#sge ships
excaliburssword 2 years
Hot take on ships (part 2 ig 馃槱)
Yeah, so I decided to make a part two 馃槂
It's a full on ten from me. I might even go above and beyond and break the scale on this one.
Some might disagree, (even though I've seen A LOT of supremacy for these two), but I wouldn't give up the chance to see Soman write a novella about the Arbed boys before everything went down, mainly just to see these guys in action (alongside Japaric ofc).
Their dynamic was so cute together! Obviously minus that one scene in ACOT when Rhian indirectly threatened him, but Kei kinda deserved it for "betraying" him ig.
2. Hedros (...)
This is obviously just crack, but it's still kinda funny.
I remember someone had asked for my opinion on this, but idk if they were being sarcastic or generally serious 馃樁
If it was satire, then ig this could be ridiculously hilarious, but could work at the same time.
They literally came around themselves in the last book and became besties, so why not?
I obvi don't ship it, but it is something I would bawl my eyes reading if it worked 馃槶
3. Revelyn
Can I just say... that I ship literally no one on the ends of the earth with this bi$h other than her grave?
She was a literal r@pist (in a way) and actually had the audacity to think she deserved to have someone to look after her 馃拃
Miss girl.... NO.
I think her tombstone makes an excellent partner...so it's okay....
She did make one hell of an excellent villain. If Sophie didn't exist to drive Rafal all delusional like he was, these two would've made everyone bow at their feet with no regrets.
Not to mention Japeth and Rhian being there with them 馃槱
4. Tilip (idk is that their ship name?)
If Agatha didn't exist, then they would've been pretty cute together.
But at the same time, they give off the energy of "we're better off as friends."
Idk, it's somewhere in the middle of 5/10 and 6/10 for me.
5. Chaddrix
Eh, they were both the wannabes in their year (sorry Chaddick), so they seriously deserve each other.
Plus, imagine them having kids. God half of them would be whining about their hair and the other half would just be interested in sword play the whole time 馃槶
6. Saric
Idk where I saw this...but something inside of me STIRRED that day when I did.
Listen, ik Aric is a complete psycho and he is DEFINITELY where he belongs, but these two would've erupted the whole @ss universe if they were together-
Like do you guys remember those times when Aric was literally FLIRTING WITH HER in the third book? (I'm not romanticising toxicity, because we all know damn well it was all just another play of his).
They would've been great best friends tbh, and idk what the hell is wrong with me, but I rate it a 8/10 馃摳
7. Jophie
Ik I said that Saric was toxic, but this ship is just straight up abusive.
Japeth LITERALLY assaulted Sophie more than three times in a single book (A crystal of time/ ACOT) and basically excused it by saying "it all was for his one true love."
You literally had her under your full control almost a quarter through OTK??
Now I'm not saying Saric is a magnificent ship that deserves to be seen, because it doesn't, and is basically just crack given the fact Aric is a literal walking red flag, but Japeth is just a whole other story-
This took me a whole hour (and idk why, cause I'm not even tired), but that brings me to the end of Part 2!
I'm probably not going to do a part 3, (unless I remember another ship I forgot), but again, probably not 馃槂馃暫
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cora-devil 5 months
Artists on twitter are drawing this (1st pic) as their favorite sapphic ship, so I had to do the same with dovesso :)
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nitemirz 8 months
pirate/siren dovesso commission! my favourite dovesso thing i made so far ngl oomf galaxy brain for commissioning me
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Dovey:聽Why is everyone so obsessed with top or bottom? Honestly, I鈥檇 just be excited to have a bunk bed. Lesso: Lesso:聽I'm gonna tell her. Emma:聽*muttering* Just show her Lesso: Hmm? Emma:聽I mean don't you dare
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lunedegivre 1 month
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Part 2, after one year ahah 馃憖
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rhiochel 1 year
- In a winter day-
*Leonora and Clarissa overseeing the students playing in the snow*
Clarissa noticing goosebumps on Leonora鈥檚 neck: Dear
Leonora: Hmm??
*Clarissa pulling Leonora by the lapels and Leonora crouching down to level with her*
Clarissa putting her own scarf on Leonora: I told you one sweater is not sufficient in a weather as this, even for an ice queen like you. And where are your winter garbs? I swear I saw one the other day *keeps rambling about lost winter clothing*
*Leonora hearing muffled sounds, too entranced on Dovey鈥檚 beauty who鈥檚 fixing the scarf on her*
Leonora wordlessly pulling Clarissa in a hug, putting the rest of the long scarf on Clarissa: We can share
Clarissa: I thought evil doesn鈥檛 share
*Sophie, Agatha, and Emma fist bumping each other*
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xiiiwayfinders 5 months
Ven: If you say anything smug or stuck up or shallow, I鈥檒l call Aqua. She can deal with you.
