#sarah vs grad school
sharkneto · 2 years
Is Number (from JT/HIT) intending to go to graduate school after undergrad? I keep wondering to myself what he’d do and how he’d go about it since I can’t imagine him wanting to leave Sarah’s lab
Where Number ends up is hinted at in the end of JT and talked about more explicitly in the JT/HIT sequel of Number vs Apocalypse Week, so we haven't gotten there yet :) So, minor JT spoilers follow, if that is something you care about.
But, to answer your wonderings, he does go on to get his PhD, in a lab that is not Sarah's. It's a big moment for both of them, but Sarah has Megan already as her grad student and isn't going to dock her work or experience, even for Number. It's also important for Number's growth as a functional person to move on and experience more of the world, flex and use what he's learned over the past couple years. He's mellowed, he's more stable, he's gotten the tools to succeed from Sarah (and Rob).
I think Number takes a gap year, keeps working with Sarah for a year after graduating while he figures out where he's going next. He ends up at the University of Washington (tangentially a relevant point to JT). It's emotional for Number and the Walters when he leaves. They still talk a lot, they stay in touch. He visits them, they visit him. Number works out a dissertation in record time (everyone say "Thank you, Five" for giving him that insane leg-up on time travel math compared to everyone else), graduates with his PhD in a couple years. Number vs Apocalypse Week picks up with him at 29, a few years into his position at a university of his own (which one, I have not decided yet) and running his own research.
I love JT, it is wild we're starting to get to the endgame of it, but I do also have a lot of fun with its as-of-yet-unnamed sequel. Number at 29 is, hands down, the most functional and well-adjusted Five. He's got a job at a university, is well respected in his field, has a solid relationship with a few siblings (Viktor, Ben). On top of that, he has time travel down, can rewind and pause and jump as he pleases. Because of all of this, he is fucking infuriating. But it's not smooth sailing because he is still a Five and for all his great growth, he's still himself. It's great, a really fun version of Five to write.
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Can you tell a bit about your studying experience during undergrad vs during postgrad?
i mean literally i actually cannot because i have not started formal postgraduate education yet, and i believe sarah is still in undergrad as well
what i've been doing lately and what you'll see me talk about on the blog is enrolling in once-a-week tutorials through the catherine project so i don't forget all my greek before applying to grad schools. i actually do recommend them even if you're not interested in greek, they do reading groups in english and also intro greek tutorials and amazingly it's all free and offered just for the sake of a love of learning. but i've been in the intermediate greek reading groups and that's the only bit of education i'm currently engaged in.
i suppose i would say i expect to be thoroughly overwhelmed in grad school because my undergrad only had like 150 people max and i also expect to have an easier time understanding and accommodating my accessibility needs. if that's anything
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indigostars · 2 years
i survived my first week of grad school 🫠
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00wintersunshine · 4 years
Take that, Grad School!
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gin-rummy · 3 years
Bay, Can you tell us more about the woman who gave birth to you and what your life was like before Hogwarts?
Yes of course I can, I will say that a lottt happened before Hogwarts so I'm only be giving a brief overview and you can ask for more info about anything you're interested in
my birth parents vs the people who raised me
My Mother comes from the German pure blood family of Rhine and my father was a muggle Carpenter who my Mother's husband hired to do some work on the summer estate, and even though I was the love child of my Mother her husband (very kind man from what I can remember he died when I was 6) decided that it would be best to raise me in the wizarding world, because it would be better for them to deal with the shame of my Mother's indiscretion when I was a child instead of when I turned 11 and when to school, Vater was very kind to me and although I carry my Mother's name I was his favoite, I'm not sure what good that did me though, Vater had a harsh temper and striket thoughts about how a proper wizard family should work, and because I was his favoret, he was the most lenant on me, which ment that my siblings took out their anger at Vater on me, and that fucking sucked, Vater was supprizingly the only one who didn't care that I seemingly had no tallent for magic, I was still his little girl. Yet shortly after he died my Mother got tired of the shame I (a 6-year-old) was bringing to the family, so even though my Dad had no idea that I existed my Mother sent me to live with him, he was about 27 at the time and didn't have the finances to support me so he sent me to live with his parents in England, (hence why I went to Hogwarts) He visited as much as he could, yet when I was 11 he joined the military and died shortly after, Gran and Gramps were amazing, and did everything that they could for me they sent me to the best primary school they could and always made sure that I could want for nothing
my siblings
so on my Mother's side, I have several older siblings, 3 sisters and 4 brothers and from my dad, I have a little half brother named Olly he's ten years younger than me, I lost contact with him and Sarah (my dad's widow) during hogwarts yet after the war I made sure to reconnect, he was 7 at the time, and a large part of why I rejoind the muggle world after I graduated, he's mother had cancer, and I was the only family he dad, Other than Gran, and she was sick as well, when he was 11 I finally adopted him even though I teach at Hogwarts, he's why Gin and I live in muggle london, I'd do anything for Olly. as for the rest of my siblings, I haven't spoken to most of them since I was 6 Hatty, who's 7 years older than me and the closest to my age has tried to stay in contact with me, yet well during the was it became hard, and after grad I went full muggle, and well, I just haven't had the strength to reconect to that side at all, not even Hatty, I have been meaning to reach out to her, yet I have no clue how to start that conversation, like what would I say, Hi know how I said I was done with Wizards? well turns out that was a lie and I have been back in the wizarding world for the past several years, I'm married and have two kids how are you and everyone else?
I could say more I'm sure yet that's all I really feel like saying to this, its a good intro, yet I just want to clarify one thing, my parents had me at 40 and 21
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ladyhistorypod · 4 years
Episode 2: Lady Pirates? I’m Hooked
Ching Shih
History vs Women: The Defiant Lives That They Don’t Want You To Know
History Erased Ssn 1 Ep 3: Ching Shih the Pirate Queen
Atlas Obscura
Further Reading: Rejected Princesses
Anne Bonny
National Parks Service
Smithsonian Magazine
Crime Museum
The Way of the Pirates
Anne Bonny Pirate
Rare Irish Stuff
Mariners Museum
Gráinne Ní Máille / Grace O’Malley
National Archives (UK)
History Ireland
Women’s Museum of Ireland
Anne Chambers – THE biographer of Grace O’Malley
The Irish Post
Royal Museums Greenwich
Grace O’Malley Whiskey / Gin (drink responsibly!)
Further Reading: Granuaile: The Life and Times of Grace O'Malley c.1530-1603
Click below for the transcript!
Alana: Lexi in the last episode you called me out for wanting to be a Chicago improver as if that's not also your dream. As if that is not also your goal.
Lexi: Oh, it was projection. Yeah it was– it was me projecting onto you. 
Alana: Yeah clearly like both of us that's the goal that's what we're doing.
Lexi: I'm mirroring myself off of you.  Like that's what's happening here yeah. Psychology.
Alana: I also, like, I don't just want to be a Chicago improver I want to be like– I wanna podcast like the wife of a jaded youtuber because I want to be Katherine Green.
Lexi: Okay that makes sense that that would be the goal for you.
Alana: The best of the Green brothers, Katherine Green.
Lexi: Yeah the best Green brother there is out there so…
Alana: It’s true. I mean, Sarah is great too but like Katherine's the best of the Green brothers Lexi: She's the best. The best there is.
Haley: Is that Hank's wife?
Alana: Katherine is Hank's wife yeah and then Sarah is John's wife.
Haley: Which one has kids? Hank?
Alana: They both do.
Haley: I thought it was only one of them.
Alana: No, Hank has a son. He's almost four now. Hank has a son who's almost four and then John has a son and a daughter. The daughter is six–
Haley: You know way too much of their life.
Alana: –and the son is ten.
Lexi: You’re… You’re a little stan.
Alana: I am a stan. Well because I've been following them since like 2012 like I remember when this child was born.
Lexi: That's true that's kind of how I feel about Rhett and Link. I kind of like know their whole life by proxy like I remember their kids being born but I don't I don't know them.
Haley: See I kind of feel that way with like the Duggar family but it's also that like my friends and I were just obsessed with the Duggars in like 2012.
Alana: No exactly. Also like I met John and Hank. They signed my copy of Paper Towns when I went to VidCon.
Lexi: That makes it real. 
Haley: Once you get like an autograph you know that person. Like Kara Cooney with her autographing my like– I think it was the woman's book not the like specific…
Alana: Not the Hatchepsut one?
Haley: Yeah it was the one that was like the women who changed the world or something and then she put like my name in hieroglyphs.
Lexi: Oh my god that’s so cute!
Alana: That’s so cool!
Haley: Yeah I fangirled so hard and then it was I made my mom go cause it was National Geographic doing it for like my small town, so I got two tickets, we were in the front row, I was taking notes, my mom called me a nerd. But afterwards and granted this was like right after I graduated so I was coming off the high of having an archaeology degree AKA really scared I wouldn’t find a job and dealing with my family.
Alana: What an interesting way to describe a high.
Lexi: Well I mean, I don't know if you’d get it unless you’ve felt it but we've all felt it. So, maybe dear listeners will be like I graduated college knowing I'd get a job and I'm not an archaeologist. (laughing)
Haley: No like I had grad school but still like there is this feeling that (laughing) I did a really, really poor choice. Like in the line it was all kids and then me fangirling and all these kids were like fangirling for the fact that this is like an Egyptologist not Kara Cooney as like the woman she is. (laughing)
Lexi: And I mean archaeologists are just nerds with Egypt books who didn’t grow up.
Haley: Exactly.
Alana: That’s true.
Haley: And she was just talking to me and she's like “oh like you seem to know about this” like I guess like I gave that impression it was like “yeah I actually just graduated from GW with an archaeology degree” and she– oh my god this is like, I've never felt– this was the peak of my life besides elementary school this was my peak she goes “Hey everyone we have an actual archaeologist here”
Alana: Oh my god!
Lexi: Oh my god!
Alana: Oh my god!
Speaker 1: And like I was at the somewhat back of the line and all these kids who are saying that like they love Indiana Jones they want to be archaeologists and she's like “we have another real archaeologist she just finished her degree” and I turned to my mom, winked, and said “can you tell that louder so she can hear? She had to pay for the degree.
(Alana laughing)
Haley: Also like that led into Kara Cooney just being like, because so many people were asking her why how or how she became an Egyptologist and her first response she was like “I was privileged like I had the privilege to get a great education.”
Lexi: That is such a good answer.
Alana: That’s such a good answer.
Lexi: I'm gonna steal that.
Alana: That’s amazing.
Lexi: I’m gonna plagiarize that answer.
Haley: I already have. I like, I know I very much know. You know even like with history and doing this podcast we can easily be doing some other like paying job but like we're taking the three hours to do this we have that privilege to do it. I love it. I'm gonna ride that train cuz I know once I graduate in December it’s not gonna be there.
Alana: Hello and welcome to Lady History; the good the bad and the ugly ladies you missed in history class. I am virtually here with Lexi. Lexi, do you remember the last time you dined in at a restaurant?
Lexi: Oh goodness. With you, I think?
Alana: Yeah
Lexi: Six months ago?
Alana: It was March 9th 2020 and it was all three of us at Tonic.
Lexi: That’s right! 
Alana: That third person is also in this Zoom meeting, of course, Haley is here too. Haley do you remember what you ordered at that meal?
Haley: We definitely split some tots cuz I made you, and then I got the like zazzy mac and cheese. It had some bread crumbs that's all I remember.
