#self centred and paranoid
stromuprisahat · 1 month
Beware! Potential growth's peaking out!
Siege and Storm- Chapter 11
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Alina doesn't know anything the Darkling himself didn't tell her.
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Forget artist!
Modern!Alina would be a member of doomsday cult!
Just... what does she built her hypotheses on? Baghra's words about Aleksander and her own fatalism?!
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Frodo, halfway to Mordor:
Yeah, I shouldn't talk much about the Ring. Sam doesn't want to go to Mount Doom already. What if he turns around and bails on me? I'd have to abandon my quest alongside him...
For a person certain the world's about to end, unless she "stops" the Darkling, Alina sure lacks determination.
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No, you only wanted her to inform her rapist about Darkles' plans... I'm sure that would result into heartfelt apology and her promotion from a cocksleeve to respected member of household.
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Alina, repeat after me: There's nothing wrong with becoming flushed, when an attractive man touches your bare skin, especially on parts not used for casual contact. It doesn't make you a wanton whore or fallen peasant girl, and it doesn't mean you're provoking further intimacies.
Gods! I so wish to shake her or at least watch her overcome her prudish upbringing.
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Thought 1- Genya might be in trouble.
Thought 2- ... and what about poor lonely Alina?!
Subtle, but I'd more appreciate spiralling due to Genya's possible fate. Alina believes the Darkling to be heartless monster and theoretically understands mechanics of offence and punishment. Yet Genya's situations is a possiblity, Alina's feelings regarding herself certainty.
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Alina's sense of duty's quite something. Especially for a lowly peasant. Instead of learning, she's learning new excuses she can use to get away with bare minimum.
I don't think actually poor person with no real status (lineage AND money) would attempt such thing. She constantly treats her "betters" as nuisances, equals at best. While not perhaps actively insulting, she's hardly behaving properly. Exactly in a way that cannot be ascribed to her origin.
Perhaps Nikolai should try acting like a Royal Prince towards her sometime. Remind her of their priorities, instead of tactfully insinuating she's forgetting to be discreet about her preferences of company.
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Darling, uniforms have their purpose. And it's not only to make people hate you. Sure, a lovely LITTLE pin will make it obvious, who belongs to your retinue...
I didn't want uniforms.
The uniform in itself distinguishes members of the military from civilians, but also from one another (infantry, artillery, navy, and later air force).
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I've read "they" and immediately went back, because that didn't sound like Alina at all. It seems too little sleep might conjure caring heroine, yet not even that's enough for the rest of the brain to believe it.
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Oh dear, how shall Tolya cope?!
Look! A place for character development! Now's the time to set up for realization the Darkling was right to require his subordinates' obedience. Yes, that incudes you, Alina...
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It's shocking to see Alina act as the voice of reason. If only her perception remained at all times.
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Surprisingly sound logic on Alina's part.
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Sleeping under the same roof as potential assassins?!
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What's the point of all these parallels or at least similar situations offering them, if Alina won't connect the dots and change her worldview?
Why should I admire Alina's courage to accept and offer protection to possible traitors without granting the same courtesy to Aleksander?
Because she's the MC? Because she's the Sun Summoner, therefore a greater target?
Yeah, and Sasha's The Black General, the most powerful Grisha alive AND a living amplifier...
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She ain't completely stupid! I'm officially rooting for THIS Alina to stick around!
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bunnylovesani · 2 months
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He Was a Boy, She Was a Girl
Summary: Sam has never been the most reliable neighbour- but will he have your back when the opportunity arises?
Content warnings: Fluff with the tiniest bit of smut at the end
WC: 2.4k
Sam Monroe was nothing if not an asshole. If the mailman mistakenly delivered only one newspaper, he would rush out to make sure he was the first to get it. If you were studying and asked him to turn the music down, he’d crank it up to full volume until the walls vibrated. The one time you were sick and couldn’t wheel the garbage out to the end of the road, he laughed at your plea for help, kicking the piled-up bin on his way out. What’s more, he came over again later just to complain about the smell while you answered the door wrapped up in your duvet, sniffling through your painfully reddened nose.
There was no doubt whatsoever that Sam was a self-centred, lazy, abrasive boy. You’d learned long ago that if you wanted something done, he was not the neighbour to ask. So why were you so obsessed with him? 
Maybe it was his steely cold good looks or the way he endlessly teased you that got you hooked but one thing was certain- he would never like someone like you. 
Or at least that’s what you thought. Though the bravado he put on was impressively convincing, behind the layers of angst and attitude was a boy who had been smitten with you for years. He’d observed you closely since you were kids; your bedroom windows were parallel to each other and you weren’t too fond of closing your curtains. How could he not fall for you when you left taped-up paper notes for him on the glass, signing every message off with a heart? He’d roll his eyes and shut the blinds in response but a smile would creep up on his face once he was out of sight.
That’s just the way you were, tooth-rottingly sweet and resiliently kind despite his many attempts to enforce a distance between you. But you gave your kindness out to everyone- he could tell by the way you chirped “Good morning!” to the whole street and the wide grin that was always plastered on your angelic face.
Yes, it was clear as day that your brightness was not reserved for him, which is why he was decidedly careful not to mistake your warm-hearted nature for something more. 
He didn’t see the way you baked your cookies just for him, swapping out the chocolate chips for raisins because you knew he preferred those even though you couldn’t stand them. He didn’t know that your beaming smile was only there because he’d crawled out of his room long enough for you to catch a glimpse of him that day. Just like you didn’t know that there was no smell coming from the bins that day, he just needed an excuse to see you were okay. 
“Sam! Come on, open the door. I know you’re in there.” You sighed, tapping your foot impatiently outside his house. 
“What?” He huffed, opening up with half-lidded eyes and his usual boorish demeanour. 
“There you are, I’ve been knocking for all of ten minutes. Brad needs a flat nut tool for his guitar and I thought it sounded like something you’d have.” 
“Brad?” He raised his eyebrow. “That Neanderthal has taken up playing?” 
“He wants to be a guitar tech.” You chewed on your bottom lip, his scrutinising glare piercing into you. 
“And he can’t buy his own tools?” Sam turned around and walked off into his room with you trailing closely behind. 
“He says he forgot to buy this one.” You shrug. 
“Well too bad, I’m not loaning my best tool to a guy that forgets to turn up to his own finals exam.” 
“That was one time!” You defended him though you weren’t entirely sure why. 
“One time too many.” He lands back into his unmade bed with a soft thud. “You know he wants to fuck you, right?” 
“Brad? No way.” You shake your head fervently. 
“Oh, yes. He’s pretending to be your friend, taking you out to all these parties, just waiting for an opportunity for you to let your guard down.” 
“You’re too paranoid, Sam. I mean, honestly. Not every guy wants to get in my pants. I mean, you should know. You can barely tolerate me.” You chuckle mirthlessly, hoping in vain that he would refute your claim. 
“Yeah. I suppose.” He clears his throat and sinks deeper into his duvet, awkward energy filling the air. 
“Well, I’ll be on my way. Sorry for bothering you.” You turn on your heel. 
“Bye.” He grunts as you make your way out of the house. 
In hindsight, what you’d asked of him was embarrassingly silly and you knew he’d never agree- but you would take any excuse to talk to him, even if the conversation was uncomfortable. 
As you strolled the few steps it took to reach your home next door, you saw Brad standing by your porch. 
“Hey there, gorgeous.” He smirked, opening his arms to pull you in for a hug. 
“Brad?” You hugged back confusedly. “What are you doing here?”
“Do I need a reason to see a friend?” He quipped disingenuously. 
“Uh, I guess not. I asked Sam about the flat nut but he doesn’t have one.” Your gaze wandered to Sam’s bedroom window, which faced out to your porch. 
“The what? Oh, that. Ah man, that really sucks!” He slapped his leg insincerely.
“Yeah…I should be going now, thanks for stopping by.” You try to shake him off but he steps in front of the door before you can enter.
“Woah, woah, wait. Saying bye so soon? But I came all this way.” He cocks his head and you feel the hairs on the back of your neck stand up.
“That’s why you should’ve called first.” You try to sidestep but he grips his broad hands on your shoulders, holding you in place. 
“Don’t be rude.” He warns, beady eyes darkening. 
“Get your hands off me!” You slap him across the face and wriggle out of his grasp, pushing him aside to run into the house. You slam the door shut, locking every bolt and key you have before peering out the peephole to ensure he’d left; he trudged down the porch muttering curses under his breath until he was out of view. Sliding your back down the door and bringing your knees close, you exhaled a shaky breath. Sam was right. 
“Hey, hold up!” Sam shouted as he ran out of his front door to catch up with Brad, who had just passed his front yard. 
“The hell do you want?” He grumbled, stopping for a moment to observe the scrawny, pale specimen marching towards him. “I don’t actually need the damn flat nut.”
“Oh, this isn’t about the tool.” He chuckled, giving himself no time to think about how much taller or broader his opponent was before his arm reared back and he punched Brad square in the jaw, knocking him down to the concrete pavement. 
“You come near her again, I swear to God. I’ll show you what flat nuts look like.” Sam spat, enraged by what he’d seen unfold through his window.
“The hero act is adorable. It really is.” Brad wheezed. “But she’ll never want you.” 
“If you so much as look at her again, I will put you in the fucking ground.” Sam recoiled venomously, adrenaline and fury pumping through his veins.
Before being tempted to do something more drastic, he paced over to your front door, giving himself a moment to diffuse before ringing the doorbell.  
“Hey. You okay?” He asked breathily once you answered. 
“Quickly, come in.” You ushered him in and looked both ways before locking the door securely behind you. “You were right, Sam. He tried making a move on me! And he wasn’t best pleased when I didn’t play along.” 
