#she got a Bernina
chibisquirt · 5 months
Unfortunately, I appear to be getting into tufting.
I haven't gone off the deep end yet. I did buy a latchhook and some grid cloth so I can paddle my feet in the rug-like waters, but I haven't bought anything else, not even any yarn for it! (I'm so virtuous.) (I actually am so virtuous; I'm severely weak to yarn.)
But I have been watching rug tufting videos... and looking up tufting guns online... and plotting how I'm going to go about this...
It's a problem.
The fact that, if I get good at it, this could become a viable side-hustle... is not, actually, any less of a problem.
Anyway here's all the shit I'd need to buy to actually get started with it, along with long-range plans for equivalent pieces. Under a cut for the sake of all y'all's humanity:
Tufting gun
This is the big one, and I find myself in a bit of a dilemma on it: you can get them for cheap of aliexpress, but like... do I really wanna trust something that came off aliexpress? I have not gotten anything off there, and while I have no evidence it's any worse than amazon, I have no reason to think it's any better, either. (Actually, I'm pretty sure some of the amazon listings at least *are* the aliexpress listings, being re-sold. So, avoid that one, at least.)
So anyway the tufting gun everyone says is the best runs about $250.
2. Frame
You tuft by shooting fibers into a grid made of fabric; in order to do that, you have to have the grid solidly suspended in the air. This requires a frame.
Price varies by size.
3. Tufting fabric (or equivalent)
This is the fabric that you shoot the fibers into. You can also use monks cloth or burlap, apparently. (Not to be confused with the other fabric, backing fabric, which goes on after everything else, and is what the rug actually sits on.) Not too bad, not too bad, monks cloth is about $15/yard.
4. Yarn
Not my *immediate* starting cost, just because oh god oh god I will be swimming in vanna's choice until I die, but yarn is also not the cheapest thing in the world. You can get two skeins of red heart super savor for about $15-$20, and it goes up from there.
5. Glue
Once the fibers are in the monks cloth, there's nothing really holding them there. That's why you have to glue the shit out of them! Recommended glue is carpet glue, Roberts 3000 or 3085 or something. A gallon of that is $25, or 4 for $50 at Home Depot.
6. More glue!
Yeah, you didn't think we were done, did you? Once you've glued all your fibers in place, you cut out the rug from the grid fabric and glue the edges down, this time with a different type of adhesive. Tutorial I saw recommended hot glue and spray adhesive, which, since I don't have a glue gun, means I'd be looking about $25 all together for them.
Once you've got that done, you can add your...
7. Backing fabric!
Non-slip is good if it's going on the floor... you can do a 6' by 6' square of this for $35.
8. Trimmers
Teeeechnically, I already have some trimmers, but if I'm gonna do this with any seriousness, I don't want to use those for it, because they're designed for human hair and rugs are made with sheep hair (or hair from the noble acryligoat). You can get trimmers that come with a little guide, too, which is super handy if you don't want a giant gouge down the middle of your rug. Call these $40-50.
9. Scissors
Once you've gotten your rug shaved--not a euphemism--you want to go in and outline each color with scissors to give it definition.
So all of that comes to about $500 if you're thrifty. 😬 And then you consider the costs that repeat, like the next batch of tufting fabric and yarn, and the costs that add on as not-essential-but-nice-to-have, like yarn cones, extra frames, labels... It is Yikes.
Buuuuuut... If I were to start selling them... I mean, you can get hundreds of dollars per rug. Per small rug. A thousand plus for a big one! So I do kind of think it might be financially viable.
Better to start it as a hobby first, though. And maybe be prepared to have a pretty big initial layout. :(
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20dollarlolita · 1 year
Some highlights from this week:
The customer who brought swatches of a very popular fabric--one for me and one for the other person who suggested it--so that we could "remember that she hated it."
Not my fucking job, Beverly.
We sell bolts and bolts of this stuff and no one else complains, which has lead me to believe that, while she might not have enjoyed the fabric, it is not a defective product.
You know what is my job?
Being proud of Randall.
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This is Randall. He's a succulent that we have on a side table at work, but look at him! Look at how tall he is! Good job, Randall.
In other news, did you know that, instead of admitting that you were wrong and the machine didn't work because you were the problem, you can just insistently get the machine serviced over and over again? And when the feedback is that you need to stop putting oil in the red reservoir under the needle plate, over and over, you can just keep putting oil there, fucking up your machine, and getting it serviced, over and over? And we'll fucking let you, because in the specific case where the customer says they will not accept that the problem is so simple as them massively over-oiling their $15,000 machine, the customer is always right. Correct, ma'am, you WILL never accept that the problem is that simple. Good job.
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spinatia · 2 years
YES... i now have two sewing machines to barely use
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vroomvroomcircuit · 2 months
From all four corners of the world comes my love 4 you
(A/N): This has been written with the inspiration @foreveralbon brought me. I love you and your incredibly mind, honey
Summary: Lando's girlfriend is a seamstress working at a tailor shop. She is repairing his clothes, he is cutting holes into his sleeves. Together, they release the cutest merch
Pairing: Lando x fem!reader
Warnings: None, this is so fluffy, I'm crying myself to sleep. I need a Lando like this
Wordcount: 2.9k
🏎Masterlist🏎 __________________________
(Y/N) thinks she is about to go crazy. Manic even.
Over and over again she patches up holes in her boyfriend’s long sleeves.
And over and over again new holes appear. It’s like this is her Sysiphus task. Just repairing Lando’s clothes day in and day out.
