#sasusaku fanfic oneshot
thelatina367 · 1 year
Scared To Live
They walked in silence until they finally reached her apartment. Sakura had cooled off during their walk and was much more relaxed by the time they reached her door. She turned to face Sasuke and looked up at him, despite her being in heels, she was still considerably shorter than him.

"Thank you, for walking me home." Sakura spoke softly, looking into his onyx eyes. Sasuke was expressionless as he looked back into pools of emerald. Her eyes shimmered beautifully under the moonlight, her pale skin was illuminated.

"Hn." Sasuke replied. He turned to walk away from the pinkette when she suddenly grabbed his forearm with her delicate hand.

Sakura had grabbed him before her brain could even process what she was doing. Sasuke's skin felt cool under her fingertips. He felt so strong, hardened to the world. She felt her stomach start to churn but the Uchiha didn't pull away, he allowed her to touch him.

"Wait," Sakura said, bringing Sasuke's attention back to her. He faced her once again and looked down at her, expectantly. A small blush crept to Sakura's cheeks under his intense gaze. Her eyes glistened up at him as she bit down on her full bottom lip. She looked beautiful.

"I just..." Sakura trailed off. She broke eye contact, feeling tense under his fierce gaze. Sakura looked down to where she was still holding onto Sasuke's arm. She loosened her grip but didn't let him go. "I just wanted to say, I'm glad you're back."

Sakura looked back into his dark eyes, her blush deepening. She didn't expect Sasuke to say anything, she just wanted to let him know how she felt, so when Sasuke took a step towards her, her heart began to race. He stood close to her, their bodies just a breath away from touching.

The pinkette internally panicked as Sasuke loomed over her. Her eyes widened at his actions and her cheeks burned with a blush. He finally moved his arm from under her grip as he brought his hand to brush against Sakura's silky pink locks. Sasuke allowed his hand to brush against her jawline and cup her cheek. With a calloused thumb, he stroked her smooth skin.

Sasuke began to slowly lean down towards Sakura's face. Her heart pounded through her chest and she desperately tried to control her breathing as the Uchiha inched closer. Suddenly, he leaned into her ear.

"I am too." Sasuke whispered. He pulled away from Sakura and glanced over her flustered face. He smirked at her and stepped away, his hand leaving the warmth of her skin. "Goodnight, Sakura."

With that, Sasuke left into the night, leaving Sakura very confused as to what had just happened.
Smut Warning!
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laniuchiha7 · 2 years
Moving On...?
Pink locks and green apple eyes torment his mind at all hours of the day, when all he wants is to wipe them from his memory. And yet it seems the more Sasuke tries to forget about her, the more he can’t bring himself to.
It’s been three weeks since he returned from his journey of atonement, and in that time frame Sasuke came to wish he hadn’t returned at all. 
Immediately passing through the village gates Sasuke makes his way to the hospital knowing Sakura would be there. Having sensed her chakra he’s able to deduce where her office was and knocks on her window. Sakura was the first person he wanted to see, and when she lifts the glass for him to enter Sasuke is greeted with an excited smile and a joyus “Welcome back, Sasuke-kun!”
However, his elation would be short lived when a man whom Sasuke does not recognize, with floppy brown hair and dark eyes, knocks on her open door to announce his arrival while he and Sakura are catching up.
“Sakura,” he says, looking between the two of them. “Are we still on for lunch?”
“Is it that time already?” she briefly glances at the clock on the wall. “I suppose it is. Keita, this is my good friend Sasuke-kun. Sasuke-kun, this is Keita, my…um…well we’ve been going out lately,” Sakura confesses without looking Sasuke in the eyes. 
Sakura is dating someone? 
Part of him feels as though he should respect that she’s choosing to put her own desires first, but the other part is hurt, angry even. Did she not understand what he meant by poking her forehead back when he left? He’s finally willing to open up and return her affection, and she chooses to find comfort in someone else? Just who is this man anyway? And why did she never mention him in any of her letters??
She stands up, “Anyway, we have plans for lunch,” she tells Sasuke. “Do you want to join us? I would love it if you two could –”
“Actually,” Sasuke interrupts and stands as well. “I should let Kakashi know I’m back.”
“Oh, then I guess I’ll see you around?” she asks. 
“Hn,” he grunts. Sasuke honestly just needs to get out of that room, away from her and this newcomer so he can process what’s happening, ensure he didn’t get caught in some weird genjutsu. Walking through her office door, he passes by Keita, glancing at the man who’s roughly a few inches shorter than himself. He offers a nice smile to Sasuke, but the Uchiha doesn’t return the gesture as he continues to walk past him and down the hallway.
After meeting with Kakashi and cornering Naruto later that day, Sasuke learns that Sakura and Keita have been casually seeing each other for about a month, not long after she sent her last letter, and were set up by Ino. Of course Ino would have a hand in this, granted he knows she was only being a good friend to Sakura but that fact didn’t ease his crumbling heart. If only he had returned a few weeks sooner or sent any of those damn letters which now feel heavy in his pouch.
In the beginning Sasuke tried to act as if he’s unbothered by the knowledge Sakura is dating someone who isn’t him, going to the Team 7 reunion, training with her and Naruto, but the truth of the matter is that it does bother him. Everytime he looks at her, thinks about her, it feels as though his heart is shattering. Sakura is the only one he’s ever wanted to be with, to be by his side, and now that’s not an option.
The following days Sasuke did his best to avoid Sakura, keeping their meetings and conversations short, but he can see the hurt in her eyes when he suddenly announces his departure, declines invites to hang out, and doesn’t return her greetings. 
He should have known better, he thinks, than to assume she’d wait until the end of time for him to get his shit together. It’s unfair to her, truly, to waste her youth on someone like him. Sakura deserves to have a partner who will make her happy, never make her cry or hurt her like he has. He needs to stop being selfish and consider what would be best for her.
Naruto invites Sasuke to train on grounds 3 on a Saturday evening, but he’s not into it today and the dobe can tell. “I can’t handle this anymore,” Naruto tells him. “You need to talk to her.”
“And say what?” Why didn’t you wait for me? I thought you would always love me, and I’m sorry I took that for granted. “Sakura has already moved on.”
“Listen, I think it’s more complicated than that,” Naruto sighs. “You have to understand that Sakura-chan hadn’t heard from you in over two years and didn’t know when you’d be returning. None of us did, Teme. Just be honest with her, tell her how you feel.”
“I can’t,” Sasuke shakes his head. “If she would rather be with someone else, then who am I to intervene?”
“Do you love her?” The dobe questions.
He glances at the ground with lips pulled into a frown, unable to answer, but it’s obvious isn't it? Otherwise Sasuke wouldn’t be avoiding her this adamantly. He loves her, been in love with her for longer than he’s willing to admit, that’s why this hurts so much for him. And yet despite all of it, he’d still do anything for her.
“Teme!” Sasuke looks up at the blonde only for a fist to connect with his face, catching him off guard.
“What the fuck!?” The Uchiha seethes, ready to retaliate. 
Naruto shakes out his hand. “Shit, you’ve got a hard face!” he quips. “I think I might’ve broken your nose. You should get Sakura-chan to fix you up, she should still be at her apartment.”
“And what about you?” Sasuke asks, wiping the blood dripping from his nostrils. “Your hand looks bruised.”
“Yeah but I got Kurama, and unless you want to wait at the hospital I suggest you pay a visit to our very own medic.” Naruto exits the training grounds with a smirk, leaving his friend behind. In his mind Sasuke knows Naruto is right, he needs to talk to Sakura and clear the air between them. His feet start moving on their own, in the direction of her apartment.
Knocking a few times he flares his chakra to let her know it’s him, and hears a bit of shuffling from the otherside. The lock clicks and the door swings open, revealing the pink haired kunoichi staring at him with disbelief. She’s wearing a red long sleeve, off the shoulder top which stops just above her belly button and tight black pants, her hair is curled at the ends and make up is kept light and looks almost natural. She looks beautiful, and he would consider saying so if his breath wasn’t caught in his throat. But then realization hits him, she’s going on a date tonight.
“Sasuke-kun! What happened?!” she pulls him, lending him down the hall.
“Was training with the dobe,” he tells her.
“Ugh, you two always have to take it too far,” Sakura sits him down on her couch with her taking a seat on the coffee table in front of him. “If you look like this, do I even want to know how Naruto is?” She places her palms on his cheeks, leaning forward to examine the damage.
“He’s fine. A little bruised, but he made it out mostly unscathed.”
“Well your nose is definitely broken. It’ll only take a few minutes for me to heal,” pressing one hand delicately on the bridge, a light green glow begins to emit. “You might feel a bit of pressure.”
She’s so close that he can smell her strawberry perfume, finding the smell almost intoxicating. His eyes gaze into the jade he’s missed so much, watching her as she fixes him up. He’s an idiot, he believes, and needs to talk to her, apologize for avoiding her and clear his conscience, then no matter what her answer is he’ll accept it.
