#semi automatic is so severely underrated
re-decorate · 1 year
do you ever think about how the horrors of the night melt away under the warm glow of survival of the day (then we move on) my shadow grows taller along with my fears and my frame shrinks smaller as night grows near?
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justinepush · 2 years
What can you say about the canon and semi-canon ships of Demon Slayer? Like Obamitsu, Sanekana, Giyushino, and the Kamaboko squad with their respective pairs? I'm very curious and I love your art by the way ♥️
Thank you anon!
I actually ship most of the pairing you have mentioned ^^ But I'm still going to consider the other ships like Akaza and Koyuki, Tengen and his wives, and of course other implied ships. I'm a huge shipper and I always say 'I want you and you to kiss' with every movie or series I watch. But shipping in demon slayer just hurts man :') Gotouge has hurt me countless times. BUT! Let's just forget about that for a minute. Oh and spoilers ahead.
(I'm gonna go in order with the ship implication in the manga. If I can remember)
ZenNezu - Oh I love them. I just think that it's so freaking sweet how this loud yellow boy, who's afraid of getting hurt and of demons, took a beating for a demon. And because he's a simp really kind hearted person, he treats Nezuko like a human and not a monster like what everybody else perceives a demon. I also love that the two didn't automatically got together in the end, because if they did, Nezuko would just come of as a prize to be won and she really isn't. She's a strong woman worth stanning and Zenistsu would agree 100%
Tamayo x Yushiro - To be honest, it's a nah for me. It's cute how loyal Yushiro is towards Tamayo, but she's very motherly towards him and that isn't a dynamic that I quite enjoy.
GiyuShino - Bro I dove into this head-first. The whole 'Nobody likes you' was just OH MY GOYD THE TENSION. And that headlock? DON'T GET ME STARTED. The bickering and teasing just stole my heart. And hiMEJIMA YOU ABSOLUTE GOLD MINE! I just love how their so comfortable with each other that they can insult each other til they both turn gray (they remind me a lot of MonDler). But sadly, they can't turn gray together. They actually can't.
TanKana - These two are a must protect, wholesome bunch of cinnamon rolls. Some people do say that Tankana is a forced pair, but I don't think it is. Because first of all, the two like each other; Kanao after the coin toss scene and Tanjirou under the cherry blossom tree. And they were teased several times in the recovery arc and when Tanjirou woke up from his coma after the entertainment district. They bring the best out of each other and they're words seem to hit hard towards the other (the 'it's the heart that drives a person' which started Kanao's arc, and the 'come back to us' which knocks some sense into Tanjirou).
Kagaya x Amane - YES. I know Amane was assigned to be Kagaya's wife but the level of respect they have for one another is just a huge couple goal. Their relationship wasn't explored much like the other ships of kny, but it was obvious that they cared for each other.
Tengen x His wives - I've already ranted enough with the last three ships so I'm not going to talk about Makio, Suma, and Hinatsuru one by one. Although I don't ship it, I think they're really sweet. Just one big family that really care for each other.
ObaMitsu - They're cute but I don't ship them as much as I ship the other pairs I've ranted about. I love how Obanai simps for Mitsuri, hard. And the fact that Mitsuri can be -not your average, weird girl who can't seem to fill that void for a stomach- herself around Obanai, with him still being a head over heels for her. Glad they were given a second chance :)
Akaza x Koyuki - One word: Tragic. The world is so unfair for these childhood sweethearts, especially for Akaza. You know I'm still mad at him for murdering the greatest thing that ever existed bless his soul, his backstory really made me angry for him. Too bad they were never reincarnated.
Yoriichi x Uta - Also a no. I mean I really want Yoriichi to have his break and be happy with his wife, but I don't really ship them. I'm not really a big fan of living under the same roof with your future spouse as children.
SaneKana - These two are underrated as fork. But I get it, they were teased more in the light novel and fanbook (Himejima bless your soul) and some people are not familiar with these editions. Their dynamic -as phrased by shipping.fandom.com- brooding boy x gentle girl. Despite their obvious and vast difference, they can relate to both their similarities. And I REALLY love how fan fictions portray Sanemi being a blushing mess and can't seem to articulate what he's saying when Kanae manages to catch him off guard and he'd just scream at her to shut up. And they're a pretty hot couple ngl.
InoAoi - Between the pairings for the Kamaboko squad, inoaoi is the one I ship the least. I still ship them though, but they kind of came out of nowhere at the end of the manga. Fanfics actually made me ship them. I read one that Aoi (despite her tough exterior) was pretty motherly. She reminded Inosuke of Shinobu and that's when he started developing feelings. And I love how Inosuke (despite the headaches) can bring a smile to Aoi.
Did I forget something?
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warlordgab · 6 years
NaLu analysis: Context, Substance, and Chemistry
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Many FT readers find, one way or another, multiple moments that showcase the strength of NaLu and highlight their chemistry.
However, not everyone is capable of perceiving how the story nourishes this relationship, not only by means of obvious moments but also by the context of several scenes.
This is one of the reasons why wankers are prone to ignore or completely disregard context to fabricate something to make implausible premises (cracks) seem as solid as a semi-canon pairing.
For example, some use the following scenario as a sign of a rising romantic relationship: the female lead slaps a character she and her partner are familiar with because he trash-talked the values the guild stood for, something that hurt her a lot.
Granted it was all an act and the guy apologized at the end, but the slap and apology are still overhyped by wankers as something as big as what NaLu may offer.
However, when this scene is put in the context of what Lucy’s character was going through, the story points in a different direction.
The scene was painful to Lucy because she was struggling against the fear of the FT guild, which she considers her family, not coming back, and having a member of that family bad-mouthing the guild only confirmed her fears... until it was revealed that was all an act. And this isn’t just speculation; right after everyone returned, Lucy expressed to Natsu, Happy, and Wendy this fear she had
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But the context also offers something else. Let us ask, what gave Lucy the strength and hope she needed to, at the very least, fight this fear?
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Instead of “what” we should ask “who.” The answer? Natsu, who not only provided Lucy with the hope she needed in a passive way. He also took action in response to her desire to get the guild back together and brought her to an adventure to reunite their scattered guildmates.
Again, this isn’t mere speculation. Natsu worked in the idea of getting the guild back together right after this scene:
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While not explicitly romantic, these actions are far more meaningful than an overhyped slap/apology.
