#ser leal
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La lealtad es una cualidad valiosa que fortalece las relaciones personales y construye la confianza mutua. Cuando decides ser leal a una persona, estás comprometiéndote a estar a su lado en los buenos y malos momentos, a ser honesto y fiel. Aunque puedas enfrentar desafíos o dificultades, la lealtad te permite superar obstáculos y fortalecer el vínculo que compartes.
Es importante recordar que la lealtad no solo implica apoyo incondicional, sino también la capacidad de expresar tus opiniones y preocupaciones de manera constructiva. Ser leal no significa ser ciego ante los errores de la otra persona, sino estar dispuesto a ayudar a superar esas dificultades juntos.
El arrepentimiento rara vez surge de ser leal, ya que la lealtad es una elección consciente basada en valores personales. Al permanecer fiel a tus principios y a las personas que valoras, construyes una base sólida para relaciones duraderas y significativas.
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thefulcrumfiles · 1 year
Yo escribiendo aquí cada mierda que pienso, que me pasa y que sueño sobre weyes que me gustan sabiendo perfectamente que nada nunca va a pasar y cada semana me consigo un nuevo weon que se me hace atractivo
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dolceminerva97 · 9 months
¿Tina tiene alguna relación personal con Tucumán? Chusmeando acabo de leer que nació ahí, y me preguntaba eso jsjs
Es una de las pocas provincias con las que tiene un cariño familiar, lo quiere mucho! El Tucu tiene un genio bastante jodido pero él adora a su chikitina ♥
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corazondemusa · 4 months
Amar a un hombre es amar su esencia, y sus valores, respetar sus decisiones, admirar su carácter y bendecirlo con el constante abrazo de tu fe. Amar a un hombre es acompañarlo en el dolor y la alegría, ser su confidente y su amiga. Amar a un hombre es comprenderlo sin juzgarlo, es estar para abrazarlo y consolarlo. Es compartir su suerte y su destino, ayudarlo a labrar su camino, y señalarselo con humildad si se ha extraviado. Amar a un hombre es ser incondicional y leal, es agradecer todo lo que es y da, es pedir a diario por  su bienestar y seguridad. Amar a un hombre es aceptarlo tal cual es, luz y sombras,  heridas y cicatrices,  sus historias, su pasado, mientras se vive el presente y se forja un mejor futuro. Amar a un hombre es querer entregarle todo lo que eres y potenciarlo, ayudarlo a cumplir sus sueños  y seguir soñando. Amar a un hombre es  verlo con los ojos de tu alma  porque te los has limpiado  y vertirse con sinceridad y pureza de corazón porque primero te has reconocido y te has amado, porque amar a un hombre también es amarte a ti misma pues solo así, llena y consciente  de ti, podrás amarlo como el amor verdadero pide lo hagas. 
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sinfonia-relativa · 20 days
No importa si soy diferente, incomprendida e incluso abandonada. He aprendido a hacer mi propio refugio, mi lugar seguro porque sé quién soy, lo que valgo y también que soy diferente y rompo esquemas y patrones, por ende he aprendido a estar sola, no importa las lágrimas que he llorado por ver y hacer todo diferente, porque al fin y cabo lo he hecho todo desde el corazón y con la dolorosa satisfacción de ser genuina, de ser auténtica y leal a mi misma.
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isabelagoth444 · 5 months
PAC/ Primeras impresiones de la gente al verte ❤️‍🔥
Hola a todos y bienvenidos a mi primer pick a card en este blog! 🥰 Respira hondo y elige la foto que mas llame tu atención, recuerda quedarte con lo que resuene contigo y dejar el resto
· Barajas que he usado: tarot ethereal visions, oraculo de luces y sombras, oraculo lunología, oraculo de la sabiduria, astrodados
· Lecturas privadas aquí
Todas las fotos son de pinterest, creditos a sus dueños
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• Grupo 1
Para quien no te conozca personalmente le resultas alguien fuerte e intimidante, aunque tengas el carácter mas dulce y tierno del mundo la gente percibe tu fuerza interior, a algunos le inspira y a otros les asusta. Es posible que te hayas tenido que enfrentar a mucho rechazo en el pasado y que eso te haya hecho desarrollar tu independencia, sabes valerte por ti mismx y ser leal a tus valores. Veo que tu circulo social no es especialmente grande, ser selectivx con quien dejas entrar a tu vida es muy sano ya que no todos tienen buenas intenciones hacia ti, hay personas que te ven como una amenaza incluso si no son tus intenciones parecerlo. Eres una persona de acciones en vez de palabras, si te propones algo lo consigues de una forma u otra y la gente se siente muy atraída hacia ti por eso, tienes un magnetismo natural para atraer todo aquello que te propongas. La gente percibe que tienes un temperamento fuerte y aunque algunos te puedan demonizar por esto, déjame decirte que es una cualidad que te hará llegar lejos en la vida y cumplir metas que otros jamás podrían imaginar. La gente te percibe como alguien con gran auto confianza y seguridad personal, incluso si lidias con inseguridades, la gente parece engrandecerte y no ve que eres igual de ser humano que el resto, con el 7 de espadas siento que la gente te ve tan fuerte y capaz que no tiene en cuenta que también tienes sentimientos. Por si no lo sabías, también he de decir que tienes unos cuantos admiradores secretos orbitando a tu alrededor, si no han hecho amago de aproximarse a ti es porque están esperando la oportunidad para acercarse, alguno puede sentir que no estás receptivx a su energía y por eso prefieren no interferir.
Para quien no te conoce resultas una persona resiliente y capaz, la gente ve que tienes metas bien marcadas y que vas a por ellas aunque no sepan exactamente cuales son esas metas. Veo que la gente o te adora o no te soporta, no hay punto medio, los que no te aguantan es porque proyectan sobre ti sus peores cualidades o no saben como encontrar en si mismos las cualidades que ven en ti. Para la gente que te quiere, te debo decir que lo hacen con todo el corazón y a todo coste, quien entra en contacto con tu energía queda prendadx de ti y tu calidez, también tienes la habilidad de inspirar a otros a desarrollar su mejor versión y convertirse en las personas que realmente quieren llegar a ser. Tus animales de la suerte son el león y la estrella de mar y la verdad que te aplican muy bien porque tienes la fuerza y poder del león pero la sensibilidad y profundidad emocional de la estrella de mar, me recuerdas a la diosa Perséfone que puede ser tanto la diosa de la primavera como la reina del Inframundo, tu polaridad es muy bonita y deberías aceptarla en toda su esencia y sentirte super orgullosx, te hace un ser humano único e incomparable.
La gente que tiene idea sobre ti pero no te conoce personalmente sabe que has pasado por algún tipo de tragedia que has tenido que aprender a superar por tu cuenta y muchos te admiran por como lo has sobrellevado, puede ser la pérdida de algún ser querido que te marcó fuertemente. Puede que vivas en un lugar pequeño o que tengas cierta popularidad en el lugar que vives porque la gente que no ha tenido trato directo contigo parece tener ideas muy firmes sobre ti, en la gran mayoría de personas veo un gran nivel de admiración hacia ti porque pareces estar super enfocadx en tus cosas y no pareces prestarte a chismes ni a hablar de otros gratuitamente, esto es algo que a la gente le despierta una confianza natural hacia ti. La gente también te ve como alguien familiar o muy protectora de tus seres queridos, sienten que toda tu ambición va mas centrada en ayudarles y darle una buena vida a los tuyos que por ti mismx, esto les hace ver que aunque no tengan trato directo contigo eres una persona confiable y de buenas intenciones, aun así saben que tienes un temperamento fuerte y que es mejor no molestarte, sigues siendo un león y la gente lo sabe.
