#shes like the fourth character to do that
paradoxcase · 2 days
Gideon the Ninth audiobook, to the end of Part 2
New voices:
Camilla's voice is described in the text as "low and calm" which should mean more deep-voiced women rep, but the audiobook isn't really reproducing that description well, I don't think
Palamedes' voice is not bad, although I kind of expected something clearer and lighter. I'm not sure if it's my imagination, but it almost sounds like another accent? I can't decide. It's kind of hard to tell when Moira Quirk's base accent is also foreign to me
I like Abigail's voice, it's definitely the same Welsh accent. I wonder why Moira Quirk picked that accent for the Fifth? Since they are culturally dominant, I would have expected an accent with more cultural capital IRL, but I guess the main characters are already using a standard British accent and the Fourth teens got the French, so I'm not sure what's left in that regard
There were a few words of Isaac voice, it seems fine
Magnus's voice is really growing on me... just in time to never hear it again for the rest of the book. Woe. Oh well, he'll be back in the next one
The pronunciation of Palamedes' name is also growing on me a lot faster than I predicted
Other stuff:
Gideon notes that Teacher does not eat breakfast, and guesses that he just eats it earlier in the morning. NOPE
On the possibility of Harrow being murdered: "What if the murderer was like, weird" and musings on Gideon's subsequent marriage to the murderer, and thoughts about swapping friendship bracelets with them - Cytherea is the murderer and is indeed seducing Gideon here, and this probably also foreshadows the "friendship bracelets" with Ianthe, although who knows if that's what they actually are
Harrow knew that Gideon was hanging out with Cytherea as early as when she was working in the facility by herself, which I had forgotten, and I'm wondering how she knows this. It doesn't sound like she's doing a lot of socializing and doesn't seem to know a lot about the others beyond the Sixth and the Eighth, who she considers her main competitors at this point, and I don't think either of them would know about Gideon's time spent with Cytherea, because they're also busy, and I doubt Harrow has been trading pleasantries with Cytherea herself
I still love that Gideon figures out the purpose of the Imaging/Response rooms by saying "the arms kind of look like swords, I want to fight it" after Harrow has spent literal days beating her head against it
Gideon punches the construct twice in this segment, which I think really shows the utility of her using that move against Babs earlier, and Marta's assessment that she was the better fighter for it. Babs would have been outraged that the construct didn't follow all the proper rules of dueling
I like how written notes and so forth are read in the voice of the character that wrote them (except for John's letter, I guess, but he doesn't have a voice yet); even when Gideon is reading Magnus's invitation aloud to Harrow, it's read in Magnus's voice
After the dinner party, Cytherea tells Gideon "I liked that dinner, it was useful" which is very chilling now considering I now know it made her decide to kill Abigail and Magnus first
She also says "What do [the Houses] compete for? The Emperor's favor? What does that look like?" I think it's interesting that Cytherea, who is intimately familiar with the Emperor, doesn't really know what his favor looks like, or possibly doesn't believe it exists. Or she just knows that John is shit and finds competing for his favor to be pointless and self-defeating, no doubt strengthening her commitment to murdering everyone before they can succeed
After reading the Unwanted Guest, I think I can guess that the reason Gideon sees the thanergetic signatures when she's fighting the construct is more permeability of the soul stuff - that when Harrow sits in her head, Gideon becomes enough of Harrow to see things that only Harrow can normally see? Even though they only did this for like a few minutes at this point
Gideon being completely floored by Harrow's praise of her fighting ability was fun to hear about again
And now Magnus and Abigail are dead and it's time for Part 3. I think the only voice that's left to hear for the first time is Judith, and also John will make his first appearance in the epilogue
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Assorted thoughts on Doctor Who's re(?)
love that even with Disney Money™, Doctor Who's CGI is still janky as fuck - one of the few things keeping the vibe of "seven people in a shed with a shakey camera and a boom mic" together for me in the new series. The increase in Disney Money™ still feels a bit wrong for me. I liked the more low-budget episodes focused that forced the team to use what little resources were available to them creatively.
I'm still incredibly annoyed about the fact that the show airs first at midnight in the UK. It feels wrong. They still show it on BBC One during its normal Saturday time slot, but it's not the same
I think that there have been more queer people than straight people in the new series which is honestly fucking iconic.
Ncuti Gatwa is a very good fit for the doctor, and it's very interesting to see his depth and range.
Some of the writing in the new series feels... janky? is not quite the right word for it. But it's a marked improvement over the Chibnall Era. That being said... RTD still does NOT know how to write endings. Both of the new series' stories thus far have been set up very well, have progressed very well, and then have fallen a little flat towards the end.
