#selena lives
garbria · 1 year
CorNyx 💛?
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reunion kiss / relief 
Cor sighed, absentmindedly tracing the swirls on his arm. The light brown lines of his transfer mark next to light pink of his own healed soulmark scar reassured him. Nyx was alive, and hopefully in the group of refugees a few days out from Insomnia. It burned at him that he wasn’t able to go to Galahd after the attack, couldn’t even establish communication with the survivors in the chaos. He couldn’t have made another choice, not with his oaths to the Crown, but it still ate at him, that his soulmate’s home had been attacked and he couldn’t do anything about it.
He couldn’t even go look for Nyx. He hadn’t heard about the attack on Galahd until it was well over, with the clusterfuck that was trying to secure Regis and Noctis’ safety on the way back from Tenebrae. The Empire’s move on Galahd so soon after their attack on Regis and Tenebrae had caught everyone by surprise. Cor was the most senior member of the Regis’ retinue in Insomnia, so he’d been holding things down while Regis took Noctis for healing. When Clarus called about the attack on Tenebrae, Cor had scrambled to call in every available Crownsguard and Glaive to secure Regis and Noctis’ safe return. Not to mention having to deal with the unrest in the city once the news of the death of the Oracle and threat on Regis got out.
It reminded Cor why he hated politics and politicians as much as he did. He dealt much better with problems he could stab.
At least his connection with Nyx reassured him that Nyx was alive, despite the reports of the devastation of Galahd. 
He never expected to find his soulmate in a teenager on a diplomatic trip with Regis. Though with how they found out - Nyx nearly getting himself killed protecting Regis - neither Regis nor Clarus were particularly surprised he and Nyx were a match.
Despite their dramatic first meeting, Cor had tried to keep his distance over the years, keeping in touch with letters and the occasional phone call. Nyx was only sixteen when they met, and Cor couldn’t involve a teenager in the mess that was his life. Nyx needed to have his own life, with his family and friends. He wouldn’t let the wolves of the Council, or worse, the press, get wind of Nyx’s existence. He could protect Nyx better than that.
They had agreed when Nyx reached his majority according to both Galahd and Lucis, they would create their matching soulmarks to formalize their bond. Cor had managed a few weeks off around Nyx’s 18th birthday, and they completed the ceremony together under the stars. Cor had been pleasantly surprised to see how much Nyx had grown into himself, and the focused look in his eyes as he drew his kukri over the trace of their design to mark Cor and himself made Cor’s breath catch. The phone calls became more frequent after that.
Until Noctis was attacked and Cor’s world became consumed with protecting the royal family and the kingdom. He hadn’t talked to Nyx since a few weeks before the Marilith attack, except for a quick return text to let Nyx know he was safe in Insomnia. Once his agents in the field reported the attack on Galahd, Cor had stolen a few moments to call Nyx, but it hadn’t gone through. He hadn’t had time to try again, not with everything falling apart around him. 
His people told him that a group of refugees from Galahd were on their way to Insomnia. If Nyx wasn’t among them, then he would leave the rest of this clusterfuck in Clarus’ hands and go find him. Regis and Noctis had been back for a few days, but security concerns were still high, worried that the Empire would continue its advance. Clarus could deal with all that without him for a few days if he didn’t get word on Nyx soon.
His phone rang, and he pulled himself out of his thoughts as he answered it. “Leonis.”
“Marshal, I’ve word that the Galahdan refugees are at the gate. Apparently, one of them is asking for you.” Monica’s voice was a calm anchor as Cor’s emotions threatened to wash over him.
They were supposed to be a few days out. How had they gotten here without him knowing? Was Nyx there?
“I’ll be right there.” Cor hung up without waiting for Monica’s response. He grabbed his jacket and strode down the hallway just short of a run only because running would cause panic that would further delay him.
The Crownsguard saluted as he drove up. He asked for the officer in charge as he walked up to the gate post. He could see a large group of people milling outside, but his view was mostly blocked by the Crownsguard holding them back.
“What’s going on here, Lieutenant?” Cor demanded.
“Sir, these people are demanding entry, but they have no immigration papers.” The lieutenant fidgeted nervously, not making eye contact with Cor.
“Your orders are to direct refugees to Refugee Resettlement, are they not?” Cor asked, his voice flat with disapproval. He knew there was anti-refugee sentiment on the rise in Insomnia, but he was not happy to see it in the ranks of the Crownsguard.
“But Sir…,” the lieutenant finally made eye contact.
“Are those not your orders?” Cor snapped. “Get these people moving.”
The lieutenant snapped to attention. “Yes, sir.” He turned and shouted orders at the other Crownsguard. Cor was gratified to see the crowd start to move slowly through the gate.
“What is it, Lieutenant?” Cor asked as the lieutenant turned back to him.
“Sir, there were some troublemakers in the group who tried to push their way through. We have a one of them in custody.” The lieutenant looked towards a closed door. “They thought to use your name to get through the checkpoint.”