Para la gente que te conoce en mas profundidad eres una inspiración divina, te asocian a magia y espiritualidad por alguna razón que solo ellos sabrán, me recuerdas a Cassie de The Good Witch, como si tu sola precencia tuviese un efecto energético positivo en el ánimo de otros. Tus seres queridos también piensan que es el momento de que dejes el pasado atrás, que hay algo que todavía te pesa y que es momento de dejarlo ir y pasar página, puede ser esa misma perdida de la que hablaba antes. Te ven como alguien en buena sintonía con el Universo, con una gran intuición y con una energía maternal que hace que la gente se sienta muy cómoda hablando contigo, seguramente te haya pasado que algún desconocido que te has encontrado por la calle haya empezado a contarte toda su vida como si te conociese de siempre, esto es una señal de tu bonita energía y como los demás saben instintivamente que pueden confiar en ti. Los que te conocen también admiran muchísimo tu honestidad, saben que si acuden a ti les vas a decir la verdad aunque no les guste, aún así veo que sabes perfectamente como expresarte sin herir a nadie con tus palabras.
· Canalizaciones: 777, energía del sol, admiradores secretos, tu alma gemela está cerca, energía maternal, protección espiritual, ancestros, 1111, no pierdas la ezperanza, lucky girl syndrome, tréboles, margaritas
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• Grupo 2:
Cuando la gente te ve piensa en belleza, puede ser física o espiritual pero siento que tienes un físico realmente precioso que cautiva a la gente, tienes mucha energía venusina y esto hace que la gente se sienta atraída a ti como las moscas, aún así debo advertirte, hay gente que se acerca a ti por motivos superficiales, especialmente gente del sexo opuesto. La gente te percibe con una energía femenina muy fuerte, les transmites dulzura y sensibilidad solo con verte, puedes despertar de forma natural el instinto de otros a querer protegerte o cuidar de ti, no lo haces de forma consciente, es tu energía la que transmite eso. S e te quedó el as de oros invertido pero junto a la carta de la templanza así que, si no tienes pareja hay mucha gente que está dispuesta a comprometerse contigo y cuidar de ti, sobretodo económicamente por alguna razón, si eres mujer atraes a hombres con energía muy masculina de proveer y proteger, las personas que se interesan en ti románticamente te ven como la persona con la que se casarían, les resultas extremadamente atractivx independientemente de tu apariencia fisica, aunque estoy segura de que eres una persona muy muy bella físicamente.
El número 12 y el 21 se repitieron muchísimo durante tu lectura, incluso saqué tus cartas a las 12:12, se han repetido montón de números (que te dejaré escritos en la parte final) así que si tienes una conexión con tus guías ya desarrollada éstos se comunican contigo especialmente a través de secuencias numéricas, también veo que el 12 es tu número de la suerte. La gente por lo general te ve como alguien muy sensible o con unas emociones delicadas, te ven como alguien puro y de buen corazón que no puede soportar ver a nada ni nadie sufrir, seguramente tengas una bonita conexión con los animales y los niños o que estos siempre se sientan atraidos a ti por tu vibración que les resulta tan agradable. Veo que eres una persona espiritual por naturaleza, seguramente hayas nacido con dones psíquicos o habilidades especiales, tienes un sexto sentido maravilloso al que debes prestarle mas atención, si en algún momento no te dejaron desarrollar estas capacidades te super recomiendo que empieces a hacerlo, tienes una misión de alma relacionada a la espiritualidad y ayudar a otros.
A diferencia del grupo 1, a ti te veo mucho mas sociable y abiertx con la gente, seguramente te resulte fácil conectar con otros y llevarte bien con todo el mundo, tu energía se siente super amigable pero debes cuidarte porque eres una esponjita energética y puedes estar absorbiendo energias negativas de otras personas sin darte cuenta, te recomiendo llevar contigo una obsidiana o turmalina para protegerte. La gente que te conoce te adora, tu energía despierta la ternura en el corazón de los demás, la gente tiene muy buena opinión sobre ti, te ven como alguien dulce y amable que siempre está dispuestx a ayudar a quien haga falta. La única pega o defecto aquí es que también ven que te desvives por los demás pero no inviertes la misma cantidad de esfuerzos en ti mismx, sobre todo puedes tener dificultades a la hora de tomar decisiones importantes para tu propia vida, seguramente seas magnificx dando consejos pero terrible aplicándotelos a ti (te acompaño en el sentimiento), trabaja en tu auto confianza y poder personal y verás como te empezará a resultar mucho mas facil.
Las personas cercanas a ti piensan que eres un ángel caído del cielo, realmente te quieren y te valoran aquellos que entran en tu vida, de alguna forma saben que pueden contar contigo cuando haga falta que siempre vas a estar ahí para echarles una mano. Tus seres queridos piensan que es una bendición tenerte en sus vidas porque tu simple presencia les enriquece y hace sentir mejor consigo mismos, también piensan que tienes un ángel de la guarda bastante sobre protector que evita que te metas en líos o que los problemas se te hagan demasiado grandes, tus seres queridos son testigo de lo bendecidx que estás. Tus seres queridos te ven como alguien muy sabix, como si fueses la voz de la razón cuando las cosas se vuelven caóticas, seguramente sea el terapeuta o psicólogo de tu grupo de amigos porque de veras tienes un talento para entender y guiar a otros, tienes un don muy bonito que deberías aprovechar, se te da muy bien dar luz a otros cuando el camino está oscuro. Tus seres queridos también creen que piensas mucho y que le das demasiadas vueltas a la cabeza, como si no supieses muy bien que rumbo tomar en tu vida terrenal y tu mundo interno te resultase mucho mas cómodo, como quiera que sea ellos piensan que tienes mucho talento y que eres capaz de conseguir muchas cosas si no te pasases tanto tiempo pensando en todo lo que podría ocurrir, un consejo para esto es trabajar con el chakra raiz
· Canalizaciones: clarividencia, experiencias paranormales, sueños lúcidos o proféticos, 1444, 1221, 333, 1222, dolores de cabeza, buhos, la influencia de la luna te afectará, muchisima asistencia espiritual contigo, estás en el camino correcto, flores amarillas
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• Grupo 3:
La gente que no te conoce no sabe muy bien que opinar sobre ti, resultas un misterio para la mayoría de personas, veo que eres muy selectivx con las personas a las que das acceso a tu vida, la mayoría no tiene ni idea de que ocurre en tu vida privada así que cuando les das un poco de atención es como si hubiesen ganado algún premio, estar cerca tuyo es un privilegio que no todos merecen y eres consciente de ello. Hay algunas personas que piensan que valoras demasiado el dinero o que te apoyas en los recursos económicos para sentirte mejor contigo mismx pero estas personas están proyectando ciertas inseguridades sobre ti inconscientemente, este grupo se parece mucho al grupo 1, te recomiendo que le eches un vistazo e caso de que haya algo que te resuene ahí. A pesar de lo que algunos puedan pensar, tu conoces tu valor, sabe solo que quieres y lo que mereces para tu vida y estás yendo a por ello, ser ambiociosx no tiene nada de malo mientras no le estés haciendo daño a otros, además, ser prudente con la economía es de sabios y de personas que piensan en la estabilidad a largo plazo asi que no dejes que los complejos de otros te hagan sentir culpable o interesadx. Te saltó la carta del diablo pero también la templanza, por lo que como en el grupo 1, la gente o te adora o no te soporta, lo que no entienden es que recibirán de ti exactamente lo mismo que ellos te ofrezcan, tienes un angelito y un diablito dentro como todo el mundo, es cuestión de ellos que versión de ti quieran conocer. Tienes un aire como the 'old money', la gente te percibe como alguien muy elegante y con muy buen gusto, a la gente les resultas super sexy y atractivx pero muchos pueden acercarse a ti con intenciones de tener encuentros casuales contigo
De todos los grupos veo que tu eres el que mas desarrollo espiritual lleva recorrido, veo que has pasado por transformaciones muy profundas, realmente solo tu conoces el trabajo interno que has hecho y todo lo que has dejado atrás, veo que si has tomado esta actitud de aceptar en tu vida solo cosas que sumen en calidad es por razones de peso, la gente te ha herido profundamente en el pasado y has tenido que aprender a poner límites por tu propio bienestar. La gente no imagina el profundo cambio que has dado porque eres muy reservadx con respecto a tu vida, a lo largo de tu tirada siento que estoy describiéndote en vez de decirte lo que las primeras impresiones de la gente, pero es que la gente parece no saber nada de ti salvo lo que tu quieres que sepan.
