#she has a great voice but I don't feel the song is doing much beyond that
bedoballoons · 7 months
Hii! My b-day was on 8 of oct but I had to celebrate it today (2 weeks later). I threw a party, and invited 9 people, yet nobody showed up. Not even my closest friends. So, I would like to request if possible a hc with yandere Venti, Xiao and Ganyu and reader threw a party yet nobody showed up. If u cant do the request dw, I perfectly understand. Have a nice day and ty for reading my request!
Awwe I'm so sorry to hear that, I can only imagine how heartbreaking that was. Usually I don't write requests right after I get them (I go from oldest to newest.), but I wanted to get this out for you while it was still your birthday.
I hope it makes the day a little better! Happy belated birthday as well!! 🎁🎂🎈🎉🎊❤️
─⊰⁠⊹ฺ🎉𝔾𝕖𝕟𝕤𝕙𝕚𝕟 ℍ𝕖𝕒𝕕𝕔𝕒𝕟𝕠𝕟𝕤⊰⁠⊹ฺ🎉
{༻~Happy birthday~༺}
CW: Yandere themes, slightly angsty with fluff at the end!
P.s. I haven't written Ganyu before so I hope she's not to ooc!
(Includes: Venti, Xiao, and Ganyu!)
You sighed quietly, watching as droopy streamers started fall from their places and brightly coloured balloons deflated by the second, even the cake looked depressed. It was your birthday and no one even bothered to show up..."What a great day to have been born..."
"Oh ho ho, someone has such a frown! Perhaps I can aid you in turning it upside down!" You perked up slightly upon hearing Ventis familiar happy go lucky voice, maybe no one else had shown up...but he had and you couldn't be more thankful, "Venti! You made it...thank you!" He chuckled sweetly, pleased beyond belief that he could make the most beautiful person in the world smile, "Of course I made it! It's your birthday and I want it to be a very happy one! Speaking of which, it's not much because...ehe I'm not the best with mora but..."
Your cheeks blushed a pink tint as the bard held out a small gift for you,...the first one you'd open. "You really didn't have to you know..."
"Of course I did! What kind of person doesn't bring a gift to someone's birthday, especially when that someone is as amazing as you!"
You bit your bottom lip, feeling slightly flustered as you opened the box...lifting up the lid to reveal a quill pen and ink, along with what seemed to be a small handmade notebook. The feather of the pen was what caught you eye as it was a bright sky blue decorated with small jewels of your favourite colours, "It's goregous Venti..."
"I figured together we could write fun memories in it and then one day after its full, I can use it to write songs for us both about our favourite moments."
"Are you...alright?"
That question seemed to sting more than it normally did, not only because the answer was a painful one...but because it was being asked on a day that should have made you happy...one that should have been all about you, if only people had actually showed up. "I'm...as alright as I can be. At least your here, I think if you hadn't appeared, I truly would have had to of celebrated all alone."
"Normally...I don't show up for birthdays, I find them crowded and feel that you should celebrate ones birth everyday, but your birthday is a special one. Someone as wonderful as you... deserves to be celebrated. I...even got you you a gift...though it may not be anything you enjoy."
You smiled slightly, watching as Xiao sat down beside you...setting a messily wrapped gift in your lap, "Xiao...I am going to love whatever you may give me, because it's from you."
His heart raced in his chest and as you began to open his gift he silently prayed to the geo archon you'd like what he got you, he'd spent hours choosing it.
You gasped, shocked to bouquet of Qinxing wrapped in adepti sigils, each of them were beautiful and smelled of the mountain tops..you couldn't even begin to imagine how long it took him to gather them all, "Xiao I-"
"The sigils will make it so they never wilt, they will always remain how they look right now...a symbol..of how I feel for you. A love that will never cease."
Ganyu pulled you close, resting her head on top of yours while she hummed a lullaby and rubbed your back, hoping she could at least ease the pain you were feeling. Not even in her wildest dreams could she imagine how anyone wouldn't want to attend your birthday, she thought of you as the most amazing person to ever exist...a star roaming amongst a sea of darkness and a day to celebrate you to her...was something incredibly special.
"I'm so sorry no one else made it...perhaps they all got caught up with work or other things and just couldn't get out of it?"
"Ganyu...I highly doubt everyone just somehow got busy on my birthday...thank you for trying though. I'm sad I didn't get to have alot of people, but having you here, it's enough to make my birthday perfect." Your words left her speechless, she loved you more than she could truly handle and hearing that she could still make your day perfect after all that had happened...
"I have a gift for you, I thought long and hard about it, made sure it was absolutely perfect for you." She moved away from you just long enough to retrieve the gift, it was wrapped in a pale blue paper and scented like flowers, you hadn't even opened it yet and you could see how much effort she'd put into it, "Awwe Ganyu this is to much, you didn't have to.."
"Oh but I did...please open it, I think you'll love it."
You smiled at her, carefully peeling back the wrapping paper and opening the box just enough to see what was inside. "Oh my gosh...it's a plushy and it's handmade, Ganyu did you-"
"In between shifts I learned the pattern for you and made sure it was sewn the absolute best I could. I've never made anything like it before and I was worried I wouldn't finish it in time...but I wanted you to have something that showed my determination and attention to what you like. I also figured it could help you sleep."
ଘ(੭*ˊᵕˋ)੭* ੈ♡‧₊˚*⁠.⁠✧Happy birthday~
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merakiui · 1 year
MERA!!!! MERA MERA MERAAAA!!!! hear me outtttt!!!!!
yandere!idol!scara! imagine being one of idol! scara's biggest fans , having bought all his albums and merch, unaware that your oshi/bias is stalking you in the shadows. you are completely oblivious to the fact that your favorite idol, your very own oshi, is more obsessed with you than you are with him ... eubeheheheheheheheheheheeeee
it's important to note that he's the eldest son of a CEO, so he'd have all the money and status to keep your mysterious disappearance under wraps. just listen to him and you'll be fine. after all, isn't he your oshi?
AAAAAA YES YES YES ever since I saw this oshi no ko parody of Scara idol!Scara has been rotting my brain. Your concept feeds me so well omg!!!! <3
Imagine being such a dedicated fan, always using most of your paychecks to purchase merch and albums and even concert tickets. You adore him. He shines so brightly when he's on the stage, and his voice is the most beautiful melody you've ever heard. You memorize all of his songs, you try to follow his routines for exercise and eating well, and you've even had the blessing of attending one of his handshake events!! Even if it was only a few seconds, being able to look him in the eyes, shake his hand, and greet him in such an intimate proximity meant the world to you. You were so happy following that day that your coworkers were left wondering what happened for you to come to work in such a bubbly mood.
Unbeknownst to you, your idol makes it a mission to search for you amidst the crowd, even if he knows it may be impossible to spot you from afar. The day he shook your hand was also a special moment for him. He's only ever watched you from the shadows, admiring you as you go about your daily life, so being able to touch you, to see you so closely, to hear your voice as it addresses him and only him... You make him so happy and you don't even know it! One of his songs was even written with you in mind. You inspire him, you give him life, you give him feelings he's never known he was capable of feeling before. He's hopelessly, dangerously in love with you, his fan, and you're hopelessly, adoringly in love with him, your idol.
Scara doesn't shine so brightly behind closed doors when he's following the whims of his obsession. On the stage, he's Scaramouche, a star who can effortlessly charm with his beautiful vocals and sweet smile. He's a great actor, enthralling the crowd with a wink or a twirl or well-calculated sarcasm. Fans adore it. They love the divide between sweet and sour, and he does both so flawlessly. But beyond that, he's just Kunikuzushi, eldest son of the business magnate Ei. With so much wealth and success, one would think he'd be in paradise. But Kuni's always so hollow inside, so lonely and sad. He pushes these feelings away and tells himself he's better off alone, but when he's following you home late at night he feels so whole. Suddenly his lonely life doesn't feel so terrible when he knows you're in it. Suddenly he thinks it's okay to be alone as long as he's alone with you and only you.