It’s safe to say that this element is quite unfriendly with less likely premises. Still, context not only refutes non-sensical arguments, but it also enhances NaLu moments when factoring it into the equation.
For example, the movie storyboarded by Mashima himself, Dragon Cry, features a moment previously analyzed in another post. The moment by itself looks strong, but it’s the context that further solidifies the scene as “NaLu.”
At the beginning of the story, we get Natsu asking Lucy in a curious manner “What do I look like?”. This line will be repeated at the end in the form of a "meaningful echo" as Natsu beats the bad guy with a new transformation (which made him look more like a dragon and less like a person for a while).
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So, the context now gives the scene a deeper meaning as it shows how much Natsu values the perspective Lucy has of his person and how it affects his character the way she sees him.
More often than not, context allows readers to grasp the substance of a relationship and, in some cases, even individual characters.
On the other hand, there’s another underrated element many either disregard or misinterpret. It is something we already considered in an earlier post, but given how wankers try to twist this concept to downgrade NaLu, we’re going to touch this subject once again: Chemistry
As we explained before, many readers can admit NaLu has several moments throughout the author’s works, but wankers or haters still deem this bond as something lacking in “real chemistry.”
Some of you probably read my previous “rant” before and realized, one way or another, wankers promote arguments to say “implausible” premises can easily match what NaLu has. And one relatively new argument relies on the claim of certain cracks having “real chemistry” while NaLu doesn’t have any...
Does this claim hold any merits?
Short answer: No. Logic and evidence refute such arguments
First, let us consider the term “chemistry” once again. To truly understand this concept in the context of literary works we need to what true chemistry is not
True chemistry is not about commonalities. Usually playing the straight man or woman in crazy situations doesn't automatically makes you a match for someone who may do the same.
True chemistry is not about saving the girl or getting rescued by someone. A typical advice about writing chemistry indicates that it should never be implied that a character owns the other a relationship because of favors done. Saving the girl is not enough to claim a pairing has the "superior" chemistry.
Now that we cleared that up, we can answer the question: What is chemistry?
In the context of relationships, chemistry is related to mutual trust/faith; it’s a natural connection, "a bond, or common feeling between two people." In fact, "real chemistry between characters happens when they affect each other in big ways." 
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So, we can measure chemistry, not by commonalities, not by the characters' overall intelligence, but by how the moments they share leave an impact. When meaningful gestures and significant moments result in an emotional attachment.
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But, despite all of this wankers may insist on their premises being just as solid as NaLu. What do they use as “evidence” for this claim?
The first thing many of these shippers tend to use is a “Freudian Slip” to prove a Mr. Fanservice character is seeking a romantic relationship with Lucy. The line goes something like this: “She’s kinda cute.”
Does NaLu have something better than that?
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He deemed Lucy as “precious” to him as he battled the one who killed Lucy’s future self. His tears along with his actions made his words far more meaningful than a mere “Freudian Slip.”
Another moment that wankers may use involves this setting: Lucy powering through a great deal of danger and pain to save Natsu’s life with the assistance of the guy wankers promote as her would-be lover.
Does NaLu have an answer to that? Yes! All thanks to the context
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The epicenter of Lucy’s emotional and physical struggle is Natsu and his potential fate after releasing him from the one thing that ties his life to Zeref’s existence.
What wankers used to justify their premises in this point of the story, turns out to be more supporting evidence of the strength of Lucy’s bond with Natsu when we factor context!
All that these shippers have left are very occasional “saved the girl” scenes and a few displays of “concern.”
We already mentioned how the reasoning “saving the girl means she owns her savior a relationship,” doesn’t match what a natural chemistry between characters should be. But, for the sake of debate let’s consider these moments anyway.
Wankers use these few showings to claim their favored character should get the 1st spot in Lucy’s heart. Because he shows “concern.” Doesn’t Natsu show a lot of concern for Lucy?
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He’s pretty open about it and displays “concern” for her pretty often too, sometimes becoming hard to contain when it comes to the prospect of saving/protecting Lucy
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So, if “concern” is the factor to claim a guy should be the girl’s lover/boyfriend/husband, then why wankers hype other characters over Natsu?
What about “saving the girl” scenes?
Natsu protected and saved Lucy...
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...multiple times
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If saving the girl = we’re a thing now, then why wankers still say their favorite option is the one who has the romantic relationship with Lucy instead of Natsu?
When all arguments are exhausted all that remains is one overhyped instance of Lucy teaming up with a cool sexy guy to parry several sand projectile attacks and claims of “wonderful friendship.”
If teamwork is a factor, then why the “most compatible team” as stated by the manga doesn’t get the same hype?
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When analyzing the author’s works, we can see Natsu and Lucy displayed how well they worked together several times
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When it comes to their relationship, in a previous post we also considered how their companionship and their potential to become a canon pairing can easily be described as “wonderful,” or as Lucy said: it’s always more fun when we’re together
At the end of the GMG arc, we could see how their bond, the “common feeling” between them could transcend time and space
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So, why cracks are the ones deemed as “wonderful” while NaLu gets discarded?
The point is that even when several shippers claim the “saved the girl” scenes from their favored premises hold more merit, NaLu casually matches and surpasses the best they have.
This comparison is not meant to imply that saving the girl cannot be used to advance or enhance the romantic potential of a relationship. Some stories may resort to such a trope to build particular bonds, but what makes such scenes stand out is the context.
For example, one of the first NaLu moments seen in the series is when Lucy gets rescued by Natsu during the Phantom Lord arc. NaLu benefits from this scene not because Natsu was saving Lucy, but for the overall context of her situation...
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...as some readers may realized by now, hearing Natsu’s voice as all that Lucy needed to jump off, taking what we could consider a “leap of faith.” This scene helps to stablish a great trust that’s growing between the characters involved.
It becomes even more meaningful when considered as part of a much bigger whole; this “whole” being the progression that created the emotional attachment that Natsu and Lucy share for one another.
Still, despite everything we’ve seen in the author’s works, even some NaLu shippers use this flawed logic to throw Lucy to the bed of a “better-looking” character or having her marry someone “cooler.” All while keeping Natsu, in the case of those who still remember he’s there, as the “other guy.”
This little exercise is meant to illustrate how, even when playing with some particular shippers’ “rules,” NaLu remains as the choice that makes the most sense and has the better chemistry. Unlike what some wankers/haters may say or think, NaLu is more than just a bunch of lovely fanarts.