Alana: It did have some bread crumbs. I don't remember what I ordered. I do remember that I had two margaritas and they were expensive because I forgot to ask for bottom shelf tequila.
(Lexi laughing)
Haley: It was great because I like– I was the first person to look at the receipt and I said oh no no no. Cuz it was like Patron put as two separate shots so she had to pay for the margarita mix and the tequila separately. 
Alana: And I'm Alana and I've forgotten how to spell my own name on multiple occasions.
Haley: I am terrified of birds, it's not a good thing.
Lexi: So if you lived on a pirate ship… 
Haley: I couldn't.
Lexi: Okay. So if you lived on a pirate ship– you couldn’t live on a pirate ship, but if you did the bird would be the worst part?
Haley: Yeah.
Lexi: But you know who knows how to take care of birds?
Alana: Who?
Lexi: Pirates. That's probably not true, they probably treated them like– real poopy. But honestly I don't even know if that is the is that myth true?
Haley: I was about to ask that!
Lexi: Do parrots– my pirate did definitely not have a parrot there was no mention of a parrot.
Alana: No mention of a parrot for me either.
Haley: That was. Yeah.
Lexi: Wait what if my whole life is a lie because fun fact about me I have a parrot named Sergeant and a Portuguese water dog named Captain and my whole life is based around the nautical-ness and you can't see but in this room I have these paddles which is like a form of sorority art– long story we won't get into it– and they all have nautical themed paintings of my pets and if parrots and pirates don’t really go together, I'm stressed.
Haley: So okay, I have a theory on like why this is like a theme. Because they traveled all through like the Caribbean islands where those birds were just like flapping around so I think they're like “oh new exotic toys? swell.” So like they saw them and maybe like obviously took some back because like so many pirates just took things from where they like landed–
Lexi: That’s true.
Haley: And just like took over other ships. That's where I think it came from because nowhere in like my research– because I talk about like one, two pirates in mine– and doing like other research with like pirates in general no where was like “there was a parrot named Coconut on the ship.”
(Lexi and Alana laughing)
Lexi: Well they might have like taken them and sold them.
Haley: Yeah that's like.
Lexi: That seems more pirate-y to me.
Haley: Yeah that’s true.
Lexi: In my personal pirate opinion.
Haley: I also used to think Christopher Columbus was a pirate but that's a whole other story.
Lexi: I mean–
Haley: It’s close enough.
Lexi: I mean…
Alana: I mean…
Lexi: I mean… 
Haley: Maybe like small Haley was on to something but I definitely remember thinking like explorers were pirates at some point. Like a wire was crossed in my education.
Alana: I think small Haley was onto something. Maybe that crossed wire put you onto something.
Haley: There's so many moments of like me remembering my childhood where I came up with something that was like inherently wrong but like now looking back on it I was like nah I was fucking genius.
(Alana laughing)
Haley: I knew my stuff.
Lexi: Arrrre ya ready ladies?
Haley: Yes.
Lexi: Oh, the answer–
Alana: I wasn’t allowed to watch Spongebob as a kid and that’s a personality trait.
Lexi: The answer was “aye aye, captain” and neither of you got it. Let’s try again.
Alana: I wasn’t allowed to watch Spongebob as a kid!
Lexi: Let’s just try it one more time. Arrrrre ya ready ladies?
Haley: (laughing) Aye aye captain!
Alana: I don’t know
Lexi: Okay, well anyway… I will be talking about Ching Shih, whose name I'm trying very hard to say correctly but I may be messing up. I actually called upon my former roommate who is my lifelong friend who– she is Chinese so I asked her “how do you say this” and she sent me a recording of how it’s said but it was one of those recordings you can only listen to one time and then it goes away forever. So my best interpretation is [Chung Shih]. But it's actually spelled C. H. I. N. G. which–
Alana: I was gonna say–
Lexi: shows you how complicated Chinese language is. But technically the pronunciation I got from a person who speaks Cantonese is [Chung She] so… do with that what you will. I do speak Korean which is completely unrelated and in no way useful in this situation. Cantonese is not in my wheelhouse… no I don't speak Asian. Thank you. Okay so–
(Alana laughing)
Lexi: I actually picked her because when I asked my brother to… my brother one of his, like, side dreams is to become a filmmaker but he doesn't really want to do it because someone in the family has to make money with their career choice. So when I ask him like what historical story he would make into a movie if you had like a big budget news a famous director he said he would make a biopic about Ching Shih because by virtue of being a woman and a pirate her story is both empowering and naturally full of a diverse cast of characters so you wouldn't have to force diversity into the story. It's a historical story that has a really diverse cast so I thought that was really insightful of him so he just got really really interested in Ching Shih and also another preface: getting information on Ching Shih is pretty difficult and a lot of the information we have about our life comes from speculation and oral history because she was a criminal so it's not like people really recorded a lot of the things she did and she was a woman so it's not like China at the time she was alive people really cared what women were doing, unfortunately. So I will do my best to rely on like recorded oral traditions and some primary text sources, not like speculation in this description but inherently by virtue of her story there is a little stuff that's like open to interpretation up in the air. Do with that what you will check out she was basically a queen of pirates, and records of Ching Shih's birth and childhood do not exist. All we know is that directly before she became a pirate she was working at a Cantonese brothel in southeastern China and in 1801 her life changed forever when she married a man named [Chung Yi] who was the commander of a group of pirates called the Red Flag Fleet. This is like the most notorious group of pirates in China at the time, and the legend says that he sought Ching Shih as a bride because of her cunning nature and her skills wielding power over like wealthy, powerful men, which she had learned while working as a prostitute in a brothel which I think is a pretty interesting... interesting way of looking at that job. I think a lot of times people look down on that job but her husband wanted her because of the skills she obtained in that job. And after marrying a pirate overlord, Ching Shih realizes that a pirate's life was for her (Lexi making rimshot noise). So she's starting to–
Alana: I liked that joke. That was- amazing.
Lexi: Thank you, thank you, pause for laughter.
(All laughing)
Lexi: Thank you. I'll be here... all day because I'm in my house and we're stuck at home. So, yeah, she started to get involved in the family business, she really liked the pirating. And maritime trade was, like, super popular at the time. People were calling it like that the Maritime Silk Road, so it was a very big time for maritime trade in this early 1800s in East Asia. And, so it was really common for pirate families to span generations, so, like, a grandfather, father, and son or like you know a mother and son would have many pirates that they rule over together. But she was the biggest pirate family. Her family was the biggest pirate family. And with her help, her husband's pirate empire got like really huge, with some accounts suggesting that they commanded upwards of eighty thousand pirates though some sources do differ on this exact number I've seen as low as forty thousand as high as a hundred thousand but eighty thousand–
Alana (audibly sarcastic): Forty thousand that so few. That’s not really impressive.
Lexi: I mean, would you like a comparison to stick to really stick it home?
Alana:  Yeah sure.
Lexi: The notorious pirate you may have heard of, Blackbeard? We’ve heard of Blackbeard? Haley: Definitely like twenty.
Lexi: Three hundred. So just like for scale, for comparison… Ching Shih had a lot of pirates. And in 1807 her husband suddenly and unexpectedly died. One written record suggests that he was murdered, another one says that he had an STD. So we're not totally sure which one but he died and he had no blood heir, the two of them had not had a child yet. But he did have an adoptive son who was also his lover, which at first I was like wait that's really weird but apparently in this era in Chinese history if you wanted to like give power to someone to like take over your family business you would adopt them legally as your child even if they were an adult. So he had this male lover he wanted to give the business to so he adopted the male lover as a son. But basically everyone's assuming that this guy, this adopted son, is going to take over the family business and he will become the the pirate emperor, if you will. But at this point Ching Shih is like not ready to give up her power. She is in control, she's in charge, she wants to stay in charge of the pirates so she decides to take up her favorite old method of getting what she wants: seduction. And she starts hooking up with her husband’s son-lover and then marries him. So, through her skills of manipulation and seduction, she maintains her position as a leader of this massive pirate brigade. And oral tradition suggests that many nations’ navies fell victim to her pirate fleet, including the Portuguese, British, and Chinese navies. All of them lost naval ships to Ching Shih. The Chinese government realize that Ching Shih was a big threat, that she was so powerful there was no way they would ever defeat her fleet by force. So they decided to reach an agreement with her, almost like a treaty, but not a treaty since it wasn't between two nations it was with a criminal. So they offered her immunity or like the ability to not get charged or punished if she agreed to stop pirating, but she was not gonna go down without a fight. So she accepted only if the Chinese government would allow her to keep all of the loot that she'd already acquired. So she's agreed to stop pirating, but not to give back anything that she had acquired while pirating. So she ended up this really rich woman who opened a brothel in South China and just chilled for the rest of her life. And the really crazy thing about Ching Shih is her lasting legacy. Even though most people never heard of her she's actually been referenced a lot in pop culture. She was mentioned in two Assassin’s Creed spin-off games and she inspired a character in the Pirates of the Caribbean series Madame [Chung]. They also featured her in Rejected Princesses which is a book about like famous women from history who could be princesses but don't fit the traditional role of what a princess is. So I thought that was really cool, and I would love to see an edgy movie about her life and her history. That's Ching Shih.
Haley: I love that. I feel like I knew her name when I saw you putting it on the spreadsheet, like I– I was like oh I know that from somewhere like I feel like I knew her story.
Alana: I love that I think that's cool.
Haley: Alright, so you know how I did Amelia Earhart last week, we don't know what happened with her death? Same train. Or same boat, if you will.
(Alana and Lexi laughing)
Haley: We just– I'm gonna do Anne Bonny who's like a famous pirate. She's a famous Irish pirate. And I only knew this because when I started dating Robert who's hundred percent Irish I was like oh let me just Google some like famous Irish people think it's like as a joke like slip it into conversation and she came up and I just always, kinda thought about her. I also thought about her but also she comes up as more of a legend type of thing like for some parts of the story there are parts where I was like this doesn't seem real and other parts like this is fact. I also have a great pirate joke if I could tingle your taste buds with it.
Lexi: Go for it.
Haley: What does a dyslexic pirate say?
Alana: Rrraaaa? I don’t know
Lexi: I see what you were trying to do.
Alana: Thank you. What do they say?
Haley: ARRRRG. No, wait... I read it wrong
(Alana & Lexi laughing)
Haley: It’s GRAA. I’m a little dyslexic to begin with and I have some trouble reading and I just f-ed my own joke. This is one of those jokes that you uhh have in your brain. I saw it on a t-shirt when I was like in Florida, years and years back and it’s always and it has always been in my brain for that long. Alright! So let’s get hooked for this golden age of piracy. Uh. She was born and like raised in Ireland and we are going to talk about Ireland a little, but she was more active in the Caribbean.I couldn’t find, Lexi, what you were talking about with your gal about inspiration for some of the pirates in the Pirates of the Caribbean franchise. She's known as like a pirate well known in the active pirate Caribbean circle but I couldn't find of her influence in like in modern. Maybe I just like wasn't looking in the right places. But she was born like the late 1600s and we're already off to a rocky start with her story because she was born to an attorney William Cormac who had an affair with the family maid, Mary Brennan and because of this whole affair William's wife left him. So like immediately there's just some family struggle Mary gave birth to Anne and it was kind of like a weird situation where William acknowledged and as his daughter but in a secretive sort of sense like Mary and Anne lived removed from the family. William would visit and he became fond of her but also didn't want her to be like here’s my daughter and like out in society as his daughter so to avoid any scandal he was like a-ha I'm gonna dress Anne up as a boy and introduce her as like the child of a relative. All my friends in the town and like my attorney friends won't know she's my child and also they’ll think she's a boy. But she's like still a relative of mine. Like that's why we look so similar. So already that's just opening up a whole can of worms of identity and just family issues. Lexi is giving me a face. Yeah no it's a lot. And this is great, for one of the sources, quote “when Anne's true gender” (nervous laughter) and parentage was discovered, William and Mary were like okay we can't be in Ireland anymore like let's peace and I believe they're in like the town of County Cork. Robert informed me is not where he's from, he's from Limerick and got real mad that I confused the two. 