“What an idiot.” Sam shook his head disapprovingly as your eyes filled with tears. “Oh come on, don’t cry. You know I don’t know how to deal with that.”
“Sorry.” You winced, wiping them away immediately as he scratched the back of his head, a conflicted expression painted across his face. 
“Why are you here?” You sniffled, remembering you forgot to ask. 
“Oh, um, I- I came to ask if you wanted to get some ice cream.” He declared somewhat unconvincingly, subtly scanning you to make sure you were unharmed.
“You? Want to get ice cream with me?” Your eyes stopped watering at the thought.
“I’m craving some, why not bring you along? It’s a nice day and there’s an ice cream truck parked right down the road.” He gulped, hoping you wouldn’t question his out-of-character behaviour. 
“O-okay.” You nodded, chest feeling lighter at the thought of a strawberry scoop. 
“Come on then, slowpoke, out you get.” He opened the door and swung his arm out. 
“Coming.” You chuckled, Sam’s teasing instantly brightening your mood. 
He guided you down the road, thankful the truck was in the opposite direction to the block he’d had his scuffle with Brad. 
Halting before the white van, you observed the myriad of flavours on display and pondered. 
“We’ll have one cone with vanilla and one with rum and raisin, please.” Sam announced to the balding ice cream man before you could interject. He swiftly scooped up the creamy spread and gave it to you both, eyebrows furrowed at the scrunched-up 5 dollar note Sam handed him in return.
You gulped at the brown-mauve lump, not wanting to appear ungrateful but struggling to hide your displeasure. 
“You love raisins, right? You put them in all your cookies.” Sam sucked at his melting white scoop and you glared enviously. 
“Of course, yeah.” You muttered as convincingly as you could before licking a stripe up the unappetising glob, careful to avoid any rogue raisins. 
“How is it?” He asked earnestly. 
“Amazing. So tasty. Wanna try?” You nudged the cone his way but he shook his head.
“I’ll stick to my boring vanilla.” He winked before taking a crispy bite out of the wafer. 
Using strategic nibbles, you could stomach the flavour of the rum by swallowing it whole before the sickly taste had time to disperse. The raisins, however, were a different kind of challenge. Whenever Sam looked away, you took the opportunity to quickly pick the morsels off and toss them to the ground. He was too lost in his usual grumbling, heightened by the excitement with Brad, to pay any notice. Finishing the last of your cone with a sigh of relief, a shiver coursed through your body.
“You cold?” Sam nudged your shoulder against his own. 
“A little.” You shrugged, acting like it was the weather and not the monstrosity you’d just ingested causing your goosebumps. 
“I didn’t bring anything.” He tutted, stopping in his tracks. “Let me run back and get you something.” 
“No, Sam, it’s fine-“
“It’ll only take a minute.” He interrupted, already jogging back towards the house as you took a seat on a nearby bench. It was pointless arguing with him.
Sam retrieved a black fleeced hoodie from his coat rack and quickly paced his way back, not wanting to keep you waiting. As he caught up with you, he noticed a trail of little brown lumps scattered across the pavement, each fleck spaced a couple metres apart. Squinting, he peered closely until the details came into focus. Are those raisins?
Somewhat carelessly, Sam tossed the hoodie in your direction and you grabbed it with a grateful nod. You draped it over yourself with a contented hum, the warmth of his scent enveloping you. 
“Thanks.” You smiled gratefully. 
“No problem.” He sat down besides you, keeping a small distance. “Let’s play a game.”
“What kinda game?” You cocked your head curiously. 
“One of those rapid fire ones. I ask short questions and you have to say yes or no really quickly.” He explained with a faint smirk. 
“Okay, hit me!” You slapped your palms against your thighs excitedly. 
“Alright. Is pink your favourite colour?”
“Do you love roses?”
“Do you like Brad?”
“Is today a Saturday?”
“Do you love me?”
As soon as the word left your lips, your breath hitched and your mind began racing with ways you could take it back. Sam smirked and shuffled back on the bench, spreading his legs apart and resting his hands behind his head.
“Is that so?” He raised an eyebrow, clearly taking pleasure in your humiliation. 
“As a friend. As a neighbour!” You interjected frantically.
“Don’t try to backtrack now. You love me.” He laughed, shoving you playfully as you dropped your head into your hands, keen to hide your reddening face. “Why did I find a trail of raisins leading up to here, huh?”
You raised your head to meet his gaze, now softened and sincere.
“I hate raisins.” You mumbled.
“And you put them in all your cookies because?”
“I knew you liked them.”
“I thought as much.” He hummed, his suspicions confirmed.
“Look, Sam- it’s a really stupid crush, I’ll get over it, I promise. This doesn’t have to change anything, right?” You whined desperately.
“Of course it does. It changes everything.” He shook his head. 
“What? No, Sam, please-“
“Now I can finally do what I’ve been wanting to for years.” He turned to face you, Adam’s apple bobbing with apprehension. 
“Wh-what? Wait, Sam-” You quietened, shrinking into nothing as he drew closer. 
“Shut up.” He grasped your jaw firmly and you melted into his touch as he grazed his bottom lip against yours. “Enough talking.” 
Your whimpering was swallowed by the plump pink lips that enveloped your own, fingers tangled into your hair as he kissed you in a way that made you feel his years of longing. The soft, wet flesh smacked messily and filled your chest with an aching desire, unlike anything you’d experienced before. Strings of drool connected your lips as you pulled away reluctantly for breath. 
“You’re a good kisser.” You panted breathlessly, blissfully unaware of your surroundings or the judgemental glares you’d been getting from passers-by.
“Come back to mine and I’ll show you what else I’m good at.” He smirked, wiping the spit off his deliciously swollen lips. 
You wanted to play modest but you knew there was no use resisting- by the end of the night, you’d be bent over his unmade bed, scrunching up the sheets with balled-up fists and moaning out his name as he mercilessly moulded himself into your squishy guts.
You couldn’t wait.
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tatumrileyslover · 4 months
Please Take Me Anywhere But Home
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⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚ Sejanus Plinth Headcannons ˚୨୧ ‧₊˚ ⋅
Pairing: Sejanus Plinth x Capital!Reader
Word Count: 1k
Warnings: nothing really it’s just fluffy, lil bit of self doubt from Sejanus, wintertime, small mention of the war :P
A/N: this is a small apology for pt2 of Capital Don’t Cry taking so long, this is kinda inspired by take me anywhere but home by Seulgi (my love) you’ll all need some cute Sejanus fluff before the angst of the next part (also none of this is proofread)
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ೀ Sejanus is actually the sweetest boyfriend ever
ೀ is 100% a caregiver
ೀ you feel slightly ill he's making sure you're tucked up in bed and Ma will send an entire basket of homemade pastries
ೀ he's definitely a neat freak
ೀ if you hurt yourself in anyway at all, he has something for it
ೀ your stomach hurts, he has painkillers
ೀ you cut yourself, he has bandages
ೀ you have a killer migraine, he somehow has some morphling to help ease the pain.
ೀ and he tops it all off with a forehead kiss
ೀ definitely a paranoid type
ೀ knows you would cheat on him ever, but the second he sees you talking to someone else, he's immediately insecure
ೀ I think he feels he's not good enough for you
ೀ a successful Capital citizen, your family is very powerful, you already had your foot in some of the business your family owned.
ೀ he was just him, no matter how hard he tried, he'd never be seen as Capital, he was the black sheep of his family and the black sheep in the Academy
ೀ you never cared about his background
ೀ at the Academy he was the only person you met who wasn't self-centred and vain and that was really fucking attractive
ೀ probably thought you were only trying to be his friend because of a friend or something
ೀ definitely a bit cautious of you at first but that man is head over heels in no time
ೀ definitely the type to buy you flowers and a teddy bear
ೀ let's be honest you probably have a collection of teddy bears from every date you've ever been on
ೀ definitely love physical touch
ೀ always walking round hand in hand
ೀ loves walking you from class to class, just the feeling of your small hand in his makes his heart soar
ೀ he's also big on forehead kisses
ೀ he's definitely embarrassed of his Ma the first time you meet
ೀ she's pulling out the photo albums, all Sejanus's baby pictures on display
ೀ he genuinely wants the world to swallow him whole in that moment
ೀ assumes (incorrectly) that you'll see him as inferior, since you're seeing photos of him when he was in the district
ೀ it honestly makes you fall in love with him more, getting to see him in his childhood home
ೀ that night he walks you back to your apartment, snow falling, walking hand in hand
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The Capital look beautiful at this time of year, arguably more than usual with Sejanus by your side. The cold breeze that left the tip of your nose red to the plush scarf Sejanus insisted you wear on your walk back to your apartment. The snow crunched beneath your feet, bring back memories of your childhood. Innocent memories of winters past spent making angels in the snow and the bleak, grim wintertime during the war. Although the snow brought unpleasant memories, it also brought you him.
His soft black hair had begun to turn white, sprinkled with powdery flakes. His Ma insisted he wear a woollen hat but he tore it off the second he was out of her sight. You could tell he was a bit embarrassed all night, she immediately took you in as if you were family, showing you all the family photos, including ones of him as a child.
He looked so cute, seeing him back in his home back in District Two. His Ma told stories of their town and flaunted photos of the picturesque mountains they lived near. Ma Plinth was proud of her home, and you could tell she missed it dearly. You wished you had the same type of bond with your home like she did but the Capital wasn't a place to be proud of. You felt like a songbird stuck in a cage, only to be ogled at. You wanted to be free, that's what drew you to Sejanus in the first place, he was a breath of fresh air. Lost in thought, you slowed down a bit.
