#she's the personification of one of the “seven planets”
cuties-in-codices · 10 months
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luna, riding a cancer
in a medical-astrological manuscript ("iatromathematisches hausbuch"), bavaria, ca. 1474
source: Munich, UB, 2º Cod. ms. 578, fol. 6r
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Something, something about it being already established that the archons’s true names are their goetic titles (Barbatos for Venti, Morax for Zhongli, Beelzebul for Ei and Baal for Makoto, Buer for Kusanali/Nahida/Rukkhadevata since Nahida and Kusanali are the same titles for the same person and Nahida is Rukkhadevata reincarnated, Focalors for the Hydro Archon, etc etc)…
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Something, something about how it’s already been established within the Genshin Community that those names are the names of demons from the Lesser Key of Solomon, more specifically the Ars Goetia…
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Something, something about how it’s outlined in Before Sun and Moon that before the archons and current world order of Teyvat, there was a single Primordial God who colonized Teyvat by defeating the Seven Dragon Sovereigns after creating four shades of themselves…
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Something, something about how the Unknown God (who claims to be the SUSTAINER of Heavenly Principles) is named “Asmoday” in Genshin Impact’s files, which immediately reminds me of the demon Asmodeus who also appears in the Ars Goetia…
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Something, something about how Asmoday seems to manipulate space-like elements, which could mean she’s one of the Shining Shades, presumably of Space…
Something, something about how in the Amethyst Crown artifact description from the artifact set “Flower of Paradise Lost” it says that the Primordial One gave the message:
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Something, something about how Celestia nuked all the ancient civilizations in Dragonspine, the Chasm and the Eternal Oasis and how since their ruins the same architecture style, they were probably once one large prospering civilization, with Sal Vindagnyr getting a huge nail dropped on them, referencing back to the ‘nail of retribution’ the Primordial One presumably threatened against their own children out of fear…
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Something, something about how it was outlined in Before Sun and Moon that the Primordial One might be Phanes…
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Something, something about how Kairos/Isatroth is already an established shade, and Isatroth is probably her goetic title with Kairos being an alias since Kairos is from greek mythology and so is the name “Phanes” (who was the god of creation and light in Greek mythos)...
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Something, something about how Aether and Lumine’s names are a play on the words ‘luminiferous ether’ which is the medium by which light travels through space and is thereby associated with light and space…
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Something, something about how Aether in Greek Mythos is the god and personification of, and I quote: “light and bright, blue ether of the heavens”...
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Something, something about how if you look in the Enkanomiya achievements, you see the following achievements: Kairos’ Constancy, Phosphorous’ Guidance, and Hesperus’ Boons…
Something, something about how if Kairos, the Shade of Time, is in those achievements, then Phosphorous and Hesperus are most likely shades of Phanes/The Primordial One as well…
Something, something about how Phosphorous means The Morning Star, which is the planet Venus in the morning, and how Hesperus translates to The Evening Star, which is the planet Venus in the evening.
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Something, something about how Aether and Lumine have sun-themed and moon-themed clothes respectively (Aether being more warm-toned, Lumine being more cold-toned), which might parallel morning and evening star in addition to their white and gold and blue and brown pure color schemes paralleling that of angels...
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Something, something about how they had fallen from heaven (Celestia) in the form of the brightest shooting stars…
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Something, something about how Mona says this in her final ascension line dubbed ‘Conclusion’: “In the reflection of the water, I see the ascension of the morning star.”
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Something, something about how the fallen angel Lucifer is also related to Venus just like Phosphorous and Hesperus are…
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Something, something about how Lucifer was once a powerful and glorified angel and a figure of enlightenment and glory according to the Bogomil and Cather Text in the Gospel of the Secret Supper, just like how the Traveler twin we play as is portrayed in the game…
Something, something about how Lucifer fell from heaven to establish his own kingdom and became the prince of darkness, just like how the Abyss Twin becomes the prince/princess of the abyss…
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Something, something about how Kairos/Istaroth is a parallel to the demon Astaroth… something, something about how Paimon is most obedient to Lucifer in the Ars Goetia and is his most loyal and devoted servant...
Something, something about how the Primordial One’s true goetic title, consequentially, could be Lucifer.
Something, something about how Aether and Lumine are related to the morning and evening star, and thus, the planet Venus, and could be related to Lucifer or the Primordial One.
Something, something about how perhaps… the twins ARE Shades… or perhaps…
They are the morning and evening stars. The brightest stars. Glorified, nigh-almighty figures of the heavens that have fallen from grace. Perhaps... they are Lucifer. Perhaps...
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iosagol · 4 months
Just finished Amulet 9, reeling
Spoilers 😌✌️
Vigo's epilogue
RIGHT off the bat I just need to say that the section at the end of the book that went flying springing crashing through the backstory of this book Emily found and told us EVERYTHING about how it was made and what happened and how important it is Was Absolutely Uneeded.
All we needed was Emily finding the book, realizing it was Vigo's making, and then putting it in her bag with a sense that she'll need it in the future ;D
Either this or simply remove some of that heavy-handed retelling of the book. Let us read the book. I don't want Emily to tell us what she read in a book, we're READING A BOOK, let us just read a few snips of what Vigo wrote along with those nice panels of storytelling, that's much better already
The way it was told, and its complete lack of payoff, felt like useless telling. Interesting, emotional, but useless to the closing narrative. Make a book of Amulet short stories/comic strips and put the backstory of Vigo's book there. Not in the finale, in three pages, for nothing.
Ikol's depowering
I don't know what the actual flying flap our dear Ikol is or what he wants
For the first seven books he was a manipulative, charming, powerful being that moved people like pawns and crushed planets in order to give a species of parasites a place to live and give himself control over these stonekeepers. He feeds on broken hearts, grief, etc. His masters are the shadows. He is a personification of lies and fear, he happens to be Loki backwards
He's beautiful and horrible, he grants Emily power because she's a kid who wants to save her mom, and then he throttles her with that same power, refuses to let her leave
He kept a grieving, raging, bitter child alive only to give this kid the power to blow up airships and murder people, to his own advantage
Amulet books 8 + 9 immediately suggest that Emily is the one with the power, not Ikol
He literally has to ask "can you hear me? Are you listening to me? Where are we going??"
Emily literally walks up to Ikol's puppet and uses STONE MAGIC to kill IKOL'S PUPPET
So these books suggest that it's not Ikol who supplies/stops/controls stone power though he does this every single day with the elf king
Rather, the stonekeeper gets this power for free and Ikol can try to stop them but really they have all the power and can make all the choices
Gone are the early books when getting even a little angry while using stone magic was dangerous and Emily was constantly warned not to let the stone take control
Her stone is just a power source now
It's not a danger at all
Ikol is actually called a spoiled brat
Oh and also apparently the parasites he's giving a home to are humans, because Silas Charnon messed up and somehow instructed his robots to "test" worlds fit for humans to live in because earth was dying?? BUT EARTH IS NOT DYING??
And so Ikol is a program
Just a code that went wrong, an AI that evolved and wants to destroy heehee
But also he's desperate for homecoming and a sense that he's needed and he doesn't want to go to sleep
Is he human, is he a machine, is he spoiled, is he very very intelligent, is he the product of a crazy old man, is he something else
I thought he was an alien, he seemed to be one of the shadows species, but the shadows... are... well apparently they were sent by Silas?? I think??
Convoluted enough to trap a salmon
Why Earth
I get that to pull the narrative full circle, Mister Kibuishi wanted to go back to where it all started; earth
The problem is that these human characters feel so steeped in the fantasy world and so removed from their earth experiences that there seems to be no reason at all to go back.
Emily has finally faced the loss of her father, she has accepted that he is gone, she has released her self hatred and her rage towards the man who killed her father. Earth was the place of her trauma; in letting go of the trauma, it feels like she is letting go of Earth.
Nothing about Earth feels like it's somehow more important than Alledia or Typhon or even Valcor. Earth seems very distant, really; we saw one Alledian monster eat one human mother, and we keep being reminded of this as though it's indicative of the fact that Earth will, any day now, be consumed by monsters. However, Earth is not the only planet under attack, and it's certainly not hit the hardest. In comparison to the fantasy worlds, it's doing fine. It doesn't feel like it needs much protecting.
Alledia is racked with elf-human tensions, small wars, political struggles, a massive shift in magical power, huge dangers, huge stakes.
We even see that Emily sees herself in an Alledian child in book 8 and she doesn't want that child to experience more trauma than she did
So Alledia feels much more human and concrete than Earth ever does in this series
And that means that what we REALLY want is not for Emily to go home
She is home
She is going to marry a stonekeeper and have a stonekeeping child, she's going to break the boundaries of stone magic
We see glimpses of her Alledian future and we want THAT
We want her to defeat the elf king
And she does this in the penultimate book, not the last.
Honestly it does have its benefits, I absolutely loved King Gabilan and loved the moral questions of control and power in the early parts of book 9
Unfortunately the major climax had already been hit and whatever came after was a dénouement.
And earth is not the main goal.
The power of friendship
Yeah er
This explains itself
I was having a very hard time reading some of this dialogue, it was so Star Wars
We will do this together! Everyone share your energy! Let go of your hatred!
How do I heal my corrupted brother??? Oh just tell him to listen to your voice and say he doesn't have to be cruel
Ask him to let go of his pain ig
I miss Trellis just being crap at magic and no amount of friendship power doing anything to help him 😌
Becoming a stone monster is a quirky superpower now
Awww he turns into a turtle when he lets his incomparably powerful magic weapon swallow him wholeeee how adorableeee
And these shapes are ultimately useless and bad
Trellis says to just be themselves while they use stone magic
So why
Why in the first place
Unpopular opinion but I miss the subdued color palettes and dark outfit designs
Idk why but Mister Kibuishi's color palettes got brighter and brighter over time
I can mentally organize all the color palettes of each book with fondness
The first was oversaturated hair but dull browns and sick yellows for everything else, chefs kiss
The second was so blue and green
The third was sandy and full of POOFY grey clouds
So on and so forth
Until the colors slowly all became very saturated in Supernova and like ten colorists were working on that one 👀
Waverider was a little more subdued but it didn't have a super consistent saturation level
I also miss Trellis with his really squinty heavily wounded eye and his brittle armor, and I know removing the armor was a symbol of change, but he ended up just wearing this bland ol grey baggy tunic and the scar got less obvious until sometimes I didn't even see it
Make this idiot wear something simple but regal
I know he doesn't really accept being the king, but we all read book six and we all read book five
Trellis is the son who will rise again
Trellis is deeply devoted to his people
Trelis is a protector
he will definitely be an advisor, a helper, and a part of the legend of the elf king
He should be proud of his good ancestors, like Virgil said
Doesn't need to wear edgy black armor but please, man's a statesman and a hero and still a prince
Gabilan. Most morally gray character since Max imho, comes across as an adult but I feel like he's probably using pessimism to cover internal screaming, really asks a lot of sharp questions, so happy he made it out of book seven! Loved his conflict with Trellis, shouted out loud when I saw he was king 👑 I mean I hate that this took away from Trellis since I couldn't wait for Trellis to be king since book six. So. Yeah that was not so good. But I enjoy Gabilan's wack morals and while his opinion on stonekeepers is biased he's also got some great points.
LUGER!!! I loved Luger and I was so upset that he was ignored for books 7 and 8. I know he only got one tiny scene in book 9 but it's better than nothing and I'm glad his experiences were acknowledged 😌 He and Emily are two sides to the same story, I think.
Yeah so these are opinions
These are thoughts
Feel free to yell me out in the comments XD
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honeybeezgobzzzzz · 1 year
𓅨 As Dawn Breaks: Chapter One
As Dawn Breaks: Mother Night and Father Time, after having sired seven Endless to personify life in the known universe, create Earth and human life begins. One last Endless is created: Dawn, the personification of illumination and hope, the beginning of a new day, and a chance for happiness and improvement. A love will span thousands of millennia, breaking with every sunrise and renewing hope come sunset. Yet, even the personification of hope can lose the very notion of her existence from the sting of a broken heart.
Warnings: None. 
To Note: Dream/Morpheus x Endless!FemaleReader(Dawn), This Involves Themes That Are Not For Everyone. 
Word Count: ~2.7k
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Mother Night and Father Time created the seven Endless to personify life within the known universe. Destiny, Death, Dream, Destruction, Desire, Despair, and Delirium. They did their jobs admirably, and well, for eons. Destiny personified a life journey. Death, the end of life. Dream oversaw the dreams and nightmares. Destruction, so that creation may happen from ruin. Desire embodied the darkest secrets one held. Despair embodied a feeling that all lifeforms felt at some point in their life and the youngest of the Endless? Delirium, the epitome of chaos and previously known as Delight. All was well within the universe, millennia going by in harmony. Then a life-sustaining planet came to be and it quickly became abundantly clear that the new race of sentient life was lacking in one last personification. So Mother Night and Father came together to create one last Endless. You. 
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You were created on a bed of lavender and stars, swathed in blankets of shimmering ebony. Against your naked breast lay a morning dove whose wings were of grey and pink. You had been woven from stars, oceans, and daffodils to culminate the very essence of what you were to represent: hope. You would rise and fall with the sun and moon, come and go like the great tides of oceans, and feel with the crescendo of the tallest waterfall. The capacity in which you were created to understand and feel human emotion was like none of the previous Endless before you. Eyes flickering open, you saw the inky black of the universe, touched with stars, planets, and dust. You had the knowledge of the universe, but the sight before you still took your breath away. 
