#ship: kurma
ineed-to-sleep · 18 days
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Got tagged by @alongtidesoflight to make some ocs in this picrew and it's sooo cute ty for the tag!! <3
Left one is Astarion/Nawen, right is Kuras/Emma, and bottom is Vincent/Pepper heehee ✨️
I'm tagging you 🫵🏻 if you'd like to do this!!(if you do tag me so I can see!! <3 )
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ze-preserveur · 4 months
First off, I love my wifey @devi-lakshmi :33
Second, always remember:
शिवाय विष्णुरूपाय शिवरूपाय विष्णवे ।
शिवस्य हृदयं विष्णुर्विष्णोश्च हृदयं शिवः ॥
Basically what it means is that @press-shivt-blookie and I are the same and we're in each other's hearts so kindly don't compare us, thank you :)
Third, a little color coding of a few of my avatars:
Blue - Me (Vishnu)
Green - Krishn
Orange - Ram
Red - Parshuram
Purple - Vyas
Pink - Mohini
White/Black - Kalki
Persian blue - Matsya
Dark green - Kurma
Light brown - Varah
Orange brown - Narasimha
Yellow - Buddh
Cyan - Venkateshwar
Positive criticism is very much welcome. But blatantly hating on me or any of the Gods for no reason is definitely not.
I approve shipping (as long as it's not creepy or problematic in any way) cuz why not :)
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benimpencerelerim · 8 months
CANLILAR KRALLIĞI https://www.matematiksel.org/harry-harlowun-tartismali-sahte-anne-deneyi/ İnsanlar ve temelinde tüm memeliler sadece yemekle yaşayamaz, duygusal bağlara da ihtiyaç duyarlar. Milyonlarca yıl önce evrim maymunları karşı konulamaz bir duygusal bağ kurma isteğiyle programlamıştır. Bunun yanında bu kodlar yüzünden, duygusal bağların genelde soğuk metal nesnelerle değil yumuşak tüylü şeylerle kurulabildiğini varsayarız. Bu sebeple küçük çocuklar da oyuncak bez bebeklere ya da battaniyelere bağlanırlar. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5377026/ https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S1090513818302204
The endowment effect is a phenomenon whereby an agent has an increased preference for an item, triggered by mere possession of that item (Kahneman, Knetsch, & Thaler, 1991). The effect entails a reluctance to trade away from present endowments. Consequently, it may be seen as a specific instance of status quo bias: the systematic preference that the present state of affairs remains the same.
Mülkiyet etkisi, bir kişinin bir öğeye sahip olmasının ve salt o öğeye sahip olmasının tetiklediği, sahip olduğu öğeye yönelik tercihinin güçlenmesi olgusudur. (Kahneman, Knetsch ve Thaler, 1991). Bu etki, mevcut mülklerden vazgeçme konusundaki isteksizliğe yol açar. Sonuç olarak bu, statüko yanlılığının spesifik bir örneği olarak görülebilir: mevcut durumun aynı kalması yönündeki sistematik tercih.
The effect has been documented in human children (Harbaugh, Krause, & Vesterlund, 2001), and across both eastern and western cultures (Maddux et al., 2010). There is even strong evidence of the endowment effect in captive capuchin monkeys (Lakshminaryanan et al., 2008) and all four great ape species (Brosnan et al., 2007; Brosnan, Jones, Gardner, Lambeth, & Schapiro, 2012; Kanngiesser, Santos, Hood, & Call, 2011), though the effect in apes appears to apply only to a narrow class of commodities – primarily food. Capuchins, by contrast, manifest an endowment effect even for currency-like tokens. (See Table 1)
Bu etki insan çocuklarında (Harbaugh, Krause ve Vesterlund, 2001) ve hem doğu hem de batı kültürlerinde belgelenmiştir (Maddux ve diğerleri, 2010). Hatta tutsak kapuçin maymunlarında (Lakshminaryanan ve diğerleri, 2008) ve dört büyük maymun türünün hepsinde de (Brosnan ve diğerleri, 2007; Brosnan, Jones, Gardner, Lambeth ve Schapiro, 2012; Kanngiesser, Santos, Hood ve Call, 2011), ancak maymunlardaki etki yalnızca dar bir ürün sınıfına, özellikle de yiyeceklere uygulanıyor gibi görünüyor. Kapuçinler ise tam tersine, para birimi benzeri jetonlar için bile bir mülkiyet etkisi gösteriyor. (Bakınız Tablo 1)
İNSAN KRAL https://www.bkmkitap.com/dost-kazanma-ve-insanlari-etkileme-sanati-165094 John Dewey de aynı şeyi daha başka türlü anlatarak insanın en derin isteğinin, "Değer ve önem sahibi olmak isteği olduğunu", söyler. Gerçek şudur ki, karşılaştığınız her insan bir bakımdan kendini size üstün sayar, onun kalbine girmenin en güvenli yolu da kendi benliğinde duyduğu büyüklük duygusunu sizin de tanıdığınızı ona içtenlikle hissettirmenizdir.
On several occasions I have mentioned that perhaps the most primary good is that of self-respect. We must make sure that the conception of goodness as rationality explains why this should be so. We may define self-respect (or sel-esteem) as having two aspects. First of all, as we noted eralier (&29), it includes a person's sense of his own value, his secure conviction that his conception of his good, hisplan of life, is worth carrying out. And second, self-respect implies a confidence in one's ability, so far as it is within one's power, to fulfill his intentions. When we feel that our plans are of little value, we can not pursue them with pleasure or take deligt in their execution. Nor plagued by failure and self-doubt can we continue in our endeavors. It is clear then why self-respect is a primary good. Without it nothing may seem worth doing, or if some things have value for us, we lack the will to strive for them. All desire and activity becomes empty and vain, and we sink into apathy and cynicism.
Birkaç kez en önemli birincil malın kendine saygı olduğunu söyledim. Ama iyilik anlayışının neden böyle olması gerektiğini açıkladığını mantıksal olarak göstermeliyiz. Özsaygının iki yönü olduğunu söyleyebiliriz. Her şeyden önce, daha önce de belirttiğimiz gibi (&29), bu, kişinin kendi değerine ilişkin sahip olduğu duyguyu, kendi iyiliğine ilişkin hissettiklerinin, yaşam planının gerçekleştirilmeye değer olduğuna dair güçlü inancı içerir. İkincisi, kendine saygı, kişinin kendi gücü dahilinde olduğu sürece, niyetlerini gerçekleştirme yeteneğine olan güveni ima eder. Planlarımızın çok az değer taşıdığını hissettiğimizde, onları zevkle gerçekleştiremeyiz veya gerçekleştirilmesinden keyif alamayız. Başarısızlık ve kendimizden şüphe duyma belalarından dolayı da çabalarımızı sürdüremeyiz. O halde kendine saygının neden birincil mal olduğu açıktır. O olmadan hiçbir şey yapmaya değmez gibi görünebilir ya da bizim için değerli olan bazı şeyler için bile çabalama isteğinden yoksun oluruz. Tüm arzu ve faaliyetler boş ve boşuna hale gelir, kayıtsızlığa ve sinizme gömülürüz.
https://www.matematiksel.org/muzaffer-serif-hirsizlar-magarasi-deneyi-nedir/ Bir kişi size siz kimsiniz diye sorar ise bunu muhtemelen kimlik sorgulaması olarak düşünür ve kendiniz ile ilgili kayıtlı bilgileri sıralarsınız. Ancak aslında bizi biz yapan bir de sosyal kimliklerimiz vardır. Bu kimlikler ise ait olduğumuz gruplar çerçevesinde şekillenir.