This season is clearly meant to be weird and fourth-wall-break-y, so I'm curious to see exactly what RTD does with the mess of lore that is the Timeless Child.
Ruby Sunday is northern representation with a proper manc accent we love to see it. One of the few good parts of Jodie's tenure in the role was the northern companions imo, but I am biased. On the topic of Ruby, we all know something is up with her, but she's easily the strangest character that has not made a fourth-wall break so far. Everyone else who has something weird going on is clearly in the know.
Speaking of, this series is clearly trying to do something with all the fourth-wall breaks and the S-TRIAD stuff, but we'll see as to if it pays off or not. I really hope it does.
Looking forward to watching the doctor get obliterated by a landmine, that's a great concept for an episode actually.
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antianakin · 3 days
I watched that scene in V for Vendetta when V kills Delia, and it occurred to me that there isn't quite the same scene throughout TBB S3. Despite the heavy redemption themes for Crosshair and Emerie, I don't think I heard either of them directly acknowledge their wrongs and apologise to their (live) victims. I didn't hear Crosshair admit fault for shooting Wrecker on Kamino, trying to incinerate the squad on Bracca, or kidnapping Hunter and using him as bait. Never mind to Howzer for his squad's arrest and death in captivity, or the people of Ryloth for his assassination of Orn Free Taa. Or to the next of kin of at least two women I remembered he killed during his Imperial service.
I never heard Emerie apologise for using the kids and clones as pincushions to draw blood, abducting and imprisoning them. Has everyone forgotten that she was there regularly while Crosshair was strapped to the bed and being experimented on?
The point is that while both characters did heel-face turns and performed deeds to atone for their pasts, the lack of apology is deafening. Howzer was portrayed as the asshole for not seeing Crosshair's heel-face turn because it should have been ''obvious'' how Crosshair treats Omega. I see it as the characters who should have broken the fourth wall and read the script to bypass the drama that would have occurred if an apology had been forthcoming. The "hard" part was done; Crosshair lost his hand; what more do you idiots want? I would have chalked it to the cancellation had I not seen something similar running around Season 1...
It's one of those aspects that gnaws at me with Disney Star Wars. What I call the externalisation of evil, paired with the lack of accountability. Evil happens because people were forced or duped to act on its behalf, but because these people are not "true" believers (as seen by their redemption), they need not be held accountable for their actions while serving evil. Their acts in service of the "superior good" balance the scales and bypass the need for accountability.
And for a "kids" show lauded as the most "adult" of the TCW-era animation, I have to ask, is this really the lesson to teach kids? Because in real life, no one can read your mind and hear your apology mentally. And some can fake it and be unrepentant in the end. The victims of your wrongdoing have the right to confront you, hear your apology, and decide to absolve or condemn you. "I am not here for what you hoped to do. I am here for what you did"- V
"Is it meaningless to apologise? Never I'm so sorry" - Delia's last words to V
I find myself less upset about Emerie because Emerie was introduced so late that not only do we not see her doing anything THAT horrific, but there wouldn't have been a lot of time to really work through any kind of redemption arc for her. Within her first few episodes, we do see her soften towards Omega a bit, so they DO set up that Emerie isn't all she appears to be which allows for her to have stronger reactions to things like the Force sensitive children in the vault later.
My issue with Emerie, which is likely partially due to the cancellation cutting off some of what they might have planned to do with her, is that we have ZERO EXPLANATION for her. Why does she exist, was she just a defective clone who came out female and so the Kaminoans sent her away or did one of them intentionally try to create a female clone for some reason? Why did they send her to Hemlock, how was Hemlock connected with the Kaminoans to begin with and connected SO early that he was able to acquire a clone before the Jedi and the Republic even knew they existed? Why did Hemlock accept her and what has he been doing TO her this whole time? What is her relationship with being a clone if she was presumably separated from the rest of them for her entire life and not necessarily raised as a clone the same way as even TBB would've been? How does this impact her relationship with the clone prisoners on Tantiss as well as Hemlock?
