#she hugs enid not because now wednesday addams can HUG
rollingpenguin · 2 years
Watched Wednesday.
I loved it. The parts in which she plays the cello are my absolute favorite thing. You gotta love a possessed-looking musician playing their favorite vibes.
also spoiler in the tags if you haven’t watched it yet
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icedteaandoldlace · 1 year
The thing about Enid is, I went into this show expecting her to be on the level of obnoxiously cheery as the campers in Addams Family Values, and the same level of overbearing and bitchy. But in her very first scene, she proves to be more than just a comedic foil by backing off when she sees Wednesday recoiling from her offered hug. She recognizes that Wednesday isn't comfortable with being hugged by her, and she immediately respects that.
Then she continues to be a likable contrast to Wednesday, making her disgust/disapproval for several of Wednesday's antics known, but keeping the story about her pet scorpion in confidence, backing off again and again whenever Wednesday doesn't want to hug her, and amending her statement about wanting Wednesday to cheer her team on by saying she can just glare from the shore instead. And she does tease Wednesday a little about being such a weirdo, but never with any malice.
Each little act of acceptance toward Wednesday's oddities makes Enid a character that grows on you at the same time she's growing on Wednesday. Because although she does get Wednesday out of her comfort zone, she also puts in effort to make Wednesday more comfortable in a new and strange setting.
The matching snoods is a really fun example of how she does both simultaneously, because it's definitely NOT something Wednesday is into, but Enid had the consideration to make Wednesday's black and not pink like hers. And as much as Wednesday finds the whole idea embarrassing, she can't openly mock it to Enid's face because she knows her heart's in the right place, and she is genuinely a great friend whom she doesn't want to hurt.
Wednesday is constantly pushed into doing things she doesn't want to do, kept at a place where she doesn't want to be, and bombarded with advances she doesn't want to be bothered with, and Enid is the first person to let her choose what she wants to do. They're like straight up the story of the girl who turns into a cat and runs away from all her potential suitors except for the one who never tries to catch her, and that's a big part of what makes the scene where they finally do hug so great; because Enid has become someone who is so important to her that Wednesday hugs her because now she actually wants to.
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mikavlcs · 1 year
Heaven Sent
Pairing: Wednesday Addams x fem!winged!reader
Summary: While sharing a bed, Wednesday finds a new use for your wings.
Warnings: soft/ooc!wednesday(!!!), it’s cute tho i promise
Word count: 1.1k
Notes: this is an adorable request from an anon, hope you enjoy!
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Wednesday was not having a particularly good night.
She had spent the entire evening venturing around campus for a new mystery to solve. Hours upon hours were spent searching for something, anything to entertain her and satiate her hunger for a fresh case to sink her teeth into.
But she had failed. Miserably. By the end of her hunt, she felt like she was suffocating in the air of utter boredom that settled comfortably around Nevermore after the Hyde had been detained and Crackstone defeated.
The only saving grace for her dreadful night was the fact that you had invited her to sleep in your dorm. It was something you began doing more often and she could never bring herself to say no. 
Not because she enjoyed it, but because she didn’t want to have to deal with your pouting if she refused.
That was how she ended up outside your door at nearly midnight.
She quickly looked around. With no roaming teachers in sight, she took the chance to speak.
Her disembodied companion came crawling out of her bag and up to her shoulder. She glanced back at him.
“I will be sleeping here tonight. You go back to my dorm. You know how to bypass the lock, just try not to give Enid a heart attack this time.”
She turned back to face your door, but Thing didn’t move. Confused, she faced him again. “What?”
The hand responded with a series of taps that made Wednesday glare at him.
“You can see her tomorrow. She invited me here, not you.”
Thing didn’t budge, looking as indignant as a sentient limb possibly could. Wednesday clenched her jaw.
“If you go back, I will let you sleep on my bed,” she gritted out. Thing perked up at the proposal. “But I will rescind the offer entirely if you do not move.”
That seemed to be enough to get him going. Thing gave her a soft tap, a gentle “good night” that she couldn’t help but return as he made his way off her arm and onto the floor. He quickly scampered off toward her dorm, clearly excited to have the entire bed to himself. Wednesday rolled her eyes and reached for your door, sighing when it opened with a quick twist.
You liked leaving the door unlocked for her, even though she told you that there was no need. After all, she could pick locks as simple as these in her sleep. But you insisted. She found it equally as endearing as she did utterly stupid, though she’d never admit it.
Stepping inside, she saw your sprawled form on your bed and paused, silently shutting the door behind her. 
You were laid on your stomach in the middle of your bed, one arm hugging your pillow while the other rested under you. Your wings rested peacefully beside you, unevenly splayed across the blankets. Her eyes caught on the way they twitched every now and then, likely in response to whatever you were dreaming about.
She granted herself a moment to simply observe you in your rest. 
During the day, you kept your wings in your harness. You said it was because they were too big and you didn’t want to unknowingly whack someone with them in the halls, but she knew there were underlying reasons as well.
Though they were easily the most magnificent things she had ever laid her eyes on, you were insecure about your wings. You had yet to tell her why and she resolved not to push you, but that made moments like this—when you allowed yourself to be fully exposed, truly yourself—all the more special to her. 
It showed how much you trusted her. And she would be remiss to say that it wasn’t just the slightest bit touching.
Hesitantly, she tore her eyes away from you and focused on what she came here for. She took her boots off and set them on the floor beside yours, dropping her bag there as well, then silently made her way to your dresser, where you kept her spare set of pajamas. 
After she changed, she walked over to your bed. Your wings fluttered lightly at her quiet approach, but you showed no signs of waking.
She stared down at you briefly before lightly shaking you.
No response.
She tried again, harder this time. You only hugged your pillow tighter.
An idea came to mind. One that you wouldn’t like, but she certainly would. 
With a spark of joy in her chest, she leaned down and shoved you off the bed. You crashed to the floor with a loud thud and a pained groan much to her amused satisfaction.
Your head shot up to look at her, affronted. Your wings flared up behind you in a way that was more cute than it was menacing.
“Wednesday! What was that for?!”
“You wouldn’t move,” she shrugged.
“You could’ve just woken me up like a normal person,” you grumbled as you stood and dusted yourself off.
“Well, you don’t wake up like a normal person. So I did what I knew would work.”
The smirk she had been trying to hide was on full display now. She sat down on her side of the bed and gave you an expectant look. You maintained your half-hearted glare for a minute then gave up. 
Your eyes and wings drooped simultaneously under the weight of your exhaustion and Wednesday couldn’t help but be disgusted by how effortlessly adorable you could be.
Oblivious to the effect you had on Wednesday, you flopped down onto the left side of the bed, which you had deemed yours the first time you shared it with her. 
The smaller girl watched as you curled tightly into yourself, ensuring Wednesday her personal space through the night. Her cold heart thawed some at how seriously you took her comfort.
(A small, weak part of herself wished you would disregard it just once and hold her, even if it was just her hand. A negative side effect of being around Pugsley for so much of her life, she estimated.)
“Good night, Wends,” your words slurred slightly, already falling back into your slumber. Wednesday huffed in amusement as she turned your lamp off. She settled down and got comfortable, arms crossing over her chest. 
Not daring to say anything to you directly, she only replied long after you slipped back into your dreams, voice so quiet it could hardly be considered a whisper.
“Good night, cara mia.”
Just as she began to succumb to the cold embrace of sleep, she felt something large and…oddly feathery rest itself on top of her.
Curious, she opened her eyes, and there on her chest lay one of your wings. It covered the upper half of her completely, acting almost as a blanket. 
Her eyes flitted to your sleeping form, scrutinizing you. You were definitely asleep, so you must have covered her subconsciously.
Momentarily, she considered pushing it off, but she dismissed the thought as soon as it came.
Even though she wasn’t a big fan of physical affection, the soft heat and light pressure of your wing on top of her was…not entirely unpleasant. So she decided that she would indulge you, even if you were unconscious. Just this once.
She adjusted her position slightly, huffing at the way your wing twitched in response, and close her eyes once more.
Encompassed in your warmth, Wednesday drifted off into a blissfully dreamless sleep with the smallest of smiles on her face.
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everlastingdream · 1 month
part 1-part 3
"What did you just say?" Enid felt her ears flattening against her hair. "Who's not gonna live past 25?"
"No one", Wednesday deadpanned, even if her eyes shifted to her mother for a split second.
"When did you start lying, Wens?" Enid squinted, trying to stay still even if inside all she wanted was to shake Wednesday with all her might.
"Querida, tell her", Ms Addams intertwined firmly. Enid nodded. Just a couple of times, really. Absolutely not trying to put her thoughts in order even a little. Wednesday paused contemplating.
"Then we'll excuse ourselves, Mother", with a deep sign she stood up, shaking off comforting hand Ms Addams tried to offer her.
She silently walked past Enid, not meeting her eyes, fully expecting her to follow. And Enid did. Like every damn time.
They settled on the bench in the backyard. Enid - restless and worried. Wednesday - rigid but tired.
"Why did you eavesdrop?"
"Don't even try to guilt trip me into changing the subject!" Enid jumped to her feet. "You just said you won't live past 25! And that you were my soulmate! Which is- is that even real? Like, okay, if your mom said so, then probably, but-"
"I said, you were my soulmate. I'm not yours", Wednesday's calm voice shut Enid up. But her friend (soulmate?) still wasn't quite meeting her eyes.
"And what's the difference? If I'm your soulmate, shouldn't you be mine as well?"
Enid told Wednesday many times to show her emotions even a little. But seeing her so sad and defeated was heartbreaking.
"It's not like that for the Addams family", her voice was cold and empty, just stating facts. "Almost every Addams has soulmate. Look at my parents, perfect example. We say, that it's because no one would want an Addams without such a bond", Wednesday chuckled, which in itself was unnerving. Enid really wanted to hug her right now.
"But in every generation, there is couple of 'extra' Addams. This is people without soulmates. Like Uncle Fester. He's amative, but he'll never feel such devotion as my parents".
"So..? I think he's very much past twenty five", Enid croached in front of Wednesday, trying to gauge if she'll allow physical contact. She slowly took her hand, rubbing small circles into her ice-cold skin.
"There is one more case. People who has 'one-sided' soulmates. And these people all die young", Wednesday's dark eyes was full of longing and pain. Enid found herself mesmerized.
"No one lives with their whole being reaching out to person to never find an answer. To see their perfect half happy with someone else. It destroyes your mind so then you can destroy your body in desperate attempt to end your suffering. This is what fate has prepared for me and something no one can change".
Wednesday was breathing heavily, not noticing how she squeezed Enid's hand to the point of drawing blood from the nail's marks.
"But why are you sure, that I..." Enid blushed, giving a little squeeze back.
"Enid, no soulmate of Addams is happy with another partner", Wednesday's oh so rare smile was the saddest thing Enid saw in her life.
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stirthewaters · 1 year
You Miss Her
SUMMARY: You're known as being a bubbly person, but when Wednesday snaps at you, it's as if a hole has formed in your chest, and you've never felt more empty.
WARNINGS: Angst, angst, and more angst. So much angst.
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A/N: Just so you are aware there is a Part Two:
You Miss Her - Pt. 2
You're known for being a very optimistic person. You're always friendly to people, unafraid to greet others with one of your famous hugs, and spew comments to your friends when you see them, so as the girlfriend of Wednesday Addams, it's starting to get on her nerves.
Even though Wednesday wouldn't openly admit that she definitely has a soft spot for you, after a long and disappointing day of finding next to nothing in terms of clues to the Hyde's whereabouts, your bubbly personality is quite the opposite of what she needs right now, so when you burst into her room when she's writing, she takes a deep breath, not acknowledging you in any way.
Since you're girlfriends, Wednesday always allowed you to join her during her writing time; occasionally she'd ask your opinions on her latest chapter, and even though she wouldn't admit it, she enjoyed your soft chattering as she wrote, even if it was albeit very distracting, but being Wednesday, what she needs right now is quiet, and you're anything but.
When you enter, you can almost immediately tell that Wednesday isn't acting like normal. Her typical rigid posture is somehow impossibly more stiff than usual, and she's practically pounding the keys of her typewriter with her fingers. Her deadpan expression is hardened, her eyebrows furrowed and her mouth fixed in a frown.