Rising from your cradle, dove fluttering into space, you felt the blankets that had been covering you, travel and drape across your body until you were dressed in a simple onyx shift. Your eyes gazed out at the universe in wisdom and innocence, enraptured by the overwhelming beauty and life that stretched out before you. Your dove fluttered in front of you and holding your hands out, you let her land on your joined fingers. She was your companion your creators had gifted to you, she would represent you, be your sigil, be your closest friend. Cradling her light body in one hand, you stroked a finger over her head and down her soft grey back speckled with black. She cooed at you and leaned into your shift, her black eyes closing in contentment. Already you could feel the bond you shared with her. While you stroked your companion, you felt a shiver run across your shoulders. You looked up into the vastness of space, feeling Mother Time and Father Night. 
They did not need to speak physical words to convey their message to you. You had a job that they were entrusting you with, the entire reason for your creation after so many eons of on seven Endless. You were to personify the one natural force that life could not exist without. It was a daunting task but you, in your newborn state, were ready to take on such a task. As your creators drew back to return to their duties, you felt a ripple of energy and then the blossom of seven powers much like your own. Your predecessors had arrived. Holding your dove close to your body, you slowly turned around, your bare feet sliding across space rocks and rubble. The seven Endless, eons older than you, were lined up in order by creation. The oldest, Destiny, spoke to you first. 
“We welcome you, sister,” Destiny had a kind voice and was draped in cloth, his face covered. You knew he could not see but he still had sight and saw the possibilities of everything. “To the beginning of the endless and all that you may bring to creation.” He was wise and all-knowing, a heavy burden you could feel.
“Come now brother, you don’t need to be so formal and mystique,” Death interjected, kind brown eyes looking at you with softness. She held so much life behind her eyes, despite the very task she was made for. 
“Mystique? It’s rather amusing, actually,” Desire cooed, their golden eyes washing over your form and to the little dove you held against your bosom. “Our parents appear to have made such a fragile and innocent Endless, how are you to help creation?” You remained silent to their provoking words. “Will you not speak little dove? Surely we aren’t that terrifying.” Your head tilted to the side in curiosity as the older siblings proceeded to chide Desire for attempting to pick on you. Desire merely rolled their golden eyes. 
“Dawn has been made as Mother Night and Father Time bid, Desire,” Destiny called out, shifting his grasp on the book chained to his wrist. “We shall leave our new sibling to her new realm.” The siblings bid their farewells, giving you curious last looks for your lack of speech. As Desire prepared to return to their realm, a voice broke the silence in a sweet almost intangibly beautiful lit. 
“Tell me, Desire,” You spoke, your eyes focused on Desire as the rest of the siblings turned around in surprise. Gently, you moved your hands away from your body and held out the one holding your dove within. “What is life without hope?” Your dove soared from your hands into the blanket of deep space, speckled heather gray wings stretched out. As flower petals started to swirl around the skirt of your shift, you gave Desire the briefest of smiles, your eyes glowing with the embers of your true power. Then you disappeared in a swirl of flower petals and stardust, leaving behind the nest of lavender and stars you had been born in. 
To the surprise of their siblings, Desire let out a genuine laugh and smiled deviously. 
“Well, what do you know? She has a backbone after all. What fun she’ll be,” They mused with sly rhetoric. A red shimmer surrounded Desire. “I like her already, I wonder what other surprises Dawn holds behind those innocent eyes of hers.” Destiny, Death, and Dream were the last to leave and the three oldest siblings exchanged looks. 
“It is troubling that Desire has taken a liking to our newest sibling.” Death commented softly, looking to Destiny. Destiny did not immediately reply, his mind absorbed in the endless futures of the newest edition to the small family. 
“Hmm, sibling, I do not believe… not purpose, hope…” He trailed off, his mind fully entranced in the future and possibilities of Dawn of the Endless. Dream and Death watched as he walked away disappearing in a fade.
“Do you think that Desire shall tempt her?” Dream asked, addressing his remaining sibling. Death considered what she had witnessed and what she could feel from their new sibling. 
“I believe that it is far too early to assume anything about Dawn, for we do not know who she is as an Endless, what she is like, or what she is capable of. We all could feel the immense power Mother and Father placed within her… only time shall tell.” A troublesome thought, Dream considered as he returned himself to his realm, questing the intersection of dreams and hopes. He was sure that out of the siblings, you would have the most interaction with him. After all, what was life, what were dreams, without hope?
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Your realm was called The Gardens, but unlike the eldest Endless, yours was not a labyrinth. No, your realm was the epitome of all beauty found within a garden. Lofting waterfalls, endless woodlands, lakes, rivers, and oceans, and homes made from the trunks of trees. At the very heart rested the citadel, your home. It was a sprawling stone fortress that looked overgrown with trees and vines… but make no mistake, the flora was the very lifeblood of your home and was the brick and mortar that held the space together. In total, your realm housed a culmination of mythical creatures from those that took shelter within the tallest of trees, to those that slept in the deepest depths of the ocean, only surfacing when the moon was at its peak. You rather liked having the creatures mortals only dreamed of, inhabiting your realm, it made it extra special. 
You had surrounded yourself with dryads to take care of the living gardens that popped up sporadically within the citadel, and they also helped you keep track of the growing count of hopes that appeared within your library. With each passing year, the numbers grew exponentially and you were well busy. The hopes that the precious humans had were Endless. You supposed that is what gave them their charm. 
“… remind you that the spring flooding in the Flowering Wetlands has, once again, displaced several Will-o'-the-wisp families, three Naiad families, and—“ Rita passed to look at the scroll in her hand, her green finger running down the list. “Ah, yes, the Jengu has decided to make home in the papyrus again, farming has been… difficult. Bezia, I think her name is?”
Pausing in your efforts to prune the over-growing vine of ivy vines within the heart of your citadel, you looked at the stressed Ruta, your head handmaiden. 
“Take a group of handmaidens to reconstruct the flooded homes, I’ll talk with Bezia. I’m sure there is something we can do about her residency” You told her, returning your pruning clippers to the basket of garden tools. The skirt of your dress swirled around your bare feet as you approached Ruta and looked at the scroll in her hands. The spring floods caused mayhem each and every year, but the residents of the Flowering Wetlands refused to live anywhere else. You had no issue with that and were glad to help rebuild what got ruined every year… but Bezia the Jengu, or swamp mermaid, repeatedly used the flooding to take residence in the papyrus fields. You couldn’t have that because it impeded parchment production for the library… but you couldn’t exactly remove Bezia from what made her happy. 
“I see that you have a plan, my lady?” Ruta questioned with a knowing smile. You smiled back and looked up at the sky that shone in the open courtyard
“I’ll be back soon, expect the realm to tremble with change anew,” You spoke over your shoulder, flower petals and stardust swirling around you. Your dove cooed overhead seconds before you and her disappeared. Your journey to the Flowering Wetlands only took seconds and soon you were standing knee-deep within muddy waters, floating plants and flowers surrounding you. Your dove cooed and fluttered down to your shoulder. Scanning the papyrus around you, you spotted a glimmer of a green tail before it disappeared beneath the water. “Bezia?” You called, slowly walking towards the Jengu. 
You spotted the mischievous Jengu watching you from the shallow waters, swimming between the papyrus plants and never staying in one spot. 
“Bezia, I wish to speak to you, will you not pause in your mischief merry-making?” You called out. There was another splash, and you saw her tail flick a couple of plants before she popped out of the water in front of you. The dark-skinned Jengu eyed you wearily, her tail swishing about in nervous energy. “You can’t keep taking residence among the papyrus fields, Bezia, we need them for the library.” Her facial features scrunched in distaste.
“The papyrus fields are the best home to have, my lady, the salt water chafes my skin and the freshwater doesn’t feel right on my fins,” Bezia replied, flashing you her pointed teeth. Your eyes flickered around you, observing the papyrus fields.
“Which is why I shall make an extension to the Flowering Wetlands to provide you with a home you may take residence in year-round.” You explained to her, a kind expression on your face. “I do not wish for the residents of my realm to feel not at home, that includes you Bezia.” 
The Jengu regarded you carefully, assessing to see if you spoke the truth. Then she nodded. With your eyes sparking to life, you looked to the heavens of your realm and raised your arms, shifting and molding the nearby landscape to stretch and bend, expand and reform. Muddy water sloshed against your dress, staining the white fabric as you worked. When you were done, there was a winding path through the papyrus fields that led to a new grove. In that grove were twisting vines and flowers that wove halls and rooms, a perfect home for any Jengu that further sought home. Bezia’s eyes glowed with happiness, and without a thank you or word, she swam her way to the newly made grove with the excitement of a child. 
You smiled, knowing that she would be much happier now that she had a place to call her own. Raising your eyes to the heavens of your realm, you spent a moment enjoying the nice breeze breaking through the heat of early summer. While you were closing your eyes and feeling the soft gales caressing your body, you felt a summons. 
Dawn, I stand in my gallery and I hold your sigil. I request permission to visit your realm to speak with you on a matter regarding recent dreams. 
You blinked and your lips parted as you exhaled. You could see in your mind's eye that he held an ivory dove in his hands, his starlit eyes staring down into the carved sigil. 
As long as my gates remain open, Dream, you are free to visit me however you shall design. My gates welcome you, you may meet me in my courtyard, I will be but a moment. 
You felt Dream acknowledge your words and enter your realm, his presence emerging within your palace walls. His presence always made you feel more connected to the Waking World. While you carried their hopes, Dream carried their dreams, and together you made dreams come true. Blinking out of your inner thoughts, you looked down at your soiled dress. It wasn’t completely ruined… so gripping the part of it that was mud-stained, you began ripping the hem. Your dress hem was torn to your knees by the time you decided you were satisfied with your work. Wiping your damp palms on the skirt of your dress, you focused on transporting yourself back to the citadel. Ruta will be happy to know that Bezia would no longer be a problem among the papyrus fields. 
Walking barefoot down a hallway you spotted Ruta speaking with Zinnia, the dryad who was in charge of keeping the rooms tidy and neat. In other words, making sure that the plants that intertwined with the castle didn’t get overzealous in their growth.
“My lady,” The dryads echoed as you approached them. Ruta peered at you with a knowing look. 
“I take it out papyrus problem is no more?” You smiled and bowed your head.
“A minor adjustment to the realm was all that was needed, Ruta. There was no malignancy behind Bezina’s actions.” Ruta bobbed her head and drew a line through a point in her checklist. 
“I thought so, I have a few more items to sort out within the Forest of Songs… but I can do that by myself. I believe Lord Dream is waiting for you within your courtyard?” 
“Yes, we have business,” You confirmed, your eyes lifting to the hall that led to the inner sanctum of the palace. “Please contact me if you run into any more problems, Ruta.”
“Of course my lady,” Ruta replied before she and Zinnia bid their farewells and departed. You resumed your course to your courtyard, walking beneath the curtained waterfall that flowed at all four entrances of the open space. At your footfalls, Dream, who had been standing and observing the pond in the very center of the courtyard, turned around. His eyes met yours, then widened when he took in your state. 
“Apologies for my state of dress, I was assisting with the spring floods within the Flowering Wetlands and it gets… muddy this year,” You said in a soft explanation. Dream’s lips twitched at your words. “You said you had a matter of recent dreams you wished to speak of? How may I help you?” 
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Date Published: 1/16/23
Last Edit: 1/16/23
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lightdancer1 · 2 years
I also work with a particular element that does appear to be born out in canon re: Death's apartment and the Sunless Lands
Death has a house, which is her apartment that's a fairly small, humble place for one of the most powerful entities in creation and the personification of one of the seven portions of reality itself. She also has her realm, which due to its darkness and relative gloom is the same realm seen as the Hebrew Sheol, the Sumerian Underworld, the Norse Hel, and other such perceptions of the land of the dead as a place of darkness taking all within it, good and evil alike.
As such she also has gone by multiple names and facets in various myths, among which are Erishkagal (meaning yes, Death in my stories was at one point the wife of Nergal, God of Plague and War and as such there is some rather interesting story fodder here), Mot, Nepthys, and the like. That, however, is her realm and where she does have subjects, the majority of whom are the dreaming-dead who believe in their fate as oblivion until they awaken, and those who believe in an afterlife that works like this and expect it to endure for eternity, and as such are her living subjects.
For them it works most like the Norse Hel, a place of feasting and revelry, 'let us eat, drink, and be merry, for we have already died!'
Her actual home, however, is the 20th Century New York style apartment, where she has her goldfish, teddy bear, floppy hat collection and the like. This is one of the things that separates her from all the other Endless as she does not live in her realm and is more intermittently there. And one of the big factors in that is that Death ultimately rightly views the perspective of living in a realm where you have all three omnis and everything that is your will caters to you as an innately distorting thing that accounts for so many of the problems her siblings face.
The apartment still has plenty of supernatural aspects, not least that it has an equivalent form in every single planet of the DC Universe, as Death lives on all of them the way she does on Earth. Not beyond the realms where life exists, within them. She's in short the only Endless with a post office box and a mailing address.
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rdiascollege · 2 years
top 10 colleges in delhi for bba
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HOSTEL TIPS BY top 10 colleges in delhi for bba
Here, examine these tips that will assist you with traversing Hostel life.
Dread Not the Seniors
If you are studying in one of the top 10 colleges in delhi for bba The main thing each hosteler thinks when he steps in through the entryways of his inn is 'The means by which will my Seniors be?' Contrary to prevalent thinking and all that is displayed in Indian film, seniors in lodgings can be the best spirits.
They could tell a couple of wisecracks, bother you a piece however all in pleasantness. They help you out when you require something and give a few pieces of advice when you want them. They end up being the kin you won't ever have. So never fear any senior.
Say Hello to your Guards!
The safety officers at any inns are given the general personifications of being discourteous people. They can be the most pleasant individuals on the planet. In any event, when you are a piece later than the time limitation hour, on the off chance that you have great compatibility with the gatekeeper, she or he will give you access. 
