#sand angler
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Crystal Signs for Slugterra!
Aries - Flaringo (Flarus)
Taurus - Rammstone (Rammies)
Gemini - Polero (Polini)
Cancer - Fandango (Fangcer)
Leo - Blastipede (Bla)
Virgo - Flopper (Flogo)
Libra - Enigmo (Enbra)
Scorpio - Sand Angler (Anglio)
Sagittarius - Dirt Urchin (Urchittarius)
Capricorn - Thugglet (Capilet)
Aquarius - Tormato (Tormius)
Pisces - Aquabeek (Aquisces)
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masked-kitsune · 9 months
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Slugterra ocs
We have Conner also known as Trickshot. He's around 15-16 years old and is known to cause a bit of trouble for Dr. Blakk, he has refused to join the Shane gang saying that he's fine on his own. Also manages to get himself out of whatever trouble he gets into. He talks to and names his slugs
Main Arsenal
Blaze- Flaringo
Shox- Tazerling
Dewy- Aquabeek
Thicket- Vinedrill
Weaver- Archanet
Casper- Frightgeist
Back up Arsenal
Spike- dirt urchin
Glimmer- phosphoro
Pulse- Xmitter
Rook- Rammstone
Digger- Sand angler
Diamond- Geoshard
Bomber- flatulorhinkus
Buzz- Thresher
Cliff- Rock hop
Otto- Armashelt
Shard- Slicksilver
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baladric · 2 years
i hope my future partner is feeling midkey stressed right now because i am sitting here, thinking i am going to make you play outer wilds while i watch and there is nothing you can do about it very loudly in their general direction
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mtomauw · 9 months
Need people to start getting to know the concept that all fanart is not made with the intent to get people looking at it. Example: Sometimes I write a fic at 3 am in the middle of the night because there's a scene stuck on repeat in my head on a loop and I need to get it out of my head like right now because I'm so used to posting shit online I just post that shit 0 effort. No tags, no beta, no further plot planned just smack it out there. Other example: Sometimes I draw something so self indulgent it's pretty much just meant for me and 3 friends but because my accounts have pretty decent followings other people will see it too. Just because people post it online doesn't mean they are suddenly: -content creators -inviting critisism -trying to grow an audience -expecting you to like it Sometimes posts are just made to get them out of heads and out into the deep for the 3 whole angler fish who come across it and go "Nice" And fandom is always going to stay that way. Some stuff is made to impress some stuff is just made because it's made and it's not gonna be for you and you're gonna be annoyed that 'low tier' stuff like that gets mixed in with 'high tier' stuff made to impress. You're just gonna have accept the grainy stuff if you wanna enjoy the ocean the sand's got a right to exist just as much as the brightly colored fish do.
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little-frog-writes · 6 days
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Mer-May, Mer-May, Mer-May!
Guys, it’s Mer-May, therefore take this mermaid Siffrin! They are crossed with a Lantern fish which isn’t the same as an angler! Lantern fish are tiny fish that live down in the depths of the ocean and glow a bright blue to camouflage themselves from predators! I like to think Siffrin would glow blue too when embarrassed. They live of the coast of Bambouche with their good buddy Loop who is twice their size. Siffrin is a tiny mermaid compared to others. A small tiny baby!
His outfit consist of trash that has been thrown in the ocean (Kind of like Tidy the mermaid from that one WEBTOON). Their cloak is now a fishing net with a thin layer of black shiny material underneath. It was made by Loop! Siffrin decorated the neck pierce to have shells, one being a sand dollar to match Loop’s chest star. They also ripped up a garbage bag to use as a thin crop top and gloves respectively. Once transformed into a human, they get pants that are made from a cloth and tied together with pieces of rope. I feel like Loop would decorate their pants with pearls for added flare being the dramatic star that they are. Loop would also eventually gift Siffrin his hat, although I haven’t been able to make a design for it that I’m in love with…
I have ideas for the other cast members as well for this AU, but haven’t put them on paper yet. Maybe next time…
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spinchboli · 1 year
I love you frilled sharks I love you goblin sharks I love you viper dogfish I love you Greenland sharks I love you Cookie cutter sharks I love you crocodile sharks I love you winghead sharks I love you angular roughsharks I love you whitetip reef shark I love you epaulette shark I love you deep sea dragon fish I love you barrel eye I love you viper fish I love you frog fish I love you tripod fish I love you angler fish I love you hatchet fish I love you fangstooth I love you lantern fish I love you deep sea giant isopods I love you vampire squid I love you glass squid I love you blobfish I love you chimeara I love you hagfish I love you deep sea lizard fish I love you snaggletooth eel I love you lancet fish I love you sturgeon I love you moray eel I love you worm goby I love you lemon shark I love you great white shark I love you mako shark I love you thresher shark I love you salmon shark I love you deep sea skate I love you megamouth shark I love you sixgill shark I love you sleeper shark Iove you bigfin squid I love you white spot jellyfish I love you firework jelly fish I love you telescope fish I love you gulper eel I love you snipet eel I love you oarfish I love you sea butterfly I love you firefly squid I love you ceolocanth I love you crocodile snake eel I love you crocodile fish I love you sea Angel I love you alligator gar I love you wels catfish I love you arapaima I love you piranha I love you koi fish daggernose sharks I love you threadfin snailfish I love you bony earred ass fish I love you sea robin I love you plecos I love you sawfish I love you sawshark I love you leopard shark I love you zebra shark I love you wobbegong shark I love you angel shark I love you sand tiger shark I love you deep sea batfish I love you bamboo sharks I love you rattail fish I love you nautilus I love you squid worm I love you fish creatures all very very much
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sleepymccoy · 1 year
Pitching a theory
Mermaids and mermen are the females of the species. They all have the same bits just different decorations. They all lay unfertilised fish eggs
Some mermaids live in a lagoon and will go find male fish, bring them to the lagoon to inseminated the eggs, then let them go
Others who live in the shallows will hide their eggs in amongst other fish's eggs. They'll go and gather their young once they hatch
Others will lay eggs on the sides of sharks or the underside of some driftwood and let it go off into the ocean deep to be fertilised when it is
A mermaid's human half will look like it's mermaid mother's. The dark skin of the lagoon, the pale of the deep, the myriad of appearances in the corals
Their fish half will look like whatever fertilised their egg
So, you can have a lagoon and a deep mermaid who were both fertilised by an eel, who would meet and although they don't know each other they call one another brother
Your society of mermaids in the corals look different in every way, including different tails. To the uninformed they would seem unrelated, but no, that is just the way they are
Some lagoon mermaids choose their fathers for the aesthetic. Fish with only the frilliest, most complex of fins are brought into the lagoon when they're laying. Other lagoons use more inscrutable reasons, judgements of worth or a quality humans don't appreciate make the choice
But the mermaids of the deep, the wild and lonely ones, they can get strange. Sharks, angler fish, a turtle
Then one egg rolls onto the sand and finds itself in a situation no one considered. A horse wanders by, having just finished with a mare...
Centaurs begin here
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radioactivepeasant · 2 months
Snippets Thursday: Meddling Mar (part 1 of 2)
A two-part piece to avoid a super long post, jumping ahead to how Damas and Phobos got their suspicions about the boys confirmed (part two is Damas confronting Jak over it)
The net thumped against the supports of the dock as Phobos hauled it upward. The catch was small for the evening; normally she wouldn't have even considered bringing it in so early. But the scanners had picked up a storm blowing in, and the last thing she wanted was for her net to get dragged out over the reef -- or for the Scylla to get any ideas about free snacks if she decided to shelter in the lagoon. Small though the catch may have been, it would just have to suffice until the weather was more favorable. Phobos supposed she could always take another overnight trip for larger fish later in the week. Maybe Jak would agree to let Mar tag along.