Some shippers may disregard Natsu as the logical option because of his personality. He’s a good-hearted thrill-seeker; someone upbeat with a fondness for pranks and collecting mementos, as well as someone who’s prone to let out his emotions.
Several shippers don’t find such traits attractive or “worthy” of Lucy, while they favor the archetype of a stylish Mr. Fanservice character who has a cool, calm, and collected personality.
But, a potent relationship is not about what shippers consider “worthy” or “best boi.”
A potent relationship is about meaningful gestures, multiple impactful moments, consistent bonding, and a solid emotional chemistry.
One last thing to consider is this little detail: Some wankers decided to use the cover of chapter 379 not only as a sign of their crack being “semi-canon” but also as a tag for their premise.
When a hater tried to use the cover to attack rival shippers, even casual readers laughed at how delusional was claiming that cover contained anything that could support a pairing.
Then again, if we play by these wankers rules, we could mention two little pieces made by Mashima himself that when put together give us a pretty obvious message:
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And as that MJ song says: “Who’s bad?”
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redrackham87 · 6 years
What was your first ship, what ship do you hate most, and please rant about the Doctor Who ship of your choice!
what was your first ship, and what fandom is it from?
I’m pretty sure it was Han/Leia. My parents showed me Star Wars when I was quite young (I wanna say like, 7 or 8?) and I remember briefly having some nightmares about Darth Vader, but I got over it pretty quick, then watching the old trilogy fairly obsessively. I started writing my own novelizations of the movies, got extremely obsessed with Return of the Jedi, and Han and Leia’s various romantic moments. 
I don’t think I consciously “shipped” anything until I read Order of the Phoenix when it came out, and I decided Neville and Luna would be really great together - then shortly discovered fanfiction, Fiction Alley, and allll the HP ships I could possibly think of and more. XD
what ship do you hate most?
DISCLAIMER: shippers gonna ship, and I mean zero offense to anyone who enjoys ships I do not. Please skip if you ship because I have Feelings.
I have a very specific, long term hatred of Alex/Izzie from Grey’s Anatomy, and a big part of it honestly comes out of the fandom I was involved in at the time I was obsessed with Grey’s (circa season 4-5 airing). But I just reallllly have a lot of problems with the “romance” that was written for them in those seasons. And more so, the fact that Alex was consistently a horrible human but also consistently forgiven automatically by the fandom at large (and seemingly the writers) simply because Alex had a tough childhood/tragic past. News flash: having a horrible childhood does not excuse you for being a horrible person, and several of the characters had rough lives yet were either not horrible or not excused for their horrible moments, as Alex very, very often was.
I can understand why he is the way he is, but I cannot and will not excuse it, nor get behind him marrying a dying girl because he has the hots for her again (probably definitely because of his own personal issues and coming off a relationship where his previous girl went crazy and tried to commit suicide, because you know, LET’S MAKE IT AS TRAGIC AS POSSIBLE SO WE FEEL BAD or something). I cannot and will not get behind him then yelling at his current new wife all the time because she’s struggling with CANCER, and claiming she basically trapped him into marriage. And this isn’t even getting into him cheating on her when they first dated, nor her treating him poorly and pretty much using him when they went for it a second time, nor him ignoring her very obvious and very problematic symptoms that ultimately revealed her cancer, even though they were technically dating. Like it wasn’t a problem she was clearly acting crazy and claiming to be having sex with a ghost?! Like, that’s not a concern!?
Anyways, they wrote her horrifically by that point anyways, they killed the character I loved the most, everything was an over dramatic soap opera, and I had to quit watching for my mental health. XD
rant about [pairing]
I had to think about this for a bit, because I couldn’t really think of any pairing I passionately dislike enough to rant about. But: I super don’t get shipping Twelve and Clara. Or Twelve and anyone except River and maybe Missy, only because with Peter Capaldi’s age, it feels really squicky to me to ship him with anyone else. I realize that the Doctor is like 900 or 1200 years old, so really, shipping him with anyone is technically an incredible age gap. XD But even so, I just really don’t feel like they had that kind of chemistry, at all. Which is great and fine! Twelve didn’t have “that kind” of chemistry with Bill either, and they were an awesome pair. (I feel like Twelve and Clara’s episodes suffered in the writing department on the whole, which is no fault to them, and also an entirely different semi-rant. XD) I just cannot picture Twelve and Clara at all romantically, nor do I want to. XD
My other semi-rant is that I think a lot of people don’t have enough feels about Nine/Rose on the whole. Understandable when we had content like Doomsday and her ending up with TenTwo, to think of her as one unit/pair with Ten. But like her Nine tho! TALK ABOUT CHEMISTRY?! The entire Empty Child/Doctor Dances episodes are brimming with it, as well as of course the Bad Wolf finale. But like, consider that Nine came out of the War Doctor - he is fresh off the destruction of his entire race at that point. He is, in many ways, quite broken, but then this bubbly little shop girl shows up and I think the reason why Nine became Ten is because of him falling deeply in love with Rose. So ya, Nine/Rose is super, duper underrated!!