Sakura moves her hand away once she’s finished, “There. All done,” with the other still on his cheek, and Sasuke finds himself leaning into her touch. His eyes lower to her soft looking lips, wondering how they would feel pressed against his own, and it’s not until he hears her breath hitch does he realize he’s inching closer, stopping once their noses touch. “S-Sasuke-kun?” she whispers, his heart beating loudly in his ears that he almost doesn’t hear her. 
Almost like she snaps out of her daze, Sakura pulls back, a rose tinted blush visible across her face, and stands. “I need to head out,” she says. “I have a date with Keita and I’ll be late if I don’t leave soon. I’ll walk you to the door.” Stepping away, she stops when his hand wraps around her wrist.
“Can we talk, please?” Sasuke quietly asks, looking up at her.
“I’m sorry, but I really need to go. Some other time?” Sakura pulls away from him and stands by the hallways leading to the door. “It was really nice to see you again though, we should get together sometime and –”
“Why didn’t you wait for me?” he blurts out. 
Head tilting slightly to the side, she seems taken aback. “What?”
“Why didn’t you wait for me to come back?” Sasuke repeats himself. He stands up and takes a few steps towards her. “I just – I thought –”
“You thought what?” her tone is sharp, borderline insulted. “That I would wait around forever?” Sakura raises her brows and scoffs. “Sasuke-kun, I know your journey was important to you and I respect your decision to travel alone, but was it so hard to respond to even one of my letters? For over two years I waited for you to walk through the village gates again. For all I knew, you could have found someone else and I would’ve never known. 
“So when Ino mentioned she knew someone who was interested in me and offered to set us up, I agreed, figuring it’s about time I finally let myself move on. That I at least tried. And guess what? I like Keita; he’s nice, respectful, and treats me well.” Sakura looks up at the clock on the wall. “I seriously need to go. Maybe now that you’ve decided to stop avoiding me, we can finish this conversation later,” she turns to walk down the hall, but halts at his next words.
“I came back for you,” Sasuke interjects, needing to get the words out in the open. “I came back to be with you. I never responded to your letters because when I tried, all I could write about was how I saw you in every little thing, and it was so overwhelming I didn’t know what to do. Trust me when I say I’ve never wanted to be with anyone who isn’t you and I never will.”
From where he stands Sasuke sees Sakura bring a hand up to her face, tremors running through her body, and hears small sniffles. She’s crying, the last thing he’s ever wanted to make her do again. “Sakura, I – I’m sorry,” he says in earnest.
“You need to leave,” she tells him and this time he does without hesitation. 
He should’ve never listened to Naruto, Sasuke thinks laying in his bed and staring up at the ceiling two hours after leaving Sakura’s apartment. He should’ve kept bottling his feelings because now he’s made his situation with Sakura even worse. Perhaps he should’ve never returned, let her believe he moved on so she could’ve done the same, like she was trying to do. Maybe he should leave again, he considers, since he seems to be so good at it. Even if he never stops caring for Sakura, if he leaves the village then he’ll never have to hurt her again. She would probably be glad to see him go this time.
There’s a few knocks on his door, making him groan and roll his eyes at the thought of it being Naruto. Who else could it be at this hour? The hard taps persists, forcing him to get up with the intent of telling the dobe to fuck off because he’s in no mood to entertain him. However when he gets closer to the door the chakra signature on the other side isn’t Naruto, but someone he never expected to visit him especially after what transpired earlier.
Opening the door Sasuke finds the pink haired woman standing there, puffy eyes and still wearing the outfit from before, hating himself for still thinking she looks ethereal, and causing him to wonder if she came straight here after her date ended. He opens his mouth to ask why she’s here but Sakura brushes past, the sound of her heels clack against the floor, and walks into the main room of his place.
“I don’t know who you fucking think you are to just show up at my doorstep after weeks of ignoring me, knowing I wouldn’t turn you away because you were injured, and just drop all of that on me out of no where,” she starts chastising and swivels to face him, crossing her arms. Sasuke stops a few feet away from her, wanting to apologize for everything but lets her keep going uninterrupted. “I honestly believed I could finally move on. I thought I could grow to love Keita as much as I do you,” her voice begins to waver, losing the edge from earlier.
Sasuke feels guilty knowing once again he’s made her upset, but also catches the tense she’s using. “...you thought?”
“I ended things with him tonight,” she confesses. “I didn’t think it was fair to keep seeing him when I’m still in love with you. At least he seemed understanding.” Sasuke’s eyes widen, heart swelling at the knowledge she feels the same. Yet Sakura looks the opposite, dejected that after all this time she can’t move on from him. “Pathetic aren’t I?” she says bitterly, shaking her head. “Ino is going to give me an earful when she hears about this.” Tears start rolling down her face, Sakura bites her bottom lip and glances away.
Sasuke’s body instinctively moves on its own, wrapping his arm around Sakura and pulling her into his chest, his hand rubs small circles between her shoulder blades trying to bring some comfort. “You’re not,” he whispers into the crown of her hair. “You’re anything but pathetic.” 
Hearing a muffled “annoying”, he narrows his eyes and looks at her. 
Jade irises meet onyx and amethyst, Sakura repeats herself more clearly, enunciating each word. “I said, ‘you are so annoying’.” She grasps his shirt and pulls him down, their lips crashing together. Once getting over the initial shock, Sasuke closes his eyes with his hand moving down to the small of her back feeling her smooth skin against his calloused fingers, and angles his head to deepen their kiss. 
And over all too soon when she pulls away, letting go of his shirt to rest her hands on shoulders. Sasuke opens his eyes and it met with her flushed cheeks, as he assumes his are too, their panting breaths intermingling together in the aftermath. Pressing his forehead against hers, Sasuke kisses Sakura one, two more times before telling himself to be patient.
“I should probably go home,” Sakura breaks their silence. “I have work in the morning.” He nods in agreement, but doesn’t want her to leave just yet. He has lost time to make up for.
“Let’s go on a trip together, just you and me,” he says.
“Huh?” she pulls back to look at him fully. “What brought this on?”
Sasuke shrugs. “You used to talk about wanting to see the world, let me show you.”
“That was when we first became genin. You remember that?” she says with astonishment, and he nods.
“I didn’t act like it, but I was always paying attention to you,” Sasuke tells her.
“I-I don’t know what to say,” she’s blushing a little harder, and he can’t help but fall a little more for her. “I’ll have to talk to Tsunade-shisho and Kakashi-sensei about getting the time off.”
“You focus on Tsunade and I can talk to Kakashi.”
“Alright then,” Sakura smiles, a genuine one reaching her eyes that he hasn’t seen since he first came back to the village. She wraps her arms around him. “I missed you, Sasuke-kun.”
“Ah,” his lips curve up. I missed you too.
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sasukesakura7 · 2 years
Sasusaku on first date (oneshot)
They were both walking towards the park, watching the sun shutting down across the beautiful blue sky. The village was quiet, however you could hear the birds chirping in the trees. Sakura was too shy to look over at Sasuke and he was to uncomfortable with the situation to look over at her.They knew this was a date but both felt like two strangers seeing each other for the first time. Sasuke still couldn’t believe he asked her out. After everything that happened he knew he had no chance with her. The wound in his soul would never heal from the fact that he once wanted to kill his now love of his life. Of course he would never dare to admit it but it was the tiny things that he let out with no hesitancy. For instance when she overworks herself at the hospital, he would follow her home so she won’t pass out; or when people start starring at her beauty, he would walk in front of her functioning as a shield and sends death glares, already marking his territory; or even when he would catch himself starring at her spacing out and feeling only lust and desire. And the list could go on and on. Sasuke knew he doesn’t deserve her friendship let alone another more intimate type of relationship. He didn’t even know why he tried it gave her hope. But he couldn’t resist her, not anymore.
„I hope you‘re okay with us doing this“ he finally had the courage to ask even though on the outside he still looked like the tough iced cold handsome man every woman has ever seen in her life.
„Why wouldn’t I?“ she said finally looking him into his eyes. Both of them freezing for a moment because of the intensity of their eye contact. Somehow this was their thing since the genin days. Their eye to eye connection more powerful than any other words one can think of.
