#secret ambition official video
zanygardenherowobbler · 3 months
First Time Reaction: Michael W. Smith - Secret Ambition
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kakiastro · 2 years
The houses is the next important part of astrology. The houses represents the area of life the planets and signs affect.
1 house - Aries house
You are the main character of your life
How you look
First impressions that people make lf you when the first meet you
Head/ skin complexion
Worldly outlook
Public conscious
Early Childhood
One indication of life purpose
2 house -Taurus house
Your finances and wealth
Your family values/ your values
Comfort foods/foods
Food resources
Your voice
Taxes/ revenue
Friends of partners
Secrets pleasures and desires
Skills and resources
Fashion aesthetics
Music taste
3 house- Gemini house
Journals/ books about specific topics
Transportation (cars, trucks, trains and boats)
Fingers/finger nails
Short trips
Education (k-12)
Critics/ criticism
Video games / board games/arena games
4 house- Cancer house
Parents in general
Showers/ baths/ ponds/rain
Home life
Family life/ ancestors
Hidden thoughts and feelings
Digestive system
Private life
Realtors/real estate/ renters/ home owners
Father in law
Old people
Hotels/ motels
5 house- Leo house
How we have fun
Directors/filmmakers/ motion pictures/
Movie theaters
Games/Arcade games/arena games
Theater/ dance/ acting
Dates/date night
First born child
2nd sibling
King/ Prince/ Queen/ Princess/ other novels
Your Heart organ
6 house- Virgo house
Health professionals (doctors, nurses)
Healers/ outer healing
Animals(small and domestic)
Artistic abilities
Body health
Physical examination
Medical drugs
Brother/sister in law’s reputation
Writing in details
Co workers
First responders
Butler, maids, busboys
Grandchildren reputation
7 house- Libra house
Relationships (platonic & romantic )
Business/ business partners
First Marriage
Grandparents in general
Husband & Wife
2nd Child
3rd sibling
Lawyers/law suites/laws
Court of law
Lower back
Dealings with the public
Open public enemies
Art, artist
Serious lovers
Close fan base
8 house- Scorpio house
Giving birth
Joint finances with partner
Wealth through marriage
Other people finances
Deepest fears
Sex/sex work
Occult/occult studies
Underground crime
Inner power
Psychic abilities
Psychology/ psychology therapy
9 house- Sagittarius house
Spirituality/ religion (church, clergy, prophet, spiritual gifts)
Philosophy and ideals on life
Long range travel
Long range communication
Dreams and faith
Higher learning(college, grad school)
Astral travel
Books/journals about broad topics
3rd child
Ships/shipping/shipping docks
Pets end of life
Hips and thighs
Upper legs
Supreme Court
10 house-Capricorn house
Public status in society
Public image
Skeletal system
Famous family/family name
CEO/ supervisor/managers
Authority figure in your life
Government(president, senates, house, prime minister) all officials
11 house- Aquarius house
Friend groups
Social groups
Friends appearance
Stans (loyal fans)
Support system
Aspiration and dreams
4th child
Step children
Daughter/ Son in laws
Community projects
Wealth within social groups
Lower calves/ankles
Social media
Memberships and clubs
12 house- Pisces house
Deep dreams
Mythical/mystical/ ethereal
The unknown
Hidden talents
True talents
Pass life
Hidden society
Hidden cults
Misinformation meditation
Inner Healing
Spiritual gifts
Partners career
Inner pain
Big cats
Bigger animals such as elephants ect
Thank you for reading and I hoped you enjoyed this post
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Kaiju Week in Review (February 5-11, 2023)
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Ted Thomas, the father of English dubbing in Hong Kong, passed away on November 26 last year at 93. A Briton who hopped from Naval intelligence to radio and television in the former colony, he founded Axis International in the 1960s and brought alone some of his coworkers for the ride. (The name was informal; as government employees, they weren't supposed to have side gigs.) The Axis troupe included Ron Oliphant (who also refined the scripts), Michael Kaye, Barry Haigh, Warren Rooke, Chris Hilton, Nick Kendall, John Wallace, Ian Wilson, Linda Masson, Mandy Cooke, and Angel Chapman.
Listing all their works would be nigh-impossible—so many have fallen through the cracks of history—but you can hear Thomas in The Secret of the Telegian (Police Inspector Kobayashi), Matango (Naoyuki Sakuta), Atragon (Captain Hachiro Jinguji and the High Priest of Mu), Dogora (Dr. Munakata), Gamera vs. Barugon (Kawajiri), Return of Daimajin (Genba Onikojima), Gamera vs. Gyaos (Tatsuemon Kanemaru), Godzilla vs. Gigan (Kubota and Godzilla himself), Godzilla vs. Megalon (Emperor Antonio), and Gamera Super Monster (the policeman and the narrator). If you're a fan of Shaw Brothers films, you've probably heard him in even more than that. He even went in front of the camera for Shaw's The Mighty Peking Man (above), playing a government official. With a resume like that, I can't help but associate his authoritative voice with toku dubs more than just about anyone else; I'd say Rik Thomas (no relation) and Andrea Kwan are the only ones in his weight class. Rest in peace.
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Godzilla: Monster and Protectors - All Hail the King! concluded this week, with King Caesar giving Godzilla a helping hand against King Ghidorah, then briefly coming to blows with him as the tension between the kids psychically linked to them comes to a head. The pacing on these comics continues to be wonky, but artist Dan Schoening continues to show true Showa ambition with the fights. It ends on another sequel hook, which it had better get. (Maybe they'll tack on a third subtitle.) IDW's plans for Godzilla are mysterious right now; nothing is on the schedule except the next two Rivals issues. With the film series firing on all cylinders, I couldn't tell you what the holdup is.
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Cleopatra Entertainment will be releasing Shin Ultraman to Blu-ray and DVD on June 13, while fellow MVD Entertainment label Epic Pictures will do the same with The Lake. The Shin Blu-ray will include the English dub, but no special features of note—disappointing but not surprising given how the U.S. home video releases for the live-action Attack on Titan films and Shin Godzilla went. The Lake is a Thai/Chinese giant monster flick with some seriously impressive practical effects. I've heard it's terrible aside from that, but whatever.
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bellmo15-blog · 42 minutes
Alright you guys, I just got some BIG, MASSIVE and most importantly IMPORTANT new info from my super secret inside source at Nintendo about a brand new game they are going to be announcing at the Nintendo Direct this month. Oh what’s that? You want proof that I do have an actual super secret source inside Nintendo? Oh don’t worry. I have proof. My super secret source at Nintendo goes by the alias "My Asshole!" And let me tell this, the info I’ve gotten, it’s big! Like my super secret source has only sent me a portion of this massive game that Nintendo are working on so when I say this is a big game, I mean it’s a MASSIVE game!
What is this mysterious game I’m talking about that will be announced officially this June folks? Well not only is it a brand new game but it’s also going to be a launch title for the Nintendo Switch 2! It is none other than Super Mario Odyssey 2: Galactic Odyssey!
That’s right! This new Mario game is not only a sequel to Super Mario Odyssey but also a sequel to Super Mario Galaxy making this a duel sequel! But the ambition doesn’t just end their folks, oh no! This game is far, FAR more than just a simple Mario Odyssey and Galaxy sequel! It may honestly be the greatest video game I have ever played in my life. It is a game that has not only surpassed my expectations but took my expectations on a fancy dinner date. And then proceed to give my expectations the most sensual session of intercourse they have ever had!
Join Mario on his most emotional and epic adventure yet which will take him not only beyond the Mushroom Kingdom but beyond the planet as well! No actually, not even just an adventure into space but beyond dimensions two! In fact, there will be not just one Mario but several! Main series Mario, Dr Mario, Paper Mario, Grand Dad, Live Action Movie Mario and Illumnation Movie Mario! All will be playable, and all must team up to defeat Bowser once and for all who has now become the most powerful being in the known universe after absorbing the life force of all the other Bowsers in all the other universes and now seeks to conquer the universe with his new awesome might.
Not only is this the best story in a Mario game I have played to date but every single character from Mario’s past is going to make an appearance. And, maybe a few crossover characters from other franchises as well! And I don’t just mean other game franchises either! No no, somehow Nintendo managed to get the rights to use characters from several movies and TV shows! AND the story will even have multiple endings depending on the choices you make and the relationships you build with certain characters. Including romantic ones! So for all you Vivian simps out there, be happy you can end the game and Mario’s story married to her and knowing the two will live the rest of there lives happy together. Or maybe you’d rather Mario’s story end with him in a relationship with Sonic the Hedgehog. Who says these rival mascots can’t be more than friends?
For this brand new game Nintendo has done away with levels and stages and has instead made the whole game one seamless open world! Using the power of the Nintendo Switch 2 and running on Unreal Engine 4, Unity, Frostbite and RE Engine Nintendo has created a world with no loading and one that really feels alive. You’ve never seen the Mario universe as alive and as detailed as this before folks! Now all you people who for some reason hyper focused on Mario’s more detailed hair in Odyssey 1 can hyper focus on new detailed stuff. Best part is that every character is voice acted with full dialogue. And the soundtrack is also provided by none other than both John Williams and Danny Elfman themselves! Not only will this adventure look epic but it will sound and feel epic as well!
But that’s not all Nintendo is doing with this new game! The gameplay has been completely overhauled as well! Oh, the classic platforming gameplay is still here and retained BUT with new enemies with higher health and as a result, a reworked combat system with new moves and combos to learn and master. That right! You get to throw hands with gommbas and koppas and all manner of monsters. But you won’t be fighting alone, oh no! You will fighting alongside various other characters who can join you on your adventure as your companions who you again, can also build relationships with. And you and your crew can explore the Mario Galaxy in style thanks to a new method of travel, the Great Fox! Yes, Star Fox has decided to lend Mario their own spaceship. Yeah, they could have given him the Comet Observatory or Starship Mario but those things don’t have laser guns or turrets.
And those things will be necessary because another new feature of this game is Space Battles! Not only will Mario be battling on the ground but also in the air! Defend yourself using the Great Fox’s on-board defence systems OR deploy the Arwing for fast paced dog fighting. Best part is, your companion also gets to fly around in their own Arwing. Better part, the Arwings can be customized! Not just for Mario but for each individual companion you bring with you!