As usual, you're a bit tentative to approach. You sit on Enid's bed, watching her write for a moment.
"A-are you okay?" You say quietly. Of course it's a stupid question; as Wednesday's girlfriend you can obviously tell that she isn't okay, but you don't really know what else to ask at this point.
Wednesday doesn't respond, silently pausing for a moment to take a deep breath before continuing, gritting her teeth to try and drown out your gaze that burns into the back of her neck.
"Because I can get you something if you need me to...maybe I could turn on some music? Or maybe you should-"
You're cut off when Wednesday snaps. She pushes her chair away from the desk, whirling around to face you with a glare so withering that you feel yourself flinching away.
"What I need is for you to get your incessantly infuriating presence away from me. You're always pathetically trying to please everyone and it is getting on my nerves. I swear to god that if I hear your cheery tone of voice one more time around me I will murder you myself and laugh at your grave," she spews furiously, words flying faster and faster. "If you weren't trying to make friends all the time then maybe you'd be a bit more aware of the people around you. You are pathetic," she spits.
Cut to the bone, you look at her, eyes swimming with tears. Wednesday is known for being snarky, but this time you can tell that she really means it. Not wanting to give her the satisfaction of seeing you cry, you stand stiffly, trying and failing to keep your tears from spilling.
Wednesday's eyes widen slightly as well. Clearly she hurt you badly, and she feels an emotion she doesn't feel often; guilt.
"Fine," you spit, turning on your heel and wiping your face with your sleeve and storming towards the door, letting the tears flow as you slam the door of her dorm behind you, ignoring Wednesday hesitantly calling your name.
You push past students in the hall, furious and feeling bitter and ashamed of yourself. You can feel your powers broiling, and you force your way towards your dorm, flames crackling at your fingertips as you throw you door open.
As soon as the door is slammed behind you, you collapse onto your bed, sobbing. What hurts the most is the fact that you agree with her. You try so hard to make friends, but it's as if you draw away all the people you meet as soon as they gain knowledge of your pyrokinetic abilites, even though you have complete control over them.
Through the whole afternoon, you curl in a fetal position on your bed, unable to cry due to having no tears left. Your mind is filled with memories whirling around and around.
Even though she's uncomfortable to touch, she knows you like it, and does her best to give you stiff hugs or a small kiss here and there when she knows you need it.
As if she has telepathy, she comes to your dorms on the nights you've texted her about being unable to sleep, joining you in bed, albeit a bit stiffly.
Knowing you're sucky at conflict, she defends you when you're being bullied by normies at Weathervane.
Holding your hand when you're feeling down.
Teasing you because she knows you like it.
And now-
She called you pathetic.
And it cuts deep because it hurts, and it sucks the warmth from your heart, because it's true.
You can't do anything right for her.
You try so hard.
You try not to be obnoxiously chatty, or friendly.
But clearly you're just not trying hard enough.
When she tries too, and does an actually decent job.
And your girlfriend is calling you the thing you've always been called by your parents, your bullies, and your old schoolmates.
The night passes. Of course you don't sleep. You lay awake in bed, staring at the ceiling, wishing, wishing that you weren't so annoying to everyone around you.
And of course you don't text Wednesday. She doesn't text you either, but that's normal for her.
The next day, you skip classes. You know that you're sulking, but you don't care. It's as if your heart was shattered into pieces that are now impossible to find, and instead is replaced with that same feeling. That ache that reminds you, reminds you that you are pathetic, and you don't want to see Wednesday at all. The only thing you feel for her right now is that anger that makes you feel like crap.
Weems, of course, sends you to detention, but you don't care. It won't matter anyway. Enid frantically texts you throughout the day; clearly Thing informed her of the situation, since there wasn't a chance Wednesday would have. You don't respond.
After detention, you head for the woods. You feel empty. Empty. That little voice reminds you constantly what a failure you are and you want it out. The Academy begins to disappear behind you as you venture deeper and deeper into the forest's reach, until you're able to cry.
It's well after dark when you realize that you should probably head back to Nevermore, but if you return, that same raven haired girl will be there; and even though you don't want to admit it, you still somehow want her.
You want her warm breath over your shoulder as she faces you when you're asleep, always saying that it was an accident that she had her arms around you when you slept.
You want her deadpan tone that speaks with a touch of affection when you ask her about her day.
You want the discussions about her novel, going in depth on character motivations, and how she asks your opinion, even though she won't admit that she cares about what you think of it.
You miss how you'll watch scary movies with her, never admitting that they do scare you; you just want to spend time with her.
You miss her teasing tone, because she somehow knows that it makes your heart race, and your face go red.
And you miss her. Oh, you miss her so bad that it hurts that cave in your chest.
So when you hear her calling your name, you're positive that you're imagining things.
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Can you do something with Wednesday and reader where readers love language is touch but Wednesday doesn’t really enjoy it, and so one day like she tells wends this and then Wednesday starts to be more physical with her because she knows it’s what reader likes? (Sorry if that didn’t make too much sense, love your works tho!)
masterlist | request info
any ‘wednesday’ fic i do will be set at ‘nevermore university’ so the minimum age of any character will be 18
wednesday addams x reader
warnings: slight angst, brief mentions of bad days and being overwhelmed etc, mentions of kissing but pretty much just fluff
hope this is okay anon :)
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Wednesday told you she had ‘what you would label as romantic feelings’ for you around a month ago, you’d be lying if you said it hadn’t surprised you but you were more than thrilled. You too had ‘the nauseating feelings’ swarming in your stomach when you spend time together and you find it amusing how she grumbles about being just like her parents. 
You’ve never been under the illusion that Wednesday is a physically affectionate person, before last month you’d not received more than a small touch here and there. She’d let you lean your tired head on her shoulder a few times without shrugging it away like you’d seen her do to people before but other than that you'd not been shown much. 
Over the past few weeks she’s planted a few kisses to your lips, she lets you cuddle up closely to her and even lets your legs rest in her lap when you're both reading. You knew going into the relationship that you'd go at her pace, waiting for her to offer a kiss or a hug. And you were perfectly fine with that. 
You wanted nothing more than for her to be comfortable but it didn’t take away that feeling of coldness where you craved warmth. When you just needed a hug at the end of a bad day or you just wanted to feel close to somebody when the rest of the world is too much. 
Her wit and words of comfort with that extra special Wednesday Addams touch were perfect but you’d always be left yearning for that tiny bit more. 
There was a day you went out into town, a short trip out alone for some down time with a cup of coffee at the Weathervane and a stroll through crisp with autumn streets. 
But that blazer you were wearing stuck out like a sore thumb in the sea of normies. You noticed the side glances and the way young children were guided away from you by their parents as they passed. You heard the whispers and the not quite as quiet murmurs of you being a ‘freak’ - an ‘outcast’. 
Maybe you should be used to it by now but it still hurt, your throat felt tight and you wanted nothing more than to go back home. So you did. 
Your eyes were glazed over with tears when you reached their door and Enid pulled you into a tight hug right away, it was enough to help the tension roll away. She didn’t make you talk about it, just letting you sit beside her with an arm slung over your shoulder. Wednesday checked in with glances in your direction, a few small smiles here and there and mutterings of how she’d ‘kill them mercilessly until they wish they’d never been born’. 
Her comforting words made you smile. 
When Enid left a couple of hours later, your girlfriend moved to perch beside you on the bed. Her hands were folded in her lap as she thought before turning to you with a slight furrow to her brows. 
“You and Enid hug a lot.”
“Well, she’s my best friend.”
“You don’t hug me.”
“I know that it's not really your thing.” You reassured her with a smile. “I don’t want to make you uncomfortable.”
“Does it make you feel better? I’ve noticed you’re more physically affectionate when you’re upset.” She asked and it warmed your heart to see how serious she was, a genuine curiosity, just trying to understand you. 
“I find it comforting to be close to the people I care about, yes. It makes me feel cared for and it’s how I like showing I care. Like two parts making a whole.” 
“I suppose I wouldn’t be completely opposed to it. I'm not repulsed by you, after all.” 
“I’m glad to hear that.” You laughed, linking your fingers with hers when she lay her hand on your thigh. 
You saw the evil glares Wednesday directed Thing’s way when she initiated intimacy, guiding your head to her shoulder or pulling a blanket over your bodies on a chilly evening. The hand was always smug when he was right. 
Sometimes a pale pinky finger would wrap around yours during a class and she would return the smile you would give her in response. You were growing used to that smile, a soft and gentle contrast to her otherwise prickly persona, the upturning of her lips that only you got to see. 
Wednesday Addams falling in love was not something that Thing and Enid had expected to see. It may or may not be a common topic of conversation on their manicure sessions. 
There was a day that she came with you to the Weathervane, warding off any potential sour words with a dark stare from her equally as dark eyes. She grasped your hand in hers as you walked, her thumb stroking over your knuckles with a warmth you might not expect. 
Her lips on your cheek never failed to make you smile and you swear the ones to your lips just get better each time. She doesn’t go quite so far as pulling you into a hug and kisses in short bursts are yet to go further but you wouldn’t have it any other way. Wednesday is soft in private, nobody would believe you if you told them and that is what made today such a shock. 
Your day hadn’t started off well at all. 
First it was your alarm not waking you up on time - the snooze button is just too easy to reach. And that meant you got to your first class late which earned a stern look from the teacher at the front of the room. 
Then you realised your late nights and trouble sleeping had messed up your grades, suddenly feeling under pressure from the workload. It all piled up into a generally shitty day, only made worse by the crappy grade you received on an assignment. 
It was safe to say that by your lunch break you were a total grouch, your chin resting in your hand with a pout on your lips whilst you just picked at the food in front of you. You let the laughter of your friends fall into the background; Enid, Bianca, Yoko and Ajax. They tried to pull you into conversation but all you could muster was a haphazard response.
“Hey, what’s up?” Bianca asked you with concern and Enid smiled at you comfortingly, pulling you into her side.
“Just nothing and everything.” You shrugged, laughing lightly at the joke Yoko made to brighten the atmosphere. 
Wednesday watched you for a few moments from across the room, a caring glint in her eye that she never thought could be there. She frowned slightly at the way your shoulders fell with a sigh and your fork poked at what she knew was your favourite meal. 
She’d made sure to grab an extra of your favourite drink and she smiled to herself when she saw your laugh - she loved the sight no matter how ‘pathetic’ that made her sound. There was just something about the way it lit up your face, the way she somehow felt it too. 
You didn’t see her sit down beside you, only being made aware of her presence when a drink slid in front of you. She smiled largely at you when your head swiveled round to face her, feeling the stress melt away at the touch of her hand to your back. 
“Are you okay?” She whispered to you, she just nodded lightly at your shrug. 
They didn’t dare to say anything - if they were held at gunpoint they’d likely swear they saw nothing - but shocked looks passed around the table at the arms that wrapped around your body. 
It startled you too to begin with but you quickly melted into her body, her hands stroked over your back and yours held onto the material of her jumper. She nuzzled her face into the crook of your neck, scaring away the wide eyed gazes of your friend group with one of her trademark looks, it felt like something she’d needed all this time. Something she’d been missing without even realising it until this moment. 
“Are you okay?” You asked her, perhaps she had a fever and this was merely an act of delirium. You heard her huff a slight laugh and practically felt the annoyed roll of her eyes at your comment. 
“Like two parts making a whole.” She shrugged.
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a-humble-bagel · 1 year
 i’ve seen some people saying that morticia and gomez would be wary of enid at first because of her pastel colour scheme but, as someone who’s parents really like The Addams Family and The Addams Family Values and therefore watched those a lot when they were younger, i think Morticia and Gomez would accept her right at the start and here’s why:
So, i think people might be thinking about the part in “Addams Family Values” where Morticia says this to Debbie:
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but, this doesn’t show that Moriticia and the rest of the Addams’ would shame someone for liking pastels. Sure, it might not be their favourite colours, but this is the one and only time when someone who a member of the family cares for is shamed for liking pastels/colour.