Sasuke broke the starring and walked further. He didn’t know how to explain it to her. Sakura soon followed and as soon as she reached him, she touched his arm just for him to stop and turn around to her. The eye to eye contact again. She was a few good inches smaller than him. His shadow and his dark aura almost swallowing her. She liked his masculine side but she knew right now it was only a cover. She knew he tried to show her his feelings, his concerns. His face looked almost angry and she knew he was dealing with his demons from the past. He just didn’t know how much she loved him. A crush from the childhood flourished into these strong feelings called love and she never imagined anybody else in her romantic life but him. The tragic events in the past were something to deal with indeed however the only person that understood his darkness besides Naruto was her. She could‘t blame him not when he was the victim that got raped of a bright future in the village along his teammates. All she ever wanted was for him to come back and be happy and she knew she could make him happy, the same way he could make her happy. So, she touched his face with her soft fingers and examined his face: strong beautiful features, lips to die for and eyes to fall into very deeply. He looked so good so she had to come closer. At this moment she got overwhelmed by his strong scent. It was so sexy that she could just smell him and fall into a trance or even a dream that she would hope not to wake up from ever again. From his point of view her as well smelled like heaven; like an angle ready to hold him at night and so he could finally have a good sleep without his nightmares. Her pretty eyes just swallowed him whole. He could spend the rest of his life just starring at her eyes. Her juicy lips and her feminine body made him hot. He felt the heat as did she when her hand fell from his face to his chest, coming closer that their faces were only inches apart. Before she decided to kiss him and be in action, he placed his one palm behind hear neck and one arm wrapping around her waist only to violently pulling her closer than ever and kiss her passionately. The kiss lasted a couple of seconds before Sasuke broke the kiss instantly fearing of being too brutal to her.
„I‘m sorry I didn’t mean to…“ he started to explain but got interrupted by Sakura pulling him close and starting kissing him again. After a few seconds she broke the kiss just to look him in the eyes and say:
„I want you, Sasuke. All of you. I don’t care what happened in the past because it’s history. You came back to your old self, you came back to me. And I don’t want to waste any more time because I feel the sensual tension between us. I feel the connection and the mutual desire.You are holding back because of your past actions and I don’t want you to anymore. So please tell me now because I need to know: Are you in or out ? „
Sasuke took a moment to decide now and forever but it didn’t take him long until his love for her conquered his fear. At least he said:
„I‘m forever in“
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artfullypoetic · 2 years
Because You Exist
Summary: She was finally mature enough to grasp the gravity of her family history. But twenty, Sarada thought, was still too young to bury your mother.
Disclaimer: I do not own nor did I create Naruto. This was created solely for entertainment purposes. [Angsty SasuSakuSara One-Shot]
Rating: T
FF.net Link | AO3 Link - Reviews are greatly appreciated!
Papa’s first nightmare without Mama left Sarada speechless and unable to move out of fear. Her feet were frozen in place as she peeked through the cracks of the bedroom her parents once shared. On the bed, she could see Papa’s form, thrashing wildly beneath the covers. For a second, she wished she could close her eyes and open them to find Mama there, comforting him in the way that only she could. But Mama was gone to a place they could not follow. Not yet, at least.
At twenty years old, Sarada had learned of all the secrets of the Uchiha Clan and why Papa, as strong as he seemed, still suffered from nightmares. She remembered how her parents sat her down, barely three months ago with a history book and solemn expressions. Even then, her Papa was as stoic as ever, recounting the events as if he was simply listing chores for the week. She was finally mature enough to grasp the gravity of her family history. But twenty, Sarada thought, was still too young to bury your mother.
Slowly, she inched closer to her Papa. She had seen his nightmares only once before. It was years ago and she was merely a child. She had awakened in the middle of the night to screams and rushed towards the source with a kunai in hand only to find her parents on the floor of their bedroom. Mama had shot her a glance that said, not now , and Papa had his head buried in the crook of her mother’s neck. Without another word, Sarada had retreated to her bedroom, eyes stinging with tears at her father’s pain.
The next morning, Sarada remembered how her mother gently told her about Papa’s nightmares and how they used to happen often but now only occur once in a while. He slept much better now that he was home with his family, her mother had said with a bittersweet smile. Sarada only nodded, unsure of what to say, just like she was now.
To her, Papa was always a strong man, a force to be reckoned with. But now as she watched him clutch the covers like a lifeline, he suddenly seemed so…human. His screams of pain were gone now, replaced with quiet sobs. As she neared him, she could finally make out his words. He was repeating Mama’s name like a mantra, as if he could summon her if he called for her enough times. 
Just like Mama had comforted her as a child after her nightmares, Sarada grasped Papa’s hand and traced circles on his skin with her thumb. Her other hand found his shoulder as she gently coaxed him awake. When he opened his lone eye, Sharingan shining a menacing red in the dark, Sarada froze for a second time. 
She watched as recognition flashed across his tear-stained face and he sat up, leaning against the headboard of the bed for support. Papa pulled his hand from hers, almost a little too roughly, to cover his face.
“Sarada, I’m sorry,” he finally choked out. “Please go back to bed.”
“Papa, let me be here for you. Please,” she begged, reaching out again to hold his hand.
He didn’t protest, only looked at her with features so sad, her own tears threatened to spill. Her Papa, the feared Sasuke Uchiha, was nothing but a crumpled mess before her eyes, only a shell of the man he used to be. Without Mama, Papa seemed so much emptier. A part of him, Sarada realized, left with Mama the day she drew her last breath. 
“I miss her too, Papa,” Sarada finally said, her voice barely above a whisper. She couldn’t trust herself to speak at her full volume, afraid that she would scare her father away. She knew he hated for anyone except Mama to see him like this at his most vulnerable state.
His sad, sad eye found her gaze again and this time, she could no longer hold back her tears. Her vision blurred as they flowed. When she refocused on the image in front of her, she found Papa turning away from her and staring at the wall in a failed attempt to hide his own falling tears.
Sarada mirrored him, wishing more than anything that she could feel Mama’s strong arms encasing her. She missed the way she always felt so safe in her mother’s embrace. She missed her jade eyes, filled with so much kindness, so much life . She missed everything about Mama.
A touch to her cheek brought her from her thoughts and she turned to find Papa watching her with a sad smile. 
“You look just like her,” he breathed, the pain clear in his wavering voice.
And suddenly she found herself in her Papa’s arm, burying her face into his chest as choking sobs shook her body. Sarada had not allowed herself to break down since the funeral two days ago. But tonight, all the pain and sadness she fought to keep at bay began to leak past the dam she built. All at once, she was falling apart, hoping that her father’s embrace could hold her together.
“Shh, baby girl, Papa’s here,” she heard her father whisper into her hair and it caused her tears to flow even harder. He sounded so much like Mama used to when she comforted her as a child. Tonight, Sarada didn’t care that she was twenty years old. Tonight, she was nothing but a child, yearning for her Papa’s affection. 
He continued shushing her until her sobs quieted and she had no tears left to cry. His lone hand ran gently through her hair and she realized that she was not the only one who adopted Mama’s mannerisms. She had seen Mama comfort him that night the same way, delicate fingers caressing his dark locks. And as he continued to do the same, a sense of peace enveloped her.
Mama may not be there but she lived in the way they embraced, in the way Papa’s voice softened, and the way Sarada held her Papa’s hand. And Sarada knew that Papa came to this realization too when she no longer felt his body shake with sobs along with her.
When she pulled away to face him, he seemed better. The grief was still there, she could see it as clear as day. Frankly, she wasn’t sure if Papa would ever stop feeling pain now that Mama was gone. But she knew that together, she and Papa would somehow be okay. They had to be, even if the empty space between them seemed more like a never-ending chasm. 
Papa tucked stray strands of hair behind her ear and as if echoing her thoughts, he whispered, “We’ll be okay, she’ll always be with us.”
“How do you know for sure, Papa?”
He smiled, a rare sight that only she and Mama have had the privilege to see. His voice was oh so soft when he spoke next, mimicking the tone Mama used to use. “Because you exist, Sarada.”
And his fingertips found her forehead.
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nemaliwrites · 2 years
i finished the third draft of this sasusaku fic, so here’s a lil snippet to celebrate!
UPDATE: read the full fic here!
“Something strange occurred during a conversation we had the other day. I mentioned to her that one day I wish to grow strong enough to fight Kakashi.”
Naruto has to fight the immediate reflex to make fun of Sai. He doesn’t even mean it, not truly — but right now it’s the only thing that might distract from the sinking feeling in his stomach.
“What did she say?” he asks instead. Part of him does feel guilty about the fact that the two of them are talking about their teammate like this behind her back, but he forces himself to ignore that part of his brain. They’re just worried about her, he tells himself. This is for her own good.
“She wished me luck,” says Sai.
There’s a strange weight to Sai’s words, and he looks up from his sketchbook to give Naruto a significant look.
“Sai,” he says after a moment of hesitation. “What exactly did she say?”
“She said, ‘Good luck. I imagine it must be hard to fight against someone who has a Sharingan.’”
Naruto blinks. “What’s a Sharingan?”
“I don’t know. I’ve never heard of one before.” Sai sits up, snapping his sketchbook shut. “So that begs the question, how did she?”
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uchiha-saradas · 1 year
What are your favourite sasusaku fanfics of all time???
honestly this is a difficult question because there are SO MANY ss fanfics that i love, but i’ll make a list of my top 5 ss fanfics/oneshots
1. home is there the heart is - Deeppoeticgirl
this is a super cute ss travel fic with some light angst, but is by far one of my favorite fics that i have ever read and have read it multiple times!!! absolutely love how the author incorporated the development of sasuke and sakura’s relationship. very beautifully written and well done. 1000/10.