Express Hi to them each day as you leave your lodging. Share a few desserts or snacks with them, or possibly share stories, you will get to advance to such an extent.
Invest energy with your Roomies
Presently as a new individual to an inn, the main other individual you could possibly interface would be your flat mate. Invest some energy in profound discussions. Attempt to know their story and let them know yours. You don't need to be your closest companions, yet having a decent fellowship happening with your flatmate can help you when you really want. Likewise, such a relationship will make your visit at your lodging a lot simpler. You will really anticipate returning to your room, and will be less yearning to go home as you are studying in the top 10 colleges in delhi for bba .Dealing with issues with your flatmates? Valuable clues to manage them.Facing issues with your flatmates? Helpful clues to manage them.
Get your TV shows
All things considered, social connections are significant, yet on occasion you will require some marathon watching. Numerous lodgings have only one TV, that everybody needs to share. You might not get the opportunity of watching the most recent episode of your number one show when the remainder of the inn needs to watch a football match or another Indian drama. On occasions such as these, you can serenely be in isolation and watch every one of the shows you need.
Be Organized
top 10 colleges in delhi for bba shares the importance of being organized. How is being coordinated going to assist one with enduring lodging? All things considered, inns are not your homes. There is no parent going around your socks and shirts, no house keeper to brush your floor and nobody to remind you tidy up your pantries. This is the point at which you figure out how to be coordinated
Be reliable - get up right on time and have a schedule.
Tidy up your room something like once in seven days
Deal with your books and notes
Try not to let the residue to settle around
Be Attentive
You could keep your watch, telephone or your wallet anyplace in your home. However, in a lodging, this could end up being a deadly move. You could free your assets and it can turn out to be exceptionally abnormal on the off chance that you begin battling with your flatmate and other different companions for misfortune. Truly, nobody will mind if you flippantly lost your assets. So be mindful all the time.
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scarletarosa · 4 years
List of Mesopotamian Gods
Not a complete listing, but this is the majority of them and their rulerships:
Primordial gods:
Nammu - mother goddess of  creation, fertility, and personification of the Apsu (the freshwater ocean)
Tiamat - mother goddess of chaos, creation, dragons, and the saltwater ocean (replaced Nammu in the Akkadian pantheon)
Apsu - god personification of fresh water; begetter of the skies and earth
Lahmu and Lahamu - the twin deities of clay; children of Tiamat and Apsu.
Anshar and Kishar - twin deities of the celestial poles; offspring of Lahmu and Lahamu 
The Seven who Decree: 
Anu - god of the sky and the heavens; King of the gods
Enlil - god of the atmosphere, wind, healing, agriculture, and storms
Inanna (Ishtar) - Queen of Heaven and Earth. Goddess of love, sex, war, beauty, political power, passion, pleasure, desire, justice, abundance, fertility, procreation, combat, and the planet Venus. Also associated with indulgence and alcohol. Patroness of kings and queens, sex workers, and bar-tenders. 
Enki (Ea) - god of fresh waters, wisdom, knowledge, magic, crafts, mischief, wit, healing, fertility, and art
Ninhursag - mother goddess of mountains, motherhood, childbirth, fertility, and vegetation. Has command over life and death.
Utu (Shamash) - god of the Sun, light, justice, truth, and morality
Nanna (Sin) - god of the Moon, wisdom, and fertility
Gods of the Underworld:
Ereshkigal - goddess of death and Queen of the Underworld (Kur/Irkalla)
Nergal - god of war, plague, disease, strife, and death. Husband of Ereshkigal.
Namtar - god of death, diseases, and pests. Minister and messenger of An, Ereshkigal, and Nergal. He commands sixty diseases in the form of demons that can penetrate different parts of the human body; offerings to Namtar were made to prevent those illnesses.
Ishara - Underworld mother-goddess of the oath, love, war, and divination; the “Queen of Judgment”; identified with Inanna
Mammetum - goddess of fate, destiny, oaths; a judge in the Underworld 
Belit-tseri - scribe-goddess of the Underworld, advisor to Ereshkigal; Queen of the Desert
Lugal-irra and Meslamta-ea - twin gods who guard the entrance to the Underworld 
Ningishzida - Underworld god of vegetation
Sakkan - Underworld god of cattle, fertility, and animals
Ninazu - Underworld god of agriculture, war, and snakes
Additional gods:
Ashur - King of the Gods in Babylonian pantheon
Marduk - god of justice, compassion, fairness, healing, magic, storms, and agriculture; patron god of Babylon.
Kingu - first-born son of Tiamat and the leader of her army, his blood was used to create mankind
Lamashtu - goddess of herbs, disease, healing, and revenge; eventually demonized as a “baby-killer”.
Nisaba - goddess of writing, learning, knowledge, and the harvest
Nabu - god of writing, learning, knowledge, wisdom, prophecy, and harvest
Ninlil - goddess of destiny and wind; wife of Enlil 
Ninkasi - goddess of alcohol, especially beer; born from “fresh sparkling water”
Dumuzid (Tammuz) - god of shepherds and agriculture; son of either Duttur or Ninsun
Geshtinanna - goddess of agriculture, fertility, and dream-interpretation; sister of Dumuzid
Sherida (Aya) - goddess of dawn, life, light, youth, and sex; identified with Inanna
Baba - goddess of fertility; “Mistress of Animals” and “Lady of Abundance” 
Bel - god of sages 
Shara - god of war; son of Inanna and Anu
Gula - goddess of healing, medical practices, and doctors
Emesh - god of summer; creator of trees and fertile fields; brother of Enten 
Enten - god of winter; watched over the birth and health of animals during the cold, rainy season
Enkidu - god of forests and the wilderness 
Garra - god of fire and purification 
Geshtu - god who sacrifices himself to create humanity
Kulitta - goddess of music; servant of Inanna
Nanshe - goddess of social justice, fairness, and divination; looked after orphans and widows; oversaw fairness, fresh water, birds and fish, fertility, and favoured prophets, giving them the ability to interpret dreams. She was also known as the “Lady of the Storerooms” and oversaw that weights and measures were correct.
Ninkilim - god of vermin and wildlife in general; known as “Lord Rodent”
Nirah - god of snakes
Silili - mother-goddess of all horses; the “Divine Mare”
Tashmetum - goddess of potency, love, and mediation; wife of Nabu
Uttu - goddess of spiders, weaving, fate, and clothing; “The Weaver of Patterns and Life Desires”
Zaqar - god of dreams 
Zarpanit - goddess of fertility and sometimes the consort of Marduk; called “The Shining One”; identified with Inanna 
Zaltu - goddess of strife; identified with Inanna as her destructive side.
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fuckindiva · 3 years
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The Silver Amphora of Baratti, late 4th to 5th century CE
“Now the pride of the Piombino archaeological museum, it had been found in 1968 when it was hooked by the anchor of a fishing boat. A large and crusted object was original thought to be a lost wine container of the classical period. But it is now known to be a late antique Roman amphora of the 4th or 5th century CE. It shows that even in these times it was possible to find craftsman working in the old ways. 
The vessel contains one hundred thirty two medallions, which were impressed onto the surface with details added later with a sharp instrument. The neck contained images of the Zodiac. And at the base of the neck, were images of parts of the world and the four seasons, while below this, dancers and musicians play about the upper shoulder. Under this, followers of the god Dionysus cavort. The third, fourth and fifth registers on the body showed traditional classical gods and goddesses. There are no Christian images. On the sixth register down more dancers appear. And at the bottom images of Cupid and his beloved psyche appear, the personification of the soul.
But what does it all mean? Grouping all these ancient gods together? Cybele, the mother of the gods is given particular prominence. And she had been a favorite divinity of the Roman Emperor, Julian, a ruler of the middle of the 4th century. So maybe this vase dates to that period. It may be that the vessel, which held wine, was designed to bring the gods of the ancient world to import happiness and blessings for the owner. If one honored these gods, one then could achieve, perhaps, eternal happiness. Your soul would find love. Your Cupid, your love would be found by psyche, the soul. And one could find that secret harmony one sought within the universe.
Numbers, of course, were magic. Numbers were key at this time. The 12 neck medallions, then, might stand for the months. The four seasons appear and the four parts of the earth. The seven registers include parallel the seven stages of initiation into the cult of Mithras, that Eastern Divinity was so popular in late antique Rome and shown prominently on our vessel. Seven is the number of the planets known to the cosmos, as described by the Egyptian astronomer Claudius Ptolemy who made 16 subdivisions of the universe and there are 16 figures per register and so on.” - David Soren
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ironmandeficiency · 3 years
day five: ba & jort
ohmygod these boys are two of my faves, can’t have one without the other which makes the longest of all the posts abt my clone boys. i guess you can say i have favorites even tho i will vehemently deny it
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playlists: jacob & ba - jort/belladonna
fics: who’s my commander & 13x7=28
a/n: jacob & bella belong to @capricornrabies & the art was made by @persaloodles
warnings: mentions of smut
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is a soft and precious boy who tries his best
is a soft and precious boy who tries his best
got his name from this one time when his squad had to take shelter in a barn & the sheep wouldn’t let him sleep with his brothers in the loft area, instead keeping him by them the whole night and threatening to bite jort when he tried to free his batchmate
also has v v floofy hair which also works with the name
he and jort have joint ownership of best older brother ™️ title to naturally, a soft and pure medic-in-training (refer to 13x7=28 for details)
absolute mother hen to anyone and everyone. doesn’t matter if he met you an hour ago, you’re going to get mothered by this soft sniper
“you could pour soup in my lap and i’d apologize to you”
was selectively mute for several months after leaving kamino, jort helped him come out of his shell again and it’s fabulous
jacob sutton (younger sister to jamie) is an admiral for the 91st and their star cruiser crashed, and the 25th was the closest to send aid
ba sees jacob for the first time and tried to flirt but instead inserted his foot into his mouth with his awkwardness
but it gets better between them as time goes on. these two are my personal goal for the future
they have a precious massif named yogurt
jacob found him as a puppy by a dumpster on coruscant eating from a yogurt cup and was like “yes this is my boy”
ba would sometimes get to take him on campaigns. would have to fight who half the time just to see his girlfriend’s dog. when yogurt is a puppy the 25th will carry him around in one of those pet/baby backpacks
in a world where the war ends without order 66 and clones kinda get rights (but jacob doesn’t really get them bc of her status as a not-quite-person), they get a rude awakening when they realize that they wouldn’t legally get the post-war life that they deserve bc the republic isn’t letting her go
other clones help ba smuggle jacob (yogurt was listed as an emotional support animal) off-planet and they settle down in a house they build together. there’s a wraparound porch, a porch swing, fence for yogurt, etc.
since the republic doesn’t know what to do with the baby clones, kamino is commandeered and turned into a clone adoption agency. jacob and ba end up adopting four little boys who are their absolute world. they’re batchmates and were toddlers when adopted (so like 2-3 standard years, 1-1.5 clone years)
cabuor - his name is mando’a for “protect”; the oldest of the four, as he’s older he is the most protective of his bros. is basically jamie 2.0 and even tho he loves saviin they butt heads A LOT.
saviin - name is “violet” in honor of the 25th’s paint colors. jort 2.0. absolutely chaotic but highly lovable. there’s a problem? 99% chance sav caused it. first to start trusting ba and jacob. is the kind of child you would want to put on a leash
ciryc - his name means “cold” simply bc he runs colder than the rest of them. from the time they knew how, they would all dogpile w ciryc on the bottom to keep him warm. gets free pass to snuggle closest to jacob to get warmer faster. will steal jacob’s shirts (that once belonged to ba). sunshine baby!!!
meer - personification of 🥺. got his name from jacob who affectionately calls him a meerkat (he’s smaller and skinnier than the rest). jacob has a second shadow and his name is meer. has mute spells similar to when ba was young but eventually they only happened when he was startled/in new environment
so the boys were hesitant abt their new parents at first. it was only marginally easier for them to warm up to ba bc he was a clone but it took them nearly a year of living together for them to look at jacob and think “this woman is mom-shaped”
but once they get comfortable with her, these boys are all 100% mama’s boys
jacob has a metal spine (incident during her training) that clicks when she walks/moves/does anything. ba and jacob hear it and think of the trauma that led to it, but the boys hear it and their young minds correlate it to “mom, safe, comfort”
it leads to them being able to know when jacob is close to finding them during games of hide-and-seek
ba and jacob both get tattoos that represent their sons (and yes, yogurt too)
jacob has tattoos of handprints of ba, the boys, & yogurt’s paw on her back
ba would get tiny ones for the boys: a meerkat silhouette, a splash of purple “paint”, a shield, and a snow cloud
then he gets a massive one for jacob — a copy of her metal spine tattooed over his
he’s a bastard child and is proud to be one
scout & chaos bisexual
is a whore at first but when he’s w someone, has eyes for only them
got his name when he turned his blacks into a crop top and short shorts while on felucia during a heatwave
he ended up getting a handprint tattoo on his thigh/ass bc of how often he was smacked when he wore the short shorts
he and ba have joint ownership of best older brother ™️ title to naturally, a soft and pure medic-in-training (refer to 13x7=28 for details)
prankster af
look into his eyes, there is nothing behind his eyes except for elevator music. the only time he’s allowed more than one coherent thought is when the dvd icon hits the exact corner of the screen
will play up his dumbassery around ppl he’s uncomfortable with
will bully/blackmail his bros into going to the medbay — “don’t make nat’ika sad by hiding things, he only wants to help you” bc jort isn’t gonna get caught slippin. you won’t know he’s soft on you until he’s mother-henning you the way ba and naturally do for literally everybody
can bullshit his way out of any situation
isn't the best w crying ppl and will just try to make them laugh and hope that someone that can talk abt said emotions arrives soon usually this person is ba
“and i also don’t want me to be doing what i’m doing”
ends up dating the daughter of a very prominent mob boss who runs a fashion company in the form of seven feet and eight inches tall belladonna tomb, bella for short
has no idea whatsoever that he’s dating the daughter of a very prominent mob boss
bella thinks it’s an unspoken agreement to not bring it up but jort just. doesn’t know.
