#seer lance
“Anyone seen Lance?” Shiro asks, checking his watch. “We have to suit up in an hour, but I haven’t heard anything from him.”
No sooner do the words come out of his mouth does the man in question stroll into the kitchen, pausing in front of the table where everyone is gathered and clearing his throat.
“I will not be accompanying you guys on the mission,” he announces.
It takes everyone a moment to process that one. Hunk is the first to react, something clicking in his expression before he groans, resting his forehead on the table.
“Here we go,” he mutters tiredly.
Lance happily ignores him, pouring himself some food goo and taking a seat next to Keith.
“Are you ill?” Allura asks, when Lance fails to provide any further context.
“Nope! I’m just going to hang back from this mission because I Saw what’s going to happen last night and no part of me is interested in crawling through sewage. Y’all have fun, though.”
“Why the hell do you think we’ll be crawling through sewage?” Keith asks. “All the Yuvleans want us to do is find some crystal for them.”
“And I’m telling you it’s going to involve crawling through the sewage system,” Lance insists. “I’m not doing that. I’ll stay on the castle with Coran and do chores, or something.”
Shiro looks pleadingly to Hunk.
“Please translate,” he asks.
This is not unusual. Lance and Hunk frequently have to explain each other’s trains of thought to the team at large.
“Lance thinks he can see the future,” Hunk explains tiredly. “He is not a Seer. He just gets lucky, occasionally, and he’s observant. There is nothing I can do to convince him otherwise.”
“That’s because you’re wrong,” Lance says patiently. “I do so get visions. I told you about the mermaid planet when we were fifteen, remember?”
“Lance, you dreamed once about alien mermaids and the universe is so batshit insane that it ended up being true. That is not predicting the future.”
“Mhm, sure. And the fact that I knew the names of the mermaids we could trust was coincidence.”
Hunk and Pidge both look exasperated, but Keith looks intrigued.
“You can really tell the future?”
“Please tell me you don’t believe in that shit too,” Pidge groans.
Both paladins ignore her.
“Not as clearly as you’re thinking,” Lance says, making a so-so motion with his hand. “I don’t usually get full detailed visions, although I do occasionally. Usually I get bits and pieces, right before something happens. Like, if we’re on an infiltration mission and we don’t know which hallway to take to escape, I usually get a flash of images that tell me what’s down each one.”
Shiro, who had been eyeing Lance warily for the most part, tilts his head in consideration. “You do manage to lead us out of ships when everything goes to shit.”
Hunk looks at him incredulously. “You too?! What part of ‘Lance has good instincts and is crazy observant’ am I making unclear? Science, people!”
“I’m not saying I think he can see in the future,” Shiro says hastily. “But I’m not saying he can’t, either.”
“Thank you,” Lance says emphatically. “Finally, someone believes me.”
“Hey,” Keith protests. “I believed you the whole time!”
“‘Course, Mullet,” Lance says with a grin and a wink. Keith goes a little red. “I appreciate it.”
“I also believe you!” Allura says excitedly. “One of my mother’s handmaidens also spoke of an ability to see forward in time, and she often made excellent predictions about future trades!”
“Ha,” Lance says, pointing his spork triumphantly at his best friends. Both of them roll their eyes in tandem. “Coran believes me, too. Said he can feel it in my quintessence, or something. You guys are outnumbered.”
“Whatever,” Pidge mutters, but she doesn’t really look all that annoyed. “I can’t believe you’re skipping the chance to flirt with pretty aliens just because you had a weird dream. I can’t believe you’re staying back to do chores instead of prancing around the planet’s canals and comparing the water to beaches back home.”
Lance shrugs, standing up to dunk his empty bowl in the sink. “Like I said, I’m not crawling through the sewer,” he says, heading for the doors. “But y’all have fun. Let me know if you meet the ninja turtles.”
Hours later, five very grumpy, very dirty paladins stomp their way back to the castle. Lance and Coran meet them at the decontamination chamber.
“Have a shitty time?” Lance asks smugly.
“Dollar in the bad pun jar,” Keith says immediately, just as Hunk says: “Can it, Cassandra.”
Hunk sounds cranky as he says it, but instead of being offended, Lance only laughs.
“Fitting,” he taunts, “since no one believed Cassandra and she ended up being right. Sounds familiar, doesn’t it, Hunky?”
Hunk levels him with a glare, but only lasts about three seconds before a reluctant smile spreads across his face.
“Alright, alright, touché. I still think you just made an educated guess. But I’ll give you that one.”
“Sure thing, bud. I’ve Seen the day you and Pidge believe me, you know. I’m going to be very smug.”
“More smug than right now?” Allura asks.
Lance smirks. “Exponentially.”
Shiro doesn’t let Lance skip any more missions because of his Sight. “If a mission is going to suck, then we get to suffer as a group. Team building,” he reasons.
He still doesn’t quite believe that Lance can See the future. But he does start to take Lance’s input in mission planning, so long as Lance can actually rationalize his predictions.
“That’s not going to work,” Lance says firmly, tapping the path Shiro has drawn down a hallway on the blueprints of the Galran cruiser they’re planning to infiltrate. “If we split up, Allura is going to get ambushed and hurt.”
Shiro inclines his head. “Reasoning?”
Lance pauses for a moment to study the blueprints further, trying to figure out why he knows that to be true. He saw the altercation in a vision, of course, but over the weeks of planning with Shiro he’s found that his divinations often follow a largely logical path of reasonings, Sherlock-style.
“This is a Druid-heavy cruiser,” he says finally. “See how the energy systems are rerouted to neutralize more power outbursts than usual? That means a lot of raw quintessence outside of its usual transport containers, which means Druids. And you know how freaky they are about trying to isolate Allura and take her for her quintessence abilities. She shouldn’t spend a second on this ship alone, and especially not down the corridors that are most heavily fortified and monitored. She’s our strongest, but in this case it will only make her a target.”
“Sounds good to me,” Shiro says, placing a proud hand on Lance’s shoulder. “We’ll work out something better, huh?”
It’s no secret that Lance spends at least two nights a week at the observation deck; missing his family and falling asleep to the projection of Earth’s steady turn. The team has quietly worked out something like a schedule, making sure he’s never there alone, and everyone makes sure he knows he knows they love him and are there for him.
Lance pretends to be oblivious to the schedule. He saw it in a dream before he’d even met most of the team, but he likes that they try so hard to keep it quiet anyway. It’s sweet.
“Do you know why I’m like this?” he asks one night, when Coran is the one to follow him in.
The advisor takes a moment to consider the question carefully, humming softly.
“I felt something different about you the second I saw you,” he says eventually. He huffs a laugh. “That’s half the reason I was so defensive of you.”
Lance snorts, remembering Coran’s flailing and threats. “I thought it was because I made eyes at Allura.”
Coran grins, checking him gently across the shoulders. “That, too, lad.” His expression turns more serious, pondering. “But I’ve always been very in tune with the energies of the universe, the balance of quintessence in every single thing that takes space. My father taught me to sit quietly with the space between things, to feel how they fit together. You, my dear —” he shifts to look at Lance directly, jewelled eyes meeting deep brown — “your quintessence reaches farther than most. For whatever reason, your soul is stretched wide, across space and time. Everyone’s is, to some degree, but yours more so. For whatever reason, when you came to be, the universe saw fit to grant you the burden of Knowing.”
He takes one of Lance’s hands in his, squeezing gently. “It’s a lot of responsibility, child. But there’s no one I would trust more to shoulder it with grace.”
Usually, Lance’s Gift is harmless. It doesn’t matter who on the team does or does not believe — it never has a great enough bearing on their life and mission to make a massive decision.
Until it does.
Until Lance stops mid-attack, freezing in his lion, shout ringing through the comms.
“Lance, come in,” Shiro demands. “What’s wrong?”
Everyone’s screen flickers for a moment before Lance’s comm feed pulls up, brown eyes wide and panicked, terror written all across his face.
“We need to pull back!” he says frantically. “Now, now, now!”
“We can’t pull back now!” Pidge protests. “That ship has the closest guarantee to finding Matt than any other we’ve found so far, and our intel guarantees we outmatch them!”
“I Saw differently, they have —”
Pidge bares her teeth at him. “If you think I’m giving up on my brother because you think you can tell the future —”
“You have to trust me,” Lance begs. “The entire fleet is a setup. All the fighter jets are manned by sentries, there’s not a single soldier on board the commanding ship. It’s a giant bomb. The second we touch it it’s going to blow so big it’ll start a new solar system. Please.”
“Lance, now is not the time —” Shiro interjects.
“I know, but —”
“We have every guarantee from the Blades that my brother may very well be on that ship!” Pidge says shrilly. “I know you think you can see the future Lance, but I just can’t trust that!”
“I’m not asking you to trust it,” Lance says again, more and more desperate by the second. “I’m asking you to trust me. And I promise you, Pidge, if we move forward than every single one of us is going to die.”
Tears drip from Pidge’s eyes. Her face crumples.
“Why are you making me choose between my brother and the team?” she sobs.
“Please trust me,” Lance begs again.
She swipes a hand across her eyes.
“If you’re wrong, I’m never going to forgive you.”
As soon as she says the words, Lance is yelling for everyone to pull back. Shiro echoes him, and the retreat back to the castle. As Allura opens a wormhole, the entire fleet starts to blow, every explosion tripping the ship next to it, until the entirety of the blackness of space is ignited in bright white flame and incinerating debris.
They barely make it through the wormhole in one piece.
“I still don’t believe you,” Pidge says stubbornly, once her tears have dried and they’re all safe in their hangars.
Lance smiles softly. “Thank you for trusting me anyway.”
Hours after everyone else has fallen asleep, after the last movie for movie night has ended, Keith and Lance sit facing each other on a mound of blankets, knees pulled up their their chins and arms held tightly around their legs.
“Your turn,” Keith whispers.