Örneğin, belirli bir spor takımının büyük bir hayranı iseniz ya da mezun olduğunuz okula dair bir sosyal oluşum içinde iseniz farklı kimlikler geliştirirsiniz. Bir zaman sonra da kendinizi bu grup kimliğiniz ile özdeşleştirmeye başlarsınız.
Bu size önemsiz hatta keyifli bir durum gibi gelecektir. Ancak ne yazık ki bu sosyal kimlikler ayrımcılığın ve önyargının başlangıç noktasıdır. Kendimiz hakkında iyi hissetmenin bir parçası, ait olduğumuz gruplar hakkında iyi hissetme arzumuzdur.
Spor takımınız bir oyunu kazandığında kendinizi iyi, kaybettiğin de ise kötü hissedersiniz. Okulunuzdan birinin hapse girdiğini veya yanlış bir şey yaptığını öğrenirseniz, o kişiyi iyi tanımıyor olsanız bile yine kendinizi kötü hissedersiniz. Bir şey ait olduğun gruba zarar veriyorsa, size de zarar veriyor gibi gelir.
Buna ek olarak ait olduğumuz grubu olumlu bir bakış açısı ile görmeyi severiz. Bunun neticesinde de diğer grupları da çoğu zaman olumsuz görme eğilimi gösteririz. Etrafta duymaya alıştığımız, “O kişiler, o insanlar” gibi ifadeler buradan gelir. Artık bizler ve onlar ortaya çıkmıştır. Bu noktadan sonra kendi grubumuz ve pek de sevmediğimiz diğer gruplar ve bu grubun üyeleri vardır. TARAFTARIN PSİKOLOJİSİ https://dergipark.org.tr/tr/download/article-file/304797 Takımlar itibarlarını vurgulayıp zengin geleneği de hatırlatarak taraftarlarla özdeşleşmekte (Wann, 2006a: ss. 275), taraftar ise takımının performansını kendi performansını özdeşleştirir. (Wann, 2006b: ss. 332). https://dergipark.org.tr/tr/download/article-file/716640
Yaklaşım, kişinin daha oy kullanma yaşına ulaşmadan politik işlere yöneldiğini ileri sürmekte (Kalender, 2000: 58) yine çoğu seçmenin geçmişten gelen psikolojik bir sevgi bağı ile (Çinko, 2006: 110) bir partiye taraftarlık sergilediğini serdetmektedir. Yaklaşımda, seçmenin bir nevi bir futbol takımını tutma gibi değerlendirilebilecek bir tarafgirlikle, hukuksal bir bağ olmaksızın da adeta bir partiyle özdeşleşebileceği kaydedilir (Özer ve Meder, 2008: 32). https://www.bbc.com/turkce/articles/c14p194evlwo “Örneğin AK Parti ya da Cumhur İttifakı dediğiniz zaman bu bir kabile oluyor. Herhangi bir gelişme olduğu zaman insanlar buna kabileleri içerisinden bakıyorlar. Temel eksenini muhafazakarlık oluşturuyor.”
“Kutuplaşma ya da kabilecilik dediğiniz zaman en önemli faktörlerden bir tanesi dünyadan haber alma kanallarınızın değiştirilmesi. Bir tür yankı odasında yaşamaya başlamanız. A Haber seyrediyorlar, TRT seyrediyorlar. Türkiye’de bir sürü kanal hükümet yanlısı. Onun gözünden anlatılıyor hikayeler.
“Dolayısıyla muhalif kanallardan haber alanlarla, hükümete yakın kanallardan haber alanlar aynı dünyada yaşamıyorlar. Biri, diğerinin gördüğünü görmüyor. Neticede diğeriyle karşılaşması bir sorun yaratıyor. Diğerinin söylediğini ya vatan hainliği olarak ya da cahillik olarak görüyor. Bu iki tarafta da var.” “Bu kişiler muhafazakar ama tutucu değil. Bu kişiler kendilerini o kadar yabancı hissetmişler ki… Onlara itibar eden, insan yerine koyan, sıkıntılarına derman olan bir parti oldu AK Parti. Bu insanlar toplum içerisinde eşit vatandaş olarak yaşamak isteyen insanlar ve bu kişilere bu imkanı AK Parti verdi.”
Özet, “Büyük, kozmopolit kentlerde yüksek kültürel sermayeden, sınıfsal birikimden yoksun ev kadınlarının” da seçmen kitlesi arasında önemli bir yer tuttuğunu söylüyor.
Memecan da “Bu kadınların özgürlüğünü AK Parti verdi. Mutfaklarından çıkmayan kadınları evlerinden çıkardı ve sosyal yaşamın içerisine kattı. Onlara itibar sağladı, hem toplumda hem evlerinin içerisinde. Eşlerinden, babalarından itibar gördüler” diyor.
TARAFTARIN ZİHİNSEL DÜNYASI https://benimpencerelerim.tumblr.com/post/670845438170202112/kucuk-seyler-yumagi
https://seyler.eksisozluk.com/yunan-mitolojisinin-haydutu-prokrustesin-tarihe-adini-yazdiran-meshur-yatagi rivayete göre prokrustes, atina ile megara yolu arasında yaşamış. onu bahsimize konu eden şey çok önem verdiği, boyu boyuna uygun olan demirden yatağı. prokrustes’in kendi boyuna göre olan yatağının ebatları, ona göre ideal ve mutlak olan formmuş. öyle ki prokrustes, kendisi için uygun olan ebatları herkes için de ideal ve değişmez kabul ediyormuş.yoldan geçen yolcuları evinde ağırlar, yatağında yatırırmış. boyu yatağa göre kısa gelenin boyunu gererek uzatır; uzun olanın boyunu ise bacaklarını keserek kısaltırmış. böylece herkesin boyunu yatağa eşitlermiş. efsaneye göre atina kralı theseus, sonunda aynı yöntemleri kullanarak prokrustes’i öldürmüş. prokrustes öldürülmüş öldürülmesine ama tek biçimciliğin, mutlakçı anlayışın, dogmatizmin sembolü olarak tarihe adını yazdırmış. http://www.flsfdergisi.com/sayi2/29-43.pdf
Aslına bakılırsa, bir araştırmacı ya da bilim adamının araştırmasını yaparken veya soruşturmasını yürütürken her zaman peşin hüküm, kavram ve varsayımlarla yüklü olduğunu hiç aklından çıkarmaması gerekir, çünkü bunlar bilimde kaçınılmaz olarak kılavuzluklarına muhtaç olduğumuz şeylerdir.