Don’t get her wrong. (Y/N) does this for three different reasons.
The first being that she is a seamstress, working in a tailor shop. This craft is how she pays her rent and food.
The second reason is that she really can’t have her boyfriend go out looking like he just got picked up at the side of the road begging for a warm meal and shelter.
The third reason may be less obvious than the previous ones. Acts of services is (Y/N)’s love language. She is not particularly good at letting people around her know of the appreciation she holds for them. Verbally at least. It’s not the way she grew up. She learned that actions speak louder than words can. So patching up her boyfriend’s clothes gives the young woman the opportunity to prove how much she loves him. She just hopes that Lando understands the meaning as it is intended.
Little does (Y/N) know, Lando really appreciates her patching up holes. What he isn’t a big fan of is when she repairs those that are intentional. The ones in his long sleeves are put there on purpose.
While (Y/N) is meticulously sewing, Lando goes snip snip in the other room with a pair of scissors. He just loves having sleeve paws, but it’s annoying when his thumbs are jailed in.
“Lando, have you seen my scis- What are you doing there?!” He turns around, looking at his girlfriend like a child being caught with their hands in the cookie jar. “Freeing my thumbs?” He tries to explain in a small voice, scared that she is about to go off on him for ruining his clothes.
(Y/N) sits down next to him on the ground. “If you have told me you want thumb holes, I could have done it for you. I would hem them for you, so they won’t fry. If you want me to, can I take some of your shirts to the shop tomorrow and work on them during slow times?” The way Lando’s eyes light up makes her wish for a camera to keep the memory of it.
(Y/N) not only fixes the holes in his sleeves.
“Love, would you put another patch on my jeans?” Lando saunters into her little crafting room. When she moved into his apartment in Monaco, he insisted on transforming a guest room into her own sewing cave. It was only fair. He got his gaming room as his hobby room, so his girlfriend needs her own territory too.
The room is filled with different sewing machines, one wall is decorated with threads of all kinds, colors and thicknesses. Several shelves are overflowing with different fabrics of any kind imaginable. Every shade, pattern or reflection that any crafter would kill for. Lando really spoils her and happily let’s (Y/N) run loose in a craft store, draining his credit card to her heart's fullest content.
(Y/N) would feel bad, if it wasn’t for the big difference in salaries they sport. Also, it is Lando’s way of treating his girl. Instead of flowers or a bag he buys her a new Bernina B 325, which is not something she is exactly complaining about. They share most of their expenses, but still, working at a tailor shop will never make you a millionaire.
Currently working on her own project of making a quilt out of scrap fabric for Max’s upcoming birthday, (Y/N) barely looks up to her boyfriend. “Yes, of course, sunshine. Just put it over there and I’ll have a look at it in a bit. Do you have any preference for the new patch? I ordered city themed ones a few days back and they arrived today.”
Without having to be pointed into the direction, the Brit already goes through the drawer that is solely dedicated to the patches (Y/N) accumulated during the last few years.
If he is being honest, that kind of work of hers is his favorite. Lando is just amazed by the different shapes, colors and themes her collection entails and how her delicate efforts bring a new individual mark to his favorite pair of jeans.
“I think I want to go with this one,” he mumbles after sifting through the drawer. Lando places a small rose next to the currently used sewing machine for her to not have to search for it in the midst of the chaos that is going on on the several desks in this hobby room.
He actually loves spending some down time here, especially when his girlfriend is working on her own projects. Lando hides under one of the desks, sometimes scrabbling away on pieces of paper for the next helmet sketch, sometimes answering some important emails on his laptop and other times he lies down between different piles of fabric and takes a nap. Having (Y/N) hack away with the machine, occasionally cursing under her breath when she pinches herself sewing something by hand or the music playing on a low volume brings Lando great comfort.
Spending quality time this way is secretly Lando’s happy place that he visits mentally during stressful patches when he is away.
A couple days later the door to the tailor shop (Y/N) works at rings the bell, alerting her of a new customer. “I’ll be with you in a second!” She calls from an adjoining room, cleaning up her work space from the trims that have been left by the jeans she just shortened.
“How can I hel- LANDO!” The young woman exclaims, rounding the register to jump into his arms. “I thought you’ll return from Australia tomorrow”, she murmurs into his shirt. The thumbs are, of course, able to escape through the holes she recently cut and hemmed like promised.
He laughs into her hair. “I wanted to surprise you and pick you up from work like the good boyfriend I am. I also got you something from ‘Straya.” Out of thin air (his back pocket actually) Lando procures a small stack of Australia themed patches.
“Oh, honey, they are perfect. Thank you so so much!” She kisses him all over the face until finally putting her lips onto his. “Just let me close the shop and we can go home and enjoy our evening.” Lando presses another kiss onto her lips, “Hurry up, I can’t wait holding you in my arms again.”
While (Y/N) packs her things up, Lando goes through a stack of different fabrics. One in particular catches his eye.
“Hey love, where did you get this heart patterned fabric? What do you have planned with that?” (Y/N) pops her head in to see what her boyfriend is pointing to. “Oh, that one. The owner was negotiating a deal with a new supplier and wanted to check out the quality. We wanted to see if this one is durable enough to make shirts out of it.”
An idea is forming in Lando’s app, that he quickly puts down in the notes app on his phone.
She emerges from the side room with her back and something else. “Would you try this on for me?” (Y/N) asks innocently, handing Lando a jean jacket. It is a bit oversized on him, just the way he likes.