Ei never polices what he does. It's much the same for his sister Raiden. They're free to do as they please, as she's too busy running such a large, expansive business with her Vice President Yae Miko and secretary Kujou Sara to bother with the lives of her children. But Kuni doesn't care. He doesn't need to be coddled or loved. He just needs to drown in you, in your life, in your interests and hobbies. He's certain that, if he were to steal you away for himself, you wouldn't mind it because you're his fan. You'll forgive him because you love and support him, won't you? After all, it's every fan's dream to be recognized by their idol.
He won't subject you to a terrible life either. He lives in a very expensive penthouse on the highest floor, and it has all kinds of luxurious, comforts. It overlooks the city; he's almost like a god when he peers down at the streets below, where people are free to look up but can never reach his level. You can live up here with him, isolated from the world and its horrors, and only know of him. He's all you'll need because he can provide for you in ways normal people can't. He's so certain you'll accept this way of life, and even if you don't it's not like you can go anywhere. Not that he cares much for reputations, but his entire career will shatter if you escape and try to get him in trouble. He might even be taken away from you, and that's more scary than a reputation in shambles.
Besides, he has more money than he knows what to do with. And for the right price, he can control anyone, even the authorities you seem to have so much faith in. :)
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walmarttrashbag · 5 months
Hurt - Mike Wheeler Pt.2 TW: bitchy, annoyed Mike. hurt-part-one Suggested by: Https-Lola It was finally over! You finally had gotten over the stupid fucking dumbass Mike Wheeler crush of a lifetime, and you have never felt any better! You've turned your life around for the better. You feel so much healthier and happier after the loss of feelings for Mike. Mike, however, couldn't help but stare from afar with a frown. Why did you become so beautiful? Why was your smile so sparkling and outrageously perfect? Who let you go outside and look like a miracle from beyond the stars? Mike had a little over too many questions just about your pretty face. That night while the party was playing DnD, Mike just couldn't shake the thought of you out of his head, and it was like a bad song.
"Mike, are you okay? You're not raging at the fire-breathing dragon coming your way," Dustin pointed out, but Mike was still in a trance. Lucas rolled his eyes and walked over, giving Mike a forceful shake, "Wake up, Lover boy, the dragon awaits!" Lucas said in a jokingly wizard-like voice. Mike flinched, "Lucas, don't do that!" He said, getting defensive over nothing.
Lucas scoffed, "Sorry, sleeping beauty, I didn't know you were dreaming of your princess charming. Just get over Y/n already, I heard she was dating someone anyway!" Lucas said, not realizing all hell broke loose for Mike.
"SHE WHAT?!" Mike screamed out, standing up as he banged his fists on the table, making the characters and dice jump slightly.
"Michael!" Karen yelled from upstairs, "Quiet down!"
But this was no time for being quiet, and Mike quickly jumped to questions, "Who is he? What does he do to her? Why is he with her? What did he do to earn her?! TELL ME!" Mike yelled at his friends. Will spoke out, "I don't know much about him but I heard he's from Maine or Maryland or Missouri or one of the M states," He shrugged. "Yeah, and someone told me he's got a thing for Hawaiian shirts, and being the class clown," Dustin continued from Will's statement, "He honestly sounds really cool," Mike scoffed, "Yeah, who's this bozo's name anyways?" Mike asked, looking at the 3 expectantly for a clear answer. "It was like Rory Turner or something," Will replied. "No, it was something like Remi Taylor," Dustin told Will. Lucas rolled his eyes, "No, dumbasses! It was Richie Tozier! His name is Richie! And Mike, he looks exactly like you!" Lucas pointed the finger at Mike. Mike gasped, "Me? So you're saying I still had a shot with Y/n if she's bagging this Richie guy?!" "Guess so," Will replied, making Mike's blood boil. "That's it. Tomorrow I'm gonna find Richie and give him a piece of my mind," Mike promised himself. "Great, now can we please get back to defeating the dragon?" Dustin asked the party since so much time had been wasted on this dumb conversation.
The next day, Mike got up to school and saw a new bike on the racks. Mike had heard that Richie always biked to school as well. It was like Richie was a big stupid copycat! Mike had a note of description. Hawaiian shirt, shorts, converse, and giant stupid thick-framed glasses.
Mike skittered through the hallway like a cockroach and found a guy who matched the description perfectly, just without a Hawaiian shirt. Mike tapped the guys shoulder, "Hey, are you Richie?" Mike asked the guy.
The kid turned over and it was scary how much he looked like Mike, "Yeah, why?" Richie asked Mike, nudging up his glasses. Mike now knew this was the guy he should be shitting on. "Just know, your girlfriend, Y/n, liked me way before you did. You're just my rehash. The only reason why she's with you is because you're just me in a reskin," Mike told Richie, spitting out venom at the guy.
Richie's face scrunched up before he made a big obnoxious laugh in Mike's face, "Oh that's rich! That's really rich! I know who you are, Mike! And Y/n has told me all the things she's done to try to get you to like her back, and from what I've heard, you're a selfish prick who didn't take the chance when you got it! I've got the prettiest girl on earth, and you're kicking rocks! Go blow your dad before you spit out shit that's not real," Richie gave a condescending smirk to Mike, whose face went beat red in not only embarrassment but anger too.
Mike threw the first punch, and the hallway went from school to hell. Michael Wheeler and Richard Tozier fought things out. Some people get on Mike, and others get on Richie making the school out to 50/50, but before things could be settled out for the last time, you ran to the both of them. "Stop it! Stop fighting! Mike what the hell is wrong with you!" You lashed out at Mike, making him shocked. "Y/n! Come on you still have the chance for me! Why not ride the Wheeler train?" Mike said heartbreakingly as held his left eye.
You were grossed out by Mike as you helped Richie up, "Oh, Richie... Your nose..." You said, wiping the blood from under Richie's nose, before turning to Mike, "Mike, you're just a prick! You avoided me like the plague and you beat up my boyfriend because you're a petty jerk!" You went off at Mike, making his heart hurt on the inside. You walked Richie to the nurse's office, and Richie looked back at Mike, giving him an evil smile signaling that he had won your side once again, which was deserved.
Mike slowly but surely got up, "I'll win her back one day, you're stupid rehash!" Mike yelled out to Richie as the hallway crowd fanned out with no conclusion to the win. Mike was determined to get you back, one way or another, no matter what. He was gonna see Richie fail, and he was gonna King up to the Jester of all jokes.
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jelixpo · 2 months
(This may sound random but)
For the bowuigi comic what song do you think would fit the characters in the story?
Anon, when I tell you I finished answering this ask, providing links and lyrics for the canon representation of the characters before I scrolled back up and realised you were asking about A Table Turned. Just had to share that lol, my reading comprehension is great.
Obligatory continuing under the cut because this'll get long
Blame it on the Neon by Leaving Thomas
Luigi in the story is just so fed up with his life in the MK, he's willing to do anything to escape it. It's alluded to in the story that Bowser didn't really have to do much to get Luigi to trust him, the cracks in the foundation were already showing, so to speak. Specifically the lyric below really sums up his choices in the story.
If I just made a big mistake, it’s better made in the red shade That don’t hurt my eyes I bet this bar has seen it all, the way these walls can make you fall Woah, these colours go straight to head So I’ll blame it on the neon if I lean on him right away The way the light is glowing, how he’s holdin’ me, I wanna stay Stay out of the daylight, the moonlight, it just feels right These drinks ain’t too strong If this is all wrong I’ll blame it on the neon
Honourable mention: Boys Will be Bugs by Cavetown
The Next Right Thing for Frozen 2 by Kristen Bell
Mario is just really broken for the majority of the story, so this feels right.
This grief has a gravity, it pulls me down But a tiny voice whispers in my mind "You are lost, hope is gone But you must go on And do the next right thing" Can there be a day beyond this night?
