#ship: hope and lizzie
isagrimorie · 4 months
Hizzie: 9, 11 and 16.
from this fandom ask game:
9. ...what my ideal endgame for them is.
After a reasonably slow burn, they become a couple at the end of season 5 and officially at the beginning of season 6.
It starts with Hope realizing she's fallen for Lizzie, but she's not pushing it because she feels guilty for what she did to Lizzie when Lizzie confessed to her -- and because her family finally told her what 'siring' meant among vampires.
Hope would think she blew it.
Especially now that MG and Lizzie are dating. And y'know it's nice -- to the outsider it is nice. They don't fight and it's all anyone can reasonably ask for, a nice relationship with hardly any drama.
And Lizzie is trying to make it work. She thinks she owes it to herself and MG to make it work and she and Hope are friends. What more can a girl ask right?
After quite a comedy of errors and pining, all from Hope's point of view, with a few puzzled pensive looks from Lizzie. MG and Lizzie break up. It has nothing to do with Lizzie knowing about Hope's feelings but she suspects, hopes maybe.
But no, Lizzie and MG break up amicably because they both realize -- they're just not working as a couple. They are much better friends.
Meanwhile, as friends and as partners, Lizzie and Hope have been doing really, really well. And in true Mikaelson fashion -- and maybe to Hope's annoyance she's more like her Uncle Elijah than she thought-- because she does random things to make Lizzie happy without even telling her.
Cleo's noticed, of course, and has encouraged Hope to speak up. Hope doesn't want to and she seems to be on a mission to improve herself. Of course, Lizzie finds out about Hope's self-improvement mission, and as a self-proclaimed queen of self-improvement, Lizzie sets out to help her.
TLDR culminates in a major moment-- a battle, or after a battle, or even an afterparty of a battle, Hope and Lizzie end up alone and Hope finally confesses to Lizzie, and Lizzie just smiles at Hope, "Took you long enough, Mikaelson."
And kisses Hope.
11. ...how quickly I started shipping them when I got into the fandom.
Pretty fast tbh-- I'm a sucker for rivals-to-lovers tropes, but also I felt a spark from them on the 4th episode? For someone who hated Hope so much, Lizzie listened really intently and very compassionately when Hope gave her advice about grief.
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The scene in season 1 is the first time I low-key shipped Lizzie with Hope.
And to have it called back in season 4????? That Lizzie remembered and internalized what Hope said? How can I not ship them?
Of course, the roadtrip episode leading to Hope and Lizzie finding out that their whole rift was not real after all. And then cascading to the beautiful moment in the dance with Lizzie helping Hope with her anxiety and panic and later Hope doing the same for her.
But the nail in the coffin to my shipping them?
Lizzie remembers Hope in season 2 and waking up, saying: Hope Andrea Mikaelson!
From then on it is a straight shot to Shipsville.
16. ...three of my fic recs for this ship. And (in the event that I've written something for them) one of my fics involving them that I'm most proud of.
Oh boy this is actually hard since I haven't been reading a lot of Hizzie fic.
So, possibly recents first:
Catch Her a Catch by Tamoline
“Oh!” She rolls her eyes at herself. “Of course.” She doesn’t say that it was obviously lingering sorrow over a mention of something Hope no longer has. Lizzie’s always been more solution oriented anyway. “We need to find Hope a boyfriend.” Honestly, the idea’s so simple, Lizzie’s astounded she hasn’t thought of it before. Lizzie gets an idea in her head. Chaos ensues.
Lizzie tries to set-up Hope. It goes as well as you'd think.
Deep End series by cheektocheekinhell
It starts with a road trip with no Humanity Hope and Lizzie and it ends with a road trip to New Orleans.
The Charleston by Terapsina
Lizzie's panicking about having forgotten about the latest Mystic Falls dance, when Hope knocks on the door of her room and Lizzie gets an idea.
Because I really adored this. It was light and sweet and I can just see this happening.
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crescentfool · 7 months
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happy mochizuki monday!!!
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bibridlizzie · 3 months
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Hizzie (Hope x Lizzie)
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lesbiansaltzman · 8 months
ROUND 3, BATTLE 53: Bamon VS Hizzie
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incorrect-hizzies · 6 months
Had to do this with hizzie <3
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Was tempted to mark "they should kill eachother" but Hope already partially fulfilled it
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ollylotl · 1 year
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EDIT: this drawing was made BEFORE Lizzie's redesign. It's no longer representative of how I draw her. idk if ill ever clean this up so take this messy comic of lizzie and ava's first kiss. back when things were at least relatively simpler and more innocent.
would lizzie have her eye patch at this point? would ava have that uniform at this point? i dont know. i know nothing.
