#sanvers au
theredcapeofk · 10 months
I made a step by step video of my sanvers drawing for @grace-and-poise-of-a-queen 's fic
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onceuponaweirdo · 2 years
Annoying shit that when I look for Sanvers fic's the most I get is second pairing in Supercorp fic's... I hate that guys...
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nerdsbianhokie · 4 months
Alex Danvers/Lucy Lane/Maggie Sawyer
Mr. J'onzz contacts her parents and invites her to join his league team. Hockey is not at all what her parents expected, but if it will prevent more fights, they're willing to try.
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jakascoo · 1 month
Alex: You call yourself my soulmate, but where were you when my meme only had four likes? Maggie: Making four accounts. Alex, tearing up: Really…?
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And just like that, Splice World is complete!
Please enjoy this final chapter of Dino Gertie, and don't forget to let me know what you think.
Huge immense thanks to @morganastorm24 for the gorgeous art and @sanversandfriends for the motivation.
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frosty-the-killer-doll · 11 months
Do you have any sanvers (Maggie sawyer x Alex Danvers) headcannons? /nf (not forcing.)
honestly I have a lot more headcanons abt them independently than them as a couple, BUT
a lot of shooting range dates
they talk about guns a really weird amount
their song is probably something by barenaked ladies
maggie showed alex all the classic queer movies
when alex told maggie about max lord and their really weird comphet kinda-fling, maggie didn't stop laughing for a solid 20 minutes and then promptly offered to shoot him
i hc alex as a non-binary demigirl and she/they pronoun user. guess who introduced alex to the demigirl label?
post-breakup; maggie gets with mari's sister and amaya's other granddaughter, kuasa. alex and maggie see each other around during multiteam meetups sometimes. it's bittersweet, and they're not really close, but they do honestly enjoy seeing each other
maggie was ofc invited to alex's wedding??? come ON??? maggie would be there in a heartbeat
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thislifeisagame · 2 months
sanvers AU fanfic
hey guys I know it’s 2024 but I am still not over sanvers and I will probably write an AU fanfic about sanvers and I wanna know if you would be interested…
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jazzfordshire · 8 months
Hey, a question I've been wondering for a bit: when you're writing a story, how do you decide if the supporting cast of friends will be the "early" group (James, Winn, Maggie, Lucy), the "late" group (Nia, Brainy, Kelly) or both? I LOVE reading Superfriends (and Lena's friends), and the more content of them a story has the happier I am. I've always been a bit partial to the earlier group, but I've read lots of stories where I've enjoyed the later group, and I also loved the way you combined them all in, say, the small town and dwts aus. (btw, you're welcome for not turning this into a screed about how Sanvers is otp. Believe me, I was tempted.)
That’s really shifted over time as characters have come and gone. Usually it depends on what I need from the characters - how their personalities and stories link to what I need that character to do within the fic, and their relationships with Kara or Lena or both. In DWTS I was exhausting every DCTV character that’s done a crossover that I could to fill out the cast of dancers and stars, lmao. For small town au I wanted Kara to have a tight-knit group, so I really just chose my favourites. Supergirl has a lot of great secondary and tertiary characters to choose from so I like to mix it up.
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occidentaltourist · 3 months
14 and 24, supergirl or vigil (your choice)
14. That one thing you see in fics all the time
I haven't read long form SC fic in a while - though I do enjoy some of the drabbles and tumblr fic I see on my dash - and at this point in our fandom's history it seems to be mostly AUs and canon divergent stories, which is understandable.
For Vigil, which is a much smaller fandom, I find it interesting that fanfic Poppy acts up and out a lot more than she ever did on the show, but this may be a byproduct of wanting to introduce some family conflict into the stories.
15. topic that brings up the most rancid discourse
For CWSG: besides the whole SDCC debacle? Eeek, flashbacks. The discourse around James/Lena and William/Kara was horrid, and large parts of it unrepentantly, unexaminedly racist. I think fandoms as a whole - including wlw fandoms - have a long way to go when it comes to having honest discussions about racism in our spaces. And there weren't many of us talking about it at the time that it was happening, either.
(Sanvers and Dansen ... another conversation, too.)
Choose Violence Ask Game
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nerdsbianhokie · 2 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Supergirl (TV 2015) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Alex Danvers/Maggie Sawyer Characters: Maggie Sawyer, Alex Danvers Additional Tags: Alternate Universe, POV Second Person, Kid Fic, Past drug addiction and recovery, references to past police brutality, but Maggie has an ice cream truck, and things are better now, PTSD Summary:
Alex joins her daughter and mother on the ice cream walks more often than not. She is smart and funny and you can admit you have a crush. You can admit that you have noticed Alex doesn't wear a wedding ring and that Maya never mentions another parent. You can admit that it doesn't mean anything. Crushes happen.