Her redemption arc feels both half-assed and like... just half-assed enough because Emerie is basically a blank slate the whole time. We don't know anything about her or her motivations for anything and so there's nothing to really make me feel like her quicker change of heart goes against anything we know about her. She's never shown to be particularly unkind or malicious, just... somewhat disconnected from the clone prisoners and inclined to just accept that Hemlock's work is necessary. Because we know so little about her aside from that she's been with Hemlock since she was extremely young, it works for me that she's mostly just kind-of disconnected about the things he's doing to the other clones until she manages to make a personal connection that sort-of changes her perspective. She does not personally capture or hurt anyone to my memory, she never seems to be intentionally trying to cause pain to anybody, there's no malicious intent behind her actions that she has to work around and make up for. There's not even any real prejudice and anger towards the clones themselves that is causing her to be okay with what Hemlock is doing to them. So just her recognizing that a change NEEDS to be made is enough for me with Emerie, I don't feel like I needed more of an apology in order for her "redemption arc" to make sense because she's barely a fleshed out character as it is.
Crosshair on the other hand, DID owe an apology to a lot of people. I HATE the way they handled his interactions with the rest of the squad and with Howzer in particular. I HATE the way HOWZER has to apologize and Crosshair never does. It's fucked up and wrong and such a badly done redemption arc and I honestly can't even blame that on the cancellation because it's early enough in the season that they likely already had that built in before they had to make any changes. There's also already been TWO SEASONS before this to build up to Crosshair's change of heart that I think got mishandled as well. He got so little screen time in season two that his change of heart that turns him against the Empire doesn't feel believable to me at all.
My biggest issue with BOTH of these characters and the way their stories were handled was the distance from the ACTUAL CLONES.
This is an issue I've had with the show from the beginning. It's billed as a show about clones, but the main characters are SO separated and distant from the real clones that none of their development really has anything to do with the clones and it makes it feel like it never really WAS a clone story at all. Crosshair's story would've been more compelling if it had been about his bigotry towards the clones and his development had come specifically from learning they were good people and he was wrong about them. Emerie and Omega's stories should've been about them finally being able to connect to the other clones that they'd been forced away from their whole lives and figuring out what it truly means to BE a clone. The Bad Batch's story would've been more compelling if it had had more focus on what was actually happening to the clones immediately after Order 66 and the desperation and tragedy of trying to save them in a world that cares about them even less than it used to.
Instead, Crosshair's story seems to be about realizing the Empire sees him, PERSONALLY, as expendable and THAT'S what makes him realize it's bad. The fact that the Empire sees him as no different than the other clones doesn't really allow him to see the CLONES in a different light or connect to them better, it just destroys his loyalty to the Empire because he's not considered special anymore. Emerie only turns against the Empire after she sees what's happening with the Force sensitive children, the torture and captivity of the clones doesn't seem to bother her at all. Omega's development for the last two seasons has had nothing to do with her identity as a clone and a lot more with her identity as a "soldier". Echo is the only character with any real connection to the other clones and the moment he starts to voice that, he gets written off and becomes a recurring cameo character instead of a regular main ensemble member. The moment he decides to more fully be a part of a clone-centric storyline, he can't be a part of the Bad Batch's story because the Bad Batch is inherently NOT A CLONE STORY.
And this is the biggest problem with this show. It's selling itself as a clone story and not actually following through on it and it causes this weird dissonance within the narrative because I don't think this show ever truly knew what story it was telling. It hurts every single one of the characters.
This show would've been a LOT better if they had just let it be a story about, say, four random bounty hunters who worked as a team. Or even, god help me, four Mandalorians from different clans or houses or whatever who are BARELY managing to stay civil with each other. It would've made the stories with Crosshair and Emerie feel a LOT easier to stomach because we aren't sitting there wondering why they aren't reacting to what's happening to the other clones around them. It might've made the stories easier to WRITE, too, because they wouldn't have had to keep trying to force a connection between these characters and the clones that so clearly just isn't there.
Maybe these "redemption arcs" would've been better done and made more sense if these characters weren't clones.
But then again I remember how well done Ventress and Kallus's "redemption arcs" were and I think that maybe it wouldn't have mattered at all.
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icecreampizzer · 16 days
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Well erm. hey. Hi. Had this idea bouncing around my head for a bit...Wanted to do something similar with the portal au for these three hehe >:]
YOU MAY have seen them already in another doodle I made of them as different IEYTD characters. Surprisingly there's a lot of overlap between these guys' personalities and dynamics in my ocs, which is always fun to see HEHEEE
well, here's my favorite fuckass sci-fi love triangle as my favorite science ladies. The notes beside them are their similarities! Most of them are close to the IEYTD canon but some are a bit more headcanon-y. Typed out notes below the cut for readability:
(ex) astronaut, space lover
brilliant engineer
survived an extremely dangerous accident involving a spacecraft built with their own two hands
has no respect for their current employer, operates on their own motives
has something going on with a coworker…even if they butt heads at first
short-tempered most of the time, but generally amiable to coworkers
robot themes…
brilliant engineer
research & knowledge was used against them by the enemy, who they aligned with at first
relatively the most morally good out of the three
has something going on with a coworker (???)