Phobos's hands stilled over the net of wriggling greenbellies. She stared out at the water without really seeing it as her thoughts drifted to the two boys who had drifted into their lives. Or, drifted back into their lives.
She knew her son when she saw him. He could have been five or eight or twenty-five and she would have known him. Denial at this point was foolish. But what she couldn't understand was Jak.
Phobos knew the child she'd borne. Knew every curl on his head, every dimple and birthmark. But to her knowledge, she'd only given birth once. And Jak...
Jak looked at her with Mar's eyes. He smiled with Mar's left-cheek dimple. And according to Damas, beneath the scarf he never took off, Jak had Mar's portwine stain on the back of his neck.
Phobos didn't need the blood results from the monks to know who Jak was. What she didn't understand was why.
Why had the Precursors given their lost son back, in two different bodies? Why did the older Mar call himself Jak? How had he come to be? And did he even know the impossibility of his own existence?
The wind began to pick up, sending a spray of salt into Phobos's face. She sputtered and spat. Served her right for getting distracted. Grumbling to herself, the angler slung the net over a pole and balanced it across her shoulders. It was getting to be time to take shelter, and her dawdling meant she might not make it to the tower before the sands picked up.
As she trudged through the West Market, shops closed their shutters and people nailed down tarps over stands. The walls and cliffs would protect most of Spargus from the winds, but the West Quarter was open to the sea. Things sometimes got a little dicey on the coast.
"Captain!" Someone called across the street, and Phobos spotted one of the summer semester teachers for the little ones.
"Oye, Captain Phobos!"
"Wind's picking up, Korah," Phobos warned her, "Is everyone home?"
The younger Spargan shook her head with a worried frown. "Not yet! I've got Seek with me -- the new boy? Seek? -- he refuses to go home! Says he needs you."
Phobos dropped the net immediately.
"Clean the net and those are yours," she said hastily to the startled shopkeeper beside her. Then she raced across the street.
Sand was beginning to carry along the wind, stinging her face as she caught up to Korah.
"Where is-" She caught herself quickly before saying Mar. "Where is he?"
The teacher gestured with the stump of her right arm. "I convinced him to wait in the Chime Sisters' place so I could look for you. I'm sorry, Captain. I know you're busy. The little guy's really taken a shine to you, though."
She ducked into a half alley between shops, looking for some relief from the wind.
"Don't know if he's showed you any of his classwork or not, but he picked you for his presentation on important roles in the community."
Despite her worry, a warmth filled Phobos's chest. "I uh. I know," she answered, just a little bashful. "It's taped up in my boat cabin."
So much had changed. Mar didn't suck his thumb anymore. He didn't respond to old nicknames. He didn't snuggle anymore, or want to be carried. He didn't call her Mommy -- that one hurt most -- but something, something was still there. Perhaps it was instinct. Or perhaps she'd rebuilt it with her own two hands by simply being present.
Phobos followed Korah to the two story building that held the Chime sisters' shop and apartment. Just as the teacher had said, Mar sat just inside, huddled next to the door with his knees drawn to his chest. He looked sullen. Like he couldn't decide between anger and sadness. Immediately, Phobos knelt in front of him with a worried frown.
"It's about to storm, minnow," she said, "Why aren't you home? Where's Jak, he usually picks you up by now, doesn't he?"
Apparently this was the wrong thing to say. Mar's brows fell into a fierce scowl.
"Jak left me!" he answered in short, terse signs.
That didn't make any sense. Jak was devoted to his little brother! Phobos glanced at the women sheltering around her and then back at Mar.
"I'll take him up to Damas’s," she said. "We'll get this straightened out after the storm blows over."
Nadia Chime clucked her tongue and nodded. "You get that little sprout out of this weather, cap'n!'
Phobos held her hands out to Mar. "Come on, you. Let's go see Damas, eh? Bet you he kept Jak late for training again."
Mar shook his head angrily. This time, tears beaded up in his eyes. But he reached out and grabbed Phobos's hands anyway, using them as leverage to propel himself into her arms.
Something was very wrong.
"Hey, hey," Phobos murmured, returning the embrace, "It's okay, baby, I've got you."
She shoved down the beginnings of anxiety fluttering in her stomach. The sooner she got to the tower, the sooner she could regroup with Damas.
"We need to move fast if we don't want to get sandburn. Can I carry you, minnow?"
Silently, Mar nodded into her chest. Phobos took a breath, scooped up her little boy, and made a dash for the residential sector.
Something's wrong with Jak. He's hurt, or he's sick, he must be. He wouldn't leave Mar. He wouldn't!
By the time she'd made it to the bridge tunnel that led to the tower door, the storm was beginning to sweep across the eastern part of the city. Wind howled down streets an alleys like a dune-wolf looking for prey, and kangarats scurried for cover while Leapers bedded down and covered their heads with their vestigial wings, as they did in the wild. Phobos hefted Mar higher in her arms and made for the door marked with the great spiral wyrm.
"Almost inside, Mar," she said, trying to comfort him.
Just as he had every time she'd slipped his name into conversation before, the child failed to correct her.
The walls of the tower were thick, almost erasing the wind entirely. Phobos stepped into the elevator and sat down as it rose. She set Mar down on her lap and took advantage of the silence to ask, "What did you mean "Jak left"? Is he on a mission?"
Mar still looked angry, but tears stained his dusty cheeks. "He left!" Stupid Haven's stupid governor whined about all the trouble happening -- but it's only happening because they tried to kill us, so stupid Jak left to keep them away from Spargus because they're all so STUPID!"
Phobos felt a knot forming in her stomach.
"Haven?! Why the- why in the world would Jak listen to them? And why would he try to keep them away from the city by himself?"
And with that, the dam burst. The silent trickles of tears turned into sobs that shook Mar's little body as he signed, "Because of me. I'm a bad brother."
"What?! No, nonono you are not a bad brother!" Phobos wiped tears from round cheeks and rocked her son back and forth. "Why would you think that?!"
"Cause it's my fault he left!" Mar hiccuped, and his signs shook. "The Council guys in Haven are looking for me, cos I go where Jak goes. And he- he- he-"
"He left so the council would look for you somewhere else," Phobos guessed grimly.
A fresh flood of tears soaked the front of her tunic as Mar cried. He clung to her the way he used to as a toddler, wailing into her chest. The elevator locked into place and Damas was already running towards them, having heard the cries, before Phobos even had a chance to stand up.
"Pho! What's wrong? What's happening?"
Phobos's face was pale as she looked up at him.
"Daym," she asked, "When did you last see Jak?"
Damas’s blood ran cold.
Part Two
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gabelesimp · 19 days
Yay! She's done! (My anatomy sucks ass)
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(I'm proud of the hair tbh, it reminds me of the beach where there's a type of Algae that makes the sand glow) I was supposed to give her the glowing antenna, since I wanted her to look like an Angler Fish 💀
@mizz-sea-nymph! What do you think of her now?
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blueyinthebush · 18 days
deep dive - the beach
requested by anonymous
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"the beach" is the 26th episode of season one, and introduces a lovely new location for the heelers to explore. it's never specified where along the gold coast this beach is, but probably somewhere like warana beach, which is about an hour's drive from brisbane and the perfect distance for a day trip. this one is a bit long, so i'll put the rest of the post underneath a read more.
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a couple years ago a coastal pathway project began, in order to promote walking and biking through the scrub and wetlands along the beach. the project also addresses the prevalence of invasive species and aims to restore native vegetation. but enough about that, let's get into the bush!
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an establishing shot gives a nice overview of the beach, which sits between a residential wooded area and the edge of the coral sea. what looks like a tuckeroo is visible in the foreground, a native australian tree that doesn't mind coastal conditions.