Özetlersek, Koyré’ye göre, kuramdan önce gelen bir deney sözkonusu değildir, yani, bilimde duyu deneyine dayanmak öncelikli değildir; başka deyişle, bilim kuramsal bir iştir, olgu toplama ve deney,kuramdan sonradır. Buna göre, gözlem ve deneyin yapısını kuram belirler. Dolayısıyla kuramdan bağımsız olgu yoktur; olgular hep belli bir kuramın olgularıdır; kuramın dili olgunun anlamlı olmasını sağlar; yani, olgu kendisini belirleyen o kuramda anlamlı olur.
Dolayısıyla, Kuhn’a göre, duyu deneyimi değişmez ve tarafsız değildir. Sadece gözleme dayalı tarafsız bir bilim dili yaratma çabaları da artık hayaldir. Her kuram kendi olgularını belirler ve bilim adamının tabiata sorduğu sorular paradigmaya dayalı sorulardır ve alınacak yanıtlar da paradigmaya bağlıdır. Paradigmaların oluşturucuları olan kuramlar, ilgili gözlemin ne olduğunu belirleyip bilim adamının içinde çalıştığı dünyayı tanımlarlar. Görüldüğü üzere, bilimsel ya da deneysel açıdan tarafsız bir dil ya da kavramlardizgesi mümkün değildir; bilim adamının ilgilendiği olguların seçimi ve yorumlanmaları, bir bütün olarak kurama veya paradigmaya dayanarak yapılır.
Bilimsel kuramlar dünyaya bakmanın yollarıdır ve kabul görmüş kuramlar kanı ve beklentilerimizi etkiler; dolayısıyla deneyimlerimiz de bundan etkilenir. Bilimsel çalışma için araştırmacıya, hangi verileri toplayacağını ve bunları nasıl yorumlayacağını gösteren kabul edilmiş kuramlar öbeğine ihtiyaç vardır.
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indiantiquest · 2 years
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. . Antique Dasavathara miniature terracotta golu dolls from an Orthodox Iyengar family, super rare size, Exceptional workmanship quality and features, 90+ years old collectible in mint condition, features the Dhasavathara - The 10 incarnations of Lord Vishnu featured here are in the order are as follows . . 1. Matsaya - The fish 2. Kurma - The Tortoise 3. Varaha - The boar 4. Narashimha- The lion faced 5. Vamana - The dwarf brahmin 6. Parasurama - The saint turned warrior 7. Rama - The prince 8. Balarama - Krishna's brother sesha incarnated 9. Krishna - The Yadhava prince 10. Kalki - The final avatar . . Provenance- Lakshmana Venu Iyengar's family heirloom from Kongunadu. . . Dimensions 6 inches tall set . . 🏷 Now on Sale. 🛒 Buy directly from our Website, Link in Bio. 📦 Free Shipping within India. 🚫 No Exchange/ Returns/ Refund. ❗️Goods once sold will not be taken back. . . Shop for New Arrivals, Special Offers & Featured products at out our website www.indiantiquest.com . . . INDIANTIQUEST ®️ GST, MSME, IEC, ®️ ™️ ©️ Certified All Images ©️ Copyright Protected . . . #indiantiquest #antiqueshop #handmade #antiquegoludolls #antiquegods #antiquesforsale #vishnuincarnations #handmade #godsgoludolls #terraccotta #matsya  #varaha #kurma #dhasavatara #golustylingprops #narashimha #goluphotoprops #navarathri #vamana #navaratriprops #rama #balram #parasuram #krishna #kalki #handicraft (at Indian Antique Quest) https://www.instagram.com/p/Ci7T0bPABE8/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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gruharty · 3 years
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A brass candle holder depicting The Kurma Avatar of Lord Vishnu. Artisan has embedded a beautiful piece of story in this antique.
To place your order DM or Contact us @ 8247511485
International Shipping Available
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marauders1971-1978 · 6 years
Extra-Ultra Playlist Of Marauders’ Stuff
That I compiled out of all the songs on my spotify rather than updating my fanfic
Lily and James:
Will You Still Love Me Tomorrow – Ben E King / The Shirelles
Twist and Shout – The Beatles
Dreams – Fleetwood Mac
Do You Love Me – The Contours
God Only Knows – The Beach Boys
Happy Together – The Turtles
Be My Baby – The Ronettes
My Girl – Otis Reading
Love On A Mountain Top – Robert Knight
I’m In Love – Lovelites
Don’t Go – Wretch 32, Josh Kurma
Where Did Our Love Go? – Soft Cell
You’re The Best Ting – Style Council
Somewhere In My Heart – Aztec Camera
The Bones of You – Elbow
Starlings – Elbow
Perfect – Fairground Attraction
Stand By Me – Ben E King
There She Goes – The La’s
If I Can’t Have You – Yvonne Elliman
Sea of Love – Cat Power
Build Me Up Buttercup – The Foundations
Don’t You Want Me – The Human League
You Ain’t Seen Nothing Yet – Bachman Turner Overdrive
Time After Time – Eva Cassidy
Don’t Feel Like Dancin’ – Scissor Sisters
Who’s That Girl – Eurythmics
I Say A Little Prayer – Aretha Franklin
Can You Feel The Love Tonight – Elton John
Don’t Go Breaking My Heart – Elton John, Kiki Dee
Reminder – Mumford & Sons
Brown Eyed Girl – Van Morrison
To Be With You – Mr Big
Lovely Day – Bill Withers
Rock The Boat – Hues Corporation
Love Really Hurts Without You – Billy Ocean
It’s In His Kiss – Linda Lewis
Bye Bye Baby – Bay City Rollers
Middle of The Bed – Lucy Rose
Home – Edward Sharpe & The Magnetic Zeroes
Coconut Skins – Damien Rice
Dogs – Damien Rice
Rock With You – Michael Jackson
Tiny Dancer – Elton John
True – Spandau Ballet
Wake Up Boo – The Boo Radleys
Shape Of You – Ed Sheeran
Your Song – Elton John
Hello, I Love You – The Doors
Ho Hey – The Lumineers
Ain’t Nobody – Chaka Kahn
Take On Me – A-ha
Sweet Caroline – Neil Diamond
Just Can’t Get Enough – Depeche Mode
It Must Be Love – Madness
Bubble Toes – Jack Johnson
Banana Pancakes – Jack Johnson
More Than This – Roxy Music
Over You – Roxy Music
Oh Yeah! – Roxy Music
Midas Touch – Midnight Star
She Moves In Her Own Way – The Kooks
Everything – Michael Buble
Loving You – Paolo Nutini
Jenny Don’t Be Hasty – Paolo Nutini
Forever My Friend – Ray Lamontagne
Got My Mind Set On You – George Harrison
Rhythm Composer – Villagers
God Only Knows – The Beach Boys
Wouldn’t It Be Nice – The Beach Boys
When I’m Sixty-Four – The Beatles
From Me To You – The Beatles
I’m Sticking With You – The Velvet Underground
Only Love – Ben Howard
