#shem-ha mephorash
rayar32 · 6 months
c'mon Miku, eat from the tree, nothing bad could ever come from it
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cutepresea · 3 months
Randomly thought about how the first and the final antagonists of the show pulled the same trick and both Genjuro and Hibiki got thrown off by it and were left open for an attack
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Like master, like pupil, I suppose
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saganssorcery · 15 days
𝗗𝗮𝗶𝗹𝘆 𝗗𝗶𝘃𝗶𝗻𝗮𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻: Iezalel
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Today we might receive news from a friend, perhaps we had a falling out recently; Iezalel could be letting us know that you will hear from them soon and will help reconcile what took place. They could also have news regarding worldly affairs, such as a business opportunity or position. This is a day of alliances.
Iezalel can help you find the right words if you're feeling stuck. By using the correct words and understanding, they can act as a great mediator and reconcile differences. They can bring you loyal customers and friends and facilitate worldly opportunities. If asked Iezalel will help you with any studies or exams you are taking, helping you to easily learn new information and distinguish you through speech. Any lectures you need to present Iezalel can help you to gain favour from your peers.
©️Sagans Sorcery 🔥🖋️
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mephorash · 9 months
I'm going to be honest for all the blogging I've done I've never actually listened to the entirety of Nevermind. So I'm doing that now
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dead-philosophy · 2 years
listening to this on repeat again, I will never tire of this absolute masterpiece
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ressu-rection · 2 days
Contacting a Shem HaMephorash angel on a Monday morning?
[check my bio for context lol]
The very thing I was not expecting to do this morning. Im used to contacting Archangels and going no higher but this morning threw a loop.
My husband, along with his family, entrusts me to contact the spirit of their choice in order to help them with their spiritual journey and finding peace in their ethereal circumstances. While his parents have a more solidified idea of who they’d like to work with, my husband and I decided to ask the cards which angel would be best for him, currently.
Only having my infernal deck, I asked which demon is associated with the angel who would be best fitted to give guidance to my husband. When I looked up which angel is associated with that infernal, I almost spit out my coffee when I read the words “Shem HaMephorash”. I’m not very familiar with those spirits but I know damn well they pack more of a punch than your traditional Archangel and are higher in rank.
I was vibrating for about half of the session. At first, I questioned whether I had succeeded in reaching the angels ears. We hit a bit of a road block right away since the angel seemed to be confused by which kind of coffee they’d like (I like to give them their choice of black or sweetened with cream & sugar) even tho they very clearly would like the offering. After going with sweetened and moving forward, still a vibrating anxious ball, I stumbled over my words several times, pronounced their name wrong several times and apologized a couple times to match.
I got confirmation pretty quickly tho, via the content of their replies to my husband, that I had been successful in reaching them. It was very straight forward, no nonsense advice with no sugar coating to be seen.
I felt like I was pushing my limits of spiritual jackassery since my methods are so characteristically casual and I’ll be the first to admit: ill planned, but I followed the notion that I am of best intentions and always try my best to be polite and respectful and to just treat it like any other spirit/guide I have spoken to. I ended the session with thanks for their time and well wishes and it seemed to be a success!
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allaboutparanormal · 1 month
Exploring the Mystical World of Angels with Me
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hoaxghost · 7 months
Are there notable angels/demons in the File Recovery universe based on works such as the Ars Goeta or the Shem Ha-Mephorash? If so, what are they?
I've taken some light inspiration from the Ars Goeta (Stolforns name is really just a combination of Stolas+Forneus) and Dantes Inferno but have mostly strayed from mentioning specific demon names/locations and themes in other works.