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after the heelers spend some time enjoying the sand, we get a shot of an osprey, a common sight anywhere by water in australia and across the americas. these raptors are incredible anglers, with a recorded success rate of 70 percent! there are four subspecies of osprey, and the eastern osprey, the only one found in australia, is the smallest.
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on the beach, bluey finds the shell of a tiger cowrie, a beautiful variety of marine snail that is prevalent across the indo-pacific region. the striking appearance of their shells has made them popular among shell collectors, although their numbers have suffered as a result.
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bluey also encounters a flock of silver gulls. like other sea gulls, these birds are very successful scavengers, and often have no issues going up to humans for handouts. you can find these guys pretty much anywhere near water in australia and new zealand.
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here's an interesting one! this is a pipi, a type of saltwater clam. they've been a source of protein by the native ngarriindjeri people for thousands of years, but are mostly used as bait for commercial fishing. they use their strong "foot" muscle to burrow into the sand. as filter feeders, they take in large amounts of water to suck up plankton. afterwards, the water needs to expelled, like the one bluey found is doing.
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bluey also runs away from a consortium of light-blue solider crabs. unlike how they're animated in the show, this species is one of the few crabs that has evolved to walk forwards, not sideways. the males form large "armies" during low tide, similar to the group in the episode.
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next, bluey encounters a moon jelly, a type of jellyfish identifiable by its large translucent bell and short tentacles. these jellies do have a sting (bluey does the right thing by approaching it with caution, as you should with any wild animal!), but it only causes very mild irritation in humans. moon jellies are the favorite food of many turtle species. since they look similar, moon jelly-loving turtles will often swallow plastic bags.
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last but not least, a bird that's even bigger than bluey! this is an australian pelican, which hold the record for the longest bill of any bird. they use their beaks to scoop up fish and other animals like a fishing net. you can find them in every state of australia.
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that's it! hope you enjoyed this first foray going into a whole episode. many thanks to the bluey wiki for this one, who have catalogued quite a lot of the animals in the show already.
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ms-scarletwings · 5 months
Every Dredge Aberration (2023), Part 4
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Cleft Mouth Shark
Encyclopedia #97
Aberrant form of Blacktip reef shark
A large body bisected by an enormous, grinning maw. Teeth stretch down forever into the blackness of its large gullet.
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Comment: The last, and maybe most remembered of The Marrow's warped fish. Seriously, I stumbled into a bounty of fanart specifically about this jacked up, faceless shark. I belove it the same. Already we have seen two frequented themes in the aberrant line- beings transformed wholly for the purpose of creating and carrying eldritch life, and as so iconized by the above fella, those who instead now only live to consume other life. Early gamers keep their fingers crossed for one of these valuable brutes.
How to catch: Early investment into researching heavier fishing equipment and careful timing will be the friend of those hunting after this abomination. Not for the faint among those just starting out, as black tip reef sharks only appear at night in oceanic water. This means being farther away from the starting port and fishing in the thick of the fog. Keep wary that you don't pull up your catch only to lose it overboard in a collision with a tricky rock, or an assault from the night angler. Can be trawl netted.
Cerebral Crab
Encyclopedia #98
Aberrant form of common crab
A turquoise mass swells from within this small crab. The growth pulses, quickening in the light of the sun.
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Comment: Would it be to awry of me to say that there's something almost... cute about the look of this scuttler? I find it difficult to not think there would be strange beauty in the sight of the island sands at night, pulsing and peppered with a gathering of these crabs' light, like jewels beneath the foam. I can at least be sure that their hue is enamoring once smeared across the hull of my boat. This is one of two mutants you must bring to the painter in Little Marrow to unlock the sharp mint pigments to customize with.
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How to catch: As the name would suggest, this animal can only be harvested with patience and the use of a crab pot. Aim for a depth below 25 meters, such as close to, or even within the Greater Marrow harbor.
Malignant Pincer
Encyclopedia #99
Aberrant form of fiddler crab
Teal tumours secrete a slimy substance over cracks and joints. Its massive claw shudders as it fights for control.
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Comment: Now THIS victim's predicament actually lends some fascinating implications about what ails the previous. These pustules look so alike to the same as the common crab's infection in both shape and color that I will go on a limb and decide that the same entity finds a host in either species. The "cerebral" part of the former's name indicates that this mass is in fact a brain of its own, with its own imperatives and will that overrides the poor vessel's. Because the infection has decided to root within the fiddler crab's claw, rather than its head, the animal's original brain has remained intact, despite everything. The body survives to stage a losing battle between nature and another's unknowable plan.
How to catch: They generally share roaming space with the common crabs of The Marrows, albeit preferring slightly shallower water, under a mere 10 meters to be exact. Due to their size, the basic crab pot can only hold one of them at a time, so, barring a speedrun to acquire the maw of the Deep, check the traps frequently if you are looking to snag one of these in the early game. I never found error in placing the pots right next to the Marrow docks for convenience. Bring one of these to the painter along with the cerebral crab to unlock the sharp mint paint for your ship.
Gnashing Perch
Encyclopedia #100
Aberrant form of oceanic perch
Eyeless and mindless. Driven only by the desire to consume. A purpose satiated many times over.
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Comment: By now we’ve already seen plenty of fish that would fit that description, but that doesn’t make it any less suited for this example here. While there was no included mention of the perch’s spines here, I want to assume they’ve only been made more precariously jagged and sturdy.
How to catch: A daytime, coastal kind around the Gale Cliffs. Both the aberrant breed and the typical perch have blissfully modest space needs in both the ship’s cargo hold and the trawl net.
Flayed Mackerel
Encyclopedia #101
Aberrant form of tiger mackerel
Rended flesh with muscle and bone exposed. This gory mess of a fish can't have lived like this for long.
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Comment: I see two possible stories told here. The first is that the evil essence afoot is what mutilated this mackerel. The second is that the specimen was actually flayed by natural means, and this infection is what allowed it to live in spite of its injuries.
How to catch: This is another coastal swimmer in range of the Gale Cliffs. Haul or trawl during daytime hours.
Bearded Mackerel
Encyclopedia #102
Aberrant form of tiger mackerel
The wispy tendrils sprouting from its mouth and flanks continue to writhe long after the fish has stopped flailing.
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Comment: well, well well! It took us long enough to come to bountiful barbels. You haven’t truly flattered the spirit of lovecraftian fiction until you have attached tentacles onto flesh where they don’t belong, and in large numbers.
How to catch: ^^^
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birdriddles · 2 months
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NAMES: caspian, coral, marina, star, angler, tide, aqua, pearl, blue, lana, cordelia, reef, fisher, banks, titus, bubble, finn, shelly, guppy, tallulah, ariel, goldie, marlin, sirena, sharky, skipper, moray, pike, sandy, snapper, octo
PRNS: scale/scales, fin/fins, reef/reefs, sand/sands, wave/waves, foam/foams, sea/seas, tooth/tooths, gill/gills, tail/tails, blub/blubs, swim/swims, hunt/hunts, sting/stings, jelly/jellys, squid/squids, coral/corals, aqua/aquas, bubble/bubbles, shoal/shoals, shell/shells, tide/tides, scuttle/scuttles, splash/splashs, ink/inks, brine/brines, kelp/kelps, urchin/urchins
TITLES: the creature of the deep, he who floats in the blue, friend of the sea, the heart of the ocean, his glimmering scales, his deadly sting, the one that lives among coral, the hunter of the sea, he who breathes through gills, the deep ocean dweller, the sunken one, the one drifted from shore, the one with fins and scales
(replace he/him/his with any pronoun)
[ 🪸 ] REQ: @tons-of-moths-in-a-box
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spin4trout · 3 months
Pine River
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The weather was all over the place for my trip up to the Pine River in Waushara County. It was foggy, then cloudy, then sunny, and then rainy.