“It’s pretty nice. What do you need me to model this fo- This is one of the patches I just gave you!” Lando admires the kangaroo that looks like it’s taking a jump on the sleeve. “I thought this would be a fun little project for the season. After every race I’ll put a patch from that country on the jacket. I can also stitch some additions onto it as well for when you get a podium or win or are voted as driver of the day and so on. Just, I thought this could be something cute.” (Y/N)’s face heats up the more she talks about her idea.
Lando pulls her into his arms, squishing his girlfriend as close as possible to his body. “Thank you, you don’t know how much I appreciate the work and thought you put and are putting into this.”
Like the proud trophy boyfriend he is, Lando loves modeling whatever his girlfriend sewed, patched up or created and pimped up in some other way while entering the paddock. Just as he predicted mentally, the fans are going crazy about his jacket online as he wears it on Wednesday for media day.
“I see, (Y/N) loved the patches you bought her. At least dragging me through every craft store in Melbourne that I know of has paid off for you”, Oscar remarks dryly as he watches Lando hanging up the jacket in the hospitality.
“Yeah mate, she sewed it on immediately. It’s her newest project, putting on a patch for every country we race in during this season after the race. She also wants to add a bunch of things for special occasions during the races.” Lando explains fondly the thought process behind the jacket.
As he is leaving the paddock later that day and signing several cards, caps and other merch, some fans ask him where he got the jacket from. “Oh, that old thing? I’ll gatekeep this one. Good luck on finding the store.” He answers a young woman while putting a bracelet she handed him on his wrist.
He hasn’t gone public with his girlfriend yet. The people know that he is in a relationship with Lando having started an already several months long soft launch, that includes their socked feet during movie nights and her backside in beautiful sunset scenes. So nobody knows what she does for work and the two of them want to keep the little bubble of secrecy they have so far going for a bit longer. Out of the public eyes without the pressure of fans and media.
It felt like a scavenger hunt going online and seeing fans and other media outlets trying to find Lando’s particular jean jacket. For the two of them it becomes their evening entertainment, reading up how everyone and their mother are losing their minds from not being able to detect where it is from.
“The chat is asking about that dumb cloth again. Just tell them where you got it.” Max groans, even his own chat during the stream isn’t safe from the assault. Lando, who chills on his bed while waiting for a message from his girlfriend about her being done with work, just smiles. “Come one, please lift the secret. I can’t even roll my eyes often enough times, that is how annoyed I am by this whole thing.”
The Brit loves the suspension around the subject, but gets up and saunters over to the monitors. “Ok Chat, I will only say it once and never again. Get your pens and papers out and write it down. So, this jean jacket with the patches is a designer piece. You can’t get it anywhere else, it was custom made and no, the designer doesn’t want to go into mass production with that one. But I am cooking something up. Just be patient, I feel like I will be able to make a deal for you. I just need to work my magic, but that takes time. My name is not Tinkerbell.” 
His little sass tirade is broken up by the ping of his phone, making Lando scramble for it to see his love’s text. “Chat, do you see how down bad that man is for his girlfriend?” Max ridicules Lando, giving him payback for all the teasing against himself.
While the chat is going insane, with the certainty that this moment has been clipped and will be used for edits by the fans, Lando just smiles at his phone, shooting a quick reply of picking her up. After that he packs his stuff and throws a quick goodbye to Max and the stream, onto the way to the tailor shop.
There she stands, his love in all her glory in front of the closed store. “Didn’t I tell you to wait in the building for me? It’s dangerous to be out alone, especially for such a beautiful person like you!” Lando scolds her lightly when he reaches her, taking her bag from her shoulder, throwing it onto his own back.
But (Y/N) presses a kiss to his lips, trying to soothe him. “It’s all ok. When I saw the headlights of your car, I stepped out and closed the shop behind me. I knew that my Tinkerbell was close by in case I needed saving.”
Lando wants to reciprocate the kiss, but stops mid air when he processes her words. “You watched the stream?” That shocks him a bit, because (Y/N) usually keeps out of this part of his life. It’s not really her world, streaming and gaming. So that’s one of the hobbies they don’t share, being the healthy couple, without a horrible codependency, they are.
“No, a friend sent me that clip a few minutes earlier”, she snickers, “Were you talking about me? About wanting to work a deal out?” Lando throws his arm around her shoulders, leading the young woman into the direction of where he parked his car. “I did. Originally I planned on woohing you by a nice candle light dinner and after that I wanted to ask you if you were open with making a few designs for LN4. The fans are going crazy over the pants and jacket. You also have the eye for the details that I love on clothes. It would make me so happy to hold something in my hands that we both worked on, to know that people in the whole world will wear it.”
(Y/N) looks up at her boyfriend, watching his side profile while he is rambling about the meaning of a collab between the two of them. How he can’t stop smiling over the excitement of the prospect of their merch line together, the way his eyes light up, his free hand gesturing while explaining a few ideas he has saved on his phone. She can’t help but press another kiss onto his cheek, effectively quieting him down.
“I will make that collab with you happen. I already have a few things drawn out in a notebook, I was just too scared to show you the sketches, not wanting to intrude or impose myself onto your business.”
Instead of saying anything, he just picks her up and throws them in a circle. “Thank you, thank you, thank you!” He repeats over and over, both laughing about his childish antics.
A couple of months, several trial and errors as well as creative differences later, they stand in a studio, overseeing the photoshooting with the new collection.
