talhanoblemarriage · 9 days
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What a Woman Sacrifices for Marriage?
Discover the profound sacrifices women make in marriage for family happiness and Islamic principles, highlighting trust, love, and mutual respect for a fulfilling partnership. Learn more now.
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prakash-chandra-das · 5 months
Success का दूसरा नाम secrifise है। जब अपने dream के लिए काम करते हो तब You Know Your self as well.
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etchif · 7 months
Big fan of mute Misto personally
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dogreed-blog · 7 months
Hi all. This time I decided to throw away unfinished work. The reason is simple. The more I draw in this universe in my own style, the more I realize how far I am moving away from the original. Yes, everyone wants their own. But it’s unlikely that techno Nosgoth will be interesting to someone. Especially with alternative history. Thanks to this game for everything it could give me, but here our paths diverge :) 1 Evolved Vorador in the future 2 Kain in Armour of desteny in the time of ancients, whitnes mass secrifice 3 Ancient vampires secrifice other creatures to the weal of faith.
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thelunarfairy · 6 months
could the entity be the couse of amane's illness so that he could exploit tsukasa to secrifice himself???
YES????? I've already thought about this!!
I actually made a post about this a while ago
It seems very true to me, I wanted to understand more about it, I mean, where did this disease come from? He was born like this and the disease developed later? Why doesn't Tsukasa have it too? They're identical, aren't they?
And if it was something he caught, why didn't Tsukasa catch it too if they were together so long?
It's almost a checkmate.
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b1dl0 · 11 months
If you're still doin requests, can you draw your favorite warframe Antagonist?
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Idk!!!!! Its hard to decide. I think wally will be epic when DE release future updates with more of them, but now they are kinda not enough "there" for me. Like they didnt hurt me personally. But i totally would understand if most people would pick them as their favourite. Oh and their reveal in end of new war was very very cool sound and visual design wise
Also i like hunhow alot because he have cool design and idea of this colossal elien thing being most human and caring of all big 3 is funi and cute. and i like sentients alot. But story wise he is just forgotten unfortunately
I choose ballas because he is most consistent in quests and he have perfect balance between being just an regular asshole overlord with smug and just a fucking looser who got his girlfriend stoled that makes him interesting. He works good as warframe poster villain (if thats a term). Also secrifice is my favotire quest and tragedy of warframes is most interesting theme to me in all wf universe so ballas hurt me alot on personal level:]
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melonpalooza · 2 months
If tldr character's play horror game. Who will die first and who will be the survivor. And which one of them will get posessed/Stuck/left behind. And most importantly which idiot will be playing the game unsurious, for example :
leading the monster towards their friends probably secrifice their own teammates for fun. Forgeting their mission and died by their own stupid action
(we always have that one teammates that Will do anything just for fun even if it meant losing the game)
(The game : phasmaphobia,dead by daylight, in silent, identity V, pacify etc anything horror multiplayer survival-escape game )
the fic has a lot of characters lmao... god. this is gonna be a doozy of an answer, anon. i'm going to start rambling and might not even get all the characters. also altho you say horror games, phasmo and dbd/identity v are very different genres in terms of gameplay lmao so forgive me if i jump around the games bc im just typing the first things that come to my head
i feel like how they handle the games depends on who they team up with, bc i know depending on who i play with, the objective of my gameplay changes.
if it's mostly donnies, they will take the game most seriously i feel like. they're prepared, have game plans and divide up the responsibilities. will do research before hand rather than jump into a game. like they have to know all the game's mechanics before they start playing. if they're the hunter, i feel like they're really meticulous, but they won't spawn camp the hooks in dbd for example. except ig reugrat donnie he has the trolling energy to me.
mil/cope/rugrat raph prefers playing the hunter. they're aggressive and will sometimes target specific players if they were screwed over in a previous game by them xD most of them will go for leo lol. all of them will always try to stun or attack the attacker/aggro the hunter as a survivor.
cope mikey would fool around most of the game (like yell at the ghost in phasmo, calling it names and stuff) unless it's like less than half of the survivors are left and if he's still alive. all the mikeys get jumpscared easily. neon mikey might get distracted looking at assets or smth. all of them are relatively good at juking in dbd, so they'll be the ones that take ppl off hooks. 03 mike has insanely good luck in hiding where the hunter doesn't find him. rugrat mikey definitely leads the hunter to teammates on purpose.
all the leos would put the team before them, so they're often the ones that becomes bait and self sacrifice—if most of the team makes it out it's a net positive game for them.