very pleasant to work with
would 100% do those robot blueprints where prism decides to use furniture to build robots
if he had to build his own robot army he would treat them like family. obviously
the most comfortable with being a cartoon villain
brilliant engineer and artiste……
serving cunt 24/7
dedicated to their boss and job to an unhealthy degree (?)
the coworker that has something going on
certified hater especially to their coworkers
has a very active social life & public persona
does a lot of betraying
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beware-of-eels · 2 years
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this is the best heather i’ve ever drawn
character practice pt. 1
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Hey skyjacks listeners! If you're itching to hear more about speir (and more of that incredible song at the end of 179) and you haven't listened to it already, I highly recommend skyjacks: courier's call! Don't think that just because it's all ages means that it isn't as funny, thrilling, dramatic, and high-stakes as the main campaign. It introduces cool new lore to the world of speir and gives you fun new characters to fall in love with.
Aside from the first few episodes, they're all about half an hour long, and there's only around fifty episodes, so don't be intimidated by fear of starting a very long listen. On top of that, there are really fun tales from thornvale interspersed with the story episodes, which tell tales of adventures all over speir (and I'm not even exaggerating, my favorite story from the world of Skyjacks is one of these).
I genuinely think that if anyone enjoys skyjacks or anything about speir, you'll love courier's call
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goldensunset · 5 months
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Vinyl and Walkman! I wanted to have all of this in one post but I ran out of room... so anyways, please enjoy these two when they were but  stupid twenty-somethings. 
While I originally intended to make them side characters/mentors of the protagonist, I’m more and more enjoying the idea of having them be their own leads. 
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siriusblack-the-third · 9 months
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kennabeth · 1 month
sometimes I'm like "okay so that was just a terrible auto-translation, I'm sure she didn't actually write that" and then I look at the page and it's a sentence I can read unassisted and she did actually write that
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superduperkas · 2 years
Shout out to all the fantastic butch and masc representation in A league of Their Own!!
It's been deeply needed and is appreciated. Honestly, didn't know how badly I needed to see rep like this on a big production show. Feels kinda like relief to be seen.
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claire-starsword · 1 month
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Shining Force - Bloodline of the Sacred Dragons chapter 2-7
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lanternlightss · 5 months
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doing quick lil doodles to touch up later and. they are so silly :)
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mixelation · 2 years
Idk if you have watched she hulk but I wanna know, do you think they sexualized her a lot. I can’t help but think that
i think once you accept that she-hulk as a concept is supposed be an otherwise conventionally hot giant green woman (be she a mediocre cgi lady or a comic book lady), she's not really.... more sexualized than any other woman in the MCU? like i think you could argue making a "female hulk" a ten foot woman with perfectly coiffed hair and a ""yoga body"" and luscious carefully cgi'd eyelashes is like. you know, goes into that shitty "all females of the humanoid fantasy species are Sexy, even though the men are not" trope, which I'm not a big fan of. but i kind of like jennifer walters mostly scuttling around in an oversized suit and/or her PJs, and i did kind of dig she-hulk's first big "fight" being NOT a bunch of black widow-style sexy flying take-downs, but rather a ridiculous sibling wrestling match with hulk (i may have also been drinking with my own sibling when i watched it lmao).
like there IS an entire episode about how men on a dating website think she's hotter as she-hulk than as jennifer, but that was mostly played as social commentary (not necessarily GOOD social commentary, mind you), followed by an episode where she's forced to trot out all her dates in front of a judge, which I have mixed feelings about. and i guess there's a comedic bit where she twerks? so i'm not saying she's NOT sexualized, just that it doesn't really feel super egregious compared to some other media
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spiritshaydra · 1 year
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MAN SO,, one of my favorite genres of Voyna art besides the funny stupid stuff is when she’s disguised as a mortal and then decides to DROP that disguise. Ngl I want to draw more stuff of her being the horrifying cosmic horror she really is.
have fun guessing what video game this is a crossover for <3
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mythesque · 4 months
cyberpunk dead boy full version out wooo!! and its a BANGER heheh
and w this, wonderlands x showtime becomes the first group to complete their fourth round of focus songs, and can i just say i fucking love wxs??? their commissioned songs are consistently awesome, like out of all the 16 focus songs they have so far, there is only one that i dont at least like, and many i just straight up adore
ANYWAY this house is a wxs love and appreciation zone !
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