“Wouldn’t this be the perfect way to launch our relationship to the public? With your face visible in the pictures?” Lando muses out loud while looking over a rack with hoodies. (Y/N) throws him a shocked look. “I mean, we can take a couple of pictures together with a few articles and also take a few of you individually too. The world needs to know the mastermind of these designs. You need to take credit for all the hard work you have done.” He explains, taking her hand and gesturing to the set up with the other.
She lets the idea rummage a bit in her head. It would be the perfect way to go public, especially since this is the first time her designs are commercially sold. (Y/N) breaks out into a smile, nodding rapidly. Lando can’t help but also smile, getting infected by his girlfriend’s happiness.
Weeks after that the new merch drop gets released to social media. The press and fans are eating up the couple's pictures, finally having a face to the woman, who is able to fluster Lando through text messages alone.
The clothes itself also get the best feedback.
A variety of the jean jacket and patched pants are now available for fans to buy, being able to kind of replicate Lando’s paddock look, coupled with a heart patterned hoodie from the collection.
But nothing gets close to the original with the many hand sewn details on Lando’s jacket, even when fans try to imitate them. A nice side effect is seeing other people picking up the craft of hand sewing and stitching.
Many people swoon over the long sleeves with cut out thumb holes. They especially love the heart shape of the holes.
It’s a perfect detail to the name of the new line.
‘From all four corners of the world comes my love 4 you’ is printed in one way or another on every piece.
Because no matter the distance between Lando and (Y/N), they can feel the love for each other over any distance.
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humofnight · 16 days
am I very very lucky my mom hung on to her old Bernina despite upgrading past her and shared her with me? yes
am I a little bit disappointed to realize that bc my mom is a quilter she got the Bernina 1090 Quilters Edition so the stitch in the manual that’s “good for mending knits” is. not there
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mctreeleth · 3 years
I'm back in the city and my boring in-house tasks are done and while I am recovering from them enough to go do the out-of-house tasks I figured I would start poking around the two new machines with the Bernina 807. I might wait till tomorrow before subjecting myself to the 1960s overlocker. Or even till I am back in therapy. Trying to thread an overlocker is the kind of thing that you really do need a therapist for.
Anyway, back to the Bernina. It is beautiful. It is so clean inside. like, suspiciously clean. I emptied the bobbin that was in there because when you are checking the tension you need the same thread in both, and came across one of the few problems; the bobbin winder is incredibly slow. It took 3 minutes to "fill" the thing to the maybe 2/3rds it allows you to? And there was no speed difference between full power and just a little bit, just a lot more noise. That done, I threaded the top and got some scrap cotton, and she sews like a dream. She is a fairly basic machine - straight stitch, zigzag, wave, and the usual variations for blind hems and faux-overlocks. Another small problem, when you turn the width dial it often moves the needle position; they are stacked dials so I am hoping they are just seized together from disuse and this will loosen up over time, but for now it is something I will just have to keep an eye on.
Oh, and the machine is haunted. Or maybe possessed. It just started sewing on it's own at one point and I had to unplug it because it wouldn't stop. But other than that it's gorgeous. The clasps on the case aren't even rusty, and there was a container with a half dozen other feet and some more bobbins and needles in a little slot on the side, and the flat bed locks into the case with a little swivel clasp.
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duhragonball · 3 years
Battle Tendency Liveblog: JJBA Ch. 94-98
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This is the first part of the “Joseph vs. Wammu” arc. 
Is it “Whammu” or “Wammu”?    I just looked it up and you drop the “h” I guess.
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Here’s some background on the mansion Kars has been using as a base.    I get the impression that it’s a real building in St. Moritz, Switzerland, which leads me to imagine Hirohiko Araki visiting Switzerland in the 80′s and being inspired by the sights.    Then again, I’m not even sure this is a real building.
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Messina’s injured and Caesar’s dead, so it’s down to just Joseph and Lisa.  They want to track down Wammu before he heals up from the Caesar fight, but instead they run into some new asshole named “Wired Beck.”   I always assumed he was named after the Beck who did the song “Loser” in the 90′s, but no, it was Jeff Beck, who made the album “Wired”.   This led me to wonder what the other Beck’s first name is, and it turns out that is his first name.  His full name is “Beck David Hansen”. 
It’s been like... 28 days?  Since The Pillar Men spared Joseph in Rome, and while he and Caesar were training, the Pillar Men have also been busy creating vampires with the Stone Mask.  Wired Beck was a fugitive murderer before they got ahold of him. 
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Joseph is all set to fight the guy, but Lisa steps in and kills him instead, doing one of those awesome “I killed you so fast that you don’t even know what hit you” attacks.   Joseph is amazed and somewhat surprised by her fighting skills, which I don’t understand because he’s been training under her for three weeks.   Like, Beck didn’t take Lisa seriously either, but he just met the lady, so I get that.  
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And when they finally find Wammu, he praises Lisa Lisa for noticing that there’s a lot of other people in the room with them.   But he still adds “-for a woman!” to his assessment.   You’d think a 12,000 year old Pillar Man, who thinks his kind is superior to humans, would rise above this sort of sexism.   Or maybe I’ve got it backwards, and it’s exactly because he’s a 12,000 year old supremacist that Wammu’s attitude is so backward.
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Anyway, Kars is here too, and so are like a hundred vampires.   Like Wired Beck, they’re all loyal minions of Kars and Wammu, just hanging off the ceiling and waiting for orders.   Joseph and Lisa could kill a few vampires without any trouble, as we’ve just seen, but this is just too many.   They’re trapped and they know it.   