Even when Debbie originally joined the family as a nanny, her pastel colour scheme was never criticized by the Addams’. They never talked about her behind her back. Morticia and Gomez completely accepted Debbie when she and Fester went on a double date with them:
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and when Debbie and Fester got married and the entire Addams clan showed up and celebrated with her:
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It was only when Debbie forced Fester to stay away from his family and stopped showing him any care or affection and, you know, tried to kill him, that they began to dislike her. (also, I think Morticia might’ve said the pastels thing just to annoy Debbie).
And keep in mind, even when Debbie was about to kill them, the Addams’ didn’t hate her. They still felt compassionate for her and genuinely cared about her, and definitely did not hate her because of her love of pastels and jewelry and shopping. 
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Also, there’s another person that proves that Addams’ wouldn’t shame someone for their love of colour: Margaret
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True, they did prank her and intentionally spook her a lot, but they never shamed her. It wasn’t because they didn’t like her bright colours, it was more just for fun. But, when she joined the family by marrying Cousin It, no one ever shunned her for her love of pink.
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Now, some people might say, what about the campers like Amanda in Addams Family Values? (or maybe no one would say this but i just want to talk about it).
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True, the Addams’ didn’t like the summer camp, but remember, even though they didn’t personally like it, Morticia and Gomez still let their kids do the things they wanted to do (or what they believed their kids wanted to do because of what Debbie said but that’s besides the point). And it’s true that they didn’t like Amanda, but that wasn’t because she was blonde and liked pastels, Amanda was just a little bitch. 
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Right off the bat, she was rude and condescending to Wednesday. Amanda’s pastels, like Debbie’s, are just to add to the irony/satire of the Addams Family. In the majority of TV and movies, the blonde, pastel-coloured girls are the perfect, generous heroines, and the Addams Family Values takes these tropes and satirizes them. It makes them into the villains, but this does not mean that the Addams’ inherently hate pastels. 
The Addams’ are a satirical inversion of the ideal American nuclear family, and they are constantly proven to be loving and caring people who accept everyone that needs them. They wouldn’t hate someone for their aesthetic, just disprove of them if they were a terrible person.
When Wednesday met Enid, Enid enthusiastically welcomed Wednesday, and then respected Wednesday’s boundaries when she didn’t go in for a hug. Enid proved herself to be a good person from the start. (Also I think Enid can be considered to be a foil to Amanda but that’s a whole other thing that i don’t have time to get into right now - Edit: I wrote another post about this)
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And that is why the Addams’ wouldn’t be wary of Enid because of her colour scheme. She’s proven herself to be a genuinely nice and respectful person, and the Addams’ don’t actually hate people for liking bright colours. They’ve always taken a stance of “innocent until proven guilty” and always give people a shot. 
tldr: Morticia and Gomez don’t dislike people for liking pastels, they dislike them for being terrible people, and even then they’re still kind and generous towards these people and are always willing to welcome and accept them. Therefore, they would absolutely love Enid. 
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herlondonboy · 2 years
Pairings: Wednesday Addams x platonic!reader / Enid Sinclair x platonic reader / Larissa Weems x platonic!reader
Summary: 7 reasons to go, 3 reasons to stay
Warnings: suicide, suicidal thoughts, vent fic I guess, so uh, like bcos I need validation 🫶 pure, unfiltered, angst. (Part two here) (Tagging: @lxtins @allisonsblog @wednesday-l0ver @capryuk @smolgayhooman @elduster because they said they’d read it x)
Word Count: 1.1k
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Seven reasons to go, three reasons to stay. It honestly seems like such an easy answer, but if you add a zero onto the end of both numbers it becomes harder. Seventy reasons to go, thirty reasons to stay. You sat atop of this hill, resting your back against the oak tree. Weighing the reasons in your head made the pit in your stomach grow, but it needs to be soon.
1. You have no family.
In a fit of blind rage at eight, you set your house ablaze. The fire started in your parents bedroom where you, your mother and father and your little brother were. Larissa Weems, a family friend, was quick to aid you. She brought you to Nevermore and raised you like her own. It was abnormal for normie families to have Outcast children, but that just meant the Outcast gene laid dormant for a few generations. You didn’t speak to anyone for seven years after the incident.
Though Larissa was the closest thing you had to a family, she wasn’t your family and the kids at school liked to remind you of that.
2. The overwhelming anger.
Your nostrils flared as you watched the boy, whose name you never bothered to learn, called you an orphan for the umpteenth time that day. You clenched your fists, digging your nails into your palm until you felt blood rolling down. Pain makes you human, Larissa had said to you. Why wasn’t it working? A wolf pushed you and you struck him with flame covered fist. Your hand was burned onto his face and he hand to live in humiliation with that scar for the rest of his life.
The kids around you immediately dissipated and ran away from you. Then your roommate asked to switch dorms
3. People would finally care.
They don’t care until it’s too late. You knew this now, throwing the noose end of the rope over the highest branch that you could reach. You couldn’t even cry. Why would cry? Crying for the people that never even batted an eyelash at you. For he people that saw your pain and laughed in your face, dancing on what was left of your happiness, hoping to ruin it all for you. You can imagine the people that pushed you to this crying in each other’s arms as your body was lowered into the ground. Who do they think they are?
4. You hurt everyone you touched.
Larissa had pulled you into a hug when you came to her office sobbing. You were hesitant to accept it, but you did in the end. You remember her scream and push you away. It haunted your nightmares every. Single. Night. You looked down at your hands and your eyes widened at the melted fabric on your palms. She told you that it was all right and that she was just shocked, but you didn’t believe her.
You began using weird techniques you’d read about in books from the library; sitting in the kitchen’s walk in freezer for as long as you could, taking ice baths, letting your anger out in a controlled environment.
5. The dreams.
Waking up drenched in sweat and covered in a crisp duvet was not your forte. In fact, waking up wasn’t your forte. Your family coming back from the dead to berate you, blame you. They wanted to kill you back. Your brother showing you what could’ve been, what would’ve been, what should’ve been him. A dashing you man, your mother had said before casting her eyes over you in disgust. You wanted to apologise, but that didn’t deserve it. They should have to beg you for forgiveness. The world should have to beg you for your forgiveness. And it would have if you really wanted it to. You had the power to burn the world to ash.
6. You’d stop being a burden.
Larissa Weems already had a whole school of children to deal with. And, though she didn’t say it, you knew having you in her office for breakfast, lunch, and dinner was bothering her. You didn’t want to admit it, but you grew to like her presence, so instead of staying cooped up in your room, you stayed cooped up in her office. You’d get short, curt answers when asking something and you took that as a hint.
7. Eternal peace.
You’d be free from all your suffering. You’d be dead, you’d be gone. There’s no analogy for this reason. It’s just a fact. You wanted to be gone, that’s all.
But now the reasons to stay.
1. Your Larissa.
She really was your family. The reason you were still alive right now, but it was proving not to be enough. You just hoped that she didn’t blame herself for this. She had saved you and protected you for as long as she could, but now it was down to you. You had to make a decision and it led to you tightening the rope around the trunk of the tree.
2. The people that liked your company.
You had met Enid Sinclair in your fourth year of solitude since you’d come to Nevermore. She walk talkative and it was nice for the both of you. She liked having someone that listened to her ranting and you liked listening to someone talk to you without belittling your feelings. Then you met Wednesday on your 16th birthday, three years later. She was Enid’s roommate and you were scared that Wednesday was going to take her away from you. But that’s not what happened. Soon in days where you waited for Enid in her dormitory, you found yourself enjoying the silence between you. It wasn’t that Enid’s rambling was annoying, but silence was nice every once in a while. Lastly, you met Eugene. He reminded you of your little brother, predominantly the good parts of him. He was a perfect mix of Wednesday and Enid. You loved hearing about his bees and how his mom’s were doing. You adored reading books with him in the library. He helped you get over your fear of yourself.
3. Life.
Sure, you hated life. But there were fun times like when you were five, on your father’s shoulders as he ran through the forest by Nevermore. Or on your fifteen birthday when Enid and Larissa threw you a surprise party in your dorm where’re the three of you danced the night away. Not to mention when you made Eugene laugh. A smile graced your face the whole day after hearing him cackle at a note you gifted to him. Even if it go you kicked out from the library.
It was moments like that that you craved.
But you didn’t get much more because here you were, standing on a stool as you put your head through the noose. Just as you strained to kick the stool away, you heard a scream.
“No!” They said, but it was too late.
Wednesday was too late.
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smizzy · 2 years
no words
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i been doin that brazilian dance on tiktok hmu if you wanna battle ive been practicing
You know dating Wednesday Addams comes with more lows than highs but you don't seem to be picking a fight, although she doesn't show emotion -generally speaking- but you can tell by the neutral comments she makes, or the loving -cold- stares, letting you copy her homework when you don't feel in the slightest mood to put your brain to work, maybe on a good morning she'd greet you with a kiss and leave you with a kiss at the end of the day.
But now, during this time you wouldn't say you and Addams aren't on speaking terms from a heated disagreement that left you both even Thing in disturbing silence. You were sitting on her bed while she was doing her daily 1-hour writing but since the argument it would be a 10-hour writing or maybe until one of you apologize you were thinking so many thoughts you didn't notice Thing silently move towards you signing that 'it felt weird, maybe you should talk to her' You're thinking about it for a quick minute but if you remember very vividly she was the one who popped off on you, said majority of the words being said, didn't acknowledge your presence before and still doesn't now.
You shook your head to Thing and put on an annoyed face and mouthing a "she started it. So she should." Crossing your arms over your chest seeing Thing go back, sorry's from Wednesday Addams were only said if it was needed and you knew a sorry wasn't what you were gonna get. You kept thinking of what to do around Nevermore knowing Enid, Yoko, and Bianca were out doing whatever and Weems has the whole school on lock down.
An idea popped up in your head saying you were gonna leave and even though you didn't have no where else to go except your own dorm it would be better than staying in a tormenting dorm room, You already felt annoyed from the silence. Motioned to Thing to moved to your side of the bed and told him your idea he looked like he didn't wanna get punished by Wednesday but was still willing to go along.
Picking up your shoes from the side of her bed and grabbing your sweater from a coat rack all the way in the webbed corner of her side and if you looked back a little faster you'd see the Addams girl looking at you up and down not wanting to say anything but she definitely didn't want you leaving and instead looked at Thing to which he shrugged back.
"Where are you going." "Out?" "It's past curfew." "mmmkay?" "It's a lockdown tonight so you should wait." "Since when do you care about those"
She stood up now so you two were both standing facing each other, as she looked up right into your eyes trying to find an answer you already had the urge to kiss her lips, wondering lovingly if those colored lips would smudge yours but kept it together because you still felt annoyed that now she wants to speak to you.
"Since when do you wish to leave the room so badly." "I'm not going to argue with you on this right now, if you need time to sort stuff ou-" You didn't even know she grabbed your uniform collar making you lean forward til you felt a pair of lips meeting yours, a soft kiss that lasted a little bit more than a 'peck' And you knew she purposefully made it longer than it should've but you weren't even complaining in the slightest, feeling like an hour already she finally let go of your purple striped uniform and pulled away already looking back into your eyes again.
"You still want to go?" "mm yes! actually as a matter of fact" You were joking of course because now you were intrigued with those kisses. She could not believe what she was hearing right now so she devised her final plan: to hug/trap you in her room at least until Enid came back which you both didn't know when she would return. Opening her arms in a swift motion and wrapped them around your waist while she was listening very closely into your beating heart, confused clearly you just missed the whole thing. "Don't go" "Please" You didn't want to fold into the hug but once you heard that last word coming out of her muffled mouth you couldn't help but bringing your arms out and embracing her, though it sounded more of an order than a question you'd rather be happily in love with your girlfriend who wants you 25/8 but would never admit it but that's okay because you know she knows that you know now....yea
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streaminn · 9 months
Enid is in rut
People expect someone possessive, an aggression that leads her to lashing out
Instead, Enid is dying
She has always loved touch, loved the feeling of a skin against hers. It can be the tiniest brush of shoulders or a hand clasped around her fingers but what Enid truly wants?
Is a hug.
And oh, does she want one. She craves it like one craves food after days of starving. She wishes and wants with a feverence of an addict not getting their fix, shaking and trembling in bed.
Enid thinks that if someone were to wrap their arms around her right now, she could ctrl alt 4f from this life peacefully.
But there was a catch.
It couldn't be from just anyone.