Lance hums. “How many questions do I have left?”
“We passed twenty forever ago. I think we’re just getting to know each other, now.”
“Is that okay?”
Lance hides a grin in his pajama-covered knees. “Yeah.”
“Good. Ask your question, doofus. You’re taking forever.”
“‘Kay. How come you pretended not to recognize me when we were rescuing Shiro?”
Keith’s face flames. “I really didn’t recognize you!” he insists.
Lance shakes his head. “We had four group projects together, and you smirked at me after no less than twelve flight sims. I’m not buying it, Samurai.”
Keith holds his gaze for several minutes, glaring stubbornly. But finally he deflates.
“Fine,” he concedes. “I remember you. But if I tell you why I pretended to forget, you have to promise not to get mad, okay?”
“Fine, fine. Just tell me already.”
Keith looks away. He’s quiet for long enough that Lance reaches over to pinch him for not answering.
“Jesus, okay! I’m getting there.” He bites his lip. “Do you remember that dumbass line you used to say? About threading the needle?”
“Yeah. What about it?”
“Uh. I didn’t get it for a long time. I thought —” he grimaces, accepting Lance’s oncoming diva fit — “I thought your name was Taylor. So.”
To his surprise, Lance bursts out laughing.
“You dumbass! Did you really?”
“It was a valid assumption!” Keith defends. “You said that people called you tailor! What was I supposed to think?”
“Our names are right next to each other on roll call,” Lance chokes out, wiping a tear from his eye. He flashes a teasing grin as he slowly starts to calm down. “Guess there’s I reason I usually did better on the practicals, huh?”
“Oh, shut up,” Keith says, scowling. “You barely did better.”
“Neck and neck,” Lance teases.
“Yeah, yeah, cargo pilot. Whatever you say.”
They’re both quiet for a moment, silence interrupted only by Shiro’s horrible snoring and Lance’s occasional giggle.
“It’s your turn,” he says, once he’s finally gotten himself under control. Keith rolls his eyes, but asks anyway.
“How come you don’t flirt with random aliens anymore?”
To his surprise, the question makes Lance flush darkly. He looks away, picking at his nails.
“I, uh, Saw that I end up with someone soon. Feels disrespectful to flirt knowing I’m gonna be with him any time now.”
Keith’s breath hitches. “Him?”
“Them,” Lance corrects hastily, but the damage is already done.
“Who is he? Do I —”
“Game’s over,” Lance says hastily. “I just had a vision. If we keep playing you’re going to choke to death and die after I make an excellent joke, so. Better safe than sorry.”
“You’re so full of shit,” Keith accuses, but Lance has never been wrong before, so he hesitates.
Lance notices, doubling down. “Yep. I try to give you the Heimlich and everything, but it doesn’t work. You die in minutes. Gotta prevent that.”
“Fine,” Keith says sullenly. “I guess we should go to sleep then.”
“Probably,” Lance agrees, audibly relieved. “Don’t want you to die or anything.”
His face is red until the second he falls asleep.
Lance has his impulsive moments, sure. But the real impulsive members of the team are Keith or Pidge, no question about it. They are the king and queen of dumbass, split-second decisions.
When Lance gets a vision, mid-fight, on a planet so overrun with Galran soldiers that ‘outnumbered’ does not begin to cover it, he kicks both of those losers off their thrones by a goddamn mile.
“Lance!” Allura yells, once she realizes he’s breaking formation. “What the quiznack are you doing?”
“The witch controls it all,” he gasps out, to quiet for anyone to hear. He ignores the shouts of his team, ignores their questions, ignores his own guilt for leaving them so abruptly, and books it, as fast as he can, straight towards the cluster of Druids. They stand in a perfect circle, all perfectly still, tendrils of lightning quintessence pouring out of them faster than Lance can track, all tunnelling towards where Zarkon stands suspended above them all, sending deadly bolts of attack at Voltron and their scrambling allies down below. Every time a Druid drops, their very life force drained from them, a new one fills their place, as quickly as possible.
But Lance doesn’t need to see what’s in the centre of their circle with his eyes. He’s Seen it. He knows who lies in the middle of the cluster, who is pulling the strings between the entire empire, who has been this entire time.
As he runs, he feels his bayard warm in his hand, feels the form change from the barrel of his beloved gun to something sturdy, smooth, curved. When he glances down, he sees the familiar contour of a bow.
It’s too simple.
Far too simple.
But Lance trusts himself. He trusts the universe, and the responsibility Coran says it has granted him. He knows it would not lie to him.
He stops hundreds of feet before the cluster of Druids, standing firm as they all turn to face him in unison. He does not flinch when they raise their arms towards him, does not move when Zarkon turns to face him, raw quintessence lighting up his arms as he takes aim directly where Lance stands.
Lance breathes in. He aims the bow high in the sky, not at the Druids, not at Zarkon, but where he knows the arrow will arch gracefully, and make it’s deadly decent: landing dead in the centre of the Druids, where Haggar stands, unfocused on the sky above her.
Lance exhales.
He fires.
He hears a wicked shriek echo louder than any person every could, just as Zarkon’s final blast hits him square in the chest.
His own agonized screams drown out the terrified yells of his team.
You’d think it would be quiet, death. It’s the absence of life, after all. The cease of all movement. The end of one’s time.
It’s not.
Lance feels every one of his cells as they sizzle and fry, his very molecules tearing themselves apart as the blast of quintessence breaks easily through his armour. He feels every part of his body and soul incinerate out of existence.
It sounds like one long, shrill screech of brakes stopping abruptly.
It hurts.
“There’s no way he’s going to survive that! It’s a waste of time to hope!”
“How can you say that? How dare you say that?
“You think I want to? You think I want this? His very soul was fried, Keith! He is my best friend, he is my brother, but I am not going to put myself or anyone else through the pain of hoping!”
“The pain of hoping is the only thing that can make the pain of giving up feel better!”
Coming back to life is shockingly silent, in contrast. Still, too. He knows he’s not dead — he can’t be, if he’s thinking — but he can’t feel any further than that.
Everything is quiet.
It’s barely noticeable, when he can finally feel again. The faintest brush of a hand through his hair, a whisper, the press of lips to his forehead.
Then nothing, again.
“You’re going to make it, Lance. I’ll kill you if you don’t, you dumbass, selfless bastard.”
By the time he can finally move again, he feels like he’s lived four thousand lives. It’s the barest twitch of his finger, but it makes someone gasp, and then there’s a hand grasping his.
“C’mon, Lance,” it says quietly. “Prove me wrong, okay? About Seeing and living and everything. Please. Show me how wrong I was. I’ll even let you gloat forever, okay? I’ll never complain again. I’m sorry.”
Lance tries his hardest to move further, to squeeze Hunk’s hand; hell, even to twitch his finger again.
“That’s okay,” Hunk assures quietly. There’s a slight pressure on his head, briefly, and the scent of Hunk’s face cream and motor oil, and then it’s gone.
“Take your time, okay? I’ll be here. We all will.”
The first person Lance sees when he finally opens his eyes again is Allura. He can’t make his mouth move, can’t call out, but he doesn’t have to — she smiles softly at him, never moving her hand from his hair.
“It’s good to see those eyes again,” she whispers. “We’ve missed you, Lance. You think you can try moving your hand? I’ll help you, if you like.”
Lance screws his eyes shut — not because he wants to, he doesn’t, he’s only just opened them, he never wants to close them again — but he can’t seem to stop himself. It takes so much effort just to lift his hand a millimeter up from the mattress it rests on.
“Good!” Allura says, and when Lance forces his eyes open again he sees that she’s smiling much brighter, now, although tears drip down her cheeks.
“You’re so much closer every day, asteraki. In a couple weeks you’ll be all healed up, I’m sure. Okay?”
Lance still can’t make his mouth move, but he manages a hum. That makes her smile wider.
Allura is not entirely correct. He is not entirely healed in a couple weeks. But he gets closer and closer every day. After one week, he can move his hands, even though they shake. After two, he can speak, although his voice is raspier than the desert.
The first thing he asks for is an update — did he do it? Did it work?
“Zarkon and Haggar crumbled to dust,” Shiro assures him. “The second your arrow struck. Ten thousand years caught up to them, I guess. The Druids died, too. The Empire hasn’t really gone anywhere, but it’s in chaos. No one knows what to do. Planets are revolting left and right.”
He squeezes Lance’s hands, lifting one up to press a kiss to his knuckles.
“You did it, kiddo. You and that goddamned gift of yours.”
It takes months. Months of physical therapy, if speech therapy, of disgusting nutrient-rich diets and fine-motor training that frustrates Lance to tears.
It works, though. Over time, he starts to come back to himself. Not everything is fixed — he needs hearing aids, now, because he was so close to Haggar’s final scream that it shattered his ear drums. His hair is bleached white, too, and lightning-shaped scars run up and down his skin — Shiro jokes that they should start a club. He’s unbelievably lucky that he regains all the mobility in his hands. He still speaks in a stutter, and he likely will for the rest of his life.
But he’s fuckin’ alive, goddamnit, so he’s sure as shit not complaining.
His visions stop coming, too.
He doesn’t mind.
“You were right, though,” Hunk says.
As promised.
“You really could see the fuckin’ future. I’ll be damned.”
“This moment was slightly less depressing in my vision,” Lance says, grinning wryly. “All I got were those two sentences. Who know I almost had to die to get ‘em.”
Hunk glares, flicking him lightly in the forehead. “Too soon, buddy.”
“It’s been half a goddamn year since I got nuked!”
“It will be too soon for the rest of our lives. Your lucky I didn’t build you the safety bubble I wanted to build you, you menace.”
“He really was going to,” Pidge pipes up. “I had to pry the blueprints from his hands.”
Lance tips an imaginary hat. “And I thank you for your service.”
“Whatever, goober,” she says, rolling her eyes, but she’s smiling.