But it won’t just be fighting Bowsers army you can do. I mean you CAN focus purely on that but that’s only about like 20% of the game. You can also accept side quests from various different characters and engage in so many engaging and interesting side story’s that flesh out the Mario universe and let you see a side to these characters you may have never seen before. Such as helping Rosalina find a new home for her Lumas after the Comet Observatory was sadly destroyed by space pirates. Or helping Luigi finally be brave without having to rely on Mario. Or joining Kirby as he hunts down some missing food from his stash.
Platforming and action not your thing? No worries, you can also go Go Kart racing. Or how about playing some sports? Sing karaoke, bet on horse racing, dance the night away, play some chess or checkers, have a party, buy and decorate a home to store all your gear and items, do ANYTHING you want in this game! Forget Mario Kart! Forget Mario Party! Forget Dance Dance Revolution Mario Mix! You won’t need to play any other Mario game ever again as THIS will be the ultimate Mario experience! Actually, you won’t need to play ANY other game period! Because this right here? THIS is the true ultimate gaming experience! Best part is that this game will be pre installed onto every single Nintendo Switch 2 system and will work with EVERY SINGLE CONTOLER IN EXSISTENCE! That way, anyone can play with whatever they are comfortable with. Yes indeed, Nintendo has crafted one of the greatest video game experiences ever and I will gladly give them all my money for when this game officially releases. Even though I have a super secret source inside Nintendo who could also just send me the full thing for free…… Huh.
Now, for as perfect as this game already is, I do have to be honest since my super secret source has given me free reign to talk about this game however I want so forgive me for talking shit about an un-announced game that isn’t even finished yet but I know will be perfect anyway. While the side quest where you have to help Donkey Kong preform with his new Bongo band was a great moment of character building for the big ape, it was a pain in the ass to have to buy a set of Jungle Beat Bongos on Ebay which are mandatory for this section. The Rosalina Romance route isn’t finished in this build yet and the game will crash if you try to confess your love to her. Luigis voice lines and animations are not finished yet either so he’s permanently stuck as a T Posing mannequin. And even though I LOVED the cameo appearance of Raiden from Metal Gear Rising it was obvious he was clearly only shoehorned into this game as a love interest for Luigi. But who cares honestly. Because the bonus mission where you get to play as Shovel Knight and Shantae fighting a giant mech to the tune of Undefetable from Sonic Frontiers IS AWSOME!
And the cast! Oh is this an all star cast! This game stars… Mario. Luigi. Peach. Daisy. Rosalina. Wario. Waluigi. Yoshi… Wait, why am I going over all the characters you’re expecting when I can instead go over the surprise guest characters! Such as… Link. Darth Vader. Indiana Jones. Twilight Sparkle. Blitzo. Dante. Bayonetta. Morrigan. Ezio Adutorie. Sans. Sonic the Headghog. Crash Bandicoot. Spyro the Dragon. Heisnburg. Trevor Philips. Homer Simpson. Omni Man. Freddy Fazbear. Shovel Knight. Shantae. John Snow. Boyfriend. Micky Mouse. Bugs Bunny. Spider-Man. Batman. Mata Nui. Matt. Pewdiepie. Jacksepticeye. Markiplier. And special guest starting Dwayne the Rock Johnson as Kirby!
Oh boy, I can’t WAIT until Nintendo announces the full game at the Nintendo direct! And the best part, my insider even game me the release date! The release date for this game is… Wait what is that sound? … OH SHIT! IT’S THE NINTENDO NINJAS! GOTTA GO!....................................................................................................
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yes-justice-seeking · 3 months
Who Is Lying? -Zhenhua Heavy Industry/ZPMC’s Cyber Security Threat
As for the American House of Representatives' concerns about the cyber security threat likely posed by Zhenhua Heavy Industry, also known as ZPMC, of China, ZPMC denied it and said "these reports can easily mislead the public without sufficient factual review".
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On Feb. 23, 2024, China's official spokesperson Mao Ning called these reports "nonsense/无稽之谈".
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Let's take a factual review.
On Jan. 23, 2023, an author called himself "通文解武" meaning "good at both literature and military" posted an article on China's social media 网易/NetEase:"How Strong Is Zhenhua Heavy Industry(ZPMC)? Building warships in Europe and the US, with two US Presidents' Endorsement".
The article begins with this: "For China's infrastructure, the most glorious achievement is not how many bridges or buildings it has built, but found a new way to control European and American 'military technology'!"
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As for the "US Presidents' endorsement", it's the CCP's sly "wisdom" that no decent people will appreciate it. It refers to an unexpected episode during President Obama's speech at Port Miami, when the wind blew the American flag, it revealed the ZPMC logo. The video was then propagated by the CCP in China and got hundreds of millions of views.
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The article is very CCP-wolf-warrior style, reflecting the CCP's double-face personality, in my opinion. Here is how it interpreted Governor Larry Hogan's excitement about welcoming four Neo-Panamax container cranes from ZPMC: "because the US can't make it, only China can make it!"
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ZPMC itself also demonstrated its CCP-wolf-warrior characteristics by introducing itself as "US Navy's long term partner" on its Russian website and put "US Navy" in yellow and bold. As per the author, ZPMC is doing so for a political purpose: emphasizing the "double-standard behavior of the American Military".
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Back to the question in this blog's title, the article that is published on two mainstream social media websites of China: 网易/NetEase and 知乎/Zhihu admitted that "after years of hard work, ZPMC has cleverly integrated into the US military industry and plays now a pivotal role in the construction of large US warships and of aircraft carriers."
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The article further threatened the US:" without Zhenhua's heavy equipment, US aircraft carriers wouldn't be able to leave homes..."
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The article also mocked the UK by saying "in China's eyes, the secret of British aircraft carriers is no secret" because ZPMC's cranes play a key role in the construction process of aircraft carriers and only Chinese engineers can handle certain key assembly work.
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At the end of the article, we understand what "state-owned" means to a Chinese company like ZPMC: to serve the CCP's Global Hegemony Dream: "wherever large warships are, there must be giant gantry cranes from ZPMC of China" and a quote from "The Art of War" by Sun Tzu: "defeat the enemy without firing".
If the military ambition behind ZPMC is not clear enough to you, the following words makes no doubt about the threat posed by ZPMC: "in the complex and ever-changing international competition, and amid the heavy blockades of the Western world, if China engages in an arms race with others, it will only end of being the Soviet Union, which is the worst. Our ancestors told us how to defeat the enemy: compete with better strategy: when your ports are full of my port machinery, when your revitalization depends on my infrastructure support, do you dare to fight me?"
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Last and also important, according a document from ZPMC's website, ZPMC plays a key role in China's Belt and Road Initiative:
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We thank the CCP wolf warrior's article to tell the military ambition behind ZPMC that was denied by the CCP officials. Let me repeat again, there is no "candid" in the CCP's dictionary, saying one thing and doing another is in the CCP's DNA, be careful.
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jveventz · 4 months
Unlocking Success: Explore the Seminars by jveventz in Noida
Introduction: In the bustling city of Noida, where ambitions soar high and dreams find their wings, there's a beacon of knowledge illuminating the path to success. jveventz, a renowned organization dedicated to personal and professional growth, is set to conduct a series of empowering seminars. These seminars promise to be a transformative journey, empowering individuals to unlock their true potential and achieve unparalleled success in their endeavors.
Exploring the Seminars: At the heart of jveventz's mission lies the commitment to imparting invaluable insights and strategies for personal and professional development. Through meticulously crafted seminars, participants are invited to delve into a world of inspiration, learning, and growth. Let's explore what these seminars have in store:
Mastering Leadership Excellence: Leadership isn't just a title; it's a mindset and a skill set. In this seminar, participants will unravel the secrets of effective leadership, learning how to inspire teams, navigate challenges, and drive success in any endeavor.
The Art of Effective Communication: Communication is the cornerstone of success in both personal and professional spheres. This seminar offers practical tools and techniques to enhance communication skills, fostering better relationships, productivity, and influence.
Unleashing the Power of Mindfulness: In today's fast-paced world, mindfulness is a superpower. Participants will discover the transformative impact of mindfulness on mental well-being, productivity, and overall quality of life.
Strategies for Financial Mastery: Financial literacy is the key to financial freedom. This seminar equips participants with essential knowledge and strategies to manage finances effectively, build wealth, and secure a prosperous future.
Navigating Career Transitions: Whether embarking on a new career path or seeking growth within the current one, this seminar provides invaluable guidance and strategies for navigating career transitions with confidence and clarity.
Conclusion: In the dynamic landscape of personal and professional development, jveventz stands as a beacon of inspiration and empowerment. Through their upcoming seminars in Noida, individuals have the opportunity to embark on a transformative journey towards success. From mastering leadership excellence to unlocking the power of mindfulness, these seminars offer a wealth of knowledge and practical strategies to fuel personal and professional growth. Don't miss out on the chance to unlock your true potential and propel yourself towards unparalleled success with jveventz seminars in Noida.
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animeworld0712 · 1 year
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Top 20 Detective Agency In Delhi (2023)
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Delhi, the capital of India, is home to a large number of detective agencies. With so many options to choose from, it can be difficult to determine which agency is right for you. To help, we've put together a list of the top 20 detective agencies in Delhi, based on reputation, experience, and customer satisfaction.