Honourable mention: Eight by Sleeping At Last
Are You Satisfied? by MARINA
When talking to friends irl about my representation of Peach, I like to classify her as morally dark-grey. Clearly doing the wrong things but for the right reasons, and there's a part of her that knows she's doing the wrong things but she's so wound up in being perfect that she can't stand to admit when she's made a mistake.
High achiever, don't you see? Baby, nothing comes for free They say I'm a control freak Driven by a greed to succeed Nobody can stop me Cause it's my problem if I want to pack up and run away It's my business if I feel the need to smoke and drink and sway It's my problem, it's my problem if I feel the need to hide And it's my problem if I have no friends and feel I want to die
Honourable mention: Bird Song by Florence + The Machine
Sick of the Silence by Mother Mother
I don't really know how to explain this one. Just vibes lol
I get so sick of the silence Because I'm terrified of what's inside of it Yeah, I get so sick of the silence That I have to That I have to just scream (I don't wanna hear what's deep inside of me)
Honourable mention: I'm Still Here for Treasure Planet by John Rzeznik
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burgerrat · 8 months
Alright so... let's talk about this scene
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(Fair warning I will be talking a lot under the thread cut and might touch on some sensitive topics. TW for s/icide mentions)
Oh boy where do I even start- this entire rainstorm scene is charged with emotions man. The music, the ambiance, the facial expression of each actor, their body language. Everything right down to the bone is terrific. It almost completely drags you into the mind of the characters, mainly- Winslow and Swan.
I don't need to say much but the entire scene is practically Swan purposefully hurting Winslow further and taking great enjoyment in watching him suffer. PLUS TRAGIC IRONY how the song 'Old Souls' Phoenix sang a moment earlier brought joy to Winslow and a smile on his face as he watched her perform, and now that same song is being used to passive-aggressively make a mockery of him as Swan gets intimate with Phoenix.
I cannot BEGIN to tell you how these facial expressions made me feel:
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At first when he initially positions himself on the glass, he looks almost like he's in disbelief of what he's seeing. Like he's shocked to see Phoenix willingly getting intimate with Swan. There's also something I can only describe as a feeling of yearning in his look? It's quite obvious that he wants to be there instead.
He cares for Phoenix- tried to warn her and is completely aware that Swan is just using her. Especially after being sealed into his own room and seeing Beef perform his music instead of her. He knows Swan doesn't give a shit about him or what he wants. He made the mistake of reluctantly trusting this snake once again, only to be tricked again. Now potentially putting in danger an innocent lady he cared for that just wanted to sing.
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I know a picture is not the same as watching the scene in motion- but here in this part you can that, no pun intended, how he looks and his body language seem as if he just got stabbed through the heart, long before actually doing it himself.
And this, ladies and gentlemen, theys and thems, is where I broke down:
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It's amazing how much a mostly-masked face with only one eye visible can convey so much emotion. You can even see in the first picture Winslow's lightly biting his lip as if trying to hold in his tears.
It's hard to pin-point it in the scene because it's raining, but if you pay attention to the shine in his eye, you can conclude that he does begin to cry. Tries holding it in for a short moment, but it's too much to bottle up.
Intentional or not, the amount of details and the little things all spread around in this scene leave me beyond speechless. It's so like... raw and beautiful.
In this one moment, I feel that all the rage, indignantion and desperation to be recognized for his work leave Winslow for a second- and all that's left is his pain and regret. Because of the realization that Swan, his supposite work partner, lied to him again and he got played again; because Swan never intended to credit his work or respect his wishes, now going a step further and humiliating him (Winslow probably being fully self-aware Swan knows he's watching them since he's facing up to the glass, and he himself never tries to hide or make his presence unknown) by making love to Phoenix, his voice; because of how unaware Phoenix is to who she's dealing with and him possibly having doomed her by allowing Swan to hire her.
And despite how much he may want to undo it and help her see Swan for who he really is, he can't. After all, Swan is the respected owner of the Paradise that has granted her to become a rockstar; he's just the masked 'freak' with a stained reputation that is now only known for murdering Beef and the Juicy Fruits, he's not exactly the one people would want to side with immediately.
He can't do anything but watch.
I feel it's this sense of powerlessness and dehumanization that drive him to give up entirely and committing suicide soon after.
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vyvesvi · 7 months
pd 101 japan picks & commentary (3)
preshow & ep 1
ep 2 - ep 5
ep 6 general commentary
this ep was kind of lowkey. not really sure how i feel about the team selection being entirely determined by rank - pretty sad that karen & momoka, amongst others, probably wont get to show their actual main abilities
the teams that performed were hero, shine a light, wa da da, & run run. ranking: run run > hero ≥ wa da da > shine a light. i don't really like the song choices (songs that already have choreo for a dance round, only one non-idol dance song, plus the singers/producers for that song helped arrange all of the vocal performances? makes me wonder if the final group will be getting a LAS song) but at least theyre all in japanese this time (for the vocal & rap groups at least)
run run: good performance but i have a few gripes. 1 - why was it worth more points? they said that the choreo was harder but the whole mission was for the girls to create choreo so... i dont actually expect that the trainees on these shows are doing all the arranging and writing and choreography themselves (much less on pd japan where virtually no one has a trainee background) but the whole set up of the mission kind of says the quiet part loud, you know? 2 - the distribution was a complete mess. loved joa as the center but the rest were basically backup dancers...for a choreo that theyre ostensibly creating themselves the difference in screentime between each person just doesnt make sense. and that was reflected in all of the ranks apart from yuuki & yurara i think. storyline: i found the koto/yuki storyline pretty meh. joa did actually do better than both of them so...? still, in another series this wouldve had a massive conflict edit & im glad pdj doesn't really do that. sad mitsuki & serina didn't get much screentime, i think mitsuki should've gone for antifragile actually, she needed to be on a team where the styling would've worked with her & allowed her to show more of a charming side on stage (friend that i watched LOVED her in cheer up, made me pause to figure out who the "gorgeous regina george lookalike" was.)
hero: ando yui is my daughter but i have to admit that she has a tendency towards shouting some notes. still, i feel like she has a ton of potential and im glad that she got to redeem herself after the audition. tsuzumi is basically in and she 100% knows it, so it's interesting to see how she's dealing with it. more than anyone else in the top it seems to really be impacting her, but she also seems to have a lot of close friends on the show who understand & are supporting her. to be honest, i usually don't like contestants like mayu but...idk. i see a lot in her but im not sure why. it seems like voters are starting to get serious so her rank has dropped a lot but i i'll miss her when she's eliminated. i hope there's some opportunity for her beyond the show.
wa da da: kind of sick that no one chose wa da da 😭 the stage was pretty messy in my opinion but mana did great, she's such a performer. personally ranka isnt one of my picks but i like her intensity a lot & she definitely deserved her rank. i don't think this is her moment exactly but i could see her being recruited somewhere after this. she would suit a kind of dramatic vibe. karen is interesting to me because while she doesn't dance well i found that she really fit the stage. i also love her attitude. there's no way she won't rise but im not sure that itll be enough. last and least,
shine a light: im a big jo1 fan but i knew this wasn't gonna go great from the outset. the energy of the original song is part of what makes it so good so the fact that they removed that.....i also think it's kind of notable that hina said that she didn't want it to be a ballad and was kind of steamrolled........anyways. we saw the performance. i've always said that i wanted hazuki to get more screentime & establish herself and this was her chance but...rip. from the second her voice cracked it was over for the whole team. every single person messed up except for hina. i know that this wasn't a super strong vocal group but it's so sad that they did the worse they've ever done on stage. i expect hina's rank to continue to rise, and hazuki in particular will fall (not because she was the worse but because she has the smallest fanbase & isnt insulated from mistakes like some of the top contestants). curious about what will happen with chiharu because honestly...no one really expected her to sing super well and she was gorgeous so. we'll see
member commentary
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change is always possible but this is my stable top 4. rino & ran's teams weren't in this episode but it's a very good sign that rino still got screentime singing well & being a good leader. not thrilled that her rank dropped (14 → 17) and there are a lot of strong contenders in the early teens right now. in truth, i think some of them would be a much better fit for a spin off project (which have much higher success rates than the ones from korean produce) & rino would make more sense in top 11 but that's neither here nor there.