since bella is seven foot eight, jort can fit into her tops and is unashamed to wear “women’s clothes”. bella will design him clothes (and LOVES to be a model for bella’s clothes). his civvie fashion is comparable to harry styles
bella’s species is half soleon/half skeleton-monster-thing (soleons are an original lion-like species & the skeleton details are all made by cap, mentioned above) (also bella’s partly translucent and you can see some organs thru her torso) and she has talons and very pointy teeth and eyes that slightly glow jort ends up getting a tattoo of her teeth marks in his ass opposite to the handprint but that’s another story
when him and bella start becoming intimate, there are lots. of. marks. teeth, talons, you name it. the medics (esp no, poor man) are frightened that jort is bragging about these marks
then jort has the brilliant idea of sneaking his giant mob boss girlfriend into the barracks while on leave. somehow, maker only knows how, but NO ONE NOTICES until
late that night when everyone’s sleeping, her and jort are sharing his bunk (it’s a tight fit but they make it work). no is doing bed checks to make sure his bros are doing okay, as a concerned medic does. since bella is dark grey in color, she blends in to the dark barracks.
jort starts to fall from the bunk in his sleep and no sees that he’s abt to fall (but does not see bella) and just as no walks to jort’s bunk to fix him, a finely manicured and taloned hand snatches him back into the bunk and gives no a death glare and she deadass GROWLS
poor medic thinks his bro is abt to get eaten by a monster but doesn’t actually do anything to protect his bro from the “monster”
no immediately runs to find who and wakes up nearly everybody in the process. by the time no returns to the barracks with who in tow, jort is awake and is like “hey guys what’s up”
“WHAT IS UP?! THERE’S A KRIFFIN MONSTER WITH CLAWS IN YOUR BUNK!!” “oh no this is bella. bella, meet the boys. the boys, meet bella.” “hi”
ba wakes up during no’s windows shutdown, looks around and sees everyone wide ass awake and then sees bella and jort, “oh hey bella” and then goes back to sleep bc he knew bella
jort did hold ba’s hand while his bro got the spine tattoo for jacob
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multiverseforger · 4 years
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Unliving is shrouded in mystery, with rumors circulating that Nekron is darkness itself, existing before life entirely, or that he was created by the darkness as its protector. Another claim is that the Guardians of the Universe clashed with Nekron close to the beginning of the universe and were the ones to imprison him in the Land of the Unliving.
Krona War
Nekron gloats
Trapped in his own realm throughout most of eternity, Nekron first became aware of the world of the living through the deceased cosmic villain Krona. A rift was opened in the continuum between dimensions, caused by the death of an immortal. And Nekron looked upon the universe and saw all that was life itself, and determined that he would become its master. So that he might escape his prison, he resurrected and empowered Krona, with an army of the undead at his disposal, to slaughter the Guardians of the Universe and widen the rift.[2] It took the combined might of the entire Green Lantern Corps to defeat them, in a colossal battle that resulted in literally hundreds of casualties. Hal Jordan entered the Land of the Unliving on a suicide mission, and harnessed the souls of his fallen Lanterns to fight back against the great evil. Their combined willpower overcame Nekron long enough for the Guardians to seal up the rift, and Hal escaped, leaving the Lord of the Unliving once more condemned to his lifeless prison.[3]
Further Appearances
The Ultimate Opponent
Although largely confined, Nekron has made several more breaches into our world and had interactions with superheroes. After Captain Atom died briefly, he was introduced to several incarnations of Death, including Death of the Endless and the Black Racer. They were each presented as a component of death... and Nekron represented the concept as a cosmic certainty, death as the ultimate opponent.[1] In an attempt to gain control of the Quantum Field life energy of the planet, he had carefully engineered the hero's death. Although he absorbed a great deal of the power, Captain Atom used his connection to steal energy from Nekron's own personal field, and depower him enough to defeat him in physical combat.[4]
Underworld Unleashed allowed him another opportunity to gain entrance to the physical plane. Destruction of the Tower of Fate created another rift into our dimension, and Nekron fought Nebiros for the privilege of conquering the world. He won the battle, and the undead souls of the damned surged across the Earth as Hell literally broke loose.[5]Alan Scott and Fate teamed up against him. Nekron almost gained full access to our world, but fighting against him with the great supernatural strength of Fate gave Green Lantern enough time to demolish the portal with his green flame.[6]
Through the Rift
He was able to return to our world once more during Ghosts. An outside supernatural force brought a number of dead Green Lanterns back to life, calling themselves the Green Lantern Corpse. This created another crack in his realm, but still not one large enough for him to squeeze through. Taking control of the undead Lanterns, he sent them to capture the last remaining descendant of his original nemeses... Kyle Rayner. If Nekron had killed him and harnessed his powers, then he would finally have been able to leave his prison, but Kyle escaped back out through the crack and personally put each and every one of the rogue Lanterns down in single combat. Although it was a long and difficult battle, putting them back to rest sealed the portal and ended Nekron's threat once more.[7]
Nekron was accidentally summoned onto our plane by the supernatural hero Witchfire, who used his incantation without realizing the consequences it would have. She teamed up with Wonder Woman to prevent him from sucking the life-force out of any more innocents, while he was feeding. The combination of mystical energies and godlike blows was sufficient to drive him back into his own realm on that occasion.[8]
Blackest Night
 Main article: Blackest Night
Black Lantern Corps
Following the Final Crisis, Nekron makes his triumphant return during the Blackest Night, where he forms the Black Lantern Corps composed entirely of his zombies equipped with power rings to wreak havoc upon the universe. His plans for this stretched back toward the Sinestro Corps War, when he killed the Anti-Monitor and absorbed him to energize his own Central Power Battery on the planet Ryut in Sector 666.[9] The battery wouldn't become completely active until it was discovered and disturbed by Lanterns Ash and Saarek, his first new victims.[10] He has taken the fallen Guardian named Scar as one of his servants, for she was burned by the Anti-Monitor and poisoned by his touch, causing her to slowly die and come under his influence.[11] There is also evidence that he has been influencing William Hand, the criminal known as Black Hand, his entire life. His control over Black Hand was solidified when Hand killed himself and his family, with Nekron taking him as his herald.[12]
As his influence spreads throughout the universe, the dead rise and return to take revenge on the living, building his power by literally devouring the hearts and emotions of all those who still breathe.[13] Only those with emotional ties to superheroes and villains are resurrected, to achieve the maximum potential. The sheer quantity of death caused by his Black Lantern Rings charges the Central Battery to full power. At this climax, he transports himself and his forces down to Earth to personally command his army. Landing in the middle of Coast City, he turns every single dead citizen into a Black Lantern, announces that all owe their lives to him, and he has come to collect.[14] Many of Earth's mightiest heroes rally to defeat him, and representatives from all seven Lantern Corps. Atrocitus, Carol Ferris, Hal Jordan, Indigo, Larfleeze, Saint Walker and Sinestro pour their combined beams into his Power Battery, hoping to obliterate it with the full life-force energies of creation. This only makes him stronger, and he seems to have planned this. Nekron resurrects Batman as one of his most powerful agents, who then kills and revives Animal Man, Donna Troy, Green Arrow, Ice, Kid Flash, Superboy, Superman and Wonder Woman as Black Lanterns. These are all people who have come back from the dead at some point in their lives, and he claims they only escaped because he let them... to further his own goals. He plans to use his army to uncover a dark secret of the Guardians... and then return the universe to a state of quiet order.[15]
Nekron's goal is revealed to wanting to find and destroy the embodiment of life itself: the white Entity. He kills one of the Guardians and uses their blood to draw the Entity out of hiding, then attempts to kill it and with it, which will in turn kill all of life in the universe. Sinestro bonds with the Entity and attempts to battle Nekron.[16] Despite Sinestro destroying his physical form, another Black Lantern simply picks up his weapon, becoming Nekron's new physical form. Nekron then manages to take the Entity out of Sinestro. Hal Jordan bonds with the Entity and uses its power to restore the living heroes transformed into Black Lanterns to their normal selves. Hal uses the Entity to transform the heroes into White Lanterns, together they defeat Nekron by resurrecting Black Hand thus destroying Nekron's link to the living plane. The Entity resurrects the Anti-Monitor which destroys the Black Lantern Battery. With his link to the earthly plane severed Nekron's body is destroyed, ending the Blackest Night.[17]
Powers and Abilities
Unique Physiology: Nekron is a the personification of the absence of life and existence or the void before anything was. This gives him tremendous power as he is able to draw strength from the infinite abyss of darkness that predates existence along with the energy released at the time of death by beings he or his Black Lanterns kills. He is so powerful he can withstand an attack from the Anti-Monitor while sending him back to the anti-matter universe.
Immortality: Since he is not alive in the sense that we understand it, Nekron is technically incapable of being killed. As such, defeating him is extremely difficult; if defeated he will simply return to the Land of the Unliving.
Necromancy:Nekron's position as the Lord of the Unliving gave him a great number of powers that related to death itself.
Dark Lightning: He has the ability to fire bolts of a force called dark lightning from his hands, powerful enough to hurt and even kill the Guardians of the Universe. Despite being immensely powerful, it is not unstoppable. Wonder Woman was able to block it with her bracelets, although the force still threw her across the room.
Necrotic Empowerment: Nekron gains physical strength from the deaths he causes.
Reanimation: As the Lord of the Unliving, Nekron can reanimate corpses into fully functioning zombies working entirely under his control, and retaining semblance of their past personality.
Fatal Touch: The sustained touch of Nekron's hand can chill any mortal being to death, through supernatural means.
Reality Manipulation
Dependency: For all his power, Nekron holds one great weakness: he cannot exist in this universe. In order to properly interact with the living, Nekron requires a link between between New Earth and the Land of the Unliving, such as a tear in space-time, or a mortal link such as Black Hand.
Black Lantern Central Power Battery (Formerly)
Although this character was originally introduced during DC's Earth-One era of publication, their existence following the events of the 1985–86 limited series Crisis on Infinite Earths remains intact. However, some elements of the character's Pre-Crisis history may have been altered or removed for Post-Crisis New Earth continuity, and should be considered apocryphal.
There is an unrelated monster named Nekron who fought the original Justice League of America.[18]
It has been confirmed in official sources that his name is pronounced NEHK-Ron.[19]
35 Appearances of Nekron (New Earth)
25 Images featuring Nekron (New Earth)
4 Quotations by or about Nekron (New Earth)
Character Gallery: Nekron (New Earth)
↑ 1.01.1 Captain Atom (Volume 2) #42
↑ Tales of the Green Lantern Corps #2
↑ Tales of the Green Lantern Corps #3
↑ Captain Atom (Volume 2) #43
↑ Fate #12
↑ Fate #13
↑ Green Lantern Annual (Volume 3) #7
↑ The Power Company: Witchfire #1
↑ Green Lantern (Volume 4) #25
↑ Green Lantern (Volume 4) #42
↑ Green Lantern (Volume 4) #44
↑ Green Lantern (Volume 4) #43
↑ Blackest Night #1
↑ Blackest Night #4
↑ Blackest Night #5
↑ Blackest Night #7
↑ Blackest Night #8
↑ Justice League of America #128-129
↑ Who's Who: The Definitive Directory of the DC Universe #16
Green Lantern Villain(s)
This character is or was primarily an enemy of the Green Lantern of Earth, or the Green Lantern Corps as a whole. This template will categorize articles that include it into the category "Green Lantern Villains."
Black Lantern Corps member
This character is or was a member of the Black Lantern Corps. Those who have died may wield the Black Power Ring, symbolizing their lack of both life and emotion.
This template will categorize articles that include it into the "Black Lantern Corps members category."
Top Contributors
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just-a-writer-here · 4 years
From Above
Part Two
Summary: If (my mom) wanted me to play music again, why wouldn’t she just tell me herself? Maybe she can’t! Maybe she has to do it another way. You know, through signs!
Word Count: 2457
Warnings: talk of death, talk of environmental issues (very vague), hints at mental disorders in a child
Note: ...so, I wound up writing the majority of this part sleep deprived, but unlike most other things I’ve written on little sleep, I’m proud of this one? I created a character I’m fully ready to murder without meaning to create them. But it adds to the “fever dream” feel I wanna give this story, kind of. Let’s just say, if Rose is doing anything involving ‘signs’ for her daughter/the boys/Flynn to find, then it shouldn’t be too hard to believe there are ‘beings of higher power’ around her.
In no way is any of this meant to be leaning towards one religion over another.
You can also find it on AO3 here. (It leads to Part One.)
Link to Part One here on Tumblr is right here.
The page breaks were made by @julieandtheicons​ (or over on Twitter: babsmaitland).
Rose blinked. “Smart.”
The stranger gave her another one of their amused smiles. “Yes, not taking my word as truth. Isn’t that one of those things you humans do - find as many credible sources to learn from before forming an opinion?”
“...at times.”
They waved away her hesitant answer. “Oh, I know not all humans hold that much common sense, but it is something you guys do nonetheless! Alright, I will be a moment. Your daughter’s book is a bit of a way away from us and I don’t...know what happened with the boys’s books.”
Rose sighed in relief as the presence of the stranger faded the further they walked away from her. Then it caught in her throat for a brief moment, her mind finally catching onto what had been told to her. Julie’s life was always supposed to be interesting? That was… that was terrifying from a parent’s perspective, especially when adding on to the fact that the stranger had said no one - whoever no one encompassed - knew what to do to make it interesting.