Eres una persona super independiente que sabes valerte por ti mismx pero, cariño mio, el ser humano es una criatura social y un exceso de independencia puede llevar a la soledad. Eres una persona super poderosa e inspiradora, tienes muchísimo potencial, sobretodo en lo que se refiere a tus metas profesionales o la idea que tengas para ganar recursos económicos, pero como decía mi abuelito: en la vida y en los negocios hacen falta socios. Tienes una preciosa energía y algo único que solo tu le puedes aportar al mundo, sigue con tu maravilloso crecimiento personal y comparte un poco mas tu energía con los demás, tienes una tribu de alma con la que reunirte en esta vida, intenta abrirte un poco mas porque las cartas que salieron en el oráculo se sienten como una advertencia que te estan diciendo que a la larga esta actitud te hará exitosx pero no feliz, aprovecha para hacer unos ajustes y conseguir las dos cosas. Como recomendación para esto lo mejor que puedes hacer es conectar con tu chakra corazón y tu energía femenina, tienes una energía masculina super intensa pero la femenina está un poquito desbalanceada, busca un poco de información sobre Lillith en Astrologia, seguramente resuenes con su energía.
Los que te conocen personalmente te admiran y les intimidas al mismo tiempo, saben que contigo deben respetar una serie de normas y que no toleras ciertas cosas, saben que tienes un carácter fuerte y que si tu respetas sus límites ellos deben respetar los tuyos. Aun así, a la gente le gusta tenerte cerca, les das sensación de seguridad y protección, como si a tu lado nunca les fuesen a ocurrir cosas malas, tienes mucha energía de tierra por lo que la gente de forma natural se va a sentir a salvo en tu presencia. Tus seres queridos te ven como alguien sumamente fuerte y capaz de conseguir todo lo que te propongas pero les gustaría que estuvieses mas dispuestx a dejarte ayudar, les encantaría quitarte un poco de peso y echarte una mano con tus responsabilidades, tienes un sistema de apoyo bastante solido y comprensivo, apoyate en ellos mas amenudo que estarán encantadxs de ayudarte en lo que haga falta.
· Canalizaciones: crecimiento personal, oscura divina femenina, terquedad, exito escrito en tu destino, poder de manifestación, 444, energía de tierra, tauro, virgo, capricornio, energía lillith, sex appeal, color dorado o granate, 1010, meditación
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fragmentos-literarixs · 2 months
Bad reputation.
Recuerdo ese día oscuro, donde todo el imperio que con esfuerzo había levantado ahora se encontraba en ruinas. Me encontraba en el suelo agonizando, por causa de tres criminales que creí que me querían, pero que cuando me menos lo esperé me habían apuñalado por la espalda.
En la escena del crimen había un chico hipócrita que decía ser mi amigo, un chico mentiroso que juraba amarme y una chica que parecía ser buena lastimosamente estaba desperada por aprobación, y al final resultó ser la autora del caos que vino ese día. Todos ellos con mucha influencia, por lo que les resultó fácil asegurar mi derrota.
Que fácil fue para el chico mentiroso hacerme quedar como un monstro a base de mentiras y sin pruebas, que fácil fue para el chico hipócrita cuando le llegaron aquellas mentiras no decidir creerme porque en realidad me despreciaba y después poner a todos en mi contra, y que fácil fue para la chica desesperada de aprobación crear el plan en su mente, luego ir a los chicos para ponerlos en mi contra, consiguiendo así el desastre en mi vida y la aprobación de ellos dos.
Y así fue como mi imperio se derrumbó. Fui odiada y acosada injustamente por muchas personas de Internet, tanto conocidas como desconocidas. Era el ojo de todos y recibí acoso masivo, donde me llamaban perra, monstruo, falsa e incluso me llegaron a desear la muerte. Para suerte de ellos, no era para nada fuerte en este tiempo, así que fue fácil para mí huir de todo, considerando ponerle fin a mi vida.
Sin embargo, no todo fue malo, porque a mi lado quedaron pocas personas hoy en día sigo considerando mis amigos más leales, y ellos se encargaron de darme apoyo y amor.
Así fue como después del caos vino la calma. Me levanté y me volví más fuerte que nunca, recuperando así todo lo que perdí y a la vez transformándolo en algo más grande.
En efecto, ese día se creó una mala reputación sobre mí que aún se rumorea hoy en día cinco años después, pero lo que no saben es que ahora me divierto con ello, porque sé que ninguno de esos adjetivos me definen, y porque al final fue fácil para mí ver como cada uno de ellos recibió su merecido por sus malas acciones.
— Lo que nunca pude decir VI; Rose Noire.
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idollete · 1 month
preciso que vc abra o jogo, juju🗣🗣
como vc acha que os meninos reagiriam ao saber que a reader tem um colar com o nome ou a inicial deles? pensei em um cenário muito call it what you want, onde alguns deles ficam beem animadinhos com a ideia da pp meio que pertencer a eles, princiaplemente se algum deles já passou por alguma situação díficil em um relacionamento
call it what you want AAAAAAAAAAAAA amo essa música i queria estar vivendo ela tbm 💭💭💭💭
o agus lain simplesmente fica APAIXONADO!!!!! ele adora essas patacoadas, acha a coisa mais linda do mundo, SIM. tudo isso porque é ciumentinho todo e quer que o mundo inteiro saiba que você é DELE. inclusive, é bem provável que ele tenha te dado o colar de presente
o pipe é outro que também adora, não te daria, no entanto, espera que a iniciativa parta de ti, mas sempre plantou uma sementinha aqui e ali. ele dá aquele sorriso de menino bobo, vira a cabeça pro lado e cobre o rosto, tá realizado porque sempre quis alguém que fosse dele de verdade, leal. te puxa pra um abraço e enche teu pescoço de beijo
enzo, esteban e fernando são mais sutis sobre o quanto gostaram. o enzo nunca te pediria pra usar algo assim, mas não esconde que gostou, olha com um brilhinho nos olhos, o sorriso de canto que teima nos lábios, até balança a cabeça, como se você fosse louca por usar uma coisa dessas, só que ele tá apaixonado, não consegue tirar os olhos. antes de vocês dormirem, ele te abraça por trás e diz "obrigada por isso, nena, eu sou seu de corpo e alma". o esteban até tenha, porém não consegue deixar de desconsiderar o aspecto meio sexual da coisa, porque, veja bem, parece uma coleirinha, né? fica tão bonitinha enfeitando o seu pescoço que ele fica um tico balançado. é claro que acha lindo, te diz que adorou o presente. a surpresa vem quando vocês estão deitados na cama e ele tá prestes a meter, hesita antes, não quer estragar o romance da coisa, "princesa, você pode colocar o colar de novo?". e o fernando fica até um pouquinho envergonhado, nunca teve alguém que sentisse tanto orgulho em ser dele desse jeito, pega aquilo como um sinal de que você é realmente a garota que ele sempre esperou, fica bobo tocando no pingente, vira até uma mania, gosta de sentir aquilo que é tão palpável sobre o relacionamento de vocês. algumas semanas depois ele também aparece com a tua inicial, mas em uma pulseirinha
della corte é outro que acharia a coisa mais linda do mundo e no MESMO DIA vai aparecer com um colar igual com a tua inicial, esse aí põe no pescoço mesmo, quer que todo mundo saiba que ele tem mulher e que é rendido por ela. penso o mesmo sobre o blas, mas ele compraria outro porque acha super cool um casal que anda combinandinho por aí, compra um colar idêntico ao teu e fica feliz da vida com isso
penso que o simón tentaria disfarçar MUITO o quanto ele curtiu, mas você sabe, você sabe porque tá vendo como ele tá sorrindo todo idiota enquanto encara o colar, mas desvia o olhar, quer se fazer de puto, homem sério. não consegue. não dura nem meio minuto nesse joguinho, vai chegar em ti, abraçando por trás, descansando a cabeça no teu ombro pra dizer que "você é a garota dos meus sonhos e a mulher da minha vida, sabia?". é exibido, vai tirar uma selfie desse jeitinho aí mesmo, te pede pra segurar o celular, ele sai beijando o teu pescoço, chamando atenção pro colar, e com os braços rodeando tudo cintura
e o matías vai te zoar um tiquinho (é o jeitinho especial dele, vai...), te pergunta se isso quer dizer que agora você é a cadelinha dele e é só quando você ameaça tirar (já sabendo que isso é pura marra de moleque) que ele volta com o rabinho entre as pernas, todo desesperado, te pedindo pra não tirar isso do pescoço nunca mais. penso que o matías adora essas demonstrações aleatórias de afeto e ele ficaria muito bobinho apaixonado com o cola
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caostalgia · 10 months
No dejes a alguien que quieres solo porque el mundo influye en lo que sienten, si el tiempo se hace largo y tienen que esperar años para poder ser felices, haganlo, sean leales a lo que decían sentir, sean leales a lo que una vez le dijeron cara a cara con lágrimas en los ojos justo segundos antes de besarla/o, y tal vez así podrán demostrarles al resto que ustedes si sentían amor y no era una simple ilusión.