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- City Intelligence Pvt. Ltd. City Intelligence Detective Agency in Delhi is known for offering 100% Discrete & Confidential Private Investigation & Corporate Investigation Services for Pan India & International Enquires at affordable pricing. City Intelligence (The Clue Hunters) is one of the highly reputed Detective Agency in Delhi. Our private detectives in Delhi have years of experience. Our operative detectives have a variety of skills, including surveillance, debugging, finding contacts, monitoring locations or using most advanced spy technology. Most Popular Services offered by City Intelligence Pvt Ltd. are: Personal Detective Services: Pre Matrimonial Investigation Post Matrimonial & Extra Marriage Affair Investigation Services Divorce Case Investigation Background Verification Loyalty Check Missing Person Investigation Spy Gadgets & Software Debugging and Sweeping Legal Assistance Corporate Detective Services: Corporate Investigations Employee Verification Background Verification Corporate Due Diligence Intellectual Property Rights Theft & Pilferage Investigation Audio & Video Surveillance Sting & Undercover Operations 2. AMX Detectives With an experience of more than 35+ years, Mr Baldev Kumar Puri, the Chairman of AMX Detectives (P) Ltd. has his career in this field from the Grass root level. He is a Professional Private Detective and Investigator in Delhi (NCR), Mumbai, Bangalore, Chennai, Hyderabad, Punjab, Rajasthan, Maharastra, rest of the India and overseas with a proven track record & supported by a team of young & experienced professionals Investigators. The mission of the "AMX" is to provide a reliable & dependable net all over India & tie-up with Professional investigation companies abroad. 3. Indian Detective Agency Indian Detective Agency is one of the award winning Private Detective Agency in Delhi and Mumbai(India). IDAPL (Indian Detective Agency Private Limited) was established in 1999. Team of highly experienced private detectives in Delhi, India offers Safe, Secure and Confidential deals on Private Investigations, Corporate, Pre and Post Matrimonial Investigation, Spousal, Finance Investigations, Love Affair Investigation, Business, Due Diligence Investigation, IPR Investigation, Assets Tracing Investigation, Financial Fraud Investigation, Pre-Post Employment Check benefits in all over India and abroad. 4. DDS Management Solutions DDS Detectives is a certified Private detective agency in Delhi, Which is duly registered with Indian Government. Since its establishment in the year 2013, DDS Detectives has successfully solved many cases. The story behind the name DDS is that, its original planned operations of detective services were to be carried out in only Delhi NCR and hence the founder (A retired ACP from Delhi Police) named it Delhi Detective Services. Later, in the year 2017 the company was taken over by the present CEO, Sanjeev Kumar (who also had a stint in Delhi Police as an Inspector of Police). The new visionary CEO had Pan India ambitions for the best detective agency in Delhi, hence the company renamed as DDS Management Solutions Pvt Ltd. Team DDS is a mix of highly professional and well trained Private Investigators (PI), Ex Police and CBI Officials, Female investigators, Cyber Crime Experts and Executives. 5. Apex Detectives Apex is the top leading Private Detective Agency in Delhi, India. Are you searching for the Matrimonial Detective in Delhi? If yes, then this is the ideal place for hiring a detective. Detectives are the most demanded professionals in the modern world. Everyone wants to generate all the secrets of their boyfriend, husband, spouse or wife. 6. First Indian Detective Agency The premium Detective Agency In Delhi, First Indian Detective Agency (FIDA) has been the home of the best private investigators. The agency offers both personal and corporate investigation services. With ISO 2008-9001 authentication certificates, FIDA is an accredited and qualified non-public investigation organization. We provide factually accurate and reliable investigation services involving both personal and corporate investigation services. With a superb team of private investigators, we claim to be the best among all the leading Best Detective Agency in Delhi NCR for background verification and matrimonial investigations. 7. Sleuth India Detectives Sleuths India is an award-winning and highly acclaimed private detective agency that enjoys a industry experience of more than Two Decades and takes pride in over 10,000 successfully solved cases. It’s an agency synonymous with unmatched investigative excellence, and is also acknowledged for a robust national network. We’re not only the most valued organization in the investigation field but also the most awarded detective agency in the county by a distance. Over the years, the agency has won so many prestigious awards for maintaining excellence in investigation, including Awards by the President of India (The Young Entrepreneur Award in 2012), by MoS, Ministry of Home Affair (Investigation Entrepreneur of the Year Award in 2014), by Minister of Tribal Affairs (Investigation Leadership Award in 2017). 8. Lady Detectives India Setting an unmatched standard of investigation in India, 'Lady Detectives India' is a well established Detective Agency in Delhi known for providing realistic solutions cases of differing nature. We are a Lady Detective Agency committed to provide quality investigation worked upon with necessary tact and with an expert investigation team catering to our clients. 9. 24 HRS INVESTIGATION 24 Hrs Investigation is the best detective agency in Delhi NCR. Our team of experienced investigators is dedicated to getting results in a short span of time. Our Services includes pre-matrimonial investigation, post-matrimonial investigation, sting operation, missing person investigation, cyber crime investigation, personal investigation, Asset Verification etc. investigations. Our team uses the latest technology and techniques to gather the evidence and provide you the surety of confidentiality.  10. Matrimonial Investigators Matrimonial Investigator Registered With Govt. Of India & Award-Winning Detective Agency in Delhi specializes in Pre & Post matrimonial investigations. Hiring a private detective agency is a big decision. We get it. This is why it’s vital that you hire the right company. Over 15 Years of experience private detectives, I take my job seriously, as do the rest of our investigative team members. We apply the same diligence and investigative techniques as law professionals do for each case we take on.  11. Spy Detective Agency Matrimonial Investigator Registered With Govt. Of India & Award-Winning Detective Agency in Delhi specializes in Pre & Post matrimonial investigations. Hiring a private detective agency is a big decision. We get it. This is why it’s vital that you hire the right company. Over 15 Years of experience private detectives, I take my job seriously, as do the rest of our investigative team members. We apply the same diligence and investigative techniques as law professionals do for each case we take on.  12. Top India Detective Agency Top Indian Detective Agency is a well known private detective agency in Delhi, India, with an experience of 25 years work as a pioneer of customer satisfaction. We handle every type of personal and corporate investigation services which includes pre matrimonial verification, post matrimonial investigation, divorce case investigation, child custody investigation, surveillance detective, extramarital affairs investigation, employment verification, background check etc. We strive to dig out facts out of evidences which can be big help for our client to be submitted in court for firm legal fight. So in that if you need our assistance then don’t think top much and make an appointment with us, we assure you to provide world class investigation with a specific timeframe. 13. Tejas Detective Agency TEJAS DETECTIVES is being managed, owned and run by the most renowned and experienced detective Ms. Bhavna Paliwal. The detective world have fewer women detectives and particularly in India and among them Bhavna Paliwal has been on the leading front Detectives India, New Delhi Detectives. She has particularly done a number of investigations for women who are in distress and are not getting any support from their family or society. Many organizations have welcomed and supported her in this effort. 14. Secret Watch Detectives Secret Watch Detectives (SWD) is one of Top Private Investigation Agencies in New Delhi, India specializing in both Personal and Corporate Investigations. Established in 1999, we have displayed a consistent track record of success across complex cases, coupled with uncompromising ethics that instill confidence and trust in our clients Along the line, we have won several Awards and received mentions in the print and electronic media, Best Detective in India. 15. Season21 Detective Agency Season21 Detective Agency is a Best Private Detective Agency in Delhi, one of the famous detectives in Delhi-India, we truly understand the pain of an Individual who is suffering from mental stress. You can totally relay us because we are Private Detectives in Delhi who specialized in handling Matrimonial Investigations by Providing Personal Detective Services in Delhi-India and Providing Concrete and Solid Evidence by conducting confidential Investigation in All Over India, We claim ourselves as the best Private Detective Agency in Delhi-NCR. We undertake all kind of Corporate, Personal and Matrimonial Investigations which relates to Pre-Matrimonial Inquiry, Pre Marriage Verification, Pre Marital Inquiry, Post Matrimonial Cases, Secret Love Affair s and Spouse Adultery Investigation with Proofs, Divorce Investigation Services, Surveillance, Child Custody, spouse infidelity. 16. S R Detectives SR Detectives is a growing private detective in Delhi providing quality investigative services to the corporate world and Individuals. We have have handled multifaceted investigations in both corporate and personal fields. The services provided include- Pre and Post-Employment Screening, Fraud, Litigation Support and Assets Verification etc. and individual services such as Pre & Post Matrimonial Verification, Divorce Case, Intellectual Property Rights’ infringements etc. 17. Ascon Detectives Network Ascon Detectives Network is a leading pioneer in the field of private investigation from many years. We have been providing quality detectives or investigative services to the corporate world and Individuals. 18. Impact Intelligence Services Impact Intelligence Services was founded in the year 2007. We are the most trusted private detective agency in Delhi and NCR region, India specialized in both corporate and personal investigation cases. Our team has highly qualified and experienced private detectives that treat each assignment with utmost discretion maintains confidentiality and meticulous attention to details. Impact Intelligence offers a wide range of competent and cost-effective investigative services.   19. Alliance Detective Agency Alliance Detective Agency is a full-service detective agency in Delhi, NCR. We are licensed, bonded, and insured, and our team of experienced investigators is dedicated to getting results. Our specialization is in infidelity cases, but we also handle missing persons, child custody, and insurance fraud investigations. Our team uses the latest technology and techniques to gather evidence and is committed to discretion and confidentiality. If you need answers, contact us. We’ll get to the bottom of it. 20. Dolphin Detective Agency Dolphin Detective Company proudly calls itself as one of the finest sets of the performer in the country. They do investigation very secretly so that suspicious person could not escape anyhow. We offer a range of services such as Pre Matrimonial Investigation, Post Matrimonial Investigation, divorce data collection, Loyalty check, Pre and Post Employment Investigation, etc. When selecting a detective agency, it's important to consider factors such as experience, expertise, and the types of services offered. Some agencies may specialize in specific areas, such as matrimonial investigations or corporate espionage, while others may offer a wider range of services. Additionally, it's important to consider the agency's reputation and track record, as well as their methods for ensuring confidentiality and client privacy. Whether you need to investigate infidelity, locate a missing person, or conduct background checks, the right detective agency can provide you with the information you need to make informed decisions. So if you're looking for a reliable and experienced detective agency in Delhi, consider one of the top 20 agencies listed above. With their expertise and commitment to client satisfaction, you can be confident that you're getting the best possible service. Read the full article