Enid has tried with others. Hooked her chin along Yoko's shoulder, giving a small squeeze to Divina, a side hug to Eugene.
But it isn't enough.
There's an ache in her chest, the one that sobs and cries like a child of before. Enid hasn't heard it be this loud and she's left glassy eyed for the whole day, her mind blank and her body on auto pilot.
It's back in her dorm does Enid realizes what she's missing.
It's a relief, the way her body immediately relaxes at the familiar smell of lavender but with it comes this acceptance. It is not of joy, but rather a resignation. Like knowing that refreshing the page for tickets won't do a thing but she does it anyways In hopes that it can change anything.
Insanity maybe?
Wednesday would like that, knowing she drove her roommate insane.
As the wolf lies in bed, her mind begin to run and run. She has hugged Wednesday once, hugged her like her life depended on it.
She's going to die like this, Enid thinks as she curls up in her bed. She's going to die a wilted miserable flower, missing the sunshine it so desperately needs.
Because even before this, Enid had wanted so bad to do it again. To wrap her arms around the roommate that makes her heart still, to lay her head onto the shoulder of someone she loves and wishes for.
So yes, Enid is dying.
Because there's no way Wednesday Addams will give her a hug.
Or, I want to explore the non sexual things that happens during ruts! Aka give Enid a lil hormonal push to want to cross the boundary, to reach over and just maybe hold Wednesday's hands
Except, Enid can't and she won't
Because wednesday doesn't like touch and Enid will have to accept it
(or does she?)
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talesofesther · 1 year
don't know how to be something you miss
Wednesday Addams x Reader
Summary: On a rainy day, Wednesday recalls pieces of your story together through memories, and wonders if you miss her too.
Requested by anon
A/N: Soft!Wednesday because that's my thing now. This request was really fun to make, hope you like it, let me know. All flashbacks are in italics.
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There's something unusual on Wednesday's side of the dorm.
It's small, insignificant, private because there's no one else here to witness it.
Her typewriter still sits by the end of her dark-colored bed, her cello is still stashed beside her wardrobe and her window is still the opposite of Enid's; devoid of color, creating soft shadows on the wooden floor as the rain falling outside collides with it.
But there's an anomaly on the black-and-white hues of Wednesday's side.
The Addams girl sits on the floor beside her bed, her back resting against the cold wall. She hugs her knees close to her chest, making herself smaller; she's wearing a lilac hoodie, one hand gripping its fabric as she holds herself together and the other clutching a polaroid picture, the hood is over her head and she can smell a familiar perfume.
The color is strange on her pale skin, on the black of her hair. Yet she buries herself in it.
It's pathetic. She's broken all her rules and promises.
Wednesday remembers the first time she saw the hoodie she wears;
It was potions and elixirs class, one that Wednesday enjoys most of the time; handling deadly substances was always amusing — the classroom didn't lack glass vials that were labeled 'toxic, do not ingest' and she was dying to try them out in her mixing table.
The teacher was about to start talking when a knock sounded on the door. Wednesday glared at it with disdain.
It opened to reveal you standing on the other side, a lilac hoodie draped over your uniform, a lollipop hanging from your lips, and a smile on your face that looked more like a grimace as you apologized for getting lost and arriving late. It was dismissed since it was your first day, and you were left to pick a seat.
Wednesday put on her best stern look so you wouldn't choose the empty chair beside her.
But you did anyway.
She rolled her eyes with a sigh when you sat down, instantly turning to her with a hopeful grin.
"Hi," your voice was timid and sweet.
Wednesday chanced a glance at you and your smile instantly brightened at the attention. She noticed you had captivating eyes, the strawberry confection you had on your lips was now being twirled between your fingers.
"You better be good with potions," was Wednesday's greeting.
And the mixture you made ended up creating something acidic. It melted through the table and created a dent in the floor.
Wednesday scoffs at the memory, you were always a bit reckless, following your gut even if the odds were against you. She liked that about you.
There were several things she secretly liked about you.
Sometimes she believes you have the power to read between the lines, uncover things people themselves don't realize yet.
If it wasn't for that, and your incredibly annoying persistence, maybe Wednesday would never have had a story with you at all.
Her bedroom feels bigger, lonelier; the rain doesn't help, the sound of it hitting the stone walls outside gets her mind drifting.
You jumped on the puddles, splashing water all around you and most likely inside your shoes as well.
Wednesday was staring at you with a soft scrunch on her eyebrows, wondering what was the purpose of your actions other than inconveniently soaking the floorboards later.
She was leaning back on the wall of the bee shed, under the roof, waiting out the rain. You were doing your chores as if the sun was shining in the sky. Peculiar.
"Why won't you join me, Wednesday?" You asked as if the answer wasn't obvious, as if raindrops weren't rapidly rolling down your forehead all the way to your chin.
"Because I'm sensible," Wednesday stated, her gaze following the path of a droplet that stopped by your lips. She crossed her arms over her chest, clearing her throat.
"Where's the fun in that?" You raised a brow, "the rain washes your soul, you know."
"I like my soul dark, stained, and dry."
You clicked your tongue at her answer, stalking closer with a mischievous glint in your eyes. "I think that's just an excuse," you took hold of one of Wednesday's braids, twirling the end of it on your fingers.
Wednesday's lips hovered open at your audacity, her heart pushing against her ribs.
"Because we both know I'm much better at harvesting these hives."
That shook Wednesday out of her trance. She scoffed, "I can do it twice as faster with my eyes closed."
You shrugged, "I'll believe it when I see it."
"You have. And I've been here longer than you."
"Hm, these three jars of honey here say otherwise."
Wednesday clenched her jaw, it was a cheap attempt at getting her to indulge you, and she hated that it was working. She hated that the prospect of competing with you brought a thrill of excitement to her stomach.
When you stepped away, she followed, allowing the rain to pour down on her and soak her clothes and hair.
She did win in the end, and even if you lost you were still smiling widely as you two walked back to the school, feeling the smell of fresh rain hitting the tree leaves.
Mud was dragged on the floorboards of Nevermore when you got back inside and the water dripping from your clothes stained the rugs. Weems got red with anger and went on a tangent about manners.
Wednesday had to agree with you in the end. It was fun.
The rain picks up outside, the drops that hit her window are loud and the air is frigid — the wooden floor not doing much to chase it away.
If you were here you'd be scolding her, telling her to get on the warm, comfy bed. You'd take her hands on yours and complain about the coldness of them.
You'd place a kiss on each of Wednesday's knuckles if she let you. And she would; in the end, she knew she would.
But you're not here to do any of that.
A trembling breath passes through Wednesday's lips, creating a small puff of white air.
She thinks she deserves to feel the cold seeping onto her skin.
Night had long since settled in, Enid was having a sleepover at Yoko's dorm and Wednesday had the room to herself. The sounds of her typewriter were the only thing filling the air. Peaceful.
Another page was filled, she took it out with care before placing a new one in its place.
"When will you let me read it?"
Oh yeah. You're here too. Being alone feels nicer when Wednesday can feel your presence nearby.
"I doubt you'd be able to stomach it," she responded, curiosity hinting at her tone wondering if you really would read her novel or if you were just making conversation.
You're sprawled out on Wednesday's bed, laying on your stomach as you picked on a few loose strands of her dark blanket. "You underestimate me, Wednesday. The macabre has always fascinated me."
It's strange how comfortable you were in her presence, how you never once hesitated to see her darker side. Wednesday sometimes doesn't know what to make of it. There are no conditions to your apparent affection, you seemed happy to just exist beside her.
Wednesday looked at you, at the way you were swinging your feet in the air, laying your head on your forearm as you raised a brow at her; daringly.
Maybe there was a reason why she started calling upon you every time Enid left. She liked to exist in your presence too.
It was another hour before Wednesday finally stopped writing, and when she did — getting up from her chair and stretching her muscles — she noticed that you had fallen asleep. You lay in an awkward position that would surely give you neck pain later, your hand falling off the edge of the bed as you snored softly.
Wednesday didn't know what to do about you. She had a foreign feeling in her stomach upon seeing you so comfortable on her bed, her space.
The thought of waking you up didn't even cross her mind.
But you had been stupid enough to sleep on top of the covers. And it was winter.
On the guise of not wanting to hear you whinnying about being sick later, Wednesday rummaged through her wardrobe and picked up one of her oversized hoodies. She awkwardly placed it over your still body… and waited.
Eventually making herself comfortable sitting on the floor, she waited for you to wake up, intently observing your sleeping figure. Wednesday memorized your breathing pattern, eventually matching her own with yours, and when it halted for a second, she wondered what nightmares you must be having. She noticed each involuntary muscle twitch on your face, finding herself mesmerized by the way your eyebrows would furrow the slightest bit sometimes.
Was it creepy that she enjoyed watching you? Was it bad that she didn't want to look away?
Wednesday reached out with her heart in her mouth, clogging up her breathing. Her fingertips touched yours, her skin brushing against yours until she was somewhat holding your hand.
Why? She didn't know. But there was no one here for her to have the need to explain herself.
Until you returned her grip, and Wednesday's heartbeat stilled.
"Get your ass off the floor Wednesday, you'll freeze."
You had a warmth to you that was captivating. And Wednesday fell right into your trap.
She pays the price now. She never knew what it was like to miss someone until she wanted to rip her heart out. But it doesn't feel good.
Wednesday bites into her lip until she tastes blood. She wonders if you think about it too, about her.
A sharp breath enters her lungs and stays there. She wonders if she is someone worth missing.
You left, so, probably not.
Wednesday stretches her legs, leaning her head back on the wall. She could kill you for cursing her with this. But to what avail? The last living part of her would die with you anyway.
Her thumb brushes over the image of you and her on her hands, the polaroid picture is a little worn out from being kept under her pillow. It's her most valued secret.
You're smiling in the image, beside you, Wednesday has no expression as she looks at the camera; you're illuminated by countless fireworks exploding in the sky; far down, the town fair can be seen; both your hands are out of the picture but anyone could tell they were tangled together.
Wednesday Addams succumbing to something as frivolous as love?
You made it seem as simple as the raindrops that hit her window.
You were bouncing on your feet, hair up in a ponytail and lilac hoodie wrapped around your waist. Your eyes couldn't find a place to focus before your attention was already being grabbed by a new attraction at the town fair.
Wednesday followed a step behind you, colorful lights coming from the many amusement rides illuminated her skin.
"Come on, Wednesday," you fell back into step beside her, linking your arm around hers and pulling her along, "you can win me a teddy bear, it gives you an excuse to shoot something."
And she did, she won you the biggest teddy bear on the balloon shooting stand. And if she had a tiny smile on her lips as she proudly handed it to you, no one needed to know.
In exchange, you went into the haunted house with Wednesday.
"Stop squirming, this is hardly scary for a child, let alone for you," Wednesday grumbled as you walked the dark hallways of the old haunted manor, your hand clutching at her arm for dear life.
"We're walking through poorly lit hallways that are designed to scare us. I know something will happen yet I don't know when," you pointed out in a hush, your hand sneaking lower on Wednesday's arm, "of course I'm gonna be at least a little creeped out."
Not even a second later, a man poorly dressed as a zombie jumped from behind a wall. You squealed and Wednesday felt a sudden rush of protectiveness coming over her. She finally took your hand in hers.
Your fingers were snuggly intertwined with each other by the time you went into the Ferris Wheel to watch the firework show.
With little room in the cabin for you to sit, Wednesday's shoulder was flush with yours. Her hand still held onto yours. The warmth of your skin became addicting.
Way down, the town fair looked like a distant reality — for a fleeting moment it was just you, her, and the stars until fireworks started painting the sky a million colors.
And you were probably thinking the same, because you opened your purse and pulled out your instant camera, not giving Wednesday much of a warning before you snapped the picture.
"I always want to remember this day," you told her, your cheeks molding around your smile and your eyes crinkling because of it. There was a soft drizzle in the air, landing on your hair and clothes and making them shine.
Wednesday watched the firework show through your eyes, through the way it reflected on your pupils and made you glow. It was magical. You were magical in a way she's never seen before.
It was only natural for her to lean in, one hand coming up to hold your jaw so she could capture your lips with hers.
A drop of water lands on the edge of the polaroid picture, and then another, and one more on the sleeve of your hoodie, turning it a darker shade of lilac.