Cor narrowed his eyes at the soon to be private. “And you didn’t inform me?”
“I didn’t think you’d want to be troubled by people trying to take advantage,” the lieutenant said, eyes widening.
“Stand aside.” Cor stalked over to the closed door, opening it to find Nyx glaring daggers at him.
Nyx blinked in surprise as Cor stepped in and closed the door behind him.
“Cor?” Nyx sounded unsure.
“Nyx,” Cor reached out to touch him, then reconsidered. “Are you hurt?”
“Cor!” Nyx practically threw himself at Cor, burying his face in his shoulder.
Cor’s arms tightened around Nyx, and Cor felt a weight lift off his chest. Nyx was here, in his arms, in more or less one piece. “I’ve got you, you’re safe now.”
Cor could feel Nyx’s shoulders shake in his embrace as Nyx cried. He rubbed Nyx’s back with one hand, and ran the other one over Nyx’s hair.
“Cor, Mother, she-” Nyx broke off and clutched Cor tighter. 
Cor could only hold on, murmuring reassurances and berating himself for not being there to help.
Eventually, Nyx’s breathing evened out and he pulled back, but Cor didn’t let him go far. Nyx looked up at him through red-rimmed eyes. Cor used a thumb to brush the tears from Nyx’s cheek, noting the new tattoo as he did so.
Cor only had the split second warning of Nyx’s eyes dropping down to Cor’s lips before Nyx was kissing him. Cor cradled Nyx’s face as he pushed into the kiss, tasting salt and something smoky. Nyx tried to deepen it but Cor pulled back to rest their foreheads together.
He hadn’t expected their first kiss to be in the holding area of a gate post, but that was Nyx, always surprising him.
“You’re safe now, Nyx. I’ll make sure of it. You’re my soulmate and that gives you rights here.” His thumb was still absently brushing Nyx’s cheek.
Nyx grimaced. “They shoved me, threw me in here, told me there was no way trash like me would know you.”
Cor went rigid with anger. “They will pay for that, I promise.”
Nyx shook his head. “Selena tried to get involved but Lib pulled her back. They’re out there waiting for me.”
“We should go find them, then.” Cor didn’t move, enjoying the feel of Nyx in his arms.
Nyx didn’t move either. “What now?”
Cor leaned forward for one more kiss, before stepping back. “You and Selena are more than welcome to stay with me. Or I will help you find a place, if you prefer. You’re my soulmate. That makes you and Selena family. I’ll make sure you have what you need.”
Nyx shook his head, but didn’t say anything. Instead, he reached out and brushed his fingers over where he knew Cor’s soulmark was.
Cor smiled. “You’ll always have a home with me.”
Nyx’s smile was tinged with sadness, but no less genuine for it. 
“Come on, let’s go find your sister and get you settled in.” He led Nyx out, ignoring the lieutenant and reminding himself to have Monica delete the securty footage. As well as rearrange his schedule for the day. Nyx had been through a lot, Cor was going to be there for him now.
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starjunco · 1 year
Day 17: Icy Deep (Ao3)
A non-literal take on the prompt. This is part of the Underwater AU seen on Day 7.
3pm Saturday, right on schedule.
They had heard it at 10pm on Tuesday and wondered if they were losing their minds, but when they looked out the window, they saw it: rain. Pouring down the building facades, bouncing on the walkways, filling the canal.
Selena had wanted to go investigate -- were there clouds? was it salty? -- but Nyx pointed out it was probably too dark to see and they needed to get to sleep. Not that the curious, excited part of him didn’t keep him awake until it stopped.
It happened again at 9am Thursday morning when Selena was stuck in a doctor’s office and Nyx in a classroom taking an exam. They asked around and found out that the ‘weather schedule’ was printed in the newspaper.
It was probably just weird local phrasing -- they had come across that alot. What they really meant was ‘prediction.’
3pm, on the dot, the rain started.
Heavy drops fell straight down onto the rooftop the pair stood on. They weren’t salty. They were normal, considering they were falling from an ocean sky.
There were no clouds. The Wall, silvery-blue and surreal, seemed thicker and somehow out of focus.
They shared unsure glances, but continued to watch as the rain soaked their hair and clothes.
“The hexagons -- you can see them,” Selena pointed out, her voice just audible over the haze of drops.
She was right; you could clearly see the hexagons. At first it was just the outlines -- double outlines, one behind the other -- but then a white-silver formed at the edges and began creeping toward the middle.
“Ice?” Selena asked, baffled.
The water was very cool, come to think of it, but it didn’t seem right and Nyx shook his head. After a moment, realization hit. “Salt.”
Selena blinked at him then looked back up at the sky which was quickly growing a cloudy-white. “Leviathan’s tears.”
It was part of the story of the city, at least as told on the outside: the Wall, said to be a gift from Shiva, was so strong that it kept the serpent astral at bay -- all except for her tears.
Nyx shivered and pulled Selena close. “Let’s go back inside.”