2. love story - AppleR3
this is a non massacre au where sasuke and sakura start out as friends and fall in love. this is a one shot, but i absolutely love this. ending is adorable and you get all the ss feels you need. highly recommend!
3. empire - pastel daisies
this story gets dark, but one of my favs. not super disturbing or too much either, there’s a good balance of it. this fic does get sad, but the ending and development of ss relationship is amazing. will make you cry both tears of joy and sadness!!
4. adrenalize me - helena-3190
this is an ANBU ss three shot and it’s basically pure smut but one of my favs to read. short and sweet. recommend if you’re in a mood for some porn with feelings ;)
5. ripples - yellow mask
this is a ss fic featuring a hebi!sasuke. i absolutely adore this fanfic. basically sakura gets captured in sound as a slave and ends up with sasuke, and over time he falls in love with her. i think i have read this fic about a hundred times and am currently rereading it! it came out in 2008, but is still very much enjoyable to read!
also love masked desire (also pure smut), heartbeat (SO SAD AND ANGSTY BUT SO GOOD WORTH THE READ), forbidden (royal au with tons of smut ONE OF MY FAVS EVER) and all i want for christmas by @theredconversegirl and this one is an enemies to lovers fic!
happy reading!
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sparklyfaerie · 1 year
My Naruto Fanfic Masterlist:
🔥 = Smut
⚠⚠⚠ All fics are SasuSaku unless otherwise noted. ⚠⚠⚠
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Series: Perfume and Ozone - Childhood friends AU slow burn
1. Rays of Spring Sunshine: (Complete)
Sakura had been by his side since he lost his family, following him around since they were seven years old, trying to ease his loneliness in whatever way she could. He didn’t even know why he allowed it. He just silently allowed her to claim the seat next to him at the beginning of every term.
2. Blooming and Bonfires: (In Progress)
Sasuke has not turned his back on vengeance—but neither has he chosen to pursue Orochimaru’s offer of training. He will gain the power to kill his brother without the help of murderers and traitors; instead, he will rely on his team. But Orochimaru is watching. Waiting. He will not be denied.
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Series: Spring Anew - Oneshot series set in the Blank Period
1. (we bloom during) Hanami: 🔥
He wants her to say it first; he wants her to take the burden from him and put voice to what’s growing between them. It’s the only way, he knows, that he won’t feel like he’s being selfish and pressuring her into anything.
2. (the journey to) Mankai: 🔥
“I’m pregnant.” She blurts. His mouth snaps shut as his eyes widen. It… shouldn’t be so surprising. They’re a young, active couple constantly on the move and without ready access to birth control. It was only a matter of time.
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Series: Heart and Home - (AU pre-Gaiden, where Sasuke’s long mission ends early
1. Coming Home:
She finds Sasuke holding their daughter while she sobs against his chest. He’s murmuring to her—“I’m here. I’m sorry. I’m here.”
2. Looking Forward:
Sasuke has been home six months when Sarada brings up the question: "Now that Papa's home am I going to get a brother or sister?"
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Multichapter Stories:
Hatsukoi: Non-Massacre AU / Other POV fic (Complete)
Sasuke leans away as the girl turns to him, and his mother doesn't need to be any closer to guess as to the expression on his face. The girl's body language changes in an instant, and Mikoto recognises the posture of a little girl in love. It's kind of adorable.
From Heaven to Hell: Sakura gets the curse mark AU (Incomplete, currently on hiatus)
The smallest of errors can weave catastrophic consequences; so when Sakura threw herself in front of Sasuke and received the Curse Seal of Heaven in his stead, she doomed herself. That’s what everyone always said, anyway.
About-Face: Sasuke returns to Konoha six months after abandoning it AU (ongoing)
When Sasuke realises his mistake, it’s not too late. Three months on, almost to the day, and it still aches. He misses his friends. He misses their clumsy way of showing that they cared. There’s not a damn soul in this place that cares about him; not beyond his role as Orochimaru’s favourite. But he’s not been declared a rogue yet, even after everything he did. He could go home, if he wanted to.
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Blank Period Oneshots: No continuity
Come Undone: 🔥 To the outside world, Uchiha Sasuke is cold and aloof, a man devoid of passion. But here, in Sakura's bedroom, he burns.
Endearment: 🔥 It takes him almost a month to realise that she hasn't once referred to him by name since the wedding.
Restraint: (mild bondage) 🔥 Sasuke does not often exert this kind of dominance over her.
Surrender: (bondage) 🔥 “I should put you over my knee for your cheek.” He teases.
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Boruto-Era Oneshots:
Paring: (Primarily Sarada&Sasuke relationship, with some mild background SasuSaku) "Mama, what's this?" / "It's Papa's special chopping board." || Sarada is always hungry for information on Papa. He’s been gone a very long time, after all. She thinks she vaguely remembers a man with dark hair and eyes just like hers smiling down at her—but she’s not even sure if that memory is real, or something her brain made up after staring at his picture for too long.
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narhinafan · 7 months
Reading nh fanfics are so cringe with that had ss as side ship. It's way too cringe as tgey make skr a girl boss and sasuke a lover boy for suckura. They even write as naruto can't live with his team 7 friends in post war au or modern au when in canon he never contact skr for even talk, it's like he don't give a shit about her once he got together with hinata and understand the reailty of harraser and a selfish person. He was in contact with sai and ino as it was cleared in boruto manga and even kishi's oneshot nh date.
Reading fics with skr as a total new cringy character and rubbish ss always made me skip their part or if there is more involvement of ss or skr, I immediately left the fics. It's way too cringe and disgusting reading and witnessing sss, bsa, ns, ss shit or sakura centerd plot in nh fics.🤮💀
A lot of those fics were pre new gen though when people still had hope Sakura would get better.
Yeah Naruto has always kept contact with others, but with Sakura it was always only when they happened to meet up or doing missions they never really hung out unless it was team 7 as a whole.
Yeah I tend to skip past SasuSaku parts now in fics, Some Sakura centered plots in NaruHina fics can be good though when it shows her like her canon self and she gets called out for how she acts.
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thelatina367 · 1 year
Ur Best Friend
Sakura was in the shower, scrubbing her skin with a red loofah. She felt dirty. After months of avoiding sex with her long time boyfriend, Naruto, she finally gave in. It wasn't awful, in fact he even brought her to her climax which is something he often wasn't able to do. However, when Sakura came to her peak, she nearly called out another man's name. Sasuke's name.
See, while Sasuke was gone, Sakura had grown to love Naruto. His dedication to becoming stronger, becoming Hokage, and bringing back Sasuke, made her see him in a different light. She had stopped seeing him as an annoying little kid and instead, saw someone that was strong and confident, someone she could be happy with. For years she was happy, content. But then Sasuke came back and Sakura's world flipped upside down.
After being in a happy relationship with Naruto for two years, Sasuke made his return to Konoha. Everyone was shocked that he had actually come back and many were weary of him. Even Sakura was nervous at first. Sasuke had tried to kill her before and she couldn't just erase that traumatic experience from her mind, no matter how happy she was about his return. Naruto was honestly the only person in the village that was completely enthused with his best friend's homecoming.
Weeks after his return, Sakura had avoided Sasuke as best she could. Of course, Naruto wanted to get the original Team 7 back together as often as possible. At the time, Sakura could never say no to him, not after everything he's done for her.
So Naruto, Sakura, and Sasuke had made a habit of seeing each other quite frequently. Naruto always did most of the talking, he could sense the tension between Sakura and Sasuke. He hoped that the more time they spent together, the easier it would be for all of them to be friends again. Naruto knew that Sakura still had animosity and fear towards Sasuke and he couldn't blame her, but he knew that Sasuke did everything to try to break their bonds with him. In some fucked up way, he did it because he cared about them.
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scribe-of-elysium · 2 years
hello their my lovely writer/author of quietus, do you also read other ss stories, can I ask what have you read and if you can recommend me something that you think is really good Thank you.
Boring answer... I haven't properly read SS fanfics for years. Not because I don't love SasuSaku, I just don't have that luxury of spare time to spend hours on Ao3 hunting for and binge-reading fics. Normally I only have time to write and proof-read my own work, unfortunately, and that's mostly been the case pretty much since I finished uni and started working full-time.
Also, I'm very picky when it comes to writing styles in general, and it's not easy for me to get really hooked on something.
I favourited Little Piece of Heaven by Leanne Ash and Color Theory by BlueGreenApples years ago. I've read Blind and Ripples and other well-known ones that you probably know about already. Color Theory was my favourite back then. Honestly can't remember what LPoH was about and I read lots of others that I never bookmarked. I should update my faves.