(Alana laughing)
Haley: But we peaced from Ireland, and now our story is going to Charleston, South Carolina or what is now Charleston, South Carolina. It was like known as the Carolinas area. And Mary died somewhat soon after and 1711. Anne was going through her angsty teen years. Instead of listening to that good emo music, she turned into quote “a fierce and courageous temper.”
Alana: Me too.
Haley: But like, hold up, because I don’t think you like, murdered people. Like she–
Alana: That’s true. I was gonna be like “you don’t know that” but also I shouldn’t implicate myself for murder on a podcast. I did not kill anybody.
Haley: No no no. She reportedly murdered with the many articles and sources called a servant girl with a case knife which I'm not a hundred percent sure what a case knife is. I tried googling it but all the knives looked different to me. And beating - this is kind of like honestly this part I'm not I don't have so much problems with -  beating half to death a dude who tried to rape her. Like that was self defense like I don't know why that being slipped in.
Alana: Yeah, good. Amazing.
Haley: I guess she got that power of “cool I can do some damage I can defend myself” because she later turned into a pirate. But we're not there yet. We’re at the part where William is just not a fan of how his daughter's acting. It was more not out of sense of protecting her, but more protecting his reputation because along with this fierce and courageous temper there were rumors of her sleeping around with the fishermen and like the other quote unquote drunks in the different bars and taverns that they had that you just go to. He said it was like bad for business. And he's not an attorney anymore; he owns a plantation. I didn't find out like what the plantation was where it was blah blah bla. But that's not important, we're here for Anne. Anne married a small time pirate which honestly is like a fancy name for poor sailor in this area, named James Bonny. Honestly I couldn't figure out whether he was a pirate already or like a small time pirate or a sailor because like from all the sources I read that mentioned him like he's real small potatoes in her life story. He was on a boat, loved the fish, maybe had a pirate friend, a bird, a parrot. But he's definitely the source of her leading into the piracy gang. Her father disapproved of James immediately and basically disowned her in the sense of like kicking her out of the house and was like, no if you’re going to live like this, then I’m not helping you, trying to instil that fatherly sense. And this is another great quote. From the National Park Service so the literal sentence after this whole kicking out situation - “Anne may have burned her father’s plantation in retaliation (she was known for her temper.)”
(Alana giggling)
Haley: I tried, this is where I tried to like Google the plantation and everything. I couldn't find anything concrete of like, this plantation and this burning, but like she could’ve burned down her father’s plantation.
Alana: Maybe that’s why you can't find anything about it, because it burned down.
Haley: Honestly, good point. So sometime between 1714 and 1718 Anne and James moved around like the Bahamas area and at this maybe it's still called this but at the time it was known as like the Republic of Pirates, so it's like the collection of the Bahama islands and you just sail around it. And it was like this sanctuary for English pirates so it's kind of under English law but really it's small defenseless islands with more pirate ships they couldn’t take over. And they kind of like lived– like I couldn't find out like what I think it was like Nassau but that's like the modern name for the Bahama island. But I couldn't find out like exactly where they landed or if they just landed a cluster of islands. They kind of just like lived in that area. James did whatever James did. But Anne hung out at the local taverns. I want to be a regular at a bar one day. And that's where she met John “Calico Jack” Rackham and the fun nickname of Calico Jack was from the colorful pants he wore. He was the captain of a ship or boat called “Revenge” and every time I saw the name “Revenge” it was all in caps like bolded, just like you gotta know this boat’s named “Revenge.” Anne realized that she wanted to be with Calico Jack and not James but James refused to get a divorce. He was like no, we’re married, death do us part, blah blah blah. Anne was just like “nah.” Jumped ship from that marriage.
(Alana laughing) 
Haley: And joined Calico Jack as a crew member aboard the “Revenge.” And over the next years, they were active in and around like Jamaica doing what pirates do; capturing other vessels, taking their riches or like spoils, collecting all the booty. This vessel or one of these vessels included another female pirate, Mary Read, and she basically infiltrated the pirate ships, infiltrated the ranks of the pirate ships by dressing as a man. I don't know if like– they have like this– I like– I imagined Anne like walking on the ship, bumping into Mary, and being like “No. You're a woman dressed up as a man, I know this” and then Mary being like “whoa, you’re a woman too? No way.” Like having some sort of like face to face, heart to heart because they became like best friends.
Alana: Were they gal pals? Were they best– best friends? Were they roommates? Were they gal pals?
Haley: I don’t know, they were definitely gal pals and they definitely got into some mischief together. I. E. in October of 1720 ish Calico Jack and his crew were captured by a ship called “King's Ship.” It was like under the commissioner like under the government of like Jamaica. So, a pirate hunter, Jonathan Barnett, was kind of like “Ah, you guys are coming with me, you’re pirates, that's a big no no.” So during this capture most of the men were just like hiding at the bottom of the ship in the barracks or something and it was Anne and Mary who are like kicking butt on the top deck. Like many of the sources made a point to stress that like it was Anne and Mary really kicking some butt and everyone else was hiding during this like siege. In accordance with English common law, Anne and Mary were like given a stay of execution because like once they're captured it’s like y'all are going to be hanged. Like we don't have a jail system up and running yet. Execution. Only way to go. But since they were pregnant, or claiming to be pregnant, we don't super know, they were allowed to live until the children were born. If they said that they were pregnant, that’s another few few months to live.
Alana: We love prioritizing a fetus over a living woman.
Haley: Yeah.
Alana: We love that. That’s gonna be a big old slash S from me, kids.
Haley: Yeah. Now we get to the point where there's no official record but I'm– I'm gonna speculate that there's no official record for a lot of this. Like not so scholarly sources nonetheless, oral tradition is still a thing. We’ll listen to it, we'll speak about it. We get to the point where like they're both in prison but Read– uh, Mary Read dies of the fever. So like she doesn't last to like give birth, somehow get out of the get out of it saying there was a fetus inside me I don't know why this fetus isn't growing. And then for Anne, at least, some people say that you just like died in prison and like eventually was like hanged. Others say that she escaped from prison and went on to just be a pirate again, master of disguise, she loved doing what she wanted to do I guess. But the real like meat and potatoes of the legend is that her father paid for her ransom to get back to the Carolinas. And so after she gave birth, she was actually pregnant with Calico Jack’s child. They never mentioned Calico Jack and I'm assuming since he was a dude he was just executed because like he couldn't give birth to some, like, to a child. So he died and she basically was like “I'm gonna move on, I have this child I'm in the Carolinas again” and met another guy named Joseph and they had like ten kids. Raised those ten kids, and she died like a respectable woman at age 88. That's like literally where it leaves off. Went back to the Carolinas, her dad paid ransom. And there's more about like the dad paying ransom than any of the other accounts.
Alana: Wow.
Haley: That's our pirate Anne.
Alana: So, I told some of my internet friends about this theme. I didn't say who we were doing because that's spoilers. But one of them asked if we were gonna talk about the lady pirate who would fight dressed like a man, and then right before she killed people would like, pull out one of her tits. Is that this person?
Haley: I think that's Mary. I think that's Mary. I think that's her buddy.
Alana: I was gonna say– I feel like it was one of them.
Haley: I didn't read any of that for Anne.
Alana: I also, like so the source for that I remember seeing is literally from Tumblr, and I take my Tumblr history lessons with more salt than the Dead Sea.
Lexi: Oh. Oh, yeah that is the only way. that is the only way to take the Tumblr history lessons.
Haley: More salt than– that’s awesome. I want that on a t-shirt.
(Alana laughing)
Haley: Yeah she has her own website Anne Bonny pirate dot com which I like perused at.
Lexi: Which is like a fifty year old man in Florida who learned how to code…
Haley: And that is really where I got like the legend stuff because like National Park Service literally put we don't know what happened to her and I wanted to sprinkle in some mystery.
Lexi: Put a little spice.
Haley: Yeah, but like, Smithsonian Mag did a piece on her, there's like another blog of– called “Rare Irish Stuff.” All the museum stuff, National Park Service, was coming from here is what she did in the early stages of life and here's what she did as a pirate, all the blogs are like this is the legend of her death.
Lexi: Alright, Alana?
Alana: Okay. My turn. I'm so excited for this, I'm so glad that like it wasn't my idea to do this one second, like someone else was like “can we do pirates second” I was like I was going to ask to do pirates second! Okay. So I'm also talking about an Irish pirate but, like, a hundred and fifty years before Anne Bonny. I'm talking about Gráinne Ní Máille [Grawinya ni Mawila] or Grace O’Malley. Shout out to Susan Johnston for that pronunciation help. Love her. Miss her. Doctor Johnston I hope you're listening and I miss you and stay safe. Anyway Gráinne is born circa 1530 ce ish somewhere near… Some sources say Clare Island, some say Achill Island. Either way those are islands in Clew Bay, which is Northwestern Ireland. Her parents Owen and Margaret– or Maeve in Irish– Ní Máille… that one’s cute because we'll see later but like she names her first son and her daughter after them. Gráinne has like a leg up when it comes to pirating, because her family made their living at sea, instead of other families in that area other clans in that area were mostly farming. So already she was on the water. There is a legend– a lot of her stuff is legend– but there is a legend that as a child she wanted to go travel or maybe it was a trading expedition to Spain with her father but her father was like “no no no. Your hair is gonna get tangled in the ropes you can come with us.” So she cut off all of her hair. And this is how she gets the nickname Gráinne Mhaol [woil] and Mhaol means the bald. Like it means short haired or bald. And she's like so cool and so badass that– she does have an older half brother named Donál– but Gráinne inherits her father's land and his title instead of the brother. I am trying to do the Irish names just because I feel like that's more… 
Haley: Look you’re so ahead of me. I asked Robert. I should have asked Susan Johnston. 
Alana: You should’ve asked Susan Johnston. I– so, lowkey, Lexi you can decide whether or not to keep this in. I wanted to ask Johnston because I wanted to like lowkey find a way to tell her we were doing a podcast without being like “we're doing a podcast!” so I wanted to ask for help so I wasn't just like bragging.
Haley: See I thought, like, living with a person from Ireland, like hundred percent Irish would be helpful.
Alana: I love Susan Johnston. She's worked in Ireland for like years and years and years and she never adopts an Irish accent by accident except when she says the word Ireland. I don't know if you guys have noticed this.
Haley: I notice that. I love her.