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To Joseph’s credit, he tries to set up a string to trap all of them at once, but there’s too many eyes watching.   Wammu asks Kars to let him fight Joseph one-on-one, but Kars is done with that shit.  He just wants the Red Stone of Aja, and he sees no reason to wait around.   But then Lisa tells him that she has the Stone in a secret location, and if she or Joseph don’t check in with it by a prearranged time, a bomb will go off to destroy it.  It’s a bluff, and Kars knows it’s a bluff, but he’s too obsessed with the Stone to take the risk.  
There’s a lot of shots of Lisa Lisa acting cool in this part of the story, probably because we’re running out of other characters.    I preferred the anime Lisa Lisa to the manga design, because I liked how she looks like the cover art to Duran Duran’s Rio “album”.   Compared to that, the manga Lisa looks a bit... understated.   But I’ve come to appreciate that understated look.   Joseph uses his boisterous personality to help draw attention away from his tricks.    But while he’s making a scene, Lisa Lisa just adopts this stone cold poker face and dares anyone to call her bet.  She knows how badly Kars wants the stone, and she knows that Kars understands how badly she wants to keep it from him.  Why should she be bluffing about this?   Leaving the stone in such a situation sounds like a smart play.   Kars thinks she’s just being desperate, except she doesn’t look desperate, does she?
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Lisa proposes a wager to break the standoff: She and Joseph will fight Kars and Wammu for control of the Red Stone of Aja.  Nice and simple.   Kars accepts, not so much because he accepts her bomb story, but because it gives them a chance to avenge Esidisi.    He asks Wammu to chose a battleground, then sends Joseph to fetch the Stone while they keep Lisa as a hostage.
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Wammu’s choice is a place called “Skeleton Heel Stone”.   If I understand him correctly, it was something like a Swiss answer to Stonehenge, but later on it became a gladiatorial arena.
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Joseph heads back to St. Moritz to get the stone, and carries Messina back with him.  Okay, so about Messina.   Wammu lopped off his arm outside the mansion, but when Caesar entered the mansion to chase after Wammu, he found Messina lying inside, like someone had carried him in.  So how did that happen?  I can only guess Messina brought himself indoors, but that doesn’t sound like something he would do, since he knew the mansion was enemy ground.
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Back at the hotel, Joseph finds the Red Stone of Aja in Lisa’s luggage, but he also discovers an old photo from 1889.   There’s Speedwagon, his grandmother Erina Joestar, and... Straizo?   Holding a baby?!    Of course, anyone who knows Phantom Blood knows that this photo represents the all the survivors from the Part 1 cast.   The baby is the same one Erina rescued before Jonathan sank the ship to stop Dio.   But Joseph has no idea about any of that.   He had heard of Straizo before their fight in New York, but he didn’t know much.
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Here’s a nice shot of Skeleton Heel Stone.    It’s supposed to be near the foot of Piz Bernina, along the Italian/Swiss border.  
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Joseph arrives with the Stone, and holds up a match to it to demonstrate it’s amplification powers.   Satisfied that it’s the genuine article, Kars agrees to proceed with their contest.
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In the meantime, Lisa deduces that Joseph saw the photo in her suitcase, and explains that she was the baby in the photo.  Erina saved her from the sinking ship, but since she was pregnant with Joseph’s father, she entrusted Lisa’s care to Straizo.  That’s how she learned the Ripple and came into possession of the Red Stone of Aja.  Joseph is more confused that Lisa looks as young as she does when she must be fifty years old.
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And once again, Joseph finds himself empathizing with others.   He had always seen Lisa Lisa as a cold, hardnosed instructor, but now he’s imagining how difficult Straizo’s betrayal must have been for her.  
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Never mind that shit!  Here come vampire horses!   Joseph asks the same thing we’re all wondering: What the Fuck?   It’s actually quite simple, really.  To prepare for this event, the Pillar Men used the Stone Masks on some horses.   The vampire goons can barely control them.
What I want to know is where Kars found all these silly Roman soldier uniforms for all of these guys.   Like I said before, it’s been about a month since they woke up in Rome, but I get the feeling that all Kars did was find a new home and dress up his new vampire henchmen in silly clothes.   
The idea is that Wammu will be fighting Joseph in an old-fashioned chariot race, but Joseph thinks the use of vampire horses is an unfair advantage for Wammu.   But they explain that the reins will conduct Hamon, so Joseph should be able to control them with a light Ripple.   O... kay?  Lisa Lisa verifies this, but it still seems kind of goofy.  
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Kars orders the battle to begin with the moon appears out of the clouds, but Joseph seems more interested in clearing his chariot wheels.   That makes Lisa nervous, until...
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... the race begins and Wammu’s chariot gets stuck.    While everyone else was watching the moon, Joseph was tossing crap in front of Wammu’s chariot to slow him down.   
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Look at this big tricky himbo, he’s great.
So the way this works is that there’s a pillar on the racetrack, and there’ll be a weapon hanging from it for the riders to take.   Joseph wants to get a head start so he can have his choice of weapon.    This is because one of them is a big old warhammer, and he’s worried about what Wammu could do with such a thing if he got his hands on it.    However, if Joseph could cover it in oil, he could charge it with Hamon and really give Wammu a hard time.  
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And Joseph pulls it off!   He nearly loses his grip on the thing, but it catches on the ring on his finger.   Incidentally, this is the antidote ring that Caesar secured for him earlier.   Joseph has decided that he won’t drink the antidote until he’s beaten Wammu, so he’s wearing it on his pinky instead.   So Joseph seems really confident that all he needs is the warhammer to win this thing.    So why is this (Pillar) man smiling?