Sorry I can't provide a long list. But, maybe now that I'm on a writing break, you and other readers might like to recommend some good fics or oneshots for me to read, instead, because I don't have time to look? :D I could do with some inspo to keep the fanfic flame alive during my hiatus.
I do really miss that feeling of finding a great writer, being fully immersed in a beautifully-written, well-paced story and getting excited over new updates. I've forgotten what it's like to be on the other side of fanfiction, sadly. So any recommendations of good, in-character content are welcome, and not just fics that focus strictly on SasuSaku necessarily.
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howdeecoyote · 5 years
Flame Control
“She was a planet—beautiful and open, and Sasuke had been captured into her gravitational pull. What harm could a single asteroid do?" Travel. Blank Period. Oneshot. SasuSaku. Canon-compliant.
Streaks of shadowy clouds covered the sky, hiding silver moonbeams. It was surprisingly early in the evening for such darkness, but the birds bedded down without complaint. Sakura knew that the farther they traveled from Konoha, the more time was bound to shift. The Land of Earth was quite a ways away. Things were different in these parts.
Sasuke had just started the fire with an effortless jutsu. Nights were often cool, no matter where you were, and Sakura was thankful for the warmth. With slow movements, she carefully sat next to her partner on a fallen log—one she’d placed as a makeshift bench—and looked at the smoke as it danced above. The bark was rough on the back of her legs. She rubbed the irritation.
“Only a few more days, weather permitting.” Sasuke surmised, mumbling just loud enough for Sakura to hear. He was tired, although his physical features remained alert.  Sakura could see the slow blink of his eyelids as he stared ahead. She wasn’t sure how long he’d been on the move, and doubted he’d gotten a good night’s rest in a long while. He’d only been in Konoha a few hours before deciding to leave again.
But this time, he didn’t travel alone.
“Thank you again, for bringing me with you. I haven’t left the village since…um…in a long while.” Sakura responded with reddened cheeks. It’s not as though she’d given Sasuke much of a choice. He did say “maybe next time”, and with a travel sack ready by the door of her home, Sakura made sure he heeded those words.
Taking a long swig of her travel canister, the kunoichi opted to keep her face hidden. Sasuke’s eyes could read all—and the sharingan/rinnegan was the least of her worries. It didn’t take his clan’s doujutsu to see right through her.
Wood popped as the flames licked it hungrily. With luck only Sakura could manage, a stray chunk of bark sprang from the pile and singed her skin painfully. Cursing lightly, Sakura spilled her water as she reached for her burning knee just as Sasuke did. They both brushed away the offender successfully, leaving a smear of charcoal on her pale skin.
“That’s so weird.” Sakura began, mocking to hide her embarrassment. “Control your fire, Sasuke!”
“Ah,” He responded and turned his gaze upon the crackling cinders. Sakura watched in awe as red flames bled black.
“Amaterasu?” She continued, not hiding her surprise in the least. It wasn’t as though Sasuke was one for friendly banter, but still… “I was only joking. You don’t have to be so serious, it’s only me.”
He tiled his head towards her and the flames died out, exercising his immaculate flame control. “You are exactly why I can’t let my guard down.”
Proving his words, Sasuke finds himself confused as to why he’d admit such a thing aloud. He hadn’t meant it in the way it sounded—Sakura had been seared by some random freak event. That’s it. Yet, both he and Sakura freeze, wide-eyes meeting. Then, they look down at Sasuke’s hand—still clasped around Sakura’s knee.
He pulls from her, mouth open, a jaded look in his irises.
Control your fire, Sakura.
The air whooshes when he stands. It’s another retreat, another rejection. Anytime their shoulders brushed together as they danced amongst treetops, Sasuke would glide farther ahead. Her smiles fell to the side of his face, which turned swiftly away. Conversations were made light.  
It was all so…annoying.
“Wait,” On her feet, Sakura calls to him before he can even make it to his bedroll.
Stiff shoulders hide behind a dark travel poncho. Black hair, long enough now to cover his neck completely, sways slightly in the nighttime breeze. Of course, Sasuke does not meet her face. Instead, he focuses on his mat with such intensity that he’s sure it may catch fire, too. Catch fire, swallow him up whole, and let the wind carry his ashes.
“What’s wrong, Sasuke?” Sakura says as she comes up behind him, mindful of distance…always mindful of distance. “Is there…something I’ve done to upset you?”
Being in Konoha was difficult for the last Uchiha—a title that had befallen him once again. Sakura could understand on an empathetic level. It must have been hard to return to a place you’d sworn to destroy, a village that your ancestors had shared footfalls upon. Sakura could even understand Sasuke’s curt behavior with Kakashi, Naruto and herself, all things considered.
Friends, to enemies, to friends again, it was a head spinning circle. She didn’t hate him for that—not of any of it. There was no reason for him to deny her friendliness. He deserved companionship, just like every other human that has been, or will ever be.
“No,” Sasuke answers truthfully. Yet, his mind stills from there. What could he say? It’s not you, it’s me? How infantile.
This was a journey of redemption, not of sin. His teammate, his friend, didn’t deserve to hurt, especially not under his hand. Yet, more and more, Sasuke finds himself falling into Sakura’s proximity. She was a planet—beautiful and open, and Sasuke had been captured into her gravitational pull.
What harm could a single asteroid do?
Extinction. Oblivion. Destruction.
Steady fingers reach out and gather the material of his coat. Sakura turns him, locking onto his discordant eyes. They speak without words. It was something that belonged to them, only them.
It’s okay. We are safe. You’re not a cursed man. You won’t hurt me. I believe in you.
Sometimes, however, when conversation fails and thoughts remain silent, the only thing left is to act. Sliding slender arms around his midsection, the kunoichi draws him into her warmth and presses her cheek into his chest. The last time she’s touched him, in this way, had been in their youth. Marks had spread across his skin and burrowed into his heart, tainting him with power. Her hugs, ever steady and ever pure, seem to pull him out of a trance.
“I’m sorry if this is difficult for you.” She mumbles. “I don’t know how else to tell you that everything is going to be okay.”
The earnestness in her voice mingled well with the pitch-black air. With the fire out, and the embers smoldered down into nothing, only the moon watched their movements. Sasuke wrapped his arm around her with a slow hesitancy, thankful for the darkness, thankful for her pressure, thankfulthankfulthankful.
The scent of her hair still smelled like Konoha, like home. Before he knew it, he’d buried his face into her locks, and pulled her deeper against his sternum. Short in stature, dainty in physique, the woman pressed against him became an anchor as his world crumbled within. Sasuke had looked Gods in the face and felt less.
As it turns out, Sasuke didn’t need to find his redemption out in the wilderness. Sakura had held it, all along.
“Are you okay now?” Sakura asks after a while. She’d held him long enough for the moon to change position in the sky. Knees buckling, grip loosening, Sakura was sure she’d have to use chakra to keep herself upright if they held any longer. Not that she wouldn’t. There was nothing better than his warmth.
Sasuke sighed heavily and relaxed his grip from across her shoulders. “Ah,”
Looking up at the deep shadows of her partners face, Sakura watched his sleepy eyes blink. It had been a while since she’d seen him look so…human, so peaceful. Pride swelled in her chest, and the smile that bloomed forth was just a simple, heartfelt reaction.
Yet, in the moonlight, Sasuke didn’t think he’d ever seen anything so stunning.
Sakura attuned well to Sasuke. Her tears on The Great Naruto Bridge were the first anyone had genuinely shed for the last Uchiha, since his family had died. The bruises that littered her face, when she fought of Orochimaru’s men in the Forest of Death, had resulted in his protection. Blade against Gaara and his demon transformation, Sakura did not hesitate to put her life on the line. She healed his arm even though he’d hurt her with it—wrapped it around her neck—used his jutsu against their very best friend.
And thank you doesn’t ever seem like it would be enough to portray just how much he appreciated her. Thank you doesn’t even cover the surface.
Sakura feels the featherlike touch of his fingertips as he tucks a stray strand of pink behind her ear. His head dips lower, lower, and he closes the distance between them with a serene grace. Heart bounding, head dizzy, Sakura presses her lips against Sasuke’s with that smile still curving her mouth.
He smelled like rain, or perhaps lightning—something electric and gentle all at once.  
Again and again, over and over, slinking down into Sasuke’s bedroll as the night became cooler and the fire had long died out, they kissed. It was for all of the years Sakura had loved him and all of the years Sasuke had appreciated her for doing so. It was for skipping out on adolescence, never having the opportunity to be young and experience chaste pecks and gentle touches. It was innocence. It was love.
As the birds awoke from their slumber and the sun began to break up the darkness of the sky, Sasuke finally fell asleep against Sakura, laying his head heavily against the curve of her neck.
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roronoacherries · 2 years
𝐒𝐚𝐤𝐮𝐫𝐚 𝐔𝐜𝐡𝐢𝐡𝐚 𝐠𝐞𝐭𝐬 𝐰𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐬𝐡𝐞 𝐰𝐚𝐧𝐭𝐬.