Alana: She says Ireland in an Irish accent. It’s the best thing in the world. Anyway. So. She is fifteen or sixteen ish, gets married to a man named Donál O’Flaherty in 1546. They have three children; Owen, Maeve, and it's anglicized to Morrough but it's like Murchadh [Merchai] which sounds like a Hebrew name to me. Seemingly, part of her dowry was three galleys and twenty ships. And the reason that that's probably part of her dowry is based on Irish law she would get them back at a dissolution of the marriage. Which we'll get to why the marriage was dissolved. So the fact that like she was able to keep them after the marriage ended makes it seem like maybe like they came with her into this marriage and so they were part of the dowry. Poor Mr O'Flaherty was hot tempered and feuding with the neighboring clans just for S’s and G’s, shits and grins, just cuz. And in 1564 he is mortally wounded in a territorial skirmish and Gráinne takes back his castle. Another legend says that it was originally known as Cock’s Castle and became later known as Hen's Castle because she took it back, which is fun. So that is why the marriage dissolved, because he died. Three years after he dies– he died in 1564– she gets remarried to someone named Richard Bourke in 1567. He's known as Richard na-Iarrain which means iron, so his nickname is Iron Dick. Multiple of my sources called him that which is fun.
(Haley laughing)
Alana: They just called him like Iron Dick Bourke and I was like okay. I guess this is happening. Supposedly she divorced him in 1568. He came home from something and his clothes and his stuff was packed outside their room and she was like “we're not married anymore!” But Ireland– I don't know if you knew this– remember how last episode I was like “Russia is cold”? Ireland is Catholic. So a divorce was not gonna fly. So it was either like he pissed her off and she was like you're going to sleep on the couch for whatever or like they just kept pretending but they weren't friends or actually in love and they just kept pretending to be married. He died in 1583 of natural causes. Gráinne, who had taken a break from being a pirate and a rebel, which we’ll get to in a sec, goes back to that. Having, like, being a single woman again. So here are some of her pirate-y things. Her ships were not great for open ocean so her piracy or the way that she was being a pirate was short distance raids from her little strongholds in northwest Ireland and they would like levy tolls on passing ships and if they didn't pay… bad things. Bad things would happen. An English lord once referred to her as “The nurse of all rebellions in this province for forty years.” She gave birth to her youngest son and her only child with Iron Dick whose name is Theobold, or Tibbot, or Tiobóid on a ship on the way back from something, and the next day they were attacked by Algerian pirates. The legend around it says that they attacked within an hour. And so she just wrapped up this child and put it down and was like “okay we're gonna go kill these Algerian pirates now.” There's also a legend of her at Howth Castle which is in Dublin. The story goes that she was denied entrance because the family was at dinner. She thought this was super rude so she kidnapped the grandson of the Earl and returns him in exchange for the promise that the family would always have an open chair for her at their dinner table. She's like Irish Elijah. There's an empty seat for her, always. Between husbands, she took a lover Hugh de Lacy. And he– they were like pirating it up together and he was killed by some people they were raiding and so Gráinne got revenge on the castle called Doona Castle. And she gets the nickname– she's got all these nicknames, but this one I think is my favorite. It's Dark Lady of Doona, which I'm a big fan of. I really like that one. She has this like archnemesis– Professor Johnston, Dr Johnston called Elizabeth I Gráinne’s number one enemy, which, kind of, but I think this guy is her number one archenemy. Richard Bingham, who is a Lord in her county.In County Mayo, is the English Lord because England is like encroaching upon Ireland, which is a long running thing throughout history. This Lord, who was being basically like the English governor in Ireland, captured her and almost hung her but Gráinne’s son-in-law, whose name is also Richard Burke, and I'm not sure how that happened. This is a different Richard Burke though because his nickname is Devil’s Hook. But he intervened and saved her from the gallows. And at one point she got home from– she'd been like doing this not quite a cold war because it definitely got hot at some times. She's been doing this like butting heads with Richard Bingham. And her son, Murchadh or Murray or Murrough or whatever, had sided with Bingham, so Gráinne destroyed his land and burned his castle down. Motherly love, man. So we are going to now talk about Gráinne and Elizabeth I who met for the first time in 1593. So Elizabeth is concerned about Ireland. Her father Henry VIII was the first person to call himself King of Ireland, or like in a while, was the first king of England to call himself king of Ireland as well. so there's some like tension between their families. So Ireland is still Catholic, even though famously, at this point, England has not been Catholic. And it's got all these green pastures like they could very easily rise up against her. And they have this relationship with Spain, and Spain and England are not friends. But Gráinne has a problem as well. Her lands have been taken by Richard Bingham, her oldest son Owen was killed, and Tibbot, that one, her youngest son was captured by Bingham. And so Gráinne petitions for an audience to plead her case, and she's granted it. This meeting does not go great. Gráinne refuses to bow– a lot of this is legend– refuses to bow because she's also queen, and so queens shouldn't bow to other queens. supposedly she brought a dagger into their meeting but it was confiscated. The meeting was supposedly conducted in Latin because it was quote “the only language they shared.” I don't think it was the only language they shared because Gráinne petitioned in English, and probably– was like a noble Irish woman– and probably also spoke English, probably spoke some Spanish. I think she spoke both English and Irish perfectly well, but I love the idea that she goes to Elizabeth and is like “we're not going to conduct this in your language” because Elizabeth probably didn't speak that much Irish, she was like “I could do this but I'm gonna put you out. You’re gonna– I am the underdog here, I am asking for help but we're going to do this on my terms.”
Haley: When you say “Irish” are you saying Gaelic or is this like another– I'm thinking of like…
Alana: Irish Gaelic.
Haley: Okay I'm thinking of Johnston's Celts class where she had the whole… Irish…
Alana: Yeah. This is Irish specific. Irish Gaelic.
Haley: Okay cool.
Alana: So supposedly at one point Gráinne sneezed, and one of Elizabeth's ladies in waiting gave her a handkerchief and so Gráinne blew her nose and then she threw the handkerchief in the fire, to a scandalized response. People were like “you should– this is a very expensive and beautiful gift and you should have kept it.” And Gráinne says “no. In Ireland that's a dirty frigging rag, and we should dispose of it.” So, like, that's another one of these things that I'm like– I don't, I really don't, like I think it's rude to like, call out other cultures on being gross but like… She just called your culture gross like what a badass. So they came to this agreement that Gráinne would stop openly rebelling against the Crown in exchange for the release of her son the return of her lands and Richard Bingham would be removed from his seat of power. Took too long. In Gráinne’s opinion, took too long. Her son was released, but the rest of it took too long so she started back up doing that rebel thing. All of that rebelling against the crown… We love it, we love to see it. And she died of natural causes in 1603 ish, again not really calendars, so she’s approximately seventy three, which is a pretty nice old age considering her lifestyle. I do wanna talk a little bit about Gráinne now. She is an icon of Irish history for standing up to England which really… Something that… So I was in Ireland, I don't know if you knew this about me, but I spent a month in Ireland. And I was there for Fourth of July. I said like the one Irish guy who was on the deck with us, Paul– shout out Paul– I said you know the main message of the Fourth of July is “England get fucked” and I feel like the Irish could get behind that. So that's why Gráinne is really like she's everywhere… to the point that there is a Grace O'Malley whiskey and gin company that will ship in– anywhere in the US. I do think they are Ireland based but they will ship in the US. Each bottle is forty dollars and you have free shipping on two bottles. This is– they're not sponsoring me. I'm telling you two this in case you wanna get me a gift, or if someone who's listening wants to DM me, and get me a gift, I would be willing to try it. I looked at my liquor store and they did not have it but I did look at my liquor store.
Haley: I think I've had it before. It's good gin if I'm thinking of the label correctly. It’s good
Alana: I can send you a picture of it.
Haley: I love gin. Gin’s like my drink of choice.
Alana: The tagline is like “Believe in Grace” and I'm like “cool!” Love that. Love to see it. Anyway. So I'm really– I was really excited about this one. I think she's a really cool person, a lot of fun.
Lexi: You know what I think is interesting? All of our ladies, if legend holds correctly, like if the popular legend holds correctly, did not die in their crazy rebellious lifestyles they just died as old ladies living their life.
Haley: Yeah.
Lexi: So you know people always talk about taking risks and stuff, why not do it? Because you’ll probably just die an old lady anyway.
Alana: You will probably die an old lady anyway. That's true. I love this episode. this was so much fun. I love this podcast.
Lexi: Alright, you ready for an outro
Alana: Yeah.
Lexi: You can find this podcast on Twitter and Instagram at LadyHistoryPod. Our show notes and a transcript of this episode will be on lady history pod dot tumblr dot com. If you like the show, leave us a review or tell your friends, and if you don't like the show, keep it yourself.
Alana: Our logo is by Alexia Ibarra, you can find her on Instagram and Twitter at LexiBDraws. Our theme music is by me, GarageBand, and Amelia Earhart. Lexi is doing the editing. You will not see us, and we will not see you, but you will hear us. Next time on Lady History.
Haley: Next week, on Lady History we're gonna be talking about women of legend. Are they real? Are they not? What's up with their stories? We don't know, you don’t know, but we’ll all find out together.
Haley: Kara Cooney I love you.
Alana: Some quick corrections to last week’s episode: Ginger Rogers was Fred Astaire’s dance partner, not Grace Kelley. Also, my mom was the one who was almost eight when they were stopped at the airport in Israel. My uncle was five.