The fish were biting through it all. I caught and released seven brown trout over a couple of hours of wading upstream. I even encountered another angler coming downstream toward the end of my session. That’s a pretty rare event in the Central Sands, but I guess the encounter might be because the region has only a limited number of streams open for the early season.
The beavers were busy on this stream, too, although I didn’t encounter and dams (yet).
It was raining pretty hard for my long back to the car. That, combined with a dunking I got when I took a tumble wading, meant I was a little soggy for the ride home.
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In the Bleak Midwinter
By: FloreatCastellum
Prompt: In the Bleak Midwinter
Summary: ‘Twas the week before Christmas and in grand TTB tradition @floreatcastellumposts was serving up some heartbreaking, festive angst. Don’t forget your cloak as we journey into the forest with Dean. 
Read it below or on AO3 here. 
The snow is not settling on the ground. Each snowflake has a brief life of falling from the grey sky onto the scrubby grass and then vanishing at once. Dean supposes that in other weather it might be beautiful here; perhaps the sun would reflect gloriously off the small trout lake, perhaps the rushes of the river just over the bank would sway pleasantly in a warm summer breeze, perhaps the short, muddy grass would bloom with wildflowers.
But at the moment, all is washed grey with sleet, and he has that heavy coldness that comes from clothes that are always just a little bit wet. Shivering has become an unremarkable constant.
‘Accio trout,’ says Dirk, and three fish have a bewildering end to their lives as they are magically hoisted out of the cold water to struggle and twist for breath in the damp air. The ripples from them spread and then settle once more into grey, stone-like stillness.
They are setting up camp on a little island in the lake, accessible by a thin, creaking footbridge. Small wooden platforms punctuate the shore, for anglers who pay for the privilege of fishing here, Dean guesses, and a thicket of forest provides some shelter from the bitter wind which moans around them.
‘Bleak, innit,’ grumbles Ted, clearing the ground. ‘Grab that guyline, would you, son?’
Dean does so; the rope stings and leaves red marks on his numb hands but he’s used to this routine now. He twists it around a peg as it magically hammers itself into the ground, and knots it the way Dirk showed him. Ted is cursing under his breath; the frost has left the ground as hard as iron, and even with magic it’s proving difficult to get the pegs in.
The goblins speak in their harsh, guttural way, and then Gornuk says, ‘you need to descale and clean it.’
‘Yes, I know,’ says Dirk irritably. ‘You tell me every time.’
There’s more gobbledegook, and then snickering laughter; Dirk throws a dark look to Ted, who replies with an exasperated little chuckle and a shake of the head.
Dean and Ted continue putting the tent up; the sleet-snow is falling thicker now, though still not settling on the ground, so it’s with great relief that they finally get it up and are able to sit in the entrance and light a fire.
It’s a burst of colour, and Dean is briefly hypnotised by the dancing orange and flickering yellow and the rough sound of Dirk and the goblins descaling the fish nearby.
He is sick of bloody fish. Sick to death of it. It’s not as though he was someone who didn’t like fish before. His mother would stew fish, or pan fry it and serve with a mango salsa, or add to a curry, or serve up ackee and saltfish. All spice and heat and colour. It makes Dean think of the way the sun bounces off the cracked pavements of East London and the throb of music and bright but skimpy clothes. It used to make him think of a childhood holiday to Jamaica, fried fish on Hellshire Beach, golden sands and azure waters.
But out here, in a different middle of nowhere each day, they choose fish because it is the only reliable source of food available. They stick to rivers and lakes and stretches of lonely coastline because Dirk has perfected magical fishing, and they can no longer find much from raiding peoples’ allotments, so they’re guaranteed a meal. But after just a few seconds away from the fire it feels cold again, and in dim winter light it always looks grey, and there is not a hint of spice to warm his tongue. He is sick of spitting out flimsy little bones, even when he pushes his knife away from the spine like Ted showed him, even when the fish are filetted by the goblins (which is rare, because they enjoy the crunch).
He doesn’t think it’s enough, either - there’s no fat on fish, and he finds it hard to ever feel full on it, even when they manage to scavenge a few potatoes or rice to have with it. He craves red meat, daydreams about it, his mouth salivates as he imagines biting into a thick, juicy burger, or the smell of bacon frying, or the richness of Mum’s mutton curry.
He watches for a little while, as Dirk pulls a knife roughly across the fish, from the tail towards the head, sending scales flying into the air like metallic snowflakes. He turns his attention back to the fire; just looking at it warms him a little.
The low winter sun has darkened swiftly; the water of the lake seems to go black quicker than the night sky. Dean has never been much of a landscape artist. It’s not that he doesn’t appreciate the beauty of nature and all that (though he has found that he appreciates it far less now he is forced to live in it), but he’s found his drawings have always felt a little empty without a person in them.
So instead of the dramatic view ahead of him, of the snow falling in a flurry over black water and windswept rushes, he pulls out his sketchbook and warms up his fingers by drawing a rough, unidentifiable shadow descaling a fish.
‘That Dirk?’ Ted says after a while. He’s rubbing his hands together and blowing on them between their chatter. Dean’s own fingers are numb with cold; it’s all he can do to loosely hold the pencil.
‘I s’pose - not specifically. Just - the action. The pose.’
Dirk was squatting on the ground to clean the fish; one shoulder against a tree trunk to keep him steady. Dean had been practising the lines and perspective of it.
‘I was going to say, you’ve drawn him far too attractive.’
Dean grinned, and Ted continued.
‘I hope when you draw me you do the same; take a few pounds off, iron out some wrinkles. Make my hair a bit thicker.’
‘Sure, mate, I can do that for you.’
Ted tutted. ‘I thought you’d argue - where’s your artistic integrity? Aren’t you meant to tell me those things make me more interesting?’
Dean laughs out loud. ‘I s’pose a proper artist would.’
‘And what stops you being a proper artist?’ asks Ted. His voice is a little like a friendly teacher, or beloved uncle. He’s taken Dean under his wing a bit, which Dean appreciates.
‘Being paid,’ says Dean flatly.
‘What’re your rates?’
‘You couldn’t afford ‘em, Ted.’
Ted hisses, his shoulders shaking with restrained laughter. ‘That’s cold, son. You know I can’t wander into Gringotts.’
Dirk and the goblins return and the fish are charmed to rotate slowly over the fire. The smell of them roasting fills the cold air, and Dean watches their eyes shrivel and blacken. He thinks about Hogwarts, and how the food magically appeared, hot and fresh and deliciously prepared. He thinks about how he and Seamus used to complain about it being boring.
He would love some boring food right now. A boring shepherds pie, a dull pasta bake, a dreary fish and chips. Something warming and comforting and plain.
‘Is Potterwatch on tonight?’ asks Ted.
‘Er… I’ll grab my diary, I wrote it down…’ says Dirk, and he squeezes awkwardly past Dean and Ted to vanish into the tent.
The snow has started to settle now, Dean notices. It’s collecting at the edges of things first. The roots of sleeping, bare trees, the grooves of the little wooden fishing platform.
‘Gringotts will be suffering without that man’s organisation’ says Ted, taking a long stick and prodding at the base of the fire. ‘Legendary. Bet he was like that at school too. Bet he was Head Boy.’
‘Eh?’ comes Dirk’s voice from the depths of the tent.
‘You were Head Boy, weren’t you? After I left.’
Dirk staggers clumsily out of the tent, sniffing in the biting cold, and settles back down by the fire. ‘Yeah, that’s right,’ he says absent-mindedly, opening his red planner and rifling through the pages. ‘School swot, I was.’
‘I wasn’t,’ Ted told Dean. ‘Too cool for that.’