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word count: ~1.2k
content: sleepy!ssk, horny!skr. dom!skr and dom!ssk, teasing, rough, multiple climaxes; it has typos i’m so sorry, i’ll fix them eventually
note: this is my first real attempt at smut… enjoy?
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Sasuke was tired, longing for nothing more than to sleep in the comfort of his own bed after being away from home for weeks.
Sakura, however, had other ideas—wanted other things; who was he to deny her of them?
He felt her soft lips pressed against his own the moment he stepped foot through the door. The warmth of her body against his own fueled his drowsiness, but he ignored the feeling as he slowly and lazily returned her eager kisses.
“Someone missed me.” He spoke softly, wrapping his arm around her waist, bringing her closer to him. Sakura didn’t respond. Instead, she positioned her arms around his neck, pulling him down to deepen their kiss.
Sasuke let his wife take over his senses completely. He’d missed her more than he had realized. All of her. Her taste, her scent, the softness of her hair, the warmth of her body pressed close to him, and the deep blush that flushed her cheeks when she was aroused.
“Bedroom,” Sakura ordered before pressing her lips to his once more wasting not a second to catch her breath.
Sasuke obliged, lifting her so that she could wrap her legs around his waist. Immediately, he felt her begin to roll her hips against him. The feeling of his hardening member against her elicited quiet moans from the pinkette, which she let escape only against his lips, a slight smirk forming on hers.
She was teasing him. And it was working.
Without breaking their kiss, Sasuke led her to their bed, lying her down softly. He traced his lips (and his tongue) against her jawline, continuing down to neck. His hand felt the curves of her body while he worshiped every inch of her as if she were a goddess—which in his eyes, she was.
Sakura groaned, moving her hands up to his hair and turning his face towards her. “You’re being too gentle,” she complained, her voice needy and desperate.
“Sakura, I’m tired.” Sasuke said. His words were slow and quiet and the look in his eyes apologetic, sleepy, and yet full of lust and love for the girl before him. He wanted to make love to her, passionately and slowly. Then, he could sleep, holding her close to him.
Sakura pouted, wanting—no, needing rough, messy, loud sex.
Sasuke moved his head down to kiss her collarbone, working his way back up to her neck. “I’m sorry, Tsuma,” he mumbled, pressing his lips against her skin.
“Fine.” In a swift movement, Sakura switched positions with her husband and straddled him, her hands on his chest as she pinned him down. “Let me do the work.”
Sasuke never got tired of seeing his wife from this angle. The way her hair fell forward and framed her face, the red in her cheeks, her lips swollen from their kissing. She was breathtaking.
He watched attentively as she removed her clothing, not wasting a second before proceeding to unbutton his shirt. Her hands trailed down his chest and she leaned down to kiss him. Sasuke moved his hand to touch her, but she stopped it, pinning his arm down beside his head.
She left a trail of kisses down his chest and his abdomen before stripping him of the rest of his clothing.
Sakura never got used to seeing him in all his glory. It was clear in her expression whenever she laid eyes on his naked body. Her lips would part, half in hunger and half in awe, her breathing halting momentarily before she bit her lip nervously, never quite getting used to the sight of his size. It fueled his ego more than he would ever admit.
She moved her head forward to lick him slowly, her half-lidded eyes staring into his as she did so. The Uchiha could hardly keep his eyes on her; not without his breath hitching and low groans escaping his lips. In seemingly no rush at all, Sakura positioned her lips around his cock, memorizing the look of desperation on her husband’s face as she slowly fit him into her small mouth.
Her lips were heavenly, working around him at a pace that satisfied him while being slow enough to feel like torture. This combined with the tearfully aroused look in her eyes was enough to nearly send him over the edge. Although, she didn’t pleasure him this way for long. Placing her hands on his chest, Sakura looked down mischievously at her husband. She positioned herself over his cock, teasing him by touching only the tip of it to her wet core. Keeping one hand on his chest to hold herself up, Sakura moved the other around his member, stroking it slowly as she traced it against her dripping heat.
Sakura watched the expressions on her husband’s face proudly, admiring the weakness she could evoke in the great and powerful shinobi. All at once, she took him in, letting him fill her. Her hips moved fast and roughly as she leaned over him, moving her hand to pin his to the bed with so he couldn’t touch her like he wanted to, still holding herself up with the other. She bounced up and down as vigorously as she could, the sight of her breasts moving with her driving her husband crazy. She could feel him thrusting his hips into her as he got closer to his climax. And that was when she stopped suddenly and without warning.
She let go of his arm and moved off of him to stand, though the weakness in her legs made this difficult. A smirk was painted on her lips. Sakura admired the look her husband gave her. One of shock and growing frustration.
Sakura Uchiha always gets what she wants.
“You’re a fucking slut.” Sasuke’s voice was hoarse and his frustration rang clear. It turned Sakura on more than she could have imagined. Feigning innocence, she shrugged, turning away from him and pretending to reach for her robe. But, before she could take another step, she was the one pinned against the bed, her hands held down above her head. “You little fucking slut.”
She had hardly been given time to realize the position she was in when Sasuke began to thrust into her roughly. A loud moan escaped her lips as she felt him pulling in and out of her without remorse. Her eyes filled with tears from the pleasure and she struggled to form a single coherent thought. “Sasu-ke! F-fuck!!” Her words came out louder than she intended them to and though she tried to muffle her voice, she failed miserably to keep quiet.
She tried to move her hands, wanting to feel his body closer to hers but his grip tightened around her wrist. She whimpered and moaned, his name falling from her lips as she watched him fuck her senseless.
“I’m- Fuck! Sas-” Sakura’s words faded into the beautiful sounds of her orgasm. “S-Sasuke…”
She pleaded him to stop. He was pushing her past her limits and her sensitive body needed him to pause, but his thrusts continued just as hard, if not harder than before.
She could hear him grunting, low moans flowing out of his lips as he questioned her, “How’s this for rough?” He let go of her wrists and reached down to massage one of her breasts while leaning over to suck the other one just as she began to feel a second knot form in her lower abdomen. He sped up his pace, watching proudly as her face contorted in pleasure a second time. This time, he swiftly turned her over, forcing her to ride it out herself and allowing himself to finally release as well.
Feeling his cum fill her, Sakura moaned louder. Not wanting the feeling to fade just yet, she kept her hips moving at a quick pace, coming a third time as she rode out his orgasm.
Finally, Sakura collapsed onto Sasuke’s chest, weaker than she could have imagined. “Are you content now, Tsuma?” he whispered, moving his arm to trace the curves of her back.
She couldn’t have answered him if she tried; that was how weak he had left her. The tired state of her body was answer enough.
“Well, I don’t know if I’m tired anymore…” he smirked, moving his hand towards her still sensitive clit. This time, however, Sasuke Uchiha would get what he wanted—slowly and passionately.
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ap-kinda-lit · 2 years
A One of a Kind Valentine
A NejiTen Valentine's Day drabble Rating: E for Everyone Summary: It wasn't a typical gift for a girl, but then again Tenten wasn't a typical girl.
Valentine's Day had come to Konoha. That meant all the couples in the village were going to be out and about, acting lovey dovey and most definitely exchanging gifts to express their love for each other. The ninja couples were certainly no exception.
So how do ninjas celebrate Valentine's Day? Or, specifically, what do ninjas give their girlfriends to show that they love them? Naruto gave Hinata a fox plushie. How wholesome. Sasuke gave Sakura a necklace with a blossom pendant. Simple, but sweet and meaningful. Sai gave Ino a small portrait of her. Quite thoughtful and endearing. Shikamaru gave Temari a small folded fan with flowers on it. Surprising (because that meant Shikamaru actually put some effort into something), a tad odd, but had a hint of genuine affection. Choji gave Karui a heart shaped cake. Yes, he made it himself, of course, which made it all the more sweet (get it?)
But what about Neji and Tenten? Unfortunately, Neji was away on an important mission and wasn't able to make it back in time for Valentine's Day. But Tenten didn't really mind. She knew it couldn't be helped and it was part of their jobs as ninjas. Even though she didn't mind Neji's absence on the holiday, she was still happy to hear that he had something for her. Neji's Valentine for her was sent to her and was proudly presented to her by Lee, the number one shipper/passionate third wheel to their relationship (whether they liked it or not). To everyone's surprise, the gift was quite large and long, so their curiosity was piqued instantly. Tenten eagerly unwrapped and opened the box within. From that box, she pulled out an elongated, pole-like object. Nobody knew what it was until Tenten pulled the object apart, revealing it to be...a sword. Yes, a sword. A samurai sword. It had a red grip and a red and purple sheath with a floral print on it, but the pretty design did little to distract anyone from the fact that it was a sword. A large, sharp sword. From Neji. To his girlfriend. For Valentine's Day.