if neon leon and neon don are both survivors tho, it's 50/50 they try to sabotage or help each other. if one of them is the hunter, they try to take out the other and it's a W for them if they take out their twin no matter the ending result of the match
and just as i write this i realized that they can't play interdimensionally lol (they could play games like scrabble and uno, bc those would be relatively easy to code into the server's bot i feel like. they can play games like chess bc it's part of discord. so that means they can play gartic lmao. but ig how they play holds true to their own brothers anyway)
anyway my brain is tired now there's probably more somewhere in the think tank
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glidasclheriis · 7 months
@absolutixnofheart continued from here
To be on her knees, bleeding with dirt on her face and the sun refleting in her pale eyes, they glow with violence, distaste. Curses her, this moment, the second Bi-Han left her here as just a secrifice for him to leave, after all this time? All the training and risking the state of her body to all be thrown away as if she was deadweight? The cryomancer grunts when the steel pushes against her skin, cleching her jaw but showing her teeth to the swordswoman.
"All you get from leaving me alive is another wanderer walking on this earth." Her eyes study the woman in front of her, the beauty is as equal as her efficiency. "Kill me... My life is already empty of purpose." The Lin Kuei might not want her anymore and this maze has no other exit than the one provided by the cold steel against her skin, death seems so tempting.
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varijacija · 1 year
Clara be like the next human secrifice will fix me
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revolver-d · 2 years
does BP “respect” anyone, like someone extremely powerful that she wouldn’t try to exploit. Not necessarily like them but just try to stay out of their way or be neutral
Well, she respects Blue Diamond because she was only Diamond that was supportive of Pink.
Other than that, she doesn't really respect anyone by their strength. She more or less respect people by their resolve. like Jade and Moonstone. She honored her dealing with Moonstone because she was ready to secrifice herself in order to save her friends, and Black Pearl could respect that.
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Why? Why on earth did I think rewatching Once Again on a random tuesday without preparation would be fine? I am devasted once again. The fact, that Jae Woo thought he would travel back in time to rescue Ji Hoon, but in reality he gave him so much more than just a second chance. He gave him something worth dying for. He made Ji Hoons life special, even though it was just for three weeks, but Jae Woo showed him that he is loved and that he can love. He made his life less boring. And he gave him the best time in his life. Without Jae Woo he never would have experienced such thing, so he had to rescue him and secrifice himself in return. That doesn't ease the pain in my heart for both of them at all, but it is not only bitter, more bittersweet...And now I have to go to bed and cry myself to sleep...shit!
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no thoughts head empty, just pristine by snail mail beinga byler will pov song. every verse hits tbh, I mean.../pristine, untraced by the world outside you/oblivious ass mike. same night, same humility for those that love you, anyways. mike being a douche to both will and el, people who love him the most.there´s a bunch of other lyrics that fit, but the bridge and outro are it for me. 1) if it´s not supposed to be, then I'll just let it be. 2) and out of everyone, be honest with me...this bridge, my god. 1) will´s selflesness coming through, he just really lets it be, ever since s3 he´s been brushing his own feelings all for someone who has been, not great, and just lets it go, or tries to. 2) and still, after mike being a douche to him, he´s still there, that´s his comfort person, all of s4, all of like 6/7 of their conversations are about mike going off on will, and he just lets him, if that´s what he can get, he´ll conform with heart to hearts where he just gets to listen to mike´s problems, a moment of honesty for his own self sabbotage. now, the outro. 1) and we can be anything, even apart. 2) and out of everything, it doesn´t have to be this hard. 3) and I could be anyone but I´m so entwined... 4) no more changes, I´ll still love you the same. so. first firts. 1) this whole thing is just about self secrifice huh? their whole dynamic fits w this, but also this last part feels just like the van scene, he´ll conform with whatever, he just wants to get it all out of his chest, even if he´s hiding behind a lie, a love confession disguised as someone else´s, something that may finally rip the bandaid off, at least for will, something that he hopes keeps whatver it´s going on, apart. 2) I feel like this are his inner thoughts, even withouth a script, you see it on his face, just finish it, ript if off, act cool, it´s not that hard...3) ok so, he´s literally playing somebody else in his whole confession, he´s playing el, trying to tell mike her feelings, but he´s really in the middle of it, isn´t he? poor will. and finally, 4 )that´s it for him, he ripped the bandaid, or so he thinks, that´s it for his part, he feels he canpt do more, he wonpt make a move, he won´t change anything or get his hopes up, but the love was there and it still is. anyways, long ass essay , something abt me is that any song that goes in the byler playlist needs it´s own 100 page analysis, night.
absolutely right, everyone is now obligated to add this song to their respective byler playlist and think about this ask
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anandji1991 · 8 months
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Isthere any instruction in our holy books geeta, vedas to secrifice animals to please Goddes Durga ji during Navratri.