Diamonds – Ben Howard
Everywhere – Fleetwood Mac
Mardy Bum – Arctic Monkeys
Lover, You Should’ve Come Over – Jeff Buckley
Hallelujah – Jeff Buckley
Lilac Wine – Jeff Buckley
Listen to the Man – George Ezra
Leaving It Up To You – George Ezra
Barcelona – George Ezra
Blame It On Me – George Ezra
Under the Influence – James Morrison
Delicate – Damien Rice
If You Ever Want To Be In Love – James Bay
You Give Me Something – James Morrison
Better Man – James Morrison
 Remus and Sirius:
The Fear – Lily Allen
You Make It Real – James Morrison
When Does Cry – Prince
Puncture Repair – Elbow
The Night Will Always Win – Elbow
Lean on Me – Ben E King
Suddenly I See – KT Tunstall
Better Together – Jack Johnson
Everybody’s Changing – Keane
Have A Nice Day – Stereophonics
Common People – Pulp
Sweet Dreams (Are Made of This) – Eurythmics
After the Storm – Mumford & Sons
Little Lion Man – Mumford & Sons
Viva La Vida – Coldplay
I Am Not A Robot – Marina and the Diamonds
Rootless Tree – Damien Rice
O’ Children – Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds
Seven Wonders – Fleetwood Mac
Ever Fallen In Love With Someone (You Shouldn’t Have Fallen In Love With) – Buzzcocks
You Can Call Me Al – Paul Simon
Some Nights – Fun
Friend Of Ours – Elbow
The Night Will Always Win – Elbow
What You Know – Two Door Cinema Club
Last Request – Paolo Nutini
Tainted Love – Soft Cell
Eternal Life – Jeff Buckley
Dance Away – Roxy Music
Heart of Glass – Blondie
Deeper Underground – Jameroquai
White Flag – Dido
I Wish I Was James Bond – Scouting For Girls
Crazy – Gnarls Barkley
Twice – Catfish and the Bottlemen
Sit Down – James
Steady and She Goes – The Ranconteurs
Shine On – The Kooks
Autumn – Paolo Nutini
Million Faces – Paolo Nutini
Livewire – Fyfe Dangerfield
We’re Not Right – David Gray
I Need – Maverick Sabre
Hold You In My Arms – Ray Lamontagne
Shelter – Ray Lamontagne
Pieces – Villagers
Set The Tigers Free – Villagers
The Meaning of the Ritual – Villagers
Becoming A Jackal – Villagers
The Waves – Villagers
Patience – Take That
A Well Respected Man – The Kinks
The Recluse – Plan B
Promise – Ben Howard
Black Flies – Ben Howard
Keep Your Head Up – Ben Howard
The Fear – Ben Howard
The Wolves – Ben Howard
Goodbye, Apathy – OneRepublic
Take Me To Church – Hozier
Wild Thing – Noah and the Whale
Anarchy in the UK – Sex Pistols
Baby Can I Hold You – Tracy Chapman
Dream Brother – Jeff Buckley
Changes – Will Young
Heartbeats – Jose Gonzalez
 Lily and Severus:
How Long – Paul Carrack
Don’t Let The Sun Go Down On Me – Elton John, George Michael
Hard to Say I’m Sorry – Chicago
Leaders of the Free World – Elbow
Mirrorball – Elbow
Puncture Repair – Elbow
Stand By Me – Ben E King
Lean on Me – Ben E King
Ain’t No Sunshine – Bill Withers
Always Take The Weather With You – The Booze Bros
L.I.F.E.G.O.E.S.O.N. – Noah and the Whale
Everybody’s Changing – Lily Allen
She’s Always A Woman – Billy Joel
Time After Time – Eva Cassidy
Jealousy – Will Young
Your Love Keeps Lifting Me (Higher and Higher) – Jackie Wilson
I Want You Back – The Jackson 5
Roll Away Your Stone – Mumford & Sons
Nobody – ELIZA
Wild World – Mr Big
Everyday Is Like Sunday – Morrisey
If There’s Any Justice – Lamar
Leave Right Now – Will Young
Don’t You (Forget About Me) – Simple Minds
World Shut Your Mouth – Julian Cope
What Time Do You Call This? – Elbow
Gone, Gone, Gone – Robert Plant and Alison Krauss
Chirpy Chirpy Cheep Cheep – Middle of the Road
Jealous Guy – Roxy Music
Breakfast At Tiffany’s – Deep Blue Something
Sunday Girl – Blondie
Heart of Glass – Blondie
Golden Touch – Razorlight
Hanging On Too Long – Duffy
White Lies – Paolo Nutini
These Streets – Paolo Nutini
Rewind – Paolo Nutini
We’re Not Right – David Gray
My Oh My – David Gray
Please Forgive Me – David Gray
I Can Never Be – Maverick Sabre
Open My Eyes – Maverick Sabre
Trouble – Ray Lamontagne
Home – Villagers
Ship of Promises – Villagers
My Lighthouse – Villagers
Just Friends – Amy Winehouse
Yesterday – The Beatles
Somewhere Only We Know – Keane
Gracious – Ben Howard
The Line – Noah and The Whale
Wild Thing – Noah and the Whale
How You Remind Me – Nickleback
Fall For Anything – The Script
Talk You Down – The Script
We Cry – The Script
You Could Be Happy – Snow Patrol
Little Lies – Fleetwood Mac
I Know It’s Over – The Smiths
Last Goodbye – Jeff Buckley
Who Am I – Will Young
Breakaway – George Ezra
Did You Hear The Rain? – George Ezra
The Pieces Don’t Fit Anymore – James Morrison
I Predict A Riot – Keiser Chiefs
Pass Out – Tinie Tempah
Trouble Maker – Olly Murs, Flo Rida
Friday I’m In Love – The Cure
Dance Wiv Me – Dizzie Rascal, Calvin Harris
Hey Ya! – OutKast
Take Me Out – Franz Ferdinand
Mr Blue Sky – Electric Light Orchestra
Enola Gay – Orchestral Manoeuvres In The Dark
1999 – Prince
Lippy Kids – Elbow
One Day Like This – Elbow
My Sad Captains – Elbow
Weather to Fly – Elbow
Station Approach – Elbow
Together in Electric Dreams – The Human League
Walking On Sunshine – Katrina & The Waves
L.I.F.E.G.O.E.S.O.N. – Noah and the Whale
Good People – Jack Johnson
Come On Eileen – Dexy’s Midnight Runners
Good Vibrations – The Beach Boys
Teenage Kicks – The Undertones
Beautiful Day – U2
You Ain’t Seen Nothing Yet – Bachman Turner Overdrive
Don’t Stop Believin’ – Journey
December 1963 (Oh What A Night) – The Family
I Will Wait – Mumford & Sons
More Than A Feeling – Boston
Stole The Show – Kygo, Parson James
September – Earth, Wind & Fire
Off The Wall – Michael Jackson
Life Is A Rollercoaster – Ronan Keating
Gold – Spandau Ballet
Bitter Sweet Symphony – The Verve
We Are Young – Fun
Everybody Wants To Rule The World – Tears For Fears
K2 – Elbow
Head for Supplies – Elbow
Dancing in the Moonlight – Toploader
Here Comes The Sun – The Beatles
Night Fever – Bee Gees
California Dreamin’ – The Mammas and the Pappas
Feel Good Inc. – Gorillaz
1973 – James Blunt
Half The World Away – Oasis
I Need A Holiday – Scouting For Girls
Keep On Walking – Scouting For Girls
Never Miss A Beat – Kaiser Chiefs