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luminenwalker · 1 year
Catchup 5
Don't overcomplicate it. //RRH 
A defibrillator. A defibrillator?! They'll never work. //RRH 
Don’t fear failure. Fear not trying. //RRH 
The most dangerous thing you can ever do in a debate is win. //RRH 
Your intuition is always right, but your mind is always wrong. //RRH 
Hey, it's not the end of the world. //RRH 
The streets are littered with bones, entrails, and viscera. The stench of death hangs in the air, oozing from every alleyway and trash-strewn street. Abandoned buildings, once full of life, lay in ruins. The Tower have struck again. //RRH 
Why do they call them painkillers? If they killed pain, I'd only need one. //Shallow 
The only way to lose is to forget, and start playing someone else's game! //RRH 
Today's broadcast is dedicated to Operation Stingray by H.K. Reyes. The video (https://youtube.com/watch?v=K-BOXet4ekM&list=PLkBvWuemCrDabIK-KFIK_Q_UTXOhur96Q&index=24) by @ctfdn_official is narrated by Johnathan West. Welcome back folks. Let's make this next year a better one. //Luminen 
Starved guy in an alley, when everyday's a damn Circus who the hell needs bread? //Enn 
Today's broadcast is dedicated to the Search and Rescue stories. The video (https://youtube.com/watch?v=nhkgXOUDetc&list=PLkBvWuemCrDabIK-KFIK_Q_UTXOhur96Q&index=27) narrated by Corpse Husband. //Luminen 
More missing people. Their posters stretch across the city. What does it mean? What does any of it mean? We're still figuring that out. There really isn't much to go on. What we learn only leads to more questions, worse paths. //Afternoon Ashes 
Murderous dreams and reckless ambitions. The streets know everything. Do you know why you're here. Stumbled onto a fire today, burning building in the midst of Gamble. Burning tents and stalls. Now, it's a fire sale while people pick up their lives. //Afternoon Ashes 
Banshee. Word on the street is about the crazy spike and people are raving about it in secret... Everyone's trying to get a piece of the action... or finding their actions leaving them in pieces. //Lastman 
I kept telling the receptionist at St. Joes its not 'blood loss' I know exactly which bastard walked away covered in it. //Jormungandr 
Chiral Manning is a name in the wind. No one knows what happened to her or why. But, someone's looking for her. Someone cares. Enough to plant posters around the city. A number, an address. Does anyone have the money to offer rewards these days? //Afternoon Ashes 
Broken glass covers the street, another bombing. No warning or explanation. Retribution threatened but no obvious actors. We don't know who did it or why. Only who it drove over the edge. There was a death at the centre of it. Someone's going to pay. //Afternoon Ashes 
Tower seen digging bullets out of their victims to cover up what they're doing. Police turn a blind eye to this. Corporate turns a blind eye to this. Recordings erased and witnesses threatened. But not all of them. What's happening here? //Afternoon Ashes 
The crew went down to the homeless camps in the airport to investigate claims of missing people reappearing. A lot of people with surgical scars and missing memories. They talk about nightmares. It's a nightmare. But nightmares don't leave marks. //Afternoon Ashes 
Trio of old ambulances seen plowing through traffic in Abbotsford. They didn't come from any known hospitals, and there aren't any official comments about the job they came from. Suspects aren't locals. //Afternoon Ashes 
Getting into graff lately. Yellow and red. Veins and connections. Bugs with too many limbs. Seen lots of similar pieces all over the city. It looks unsettling, yet pleasing. If this reclamation work doesn't work out, well, street art does sell. // Tee-J 
Guy in a dress shirt, tie, shoes shined to perfection, rummaging through a garbage can on my way home. Took out a half-eaten hotdog and ate it. I always thought these guys got paid better than I did... // Shallow 
Anyone know if there has been a large shipment of explosives coming into the city lately? You can get tons of good quality stuff dirt cheap right now, no complaints... // Bad Wolf 
Is it fraud to plant bugs in your electronics? Yes. I'm tired of having to go over every piece of technology the station purchases with a fine tooth comb because someone thought it would be funny to spy on us. //Afternoon Ashes 
Zeridine in the water supply? More likely than you think. Why is this important? Have you ever wanted to have an original thought? To feel the pleasures of the flesh? To snuff something out? You will be dulled if they want it. Time to stock up on purifiers. //Afternoon Ashes 
People weren't supposed to live like this. They still aren't. Even with all the tech we pump into our flesh and blood. //Afternoon Ashes 
There's a surplus of medical supplies in Cincinnati. But the value doesn't go down. Is there an implication here? Yes. It's being used. The question remains, for what? //Afternoon Ashes 
I know I'm supposed to do it eventually, it's one of the big milestones for folks like us, but I can't bring myself to aug my face. It's not that I wouldn't be myself anymore, but I feel like I wouldn't understand myself afterwards. //Daydream 
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kysgina · 2 years
Social Engineering Attacks | Cyber Intelligence
What is Cyber Intelligence?
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Collecting information from electronic media Collecting information from OsInt engines/vehicles Analyzing/using the collected information
Monitoring and analyzing digital security threats and in the light of the information obtained after this analysis, against it is the initiation of the putting process. The Importance of Cyber Intelligence
States' Fear of Cyber Terrorism Decryption of Commercial Company Information (Financial information, competitor, etc.) personal information Hacker Privacy
Today, as a result of the point where technology has come to cyber intelligence it is also given quite a lot of importance. Countries and institutions, information systems of competitors to establish superiority over each other conducting counterattacks, disabling their cyber systems it is aimed at causing economic damage. Apart from that, cyber the data stored in space has been captured and thus future plans, technologies used and a number of other secrets information has been obtained.
As a result of a cyber attack, all the electricity of a country it is possible to interrupt their services at once. SCADA systems with the attacks to be carried out, the target country will be targeted not only economically, but also even physical attacks can be carried out. It could last for days as a result of an attack, the systems of all banks and financial institutions of the country can be destroyed, it can be rendered incapable of service. Now it's time to fight the tank with a rifle it is stated by various experts that it is closing, wars will take place in the cyber environment. U.S. officials said in a statement that any cyber attack against them, he stated that it would be the cause of conventional war.
This official statement by the United States emphasizes the importance of cybersecurity and cyber intelligence elements. Cyber intelligence, also defined as HACKINT, can be on hacking, as we have already stated it can also be obtained by using social media and various Internet publications. Except that in the last period, especially in the Middle Eastern countries such as Syria and Iran, which are often used, cyber axe operations are also material and moral it can cause havoc.
Setting Goals
State institution Personnel at the Institution (Social Engineering) Software / Product (Software theft) Data (data theft) Prestige (Intelligence organizations) Banks / E-commerce Systems Personal Data (Image, Video, privacy, blackmail) Social Media Hesas (Curiosity, ambition, etc.) Mail (Receiving information, curiosity, etc.)
OsInt Open Source Intelligence Public Data OsInt was first defined by the US Department of Defense in 2005
Information Gathering Techniques & Tools
Bitcoin * Fake Name Generator Tor Browser Bundle * Ghostery Cryptocat * HTTPS Everywhere DoNotTrackMe * Hushmail alternative Enigmail * Burn Note Decommissioning of Search Engines
Google Dorks * Duck Duck Go Baidu * PunkSpider binsearch.info * Google Bing * Shodan Searchenginecolossus
Google Hacking
The technique that hacker groups use primarily Fast and multiple results Specific results with advanced operators Passwords, user IDs, pdfs, important files, sensitive data, ip December Dropbox important db dumping with single dork, excel, pdf, xls scans for the target.
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Twitter Pastebin
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Open source
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Other Resources
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SHODAN uses various computer-based systems (desktop, switch, router, servers, etc.) using filters.) is a search engine that allows Deciphering.Although it is a search engine, it is very different from search engines such as google, yahoo or Bing.
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Search engines such as google, yahoo, can produce excellent results for you according to the phrase you are searching for, but they do not answer the following questions; Do we want to find web servers running Apache ? Or do we want to find out which is the most popular Microsoft IIS server? There are a lot of anonymous FTP servers, I want to see ? Or a new vulnerability has appeared, which IP addresses can I infect this vulnerability by region/country? Which backbones have cisco routers?
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elite-connectionss · 2 years
Sherri Murphy, Renowned Beverly Hills Elite Matchmaker, For 28 Years Helping Clients Find Love
Sherri and her daughter Tammi operate Elite Connections International, now with locations across the country and internationally.
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The famous line sung in the epic musical Fiddler on the Roof, “Matchmaker matchmaker make me a match”. Those lyrics describe what celebrity matchmaking experts Sherri Murphy and her daughter Tammi Pickle do for clients at their elite matchmaking service, Elite Connections International.
“We are private, exclusive and one of the most preferred elite matchmaking services in the business,” states Murphy. She founded the A+ rated business on the West Side over 28 years ago and teams up with her daughter Tammi Pickle, who is Vice President of the agency. Says Sherri, “We love what we do and are dedicated to helping our clients find love. If people are 21 or 70, and serious about finding love, and the right kind of quality single, we are here to help. We believe that the effort and care we put into helping every client has made our business a success. Each person comes to us with a laundry list of criteria about who they want to meet, and it’s our job to get down to who they should meet and help them move forward.”
Elite Connections grew from a single office in Beverly Hills to cosmopolitan cities all over the US They have international clients as well.
“The company has grown tremendously mainly because of our dedication. It’s impossible to make everyone happy but our dedication and the effort we give, is hard to find elsewhere,” states Murphy.
Dating isn’t always easy and the elite matchmakers give sound advice that you can read on their website… https://www.eliteconnections.com/dating-advice/
The elite matchmakers have an Online Love Class, dating advice, and a media section with articles, pod casts, radio broadcasts, and videos from ET, Dr. Phil, CBS, CNBC, The Real Housewives and many others…. https://www.eliteconnections.com/media/
The CIO Bulletin, a global business, technology media company named Elite Connections one of the 50 Most Innovative Companies to Watch 2021. They wrote, “The elite matchmakers on our staff know their member’s personally and consider them for every new single they sign up. The elite matchmakers are dedicated to all aspects of their clients life and think about personal ambition, family, and religion to all the small simple facts that make each person different. The elite matchmakers specialized approach to helping their clients is what has made them such a successful agency for over 28 years. Sherri and Tammi offer a staff that boasts of, elite matchmakers, scouts, dating coaches, psychologists, style consultants and and the best photographers in every city.
The Elite Connections team offer a range of memberships, from the basic Elite Membership to the Premium International Membership membership. “Our dedication to helping people find love, is the secret to our success,” says Sherri.