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rafaelisms · 4 years
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no preamble we die like men. 
name. rafael attaviano thomas (nee quaranta) age. twenty date of birth. july 10, 2000 place of birth. paz bernina, switzerland gender & pronouns. cis male, he/him orientation. bisexual occupation. student
faceclaim. lorenzo zurzolo height. 5'11 weight. 155 lbs hair color. light brown eye color. blue tattoos. none scars. plenty, but most notably a bunch of nasty scars down his left hand
jung type. infj enneatype. type one, the reformer moral alignment. lawful good temperament. melancholic intelligence type. linguistic schemata. emotional inhibition, approval seeking/recognition seeking, unrelenting standards/hypercriticalness, deterioration. the desire to have integrity (deteriorates into critical perfectionism) neurodivergences. ptsd
homeboy thinks he’s some byronic or shakespearean lead but really he’s just schmidt from new girl 
very anal, very uptight, but he’s slowly loosening up bc his therapist is like “for the love of fucking god relax”. 
has some pretty great expectations tbh. major daddy issues, wants to impress the guy at all costs. he wants to become a surgeon. woe is him. 
crazy smart, though, and extremely hardworking. 
only problem is that his left hand is a little fucked up. got scars all up and down and also healed funny, pretty severe tendon damage. he’s been doing physical therapy since he came to the states at age twelve, but he’s slowly coming to realize he’ll never have full mobility and strength in his hand. he’s ambidextrous, but his left hand is gonna have to be used for something, surely. and surgeries can last up to ten hours, so... but no. he can do it. he has to. 
how did his hand get fucked up? its nbd but this is Also where all the tws in the tags come in. so like basically raf was born into the quarantas, this family of italian assassins funded during the fucking roman empire, and he’s been surrounded by death since like day one. all the trauma all the abuse etc. anyways his grandfather, the head of the family, made him murder his beloved violin teacher when he was eleven and then smashed the shit out of his left hand as punishment for crying. his mom helped him escape the complex at paz bernina later that night; she died the next morning a traitor, but raf lived to find his father in the states. 
he was. none too pleased. to see him. The Bastard. so enter daddy issues. 
also a hopeless fucking romantic, kind of thinks he lives in a bronte novel. 
he did ballet all throughout school; it took all the physical parts of fighting but made it art instead of battle. it’s the same with medicine; taking all of raf’s knowledge of the human body and using it to heal instead of harm. 
anyways he’s a dancer so you’ll definitely find him in the corner of the library doing the fucking splits while taking organic chem notes. 
uhhhhhhh he’s on keto he’s hella catholic he has a slight italian accent and he loves cats that’s basically it. 
wanted connections. 
crush/romantic interest. just someone for him to leave anonymous flowers for and write poetry about like this is fucking jane austen. 
academic rival. raf will glare at you from across the room during labs. it’s more fun than it sounds trust me. 
study partner. raf likes them. they don’t probe or ask too many questions. probably his best friend tbh. 
unlikely friend. someone to get him out of his shell pLEASE. possibly also a bad influence.
good influence. he is to somebody else. or.... tries to be. he just wants to be liked ok.
church friend. idk they go to sunday service together and are also extra and repressed, like all catholics 
anything im just spitballin here and this wc stuff is more of a moodboard. also here’s a tag thats pure chaos. 
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ofskinandbones · 5 years
⌠ LORENZO ZURZOLO, 21, CIS MALE, HE/HIM ⌡ welcome back to gallagher academy, RAFAEL THOMAS! according to their records, they’re a SECOND year, specializing in AWARENESS TRAINING, BREATH CONTROL, AND HAND-TO-HAND COMBAT & MEDICAL TRAINING; and they DID NOT go to a spy prep high school. when i see them walking around in the halls, i usually see a flash of (scars up his wrists disappearing under his blazer, old but polished loafers, a piping hot mug of green tea). when it’s the (cancer)’s birthday on 06/28/1998, they always request their VEGETABLE PAELLA from the school’s chefs. looks like they’re well on their way to graduation. ⌿ ally, 21, she/her, est ⍀  
whats up im ally and i got muse for this boy as soon as i started. this is the fastest i’ve ever added a second muse let’s hope i don’t regret it.
history. (death tw, murder tw, child abuse tw, injury tw) 
tl;dr: assassin baby learns about violin and life, escapes after he’s forced to kill tutor, finds his cia agent father and is promptly sent to blackthorne 
the first son of the first daughter of the head of the quaranta family, mercenaries since the roman empire. they used to be based out of sicily, but during the renaissance they moved their base of operations to a compound at the base of piz bernina in switzerland, where rafael was born. 
trained to be an assassin from as soon as he could walk, tutored in combat and languages and, of course, the human body. the intent was to teach him how to destroy it, and he was fascinated, but he loved to heal. 
rafael always loved music; his mother wasn’t allowed to hold him anymore when he turned four, so she used to sing him lullabies through his open window to comfort him. when he was eight, he got a violin teacher named zacharias fittkau, and he picked up the instrument extremely quickly. fittkau taught him that the intricate machine of his body was not just made to destroy, but to create and to heal. 
when his grandfather feared he was growing too close to fittkau, however, he ordered rafael to kill him; his beloved tutor was to be his first murder at the age of ten. he did it, but broke down into tears afterwards, an utter wreck. as punishment, his grandfather broke every finger in rafael’s left hand to assure he’d never play the violin again. 