Paradise – Coldplay
Candy – Paolo Nutini
Make It Better – Gary Nock
Shine – Take That
Ride Wit Me – Nelly, City Spud
Handlebars – Flobots
Inbetween Days – The Cure
Expectations – Belle & Sebastian
Old Pine – Ben Howard
5 Years’ Time – Noah and the Whale
Old Joy – Noah and the Whale
Waiting For My Chance To Come – Noah and the Whale
Just Me Before We Met – Noah and the Whale
Give It All Back – Noah and the Whale
Tonight’s The Kind of Night – Noah and the Whale
Life is Life – Noah and the Whale
Holidays In The Sun – Sex Pistols
All Star – Smash Mouth
Jesus is a Rochdale Girl – Elbow
Don’t Stop – Fleetwood Mac
Express Yourself – Labrinth
Let The Sun Shine – Labrinth
Riptide – Vance Joy
Dog Days Are Over – Florence and the Machine
Older Chests – Damien Rice
Eskimo – Damien Rice
Big Bad World – Kodaline
Brand New Day – Kodaline
If anyone wants them as actual Spoitfy playlists do ask, cos I’m always a slut for wasting my time
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izaeyza · 4 years
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Akak excited sangat ini, Masya Allah Amoora Premium Original dah siap production ini. Tunggu shipping ke akak jer ini. Bulan Ramadan ini bila ada Amoora sahur jadi semudah 1,2,3. 1. Buka botol Amoora 2. Ambil Amoora dan niat. 3. Kemam Amoora. Tadaaa, dah siap bersahur. Kemudian nak lagi mantap minum susu segelas. Insya Allah tahan seharian. Inilah rahsia akak bila puasa ganti. Memang tak lalu sangat nak makan yang berat. Gitulah berkat makanan sunnah yang berenergi tinggi ini kan. Ianya mampu berikan tenaga buat tubuh badan kita. Indeks glisemiknya yang rendah membantu gula diprocess perlahan-lahan dan release energy apabila kita perlukan. Maka badan sentiasa bertenaga hatta kita berpuasa seharian. Untuk yang ada diabetik sangat digalakkan mengambil makanan yang rendah Index glisemik ini yer. Jadi jom grab Amoora Premium Original dengan TAWARAN hebat penjimatan RM10 untuk kombo 2 botol iaitu RM68 sahaja yer. Jika beli satu botol harganya RM39. Jimat ke jimat ini kan? Jom stok terhad yer sahabat sekalian. Jejom dapatkannya sebelum stok habis. Pm akak cepat yer. #masterleaderAmoorakualaLumpur #coachIzaBakar #amoorasuperfood #dietramadan #stayathome #PKP #kurma #kualalumpur #makananseimbang #healthydiet #lifeislove https://www.instagram.com/p/B_UFpRoDCvl/?igshid=s0d9amsk6dcf
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nichromepackaging · 5 years
Factors to Consider When Selecting Instant Food Packaging Machines
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According to Wikipedia, 'instant food' can be defined as foods that provide convenience to consumers and assists in reducing "the time of preparation/cooking and drudgery", whereby no more than five minutes of time is required from the time of food preparation to the food being consumed.
In the contemporary world, the range and variety of instant food is huge. From instant baby food, instant soups, cup noodles, sauce mixes to beverages like powdered milk, fruit-flavoured drink mixes, instant tea & coffee to canned food and RTE/RTC packs - the number of instant foods available on retail shelves is mind-boggling.
Packaging of Ready-to-eat (RTE) & Ready-to-cook (RTC) Food
For the purpose of this blog, let's narrow our discussion on instant food packaging to packaging of RTE/RTC food. Due to growing urbanisation, and changes in society such as changing food habits, more women pursuing professional careers, unavailability of domestic help, increase in nuclear families, people prefer the convenience and variety of ready-to-eat and ready-to-cook food over cooking at home.
Ready-to-Eat (RTE) and Ready-To-Serve (RTS) food broadly comprise items such as meat products like pre-cooked sausages, ham, chicken products, curries, chapattis, rice dishes, aloo chole, navratan kurma, channa masala, palak-paneer, etc.
Ready-to-Cook food includes instant mixes like cake mixes, gulab-jamun mix, falooda mix, icecream mix, jelly mix, pudding mix, soup powders, etc.; ready snacks & breakfast meals such as upma, masala oats, poha, etc.; and pasta products like noodles, macaroni, vermicelli, etc.
The purpose of proper instant food packaging
Proper packaging must essentially contain and protect the food from external contamination. This function involves retardation of deterioration, extension of shelf life, and maintenance of quality and safety of packaged food. Packaging should protect food from environmental influences such as heat, light, the presence or absence of moisture, oxygen, pressure, enzymes, spurious odors, microorganisms, insects, dirt and dust particles, gaseous emissions, and so on.
The packaging should be an effective marketing tool, and should provide convenience of use to the consumer. And before it reaches the consumer, the package should remain undamaged throughout the shipping, storage and handling process.
Points to consider when choosing the right packaging machine
There are 3 main points to consider when choosing the right equipment for instant food packaging.
1. Speed: Ideally, you need to understand your targets. How many packs and how fast you want to package them every day, should be defined. If you are a startup or investing in packaging machinery for the first time, you could start with a smaller, slower machine.
2. Pouch format: Diversity of products and goals can help you choose the machine that's best for your operations. If you hope to widen your product range and SKUs, you need a machine that's versatile enough to grow with you.
3. Operating cost and maintenance: An automated packaging machine is a big investment but it doesn’t stop there. Some may be costlier but deliver smoother, hassle-free performance. Focus on all the elements of operating costs and overheads such as electricity and labor to operate the line. Also, being used for food products, the machine should be easy to clean with fast, hassle-free changeovers.
