#she looks super cute tho
silversyn115 · 3 months
Unicorn hoodie!!
Leo thought it'd make a good birthday present.
Felony has... mixed feelings about it.
She's trying her best. Kinda.
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(I'm not sure she knows what a unicorn even is to be entirely honest lol)
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liquidstar · 3 months
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sleepovers save money on hotel rooms while on missions 👍
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delightfuldevin · 24 days
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Traced some official art with my redesigns,,
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palskippah · 6 months
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When the girls see either Mario or Peach they get very excited. If Nettarina was awake, she'd be excited too and urging Peach to hurry up. Also, imagine that 'babies!' like the one Mario says in the Mario and Luigi game with their babies selves sjsj
Also, Mario's that kind of parent that says they'll get the baby to sleep but falls asleep himself first. Peach always comes back to check on them and sees him and Nettarina (who can fall asleep anywhere) deeply asleep while Mariella's somewhere in the bed playing with his cap or babbling to herself (then she gets overtired from not sleeping and cries a lot, so Mario and Peach have to apply all the tricks to get her to fall asleep).
Also also, the socks they're using were crocheted by Peach [and she handed them as a gift to Mario on their baby shower- and she learned to crotchet just to make them clothes :'''v Anyways, I have a post for that too askjdasjd during that same baby shower, the babies get so much stuff from Peach that is unwrapped by Mario. He finds it kinda funny bc not only Peach's the expecting mom too, but she had been showing him all the stuff she has been doing for the baby shower (like showing how the little socks are turning out, or the toys she bought), and yet she wrapped everything for him to open]
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The Scions' opinions of important political meetings and Alliance war councils, a thread:
Estinien: if Aymeric won't be there, okeydokey, whatever 👍 but if Aymeric WILL be there, absolutely not!! being subjected to questions like "my friend! what've you been up to?" and "how are you?" is more than he feels like dealing with tbh. also if he has to suffer Aymeric bullying him about his lack of money sense one more time he's dragoon jumping out the window
Krile: politics aren't my forte but if you need me to, I'll go :)
Alisaie: UUUUGGGHHHH [bangs head on table]
Alphinaud: this is his natural habitat. it is also where he's most powerful, so beware !!
Thancred: putting that PhD in espionage to good use and helping his friends/allies in so doing is good for his health (and his self-esteem)
Y'shtola: sometimes it's a tasty problem to chew on and sometimes it's just annoying. if Garlemald is involved, it's probably the latter
Urianger: he's been invited to exactly two meetings out of like 30 and only attended one (and showed up unannounced to another). he'd rather stay home and do nerd shit or go scouting with Thancred. we stan an introverted nerd king ✌️
G'raha Tia: just happy to be brought along for the ride ❤️ no situation is unbearable so long as he's by his inspiration's side 😊
O'ravi: [doodling chibis of her friends on the back of a report and scribbling hearts around them] wydm this is "work", i'm just hanging out with my boyfriend and my besties
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anotherpapercut · 9 months
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#submission#I actually have seen this meme because someone sent it to my supervisor at some point and she showed it to all of us ajdbkajs#working with a bunch of gay autistic math nerds fucking rules lmfao y'all have no idea#one of my bosses is super into sci fi and is also a math teacher and puts star trek and firefly and buffy and hitchhikers guide etc etc#references in EVERYTHING he makes. I took a math class from him once and all of the test questions were about some fuckin show#whenever he runs meetings he asks us questions based on star trek usually. recently in a meeting he asked us to choose the best captain#I'm one of only like 3 people who watches all of this shit so I looove going to meetings when he runs them#bc he'll ask some fuckin question like who's the best star trek captain. and the 3 of us who knows what's going on will just start arguing#while everyone else looks around like what the fuck is going on right now (this one always gets the newbies)#my ALL TIME favorite Jake moment tho was when I was there one night and there were no students so we were all just hanging out#and Jake walks out of his office and he looks kind of annoyed. and he's a big dude like super tall and broad and loud as hell#so I can hear him like mumbling shit all annoyed and I'm like hey Jake what's up? you doin ok?