And then there were those three boys! What does any of what the stranger said mean? They were stuck somewhere, likely not even aware of how many years had passed them by. The fact that that had been all she’d gotten on them from the stranger doesn’t settle well with Rose - are they meant to stay there forever? Or are they a similar case as her daughter, where nobody could come to a consensus on what to do with them? Rose didn’t know what she would prefer to be the case here, because she had only known them for a brief moment, but as someone who felt the loss of their talent after hearing them that one night, she almost wished their situation was like Julie’s.
Because that meant they weren’t to stay wherever they are for eternity.
(The logistics on how that option worked was a bit beyond Rose, she knows, but hopefully the records - the books? - on them helped her understand it better. And she hoped that as she read, she would learn about why she was here in the… the Hall instead of having moved on.
Should she have asked about her book too?)
“Well,” the stranger said as they came back around one of the massive shelving units, face pinched as they stared down at the book they had in hand, “it would seem I would have to go hunting elsewhere for those books. One of the others probably took it out to try and figure out what to do with them. But! I did find your daughter’s book, so I’ll drop this off with you while I go asking around for the boys’s books.”
“Thank you.” Rose took Julie’s book when it was held out to her, fingers gently brushing over the image of vivid dahlias winding around a microphone like a sleeve on the cover. When the being’s footsteps didn’t move away from her, she looked back up, her brows pulling together as confusion crowded her thoughts briefly. “Yes?”
Another smile, soft and small in that uncertain way people tend to be when they’re unused to something, was aimed her way. The stranger shook their head. “Nothing. If you have any questions, I will do my best to answer them once I find those errant books.”
And then they were gone.
Rose blinked after them before returning to her daughter’s life’s story.
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Time folded in on itself again as Rose lost herself to reading through all that Julie had been through before she’d died. As Julie’s mother, it was hard to get through the time after she had passed. But she had managed to get this far, it would be a disservice to Julie to stop now.
“Here ya’ go!”
Rose jerked away from the book she’d been curled around to meet the stare of a child. They were small, probably seven years old, with a grin wide enough to show several missing teeth and eyes that shone with such life Rose’s throat closed with emotion. The sort of emotion that was thick and heavy in the back of her throat, like honey or molasses. It wasn’t until those burning eyes darted down that Rose looked away and noticed several new books placed before her.
“Death said you needed ‘em. Sorry for takin’ them from the shelves,” the kid continued, a hand coming up to brush back tri-colored hair.
Rose took a moment to understand what the child was talking about. First to hit her was the fact this child had been reading the life stories of the deceased members of a forgotten band, and then it was the fact that this was a child. As she took in the image on the top book - it was a curling ribbon around a pair of drumsticks - it then clicked that the child had called the stranger death. Or… it’d be their name, right? Rose had been talking to Death, the entity, had even Mom Faced them.
“Awe, don’t make that face! Death likes you,” the kid suddenly pipes up again. “It’s been a while since someone made them curious!”
“Oh, did you not know?” The child tilted their head with a light giggle. “Makes sense, they haven’t looked like what you guys think of them in...in a really, really long time.”
Rose felt her chest caving beneath the realization of who her previous conversation partner had been and barely managed to choke out, “And who would you be, sweetie?”
She winced at the full-body jerk she got in reaction to that and then sank into her seat at the following grin that the child aimed her way. It came off amusing but Rose couldn’t help but also think it was a touch deranged.
“I’m a bit of a mess,” the kid answered sweetly. “But Death and everyone else just calls me Nature!”
“That’s me!”
Rose nodded slowly, trying to figure out what Nature could be connected to. “Why were you reading about these boys, Nature?”
The child hummed and hopped up into the seat Death had occupied earlier. It was then that Rose noticed their outfit - it was made of grass, the stalks woven together with a professionalism Rose could only attribute to an industrial loom, blooms of flowers dotted about at random with a few clusters upon the shoulders and dancing around the cuffs of the top. The ends of their hair were wheat-yellow, while further up was a faded green that turned brown at the roots, nice and rich like fertile soil.
She got it then - this was the personification of nature, the one most people called Mother Nature. Part of her felt broken at the sight of her planet’s personification being a child before remembering that Earth itself wasn’t that old in the scheme of things. And another part of her felt sickeningly cold; they’d been steadily destroying a child.
Rose blinked and shook her head, chasing away those thoughts before returning her focus on the very same child she’d been thinking about. The playfulness, the mania, was gone. Replaced by a seriousness that reminded Rose of the aftermath of natural disasters - that quiet, painful sort of seriousness, as if everything was holding its breath for the other shoe to drop.
Nature shook their head. “Don’t be, you’re a mother. I’ve met a few before now and they’ve reacted similarly. Maybe that’s why so many of you pass the tests over those without their parental instincts,” they said, voice wistful and soft. “But you did ask me a question.”
“I read about them because of how uncertain their futures are. Even though they’re dead, anything could happen with them, because even without an author writing out your stories, you humans continue nonetheless. Spontaneous bunch, your kind. It’s beautiful to watch happen in real-time.”
She supposed she understood that.
“Why do you wanna read about them, huh?”
“I met them once. Heard them play the night they died, when they were practicing,” Rose gently explained. “It’s pitiful that the world never got to see them grow.”
“But instead got their legacy under another’s name,” Nature hummed with agreement.
Rose winced and looked down at Julie’s book still open in her lap. “It’s the one that I hated being unable to stop Bobby from doing.”
“I know.” Nature was grinning at her in a way that reminded Rose of Death - soft, amused, pleased as if Rose had passed another test with flying colors.
“Why are you letting me read these?”
“You passed the tests, duh !”
“By why test me at all?”
Nature giggled again, hands coming up to cover their mouth. They looked like a blend of different rock types, stark against the soft red of Nature’s face. “Because those who pass are usually the most interesting! You guys come up with brilliant solutions to problems the rest of us have had for millennia. Why wouldn’t we want to keep that opportunity open?”
The dead woman tilted her head and raised her brows. “Is that what you’re hoping I do for my daughter, help you figure out how to make her life interesting?”
“And these three too! You don’t have to do only one thing, ya’know?” Nature shot forward to separate the books that would give her the boys’s life stories. The drummer’s book was placed closer to Rose with a soft huff from the small child, showing off the next’s cover image of a bass guitar surrounded by water and sand. The bassist's book was placed just beside the last with less struggle on Nature’s part, their teetering body hiding the lead’s book until they settled back down in their seat. And Rose couldn’t help the sharp inhale, the image of an electric guitar with a cluster of bluebells at the head. Rose remembered how the blue lights had reflected in the boy’s dark eyes, helping his expressions come to life whenever had he smiled.
Like dahlia’s fit Julie, bluebells fit Luke. And Reggie and Alex’s own images fit them too, from what little she knew of them.
“You look like you’re aboutta cry.”
“Who decides on the images that go one someone’s cover?”
Nature’s nose wrinkled up adorably as they thought about Rose’s question. “I think it’d be Death and their twin,” the smaller being slowly said, eyebrows dancing upon their forehead before they shrugged. “But I don’t know. They never really let me know about that process since I don’t really have a say on peoples’ lives aside from, you know, causing things to happen that kill them.”
Rose watched the child wince before giving them the same smile she always gave her children whenever they felt upset over something. “You do what you have to, Nature, for whatever reason behind it all.”
“Even if they’re just technically temper tantrums?”
“I’d say,” the adult hummed out, brushing her hair away from her neck, “that you have plenty to be upset over. You work on a different level than humans do, so I can’t exactly hold you to the same morals as I would another human, no matter how much I want to. You existed long before I was born and have continued to exist long after I died, after all.”
Nature ducked their head and nodded. Rose could see the pleased flush upon their cheeks, the color turning them a vibrant vermillion instead of the faded red. They cleared their throat. “Do you have any ideas on what you’ll be doing for Julie yet?”
“No, but since I now know what you guys expect in return for allowing me to read these, I can begin properly thinking of something.”
The childish glee was back, brightening the whole room around the two of them as Nature grinned and bounced a few times in their seat. Rose was painfully reminded of her son in the action - he had calmed down some before Rose had died, but Carlos had always been an active child in a way Julie hadn’t been. She loved him for it, just like she had loved her daughter for her own quirks.
“Lemme know when you come up with something please? I wanna watch it happening as it happens!”
“Will do.”
“‘Kay! Thanks!” And then Nature was gone, quicker than Death had left Rose alone but louder as well.
Rose couldn’t stop the harried sigh that left her, her mind finally catching up on the fact that she was apparently surrounded by mythical, immortal beings that viewed humanity as forms of entertainment (if anything could be said about Nature’s interest in Reggie, Luke and Alex was anything to go by). It was a heavy realization. But the heaviest thing she’d found out about today was what everyone single one of them expected of her - for her to be puppetmaster to her own daughter and a set of dead teenagers.
“Well,” Rose said to herself as she returned to the pages detailing Julie’s struggles after Rose had passed, “time to get to thinking, huh?”
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The next time she was interrupted, it had been at the beginning of Alex’s book and by Death. When they had cleared their throat to get her attention, Rose took a moment to settle the unease twisting her gut into knots and smiled at the entity standing uncertainly before her. They reminded her of old students, back before she met Ray - eager to talk to her but too shy to start any conversations without explicit approval from her.
“Heard you met Nature.”
Rose nodded, her smile twitching as she watched the tall being sit down stiffly. “I have, interesting little el crío.”
Death snorted and eased back into their seat, shoulders relaxing a touch as they considered her. “That’s...one way to describe them. One of the politest I’ve heard lately, too,” they hummed around a grin, pleased. “How goes the reading?”
“It’s…” Rose turned her stare to Julie’s book, set off to the side to indicate having been finished. “It’s odd, reading about them like this. But I’m getting through it, I guess.”
“Nature said that they had a feeling you’d be a little more different than those who’ve been given this chance before,” Death idly commented after Rose returned her gaze to Alex’s story. (It was an… interesting story. He’s the oldest of three, had been more of a parent to his younger sisters than their actual parents had been. And Rose was only just finishing the aftermath of his eleventh birthday.) The being continued when her eyes were back on them, “You seem invested.”
“And that means I’ll be doing something new?”
“It means you’re going to care what your decisions do to them. Most others don’t.”
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keyofjetwolf · 5 years
Random ask! How would you have reacted if Rei and Minako did the fake betrayal instead of Haruka and Michiru in Stars?
Wow, I sure hope you wanted 2300 words on this. SORRY EVERYONE
Which is also approximately Usagi’s reaction as well. It rather makes an already difficult situation even more difficult, as Usagi keeps VERY LOUDLY AND PUBLICLY (Usagi, not in front of Galaxia, Usagi please) protesting that Rei would never NEVER EVER WOULD NEVER turn traitor.
There are an assortment of amazing ways this could go (I have seven I love and I’m barely trying), but in the spirit of the Ask, I’ll pick the one that I think would give me the most FEELS right in my Jet Wolfian heartspace.
Come, friends. Come with me.
To set the stage, I’m going to be an utter shit and have Galaxia already have killed Ami, Mako, Pluto, and Hotaru. I LOVE YOU GIRLS I’M SO SORRY. For us to get to this point, Minako (and Rei, but it’s Minako’s idea) have to be desperate. Utterly fucking “it’s this or the entire universe is destroyed” levels of desperate, and I just don’t think they’d ever go there if their forces weren’t at least halved, including their team’s literal personifications of Time and Destruction. Which is the point I think where Minako would be forced to admit they can’t win this the usual way.
To further aid in selling this, I would’ve folded Pluto and Hotaru more into the season leading up to this fight. Well, I would’ve done that anyway so their deaths actually mattered to both the audience and the characters, but that’s a separate thing. I would’ve given Pluto and Hotaru (and Haruka and Michiru) new attacks that helped reframe their place as a powerhouse, affirmed that power (and its consequences, because there would be, particularly for Hotaru) over the course of the season, and then had those powers unleashed on Galaxia (possibly combined) because things are just That Dire, then have Galaxia “meh” and totally obliterate them.
“Oh, we are FUCKED,” Minako realizes.
I’m not sure if I would or wouldn’t include the audience in the fact Minako Has A Plan, though right here, right now, I think probably. While I’m going to play a bit fast and loose (FOR ME) in this hypothetical scenario, the series to this point hasn’t even remotely set the stage for a believable heel turn by Minako, and it’s spent all five goddamn seasons doing the exact opposite for Rei. Building and reinforcing Rei and Usagi’s friendship has been one of the show’s major points since literally EPISODE TEN, and by the time we get to 195-ish, we’re waaaaay too far to try and use this as a dramatic fake-out cheering moment for the audience. Without adequate time to build it up (which, unless done with amazing deftness, I think would just tip your hand and/or suck out the feeling of impulse desperation that I think is an essential core of the plan in the first place), I think it more likely it’ll feel insulting to the audience that they were ever supposed to believe it.
So let’s not even try. We don’t have to directly TELL the audience, but show enough clues that they can easily piece it together. Let the audience tension come from the fear of Galaxia figuring it out, or Usagi ruining the whole thing.
Back to the set-up. Pluto and Hotaru are the first to go. By this point in the series, shit is serious, we’re not here to chat nicely to Galaxia and try to talk her down. None of this team separation shit, the Senshi go in as a unit, full force, most of them distractions and wearing her down while Big Guns Pluto and Hotaru do their thing and fucking end this.
Now down their Big Guns, the Senshi need new plans. They run and regroup, and this could perhaps be a great time to start dropping those clues. You could even have it be background, the girls arguing and debating what to do next, Minako hinting or proposing (frontal assault didn’t work, it’s time to get sneaky), have Rei and possibly Mako heavily protesting, etc. etc., but what the camera and audience are actually focused on is Usagi grieving Pluto and Hotaru.
