through some things himself.
Individual bits I was really pleased with:
Description of Annatar, the only time I’ve written him: [Celeborn] thinks of tiny, whirring cogs, all turning in perfect precision; of fine metal filigrees making up each fibre of Annatar’s hair, of his skin as some kind of silk stapled into place at the seams. Rarer gifts than gold, Celeborn/Sauron, Silm.
Maedhros in my Third Kinslaying Elwing/Maedhros fic knowing how to do a double hip carry for baby twins: It would make every nightingale sing, Silmarillion.
Modern-day Sauron in Blood Sugar (Haladriel) having a print of Caravaggio’s ‘David with the head of Goliath’ on his wall - the painting in which Caravaggio, in exile and facing a death sentence for murder, painted the severed head with his own face as a gift to the cardinal who could grant him a pardon.
Sauron in Tar-Mairon of the Shire (TROP fluff) as the Lord of Gifts giving away presents on his birthday, Hobbit-style.
Strangest anon hate comment:
Among all the “ugh kys freak” comments which do get a bit repetitive after a while, the one that accused me of ‘pretending to be a multishipper’ stands out. Wut.
Fandom resolutions for 2024:
I’m staying away from goals around fic completion or targets because that doesn’t work for me. Instead, I’m making more of a conscious effort to write and enjoy the things I like the way I like them. This is a pretty basic fandom tenet and I shouldn’t need reminding, really, but sometimes in polarised, fighty corners of fandoms or places where there’s a lot of fanon it can feel like anything outside fandom norms will come across as starting discourse, and there’s nothing more stifling to writing and generally having fun in fandom than wondering “what’s it going to sound like I’m saying here?” all the time.
The other fics:
The Stars My Destination, Babylon 5. Bester thinks about the nature of death.
Life After Death, Alias - wrote this in 2008. found it in my old LJ archives and uploaded it this year.
When all the leaves are gold, Silmarillion, Galadriel/Celeborn. Everything is fine in Doriath. Everyone is happy in Doriath. No you can't leave.
All that Glitters, TROP sequel to that - where Celeborn has been for the past several centuries.
Civil Twilight, TROP, Haladriel and Galadriel/Celeborn, continuity fits with the previous two fics, I love this one and am so pleased with how well it worked.
Changeling, Silmarillion, Fourth-age Maglor. Wrote most of this in 2004 (it's old enough to vote!) and never finished or posted it because the Tolkien fandom used to be terrifying to me; finished and uploaded this year.
A green thought in a green shade, TROP Galadriel/Celeborn, another 'where has Celeborn been?' angle.
Made of sterner stuff, TROP, Disa, motherhood, ambition, dwarf culture.
So Wide a Sea, TROP Haladriel and Galadriel/Celeborn. Wrote this near the beginning of the year and then said afterwards that it was kind of fun to write Celeborn but I probably wouldn't be doing it again. [comedy trombone noise]
All the kinds of alive you can be, TROP, and it's Celeborn/Sauron but Sauron in the guise of Galadriel so - pairings are messy. I was playing around with doing a longer 'what if Sauron took the form of Celeborn' thing which I'd done a bit in Shadow-Bride and then thought "wait..."
I have loved flowers that fade, TROP, Haladriel, went in a bit heavy on the Athrabeth.
Suo Gân and Arda Sahta, TROP, baby half-Maia Celebrían being raised by Galadriel and Celeborn. I got so yelled at for writing these and at one point I had multiple anon hate comments on AO3 and people self-righteously condemning Those Haladriels on Twitter, which given it's G-rated fic about a baby which was all correctly tagged and not compulsory reading was I feel a bit of an overreaction.
As little might be thought, a followup to those with Celeborn talking to Elrond about fatherhood.
Weighed against our future, TROP. Haladriel 'missing scene on the road to Eregion' fic.
The turn of the tide, TROP, 4th-age Haladriel angst.
Though I sang in my chains like the sea, TROP, Haladriel, gapfiller for ep2 and their time on the raft.
And white winter, on its knees, TROP, little Haladriel 'what if she accepted the raft proposal' fic.
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itsclydebitches · 1 year
We can agree that the tonal dissonance is the worst part yes because why did they come out of that good ass smoke confront yourself scene with Ruby making a hilarious meme face at us 😭 can they decide if they want serious or slapstick or at least make said slapstick feel more cruel/surreal, like go for a tone where the characters are suffering but the inherently ridiculous world is constantly fucking with them. I feel like that'd land better than 'hehe Weiss is going grrr and making anime bubbles! Ignore Ruby having a panic attack! This is irrelevant!'
Thanks for responding to the other thing as politely as you did and I hope it didn't come off as a personal attack. You do seem nice and you make a good point I just kind of feel bad for you slogging through this show you hate KSHSKSHS
Nah don't worry about it, anon. Idk how to really explain it, but for me a "bad" show isn't necessarily a "slog" show. I like waking up Saturday morning to watch RWBY, knowing I'll get to write a recap later, engage with other fans throughout the week, etc. It could feel overwhelming at times given the previous one day pace I had set, but not a slog (no matter how much it might sound that way in recaps because, as established, there's A Lot of problems to cover that obviously color my tone). But the moment this project actually becomes an uninspiring slog I'd just... drop it? I mean, no offense to anyone here who likes keeping up with these posts, but I'm not a Content Creator℠ in the sense of this being a job. Tumblr doesn't pay me lol. Whenever/if ever it's no longer enjoyable, it's no longer something I'll do. Simple as that.