4. Training: The machine you select will affect the amount of training and employee hours required to operate the machine. The advantage of an automated form-fill-seal machine is that once the operator has been trained and the machine commissioned & configured, the operator can concentrate on other tasks.
Ideally, your packaging machine manufacturer should provide the training and support you need to ensure efficient operations with minimal downtime.
Select the right packaging machine manufacturer
For RTE & RTC Food packaging, Nichrome is a reliable and experienced integrated packaging solutions provider. Nichrome has four decades of experience in the flexible packaging industry, and 7000+ installations across India and the world. For enterprises big and small, in India and abroad, Nichrome partners to add value through the entire lifecycle. Nichrome studies the customer’s requirements, goals and application challenges to deliver innovative food packaging solutions that will protect the purity of the product, improve time-to-market, and enhance the retail value of the brand.
Nichrome’s RTE food packaging machine
Nichrome’s highly advanced variant of the Pick-Fill-Seal Machine is a Ready-to-eat food packaging machine with specially designed RTE fillers which can be used to conveniently and quickly pack a wide variety of ready-to-eat and ready-to-cook foods.
This rotary filling and sealing machine enables 2 different fillers to dispense different types of ingredients in the same pouch, allowing for easy mixing of ingredients, through gentle handling and without damaging the ingredients.
This automatic packaging machine allows manufacturers of RTE foods to conveniently pack their perishable products, safely, in a wide variety of stand-up pouch formats, which can then be subjected to retort packaging for longer shelf life.
The PFS Machine also provides a cost-effective integrated packaging solution because it is available with multiple filler options, which can be used for the packaging of items other than RTE foods.
Nichrome’s RTC Food packaging solutions
For RTC products, Nichrome offers a wide range of VFFS and HFFS machines. In the VFFS category, there are many options in the Maxima, Excel and Sprint series of automatic packaging machines. These machines efficiently pack powders, pre-mixes, instant mixes and granular products in a variety of pouch formats: CSPP, CSPP chain of pouches, 4 line seal, gusset, pentaseal and pentaseal with D-cut.
All these machines have a compact design, with a small footprint so they occupy less floor space in factories. They are equipped with PLC-based control system and touch screen HMI. With servo motor driven sealing system, Nichrome's VFFS machines effectively fill and seal a wide variety of snacks and RTC powders with speed and accuracy.  
Nichrome’s HFFS range brings the superior performance of linear technology from Totpack, Spain. The Totpack Series is versatile, and can be used for packing a wide range of powders, grains, snacks, liquids and viscous products using different fillers. The Series also offers a range of pouch formats with superior pouch aesthetics.
The HFFS machines are PLC based machines with touch screen interface. They offer both single and perforated chain of pouches with quick and easy changeover. Well designed duplex modules are available for higher outputs. 
To select the right instant food packaging machine for your business, consult Nichrome.
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Later Vintage Collectibles - The auspicious Kubera Kurma diya heavy cast bronze..Fully etched detailing ornate embossed pattern featuring a Tortoise with a 5 wick votive oil lamp mounted on it...Symbolises the 5 elements of nature believed to balance them and yield prosperity.. . . Dimensions 6 inches long 4 inches wide 2 inches tall . . Now on Sale.. DM for details.. Ships All India.. No Returns.. Check Dimensions to assess the size.. . . Antiques: For Antique collectibles follow us @ . www.indiantiquest.com . m.facebook.com/pg/indiantiquest/ . instagram.com/indiantiquest/ . in.pinterest.com/indiantiquest . indiantiquest.blogspot.in . . #indiantiquest #amazoninfluencer #antiqueshop #antique #brass #copper #bronze #antiques #vintage #vintagevignettes #kitchenvessels #oldworld #vintagedecor #oldisgold #curiocollection #interiorstyling #foodstylingprops #homedecor #foodphotoprops #vintageart #decorprops #kitchenprops #antiquesforsale #homedecor  #auctionhouse #throwback  #myantiquestory #collectible #antiquedecor #interiordecor (at Tamil Nadu) https://www.instagram.com/indiantiquest/p/BwjKbTTAuam/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1dvfk5t1diy3
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indiantiquest · 3 years
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. . Antiquarian Super Rare Large Raja Ravi Varma's Lithograph framed portrait from a Chettinadu Royal family heirloom.. Depicts Vithoba, (also known as Vithala and Panduranga). Vithoba is often depicted as a dark young boy, standing arms akimbo on a brick accompanied by his main consort Rukmani, here the Image also portrays stories and Saints of Vithoba . Art collectible in its original wood handmade and handpainted frame restored recently, Minor imperfections commensurate with age and antiquity but that doesn't affect the overall charm & appeal of the piece, . . Provenance- Ravi Udaya Vijaya Photo Litho Offset, Ghatkopar Registered Artist - Raja Ravi Varma Distribution by M.A.Joshi & Co . . . Dimensions 22.5 inches tall 16.75 inches wide . . 🛒Now on Sale🏷 🛃Check📏 Dimensions for size ❌ No Returns-Exchange-Refunds 📮 DM to Buy🛒 🚚Free Shipping in 🇮🇳 ✈Safe Shipping 📦 Worldwide 🌎 . . #indiantiquest #antiqueshop #antique #antiqueart #buddha #antiquestore #ravivarma #lithograph #vitthala  #vithoba #rukmani #krishna #oleograph #sant #prints #photo #heirloom #gods #indiandecor #abhang #bhajan #varkari  #pandharpur  #thukaram #antiqueprints #kurma #rama #godsofhinduism #ravivarmaart #framedprint https://www.instagram.com/p/CQtIPeWJDTh/?utm_medium=tumblr
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seaniqabi · 5 years
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Goyang Rapat Che Ta Khasiat: ✔menstabilkan hormon ✔memberi tenaga dalaman menguatkan rahim kpd yg selalu keguguran ✔mempercepatkan luka bersalin dan luka pembedahan ✔mengecutkan peranakan ✔vagina lebih grip dan tidak kering ✔menegangkan payudara ✔awet muda ✔mengurangkan sakit sengugut(yg belum kahwin dan sudah kahwin) ✔merawat keputihan ✔menghilangkan masa lesu dan sakit badan Pengambilan: 👉2 sudu pagi dan malam 👉minum bnyk air suam/panas 👉ibu mengandung tidak digalakan 👉simpan di tempat sejuk selepas dibuka Bahan2 Goyang Rapat Che Ta: kurma, madu, delima, pegaga, kacip fatimah, kolagen, manjakani, pueraria lobata, pueraria mirifica, vitamin c, akar serapat, kunyit. Ready Stock! RM52 (260ml) ❤ FREE POSTAGE untuk total pembelian rm20 ke atas. Pembelian melalui link sahaja! ❤ FREE GIFT untuk setiap pembelian! ❤ FAST SHIPPING submit order sebelum 3 petang akan dipos pada hari yang sama! ❤ COD AMPANG 😘 . . . . #jusgoyangrapat #pencucigoyangsegar #perfumegorgeous #perfumeprecious #preciousluxe #jusquruscheta #lotionputihajaib #byrcw #perfumetahanlama #perfumegorgeous #perfumeprecious #perfumepreciousluxe #perfumeluxe #perfumecheta #perfumeampang #perfumebyrcw #byrcw (at Ampang, Kuala Lumpur) https://www.instagram.com/byrcw.nelly/p/BwJhPYYhNjK/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=t0nesatmckgw
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'Kauravas were test tube babies, Ravana had 24 aircrafts' said Andhra University VC
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Kauravas were born through stem cells and and test tube technologies and India likewise had information about guided missiles a many years prior, asserted Andhra University vice chancellor G Nageshwar Rao at the Indian Science Congress on Friday.