Wednesday frowns, until she realizes that she can't breathe, and that the droplets are coming from her eyes. She wipes her cheeks harshly, unkindly, almost bruising herself.
But she's careful with the way she dries them off the picture, gently brushing away the tears that almost landed on top of your smiling figure.
She wonders if you still want to remember that day the same way she does.
You are her best memory. And she wonders if you still want to remember her at all.
It was raining, had been for a week straight already, but today there was thunder roaring in the sky and lightning illuminating the night.
Wednesday hadn't seen you the entire day. No one had.
You were gone.
And she was losing her mind.
"What do you mean she's not in the school?" She snapped at Thing. The disembodied hand cowered at her tone. "Look again," she commanded, yet the way her words cracked at the end let the facade slip.
She was pacing back and forth on the entry hall of Nevermore, the tall wooden doors were pushed open so she had a clear view of the gates. Waiting — wishing — to see you walk through. All she saw was the rain hitting the ground and making the horizon hazy and white.
Damn you for making her care. Damn you for taking her heart. Damn you for making her realize how dreadful life is without you.
Weems walked back into the room, her heels clicking against the wooden floor.
Wednesday hastily walked up to the principal, "so?"
"No teachers know of her whereabouts either." Weems sighed.
Wednesday clenched her jaw, feeling her stomach drop, "I'm going out."
Weems' features softened, yet she shook her head, "I cannot allow you to leave in these weather conditions, Miss Addams."
"Me?" Wednesday scoffed indignantly, "what about her?"
"We don't know-"
"Exactly, we don't," she interrupted Weems, urgency filling her words because the reality that you could be taken from her just like that, was too palpable, and Wednesday doesn't like to feel a pain she can't control; "for all we know we could find her dead body in the woods and-"
"What happened?"
Both Weems and Wednesday snapped their heads towards your voice, relief evident on both their faces when they saw you unharmed.
You were soaked to the bone from walking in the pouring rain, drenching the rug beneath your feet as your hair and clothes clung to your body.
Weems gave you a glare that let you know you had to explain yourself later, but she left the room right after, knowing you and Wednesday deserved some privacy.
Wednesday's hands were closed into fists beside her, nails almost digging on skin as she watched you walk up to her with a soft frown on your eyebrows; as if you were unaware of the mess your absence had caused on her, as if you didn't know her vision was blurring over because for a second she thought all she'd have of you were memories.
Wednesday was enraged, her lungs being unable to hold air properly and turning her breathing erratic, "are you stupid?" She threw at you, making you flinch.
"What the hell were you thinking?" She continued, taking a step closer to grasp at that damn hoodie you insisted on wearing all the time, "don't dare do it again you hear me? I forbid you." She emphasized each word with a shake to your body.
Your answer was to wrap your arms around her, and she fought you, tried to push you away, but your hold was stronger. You held Wednesday's body to you until she collapsed, her weight mostly supported by you as her tears mingled with the raindrops still on your skin and the wetness of your clothes seeped into hers too.
Her nails dug into the fabric of your hoodie and she buried her head in your neck; breathing you in, feeling your heartbeat against her own.
"I'm sorry. I'm okay," you mumbled countless times like a mantra, your lips brushing the shell of Wednesday's ear.
It felt like a promise that you later sealed with a soft kiss on her lips. It was a little cold and wet, but you were there.
If Wednesday knew that would be your last kiss, she'd have held on to you a little longer.
Maybe that's why she feels so miserable today, because of the rain.
It's easier to put the blame on something she can't control, something she can't regret.
Part of Wednesday wants to be selfish and only keep the good memories, not the bad ones, but sometimes your words still echo in her mind;
"I'm sorry I didn't say anything, I just went into town to pick something up, for you, actually. The rain picked back up on my way back… I didn't mean to make you so worried."
And her own words still plague her too;
"It was reckless, it's like you enjoy being an inconvenience sometimes, I was perfectly fine not needing anyone in my life until you showed up."
That conversation ended with you storming out of Wednesday's room, your hoodie staying behind on top of her bed. It was two weeks ago, and she never got to know what it was you wanted to give her.
You haven't exchanged a word with each other since.
Begrudgingly, Wednesday gets up from her spot on the floor. The sleeves of your hoodie pool on her wrists. Your perfume is weaker, fading with each passing day.
What happens when she can't remember what you smell like anymore? When she can't fool herself that your arms are the ones around her and not the lilac fabric?
Wednesday lifts her pillow, placing your picture under it before putting it down again.
Maybe the time to let go is nearing. But it's a hard task when she has glimpses of you every day, in every class, in every corner of the school.
She takes off your hoodie and puts it back in her wardrobe, there's a place reserved for it there. Sometimes she wonders if you'll ever come back to get it.
Wednesday goes to her bathroom and throws water on her face, she doesn't need people looking at her funny because of her red-rimmed eyes.
There's a bit of hesitance on her steps down the stairs. Dinner will be served soon and Wednesday knows what awaits her at the cafeteria, or better, who.
The sound of rain is all she can hear, it's dreadful, you've ruined it for her. You've ruined so many things for her.
Wednesday walks into the cafeteria and finds you almost immediately, in the sea of outcasts, you stand out. You always have, as much as she doesn't want to admit it. You're sitting by the window, lollipop on your lips as you talk with your friends.
Whatever it is that keeps you tied to her — magnetism, gravity, electricity; it must be a little bit of each — it's still there. Because you look her way, it's like you can feel her presence too, your lips halting in their movement when your eyes find hers. But you're shaking your head and averting your gaze from the doors she stands in front of the second after.
Sometimes Wednesday thinks you look at her with the same feelings you forced on her when you left; with longing, with sadness, with something bittersweet.
Wednesday wonders if you'd be willing to give her a second chance. She wonders if you think about her at night too.
She wonders, but she never asks. She doesn't know that all she had to do was ask.
⋆* ☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚
Read ch 2 here
Thank you for reading this little story. Feedback and reblogs are literally what keep me motivated to continue posting here, so I'd appreciate it if you could take some time to reblog and comment if you want. <3
Wednesday’s taglist: @milkiane @bookfrog242 @heelaechan @imagine-reblog @simp4wanda26 @sakurarukas @bluetreecloud20 @the-night-owl-blr @imlike-so-gaydude @user284747 @dreifhraniquo29 @emeraldevan @simp4nat @boobabietch @impossibleliv1031 @deadpool-in-a-snood @rainbow-love4ever @maria-403 @pompompuri @halleest @wandaromanova @marveloussimp @rainbow-hedgehog @left-and-right-up-and-down @get-the-fuck-outta-here @awolfcsworld @elduster @alexkolax @georgi-salva @imdumbhi @youralphawolf72 @reginassweetheart @justyourwritter69 @yangsroboarmm @8e-h-e8 @irish-piece-of-trash @femalehomosexual666 @wol-fica
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toddxhavez · 1 year
My Eyes
Pairing(s): Wednesday Addams x reader, mentions of Enid Sinclair x reader
Summary: Wednesday likes you and she’s finally gotten tired of dealing with your one-sided relationship to Enid.
Warning(s): Angst
Word count: 2.8k
A/N: I’ve never written a fanfic before but I wanted to give it try, kinda nervous but let me know if I should give writing part 2 a try. This fic is loosely based on the song My Eyes by The Lumineers. Reader’s character is heavily influenced by Gaara from Naruto. Since all the actors are +18 all the characters are aged up to +18. Not proofread so sorry for any mistakes in advance :P
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It was late in the day when Wednesday heard someone knocking at her door, she was in the middle of writing her novel but she could still pay attention to everything that happened right after Enid had opened their door.
“Hey, are you ready to go out now? Sorry for coming a little late Yoko was showing me these new sunglasses she got-“ she heard Y/N begin to say before Enid had intervened mid-sentence, “oh actually I can’t tonight, I promised Ajax to help him with… studying, I’m so sorry that I forgot can we reschedule for another time?” Enid asked with an apologetic voice.
You’ve got to be joking.
Wednesday tried her best to block out the interaction suddenly feeling burdened by having the ability to multitask. Although if Wednesday had looked she would have been able to see you glance over at her in her seat before looking back at Enid giving her a smile and nod in response, Enid hadn’t given you a chance to do anything else as she gave you a quick hug and kiss on the cheek as thank you before dashing out of the room.
“Guess you’re stuck with me again,” You said walking over to Wednesday’s bed and letting yourself get comfortable.
“Leave me alone, bother someone else tonight.” Wednesday said promptly, this had been happening for as long as she’s known the pair. You would come to see Enid and take her out on a date but the busy werewolf always had something else going on so she’d cancel on you and leave. That wouldn’t have been much of a big deal to Wednesday if it wasn’t for the fact that every time that happened, she’d been forced to hangout with you instead.
“ ‘Y/N of course you can stay’ really? thank you so much ‘no thank you’ of course Wednesday anytime,” you said to yourself mimicking Wednesday who sent you a glare in response. “Oh come on Wednesday I really like hanging out with you, please?” You begged, Wednesday scoffed preparing herself to say no but after seeing the smile on your face she felt herself giving in immediately.
How insipid of me, a stupid smile? Seriously?
“Shut up and let me finish writing then or I’ll bury you alive somewhere no one will find you.” Wednesday threatened, you did a small cheer knowing that was her way of saying yes to you.
‘I really like hanging out with you’ Wednesday heard your voice playback in her head making her skin crawl, she tried not to pay too much attention to some of the things you’d say to her but it was hard. They were genuine, but not in the way she wanted them to be. To Wednesday it started off as mere fascination in investigating what power you had, the first time she met you was out on the balcony of her shared room with Enid on her first day at this god awful school.
Wednesday came back to her room with the intentions of arranging her half of the room in a way she’d like. The pale girl nearly hurled at the amount of color her half of the room displayed when she took notice of a dark figure outside her window, she made her way over to the balcony making sure her footsteps were inaudible because she had the intentions of threatening the unknown intruder. She readied herself with a nearby dagger she unpacked earlier that day before stepping outside through the window that had been cracked open wide enough for her to sneak out of.
There stood a tall girl overlooking the school from the balcony view, Wednesday gave her a once over seeing that she’d been wearing what looked like comfortable clothes and not something of a would-be-assailant. Black sweatpants with a burgundy pullover, and strangely enough a small light brown gourd on her back being held up by black cloth. Wednesday was about two feet away when she felt something crawl up and around her hand, it enclosed itself tightly around her fist hard enough for her to drop her dagger.
“What the hell?” The girl turned around seeing Wednesday slightly struggling to get out of her restraint. Wednesday watched as the sand slipped off her hand, between her fingertips and towards the girl in front of her, it retreated behind her in the direction of the small gourd.
‘Sand manipulation? Interesting.’ Wednesday noted carefully disregarding her fallen weapon that the other girl had finally taken notice of.
“Who are you? Why are you here?” Wednesday asked in a flat tone, studying her intruder’s appearance immediately taking note of her dark under-eyes.
“Did you just try to stab me? Are we not gonna talk about that first?”
“I don’t know you, how else was I supposed to approach you?” To be fair nothing even happened Wednesday would have only stabbed her if this stranger had been a threat, not that she’d completely ruled the possibility of that out yet. The room was assigned to Enid and her; and not whoever stood in front of her at the moment.
“So you’re Wednesday Addams? I’ve heard about you, but I didn’t think you’d try to stab me on your first day here” the taller girl laughed picking up the dagger, “oh wow is this made out of 1095 carbon steel?”
“Yes, not that it’s any of your business.” Wednesday quickly added.
“This is impressive.” The girl told Wednesday handing it back, “I’m Y/N, Y/N L/N” Wednesday gracefully accepted the dagger back and went back inside her room not wanting to continue the conversation.
After that Wednesday hadn’t seen you again until the following day, somehow the girl with the gourd was able to leave her room undetected.
Wednesday walked out of the infirmary enraged after having been beat by Bianca when all of a sudden she’d heard something shift above her, she could do nothing but watch as the heavy decorative gargoyle came speeding down towards her.
“Wednesday look out!” she heard Y/N shout from somewhere in front of her, a taller body crashed itself forcefully against her. Your left arm wrapped itself around Wednesday’s waist keeping her from falling back, your other arm quickly but gently guiding Wednesday’s head against your chest.