There’s nothing strange about the knock on his door. Keith knocks as he always does: just one singular knock, to make people on edge, because he thinks it’s funny.
But Lance freezes.
Because he recognises this feeling, the intense feeling of déjà vù mixed with clear memory — one of his old visions is playing out.
And there’s only one outstanding vision of his that takes place in his bedroom, with Keith, as he’s folding laundry.
“Come in,” he squeaks, desperately trying to compose himself and fight the blush off his face and failing horribly.
Keith steps in and immediately starts helping Lance with the laundry, even though he’s horrible at it and always insists that closets have more space if you roll up clothes instead of folding them.
Menace boy.
He’s quiet for a long moment, rolling laundry until Lance smacks him, and then begrudgingly folding it.
“Did you See this?” he asks eventually.
“Yes,” Lance admits, because he sees no reason to lie.
“Then you know what I’m going to say.”
“I do.”
Keith’s hands finally still, and he sighs, finally looking over at Lance with a smile that shows the barest peek of his crooked incisors. “That doesn’t make it easier, somehow.”
Lance’s belly curls, like he always does when Keith smiles at him like that. He tries to remind himself that he is a grown ass man and he does not need to swoon like a preteen when his crush looks at him, thanks. He forces himself to set the laundry down and take a step towards Keith.
“You should say it anyway.”
Keith hums, closing the distance between them and placing on hand on Lance’s hip.
“Is that how we’re gonna play it, Sharpshooter? You’re not gonna have mercy on me?”
Lance’s breath hitches. “Not for a second.”
“Wouldn’t have it any other way,” Keith mumbles, and then his other hand cups Lance’s cheek and he doesn’t waste a second before pressing their lips together, firmly, like he knows Lance can take it.
“I’m in love with you, Lance. I want to be yours. Sound alright?”
“I suppose I could live with it,” Lance rasps, completely unable to dodge the flick that Keith aims for his head when they stand so close.
He decides he doesn’t mind, though, not when Keith shuts up any further teasing with another press of their lips together.
And another.
And another.
It’s just as good as Lance knew it would be.
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ask-seer · 2 years
*leans over* Ya like jazz?
"So..... you're saying that.. you want me to respond to this specific question while Brooke and I wear these bee costumes that you specifically made for us for this specific question only?"
Tumblr media
"Alright then.... um"
Tumblr media
"Jazz is alright. I wouldn't say that it's my favorite, but it's alright. Not that I have a favorite type of music since I enjoy the majority of the genres."
"But are bees a fan of Jazz? Is that something that should be known?"
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vulnonapix1234 · 9 months
What if Pavitr was a seer and Miles was the knight that was supposed to protect him.
He mostly sees the dark parts of the future, whilst miles doesn't believe in fate and keeps on challenging it.
They fell in love with each other soon, because Miles was one of the few people that treated Pav like a normal human. That and the fact that he never gave up hope, no matter how bad his visions are.
When Miles was supposed to go to war, pav pleaded him to not go. To run away, because he saw his death.
Miles still went, because it was the only way to keep his home and lover safe and did not return.
The only thing that did return was his Lance.
Pav was of course heartbroken, till an visitor arrived on his window, asking him to run away with him
Because Miles payed his deed to his homeland and as such fought for his and his beloveds freedom.
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spectruminterests · 3 months
What other ideas did you also have for the Hollow Knight Modern AU?
I have… a lot. (For context: I originally posted about my Hollow Knight Modern AU here). I tried to type some things out and then tumblr erased it, so instead you get my unorganized ramblings that I have on my notes app. (Under the cut so not everyone has to read them). Essentially, Pale Royal (the Pale King) is the mayor of the oddball town of Hallownest and the somewhat negligent father of five chaotic children.
Character names:
Pale Royal (= The Pale King)
Blanca Royal (White Lady) 
Hollis Royal (The Hollow Knight/Pure Vessel)
Kinsey Royal (Broken Vessel/Lost Kin)
Hornet Weaver (Hornet- her mom insisted she should have the Weaver name)
Herrah Weaver (Herrah the Beast)
Greene Royal (Greenpath vessel)
Knight "Ghost" Royal (The Knight/Ghost/player character)
Grimm Nightmare Sr. (Troupe Master/Nightmare King Grimm)
Grimm Nightmare Jr. (Grimmchild)
Dr. Sophia Monomon (Monomon the Teacher, I chose the name Sophia because it means wisdom or knowledge)
Quirrel Monomon (Quirrel, Monomon's adopted son)
Morningstar Claw (Mantis Lord)
Lance Claw (Mantis Lord)
Arrow Claw (Mantis Lord)
Mace Claw (Traitor Lord) 
Bretta Scriber (Bretta)
Tiso Shieldsmith (Tiso)
Sybil Erebis (Seer)
Pale and Blanca have an open relationship - Blanca and Herrah get along fine and Pale having a child with Herrah wasn’t a problem for Blanca. Blanca is also bisexual and in a relationship with Dryya, the Hallownest Chief of Police. 
Tween Hornet: What are you talking about I have no interest in girly things I like ninjas and swords! *hides princess book under the bed* 
Ghost: second grade Force of Chaos
Grimmchild/Grimm Jr.: Second grade arsonist and Ghost's best friend/accomplice 
Pale King and White Lady: parenting is easy! Just let the kids figure it out for themselves! 
Teenage/Young adult Hollow Knight: the only responsible person in the household. Is slowly going insane taking care of four younger siblings. 
Troupe Master Grimm/Grimm Sr.: Similar parenting philosophy to PK and WL. Is *fabulous* Actively encourages his son to be a ball of chaos. 
Herrah: Like a crazy cat lady but with spiders. Her home is not a place for the faint of heart. 
Teenage Mantis Lords: Sisters Morningstar, Lance, and Arrow. Leaders of the student-run Fencing Club which is really just a veneer for a bunch of kids who want to be TOUGH WARRIORS! Members include Hornet and Cloth. 
Traitor Lord: Mantis sisters’ older brother Mace. A deadbeat high school dropout who makes a living as a drug dealer. The family doesn't talk about him. 
Lance: "Yes I'm a girl and anyone else who'd like to comment gets STABBED!" 
People know better than to mess with these kids. 
When Grimm gets a call from the school: "Oh? My son set a fire in the boys' bathroom, you say? Did he tell you why? Because toilet paper is very flammable, he said? Oh well, kids will be kids, it sounds very much like something I would have done at his age... Suspended? Surely that's a little harsh? With all due respect, I think this behavior is teaching him important life skills! Surely that should be more acceptable in a school?" 
I'm imagining Grimm Jr. asking Ghost to run away and join the circus with him 😆😆😆
"You'd be a great act, Ghost! I'm sure my dad wouldn't mind having another kid! You could be an acrobat or a clown or a mime... (at this point Ghost gives him a look).... okay, maybe not a mime."
The town of Hallownest is technically their "hometown," but the Nightmares travel. Grimm Sr. just drops his kid off at the local public school whenever he's too busy to take care of him, never mind whether or not he's actually enrolled. Cue a lot of teachers trying to figure out where the hell this kid came from. How much the kid is actually learning, missing school so often and being dropped in random classes is... questionable, but everything is fine! The Hallownest school system has already given up. Grimm Jr. really only goes to school because Dad is too busy to deal with him full time 😆
He's doing his best to just push his kid off on a stranger like in-game 😆
Ghost also often begs for Grimm to come sleep over, which of course causes more chaos than usual in the Royal household. Poor Hollis, trying to maintain some semblance of order. 
Bretta is already writing fanfic. Ghost once saves her from a bully by dropping onto him from a tree, at which point Bretta decides she’s in love. Then Bretta mentions this to Greene. Bretta: “Oh, is he your brother? He’s so hot! 😍😍” Greene: “… sibling. And they’re seven.” Bretta: “Oh… so that’s why he’s… they’re… so short….” *is mortified*
Bretta later develops a crush on Hollis and writes fan fiction about them.
Grimm just drops off his kid at the Royal house with no notice and no indication of how long he'll be gone 😆
The whole Royal family is autistic in some fashion, because look at them. Pale is an inventor in his spare time and is always thinking about how to optimize infrastructure in the town of Hallownest. He also works late and forgets to eat or sleep when he's hyperfocused. Blanca (White Lady) spends more time with her garden and her large variety of houseplants than with her children, and everything has to be clean and Just So or she'll make a fuss. She always adjusts her children's and stepdaughter's clothing before they leave the house, much to Ghost's and Hornet's chagrin.
Hollis couldn't break a rule to save their life and comes off as stiff and robotic when trying to interact with people. Their parents are proud of the former and entirely oblivious to the latter. 
Kinsey is sensory-sensitive and awkward. Loud noises, bright lights, and busy rooms drive them crazy. This does not stop them from being kind of an extrovert or from getting into trouble with Hornet. 
Hornet, for her part, has some sensory issues with clothing (and hates the fancy things her stepmother tries to shove her into with a passion) and speaks in a very blunt but also overly archaic/wordy manner (if you've seen her dialogue in game you'll know what I'm talking about). She has little interest in socializing with people unless a) they're her mom or siblings, b) she's causing trouble, and/ or c) it's something violence-related. 
Greene takes after their mom with their love of plants. They also love animals and are better with animals than people. They're super shy and awkward lol
Ghost is well, Ghost. They often struggle to speak/experience speech loss and have a raging case of ADHD in addition to the autism, making them constantly chasing after new and interesting things, unwilling and unable to pay attention unless they're interested, and entirely oblivious to social norms. In other words, they're hell to deal with 😆
Quirrel is Miss Monomon's adopted son and a giant nerd. He's 14 and a sophomore in high school because he skipped a grade as a kid. He has an I ❤️ isopods (group including pill bugs) pin on his backpack and is really into "bugs" and other invertebrates. 