As he led her back in, he tried to shake a coldness that was from more than just wet clothes.
Whatever this technology was, he should feel impressed. Instead, there was just a biting sense of unease and loss.
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louisbxne · 3 months
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Como La Flor (Live From Astrodome) (February 26, 1995)
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bthemistake · 8 months
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"Fated For Love And Death" - Selena and Charles
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EDIT- [Audio Description: The characters Selena Beauregard and Charlie Beckendorf, from the Percy Jackson series. They are holding each other, eyes closed, with each has a hand extended behind their partner.
Charlie is dropping a match, symbolic to his sacrifice in the war against Kronos and the boats explosion, while Selena holds Clarisse's spear, symbolic to her stealing her friends armour (which she is wearing) and chariot to lead the Ares kids into the final battle in an attempt to right the wrongs she made in aiding Luke.
Their foreheads rest gently together and they hold each other, Charlies hand on Selena's waist, and her hand holding his arm. They are both in their final moments, seconds before death, allowing themselves to bid farewell to their love and life.]
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muppetsource · 9 months
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Selena Gomez, Demi Lovato, and Miss Piggy on the set of STUDIO DC: ALMOST LIVE (2008)
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skyleclerc · 1 month
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my new fav picture
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famefucker · 1 month
Do you guys ever go to concerts and then you're like "oh THIS is why I'm alive."
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queerdiaz · 9 months
Listening to Single Soon:
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Listening to Used To Be Young:
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muppet-facts · 9 months
Muppet Fact #846
Miss Piggy performed "Dance Me If You Can" with the Cheetah Girls.
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Studio DC: Almost Live. Hosted by Selena Gomez. October 5, 2008.
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sylvies-casey · 1 year
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mikespice97 · 1 year
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Selena, 1994 ✨
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sbrown82 · 1 year
Selena performing a disco medley live during her last concert at the Houston Astrodome in Texas on February 26th, 1995.
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saphira-approves · 3 months
Can I come and tell you my deepest pain?
We should have had Morzan alive. I mean yeah, it would fuck up the whole narrative but imagine Murtagh being afraid of his father. He hates the king but fears his father.
Imagine him and Thorn; Morzan sees them, and he has problems with booze in canon, just how drunk he'd have gotten after Thorn learned to talk? There he is with his nameless dragon, half of his heart and soul, that he had to watch descend into stupidity. (Does he have its name written up here and there, does he watch it every day just to think about how he could make it real again?) Would he dream of killing his son and taking his dragon to himself? Would he want that even though he despises that sick joke of a connection that is in between Galbatorix and Shruikan?
And then Galbatorix finally discovers the name of the names. How would he beg for the king to use it to heal his companion?
Also, it would be very funny to watch our main characters run for their lives with an angry dragon after them, but y'know.
Should I write a fic about this
Oh you absolutely should write a fic about this (and let me know when you do! I’d love to read it!), and I should go back through my WIPs to find my time travel AUs…
I usually write more about Selena than Morzan, but I do love the idea of getting to see grown-up Murtagh’s reaction to seeing his father, especially in a context where Murtagh has lived without him for a while—whether that’s because Brom didn’t kill Morzan and Selena got both her sons to Carvahall, or because resurrection or time travel shenanigans happened.
As for Morzan still being around when Murtagh gets captured… I think there’s a 50/50 chance he gets Real Weird about the torture, in a “I was pretty sure up to this point that I didn’t actually care about my son but now my best friend is torturing My Son and I don’t like it actually” way, and I think that would be really fun to explore; I think, also, that when Thorn hatches and Galbatorix prematurely increases his size, Morzan would again be Real Weird about it because, like, that’s a baby dragon the size of an adult. He hasn’t lost his name, he just hasn’t really developed one yet; he’s a weird, warped mirror of Morzan’s own dragon. And when Thorn does, eventually, with difficulty, start to ‘grow up’, Morzan’s probably going to get twitchy about it—it’s been at least a century, more than two thirds of his lifespan, since he’s even MET a somewhat psychologically stable dragon; how much has he forgotten of their true intelligence, their real personalities? And when Galbatorix does find The Word, if Morzan asks him to heal his own dragon… honestly I don’t know if Galbatorix would be able to. Having power and knowing how to use it are two different things, we saw Murtagh figure that out in his own book with The Word. Would the king even know where to start? Would he allow Morzan to try for himself? Morzan probably wouldn’t have a clue where to begin, all we ever hear about him from people who’d met him is that he’s a powerful spellcaster, but not a very clever one.
Honestly, the whole situation might drive Morzan to split from Galbatorix; and even if not, it would still probably drive Morzan to be extremely destructive, to himself and everyone around him.
Also he’d be so pissed to learn about Eragon’s true parentage. Not even in a “my wife cheated on me?!” way but in a “oh my god can Brom stop being SO OBSESSED with me for FIVE MINUTES” kind of way.
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ruledbyvnus · 1 month
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gossip girlies. 💋
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Selena by the outfit
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