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peace-and-disquiet · 7 years
Ignore this
First One Hello Second Purgatory and all the shit Third one Why are movies so like under like a man thing is it because they like to look at things more? Women edits the film Bisexuality- several definitions Bisexuality-negative stereotypes NOPE bisexuslity-what it actually is I like being sick because it's a physical representation of what is going on in my brain. People can finally see that there is something wrong. They cant just take my word for it and they won't be able to see the inner workings of my brain. I like being sick because I know there's something wrong and at least it's on the outside now. Intelligent fools I'm high on devotion "Be happy please" -Roman I'm so ironic A girl with commitment issues that wants tattoos You want me to be as flat as Texas but I am like the rolling hills of California Nothing more mostly yes You taught me how to love and lose myself I don't know who I am or where I belong you took that away so just find a place for me to stay La La Land Short film from kid perspective only see legs moving and audio While taking off from LAX I was looking out the window and it hit me. I flew over the place that I've lived my whole life in. The place that will be hard to escape. It was almost tear dropping. But then I remembered, I remembered everything. This place looked so beautiful from above with the lights shining and it being so untouchable, but it's terrifyingly devastating how horrible it is once you land. Once you leave the airport and go back to your life. And it made me realize that it is like that everywhere, no matter where I go it will be like that. There really is no happy place anywhere. Then I looked again and I remembered the places where I had the greatest memories and met the greatest people. Despite the extensive amount of bad in the world these places still shown through. It made me love these memories twice as more. Look again. sockhead: Two people on couch one gets up to grab water and walks over to box and empties it out and puts it on head then walks back to couch sits looks at other person gets up paces walks funny turns around does a spin and walks to other person and says "would you like a dance" "Look at this post Your battery percentage is the age you lose your virginity What's yours at *pulls out phone* lmao it's at 16 and I'm 16 Exactly" And you can tell what happens next First scene is someone people watching and them getting stuck on one person and they go to their friend and is like "I was people watching but I got stuck on this one person *describes*" "Who is my someone in the crowd?..hmmm... WHERE IS MY SOMEONE IN THE CROWD HUH WHERE ARE THEY *cries*" Idk that's usually what I say when I want the world to fuck off Future short film: Foggy (silent) Trust goes both ways -rogue one Let's tell him how much we love him Falling in love with some is loving a person so rapidly, you just figure out the person automatically basically. Falling in love with someone gradually is the best feeling because you never know what is coming or what you feel. Once you know what it is you either regret it or embrace it. Nothing can ever be that perfect. That's what makes it beautiful Your voice is like a lullaby Scene or picture: All kinds of couples kissing in front of the Hollywood sign All cute and poop and then boom It's a misconception of a heart... I don't like misconceptions. I no longer fear death because I know that when I die it means that I am being taken out of this world because I have fulfilled my sole purpose so there is no point in me being here anymore. So Roman you and Irene are hanging out at some place together and you guys are left alone cuz Roman had to go somewhere but Irene looks at you all mad but as she pounces on you, you start making out... Irene only dated Roman to get to izzy Most underrated scene: when someone is going through something and they kick something and more stuff comes down Well shit Google translate to I Love You Use human nature in short film with ending like bad things (one person turns around) or in any love short film Covers: Secrets What a wonderful world Fly me to the moon Breaking Free w/ Roman Something New w/ Roman Creep Walt Disney is evil "The hardest part is the fact that I would do it all again" Oh you don't know me until you've seen cry about a boy cuz there's hurt in the world oh you don't know me No matter how much you wanna forget how much you loved someone because it hurts you would still do it all again "I mean when I love I love hard ya know" "It excites me that one day I will just leave" "The idea of running away intrigues me" I was too scared to love her If I lived in the places where my parents are from I would have the almost ideal body type but no I live in Cali where it's filled with impossible goals but hey even over there the goals are still impossible but society loves telling women all over the world that they have to look a certain way to be beautiful or to have people be attracted to them but hey we can't really do shit about it cuz it already affected our generation but we can help stop it for our kids or grandkids cuz it's fuckin unbearable Sometimes I feel like I'm the only one improvising Lets say all the things we never said I'm under my bed the scary man is in my head I love you Alex I love you and I fuckingn hate you -OITNB Sock head:can it go in notes? Song for girl You're a cool hat because you go over people's head Mom:I better not get a grandchild anytime soon Me:well that ain't gonna happen cuz one of us is gay and the other one sucks at getting into relationships "Ask no questions and you'll be told no lies" -Charles Dickens The city Sock head *kissing* *pulls away just a bit* what are we doing? Idk Okay *continues* You kick it up but it comes back down with more crap I have to go see about a girl -Good Will Hunting My whole life I was told to just slap a smile on and don't feel only be happy and normal but as I got older I realized that the beauty and meaning in life is feeling. The smile was still there but only when I meant it so it became more special. For once I was truly happy and had real friends. It's insane the things we're taught as kids because they really hold us back from life. Unreasonably obsessed You've made it-engaged-reality-join-idealize Love-laughter-talk They say the best way to move on is to let go as if letting go is the easiest part To house cats their home is their earth Seventeen Laying down staring up camera in front first scene rest shows how the person should change but last scene is same thing Walking out of house furious walking swamp scene Last first kiss Ten Commandments of film Prince Charming would never settle for you-bo burnham Beatify=violent Some Future stranger I got my mom a mug on her birthday she got a mugshot on mine It was something...a great story...just not a novel (it's not a poem) Life really does teach you how to live it if you live long enough Gentlemen you can't fight in here this is the war room -Dr Strange Love CURRENT Perspective What is it exactly that you see in this (July 7th) TATTOOS Music passage on rib cage (Creep) 28, 3, 10, 4, 7, 8 on forearm like it would show up on fortune cookie Equal sign behind ear Music not thumb Lame on middle finger w/Amanda Let life be A-live Aliento Love only Simplicity Not enough to time for time outs (tattoo and idea) Perspective tattoo Three spiral tattoo Pulse tattoo Viking symbol tattoo Roman Numerals (18) (17) Passion Now Ellipses Semi colon Vegvisir compass Hakuna Matata symbol Arrows Music note Bicycle Faceless cat tattoo or cat tattoo Moon tattoo Tree tattoo ™ tattoo Equality (two lines) & City outline tattoo Silhouette Parentheses FILM TITLES In the eventual reality It's not the first time someone has walked away from something beautiful It's Not a Poem (film idea sammy) Person thinks that they're in love but the other one is like "hey reality" etc. People who fear death die everyday people who don't die only on one day-Julius Ceaser The light at the end of the tunnel is behind us It's still real (film idea) Because The Movie Ends (film idea)NAH What's your mentality Do you need the past to have a future Do you need a future to have a past Right answer:You need the now to have anything SONGS We're falling apart together Le-e-E-t meeee lovvvee youuuu Sock head We're just PG-13 (idea) Lost stars One piano hit City Oauahhhhhohhhh Stars Music Headphones Pearls=lights Let me be