Everyone stood back in alarm from the unexpected large blade that Tenten was holding out for all to see. The bun haired kunoichi stared at it with a blank, far away look. Meanwhile, everyone else looked confused, startled, and weirded out. "So, instead of flowers...or candy...or a stuffed toy...of all things, he got her...a sword?" Ino muttered. "Yep. Seems that way." Sakura said. Tenten still said nothing. Lee waved his hand in front of her eyes. "Uhm, Tenten? What do you think?" he asked. Tenten blinked. "It...it's..." she stammered, trying to find the words. But, everyone wondered, what was an appropriate response to being given a sword as romantic gift? "...it's...it's so beautiful." Tenten's voice became choked up. All eyes were on Tenten, wide and even more surprised. Tenten's eyes started tear up and a smile formed on her face. She put the sword back in its sheath and embraced it against her heart like it was the most precious thing on earth. "That man really knows me." she swooned. Nobody said anything. They were all too busy processing what was going on. Except Lee, because he was crying tears of joy from the unusually romantic scene. Tenten turned on her heel and sauntered off, humming to herself as she happily made off with the weapon given to her by her sweetheart. She swore to herself she would treasure it forever and use it only for the most important occasions. Also, when Neji returned from his mission, she was going to give him a very warm welcome. Heh heh.
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simps-and-scribbles · 3 years
Never Again - Sasuke x Sakura
I was looking through some sasusaku fanart and had some inspiration. Haven’t written about this ship in a long time and I’m happy with how this turned out. Hope you enjoy it too. Just a short blurb
Summary: Sasuke POV, little angst, some fluff, sasuke being protective, set when they travelled together.
Warnings: suggestive themes, pregnancy
“Ok Sakura now push!”
Sasuke waited with bated breath as Karin attended to sakura giving birth. They knew she had been getting close when they were on their way back to Konoha to have tsunade deliver. They had planned to be back early just in case, but they never expected the birth to come this early. And what’s more they hadn’t expected to be followed by rogue ninja. They had been dodging them for a few days, trying to avoid the fight due to sakuras condition, sasuke didn’t know what they wanted but they were beginning to piss him off.
“Push Sakura!” Karin yelled again.
“Sasuke!” Sakura cried. Sasuke was at her side in an instant, grasping her out stretched hand. “Sasuke I don’t think I can.” Tears gathering in her eyes.
“Sakura,” he said her name quietly, pressing his lips to her sweat covered temple. “I know you can. I’m here.”
“Sakura I need you to push now!” Karin yelled. Sakura gripped sasukes hand so tight he swore it was about to break. She let out a scream as she pushed with everything she had. Suddenly her grip went slack and sasukes eyes looked to her face in terror as she lost consciousness, the next second he heard the first cries of his newborn baby. “Sakura…” he placed his palm against her face, the fear beginning to spread in his chest “Sakura…” he whispered against her ear quietly as his voice trembled uncharacteristically. He heard her moan and her eyes fluttered open and sasuke released a sigh of relief.
“Sasuke…” she whispered and then she heard the cries of her baby. “Karin!” She yelled.
“It’s okay she’s fine and healthy, you have a baby girl.” Karin said as she placed the wrapped baby girl in Sakura’s arms.
Sasuke stared at the picture before him in complete awe, he wasn’t exactly sure what to do. Sakura reached out to gently squeeze his hand and look up at him. “We have a baby girl, what should we call her?”
“Sarada,” sasuke said quietly.
“It’s beautiful” Sakura said as she smiled. Sasuke placed his hand on Sarada’s small head and leaned over to kiss Sakura on the cheek. “You did well.”
“I’m so tired,” she said sighing deeply.
“I know” he said.
“Sasuke!” Suigetsu yelled coming into the room, sasukes attention turned to him and he immediately felt the oncoming chakra signatures. “Juugo is at the front waiting for them.” suigetsu informed him.
“Stay here,” sasuke said standing up, “if anything happens to them…I’ll kill you.” He said sending a death glare in suigetsu’s direction, before sliding his glare to Karin. They both nodded in understanding.
Sasuke walked down the hallway to the entrance of the hideout, his dark cloak billowing behind him. His sharigan activated as he pictured sakura in her tired state holding their small daughter. His chakra flared as a fierce protectiveness overcame him.
As he approached the entrance he sensed that juugo was already in combat with the rogue ninja. The rogue ninjas attention focused on him as his dark presence came into the opening. A translucent purple cloak had begun to warp around his body. Sasuke looked out at the ninja, sharingan and rinnegan on full display. “Leave now….” was all he said before the ninja rushed at him. In an instant a fully formed Susanoo appeared before them. Sasuke felt his emotions running high as he thought of Sakura and Sarada again, a mixture of love and fear. They were his family and he would not lose them a second time.
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I fell for her even in this lifetime, and I managed to ruin her life again…
Fate: The Lonely Shinobi
After a whole year on this project (that’s a lot of procrastination, mind you), I’m finally ready to show it to you all! A Naruto fanfiction in the Goblin AU and a songfic using Lee Sun Hee’s Fate (인연)!!
Wordpress: https://kyorinrinswritingdump.wordpress.com/2022/03/07/fate-the-lonely-shinobi/
Fanfiction: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/14049867/1/Fate-The-Lonely-Shinobi
(If you’re not a SasuSaku fan or NaruHina fan, then you can ignore this.)
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xkaileo · 3 years
For the one shot request:
Sasuke coming back from his first redemption journey a couple of years after the war. He meets naruto at ichiraku, then Sakura happens to walk by. Naruto insists she join and she’s so happy sasuke is back, but keeps the interaction “friendly” not “young girl talking to her crush”. Quickly after she gets a scroll from a bird and has to go. Naruto then explains that Sakura is in really high demand and basically brags about all of her accomplishments and everything she does for the village as a medic but also as a jounin. Sasuke is proud and happy for her but it’s not until later when he sees her sparring someone really good (Tsunade, Kakashi, Yamato, anyone from Anbu) that he is s t u n n e d. Like jaw to the floor. He can’t resist watching and maybe activates his sharingan by accident. It is not until like 10 minutes have gone by that he notices her ANBU tattoo for the first time.
So of course canon-divergent. I know it’s super clunky the way I laid it out (can you tell I’m no author?) lol anyways I thought it would be really nice to get a look inside Sasuke’s head the first time he’s gotten the metaphorical wind knocked out of him by Sakura haha.
Ask and you shall receive, nonny! This one was fun to write, having Sasuke sort of be stunned by her and feel just the need to do something about it; it was fun to put him in a position where he had to push a little to get something out of Sakura. Enjoy!
She's A Hot Commodity
It was amazing how much the Hidden Leaf Village could change over two years. More than Sasuke had expected, honestly; he'd thought the village was done with its constant renovations after multiple attempts for it to be destroyed. Well, they'd nearly come close one time, though he'd stepped in to assist. Meteors falling off the moon… who would have thought?
His first stop was Ichiraku, as he'd made one promise: he was going to treat Naruto to a bowl of ramen when he got back. His blonde friend was already there, waving wildly as he approached.
"Sasuke! You're back!" Naruto gave him a hug in greeting, to which Sasuke begrudgingly allowed. He wasn't one for physical affection, but one hug from his best friend wouldn't be the end of the world. Plus, he'd never hear the end of it if he didn't. Naruto would spend their entire lunch pouting and whining about it if he was turned down.
As they were seated, both boys heard a familiar voice behind them, and it was… None other than Sakura. Sasuke couldn't help but stare, just for a moment. It'd been a long time. She'd grown out her hair and seemed to be wearing it up in a ponytail. When had it got so long? Now that he thought about it… It'd been a little longer when he left, but now it had to be almost to her waist. He hadn't seen it that long since they were kids. He… liked it, if he was honest.
"Sakura." He nodded in greeting, the corner of his lips twitching into a smile. He was glad to see her. Maybe now he'd be able to take things… a little further, to put it simply. He'd left her with nothing more than a promise, and this was the start of it. He was here. He'd returned. Whether he would stay for an extended period was another question, but he did plan to offer for her to accompany him this time. He just had… a few errands to take care of before he left again.
"Sasuke! It's been so long!" Sakura came up between them and threw her arms over his and Naruto's shoulders, giggling as she was hanging out between them. "Would you look at that? My two favourite dorks are having lunch together. You know, Sasuke, if he's got you here against your will, all you have to do is ask." Well… Ramen usually would have been against his will, but this time, it wasn't. He was surprised when she leaned closer to his ear, her voice no more than a whisper.
"There's a new place that opened that serves rice balls if you need an escape." She clapped him on the back before turning to Naruto, who'd caught her attention.
"Sakura, join us!" He encouraged, and her expression went thoughtful for a moment before she agreed. Naruto shifted down one seat, allowing Sakura to sit between them. Sasuke didn't want to admit he was glad Naruto had shifted down; he wanted to sit next to Sakura, but he wasn't sure if she would have done that of her own accord. He couldn't blame her; it'd been a long time since they'd spoken, and there was… a lot they needed to talk about. She seemed… different. Not unfriendly, but there was something different about the way she was talking to him. No more blushing or bashful looks in his direction. He'd expected that much from her, but… was it possible something had happened?