mana, as i said earlier did sooooo well in wadada, although im curious as to what she would've picked had she been given a real choice. im hoping her rank will rise - she didn't get a push in this ep but she was significantly more visible than a lot of her teammates so fingers crossed.
serina is just a good [potential] idol. i was surprised that she went for dance since her vocals are what i noticed first but she pulled off run run well. i wouldve picked shine a light or even antifragile for her though. unfortunately she got very little screentime & storyline but i'm sure run run will win so maybe that 20k will help maintain her spot.
standouts in this ep
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not gonna break it down again but yeah. love the girlies love the vibes
other thoughts
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call me crazy but im so so sure that these three will be recruited by lapone for a gg after the show. with the top 11 having skewing less cute im hoping that this becomes a reality bc these three fit eachother more than they fit momona/nano/ran/rin/etc. oda aruha (and maybe moro anon) would be here too but alas.
people i'd like to have seen in this ep
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rin is riding a wave right now and she needs momentum to stay top 11. looking at the ranks now, kokona dropped 10 places (19 → 29) 🙃 rinon & ayano are fine, but i wanted to see them keep momentum as well. i like akiyama ema for some reason but to survive she desperately needs screentime and a good performance. I'm even more worried about tsukushi - her dropping from 18th to 31st after doing incredibly well is kind of insane. what i've said about tsukushi needing a storyline in the past still stands. i can already tell that her part in bijin will be great but with rinon & keiko im not sure what her screentime potential is.
ep 6 voting list
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no surprises here, although im not sure what the voting has been reduced to? if it's only 5 i'd have to go with mana, rino, rin, serina, and then alternate kokona, yui, and mayu. i know that the "this person is safe so i wont vote for them" logic is flawed but i can't help it. good thing intl fans cant vote so this isn't a real concern! 🤪 /s
ep 6 semi-realistic top 11
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only change is that i replaced kokona with joa. i have to say, im not thrilled about how many "givens" there are this season. it's not that i dislike them but it makes for a kind of boring top 11, at least until we get to 1 & 2 pick voting. rin was a nice surprise but i think the production has been pretty mask off about their picks. interestingly, i think it might bite them in the butt that momona & kokoro in particular don't actually get that much screentime. for people who are seeing them through the show for the first time (and also dont keep up with twitter discourse) probably feel that their ranks came out of nowhere. ran has gotten good screentime but she's definitely also buoyed by her original fanbase. miu, joa, & tsuzumi have good screentime & storylines so when joa goes up to top 11 i won't be surprised. rin had a good storyline so she makes sense. ayane doesn't get very much screentime but her voice does the brunt of the work. nano is a (capable) visual pick but she doesn't have a storyline. suzu has had a fanbase since the theme song but i expect her to fall a little honestly. we'll see. keiko is new to the top 11 this ep, i hope they reveal the actual ranks this time because that will influence my thoughts. keiko has great screentime and a litle bit of storyline so her rising makes sense. kokona is interesting to me because her rank is so stable based on not very much honestly. i don't dislike her but her lack of expressiveness on stage is probably something they'll try to build a storyline out of later.
i have a lot of confidence that rino will debut elsewhere after this but in the interest of creating a group i would actually like...
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hannahwashington · 2 months
Ok here is an official Ice Age ranking
Rankings + Explanations under the cut, starting from best going to worst. As always, this is all my own opinion, and you are free to disagree.
1. Ice Age 3: Dawn of the Dinosaurs
This is heavily biased but also I think Ice Age 3 has the perfect balance between completely wacky and actual heartfelt moments in an Ice Age movie. It didn't go totally overboard, and Buck is a wonderful addition to the series. Who can forget the story about how he lost his eye? Simon Pegg absolutely chewed this role up, and he really makes the movie what it is.
Ellie isn't sidelined because she's pregnant, she's allowed to be badass, and Manny learns some important lessons about not always being the protector. One thing that sticks with me is that Manny misses the moment Peaches is born (only Diego is there). I know that can be, like, a huge thing for some people, but even so, he sees his kid and feels nothing but love and relief. He doesn't feel emasculated by having his best friend there instead of him or resentment for missing that moment or some other petty bullshit. It didn't matter to him, what mattered was that his family was safe. That fucking gets me, y'know? I think that's the perfect encapsulation of what he had to learn - like I said, that he can't always be the protector, but also that he can rely on others when the going gets tough and he can't be there or can't do anything. It's important to show that, I think. D'you get me? You get me.
As much as Scratte's existence is, like, a meme, her and Scrat's sideplot was great, too. The tango? The fucking tango? Hello? I love the tango. The tango is great. And so is the "Alone Again" sequence, it leaves me in stitches. Having the acorn be like an actual character was a great choice in this case.
Finally, it's very visually distinct to the other movies thanks to its new setting, and it actually goes out of its way to give us really cool shots sometimes (see Buck's story). It really sets itself apart from the other movies. Also, how can you beat fucking dinosaurs!? Living under the ice!? Still the coolest shit. AND, the cover of Walk the Dinosaur is STILL the best credits song in the series.
2. Ice Age 2: The Meltdown
This one is simply a treat. It's an amazing follow-up to the first movie - it's got higher stakes, more energy, and more funny moments, and rounds out the herd with Ellie and the possums. Queen Latifah does her job voicing Ellie perfectly, and she's a GREAT character. Beyond that, it absolutely nails the emotional moments, too. Goodnight Sweet Possums is just... it's such a great scene, scored wonderfully. Hell, this is probably the most iconic Ice Age movie. Food Glorious Food? Sid's Sing-A-Long? Hell yeah. And... God, that scene at the end, with all the mammoths? Chills. Chills every time. Even so, I feel like it doesn't quite hit that line of greatness 3 did. I'm blaming Crash and Eddie. I don't really like Crash and Eddie. Also, this a total aside, but the ending sequence with Scrat in heaven haunts me to this day. It's the worst I feel for him. Anyway.
3. Ice Age
I could never hate this movie. It's unique in the series for being the most serious of them all. And, it gave Blue Sky its big break (RIP, hope Disney dies now and forever). Really, its biggest crime is that it's just boring in comparison to the sequels. There are gags and hijinks and the whole dodo sequence, but everyone is way more serious. The plot is way more serious. I mean, the saber-tooth tigers wanted to kill the baby! That's fucked up! And it's different to the monsters in 2 and the dinos in 3 because they were thinking, plotting, all of that jazz. Also, it gives very solid foundations for all of the characters, which I think helps make the next couple of sequels so strong. Overall, not that much to say! It's Ice Age 1. The opening travel music is a total bop, and, of course, everyone knows Send Me On My Way. It's just a solid movie.
4. Ice Age 5: Collision Course
I went into this one expecting it to be absolute dogshit, given it's the last numbered sequel in the series. But it's... actually pretty good? My biggest gripe is that the feathered dinosaur side plot didn't really add anything substantial and could've been done away with. Like 3, it really embraced how ridiculous the plot was and did it pretty well, imo. Buck is back! Peaches' fiancée is GREAT, and bringing back everything to focus heavily on the actual herd and its dynamics was a very smart move. The pop culture references date the movie, though. Also there is a Jessie J sloth. Who is also a GILF. Scrat's plot turns into straight up hody horror at some moments. The song at the end of the movie is pretty good, though. Anyway, sure, it's obviously not the best movie ever, and it's totally ridiculous, but I'm glad I gave it shot.