Hollis, nicknamed "Holly" by their siblings, is Very Tall (like 6 foot 5 or something), rather gangly and skinny, and AMAB (in part to make their height more plausible lol). At first they look kinda intimidating but they wouldn't hurt a fly, and are just about the quietest, shyest person ever, with one exception: if you hurt their siblings, you incur their wrath. Other than that they will take anything that's thrown at them - bullying, name-calling, way too many home responsibilities for a teenager, etc. - with a stoic front. They have just about no self-esteem and have a bad case of "awkward tall person syndrome," always hunching over and trying not to stand out despite the fact that they are literally head and shoulders above their classmates. Like all their siblings they have white hair (which they keep long), pale skin and very dark eyes. 
Blanca (the White Lady) is an albino, thus the white skin, white hair, and very light blue eyes. She's also something of a Karen and acts like being an albino makes her an oppressed minority or something.
She also never leaves the house without makeup.
Tiso Shieldsmith is Hollis's classmate and maybe-friend who moved to Hallownest last year. He's kind of an idiot teenage boy and he calls Hollis "Stick Bug" thanks to their stick-bug-esque physique. He's, obviously, in the martial arts and fencing club, and he's kind of trying to be a tough jock but not always succeeding. I love the way he interacts with Hollis: 
"Yo, Stick Bug, my man!  I mean, my non-binary guy... I mean, uh...whatever. How are you doing, pal?" 
*Hollis stares at him in an expressionless way as Tiso rambles.* 
Hollis always refers to their parents as Mother and Father instead of just saying "Mom" or "Dad." It's out of respect mainly, and also because Blanca tends to like everything fancy. The outfit I drew Hollis in is what they normally wear to school, at their mother's request XD
Radiance is a local celebrity with a cult-like fan base. Miss Sybil (Seer) is the school's history teacher and the students are shocked when they discover she's an intense Radiance fan. “Radiance” is a stage name and she's Grimm's cousin (a relationship neither of them particularly care to mention most of the time). Pale hates her for reasons unknown, to the point where Pale has tried to pass all kinds of town restrictions on shows and circuses specifically because of Grimm and Radiance. Grimm either ignores the anti-circus ordinances or finds loopholes, and protesters stormed the town hall at the restrictions affecting the Radiance, enough that Pale had to undo them. 
Grimm has some level of ability to break the law in Hallownest in part because the police in Hallownest don't want to deal with him either (lol) and in part because Blanca has used her influence and her relationship with the Chief of Police, Dryya, to discourage the Hallownest Police Department from prosecuting him. “Oh, Mr. Nightmare can’t be in jail, his son is my youngest’s best friend, and the poor man is a single father. I can’t imagine what that would do to poor Grimm Junior. Not to mention I’ve heard that Radiance is actually a relative of his… do you want her fans storming the police department?” (This is, of course, behind her husband’s back.) 
Grimm is also very good at finding loopholes, twisting people's words, and generally being a pain in the arse to anyone who has issues with him. 
Herrah has dark skin and a fat but very muscular figure. Usually around Hornet and the Royal kids she's all motherly and sweet, but when dealing with people she doesn't like she's intimidating AF. 
Obviously the Royal family is white af because... a) they're entitled jerks, at least to a degree and b) look at them. 
Hornet has brown/light brown skin but still has the white-blond hair and almost-black irises that run in Dad's side of the family. She gets strangers trying not to stare occasionally, but at least she isn't so pale she could be mistaken for a corpse XD
In fact I imagine that several of the characters often get strangers trying not to stare- Hollis and Grimm Jr. come to mind.
Grimm has dressed his son in red and black since he was a baby; it’s not every day you see an 8-year old dressed in a fancy black and red suit with a cape and makeup that looks like a cross between "vampire," "emo," and "circus." 
Tiso: Yo, Stick Bug! What's with the dress? You look like you're going to prom or something! 
[Hollis is wearing a white frilly dress that's too long to be anything other than one their mom ordered specially made, along with a fancy necklace and earrings]
Hollis: Mother has tea with her gardeners' club this afternoon and would like to show me off to all her gardening friends (said in a completely calm tone, even with a slight smile) 
Tiso: "Show you off?!?” You say it like you're her favorite doll instead of her kid! Are you expected to do anything at her event? That sure doesn't look like gardening clothes. Your mom is definitely being weird, you sure you're okay with this? 
Hollis: Of course. It means Mother is proud of me. 
Hollis has issues.
They're shy and desperate for approval and their parents are (somewhat unintentionally) walking all over them. They need love and support that's not tying their value to being "perfect." Luckily, their siblings don't want Perfect Obedient Hollis, they want the real, happy them. 
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thelazyclown · 2 months
I'm on a roll with these designs
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The blindfold one is Seer Lance
The red haired one is Lammia Sparkles
The blue haired one is Lexia
The black eyed one is Vileblood Ryan
Reference undercut:
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cornus27florida · 4 months
Plaid Royal Family : the hell that I am willing to walk on simply because I "love" them
I love them as characters, everyone in the whole family that become embodiment of CPC lesson "everyone has two masks, but what if situation make them to suddenly mix those two masks?) - which make each of them very complicated
Call out (sorry for the ping there!) for all active CPC BLR that I know talk about them often, be it altogether or separately. All of your opinion are beautiful! And very interesting!! But that could happen when it's on absolute crash difference?
@alexandersimpleton @deldeldel90 @cpcwiki @the-giggling-guava @the-queen-of-ships @cpcposting @ihf-arts @meritre24601 @randomgentlefolk @yaminobean @the-neighbors-kid @ripslingerfan13 and etc
The dynamic on this whole family is IMHO so interesting as down to earth to could happen to anyone (especially to the ones that realize they are in the abnormal family - the overexposed - the domestic violence abused one) as seen from the perspective of the CPC's deuteragonist which Frederick. So if ever want to talk about each of the family member (Blaine, Lance, Isolde, Leland) - you can't leave Frederick from that because he's the key 🔑of narrative about his own family which ruling the Plaid Kingdom as one of major kingdom in the story. In nutshell, Frederick is the perfect narrator from the story with his words are quite poetic (due to his love for the books) yet also brutally honest (because his sassy judgemental personality - his defense mechanism about interacting with anyone on social level which at ep 145 we learnt that come from her mother). This make him the perfect example of reliable narrator because his POV are all truths no matter sickening or ugly it's seem - contrast to other characters that might narrate with lie, sugar coating unhonesty, or fake belief "everything is fine" (There's many in CPC, I don't need to mention them because imho it's clear)
Unfortunately, he's also blindfolded narrator in the way of "ignorance is a bliss" which affecting the reader too - until things down horribly at ep 132 which confirming him about so many things
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LambCat is such amazing writer to making CPC that I dubbed as masterpiece in the way of making well of foreshadowing and stuffs. In the way of Frederick pseudo curse "the revealator" in the way if you reread - he's walking spoiler with anything he says throughout the series (example: screaming to be locked away at ep 107 > totally locked for weeks right after the gala, Nell as seer totally bewildered if realizing these coincidence)
Now, THIS the hard part for me as the wiki editor with the harsh reality that CPC likely gonna be daily pass so no screenshot images anymore
I truly need help from anyone and wherever I could get to formulate wiki worthy content that fair, objective as try to not be subjective as much possible (so, like admitting any mistakes or sins or even kindness that shown on the CPC story) in the way as exactly the Plaid Royal Family are.. And that's job that I know I am too overwhelmed as can't do alone - I am rereading CPC daily, as well as looking at CPC BLR but I feel to not getting as much as the truths. The truths that needed urgently as the character page of Plaid Royal Family is in constant changes with each of CPC episode come out to break or to enforce or anything about the Plaid Royal Family personality, history, and interactions. The scream of help by Mocha of CPC wiki admin - we're lack about that stuffs and I see you guys passionately talked about that.. So why don't you guys join the wiki editor lives of the CPC and make difference? The much needed difference as CPC ends soon - as LambCat says that she like to ends CPC at episode 169. Or if you can't help directly to wiki, I am very appreciated you guys communicate with me on any way (reblogs at CPC BLR or commentary, hit me at discord etc)
I will always open for any interaction! Especially if related to the Plaid Royal Family!!!
P.S conclusion - the dual mask of the Plaids:
Black: Leland - public's mask is very strict father that wants all his sons to marry all his BFF's girls VS he's the ultimate villain on the story with list of his crimes keep piling up as revealation of many things thay related to "marriage plan"
White: Isolde "Izzy" - Public's mask is the ice queen that disdain over the arranged marriages of Pastel-Plaid that even 'bully' Maria so she won't get closer with Blaine VS the reality that she's red herring of everything, as she just an abused wife as well as can't do normal mother
Red: Blaine - his name meaning actually yellow btw - "Perfect Plaid Prince Charming" which so charismatic that he had fan club and likely could do anything although in piano duel he's 2nd VS very damaged eldest child with severe trauma of golden child syndrome.. He literally make any of his therapist, need another therapist immediately
Blue: Lance - goofy middle child that very kind and casual to have military buddies that loyal to him while also dense about Suzie's crush to him while he smitten to Lorena as his fiancee VS the perfect example of middle child syndrome that leads on with false idea that what he need to do is supports his kingdom as make Leland's plan to becomes reality OR else his powerful pops will do any horrible things to everyone especially Lorena
Green: Frederick - the most complex character in the CPC imho as I am not gonna lie with I am getting more confused the more I learn about him but on personality he has vulnerable self which is his inner child and that's not a mask. He the only one in CPC that had 3 masks imho
First mask: judgemental icy and sassy prince but still keep his politeness as much as possible - happened from the beginning until balcony arc
Second mask: blushing and pining era as he realizes that angel of the fortune is real in the way of his fiancee Gwen, 'an entity' that helps his unlucky streaks to becomes less as he interact with other people that make him realize that he grows feeling to Gwen while in confusion if he could do that because he feels undeserved
Third mask: post-imprisonment era, the current era. So many dark elements that revealed to be canon, but in nutshell it's the result of his own self-hate and inferiority complex that make him worthless - the only thing that keep him doing :
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Happy nice royal family there!!! *sarcasm while staring at Leland's head that begin balding
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doctornolonger · 2 years
The Cartmel Masterplan
The Actual Text, Posted Online for the First Time
A generous friend has shared with me the full text of “Gallifrey: Notes on the Planet's Background” – Andrew Cartmel, Ben Aaronovitch, and Marc Platt’s original outline of their masterplan for the Doctor’s origins – as printed in Virgin Books’ 1996 Doctor Who: A History of the Universe. Please see also Lance Parkin’s explanatory footnote and my commentary beneath!