"Are you alright?" Sejanus looked a bit concerned, he was convinced that his Ma's sales pitch of District Two had completely turned you off. He was almost certain that you'd never speak to him again after tonight. You turned you head to him happily humming examining his red cheeks.
"I was thinking..." Sejanus froze in his tracks, turning to face you, fearing the worst. His heart melted when he heard what came out of your mouth.
"After we graduate from the Academy, if you'd like to take a trip to Two, you could show me around the place, I'd love to learn more about where you grew up,"
"You want to visit District Two?" Sejanus was shocked, thinking the idea of visiting the districts would never cross your mind.
"Well, your Ma made one hell of a sales pitch, it sounds like the most beautiful place," you're soft hands pushed some hair out of his eyes, resting softly on his cheek, "you don't talk about it often and I know how important it is to you, I want to learn more about your life before you came here," Sejanus's hand covered your own, he looked at you in awe, he couldn't have dreamt up a better partner.
"Are you sure you want to?" You smiled brightly, nodding while pulling him closer to you. It was like a scene out of a movie, the snowflakes continued to fall in clusters across the quiet streets of the Capital, the entire city fell silent. His brown eyes bore into your soul, his hands tenderly cradled the back of your neck, pulling you in swiftly to unite your lips. He couldn't help but smile throughout the kiss, happiness radiating within him. He pulls back gently, his hand resting on your cheek, carefully examining your face.
"I'd go anywhere with you, just take me anywhere but home."
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rea-grimm · 5 months
Demon Sanji
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It's been a while since you broke up with your ex. It was a toxic relationship that was killing you. Besides, you weren't the one who ended it, it was him. By leaving you for someone else.
It took you a while to get over it and now was the time to start dating again. You decided to try dating apps because you still didn't trust yourself that much in real life. In addition, you used to feel as if someone was watching you.
You searched for a long time, but in the end, you got a call from someone decent. Someone you had a good conversation with, someone who didn't pressure you, and who wasn't self-centred.
But the worst thing was that your ex started texting you again and wanted to get back together. At first, he asked you politely, but when you refused him again, he started threatening you.
Sometimes they were the kind of threats that sent chills down your spine. However, he never showed up in person so you decided to ignore it.
After some time you agreed on a meeting with your match. Your date invited you to the most luxurious restaurant in town. He invited you to Baratie. A restaurant you couldn't get to without a reservation.
At first, you were hesitant about it, you were afraid that you weren't ready. In the end, however, you agreed that it was a new opportunity.
You dressed properly, you did nice make-up and overall you wanted to make good a first impression. Moreover, it was the first time you were supposed to meet live.
It was weird. You've been getting strange messages and voicemails from your ex since morning. It's almost like he's watching you and knows your plans. But you didn't want to let that affect your decision, so you decided to ignore the strange news and go on a date.
Maybe it was just a coincidence or you just seemed paranoid. Anyway, you decided to enjoy the evening and put these thoughts behind you.
You looked around and were immediately drawn to the large food-themed paintings adorning the walls. You showed your reservation at the front desk and the waiter led you to your table, which was located by a glass wall with a breathtaking view of the city.
Sanji was on duty today and you instantly smitten him. He flashed a charming smile, took the loose menu and followed you.
"What shall I be of service, fair Mellorine?" he asked you and handed you the menu. You only asked him for a glass of water because you wanted to wait for your date to order food.
Sanji tried to excitedly inquire who you were waiting for, as in his mind you were waiting for an equally charming friend. That's why he was quite disappointed when he found out that it was supposed to be a date. However, this did not prevent him from continuing to court.
You checked your phone because your date didn't call at all. You tried to contact him, but he didn't reply to your messages and even when you called him. You had no idea what could be holding him back.
You put your phone away when you got a message. And another right after it. They were all from your ex. The first was a photo of you and Sanji from the restaurant. You looked around, but you didn't see him anywhere.
He then wrote to you that your date will not arrive today. You didn't understand what he meant, but when you remembered his nature, you were afraid that something would happen to him.
After that, you started getting messages from him again telling you to listen to him and get back to him when you had the chance. He was giving you one more chance to get back to him before something happened to someone.
You were as pale as death and you could see your hands shaking. You had no idea what to do. You didn't even notice when Sanji walked over to you with a glass of water and salty snack bars. The waiter immediately noticed your state and tried to calm you down.
But you refused his help. You didn't want anything to happen to other people. However, Sanji didn't let himself be put off like that. Instead, he offered to take you aside for a V.I.P. section. You should be calm there.
You hesitated at first but finally agreed. However, Sanji ended up taking you somewhere completely different. You walked through the kitchen into a hallway to a small covered balcony. There was only one table for two and an even nicer view. Your ex couldn't follow you there.
You sat down on a chair and explained to the waiter what happened. This pissed him off. He would prefer to go back to the restaurant, throw him out and beat him up. You stopped him because you didn't want anything to happen to him.
This touched him and he said that now you were his number one priority anyway. He wanted to leave to get you new water and salt bars. You took his hand to keep him from leaving. You didn't want to be alone right now.
You were scared of your ex and on the verge of tears and a nervous breakdown. The worst part was that your phone kept beeping when you got messages.
Sanji understood you completely and decided to take you with him to the kitchen. The other chefs didn't like the suggestion, but Sanji didn't mind. He didn't care. The main thing is that you felt better.
You hesitated if it wouldn't be better to wait next door for him, so he wouldn't get in trouble because of you, but he was adamant. He brought you a chair so you wouldn't have to stand by him while he cooked. It was the least he could do for you.
As soon as Sanji served the food on a plate, you walked back to the covered balcony. The food was beautifully served and smelled even better. Despite all that, however, you had no appetite. You were still bothered by new messages and voicemails that kept coming.
Sanji took a chair and sat next to you, taking your hands and looking into your eyes. He wanted to know how he could help you. He meant it sincerely. However, he was relentless enough and you finally decided to show him the messages you were getting.
He took your phone and checked your messages. The more he looked at them, the angrier he became. How could anyone write such a thing to such a gorgeous lady like you?
He muted the notification from your ex before returning the phone to you because he was afraid that if he continued to read it, he would break it.
Instead of getting angry, he tried to comfort you. His charm lifted your mood and since the phone was no longer disturbing you, you soon moved on to other thoughts with him.
"Now open up!" he said with a smile scooping up food on his fork and pointing it at your mouth. You wanted to refuse, but you had no words. With red cheeks, you finally opened your mouth. Sanji put a bite in and the food melted on your tongue.
It was amazing. You've never eaten anything better in your life. You complimented him immediately. Sanji was excited to make you happy with his food. You were kind to him, you were beautiful... You were like an angel. He made it all clear to you.
You were embarrassed by him. However, you had a nice chat with him and you ended up enjoying dinner at Baratie. Sanji was a charming companion and an even better cook.
After the main course and dessert, you talked for a long time before it was time to go home. Sanji advised you to take screenshots of the messages and show them to the police. You agreed to that.
Sanji ordered a taxi for you and escorted you to his place. He wished you to hang on and to call or go to lunch or dinner again. You gave him your phone number and before getting into the taxi you hugged him and kissed his cheek.
The cook was over the moon and his nose began to bleed. You handed him a tissue, for the blood. You were incredibly grateful to him for today and said goodbye to him one last time before getting into the car.
Once the door closed behind you, Sanji took a cigarette out of his jacket and lit it. He stood there until the car was out of sight. At that moment, the smile disappeared from his face and he started towards the restaurant.
It was time to punish your ex. He could smell his scent on you, which reeked of rot throughout the restaurant. He couldn't even stand the smell.
As he headed into the restaurant, his blue eyes glowed against the black-white in the dark, horns sprouted from his head, and a long, slender tail with a pointed end trailed behind him.
Since then, your ex has never contacted you and you have never heard from him again. It was as if the ground collapsed after him.
Sanji Masterlist
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hadesstan · 11 months
June of Doom Day 20
"That's gonna be one hell of a scar"
| Cage | Pliers | Scrape |
Cw: The prompts above, rescue, implied abuse/ torture, self-sacrifice.
I'm actually really proud of myself for keeping at this so long. I fully expected to fail before day 15. I'm thinking I might start posting snippets from my whumpy novel once I get through this shitshow of a month. Anyway, enjoy some more hero/villain whump!
Villain sat in the cage, bleeding all over, but refusing to cower. They didn't huddle or hide in the corners of the cage, they sat, dead centre, and glared at the door, waiting for Supervillain to return.
But when the the click of the lock echoed through the room and the scrape of the dopr opening grated their ears, it wasn't Supervillain coming through the door. It was Sidekick. The very last person they'd ever expect to be here.
Sidekick raised a finger to their lips. "Shush". Villain understood the message and chose to watch out the door as Sidekick pulled a pair of large pliers from their jacket and began to cut the wires on the cage. One by one. Snip snip snip. It took way longer than was comfortable for Villain, and they grew more paranoid with every snip of a wire that Supervillain would arrive.
But they never did, and soon, there was a hole large enough for Villain to crawl out.
As soon as they were out though, they couldn't stand straight. The cuts crisscrossing their legs made it impossible to rest their weight on their legs.
Sidekick hissed when they saw the wounds.
"That's gonna be one hell of a scar," they muttered. The first thing they'd said since they arrived. They didn't say another word as they looped Villain's arm over their shoulder and carried most of their weight as the pair limped out the door.
They approached the front door but Villain began to panic. Where was Supervillain? They must have heard them. Why hadn't they showed up?
"They're distracted right now," Sidekick whispered, reading their thoughts. Villain wanted to question it, but at that moment they heard the loud crash as someone fell through a window somewhere out of sight.