his mother broke all the rules that night, held him close for a moment and whispered, “your father is named edward thomas. find him.” that night, rafael escaped through his open window, and his mother shot down the guards that tried to stop him. she was killed by his grandfather that morning, but rafael didn’t learn that until he was nearly a grownup. the only way his mother could think to protect him was to send him after his father. 
spent the years between nine and sixteen on the streets, drifting all around europe and western asia. learned how to survive, how to steal and hide and, most importantly, stitch himself up when needed. he spent an entire winter in istanbul’s public libraries, reading through all the medical books he could at age twelve. he knew he wanted to heal, but he couldn’t shake his legacy. (he does some things he regrets, hurts people, leaves them bleeding in alleyways. he can’t stand to check if they’re dead or not.) 
the entire time, he was trying to find his father. edward thomas is, of course, a very common name in the english-speaking world, and hard to find. eventually, though, he couldn’t find the right man in europe, so he skipped across the sea to america when he was sixteen. it took him another year to find edward thomas, former cia agent and current security consultant. 
the thomases have a long legacy in the military and law enforcement, as well as at blackthorne. edward himself is a graduate, and took pity on this boy who claimed to be his son. they had a paternity test to be save, but rafael had his grandfather’s jaw, and his mother’s eyes. 
rafael was understandably paranoid and angry and afraid, so he spent a couple years basically on lockdown in the old thomas estate, mostly with his therapist, madeleine ross, and his tutor, katherine barker. he kept up his physical fitness, his skill at fighting, and learned about the thomas legacy. and was, eventually, sent to blackthorne when he was twenty-one years old, after he’d gotten his ged and an excellent sat score. 
excelled at blackthorne, but as soon as he heard that gallagher offered medical training, he was suddenly extremely grateful for the institute’s closure.
this is pretty fortuitous timing bc now that he knows what the blackthorne final test was he is feeling washing machine vine vc i am DISGUSTED i am REVOLTED i dedicate my ENTIRE LIFE to our LORD AND SAVIOUR jesus christ and THIS is the thanks i get????
when he speaks it Sounds Like This. it’s half because english is like his fifth language and half because he’s just like that 
he means well i swear he’s just full of himself. he’s trying really really hard to be a good person. 
very emotionally stunted, frowns a lot, tsks a lot, pretty annoying lbr 
MASSIVE perfectionist. also a health nut. 
loves music of all sorts, and actually has a really good voice (though he doesn’t want anyone to know that) 
super bi/queer 
his dad loves him but he’s a Blackthorne Boy(tm) so emotions??? he’s never heard of them. the most rafael gets from him is a pat on the shoulder
tries his hardest to be helpful but his help often comes off as insulting and then he gets upset when the other person gets angry
wanted connections. 
someone whose family was killed by his family. whoops. (him being a quaranta is not widely known so we could go Betrayal if you want) 
old friends from blackthorne 
RIVALS give me a rival 
someone make this boy feel a human emotion 
ANYTHING just pls im Begging 
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zurichtooslo · 5 years
Day 13, 2nd Sept, Menaggio
The girls had wanted to go on the Bernina Express so we did a day trip from Menaggio. The bus drove to Tirano where we had our first stop. This part of Italy is fairly wealthy and employment is plentiful. Lots of big wineries up this way. We stopped to have a look at the Cathedral and the Bernina Express train went past. It runs on the road down in Tirano.
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Sanctuario Della’s Beata Vergine di Tirano.
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Inside was very ornate but full of tourists. Too many for my liking and disrepectfull of a church.
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High ornate ceiling and it has a massive pipe organ which is unique.
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Interesting walkway.
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We had been told to bring our passport but I had forgotten so I hoped it wouldn’t be a problem as I’ve never had to show it anywhere else. We crossed the Italian border, the guards didn’t even come out. At the Swiss border the guards were mostly interested in whether the bus has paid its fee. Hopefully no problem on the way back.
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The tour had been sold as a Bernina Express tour and I had wondered why it didn’t cost much but we didn’t actually go on the Bernina Express itself as they have particular carriages. We were on the same train as I had been on which I was happy with as it’s easier to look at the views and take photos. We didn’t have an open carriage like I had travelled on but we could put our windows down. This was the valley that the train zigzags up the incline to the top of the mountain.
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The Line was built in 1908 especially for the purpose of tourism and is keep open all year round. The highest elevation is 2,253 metres above sea level. You pass 14 different lakes and each one is a different colour or shades of different colours.
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It was a little overcast but still fairly clear to see the views.
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The five of us were down the end of the carriage and pretty much stood the whole way taking photos as we had our windows open. Other people were coming to take photos out of our window. I explained to a couple that they could put their windows down. One woman said her husband wouldn’t let her. It wasn’t cold at all as the train doesn’t go that fast due to the incline. Another woman said she couldn’t get hers down so I was jack of this by then so I went to her window and pulled it straight down. It was pretty funny. Then I said to the whole carriage does anyone else want theirs down. After that no one annoyed us. There is so much to see you don’t want people using your window.
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The train coming out of the avalanche tunnel.
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One of the glaciers up high.
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Me hanging out the window in the section near the door. It’s where the bikes go at the end of the carriage outside the compartment.
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One of the nice stone stations near the top. This time not so many people were getting off to go hiking.
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One of the many lakes.
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St Moritz. The end of the line.
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The Palace hotel in St Moritz.