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tabloidtoc · 4 years
OK, June 8
Cover: Cher Turns 74 -- in hiding and in love 
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Page 1: Big Pic -- Kristin Chenoweth in a Winnie the Pooh onesie with boyfriend Josh Bryant and her dog Thunder 
Page 2: Contents 
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Page 3: Contents 
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Page 4: Kristin Cavallari dating again -- she’s ready for romance just one month after her split from husband Jay Cutler 
Page 6: Meghan Markle chronicled her time in the U.K. in a secret diary and the revelation has sent The Firm into a tailspin -- it’s confirmed everyone’s worst fears that Meghan has them over a barrel and could bring them down with the click of a finger 
Page 7: After Jennifer Lopez’s daughter Emme wowed the crowd with a surprise appearance during the Super Bowl halftime show J.Lo’s ready to take on the full-time role of stage mom as the 12-year-old preps to release a bilingual children’s book of prayers, three years after her split from music producer Jack Antonoff it seems Lena Dunham is still nursing a broken heart so much so that’s it’s affecting her day-to-day life, after more than 15 years of friendship Ashton Kutcher and Dax Shepard are still thick as thieves 
Page 8: Though it’s been two years since Tom Hardy wrapped up filming as the titular character in Capone which has just recently been released but the renowned Method actor still can’t get out of the notorious gangster’s mindset so much so that even his wife Charlotte Riley who is used to Tom’s extreme behavior during a film shoot is rattled by his demeanor and she’s telling him not to take any more weirdo roles because it affects their personal life, Jon Hamm is desperate to work intimately with January Jones again and the quickest path to that is through a Mad Men reunion -- Jon still feels deeply connected to January and in a lot of ways she’s the closest he’s had to a real-life spouse after the years they spent as an onscreen couple, The Bachelorette Hannah Brown is feeling the consequences of her actions after blurting out the N-word while singing along to DaBaby’s track Rockstar in an Instagram Live video and she apologized immediately but the backlash has been pretty brutal 
Page 10: Red Hot on the Red Carpet -- silver gowns -- Diane Kruger, Reese Witherspoon, Janelle Monae 
Page 11: Nina Kiri, Catherine Zeta-Jones 
Page 12: Who Wore It Better? Betty Gilpin vs. Nina Dobrev ✅, Chiara Ferragni vs. Dakota Fanning ✅
Page 13: Kaia Gerber vs. Nicky Hilton Rothschild ✅
Page 14: News in Photos -- during her televised City of Lover Concert Taylor Swift unveiled a few personal photos from her trip to France last September 
Page 15: Pierce Brosnan congratulated son Dylan for graduating from the USC School of Cinematic Arts, Vanessa Hudgens, Adriana Lima relaxing in Florida, Ariana Grande shows off her new butterfly tattoo in an Instagram selfie 
Page 16: Lance Bass pointed out his platinum locks before dyeing them blue, Gwyneth Paltrow shared a snap of her and Chris Martin’s daughter Apple 
Page 17: Adam Sandler on a bike, Kate Beckinsale brushes her cat Clive, Elizabeth Hurley and her dog Ava, Britney Spears 
Page 18: Dean McDermott and son Beau playing golf, Sara Gilbert and estranged wife Linda Perry with son Rhodes at an L.A. park, Melissa Gorga played basketball with kids Antonia and Gino and Joey 
Page 19: Drew Barrymore read to her Instagram followers to take part in the Save With Stories fund, Shawn Johnson East and daughter Drew, Pink and kids Jameson and Willow
Page 20: Color Theory -- these ladies brightened up their looks at home -- Elle Fanning, Lottie Moss 
Page 21: Taraji P. Henson, Jennifer Love Hewitt 
Page 22: Arnold Schwarzenegger on a bike, Brooke Burke filmed a new exercise routine for her fitness app, Devon Windsor is having way too much fun doing physical couples challenges with husband Jonathan Barbara
Page 23: Josh Hutcherson on a bike ride around the neighborhood, Nicole Scherzinger and her boyfriend Thom Evans demonstrated easy workouts you can do at home, Venus Williams on the tennis court in Palm Beach Gardens 
Page 24: Inside My Home -- Kelly Clarkson’s modern mansion in L.A.’s ritzy Encino community is for sale for $9.9 million 
Page 26: What went wrong between Brian Austin Green and Megan Fox 
Page 27: Blake Shelton is worried history will repeat itself now that he and girlfriend Gwen Stefani have splashed out $13 million for a mansion in L.A. which is their first home together but Blake thought things were going great with ex-wife Miranda Lambert until they really started pooling their money and putting down roots then they started to fall apart with arguments and bad feelings, just weeks after Ashley Benson and Cara Delevingne ended their two-year relationship Ashley was spotted locking lips with rapper G-Eazy but an insider claims it’s more of a rebound than a full-fledged romance, Ariel Winter and her boyfriend Luke Benward are talking marriage just six months into their romance
Page 28: Scott Disick and his girlfriend of two years Sofia Richie are taking some time apart and the official line is that Sofia’s giving him space to work on his personal issues but everyone knows they were hanging by a thread before his rehab stint, Ryan Reynolds has kicked up his workout regimen while at home in Bedford during the quarantine and it’s all about maintaining his physique and being able to fit into his tight Deadpool gear at a moment’s notice and she’s trying to get wife Blake Lively to join him in his three-times-a-day workouts but she’s become much more relaxed about staying in shape since becoming a mom, Love Bites -- Jaime King and husband Kyle Newman split, Rooney Mara and Joaquin Phoenix expecting, Jamie Otis and Doug Hehner welcomed a son 
Page 30: Cover Story -- Inside Cher’s Private World -- from ongoing health issues to her secret new romance sources tell all about Cher’s wild life 
Page 34: Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen’s unbreakable bond -- inside the Olsen twins special relationship and how Ashley is helping Mary-Kate move past her messy divorce 
Page 36: Matthew Perry on the mend -- after a rough few weeks Matthew has started to get his life back in order 
Page 38: Exes tackling quarantine together -- these former celeb couples have chosen to hunker down with each other. What could go wrong? -- Khloe Kardashian and Tristan Thompson, Naomi Watts and Liev Schreiber, Mario and Ramona Singer 
Page 39: Tyler Cameron and Hannah Brown, Jesse Metcalfe and Cara Santana, Getting Some Space -- these still-coupled duos have socially distanced from each other -- Julianne Hough and Brooks Laich, Johnny McDaid and Courteney Cox, Emma Heming and Bruce Willis 
Page 40: Interview -- Dua Lipa opens up about her new album and her life off stage 
Page 42: Summer Stunners -- swimsuit models spill fitness and diet secrets that will have you beach-ready in no time -- Nina Agdal, Irina Shayk 
Page 43: Emily Ratajkowski, Olivia Culpo 
Page 46: Style Week -- Gabrielle Union recently unveiled her Spring/Summer 2020 NY&Co collection with a sizzling campaign shot in Miami’s Little Haiti 
Page 48: Summersalt X Tanya Taylor swim collection, Katy Perry’s favorite headband 
Page 50: Warm-weather must haves -- Emily Ratajkowski 
Page 52: Beauty -- fast and east beauty boosters -- Kristen Bell, Ashley Graham 
Page 54: Entertainment 
Page 58: Buzz -- Sarah Jessica Parker commemorated her and Matthew Broderick’s 23rd wedding anniversary with an IG tribute 
Page 60: Hollywood Heat Meter -- Ellie Goulding occasionally fasts for 40 hours, Jonah Hill is the actor who swears the most in his films, Ryan Seacrest’s droopy eye and slurred speech during the American Idol finale was from exhaustion, Mindy Kaling will be cowriting the Legally Blonde 3 script, Brad Pitt recorded a surprise message for Missouri State University grads, Kanye West’s former bodyguard Steve Stanulis revealed his time working for the rapper 
Page 61: Sound Bites -- Chris Evans on why he caved and joined Instagram, Catherine Zeta-Jones on why her husband Michael Douglas doesn’t use TikTok, Ellie Kemper on shooting the Unbreakable Kimmie Schmidt special with Daniel Radcliffe, Ryan Reynolds on quarantining with his three daughters 
Page 62: Horoscope -- Gemini Heidi Klum 
Page 64: By the Numbers -- Denise Richards 
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onceuponamirror · 5 years
Hey Sarah, how are u and how is grad school going (if u want to talk about it). I hope you're well. What is your favorite show at the moment?
hi there! i’m doing okay…been staying really busy and then my burnout/depression hits me really hard, in brief but intense moments. but generally, school is going really well; i feel like i’m growing and getting a lot of experience towards teaching, which is what i really wanted out of the program. and next semester is even more hands on, so i’m excited! 
i am homesick, though, alas. but—overall, things are going well i think! thank you for asking!
anyway, right now i’m really liking his dark materials. it’s immersive, fun, well acted, well produced, and it feels really grounded in how and what it’s building to. it had a slow start but now that it’s moving forward i want to gobble (pun) it up in one go, lol. world building is something i didn’t know how much i missed, and in particular i feel really excited by the scale of this show. it’s on hbo in the states, but i learned it’s actually a BBC production, which says something about how feasibly grand regular TV can be now! 
there are a couple of moments that could use a lot more clarity; things that are clear to a reader of the books vs. what a new viewer might miss. i also was just praising the scale, but it also drives me bonkers when i notice a background character doesn’t have a visible daemon, to the point where it starts distracting me. so. i hope they throw a little more cash at the CGI next year. 
i don’t get that sense there will be any kind of frenetic fandom energy behind it, largely being devoid of romance, but not everything needs to stir up three thousand word opuses on some probable-happenstance of how a scene was blocked, lol. 
other than that, i’ve been watching anne with an e, which feels quite melodramatic at times but of course that is the point, and i’m glad to see a show aimed at a younger demographic really tackle social justice. also obv watching the good place, which i think was a bit too slow for a final season. it got really good the last few episodes tho. tgp is just a show that works best streamed imo, as it’s just more cohesive to the structure. 
i’ve also been watching nancy drew, tho i am behind on it, and i think it’s…okay? it’s got lots of plot holes, and not as good as s1 riverdale, and i’m conflicted about what seems to be a real supernatural element, but it’s also fun and digestible. 
i also binged the troy bbc show, which was fine for a sick day and somewhat interesting, but basically disappointing and just made me realize how badly i want a greek mythology tv show with the gods and all the dorky shit i was into as a kid. it was clear that if the troy season did well, they were gonna do the odyssey next, but i don’t think that’s happening. BUT—i heard they’re making a favorite book of mine, circe, into an hbo (?) show. i’m optimistic for now! 
OH and also obv i watched the crown. i thought it was pretty good! i am fairly tired of watching episodes where phillip pouts around about how hard his life is, and i’m glad they made fun of him for it but also they still kept doing it anyway. and i like the new charles; idk how true to reality the character is, but they have well and truly made me thirst. don’t really get the camilla thing. margaret continues to be the best part. 
tl;dr, i like his dark materials, and mostly i’m just rewatching old faves because my brain is so burnt out from school lmao 
also WHERE are my new sabrina episodes  
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Week 1 - reading
Vince provided this article for us to read to get the ball rolling. It discusses whether design graduates are industry ready. 
The author Lisa Hassell shares her university experience. She states that she graduated in 2005 with “no more than a heavy A3 portfolio, a hideous overdraft and little idea of what to do next.” 
She believes that degree courses have changed considerably over the last 13 years and that today’s grads are a lot more informed than they used to be but poses the question “is it enough?” 
The report states that ‘A report by creative branding agency Michon released in April 2018 sought to highlight some of these issues, detailing concerns among the design community that recent graduates are leaving higher education with insufficient real-world skills.’ It is then debated who is responsible, is it studios that need to take a more active role or the universities? 
the UK Government has pledged £80 million to help businesses and universities work more closely together, promoting collaborative research and creating highly skilled jobs. - This is an encouraging move but is it time for an industry wide rethink? 
Experience vs education 
Tensions often arise from employers wanting real-world experience and undervaluing the important fundamentals that a practice-led art education is often structured around, observes Manchester-based designer Craig Oldham.
"I think education can make students more aware of certain practicalities of working life, but to nail it down would be misplaced time. They’d be better placed focusing on creative thinking and expressing that using their skills, [as] opposed to getting laboured down in bureaucratic practicality. "For me I think there’s often an over-reliance from the industry on people being able to do these things, and I think we can often lose sight of the fact that we sell creativity as an industry – so that’s of primary importance to me." 
"I hate the bun fight that happens between education and industry, with both sides blaming one another," states Oldham. "It's pointless and futile, and each has to bear responsibility and engage in a meaningful dialogue and relationship. We are crippled now by numerous problems in both education and industry – gender, pay, race, class – and both sides have to take an active role in addressing them." 
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Fuelling the debate, course leader at Ravensbourne University, Derek Yates, is frustrated with how some institutions are failing to tackle the issue. "Education has been a bit lazy in the way it works with industry," states Yates. "We need to develop our relationships more strategically. I've done a lot of industry projects over the years and the ones that work are where both parties get something out of it. Both parties have to benefit for the relationship to work." 
Collaborate to drive change
At Ravensbourne University, Yates has developed approaches to working with the industry. In 2012, he initiated and chaired Alt/Shift, a platform to promote meaningful dialogue and constructive collaboration between the creative industries and design education. 
Heading up the BA Hons Advertising & Brand Design course, a major part of his role involves facilitating partnerships between education and contemporary creative practice, and over the last 10 years he has instigated projects with internationally recognised organisations such as the O2, Eye Magazine, LBi, Moving Brands, Mother, National Air Traffic Control, De La Rue and ustwo. Earlier this year he broke new ground with Untitled– a one-day networking event delivered in collaboration with Lecture in Progress. 
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"Our aim is to empower emerging talent with information and first-hand accounts that demystify the day-to-day workings of the creative world," says Will Hudson, who ran a series of workshops with Ravensbourne students. 