Vanitas: But then I can鈥檛 talk!
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two-maroon-ghosts 2 years
So these are my thoughts after watching the SGE movie, which was not as bad as some people are racking it up to be. Obviously it's not the same as the books, and maybe it felt rushed, but outside of the books it was a good, enjoyable movie. And I haven't heard anyone say it yet and this may just an opinion shared by me but Earl Cave as Hort>>> idk if anyone else saw him that way but that's exactly how I pictured him, especially just in his mannerisms and the way he looks at Sophie in scenes sometimes (uglification, the beauty speech thing Sophie is giving at lunch, etc.) idk it just seems so Hort. Like Earl Cave stole the movie for me and I watched it again just for him. I really hope that we do get the rest of the series as movies because I want to see more of him, and especially more of him and Sophie because they had such a unique chemistry. Not like what I'm used to seeing. Like it reminded me of the energy Sophie and Hort had in the books. Hophie is like my top ship of all time and people can hate on it and call it underdeveloped and call Hort a creep but honestly I do not care. I've loved them from second one and I would die seeing their friendship develop on screen especially considering how much of their soft friend scenes were missing in the movie. Also on a sidenote haha this is what I actually came here to say. Mastermind by Taylor Swift is THE Hophie song, from Hort's perspective. You can disagree but oh well ig 鉁岋笍
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choralmeres 2 years
hi i鈥檝e got too many dovesso fic ideas so posting a really short one instead of doing hwk to empty my brain and drafts a little lolz <3
Somehow, Lesso had reluctantly agreed to let Dovey give her a tour of the grounds in the school for good. She had turned the invitation down at first, claiming that she had 'seen it a million times from her window'.
And she had, the evergirls swirling fingers in a wish pond and the everboys battling with flimsy swords on white horses. Lesso was also not interested.
But Dovey wouldn't give up, telling her more about magical fish and pretty flowers.
"Fine, fine, fine." Lesso had replied, and so now, a week later, she was trudging through the picturesque garden, watching birds flutter around a lake. She glanced around, unimpressed by the landscape.
At least there weren't any ever students around, she supposed.
"Leonora!" Dovey called from a mile away, a few minutes later. "Look, the bird's feeling unwell!"
She walked over to the side of a fountain, where she saw that a bird was, indeed, feeling unwell, indicated by its somewhat croaky chirping. Suppressing a rather insensitive comment about the bird, Lesso asked, "What're you going to do with it?"
Dovey scooped up the bird and started walking towards the castle.
She followed the woman into the good school- and somehow, she had ended up adding helping a sick bird to the list of things Dovey had somehow roped her into doing.
Looking around the room as Clarissa bathed the bird, she sighed disinterestedly.
"You know, I'm sick too." Lesso faked a rather revolting cough. "I should be taken care of like the bird."
Dovey looked at her, rolling her eyes; however, she did lean in and peck her lips.
"There." She said, patting her shoulder. "Now bring me a towel."
Leonora turned away with a hint of a smile on her face.
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filipofmounthonora 1 year
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unlikely survivor + unlikely ally = cool sword who is also ur cousin
i miss chad and i think he should get to live so in My au he does <3 takes a running leap off a pirate ship and spends the rest of qfg running around in the woods godspeed o7
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Hophie Headcanons
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Starting With the Events AFTER One True King
now ik that in book 6 Sophie felt that being Dean of evil was unimportant to her, but I'd like to think that now that she's dating Hort and she's accepting his love for her that the two took a 6-month 'honeymoon' (not really one Sophie just wanted to do something with Hort for them to bond as lovers) before one day they burst into the school demanding for their jobs back.