Anyway, YEAH. Tone. I had the same sort of, "Wait, huh?" reaction to Ruby's exaggerated panic over losing the Cat (complete with more stylized, manga-esque animation cues) immediately after she's reminded that Salem is two steps away from destroying the whole world and they have no plan to stop her. It's truly jarring. You know what I was thinking about the other day though? How although it's obviously weird, frustrating, and sometimes dangerous, Ever After should also be beautiful. Creative. Inspiring. An astounding, impossible experience! We got a little bit of that with Ruby walking through the garden, but leaning into the girls' amazement could be a good way of lightening the otherwise dark Volume. I mean, they haven't just landed in a fairy tale, but a beloved childhood classic complete with favorite characters, gorgeous scenery, unlimited magic where before they've only seen bits in combat... Do you have any idea how fucking STOKED I would be if I suddenly found myself in Narnia? The Shire? Hogwarts? Or yeah, Wonderland? Even if I knew that there was danger here and even if I had something traumatically important to get back to in the real world, there would still be a part of myself simply giddy at the prospect of exploring my favorite story. If Blake spent more time gushing over meeting her favorite characters, if Weiss stood in awe at the architecture, if Yang was Ooo-ing over the cool creatures here, if Ruby took a breather to look at sentient toys and go, "That's awesome" we could add a lot of lightheartedness without interrupting the primary tone. Right now, the girls' attitude is primarily "Wow, this world is the worst" rather than "Wow, this world is a wonderland." And true, that is (mostly) accurate to Alice's experiences, but it's not helping me enjoy the setting when the girls so clearly hate being there.
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sgiandubh · 6 months
Sam anon from a few months back who was struggling and embarrassed to admit that I was worried about watching Sam and Cait in sex scenes with other people because I thought could I be wrong about Sam and Cait?
I watched the Couple Next Door, which I really enjoyed. I thought Sam was great along with the rest of the cast. I feel so ridiculous that I was so worried about watching Sam’s sex scenes in this show. While I thought he had good chemistry with both Eleanor and Jessica and it was so much better than his lack of chemistry with his previous costars, I was able to see the difference between these scenes and the sex scenes he does with Cait. I don’t think anything will ever compare to what he shares with Cait and not should it. I don’t mean this in a negative way, but for this irrational brain I have sometimes it was comforting to see that even though he can have good chemistry with other actresses, what he has with Cait is on a different level. They’re like fireworks on screen together. The stars truly aligned with the two of them. 💕
I just hope we get to see those fireworks between them out in the open one day where they don’t have to hide.
Thanks again for providing a rational and well thought out response at the time. You were exactly right in what you said. 💕
Dear (returning) Uneasy Anon,
I had to go check in my archive for your August 15th post (https://www.tumblr.com/sgiandubh/725761913846431744/i-was-wondering-if-anyone-else-had-this-same-fear?source=share) and my long answer.
I am over the moon I could be useful and I knew TCND would not change an iota to what I wrote there and then. I am currently watching it, too and will start a series of posts about it tonight (I take advantage of our long week-end).
Also, that is not a gay man in a straight role. ROFLMAO - that idiocy could only spring from the Anti-MENSA minds of the Disgruntled Tumblrettes.
Thank you, Anon for coming back and sharing your experience. Truly. Mordor was expecting a meltdown in The Shire? I'll give them a Scot meltdown!
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frodo-with-glasses · 11 months
Ma'am do you have a store in which I can purchase your wonderful artses? In any and every form I might desire?
Funny you should ask that, Anon! >:-3
I am currently in the process of setting up a Redbubble store, featuring all the digital art I’ve been posting over the past month. It’s taking longer than I thought it would—because I am a Perfectionist(TM)—but I expect to have the store all set up and open to the public by the end of this week. So keep an eye out for that!
A few Q&A, to keep this simple:
Q: How many designs will there be in the store?
A: Approximately 35. Most of them feature hobbits, Gollum, and/or Beregond.
Q: Will all the digital art you posted be available in the store?
A: Not yet. Things like In The Van are a bit too small to make good products, so I’ll have to redraw that sometime in a higher resolution. (I also plan to redraw Perfect Satisfaction sometime, since it turns out it’s too small an image size to be a proper poster.)
Q: Will you be adding more designs to the store in future?
A: Absolutely! Currently I’m a little under halfway through my stockpile of sketches that I want to turn into digital art. As soon as I finish those, they will be going into the store!
Q: I requested something for the store a long time ago. Will it be there?
A: Eventually. ;-) Patience, my friend.
Q: Are the Field of Cormallen and Scouring of the Shire posters available?
A: Nope X-D Sorry. Haven’t gotten to those yet. But they will be! And in the meantime, I will have both versions of the Horn of Rohan poster available, if that strikes your fancy.
Q: How many designs do you have uploaded in the store right now?
A: I estimate I’m about a third of the way through. If I continue at the same pace, it’ll take me another couple of days to get everything uploaded and set up.
Q: Will going back to your day job affect your posting schedule?
A: Yes it will. The building where I work has been under renovation for the whole month of June, but they just finished, and I’m going back to work tonight. That means I’ll have less time for digital art. But I’ll continue to chip away at it when I can!
Q: Can we have a preview of the store?
A: Maaaaaaybe.
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