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Cartas que posiblemente nunca te envié, parte 1. 🥀
Hola cariño, realmente eso de hablar y expresar sentimientos no se me da; soy pésima diciendo como me siento, soy muy mala al decir las cosas y usualmente hiero a los demás con mis palabras. Creo que eso ni siquiera hay necesidad de decirlo porque ya te diste cuenta y me arrepiento bastante; así que vengo a pedir disculpas e intentar solucionar todo de la única manera que se hacerlo, escribiendo y realizando detallitos estúpidos.
Lamento mucho lo sucedido, no era mi intención hacerte sentir mal y se que fue una estupidez haber dicho lo que dije; en verdad estoy muy arrepentida y entiendo si quizás estás algo molesto o quieres tiempo para pensar las cosas, créeme que lo entendería porque se lo que te hice sentir y está mal. Desde que te conocí me juré a mí misma no hacerte daño y por lo visto no lo estoy cumpliendo. También se que últimamente ni siquiera he tenido el valor de enviar un mensaje y preguntar como sigues, como estas, como estuvo tu día... Lo siento, sé que esas actitudes dan mucho que pensar y deja mucho que desear, pero usualmente suelo autosabotearme y arruinar todo lo bueno que me pasa o toda cosa que vaya extremadamente bien, simplemente porque siento que no lo merezco aunque yo se que sí, pero también me da miedo y bueno; es un asco total.
Ahora, tampoco diré que soy la peor persona del mundo, porque se que no es así, solo soy muy complicada... Soy algo insegura, soy muy inestable emocionalmente, sobre pienso muchísimas cosas, mi ansiedad y los miedos me traicionan la mayor parte del tiempo, llegó a desarrollar dependencia emocional, puedo ser un caos total, soy algo celosa, llegó a ser muy orgullosa, algo tonta, soy muy coqueta, soy algo liberal, en ocasiones egoísta y narcisista, soy muy sencible, amo la atención y el tiempo, pero a veces también me harto y quiero espacio, en ocasiones me deprimo y me alejo de todo el mundo sin decir ni una sola palabra. Pero sabes? Aún con todas esas cosas que pueden sonar extremadamente malas, soy una persona que vale la pena conocer, pero de verdad conocer, no solo por encimita. Se que puedo ser muy buena amiga, novia, etc; soy muy amorosa, soy leal, soy muy detallista, siempre te apoyaré en todo (siempre y cuando sea para bien), soy muy fiel, cumplo mis promesas, entrego todo de mí, soy comprensiva, responsable, respetuosa, muy empatica, solidaria y en ocasiones muy paciente.
Muy bien llegando a este punto quizás digas “que hueva, no quiero leer más”, perooo hazlo, plis; viene la mejor parte, esa parte en la que menciono todo lo que me haces sentir, en la cual digo el porque estoy enamorada de tí, el porque me gustas y el porque te quiero.
Cuando te conocí realmente no creía que llegara a pasar algo, ni siquiera pensaba en que fueras a gustarme; pero mira, aquí estamos, aquí estoy. Aquí estoy enamorada de tí, enamorada de esa linda sonrisa, enamorada de esos ojitos bonitos, enamorada de esa risa tan tierna, enamorada de esa voz que me da tanta paz, enamorada de los mensajes de buenos días, enamorada del niño que hace mi mundo de colores, enamorada del niño al que le gustan los perritos, enamorada del niño escribe tantos textos llenos de amor, enamorada de un niño maravilloso, estoy enamorada de cada pequeña parte de tí, enamorada de las letras de tu nombre, enamorada de tu pelito algo despeinado, enamorada de tí, enamorada de tus lunares, de tus labios, de tus manos, de tus cicatrices, estoy enamorada de tus miedos, de tu forma de querer, de tu alma.
Tú realmente me haces sentir como en un cuento de hadas y es que eres lo que tanto había buscado, eres el chico que a mis 5 años idealizaba como un principe azul, eres ese niño que tanto le pedía a dios y a la vida. Tú me haces sentir en casa, me haces sentir segura, me haces sentir que ya todo está bien y nada malo puede pasar, tú me haces feliz y eso no tiene precio. Tú haces que las canciones de amor vuelvan a tener sentido, tú haces que yo pueda ser yo de nuevo, tú estás sanando cosas que ni siquiera eran tu responsabilidad y te lo agradezco, te lo agrego con el alma entera.
Créeme cuando te digo que te quiero y que estoy dispuesta a todo por tí, estoy dispuesta a arriesgarlo todo, no me dan miedo las consecuencias. Te quiero y sin problema alguno se lo grito al mundo entero, te quiero y quiero demostrartelo todos los días de mi vida. Te quiero a tí con todo incluído. Te quiero hoy, mañana y lo haré siempre. Te quiero porque siento que eres el indicado. Te quiero y te lo digo no por compromiso o por quedar bien, te lo digo porque lo siento y porque hoy puedo decírtelo.
Se que la vida es muy corta y puede terminarse en cuestión de segundos, nadie tiene el mañana asegurado; así que hoy, hoy te digo que quiero todo contigo, hoy te digo que quiero que seas tú, hoy te digo que si la vida y tú me lo permiten siempre estaré aquí a tu lado. Y no solo te quiero hoy, porque tú me haces pensar a futuro, te incluyo en mis planes a corto, mediano y largo plazo. Porque sí, quiero que seas parte de mí y de mi familia, porque me encantaría presentarte como mi novio a todo el mundo, porque me encantaría que pasemos juntos todas las festividades existentes en el mundo. Porque me encantaría tomarte de la mano, darte un besito en la frente, cuidarte, amarte, adorarte y respetarte siempre. Porque me encantaría despertar a tu lado, mirarte a los ojos y decirte que te amo, porque amaría que cumplieramos juntos todas nuestras metas, todos nuestros sueños.
En fin, no escribiré más por ahora porque tampoco quiero aburrirte. Pero por favor; por favor no dudes del cariño que te tengo, por favor no dudes de mi palabra al decir que me gustas, por favor no dudes de lo que me haces sentir. ❤️‍🩹
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saintsr · 2 months
Hola, aquí otros de mis desvaríos ahora entre Saint Seiya y QSMP, por que los amo.
Hello, here are some of my ravings now between Saint Seiya and QSMP, because I love them.
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Shun y Missa se me hacen parecidos, a los dos los subestiman, creen que no pueden pelear, siempre los mas pacifistas. Sin embargo, si son provocados suelen ser los más peligrosos. Su alma es pura no quieren hacerle daño a nadie solo quieren que todos sean amigos, familia y tranquilidad.
Shun and Missa seem similar to me, they both underestimate them, they think they can't fight, always the most pacifist. However, if they are provoked, they are usually the most dangerous. Their soul is pure, they don't want to hurt anyone, they just want everyone to be friends, family, and peace of mind.