Also on their vacation Sophie helped Hort cope and heal with the fact that he is no longer part man-wolf and they started doing workout routines together (Something Hort wanted to do so he could be strong and protect Sophie) and beauty routines (something Sophie wanted to do because she wants them looking young and evil forever)
Also Hort helped Sophie because she had a lot of nightmares about his 'death'
And because they have their old jobs back they're menaces to the students (I love Hort's snarky comments he always made throughout the series and I NEED that)
They have matching pajamas
Sophie got Hort frog pj's for his 17th birthday (he almost cried)
Sophie always asks for Hort's opinion on her outfits for each day
They always eat meals together, even if one is working late the other will bring the lunch/dinner to their office and they'll eat and talk for hours
Usually if they get into fights Hort is the first to apologize (even if it wasn't his fault) but sometimes Sophie will apologize and make him a cake
Hort writes bad poetry but Sophie secretly loves it
A lot of Hort's students flirt with Hort even though they know he's with Sophie and she gets jealous of it (this starts one of the fights that Sophie apologizes first)
Hort started to open up more to Sophie about his family and she sometimes talks about hers too
every year when they do Secret Santa's with their friends (Hester, Anadil, William, Bogden, Tedros, Agatha, Beatrix, Kiko) they always cheat to make sure that they get each other for Secret Santa's and always act surprised when they give each other the gifts (their friends are always suspicious of them)
Hort writes Sophie bad poetry that she pretends to hate but secretly loves
They go to balls as often as they could
Hort always makes Sophie her favourite breakfast in the mornings and she always makes his lunch, even if she does burn it sometimes, he still eats it
When Tagatha had children they were made the godparents
that also got Hort and Sophie thinking about kids
they send each other letters each class to tell the other how much they miss each other (their students are either disgusted or find it cute)
Sophie is a terrible singer, and Hort knows it, but he still loves hearing her sing
Hort will leave Sophie flowers in her office every morning and it will always be her favourite (roses)
Sophie secretly loves Hort's little comic of them as Bort and Lophie
Sophie calls Hort: her weasel, froggy, her prince, the beast, Horty, Hort, darling, sweetie
and if anyone tries to call him any of them (besides Hort) she'll curse them
Hort calls Sophie: my queen, Soph, my love, and Sophie
While Hort grades papers and Sophie's with him she'll doodle random things on his hand
Hort doesn't like parties, so whenever it's his birthday Sophie makes him his favourite breakfast and they celebrate it together alone
But for Sophie's birthday he always makes sure to get her a big birthday party, But Sophie always tells him that she'd be happy with something small with him
Sophie taught Hort how to french kiss
Some people still pick on Hort (especially the other teachers) and Sophie will always stand up for him
a lot of the teachers HATE Sophie's changes to the Evil school (which she had to redo after they took down her ideas but now they're a little less Sophie) and try to argue with her about it but Hort stands up for her and is always supportive of the ideas
Sometimes they'll cuddle for hours and not say anything and that's all they need
Hort proposed to Sophie when they turned 18 (it wasn't easy either there was so many interruptions)
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cora-devil 2 months
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I tried something a little different while painting this but I wasn't satisfied with how it turned out, but I quite like it with just the base colors.
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liketwoswansinbalance 5 months
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This tweet reminds me of Sophie and Rafal. (Though technically, it's untrue because Agatha understood Sophie, but from Sophie's pov, this is pretty accurate.)
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sanyu-thewitch05 2 years
Alright that鈥檚 it Imma need y鈥檃ll to wrap the Sophie and Agatha shipping/queerbaiting/ whatever discourse by next week Tuesday. It鈥檚 getting really exhausting seeing brain dead take after brain dead take. Most of the people in the fandom have already lived through this discourse already, we been telling y鈥檃ll Sophie and Agatha are BIOLOGICAL TWIN SISTERS but y鈥檃ll don鈥檛 wanna listen. Now the older fans have to deal with this discourse for a second time cause y鈥檃ll refuse to listen to those of who have read all the books.
So let me put it plainly for you:
Sophie and Agatha are sisters
Sophie ends up with Hort and Agatha ends up with Tedros
There are other LGBT characters in the book series(Tedros being one of them)
Platonic and familial love exists.
You guys should鈥檝e known that they weren鈥檛 going to get Sophie and Agatha together when Agatha said that Sophie is like a sister to her in the movie btw(yeah that鈥檚 called foreshadowing)
Thanks to @thetimelordbatgirl for these resources. Link 1 Link 2(I also agree with the reblog that Sophie gives off ace or arospec vibes)
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lunedegivre 1 year
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Part 1 of some fanservice comic聽馃憖
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rhiochel 1 year
Dovey: Leonora, dear, please let me go Im just going to use the bathroom, I鈥檒l be back two minutes tops!
Sick Lesso: WE are going to the bathroom
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