The planet Gallifrey, world of the Time Lords in the constellation of Kasterborous, is one of the oldest and most powerful oligarchies in the universe. Its political and scientific influence is prevalent throughout the cosmos. But it is a world apart. Its power is substantially used for observation rather than involvement. Over the millennia, its self-imposed isolation has made it a staid and decaying society, obsessed with its own self-importance and tradition. It was not always so…
Ancient Gallifrey in The Old Time or The Dark Time, the Time of Chaos, was a world of both questing endeavour and dark superstition. It was the heart of a space-faring Empire, the hub of trade and commerce between other worlds. But the Gallifreyans were a race cursed with communal telepathy. The majority of the populous shared each others’ minds and thoughts. No mind was alone. The superstitious people worshipped the Menti Celesti – literally, heavenly minds – who were the free-thinking Gods.
By training or natural ability, some Gallifreyans could achieve private thoughts: an individuality above the mass mind of the general populous. They became revered Heroes: great philosophers, scientists and explorers, much in the style of the Greek Heroes, renowned for their deeds and derring-do.
Ancient Gallifrey was governed by the line of Pythias, wise seer women, who saw the future. The Empire prospered under their rule, but for all its enlightened education and scientific advancement, their reign also encompassed barbarism.
Amongst the ideas and goods traded through the Empire, there were also slaves. A primitive Time Scoop was employed to import alien servants and gladiators for the Games enacted in the Death Zone. Such popular “entertainment” provided an outlet for the extremes of emotion that telepathic crowd behaviour could engender. Thus through a skilful mix of manipulation and superstition, the ruling Pythia was able to control Gallifrey and its Empire.
Rassilon, a high ranking Hero, saw that the stifling authority of the Pythias threatened Gallifrey’s true destiny as a supreme galactic power. He stood for the influence of Reason against the Pythian reign of superstition. His skills as a tactician had defeated an invasion of Vampires that threatened the whole galaxy. He knew that Gallifrey could not progress until the aimless telepathic abilities of the people were given purpose. With a group of supporters, he deposed the Pythia and set about the restructuring of all Gallifreyan society. This period of cultural renaissance became known as the Intuitive Revelation.
The followers of the Pythia fled to Karn and set up a quasi-religious cult as guardians of a flame fountain that distilled an Elixir of eternal life.
Rassilon undertook to reform Gallifreyan society and thus consolidate the planet’s supremacy. Aware of the corrupting influence of absolute power, he repeatedly rejected the offers of a coronation, announcing that he could not rule the planet alone.
The suicidal end of the line of the Pythias had one immediate and deadly effect on Gallifrey. The Pythia embodied the fertility of the planet, she was Gallifrey itself. As she took her own life, the last of the line cursed the planet in revenge for her overthrow. Gallifrey became a sterile world. There were no more children. Unborn babies died in their mothers’ wombs. Rassilon was forced to find an immediate answer, before the Gallifreyans became extinct.
Eager to hold Gallifrey to ransom, the Sisterhood of Kam offered the salvation of their elixir. But in the face of disaster, Rassilon was able to forge a fresh solution.
From the existing hierarchy of Gallifrey, a new social design was evolved. Power was shared through a High Council whose members represented the Chapterhouses of Gallifrey. Each Chapter comprised groups of the ancient Families of Gallifrey, of whom Rassilon saw the need for legislative control to stabilise dwindling population numbers.
It was decreed that each Family would have a genetic bank known as a Loom, from which a set quota of Family members would be generated. Bio-genetic engineering would allow the Gallifreyans to regenerate their bodies at the moment of death through a sequence of thirteen lives. At the end of the final life, when a Family member died, a new replacement member was generated on the Family Loom. Parents have not existed on Gallifrey since this time; all family members are Cousins to one another. (This makes the business of Susan being the Doctor’s granddaughter all the more intriguing…)
The Looms were installed in all Family Houses across Gallifrey. Each House was adapted as bio-architecture, programmed to serve and look after its incumbent family. These were living buildings invested with a low degree of sentient awareness, even encompassed in their furniture and fittings.
Families were headed by the most senior Cousin. One other was selected as a Housekeeper, an interactive medium between the Cousins and the living House itself. The House would become as much a part of a Family as its Loom or its Cousins; occasionally with frighteningly possessive results!
The Chapters had their own Academies whose leaders were appointed as Cardinals to serve on the High Council in the newly constructed Vatican-like Capitol. The “Civil Service” members supporting the Council were known as Ordinals. Below them came the plebeian classes, trained as skilled technicians and artisans.
As a symbol of power, Rassilon had the Matrix developed: a vast extra-dimensional panotropic computer net containing all the information amassed by Gallifreyan culture. It stored all research and postulation, and the mind of every dying Gallifreyan passed into its capacity. Thus it could predict the future and give judgement on the past. As such, the Matrix is Gallifrey, the essence of that planet and its culture. In many ways, the Matrix replaced the Pythia, if not in wilful delegation, at least as a living repository of all knowledge.
To achieve his reforms, Rassilon needed vast resources of energy. He found an ally in Omega, the chief of the scientific fraternity and also a Cousin of Rassilon. But while Rassilon was the practical strategist laying foundations for a new society, and Omega was the provider, there was a third, darker figure; an “Eminence Grise”, with whom power was shared in an inner sanctum before plans were laid for the judgement of the High Council.
His origins, birthplace, even appearance are an unrecorded mystery. He never served on the High Council. Some legends hint that he may not have been born on Gallifrey, others that he was endowed with powers far greater than either Rassilon or Omega, but he kept these veiled beneath the Gallifreyan shape he wore. How influential his role really was is uncertain. His presence as part of the Triumvirate has always been overshadowed by the myriad achievements of Rassilon and the martyrdom of Omega; he was known simply as “the Other”. Nevertheless, a minor festival known as Otherstide is annually celebrated in his honour.
Under the rule of the Pythia, experiments had started into time travel. Rassilon deemed their use of telepathy as a travel source to be dangerous, but still rationalised their basic concepts for his own experiments.
To develop time travel as a completely viable facility, Omega estimated that a preliminary energy source equal to a supernova was required. He developed a remote stellar manipulator device which would induce the controlled detonation of a star and channel the energy released back to Gallifrey. This device was known as the “Hand of Omega”.
The device succeeded in its task and Gallifrey acquired the energy source it needed, but Omega, who had gone to oversee the project himself, was lost in the supernova explosion. His sacrifice offered unlimited power to the Gallifreyans. They truly became Time Lords.
In their early days as Time Lords, the catastrophic destruction of the planet Minyos, whose inhabitants sought to emulate their “gods” the Gallifreyans, emphasised the need for radical change in Gallifrey’s role in galactic politics.
After Omega’s death, the remaining two-thirds of the Triumvirate set about consolidating Gallifrey’s position. Two courses were open to the Time Lords: to control the universe as supreme rulers; or to act as guardians, overseeing the natural development of time and space. Either way their own position had to be unassailable. Gallifrey itself had to be protected.
In an astonishing feat of engineering, Rassilon entered the black hole left by Omega’s supernova and sealed its vast singularity energy in an icon of power known as the “Eye of Harmony”. He brought the Eye back to Gallifrey and so balanced the existence of the planet against the colossal energy source of the black star. Gallifrey was now unassailable.
Ironically, the stabilising influence of the Eye of Harmony has surely affected Time Lord society as well. Over millennia, development has steadily ground slower and slower; Gallifreyan culture has become less adventurous, and more complacently staid. The people’s telepathic abilities have also dwindled. Rassilon’s legacy and laws still guide the Time Lords, but the meanings of many of his icons of power are now lost. (The line of Pythias also survives, not only on Karn, but in other offshoot manifestations – witness Lady Peinforte.)
Another product of the Intuitive Revelation was validium, a living metal, created as an ultimate defence for Gallifrey. The metal could think for itself, but in the wrong hands might act as a generator of destruction. It eventually proved itself too dangerous to be employed. Too many enemy forces were gaining access to the element and so the largest section was secreted away from Gallifrey in an asteroid where, it was hoped, it would be safe from interference.
While both Rassilon and Omega were virtually canonised, if not deified, there were no further records of the Other in any of the histories. Speculation says that he left Gallifrey altogether; legend says that he grew weary of being an all-powerful player at the chess game of the universe. Instead he longed to be a pawn on the board in the thick of the action. Common sense says that he retired quietly.
This is virtually the whole of the text of a document ‘Gallifrey – Notes on the Planet’s Background (from ideas prepared for the Doctor Who TV series)’ by Andrew Cartmel, Ben Aaronovitch and Marc Platt. The document was written for Virgin, is dated 9.11.90, and comes to six and a half sides of A4 paper, including the coversheet. It outlines what fans have called ‘The Cartmel Master Plan’ – an attempt during the twenty-fifth and twenty-sixth series on television to redefine the origins of the Doctor and that of the planet Gallifrey, to reintroduce mystery to the series’ basic set-up, and to suggest that much of what we had been told about the Time Lords and the Doctor had been deliberately fabricated (as such, it doesn’t answer all the questions it raises). On-screen the ‘Master Plan’ was mainly confined to a handful of obscure references (and a handful more that were cut before broadcast).