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He asserted the 'Dashavtar', ten avatars of Lord Vishnu, originate before the Theory of Evolution given by English naturalist Charles Darwin. At an introduction, Rao said Lord Rama used 'astras' and 'shastras' (weapons), while Lord Vishnu sent a Sudardhan Chakra to kill targets. After killing them they would return, he said. This shows the art of guided rockets isn't new to India and it was available a great many years ago, the vice chancellor said. Rao additionally said the Ramayana expresses that Ravan didn't simply have the Pushpak Viman, however had 24 kinds of flying machine of changing sizes and capacities. He additionally had a few airports in Lanka and he utilized these air ship for various purposes.
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Rao said that as Darwin expressed life began from water the main symbol of Lord Vishnu was additionally a fish (Matysa). For the second symbol, he came to body of a tortoise (Kurma), a land and/or water capable creature, the third symbol was a pig's head and a human body (Varaha), the fourth was the Narsimha symbol with the head of a lion and human body. He went up against the human type of Vaman in the fifth avatar. He questioned how Gandhari, the mother of Kauravas, could give birth to a 100 kids. "Everyone wonders and no one trusts, why Gandhari brought forth 100 kids. How is it humanly possible? Can a lady give birth 100 kids in a single lifetime," he inquired. "Be that as it may, presently we trust we have unnaturally conceived children. Again Mahabharat says, 100 eggs were fertilised and put into 100 earthen pots. It is safe to say that they are not unnaturally born children? Undeveloped cell look into in this nation was available a great many years back. Today, we talk about stem cell research. "We had hundreds of Kauravas from one mother because of stem cell research and test tube baby technology. It happened a few thousand years ago. This was science in this country," he said. In another introduction, one Dr Kannan Krishnan, who professed to be an Indian-born Australian national, tried to expose Albert Einstein's Theory of Relativity. Read the full article
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mypujacart · 7 years
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Darbha grass | Buy Darbha Grass Online from India in USA/UK/Euorpe at low price, Free worldwide shipping it is mentioned in Rigveda, X.134.5: "Let all malevolence pass away from us like the threads of Darbha grass". Darbha/kusa is supposed to be the king of grass and have descended from Devaloka/the origins of darbha is from heaven.
The sanctity of dharba, also known as kusha (or, kusa) grass, is as old as the Indian gods. Puranas tell how Vishnu assumed the form of the Cosmic Tortoise (Skt. kurma) whose shell served to support Mandara, the mountain that served as a dasher in the Churning of the Sea of Milk. As the mountain rotated, several hairs were rubbed from the tortoise's back. With time, they washed ashore and became Kusha. Later, when the amrita (nectar) was obtained and distributed among the gods, some drops fell on the grass which further sanctified it imbuing it with healing properties.
INR: 215.00 | USD: 21.92
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Therefore, in the tradition hair-cutting of Vaishnava toddlers, the hair is touched with kusha before it is cut. It was used as a ritual seat as far back as the Vedas, and the Bhagavad Gita (ch. 6) stipulates that, covered with a skin and a cloth, it is the appropriate seat for meditation. Therefore, it was one of the first offerings made to the Buddha.
Dharbam is a sacred holy grass which has the ability to absorb radiation and correct magnetic field issues. Due to its amazing properties, its used in various parts of religious practices like homam, tharpanam etc.
Because of placing the Amruta Kalasah ( pot containg Ambrosia) the Sacrificial Grass (Darba) became sacred. For this reason, since then Kusah (Darba) has become headmost and worthy for all the rituals of Godly Sacrificial Fires (Yagnas and Homas etc.,). Another legend says, the mighty demon Vrutrasura was killed by Indra Deva. Then that Asura fell on the ground and became as Kusah (Darbh). Hence Kushah is treated as sacred in all the Hindu Rituals.
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goldeagleprice · 5 years
Incarnations of Lord Vishnu on stamps – Part I
Hindus worship a lot of Gods and Goddess. But the most fundamental of Hindu deities are the Trinity- Brahma (The Creator), Vishnu (The Preserver or Sustainer) and Mahesh (The Destroyer). The peace-loving deity of the Hindu Trinity, Vishnu, represents the steadfast principles of order, righteousness, and truth. He is said to descend in form of an avatar to restore cosmic order.
यदा यदा हि धर्मस्य ग्लानिर्भवति भारत ।…
…धर्मसंस्थापनार्थाय सम्भवामि युगे युगे॥
  These Avatars play a major role in shaping human evolution through centuries. They have been an inspiration for many works of art. Jayadeva’s Geet govinda is perhaps the most unique literary work.
    The Geeta Govinda is a work composed by the 12th-century Indian poet, Jayadeva. It describes the relationship between Krishna and the Gopis of Vrindavana, and in particular the relation with Radha. The Geeta Govinda is organized into twelve chapters. Each chapter is further subdivided into twenty-four divisions called Prabandhas. The prabandhas contain couplets grouped into eights, called Ashtapadis. Composed in Sankrit, Geeta govinda is has been translated in many languages, adopted in numerous illustrations, performed in variety of singing styles and dance forms!
It’s not a wonder that the Department of Post, India, too has issued commemorative stamps on this treatise. India Post issued a beautiful Miniature sheet depicting 11 stamps; with 10 avatars of Vishnu and one stamp depicting the celebrated poet, Jayadeva.
The first stamp depicts the poet seated writing the said treatise.
  Matsya Avatar:
When the world was about to get extinct, Manu, the king was instructed by the Gods to rescue the life form on earth. And hence he chooses 1 male and 1 female from every species, collects plants of different species and loads them all on the big ship. The whole world was washed up in the rains and as a result, there was no land to stay. A fish (Matsya Avatar) comes to the rescue. The ship was then tied to the horn of the fish and the fish pulls the ship with great speed towards the Himalayas and keeps the ship safe there till the flood water recedes. The new era starts and the king helps in the procreation for the new era.
The second stamp depicts this scene of King Manu and Matsya Avatar of Vishnu.