They heard the tell-tale voices of Supervillain and Hero arguing and suddenly they understood. Hero was distracting Supervillain, hence why Sidekick was here.
Sidekick didn't seem fazed in the slightest and continued carrying Villain out the car outside, loading them into the back seat.
"Hero-" Villain started, but Sidekick cut them off.
"They'll be fine. My orders are to get you out of here."
They didn't get to finish their complaint as the car jerked forward, shooting out into the road, just as Supervillain came crashing out onto the road behind them, bruised and battered, followed by a furious Hero.
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fieldofdaisiies · 9 months
a little rant post
I am not here to write stories just so they can get copied. And no it is not the first time that someone has taken an idea and used it in a similar way for their own story, it has happened multiple times…(no I am not paranoid or so self-centred to believe this, other people confirmed it as well)
I don’t know if you are aware of copying, but it hurts and makes me consider stopping with writing.
I don’t gatekeep ideas, obviously not, everyone can have the same ideas — but after the 4th time that an idea has been copied in a span of a few months I am seriously tired of it.
I am somehow beyond angry, just quite sad and disappointed— if you like an idea just ask or give a shout-out or whatever. But probably I don’t deserve something like this, or people genuinely like stomp around on me or my feelings or whatever….
I am not going to say names or call out people, because this is not like me, but since I know the people I am talking about follow me, I am asking you to please stop doing this or at least reach out and ask…
It affects me quite deeply and really makes me consider the step of stopping or moving to a different platform for good.
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rainbowkookie · 4 months
now that we know how paranoid, self centred and unhinged snow is, for every similarity we find in lucy gray and katniss, that bitch would've found a million. he would be screaming, crying, throwing up, banging his head against the wall, ripping his hair off thinking about it in the solitude of his room simply because he's paranoid and would've thought even the way katniss breathes is some kind of propaganda to kill him and would be planning countermoves to katniss’s move that Katniss wont even be making
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txttletale · 9 months
what's up with not for broadcast? i've had it in my wishlist for a while just from the basic premise of the game seeming interesting.
first of all, its political satire is somehow both heavy handed and bafflingly confused. like the plot of the game is that Evil Socialists take over by Doing Populism (scary!) and then do Evil Socialism by taking away rich people's money and doing 1984 to everybody. and idk this could just be standard anticommunism and it'd be annoying but not confusing. but the game is also like--like, it makes a point of how the Evil Socialist Government gets sanctioned by the rest of the world causing economic crisis, and how the main anti-government rebel is a self-centred paranoid far-right podcaster clearly based off alex jones, and how the rich people were all nasty iditos who didn't deserve their money. which like. i don't know. what's the game trying to say, then?
the only possible takeaway i can take from how these two factions are presented is like 'wealth inequality and capitalism is bad but it would also be bad to do anything about it'. the only character who is presented as even remotly sympathetic is the news reader who is decidedly apolitical and only cares about Getting To Read The News With Journalistic Objectivity. so many weird and confusing and self-defeating political assumptions baked into this game.
secondly, the humour misses the mark because it just can't fucking stop. like the joke will reach its punchline but because there needs to be a set amount of footage for the core gameplay loop to work jokes just get pushed wayyy past the point of the punchline. and not in an artful way like tim robinson or aunty donna just in a very tedious way where even quite funny jokes become absolutely fucking obnoxious the more they go on for. this is subjective of course but at some point watching C-tier monty python skits stretched out to three times their natural length just became so grating.
finally, the gameplay is so close to being good but losers confidence in its main gameplay mechanic at the last moment. like most of it is deciding when to cut between several different camera feeds, like, yknow, potentially making people look bad or good, undermining or reinforcing propaganda, etc. and this is a really good core mechanic that's really good and satisfying to play with! but unfortunately they keep interrupting it with stupid gimmicks like wiggling a line about to make it match anotehr line (the TV signal is out of tune or whatever) which instead of feeling like you're making meaningful choices about the titular broadcast just feel like pointless busywork. all these little distractions really really ruined the gameplay aspect of this for me which otherwise was extremely good and intersesting.
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laurasbailey · 3 months
hey, sorry to come out of nowhere with this, feel free to ignore! just wanted to get a bit of perspective on the c3 negativity i've been seeing for so long, which i've tried and failed to avoid and has been bumming me out more than i would like. this is my first campaign, it has brought me so much joy and company, but every time i end up reading a deeply negative take i can't really shake off the feeling that they're actually right, cause some of it makes sense to me and i can't unsee that. i know i'm being paranoid about it and truly setting myself up to be miserable and ruin the whole thing, which at this point i might've already done, but i just get sad wishing i could've had experienced the things everyone raves about (like different pacing and a lot of RP) for this campaign, which i'm so close to. do you think c3 is actually, objectively, worse or shallower than the previous ones? is there truth to the criticism (about it being too plot-driven, about the characters making each other worse and not being a good fit for this story, about the cast not being as into it and so on) or is the internet being the internet, and i should basically touch grass? it's not like i would drop it, honestly, i'm just sad thinking about how this story and these characters could've worked out if the "quality" was the one i keep seeing everyone talk about in regards to c1/c2. i know it's not that deep and it shouldn't matter in the long run, i'm just struggling a bit to not give in to the negativity and wanted to get your take on it, as someone's who's navigated this fandom longer! and again, truly sorry for the unprompted rant and thanks in general for being cool and taking the time to make gifs and recaps :)
you said it's brought you joy and company and it's seeing the negativity that's starting to ruin it, which is, honestly and sadly, a common thing that happens in online fandoms. negativity will bring the mood down regardless, because it just spirals into further misery. personally i stopped looking at fandom opinions and i've been a lot happier ever since! half the stuff you've said in here i've never heard before, that's how off the grid i am now lmao.
to answer your question, no, i don't think c3 is necessarily "worse" because, while people are entitled to their opinion, i think that's such a lazy, basic ass way of looking at it. also i just don't think a dnd game with people who are storytellers for a living can be shallow unless that's their goal, quite frankly. are there aspects of c3 i dislike? of course! but the same is true for all campaigns. there were parts of c2 i thought were very weak, despite the entire internet praising it like the second coming of jesus. there are things i think c3 does better than c2, even. and there are things c1 does better than both c2 and c3, and so on.
do i like that most of the campaign has been bells hells vs. a ticking clock? not really, it does mean certain sacrifices are made. do certain characters get on my last nerve? absolutely (but that's not exclusive to c3 lmao). at the same time though, i get the three women front and centre of the main plot, which has never happened before. i get a laura/marisha character romance after watching them have great chemistry for years. i get c1-level stakes and fantastic female npcs/villains, which c2 was mostly lacking. i get ashley full time (!!!) coming out of her shell and being her best and most chaotic self. and i get SO MUCH of the c1 characters? i'm fucking spoiled if you ask me.
maybe some of the criticism is very real and warranted (again, haven't seen it and don't plan to) but at the end of the day, this isn't my game of dnd or yours or any of the viewers'. we are literally watching other people play an improv game where they're crying one minute and making dick jokes the next, you just have to be along for the ride. going into the campaign with certain expectations is really silly and critiquing it the way you would a tv show just doesn't work. also unless these people are friends with the cast and speaking to them irl, how could they possibly know they aren't enjoying it as much like be serious 💀
i'm gonna be so honest here: idk if the people who are constantly spouting negativity are just miserable, but they sure look it! also stupid! why? because normal people who hate something simply ✨ stop watching and move on ✨. sure, hatewatching can be fun if you and your friends are in someone's living room or discord call shooting the shit, but doing it online day after day after day? honestly i just feel sorry for those people. happy people do not spend their time throwing essays worth of negativity up for the big wide world to see! how do i know this? because i was that person in my teens and i was severely unlikeable!
if you've enjoyed something without the bias of someone else's opinion, then you've enjoyed it! but your opinion can also change as the campaign goes, that can also be true! i would be interested to hear the reasons you loved it initially, because i think you'll find that most of that core stuff is present in all three campaigns.
the recent plot of c3 has been more stressful than any plot in previous campaigns, so understandably people have big feelings. my advice: the block button is your friend but so is the follow button! criticism is healthy, find people who deliver it in a way that's not some whiny entitled baby. letting someone else's opinion influence yours will never make you happy.
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w3ndytheraccoon · 4 months
C!Tommy is my favourite character, however, that doesn’t mean he gets a pass.
In simple word, C!Tommy is a narcissist, or atleast show alot of narcissistic traits. Self importance ? Check. Entitled to some degree ? Check. Arrogant ? Check. Jealous easily ? Check. Rarely believe something is his fault ? Check.
( Obviously, just because someone has some of these traits, that doesn’t mean that they’re a narcissist or a bad person, it depends on the context )
Now, I guess you can say that since Tommy is canonically 16, being a narcissist is expected, because most 16 years old is a self - centred asshole. But like I said many times, just because it’s justified, that doesn’t mean it’s okay.
Tommy has show signs of a narcissist ( Arrogant, entitled ) ever since he joined, and as the lore progresses, he starts to show more. It even gets worse when he got mad because he can’t fathom the fact Tubbo has a life out of him. He threatened to kill Michael for fuck’s sake ( I still love reading about them bonding tho ) !
And the whole “ Me and Tubbo vs Dream “ always gets on my nerves. Yes, Tommy has been hurt by Dream but he’s not the only one. What about Sapnap and Geogre who have to watch their close friend spiral ? What about Puffy who lost her fucking son and felt responsible for how he turn out ? What about Ranboo ? What about Niki and Jack and Fundy who lost their home when he blew up L’ manberg ? What about Vikkstar & Lazarbeam ? Dream has hurt almost everyone, not just Tommy, yet he believes he’s the only one.