Dean grinned. ‘Same. I mean - I didn’t get Prefect, so-’
‘Blimey,’ says Dirk suddenly, looking at his diary. He looks up. ‘Merry Christmas, everyone.’
A heavy silence falls on the three wizards; just the slight spit of the fire and crackle of the fish roasting. The goblins exchange glances that seem to Dean to be exasperated smirks, and start muttering quietly in gobbledegook.
‘Oh,’ says Dean.
‘Happy Christmas,’ says Ted hollowly.
The snow falls thicker, collecting easily now, resting on that which has already fallen.
It hits Dean very hard then. He tries to reason with himself; it is just a day, that is all. If he had not known the date, the sun would have risen and set and the night passed overhead with the same dreary monotony as any other at the moment, and he would have felt no stronger.
But he does know, and he feels suspended in it. He is left bereft, devastated, almost abandoned as he thinks about what this day should be, what it has always been to him – full of warmth and excitement and joy and love, and it is like being torn apart from his family all over again. He does not dare speak, because he knows his voice will crack.
‘Not how I’d like to be spending it, no offence to you lot,’ Ted says.
Dean swallows, and nods.
‘I’ve not got any of you anything,’ says Dirk.
‘You got us some fish,’ says Ted. ‘Cheers, mate.’ It’s a weak attempt at bravado, but Dean appreciates it. He tries to salvage something of it himself, and returns to the rough sketch that was supposed to be him practising form. With fingers stinging from cold, he does what he can to improve it, to make it more recognisable, to make it look like he put some thought and care into it.
‘You’re welcome,’ Dirk says to Ted, a wobble in his voice.
It remains a rough looking sketch, but he signs it, tears it out from the pad, and leans over, holding it out to Dirk. He had nothing else to give him, in these circumstances. ‘Merry Christmas,’ he says, to Dirk’s surprised face.
‘Well - thanks, I - oh! Hah!’ He gives a spluttered, watery laugh as he looks fondly down at the drawing. ‘Thank you, Dean, really.’
Ted whistles, long and low and approving. ‘Signed and everything, Dirk, that’ll be worth a few bob in the years to come, trust me.’
‘I’ll get started on yours now, Ted,’ Dean assures him. ‘How do you want to be posed?’
‘Lying in your camp bed snoring, got it.’
They try, they really do. They dance around it, they feign lightheartedness, they take the dark, terrible, lonely thoughts that are screaming in their brains and try to pretend that they do not in fact feel them, that they can shrug it off.
The snow falls thicker and thicker as they eat their fish (instantly cold), and retreat into the tent for scant warmth. They force laughter. Even the goblins seem to take pity and offer up a flask of something goblin made that Dean cannot pronounce but tastes, to him, like vodka.
‘You lot don’t celebrate Christmas then?’ Ted asks them.
‘No,’ says Gornuk flatly, ‘but we understand the traditions for you.’
Dean finishes the drawing of Ted, and offers it as a Christmas gift with a great flourish. He offers to repay the gift of alcohol with drawings of the goblins. They do not seem impressed. With that, they retire to their camp beds, leaving the three wizards to carry on drinking.
The alcohol liberates the unspoken words. It is Ted who raises the subject of their longing loneliness first. ‘Who’re you missing this year, Dean?’ he asks. ‘Who’s the family waiting for you to come home?’
‘My mum,’ admits Dean. ‘Sisters.’
‘Older or younger?’
‘Younger - we’re all so close, they were furious when I went away to school. I’ve never had a Christmas without them though. I wonder how it’s going for them.’
‘I wonder how my daughter’s Christmas is going,’ Ted says vaguely. ‘She’ll be… a few months along now, I suppose.’
‘You going to be a grandad, Ted?’ Dean asks.
He hums and nods slowly. ‘Apparently so.’
‘Next Christmas will be fantastic,’ Dirk tells him. ‘With a little one running round. Or, well, crawling.’
‘You’re going to be a great Grandad,’ Dean says. ‘The favourite one, I bet.’
‘Do you know, I don’t even know if there is another grandad, I don’t know much about my son-in-law, considering,’ says Ted. ‘Everything moved pretty quickly, then I had to leg it.’ He looks at Dirk. ‘Who are you missing this Christmas?’
Dirk thinks for a long time, staring at the flickering paraffin lamp on the table. When he speaks, Dean can hear the heavy regret in every long pause between words. ‘You know, I… I spent so many years thinking there was time for… all that… later. I was so…’ He took a great shuddering breath and turned to Dean. ‘You don’t know how lucky you are, you know.’
Dean doesn’t feel lucky, but he also knows these men well enough by now to wait, and listen.
‘This is awful, obviously, but you had some good school years. When we were at school, muggleborns had to prove themselves a hundred times over to be in with a shot of getting a decent job. Didn’t we, Ted?’
Ted sniffed, and nodded, his eyes fixed on the lamp too. ‘Yeah - bloody hard if you were average like me, but I tried to keep a good sense of humour and that helped more than you’d expect, just about. Wasn’t easy though. Got into my fair share of scraps.’
Dean could not imagine Ted as a fighter, but Dirk swiftly clarified the confusion. ‘They used to target us, didn’t they, Ted? Horrific, what some of them used to get away with - then they all became Death Eaters later, didn’t they? You just tried to keep your head down.’
‘Well,’ said Ted fairly, ‘or you started scandalous relationships with Slytherin pureblood girls, but you know, we all had different tactics for survival.’
Dirk laughed. ‘You were a braver man than me - I just studied hard, tried to prove I deserved my place. Got there in the end. I don’t suppose you remember Lily Evans, Ted? Later became Lily Potter?’
‘No, she was too many years below me, never really crossed paths, from what I recall.’
‘She was the year above me; her tactic was to bloody try and kill ‘em with kindness, she was friends with some of them, for a bit anyway. Obviously didn’t work for her. But she was similar to me, talented enough to get into the Slug Club, but bloody hell did she have to work for it.’ He sighed heavily. ‘And I was the same, and anyway - I got myself a decent job, and worked hard and just kept working hard… Never really accepted that I was safe from any of that, never focused on anything but work.’
‘You regret it?’ Ted asks quietly.
‘I never did before,’ says Dirk. ‘I was proud. I still am, really. And I suppose I should count myself lucky there’s no wife or kiddies at home missing me. But… it would be nice to be missed.’ He turns to Dean, and fixes him with the sort of stern stare Professor McGonagall so often gave, in what feels like a lifetime ago. ‘Don’t become a cynic like me,’ he implores. ‘Don’t let them rob you of joy too. When all this is over, make sure you actually live - really live.’
He seems to realise what he says, and for some reason this embarrasses him. He flushes, and seizes the flask of vodka-like drink, and takes a swift gulp.
Dean nods, but then lets the silence awkwardly rest over them. He knows the cause - knows what all of them are thinking. When will this be over, really? Will it ever be over? Will they see the end of it? Or will they freeze out here in this bleak and barren landscape?
He tries to think of something else to say. ‘I didn’t realise Harry’s mother was muggleborn,’ he says at last.
‘He never mentioned it? I thought you said you were in the same dorm,’ says Ted.
‘We were. He doesn’t talk about his parents. Not to me, at least. Never really mentions them.’
‘That’s a shame,’ says Dirk. ‘They were decent people. Well, Lily definitely. James Potter could be a bit of a prat to be honest.’
A moment for the words to sink in, and then they splutter with shocked laughter.
Dirk’s words swirl around Dean’s head as he tries to sleep that night. They leave a lamp on low for the scant warmth, so he stares at the warm, flickering yellow glow as he thinks about them. After the war is over, he must live. Truly live.
He should, he knows, be thinking about his family. And it’s not to say that he hasn’t been thinking about them, because of course he has. He misses them so much it is sheer agony. He wants to risk it all and apparate right back to them, just to feel them in his arms even for a brief few seconds. He yearns to hear his mother’s voice. Perhaps he will find a payphone soon, and call. Maybe that would be safe.