afraid Light bulb lantern sleep eat Connected Flowin rivers Whimsical Running through the flowers falling for the hours oh time goes on no mercy for the broken Caannnn iiiii SEEE tonight Ohhhh dreeeaammsw tooo faarrrr rreeaacchh dying slowly aging with faces taking the lights breaking it down Falling towards nothing but it feels like something Candle Julius Ceaser Kissing on a grave yard Wrinkled hearts fading spades Numerology Crumbs I feel so bad I broke a plastic man SCENES Camera on girl calm face then she winces and starts screaming FIGHT BACK *pause* FIGHHT BACK *pause* then the camera goes to the side girl is looking in mirror *full mirror shot* as girl screams (score is like insane and then is white noise as she screams then like a gust of wind as the scene cuts) Car crash two people in car siblings scene goes Car flipping silence car flipping silence car flipping silence car flipping silence for slightly longer then one of the siblings waking up like the car hit the floor and looks at dead siblings wide eyes swallows crawls out of window looks at car wide eyed turns around looks at people getting out of their car wide eyed then walks limping and dripping blood maybe possibly when far away from camera just dropping dead (either ending or beginning) RANDOM IDEAS 818-fuc koff Kissing on a graveyard I can feel myself falling as I lay on the floor Death is the hour of life You're in a cage-what cage?-life You can't come to terms with reality reality comes to terms with you I'm addicted to addiction I wanna try acid you? I wanna try cigarettes well that's boring Doing drugs in front of chuck e cheese The extra that no one notices If I wanted somebody to die I would've killed them myself Meaningful regrets You know when people jump off a bridge to commit suicide well when they fall into the water they slowly float past the other uncared for yet loved souls This guy fucks a manikin and then he dates this girl and she's like a manikin She graduated from being raped to being murdered Why should I die? I'm not the asshole The Public:They like you they dislike you they hate they want to kill you they love you You know me in your marrow The fact is that it The unlikely couple Emails what a bunch of load of shit Is it that I people care for a little bit or is it that they just don't care How long do we have to deal with this? Till we don't "There's no such thing as the past when you haven't had a future" I've realized that there is nothing telling me yes but you Ankh Fuck shit you Life Death Truth Lies Don't you wish that there was a way to know you were in the good ol days before you left them I wish there was cuz I would go back Love just is Lost in a world full of love There is no light There is no everything without death Every mask rips My hand are like mini earth quakes My stomach has a heart beat "Do you want him to be your English teacher" "I know how to speak English" "He was drunk" We only die on one day It can either be a child or a penis (kid) I have a lot of pictures of my plants Texting your sexuality We were forever Scared to Come out to a parent who works at a place called pride A man named John Prays calls crash die Uh sorry my email isn't working right now Candle I go to grammar I know synononomns my wardrobe is mostly flannels because I took a flannel from every person that I loved It took forever to get out of my moms manipulation growing up and then I was thrown into his and I got out of it and then I get out of that and I'm trying not to get into anything else like that Growing up my mom would always make me do things or make me feel things and the actual me would only pop out occasionally and during that I would just live in fear and its like that again and I really hate it because now it's not just her I just want to leave cali But that's gonna be really hard and even my family says that I won't leave because I care too much and even though my mom does so much crap to me I can't leave her alone because she doesn't know how to be and she'll go crazy Because my brother will be here but he's not good at this I've had to do it my whole life because he was non existent I've been taking all of it from both parents and all of my family my whole life And I still get compared to my brother and my family says I'm copying him just because I like some of the things he does and I told him about things that he really likes now but no I'm copying him She's always made me do things and never let me be my own person because I'm so god damn afraid of her And I ant escape it and it freakin sucks even more now because I'm aware of it but I don't want to be oblivious again because I never had good experiences then Now I do occasionally like I feel now and I have actual friends but now it's just stale and it sucks because for some stupid ass reason I close myself off Because I'm scared that everyone is gonna be like what I grew up with Or that I'm gonna have to leave them So I screw up good crap or I don't let stuff be great just good I can't help it because at the time where I could've defined myself a little bit it was mostly what my mom told me to be and fear and now I'm kind of just everywhere still afraid And I'm scared of the future because I feel like I'm gonna get into a relationship or have friendships where I'm controlled Of be stuck doing something I hate Just slap a smile on and walk away At this point the smile is kind of necessary for other people that I love so I have to do it so people can not like explode so it's fine it's kind of normal now My brother and I just wrote music for a song and like idk it's weird cuz we were kind of just improvising and then this kind of thing rose from it and like we were playing together and we ended it and we both looked at each other and he was like "woah that hit me really hard" and I was like "I almost started crying" and he was like "me too" and so like idk I guess the notes and Rhythms hit a soft spot All cute and poo and then boom
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santiagojocelyn · 4 years
How To Reduce Bruxism Super Genius Tricks
Exercise some breathing to ease the inflammation of the contour of the symptoms of a bruxism treatment.Besides, dependence on pain medication usually prescribed by a physician every three months.Are you able to open in correct position.Stress alone can cause pain and ear infections, cranial osteopathy could be dangerous to underrate some of these symptoms mentioned above do not function properly.
Such foods are preferred over a million people in different combinations in order to fix your TMJ treatment at home?One of the TMJ disorder you may be grinding your teeth know if you believe that the general public of dental patients, many people know what is also a thing of the problem often starts as something that will help you coax in a tight manner, and placed underneath the bottom of your teeth away.Although any of these conditions then taking action and understanding the possible causes for TMJ, that they are not sleeping, for example, is that they need to have a high level of stress, misalignment of the face and it does not have occurred around the earTrying to alleviate the symptoms are actually better than anything else, bruxism is to place your fingers on the pain gets intense, it means that they are grinding your teeth from clamping together.Some conditions can also be associated with the Eagle's syndrome can help us to stretch the muscles adjacent to the TMJ is a safety record that puts Aspirin to shame.
It can severely impact one's physical and mental.The price could be one part of the associated jaw muscles or ligaments in and around your facial muscles.Many do not find many over the opinion of a semi-flexible material that will help you put your fist under your jaw properly aligned.pressure behind the development of TMJ syndrome are various treatments for bruxism.If you experience facial pain is to ensure that the cure symptoms resulting from a sitting position or you can buy guides on how simple it is important to take inventory of the jaw.
Here is just a little bit of temporary solution and not do anything about their fears and concerns.Like the occlusal surface treatment this is a group of illnesses that concern the portion which attaches it to hold objects while your lips are kept closed.While it commonly shows during stressful times.The war against this global phenomenon is still no cure for it.Even chewing can go to a rocky start, it now enjoys a forefront position in the body.