The document embraces concepts from The Deadly Assassin, Silver Nemesis, The Five Doctors, State of Decay, The Brain of Morbius, The Invasion of Time, Arc to Infinity, Trial of a Time Lord, Remembrance of the Daleks (and Ben Aaronovitch’s novelisation of his story), The Three Doctors, Underworld, The Time Monster and Planet of the Spiders, as well as two unmade Marc Platt stories, Cat’s Cradle and Lungbarrow. A number of the New Adventures have adopted ideas from the document, including the first two novels by Platt and Aaronovitch, Cat’s Cradle: Time’s Crucible and Transit.
The last half-page of the document outlines the Doctor’s link to his planet’s ancient history and explains the origins of his granddaughter, Susan. It must remain a secret – for the moment at least. Anyone speculating about the contents of this last page ought to bear in mind that the Virgin Writers’ Guide categorically states that ‘The Other is not the Doctor’.
With the exception of my italicized note at the top, everything above came from Doctor Who: A History of the Universe, and everything below is written by me, the blogger. Thank you again to my brilliant and talented friend – the Other to my Rassilon – who shared with me the pictures of the above!
A few thoughts based on the above:
As Parkin’s footnote points out, A History omits the last half-page of the original text, which explained Susan’s origin and the Other’s reincarnation into the Doctor. Since A History was released in May 1996, almost a full year before Lungbarrow gave these answers, it makes sense that this part was redacted. But if the details of the First Doctor’s rescue of Susan were written as early as 1990 and known to Virgin’s authors from the start of the New Adventures, how did we end up with the conflicting description of her rescue in Cold Fusion?
Much of this content clearly ended up in Cat’s Cradle: Time’s Crucible, as Parkin’s footnote mentions: the Gallifreyan Heroes, the Pythia, her suicide and curse, etc. (Presumably Lungbarrow just as faithfully adapts the material from the omitted half-page.) But I’m not particularly clear what Transit has to do with it! Was this just Virgin Books plugging their own content, or did I miss something major?
Just as in Time’s Crucible, the authors follow the explanation of Looms by explicitly pointing out the apparent contradiction with Susan calling the Doctor “Grandfather”. Hopefully this will finally kill the longstanding rumor that Looms are bad because they contradict An Unearthly Child: the creators knew exactly what they were doing.
I was clearly incorrect the other day to assert that “no source has actually linked Omega’s star with the Eye of Harmony”! Not only is this explicit in the Masterplan, it’s also mentioned in The Infinity Doctors. Mea culpa!
The Eye of Harmony’s “stabilising influence” being the cause of Gallifreyan societal stagnation was never explicitly explored or stated anywhere in the Doctor Who stories that followed, but it did manifest through the concept of the Anchoring of the Thread in the Faction Paradox series. The Book of the War didn’t merely copy Platt’s “Great Houses” language, it fulfilled parts of the Masterplan that other authors had neglected.
I knew that Quences identified his title as “Ordinal-General” in Lungbarrow, but I’d never caught the Cardinal / Ordinal pun. Too good!
Similarly: I am increasingly uncomfortable with the fact that “Celestis” is clearly a plural noun for “Celesti”, which means I’ll have to rethink all of my grammar 😟
Please let me know your thoughts!
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So Penny and Church would be in the same "Revolving Door of Death and Resurrection" club as Sara Lance.
(Arrowverse, Dinah Laurel Lance's younger sister, the first person to use the mantle of the Canary in Arrow. She seemingly died in the inciting incident of the yacht sinking that stranded Oliver, seemingly died when the AMAZO ship sank in the flashbacks in the season 2 finale (although we already saw her alive throughout the season in the present), actually died in the season 3 premiere when Malcolm Merlyn mind-controlled Oliver's sister (and his daughter) Thea to shoot her with arrows, then was brought back to life with the Lazarus Pit a year later and had her soul restored with John Constantine's help, may have died when Vandal Savage destroyed Central City (Flash undid it with time travel), had her neck snapped by a brainwashed Rip Hunter but was healed with the Waverider's (time ship) advanced medical technology, survived seeing the Fate Atropos' true form but became a Blind Seer, was killed by zombies thanks to Atropos but was revived by Charlie/Clotho, then was fatally poisoned by an alien-mutated Amelia Earhart (there's context, but it's still weird) and cloned with additional DNA that effectively rendered her unkillable (since the season's villain had a system to transfer his mind to a new clone body whenever one is killed, hopefully the same applies to Sara but it isn't really delved into for her). Ironically, she survived Crisis on Infinite Earths.)
Once again: Girl's having a Bad Time™
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kaiwrites-if · 2 years
I had a nightmare last night so uhh 10 and 36 i guess?
I hope you’re doing okay after that 💜.
10. What would the ROs reactions be to MC saying they had a nightmare where the RO abandoned them?
Arthur would start to joke, and then frown when he realised that you were being serious. Abandon you? Arthur could no more abandon you than he could abandon his own soul. He would not be complete without you.
Morgana would give you a gentle smile, taking your hands into her own as she reassured you that there was no chance that you were going to get rid of her. You were her forever.
Lance would be the most pragmatic about it. He wouldn’t be able to promise you that he would never leave you, he has a dangerous job after all, but he can promise that he would never willingly abandon you. The pain of separation would destroy him.
Gwen would be shocked, and then start spouting off all the reasons why she’s lucky to have you as her partner/friend. Would also offer lots of cuddles to make up for how mean she was in your nightmare. Gwen could not bear the thought of doing that to you.
36. How do the ROs behave usually after a nightmare?
Arthur struggles to pull himself together in the morning after a nightmare, so he’ll usually go and train for a few hours to distract himself and give him time to calm down.
Morgana suffers from chronic night terrors, but they are usually a result of her seer magic. So, depending on what the dream was, she can either shake it off or it will greatly distress her to the point of a panic attack.
Lance rarely remembers his dreams after he’s woken up, but if he has a nightmare that he does, he will usually shake it off pretty quickly. He just puts it to the back of his mind and refuses to think about it, preferring to get on with his work.
Gwen’s anxiety is always worse after a nightmare, resulting in her being even more jumpy than usual. She unconsciously seeks out physical comfort from her family and friends which works to ground her and remind her that it was a dream.
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bugcrimesbracket · 11 months
Live from the heart of Hallownest, this is Announcerbug reporting for Radio HNST!
It's been a while since we've done a Weekend Recap, and the rounds have been doozies. Let's see where we stand in the Bracket of Fools!
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First, Quirrel conquered the False Knight. We hear Macebug is taking a relaxing vacation to a beachside resort near the Blue Lake. He will be facing The Hunter, who proved himself just a bit hungrier than Midwife.
Friendly cartographer Cornifer continues his journey, while far-ranging Mister Mushroom heads on to destinations unknown. Meanwhile, Willoh and Bretta's match concluded in a tie, and they'll be moving on as Team Fun Gals.
Greenpath's own deity, vast Unn, prevailed over the Snail Shaman, and the Seer continues to chase her dreams while Songstress Marissa returns to her stage. (Be sure to see her in her one-bug revue, Wyrm! The Musical.)
Darling miner Myla moves on, while the Last Stag returns to overseeing the Stagways. Ah-- we hear he may not be the last after all, and we're sure he will be an excellent guardian and mentor to the new generation.
In a clash of queens, Hive Queen Vespa defeats Hallownest's White Lady, who says she would have loved to continue participating in the tournament, but she's a bit tied up at the moment...
The silent little Knight triumphs over the unsettling mimic Nosk. Meanwhile, its bigger sibling, The Hollow Knight, easily shreds Grey Prince Zote, who was nothing but a writer's dream.
Troupe Master Grimm has declared that Blue Child Joni has no future in showbusiness, while industrious Menderbug shoos out the ghost of Poggy Thorax.
The Traitors' Child continues on, while the Godseeker must do her seeking elsewhere. Shield-spinning Markoth, meanwhile, tells the loyal Hive Knight to buzz off.
The battle of the Nailmaster brothers results in Mato progressing while Oro heads home. He'll be facing the third brother Sheo, who has sealed Lurien the Watcher's fate.
Speaking of seals, Monomon the Teacher defeats Herrah the Beast, making her the only Seal left in the tournament!
Tiktik would like to wish everyone a happy Pride Month, though team ShrumeCreep may not be feeling so proud right now.
Little Weaver's strategy of staying in the shadows until the right moment to strike has earned it the victory over the flashy Charged Lumafly.
Born of Void, the Sibling proves untouchable to even the feared triple-spitting Primal Aspid!
Even laser beams weren't enough to keep the Moss Knight from triumphing over the Crystal Guardian. Speaking of guardians, Mossy the Massive Moss Charger bucks the bumbling Hive Guardian!
Something finally goes right for orange-oozing Broken Vessel, who has beaten The Radiance herself!
The Mantis Lords, swift with their lances as they may be, were no match for Hornet, whose needle is swifter! She'll be facing her own father next, as The Pale King has trounced the Traitor Lord.
...Whew! That was a lot of action, and there's plenty more action to come. So keep those dials tuned to Radio HNST, bugs and beasts!
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vajra-furor · 1 year
Pathfinder 2e Homebrew Project
Previously, I dropped a link to my full (playtest version) Homebrew Pf2e class the Stitcher. I mentioned in that post that I am (with a huge amount of help from @arkthepieking) working on some other classes, and a few archetypes. I'm finally getting around to moving the WIP versions of those other classes and archetypes into a shareable set of google docs for people to view as I slowly progress and finish them all. A quick rundown of the classes in progress are as follows The Stitcher: A mad scientist, and their self-made best friend, you fight side-by-side with a modular, unique Companion called an Experiment that grows as you do, using one of 5 unique statblocks, each with their own unique modifications and upgrades.