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Los dos vienen de lugares Antarticos, de fria calma tanto para las batallas como para su vida en general, leales hasta la muerte con sus seres queridos, Hyoga perdio el ojo por cumplir una deuda con un viejo amigo que le salvo la vida. También en coqueto y emparejado con muchos personajes.
The two come from Antarctic places, of cold calm both for battles and for their life in general, loyal to death with their loved ones, Hyoga lost his eye for fulfilling a debt to an old friend who saved his life. Also flirtatious and paired with many characters.
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Natassia es una niña que nacio de varios cuerpos muertos usada como contenedor pero después de un encuentro con Hyoga lo termina llamando papá, también llama papá a Shun los dos le dan cariño y la educan para lo mejor. Siento que puede ser raro con los dos huevos, pero sus nacimientos son extraños en una de las investigaciones supieron que tenian ADN humano , pero a pesar de todo los dos son amados no importa nada mas son familia se quieren y aman la vida y eso es lo que importa.
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Esta es visión de Missa,(se que a Spreen no le gusta el Rol play) entradas épicas, siempre dispuestos a salvar a su hermano menor Shun pero llevando una buena relación con los demas. No tiene miedo a pelear enseñando a Shun y Missa respectivamente al principio no sabes si es enemigo o amigo.
This is Missa's vision, (I know Spreen doesn't like role-playing) epic entries, always willing to save his younger brother Shun but carrying a good relationship with others. He's not afraid to fight, teaching Shun and Missa respectively, at first you don't know if he's enemy or friend.
Maybe Expand on this later or if you don't know the work you can explain.
Tal vez amplíe esto o no si no conoces la obra tal vez pueda explicarlo. 😉
Gracias por leer. 😉😊💕💕
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diariodeunaansiosa · 18 days
Lo único que me queda en la vida es ser leal
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damn-stark · 7 months
Chapter 23 No woman no cry
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Chapter 23 of Moonlight
A/N- I'm okay, it’s okay
Warning- Swearing, ANGST, blood! Death!! Aegon! SPOILERS for future events of HOTD!!!!
Pairing- Cregan Stark x Velaryon!fem-reader, Aemond Targaryen x Velaryon!fem-reader
Episode- After 1x09, events based off of Fire and Blood
(If you want to be tagged let me know)
What happened to him? Last you saw of Aegon he was heavily scarred and wounded because of Meleys, his face was puffy because of the milk of the poppy, but now?
Now besides his burnt scars, his crooked and bent hip, and his puffy face, he sits in a chair with his legs covered, but you can still see the splints that are attached to both legs. He was never someone you found attractive, but he did have a charm to his physical appearance, now his wounds work to make him look plain and undesirable, scary even.
And his dragon? Sunfyre was the beauty of all dragons, now he sits there coiled and just as broken as his rider. It’s a miracle he’s even alive with the fresh and old wounds his body has. However, you do feel bad for the dragon though, not for Aegon. Never for that monster.
“Sister!” He greets across the yard with a cocky smirk. “Niece!”
You curl your lip to a frown and roll your eyes.
“Dear brother, I had hoped that you were dead,” your mother counters, making you smirk faintly.
“After you,” Aegon rebuttals. “You are the elder.”
Oh he remembers that now?
“I am pleased to know that you remember that,” your mother quips and holds her head high with an unshakable pride you admire.
“Y/N,” Aegon ignores her, and you ignore him. He notices and has Ser Jason reach over to grab your chin and push your head up so you would be forced to see the broken man.
“I heard you almost died in battle,” he says. “I had hoped you would have honestly. You are a traitorous whore after all.” He grimaces. “My brother was always too good to you, I told him he should’ve taught you discipline, but he never could bring himself to do it.”
You glare at him and spat. “Shut up.”
Aegon scoffs and snickers. “So bold. You’ve always had quite a tongue on you, perhaps it’s time I taught you better.”
“Aegon,” your mother calls out panicked, but you’re the one that ignores her this time.
“Why don’t you come down and do it yourself,” you snicker as you hold his gaze.
Aegon glares at you and snaps his gaze to Ser Alfred. And that sorry excuse of a knight stomps over to you and swings his hand over your face so hard you slip off Ser Jason and the other knights’ grasp.
“Y/N!” Your mother cries out, but you begin to chuckle softly through the stinging pain.
“That’s what I thought,” you mutter under your breath. “You should know!” You exclaim and throw your head up to face Aegon. “I have a war prize for you.” You sniffle as blood crawls out of your nose. “It’s not what you’re into, but it’s better. Albeit it’s in my dragon's saddle, so you’ll have to wait to see Daeron’s head until my dragon gets here.” You push yourself up to your knees, and Ser Jason grabs your arm to pick you up again.
“Let me go!” You spat at him and try to push him back, but he overpowers you along with another knight, and they both hold your arms back.
“I could teach you a lesson,” Aegon interjects. “But it’s better if you see it.”
You groan and roll your eyes off his ugly face.
“It would seem we are your prisoners,” your mother cuts in. “But do not think that you will hold us long. My leal lords will find me.”
“If they search the seven hells mayhaps,” Aegon spats.
You groan softly and roll your eyes again, hearing as Daenys begins to cry, and catching guards marching down from where Aegon is, and stomping over to where you and your mother are.
Your mother doesn’t miss it either and looks over at you with worry.
“Mother,” you call out fearfully as you think they’re coming for you.
She tries to reach out for you, and you try your best to lean forward to try to reach her, but just as your fingers brush against each other, the guards take her instead.
“Mother!” You cry out worryingly before you snap your eyes towards Aegon, catching him shooting you a snarky grin that sends chills down your spine. “No,” you whisper and glance at your mother getting pulled towards Sunfyre.
“No,” you whisper again breathlessly as a bad feeling twists your gut. “Mother!” You cry out again, and your daughter Daenys begins to shriek.
Your mother looks back, and you see her try and assure you of the agony you feel forming. But you can see the fear in her eyes, you see her sorrow as she looks at her last living son watching her with tears forming in his eyes as if he felt that gut-wrenching feeling too at his young age.
“Aegon,” you mutter and tear your eyes away from your mother to try and plead to your uncle now as you’re struck with horror. “Please, please don’t do it.”
“There’s only one punishment for Usurpers,” he rebuttals nonchalantly.
You look back at your mother and try to fight the reality of what is going to happen by throwing your head back and hitting Ser Jason on the nose.
He yelps and lets you go, letting you swing your fist to punch the other knight. But you’re slow because of your wound, so he catches your fist and the other guards run over to you to grab your arms and then slam you to the ground so you wouldn’t try to desperately fight back.
“Let me go!” You bellow and squirm even if that begins to hurt your wound. “LET ME GO!”
“Dracarys,” Aegon commands, making your heart drop to your stomach, and for tears to stream down your face while rage begins to boil within you.
However, flames don’t light the yard, or bathe anything in flames, Sunfyre remains unbothered, making you let out a small nervous, and dry laugh.
Astraea would never do that to you, she’d listen regardless of her state. She’s your soulmate, she knows your every intention, your every feeling, just like you know hers. Sunfyre and Aegon though? What a joke.
Yet you don’t say anything snarky, you keep quiet and watch the scene ahead of you with fear nevertheless because Ser Alfred then walks to your mother with a dagger in his hand.
When he reaches her he shoots her a smirk before he stabs his dagger through the fabric of her gown to prick her breast.
“Aegon!” You call out helplessly without any amusement now. “Please don’t do it! Please!”
You try to fight away the men holding you down, but they counter by slamming you back to the ground.
“No! Please! I beg you, please,” you mewl.
This time Sunfyre rises as the smell of blood enters his nose, and leans her head towards your mother to sniff her.
“Aegon! PLEASE!” You beg, and hear Daenys cry louder than you thought possible. “Please,” you cry.
Your mother turns her head as Sunfyre opens his mouth. “I love you,” she mouths, making you sob.
“MOTHER!” You cry. “Aegon, please don’t do it!”