Maybe… maybe she'd moved on. He didn't want to think that, but it seemed to be a possibility. Nevertheless, if that were Sakura's decision, that would have to be how things were. Friends were better than absolutely nothing.
Just as she was about to order, the sound of a messenger hawk could be heard, interrupting their conversation. Naruto and Sakura had been chatting animatedly, Naruto having made some dumb comment that Sakura was reaming him for while Sasuke chuckled at their antics. At least some things never change. He's still opening his mouth when he should be shutting it, and she's putting him in his place… as usual.
"Oh… I'm sorry, guys." Sakura's expression turned to a frown. "This is for me, and it's urgent. I have to get going. Sorry again. Let's pick another day to get ramen together as a team, though, okay? And… it's good to see you back, Sasuke." She gave him a smile that lit up her whole face, and it made his heart skip a beat. She was different, sure, but it was… nice. It made him feel a bit giddy.
"Yeah… Shoulda seen that one coming," Naruto admitted.
"Does that happen a lot?" Sasuke was genuinely curious. He knew Sakura was a hard worker, but she always knew how to make time for her friends. It seemed out of the ordinary for her to disappear so suddenly. If it was the hospital, wasn't Tsunade there to help out?
"Yeah, it kinda does. Sakura's kind of a big deal around the village now. It makes me a little jealous." Naruto, jealous? Sasuke wondered just how important she was, but as always, Naruto had the explanation. "She's done so much stuff! She opened a clinic for all the kids in the village that lost parents during the war, and she's been working with Ino and some professionals to get them the help they need. Just so they don't feel alone, ya know? You and I both know no one deserves to feel like that." After all, they were the very same kinds of kids that that clinic was helping. Sasuke was shocked and also touched. Had Sakura done all that in two years?
"Oh yeah! And she works super hard at the hospital. She's one of the only medical ninja in the village who's allowed to take missions alone, and that's a huge deal! She's been going to all kinds of places on missions, mostly deliveries or to provide medical help, but I swear she's always gone on a mission! She keeps asking me to water her plants like… every week." Naruto didn't mind her asking that, though. He liked taking care of them. Gardening was oddly calming.
"Wow," Sasuke remarked. It was not what he would have expected out of Sakura… not precisely, that is. He knew she was brilliant, but looking back to how they were as kids… no, when they'd first been put on a team, he never would have expected that much out of her. "Has she been doing anything else?"
"Oh yeah! She mentioned somethin' about taking on a team of genin, too. I think she'd make a great teacher, don'tcha think?" Naruto elbowed Sasuke gently, earning a grunt out of him and a nod in response. Sakura would make a stellar teacher. If she took on a trio of genin as their Jounin sensei, then they would undoubtedly be a force to be reckoned with.
He was… proud of her, honestly. To think she’d come so far from her capabilities when they were kids… she was so incredibly talented, it even made him a little jealous. He’d been a prodigy, but to see her hard work coming to fruition was exceptional. She was amazing. More impressive than he was expecting.
It’d been days since he’d last seen Sakura, and after only briefly meeting her, he decided the best way to pass the time until she returned was training. He liked training; it kept him in shape, allowed him to practice living life with just one arm, and helped him clear his mind when it got too tumultuous to handle. Making his way to the training grounds, he was stopped by a flicker of familiar chakra that crossed the vision of his left eye.
Sakura? She was… Training? He shouldn’t have been surprised, but he was. That, and he found himself deeply intrigued. Like a curious cat, he made his way to the edge of the trees, remaining at a safe distance where he could watch. It looked like she was training with Kakashi, whom he would have considered a force to be reckoned with. He was a former ANBU, after all.
Wait… no. It wasn’t just Kakashi there. Yamato was there, too, and… wait, was Sakura taking them both on at the same time? His curiosity was piqued enough that he activated his Sharingan, using it to track her movements; in high-speed fights like these, it was a necessity. He would've never been able to keep up with Sakura's motions otherwise.
He watched her, amazed beyond belief. Every movement she made was fluid, each motion flowing into the next like an unbreakable chain. There was no hesitation or consideration; she moved without thinking, her body reacting with an impeccable natural flow. He’d never seen such fluid movements before, not even back during the war. What had she done since he’d been gone? He knew she was a Jounin now, but this… no, she had to be more than that. She was well above the level of a Jounin. It was almost an insult to put her that low.
He stared for longer than he’d expected, watching as she evaded both Yamato and Kakashi’s tactics, dancing around them like they were nothing. He watched as her long, pink hair flowed with every movement, even the occasional piece sticking to the sweat that formed on her brow. Even as she turned, he could see the concentration in her gaze, focusing on every motion. There was strength and power in the way she moved. There was one thing that bothered him, though, one thing he couldn't shake.
When had Sakura become so beautiful? He remembered her being cute when they were kids, though he hadn't been in the right state of mind to say anything about it. He'd also noticed she was prettier as they got older, but he'd never been able to take the time to appreciate it. Now, staring at her, he realized how attractive she was. He was taken aback by what he was seeing. It made his cheeks flush, made his heart race, and also made his heart wrench. Maybe… maybe he'd have to say something to her: something direct, this time.
It wasn’t until Sakura stopped, calling a halt to her training with Yamato and Kakashi to take a breather, that he noticed something else. He knew that symbol. Other Jounin he knew and had met bore it too. This wasn’t friendly training between three Jounin. It was so much more than that. But it made Sasuke wonder…
When did Sakura decide to join the ANBU? That was undoubtedly one of the last things he'd expected of her. As he stared at her training, he hadn't realized her gaze had turned in his direction; once he did, he ducked behind one of the trees, heart beating rapidly. Had she seen him? Had she caught him staring so openly at her? He hoped not. The last thing he wanted was to seem weird or creepy. One thing he did know was that Sakura's temper was terrifying, and he would have preferred not to be on her bad side.
"You're not doing a very good job of hiding, Sasuke." He looked up to see her above him on one of the branches, a smile teasing her lips. He startled at the sound of her voice, grumbling under his breath and turning away as the faintest shade of pink dusted his cheeks. Damn. She really was good. She'd caught even him off-guard.
"I wasn't hiding," he lied. Oh, he knew he was hiding, all right. He simply refused to admit it. "I thought this training ground was empty. I was mistaken." He heard her feet land in front of him, which urged him to keep his face hidden from her; he didn't want her to see just how much his cheeks had coloured at her appearance. It was all he could do not to look back and stare, admiring every inch of her toned figure.
"You're also not very good at lying," she teased further, taking a step toward him. "What's got you all flustered?" Damn. She hadn't missed it.
"It's hot outside." Technically not a lie; it was a scorching summer day, and he was wearing a heavy cloak. "I'm just flushed from the heat." Definitely a lie. His cloak was designed to keep heat in and keep cooler air closer to his body, like a cat's fur coat. It kept him comfortably thermoregulated.
"Liar," she accused.
"Tch." He wasn't going to dignify that with a response. She giggled in response to his gruff comment, leaving him to straighten as if he were on his way. She… was in his way, though, which meant he had to brush past her to leave. As his eye opened, he realized she was closer than before. He could smell her from where he stood. Her skin glistened with the faintest layer of sweat from her training, hair sticking to her cheeks and forehead. It didn't bother him; he was used to much worse sights.
Nevertheless, her skin was glowing from the exercise, and the way her green eyes sparkled made her look prettier. So pretty, he could feel his heart racing. He couldn't bring himself to move. If he so much as touched her, he knew what he'd end up doing.
"Sasuke, are you… okay?" Her head tilted to the side, and he felt his heart skip a beat. Stop it, he tried to scold her mentally, knowing it wouldn't work.
"I'm fine. Don't worry about it." Liar. With one sharp breath, he took a step forward, his hand reaching to brush her out of the way gently. She stepped in front of him, stopping him and grasping at his wrist. He remembered that grasp; it was the same way he'd done it to her years ago, a firm but gentle grip. She released it after he stopped moving. Their gazes drew together instinctively; no words needed to be spoken between them. Sasuke felt a growing sense of worry after what he'd realized. Sakura was ANBU. That meant she put her life on the line every day, every mission, everything. It meant that at any moment when she wasn't on a mission, the Hokage could call her for one, and it could be the last time anyone would see her.
He couldn't wait. The moment Sakura released his wrist from her grasp, he reached up, tangling his fingers in her hair as need took precedence over logic. His lips crashed against hers fiercely, years of restrained emotions flaring in his chest as he kissed her. She seemed surprised for a split second but was quick to reciprocate; he felt her hands lock around his neck, leading him to skim a hand down her back, pulling her body tighter against his. At some point, he turned, pressing her back against the tree as they continued their motions, eventually breaking apart to breathe, staring at one another with wordless affirmations.
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