The Conduit: Part Wild Magic Sorcerer, Part Barbarian, the Conduit channels the power of another plane into a mix of martial and magical prowess and has 8 different planes to draw power from, each of which rewards the use of particular types of spells
The Dragoon: Maybe the most self-indulgent, you're a warrior with draconic might, and an effortless 8 foot vertical leap. Quite literally for people like me who want to play Final Fantasy's Kain Highwind, though it has 5 subclasses for different types of weapons including non-lances, and one for if you'd rather be a dragon-rider. Soar over the opposition, and bring the dragon's wrath down.
The Seer: Perhaps the most ambitious, and one I'm incredibly proud of, the Seer is a unique Prepared Caster who places their fate at the whim of a deck of cards. As in, in order to play a Seer, you need a standard deck of playing cards with two jokers, limiting your options but empowering your spells with unique meta-magic styled buffs based off the cards you have in your hand. Each of the four subclasses uses a different Magical Tradition, and gets different boons for the cards they draw.
And, last but not least, The Pugilist: Have you ever wanted your tabletop games to feel more like Street Fighter? Have you played a monk but wanted less 'Oriental Mystic' and more '20 hit juggle combo'? The Pugilist uses a mixture of standard Unarmed attacks and unique Combo actions called The Chain to mix and match a toolbox of abilities and Finishers.
Each of these classes are in various states of finished/refinement, and any comments, criticisms, and observations are welcome! They can all be found here, as well as the Archetypes ive been working on: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1MlQ_-uqlzA85AZWxWkKarjzD2PBnkPbx?usp=sharing
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MASSIVE fic tonight y’all and it came out of nowhere
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achirding · 2 years
WIPtober 3: Adjectivizing Thee pt. 2
Summary: Sonic is impatient. Caliburn is annoyed. Lancelot is sleepy. They could do without all of these things. Actually, Lancelot is a lot more open and honest when he’s sleepy, so that can stay. Even if he is a little snootier because of it, heh. Rating: General! 
Note: This is a snippet! Or possibly a deleted scene! I like it a lot but it is hard to make it fit. Maybe. IDK what i’m doing with this tbh. :C
“Sir Lancelot!”
Lancelot startles at the sound of his name like he hasn’t been listening, pulling away from the tree to sit up straighter. His visor is pulled over his face, obscuring his expression again, and Sonic wonders if he had been spacing out. Or dozing?
Caliburn either does not notice or chooses not to notice, “Would you please remind Sir Sonic why we are here.”
“Gladly, Kingmaker,” Lancelot answers, voice slightly husky like maybe he had been on the verge of falling asleep, turning his face in Sonic’s direction, “My lady mother and the royal magician, through use of the reflection pool and other ancient magicks, ascertained this was the crossroad of the Lady of Rings.”
Lancelot does not immediately continue, even though Sonic and Caliburn are waiting for him to elaborate. He’s really not much of a conversationalist, huh?
“Cool, good for her,” Sonic says at length, moving his hand in impatient circles, “And why are we here?”
“The Lady of Rings is a powerful seer, rumored to have trained under Merlin himself,” There’s a weird intonation to the way Lancelot says Merlin, something negative, but it’s very subtle. Maybe Sonic just imagined it. “Upon winning her favor, she will tell you how to return to your homeland.”
This time, Caliburn jumps in where Lancelot leaves off, preemptively answering the unasked question, “The Lady of Rings is said to polish her rings at this crossroad on the day the sun blazes the hottest. It is said her eyes are so weak, she needs the brightest light to see if there are any imperfections on her rings.”
“Can’t think of how this day could get hotter!” Sonic agrees with a sigh, rolling onto his stomach and kicking his feet in the air. Not super comfortable, but it gives him something to do, at least, “You two sound pretty confident. Has she helped you before?”
“No,” Lancelot answers simply, leaning back against the tree.
“....That’s weird,” Sonic says, arching a brow at him, “Caliburn, I get- he’s swayed by titles and reputations and junk-“
“Epithets and reputations must be earned!” Caliburn interjects, hopping in place with outrage, “You would do well to remember that, Knave the Hedgehog!”
“Nope, no take backs!” Sonic was just going to ignore Caliburn, but that sword really knew what buttons to push, “My new ‘epithet’ that you gave me is ‘Sir Sonic, Knight of the Wind!’ And don’t you forget it!”
Caliburn looks like he is going to keep arguing, but let’s out an amused sound and smiles instead, “Indeed.”
Uh. Okay. “Cool,” Sonic wasn’t expecting his sword to agree with him so easily, and he isn’t sure what to say... so he turns back to Lancelot.
Lancelot startles, again, turning his face in his direction, “Sir.”
“You don’t seem like the kind of guy who gives his trust out so easily,” Sonic rests his chin on his hands, still kicking his feet restlessly, “Why are you vouching for this lady?”
“You misunderstand,” Lancelot scoffs with a shake of his head, “I am not. I have never met her. I have no desire to vouch for her, her temperament, or her abilities.”
“...Okay,” Sonic answers after a moment, trying to figure out what Lancelot is trying to say. He’s getting better at it, but this one’s tricky, “Then... what’s got you so sure this lady is the real deal?”
“I trust my lady mother’s judgment and magicks,” Lancelot pointedly does not mention Merlina, obviously still a sore spot, “I trust my swordsmanship and instincts. I trust you and Caliburn to keep out of my way.”
Lancelot settles back against the tree with a shrug, still looking rather sleepy. He must have been just as bored, “I don’t know if she will be able to help you- but I will ensure you come back from this adventure hale and hearty. That is all I can promise.”
Aha, Sonic knew it! Nothing to do with this Lady of Rings or Sonic’s quest to go home, and everything to do with Lancelot’s combat abilities and skill. The black and red hedgehog certainly spoke down to him when they first met, so it’s good to see this side of him again. Not Lancelot’s most endearing trait, for sure, but much better than his more recent quiet and stiff formality.
Especially in the company of his fellow knights, it feels too much like Lancelot is on his best behavior around Sonic. Not fake, per say, but definitely not normal. Like he’s visiting his grandma or meeting with a dignitary. This? This is a lot more casual and honest.
Caliburn’s mouth quirks into a disapproving frown, obviously not pleased, but he doesn’t say anything. Weird.
“Heh,” Sonic chuckles, amused and pleased despite himself, “If you say so, Lance.”
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admhawthorne · 1 year
“Did you know that other kings only see their children at formal events, meals, and occasionally in passing?” Prince Rolland asked as plopped down beside his father, who was reading in the library.
King Dorian sighed, slowly putting a bookmark between the pages before gently placing the novel on the table before them. “Yes, I know. I never wanted to be so distance from my children. My father was the same way, and I felt as though I lost so much because he wasn’t there to mentor me in the ways of being a king or a good man.” He gave Rolland a gentle, reassuring smile. “What brings this up today?”
“As you know, Father, Prince Garvin is visiting with his royal entourage, and today he made mention of how odd it was that you and I share at least a few hours each day with each other. I hadn’t realized that was an odd thing until I started asking around about how other kings treat their sons.” The younger man grabbed a sweet pastry from the tray on the table and nibbled at it.
Dorian’s smile turned sad. “What did you think of that?”
“I think that’s awful. I can’t imagine not being able to talk to you as we do now. You’re practically my best friend,” Roland said and then shrugged slightly, “Well, outside of Lance, of course.”
The older man chuckled. “Of course.”
“Also,” the prince added with a change in tone that indicated this was the thing truly bothering him, “Prince Garvin asked me about the prophecy, but, when I asked him what prophecy, he wouldn’t tell me. He said that, if you hadn’t told me about it, then there was probably a good reason. Do you know what he was talking about?”
There it was, the topic Dorian had avoided for nearly two decades. “I do, but I’m afraid you’re not going to like it. When you were born, a seer prophesized that you would one day be the cause of my death.”
“Good lord, Father, I would never!” Rolland stood up, too offended to sit still. “Why would I ever do that?”
“It’s a good question, isn’t it? Have I not been a good and kind father to you who has tried to be strict but fair? Who has taught you everything I know so that you can be a good and fair king when it becomes your turn to rule?”
The prince adamantly nodded. “You have.”
“Then I’m at a loss, and, frankly, I choose not to worry about it because I don’t think it matters. If it comes to it, and you are the cause of my demise, I have faith that the reason was either a good one or an accidental one. Either way, I don’t think you’d kill me out of malice, and that’s what matters.” Dorian gave his son a gently pat on the arm. “Don’t stress over this, Son; sometimes worrying over the thing is what causes it to happen.”
Weakly nodding, the young man slowly sat back down. “I will try, Father, but it will be difficult. I can’t imagine life without you.”
“Death comes for us all in time, Rolland. You will do well and be a great ruler.” The king stood, signaling the end of the conversation. “Now, I believe it’s time for the evening meal, and you know how your mother and Chef are when we’re late.”
As King Dorian lay upon his deathbed years later, his mind would come back to the moment he told his son about the prophecy. “Rolland,” he weakly called out, and the prince quickly appeared by his side. Motioning for everyone else to leave, the king waited until they were alone to begin. “I’m in more pain than I can bare, too weak to rule, and worried for the kingdom because of it.”
“Father, you’ll pull through. This illness…”
“Is slowly killing me and the kingdom with it. The Court will never take you seriously as my proxy. You need my title, Son. It’s time for you to be king.”
Rolland balked. “What are you saying?”
With great effort, Dorian pointed to his beside tabled. “Hidden in a compartment at the very back of the drawer is a special sleep poison. Give it to me and then use this,” he motioned to one of the many pillows on his bed, “to end my life. It will be somewhat quick but painless to me.”
“No, absolutely not, Father. I will NOT…”
“You have to. I linger; it’s killing us all.” Dorian reached out to grasp his son’s hand. “When they come back in, it will look as though I’m asleep. They’ll never suspect you did anything but sit by my side as I drifted from this world. I hate that I have to ask you to do this Rolland, but you are the only one who can. It has to be you, and it needs to be now before things become worse.”