But in truth, it is not them that he is fixating on as he gazes into the dim lamplight.
He thinks instead of the most lively person he knows. The person that has him roaring with laughter. The person who always finds the fun in something. The person that seems to be synonymous to happiness.
Silently, without waking the others, he gets out of bed. His pencil once again glides over the page, the guidelines soft, the tone layered up, careful detail. It’s as though his hand moves of its own accord, he doesn’t really register what he’s doing except for the fact that a hundred, a thousand, a million different fragments of memory were pummelling through his brain, each one as though painted by watercolour, soft and clouded and drowning in colour and light.
How long it takes him to draw in that dim light he isn’t sure, but he eventually puts down his pencil and looks upon perhaps the best piece he has ever created. If only he had watercolours, to add to it, to bring it away from that black and white and into something truly reflective of the person he was trying to capture. He was beautiful, Dean realises. He has never considered it before.
Still as though in a daze, he pulls on his boots, swings his coat over his shoulders, and slips out of the tent. The snow is thick now, it crunches underfoot, but otherwise muffles the world so that he stepped into a strange, close silence. The branches of the trees are covered in frost and ice, a strange tinsel, glittering in his wand light.
He goes down to the wooden platform that perches just over the water edge. It has not frozen over but it is uncommonly still, and in the snow and the dark it is black looking, as though the depths of it continue forever. His fingers are numb and prickling in the chill already, but he takes out the drawing and holds it before him. It is cast in faint blue from the light of his wand.
Seamus stares back at him, with the slight upturn of his mouth and hooded eyes that Dean fiercely knows to be the pale blue of a morning sky but are here cast, by circumstance alone, in the grey lead of his pencil.
Dean wonders if it is normal to feel suspended like this when thinking about someone. He wonders if it’s normal to think this strongly about a friend. He wonders if it is normal to miss a living person so strongly it feels like grief, like the gently increasing pain of being out here in bleak weather is nothing compared to his warm absence.
He wonders why he does not want to risk anyone seeing this drawing, this outpouring of… He cannot admit the word to himself.
Instead, he crouches, and gently places the drawing on the surface of the still water. For a moment, it seems as though it hasn’t even made a ripple, but then he sees it, reaching out into the night. The drawing of Seamus floats for a while, and he watches it, hoping desperately, praying, even, that all of this will end. That spring will eventually soften this iron hard earth, that they will see one another again at last.
Gradually, the drawing sinks into the safety of the black water, unseen by anyone but Dean. He watches it vanish, and feels oddly freed.
He will see him again, he decides. And this time, as Dirk suggests, they will live. Really live.
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myth-lord · 9 months
If I could create my own D&D Monster Manual
It would look something like this:
The names with the little dot before them are sub-species/variations of the name above, like Kenku, Nagpa, Tlacatecolo and Vrock are variants of the Aarakocra.
Air Elemental
Invisible Stalker
Animated Broom
Flying Sword
Guardian Portrait
Living Tome
Rug of Smothering
Craud (Sea Ankheg)
Blood Hawk
Assassin Vine
Choke Creeper
Astral Defiler
Astral Dreadnought
Astral Filcher (Temporal Filcher)
Astral Marauder
Astral Slayer
Astral Stalker
Axe Beak
Babau (Blood Demon)
Balor (Pit Demon)
Barbazu (Bearded Demon)
Id Fiend
Rock Reptile
Eye Tyrant
Gauth (Spectator)
Black Dragon (Deepwyrm)
Black Pudding
Void Ooze
White Pudding (Snowflake Ooze)
Blink Dog
Moon Dog
Yeth Hound
Blood Amniote (Bloodrot)
Bloodthorn (Vampire Rose)
Blue Dragon (Stormwyrm)
Bugbear (Boogeyman)
Hezrou (Pod Demon)
Carrion Crawler
Rot Grubs
Cave Fisher
Clay Golem (Terra-Cotta)
Clockroach (Clockwork Horror)
Iron Cobra
Cloud Giant
Fog Giant
Storm Giant
Cloud Ray
Copper Dragon
Coral Golem
Cranium Rats
Crawling Claw
Soul Shaker
Crystal Dragon
Black Willow  
Darkling (Dark Creeper)
Deadly Dancer (Impaler)
Death Knight
Deva (Angel)
Angel of Decay (Rot Harbinger)
Erinyes (Fallen Deva)
Justicator (Order Deva)
Planetar (Battle Deva)
Solar (Light Deva)
Dire Angler
Light Devourer
Dire Ape
Dire Bat (Mobat)
Fire Bat (Inferno Bat)
Sinister (Shadow Bat)
Dire Bear (Cave Bear)
Dire Beaver (Afanc)
Dire Boar (Tusk Terror)
Dire Catfish (Namazu)
Dire Chameleon (Ambush Drake)
Dire Constrictor (Titanoboa)
Dire Crocodile (Deinosuchus)
Hatori (Sand Crocodile)
Dire Eel (Abaia)
Cave Moray
Dragon Eel
Lightning Eel
Dire Elephant (Mammoth)
Dire Elk (Megaloceros)
Dire Gar 
Dire Hippo (Behemoth)
Dire Lion
Sea Lion
Dire Otter (Dobhar-Chu)
Dire Pufferfish (Kalothagh)
Dire Ram 
Dire Rat
Dire Rhino (Karkadann)
Gulgar (Diamond Charger)
Dire Seahorse (Hippocampus)
Dire Shark (Megalodon)
Dire Skunk (Aniwye)
Dire Sloth (Megatherium)
Dire Tiger (Smilodon)
Dire Whale (Leviathan)
Dire Wolf (Worg)
Winter Wolf
Dire Wolverine (Gulon)
Displacer Beast
Dragon Turtle
Dwarf Ancestor
Earth Elemental
Galeb Duhr
Sandman (Sandling)
Tomb Mote (Necromental)
Eladrin (Spring Eladrin)
Autumn Eladrin (Bralani)
Summer Eladrin (Firre)
Winter Eladrin (Ghaele)
Evistro (Carnage Demon)
Feyr (Fihyr)
Firbolg (Wood Giant)
Fire Elemental
Belker (Smoke Elemental)
Magma Hurler (Magma Elemental)
Magmin (Lava Child)
Fire Giant
Flesh Golem
Rot Ripper
Eldritch Giant (Fomorian Noble)
Plague Spewer
Frost Giant
Kapoacinth (Reef Gargoyle)
Gas Spore
Gelatinous Cube
Devourer (Soul Eater)
Ghast (Witherstench)
Lacedon (Drowned)
Giant Anemone
Giant Ant
Abyss Ant
Giant Antlion