#and he sighed and was like no. the schools internet filter started blocking my FAVORITE board game forum#and now when I have a thought I can't just look it up to see if anyone's said anything about it. and that's like ALL I do. it's so annoying#and I was like Jake maybe that's why they blocked it akddjkansbdjsdbebs#god I love that dude. and this barely mentions my other supervisor who is autistic and pansexual and married to a woman#and both of them foster several kids. Jake has like 10 fuckin kids or smth bc he was fostering a couple of kids and then he got married#and she already had children and then they had a baby together. idk he's got like a whole baseball team they're very cute
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sysig · 7 months
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Birthday! :D
#Doodles#DDoodles#Lalaloopsy#Day after now since I was asleep haha ♪ But the birthday was fun! :D#My big presents this year were Super Mario Galaxy - my first 3D Mario game! :D#We have to find our Wii first tho lol - it's also my first-owned Wii game!#Have I mentioned lately that I'm slow to technology adoption lol#I'm looking forward to it tho ahh ♪ It was one of the shortlist I made for our Wii :3#So looking forward to adding to the collection hehe#And I got a Lalaloopsy! I think this is the first time I've drawn one of my collection digitally? Lol been long enough#This one is Blossom Flowerpot ♥ Isn't she adorable hehe#She came with all her clothes! Yay!! I love when they still have their ensemble ahhh it feels like such a treat#I'll have to count what I'm up to at some point lol - no repeats so far!#And then it was another of the dollar store trinkets but smol and I ended up having a silly amount of fun with them lol-#I dunno if this is a universal elementary school experience but counting blocks? Did everyone have those?#The ones that are broken up into individual blocks and then ten-block sticks and 100-block slabs?#They were my absolute jam lol I liked them even better than lego - and now I'm into Minecraft! Huh! Haha#We started tossing around the idea of painting them to look like Minecraft blocks and fjdsafsd it would be so cute!!#Glue two of them together and make super chunky ''player'' models and snow golems and the like hehehe#I always love a fun craft idea ♪ And modular Minecraft toys are so fun to me!#It was a good birthday hehe ♥♪
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hollowsart · 10 months
sudden desire to design an Earth-4622 Squirrel Girl based on an Indian Giant Squirrel that I just remembered exists..
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bonnielunkas · 7 months
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( click for better quality i beg 😭 )
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wildmelon · 5 months
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vin'leth has a drake companion named quith btw (bc i want to give him a kith on his forehead)
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smudgyink · 11 months
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take this sketch of re3 jill from like a month or two ago that got turned into a sparkle on redraw somehow LOL
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tonariofjananda · 1 year
Happy Birthday Mizuha!!! 4/6
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(I’m a little late to the party sorry 💔)
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mementoasts · 10 months
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jonathan sims head archivist of the magnus institute london