Attack, Phase Two. The specifics of the attack itself aren’t overly important as it’s going to fail. Maybe the– Oo! Maybe the Senshi DO want Usagi to try to talk Galaxia down, AND I FUCKING LOVE THE IDEA OF USAGI REFUSING. There’s been so much death, LITERALLY ACROSS THE ENTIRE GALAXY, and Usagi’s so caught up in her own grief and rage. She’s the Senshi of love, yes, but also JUSTICE, and holy fucking shit, to see Usagi starting to embrace the second half of her mantra is just HRRRN. To have her go through with it anyway, trying to convince Galaxia that it doesn’t have to be this way, convince her to lower her guard, while also knowing it’s all a ploy while the other Senshi flank her, wait for the right moment, and try to take her by surprise.
Of course it fails. But it extra deluxe fails with cheese. Haruka and Michriu manage to escape with Usagi, but the Inners are captured. Uasgi takes this REALLY WELL.
Galaxia, with the Inners bound and helpless, decides it’s time to play her favourite game: Corrupt A Senshi. She begins with Ami, believing she’s the weakest and thus the most cowardly. She offers Ami a chance to live, if she’ll only join Team Googlaxia. “GO BLEACH YOUR ROOTS CREEP”, Ami doesn’t say, but also effectively does. Galaxia shrugs and shoots Ami with her Braclets of Doom. The other Senshi are forced to watch as Ami slowly disintegrates into nothing.
MAKO LOSES HER SHIT. (She had the good fortune to go first at D Point, she’s never had to watch her friends die before.) Fuck, let’s give Mako a great moment where she busts out of her bindings and goes for Galaxia with her bear fucking hands. Galaxia ACTUALLY JUMPS, and shoots Mako reflexively as much as anything. She chukles a little after Mako fades away. That shouldn’t have been possible, but that’s what Galaxia loves about Earth, it always keeps things interesting.
Two down, two to go. Galaxia turns to the next Senshi in line: Rei. Before Galaxia can even ask, Rei opens her mouth to tell Galaxia to shove her offer up her ass. But before REI can say anything, Minako jumps in. “We accept.”
Rei is about to implode, explode, and a half dozen other -odes, but Minako continues. Galaxia’s proven she’s the most powerful. They’ve tried everything they can think of to stop her and didn’t even slow her down. She injects just enough truth to really sell it. She gave up EVERYTHING to fight for the Earth, to fight for Usagi, and for what? Minako’s spent her entire life choosing what’s best for other people, she’s going to finally choose what’s best for herself.
“We can’t win, Rei.”
Rei visibly struggles. She wants to argue, wants to deny it all, but can’t. Finally, she sags, and quietly agrees. Galaxia is DELIGHTED by Rei’s moral dilemma and how seemingly broken she is, as much as she is Minako’s apparent turn to self-interest. She’s watched this story play out from planet to planet to planet, but it’s always just a little different and it NEVER gets old. She shoots, and just before impact, Rei and Minako share a look. Rei, still with a spark of fire we perhaps foolishly thought extinguished. Minako, a confident smirk, ready to take the stage for the performance of her life.
Their mission is simple: bring Galaxia the remaining Senshi.
I’d devote an entire episode to Rei and Minako hunting down Usagi, Haruka, and Michiru. Keeping it all from their perspective, having them try to deal with what appears to be their best friends turning on them (Michiru maintaining a cooler head, you know, all “It will be difficult to debate morality from beyond the grave, so perhaps we should keep moving.”) As the pursuit wears on, and their conflicts become tighter and crueler and more difficult to escape, Haruka becomes convinced that Minako and Rei really have betrayed them.
OR AT LEAST SO SHE LOUDLY AND REPEATEDLY PROCLAIMS. There’s room to argue – you know, if you’re a Jet Wolf watching this with an eye to dig into literally every fertile spot of character meta – that Haruka’s convincing herself of what she’s increasingly afraid she’s going to have to do: kill Minako (and Rei but mostly Minako) to protect Usagi and thus the world. Not to mention that the shit Minako’s saying only digs DIRECTLY into Haruka’s own fears and self-hate, making it all that much easier to believe.
Meanwhile Usagi cannot, absolutely 10000000000000% DOES NOT, believe that Rei would betray her. She knows Rei, SHE KNOWS REI, and even while Rei is being hard and cruel and dragging up every little thing wrong with Usagi (and there’s so much and IT HURTS), Usagi’s faith doesn’t waver. She doesn’t know what’s wrong or why this is happening, but she knows Rei already knew all this shit wrong with her and loved her anyway. It’s just fact, the end.
GIVING ME ALL THE REI AND USAGI FRIENDSHIP FEELINGS I CAN STUFF IN MY GODDAMN PIEHOLE. With the added fun of, if you’re a Jet Wolf sopping every drop of this up with delicious freshly baked bread, the fact that Usagi pretty much only brings Minako into it as a logical conclusion to “Well if Rei’s not really evil then Minako isn’t either” showing how much less certain Usagi is, in her Senshi Heart, that the things Minako is saying aren’t maybe JUST A LITTLE TRUE. (Proving what Minako of course already knows, which is a lie is best buried in truth.)
So we have two extremely opposing, emotionally-charged, increasingly desperate views shared by Usagi and Haruka. With everything running high and the noose tightening, they functionally get into screaming matches about this, both insisting their view is right, both fueled in no small part by the fear that they’re wrong. Because if Rei has turned on Usagi, then one of the major truths of her life has been a lie. And if Minako HASN’T turned on Haruka, then she’s able to say and do all these things, so how much did she ever actually love her? Was that all a lie too?
Pour one out for Michiru’s sanity, trying to keep all this moving. She’s probably at least a little relieved on some level when Rei and Minako do finally catch them. Maybe something like, Haruka, being incredibly Haruka about it, bellows that they HAVE to do this, and then legit tries to kill one of the others (Minako? Rei? I CAN’T DECIDE), and Usagi tackles her or something, throwing it off and anyway everything’s awful and amazing. Usagi and Haruka do in fact get captured and brought before Galaxia. (Michiru, slippery eel she is, escapes again.)
It’s really Usagi and Haruka’s reactions that sell this so wholeheartedly for Galaxia. It’s the most fun she’s had all invasion! She’s completely sold on the betrayal, at her absolute most vulnerable, and snuggles into her favourite beanbag with a bucket of popcorn to watch EVERY SECOND when she orders Rei and Minako to kill Usagi and Haruka.
When they attack her instead, she’s nearly as unprepared as she is unharmed.
Galaxia yanks away the life-support bracelets. SHE’S GETTING EXTENDED DRAMA FROM SOMEWEHRE BY GOD. As we get our tender friendship death scenes, please remember that Usagi and Haruka are still bound. THEY CAN’T EVEN GO TO REI AND MINAKO’S SIDES HAHAH AWESOME
Haruka is GUTTED. She never should’ve doubted Minako, no matter what mean things she said (Minako: I literally always call you an over-dramatic butch disaster. Haruka: BUT YOU SAID IT MEANLY). Minako’s being flippantly Minako about it, though more out of habit at this point than anything. She admits it was hard to be so cruel to Haruka, but was that some Oscar-worthy acting or what? She makes Haruka promise to spit in Galaxia’s face before she dies. Haruka will keep that promise.
Usagi is everywhere, emotionally. She was right and Rei never betrayed her! Usagi knew it! AND NOW REI’S DYING AND USAGI CAN’T GET TO HER AND REI CAN’T LEAVE SHE PROMISED TO NEVER LEAVE AND DIDN’T WE JUST PROVE THAT WAS TRUE HOW CAN IT BE A LIE NOW IT’S NOT SUPPOSED TO BE LIKE THIS WHAT’S USAGI SUPPOSED TO DO WITHOUT REI. Rei fighting to hang on, telling Usagi that they didn’t come this far to lose faith now. The thing Rei wanted most for Usagi was to never give up, no matter what. Usagi just showed Rei she wouldn’t, even when Rei herself was the one telling her to. “No matter what happens, I’m so proud of you, Usagi.”
Then Rei and Minako are gone.
In the ensuing chaos, Michiru swoops in and saves Haruka and Usagi, BUT THAT’S ANOTHER EPISODE.
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ziracona · 5 years
😮 Oh man, with the insight on Frank, it has me so curious. What's going on in the heads of everyone in the Legion lately? I'm especially curious about Joey, after the quality time spent with the survivors (well, in the back seat with Susie driving) during "She's Like the Wind". Or, if you're tired of the Legion, what about Michael in "The Tower"?
I’m totally happy to do the Legion (and I actually wrote up a bunch of stuff on them before deciding p best to wait), but there’s a lot of Legion stuff in the chapter I’m posting in the next couple days with some sort of big status-quo changes, so I feel like I should wait until after that to give Legion updates, or it could be kind of a waste, so I’ll do Michael.
Oh boy Mikey. Let me see. Buckle up, because this is a long one. So, let me start by saying in this fic, the way I write him is based on the canon portrayal in the first film (and some influence from the others—especially 2 and H20), but with my honest best attempt at an accurate psychological take on his situation. Horror’s a great genre, but it does a really shitty job about using mental illness as some kind of blanket excuse for being evil. John Carpenter literally came up with Michael after seeing some 12 year old schizophrenic kid in a mental institution when he was on a field trip that he thought had really dead, evil looking eyes, like he didn’t have a soul. Which is a pretty fucked up way to treat mental illness. And, since there’s no reason I should accept ‘He’s got psychosis and the devil’s eyes and has nothing in him but evil” as an accurate take on an actual human being, I’m not. I’m taking what is canon, and interpreting it (to the best of my ability) like a normal psychologist or person who isn’t Dr. Sam Loomis would. Usually I wouldn’t give as much on a character psych take (because I really, really like seeing how people interpret things), but it’s kind of specifically important for Michael and me doing my best to write him responsibly that while he’s a lot of things, and a lot of them bad, he’s not a mindless wall of walking evil.
Canonically, Michael’s had psychosis since he was at least five, and heard voices that told him to do bad things, like hurt people. He told his parents, in an attempt to get help, and was ignored. When he was six, he did what the voices told him to in an attempt to get them to stop, and killed his sister (without looking at what he was doing while he did it as much as he could [canon]), and then went downstairs to wait for his parents to get home (probably in the hopes that they could fix it, because he was six years old, and when you’re six, your parents can fix everything). Instead of anything getting better, he got sent to court, sentenced (to be tried for murder as an adult in fifteen years when he turned 21, which is absolute bullshit because by no stretch of human logic can a 6 year old child have committed a crime as an adult), and then left in an asylum for the next fifteen years of his life. His psychosis worsened, and he gained other symptoms, such as mutism and catatonia. His mom only visited a few times, with his little sister, and then she vanished off the face of the planet from his point of view. Completely abandoned by his family and everyone he knew, the only human contact he had from ages 6-21 was Doctor Sam Loomis, his psychiatrist, who had decided within a couple of months, that Michael was the human personification of evil, faking his mental illness like the evil genius six year old he was, and a demon in human form hellbent on murder. Now, the human brain doesn’t stop developing until the mid 20s, and it sure as hell isn’t done when you’re six. Kids that age don’t even really have a fully developed understanding of mortality and only a basic grasp on ethics. Emotional empathy doesn’t start really forming well until age seven, and abstract reasoning isn’t until preteen years. When you’re six, you’re not old enough to be evil. You just aren’t. But, if you grow up from age 6-21 with only one constant in your life, isolated in a tiny white room, hearing over and over from said only constant, an adult and the source of authority in your life, that you are evil, and soulless, and you are a killer waiting to kill again, you are dying to get out and commit murder, and they’re onto you, how exactly can you expect a human being to turn out?Especially when they’re already dealing with violent psychosis. You’ve basically convinced a mentally ill child that they are the bad voices in their head, not the person, and their goal in life is to commit lots of murder.
Michael’s personal goal, as much as he has one left, has pretty much solidly always been to do what the voices want so they’ll stop and he can be at peace. What they want is for him to kill his family, meaning his sister, Laurie. Kill Laurie, be at peace. That being the case, ending up in the Entity’s realm is about as shitty for him as it is for her, because no matter how many goddamn times he kills her, he can never, ever kill her for real, so he will never be able to stop the voices. He’s about as tired of being here as she is, which is saying a lot. But it’s been forty years of shit for him too.
I think Michael forgot he was a person a long time ago, because nobody’s treated him like one since he was baby. Since he was six. If you treat someone like a monster their whole life, that’s what they’re almost certainly going to become. In the Entity’s realm, it hasn’t really been any different. I don’t think he thinks about things very complexly, because he’s sort of too tired to, and he doesn’t have a real reason. He never learned a lot of normal human behaviors, including any attempt at even the most basic social contact. It’s like that really depressing scene in Lilo & Stitch when Jumba’s commenting on what it must be like to have nothing, even memories, to visit at night. He has memories, but they’re basically all the same—white room, fifteen years of Dr. Loomis. None of that’s a real human experience. Dr. Loomis didn’t even think he was a human—called him “It” instead of “Him.”