Not to mentioned, he claims Tubbo is his bestfriend, yet hesitate when he’s asked to choose between him and the discs. Tommy has been an asshole to Tubbo and Tubbo has also been an asshole to Tommy times to times ( I will cover this more for when Tubbo’s post comes ). C!ClingyDuo is a shitshow (and when you include Ranboo and make it C!BenchTrio, it gets even worse ), they’re both bad for eachother. Sure, there are times where they act like actual, healthy friends, but half the times, their “ friendship “ is held together by shared trauma.
While Tubbo is treated like something comparable to the fucking discs, Ranboo is seen as an obstacle half the times. Yeah, Tommy covered for him when they burnt Geogre’s house, but that’s it. After that, whenever Tommy is with Ranboo, he’s just a tad bit more hostile and he always show jealousy when Ranboo and Tubbo are together. Like C!ClingyDuo, C!AlliumDuo is also toxic as hell and is barely being held together by the fact they have a mutual friend ( Tubbo ).
Don’t even get me start on Jack. I joined the fandom relatively late ( Post Prison Arc ), when the fandom’s opinions start shifting, and Tommy became a baby who can’t do anything wrong, so Jack’s death was pretty much brush over. It doesn’t help that I learn the lore solely through fan content, and as I said, opinions start shifting and Jack’s death got no acknowledgement. I didn’t even know why he was so mad at Tommy until a few weeks ago when I read a fanfic ( On Temporizing by LuckyMagicBelle ). No one in the fandom and the lore acknowledge it except Jack and maybe Niki, not even Tommy himself.
And that’s not even talking about all the casual crimes he commit, which I will not be getting into, because I’m pretty sure everyone have commit atleast 3 casually crimes at this point.
( Putting this just incase. Like in the one I made about Dream, just because Tommy is an asshole sometimes, that doesn’t mean the shit that happened to him is okay. And how he turns out is realistic imo, because I know that if I went through what he did, I’ll come out worse. But still, a flaw is flaw, and this is a call out post. He is child and someone should’ve show him how to be better, not let him continue to be like this )
Conclusion : C!Tommy is an actual war criminal that is in no way, shape or form innocent, yet most the fandom ignore that because they woobified him. He’s an asshole sometimes and it’s fine to be paranoid after the shit he went through but he needs to understand that Dream isn’t always out to get him. Also, C!BenchTrio needs to split up, have some therapy and spent some times for themselves before they’re ready to be friends again.
I still love him and will defend him with my dying breath though.
Edit : Y’all, I just saw a post that said C!tommy is a accurate portrayal of an abused victim, and now I can’t tell which of my points are actually him being an ass and which one is me being insensitive / overreacting and not realising that he’s intended to be written that way to be accurate. Please tell me because I do not want to offend anyone-
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stromuprisahat · 3 months
Tumblr media
Siege and Storm- Chapter 10 (Leigh Bardugo)
Are you fucking kidding me?!
Our heroine, ladies and gentlemen!
This group of people is automatically blamed for stuff. #mood
Let's not forget that the only survivors from the inside of the Fold were Aleksander and his people, Alina and Mal. The rest of Ravka, lead by the Apparat (and Lantsovs) had exactly one reason to blame Grisha- they are Grisha.
The Darkling's proclamation took place inside the Fold, and while Grisha were already blamed for the King's sudden "illness", it wasn't anything official, because otherwise he wouldn't have King's envoy on board. There would be an attempt to arrest him, instead of sending a royal delegate to accompany him.
The maths is simple- the Fold, created by Grisha, grew- it's Grisha's fault. The Sun Summoner isn't Grisha but living Saint, because she survived somewhere- the Apparat SAID SO.
Let's grab pitchforks!
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nobodyimportant41 · 4 months
The Jack Stauber's legacy challenge
Jack Stauber is my favorite solo artist, and i been wanted to write another legacy challenge for a while now. So i checked if someone wrote it already and it looks like no!
Before starting...:
I'm only doing micropops ONLY because they usually larger and have more of a story
Im from Argentina, so i may spell some things wrong
As always, i may change some lyrics or interpret them on my own way
The generations will not follow their launch order, the order will be only for storytelling
Non-heir sims don't have to have names related to others songs, but i would recommend for having more fun!
This challenge contains sensible topics such as domestic abuse, low self love and others. Don't read if your sensible
General rules:
Sims don't have to represent their songs phisically, but you can do it if you want to
You choose if the heirs will have the names of their songs or they not (you don't have to put the whole song, for example, for gen2 you can just call they Hamantha)
You can choose the lifespan or edited with MCCC, but i recommend using "normal"
Heir sims can look whatever you want and have any gender/sexuality, but they MUST reflect their personality with their looks
You may use cheats for storytelling
OPTIONAL: each generation must have a different type of teeth
Of course, if you don't have certain DLC, you can change/skip certain goals
Ep: Seasons (gen 1 and 2), Be famous (gen 2 and 10), Get to work (gen 3) , Snowy Escape (gen 4)
Gp: Parenthood (gen 8)
Sp: Vintage glamour (Gen 9)
Gen 1; Bumblebees are out:
Story: Your mother died when you were very young and your father started drinking WAY too much nectar and he started to physically abuse you... luckily, one time when he passed out decided to escape to never go back. You were only yourself and your will to become someone better than your parents...
Loves the outdoors
Complete the freelance botanic aspiration
Max the gardening and fishing skills
Max the gardener career (any branch)
Start this challenge running away from your home
Have a bee box
Rescue a stray cat or dog
Gen 2; The ballad of Hamantha:
Story: You grew up with people telling you how pretty you were but it doesn't matter how much thry told it to you, you still felt ugly.. you only dreamed of becoming the best film star in the world! Will you finally achieved it with what you call your "fat like ham face"?
Complete the world famous celebrity aspiration
Max the acting and singing skills
Max the acting career
Get struck by lighting at least once
Die before/during being an elder
Gen 3; Doctor:
Story: You were always a serious person which all that matter to them was becoming an succesful doctor, you only cared about studying medicines and sickness, until you met that coworker, it was love at first sight, even if that person only wanted to have fun and become a jokestar AND after being hurt by your teen love?
Complete the soulmate aspiration
Max the logic and wellness skills
Max the doctor career
As a teen, be into a toxic relationship and break with them as a young adult
Marry a coworker with an opposite personality
Gen 4; Fighter:
(This is the best Jack's song and i will not elaborate)
Story: Since you were a kid, you always loved your bestfriend; MORE than just like a friend. You wanted to show them how "strong" and brave you were! But each time you tried to impress them, you became nervous by their presence and end up ruining EVERYTHING. You were pretty ashamed of yourself but they found it adorable! No matter what, you said to yourself that you will show them that you were a strong fighter!
Self centred
Complete the body builder aspiration
Max the fitness and rock climbing skills
Max the athletic career (bodybuilder branch)
Marry your childhood best friend
Win as few fights as you can
Gen 5; Baby hotline:
Story: Romance has always been your favorite topic besides technology. You could spend days thinking about how cute couples were!.. but there was a problem with you, you didn't wanted to have a partner, you wanted to have lots of them! Maybe you could create a hotline for singles...
Complete the serial romantic aspiration
Max the charisma and programming skills
Work as an freelance programmer
All your apps you create must be romance related
Watch the romance channel at least once a week
Gen 6; Dinner is not over:
Story: Your parent had MANY partners at the same time while you..well..the fact that they bring a new sim EACH NIGHT made you dislike the idea of romance. Whats the idea of having a relationship if it doesn't matter? You could use that time on cooking!
Complete the master chef aspiration
Max the gourmet cooking and mixology skills
Max the culinary career (any branch)
Revive after becoming a ghost
Never got into a serious relationship before passing to the next gen
Gen 7; Cupid:
Story: you were always a cruel secret agent with a stone heart, if you had to get to that secret file, you WILL get that secret file, nothing did matter! Until you met THAT sim, you thought you had found your soulmate! But later than sooner you discovered that they were only using for information...Why did cupid had to be this cruel?
Complete the mansion baron aspiration
Max the charisma and mischief skills
Max the secret agent career (villain branch)
After divorcing, never get into a relationship again
Have twins
Gen 8; Cheeseburger family:
Story: you grew up in a not so happy household because your parent was mostly crying. So your sibling and you tried cheer them up! Sadly, that never happended... you just wanted to have a BIG happy family and cook for them each day...
Family oriented
Complete the big happy family and cheese sandwich aspirations
Max the cooking and parenting skills
Be a stay at home parent
Have at least 5 kids
Adopt at least one pet
Gen 9; Keyman:
Story: You grew up in..not the whealtiest household but in a really happy one! Of course, having many siblings, its hard to stand out, but for you, it was pretty easy! You could write the first thing that come at your mind and your parents will celebrate it! Your sibling weren't very happy...but you didn't cared!
When you moved out, you started falling in love with your neighboor! But when they moved with you and decided to hire a butler, you notice that you ALSO found the butler quite cute...
Self centred
Complete the best seller author aspiration
Max the piano and writing skills
Max the writer career (journalist branch)
Marry one of your neighboors
When married, cheat with the butler and have a kid with them (this kid MUST be the next heir)
Gen 10; There's something happening:
Story: Your family situation was never great since your step parent didn't really like you and your other parent (gen 9's butler) didn't wanted to aknowledge you... but luckily, your classmates really liked you and your extravagant fashion sense! You always told the world that they were looking at the next best fashion designer of the WHOLE simworld!