#IM JUST POSTING HIM RANDOMLY BECAUSE I CANNOOOOOT FOR THE LIFE OF ME DRAW ANYONE ELSE. I HAVE APHANTASIA MAN IT'S HARD OUT HERE#i just started season 3 and heard him mention the graying hair i was like hm.. what if i tried drawring some characters.#i'm actually super happy with how he looks... i had some prior inspiration bc i followed one artist who's posted fanart b4--#(which is how i first heard of the series) and so i already kinda had a picture of him in my head bc of that (i love their art sdfghgfdjh)#so i was jus sketchin and i was like.... yeah this looks ok. i wanted his hair to be kinda just pokin up every which way in front--#--because i imagine him constantly running a hand through it. otherwise it'd look nice n tidy. i just sketched til it looked good enough#the eyes were easy because i wanted sharp and tired. the color was just me testin shit out and being like oooo that looks pretty#the outfit..... i just googled some like business casual stuff LOL. i thought it looked nice#bag and flashlight because he's dungeon crawling#he's also filipino for no reason other than i said so#OHHH YEAH freckles. freckles are cute. also worm scars.#i gotta say i didn't wanna put glasses on him but i thought he looked nakey without em.. but also it might be bc i was strugglin w lineart#the glasses make him look younger i think. which is bad!! he needs to look at least 35!!!#i dunno if i have it in me to draw the others;;;;;;;;;; martin i can't figure out a color scheme for-- and tim & sasha.... waauugghhh....#it's hhhhaaardd because when i'm like reading anything i cannot *picture* characters.... i just get like..... a feeling yknow.....#again i already had some vague images for jon (and martin) bc i saw fanart before lol so that's what showed up in my head#i have a good *feeling* of what sasha should look like but i cannot for the life of me draw it....#i keep sketching and going “noo this doesn't look like her” <- i DON'T know what she looks like#i've somehow instead ended up with a sketch that really feels like melanie tho lmao#if you're somehow at the bottom of this long ramble i will send you $500.#the void given form
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silkjade · 28 days
thinking of a possible theme change ……. (wow who is she)
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henriiiii-1001 · 5 months
( I put that Malus calls Ces' mom "sis" because they could either be biological sisters or just sisters-in-law And it's Amanda accompanying Evie cause Cesar is still a frog at this point ) [I know you got plans for Amanda but I wanted to try and write her before shizz starts going down]
-Ladies of the Torres-Miller annual ladies picnic , lunch is served
*Torres side of the table going excited*
-You know, I heard that in Yonder one of the king's brothers is still single. You could tell her (Ces' mom) that it's still not too late to start over, sweetie Malus : Yes mother, I heard you the first thousand times
-Now presenting : the first course
Evelin : Look at this big girl sitting at the grown-up table! >:D
*awkward silence*
Evie : I'm too old (teenager) to be sitting at this stupid kids' table! Amanda : It's not stupid! You can eat all the fruit you want! :D And it's all fresh!
Evie : *gasp* It's starting to happen! Amanda : What starting to happen? Evie : Grown-up stuff!
*just adults arguing over irrelevant stuff Ig lol*
Malus, whispering : Sis, do something! -Oh, right, of course
-Ladies! There's no need to fight over such miniscule matters! We're all royalty as you know, and there is a way we can settle this petty dispute like the civilized we are. With... FLAGS!
Everyone else except M : FLAGS! Malus : Oh dear Lord....
*Evie finishes explaining the basics to Amanda* Amanda : Ooh..... Evie : I am so ready for this-! Malus : Absolutely not Evie : What?! Malus : We can play something else after all of this, but you are not going to play flags Evie : Why not? You played flags when you were my age...! Malus : I did a lot of things at your age that I won't allow you to do Evie : >:( Malus : *sigh* I know it's boring to be the oldest at the kids' table, but you are not ready to be the youngest at the adults' table. Now go and help you little cousins cut their fruit
Amanda : So uh, we obeying? Evie : Oh no.... I'll show her that I'm old enough for this!
*epic time skip*
*Also Malus being good at sword fighting if you want*
Evie : Mom...? Malus : Are you alright? Evie : Damn mom, those are some pretty good moves with your big ol' sword and stuff Malus : Eve, you won't believe what just happened : I just met your twin sister! She was made out of grapes(?) Evie : ... Malus : I don't even remember giving birth to her. Sis, did I ever give birth to a grape baby? -No, I only remember you having one child, Mal. Malus : Thank you sis- -Her name is Evie :) <- She's got a concussion Malus : Alright, why don't you just lay back down...
aawww this is all super cute!!!! didnt expect it to be lil quotes but it's cute!! :DDD
evie wanting to be a grown up so bad kinda fits her character!!! :DDDD
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whataphantasia · 2 months
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OK... sketching my flower/ruby designs actually kinda helps... im having fun ^_^
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