After a bad year Maggie Sawyer finds herself in Midvale, California, making a living with an ice cream truck she stumbled into. There, she finds a couple of favorite regulars.
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I’m cairophoenix on ao3, where I currently write a lot of Imodna fic.
Recent & favorites:
I Prefer Girls (6.8k, 2/? chapters), a 1950s AU and my current WIP.
every thought's a possibility (57k, seven chapters, completed), a canon-divergent fake dating fic set after the party separation and a reunion in Rexxentrum. Check out art by @avalencias from Chapter 3 and by @astoriacolumnstaircase from Chapter 6.
Capable, Exalted: A Primary Source History of the Ruidian Solstice (15k one-shot), an epistolary fic that tells Imogen and Laudna's entire story, from pre-campaign to post-campaign, in the form of Laudna's journal entries. Featuring art by @dadrielle throughout.
More below the fold!
and we’ll share my all is a 7k fic set in the Dusk era, featuring a great deal of jealous Imogen, puppetry angst, Pâté as coping mechanism, and Laudna figuring out her feelings. Here is some amazing art that @avalencias did of it!
bittersweet, sly, uncontrollable is 7k of mutually confused pining on the theme of “five times Laudna didn’t access that part of her brain, and one time she did.”
black and all blue is a 3k character study of Imogen’s guilty, self-blaming wrath and the way it explodes outwards.
until the mosses take root in thunder is 6k of Imogen poorly crafting Laudna a Definitely Platonic Engagement Ring. Here is more amazing @avalencias art and here is some incredible @dadrielle art.
the truth must dazzle gradually is a 4.5k fic about Laudna sorting through her feelings for Imogen the night before the solstice, and Pâté helping her figure it all out.
Home, Made is a 6.5k precanon fic about crafting, homesickness, and learning to live together.
dreams of you and mistletoe is a 13k holiday modern AU co-written with @lorrxrai.
And WAY back in the day I wrote a Sanvers publishing AU called Track Changes and a Lydia/Gigi (Lizzie Bennet Diaries) fic called from the dark with you above, on the off-chance that that’s why you’re here!
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First new chapter of Splice World drops sometime TONIGHT (time zone negotiations are confusing!) and then each Sunday for the next four weeks!
Happy start of @sanversandfriends #FinishTheFic! #Sanvers #GertTheDinosaur
Context free spoilers without downloading any new images to my memes folder: (first by @l-dwrites)
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segfaultfault · 10 months
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This one's from chapter 9 of "Splice World" by @performativezippers. It's a superb story. It's got dinosaurs, enough said.
Also check out the officially-sanctioned art by MorganaStorm24 (AO3 link). They're so cool.
Some references for fun,
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supergirlmayhem · 9 months
Hiya, does the w/w fic have to have Supergirl IN it, or does it just have to be any w/w characters from the show Supergirl, for example if it is an AU and Kara/Supergirl is not in it?
Hi Anon!
In the Supergirl May-hem event, we're all about creative freedom so if your fic doesn't include Kara/Supergirl that's completely fine as long as your fic is based around another WLW couple from the show. So, for example, if you want to write a Sanvers fic that is solely based around Alex and Maggie, go for it!
Thanks for the question! If you have any other questions, please don't hesitate to reach out!
~~The SG May-hem Team
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sapphicscholar · 7 months
20 questions for fic writers
Thanks for the tag, @lilolilyr!
1. How many works do you have on ao3?
135 fics total!
2. What’s your total Ao3 word count?
2,436,430 words (jfc hahah)
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Ever? Listing them in vague order of when I started writing for them: Supergirl, Wynonna Earp, Chilling Adventures of Sabrina, Grace and Frankie, This Way Up, Once Upon a Time, Madre Solo hay Dos (just on Tumblr), Abbott Elementary, Hacks, and Julia
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
ALL of them are Supergirl from back in the early-ish days of the show when it was a pretty massive (by femslash standards, I suppose) and very active fandom! It's actually so interesting seeing how absolutely nothing I've written in more than half a decade even shows up, since I've largely switched to smaller fandoms since then.
But the top 5 fics by kudos are:
Stronger Together, a collection of one-shots for various Supergirl ships (with a few gen fics mixed in), which has nearly 5k kudos (WILD to me as someone now in a fandom with maybe 25 people total haha)
Welcome to the Gayborhood, my first ever fic, a looong Sanvers and Supercorp professor AU that still keeps the alien/supernatural elements of canon
6,500 miles away...but getting closer, a Sanvers epistolary fic that my wife and I actually co-wrote and posted 1 letter/email per day every day for many months
Noise Complaint, a Sanvers next-door neighbor AU that, hilariously, given its placement in the top 5 here, is what catalyzed a series of events that led to me very much leaving the fandom (and fandom writ large for nearly a year)
Supercat Sanvers 2020, a Sanvers and Supercat political AU that was maybe one of the last long-form works I wrote before moving out of DC!