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soolregn · 9 months
It was fully over between me and my ex when I lied to him about you. My summer was fully over when I ran for my gate in Istanbul. My dream was fully over when I woke up again from drowning from you, only to see I'm fully dry.
Transitions hurt because they tear us apart so that we can become something new. I've had many deaths like that in my life. For many years my life felt like falling endlessely. Rebirth after rebirth. Trying, failing, fumbling, losing friends, losing jobs. But feeling like my growth was universal. My growth was Worth it. I'm stronger now.
The last thing I said to you: "I want something real with you. I hope one day theres room for that". I love you. It runs deep. It runs in my veins. You're the first man I met where I felt like I would secrifice everything in my life to Mother your children. That's on God.
Torn between pushing and pulling. Nothing I want more than to talk with you, hear your sweet voice again. But knowing I can't push it. The angels tell me to wait, so I wait. Every second I want to rush to your side, but still I wait.
A gateway is a portal. A portal leads us through time and space instantly. I always felt like there was a portal between our hearts. Our connection almost telepathic.
I stare at the door. Waiting for the moment, for the right vibration. I will pass the gate when it's time. Just say the word, and I'll jump over galaxies to be by your side.
Just like true love, my heart opens for you like a flowing river, endless and by its softness: persistent. True love is the Key.
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dogreed-blog · 3 months
Killing fealds of the ancient vampires (fanficktion)
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I was interesting to draw some mass secrifices to the weal of fate. The ancients performed such rituals not only to show their devotion to the elder god. But it also served as a deterrent to their enemies. In addition, ancient vampires drew their magic from such rituals.
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thelunarfairy · 7 months
Do you think hanako knows about little brother's secrifice and the creature inside him ?? What the secret of the dark energy around tsukasa?
Look, I personally believe that Hanako knows, and I imagine that he found out while he was still alive. Tsukasa's behavior apparently changed when he returned home, Hanako says that even he doesn't understand Tsukasa, not anymore, reflecting that he doesn't understand since he disappeared.
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This change in behavior may have caught Amane's attention, we saw that he quickly noticed how Yashiro changed with him after she saw a piece of his past (in the Tsuchigomori arc).
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Okay, but how important is this? If the twins' mother reacted in that desperate way to get "it" out of her son, you can imagine that Amane could also be feeling similarly, despite him being more compassionate and patient with his younger brother.
At some point he decided he had to kill Tsukasa, or the thing inside him. Nobody kills anyone without a reason, even if the reason is unjustifiable, there is always a reason. Even for psychopaths, they kill for pleasure, or dare, or anything like that, there is always a reason.
We don't know if Hanako killed him because of the creature, or for another reason, but we know that he felt this need. I don't usually judge Hanako as either good or bad, he has an impressive neutrality. So I can't tell you if he did it because of:
Love: for wanting to take the creature away from his brother and ended up accidentally killing Tsukasa, or he did it even though he knew Tsukasa would die because he thought it would be best for Tsukasa.
Troubled love: for loving too much and being possessive to the point of doing this (it's sad but currently it's similar to what happens to some couples, where when there's a separation one of the partners doesn't accept it and kills the other person even though they love them very much. Making it clear I'm not saying that this is the twins' relationship, no, I'm saying that in real life this happens quite often between couples)
Hatred: for some reason Amane would feel this feeling towards Tsukasa. Maybe because he pushed him to the limit. (I find it difficult but I don't like to rule out possibilities)
If Amane decided to kill Tsukasa there was a reason, and it probably has something to do with this creature, so I think he knew.
Regarding Tsukasa's shadow, the evidence we have is that it is the creature that lived under the house. It has no shape, but the speech bubbles look the same, which suggests it is the same creature.
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We don't know much about her, except that she grants wishes in exchange for a life. She managed to influence Tsukasa and likes to use him to attract more prey.
We saw baby Tsukasa trying to convince Kou to make a wish every time, because the "house" took Yashiro in exchange for that wish.
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I like to think more about the shadow on Hanako's chest, Tsukasa's we already have an idea where it came from, but what about Hanako's? He has one too.
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Hahaha interesting, isn't it?
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