Complete the fabulously wealthy aspiration
Max the Photography and knitting skills
Max the fashion influencer career (stylish branch)
Become at least a 3 starts celebrity
Marry someone who shares at least one of your traits
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albatris · 10 months
I'm mixing up names and pronouns so sorry about that but can I please hear more about the vampire who thought they were hungry for someone's baking when they were really thirsty for blood 🥺that excerpt was so neat
:D yay I'm glad you liked it!! thank u for the kind words...!!
that's Nat! poor guy. he recently woke up on the side of the road covered in mud in his rental car with no memory of the past ten days... oh, and he's somehow turning into a vampire now! surprise!
so ya, he has no reason initially to suspect the mystery delicious scent he keeps smelling is human blood.... he doesn't know vampires exist let alone that he is one!! he's just broke n hungry n thinkin about sweet baked goods......
he's an anxious, awkward lad with a big heart and lots of feelings about things. he loves animals! especially cats! and in the story will soon come into possession of a very odd ugly scrungly rescue cat named Grub, who is the light of his life c: he's a vegetarian and an excellent cook, and shows his love for others by cooking their favourite dishes :3 he is incredibly smart and did well back in high school, but as an adult he's rather apathetic and unmotivated, n struggles with his self-esteem quite a bit 😔
Nat works (mostly) night shifts at dodgy petrol station chain Stop 'N' Go, where he takes naps on the clock and encourages shoplifting. he becomes a manager in book two purely by accident, but doesn't stick at it very long
he has schizotypal personality disorder too (like me!), which means he struggles a lot with paranoid ideation and social situations, as well as some mild psychosis. he struggles to make and keep friends, but he really does love people and being included in a friendship group, even if he's pretty nervous. his desperation for friendship often leads to him overextending himself though - kiddo will do almost anything to feel useful and liked :c
Nat's character arc mostly focuses on him learning his place in the world and becoming steadfast in his own values, and LEARNING what those values are n not letting himself get pushed around so much. he's an earnest, kind-hearted dude who wants to do good in the world, and he's trying to balance this with the fact that he now has to feed on human life to survive
he's also trying to solve the mystery of what happened during his ten day disappearance...... aaaand he might end up on a quest to kill and eat the centre of the giant vampire hivemind known as "the Garble" at some point. nbd <3
Nat's vampirism comes with a monster mode! it kicks in when he's extremely stressed or extremely hungry, and has rather too many mouths and eyes and claws. in this state, he is still able to recognise friends, but it takes him a lot more effort and concentration, and he's unable to understand unfamiliar humans or vampires as anything other than food, threats, or resources. it's a painful transformation and Nat really doesn't like going monster mode. it's very scary for him and can be very dangerous for others around him. his partner Quinn and his friends Alex and Zeke can usually calm him down though..... his other friend Yvonne will stay as far away from monster mode Nat as possible, thank you very much
Nat's preferred prey is abusive bosses and dirtbag CEOs and rich pricks, etc etc etc, all of which his own personal rich prick, Quinn, helps him track down and access. he is also not above eating particularly awful customers hahaha. like. if someone is screaming in his face for no reason or it's some creepy dude harassing one of his younger female co-workers, yeah, he might just go for a little spontaneous snack. can you blame him
so yeah! that's a lil about my boy Nat! he's the protagonist and main viewpoint character of "a rental car takes a left down rake street and disappears", the horror trilogy I'm working on atm :D
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Goody - two - shoes discourse has reached the VTSOM fandom. Ugh.
Just finished Vincent : The Secret of Myers, SPOILERS and opinions on its fan discourse below -  ISTG if another person says ‘Vincent should've seen that bad end coming because he was going TOO much down a dark, vengeful, murderous path and EMOTIONALLY - DRIVEN REVENGE BAD 11!!!’ I’ll go berserk. Bruh, ALL THE CHARACTERS in this game are morally grey (less so for Draco, it seems). Vincent is brutally murdering the core members, and people’s issue with that is that he’s apparently also killing those sidepiece employees who were very selfish but not fully evil, just like he used to be. Now, regardless of whether or not he’s killing the less shady workers too (I personally think it’s not clarified so far, though sparing other pawns like him would make his revenge ethically sound), get out of your asses for once and see how convincing ‘BUT I WOULD NEVER SINK SO LOW IF I WERE HIM, I’D STEW IN MISERY OVER MY TORTURE LIKE A GOOD VICTIM INSTEAD OF GOING ON A BLOODY RAMPAGE TO TAKE BACK SOME SEMBLANCE OF CONTROL OVER MY SHITTY LIFE’ sounds.
 Dude, first of all, once you’re self - centred and socially desperate enough join a cutthroat MNC as their top dirty - dealing lawyer -- and then get fucked over horribly despite reluctantly licking the company’s boots -- you’re also self - centered enough to seek vengeance at all costs. And barring the whole corrupt lawyer thing, being self - centered isn’t necessarily bad. An ordinary person wouldn’t have the means to take on Myer Corp. and that’s why most ‘normal’ folks would just give up on revenge, willingly (if they’re of the insane ‘I will suffer in silence and simply expect to get over the horrible destruction of my self like a good girl’ variety) or unwillingly. But Vincent has the genius, the insider info and the wealth to fuck over Myer Corp.’s experimenters - SO WHY WOULDN’T HE ? 
Yes, his ostensible targeting of a probably memory - wiped Vanora is not at all a good move - in fact it was mostly quite dumb and could’ve been averted since altering memories can definitely change a person’s goals, loyalties, personality and philosophy (Vanora at the game’s start, before Vincent intentionally reminded her of her past, was harmless). But Myer Corp sent her to kill him, and maybe he was paranoid that she could be a sleeper agent, BUT most importantly his terrible experiences have understandably fucked him up psychologically and he’s NOT thinking straight at all. Therefore Vanora and those he killed may be brainwashed company pawns just like him, following callous orders for self - preservation or profit, but it’s hardly easy to empathise with that when you’re stewing in your own hell. That’s something smoothly said but rarely done, and very few of you morality hecklers would be saintly enough to pull it off if you were in his place. 
Do you seriously think that ANYBODY is such a dumb baby lamb that they’ll simply get over their life being ruined, having to eat humans to live, suffering long agony; perk up, fix a smile on their face, and try to live out the rest of their life like they’re fucking Jesus Christ a - okay with being crucified ? No, and whether they were a bad enough person to be called hypocritical for their obsession (like Vincent probably is) DOESN’T MATTER. Because the alternative is fucking unrealistic and oppressive (like Madoka Magica’s bird - brained ‘happier ending’ where the puella magi swallow their pain and straight up have to die so that their pain won’t make them lash out in the only way they can). 
Point is, Vincent’s mad fixation on gorily wiping out Myers IS, as far as we know, NOT good, yes. But given his realistically morally grey personality, his trauma and his circumstances, it makes sense. Similarly, his attempt to kill Vanora after HIMSELF ensuring she’d remember her past and calling her loyal to Myers at heart was SUPER DUMB and horrible - but it makes sense given the above. The world is full of Vincent Edgeworth, Self - Preserving Ex - Corrupt Lawyers. Unconditionally loving, naive, selfless Dracos are rare. 
And tbh, I personally find a fucked - up Vincent very interesting, realistic and poignant. I don’t care that he’s problematic because he’s super well - written.
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grimslyreaper · 1 year
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It's JoJo OC time >:)
I originally created these two last year if I remember correctly? These are actually heavily redesigned versions of two characters who were formally known as Mocha Napoleone (top) and The Candy Man (bottom). Though as you can see I renamed them too
Mistico was originally a self-insert/sona though I now consider her a completely separate character from myself. However, she still shares a lot of my traits (such as her personality being similar to mine, and having an interest in art and animation)
Old designs
More info under the cut (Part 4 spoilers ahead. Plus it's a relatively long post lol)
Name: Mistico Missoni Namesake: Missoni (Italian fashion brand) Age: 19 Birthday: March 12th Gender: Genderfluid Height: 4'10" Ethnicity: Italian Occupation: Freelance artist, animation student Stand: 「Enter Sandman」
Notorious for her strong sense of justice, Mistico is a person who has a great deal of care about the health and safety of those around her. This even applies to those she doesn’t or barely knows, which is heavily implied by the fact she was so determined to solve Shigekiyo’s disappearance and keep Morioh safe. Besides this she’s relatively quiet and soft-spoken, typically being reclusive and preferring to keep to herself. She has trouble picking up social cues or understanding the difference between what’s sarcasm and what’s serious, though she tries her best to do so. Though regarded as a shady and weird individual by those who don’t know her, she really is a kind person who wants nothing more than to live a quiet and safe life. She also seems to be quite paranoid, this is made especially evident by the fact that she was quick to assume that Josuke and Okuyasu caused Shigekiyo’s disappearance, causing her to keep a constant eye on them whenever they came into her line of sight or general vicinity.
Those who manage to get to know Mistico and even befriend her will soon find out that she’s a much different person than she initially appears to be. When around people she trusts she becomes a surprisingly more talkative person who loves to share her interest in art. She can even come off as vulgar with her language, usually cussing out people in Italian, though her vulgar language typically only gets directed towards people she hates or considers a rival.
Name: 「Enter Sandman」 Namesake: Enter Sandman (Metallica song) Localised Name: Sand Man User: Mistico Missoni Type: Long-range Artificial humanoid Sentient Reconnaissance
Enter Sandman is a completely sentient Stand. Compared to Mistico, they’re much more sensible and mature and display a usually calm disposition. Even so, Enter Sandman can still show fear and worry, typically when their user is placed under high stress levels. Enter Sandman personifies Mistico’s sense of justice and reflects this in their actions, personality and mannerisms.