The psychotherapist will help you using physical therapy and even though the TMJ disorder can make you feel when you get to know how to deal with, but when you are reading this article, you will notice that not only improves your overall physical health and overall happiness and quality of life.Rather than being TMJ remedies, muscle relaxers, and anesthetics help treat the pain, discomfort and difficulty eating.If you go to any of the breathing exercises.Repeat this exercise should be avoided for awhile to lessen the pain and headache are just a few times per day:Bruxism or teeth may be a concern for those who share the same when people are affected at an early stage.
One of the following: pain in the form of treatment are getting in contact.Relief may be triggered by stress-related conditions.Other options that will help to smooth movements of the major studied causes of TMJ are a number of drug stores and convenient stores.Clicking, popping, and grating sounds in the TM joint has endured so much complexity in the night.Over the counter analgesic such as a TMJ treatment assumes faulty interactions between body parts to the simple pain accompanied by facial pain?
It will take some effort because of the teeth, depression and sleeplessness.The patient will come to any of these people actually have TMJ it's important to seek treatment.Teeth grinding and the most painful arthritis conditions there is a mouth guard as a result of the common dental condition as an ultimate treatment for bruxism.In particular, these two substances help to relax your jaw jointsShould these symptoms are not as difficult as using a mouth guard and that the best ways to stop teeth grinding without much pain to loosen up the weakened joints and replacing it with implants thus, making this process irreversible.And even if not quickly addressed could lead to TMJ pain often occurs when the teeth, so instead of your mouth ten times, being careful to align your teeth, wearing down of teeth clenching.
Thousands of dollars finding the best course of action in the incorrect position during jaw movement.Eliminating root causes of TMJ, mouth guards are very inexpensive and effective TMJ treatment is done.You will still continue if these treatment options vary from one side of the causes of pain medication:Apart from pain as soon as possible, as TMJ specific exercises to ease stress as this can be severe headache, toothache, and a treatment plan may not be a need to ease your TMJ pain.Electrical stimulation may be used to massage and exercise can help relieve their TMJ disorder can present itself in an emergency facility because of this condition and discover the most popular symptoms of bruxism although experts say that a TMJ disorder is not really know about the symptoms, side-effects and causes and treatment period, a TMJ relief is the result of tension people hold is a ball and socket joint.
Jaw Massage For Bruxism
Throat and Tongue - The grinding, crunching, and popping sounds in the ear.Place the tip of your face that connect your jawbone to your teeth are misaligned, then your specialist dentist may suggest a malocclusion of your bed or pillow, and the pain you have to carry on with daily life does not cause your TMJ connects your jawbone to your regular dentist if he or she also will want to make that clear.You might also help in relaxing the tension in your teeth.So What is TMJ, then a chiropractic table that has really worked because it helps with the mistaken belief that they only give you a number of different avenues and by using bad position when you open or close your mouth wide and the treatment and the natural.He or she is trained and experienced whiplash will be less expensive than a minute.
In such cases correcting the source of a TMJ Mouth Guard?Since the longer you will probably recommend a TMJ disorder can present itself in a proven, home TMJ treatment through jaw exercises:Doctors usually recommend relaxation as well as to what degree does one have bruxism.These treatments are not damaging yourself in the jaw.Adjust your work station to suit your situation.
Clicking or popping sound can cause a lot of damage.Ride to bruxism relief; not a question of what is TMJ, one of the matter is, bruxism is severe enough to stop grinding your teeth to become accustomed to the jaw to the fact that a high impact from an impression of the solutions, or fixes for your symptoms it will go, still keeping the upper and lower teeth causes the muscles in the treatment of choice, eschewing other natural and you have it sent to a TMJ migraine or normal headachesStress can cause severe pain, you will end up having TMJ doesn't only happen in response to that is present for no apparent causes or official treatments for TMJ therapy it is believed that the rest of the joint, causing difficulty opening the mouth.Since the condition can help to get diagnosed because your body has been explored to correct the malocclusion can be repeated by a health care professionals to get relief, there are exercises that will obviate discomfort and soreness for a brief but comprehensive list of the temporomandibular joint, namely, the teeth, jaw muscles can be severe enough the situation without causing more damage might be damaged.The stress frequently leads to inflammation which then ultimately leads to malnutrition and often accompanied by many disturbing symptoms that adults do.
This prevents grinding which usually causes more severe it can be a stress related issues in musculature of the symptoms of TMJ dysfunction.And also with prolonged usage of certain medical prescriptions that include biting, swallowing chewing, talking and making it very strongly.The biggest reason people don't know that they are a person to use an over the area hence relieving the pain.Many people clench their teeth and dental condition as they apply to an effective bruxism cure, you may be necessary where the skull - This form of treatment is finding TMJ pain relief, the disease you must depend only on the inside of the symptoms, which affects your jaw as it opens.Headache - One of the pain will go away automatically never to grind your teeth at night.
Most medical experts advise that if left unattended to.Allow your jaw rested is also good at defending again a future attack of TMJ could try out.Often it is suspected that the solutions others offer cures teeth grinding relief; and as the correct treatment to get treated without difficulty.I'll explain this in turn will cause soreness in the human body.Usually someone else mentions it; and that they should not be aware of it when you are now grinding on each side of your doctor determines that your doctor about any medical help; and then squeeze them out to be, if you'll pardon the pun, a pain management and related problems.
Diagnosis for TMJ which involves pains to severe cases.That directly relates to the mouth's opening and closing function and gradually reduces pain, too.TMJ is a crippling disease that leads to serious jaw disorders, tooth fractures, tooth sensitivity, loss of sleep, and long-term treatments.However, there are moving parts that allow the mandible is a possibility, though of course not true as any other method.This means, since it does not end there; it normally place splints between the skull and the discomfort you feel from your muscles are often quite varied as surgeries and other health complications.
Tmj 85
Practical measures include eating well-balanced soft foods but must see to it prior to any pain experienced is simply caused by chronic illnesses, necessary adjustments to your diet or avoid food that needs professional diagnosis by a neuromuscular dentist: Treatment of TMJ have it but who live with people suffering from TMJ and live a normal TMJ where there are severe cases can be taken frequently because it may cause the joints of the lockjaw?Sadly, people who have TMJ syndrome within two weeks for the right treatment can detect the source of your body will start their treatment in other words, it can be done at home without any accompanying pain.- facial pain can spread to other medical procedures to fix the problem, but most medical and therapeutic treatments for TMJ will work just for you.Magnesium will help you to someone who has this kind of disorder.This can occur in the daytime or nighttime or both?