About: Sherri Murphy is the CEO and founder of Elite Connections International. After she met her husband Bill through a matchmaker, she saw matchmaking as a safe and effective way for accomplished and commitment-minded singles to meet. Sherri insists that there is someone out there for everyone, but that you won’t find them sitting Aton your couch, swiping through singles on an app. Her biggest satisfaction is seeing people find love. Read the full article: https://www.einpresswire.com/article/591691486/sherri-murphy-renowned-beverly-hills-dame-of-matching-making-for-28-years-connecting-clients-to-romantic-commitments
The matchmakers at Elite Connections review each client, so they are matching quality singles. and you can see why the best singles have been joining with them for over 28 years. This elite matchmaking service has amazing clients that are serious about finding the right person. Contact the elite matchmakers at Elite Connections International 800-923-4200
Elite Connections Official Website: https://www.eliteconnections.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/EliteConnectionsMatchmakers/
Elite Connections Official Linked In: https://www.linkedin.com/company/elite-connections/
To know more, [ Click Here ]
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sanjosenewshq · 2 years
Jan. 6 Witness Remembers What Made Her Give up Trumps White Home
Sarah Matthews, a former White Home staffer who testified earlier than the Home Jan. 6 committee over the summer season, on Wednesday regarded again at her resolution to resign from President Donald Trump’s administration on the day of the Capitol riot. Matthews, a former White Home deputy press secretary, recalled the video Trump tweeted out whereas his supporters have been storming the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021. “That was actually the second for me once I knew that I used to be going to resign,” Matthews informed Jake Tapper on “CNN Tonight.” The video confirmed Trump calling on his supporters to “go residence” and repeating his lie that the election was stolen. “We love you, you’re very particular,” Trump mentioned as his backers battered cops, trashed the Capitol constructing and chanted “Hold Mike Pence.” Matthews mentioned in her resignation assertion that she was “deeply disturbed” by what occurred. “He did not act that day. He had each alternative to name off the mob and condemn the violence,” she mentioned on CNN. “We’ve seen from taped testimony from a number of of my colleagues that folk have been pleading with him to try this. And he didn’t ever choose up the cellphone as soon as.” Trump’s continued lies about election fraud, she added, “pose a menace to our democracy.” Matthews informed her view of what occurred contained in the White Home to the Home Jan. 6 panel throughout an earlier listening to. She recalled to CNN how the official Home Republican Twitter account known as her a “liar and pawn in Pelosi’s witch-hunt” even earlier than she testified. “I assumed it was positively an embarrassing search for them,” she mentioned, including that she was working as a Home workers member when that since-deleted tweet was posted. “Every thing I mentioned has been corroborated within the taped testimony that we’ve seen from my colleagues, that President Trump had individuals round him begging him to sentence the violence, to name off the mob, and he didn’t act,” she mentioned. Does the particular person operating this official account know that Sarah Matthews is, in accordance with Legistorm and her LinkedIn, at present the communications director for Home GOP aspect of the Local weather Disaster committee? pic.twitter.com/TIGZRTAbiu — Jacob Rubashkin (@JacobRubashkin) July 22, 2022 Requested whether or not different Trump White Home staffers, together with her former boss Kayleigh McEnany, truly consider Trump’s election lies or push them to appease him, Matthews mentioned it’s a mix. “There are some people who know higher and are sensible sufficient to see by this,” she mentioned. “They know that there’s no proof of the election being stolen, however they want to keep within the good graces of Trump World, they usually prioritize their ambition and careers for that.” She added: “However then I do suppose there are some individuals who actually are indifferent from actuality and have satisfied themselves sufficient that the election was stolen.” At this time’s Jan. 6 committee reportedly will present Secret Service video and emails alerting Trump to the probability of violence that day and his zeal to affix his supporters on the Capitol, in accordance with The Washington Publish. Throughout her testimony in July, Matthews pointed to a Trump tweet singling out Pence for failing to “have the braveness to do what ought to have been carried out,” referring to the then-vice president’s refusal to reject the certification of Trump’s Electoral Faculty defeat. Matthews informed the panel Trump’s tweet was “pouring gasoline on the hearth and making it a lot worse.” Originally published at San Jose News HQ
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tenebraevesper · 2 years
From Sonic the Hedgehog to Sonic & MegaMan: Worlds Collide
So, having recently returned to the Sonic Fandom, I had figured that I should familiarize myself more with the Sonic media I had missed. A piece of media I got interested in were the Sonic comics. Until now, the only Sonic comic I have read was World Collide, so I decided to start from the very beginning, with a bit of help from Sonic_Speed, who appears to be quite a source for anything related to the comics.
As a newcomer to the comics, I experienced a very wide range of emotions and thoughts concerning what I read. It went from ”Huh, interesting...” to “Okay, weird...?” to “Heh, neat!” to “What?” to “What the hell am I reading?! What were the writers thinking?!” to “Is this still a Sonic comic?” to “Okay, this is actually cool!” to “Holy friggin’ Hell! This is amazing!” to “Aw, com’n! Is this really how it’s gonna end? I want to see more of the story/character!”.
Needless to say, where I actually started getting more and more invested into the story was around Issue #160, aka the start of Ian Flynn’s run. I am aware that not all of his stories were perfect, but his stories were also the ones I enjoyed the most. I especially loved the Sonic Universe stories, Hedgehog Havoc and the Secret Freedom Fighters stories.
As for the characters, the only cartoons/anime I have watched when I was younger was Sonic Underground and Sonic X (and recently, Sonic Boom and the Sonic OVA). I have never watched Sonic (SatAM), meaning that I wasn’t that familiar with the Freedom Fighters (or any character that wasn’t from the video games) nor had any attachment to them. It took me a while to warm up to them, but rest assured, I’m certainly not part of the fandom that is screaming to bring the Freedom Fighters back. However, I will admit that my favorite Freedom Fighters are Antoine D'Coolette and Bunnie "Rabbot" D'Coolette.
I also understand why people don’t like Geoffrey St. John. I don’t like him either.
Now, there are actually a few characters that left quite an impression on me, even managing to get on the list of my favorite Sonic characters (which, until now, consisted only of video game characters - Shadow the Hedgehog being on top). 
One of them is Scourge the Hedgehog.
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Upon his first introduction as Anti-Sonic, I wasn’t really impressed by him. At best, he was ‘meh’ and at worst, he was a nuisance. Then, Issue #160 came around and he went from ‘meh’ to AMAZING!! in zero seconds flat. He wasn’t just an evil version of Sonic, but he actually became a character of his own, with his own motivations and ambitions. He managed not only to stand on his own, but also stand out as one of Sonic’s greatest threats.
I also really liked his mini-arc in Sonic Universe and I had hoped that we would see more of him, but unfortunately, he won’t be seen ever again in any official media. It is shame to see such an interesting character go to waste.
Speaking of wasted potential, there is one more characters who had managed to make it to the list of my favorite characters.
Say ‘Hello’ to Shard the Metal Sonic.
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Honestly, while I liked him in his previous appearances, the moment he popped up in the Secret Freedom Fighters arc, I immediately went “I want to see more of Shard!”. He is such a fun character and I absolutely loved his interactions with the Secret Freedom Fighters, especially Silver (who is also my list). I believe that he could’ve been explored a lot more in depth, especially since his interactions with other characters show that he is insecure due to his past and robotic origins; which really made him more endearing to me.
Unfortunately, just as I started looking forward to him, he got killed off by an upgraded Metal Sonic, but even then, his last battle was quite epic. I really wanted to see more of his redemption quest and I enjoyed the idea of a heroic Metal Sonic, but that isn’t possible anymore. Rest in peace, Shard, you died a hero’s death.
Now, after having finished Worlds Collide, my plan is to start reading the Reboot Era and I’m really curious how the story is going to continue. Once I’m done with the Reboot, I’ll finally move on to IDW Sonic.
If you guys know any good fanwork/fanfic with Scourge (FYI, I know about Scourge Eternal Blackout) or Shard, please let me know.
EDIT:  My opinion of Sonic (Archie) Post-Reboot.
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9worldstales · 3 years
MCU The Avengers - How did the fandom came to believe Loki was tortured by Thanos? (aka when God, Saint Paul and Dante seem to say the same thing)
Everyone has probably heard how there are people who say that, after falling into the Void at the end of “Thor”, Loki was tortured by Thanos and then sent to Earth. Of course every time this story comes up there’s a debate because this is not explicitly shown and some say it’s just a theory (word of Dante), some say someone involved with the work said so (word of Saint Paul) and some says the creators, be it Marvel or Joss Whedon or another director/scriptwriter said so (word of God).
Well, the truth is a collective chat about the three.
But first...
Movies: “The Avengers” (2012), “Guardians of the Galaxy” (2014), “Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2″ (2017), “Avengers: Infinity War”
Series: “Loki” (2021)
Comics: None mentioned
Direct-to-video animated film: None mentioned
Motion comics: None mentioned
Books: “The art of The Avengers” (2012)
Novels: “Marvel Cinematic Universe Phase One: The Avengers” (2015)
Webs: The official Marvel web
Others: Interview: “‘Thor: The Dark World’: Tom Hiddleston on boom times for evildoers”, Interview: “Tom Hiddleston - live on stage Q&A: Popcorn Tax.i October 8, 2013, Event Cinemas George Street, Sydney”, Interview: “Tom Hiddleston THE AVENGERS Set Visit Interview”, Interview: “Joss Whedon told Comic-Con the question he doesn’t want us to ask ever again”, Interview: ‘Avengers: Infinity War’ director explains why a major death had to happen so early in the movie, Script: “The Avengers”, Interview: Secrets Revealed in Joss Whedon’s Avengers DVD Commentary
Let’s start with...
WORD OF DANTE (aka fancanons)
Undoubtedly fans noticed some suspicious things in Loki which has brought them to draw certain conclusions.
1) At the end of “Thor”, when he control Selvig, his face seems to be bruised, as if he had been beaten. It’s easy for fans to assume if he seems to be beaten maybe... well, he was?
2) When he arrives, in “The Avengers”, in some scenes he seems unsteady on his feet and in poor shape as if he’d been beaten and, in one scene, he seems unable to stand straight. Same as above, Loki will prove through the movie he’s very resistant. If something made him unsteady on his feet... well, this can mean someone beaten him.
3) The Other threatens him and keeps him under surveillance, as if he’s controlling him somehow, both during the movie and in a deleted scene, which seems to imply Loki is working under coercion more than willingly.
THE OTHER: You will have your war, Asgardian. If you fail, if the Tesseract is kept from us, there will be no realm, no barren moon, no crevice where he can’t find you. You think you know pain? He will make you long for something as sweet as pain. [The Avengers]
4) Some wondered if Loki could have ended up being possessed as well by the sceptre as the sceptre could control minds.