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hyperactivewhore · 7 months
girl u ship hizzie🤭🤭🤭
I could’ve sworn I saw you agree with someone who said they don’t make sense
But nvm I adore them
JSKDSK I do ship hizzie. And I did say they wouldn't make sense in one of my posts but just because Hope was clearly in love with Landon to a point it was kinda obsessive - in my own opinion, handon was not as toxic as fans make it out to be. And I don't think Lizzie actually realizes how important she is to Hope and viceversa.
But I think it's quite easy to see the chemistry and actual feelings between Hope and Lizzie, and they were clearly closer than hosie and I believe Hope liked Lizzie a lot more (but this is perhaps influenced by the fact that I dislike Josie so I don't know.)
They're both immortal, and now that Landon is out of the picture (his ending was completely unfair tho) I can definitely see their romantic feelings for each other just increase more and more until it blows in their faces and they get married and have a thousand of kids.
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jadejcw · 1 month
Legacies Roleplay
Comment if interested
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thedragonqueens · 2 years
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Hizzie icons!¡
Love these two
Matchings coming soon!
like or reblog if you save any pic!¡
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faking-god · 11 months
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A phone thing I did for @lovesickgoose birthday!! They're not sure what's going on what it's alright
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shippingnook · 12 days
joelskall is so deep in my brain... I'm thinking about Iskall's first memory of Joel being "oh no he's hot..." or something like that. Him just appreciating how amazing Joel looks. He never met a man, haven't really got a chance to talk to him yet, but the way he handles himself, how he moves and how he talks, subconciously, were stuck in Iskall's mind.
I want him to realize that he fell for Joel while talking to Stress. They're having another silly friendly arfument again and it goes about something to do with Iskall bothering Joel for no reason, and in the heat of them overtalking each other he confesses that he, in fact, does find Joel pretty. Ofc Stress won't let that slide. Whatever they were arguing about was put aside so that she can get more info out of poor Iskall and his feelings. lol.
Anyway he denies whatever he said. Sure the man looks nice, doesn't mean Iskall's into him or anything. Surely he annoys him a lot, but not because he wants to be near, he's a new guy after all! And he made himself stuck at his base while working on it, making it prettier. Not that it has anything to do with him admiring how amazing Joel is in everything he does. Anyway, what?
Iskall pretty much leaves the place still in denial, but he has a long time to think on that. Still in denial whenever he and Joel have to hang out next time, still in denial when he bothers him again, making one million excuses about why he is NOT in love with the guy and that he just finds him charming! Maybe he does a little! That's all! And he's new after all, gotta get to know him!
...that goes poorly, actually. Because next time Iskall visits, Joel shows him the statue he built in a shrine for his wife. Of his wife, with a little Joel she's holding. THE FUCK YOU MEAN HE HAS A WIFE??? those were first words Stress hears when Iskall comes to her base, back from Joel's. She says she assumed he knew, seeing as lots of other hermits do. He didn't tho. And that starts to stress him out even more. He overthinks about if having the feelings he has is even normal(he almost accepted it, trust), he overthinks the entire bit Joel has with Etho and being obsessed, he re-thinks all the moments Etho and Joel had and the neck kissing bit and how in the world is this all ok when HE'S MARRIED. Iskall remembers Lizzie was there actually when the neck kissing thing started, and she didn't seem to mind? Should he talk about this to somebody? Should he ask??? Would that be too weird???
Luckily, next time he visits Mumbo, who needs some resurce help for his builds, Joel also arrives, so they get to talk. Obviously it starts from just casual hermit stuff, Iskall desperately tries to keep it normal and not say anything weird or stare too much. But the dialogue leads in the right direction, luckily for Iskall.
"How's Lizzie doing? Has she been well?" Mumbo asks. Bless him.
"Yea she's alright, tho we haven't been seeing each other much since I'm mostly here with you guys. Been missing her a bit quite honestly."
So the convo led to him and Lizzie. Iskall just hopes and prays he didn't ask anything weird during that, but judging by Mumbo's reactions (which were absent) he did great. AND he managed to find out stuff. He thinks. Joel seems to not mind Lizzie meeting people while he's away, same with Lizzie being ok with Joel hanging out with hermits here. Hence the entire thing he has with Etho. What Iskall is sure of now - Joel is very much open to any potential thing.
This is where he pretty much accepted it. Mostly. He tried not to think about it much(tho it was hard) but now that he knows Joel is open to things... maybe made Iskall quite... happy. Excited even. Poor Pearl had to deal with him buying an entire stack of Joel's stamps. Good for her I guess, since she got the money for it. So now, even tho Joel is away, and Iskall has to ponder even more about what he wants to do with himself - it's exciting to see what's coming.
ok I didn't mean to write this all but they HAVE BEEN IN MY HEAD FOR. A WHILE. mostly Iskall being a menace bc he doesn't know how to express his feelings and Joel being confuse at the beginning but starting to get into it. Two unhinged types of men amiright. Sorry for typos if there are any it's 4 am and my eyeballs hurt.