Enter Sandman is a Long-Range Stand with great scouting potential. Along with this, they are able to increase their power by staying in shadows and darkness. Their abilities centre around and take advantage of the fact they’re more powerful when shrouded in darkness.
Places with little to no shadows pose a problem for them as they’re unable to reach their full potential.
When in contact with shadows, Enter Sandman can phase themself into them and travel along as they see fit. This allows for great secret scouting potential when plenty of shadows are around, though this ability can be limited by a lack of shadows. Another limit to this ability is the fact that only shadows on solid, non-sentient surfaces are accessible.
When shrouded in the darkness of shadows or the night, Enter Sandman gains more physical strength and capabilities. The darker the area, the stronger they become. Pitch-black darkness can make them near invincible, though it comes with the disadvantage of themself and their user being unable to see. Being moved out of shadows or into lights will cause their strength to return to normal, and having intense light shone onto them can weaken them.
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dreaminginpastels · 2 years
hi, lovely!! i absolutely LOVE your writings! i was hoping i could request a young remus lupin x reader where the two are best friends, but harbor feelings for one another and both are too shy to make a move— then one night playing a drunken game of truth or dare in the common room with the girls and the marauders things get ✨fluffy✨ (bonus points for a plus size reader 👀💖)
hiccups and hijinks
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pairing: young!remus lupin x plus size!fem!reader
summary: upon encountering an unfortunate bout of the hiccups, remus attempts to cheer you up, only to land the two of you a bonus assignment that ruins your respective Hogsmeade plans. rather than let the opportunity go to waste, the marauders and friends plan a surprise night of revels with fluffy consequences.
warnings: mentions of insecurity and self-doubt (in the form of the saddest summer nights from Grease boy/girl groups montage), but otherwise mostly fluff
reader pronouns: she/her (by request)
word count: 3.5k (I know! who even am I?)
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*✧ harry potter masterlist | main masterlist | ask | taglist ✧*
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You had a fit of hiccups. In Potions of all places. Because of course you did. You had hoped they would pass on their own - in an ideal world, they would disappear without so much as an odd glare from a classmate. Instead, they had persisted for about 15 minutes and with each minute that passed, you wanted to sink deeper and deeper into a hole.
The only comfort that you had was your best friend Remus, who, sitting beside you and keenly aware of your anxiety about being the centre of attention, had attempted various approaches to stop your hiccups without drawing attention - to no avail. He had now shifted to trying to make you laugh with witty comments and bad impressions of Slughorn under his breath. This had done nothing other than add mellifluous giggles on either end of your continuing bout of hiccups. To your surprise, it also provided an unmistakable blush on Remus’ cheeks.
You were preparing to tease him about this observation when Slughorn suddenly cleared his throat, embarrassed after having heard Remus’ unflattering impressions, and sarcastically asked that the two of you keep your clearly amusing discussion for your free periods. Your face now matched Remus’ blushing cheeks, much to the amusement of the rest of the Marauders and your best friends, Lily, Marlene, and Mary.
You tried desperately to focus on the class, but kept getting lost in Remus’ enchanting eyes and reassuring smile. You had fallen for him, hard, but had no idea if he felt the same. Yes, he went above and beyond to comfort you, would often end up sitting near you when your friendship groups hung out, and never went to Hogsmeade without surprising you with breathtakingly thoughtful gifts, but he was such a beautiful person that you were convinced he would do the same for anyone in need. That’s how big his heart was. 
In your most vulnerable moments, you’d lay in bed wondering if you’d captured his heart the way he’d captured yours. And no matter how much your friends insisted that you must have, there was always a tiny seed of doubt in your chest. You’d decided that until he confessed to your face that he had feelings for you, that you would leave it alone in your mind. But that was proving to be easier said than done with his unrelenting charm and devotion to lifting your spirits.
He turned now towards you, utterly mortified to have brought attention to you; the one thing he was desperately trying to avoid.
“y/n, I’m so sorry-” he whispered, only to be cut off by another of your hiccups which were now increasing in volume and frequency; much to your mutual chagrin. He thought for a moment before continuing, “Do you trust me?”
You nodded rather than replying audibly, paranoid at the thought of bringing on another hiccup.
Remus smiled and reached out to hold your hand as he used his other to subtly raise his wand under your shared desk. He muttered a charm under his breath and you suddenly felt elated - on top of the world - and even more miraculously, your hiccups had vanished.
With a brief glance at Slughorn, who had turned to his textbook to respond to a question, you nudged Remus playfully. You weren’t sure if it was your sudden giddiness but you felt the words flow too easily out of your mouth. “Okay I am so indebted to you! Have I mentioned that you’re an amazing friend? I would be so lost without you. I’m so lucky that you’re such a genius. I don’t know what you did but I feel amazing! What charm did you use? We should party! Okay, we’re in class, maybe now isn’t the best time but we should celebrate!”
He chuckled at your rambling, dimples appearing as he studied your face with an intimacy you were convinced had never been there before. He leaned close and whispered, “I cast a cheering charm. It’s a type of counter-charm for hiccoughs so I thought it might work for you too. I’m so glad it did. Also, you tell me I’m an amazing friend literally every single day, it’s me that never says it enough to you.”
As he pulled away, you stared deep into his eyes and gently caressed his hand, running your thumb up and down across the back of his hand to the knuckle of his index finger. His eyes widened in surprise, but he leaned into you; evidently cherishing your touch. You were about to earnestly thank him once more when you suddenly erupted into a fit of giggles. Subtle at first, you could keep them under your breath, but within a minute or so, you couldn’t hold them in. They were loud, and disruptive enough that Slughorn gave you a secondary warning to no avail. The harder you tried to repress them, the stronger they came until Slughorn’s demeanor suddenly changed. With a flick of his wand, your giggles stopped, leaving you mortified and on the verge of tears. You turned to Remus, wide-eyed, only to find him mirroring your exact expression.
“y/l/n, Lupin,” he sighed as he glanced between you. “Stay behind after class.”
Remus felt like the scum of the Earth. All he ever wanted was to protect you from pain and embarrassment. Merlin knows he understood how tiring it was to loathe yourself day in and day out, and the day he’d met you, he vowed to do whatever he could to keep you from enduring the same fate.
As the two of you parted ways after speaking to Slughorn, you’d insisted that it wasn’t his fault and that you’d appreciated his efforts to stop your hiccups and cheer you up. He knew objectively that you would never lie to him, but despite his best efforts to believe your reassuring words, he could feel a shame spiral coming on. Fighting the demons in his mind, he sought out his fellow Marauders; the only people he knew he could always go to when his brain tried to pull him under.
“Moony, what in Merlin’s name was that in there?” James demanded as he threw an approving arm around Remus’ shoulders. Squeezing his upper arm in jest, he leaned closer to his friend’s bemused face. “Trying to cement your status as a mischief maker without the help of your dear pals?”
At this, Remus couldn’t help but break a smile. He could always count on James’ playful teasing to drag him out of even his worst mental states.
As usual, it wasn’t long before Sirius joined in the fun. “No, no, my foolish James, you are mistaken! We are in the presence of Sir Remus Lupin, gallant knight and fierce protector of fair maidens from the evil clutches of the hiccup monster.”
Midway through his proclamation, Sirius descended on a knee for dramatic effect, sending Peter into a hysterical fit of giggles while Remus rolled his eyes, smirking with amusement.
James instantly removed his arm from around Remus and joined Sirius on bended knee, each raising an arm to toast their friend with imaginary chalices, as they declared, together and loudly, “All hail Sir Remus, protector of fair maids!”
Graciously bowing, Remus bid his friends stand, grateful for their ridiculousness, “You know, sometimes I swear you two meet in private to rehearse this nonsense.”
Nervously glancing at each other, James and Sirius decided it best to spin Remus around and lead him towards their next class, eliciting amused chuckles from Remus and Peter.
“So, Remus, what did Slughorn actually want?” Peter piped up.
“I’ll be furious if we missed your knighting ceremony.” James quipped, smirking at Sirius.
Remus sighed. He figured he could only keep his head in the clouds for so long. “He assigned y/n and I this ridiculous homework task-”
“Hold on.” Sirius interjected, stopping in his tracks. The Marauders stopped alongside him. “Did I just hear Moony, our Moony, just use the words ridiculous and homework in the same sentence? Boy, you must be real smitten.”
Remus rolled his eyes, if only to distract his friends from the blush now coating his cheeks. “He set us an essay on ‘the ethics of everlasting elixirs’-”
“That’s not so bad!” Peter tried, reassuringly.
“-that’s due in three days.” Remus finished with a knowing look at his friends. “Which means…no Hogsmeade for me this year.”
James gasped dramatically. “But Moony, you were going to-”
“-finally tell y/n how you feel this trip!” Sirius finished for him, a sad look passing between the jokesters.
He nodded, crestfallen. “I guess it’s a sign? Maybe I’m not meant to tell her - she’s way out of my league anyway. I knew I never really had a chance.”
“Merlin, you’re a moron.” Sirius muttered under his breath. “That girl adores you, Moony. Has done since that first trip to Hogsmeade when you surprised her with that chocolate daisy that you had specially made. I know you have a world of demons in that head of yours convincing you otherwise but open your damn eyes for once and realise that you deserve happiness as much as the next man. Unless the next man is James or I - you’re a much better person than we are.”
“Hey!” James feigned annoyance, playfully punching Sirius in the arm before returning his attention to Remus. “Okay but seriously, Padfoot is right. You deserve love Remus - exactly as you are.”
Remus scoffed, prompting James to lay a hand on his shoulder. Searching Remus’ eyes, he lowered his voice and asked in a sincere tone, “Do you trust us?”