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Lunch at St Moritz. We ate some local cuisine which was very nice.
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I love being on the roads that wind around the edge of the lakes.
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Little villages along the way.
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Lovely vistas. We travelled back to Lake Como down the Maloja Pass which is very spectacular and has about 20 hair pin bends.
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A dam wall high in the mountains.
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Kissing rocks.
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A few tunnels around this area.
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Churches are sometimes in random places. At least this one was near the road but sometimes churches are high up on the side of the mountains with no other building around. Not sure how people even get to those.
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Crossing the border back into Italy. No trouble here.
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Double waterfall.
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Main square at Chiavenna which was a lovely quaint town.
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The river runs through the middle of town.
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Love this colour you see on many buildings.
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There are always colourful flower pots around.
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Interesting buildings along the river.
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The bus drive along the lake once we got to Lake Como was lovely. Another great day. We just ate pizza and salad at home for dinner on our lovely terrace with a view. We are all very chilled and have enjoyed each day.
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katemustsew-blog · 6 years
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Joining in the #greatbritishquilter with @sarahashfordstudio and @verykerryberry this is me trying to take a "nice"picture of myself 😂, (1st small one is mid sneeze 🤧) as you can see, I struggled with that 😳😜. I sew because, if I don't I get really miserable 😭. The need to be creative is something I cannot ignore. I find it an activity that can take me out of myself and let's my mind concentrate on something I have control over. It is my mindfulness and creative practice all in one😁. I love the colours the threads and my beautiful Bernina ,she is small but perfectly formed ! Sewing is something I have definitely got better at since I made my first quilt for my son ten years ago. I have two kids, one boy one girl, both with #autism and #ADHD hay ho! I try not to define myself or them by their disability!! They keep me going.....going grey and poor 😂 😂. I also have a husband who works hard and will not get rid of his stack of philosophy books to make room for more fabric🙄🤷🏻‍♀️. I like ; beer, mario kart, #epp, autum, Isle of Wight beaches, trees, running my hands along box hedges, gardening and sleeping in on Sundays 😂 😂 😂. If I'm looking off into the distance, I'm probably thinking about sewing 💭😁👍❤️😘 #quiltersofinstagram #quilters #quiltyfriendsarethebest https://www.instagram.com/p/BnMOcyDh1tq/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1ou400upqp5s4
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egg-sisters-cosplay · 6 years
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Who wore it better?! Looking back at progress photos from our Vicar Amelia build, I found this gem of Courtney modeling the fur tunic. We had built a foam hump and some shoulder pads and tailored the fur fabric over that. She looks right stylish if I do say so myself, haha 😹 #cosplay #eggsisters #eggsisterscosplay #eggsistersfx #sewcery #danerystargaryen #got #gameofthrones #whoworeitbetter #fauxfur #vicaramelia #bloodborne #bernina @fromsoftware @fromsoftware_jp
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frahas · 4 years
Say hello to this diligent old lady! At 61 years old she’s still busy sewing face masks all day. She’s a BERNINA 540 Favorit. Made for artisans, tailoring and light industrial sewing. She’s got the BERNINA rotary hook system with the rear loading bobbin. A very fast and strong but also very smooth machine.
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ministryofboho · 4 years
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Say hello to this diligent old lady! At 61 years old she’s still busy sewing face masks all day. She’s a BERNINA 540 Favorit. Made for artisans, tailoring and light industrial sewing. She’s got the BERNINA rotary hook system with the rear loading bobbing. A very fast and strong but also very smooth machine. #sewing #vintagestyle #vintagesewingmachine #bernina #berninasewing #berninasewingmachine #berninausa #berninalove #menwhosew #vintagesewing https://www.instagram.com/p/B--eEToqPpJ/?igshid=1x84nx3jeq8zi
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maresdotes · 5 years
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Under the knife...er needle....she goes.
I'm still not sold on the Bernina stitch regulator. I like that I get consistent stitch lengths, but my brain has a bit of a disconnect that when I floor the foot pedal nothing happens till I start moving the fabric.
I think part of my struggles is that I haven't got the right insert for my sewing table. I'm using the platform that came with the machine, but it ramps up to the level of the footplate, and that ramp up causes just enough drag (even with a Super Slider) that it's harder to move the fabric. Once I get the correct insert, everything will be flat and slick like it was with my old machine.
I'm still not sure what's going to go in the negative space, but the print is crazy enough that wishbone there will be fine.
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lauralwsc · 5 years
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Jennifer Strunge creates cotton monsters our of old clothes and materials she gets from thrift stores, because she wants to breathe life into old materials. She makes all of her creations by hand, using a Bernina sewing machine and hand sews some of it, in her attic studio. She got into sewing from her mother teaching her how to quilt, and then later starting sewing all her life. She went to Maryland Institute College of art, where she majored in fibre, in her senior year, she started to create sculptures with blankets, clothes and bedding, but when she graduated in 2004, she sewed a lot more. In some of her work, she adds loads of eyes, as she says it's a childish impulse, and sells her work all over the world. She never plans her creations. Later in her life, she taught arts and crafts in Baltimore city Recreation Centre, she also created some giant inflatable work and made an interactive monster called Belly of the Beast. 
I am in love with her work, some of them are so cute! The huge gaps in the teeth are a bit unsettling, but they don’t look sharp and scary. It’s a bit weird, but still really cute! I think it is amazing how she makes them look so weird yet so friendly. I think I could only be as good as she is if I had about a few years practice, mine is nothing compared to hers.
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