"By focusing on the people, projects and places that make the industry thrive, we want to deliver greater visibility to how work unfolds, where it happens and the breadth of roles that exist." 
"They didn't want a conference that was just lectures, they didn't want a conference that was delivered by white, middle-class men, and they didn't want a conference delivered by people over 30," reveals Yates. 
Yates believes students need to be active participants in the way their education develops. 
There's an equally important conversation to be had between students and educators. If you give students more responsibility and ask them what they think they can quickly show you what you can do better. They need to question and discover for themselves and we need to incorporate what they are learning into how their course design develops year on year. We need to trust our students more." 
“I think all practitioners have a responsibility to teach, to give back” - Craig Oldham 
University degree alternatives 
Shillington ensures it is relevant to the creative industry by hiring only practising designers who are personable, eager to mentor and share their knowledge with the next generation. "Their expertise guides our curriculum, and their experience allows us to cultivate an authentic 'studio' classroom," explains UK Director Sarah McHugh. "Intensive courses are definitely shaking up education, and we're proud to be one of the original pioneers." 
Eleanor Robertson parted from a career in marketing and publicity to pursue her passion for design, enrolling on the full-time course at Shillington. Within a few months of graduating she secured a junior designer role at branding agency Paul Belford Ltd and hasn’t looked back. 
"These different experiences meant that people's responses to the same brief were wildly different, which was very inspiring." - Eleanor Robertson 
In today's fast-paced world, it's entirely possible that university and intensive courses can actually work really well together, as McHugh attests: "many of our students have already completed degrees and/or worked in a wide variety of industries. Their previous experience and skills can actually benefit them at Shillington to up-skill or completely change their careers." 
Creating opportunities for students 
Launching Intern with the goal of making the creative industries more diverse, representative and inclusive, Dudson is passionate about providing opportunities to the next generation of creatives. 
"I started the project to provide a place where an open dialogue about creative careers could happen, as I was seeing far too many people either trapped in a cycle of unpaid internships, or locked out of potential careers because they simply couldn’t afford to keep working for free." 
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Valuing creative ideas 
The ethos of our course is 'Ideas that work'.
"Everyone is so driven and committed and their priority is nailing the brief for the client, not because they're forced to but because they love it. It was really inspiring to be part of an environment full of talented and motivated people." - Student on work placement for McCann Manchester 
Organised visits to agencies such as Mother, Ogilvy and Wieden+Kennedy are vital to the success of the course. "The best part about these visits is that you get to see inside a real agency and the hustle and bustle of it all," enthuses Bailey. "It inspires us to strive for opportunities; it's now our ultimate dream to work in New York."  
"Technical skills are easy to pick up. But thinking of ideas is hard. If you can come up with good ideas on demand, you will always be useful." 
Nurturing the next generation 
"Agencies need to understand with real sincerity the level of the person they are looking to engage with, what responsibilities they can delegate, and be realistic about how that fits into their working schedule," argues Oldham. 
Neil Bennett, strategy director at LOVE, recognises that there are many benefits to the gig economy if you are a creative; "Variety, lifestyle control, chance to work on personal projects and if you are very good it can be lucrative." 
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“Education and industry are two separate things; nobody graduates from a degree in medicine and goes into surgery on day one." - Will Hudson 
Employing a team of 31 full-time staff across It's Nice That, Anyways and Lecture in Progress, the HudsonBec Group offers a number of entry-level 10-week roles across editorial and creative, but admits it had to make changes. "We drew the line about five years ago where we changed the language around internship to junior freelance," says Hudson. 
Initially offered at National Minimum Wage, these roles are now paid at London Living Wage, which has led to a number of freelance roles joining the team full time, with around six of the current full-time staff coming through this process. "It has given us the opportunity to bring in a number of people over the years, often right at the start of their careers," reflects Hudson. 
"There is obviously a baseline skill level and competency relevant to any role, but we have always maintained we are looking for passionate young people, willing to learn, contribute to conversations, aware of the industry and world around them." 
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"I think it's important for every person to evaluate as much as they can on the outset of undertaking anything – what they want to get from it as an aim, and what they will definitely get from it as a reality." 
Having an idea of what you are doing something for, and why, beyond earning money can save a lot of pain down the line, or equally adds to the joy when things turn out better. "There can always be something you can take from any situation, be that a shit one or a great one", says Oldham. 
Designing courses fit for the future 
Designer and educator Jenny Theolin creates and delivers learning experiences for individuals, schools and businesses within areas such as technology, design thinking, creativity, innovation and entrepreneurship. 
Designing a course called The Studio for the Digital Media Creative Programme at Hyper Island, Theolin teaches client relations, building teams and project management. 
Like Yates, Theolin recognises the value of aligning courses with industry, to ensure students develop the flexibility and empathy needed to work with people. "Graphic design is a people's business," she continues, "you need to learn people skills and build relationships. The industry is very small, and it is much better to create long-lasting friendships than short-term dates." 
Using research to develop 
Building connections with studios such as ustwo, Sennep and Moving Brands, all of whom have set up research initiatives to ensure their commercial work is constantly evolving, Ravensbourne is able to feed insights from this into the development of its courses. 
Research is a necessary part of how our industry is developing. 
Yates suggests this could drive new opportunities for research related specifically to the creative disciplines. "I've always felt education needs to respond to its context," concludes Yates. "It needs to change and keep changing, because the world around it keeps on changing." 
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indigostars · 2 years
screaming into the void because it’s your girl’s first day of grad school!!! 🤪🤸🏼‍♂️🎉
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00wintersunshine · 5 years
Seven years ago, I had carpal tunnel in both of my hands. It went away after a few months, but I was pretty sure it was caused by poor posture when using the computer.
Unfortunately, I think it’s coming back in my left (dominant) hand. My entire forearm is constantly sore, and typing makes it worse (which sucks considering I’m completing my master’s this semester.)
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secretradiobrooklyn · 4 years
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Secret Radio | Halloween special 10.31.20 | Hear it here.
Artwork by Paige, Liner notes by Evan except * means Paige
1. Sam the Sham - “Little Red Riding Hood” *
I had to make the case to Evan that this was a Halloween song, but I justify with the fact that 1.) this song uses the phrase “spooky ol’ woods” and 2.) many years ago, Sleepy Kitty played a festival on Cherokee Street that wasn’t a Halloween show but it happened to be the Saturday before Halloween. Recognizing our responsibility, we scrambled to throw together costumes and realized that if we just got a wolf mask and paws we already  had everything in our wardrobes to throw together the Sam the Sham and the Pharaohs LP cover drawing of Red and the wolf. Evan says he doesn’t like Halloween but it’s only because once he commits, he commits completely. One of my favorite moments of the night was spotting Evan that night, several hours after our set in the afternoon, having a completely serious and sincere conversation with a friend – wolf nose and paws still intact. This was pre iPhone days, but I tracked down an image and I’m gonna put it on our fake radio insta. Thus, Little Red Riding Hood is in fact a Halloween song. 
2. Roky Erickson - “I Walked with a Zombie”
Every year, reliably, Paige’s dad Ned tells us we should cover “I Walked with a Zombie,” and each year we somehow don’t do it. So this live version of the song is for him, just in case this is the closest we ever get. 
Halloween tag
3. Steve Martin - Little Shop of Horrors soundtrack - “Dentist!”
Sure, an alarmingly large and hungry, sharp-toothed plant is scary. But is it as terrifying as a dentist who delights in the pain he inflicts? “I thrill when I drill a bicuspid” — shiver!
4. Hocus Pocus soundtrack - “Sarah’s Theme”
Our definition of a good Halloween movie is way less horrifying than it is lightly spooky, so “Hocus Pocus” is just about ideal for our purposes. This is the sound of Paige’s delighted Halloween youth… though we also just watched it again. Holds up! 
5. The Beatles - “Mr. Moonlight”
Paige pointed out that this is essentially a religious song to the moon — a song of praise, devotion, and submission to a greater power. 
6. Quasi - “Ghost vs. Vampire”
I know that Quasi has had a long and illustrious career, but my fandom is frozen at this pinnacle of mystical bummerness. I learned so much about being creatively sad from Sam Coomes.
7. Rocky Horror Picture Show - “Sweet Transvestite” 
8. The Velvet Underground - “The Gift”
Didn’t realize this was a Halloween song until tonight. If Hitchcock is proper Halloween, which I vote a definite yes, then “The Gift” is ultra Halloween.
9. Bauhaus - “Bela Lugosi’s Dead” 
I feel like I have to say psychic hello to my friend Joseph Grady, who first introduced me not just to the coolness of Peter Murphy but to the allure of vampires generally. I wore my nails and my coats long. We talked about what the vampires were up to that night. We had some truly perfect nights together.
10. The Bitter Tears - “Murdered at the Bar”
An invaluable prize from being in a certain scene in a certain set of years in Chicago with the School of the Art Institute crowd — grad and undergrad. We all loved this song, and 15 or so years later, “we all” turns out to be a very specific and much-loved crew of people I miss and love. Except for Chris Shea, who I love and get to hang out with here in the city. This song is for him especially. 
11. Phantom of the Opera - Korean cast - “Point of No Return”
We had this epiphany accidentally. As I recall, we watched the movie version of “Phantom,” and I was distinctly not impressed, but then Paige put on the French-Canadian version and we were both fascinated by how different it was. That led us into Phantom Internationalé, wherein we just looked up versions from all over the world. It is amazing: each version is both militantly like and distinctly unique from the others. The Korean Phantom emerges as the most singular from among the versions we heard, and “Point of No Return” an emotional height.
Meet Me in St. Louis - “Tootie the Horrible”
One of the greatest Halloween scenes in the history of cinema in our book. 
12. Donovan - “Season of the Witch”
13. “The Dweller of the Cave” * I Found this tape at my parents’ house this summer while we were delayed in Illinois between March and whenever the van got fixed and we drove back. Rediscovering this tape may be why you’re listening to this whole fake radio spooktacular tonight. Hi to Stewart and Jill. 
14. Science Fiction Double Feature *
15. Dr. Who Theme Song*
16. Red Dwarf Theme Song* 
The previous 3 songs were woven into a medley for Sleepy Kitty’s KMNR Freaker’s Ball. It’s one of life’s great pleasures for a band to play Freaker’s Ball, we literally wound around a wooded road to find some Elk’s Lodge or something full of college kids DECKED THE HECK OUT in EPIC COSTUMES ready to freakin’ get down. Never have I been closer to being the band in the prom scene of a 90s movie than at a Freaker’s Ball. We met some rad folks through the KMNR scene, and if I’ve ever told you about my custom vocal pedals, Colin of CroyTone Audio was one of those rad folks we met one of those magical nights. Also, raise your hand if your love Red Dwarf!
17. Ghostbusters 
Paige: “I had this reflector, this flat reflector that was some scrap of something that Ned got from Honeywell. I would play Ghostbusters, and I was like: ‘This is a ghost trap.’ It was SO REAL to me. It was this flat reflector, like a bike reflector, and I would like, like, set traps. And I’d be like, ‘Don’t move my ghost trap!’ I would set the ghost trap, and it was like fishing for ghosts. But that was me playing. I would, like, wait. …I don’t know if it worked or not.”
“I’m not sure if this is me imagining this or not, but I’m pretty sure there was a day where I was like, ‘I feel like this trap’s not working.’ But I also feel like I was like, ‘But how would I know? They could be all inside. This is either full — or empty.’”