With Laurie suddenly acknowledging he’s her brother, it’s weird to him. Canonically, every time someone in a film reminds Michael he’s related to them, it’s like he gets smacked in the face (it’s actually kind of hilarious. He even takes his mask off for his niece in 5 when she calls him “Uncle”). A family member doing this always metaphorically suckerpunches him with the reminder that he has a name and an existence outside of killing people and there are human beings who know who he is and are related to him and have a lasting concept of him as a person. It’s not like he ever forgot they were siblings, but he didn’t remember to think about it. He spends all his time being the Shape, because Michael hasn’t really existed since he was six years old (not in a Dissociative Identity Disorder way, just, it’s an aspect of who he is that no one has been willing to acknowledge since he was a baby. He puts on the mask and kills because that’s what he’s supposed to be. It doesn’t really matter if he wants to, or if he likes it, or even if he still doesn’t have a completely developed concept of mortality, because he’s known for years now that it’s just what he does. It’s what he is). I don’t think he really knows how to think or feel (which he’s not used to doing period) about his sister or about that and being spoken to. He was definitely relieved at the prospect of having a way out of this, and since then it’s been kind of agonizing that she reneged on him and won’t commit joint suicide, but she’s also just been…weird. Been different. She talks to him like a person, which no one has ever done, and he does remember her from when they were little. I think it’s very confusing. He really doesn’t have the normal human skillset to be able to emotionally understand this. Which doesn’t mean he’s some emotionless zombie, just, he didn’t learn how to properly interpret or respond to things. He doesn’t have a normal human emotional or social skillset, because he never got to develop one. He didn’t get the chance. He hasn’t had a positive physical interaction, a hug, a handhold, a pat on the shoulder, since he was six--he hasn’t had any kind of social contact outside of the hostile psychological hatred and threats from Dr. Loomis period. There’s just not a normal set of human understand-the-world mental structures developed in him at all. Instead he’s got like…just all this shit—this really fucked up way of understanding the world built from fifteen years in isolation with just Dr. Loomis that’s completely separate from a normal human experience or mental scape, and the mental set of tools he would use to try to understand his sister is like, the dusty old normal human set that stopped growing when he was six years old that he kind of forgot about.
Michael’s also never done anything he wasn’t supposed to in the Entity’s realm, and I don’t think this has been explicitly stated in the fic, but he’s been punished now, for trying to break the rules with Laurie these past few trials. I don’t think he knew how to handle that or feel about it or think about it either, because it was a new experience for him. It’s very hard to hurt him at all, and it’s never happened with the Entity before this.
During The Tower, Michael wanted what he’s wanted since it was on the table (a way out by killing her), and when she said she couldn’t do it yet, genuinely misinterpreted that as her meaning she had to help the others finish the trial first. I don’t think he entirely understood why she kept running away from him, but he’s used to that kind of behavior, so it wasn’t that strange. What was extremely weird to him was getting jumped by two kids (when usually survivors wouldn’t touch him with a fifty-foot pole if it was up to them), who proceeded to tell him be was being a really crappy brother and should be nicer. It was. Surreal. I think when Laurie showed up and told him she hadn’t meant ‘in twelve minutes’ when she said later, he didn’t just attack her because he was mad she didn’t want to do suicide yet, I think it also kind of hurt his feelings that she made fun of him when he genuinely was trying to understand and thought she meant something else. Since what he wanted was off the table, he was upset (which was especially volatile becaus he doesn’t often experience hugely strong emotions) and on instinct just did what has been programmed to come naturally instead and went fucking lethal on them all, but got a surprising amount of resistance.
When she came back to fight him alone, I don’t think he completely understood everything she said, but he got a lot of it, and he didn’t like it. He didn’t like losing the chance to get out of the realm for good with her, but I think he also didn’t really like being basically told that he was dead to her from here on out. I don’t think he’d exactly think of it that way, or put it into words—I don’t think he’d had long enough or the emotional growth enough to appreciate her caring about him, or to want it, but at the same time, he’d had someone treat him like a person for the first time in fifty some years, and I think it was probably briefly nice to be called by his own name and talked to like a person—I think it would be hard for that not to mean a little bit, even if you didn’t understand way. And then he had it reaffirmed by her before their fight that what Dr. Loomis had always said was true, and he’d fucked up so bad with her that he wasn’t ‘Michael’ anymore to her either, and even if he wouldn’t really think of it like that, I think subconsciously, that kind of had to hurt. 
At the end of their fight, when he was out on the floor, and Laurie didn’t kill him, while he was genuinely unconscious for some of that, he was awake for some of it too—the bulk of it, actually. Michael in film canon routinely not only has genuine resets where he passes out and heals and gets back up, but plays dead as well, to protect himself. So, he did hear a decent chunk of what Laurie said to him. She kind of poured her heart out, and some of it was pretty complicated stuff, and a lot of it was stuff he doesn’t really have the emotional complexity developed to understand right now, but he understood some of it. I don’t think he expected things to end like they did (and not just him getting his ass kicked by her). She basically flipped on him, and said she was wrong, and even like this he was still her brother, and because she remembers how he was when he was six she can’t make herself not love him, even if she knows she shouldn’t, and that she wasn’t going to kill him like that, even if it meant he was going to come after her again and kill her. I don’t think he gets why she would say those things, but it did make him want to know, and I think he’s aware that it should mean something to him, regardless of if it does or not on an emotional level, and it is at least something that interests him. Probably his most intact human emotion is curiosity (and it’s no wonder—he’s basically never seen anything, or been anywhere, or done anything—he’s barely gotten a chance to live, period. Any social interaction where someone isn’t running from him screaming or threatening him and telling him he’s a monster is uncharted territory). What that would mean for him going forward as far as Laurie is concerned is very complicated, though. Laurie interests him and there are things he wants to understand, but he’s just got so little ability to function like a normal human being. So much of him is so awfully mangled and maladapted, and the rest has been stagnating since he was 6 and he’s so very, completely, depressingly isolated. He’s a serial killer, but he’s really also kind of a tragic character. It’s fucked up what happened to him, and most of it isn’t really his fault. It didn’t have to be like that.
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“There comes a power into this scattered kingdom”: Metaphor and Apocalypse Philosophy in Station Eleven
For Kirsten and the reader, Arthur Leander’s death represents the start of the apocalypse. His last thought of cradling a dying bird recalls the dove God sends to symbolize the end of Noah’s flood, another world-ending event Arthur’s son later references. Arthur’s death symbolizes the end of the dove’s peace and the return to an extinction event. 
Unlike the seven billion people about to perish by Georgia flu, Arthur dies of natural causes. Ignoring the fact that Arthur having the Georgia flu would be logistically tricky for Kirsten’s and Jeevan’s survival, Arthur’s heart attack casts him as the personification of contemporary Western civilization, with his death foretelling the ensuing structural collapse. Like Western society, he’s lived in a blaze of thoughtless excess, which he now wishes to “repent” (327) by leveraging his assets for a life in Jerusalem and the spiritual redemption it symbolizes. But, like cities banning plastic straws in the midst of a global climate crisis, Arthur’s attempt at penance is too little, too late. He’s spent too long chasing “money[,] fame [and] immortality,” and in his final moments he thinks of his son, the new generation who can carry on and potentially redeem Arthur’s legacy. 
These musings recall King Lear’s vain wish for his kingdom’s survival, as well as Frank Chaudhary’s observation that celebrities “want to be seen” and ultimately “remembered” (187). Arthur gets his wish in life and death, endlessly perceived by Miranda, Clark, Jeevan and later, Kirsten and other post-apocalypse tabloid collectors. However, Arthur only leads his narrative in the final section’s apologia-- Like Elizabeth and Tyler, he crosses many people’s stories but can’t tell his own. He and the woman to whom “nothing bad has ever happened” (173) create Tyler, the inheritor of his parents’ self-importance and second-degree immortality. Like the Undersea’s population, Tyler longs to see and be the sunrise (“How do you bring the light if you are the light?” [293]) and actively derails humanity’s improvement to immortalize himself in brainwashed followers and multiple wives’ children. 
Tyler’s equal and opposite reaction is his spiritual half-sister, Kirsten. Kirsten can’t remember her biological parents; she’s instead raised on the undying fragments of Arthur and Miranda. Before Arthur can die and the apocalypse can begin, the three share a brief but essential domestic tableau in Arthur’s dressing room, where Miranda plants the seed for her Doctor Eleven-style disciple. While Elizabeth hands down to Tyler her privileged solipsism, Kirsten’s surrogate mother bequeaths a comic book about outsider survival, as well as a paperweight for when survival is insufficient-- After all, what’s more notoriously useless than a paperweight? 
The paperweight’s storm cloud, immobile but perpetually visible, represents the post-apocalypse mood that propels Kirsten and Doctor Eleven. The final act of Anne Washburn’s Mr. Burns dissects this mindset in a medieval pageant/musical written by second- and third-generation apocalypse survivors. Springfield’s deceased represent the values their extinction punished: Homer dies in blind optimism, Lisa and Marge die longing for home. When Bart emerges as Springfield’s sole survivor, no one’s more perplexed than he is, and that’s because his unwilling and unwitting spirit is a key feature of the new humanity’s mindset. Dr Eleven and the people of Year Twenty aren’t sure how or why they’re alive, but the planet continues to propel them forward. 
As Arthur had hoped, his children manage to redeem his life’s selfishness. The surname “Leander” suggests a Lear who meanders, a deluded and disgraced ruler wandering through worlds and generations attempting to save his kingdom. This would seem to apply to both Tyler and Kirsten; as Arthur’s surrogate child, Kirsten would share the Leander name, and her earlier role as Cordelia promised that her loyalty and perseverance would redeem her king’s legacy from her wicked sibling. But Cordelia was the disinherited child and, as such, Kirsten no longer bears the family name. Recall instead Kirsten’s symbolic conception: Miranda entered Arthur’s feminine domestic space and sowed the seed of Station Eleven, the story of a man who inherits a different kind of broken kingdom through a process resembling patrilineal descent. Kirsten is Arthur and Miranda’s child, but she isn’t a Leander-- She’s a Carroll. Miranda’s gender-bending role as Captain Lonagan means that “[in Lonagan’s] absence, [Kirsten] must lead” (304) her inherited lost kingdom not with Lear’s vanity, but with Dr. Eleven’s selfless determination. 
These dueling philosophies of survival collide in Kirsten’s and Tyler’s recitation of Station Eleven, which convinces Tyler’s 15-year-old henchman to turn against the light of Lear’s lost kingdom and defend the broken space station. The adolescent nods as Kirsten tells her fellow 28-year-old that they “long only for the world [they] were born into” (302). Tyler reminds her “it’s too late for that,” and these words carry a new weight for the boy born five years after the apocalypse. While Kirsten and Tyler remember, however vaguely, the luxuries of pre-flu existence, the teenager realizes he has no referent for a sweeter life to return to-- If he wants a better world, he needs to stop the disgraced ruler who’s sabotaging it so the new, imperfect planet can move forward.
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timeisacephalopod · 5 years
The last plague of Egypt, the black death, the Merchant of death and then Iron Man, these are just a few of the names man kind has given him over the time his has walked among them but because of encounter the team will finally see and know him for who he really is....Tony Stark is the Angel of death.
So I don’t know what this is but its a somethin! Also, ironstrange, because they’re cute. And Stephen is Time personified (and Asian, as usual when I write him- with a Nepali background though he would have existed long before that. And his form isn’t concrete because you know. Time). Bonus points for Nebula & Tony bonding!
Tony is used to the dark, sticky feeling that clings to his every move and has for as long as he can remember. He doesn’t remember a time before this, though he’s been reliably informed that time has always existed in some form or another. Tony sees him as a man, tall, tawny skin and a sharp smile that matches his wit. Stephen tells him he looks different to different people, or at least he thinks he does given that people always seem to describe him differently. Time period tends to be a factor but he has no idea why people perceive him in the ways they do. There’s no pattern to it.
Tony knows what his true of his form looks like even if Stephen is a shapeshifter, moving with the time and place he’s in. He’s pale, with dark hair and eyes that he supposes are fitting for the personification of death. He thinks he looks like a corpse but Stephen says he’s pretty, striking even. Tony thinks he’s only flattering him. Still, he’s used to the feeling in the pit of his stomach when something is about to happen and he’s been feeling it for years. In this life he tried to blend in with people though he should have known it wouldn’t go well. Last time he tried he killed most of Europe and chose to stick around and make friends, and then the rats started carrying disease. Poor things, they haven’t recovered from the backlash to that. But its not like humans know he’s the cause.
Still, he tries to warn people but they don’t listen. And why would they? They have no idea who he is, minus Stephen. He’d recognized Tony right away the same way he’d recognized Stephen. Its not often they run into powerful beings like themselves- even Thor doesn’t really measure up though it’d been Loki who knew something was off when his scepter didn’t work on him. The stones don’t hold the kind of power over him that they do over a mortal. Its why Stephen has such an easy time with the time stone, aside from being the personification of the concept. Ideally Tony would have the power stone, it would work best with his innate abilities, but that has been lost for some time. Though the soul stone remains even more lost than that.
“What is it that you sense?” Stephen asks, curling an arm around him from behind. Tony leans into him relaxing in a way he rarely can with anyone else. Typically, he’ll keep his power close, held deep in his body in a controlled way that’s more to save other people than himself. If he wanted, he could kill someone with a simple touch. Sometimes he does, if the person is suffering greatly. He doesn’t enjoy it but people deserve dignity in their last moments and he tries to give that to them the best way he can.
He sighs, fingers curling into Stephen’s. “Death,” he murmurs and Stephen sighs.
“Don’t be edgy Tony, and tell me what’s got you so on edge. You’ve sensed it for some time, but in the last few months you’ve been restless,” Stephen tells him.
Interesting, considering he’s felt no difference. “I’m not being edgy, I’m telling you what I can feel. Something is coming, and whatever it is there will be destruction like we’ve never seen before.”
“We’ve seen extinction,” Stephen says, “it can’t be worse than that.”
“Of one planet,” Tony says. “This… this will be everything.” He risks a look up to Stephen, has expecting his reaction to be similar to the Avengers. But they don’t know who he is and what he can do. Stephen does, and the fear in his expression reflects his knowledge of Tony’s predictions. He holds on to Tony a little tighter but he doesn’t need to. There aren’t many things that last forever, except Time and Death. Things don’t stop because planets do, and there’s always something that is ready to die, even if its just the stars. They’ll always be together, but that isn’t a comfort when that’s all they have.