Giant Assassin Bug
Giant Beetle (Boring Beetle)
Bombardier Beetle (Fire Beetle)
Deathwatch Beetle (Slicer Beetle)
Siege Beetle (Rhinoceros Beetle)
Water Beetle
Giant Centipede
Giant Clam
Giant Crab
Carcass Crab (Cadaver Collector)
Kalka Kylla  (Giant Hermit)
Giant Dragonfly
Giant Eagle
Giant Firefly (Firefriend)
Giant Frog
Giant Jellyfish (Man-o-War)
Death Embrace
Giant Leech
Giant Mantis
Giant Moth
Tenebrous Worm
Giant Octopus
Darktentacles (Swamp Octopus)
Decapus (Tree Octopus)
Silt Horror (Sand Octopus)
Giant Owl
Noctral (Celestial Owl)
Giant Raven (Valravn)
Giant Salamander
Frost Salamander
Giant Scorpion
Giant Slug
Bone Whelk
Flail Snail
Metalmaster (Sword Slug)
Giant Spider
Bristle Spider
Darkweaver (Shadow Spider)
Phase Spider
Snow Spider
Tomb Spider
Giant Starfish
Giant Strider
Magma Strider
Giant Tick
Bloodsilk Tick
Soul Tick
Giant Toad
Fire Toad
Ice Toad
Giant Urchin
Land Urchin
Giant Wasp
Advespa (Hellwasp)
Spider Eater
Gibbering Mouther (Chaos Beast)
Skybleeder (Abyssal Mouther)
Gith (Githyanki)
Glabrezu (Deception Demon)
Flind (War Gnoll)
Marrash (Pestilence Gnoll)
Witherling (Famine Gnoll)
Gold Dragon
Gorgon (Khalkotauroi)
Gray Jester
Gray Ooze
Gray Render (Skindancer)
Green Dragon (Grovewyrm)
Green Slime
Arcane Ooze
Greenvise (Mantrap)
Annis Hag (Death Hag)
Bheur Hag (Frostwind Virago)
Green Hag (Bog Hag)
Night Hag (Nocnitsa)
Sea Hag
Hamatula (Barbed Demon)
Hell Hound
Death Dog
Hoard Scarab
Hook Horror
Intellect Devourer (Brain Mole)
Brain Collector (Neh-Thalggu)
Cerebrilith (Mindshredder)
Iron Golem
Adamantine Golem
Shield Guardian
Knucklehead Trout
Carcass Eater
Skull Lord
Lillend (Muse)
Luck Eater
Werefox (Foxwoman)
Mind Flayer
Elder Brain
Shocker Lizard
Skirr (Mummy Lord)
Dark Naga
Guardian Naga
Spirit Naga
Water Naga
Nightwalker (Death Giant)
Shardsoul Slayer
Dryad (Wood Nymph)
Lampad (Shadow Nymph)
Nereid (Aquatic Nymph)
Oread (Mountain Nymph)
Sylph (Sky Nymph)
Obliviax (Memory Moss)
Ochre Jelly
Oni (Ogre Magi)
Osyluth (Bone Demon)
Abyssal Maw
Pech (Deep Gnome)
Pixie (Sprite)
Allip (Doom Whisperer)
Caller in Darkness (Mindstorm)
Pseudo-Dragon (Orange Dragon)
Faerie Dragon (Purple Dragon)
Purple Worm
Masher (Blue Worm)
Ravid (Rage Drake)
Red Dragon (Hellwyrm)
Ruin Demon (Swarm Demon)
Rust Monster
Kuo-Toa (Skum)
Satyr (Faun)
Ankylosaurus (Macetail)
Brontosaurus (Mokele-Mbembe)
Ceratosaurus (Bonesnapper)
Deinonychus (Scytheclaw)
Dilophosaurus (Spitter)
Dimetrodon (Bloodseeker)
Mosasaurus (Gambo)
Plesiosaurus (Coast Stalker)
Pteranodon (Razorbeak)
Stegosaurus (Mbielu)
Stygimoloch (Charger)
Triceratops (Ngoubou)
Tyrannosaurus Rex (Fang Titan)
Sea Serpent
Shadow Demon
Shadow Dragon
Shadow Mastiff
Shambling Mound
Tumbling Mound
Sibriex (Craft Demon)
Silver Dragon
Mercury Dragon
Crypt Thing
Giant Skeleton (Gashadokuro)
Skin Kite
Skiurid (Soul Nibbler)
Slithering Tracker
Spectre (Ghost)
Banshee (Wailing Ghost)
Sphinx (Gynosphinx)
Steel Predator
Stone Golem
Gelugon (Ice Demon)
Hundred-Handed One (Hecatoncheires)
Tlincalli (Scorpion-Man)
Saguaro Sentinel
Tri-Flower Frond
Rot Troll
Twig Blight
Umber Hulk
Ecalypse (Dusk Unicorn)
Vampiric Mist
Crimson Death
Violet Fungus
Phantom Fungus
Wastrilith (Styx Demon)
Water Elemental
Caller from the Deeps
Chraal (Ice Elemental)
Poison Weird (Poison Elemental)
Web Golem (Adherer)
White Dragon (Frostwyrm)
Winter Wight (Entombed)
Will o Wisp
Helmed Horror (Helmed Wraith)
Sword Wraith
Trap Haunt (Trap Wraith)
Wood Woad (Wood Wraith)
Abyssal Drake
Yellow Dragon (Sunwyrm)
Yellow Musk Creeper
Corpse Flower
Wendigo (Famine Spirit)
Zombie Clot
HUMANOID: Aarakocra / Kenku / Abeil / Bullywug / Cloud Giant / Storm Giant / Cyclops / Darkling / Drow / Duergar / Eladrin / Autumn Eladrin / Summer Eladrin / Winter Eladrin / Firbolg / Fire Giant / Frost Giant / Gith / Gnoll / Goblin / Hobgoblin / Hadozee / Lizardman / Kobold / Tortle / Werebear / Wereboar / Wererat / Wereshark / Werewolf / Ogre / Orc / Sahuagin / Tabaxi / Thri-Kreen / Yuan-Ti
ABERRATION: Aboleth / Astral Defiler / Astral Dreadnought / Astral Filcher / Astral Marauder / Astral Slayer / Astral Stalker / Banderhobb / Beholder / Eye Tyrant / Gauth / Mindwitness / Slaad / Carrion Crawler / Rot Grubs / Ulgurstasta / Choker / Skulk / Chuul / Uchuulon / Cloaker / Cranium Rats / Deadly Dancer / Deepspawn / Destrachan / Digester / Dharculus / Phane / Doppelganger / Derro / Feyr / Fomorian / Remorhaz / Froghemoth / Death Embrace / Puppeteer / Darktentacles / Decapus / Silt Horror / Darkweaver / Dustdigger / Gibbering Mouther / Argos / Boggle / Gray Render / Braxat / Grell / Grick / Intellect Devourer / Brain Collector / Kraken / Meenlock / Mind Flayer / Elder Brain / Ulitharid / Mohrg / Nothic / Shardsoul Slayer / Otyugh / Neothelid / Roper / Piercer / Kuo-Toa / Morkoth / Swordwing / Protean
UNDEAD: Tlacatecolo / Ragewind / Blood Amniote / Fog Giant / Crawling Claw / Soul Shaker / Black Willow / Death Knight / Dullahan / Angel of Decay / Sinister / Hullathoin / Fetch / Tomb Mote / Plague Spewer / Ghoul / Berbalang / Devourer / Ghast / Lacedon / Bone Whelk / Tomb Spider / Soul Tick / Witherling / Meazel / Carcass Eater / Lich / Demilich / Dracolich / Skull Lord / Mummy / Grisgol / Skirr / Nightwalker / Bodak / Splinterwaif / Poltergeist / Allip / Caller in Darkness / Shadow / Shadow Demon / Shadow Dragon / Shadow Mastiff / Tumbling Mound / Skeleton / Boneyard / Crypt Thing / Flameskull / Giant Skeleton / Skin Kite / Spectre / Banshee / Hangman / Rot Troll / Vampire / Nosferatu / Vampiric Mist / Crimson Death / Vargouille / Caller from the Deeps / Wight / Boneclaw / Winter Wight / Will o Wisp / Trilloch / Wraith / Helmed Horror / Sword Wraith / Trap Haunt / Wood Woad / Zombie / Atropal / Dustblight / Revenant / Zombie Clot