Vertigo soundtrack
18. The Fall - “Frightened”
“I don’t wanna dance, I wanna go home” — Fri-dund! 
19. Goblin - “Zombi” Title Theme
20. Karen Elson - “The Ghost Who Walks”
I think we got this record at Third Man Records when we were playing in Nashville. Sean’s new residence! 
Paige: “Karen Elson is tall, beautiful, an interesting musician, AND she has red hair. That’s crazy. What are the chances that you would have all of those things? Talk about a blue moon!”
21. Eartha Kitt - “I Want to Be Evil”
“The only etchings I’ve seen have been behind glass.” 
22. Jeffrey Lewis & Los Bolts - “The Pigeon”
“Old skies you flapped through are no more.”
We would like to give a heartfelt hello to Yona Schimmel, mostly out of reach for now. We mourn every missed knish.
23. Scott Walker - “The Seventh Seal”
Paige didn’t know this was a movie, she thought this was just a cool song about a guy playing chess with death.
24. Groovie Ghoulies - “(She’s My) Vampire Girl”
I love that he puts two Bazooka Joe jokes right in the middle of the song.
25. Black Sabbath - “Paranoid”
Sometimes you need priests to summon spirits. 
26. Fantasia - “A Night on Bald Mountain”
This is a song that seriously disturbed Paige when she was young. She thought that they did this whole demon thing every single Saturday. For me, it made such an impression that, when each of my young friends and I improvised who we were — “I’m Darth Vader!” “I’m a Cylon Raider!” my take was “I’m Night on Bald Mountain”! And I would open my arms wide and pretend that I was an entire sharp mountaintop transforming into a giant demon with wings, and I would always be the biggest and baddest and scariest creature of all, no matter what they thought. Bald Mountain beats Batman every time.
29. “Jump in the Fire”
Or as I say whenever the occasion warrants: “Jump in the show-AHH!” 
28. Rogers & Hammerstein “Pore Jud Is Daid”
29. Barry Adamson - “Something Wicked This Way Comes”
I cannot recall what brought this album to my ears… I suspect it was something I got in my inbox when I worked at The Rocket. This whole album is full of heavy musical grooves and heavy mental movement. It’s a rare pleasure in 
30. Screamin’ Jay Hawkins, “I Put a Spell on You”
This is straight-up one of my favorite recordings of anyone ever. And when I eventually saw it enacted in “Stranger than Paradise,” I was blown away by how fundamentally Eastern European it sounds. Every sound he makes with his voice creates new characters. 
31. The Shining, “Midnight, the Stars & You”
Happy halloween my friends, I wish we were all at an otherwordly dance together.
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geekyzelda · 7 years
Let’s college AU
Cuz why the hell not. And @annieisyourfavourite ‘s Beetle art inspired me (US based, hence the “college” not uni, cuz im american & too lazy to figure out my own school system let alone other countries)
Septimus is in his first year training to be a pilot and takes as many science courses as he can. He is especially interested in astrophysics and aeronautics and, ironically, chemistry.
Jenna is in her first year but has enough credits to be in her second year. She’s studying political science. She’s aiming for governor but, of course, her big dream would be to be president one day. Or maybe just a congresswoman, who knows.
Beetle is in his last year & finishing his degree in English with an emphasis in Literature. He hopes to get into grad school to get his Library Science degree and become a librarian at the public level.
Marwick is in natural sciences. He wants to become a national or state park ranger. He loves the outdoors and wants to spend every working hour outside, teaching others.
Sep and Marwick have known each other since kindergarten, they got stuck in time out with each other.
Beetle and Jenna met in a general statistics class. Beetle put it off because he despises math. Jenna took it immediately to get it out of the way. It took them almost a year to start dating tho, Beetle felt weird about dating someone so much younger than him (18 to 21 is a big jump) and Jenna was convinced she only saw him as a friend for a while. The pair meets for coffee before class every Tuesday and Thursday. They’re that couple that is always together but don’t make you sick to look at. Everyone assumed they were dating much earlier than they were just because they were around each other so much.
Marcia is the head of the flight program at the university. She takes a special liking to Septimus as he tends to involve himself in EVERYTHING, head of social media, in with the competition planning, picking up random jobs at the airport, at every fundraiser helping out. You name it, he’s there.
(Alther is dean of the college the aviation program is apart of? Or he’s the old head of the aviation program & just comes around to fly planes once in a while.)
Sep TA’d for prof. Marcellus’s chem class & loved it.
Miss Marcia Overstrand is in a dead end relationship with a local shop owner, Milo Banda. They know each other from their own time in college and Marcia convinced herself he was going to propose when they graduated. Well it’s been a few years (try 10) and there’s still no ring on her finger and that chemistry professor on south campus is looking mighty fine.
Septimus invites Jenna to an aviation banquet as his date, because when in doubt, ask your siblings. Milo is there as Marcia’s date and he can’t help but think Jenna’s eyes look a lot like an ex girlfriends of his who died in childbirth. But the kid was a stillborn, right?
The gang hangs out at Beetle’s apartment (he’s the only one with a private room & is relativly close to campus. Plus he owns a TV!)
Sep and Beetle met when they ran into each other in the library. Sep was lost looking for a research book and Beetle helped him before asking about the Zelda shirt Sep wore. Beetle owns a switch and Sep hadn’t had time to even touch a controller since he got to college. Beetle invited him over to play Breath of the Wild and they became good friends after. It just so happened Jenna was Sep’s sister.
Mar smokes weed/makes edibles on the weekends but he does it SMARTLY so he wouldn’t get kicked out. He ain’t no dumbass. Sep tried it once, decided it wasn’t for him. (He takes a hit off of Marwick’s blunt when he’s feeling super stressed about stuff)
Simon is working as a chemist for a local pharmaceutical company. His and Sep’s fight came from 10 the normal dichotomy of oldest kid vs youngest. But 2) Sep got accepted to a better college than Simon ever had the opportunity to attend. Simon is over it now but he avoided coming home for a good few months when he heard. “He’s petty as hell” Jenna declared one night at dinner. No one disagreed
Sam is part of the states local fishing and wildlife board. Marwick walked in one day (when he was done with college) asking about a job application. Sam handed it to him with his phone number on the back.
Jojo still lives at home and works at the local Hot Topic and/or Spencer’s.
Idk what the twins do they have too little personality. They do go to fucking furry cons and you and I both know it.
Nicko went to trade school for boat repair and is loving every single minute of it. Hey, small world! He happens to work with his sister-in-law’s brother!
The Heaps ended up adopting Jenna through a roundabout way. Silas & Sarah were accidentally given the wrong baby in the hospital, never mind the darker skin & the fact that she was a girl while their baby was a boy. Silas notified a nurse & when they got Septimus back they asked to meet the mother of that charming baby girl. When they heard her mom had passed and her dad was out of the picture, they felt an immediate concern for the baby. After some serious deliberation, and a bit of prompting from the boys about wanting a sister, they decided to adopt her.
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trentteti · 7 years
Marshall, the film: Our Review
Thurgood Marshall: Second-ever Special Counsel to the NAACP. All-time record holder for most civil rights cases argued before the U.S. Supreme Court, where he boasted an impressive record of 29-3. The guy who successfully extended voting rights, ended racially restrictive housing covenants, desegregated law schools and grad schools. Oh, and later public schools in general in a little case called Brown v. Board of Education. A titanic figure in public interest law and impact litigation. The first African-American Supreme Court Justice, a position he used to tirelessly defend individual’s constitutional rights from the bench.
In other words, it’s crazy difficult to pick which of the many accomplishments in his long and storied legal career is his most significant. But it’s easy to pick one that probably isn’t his most significant: Thurgood Marshall has been mentioned by name on the LSAT more than any other historical figure. And really, that means there have just been a couple Reading Comprehension passages about him and a few Logical Reasoning questions that mentioned him.
Nonetheless, we at Blueprint have developed a semi-healthy obsession with him based on his semi-ubiquity on the LSAT. We use Thurgood as an example several times throughout our classroom curriculum. Our instructors sing his hosannas while we teach Reading Comprehension passages about him. We used to proudly feature a Thurgood Marshall action figure on the cover of one of our coursebooks.
So when Marshall — the new film about a case a young Thurgood tried as an attorney for the NAACP — came out, we were first in line to see it. OK, we were not actually first in line. Chance the Rapper — who bought all of the tickets to the film at a few Chicago theaters and invited fans to see it for free — was first in line. He was even more stoked than we were about the film, but that dude is positively gleeful.
Anyway, we were still very excited to get a hit of uncut Thurgood Marshall on celluloid this weekend. And I am eager to share my review: It’s a well-acted and briskly-paced courtroom drama with far too little Thurgood Marshall in it.
From the very first scene, in which Thurgood dons a freshly ironed white button-up shirt like a cape, Thurgood is a dude you want to spend time with. Throughout the film, he’s more or less presented like a legal super hero. Charismatically played by Chadwick Boseman (the guy you call when your film is about an important 20th-century African-American figure, even when the historical figure in question looks nothing like Chadwick Boseman), his young Thurgood is dapper, supremely confident, and sardonic, but with a pithy one-liner for every legal query that comes his way. Basically Tony Stark, Esq. There’s even a running joke involving Walter White, head of the NAACP, firing up the equivalent of a bat signal whenever a new case requires Thurgood.
So Chadwick is a lot of a fun getting some pre-Black Panther reps in as Thurgood the Legal Eagle. And some of the best scenes — whether it’s him at jazz club teasing quasi-rivals Langston Hughes and Zora Neale Hurston (both of whom are also subjects of Reading Comprehension passages) or joking about the apparently-true story about the time he lost one of his, uh, Thurgoods — just involve him holding court, being funny and open and engaging. Or the little comic grace notes that find Thurgood blithely ignoring racially instilled expectations of him, whether it’s directing a white attorney to carry his bags (full of his traveling legal library) or blithely walking into the dining room of a members-only club.
But those scenes are less plentiful than they should be for a movie bearing Thurgood’s surname. Which, by the way, Marshall? Terrible title. I get that going with the much more awesome sounding Thurgood would risk confusion with the 2011 HBO film of the same name, in which Morpheus played the eponymous judge. But Marshall risks confusion with We Are Marshall, U.S. Marshals, Forgetting Sarah Marshall, and Marshal Law. They may as well gone with Thurgod or ThurGREAT or That’s Some Thurgood Lawyering.
Anyway, the plot: It’s 1941 and Thurgood is the only attorney at the NAACP, which has the legal mission to represent those falsely accused of crimes because of their race. Which brings Thurgood to the case of Joseph Spell (Sterling K. Brown of This Is Us and The People vs. OJ Simpson, and the most compelling screen presence here), a black man with a checkered past who has been accused of the rape and attempted murder of Greenwich, Connecticut socialite Eleanor Strubing (Kate Hudson). You’re expecting that we’re going to get to see Thurgood dunk on some racists in the courtroom and exculpate an innocent man and, if you hold the real-life Thurgood in as high esteem as we do, you’re hyped.
Except, as a result of the wonders of state bars, Thurgood has to team up with a nebbish local attorney named Sam Friedman (Josh Gad) to represent Spell. And due to deeply ingrained institutional racism, here represented by the judge (James Cromwell, channeling the appearance and demeanor of Gregg Popovich at his grumpiest), Thurgood isn’t permitted to make arguments in the case — only offer advice and support to the decidedly less charismatic Friedman, an insurance attorney who has never tried a criminal case before.