5. Ice Age 4: Continental Drift
I just... ugh. I'm gonna be honest, when I was younger I watched this one over and over, and I don't know if I made myself sick of it, or if I wisened up when I got older, but this just... sucks. Separating the herd was a horrible choice. The plot on the mainland with Ellie and Peaches is TERRIBLE, which sucks because you go in excited to meet Peaches properly. Sidelining Ellie to begin with was a horrible idea, since we KNOW she's a badass, and having her in on the pirate plot could've ruled. Also, jumping from baby Peaches in 3 to teenage Peaches in 4 was a bad move. I think an adventure with a younger Peaches could've worked better. Generally, separating the mammoth family was really not a good idea.
Well, I can give this movie one thing. It gave us Diego and Sid kissing. And they LIKED IT.
Speaking of mammoths! Every single mammoth celebrity voice actor seemed to be chosen exclusively for the song at the end of the movie. Which would've been fine if the song didn't suck with all of them included, it's like a cacophany of chaos. The version with just Keke Palmer is so much better. That's just me though. Also Josh Gad was a fucking rat and I hated his incel ass, so glad he wasn't in 5. AND, the plotline involving the other mammoths sucked sucked sucked sucked SUUUUCKED. I don't know how exactly we'd do a plotline about Peaches wanting to fit in (then realising she and her wacky family is fine just the way it is), but this was NOT it. This would have been a better story to do after a movie has been made with a younger Peaches, after we become very familiar with her dynamic with everyone in the herd, especially Manny and Ellie. Generally having a movie like that between 3 and 4 would have prevented a lot of the issues - such as separating the mammoth family.
Overall, the pirate plotline should have been the main focus, especially because that way we could have gotten more Peter Dinklage. The pirates were sorely underutilised, which is such a shame, because they were a very interesting addition to the story.
If you'e gotten this far, thanks for reading my ramblings on this series!
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soullikethesea · 10 months
More processing
I think I need to release T from my expectations. Release T from what she cannot meet.
Start over?
I feel jealous about what I overheard when she was with her previous client. I couldn't hear words, just sounds. T talking in a very prosodic and gentle voice, the client sobbing, but actually being comforted. When it was eventually time for me to go in, T put back her chair from right next to the couch back to her spot. So I can only imagine how close she was, perhaps even holding the client's hand.
Ouchie ouch. Why can't I have something like that? Of course I believe everyone should receive great care and it's not at all that I think the other client shouldn't have gotten it. Good for them.
It's just painful. Painfully quiet during my session and nowhere to go. Misunderstandings and misattunement and me imagining building walls just to feel a little safer. The thoughts of parts getting louder and louder in the disconnect. I'm not sure who it is exactly, but someone telling me I'm better off dead. Someone else telling me how bad I am. It echoes in the silence.
T having such success in her work with another client makes me feel like even more of an anomaly. It kind of sticks to me in a bad way. Of course parts of me would love to have a T properly comforting them (or not a T, just anyone). Of course I would love to feel less ruined by the past - less like that path for comfort is completely blocked. Lucas feels threateningly close and tells me solemnly and sadly that "we all want things we cannot have."
There is such hopelessness in our body. Defeat. The story of early childhood and beyond.
Fox brings our bravery. Like when T seemed to think it would only be a mild inconvenience to cancel next week's session. Fox did that thing we do when things get hard: take a deep breath and try to be the bigger person. He expressed empathy for her and thought about Zuko in Avatar: The Last Airbender. "I thought I'd lost my honour and my father could somehow return it to me, but I was wrong: it is something you earn for yourself, by choosing to do what's right." Somehow that quote brought our power back to us. We were choosing not to hurt T, and I told myself gently (over and over) that we were not going to hurt ourself anymore nowadays.
"In the darkest times, hope is something you give yourself. That is the meaning of inner strength." Lucas loves that one, unsurprisingly. And it's the one thing we're trying to expand upon, which has gotten us in this mess. It's not just about T being flaky sometimes, it's about the future direction of therapy & if it's time to continue our journey on a different path. If things were to move forward, we'd have to reconnect. Lucas would have to use his Warm Heart skill, even when everything in him is screaming Fuck You, Leave Me Alone!
Leave me alone, so I can turn inside instead. To Fox, whom we know and love. To Scholar, who tries so freaking hard all the time. To Mae, who can always be depended upon. To Lucas, who cares so much about keeping us safe. ...and to the ones we don't even know that well yet. The young ones who Long so loudly, who are angry, needy, and not as "cute" as people expect littles to be. Wuss, who hates our guts. So many ways to see the world and to see people, and none of them say: "Yes, people are good and people make me feel really calm and safe."
None of them could handle our T holding our hand and sing-songing us into peacefulness.
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verbforverb · 1 year
Welcome one and all to my Eurovision ranking, something that as many as one person has been waiting for (@docholligay here you go) As ever, feel free to comment, tag, share with people I know, but please don't reblog.
This is a less exhaustive but probably higher precision ranking than last year, due to my decision to say screw it and accept that I have four basic categories of Eurovision entry:
Positive - I enjoy this song, and would go out of my way to listen to it!
Negative (respectful) - I don't necessarily like this song, but I do appreciate what it's doing! Songs in this category are ones which bounced between "do I like this? maybe?" and "I am just straight up not enjoying this" This is a lot closer to positive for me than...
This Sure Is A Eurovision Entry, Huh - ... a broadly forgettable song which, while I don't mind it, I would probably never choose to listen to.
No - I would actively avoid listening to this song
You're not getting rankings within each category except for positive, because all the others bounced around so much there seemed very little point.
Today, the bottom two categories, "no" and "I guess"! With slightly under half the entries.
Cat4: No.
Denmark: Almost impressively twee. I find the synth effects in the chorus of this song physically difficult to listen to.
Armenia: Kind of unsettling to listen to, lyrically sort of like someone shuffled a bunch of dark academia hashtag aesthetic posts. Oooooh drink smoothies in new cafes.
Malta: When we first listened to this my wife went "they brought a saxophone!!" like that made it automatically good, proving that I am right in all things. Unfortunately funk throwback is very win or lose for me and, combined with the line "I feel better in my sweater", here just makes me wish to do violence.
Cat3: Yep, a song.
Netherlands: It's fine? Kind of forgettable? Nice to have a duet that isn't romance-only. I am a little grouchy about the lyrics, which alternate between really quite striking and The Blandest.
Lithuania: A great singer - though wow, a demanding song also, it gets away from her a bit a couple times. The song itself is kind of repetitive, the performance has a sort of haunted gospel cult feel to it that I don't hate, it's just not that compelling to me.
Italy: A little forgettable for me, but a great performance from a clearly really charismatic singer. He has the energy! Italy seem to exclusively enter songs that are lyrically quite interesting but in Italian, and we have that here yet again.
Switzerland: Obvious points first, this guy is a great singer. The song faintly reminds me of something by Sia, which is mostly distracting but not unpleasant. Do the country-specific associations put me off? A bit? I mostly find it kind of funny.
Azerbaijan: Another truly fine and generic song. I would have this on in the background! Sorry to anyone still reading, this is definitely the less fun half of the ranking.
Greece: My only note for this song is "almost impressively forgettable", which is still in evidence as I remember literally nothing about it, except, like, a guy in the rain?
San Marino: My love of fun, riffy rock is fighting very hard with my confusion over what the hell is going on here lyrically.
Albania: First: Wow, you can sing. What a voice! Second: What is going on with your family situation, anyway? This may be the first Eurovision entry to ever make me seriously ponder that, so congrats.
Iceland: The song is fine! Very 90s, which I don't hate. I love that she has a comfy outfit and seems to be having a good time. I do sort of want to give her a blanket or perhaps a friend, alone in the fog. The high notes are definitely getting away from her.
Ireland: Beyond my vague musings over whether Ireland singing "We are one" in a UK-hosted Eurovision is an extremely ballsy republican promo move, the song itself sure does take place. I don't mind it! It's fine! We see a pattern emerging here.
Estonia: A ballad with apparently no staying power in my brain.
Latvia: A pleasant enough indie rock type piece with a really unsettling music video. Does some fun proggy things with the time signature, but just a little too low-key to really stick with me.