FEY: Almiraj / Behir / Blink Dog / Cooshee / Yeth Hound / Bugbear / Bagman / Grung / Carbuncle / Centaur / Corollax / Couatl / Osquip / Gulgar / Kirre / Winter Wolf / Displacer Beast / Eblis / Eldritch Giant / Blindheim / Gloomwing / Tenebrous Worm / Flail Snail / Aranea / Quanlos / Spriggan / Gray Jester / Gremlin / Annis Hag / Bheur Hag / Green Hag / Sea Hag / Harpy / Siren / Korred / Nightshade / Leprechaun / Clurichaun / Luck Eater / Werefox / Dark Naga / Nuckelavee / Nymph / Dryad / Lampad / Nereid / Oread / Sylph / Oni / Owlbear / Winterclaw / Pixie / Nixie / Quickling / Redcap / Satyr / Gambol / Troll / Scrag / Unicorn / Ecalypse / Zorbo
FIEND: Vrock / Mihstu / Achaierai / Babau / Balor / Barbazu / Hezrou / Catoblepas / Armanite / Chasme / Erinyes / Barlgura / Fire Bat / Fhorge / Rylkar / Maurezhi / Durzagon / Evistro / Immolith / Abyss Ant / Adaru / Dybbuk / Draudnu / Tlexolotl / Hellstinger / Bebilith / Voracia / Magma Strider / Advespa / Skybleeder / Glabrezu / Marrash / Barghest / Quarrak / Night Hag / Hamatula / Hell Hound / Canoloth / Death Dog / Howler / Imp / Mephit / Quasit / Cerebrilith / Kyton / Larva / Lemure / Rutterkin / Abishai / Jarilith / Goristro / Phycomid / Spirit Naga / Nightmare / Cauchemar / Yochlol / Tanarukk / Osyluth / Abyssal Maw / Fiendwurm / Ruin Demon / Skulvyn / Sibriex / Simpathetic / Skiurid / Solamith / Succubus / Incubus / Rakshasa / Gelugon / Hundred-Handed One / Twig Blight / Thorny / Wastrilith / Abyssal Drake / Wendigo / Marilith
ELEMENTAL: Air Elemental / Invisible Stalker / Earth Elemental / Crysmal / Galeb Duhr / Mud-Man / Sandman / Fire Elemental / Belker / Magma Hurler / Magmin / Jann / Dao / Djinn / Efreet / Marid / Pech / Salamander / Shardmind / Water Elemental / Chraal / Poison Weird / Xorn
OOZE: Black Pudding / Reekmurk / Void Ooze / White Pudding / Gelatinous Cube / Gray Ooze / Green Slime / Arcane Ooze / Corrupture / Mimic / Trapper / Ochre Jelly / Slithering Tracker / Ghaunadan
DRAGON: Basilisk / Id Fiend / Pyrolisk / Rock Reptile / Black Dragon / Blue Dragon / Copper Dragon / Crystal Dragon / Hatori / Dragon Turtle / Zaratan / Gold Dragon / Green Dragon / Hydra / Drakkoth / Pseudo-Dragon / Faerie Dragon / Ravid / Red Dragon / Sea Serpent / Silver Dragon / Mercury Dragon / White Dragon / Wyvern / Yellow Dragon / Yrthak
BEAST: Axe Beak / Boobrie / Cloud Ray / Dire Angler / Dire Ape / Dire Bat / Dire Bear / Dire Beaver / Dire Boar / Dire Catfish / Dire Chameleon / Dire Constrictor / Dire Crocodile / Dire Eel / Lightning Eel / Dire Elephant / Dire Elk / Dire Gar / Dire Hippo / Dire Lion / Dire Otter / Dire Pufferfish / Dire Ram / Dire Rat / Dire Rhino / Dire Seahorse / Dire Shark / Dire Skunk / Dire Sloth / Dire Tiger / Dire Whale / Dire Wolf / Dire Wolverine / Giant Anemone / Giant Ant / Giant Antlion / Giant Assassin Bug / Giant Beetle / Water Beetle / Giant Centipede / Megapede / Giant Clam /Giant Crab / Kalka Kylla / Giant Dragonfly / Giant Eagle / Giant Firefly / Giant Frog / Giant Jellyfish / Giant Leech / Giant Mantis / Giant Moth / Giant Octopus / Giant Owl / Giant Raven / Giant Salamander / Giant Scorpion / Giant Slug / Giant Spider / Bristle Spider / Snow Spider / Giant Starfish / Giant Strider / Giant Tick / Giant Toad / Giant Urchin / Land Urchin / Giant Wasp / Jaculi / Knucklehead Trout / Muckdweller / Quipper / Ankylosaurus / Brontosaurus / Ceratosaurus / Deinonychus / Dilophosaurus / Dimetrodon / Mosasaurus / Plesiosaurus / Pteranodon / Stegosaurus / Stygimoloch / Triceratops / Tyrannosaurus Rex
MONSTROSITY: Nagpa / Ahuizotl / Amphisbaena / Ankheg / Craud / Arrowhawk / Blood Hawk / Aurumvorax / Bulette / Cave Fisher / Avalancher / Chathrang / Chimera / Cockatrice / Light Devourer / Girallon / Boalisk / Cave Moray / Dragon Eel / Sea Lion / Disenchanter / Drider / Ettercap / Bombardier Beetle / Deathwatch Beetle / Siege Beetle / Carcass Crab / Steelwing / Roc / Thunderbird / Frost Salamander / Metalmaster / Phase Spider / Bloodsilk Tick / Fire Toad / Ice Toad / Spider Eater / Flind / Nilbog / Gremishka / Griffon / Hook Horror / Jackalwere / Krenshar / Lamia / Leucrotta / Pterrax / Troglodyte / Manticore / Minotaur / Shocker Lizard / Water Naga / Brohg / Ettin / Merrow / Tulgar / Peryton / Purple Worm / Masher / Rust Monster / Sphinx / Stirge / Su-Monster / Tarrasque / Tlincalli / Umber Hulk / Yeti / Abomination / Medusa
CONSTRUCT: Animated Broom / Carrionette / Flying Sword / Guardian Portrait / Living Tome / Rug of Smothering / Scarecrow / Azer / Bladeling / Clay Golem / Clockroach / Iron Cobra / Coral Golem / Dwarf Ancestor / Flesh Golem / Rot Ripper / Gargoyle / Kapoacinth / Margoyle / Scaladar / Gorgon / Hoard Scarab / Iron Golem / Adamantine Golem / Shield Guardian / Steel Predator / Stone Golem / Eidolon / Juggernaut / Web Golem
PLANT: Ascomoid / Assassin Vine / Choke Creeper / Bloodthorn / Orcwort / Quickwood / Gas Spore / Greenvise / Kelpie / Myconid / Obliviax / Shambling Mound / Tendriculos / Treant / Saguaro Sentinel / Tri-Flower Frond / Violet Fungus / Basidirond / Phantom Fungus / Yellow Musk Creeper / Corpse Flower
CELESTIAL: Moon Dog / Deva / Justicator / Planetar / Solar / Phoenix / Noctral / Hollyphant / Lillend / Guardian Naga / Pegasus / Lammasu / Empyrean / Kirin / Nyth
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ratsoh-writes · 4 months
But you can decide the setting
Pff jeez
It is beach day! As per her therapists suggestion, mirla decides to take a day of relaxation at one of ebotts many beaches. She picked this shore on purpose for being out of the way and generally unused. Plus every one knows unknown beaches have the best shell finds!
As mirla sighs, relaxing and sitting in the sand, she hears… distant screams? A fish’s cry for mercy, and it’s getting closer!
As a last ditch effort at loosing its predator, a large swordfish leaps from the shallows onto the sand. But it’s futile, it’s purser, a massive skeletal hadal and even larger goat hadal beach themselves chasing after it. The goat reaches the swordfish first, spearing it
Angler: HAH!!!! WHOS SLOW NOW WORM!???
The two start dragging themselves back to the water but notice mirla watching stunned
Aw, they’re nice
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