Wednesday couldn’t see anything because of the hold that you had on her but she heard the gargoyle break well above her, the pieces landing all around. Wednesday stood there for a few seconds, disgustingly and confusingly enough enjoying the way your warmth enveloped her smaller frame.
‘I don’t even know her,’ Wednesday mentally gagged to herself never having experienced something like that before.
“Are you okay?” You asked worriedly freeing Wednesday from your hold and grabbing her shoulders firmly checking her over for any possible wounds.
“I didn’t wanna be rescued.” Wednesday said shoving your hands away from her. The sand that’d been acting as a makeshift shield above her slowly started to retreat behind your form once again back into what she assumed was the gourd you always carried on your back.
“And you know what? I really don’t care about what you want.” You rolled your eyes dismissing Wednesday’s blunt attitude and just like yesterday she chose to ignore you, walking in the direction of her room.
“Can I follow you?” Wednesday heard you ask, she didn’t respond back expecting you to take the hint but much to her dismay you followed anyways.
“Why?” Wednesday asked you abruptly after a few minutes of walking in silence, assuming that the raven haired girl was talking about not only the incident from not too long ago but also about how persistent you were to be around her you simply replied “because I can and… I’m curious about you.”
That’s what Wednesday would tell herself once she started to look for you whenever you weren’t around.
‘She’s strong, she’ll prove herself useful in my investigation’ she insisted the first time she caught herself wandering Nevermore’s campus in search of the insomniac.
Wednesday remembers the day her curiosity should have been pacified. She’d finally found out where you derived your strength from, why then did it only invigorate her need to know more?
Wednesday had just barely started working on her novel when she caught sight of you falling asleep on her bed, no matter how many times she threatened to gut you for invading her personal sanctum you continued to do whatever you wanted.
“You have little to no regard for your life.” Wednesday once told you.
About nearly halfway an hour later Wednesday stopped typing her novel to pay closer attention to the other presence in her room. You looked so peaceful, your chest rising and falling rhythmically underneath the checkered blanket that Wednesday owned, your hair slightly messy from moving around restlessly not too long before, your soft lips slightly ajar with small steady breathes escaping between them. Wednesday’s eyes snapped back to the typewriter in front of her, her cheeks dusting with slight color at having caught herself admiring you while you were napping.
Suddenly without warning you began thrashing in your sleep, groans of pain filling Wednesday’s ears. Wednesday out of instinct shot off her seat like a bat out of hell making her way towards you, your groans were getting louder as if something was hurting you.
“Y/N? Y/N what’s wrong?” Wednesday sat right beside you as you cried out in pain, “Y/N wake up right now.” Wednesday demanded shaking you harshly with both her hands, she didn’t like this, she didn’t like the way her chest squeezed with sudden apprehension at the sound of you in obvious agony.
It took a few more seconds for you to wake up but they felt like hours to Wednesday.
You shot up from the bed gasping for air, your hands immediately finding Wednesday’s who thoughtlessly kept them firm in her grasp, you both spent the next few minutes sitting in silence.
“I’m sorry if I scared you.” You apologized letting go of Wednesday’s hands to cover your face in shame.
“You didn’t scare me, stop hiding.” Wednesday started off waiting for you to put down your hands before imploring the situation further “I’ve only ever seen my uncle fester do that in his sleep, did you have a nightmare?”
“Well sort of?” You hesitated unconsciously avoiding eye contact with the pale girl sitting in front of you, “it’s not that simple.”
“Well then make it simple,” Wednesday said immediately wanting to take her words back after seeing the crestfallen look on your face “just try okay?”
“If I sleep… this thing sealed inside me tries to take over.” In search of comfort your hand slipped into hers, what gave you the idea that’d been okay to do? To Wednesday Addams no less.
“What thing?” Wednesday asked trying her best to not be affected by your hold on her but it felt… nice.
How unsettling.
“I’m from a hidden sand village deep in the Chihuahuan desert, it’s unmarked and protected from most outsiders but that doesn’t stop ‘other’ things from finding it. My mother was about six months pregnant with me when this vicious sand demon attacked our village, people kept dying and they were having trouble finding out how to kill him when my father found out that he could seal him in someone.” Wednesday sat patiently waiting for you to continue, she could tell that you didn’t want to by the way your hand that wasn’t in hers clenched her blanket firmly.
Nobody but principal Weems and Enid knew about your personal life, everybody else in the school had their assumptions about how you were able to control sand and where you were from but all of them were wrong. Most if not all just assumed that you were a witch.
“He forced someone to seal the sand demon in me while I was still in my mother’s womb, it forced her to give birth prematurely and she died not too long after. I was cursed with this presence in me that I couldn’t control at first, I still can’t sometimes that’s why I look like I barely get any rest. If I sleep he tries to take over, I can only control him while I’m awake. I have this enchanted straight jacket that principal Weems gave me, that keeps him from taking over but it’s not exactly the most comfortable thing to sleep in.” You admitted looking down at your hand that was still being held by hers, feeling grateful that she was still letting you. You knew she hated physical touch but you’re sure she was excusing it this one time in her attempt to comfort you.
And it did comfort you.
“This sand demon you’ve been cursed with, has anyone ever tried to sedate it?” Wednesday wasn’t sure about how to help, containing it even more was the second thing that came to mind… killing it so it would never bother you again was the first.
“Everybody’s usually been too afraid to try. I’m sorry that I fell asleep here, usually I take naps in a private room at the nurses office, she’s scared of me but she usually wakes me up before it gets too bad. I’ll leave you alone.” You said hastily beginning leave before being shoved back down by the rather strong ravenette beside you.
“It can try to scare me but I’m sure you’ll find that’s close to impossible. Sleep, I’ll wake you up.” Wednesday ordered giving you a look that only dared you to say no, not wanting to provoke the dangerous girl sitting in front of you, you silently agreed giving her a small smile.
Wednesday got up from her bed, prepared to continue working on her novel when she felt your hand grab her wrist, if it’d been anyone else she would have already threatened to cut it off with a hatchet.
“Wait, can you uh- can you just sit here for a bit? Just until I fall asleep?” Wednesday glanced down at your hand, making you let go so fast she could have thought that she burned you.
Wednesday stayed silent sitting back down beside you again her cold heart slightly fluttering at the thankful look you gave her, you quickly got comfortable in her bed right after.
As much as Wednesday tried to avoid her growing attachment to you she couldn’t.
‘How troublesome of you’ Wednesday thought when you unconsciously grabbed her cold hand in your sleep.
It seemed obvious to everybody but Y/N that Enid had taken an interest to Ajax, Wednesday angrily wondered what it was that you saw in her. It’s still a line she’d never cross but it still annoyed her that of all people she could have ended up tolerating in that way; ended up being her best friend’s girlfriend.
Wednesday knew she wasn’t always the easiest person to be around but you were always around. Were you oblivious to the notion that Wednesday could treat you better? That she’d been treating you better? Or was she just something you’d fall back to whenever Enid wasn’t around? I mean to everyone else that only seemed logical; Enid was your girlfriend and Wednesday was just a friend.
A friend… was that really all you saw Wednesday as? Of course you did. Why else would you continue being in a relationship that to her you so clearly didn’t belong in?
What could Enid do that she couldn’t?
“Did you finish?” Wednesday heard you ask excitedly, watching you get up from her bed and towards her nearly tripping in the process.
“Why haven’t you left yet?” Wednesday finally snapped, she couldn’t stands being around you right now. Not when everything you did made her question herself, it was driving her insane. And not in a good way.
“What do you mean? I thought-“ you tried to say alarmed by Wednesday’s seemingly for you out of the blue anger.
“You thought what? That I wanted you to be here? I told you to bother someone else and I meant it.” Wednesday ferociously said looking at you with hate, she was determined to get rid of you no matter the consequences.
No way in hell could they be worse then this.
“What’s your problem? I’m sorry I didn’t know I just thought-“ You tried to say before Wednesday cut you off once again.
“Are you that senseless that you don’t understand how to stop annoying me even after being asked? You just thought what ? That I was kidding? That I want you here? You’ve confused my need for you in this investigation for want. How moronic of you.” Wednesday felt her body slightly shake, her hands clenched into fists as her emotional outburst was evidently getting the best of her.
Because of you.
“Besides, I don’t need you Y/N, I need that sand demon locked inside of you. You’d be worthless to me without it.” It’s as if all the rage inside her evaporated the moment she saw your eyes gloss over with tears, she’d never seen you so devastated before.
But she couldn’t take back anything she said.
The damage had already been done.
Wednesday would have preferred you yell at her, but all you did was walk away from her and out of the room.
What the fuck did she just do?
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genghisthebrain · 5 months
gay things wednesday addams definitely does because she's gay: a masterlist:
dates women
dates enid
goes to pride and threatens the entire bloodline of a random drag queen because said drag queen implied that enid's nails were not perfect
has a thing for xavier (this is gay because xavier looks like he had tuberculosis as a child and now looks like a lady who could never overpower wednesday in a physical or social setting)
does crimes (inherently homosexual)
runs a fandom tumblr (or multiple. brittana or swanqueen. it's clearly one of the two)
has made powerpoints on the gay undertones of music she listens to (this includes classical music)
could probably recite the whole of glee by heart if put to the test
cello (as a violinist who used to play in a string ensemble, i think like 80% of us are gay now. evidently the strings made us homos)
THE HUG (TM) (you all know the one) (it was gay)
danced to lady gaga at the rave'n in the gay ass dress (absolute slay)
i can fix him complex (this is prevalent in queer women who spend a lot of time reading fanfiction. and on that note:)
reads fanfiction. of all kinds. lesbian
writes fanfiction. of all kinds. lesbian
makes the homolone pun every christmas (to the extent where home alone is formally banned from the wenclair household)
drinks pumpkin spice lattes (yes she does no i will not accept criticism)
magic (magic is gay)
being the child of the bi4bi supercouple morticia and gomez
mental illness
summons spirits from visions (i'll have whatever she's taken)
pain tolerance (important to be able to deal with pain when you have to deal with the emotional trauma lesbian media gives us. killing eve i'm looking you right in the eye)
highly intelligent (all gays are extra smart)
investigates crimes/supernatural happenings (it was a very formative experience for me as a gay girl to wish for a crime to happen around my area so i could investigate it)
teacher crush on ms thornhill (we all had them don't you deny it)
emo of some variation (queer and you know it)
whatever the grumpy x sunshine fuck was going on with hers and enid's room
summarily, wednesday is a lesbian, and i love and respect her for it
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igotanidea · 1 year
Cemented: Ajax Petropolus x fem!reader
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request: Ajax x reader in which he’s afraid of hurting/stoning them and believes they deserve someone better. So he starts distancing himself and he keeps going until reader finds him crying and hugs him and reassures him that they love him.
A/N: reader is twin sister of Xavier with lie detector abilities. I cut the crying part, but everyting else is just as requested :)
“How does it feel to be in a relationship with a creature that can hurt you?”
Wednesday Addams, in her dark attire and with equally dark and gloomy expression stood before me with eyes fixed on my face. Since she was a bit smaller than me, I had to look down and it brought some ironic humor to the situation. Intimidated by such a tiny figure. In my defense, however, it seemed like she had such an effect on the entire school, cut Enid, but there’s always an exception to a rule.
“What are you talking about Wednesday?”
“Do you know that gorgons can turn people into stone?” she did not even flex a muscle on her face and the longer you look the creepier it became.
“Well, that’s the point of calling them the stoners” I mocked “and apparently unlike you, I took some mythology lessons. So yes, I’m fairly aware of the gorgons capabilities.”
“And yet, you got involved with one of them.”
“Careful, Addams. If you keep this topic up I may think you are concerned about my well-being.”
“Not really. I’m rather curious of your masochistic tendencies. That is something that makes you a bearable company in this school.”
“Bearable?” I let out a sarcastic laugh “I’m flattered.”
“It was not my intention to toady you.”
“I’m well aware. But now, you have to live with the fact that it came up this way. And as for your question, I’m fairly aware Ajax would never stone me. And even if so ….”
“So, you see that possibility either way.” She was quick to point out. Damn it! I forgot to be careful with words around her.