Georgia: Before Doc made me look up the lyrics, I wasn't one hundred percent sure they were in English. Having looked up the lyrics, I am still not sure the lyrics are in English, although they are certainly English words. Somehow the song does still kind of work as sounds layered together, but it's not, how would you say, good.
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mickgaydolenz · 1 year
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i was tagged by @birdie-hop (thank you birdie <3!!!) to do a fun new tag game where you list your favourite musicians and (if you want) explain why you like them so much!
so i feel kind of like a bit of an outsider when it comes to music because i tend to be super particular and i don't actually like a lot of musical artists beyond a song or two. there are a lot of little things that tend to put me off of songs or artists, so when i find one i like i tend to latch on to them with everything i've got. this is going to get really long winded because i have a lot to say about one of these artists in particular (Bowie duh), so fucking feel free to just ignore this!
The Beatles -> let me start with my biggest cringefail flop moment of my whole life. i had sworn to never like this group, i used to make fun of my friends who enjoyed them, and then like the biggest hypocritical asshole of all time i watched the stupid fucking get back documentary and have not recovered since. other than being bewitched by their faggotry and crazy internal dynamics, i genuinely really love their music (that was so painful to type...). i think what i appreciate most is something about their music feels both timeless and yet beyond its time??? and the sheer level of musicianship in their works is mind boggling (like holy fuck not to jerk off paul or anything, but watching him pull that song out of his head in -3 seconds in get back rocked my world). they also just genuinely seem to be having fun (until they weren't) and it comes across in their music. as people they fucking suck ngl, but also that's part of the charm (not john lennon though he has issues i can't see beyond so sorry dude dni on sight buddy) because it just shows that they aren't these giga brain geniuses that are beyond mortal comprehension.
Ryuichi Sakamoto -> not going to lie i got into him by way of watching Merry Christmas Mr. Lawrence, so that will always add a level of endearment to him as an artist for me. vocally, he isn't the strongest performer, but there is something charming about the sincerity in which he delivers his lines that i appreciate. i love how sakamoto sculps sound, he's so insanely good at cultivating atmosphere especially in his instrumental pieces. the mcml soundtrack is a great example of what he's capable of, and considering he'd never scored a movie prior to that is just insane. his dedication to experimentation and genre hoping is also super admirable, i love that he has experimental sound work but also classical pieces but also 80's poppy numbers. i really appreciate how he incorporates cultural instruments and melodies into his work, modifying them in a way that both retains their significance while allowing room for change. actually here is one of my favourite pieces by him if you want to check it out -> compute, compute, compute
Micky Dolenz -> and like i suppose this also includes the monkees in general, but specifically she is EVERYTHING TO ME!!!! vocally i'm slain every time he opens his mouth, like what a fucking voice and it just keeps going strong. i know every one says this, but micky is truly one of the most underrated vocalists, he deserves so much more recognition for his talent than he has received. also, as a songwriter??? FUCKING WOW!!!! i WISH to GOD he had written more songs, because man oh man the ones he wrote for the monkees are just banger after banger. i think micky's intelligence as a song writer is super insane, his ability to spin a narrative while also handling intense topics all wrapped up in a soft voice that belays the seriousness of the song???? uhm yeah give me more bitch, love that shit. also micky just seems so chill and so kind. not to mention modest; the guy is too modest for his own good, babygirl please you deserve so much more okay??? all in all he seems like the friend that would take you out and get you fucked up beyond belief, but then he'd make you some coffee in the morning, y'know?
David Bowie -> okay, okay, okay, fuck, um he literally means too much to me to even begin to put into coherent words. i've never connected more with a body of work than i have with his music. every facet of his songs -the style, the lyrics, the themes, the sound- speak to me on a visceral level. i still get literal goosebumps listening to certain songs, it's insane how much emotion they inspire in me. he is also the only musical artist where i've listen to his complete discography AND enjoyed most all of it (you don't even understand how HUGE this is for me). As an artist, Bowie is simply unmatched to me; he pushed himself constantly, reinvented himself constantly, tried constantly for his art. that mindset, the desire to push and try new things and not stagnate in the preciousness of your own ego, is something i've tried so hard to incorporate into my own practices. beyond just the music and his art, as a person i've never related more to someone (the good and the bad). so much of my personality has been ripped from and formed by him (that should be embarrassing, and it kind of is, but his mask of confidence and poise has served me soooooo fucking well). Bowie always saw himself as an observer, removed from people, living on the outside looking in on the world and its workings. whether it was a perceived alienation, or a real alienation, or a combination of both, he always felt other. and man oh man if that isn't just the most persistent feeling in my life. anyways to make a long gay story short this dude rules my world and just writing this has me tearing the fuck up <3
okay now that that is done i tag @reignoerme, @sunny-lie-melody, @squeesbysophie, @vintagecocacolainthesun, and @jathis (but only if you want to man!)
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natsubeatsrock · 5 months
Top 7 Things I Enjoyed in 2023: Number 0
Working with children has been a constant reminder of my mortality. This upcoming June will mark ten years since graduating high school. I don't know that I'd imagine doing even a fraction of what I'm doing now. I didn't know about Fairy Tail. Writing as much as I have about anything would have seemed insane.
Other things were different then. A decade ago, Cartoon Network was still trying to make live-action shows. I didn't hate all of them. One of my favorites was Incredible Crew, which was their attempt at All That. The cast included Jeremy Shada, who voiced Finn from Adventure Time, and some guy named Shamiek Moore. He had some of the crazier roles in skits and he grew on me. And it's always great to see more black actors doing well.
We were also getting ready for the Lego Movie. Phil Lord and Christopher Miller were directing a movie that we all thought was going to be a massive sell-out film. In reality, people were slightly disappointed it didn't get more respect. Honestly, it might have deserved an Oscar nod for best song. Even rewatching it recently this year, it's impressive how much was able to be done with the medium.
I wonder what they're all up to now…
Number 0 - Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse
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Apologies to Scott Pilgrim, but this wasn't a competition. 
Almost the instant I left the theater watching this, I knew this film wasn't just the best thing I experienced this year. It might be one of the best superhero movies of all time. Not just for kids, or Marvel, or Spiderman, or whatever time limit you want to put to it. If the competition between the prequel and Endgame was close, this blew the comparison out of the water. Aside from the Guardians movie I've yet to see, it doesn't even sound like there was much competition this year. 
We live in a world where so many properties are trying to handle a multiverse, in no small part because of the original. With a few exceptions, the experiments with the concept have yet to yield great results. Many studios have forgotten the lesson taught by Marvel Studios: get audiences to care about and connect with as few characters as you can reasonably develop at a time. Once that’s done, we can start caring about others as the universe is built.
A big focus of this film is Gwen Stacy. Rewatching the original film, I came to appreciate her version of Spider-Woman a lot more than the first time I saw the film. With one clever retcon, we got to focus on her more than before. She wishes for people she can open up to without the fear that it won’t end well.
However, we never lose focus on Spider-Man himself in all of this. Miles is coming to grips with the fact that, in his universe, he doesn’t feel like he belongs. A lot of people around me have noted that he’s giving up his artistic skills to study physics, just so he can be with his friends. All things considered, that doesn’t seem necessary. (From experience, that would be a depressing life to lead.) His journey is finding security in his own identity, both as Miles Morales and Spider-Man. 
These are the kind of superhero stories we’ve come to know and love over the years. Even after watching this movie once, I was impressed with how much was packed into the film on repeat watches and discussions with other fans. Some things I picked up on, but other things needed to be pointed out to me. The same can be said about the original, but this film feels like everyone involved knows what they’re capable of and is actively pushing their boundaries.
I am not expecting Beyond the Spider-Verse to come out next year. I didn’t believe it would come out on time when I saw the planned release date, and other news made that seem less likely. However, with as many questions and lines this film has set up for the future, it shouldn’t come as a shock to see that film top the list the year it comes out as well.