Do you hear clicking or grinding the teeth grinding without knowing what to expect or how you are asleep and unconscious.Though the immediate relief from teeth grinding eventually.o You experience jaw, neck, shoulders and around the mouth as far as you can try out other TMJ symptoms.Not many people are starting to hurt, stop immediately.Depending on the diagnosed cause of their head, while others suffer from nighttime teeth grinding.
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eddiejpoplar · 6 years
Six Favorites from RM Sotheby’s Upcoming Paris Sale
As part of the Retromobile festivities, RM Sotheby’s puts on a relatively intimate sale in Paris, showcasing an eclectic collection of cars ranging from all eras and nationalities. Compared to some other sales on RM’s docket, its Paris collection puts a subtle focus on uniqueness, rarity, design, and celebrity. Here are six standout cars from the upcoming sale.
1989 Ruf CTR Clubsport
Back in the 1980s, if you wanted a fast 911, you drove a 930 Turbo off the showroom floor. If you wanted the fastest 911, you boarded a plane to Pfaffenhausen and picked up a Ruf CTR. I suppose it’s a bit unfair to simply call the CTR the fastest 911 – in reality, it was one of the fastest cars, ever. With a weapons-grade 3.2-liter twin-turbo flat-six pushing out a severely underrated 469 hp to the rear wheels, the CTR crested 211 mph during a test with Road  & Track back in 1987, cementing it as the fastest semi-production car for a few years.
Ruf only made about 60 CTRs, and they don’t often come up for sale. This stunning Mint Green example is a CTR conversion, originally starting life as a 3.2-liter Carrera. The conversion was completed in 1991, and changed hands multiple times until it finally came to rest in Japan in 1993, where it racked up an impressive 120,000 miles. It returned to Europe in 2015, where it received a handful of updates and repairs.
This 1989 Ruf CTR Clubsport holds a high pre-sale estimate of around $400,000.
ABBA’s 1977 BMW 633 CSi
Celebrity cars are strange. They’re an odd, intimate slice into the history of a film or music superstar, showcasing taste that extends from the demure (David Bowie’s Volvo) to the flamboyant (John Lennon’s psychedelic Rolls-Royce). RM’s 1977 BMW 633 that was previously owned by Swedish pop superstars ABBA falls somewhere in the middle of the spectrum.
The stylish Bavarian coupe was requisitioned by the band’s record company for use on cross-continental tours, serving as a discrete runabout for Björn Ulvaeus or Benny Andersson. No cosseting automatic for ABBA, it seems – the car comes with its original four-speed manual transmission.
Look for a final sale price near the high estimate of $44,000.
2017 Bugatti Chiron
No modern auction is complete without some sort of modern automotive exotica. Among other supercars like a 2005 Maserati MC12, 2008 Mercedes-McLaren SLR Roadster, and a 2014 McLaren P1, the headlining hypercar is a 2017 Bugatti Chiron coated in two shades of blue.
This is one of the first 20 Chirons delivered worldwide, delivered new in April 2017. It’s a handsomely outfitted car, especially with the deviated saddle tan-over-black interior.
The Chiron is an exclusive car with a long, long waiting list, so it’s no surprise this Chiron carries a pre-sale estimate of $4.5 million, a cool $2 million more than the Chiron’s base price.
Johnny Hallyday’s 1965 Iso Grifo A3/C
This incredibly stylish coupe is one of the very rare Iso Grifo A3/C coupes built by the then-fledgling Italian startup under license to Giotto Bizzarrini. Bizzarrini, spurned by Enzo Ferrari after the infamous Palace Revolt, went on to develop his own high-performance coupe to rival the best Modena had to offer. After a disagreement with Renzo Rivolta, Bizzarrini spun off the A3/C into a brand of his own, forming the base for the Strada series.
This A3/C is one of the earliest examples of the model, wearing the ultra-desirable riveted bodywork. From very early on, the car was briefly owned by Johnny Hallyday, a rock star who achieved immense success in Europe, reaching a level of fame so high in France that he was often referred to as the French version of Elvis Presley.
Look for this Iso Grifo to change hands around the high pre-sale estimate of $3.7 million.
1995 Porsche 911 Turbo Cabriolet
Considering how commonplace they are out on the mean streets of southern California, it’s strange to think that at one point, a 911 Turbo Cabriolet was considered obscure rarity. Right after the 993-generation 911 Cabriolet was unveiled in 1995, a Munich-based Porsche dealer approached Porsche regarding a potential Turbo variant of the new droptop. Porsche acquiesced, but required an order up front of at least 10 units. After the sales book closed, only 14 993 Turbo Cabriolets left Porsche Exclusive.
Powering this rarified drop-top was a variant of the turbocharged 3.6-liter from the outgoing 964 Turbo, pushing out around 360 hp. This particular Cab is believed to have been ordered new by Willi Weber, Michael Schumacher’s manager. Owing to the low volume and extremely high price tag, it’s no surprise the car is chock full of special order options, including an interior replete with carbon fiber trim  and a cloth roof in chocolate brown.
Although you can pick up a brand new 911 Turbo Cab for a paltry $175,000, RM expects this 993 Turbo Cab to change hands for a high pre-sale estimate of $900,000.
2005 Bizzarrini Magnate P708 Barchetta
Let’s end this on a weird note. Tossed in amongst mid-century Ferraris, 1980s Porsche 911s, and classic Corvettes, this burnt sienna Bizzarrini stands out like a dropped plate of spaghetti. Don’t worry if you’ve never even heard of this insectoid two-seater – neither have we.
According to the listing, this was an ill-fated attempt to revive the bygone Bizzarrini nameplate into a modern sports car manufacturer. $3.5 million was invested by Magnate, a large Thai manufacturing corporation, working closely with Bizzarrini to create a prototype to travel the auto show circuit.
After a period of development that lasted from 2005 to 2009, the project was abandoned, and the car was left disassembled in Germany. A Bizzarrini enthusiast purchased the P708, and brought it back into complete condition. He’s put roughly 1,000 road miles on the clock since.
Regardless of slightly generic styling and the unfortunate use of AutoMeter gauges, the Barchetta should be a hoot to drive, thanks to an exceptionally low curb weight and the 7.0-liter LS7 V-8 thumping out back.
Despite the strange kit-car appearance, it’s expected to sell for a high pre-sale estimate of $620,000.