Nothing changes and now unlike before bright flames blast out from Sunfyre and bathe the woman you have loved your whole life.
There right across from you is your last hope, your only home burning away. Yet you still try to call out for her out of desperation. “Mother! Mama!!”
The flames are quick to eat at her flesh, but she manages to throw her head up and shriek a curse at Aegon that you don’t catch because all the noise around you just tunes out. Even your sight blurs, only letting you focus on the bright flames that consume your mother before suddenly Sunfyre’s jaw closes around her, making you finally cry out in pain.
“NO! MAMA!” You begin to sob and stop fighting as your world comes to an end at that very moment, on the same day she had given birth to you 20 years back.
Every ounce of strength, every ounce of courage, of love, perishes with her, leaving only a soulless body in agony.
The moments after that don’t even register in your mind, you can only watch the spot where she had been. You can only see the single piece of her that Sunfyre leaves untouched. You can only hear deafening silence as Daenys finally stops crying.
And when the guards finally pick you up moments later, you don’t notice a thing. You’re too numb to it all until you feel yourself fall to your knees. After that you realize you’re in front of Aegon.
“No remarks or stupid quips now?” He retorts.
You drop your gaze and shift your gaze to where your mother's body is and continue to watch in horror and anguish. Once again the thought of death is a welcoming fate, if he wants to kill you now then you won’t fight it. You’ll die with her the same way she gave you life 20 years back.
“What should I do with you?” Aegon questions. “Kill you? Make you watch your family die? I do have your smart-mouthed bitch of a cousin here.”
You blink in disbelief and slowly look over at him, earning his surprise.
“Oh, you’re listening now, are you? Yes, Baela is here. Her dragon is dead and yours will follow.”
You clench your jaw and glare at him.
“Where is your dragon?” He asks in a threatening manner.
You answer with silence, so he has Ser Alfred come over and hit you again. And it’s only because of the pain that you do answer. “I don’t know. I left unconscious and when I woke I was already here,” you mutter in a hoarse voice.
Aegon exhales deeply and averts his gaze to think for a moment before he looks at one of his men. “Find where Astraea is and have her killed. I can’t risk having the Princess revolt.”
Your breath catches and you shift forward.
“Bring me Aegon,” he then continues, making you stand up in horror.
The knights try to get you back on your knees but Aegon demands them to let you stay as you are.
“He’s just a little boy,” you interject shakily. “Please.”
“We should have him killed,” Ser Alfred suggests making you snap your head to him and snap back.
“You shut up, this is not your problem.”
He immediately furrows his eyebrows and moves to counter violently, but Aegon puts his hand out and stops him. And of course Ser Alfred listens like a leashed dog.
“The princling may be a child now but he will grow and seek revenge,” Ser Alfred continues as a guard brings over your brother. “Just like her own son.”
“No!” You bellow out and try to step forward, but Ser Jason holds you back before you can reach Aegon. “Please my children have no fault in this. Nor does my brother please.” You beg and fall to your knees in defeat in front of Aegon.
You disliked him when you were young, and hated him when you returned to King's Landing. You only bent the knee to him before so you wouldn’t be thrown in a dungeon and so you could stay at Aemond’s side. You were playing a part, but now, even after witnessing your mother die because of him, you willingly fall on your knees and plead to him without animosity.
This was you at your most vulnerable in front of someone you swore you’d never show an ounce of kindness to. Someone you always defied and looked down on even as he was king.
“Please, do with me as you like, but I beg you, Your Grace, don’t harm my children, or Baela or my brother, please.” You beg and bend over on the floor with tears rolling down your cheeks. “Please Aegon.”
The crippled King sighs and stays quiet for a moment before he responds. “Aerion and…the other two are my brother's children, I will not have them killed, they will be raised by my mother.”
You sigh with relief even if that’s a nightmare too.
“And Aegon? Well, Rhaenyra still has allies, he can still be of some use to us. But you?”
You lift your eyes and watch him as he watches you with a smirk.
“Hm, I am in need of a son.”
Your breath catches and you grow angry.
“She killed your brother, Your Grace,” Ser Alfred interjects.
“Yes,” Aegon agrees quietly. “She threatened me as well, hm.”
Please no. Please no.
“She betrayed Aemond and the crown, for that you should be punished,” he adds seriously and hums softly before he interjects. “Ah, I know, let’s see if you really are The Unburnt. Ever since I woke up, that's all I've heard. The Realms Golden Girl, The Siren of Driftmark evades death by fire and proves to be a dragon indeed.” He chuckles. “I want to see it.”
You swallow thickly and get yanked off the ground, making you see his ugly face again.
“If you die then oh well, but if you live then…well, we’ll see.”
You scoff and Ser Jason pulls you towards Sunfyre, and once again you grow rigid when you stand over what remains of her; ash and a single leg.
“Is this really the right choice, Your Grace?” Ser Jason protests as if he hadn't just betrayed you, your mother, and everyone you came with. “She is still a Velaryon, the Sea Snake's own blood.”
You curl your lip to scowl and peer back to remark sharply. “You want to be a savior now, do you? What happened to loyalty?!” You turn around and shove him back. “What happened to friendship? You really think you would have made your father proud?” You share on purpose. “You are no son of Daemon Targaryen, he died for his family, what have you done but acted like a coward. He would be ashamed of you.”
Ser Jason’s eyes snap to look at Aegon nervously, and you look over with pride, hoping this would be his end.
“Your father is Daemon Targaryen?” Aegon questions seriously.
Ser Jason lets go of you to instantly kneel down and bow his head. “Yes, but I am only a bastard. Nothing more. He didn’t even know I existed.”
Aegon hums and looks out at the sky as if Greyghost would appear in the clouds all of a sudden.
“Indeed you are a bastard,” Aegon says and looks at Ser Jason. “It’s why you betray my sister, it’s why no one will ever want you on the throne…”
Your eyebrows slowly knit together in confusion as you begin to grasp where this is going.
“But you have a dragon and unfortunately those are a scarce few now. Thus you will continue to be at my side as my Commander of the Kingsguard.”
It feels like getting stabbed in the back all over again, how could Aegon let Ser Jason live? Why?
Because Ser Jason is a man and has a dragon? Or is it just to mess with you?
“You honor me, Your Grace,” Ser Jason says without so much fear in his voice now.
Aegon sighs and nods stiffly before he looks back at you and smirks again. “Now, move away, and let’s see if my niece's flesh is really fire-made.” He snickers.
You try to move away but you’re brought back by the traitor before he steps away.
“If it’s a challenge you want!” You exclaim to avoid revealing a power that would make you his war prize. “Then I demand a trial by combat!”
Ser Criston is dead, Aemond is dead, and so is Daeron, any other challenger can’t compete with you. You can win and not show him the blessing the gods gave you.
“Now why would I want that?” Aegon presses and leans back in his chair.
“To show you’re no coward,” you spat.
Aegon grimaces and since he can’t stand he just gives the command. “Dracarys.”
Sunfyre lifts his head and leans towards you to smell you the same way he smelled your mother. You lift your chin to the sky and stare into his eyes with no ounce of fear only out of your pride.
The Golden dragon then pulls his head back and opens his mouth, but he just lays back down, making you smirk. However, this time Ser Alfred doesn’t need to be told twice before he storms over to you to stab your wound just enough so it can bleed again, making you groan and stumble.
Sunfyre smells the blood, but he’s lazy now and slowly lifts his head off the ground to face you. You can't hold your own weight and fall to your knees as you grab at your bleeding wound. The golden dragon opens his jaw and draws in a deep breath before he breathes out and bathes you in bright flames. And just like the other times your gown burns off your body, the armor begins to melt off your chest, and the wound that they had reopened gets sealed because of the hot flames.
At this instant, you wish you would perish too, but you prove to be as resistant to fire as the other times. Yet unlike before you don’t stand with pride now, you don’t show off your life proudly, you stay on your knees and begin to cry as you see the only remaining part of her that was left.
“Mama,” you weep and bend down to press your forehead against her remaining leg, hoping deep inside that it’d somehow bring her back. “Mother.”