“There’s always a risk of getting hurt, in every relationship. In this one, at least I know where it might be coming from.....”
“Hello my wonderful friends!” Enid busted through the door  with the force of nature, rushed past me and threw herself on the bed with a dramatic thud. Honestly, Enid always had the perfect timing, this time saving me from the necessity of explaining the relationship rules to Wednesday, not that  Addams would understand any of them. “What are you two babbling about?” Ok, I take that back. She did not save me at all.
“Suicidal tendencies.” Wednesday explained and Enid’s surprised expression was just absolutely priceless. Honestly, at this point she should have get used to Addams’s sense of humor.
“Just ignore her, Enid. She’s in the mood today.”
“Whose suicidal tendencies?”
“Oh, come on. Tell me. I need to know!”
“Y/n’s. She’s involved with gorgon like she did not know better. She’s wasting her potential for boys.”
“Oh, now you are flattering me, Addams.”
“Oh, oh, you mean Ajax?” Enid finally caught up on the conversation “speaking of the devil, he seemed a bit sad and overwhelmed when I saw him in the quad. Maybe you should talk to him Y/N. It might be because he stoned himself by accident and …..”
“WHAT?!” I yelled and Enid involuntarily crouched “sorry” I grunted and started again “what happened to him? And how do you even know that? Why didn’t he tell me….” My voice broke at the last sentence as I got overwhelmed with all the pain and feeling of betrayal. Why would he tell Enid and not me?
“He didn’t really tell me. I found out by myself.”
“Of course you did….”
“He was walking out of the school hospital so obviously I had to ask if he was alright. He didn’t want to admit what happened, but …..”
“I know, you have your ways. It’s fine Enid. I;m not mad at you. I’m not even that mad at him. Rather disappointed.”
“Go talk to him, than. It will clear the air.”
“Yeah, yeah, I will.”
“Go now!”
“Ok, fine. Better sooner than later, right?” I smiled sadly and went on to find my boyfriend having this feeling like this would be a hard conversation for both of us.
“Like I said, wasted potential” Wednesday muttered as I was leaving.
I knew gorgons had the capability of stoning every living being, but what was beyond my comprehension was that they were good at hiding as well. It was impossible to find him and that given the fact I had the access to the Nightshade’s hideouts. He just vanished into thin air. Thankfully, if anyone would know where he might be, it would be Xavier and he was more than present, scribbling on the school wall.
“Xavier!” I creeped behind him silently and almost gave him a heart attack.
“Y/N! How many times do I have to tell you, don’t do this!”
“Sorry my dear brother, but it’s an emergency. Have you seen Ajax?”
“I did.” He eyed me and went completely silent.
“Oh, come on, Xavier, don’t play around with me!”
“You asked me…..”
“I know what I asked you!”
“Well then, all things considered, you know I told you the truth.”
“You know what? Fine. “I rubbed my forehead in frustration with his attitude  “Do you know where Ajax is? Like at this moment?”
“Y/N….. “
“Please, Xavi. You don’t want to see me sad, do you?” I pouted
“No. Sure not. But if you just turn around, you might notice him eyeing you like crazy. You know it still feels weird, right? My little sister and my best friend?”
“We are twins Xavier!”
“I’m still ten minutes older.” he shrugged but I just left him be, while chasing after Ajax.
“Ajax!” given the volume of my voice there was not a chance he did not hear me, but decided to ignore me, rushing out the quad.  “Really?” I muttered to myself in disbelief of his foolish believe he could escape me. Of course he could not. Once I caught a glimpse of him I could sense him anywhere. In such circumstances my skills were useful, even if my father thought I was a disgrace to family, not fitting with the vision part of our family.   
“Y/N” yes, there were useful, provided no one was distracting me from my purpose. Like Yoko was doing now “I need your help.”
“Like now?”
“Yes, like now.”
“Ok, fine.” I scoffed. Maybe giving Ajax a bit of space would do us both good.
“What is going on with you?” I finally got to confront with him after fencing classes “why are you running away from me?”
“Jax, come on. It’s me. You can tell me.” I grabbed his hand, forcing him to look at me. “ Is this about your…. Accident?”
“Accident?” he frowned trying to comprehend what I was referring to. Once the realization dawned on him, his eyes went wide “Who told you about that?” he drew me out of the curious eyes and ears of other students to the secluded corridor. “Was that Enid?!”
“It’s not her fault. And besides, you should have told me!”
“It’s embarrassing.” he looked down ashamed.
“No. No it’s not. It’s who you are and I love you like this.” I moved a bit closer to him.
“Well then maybe you should not.”
“What does that mean?” this really took me by surprise. “You don’t mean it.” I pulled away.
“I don’t know what I mean at this point!” He lashed out, acting so not like himself. What was going on with my sensitive, soft and shy boyfriend?
“Jax? Are you breaking up with me?”
“Well, maybe I am! I don’t know! I just want to be alone now!” with such words he left me completely transfixed, unable to continue this conversation and chase after him. And it did not take his snakes to do so.
It’s been three days since our banter.
Three awfully long days that seemed like forever.
Three days during which he wasn’t talking to me, avoiding me for dear life and twirling around every time he saw me approach him in the quad, Or rather attempt to approach him since I quickly gave up on that, not wanting to embarrass myself in front of the whole school.
We usually sit together at Thornhill’s class but due to his erratic behavior I was now forced to sit alone since he did not even bother to show up. There was something wrong going on with him, but given all the circumstances, even if my heart was screaming at me to go clear this shit up and give him comfort and consolation, I doubted I was the right person to do so. Looking at that empty seat next to me, his seat left me feeling heartbroken and with guilt creeping inside my mind. And once again, distracted.
“Y/N?” of course Thornhill took exactly that moment to ask me a  question I did not hear and did not know the answer to.
“I’m sorry, Miss Thornhill, I’m not feeling very well today.” I sighed deeply, not even caring enough to pretend I was interested in what she asked me about.
“I can see that. Maybe you are going down with something .”
“Yeah, maybe” I shrugged. It was nice enough of her to act like she did not know what really was going on. She was smart, she was aware of the real reason of my mood.
“As an exception, I’m going to let you go. Just today. Go rest. You are in need of that.”
I just nodded, as a sign of silent thanks, grabbed my things and left the classroom, followed by all my classmate’s eyes. I couldn’t care less since that one person, whose attention I desperately wanted decided to isolate from me.
I was done with waiting. I was done with doing nothing. I told myself Ajax would come around and I was the one humiliating myself to reach toward him, but I was also the one who was slowly cracking down. And well, he was too. I felt this.
Weekend was coming and some of our friends were planning to take some time off and go to Weathervane.
“Are you going with us Y/n?” Enid asked in the middle of the lunch and I was hesitant to answer right away. Ajax, who was sitting a few places away and heard everything raised his head and looked straight at me. “Everyone’s gonna be there.”
“I think I might join you then.” I smiled lightly toward my wolf friend and she smiled back.
“Well, I’m going to stay at school” Ajax muttered and it was like a sting straight to the heart. He did this intentionally. He was still distancing himself. I felt like crying, but held it back.
“Oh…” Enid face dropped, but not for long “How about you Xavier?”
“I’m staying as well. And to say the truth I might need my sister’s help with what I’m planning.”
Ok. That was not suspicious at all. If he wanted some attention on him he definitely got it, leaving everyone, me included, wondering what he was planning. No one asked, however, blaming his behavior on the whole artist style.
 “So, what did you wanted with me? And why do I have a feeling it’s not really about me helping you?” as everyone left I was finally able to confront my twin.
“It’s not. It’s about Ajax. You need to talk to him. Really.”
“Come on, Y/N. I can’t really watch you two like this.”
“Like what?”
“Pushing each other away. I know it hurts you both.”
“And you got that from your poor attempt at chasing Wednesday?! You are only smart because she’s the one pushing you away!”
“Sorry. That was a low blow . I did not mean to say it.”
“You did. But since you are my sister I can forgive you for that.”
“Such a relief” I rolled my eyes playfully “but fine, I’ll talk to him.”
“See. It’s always good to listen to your older and smarter brother.” He smirked
“We are twins!”
*** I found Ajax in his dorm, sitting on the bed, back to door. He did not even hear me coming and if it wasn’t to the squeak of the door I would reach him unnoticed
 “What are you doing here?” he jumped and faced me. His sad expression killed me on the spot. I have  never seen him being so down. “You know it’s against the rules.”
“Since when do you care about the rules?” I slowly took a step towards him, testing his reaction. He did not move away and it encouraged me to move forward more, up to point when I was just a feet away from him. “Why are you avoiding me?” I whispered looking at the ground.
“I….I was scared.”
“Of what? I know it’s hard to open up to people, but you know me, I won’t ever hurt  you.”
���That is the whole point.” He blurted “you wouldn’t hurt me, but I can’t guarantee the same to you.”
“What are you talking about?” I searched his eyes for an answer and the longer I was staring at his face the more obvious it all was getting. “You mean….”
“Yes. It’s not safe for you to be with me. What if I stone you? What if I hurt you? What if I lose you? What if….?
I cut him off by connecting our lips and he finally stopped spinning. I felt his arms close in on my waist and pull me closer, his lips chasing mine in an instant. It was just an instinct for him to reciprocate my action.
“I missed you.” I whispered pulling away after a while
“I missed you too” he rested his forehead on mine, closing eyes, breathing me “and that’s why I fear I might lose you for good.”
“Ajax. Listen to me, you fool. I feel utterly safe with you, all right?”
“But I stoned myself! What if….”
“Stop with the what ifs!”
“No buts! It’s my choice, all right! I love you. I want to be with you. I don’t care about being stoned if that’s the risk. It’s temporary after all. So the question is, do you want to be with me? Because if not, I will retrieve and won’t bother you again….
This time he didn’t let me finish as he leaned in and pressed our lips together. This kiss was slow and gentle, almost like I was a glass figure in his arms, that he was scared of breaking. Well, I wasn’t afraid as I locked my hands on his neck pulling him closer and deepening the kiss, careful not to touch his beanie and not set his snakes free by accident. I really did miss him and judging by his actions he was too. It was a good feeling knowing someone wants you, ready to give and receive love and affection.
“I’m glad we have that one settled”  I grinned pulling away.
“Oh, I’m not done with you” he smirked tackling me to the bed and holding tight “you’re staying with me.”
“I can live with that” I whispered putting my head on his chest listening to his heartbeat and just simply enjoying this little moment of peace. Just the two of us.
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mel-13-29 · 1 year
-She's 'into' me?-
paring - Wednesday addams x fem!reader
summary - y/n attends nevermore for the first time and meets someone named wednesday. enid confronts y/n and tells her about there mutual pining.
warnings - mutual pining - fluff - i think that's all if you find anymore please tell me i'll update!
1619 words its the first time i've wrote that much ——————— Fuck.
That was the only thing going through my mind the whole way to nevermore academy. the mear name makes me shiver.
The crazy school. yes. I heard rumors that there was a girl who almost killed someone. 
yeah sure. I punched someone in the face. but he deserved it. I saw him pushing a girl in a locker. and yeah I guess I should've just minded my business. but I'm a gentlewoman. I just had to punch him and I would do it again. 
and again. 
   and again. 
       and agai- 
But whatever it is what it is if I wasn't being sent to a fucking juvie for phycos now my parents are driving me there in their 6-year-old car I don't even know how it is still working. 
"Why am I even going to nevermore I only punched him and he deserved it," I say trying to change their mind I know they would still take me there but I had to put up a fight that dumb principles son what's his name oh right Jack.
"Cause you punched him!" my dad argues.
"That doesn't mean I have to change schools! it's the principal's son he probably told his dad."
"Enough of this young lady, you are going to nevermore, and you are going to love it there." my mom says closing the argument.
After that, I shut up being silent the whole way to Nevermore. 
And now I'm here in front of the gates of Nevermore. I feel crazy. I know if someone else did punch someone. they would just get detention but this was the principles son. a bastard among basterds he thinks he's the king of the school just because his dad is the principal? 'there are always people like that in the world all you have to do is prove them wrong' my grandma once said so I'll trust her, once I get out of this school. I will get back at Jack. 