5) Some noticed how Loki’s eyes appear as blue in “The Avengers”, a characteristic of the possessed guys, while in “Thor” they seem to be green was a hint Loki was possessed, same as Selvig and Barton.
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6) Some wondered if Thanos might have tortured him to force him to cooperate as Thanos is known for having tortured people working under him. We saw him torturing Nebula in both “Avengers: Infinity War” and “Avengers: Endgame” and we also have those bits:
Gamora: He’s not my father. When Thanos took my home world, he killed my parents in front of me. He tortured me, turned me into a weapon. [Guardians of the Galaxy]
Nebula: You were the one who wanted to win. And I just wanted a sister! You were all I had. But you were the one who needed to win. Thanos pulled my eye from my head… and my brain from my skull… and my arm from my body… because of you. [Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2]
Gamora: All my life, I dreamed of a day... a moment when you would get what you deserved. And I was always so disappointed. But now... you kill and torture... and you call it mercy. The universe has judged you. You asked it for a prize, and it told you no. You failed. And do you wanna know why? Because you love nothing. No one. [Avengers: Infinity War]
7) Others assumed that, if Thanos didn’t do it personally, another of his children could have done it for him. We saw Ebony Maw torturing Stange in order to get the stone for Thanos.
Ebony Maw: You’ll only wish you were dead. [Avengers: Infinity War]
8) Since Thanos was willing to kill Rohan should he fail to bring back to him the orb, Thanos would have killed Loki if he hadn’t brought back the Tesseract so Loki was working for him under coercion.
Thanos: I shall honour our agreement, Kree. If you bring me the Orb. But return to me again empty-handed... ...and I will bathe the stairways in your blood. [Guardians of the Galaxy]
Ebony Maw: In all the time I’ve served Thanos, I’ve never failed him. If I were to reach our rendezvous on Titan with the Time Stone still attached to your vaguely irritating person, there would be... judgement. [Avengers: Infinity War]
9) Loki’s willing cooperation wasn’t needed if Thanos had the feeling Loki could do it. He had blackmailed Gamora into giving him the location of the soul stone and he had killed Tivan to get the reality stone.
World of Dante is, as usual, very charming but if not supported by anything else it can’t ascend to canon. This doesn’t mean it’s false unless Word of God ends up stating the opposite, but this doesn’t mean it’s true either. Just possible but unproved.
So is there someone else that’s a little stronger than fan theories?
WORD OF SAINT PAUL (aka what Tom Hiddleston says)
For start that he has blue eyes and, from the way he speak, apparently he was never made wear green eye contacts.
Loki is a sexy villain, but that’s not part of his ambition, is it? He doesn’t seem to be interested in love or sex but he has this sexuality about him, maybe it’s his lust for power. What do you think of Loki as a sexy beast? [Laughs] That’s the first time anyone has ever used that phrase about Loki. It’s fascinating isn’t it? I don’t know because it’s not a part of the conscious construction. I take relish in playing him. I think there’s a physical self-possession about him, a self-acceptance. Of course I’ve been very exacting about his physicality. You know, I was born with very blonde, curly hair, and a mixture of Scottish and English genes, and my complexion is very ruddy and healthy. In making him with this raven black hair and blanching my face of all colour, it changes my features. Suddenly my blue eyes look a lot bluer, which lends a severity to my face. And even my own smile has a distorted menace to it. Whatever comes through me naturally is distorted. It’s almost like a filter on a light. [‘Thor: The Dark World’: Tom Hiddleston on boom times for evildoers]
This disproves Fan theory point number 5. You might have noticed though that the theory about Loki being possessed by the sceptre is point 4. You’ll see later why I hadn’t placed those two points together.
And now let’s see what he has to say about what happened between “Thor” and “The Avengers.
In your opinion, what happen to Loki when he fell in to the void? Like, what did he experienced? HIDDLESTON: “You mean at the end of Thor?” “Yeah.” HIDDLESTON: “I think he went like with everything else to… Joss Whedon and I discussed it, to a sort of… hum… as… It was like the worst place imaginable. I think, he went to sort of all of the darkest recesses of the Universe, you know. I’m sure he had a brush with… with... with... several brushes with death. I think he ran into the shadiest characters you can find in the Nine Realms. I think he had to rely on his wits to protect himself. Hum… It was really, really, really unpleasant, I think. Umm… and all I have to, you know, I don’t have any frame of reference for that, really, except for imagining what it might be like to be… I don’t know, to be kidnapped by sort of a terrorist cell or something. And have to survive very very frightening and precarious existence. But whatever it was, it was important when Loki came back for the Avengers. Whatever compassion he had left, was absolutely kind a shrivelled to a minimum. Because of the experience he had. Harrowing, I think, and scarring for life. In a way that Odin and Thor, and Frigga find very, very difficult to understand. It’s a good question. Happy Birthday.” [Tom Hiddleston - live on stage Q&A: Popcorn Tax.i October 8, 2013, Event Cinemas George Street, Sydney]
How different is Loki in this film when compared to how he is in Thor? I think that he comes into his own power at the end of Thor. Is he just very angry and bitter in this film? HIDDLESTON: Well, what can I say here? I swear to you that in that building over there, there are sniper rifles. [laughs] I think that what was interesting about the journey of Loki in Thor is that he went from second string and damaged prints to being the God of mischief and God of evil. I think somewhere between the end of Thor and the beginning of The Avengers, Loki has been to the Marvel equivalent of the 7th circle of hell. At the end of Thor you see him let go. He lets go of the spear, he lets go of Asgard, and he lets go of the need of his brother and father’s affection and approval. He has bigger plans now. [Tom Hiddleston THE AVENGERS Set Visit Interview]
HIDDLESTON: “At the end of Thor, Loki lets go of that spear and falls into a wormhole,” Hiddleston said. “And the question in the audience’s mind, one hopes, is what happens to Loki in that moment? And in the time between the end of Thor and the beginning of The Avengers, Loki has explored the shadowy highways and byways of the universe – and he’s met some terrible, terrible people and probably has some awful experiences, which he has survived and overcome. So by the time he arrives in The Avengers, he knows the extents of his power – and he’s unafraid to use it. And more importantly, he’s unafraid to enjoy it.” [The Art of The Avengers]
There’s actually more but I think I’ll stop here.
Overall Tom Hiddleston seems to be a big supporter of something terrible happening to Loki, something equivalent to being ‘to the Marvel equivalent of the 7th circle of hell’* evidently at the hands of someone, the ‘shadiest characters you can find in the Nine Realms’, ‘some terrible, terrible people’.
Basically he says ‘I don’t have any frame of reference for that, really, except for imagining what it might be like to be… I don’t know, to be kidnapped by sort of a terrorist cell or something. And have to survive very very frightening and precarious existence.’
[*7th circle of hell: For who’s curious the 7th circle of hell in Dante Alighieri’s Divina Commedia is where are punished those who had committed violence against others and against themselves (suicides). Loki committed both sins. For Dante people who committed violence against people is immersed in a river of boiling blood with centaurs shooting arrows at those who try to escape while suicides are transformed into bushes and trees, gnarled and thorny, fed upon by the Harpies for all time. Likely that’s not what was done to him but anyway that’s not a nice place to be.]
Yes, Tom Hiddleston never said it was Thanos and his men who ‘kidnapped Loki and put him through the equivalent of the 7th circle of hell’. He’s very vague on this but we now Tom Hiddleston is careful not to give information which could constitute spoilers.
He also never mentions Loki being mind controlled as far as I know.
So we need an even higher source.
We need...
WORD OF GOD, or, in this case the WORD OF GODS, plural, because in the Marvel world there’s plenty of people who can claim authorship for the stories of those characters.
Whedon avoided speculating about his future plans, claiming he had too much on his plate to think about what will come next, but he did reveal that he’s bothered by a bit of unresolved backstory for Loki. At the end of Thor, Loki was emotional conflicted, but at the beginning of Avengers, he’s a demented villain, with no qualms about unleashing alien hell on Earth. Asked about how happened in between, Whedon said: “Well, I can’t tell you exactly what went on because it’s this dark, dark secret that I didn’t make up yet. But, the other day, I had trouble with that because he had this very passionate Shakespearean tragedy thing going on in Thor and then I needed a villain who’s not only capable, but ready and willing and anxious to take on all these heroes. For me, he just basically went on some horrible walkabout… That was pretty much as far as I got.” [Joss Whedon told Comic-Con the question he doesn’t want us to ask ever again]
God confirms what Tom Hiddleston said, Loki went through something terrible... but he had no idea what because he still had to work on it. He didn’t want to establish what. But, as I said, Marvel has plenty of Gods willing to talk.
After Loki fell in the wormhole... where did he fell?
Arriving at the Sanctuary through a wormhole caused by the Bifrost, Loki met the Other, ruler of the ancient race of extraterrestrials the Chitauri, and Thanos. Offering the God of Mischief dominion over his brother’s favorite realm Earth, Thanos requested the Tesseract in return. Gifted with a Sceptre that acted as a mind control device, Loki would be able to influence others. Unbeknownst to him, the Sceptre was also influencing him, fueling his hatred over his brother Thor and the inhabitants of Earth. [MARVERL official web]
So no, after falling into the wormhole Loki didn’t go on a touristic trip through the universe, met someone bad unrelated to Thanos, changed and then met up with Thanos.
He straight out ended up at the Sanctuary and met with the Other who worked for Thanos.
Yes, they don’t say he got tortured in this bit but they confirm the sceptre was influencing him, ‘fueling his hatred over his brother Thor and the inhabitants of Earth’.
There’s some more that comes from Joe Russo and Stephen McFeely.
If you’ve watched every movie in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, you shouldn’t have been too surprised Thanos killed Loki. His death has been a long time coming since 2012’s “Avengers.” You may not recall, but it was Loki’s job in “Avengers” to secure the Tesseract and deliver it to Thanos. Loki never made good on that promise. It was only a matter of time before Thanos came after him to collect. Co-director Joe Russo says Thanos ultimately murders Loki “for disobedience.” “Remember, he [Thanos] had a relationship with Loki, even if it was off-screen where he entrusted him with a duty in ‘Avengers 1’ and Loki failed,” pointed out “Infinity War” screenwriter Stephen McFeely. “He’s [Thanos] making him [Loki] pay,” added Joe Russo. “Thanos has a long memory,” McFeely concluded. [‘Avengers: Infinity War’ director explains why a major death had to happen so early in the movie]
And then... then there’s something that’s even above World of God.