Yes, you read that correctly. In the major motion picture about one of the greatest litigators of all time, we don’t get to see our titular protagonist litigate, really at all. Seems like an unforced error. In fact, Thurgood disappears from the movie for large stretches of run-time. Director Reginald Hudlin and screenwriters Michael and Jacob Koskoff devise a few clever work-arounds to show us how effective Thurgood was in the courtroom, but nearly the entire legal showdown in Marshall pits Friedman against the smarmy blue-blood prosecutor Lorin Willis (Dan Stevens). And the big Oscar bait-y climactic speech of the film goes to Sterling K. Brown, not Boseman.
So the movie’s biggest blunder seems to be the case it chose to serve as its subject matter. At the NAACP, Thurgood argued hundreds of cases on a near-constant basis, as this movie makes clear. The one they chose has Thurgood sitting on the sidelines. The movie could uncharitably be interpreted as not a snapshot of one of the great legal minds of our time, but as a story about a white attorney who learns to be brave and stand up for civil rights. And, while this is obviously not the filmmakers’ fault, now is maybe not the moment when Hollywood should put out a movie in which the plot turns on whether a woman accusing a man of sexual assault is lying. So there’s that, too.
But overall, the movie is an enjoyable legal drama about an early case for two legal figures, Marshall and Friedman, at various stages in their developments as civil rights attorneys. And the movie’s most interesting ideas also stem from the film’s choice of case, such as showing how the bigotry of this era was not limited to the Jim Crow South, whether its the institutional racism confronting Thurgood and Spell or the anti-Semitism facing Friedman. We could have used some more Thurgood in our Marshall, but pretty much every movie gets an expanded universe at this point, so perhaps we’ll get that in Marshall II.
Marshall, the film: Our Review was originally published on LSAT Blog
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douchebagbrainwaves · 5 years
I know the answer to that. 08221981 supported 0. At Viaweb we were always up against this. I wanted was security. Upgrades won't be the big shocks they are now. Intuit is famous for introducing themselves to customers at retail stores and asking to follow them home. But it would be useful for other kinds of filters too, because it makes the rich richer too. Lots of startups that cause stampedes end up flaming out in extreme cases, partly as a result of the stampede, and lots of very successful startups were only moderately popular with investors the first time is constrained by convention in what they liked. I think that's what we should tell kids.
The most likely source of examples is math. It's really true. Stuff used to be very impressed by airbrushed lettering that looked like shiny metal. The second reason investors like you more when you've had some success at fundraising is that it would ruin the product they hoped to sell through it. Founders try this sort of thing is the dreaded failure to launch, but for those who make it often try to trick us. Imagine how depressing the world would be if you tried to become a connoisseur of trickery in general, but at Viaweb bugs became almost a game. And a safe bet is enough. But they were competing against opponents who couldn't change the rules on the fly by discovering new technology.
For the average user, all the time, will take whatever choice requires least work. Between these two sources of variation, the college someone went to doesn't mean a lot. So while on average public acquirers behave like pooled-risk company management companies existed, signing up for the service should require nothing more than create a new, resistant strain of bugs. So an artist working on a painting and trying to decide whether to change some part of it doesn't have to be a tenth as sure. There's nothing like going to grad school at Harvard to cure you of any illusions you might have to wait. Eventually you get new habits, but at the time. With Web-based software now, because writing desktop software, because it's an artifact of the way through the server market; Yahoo's servers, which deal with loads as high as any on the Internet, all have the same inexpensive Intel processors that you have solicited ongoing email from them. It never gets any easier. Well, one reason it's bad in practice is what probability to assign to words that occur in one corpus but not the other. Angels you can sometimes tell about other angels, because angels cooperate more with one another.
But they played offense, and you always get more attention for that. That might be ok if there were other sources of capital for new companies. You're genuinely in a bind, because you need to be software for making them, so we get slower growth. We had to spend thousands on a server, and thousands more to get SSL. White was amused to learn from at a school that isn't prestigious at all. But just imagine calling Picasso the mercurial Spaniard when talking to a friend? 01 continuations 0. Unless you have some plan for selling that valuable thing you got so cheaply, what difference does it make what it's worth? Who can hire better people to manage security, a technology startup whose whole business is running servers, or a jerk, don't ignore it. A, but you can tell investor A that this is a valid approach. He was like nothing else I'd seen.
But it's the bold ideas that generate the biggest returns. People start startups in the hope of becoming much richer than they were before. Another is to stand close. To the extent software does move onto servers, what I'm describing already sounds too good to be true, but I remember the feeling very well. So the point of this essay is not to explain how to create a stampede, but merely to explain the forces that generate them. If you know you're on the right track, then you also know why investors were wrong to reject you. When I look back it's like there's a line drawn between third and fourth grade. At Viaweb they were initially individuals and smaller companies, and pay you your proportionate share.
Because your software evolves gradually, you don't need Microsoft on the client. For you, in whatever proportion you wanted, knowing that your manager would keep things running smoothly. Companies that sell stuff have spent huge sums training us to think stuff is still valuable. At Viaweb our whole site was like a game. Why not just have the government, or some large almost-government employees to do the same, if not with that sentence with some fairly impressive ones, so long as you're still actively developing the product. After we were bought, we had done this three times, so we started giving version numbers to our software too. One great advantage of not caring where people went to college. Thought you should check out the following: http://www. This is an excellent strategy for making the poor richer. Anything deleted as spam goes into the spam corpus, and everything else to be a good thing when it happens. Wouldn't that at least decrease inequality? But hardware is not just something to worry about installation going wrong.
All together my Matchboxes and Corgis took up about a third of the surface of my bed. Of course, server-based applications. That's why there are a lot of online stores, there would need to be software for making them, so we get slower growth. So the lower we can get the response rate is abominably low at best 15 per million, vs 3000 per million for a catalog mailing, the cost, to them, is practically nothing. 01 describe 0. So as spammers start using c0ck instead of cock to evade simple-minded spam filters based on individual words, Bayesian filters automatically notice. Like all illicit connections, the connection between wealth and power flourishes in secret.
Investors have a deep-seated bias against hardware. 01 morris 0. It's something you're more likely to see in research papers than commercial software, but a return. But there's a way they could fix that: suppose all the company management companies existed, there would need to be software for making them, so we started giving version numbers to our software too. Use your software yourself, all the top five words here would be neutral and would not contribute to the spam probability will hinge on the url, and it may be reasonable to run with it. This is possibly even more disgusting than getting inside the mind of someone who didn't happen to specialize in programming languages and have a good friend called Morris. I know. Either VCs will evolve down into this gap or, more likely, new investors will be who else is investing than any other aspect of your startup. Because another of the characteristic mistakes of young founders is to go through the motions of starting a startup, you probably never will. But even if you only have one page of ideas. The rest of my stuff I left in my landlady's attic back in the US own one.
Thanks to Sarah Harlin, Trevor Blackwell, Jessica Livingston, and Geoff Ralston for sparking my interest in this topic.
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cristoph00cdc · 5 years
The National for March 25, 2019 — Trudeau - Wilson-Raybould, Trump Inves...
The Lawfare Project CLIVE,RECENTLY, a complaint was lodged with the Malaysian Medical Council about a doctor practising here who allegedly got into a foreign medical school despite not meeting basic entry requirements. No action was taken. There are many cases of Malaysians getting into recognised universities without the minimum grades or, worse, no grades at all, according to Prof Datuk Dr N.K.S. Tharmaseelan, a past president of the Malaysian Medical Association (MMA) and the Medico-Legal Society of Malaysia; he is currently president and CEO of a private university.There are at least 3,000 such doctors working in the Health Ministry, he believes, expressing surprise that the council doesn’t bar candidates who had gained admission into medical programmes fraudulently.
Convincing fake degrees from local universities can be bought at a “discount price” of RM12,000, while those from the more prestigious institutions are available for RM17,000. Fake degrees from abroad are more expensive, starting at RM20,000, while some websites deal only in US dollars. https://www.asiaone.com/health/no-jobs-medical-grads-next-year-malaysian-medical-association https://www.thestar.com.my/news/nation/2016/03/20/not-cut-out-to-be-doctors-unqualified-students-getting-medical-degrees-abroad/ http://www.financetwitter.com/2019/03/fake-degrees-vs-unrecognised-doctors-heres-a-second-letter-from-frustrated-doctors-to-mahathirs-minister.html http://www.monash.edu/pubs/handbooks/courses/index-bylocation-malaysia.html https://cilisos.my/how-easy-is-it-to-get-a-fake-degree-in-malaysia-we-tried-to-buy/ MBBS is a graduate degree in Medicsl studies. MD is a post graduate degree in medicine. Equivalent,Yes. MD or MBBS is your first qualification as a medical doctor. https://www.todayonline.com/world/fake-degrees-malaysia-offered-online-s4000 Get a College Degree in 24 hrs. Legally www.instantdegrees.com/ INSTANT VERIFICATION of your college degree for any employer to check your ... cost alternative to using fake, counterfeit or phony degrees and diplomas. https://afterschool.my/find-course/how-much-does-a-doctor-earn-in-malaysia- http://fpmpam.org/n_048.html https://eduadvisor.my/medicine/ https://www.monash.edu.my/study/undergraduate/jeffrey-cheah-school-medicine-health-sciences/bachelor-medical-science-doctor-medicine https://www.thestar.com.my/news/nation/2018/09/22/excellent-trainee-doctors-to-have-shorter-course-to-reduce-wait-for-housemanship-training/ Course & Duration. The MBBS is a 5.5 year (4.5 years academic education + 1 year mandatory internship) UG degree programme leading to the two degrees as Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery. ... The MBBS is the only course in India to become a medical doctor. https://medicine.uitm.edu.my/.../mbbsschedule/.../MBBS-240-Academic-Calendar-201... 2018/2019 ACADEMIC CALENDAR YEAR 1 - YEAR ... - Medicine UiTM Aug 13, 2018 - National Day. 03/09/2018. 1. 1. 1. Consolidation. 2. 4. Agong's Birthday. 10/09/2018. 2. 2. 2. 3. 5. Awal Muharram & Malaysia Day. 17/09/2018. You've visited this page 4 times. Last visit: 4/8/19 (PDF) Integrated Syllabus for MBBS Programme Part 1 - ResearchGate https://www.researchgate.net/.../269875987_Integrated_Syllabus_for_MBBS_Progra... PDF | On Jun 5, 2014, Redhwan Ahmed and others published Integrated Syllabus for MBBS Programme Part 1. ... rectors of universities on how to develop integrated curriculum for medical schools in ... Medicine specialized in Epidemiology from the National University of Malaysia. Then ...... ResearchGate 2019. All rights ... https://www.thestar.com.my/news/nation/2016/06/12/are-unethical-doctors-treating-patients-would-you-trust-your-health-to-someone-who-faked-results-to/ RECENTLY, a complaint was lodged with the Malaysian Medical Council about a doctor practising here who allegedly got into a foreign medical school despite not meeting basic entry requirements. No action was taken. There are many cases of Malaysians getting into recognised universities without the minimum grades or, worse, no grades at all, according to Prof Datuk Dr N.K.S. Tharmaseelan, a past president of the Malaysian Medical Association (MMA) and the Medico-Legal Society of Malaysia; he is currently president and CEO of a private university.There are at least 3,000 such doctors working in the Health Ministry, he believes, expressing surprise that the council doesn’t bar candidates who had gained admission into medical programmes fraudulently.
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