I take my bags and hug my mom and dad then I say goodbye. the bags were kinda hevy but I think I'm strong enoph to cary them. I walk up the stairs. finally reaching my dormroom I had to put my bags down to open the door and I saw two people in my dorm. I thought I was in the wrong one until someone said. 
"Oh! you must be the new girl." a girl says standing up on her two feet. 
"Hi." I say awkwardly the other girl says 'awkward' in the background but I don't hear her all I was looking at was the plain room. that consisted of a plain twin bed, a normal bedside table, and nothing else honestly I expected worse. 
I put my bags down and the other girl leaves the girl said 'bye Yoko' so I assumed her name is Yoko. cute name for someone who looks like a real-life human zombie if it had not green skin. 
"The one who just left is Yoko she's you're roommate I'm just staying here Yoko's bed is very comfy so much better than mine," The girl says sitting back on the bed facing me.
"My name is Y/n what's yours?" I say asking her name and sitting down on the bed too. I can't just keep calling her 'girl' for the rest of the school year.
"Enid" enid says then akuward silece again
"Well, I have to go now," I say trying to get out of the awkward situation even though I don't even know how the school works I don't even know what to do after I get out of the room.
"But why you just got here I wanna get to know you!" Enid says standing up "Wait your new right? I can give you a tour?" Enid offers. I say yes. and now were walking down the halls of nevermore academy.
I never thought I'd be walking in the hallway of nevermore academy I thought if I was good enough. they wouldn't send me to detention or suspend me at all. 
for that matter, I just lived my life in silence. always letting the other kids take the spotlight. I just stayed hidden some people don't even know my name. it's dumb. but I loved it. I loved being the school mystery.
Of course, I never told my parents they would urge me to 'make friends' but those 'friends' always stay away from me for some reason. 
"Earth to y/n!" Enid says into my ear waving her hand in my face. crap. I was spaced out.
"What were you thinking about silly?" Enid questions. "I wasn't thinking about anything," I say quickly, trying to avoid the question then Enid opens her hands as if she was pointing at, the lunch room I supposed.
"This is the quad," Enid says introducing me to a place with lunch tables and people in black and blue outfits "Come on I'll introduce you to some of my friends," Enid says walking towards a guy.
"Y/n this is Ajax, ajax y/n," Enid says introducing me to a boy named Ajax I smile trying to look decently good for someone I just met.
"I'm Ajax," the boy says and reaches his hand out for me to shake. I shake his hand and then let go. 
"welp bye, Ajax I gotta introduce y/n to Wednesday!" Enid says, grabbing my hand and guiding me to wednesday.
"Who's wednesday?" I ask, wondering who the person was. 
"Wednesday my roomie," Enid says runing to a girl with an all-black attire she looked really pretty.
"Wednesday!" Enid shouts to get the girls' attention.
"Enid what are you doing here I thought you were with Yoko," wednesday says dully.
"Oh yeah but I wanted to give the new girl a tour around the place ya know so she doesn't get lost," Enid says excitedly to introduce me to her friend.
Wednesday looks at me with her black eyes like she was examining me for some reason it didn't feel odd I kinda got shy and looked down at my shoes until Enid put her hand on my shoulder I look up and see wednesday again it was not visible but I'm blushing
"y/n this is wednesday, wednesday this is Y/n," Enid says and I reach my hand out for wednesday to shake it was just an excuse to hold her hand but she only nodded I pull my hand away a little sad I didn't get to touch her hand
I wave my hand awkwardly not knowing what to do I mean she was just staring at me what am I supposed to do? 
"Well I'll leave you two alone I kinda have to do something," Enid says seeing the tension in the air I almost tell her to stay like she is the only one that can break the tension 
Wednesday walks away and I go after her now knowing what to do "So where are you going?" I ask and she turns her head slightly to look at me not blinking "I'm going to class why are you following me" she says I don't know why I'm following her I should stop I'm probably making her unconftrorbal 
I stop in my tracks and say "Ye-yeah I should go I have um ms. thornhill ill just ask someone else to show me her class" Wednesday hears this and grabs my hand before I could walk one step 
"That's also my class," she says dragging me through the hallways I was surprised but relaxed in her cold hands I'm holding her hand I'm holding her hand I'm holding her hand I'm holding her han- before I could think any further we reach a door I assume Miss. Thornhills class
"So this is miss. Thornhill's class?" I say a little disappointed when wednesday dropped my hand 
She doesn't answer and sits down on one of the chairs I sit next to her not knowing anyone in the class she glares at me but I look at the teacher focusing on the lesson
*Time skip*
It is now lunch and I look around for Enid or wednesday she walked out the door right when the lesson ended and I have to confront Enid for leaving me in that awkward situation 
I feel someone tap my shoulder and I look behind me seeing Wednesday and Enid hiding behind a pillar in the quad she has a thumbs up I feel like she knows something but I look back at wednesday 
"Um, do you need anything?" I ask not knowing why she would come up to me she looks at me with that look again just like when we first met which was 3 hours ago.
"Is Enid behind me?" she asks I nod and before I could ask why.
Wednesday walks away and enid runs towards me "What did she say?" Enid asks.
"She just said 'is enid behind me?' and then left why do you want to know?" I ask and her eyes widen.
"She's totally into you. I saw her walking out of the classroom and in the dorm, she wouldn't stop covering her mouth and looking down like she has never done that before. like ever." enid clams.
"What how- why would she be into me?" I ask stunned by the news. 
"I don't know but she's definitely into you and I know you're also into her 'cause I say you blush when she was looking at you don't try to lie," Enid says then walks off back to her dorm.
How can she also be into me I mean wednesday? how? wait if Enids telling the truth I might have a chance with her.
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vioartemis · 1 year
The moon is beautiful, isn't it?
(Enid Sinclair x fem! Addams! reader)
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Summary: Being Wednesday's sister, everyone expects you to be alike, but truth is you are pretty different, especially when it comes to feelings Request is here :)) Warnings: none (English isn't my first language, I'm sorry if there are mistakes or if something doesn't make sense TvT)
"They deserved it"
That was your answer when you were asked why you helped your sister putting piranhas un the pool, and it didn't seem to be what they were waiting for.
Remorse? Absolutely not, even if the perspective of changing high school again wasn't so pleasant, the said high school being your parents', Nevermore.
Knowing your sister though, you wouldn't stay long.
"You guys are making me feel nauseous. Not in a good way."
"Yeah, please stop that, that's disgusting"
It was rare to see you side with Wednesday when it came to PDA, but this time you could've thrown up. You rolled your eyes et their reaction, and turned slightly to face the window, distracting yourself until you arrived at Nevermore.
You weren't paying attention to what was said in the principal's office, only coming back to reality when everyone stood up.
"For obvious reasons," principal Weems started "you are not in the same dorm"
If she thinks that will stop us... you thought.
"We will start with Wednesday's dorm, as it is closer to us"
You nodded vaguely, trying to memorize the hallways, just in case. You snaped out of your thoughts when you heard an unknown voice.
"Howdy roomie!"
As your eyes laid on your sister's roommate, you felt your cheeks burning.
"Wednesday, this is Enid Sinclair"
She was so pretty. A little too colorful, but so pretty. You hadn't talked yet, and you were already simping. You surely inherited that from your father.
You tried to listen to what was said, not wanting the blonde to think you didn't care about.. whatever was happening here.
"Enid, this is Y/n Addams, Wednesday's sister"
"Hi" you said, waving softly at her
"Are you allergic to colors too or..?"
"I'm not"
You cut your mother off, butterflies spiders growing in your stomach seeing the blonde's smile at your words. She took a step forward and hugged you for a second, before letting go.
You tried your best not to have a dumb smile on your face, exiting the room quickly when you were invited to discover your own dorm.
"Y/n you're really red-" Pugsley started
"One more word and I'll cut off your tongue."
You knew you were, no need to be reminded. You didn't want your parents or Wednesday to acknowledge it, because the first ones would be so content about it, and the second one so disappointed.
You walked behind the principal with only one thing in mind: Enid Sinclair.
<><><><> ♡ <><><><>
Months had passed since you arrived at Nevermore. Since you met Enid. Now you were pretty sure you had a big crush on her, and you were decided to invite her to the Rave'N.
But to do that, you needed to catch her alone, which surprisingly you managed to do, after your class with Mrs Tornhill.
"Enid!" you called out "Can I talk to you?"
You waited until everyone was gone, trying to put yourself together.
"You know the Rave'N is coming right? I was wondering if you.. I mean- would you like to go with me..?"
"You're asking me to be your date for the dance?"
"... that was stupid, I'm sorry, forget it-"
"No wait that's not what I meant!"
She grabbed your wrist as you were about to go.
"I'd be more than happy to go to the Rave'N with you" she had a bright smile on her face, the kind that made your heart melt. "Let's meet at your dorm around 8"
You were waiting for the blonde, nervous. You didn't know how the handle that situation. It never happened to you before. You couldn't ask Wednesday of course. Should you call your parents?
"Calm down you're stressing me out!"
You stopped walking and turned to your roommate.
"Why are you even here? Aren't you supposed to be with Divina?"
The vampire sighed and stood up. She grabbed you by your shoulders.
"Yoko, if you don't take your hands off me in the next three seconds, you won't have hands."
She let go of you and took a step back with a pout.
"No need to be mean, I just wanted to make sure you wouldn't have a heart attack. I wouldn't Enid to find her date dying on the floor"
You rolled your eyes.
"I'm not going to have a heart attack"
You heard a knock at your door.
"I think your date is here! Just be yourself Addams, everything's gonna be fine"
"Why are you calling me by my last name now?"
You didn't wait fir her answer and opened the door. Your cheeks reddened when you saw her. She was beautiful.
"You're so pretty Y/n!"
"You too Enid"
Her smile got bigger, and you could swear she blushed a little. You looked at Yoko behind you and nodded slightly, saying goodbye, before exiting the room with Enid.
You didn't know what to say to fill the uncomfortable silence. Should you make a move? What did it mean anyway? Should you take her hand or something?
"Hey, relax" she suddenly said, gently
You didn't notice how tense you were until she brought it up.
"Sorry, I don't really know what to do... Maybe you should just go with someone else-"
Her answer was so quick she cut you off. That surprised you.
"I don't want to go with someone else" she continued, taking your hand "Just be yourself, it's okay if we don't talk much. I like spending time with you, and I want to spend the Rave'N as your date."
You stayed silent and nodded slowly, not knowing what to answer. So she liked spending time with you...?
An hour and a half in the Rave'N, you had to take a break. Too many people in the same room. Too much noise too. You were sitting on the stairs near the back door, fresh air of the night caressing your face.
"You're here! I've been looking for you for ten minutes" Enid sat next to you. "Are you okay...?"
"I just needed... air" you said
"Is there something else...? You can talk to me you know?"
"... How do you know if you like someone...?"
You could tell she was a bit surprised by your question - a little sad? -, but she tried to answer it. It only confirmed what you were suspecting. You liked her.
Now how were you supposed to tell her? You couldn't just say "I love you" out of the blue.
You suddenly remembered something Yoko told you one night.
月が綺麗ですね。(Tsuki ga kirei desu ne)
"The moon is beautiful, isn't it?"
The blonde looked at you for a second, before turning to the sky, a smile on her face.
"The moon was always beautiful"
You looked at her, confused. Yoko told you that 月が綺麗ですね, literally the moon is beautiful isn't it?, was a subtle way of saying I love you. And the positive answer to it was 月はいつもきれいだった, the moon was always beautiful.
It could be a coincidence. Or she knew what you said and what to answer. Did Yoko told her? How did she-
"Stop overthinking and kiss me"
Your cheeks turned bright red at her words.
"Forget it, I misunderstood what you said..."
She got up, ready to leave. You were quick to grab her hand and pull her in for a kiss. She kissed back, hands cupping your cheeks, body pressed against yours.
You pulled away and opened your mouth to say sorry, but her lips crashed on yours in a messy kiss. Enid's hands went to your neck, keeping you close, nails pleasantly scratching your skin.
You let out a little gasp when you felt her claws come out, digging into the soft flesh. She pulled away almost instantly.
"Oh my god I'm so sorry I didn't mean to I-"
You grabbed her hands softly.
"It's okay, really" you placed a kiss on her knuckles, a slight smirk on your face "A least everyone will know I'm taken"
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