So finally we have...
CANON, aka what the movies say, and they say the weirdest canon lines in this regard if I can say so.
Thanos: [Walks over and drops Loki’s body in front of Thor.] No resurrections this time. [Avengers: Infinity War]
Loki: Is that the only reason you brought us here? To kill us? I’ve lost track of the number of times I’ve been killed, so go ahead. Do your worst. [Loki Ep 4]
How all this translates? (aka Word of Dante comes back because God and Saint Paul are just too obscure and canon is no better)
If Loki after falling into the wormhole ended up straight to the Sanctuary, the ones who played the part of the terrorists and lead him to an experience similar to ending in the 7th circle of hell where he had many brushes with death where either Thanos or his men.
Do your pick if the Other took care of it personally, if Thanos did the job or if he let the pleasure to Ebony Maw and what they did to him, if they forced him to fight with others same as Gamora and Nebula where forced to do, with the loser also losing a body part or if they just beat him.
The fact that Loki, in the “Loki” series say he has been killed so many times he lost count and that Thanos in “Avengers: Infinity War” says there will be no resurrection this time seem to be connected.
That Loki as far as we know only attempted suicide by letting himself fall in a wormhole once, and Thanos couldn’t know Loki was given up for dead in Svartalfheim so the idea that Loki was killed many time and that Thanos know he had been resurrected should be connected.
How? That’s beyong my understanding as, as far as I know, no one in Thanos’ group has resurrecting powers. Can the mind stone do it? This would open up another theory.
As for the sceptre controlling him ‘fuelling his hatred over his brother Thor and the inhabitants of Earth’ what does that mean?
That he’s clearly not completely brainwashed as Selvig and Hawkeye.
So which is his level of brainwashing?
Very likely it’s at the same level as the one of the Avengers when they are in the same room and start arguing and the discussion degenerates to the point they seemed about to go at each other while the gem in the sceptre starts to glow, which is something both the script and the novelization reference...
[As the “team” argues, they don’t realize the BLUE GEM on Loki’s sceptre is glowing brightly.] [“The Avengers” Script]
None of them noticed when the gem set into Loki’s sceptre started to glow. [“Marvel Cinematic Universe Phase One: The Avengers”]
...and that the visual remark, turning the scene upside down as the gem is in full focus.
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The novelization describes them as arguing without even knowing exactly what they’re arguing about.
Tony and Cap squared off over an argument that they couldn’t remember starting. Tony was still mad about the last thing Cap had said to him... whatever it was. [“Marvel Cinematic Universe Phase One: The Avengers”]
We also see Bruce picking up the sceptre without realizing, something that’s referenced both by the script and the novel.
BANNER: You wanna know my secret, Agent Romanoff? You wanna know how I stay calm? [BLACK WIDOW and Fury have their hands down to grab their guns.] STEVE: Doctor Banner... put down the sceptre. [BANNER LOOKS DOWN AND IS SHOCKED TO SEE HE’S HOLDING LOKI’S SCEPTRE. The computer beeps. They all turn to it.] [“The Avengers” Script]
“Dr. Banner,” Cap said. “Put down the sceptre.” Bruce looked down. He hadn’t even known he’d picked it up. He looked back up and saw Natasha’s hand on her sidearm. Fury was also ready to draw. The others were drawing back from him as well. Even though he could see what was going on, the hostility in the air was still tick enough that Bruce didn’t know wherever he could back everyone down... or wherever he could back himself down. He could feel the tension rising inside him. He could feel the monster trying to get loose. [“Marvel Cinematic Universe Phase One: The Avengers”]
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The implication is that the sceptre is influencing them, pulling out their worst feelings and competitively and whatever which matches with what it did with Loki, it fuelled his hate.
It’s interesting how, when Loki arrives on Earth, the gem is glowing...
Also, the stranger held a kind of spear in his right hand. Set into its head, a gem glowed the same icy blue as the energy that had spilled from the Tesseract. [“Marvel Cinematic Universe Phase One: The Avengers”]
...and he also looks at the sceptre as if he hadn’t realized having it in his hand.
“Sir,” Fury called as armoured S.H.I.E.L.D. agents closed nearer, “Please put down the spear.” The man looked at the sceptre as if he had only just noticed he had it. Then, slowly, he looked back up at Fury, and a vicious smile spread across his face. [“Marvel Cinematic Universe Phase One: The Avengers”]
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It’s worth to mention though, in that scene in which the Avengers argue, none of the Avengers has his eyes turning blue, although they weren’t themselves any longer.
So, it’s possible this is the distinction, Clint and Selvig have completely lost their will and are subjugated to Loki’s will, and as a result they’ve the blue eyes, Loki and the Avengers instead only had their mind warped by increasing exponentially their negative feelings to the point they might have started losing focus of the situation and only operate on negative feelings... if that’s make sense. They’re still themselves but their perception is warped so they’re acting in a way that’s not normal for them.
On another note it seems that in Joss Whedon’s Avengers DVD Commentary he said that
Hawkeye’s blue “possessed eyes” were added in post very late in the game, to make it more obvious that he and Eric Selvig were under Loki’s influence. [Secrets Revealed in Joss Whedon’s Avengers DVD Commentary]
This means that originally they weren’t meant to turn blue.
In the novel there’s no mention of it, in the script they’re described just as glowing black and then nothing more.
LOKI: You have heart. [Loki places the tip of the spear against Barton’s chest. Barton’s eye glow black, and he stops resisting. Loki begins controlling other agents around the room. Fury sneak up, grabs the Tesseract, and places it in a briefcase, trying to sneak out.] [“The Avengers” Script]
In the movie instead they turn all black for a moment and then settle on blue.
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It’s an unnatural blue though, where Loki’s normal.
But again, this too is a fan explanation. A fan explanation based on canon, but still a fan explanation since God didn’t bother to explain further and at this point I’m afraid he’s not even interested in explaining it since the “Loki” series could have dug on this and instead expressed 0 interest in digging into the past movies.
Sometimes we’ve just to accept that fan theories are all we have and that we can like or dislike them.
And that’s all. Thank you to who remained till the end of this long post!
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kimkitsuragi · 3 years
Final Cut News!
All right, so, by now most people are probably aware that we got a glut of new information about Disco Elysium: The Final Cut yesterday. However, so much content from so many sources can be a bit overwhelming, so I’m making a roundup of links to all the new articles, art, music, and videos I can find, highlighting the details that I personally find interesting.
(under a read more because this will be quite a long post!)
To start with, new official art of Harry and Kim has been released! This art was created by Anton Vill, who did the art for the in-game Thought Cabinet.
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ZA/UM's Head of Publishing, Mikk Metsniit, also posted art of Martinaise in the official Disco Elysium Discord. This art has been shared in lower quality before as part of a promotional image for the collector’s edition of Disco Elysium, which will include it as an “illustrated fabric map”. The file Metsniit posted is named “Martinaise Revitalization ‘48.″ In-universe, a design studio previously made an attempt to restore Martinaise to its pre-war state, but ultimately failed. This piece appears to show the planned development of Martinaise--except it’s being swallowed up by the Pale. Fun!
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Along with the first piece of art come two new songs by British Sea Power, which will be featured in the final cut:
Advesperascit, named after the city in Vesper-Messina where Dolores Dei was crowned Innocence in-universe. Apparently the name is Latin and roughly translates to “evening comes”
Ignus Nilsen Waltz, named after a prominent communist figure in-universe.
I think these songs will likely be tied to the new political vision quests, which are four new questlines that are each associated with one of the game’s four political ideologies. More information about them, along with other details, can be found in the following articles and videos:
Disco Elysium - The Final Cut Is Like Going From A Black-And-White Movie To Color, article from GameSpot’s Phil Hornshaw. In this article, voice over director Jim Ashilevi talks about adding full voice acting to the game and says that The Final Cut will feature 59 voice actors from countries around the world, chosen to reflect the backgrounds of Revachol’s diverse inhabitants. Lead artist Kaspar Tamsalu speaks about the political vision quests, saying that they will allow the player to meet new characters, learn more about the existing ones, and dive deeper into the politics, secrets, and history of Elysium. Tamsalu also says that The Final Cut will add the ability to fast travel and include Twitch integration, allowing stream viewers to vote on streamers’ decisions and even influence the build of the protagonist.
Biggest Changes In Disco Elysium - The Final Cut, video from GameSpot’s Phil Hornshaw, accompanies the above article. This is a fairly short overview of The Final Cut’s new features as detailed in GameSpot’s article. It includes samples of new voice acting, clips of new animations from the end of the game involving the protagonist and his coworkers (1:47, 2:05), a scene showing a new area added by one of the political vision quests (1:57), and a particularly funny voiced line from Kim (3:22)
‘Disco Elysium: The Final Cut’ comes out March 30. Here’s what’s new.  Article from The Washington Post’s Elise Favis. Includes more details about the political vision quests. According to developer Kaspar Tamsalu, these quests may be started after one in-game day, and are mutually exclusive so that only one may be completed in each playthrough. Jim Ashilevi talks more about the challenge of recording all of the game’s dialogue--more than one million words in total--without outsourcing the work to other studios. Ashilevi also says that he sees ZA/UM as an “art collective”, and “compares his team to the Wu-Tang Clan, in that each person has other creative endeavors, both personal and professional, outside of creating video games.”
Disco Elysium: The Final Cut even gives your horrific necktie a voice. Very brief article from PCGamer’s Fraser Brown. Not much new information in this article, but there is one interesting tidbit: apparently the Horrific Necktie’s voice will be provided by Mikee Goodman, who is one of the game’s voice over directors. Goodman also provides the voices of the Ancient Reptilian Brain, the Limbic System, and several other characters.