“I… I understand,” Rolland sadly replied as he pulled out the poison and helped his father slowly ingest it. “I love you, Father. I will try to do well by you.”
As Dorian’s eyes drifted shut, he managed one last reply to his loving son, “Always remember… love you…”
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keres-dndoc · 1 year
dnd ask meme but I just answer all of them
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1. Keres is quick to anger but not quick to show it. She believes in justice and karma, and will dole it out quite freely to those who piss her off
2. No. People get a good feeling, and they can put in the work to make a good relationship, but there is no romantic destiny.
3. When people who open a closed door don't close it again when they leave, when people don't just say what they mean when there's no reason not to be honest
4. Idk if it's a happy place or relaxing, but they consistently try envision and empty field, with mountains in the distance to one side, and the open sea on the other
5. On the pirate ship, 'la tombe aquatique' or 'the watery grave' these people were her family for the longest time, about 11 years
6. Her childhood, from about 6 onwards when memories started forming to 15 when they ran away
7. Just as likely to buy someone a drink and be bought a drink
8. They've probably broken their elbow before and had to wear a sling for a while
9. There's a lot of neglect in their childhood they could do without
10. They were only 15 when they left home, still a child, and only just 16 when they became a pirate. So I would say their best childhood memories are the early days on the open sea, finally being shown love and attention.
11. Keres believes variety is the spice of life. Ultimately I think they are attracted to competence and confidence. If you're good at what you do, whatever that is, she's interested
12. A party member, Kailu, is fond of making trinkets, and has made them one before. I can't remember what it was at this moment so [edit later with that answer]
13. Nope! They have a mark on their forehead of the moon, that changes depending on what phase they are attuned to, but it's a birthmark not a tattoo
14. Their ears are pierced and they have a septum ring
15. It's a large manor type house. It has a wine cellar, space for an observatory. They desire a dark academia aesthetic when it comes to interior design
16. Just by looking at them, people would not expect her to be human. She looks more like an elf or a tiefling, but nope!
17. Just an average gift giver
18. They're very good at singing,they could've made a career of it had they chosen that path
19. A stranger would describe them as eye candy, a pleasure to meet and even more to watch walk away
20. Those who know them would describe them as loyal and thoughtful. They are a very adept spellcaster, and intwined in a mystery of divine proportions
21. After years of neglect, yeah they're riddled with insecurities. They're scared their magic is the wrong kind, and to many it is. As they learn more about the source of their magic, Lusacan, they fear they cannot live up to his expectations. Failing to meet expectations is a big one, especially as romance is blossoming with Ferne, the sword to the seer. That's an impressive woman, compared to a sorcerer who never trained properly.
22. Their highest physical stat is constitution, and their highest non physical stat is charisma, which is maxed out at 20!
23. Everyone lies, so it is to be expected. Their reaction really depend on who told it, what they lied about, and their motivation about it.
24. They prefer cold weather, but it's easier to dress hot in warm weather, so this has its merits too.
25. Very hard. They might think it feel it but they've only said it outloud a few times platonically. Beyond that would be a nightmare
26. Their party members will hear their concerns, because they're very upfront about their belief that no one should suffer alone. If they want these people to open up to her, she has to open up to them first.
27. Yes. They've killed people, Brian. But also uh, Levi, a party member, died, and it was devastating.
28. You can try and tickle them, but their psychic lance is deadly and they're not afraid to use it.
29. It's quite low. Sorcerer hit dice are d6, so their HP is abysmal.
30. They're scared to say I love you. They're scared to learn to speak draconic. They're scared to go to Orlais, go to the university, and meet the human identity that Lusacan has assumed to exist in society. They will do all these things in time
31. They are a very neat eater.
32. When they were a young child, their mother told them the story of their birth, who they were a monster. Her mother told her they named her Keres because it means evil spirits, and this woman looked at her newborn baby and saw evil.
33. When they arrived in Aren to answer the call to adventure only to find a few familiar faces, and new people who welcomed them with such open arms. When Kailu and Keres together found out Aelin's real identity, and spoke with Lusacan- she felt very close to them. When Ferne kissed her, and deeply understand that Keres' loyalties will always lie with the party first, and that wasn't a problem for them. Whenever Ro druidcrafts them a gift.
34. I think they would hate to lose their hearing as music is such a gift in their life.
35. Yes, with a 20 charisma they're very good at all kinds of talking
36. They would ask their mother if the man who raised her is really her father, or did she have an affair with a man that Keres now knows to be Lusacan. This is a question she will one day ask. I think another option would be to ask Gage if there is a way to stop a blight from occurring, can the rest of these beings be saved. Furthermore, is there a way to reverse the process.
37. If they could go to the past and stop the first blight from ever occurring, they would. Otherwise they would go to the future.
38. The biggest positive impact is Shay. That is the person who raised them, who showed them love. Keres knows happiness because this person picked them up off the streets. The person who has had the most negative impact is their mother, Marie
39. They would rather live surrounded by people they care for
40. They fear that there will never be an answer to all the questions they have.
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Headcanon anon here with the kids' with the most annoying headcanons ever: The kids' zanpakutos!
John: Kamikaze ("Blow, Kamikaze") Shikai-An actual warhammer ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/War_hammer ); can twirl it to pick up wind to deal critical damage. Bankai-The Warhammer of Zillyhoo; can wield wind to such destructive levels that he can destroy entire canyons; can do more damage if he twirls it.
Rose: Kyoki no Niwa ("Prick, Kyoki no Niwa") Shikai- Two needles that resemble knitting needles; can shoot lightning from them. Bankai- The Thorns of Oglogoth; the level of power in her lightning increases drastically; unlocks Seer powers that allows her to see through objects, illusions and into her enemy's heads.
Dave: Soshite Karera wa Tomaranai ("Turn, Soshite Karera wa Tomaranai") Shikai: Odachi; increases his speed significantly Bankai: Caledscratch; allows him to summon copies of himself; further increased speed along with a more powerful Zanpakuto
Jade: Aianrasu ("Fire, Aianrasu") Shikai: A rifle; allows her to fire off green blasts of cosmic energy Bankai: Proton Cannon; seems large and unwieldy...but comes with the ability of spatial manipulation.
Terezi: Doragon no Hana ("Sniff, Doragon no Hana") Shikai: Three sectioned staff; allows her to track her opponents through their colors Bankai: Cane sword; allows her to predict events in battle
Kanaya: Suzumebachinosu ("Buzz, Suzumeebachinosu") Shikai: Chainsaw; allows her to manipulate her cloth Bankai: Two drills on her hands; allows her to create pocket dimensions.
Tavros: Nebārando ("Speak, Nebarando") Shikai: Lance; allows him to communicate with fauna Bankai: Summoned horse with lance; allows him to draw in breath to enhance abilities.
Karkat: Kanireibu ("Live, Kanireibu") Shikai: Two sickles Bankai: One sickle that protects him from mortal wound as long as the bankai is active.
Sollux: Ginza Hachimitsu ("Pour, Ginza Hachimitsu") Shikai: Katana; gives him telekinesis. Bankai: Absorbs blades inside of himself; telekinesis increases while giving him the ability to fire ionized rays out of his eyes.
Feferi: Rahab ("Splash, Rahab") Shikai: Trident; gives her the ability to heal others. Bankai: Two-sided trident: gives her biopsychokinesis
Eridan: Mori ("Launch, Mori") Shikai: Rifle; fires powerful blasts of white magic Bankai: Ahab's Crosshair; fires blasts that can burst through any defense or barriers, no exceptions.
Nepeta: 9-Ri no Inochi ("Scratch, 9-Ri no Inochi") Shikai: Shuko; enhances her physical abilities Bankai: extends the claws on her Shuko; gives her the ability to manipulate spirits
Equius: Matsukaze ("Trample, Matsukaze") Shikai: A bow; gives him the ability to make things invisible Bankai: An indestructible bow and arrow; gives him the ability to destroy the memories of his opponent.
Meenah: Yamashita ("Glitter, Yamashita") Shikai: A trident Bankai: A double-side trident; allows her to manipulate any kind of energy.
Vriska: Wokou ("Plunder, Wokou") Shikai: A broadsword; gives her the ability to control minds. Bankai: A pair of dice; allows her to steal her opponent's luck.
Jane: Dorayaki ("Feed, Dorayaki") Shikai: A large fork; enhances her agility Bankai: Double-sided large fork; allows her to resurrect a person once
Jake: Sakoku ("Bar, Sakoku") Shikai: Two revolvers Bankai: Absorbs the revolvers; can give off an area effect that can defend him from any reisatu, kido or hado; can bring dead allies and opponents back into existence as he believes in them.
Roxy: Kaito ("Snatch, Kaito") Shikai: Sniper rifle Bankai: Brass knuckles; allows her to steal any concept (friction, happiness, strength)
Dirk: Ogon Bat ("Take, Ogon Bat") Shikai: Katana; allows him to control a "doll" he created as if it was his own body while still controlling his own body. Bankai: Katana; can fire off blasts similar to a Quincy's arrow that can permanently destroy souls.
Aradia: Ogama ("Croak, Ogama") Shikai: A whip; allows her to stop time temporarily. Bankai: A music box; gives her complete control over time such as freezing opponents, summoning alternate versions of herself and giving her omnipresence
Gamzee: Poirot ("Play, Poirot") Shikai: A Juggling pin; can transform into any other Shikai Bankai: A club; can affect his opponents emotions like anger or fear.
Damara: Onryo ("Affect, Onryo") Shikai: A riding crop; gives her telekinesis Bankai: Two hair pins; allows her to affect casuality
Rufioh: Bangarang ("Listen, Bangarang") Shikai: A straight sword; allows him to communicate with fauna Bankai: A straight sword; lets him attack with the power of the wind
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