The burning flames stop bathing you, and scattered gasps sound around the room. But you don’t know if it’s because you’re unscathed or because you’re naked.
Both probably knowing these men.
“So it is true?” Aegon asks rhetorically as you stay curled up to avoid being seen. “Hm, well that changes things.”
Hurried footsteps approach you, and before you can see you feel a warm cloak over you.
“Get on up my Princess,” you recognize Vanessa say before she grabs your arm, making you let go of your mother's limb to let her help you up and wrap her cloak around your body.
No one else bothered to do it as quick as she did, and knowing Aegon he would’ve left you like that for his pathetic court to see.
“We’ll marry then,” Aegon announces, making you gasp in horror. “That was the condition if you lived.”
He just killed your mother in front of you and he wants you to go on with this stupid propsal? He wants you to be his wife after what he did? What he’s done?
All those wounds must’ve really driven him mad.
“I’d rather die than marry you,” you spat out as Vanessa holds you against her. “So kill me instead. Aren't I a threat to your precious throne?”
Aegon shakes his head and you don’t notice any actual fear for you. “No,” he says. “You won’t be a threat when you’re my wife and when I put a babe in your belly.”
You look at him in disgust and then look around the yard for something sharp frantically, but it seems Vanessa knows your intention and grips onto you tighter knowing you don’t have the strength to fight her.
“Let me go!” You cry out. “Let me go!”
Grief doesn’t let you think straight or strategically, you’re so empty inside that an end sounds like sweet mercy.
“I will not marry him! I will not marry you!” You bellow and squirm, but Vanessa fights you back while the guards approach cautiously. “Let me go!”
“Shut up!” Aegon bellows, managing to cut you off. “You will marry me! I am your king and you will do what I want!”
You swallow thickly and meet his gaze with slight surprise. He’s never risen his voice like this ever. Or at least not that you know of.
“Do you really think I’d put you to the sword?” He adds with anger. “I am not simple, your blessings will gift me a powerful son. One who will not be questioned or usurped. So I will have you in chains if I must.”
You huff out and glare him, but he doesn’t care.
“Let it be known!” He declares with pride. “The time for hiding is done. Let the ravens fly so that the realm may know the pretender is dead, and their true king is coming home to reclaim his father's throne with a new Queen at his side!”
You should fight back, you could take him with you with one blow. That way you won’t have to marry him or bear his children. You’d die but that’s mercy compared to what he wants.
However, the guards surrounding you take you from
Vanessa and drag you towards Aegon.
“Give her some clothes and chain her before you throw her in a cell,” he says. “So she may learn not to speak back to her betrothed.” He snickers.
“And my children?” You question before you can get taken away.
Aegon sighs. “Well, we can’t possibly send them to my mother now with the Velaryon fleet in the way, so you better hope your handmaiden and the others can take care of them.”
You look over at Vanessa and she offers you an assuring nod before you’re torn away from the yard so they can do what they were told.
When you get thrown in a cell all that spirit you showed to counter diminishes and all that there’s left is that empty shell. However, in the silence that filled the cells, there’s a sudden shift against the hard bed in the cell next to yours.
At first, you ignore the noise and numbly watch the wall beside you, but it then comes to you; Baela is here and it’s doubtful that Aegon locked her away in some fancy room. She would find a way out for one, and two, she is—was loyal to your mother so she’s a traitor in his eyes. One who fortunately doesn’t have fire-made flesh.
“Baela?” You call out quietly. “It’s y/n.”
There’s another shift before you hear footsteps and then her voice near the wall. “Y/N is it really you?”
You slide off the hard-ass bed and see a little window that looks into her cage by the wall, so you carefully get down and peek through, noticing now that she was there trying to peek in too.
“Baela,” you say again, but with relief now.
Said girl sighs softly before she responds. “Why are you here?”
She doesn’t know. How could she? But how can you tell her? You can barely accept it yourself.
“My mother…” you pause and sigh deeply. “She’s gone. Aegon put me here to teach me a lesson.”
Baela gasps softly and leaves the cells silent.
“I’m sorry,” you tell her softly. “I know she meant a lot to you too. And I’m sorry about Moondancer. He told me what happened.”
Silence lingers on her side for a moment and you stay there waiting. Even if she didn’t speak you’d wait because right now she’s all you have.
And after a while, she finally breaks her silence. “I’m sorry too. I’m sorry you had to see that. But know…” she trails off to soften her voice. “We will get our revenge.”
You turn and sit against the wall before you feel your bottom lip tremble. “No…I just want to go home,” you whisper.
“I don’t think I can do it anymore,” you explain with tears. “I have fought this war in the name of revenge, look where that’s got me?” You drop your head and look at your hands. “You and Rhaena are all I have left. If I continue to fight and lose you too I’ll truly have nothing. So all I want now is to go home. I want to go back to when grandmother was still alive, when I had Jacaerys and Lucerys….we’d fight, they’d annoy me, but I want to be with them again. I want my life to go back to the way it was,” you cry. “I know I was always dreaming of more but I want to be that naive again.”
Baela let’s out a shaky sigh. “Me too,” she whispers. “But we can’t have that now can we?”
“If I stay here and close my eyes maybe I can have some of it,” you mutter. “Maybe I can be with my mother again instead of having to marry him.”
“What?” Baela gasps.
You exhale shakily and nod as you clutch onto your aching wound. “Yes, he saw what I possess and now I have to marry him.” You scoff. “I’d rather fling myself off the highest tower than marry that bastard.”
Baela chuckles softly. “We fought and now he can’t move his legs, or get it up, so I wouldn’t worry that much about him.”
The corner of your lips pull to a proud smirk. “I saw that. Good job, it’s what the bastard deserves.”
“He deserved death, but we can get that together can’t we?” She asks hopefully.
And she’s right, all you may be is an empty husk, but there is one lingering emotion; anger, raging anger. There’s no hope, no joy, no love, it’s all gone, and any remedy to gain it all back died with your mother. Rage is all that they left you with, so you’ll show it off. Because you did promise in that state between life and death didn’t you?
You’ll see it through and make sure every single green member is dead. Even if it means you die at the end too.
“We can,” you assure Baela.
“You’ll be Queen,” she adds. “That’s what he'll make you, so be The Queen you were meant to be.”
You smirk and once again lay on your stomach to look through the bars, causing Baela to lean in closer to be able to wrap her hands around the bars and show off the scar that was now carved on her face.
“We’ll show them fire and blood,” she mutters with anger.
You nod stiffly and carefully wrap your hand around hers. “They should’ve killed us,” you say smugly. “That was their mistake. Now we’ll show them true fire and blood.”
“Together,” you mutter at the same time.
Full moons came and went though, and as they did the marriage Aegon promised didn’t come. You weren’t ecstatic about it either, you’d rather it not happen and hope that maybe Cregan saves you before you have to marry Aegon. But regardless, becoming Queen has taken longer than you thought. And with the days that passed so did your fiery spirit that Baela lit.
Every day you’re plagued by the day of your mother's death, every day you see her get bathed in fire, and every day it takes more from you than you thought. Little by little you stopped talking, you ate only because they forced you, and you stopped asking about your children’s status; as much as you wanted to care for them you couldn’t care behind a cell. Everything just felt…bleak.
Then again it’s that same rage that’s keeping you sane, that’s keeping you going. Every day before your sadness takes over you think of the ways you’re going to kill Aegon Targaryen, his bitch mother, and every other green supporter. It plays in a loop on and on and on.
And you can say it consists mostly of death by dragon, which is something you could’ve done, but Astraea hasn’t come close to Dragonstone. Or so it’s what Vanessa has whispered in your ear. Apparently, the last time she was seen she was heading North, as to why she’d go there without you, who knows? Perhaps she knows your heart's desire.
Regardless, with her gone, it’s a relief because she gets to stay alive, but it sucks because Aegon is taunting you over it, thinking she abandoned you. Which is not true but he can think what he wants as long as she doesn’t hurt her.