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isagrimorie · 8 months
Star Wars: 3, 6, 14.
Hizzie: 4, 7.
ask game
Star Wars
3. which scene I would like to erase from the universe and why.
Rise of Skywalker. Because it's so bad-- it tried to please everyone it ended up pissing me off.
But the most one is: "Somehow Palpatine returned."
Also as much as I love Chewie, I wish he had stayed dead because then it wouldn't have felt cheap when we thought he died.
I couldn't believe I was happy to get Palps back before the movie and then the execution of how and why was so stupid, and now everything in the Disney Star Wars shows is trying to build up to that moment and even the First Order and it makes me so annoyed.
6. which is my favorite platonic or familial relationship in this world.
The Disaster Lineage and the Ghost Crew family, are now connected because of Ahsoka and Sabine.
14. if I think the largest majority of fics I crave for it are fix-its, nobody-dies-everybody-lives, fluffy fics of my OTP, pining fics for my OTP, or plot-heavy Gen stories?
In Star Wars there's a large majority of equal parts Gen stories, where everybody lives, fix-it fic where your favorite Star Wars character of choice either goes back in time to stop Palps or go forward in time to avoid everything that will happen.
4. how many other characters in my opinion see the chemistry of this couple before the couple itself does.
In my headcanon, Kaleb's been clocking it but doesn't want to say, especially since in my headcanon, Kaleb is slowly becoming good friends with Lizzie.
Unconsciously, Josie knows. Professor Vardemus wished he didn't know and see it.
Jen, of course, and is puzzled that most other of their school mates don't see it.
Penelope definitely clocked it and of course, tormented Lizzie about it-- this is partly why Lizzie went the other direction and got angry with Hope more. So, yeah, she's definitely the one who knew before either Lizzie and Hope knew.
But when word gets out and Josie tells her that Hope and Lizzie are dating, she'll smirk and say: "Called it."
Cleo didn't know but is very supportive.
7. the scene that I like to point to as proof that they're perfect for each other.
Just one scene??? No, I can't limit it to one scene!
The moments in season 1, in the car on the road trip back home -- and then when Hope was breaking down and Lizzie was the only one who got Hope to calm down.
Earlier than that, when Hope was talking about how to comfort someone in grief in season 1, and Lizzie said almost the exact same thing to a little girl in grief in season 4.
Lizzie was always, always paying attention to Hope.
Hope coming back for Lizzie in the Noir dream word and they held hands with that noir romantic music in the background.
And, of course, the scene where Lizzie told Hope, "I hate that you made me love you."
For Hope, it was when she had No Humanity switch on and still followed Lizzie, and then much later when Lizzie broke her neck and left her and Hope, despite having her switch off, HAD A FULL ON VAMPIRE DAMON STYLE heartbroken existential monologue before feeding and killing a Human.
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And Lizzie telling Hope: "Our sire bond might be gone, Hope Andrea Mikaelson, but you and I are bonded for life."
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crescentfool · 7 months
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bibridlizzie · 1 month
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Hope x Lizzie
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lesbiansaltzman · 6 months
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terapsina · 1 year
Ask Game: hizzie (#1, 6, 10) hope mikaelson & lizzie saltzman (#8, 9, 10, 16, 17)
(from this ask game I made)
1. ...about my absolute favorite of their scenes and why I love it so much.
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"I hate this. I hate how many good memories I have of you. I hate that I have to be the one to do this, because no one else will. But most of all… I hate you. For being my friend, and for being apart of my weird messed up family and for making me love you, Hope Mikaelson."
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Okay, so they have SO MANY great scenes to choose from and I think I'm obsessed with every single one but it's just hard to beat a '10 Things I Hate About You' love confession okay?
Also I love what it SAYS about them. Okay, so see, textually Hope is Lizzie's hero. But subtextually I'd argue that Lizzie is actually Hope's knight in shining armor. Lizzie is the one who saves her from a breakdown in the middle of the dance. Lizzie's the one who remembers her and makes her less alone. Lizzie's the one who pulls her out of the monochrome 50's noir movie. And Lizzie's the one who goes after her when she's lost her way. The one who tries to bring her back with - and let me repeat myself here - WITH A LOVE CONFESSION.
And yeah, that last one doesn't work. Except that I'm pretty sure that it nearly does. Which is WHY Hope snaps her neck. I think Lizzie nearly managed to touch her, and Hope felt it, and this made Lizzie a threat. The kind of threat that Josie and Rebekah hadn't been. And that, my friends, I find fascinating.
6. ...what kind of AU fics I'm obsessed with reading about them (or would be if I could find one).