Well I guess besides the Bible- again File Recovery is based round a lot of complex religious thoughts I had going to catholic school/church as a kid so I consider it impossible for me to not to take influence from the old and new testament, the seven virtues, saints, confirmation, communion etc... idk I just want more religious fantasy stories that aren't all about converting people or modern day politics
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haveyouheardmetal · 3 months
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Pictured: Shem Ha Mephorash, released in 2019
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talonabraxas · 1 year
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The Notoria Tarot in Light-Key 12-Hanged Man is the image of the Soul sacrificed but displays the Archangel Nemamiah and shows the Archangel's feet tied tightly together rather than a right foot tied to a cross branch. However, the end of the rope is one of 4 ropes on the floor. These 4 ropes represent the esoterica of the minor arcana- 4 of Swords (Truce). Much like being readied to transfer from one world unto another, this perspective is transforming reality from an inverted perspective, as if a head-standing yogi. Here one is reminded that there are times on the path when it is necessary to change perspectives. On the left side-board of this card are listed the attributes applied to this Archangel as an aid to contact. Nemamiah's angelic seal. Shem ha Mephorash numerical classification: 57-Chorus of Archangels. The angelic name; Nemamiah. The Tarot Card Number- Key 12 -The Hanged Man-when using as a Tarot Card. Assigned planet: Uranus. Zodiacal sign: Capricorn. Esoterica as assigned by Eliphas Levy and Aleister Crowley: 4 of Swords-Truce. https://www.elitarotstrickingly.com/blog/the-tarot-of-eli-llc-major-arcana-thoth-atu-xii-the-hanged-man-the?fbclid=IwAR2nz1gzJf_dcT0h7O_S0lmqmnlX8oBc8WXwrZyjvq7cjoogav_Rb_8CnHs
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haremask · 1 year
i like when people complain about there being too many genders these days and specifically say “there are 72 genders now”. i don���t know why so many people settled on that number specifically for their hyperbolic back-in-my-day act but i’m glad they did bc it always makes me think that either a) every spirit in the ars goetia or b) each individual angel of shem ha-mephorash is a self contained gender unto itself. which i think should be true. dibs on purson
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cutepresea · 8 months
I put this post off long enough. All right, first half of Shirabe Meshi chapter 26.
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It starts off at Lydian. Kirika and Shirabe are deep in conversation and Serena notices that Shirabe is getting called to...the cafeteria?
Shirabe is confused, but she goes
When she gets there, she's greeted by none other than...Fine
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Fine says that Enki had been wanting to eat her cooking again (leading Shirabe to the conclusion that chapter 19 wasn't a dream after all) so she came to Shirabe wanting to learn to make something herself
Fine is jealous because "(her) vessel captured Enki's stomach" and wants to make something that can satisfy him because SHE'S supposed to be the one who offered all she is to him as his priestess
And to add insult to injury, Enki can cook too because of course a god who gave humanity its knowledge can
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Fine just wants to be able to do Those Three Things you offer when your husband comes home (dinner, bath, self) and meanwhile the women who work there are like "Ah a husband who can cook would be nice"
Shirabe decides to help because Fine did take that blow for her at Frontier
She settles on a meat stew. Fine wonders if that's okay because it's so simple. Shirabe answers that you can put a surprising amount of personality into such a simple dish just from your choices of meats and vegetables.
Another person enters the room
Nope, it's Shem-Ha trying to figure out what Fine was up to because she keeps sneaking around.
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Hibiki also bursts into the room demanding that she give Miku her body back, but Miku temporarily takes over to tell Hibiki that she's willingly letting her borrow it.
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After that Hibiki asks Shirabe why "Ryoko-san" is there and learns about her wanting to cook for Enki. Hibiki wants to join the lesson too, because she also wants to be able to express her feelings to Miku through cooking.
Fine: "I once said you didn't know what it's like to be in love, but you do understand, don't you?"
So the lesson starts. Shirabe tells them to prepare the vegetables and uh...
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"Don't do that with your mouth"
That's where the first half ends. Second half next week.
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crown-ov-horns · 1 month
🎶✨when u get this, list 5 songs u like to listen to, publish. then, send this ask to 10 of your favourite followers (positivity is cool)🎶✨
666 - Rotting Christ
Demigod - Behemoth
Progenies of the Great Apocalypse - Dimmu Borgir
Shem Ha Mephorash - Mephorash
Year Zero - Ghost
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regina-mortis · 5 months
7:A song to drive to
20:A song that has many meanings to you
23:A song that you think everybody should listen to
27:A song that breaks your heart
7:A song to drive to
Dissection - Antichrist
20:A song that has many meanings to you
Rotting Christ - ΧΞΣ
23:A song that you think everybody should listen to
Mephorash - Shem Ha Mephorash (the whole album really, it's perfect)
27:A song that breaks your heart
Ghost - Monstrance Clock (because I fucking miss the joy they used to bring me)
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arcane-offerings · 2 years
Gilles de Laval. Black Magic Evocation of the Shem Ha Mephorash. Aeon Sophia Press, 2016. Hardcover. Second edition. 509 pages.
Shop link in bio.
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xxxwetz · 8 months
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Mishnah, Maimonides come humble
Imprint on all souls [93] Shem ha-Mephorash Tetragrammaton. Question Qiddushin. The forgotten name of mundane euphemism YHWH-EHYH-ADNY, YHWH YHWH-YHWH holy but unknown; [93] Lands of Hai Gaón spoke, she uttered piyyut Ana b'Koach and appeared as Virtue, Raziel Gallisur, without physical interpretation. D'Ol'T D'ODOD DOD DATIX
Anaktam Pastam Paspasim Dionsim of unknown origins with no connection to Aramaic or Zoroastrian entities
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