At that, Remus pulled away - his eyes failing to leave the ground. “I do, but I can’t do that to her. She deserves a love that I can’t give her.”
Running a hand through his hair, he sighed, defeated. “Merlin, I can’t even cure a bout of hiccups without making her worst fears come true. Look, I appreciate you boys but I really just…need to not think about confessing to her for a while. I owe her that.”
“Hey, this isn’t so bad!” Mary started, “I know it’s no Hogsmeade, but it’s three days spending quality time with Remus. If you look at it that way, it’s practically a dream come true for you!”
You sighed, patiently. “I know you mean well, Mary, but it’s an impossible assignment. We’ll be lucky to get it done at all…”
“Okay, what kind of sadistic lunatic sets an impossible assignment to two sixth years for uncontrollable giggling in class?”
At Marlene’s serious tone, you couldn’t help but chuckle - which only encouraged her.
“I mean, seriously, it’s like he’s got no life. Wasn’t he young and in love once?”
You gulped and looked around erratically, before scolding her. “Would you keep your voice down? Anyone could hear you!”
She rolled her eyes, “What, scared that Remus might hear me? Merlin, wouldn’t it be awful for him to realise you’re as madly in love with him as he is with you?!”
Lily giggled at your pouty face. “You’re adorable. I know you don’t see it but Remus is a twit if he doesn’t notice. Plus, you two are probably tied for the Wizarding World’s biggest heart. Would you just give the guy the benefit of the doubt and tell him you adore him?”
You looked into the supporting faces of your friends, and practically crumbled with appreciation. “I love and appreciate every one of you, but you’ve got to understand.This stuff? It doesn’t happen for me-”
“Hey, now-” Mary started, trying to comfort you.
“-No, it’s true. And that’s okay. I’m not ashamed of who I am or the way I look, I’m just saying that it’s a reality for me. I’m not the one that can make a guy weak in the knees with a wink-” You smirked at Marlene.
“-I’m not the one that guys ask out again and again because they can’t get enough of my witty banter-” You turned to Lily, who smiled sadly at you in reply.
“-and I don’t have the ability to love myself no matter how much others try to make me feel inadequate.” You smiled gently at Mary, who seemed touched at your words.
“I don’t know if I could handle rejection from one of the people that I love most in this world,” You picked yourself up from the floor of the Common Room where you all sat, and headed towards your dorm. Turning back to your friends, you sighed sadly. “I hope you can understand.”
Returning from their trip to Hogsmeade, the Marauders and girls went to check on their friends who had been cooped up in the library almost non-stop over the past few days, only to find the most adorable sight imaginable.
Intending to dramatically announce their entrance, Lily had a split second to cover James’ mouth as she noticed you and Remus slumped over on your joint study desk. She gestured to the rest of the company with her remaining index finger over her lips and crept towards the desk for a better view; eliciting a disappointed groan from James as she removed her hand from his face.
As they reached the desk, they noticed you and Remus laying against each other, snuggled adorably, surrounded by mountains of textbooks and a half-written Potions essay. Lily gestured to the group to head back out to the hallway, where they devised the perfect plan - they would give their hardworking friends a much-deserved break with a night of revels. Assigning responsibilities amongst themselves, they keenly departed to prepare what would surely be a night to remember.
“Wakey-wakey lovebirds!”
You stirred gently only to realise that you were snuggled into Remus’ chest, with his arms protectively around you. He woke a moment after, and seemed similarly embarrassed by your intimate embrace. Your mutual moment of tenderness was interrupted by the boisterous face of James, beaming in front of you with a knowing smirk.
Sighing in annoyance to hide your embarrassment, you looked up at James. “Welcome back, how was Hogsmeade?”
With a hand across his forehead, and another on his heart, James dramatically replied, “Awful without my two dear friends! The butterbeer didn’t taste as sweet, the chocolate was bitter…”
You and Remus rolled your eyes in sync, to James’ amusement, before Remus replied. “Wonderful. What do you need from us?”
“Your presence is requested at the Common Room - the two of you have been working far too hard and deserve a break full of jollity!”
The two of you exchanged a look, but before you could insist that you had plenty more work to do, Lily entered the library to check on James’ progress, and, noting that you were still seated, grabbed you by the arm and dragged you out of the Library - leaving the two boys to assemble your textbooks and follow you.
When you arrived at the Common Room, you were greeted by enchanted decorations, plenty of snack foods and alcohol, and the lively dancing and enthusiastic chatting of your friends, who were currently scattered around the communal space.
You spent the night circling the room, talking with your friends about their Hogsmeade trip and the progress that you and Remus had made with your assignment, and stealing longing glances at Remus every chance you got. Usually you could keep your aesthetic appreciation of the boy in check, but a few beers and you were finding it hard to tear your eyes off him. Sirius clearly noticed, and had on more than one occasion wiggled his eyebrows at you knowingly when he caught your eye. A few hours into the night though, and he’d had enough. Sighing, he moved to the centre of the room and loudly proclaimed a game of truth or dare. You rolled your eyes, but nevertheless moved with your friends to join the large circle that now filled the room.
“Alright, how about you begin, my dear Moony?” Sirius asked, amusedly.
Remus gulped and turned to James, “Prongs, truth or dare?”
“Dare, of course.” He winked at Lily, eliciting an audible groan in response.
“I dare you to serenade a person of your choice for 3 minutes.”
“Why Remus, it would be my pleasure!”
Lily turned to you and retorted, “This is going to be the longest 3 minutes of my life.”
Chuckling, you gave her a pat of reassurance and had another sip of your beer, thankful that Remus hadn’t chosen you.
After a few rounds of entertaining truths and dares, the inevitable happened.
“Moony, my love.” Sirius cooed, turning to Remus. “Would you care for a truth or a dare?”
Shaking his head in defeat, Remus replied, “Dare, I guess?”
Sirius laughed mischievously. “Excellent. I dare you to go into our dorm room and tell y/n your biggest secret.”
Yours and Remus’ eyes opened wide in unison as you stared at each other across the circle, before reluctantly standing up and heading to the dorm room.
Once seated on Remus’ bed, you turned to him and placed a comforting hand on his leg - the alcohol making you bolder than usual. “Rem, you don’t have to tell me anything if you don’t want to. I don’t want to force something sensitive because of a stupid dare from one of our moronic friends.”
He smiled gratefully for a moment before glancing down to your hand on his leg, lost in thought. “No, I- uh, I’ll tell you. Yeah! I can tell you.”
You smiled encouragingly, squeezing his leg as you looked up at him tenderly. “Hey, it can’t be worse than the time you finally mustered up the courage to tell me you’re a werewolf, huh?”
He laughed nervously, rubbing the back of his neck. “You’d think not, right?”
“Hey, you were worried I’d be scared away when you told me that, and I’m still here, right? And I always will be, no matter what’s about to come out of your mouth. You’ve been there for me in some of my toughest times, you’ve never judged me for how I look or the things that I say and do no matter how embarrassing, and have always comforted me when I needed it most. I’m not going anywhere, Remus.”
Something in your speech caught Remus’ attention. “Sorry, uh, the way you look?”
You sighed, “Yeah, you’d be surprised at the number of people that don’t even take the time to get to know me because I’m plus-sized. It’s always meant a lot to me that it doesn’t seem to matter to you.”
Instantly placing his hand on top of yours and looking deep into your eyes. “It’s not an issue for me. It’s never been an issue for me. You’re beautiful y/n. I’ve always thought so. And not just on the outside, which, you absolutely are, but who you are. You see the beauty in everyone and make even the most…uh…undeserving people feel seen and valued. It’s just one of the things that makes me utterly love you.”
Your breath caught in your throat. Remus looked up at you nervously, searching your eyes for some glint of hope that you felt the same way, that his leap hadn’t been for nothing. That you wouldn’t abandon him the way he feared you would. He could feel a tear running down his cheek, as grateful as he was to have finally told you how he felt, he was so damn scared that you’d leave him.
Noticing the tear, you quickly moved to the dorm room door and opened it, summoning an item from your room before closing it again and rushing back to Remus on the bed.
He looked up at you with an expression that broke your heart, as if you held his heart in your hands. You reached up with your free hand and gently wiped the tear from his cheek and smiled up at him tenderly. “I was going to save this until after we finished the essay as a thank you for putting up with me, but I think it’s best that I give it to you right now. To show you how much I completely, unconditionally, love you, Remus John Lupin.”
He leaned forward then in expectation and relief, unbelievable fondness etched across his face in an expression so intimate that you could barely believe it was just for you. Keeping your eyes locked to his in a tender gaze, you used your free arm to turn his hand while you reached around and placed his gift into his now outstretched palm. You indicated that he should look down and, following your lead, he reluctantly broke your gaze to glance down at the chocolate rose in his calloused hand. 
This caused him to break into joyful tears as he looked back up at you in disbelief and fondness at the gift reminiscent of his first innocent profession of love to you so many years ago. You smiled gently at him, “Eat. You’ll feel better.”
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a/n: hello lovely, thank you so much for your request (and for your beautiful words 🥰) this one made me so happy when I saw it - especially because I’m plus-sized and remus is my all time favourite fictional character  ☺️ I’m so sorry that it’s taken so long for me to get around to writing it but I hope that it’s everything that you wanted it to be! please feel free to request again and to let me know your thoughts 🧡
to my dear followers, I’m so sorry that it has been such a long break from my last story! I was in some theatre shows that took pretty much all of my time, attention, and energy, but now I’m back and really missing writing so please feel free to send in asks and/or requests, or just say hi! really excited to do some more frequent writing on here, and I’m so very thankful (as always) for your support. I love and missed you all 🤍
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