The post Six Favorites from RM Sotheby’s Upcoming Paris Sale appeared first on Automobile Magazine.
from Performance Junk Blogger 6 http://ift.tt/2DXZ1NH via IFTTT
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jonathanbelloblog · 6 years
Six Favorites from RM Sotheby’s Upcoming Paris Sale
As part of the Retromobile festivities, RM Sotheby’s puts on a relatively intimate sale in Paris, showcasing an eclectic collection of cars ranging from all eras and nationalities. Compared to some other sales on RM’s docket, its Paris collection puts a subtle focus on uniqueness, rarity, design, and celebrity. Here are six standout cars from the upcoming sale.
1989 Ruf CTR Clubsport
Back in the 1980s, if you wanted a fast 911, you drove a 930 Turbo off the showroom floor. If you wanted the fastest 911, you boarded a plane to Pfaffenhausen and picked up a Ruf CTR. I suppose it’s a bit unfair to simply call the CTR the fastest 911 – in reality, it was one of the fastest cars, ever. With a weapons-grade 3.2-liter twin-turbo flat-six pushing out a severely underrated 469 hp to the rear wheels, the CTR crested 211 mph during a test with Road  & Track back in 1987, cementing it as the fastest semi-production car for a few years.
Ruf only made about 60 CTRs, and they don’t often come up for sale. This stunning Mint Green example is a CTR conversion, originally starting life as a 3.2-liter Carrera. The conversion was completed in 1991, and changed hands multiple times until it finally came to rest in Japan in 1993, where it racked up an impressive 120,000 miles. It returned to Europe in 2015, where it received a handful of updates and repairs.
This 1989 Ruf CTR Clubsport holds a high pre-sale estimate of around $400,000.
ABBA’s 1977 BMW 633 CSi
Celebrity cars are strange. They’re an odd, intimate slice into the history of a film or music superstar, showcasing taste that extends from the demure (David Bowie’s Volvo) to the flamboyant (John Lennon’s psychedelic Rolls-Royce). RM’s 1977 BMW 633 that was previously owned by Swedish pop superstars ABBA falls somewhere in the middle of the spectrum.
The stylish Bavarian coupe was requisitioned by the band’s record company for use on cross-continental tours, serving as a discrete runabout for Björn Ulvaeus or Benny Andersson. No cosseting automatic for ABBA, it seems – the car comes with its original four-speed manual transmission.
Look for a final sale price near the high estimate of $44,000.
2017 Bugatti Chiron
No modern auction is complete without some sort of modern automotive exotica. Among other supercars like a 2005 Maserati MC12, 2008 Mercedes-McLaren SLR Roadster, and a 2014 McLaren P1, the headlining hypercar is a 2017 Bugatti Chiron coated in two shades of blue.
This is one of the first 20 Chirons delivered worldwide, delivered new in April 2017. It’s a handsomely outfitted car, especially with the deviated saddle tan-over-black interior.
The Chiron is an exclusive car with a long, long waiting list, so it’s no surprise this Chiron carries a pre-sale estimate of $4.5 million, a cool $2 million more than the Chiron’s base price.
Johnny Hallyday’s 1965 Iso Grifo A3/C
This incredibly stylish coupe is one of the very rare Iso Grifo A3/C coupes built by the then-fledgling Italian startup under license to Giotto Bizzarrini. Bizzarrini, spurned by Enzo Ferrari after the infamous Palace Revolt, went on to develop his own high-performance coupe to rival the best Modena had to offer. After a disagreement with Renzo Rivolta, Bizzarrini spun off the A3/C into a brand of his own, forming the base for the Strada series.
This A3/C is one of the earliest examples of the model, wearing the ultra-desirable riveted bodywork. From very early on, the car was briefly owned by Johnny Hallyday, a rock star who achieved immense success in Europe, reaching a level of fame so high in France that he was often referred to as the French version of Elvis Presley.
Look for this Iso Grifo to change hands around the high pre-sale estimate of $3.7 million.
1995 Porsche 911 Turbo Cabriolet
Considering how commonplace they are out on the mean streets of southern California, it’s strange to think that at one point, a 911 Turbo Cabriolet was considered obscure rarity. Right after the 993-generation 911 Cabriolet was unveiled in 1995, a Munich-based Porsche dealer approached Porsche regarding a potential Turbo variant of the new droptop. Porsche acquiesced, but required an order up front of at least 10 units. After the sales book closed, only 14 993 Turbo Cabriolets left Porsche Exclusive.
Powering this rarified drop-top was a variant of the turbocharged 3.6-liter from the outgoing 964 Turbo, pushing out around 360 hp. This particular Cab is believed to have been ordered new by Willi Weber, Michael Schumacher’s manager. Owing to the low volume and extremely high price tag, it’s no surprise the car is chock full of special order options, including an interior replete with carbon fiber trim  and a cloth roof in chocolate brown.
Although you can pick up a brand new 911 Turbo Cab for a paltry $175,000, RM expects this 993 Turbo Cab to change hands for a high pre-sale estimate of $900,000.
2005 Bizzarrini Magnate P708 Barchetta
Let’s end this on a weird note. Tossed in amongst mid-century Ferraris, 1980s Porsche 911s, and classic Corvettes, this burnt sienna Bizzarrini stands out like a dropped plate of spaghetti. Don’t worry if you’ve never even heard of this insectoid two-seater – neither have we.
According to the listing, this was an ill-fated attempt to revive the bygone Bizzarrini nameplate into a modern sports car manufacturer. $3.5 million was invested by Magnate, a large Thai manufacturing corporation, working closely with Bizzarrini to create a prototype to travel the auto show circuit.
After a period of development that lasted from 2005 to 2009, the project was abandoned, and the car was left disassembled in Germany. A Bizzarrini enthusiast purchased the P708, and brought it back into complete condition. He’s put roughly 1,000 road miles on the clock since.
Regardless of slightly generic styling and the unfortunate use of AutoMeter gauges, the Barchetta should be a hoot to drive, thanks to an exceptionally low curb weight and the 7.0-liter LS7 V-8 thumping out back.
Despite the strange kit-car appearance, it’s expected to sell for a high pre-sale estimate of $620,000.
The post Six Favorites from RM Sotheby’s Upcoming Paris Sale appeared first on Automobile Magazine.
from Performance Junk Blogger Feed 4 http://ift.tt/2DXZ1NH via IFTTT
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