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I really try to! Sometimes if it's from a person I know well, I end up responding via DMs, esp if there are questions about what comes next, plotting elements, etc., that I don't necessary want everyone to see while the fic is still being posted, but mostly I try to respond on AO3. I've gotten a bit worse in the past few years just because I'll manage to eke out a bit of time to write, which puts me behind on my work, and then I don't leave myself time to respond, and by the time I DO have time, it feels awkwardly late to do so. But even if I don't respond, I absolutely love/cherish/adore/etc. every single kind comment I've ever been given <3
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Forgoten, but not Gone - a Sanvers amnesia AU set post-breakup that's heavy on the angst with a rather ambiguous ending. I got talked into writing a part 2 that resolves the angst haha, but taken on it's own it's definitely my angstiest ending!
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Huh idk! Most of my fics end on fairly happy, if a bit open, endings. I'm not a big fan of having all the loose ends tied up, and I realllyyyy don't do the marriage/2 kids/white picket fence epilogue, so I guess maybe the political AU has to be up there because it actually envisions a world where a queer woman wins the presidency on a progressive platform, and that feels rather utopian 🙃
8. Do you get hate on fic?
Not in a while, though I used to back in the days, like super vitriolic shit (big fandoms with too-big emotions, man... which has really kept me away maybe forever from those kinds of fandoms!)
9. Do you write smut?
Haha very much so. I've written and posted before about why, but I really believe there's so much interesting character work and exploration that can be done by exploring characters' pleasures, their desires (both thwarted and realized), their fantasies, etc. Obviously smut isn't the only way to do this, but fanfic feels like one of the few venues where it's a real possibility!
10. Do you write crossovers?
Nah, not really. I've written a handful of bring characters x and y into the universe of another show fics, but that feels mostly different. Every so often I'll borrow vague character outlines for tertiary characters in other fics just to see if folks recognize them (had Grace Hanson as a grumpy background character in a Sanvers fic set at PT for instance hah)
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Once or twice, but we got them taken down
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yeah, one of my SG fics was translated into Russian! I'm not sure if it's still up (tbh I can't recall which one; it's been a long time!) I've also had a couple podfics now made of my fics, one of which I still need to go listen to when I get the time!!
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Yeah! The long-form Sanvers epistolary fic my wife and I co-wrote together, and a group of Supercat authors got together and did a delightfully chaotic round robin, each writing one sentence, then setting a timer for the next person to write the next sentence, etc., until we had Intergalactic Standard Cuddling
14. What’s your all-time favourite ship?
Oh man, I really don't know that I have a favorite! I really appreciate what various ships can offer me at different times - there are certain themes that make sense to explore with one pairing but not at all with another, or certain AUs that work in one fandom but not really in another. Basically, if a show is giving me multiple female characters who interact in canon in ways that go beyond existing near each other, I'm intrigued, and if these characters actually get depth and complexity, I'm probably in! There are, however, some ships that I might not end up feeling fannish/creative about even though I love them as ships (I talked a lot to @trying-to-get-somewhere-real about this recently, actually!), so it's hard to name a favorite when the metrics get all wonky!
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but probably won’t?
I don't want to say never, but I have a Cat-centric fic that'll end on Supercat that just has a lot of angst that coincided with a period of unexpected loss and grief in my own life in ways that have made it really hard to get back into even now (it just feels so...enmeshed with that moment, even though the timing was utterly coincidental)
16. What are your writing strengths?
I think I do a good job with dialogue and getting characters' voices down - I'm really into the character side of things (which is also what gets me invested fannishly in shows! I want a show that cares about developing their characters first and foremost vs. a show where plot takes priority)
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Certain kinds of action scenes haha - also I tire easily of writing things that feel repetitive to things I've done/written before (this was more of an issue when I took prompts)
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
Largely, this isn't something I've had to deal with much outside of maybe a few phrases and sentences from multilingual characters. I've talked before about how it was actually the language/translation barrier that kept me from writing for Madre Solo hay Dos. I don't speak Spanish, and getting a show entirely via the Netflix-provided translations meant 1) I was fairly certain there were some word choice/dialect peculiarities I was missing, and 2) I couldn't catch the rhythms of their speech, the cadence of their voices at least in ways that corresponded to the specific words. For me, voice matters so much, and it really felt like a barrier to not have access to the source language because I felt like I couldn't do these two women justice!
19. First fandom you wrote for?
20. Favourite fic you’ve written?
Oh I've answered this elsewhere with 2-3 works, and tbh I don't think it's changed since then! I'm actually far more interested in others' favorite fics of mine because it's so interesting to think about the question of *what* sticks with a person from yours (it's often so idiosyncratic!!)
I'm getting to this pretty late, so I won't tag anyone, assuming many people already have been, but if ya see this and want to participate, feel free to give me a tag! I always love seeing people talk about their own writing :)
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