I largely prefer Canon Universe fics that go off script because of an alteration here or there; a what if that led them down here instead of there. But... I guess I would really love to read a Slayer Lizzie/Turned Slayer Hope fic? Idk I just think that might be a fascinating way to explore them.
10....rate the level of stupid they reach in their pining.
Oh. So. VERY. Stupid.
So clearly Lizzie reaches the light first. But BEFORE that she comes up with a list for the Perfect Love she wants and describes Hope. She tries to matchmake Hope so hard it's like she's confessing that she's in love with Hope to the guy she's trying to matchmake Hope with.
Meanwhile Hope? Somehow totally seems to miss multiple love confessions, or to snag across what it mans that Lizzie was sired to her (okay, so I partially blame the very terrible Vampire 101 at that school but you'd think that in a family of... *does math*... 6-ish vampires it might have come up?). And she does catch that Josie used to have a crush on her but completely MISSES the implication that she thought her sister would have made a move too?
Also, Hope wrote herself into Lizzie's fanfic as a kid. And yet doesn't notice how maybe. Crushing might have mayhaps been happening?
Dum-dums want gum-gums level of dumb, okay? Dear evil gods but I love them so much.
Hope Mikaelson:
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8. ...a headcanon I have about this character.
She wasn't supposed to be able to turn her humanity off as an Original of her line, so she did it by force, which is why there seemed to be this split in her personality that's never been a thing for any other vampire we've been shown turning their feelings off.
Like, Hope pushed all her feelings deep inside and slammed the wall down and cut herself in half. Which is why in my perfect season 5 (💔) she would have had to accept the No Humanity side of herself and reintegrate it back into the larger whole of Hope Andrea Mikaelson.
9. ...which of their relationships I would have cultivated more if it were up to me (both romantic and platonic).
Well, I know she's dead but I would have brought up Hayley in relation to Hope more. She did have a mom she lost, not just a dad.
Also I would have added a lot more off-screen contact between her and the family she STILL HAS. The Mikaelsons aren't DEAD. She's got aunts and uncles and one brother/uncle, and her mother's pack, and the New Orleans coven of witches.
Also, I think I'd have liked to minimize the amount of scenes Hope had with Alaric. Cuz like nine times of ten they just made me vaguely uncomfortable.
Probably would also have had Hope hanging out with every other person in school, because it did feel like Landon was monopolizing ALL her screentime for like two out of four seasons.
10. ...if I liked them immediately or if took a while before I warmed up to their character. Alternatively, if I disliked them immediately or if they lost my trust as their story progressed.
Oh I absolutely loved Hope from the beginning. Though it took me a while to really understand what made her click, because I've only watched her scenes from The Originals and not the entire show that probably gives a more fully fleshed out background.
But yeah I liked Hope from the beginning, and by the end? I utterly adored her.
16. ...my very shallowest of opinions on this character.
Girl. Pretty.
17. ...how well they'd do if they got dropped in a horror movie.
Oh, there's only two options here. Either she gets dropped there and this is NO LONGER A HORROR STORY because she beats the killer as soon as they attack. Or otherwise, she kills the killer as soon as she gets dropped there and becomes the monster of the horror movie herself (if we're talking about the No Humanity!Hope).
Lizzie Saltzman:
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8. ...a headcanon I have about this character.
She was always going to become a heretic whatever else took place. It was always part of her plan B, and not even one she was really dreading. She might not have been ready when what's-his-face tried to turn her by force, but a part of her knew she'd choose to turn eventually. Which is both why she drank blood as insurance and why I think it was so easy for Lizzie to forgive Hope her turning.
Also. I think a part of why Lizzie went on so long being oblivious about her feelings for Hope was because after Josie finally told them about her old crush, Lizzie didn't want to be a person who would move in on her twin's potentially still existing crush (which I actually don't think Lizzie needed to worry about, by that point in their lives it didn't actually look like Josie had any more romantic feelings for Hope at all).
9. ...which of their relationships I would have cultivated more if it were up to me (both romantic and platonic).
I think Lizzie needed a really safe and utterly platonic friend (Hope doesn’t count because she had feelings for her (fight me on this, I dare you), and MG didn't count because he never stopped having feelings for her). So I wish she'd had a lot more scenes with Kaleb.
10. ...if I liked them immediately or if took a while before I warmed up to their character. Alternatively, if I disliked them immediately or if they lost my trust as their story progressed.
You kidding? They were my favorite from pretty much the word go. Though... I guess the moment I went full ride-or-die for her was during the Genie wish!verse episode.
16. ...my very shallowest of opinions on this character.
17. ...how well they'd do if they got dropped in a horror movie.
A bit touch and go in the beginning because she'd panic. But she's definitely a Final Girl if I've ever seen one, so once the panic waned she'd just be really, really mad.
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