    Kurma Avatar:
The sage Durvasa once presented a garland of flowers to Indra (The King of Gods), who carelessly gave it away to his elephant who trampled it. Due to this, Durvasa who was famous for his short temper cursed all the Gods (Devas) that they would lose all the strengths. Caught in the curse all the Devas went to Lord Vishnu. Vishnu asked them to churn the ocean of milk, Shirsagara, for the nectar (Amrita). The Devas and Asuras started churning the Ocean of milk, in order to get amrita, the nectar of immortality, with serpent Vasuki as the rope and the mount Mandara as the churning staff. But as churning proceeded the mountain began to sink. To stop the mountain from sinking into the ocean Lord Vishnu took the form of the large turtle or Kurma and kept the mountain afloat on its back.
This how the Lord Vishnu takes his second avatar! This Avatar of Vishnu, the Kurma Avatar is depicted in one of stamp commemorating Jayadeva’s Geetgovind.
  Varaha Avatar:
The story of the Varaha Avatar goes like this. There was a demon named Hiranyaksha. He had a boon from Lord Brahma that no god, human, demon would be able to kill him. This made him prove that he is immortal and no one can kill him. So, he started displaying his powers everywhere. Once Hiranyaksha stole the Goddess Bhudevi (earth) and hid her under the oceans. Seeing this, all the Gods were alarmed and went to Lord Vishnu for help.
Vishnu remembered that Brahma had forgotten to grant Hiranyaksha immortality against Varaha, the two-tusked wild boar. Vishnu changed himself into a Varaha and dived into the ocean. Seeing Hiranyaksha there, the Varaha challenged him to a fight. Soon, Vishnu beheaded Hiranyaksha and brought back the earth from the depths of the ocean.
    Narasimha Avatar:
Most of us are very familiar with the fourth avatar of Vishnu ‘Narsimha’ (‘Nara’ means man and ‘Simha’ means a lion). Hiranyakasyapa, a demon, after a great penance was given a boon by Lord Brahma that he be neither killed by a man or beast nor in daylight or at night and neither inside or outside a building. After this, Hiranyakasyapa started considering himself as the Supreme of all Gods.
His son Prahlada was the great devotee of Lord Vishnu and this angered Hiranyakasyapa. He attempted various ways to kill his son but each and every time Prahlada managed to escape. When asked how Prahlad was evading death, he said his Lord was saving him. Frustrated, Hiranyakasyapa asked Prahlada to show his Lord Vishnu on which Prahlad replied that he is everywhere. This further enraged Hiranyakasyapa and he knocked down a pillar and asked if Lord was present there.
Suddenly lord Vishnu, in a furious form having the body of a human and face of a lion, emergies from a pillar which was neither inside the house nor outside, at evening, which is neither night nor day. Hiranyakasyapa was killed by this Narsimha avatar!
This scene of Narasimha killing Hiranyakasyapa is beautifully depicted on a commemorative stamp of Jayadeva’s Geeta Govind. It has fine jewel-like colours with very fine details on it.
  Vamana Avatar:
The fourth descendant of Hiranyakashyap, Bali, with devotion and penance was able to defeat Indra. This humbled the other deities and King Bali extended his authority over the three worlds. The gods appealed to Vishnu for protection and he descended as the dwarf Vamana. During a yajna of the king, Vamana approached him and Bali promised him for whatever he asked. Vamana asked for three paces of land. Bali agreed, and the dwarf then changed his size to that of a giant. He stepped over heaven in his first stride and the netherworld with the second.
Bali realized that Vamana was Vishnu incarnate. In deference, the king offered his head as the third place for Vamana to place his foot. The avatar did so and thus granted Bali immortality. Then in appreciation to Bali and his grandfather Prahlada, Vamana made him ruler of Pathala, the netherworld.
Vamana taught King Mahabali that pride should be abandoned for advancement in life, and that wealth should be appreciated as it can easily disappear. Hmmm… the moral is something which is applicable to us even today, isn’t it?
A commemorative stamp was issued which depicts a whole story of Vamana avatar on a tiny stamp.
  Hidden behind every Avatara is a message/moral that is conveyed.  Dashavatara is not a topic of mere mythology but has serious inferences woven with it. The stories of Dashabatara open up a vast world of Indian belief system, culture and philosophy. Stay tuned and keep watching this space for next part of Incarnationas of Lord Vishnu on stamps!
The post Incarnations of Lord Vishnu on stamps – Part I appeared first on Blog | Mintage World.
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efkarsigarasi · 6 years
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Kim tahmin derdi ki uçsuz bucaksız okyanuslarda hayallerini gerçekleştireceksin diye? Tam tersine "boşuna hayal kurma olmaz" diyenlere inat hayallerimin peşinden koşup gerçekleştiriyorum. Bende umudun bittiği yerde inat başlar haberiniz olsun😎💪 #sea #deniz #hayaller #gelecek #ship #tbt #day #good #life #😎 #more #denizci #seaman #seamanlife https://www.instagram.com/p/Bo8gPJ6HD8_hBm4PSlNCXWUty6XEH4SH6-GtZ80/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=ilecqq0ow51q
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dharmikshakti · 6 years
buy visnu shaligram online,
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Saligram is actually the name of the village on the banks of the river Gandaki are picked up.these sacred stones were found in abundance. The stones were therefore called Shaligrama. Shaligram Lord Vishnu formats are obvious. Lord Narayana is derived from the ontological nature Gandaki river. Vaishnavas (Hindu) use an iconic representation of Vishnu, in the form of a spherical, usually black-coloured  worship of Satnarayan Bhagwan.
Saligram incarnation of Lord Vishnu in all that has happened in the round like if Shaligram name of Lord Vishnu and Krishna Gopal Shaligram known. if Shaligram fishery where it was found in the size of the fish are.if  Salagrama terrapin is found in the size of the turtle incarnation of Lord Vishnu, known as the so-terrapin terrapin turtle's shape Shaligram get. Shaligram various Vishnu (Krishna) is in the form of the name.
By continual Jalabhishek Shaligram basil leaf on a person only if offered by the Lord Narayana are pleased soon. Shaligram life time born from the sins of Worship, Heating, curse destroyed. Joy, peace and wealth, honor, position, prestige increases.
Different types of Saligram sila
(1) Pradyumna sila (2) Vaaman sila (3) Varaha sila (4) Purushottama sila (5) Narayana sila (6) Nrisimha sila (7) Ananta sila (8) Janardan sila (9) Vasudeva sila (10) Matsya sila (11) Kurma sila (12) Buddha sila (13) Kalkin sila (14) Vishvakesha sila (15) Hayagrivas sila (16) Srikara sila (17) Harihara sila, and (18) Lakshminarayana sila.
Way of worship :
Taking Visnu Shaligram wash it with the Ganga water and Situated worship Place.
Note: We give you 100% original Best Quality Shaligram at the best price possible! If you are not happy with the Vishnu shaligram. Your shipping cost will also be return.
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