For now, Across the Spiderverse stands as the undisputed best thing I enjoyed in 2023.
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zsupika · 2 years
HELLO!! Back again, i whole im not so annoying, your a really good writer btw!! so anyways I’ll just say this now lol…
Can you do Ochaco Uraraka, Yaoyorozu Momo, Mina Ashido, Kyoka Jiro and Toru Hagakure with a S/O who sings and has the same exact personality as Jack Harlow??
1.He’s funny as hell
2. He literally has a crush on any girl he meets, but he’s trying right😭
3. He flirts to, he said to this one person that “can I have a hot tea” “uh which one?” “the hottest one”💀
that’s kinda it, he’s a really cool and funny dude, but anyways thank you a ton!!
Ofc! Thanks for the request! Feel free to send more >~<
My hero academia characters x Gn!Reader with Jack Harlows Personality
Tw: none
- I also wrote Ochako in a pov of you two crushing on each other and not really dating yet but If you want that lmk!!
A/N: I don't know Jack too well but I did some research so I hope it will be sorta accurate and if not feel free to request again and send criticism ^^ also I ran out of ideas on momos part so please don't be mad ><
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She's such a sweetheart
So when you first met her you immediately fell for her
After getting to know her more, you fell for her even more
You were flirty with her but whenever someone asked her about the two of you, she would always blush and deny it
But she likes you back
She likes your kind side, your beautiful and comfortable singing voice and ofc she loves your flirty comments
They always give her butterfly in her stomach
So when you ask her out for real she nearly faints
After calming down and realizing that you were in fact serious, she obviously said yes
She was beyond happy to finally be in a relationship with you ^~^
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She will spoil you
For sure
Whenever you mention that you want something she will buy it for you immediately
She will get so flustered whenever you make flirty comments
You are so kind to her and she appreciates you so much
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You had an eye on her as soon as you came to the UA
You two started dating soon after she noticed that you like her
She will need some time to fully get comfy with you since she's a little insecure
She's just not used to the attention that you give her
And all the compliments
She adores you
She will try to brush the compliments off
But you insist that she is beautiful, great, pretty, caring etc
She will always have a slight blush on her cheeks
You will playfully trease her about it
Also don't forget about you two being musically talented
She loves to play instruments while you sing your fav songs
Or she will sing with you
Whatever you two are in the mood for :)
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You (obviously) won't see it
She always a blushing mess after you flirt with her
And singing flirty songs
It will be the end of her
She knows that you have a kind heart so she always tries to show you that she's kind too
But you already know that
You two love to do fun activities together
She not embarrassed of anything really so she's down for anything fun
But she also likes to just spend the day cuddling with you and watch some song competition shows
If sing the songs of the show she will burst out laughing
And her laugh is honestly so adorable >~<
It achieves the impossible - the biggest flirt of the school actually blushes???
And now she's the one teasing you ;)
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deep-hearts-core · 2 years
2008 - semifinal 1
originally posted 7/13/20
Iceland  Love the vocals here - especially the male singer's voice. This is typical eurosynth, but I think the performance was done really well - the dance routine wasn't bad and it wasn't over the top, the singers stayed strong throughout the entire thing, and everything was just the right amount of energetic. Sweden In terms of song, I really love this entry. The lighting at the beginning sucked though - maybe it was intentional, but I didn't like it - and the dance routine felt kind of off for most of the song. Everything really locks in by the key change though - it's a really well done key change and the choreography worked there too. Charlotte also is a strong vocalist which helps.
Turkey This is good. Not usually my style but I think the song is done well - and I do also think it benefits from being in Turkish, if I knew what they were singing about I might not like it as much. Lead singer sounds really good. Ukraine Unpopular opinion time: I hate Ani Lorak's voice. I've hated it even since before we found out she's a shitty person. It just doesn't do it for me. Ani aside, the rest of this performance is STELLAR. The choreography is so good and Shady Lady's a fun song. This staging... like, this was the prototype for Sergey Lazarev right here. Lithuania Camerawork here is good and I like the simple staging, but Jeronimas' voice is... idk I hate it. Like he's hitting all his notes and whatever but I just don't like how it sounds. This song also puts me right tf to sleep. Albania I don't think Olta's voice is the best fit for the song, but otherwise it's beautiful! The song is great, I think it's probably one of my favorite Albanian entries. Switzerland In many ways this performance is very modern, especially at the beginning - it sounds like a ballad that could be from 2013 or even later. I wonder how well this could have done on a modern stage. The vocals here aren't stellar but I do think they add an honest quality to the song. Czechia Weak vocals, clumsy staging, and the vocal line doesn't match up to the instrumental at all. This is bad. Not the worst but... bad.
Belarus Mediocre song with mediocre vocals, but this was absolutely elevated by that staging. I liked the set pieces, they were visually interesting and used well, and appreciated the fireworks at the end. Latvia The chorus is catchy, but idk. Yall know how I feel about joke entries, and, well... this is one. Croatia This is a song on the better side of okay for the most part, but every time the angry old man comes onscreen yelling or scratching the gramophone it just kills the vibe. Like what is this even supposed to be? Bulgaria Well, this is something. Vocals are good but beyond that I really have no idea how to feel about this. It's far too repetitive for me to like it. Denmark I feel like I should like this more than I do. Yeah, Simon's a good singer, but the song is just... idk, I don't like it, I don't like the staging, I don't like the vibes that this is giving off. Georgia Not a favorite, but the costume change was cool, and I think Diana's voice works well with the song. Hungary While I'm not wild about this entry, I don't think it deserved to place dead last. The background and set were cool and the song was nice.
Malta I love this??? Like yes it's a dumb song about vodka and spies but also it's performed really well, the song is SUPER catchy and Morena has a good voice for it that's serving her well here. The performance was fun to watch too! The hook with the "na zdorovie!" bits is just... like, I'm jamming out here at my desk. Cyprus I like this insofar as I like the whole Disney villain thing she's got going on, but Kadi didn't seem very comfortable in the choreography, so as cool as it was it never quite locked in. She did have good vocals, though. Also, the song kept moving around in terms of tempo and form which was weird. North Macedonia This is alright... it seems on the verge of falling apart for much of the song in terms of staging and structure but it manages to hold itself together. Tamara's vocals here aren't nearly as good as they were in Proud, so... I do like the "let's go let's go let's go" section." Portugal I don't get why everyone likes this so much. I mean, it's okay. Vania has great vocals here and the staging is good but it's not anything that makes me excited. I kept sitting here expecting to like the song and then I just... never did.
My personal qualifiers Sweden Iceland Ukraine Albania Switzerland Malta Turkey Belarus Georgia North Macedonia Miscellaneous thoughts I love how Lys Assia came back to so many Eurovisions. I miss knowing that she's, like, out there in the world existing... I also wonder what she thought of the way Eurovision had evolved. She must have liked it, if she kept coming back to visit...
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twinhood-2dot0 · 9 months
More J-Pop :P
Yep, doing this again. I've discovered so many more songs that I wanna share.
Yorushika has become my favourite band in the past few... months? idk when my last post was. The vocalist is awesome and I really love their guitar and piano instrumentals.
Parade/パレード - I discovered this song yesterday so I haven't had the time to look into the lyrics yet. Will update when I do. I really love the instrumentals though. The violin is just awesome, and like in every other song, the piano is perfection. This is from the album That's Why I Gave Up On Music though, so it's sure to have deep lyrics, since the whole album is telling a story
Algernon/アルジャーノン - The music video doesn't have translations :(, so I didn't look into the meaning of this song either, but the music video looks awesome.
The next few songs I don't have too much to remark upon. (yet)
Say It./ヨルシカ- Okay I haven't looked into the meaning to most of these lmao. Gotta get on that. Has great guitars though.
Ghost In A Flower/花に亡霊- Awesome piano and guitar.