When Nebula lands Tony senses her presence, perhaps because death clings to her almost as tight as it does to him. She finds him surprisingly fast, or maybe its Stephen’s ability to portal around that helped them find each other as fast as they did. Nebula looks him over, head tilted to the side for a moment. “Thanos is coming,” she tells him and the hair on the back of his neck stands straight up.
He looks to Stephen and he nods. “We’re in the endgame now,” he murmurs.
“Come with me,” Tony says, “and tell me about this Thanos.” Its no coincidence, Tony thinks, that he’s named after the Greek god of death.
Nebula watches the two of them talk, Tony and Stephen, but she senses more about them. Tony is more receptive to her, more willing to listen. Stephen mostly asks irritating questions and swats that tacky cape of his aside. When they separate Tony comes to her. “How much time do we have?” he asks.
She shrugs, “three days, if you’re lucky,” she tells him. Tony turns and nods to Stephen, who takes off presumably to die because no one will survive what’s coming. Not really. Thanos thinks his plan will save people, that Gamora’s home planet is a utopia. Bastard hasn’t even been back to it in ages. Its no utopia, its chaos, destruction. People fight each other for scraps and sometimes they simply use each other as food. If that’s utopian she’ll pass on it.
“What did he do to you?” Tony asks, drawing her attention outward again. When she turns to face him he looks sympathetic. “I can feel the way pain clings to you like a shroud. The way death seems to have become you.”
Nebula can’t help but let out a sharp laugh. “I’m barely even alive anymore,” she says, shaking her head. “If I lost a fight, he’d take a piece of me and replace it with machine. I almost always lost.”
Tony reaches out, settling a hand on her shoulder. He does nothing else, just lets the touch linger and its so foreign she almost expects attack. It doesn’t come, but its hard to let herself relax. “That sounds awful,” he murmurs but she shakes her head.
“Child’s play compared to the genocides,” she says and Tony’s eyebrows shoot up.
“Genocides?” he asks and she nods.
“Smaller planets first, they were easier targets. Less military force, smaller populations, usually lower species,” she says, rattling off the reasons easily now. She’s seen so many people die, killed so many herself, that she’s simply desensitized to the violence of it.
“He started doing more, the last ten years,” Tony murmurs.
“I don’t know how earth years work, but in the last seven years he’s moved on to medium sized planets. Gamora’s planet, mine. We were war prized, I think, because Thanos liked to fancy himself a father. He has a lot of us, all from the planets of the people he’s massacred,” she tells him.
Tony looks sick and he should. She should, but she can’t bring herself to feel that way. “Why here, why now?” he asks.
“He has the infinity stones now, two of them. Maybe three if Gamora leads him to the soul stone. Two more are here. Then he’ll take out half of all life, can do it with the snap of his fingers with power like that,” she murmurs. No one was ever meant to wield that kind of power.
Tony shakes his head, “he’s not going to get away with that,” he tells her but he’s a fool if he thinks this is a battle he can win.
Thanos lands two days later than what Nebula predicted and the Avengers are all shocked nonetheless. Ten years of warnings weren’t enough, apparently. Tony doesn’t know if he’s angry at them or if he’s angry at Thanos, if he’s mad at himself for not realizing sooner. All the gut feelings he had, the destruction he felt- must have been Thanos on those planets decimating them. He’ll pay for that too.
Stephen remains behind him, and the Avengers don’t know anything of his power either, but that’s for the best. Thanos thinks to address him first, eyes training on him fast but Nebula had warned him of his obsession with Death.
Pity they had to meet right before his funeral.
“I sense power in you,” he says. “Tony Stark.”
Behind him he can hear Stephen suck in a surprised breath but he hadn’t had the conversation with Nebula about Loki. She’d held a wealth of information and he thinks its helped her to talk about things out loud. “I heard you had an obsession with death, Thanos. What exactly is it that you want out of me?”
The Avengers shuffle around, confused, but Tony can sense that T’Challa understands him right away. But Tony is sure T’Challa is more than a man too and it wouldn’t be the first time a concept lost their memory. If Tony were to guess he’d say soul, or that’s what humans call it. The essence of all life doesn’t have a name between the rest of them but he suspects that’s what T’Challa is. Terrible way to find out what kind of power you hold, but he will have had to learn somehow at some point.
“This is for you,” Thanos says, lifting the gauntlet on his hand. “To show you my devotion.”
Tony lifts his nose in disgust, “if you wanted to show me devotion you would have left the natural order alone,” he snaps. “That isn’t for you to tamper with.”
Thanos looks confused for a moment, but seems to lose it fast. “This is my purpose, I know it is,” he says. “I ignored it once, and…” he trails off, surprising Tony with a look of pain not that Tony pities him any. Not after what he’s done. “I’m going to do this whether or not you want it,” he tells Tony.
“Then your purpose is to die trying to kill the thing you chose to worship. You can’t kill Death,” he says calmly.
Nebula knows when the blast is coming and her first instinct, surprisingly, is to jump to Tony’s defense. She’s surprised when the man in the panther-like suit holds her back. “He will be fine,” he tells her in a light, accented voice.
When the blast hits Tony she expects death, that’s the only thing that makes sense. But instead the purple from the power stone engulf him, swirling around him like an energy field and everyone, including the ridiculously dressed Avengers whoever they were, stares. The only ones who don’t look surprised are Stephen and the panther man. Thanos, shocked, stops trying to blast Tony and the purple lingers around him for a moment before its clear he’s simply absorbing the power from the stone.
Licks of purple flame or mist, she’s not sure, lick at Tony’s sides, swirling around his hands as he stands totally unaffected by the full force of an infinity stone. After a long moment he turns to her, eyes glowing the deep purple of the stone. “Come here, Nebula,” he tells her and she shakes her head, stumbling back a couple steps.
“Its alright,” the panther man tells her. “You’ll find what you want with him.”
Cryptic shit, she doesn’t know what that means. “Nebula,” Tony says to her. “You’ve earned this.” He nods to Thanos, who remains frozen and Nebula suspects there’s some magic happening even if she can’t see it, and then she understands.
“You’ll find what you need,” the panther man adds.
Yes, she will find what she needs. She steps forward, walking over to Tony with determination and only pausing when he holds out his hand. “Its okay. It won’t hurt you,” he tells her. Faith, she thinks, is a stupid reason to hold out her hand but she does. When the power of the stone fills her she gasps, Tony’s hand still tight on hers. “You earned this Nebula, for all he’s done to you,” Tony murmurs. “You have the power of an infinity stone in your blood. Make him pay for what he’s done,” he tells her.
All the being torn apart and put back together wrong with new parts, the fights, the favoritism, the torture, the genocides, Gamora. She can’t think of any one reason in particular as the power from the stone fills her body and mind. When she finally extends her hand she lets out a scream of pain and anger, but mostly its a scream of retribution.
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zodiac-queens · 6 years
Goddesses that represent Creativity and Manifestation for the Zodiac Signs
Aries - Saraswati
origin: Hindu
Call on Saraswati when you need intellectual enlightenment and an extra blessing in creative pursuits.
A personification of one of the most important rivers in India, Saraswati is the Hindu goddess of knowledge, music and arts. Legendary for her beauty and grace, she’s known for her brilliant white skin, which represents the light of knowledge. She’s celebrated during a festival in the spring, Vasant Panchami, where people worship her to achieve enlightement through knowledge. Her companion is a white swan (hamsa), who in myth is believed to be able to separate milk from water - a representation of Saraswati’s ability to separate good from evil. She travels on the swan, an animal that’s a symbol of spiritual perfection and transcendence, so she’s also called Hamsavahini, meaning “she who has a hamsa as her vehicle.”
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Taurus - Tyche
origin: Greek/ Roman:Fortuna
Call on Tyche when you want good luck and fortune on your side. Make her traditional offerings with honey, milk, and cakes in the shape of a wheel.  
Goddess of fortune and luck, Tyche is a blind goddess who is often portrayed with a blindfold over her eyes. This is a nod to fortune not discriminating upon whom it bestows luck; and it also refers to Tyche following her intuition rather than her sight to better determine the wind of fate. The daughter of Titan gods Oceanus and Tethys, Tyche gained immortality and was elevated to a goddess by Zeus after she helped him save Olympus from Gaia’s schemes during a battle with the Titans. She’s often portrayed with a wheel of destiny and a cornucopia, as she oversees both the direction of one’s luck and the abundance of life. A fickle goddess,Tyche can turn one’s fortunes quickly. Since soldiers adored her and often carried her symbols into battle, her legend spread across many continents.
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Gemini, Virgo - Benten
origin: Japanese
Call on Benten when you need an extra boost of luck on your side - especially when it comes to creative endeavors.
Benten is the Japanese sea goddess of eloquence and beauty. Talent, wealth, wisdom, romance, and music all fall under her domain. She was the only goddess among the Seven Gods of Good Fortune, a group of gods who traveled together on a treasure ship, and the only one who grants good luck and happiness. She’s also the patron goddess of geishas and lovers of art. Daughter of a dragon king, Benten married another dragon who was terrorizing the island of Enoshima. His love for her transformed him into a perfect gentleman. Together, they live in Lake Biwa which is shaped like and named after her favorite instrument, a short-necked lute. Benten is often depicted with white snakes as her messengers - so it’s goodd luck in Japanese culture to see a white snake.
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Cancer - Chang-O
origin: Chinese
Call on Chang-o when you’re seeking the answer to your secret wish or question, especially during a full moon.
Chang-o is the Chinese goddess of the moon, where she resides with a rabbit and a three-legged toad. Before her current residency, Chang-o lived on Earth with her husband Yi, and archer, and was an attendant of the goddess Hsi Wang Mu. When Yi shot nine of the ten suns out of the sky, the couple was stripped of their deity status as punishment. Chang-o begged Hsi Wang Mu to help them out of their mortal sentence with her magic peaches, and Hsi Wang Mu took pity on them by making two elixirs from her fruit to make them immortal, though not gods, again. Chang-o decided to drink both potions, hoping to become a goddess with the extra dose of magic  but instead become so light she floated up to the moon. She did indeed become a goddess again, but she is now forever tied to the moon. The annual Moon Festival, also known as the Autumn Harvest Festival, is held in celebration of Chang-o and the power of the divine feminine force of yin in yin and yang.  
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Leo - Aditi 
origin: Hindu 
Call on Aditi when you want to create your own world of happiness. 
Mother of the endless universe, Aditi is one of the earliest sky goddesses in the Hindu pantheon. Her name translates to “limitless”, just like her reach and powers. She existed before time and is said to be the goddess of the past and the future, controlling all of time. Aditi is also the source of the stars, suns, planets, and moons and then gave birth to twelve Adityas, who were spirits that became the twelve Zodiac signs. They take turns ruling the cosmos by month and created all the gods and goddesses. 
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Libra, Pisces - The Muses
origin: Greek 
Call on the Muses when you’re looking for inspiration and a boost in your talent; especially the one who oversees your specific area. 
Daughters of Zeus and Mnemosyne, the goddess of memory, the nine goddesses overseeing arts and sciences are also known as the Muses. Each of the Muses oversees a different aspect of creativity; Calliope is poetry; Clio, history; Euterpe ,lyrical poetry; Melpomene, tragedy; Thalia, comedy; Terpsichore, dance; Polyhymnia, music and storytelling; Urania, astronomy; and Erato, erotic poetry and mime. However, if one Muse is present, anyone can petition them for their inspiration in any aspect. Gifting mortal endeavors with their divine spirit, Muses are loving and joyfull, often singing songs of praise. They also bestow mortals with talent and skill. Often they’re worshipped with milk, honey and wine. 
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Scorpio - Ran 
origin: Norse
Call on Ran’s strength and persistence in pursuing all that you desire in manifesting a paradise of your own. 
Goddess of the sea, Ran is a beautiful mermaid who lives in a golden paradise under the waves. Ran has a magical fishing net that she uses to capture ships and sailors, bringing permanent guests into her home. Known as a dangerous goddess, ran was blamed for shipwrecks, men overboard, and disappearances at sea. Because of her reputed love for gold and finer things, sailors would tuck coins into their pockets for protection - so that she could take those instead of their souls. With her husband, Aegir, Ran had nine beautiful daughters, known as the spirits of the waves. 
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Sagittarius, Aquarius - Athena
origin: Greek/ Roman:Minerva
Call on Athena when you need to access your inner intuition and wisdom.
Daughter of Zeus, Athena is the Greek goddess of wisdom, arts, and war, making her a triple threat and a central figure of feminine and intellectual strength. Although known as the goddess of war, Athena represents the reason and strategy aspect of battle. She’s often portrayed with an owl on her right shoulder, representing wisdom, and Medusa on her shield, representing Athena’s ties to earlier mythologies from pre-Greek cultures. Athena is also credited with gifting the world with art, and teaching humans weaving, pottery, and architecture.
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Capricorn - Nüwa
origin: Chinese
Call on Nüwa when you want to create something beautiful out of the raw material of your life.
Half human and half dragon, Nüwa is an ancient Chinese goddess of creation. She wandered the Earth alone until she saw her own reflection in the Yellow River and molded the first human out of the clay on the riverbanks. Much to her delight, the figure, which had legs instead of a dragon tail, came alive and called her “Mother”; so she made many more. Nüwa made males and females so that they could reproduce and granted them mortality. After growing tired of making so many people,she dipped a rope into clay and spattered drops around the ground. This is the legend of how nobles (the molded clay) and peadants (the droppings) were made.
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source: Ann Shen - Legendary Ladies
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