However, having her here to escape would be nice, now you just have to wait and think about what Aegon has brewing. Wait and think in the darkness, in the cold cell as winter only develops further so far south.
The one good thing about being trapped is that you have Baela next to you, she often talks the most, but in moments like now, you fill the silence with quiet singing only because she asks. However, the door that leads to the cells opens and you go quiet to see who’s coming.
And to your surprise, it’s Ser Jason in his tainted Kingsguard uniform. “Oh,” you groan. “It’s you. Long time no see, traitor. I’d hope you would have died already.”
Ser Jason sighs and walks to your cell as other guards walk towards Baela’s. “The King is requesting the presence of the both of you,” he says and enters your cell with chains.
“Oh,” you mutter and watch him hook chains around your ankles. “He remembers about us? I thought he forgot about his betrothed.”
“You wish,” Ser Jason says in a lighthearted tone.
You glare at him and look at him with disgust. Who does he think is? What does he think happened in the two months you’ve been stuck here?
He’s truly a madman.
“Look,” he whispers as he grabs the other set of chains and works them around your wrists. “I can only help you if you behave. Please. I don’t want to see you hurt.”
You meet his gaze and scoff. “Too late now, huh?”
When he's done you push yourself up and wait for him to grab your arm to pull you out himself. Baela gets pulled out at the same time, but they made sure to keep her behind you so you wouldn't touch or speak.
“What is this about?” Baela asks as you’re being taken to Aegon.
“We had things to do,” you interject dryly.
Ser Jason scoffs but no one answers the question. Not like you needed it answered because when you stopped at the courtyard you saw a wooden stage, and the great Golden dragon, Sunfyre, dead behind a puffy-eyed Aegon.
Yet you can’t say you form any sympathy for the man, only the dragon. He deserved better.
“Your Grace,” you greet. “You look well, doesn't he Baela?” You ask and look over at your cousin.
Baela looks at you and nods stiffly. “Quite, we did pray for your recovery after all,” she lies, making you nod in agreement.
Aegon scoffs but doesn’t counter to your sarcasm, he just glares at Baela and spats out. “You killed Sunfyre.”
You narrow your gaze on him and glance at the dead dragon.
“Now I shall kill you,” he sneers with his eyes glossy.
“Wait,” you protest now with your anger shaken. “Aegon you promsied. Please.”
“I didn't promise you anything,” he counters spitefully. “Nor do you deserve any favor granted. You’ll watch her die just like you watched your cunt of a mother die. Just like you watched every member of your family die.”
You curl your hands to fist and burn your glare deeper into him. “Shut up,” you exclaim.
“Again you’ll watch and beg to your gods as your family dies and you can do nothing about it,” he adds, making you cry out of anger, and lunge forward, but of course, his Kingsguard captures you and pulls you back before you can get anywhere near him.
“Take Baela to the block,” he demands, and no one takes a moment to hesitate, they drag her along and she of course goes with dignity and her head raised.
“Aegon!” You call out without tears now. “Let her go!”
He ignores you and the guards yank Baela down to lay her head on the block. Your heart skips a beat and you step forward.
“Aegon! She is still Laena Velaryon’s daughter!” You exclaim between heavy breaths. “She is the granddaughter of Lord Corlys. If you ever want to go home you need to keep her alive or else the entire fleet will descend upon you.”
Aegon raises his hand and the executioner puts his weapon back.
“She is right, Your Grace,” you can hear the maester tell Aegon near his ear. “If we kill Lady Baela now any chance to have Ser Alyn and the fleet join us will be lost.”
You glance at Baela and offer her an assuring smile before you meet Aegon's gaze.
“Very well then take her off,” Aegon commands, letting you sigh with relief and drop your shoulders. “Send a raven to Ser Alyn,” he adds and looks at Baela. “If Ser Alyn does not present himself in a fortnight to do homage to his rightful liege, Lady Baela will lose her head.”
You swallow back nervously and step back with different curiosity’s filling your head. “And what about me?” You ask and earn his attention.
“We’ll marry of course. If Alyn doesn’t bend the knee I will destroy him, and Driftmark and the fleet will fall to your son. I can only secure that by marrying you,” he explains, making you grow cold. “Tonight.”
You blink repeatedly and scoff in confusion. “But, what of the proposal? What of your grief?”
Aegon shakes his head. “It all doesn’t matter compared to you now does it?” He smirks, and your frown deepens. “Now have her prepared for our wedding. If the gods are good we’ll present my mother with a grandson soon.”
You drop your head and huff out deeply before you’re dragged away in defeat.
“One flesh,” Aegon mutters with a softness and joy, while you drag your words along with him with a shaky voice and tears in your eyes. “One Heart, one soul, now and forever.”
You spoke those words to one person long ago it seems. On a cliff that overlooked the sea you loved, not a courtyard where your mother died. Aegon was there in attendance that day too, dozed off in his own thoughts and hangover or drunk who knows.
Astraea and Vhagar watched from where they fit, but no dragon song will fill the air this time, no majestic dragons stand witness. The company you had wasn’t pleasant before, Helaena is the only exception, but at least this time your kids are here, and so are Baela and your friend Vanessa. Everyone besides that is irrelevant, people just standing as witnesses for Aegon so everyone knows who you’re becoming.
A beautiful and blazing horizon accompanied you that day too, adding to the beauty of that day, adding joy and warmth. But this time the sky is white and snow flutters down over the yard while the coldness nips at your skin.
Which, in a matter of fact, it’s believed in the North that if it snows during a wedding it’s a bad omen. Let’s hope that’s true this time. Hopefully, the cut you make on Aegon's lip with the dragon glass will kill him. You surely make sure to have a heavy hand when cutting his bottom lip.
He winces but you don’t comfort him, you stand stiffly as he cuts your lip, and never meet his gaze that is watching you with too much wonder. You then proceed to paint blood glyphs on each other's foreheads, but you don’t smile with awe now.
“<Now,” the maester says in sloppy High Valyrian since he only agreed to make the wedding in your Valyrian culture because Aegon wanted it that way. “Cut your palms to let your blood mix together and unify as one.>”
Aegon is gentle with his cut, one because he can barely hold the damn blade, and two, because he thinks he’s doing you a kindness.
You’re not so kind, you cut deep again, and force yourself to hold his hand as you mix your blood on the goblet below your united hands.
“<Blood of two,” the maester continues to say as he grabs the goblet and pushes it towards Aegon. “Joined as one.>”
Aegon takes the cup and takes a long sip. And when you take it you take a quick sip and fight the need to gag at the bitter taste of blood.
“<A future promised in glass, the stars stand witness. The vow spoken through time, of darkness and light.>” The maester finishes saying, making you utter the same vow as before with Aegon.
“<One flesh,” you mutter with tears in your eyes as you remember Aemond. “One heart, one soul, now and forever.>”
You close your eyes and tears roll down your cheeks as you lean in and press a kiss on Aegon's dry lips, solidifying the beginning of a nightmare you beg will end soon.
Tagged- @namelesslosers @stargaryenx @chainsawsangel @lauftivy @winxschester @cloudroomblog @llarue @padsdarlg @sofietargaryen @gracielikegrapes @dreaming-of-the-reality @itzelpeyton @patdsinner33 @mrsdominickstark @elaena-aerrin @todoroki-slut @snh96 @urmomsgirlfriend1 @nifujiswhore @sweethoneyblossom1 @kaetastic
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pensando-so · 1 year
Quando eu me questiono assumo uma culpa que nunca existiu só para dar motivos de acreditar no outro que não fez questão alguma de ser leal comigo.
Maxwell Santos
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cielo-rouge · 7 months
Soy tan leal a lo que siento, como a lo que no. Por esa razón nunca estaría con alguien que no quiero. Por esa razón no compartiría tiempo con gente que no me cae bien. Ser leal a uno mismo y a los demás te evitará pérdida de tiempo y energía.
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its-tharsis · 26 days
Te amaré hasta el final, mi pasión por ti no puede ser desechada, adoraría sentir tus manos alrededor de mi cuello, oblígame a ser leal.
—The heartbreak prince.
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