Setting Sun/斜陽
Spring Thief/春泥棒
That's Why I Gave Up On Music/だから僕は音楽を辞めた- Title track from the album. The album tells a story (that I haven't read yet) that concludes with this track. I especially love the piano-guitar duet after the opening verse, it's just, wow. Suis (the vocalist) did an exceptional job on this track, and lyrics are also just so good. The music video is just too good and you should read the lyrics so I'm dropping the youtube link for this one.
Also an English translated version by Rachie because she did a great job on it.
Another artist I've come to adore very recently.
DROP - Just sounds really good. Will update if I look into meanings later, goes for every song I don't remark upon here.
Waiting For Rain/アメヲマツ- Words cannot express how much I love this song. One thing I really love about Minami is how expressive their voice is, and that is exemplified in this song. She explained that she did intend for this song to be conveyed through feelings and emotions more than words, and I think she succeeded in that. The lyrics are also awesome, the music video is awesome, the instrumentals are eargasmic. Music video for english translation and awesome animation.
Crying For Rain/カワキヲアメク- The first song I heard by Minami. It also does the same, being very expressive. It's the opening for an anime called uh Domestic Girlfriend. Not gonna be watching it purely for how weird the name itself is, but the song is awesome. As far as I can tell, no relation with Waiting for Rain.
Lilac/ライラック- The depressed gamer in me is in love the lyrics of this song, and the music lover in me loves the instrumentals. Seriously, just read these lyrics.
"Life's rough, Life's tough, It would be great if life could be as simple as a video game. There are even futures that I would like to bet on by pressing the A/B buttons."
yikes that's ugly, not doing that again.
"Life's rough, Life's tough, Genuinely, staying alive would be easier if life's a video gameThen a life where you can change the course of your future using A,B keys would exist."
The instrumentals are deceptively happy.
Monogatari series
It's an anime series I've heard good things about but haven't watched yet. Looks pretty long, but the songs are tantalizing. These songs are uh very cutesy and upbeat in a way I can't explain why I like it.
Chainsaw Man
One of my favourite anime as you already know. The S1 of the anime has 12 episodes, and it also has 12 ending songs. Anime usually have 1 for each season but they went above and beyond. I dislike metal, but I do like insanity so, despite that, I still love most of the tracks here for the sheer insanity. But Time Left by ZUTOMAYO and Chainsaw Blood are still my favourites tho. And can't forget KICK BACK, it's such a banger OP and the opening animatic itself is awesome with its foreshadowing and cinematic references. You can read more about what I think of KICK BACK at Alia's Corner.
Heh I just realised how ridiculous Chainsaw Man looks with chainsaws sprouting out of his hands and head and... a formal shirt and pants and a tie.
Song from Your Lie In April. Just sounds really good.
A jem from Attack On Titan that I somehow overlooked.
I hit the audio limit, damn you Tumblr, why you gotta make this so hard?
Anyways, you can sort by newest and see my newer favourites. Some particular standouts are 色彩/Color by yama, 三時のキス/idfk by Rokudenashi/ロクデナシ, again by YUI, 君のことじゃないよ by ZUTOMAYO, NIGHT DANCER by imase, Massarana Daichi by Higuchi Ai, from the same album as Akuma No Ko, the ED song for AoT Final Season Part 1, the two Natori songs, Overdose especially, Asphyxia, Kyouran Hey Kids!! by THE ORAL CIGARETTES and No Title by Reol.
Watching Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood now, you can read what I think of it in my page, and also updated my AoT thoughts.
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robadadonne.it (03/10/22)
The new Tom Neuwirth, who has made peace with Conchita Wurst
With his triumph at the Eurovision Song Contest 2014 he sent a loud and clear message: "You must be what you want". But today Tom Neuwirth alternates perfectly with his icon, Conchita Wurst, and has ushered in a new phase of his artistic life.
Like all great artists, Thomas Neuwirth also changes often and willingly; the general public knows him as Conchita Wurst, the drag queen singer who surprised the Eurovision Song Contest in 2014 by winning it. Eight years have passed since that moment, and today Tom Neuwirth walks with his legs, without forgetting the fame given to him by Conchita, but also eager to be remembered for something else.
I love her [Conchita, ed.] And I will not even let her be taken away - he explained in 2021 - After the victory in 2014 it was 'she' and no longer Tom, and this imposed a pause and further development on a certain point. I am completely relaxed now. It doesn't have to be one or the other. All right.
So Tom / Conchita is now at peace with himself and with the character who has given him so much popularity, even if he has long since abandoned his long wig and today he shows himself with a decidedly more natural look.
When, in 2014, he triumphed on the stage of the Eurovision Song Contest in Denmark, with the song Rise like a phoenix, his character immediately earned the covers of the most important world newspapers, and not only for the victory in the singing competition; Conchita Wurst surprised by her dazzling drag queen beauty, for being a woman, with perfect make-up and a screaming body squeezed into wonderful evening dresses, and… a beard.
And, moreover, it is precisely through his appearance that Thomas “Tom” Neuwirth has chosen to strike the audience, beyond his wonderful voice; the goal of presenting yourself as a woman with a beard can be summed up in the desire to send a message to everyone, which is to simply be yourself, and that, if you want to achieve a goal, as he himself explained in several interviews, it is not important how you look, but what you have to say and convey.
So much so that he dedicated the victory to…
All those who believe in a future of peace and freedom. You know who you are. We are unity and we are unstoppable!
In an interview for 27th hour Neuwirth also added:
The beard's message is that you have to be who you want to be. I knew perfectly well what I was doing by showing myself like this. I was aware that even people who did not feel shocked by my image would still have talked about it saying, at best, that there are people in the world who do things that you would not expect.
The hope is that it will be realized that everyone deserves to be respected, even if we don't like them.
Naturally, in addition to the admiration of a large part of the public who learned to know and appreciate him at Eurovision, Conchita also attracted criticism and controversy, especially from a group of Russian parliamentarians, including Vitalij Milonov. He is one of the proponents of the homosexuality law in the country, which to define restrictive is an understatement, and he considered an "insult" to the Russian people to participate in the event of what he called "a pervert".
Yet, the artist's resounding success has given his detractors completely wrong, and not just because Russian fans have made Rise like a phoenix the most downloaded single on the Russian version of i-Tunes, and also the following songs, Unbreakable and That's What I Am, have enjoyed considerable success in many countries, but above all because Conchita Wurst (incidentally, today it's just Wurst) has attracted the attention of music giants such as Elton John, who has declared himself a great admirer. , and has become a fashion icon for myths like Karl Lagerfeld or Jean Paul Gautier; the latter, moreover, also wrote the introduction of his biography, “Io Conchita”, released in 2015 and published in Italy by Mondadori.
In April 2018, Tom Neuwirth confessed to being HIV positive for years; he did it after receiving threats from an ex who swore he was ready to go public with the secret.
This is the day I free myself from the sword of Damocles for the rest of my life. I have been HIV positive for many years. This is irrelevant to the public, but an ex-boyfriend of mine threatens to go public with this private information, and I won't give anyone the right to scare me and influence my life in the future. I don't want to give anyone the right to scare me and influence my life in that way.
Wrote the artist.
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rasoir-national · 3 years
I’m really not a Eurovision person but my patriotic gesture this year will be to get snobby at everyone who compares Barbara Pravi to Edith Piaf (be it to praise or dismiss her) when her main influence, both in her writing style and musically, is obviously “The” Barbara :
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Though she’s not as famous as Piaf abroad, she’s just as much of an institution here and one of the best songwriters ever. She wrote amazing song after amazing song and I really wish more people would listen to her music because she’s a badass I love her very much.
Here’s one she wrote about returning to the farm she had to hide in as a jewish kid during WWII
Here’s one about being molested by her father as a kid (it’s entirely metaphorical but still CW incest obviously)
Here’s one about finding out her father was on his death’s bead
Here’s a lighter one about having insomnia
And here’s one of my favourite, her telling off the mother of the man she loved who tried to keep him away from her
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