Disco Elysium is getting even more political, a long article from PC Gamer’s Fraser Brown. Lead writer Helen Hindpere talks more about the political vision quests, which she says ZA/UM was inspired to add based on fans’ enthusiastic reception of the game’s existing political themes. Hindpere says that the new quests can change the game’s map itself, allowing the protagonist to leave his own mark on the district of Martinaise. The quests will also allow for deeper and more serious exploration of the protagonist’s political views, which were often taken to humorous extremes in the original game. Each quest is different, with some being more wordy and some more visual. The Ultraliberal quest will allow the player to “build a personal brand”, while the communist quest “inspires you to begin a movement”. One quest also adds a new urban location to the game, which Hindpere says reminds her of Berlin. The quests don’t just revolve around a single topic, though; according to Hindpere, "You'll be talking about love, sexuality, hope, ambition, and even about certain geological features specific to our worldbuilding. There's an opportunity to get close and intimate with characters who have thus far seemed unapproachable. Let's say that once you share the same ideology many barriers disappear, allowing you see a different side of many important characters." There will also be a significant amount of new dialogue with Kim Kitsuragi related to these quests.
Disco Elysium PS5 Gameplay - 5 Things You Need To Know, fairly long video from PlayStation Access’ Ash Millman. This video provides some basic information about the game’s premise for new players and shows what the game will look like on PlayStation 5, with a user interface redesigned for the console. The video also includes clips throughout that show some new content, presumably from the political vision quests. Three of these clips seems to be connected: in the first of them, wires are shown that run from the battery of the protagonist’s crashed car to radio equipment set up on and around the statue in the center of Martinaise; in the second, Soona, the radiocomputer programmer from the church questline, can been seen climbing the statue itself to set up some more equipment; and in the third, Soona, Harry, and Kim stand near the modified statue, talking about attempting to contact the flying warship Archer via radio. There are also two other clips: in one, the statue has been splashed with multicolored paints, while in the other the protagonist is seen talking to Idiot Doom Spiral, a local drunk, about hiring him for an unspecified job. Millman also talks about the three different settings that will be available for the game’s voice over: “Classic Mode” will play the same as the original game, with only a few lines voiced, while “Psychological Mode” will provide voice acting for all characters except the protagonist’s internal monologue and skills. The last option, “Fully Voiced Mode” is, well, exactly what it sounds like. There’s also a brief clip that provides a sample of the Horrific Necktie’s new voice (1:26).
DISCO ELYSIUM - The Final Cut (Cuno Voice Example), YouTube video shared by developer Mikk Metsniit. Video is age-restricted. This video includes new voice samples for Cuno, a few of the skills, and Kim. Due to COVID-19, Cuno’s original voice actor, Dot Major, was unable to return, so Cuno is now voiced by Oli Dabiri. Lenval Brown, the narrator of the English language trailers, acts as the game’s general narrator and voice of all 24 skills. Jullian Champenois remains as Kim.
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frostysfrenzy · 3 years
Smallville chronicles part 62 (Chloe's chronicles pun very much intended. But no I've never seen them) warning, there's a lot going on. Fortune. You get me. Carry on
Oh boy its lionel
"Rumours of my death have been greatly exaggerated" LIONEL YOU LITERALLY DIED 3 YEARS AGO YOU WERE SHOVED OFF A ROOF YOU FOOL
"What. No hug for your long lost daddy" I'll give E2 Lionel one thing. He amuses
The way Chloe is just laying on top of, admiring Oliver as he sleeps. I used to not like her all that much (way back in like season 1 and 2) now I want what she's got
Did I really just say that? Oh boy I've officially lost it
Also love that they've set up their bed in the middle of watchtower
Wait so uh, watchtower was bought by Jimmy. Lol this isn't weird at all
I'm going to stop because you know. I'm insane
I could take quotes from this Chloe Ollie bed scene but I'd be quoting the entire damn thing so I'll just leave it
Go mama K!!
Mama K??
Martha really just ripped off her sling
Chloe considers Martha as her mom!!
Oliver's non green arrow undercover outfit
Lois trying to make sure her muffins get noticed
"Lois. Don't worry. I've been impressed with you for years"
"That is so low rent and so rebel"
"Well what father doesnt want to make his son happy" he says after Lex tells him killing him was the greatest moment of his life
Chloe's outfit 😂
"That explains the smell of old spice and young ambition"
"I just need you to hack into a couple national news websites" "how many?" "All of them"
"You're a convicted felon" oh but so are you Lionel
"Well snow dad's been a little frosty lately right? Maybe we should figure out a different way to get that genie back in the bottle"
Mama K defending her son!!
"How can you be so good Clark?"
The way Clark whipped Lionel across the ground after pulling him from the mansion
The Luthor mansion burning to the ground was not something I expected to see ever
Lois and Chloe taking their stand against the vra!!!
"You have no idea how much you mean to people Clark Kent" my heart!!
"I saw me, I mean Clark Kent, disguised with glasses and a bad haircut"
Mama bear Tess!
Ok well.... that's peachy
"Look Clark. I want to plan this wedding as much as I wanna jump off of a building"
"Please tell me you didn't hop across the pond for a gallon of milk" "what makes you think I'd be in England?" Clark you're standing on Big Ben
"That better be some damn good milk Smallville" "Smallville. I must be in trouble"
"I think Oliver Queen would be an absolute fool to let someone like you get away" there is not a single Chlollie scene I don't enjoy
"I feel like I can't believe you did this to my jacket" I mean yeah it's terrible but it's somehow better
"You are going global now, which is awesome quite frankly"
"Why don't I just save you the trouble and superspeed out all on my own, ok. Whoosh"
"A phone call from your wife, Mr Jones"
*trying to keep it together* "hello dear"
"It's an adrenaline thing. See I'm little bit bigger than you"
Ok that whole Clark's telescopic visions with his eyes changing. Why are we just getting this now?
"You know, when I said I wanted to spoon earlier, this isn't really what I had in mind"
"This is definitely the most romantic of my recent kidnappings"
"Yeah he's right, we should probably introduce ourselves" *takes them all out**Chloe knocks dude out with a book*
That kiss after they kicked ass
"The last thing we want is a billionaire superhero ex fugitive kicking down the door of a sex club"
My ninja baby Oliver
"Don't leave goldilocks out in the cold"
"Should we just serve up charcoal too"
"It's my power I can call it whatever I want"
"Now stay put" "like hell" come on Clark you should've known there was no chance Ollie would
"You just have to act like you're re miserable" "that shouldn't be a problem"
"When they see this adorable blond, and you are, on this adorable blond's arm" I love Ollie calling himself an adorable blond. I mean, he's not wrong
NO OLLIE NOOOOO why did he have to get tagged
Ok I've arrived at what I've heard is one of the best eps of the series so I'm excited. But still scared for Ollie
I nearly pissed myself when Clark woke up with a lemur on him
He has a ring on 😂😂 Chloe?? I'm crying laughing already
*throws chip bag in closet for lemur*
What is Chloe's dress?
"Yeah well my memory etch a sketch is blank too"
Chloe just goes in public in this weird ass wedding dress
"Are those Emil's pants?"
"Holy matrimony that's my signature"
Clark runs into the wall
"Well Emil always was an overachiever"
Emil and Tess duet 😂😂
"I'm looking for the girl I came in here with last night. She probably insulted you more than once"
"Clarkie, there's only one person I know that can make an armored car go adios in seconds" drunk Tess 😂
Oliver and Lois are just casually on a rail bed
Ollie's face hugging Lo 😂😂
His face when he comes to is even better
"Morning. Sorry" I'm still crying
Oliver's giggle when he sees his outfit
I may not get through anymore eps tonight because I'm taking 20 minutes per scene here
"Clark you're beeping"
The truck is in the barn 😂😂😂
"I hate to break it to you but the last thing I want to go around with for the rest of my life is a lie propagated by my ex boyfriend" "oh"
"There's something stuck in my bra" "that's not my territory anymore"
"I can't believe in my first drunken night out I lose Lois, commit a felony, and I land my friend in jail. I'm so reckless"
Why is Chloe still in that dress?
"My lucky lemur"
Huge siren flashbacks with Lois and Ollie tied up
"One, two, shuffle"
"I didn't exactly bring my green arrow gear to the bachelor party"
"Lois? Oliver?" The dance scene 😂😂
The casino fight this is beautiful
"The only one getting luckier tonight is yours truly" *knocks him out* who needs green arrow when you have plain old Oliver Queen
I just noticed Ollie lost the bra
"Way to go all in gorgeous" "back at ya hot stuff" I love Chlollie
"I found it in a puddle of champagne in the limo"
THE VIDEO 😂😂😂😂 I'm not going to bother quoting the whole thing
"A monkey?!" Chlo it's a lemur
"I hope you weren't gonna run off without your husband"
Now I have to endure some Ollie free eps and that's sad but here goes
"Tess. You didn't have to come all the way out here. There's caffeine givers in metropolis"
"he's outside in the car"
They made a child with Lex AND Clark's dna? This can only go one way
"I'm saving him from an encore performance of daddy dearest"
"Your son is dead Lionel" have I ever mentioned I love Tess?
"Mutation's a bitch"
"Are you like my dad?" "I prefer brother"
"Are you trying to tell me that Conner is the genetic lovechild of Clark Kent and Lex Luthor?" I hate that I laughed at that sentence
"But how is Lex able to shake up a human krypto cocktail without you realizing it?"
"Hold on chicken little"
Lois is pretty. That is all
Clark just standing there in a burnt shirt
It's like Kara all over again
"I was just stopping by to see how things are going but it looks like I should've brought marshmallows"
Well oops the child found out
Just when I was starting to like this kid
Oh good lord the kid is on red k this'll be fun
"Believe me I'll trade a little motion sickness for a bullet in the bonnet any day"
Lol Connor ok. This kid just grabbed a jacket and a necklace for Lois for
*Lois tosses stolen necklace back to police* "sorry"
"You destroyed Lex with your secrets and lies" Bull. Shit.
That fur coat is a look Lo
"I'll speed you away to Paris"
"It may bring out his inner angst a little but it doesn't turn him into this"
Clark busting the ring
Damnit Lionel
How does everyone but Clark bust kryptonite with their heat vision
Ok I did not miss the classical music in every Lionel scene
"You'll always be a Luthor" oh but she won't
"I hope it's not too presumptuous but I figured you needed a last name"
"I'm sure that when we have kids of our own, you will be an amazing father" damn right he will
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