#same hastags
artcalledtattoo · 7 months
Need More Beer (4downpour)
I have thrust my friends
Incoming down pour
Brace yourselves
I’m needing more
A wanting
The keen disposition to alcohol
Enhancing circling swirls
What are flushes on this equator?
That way
The other is backwards
You never learned
That dude before me left out with Busch
Sinnister downpour
In the 36 hours
People crashing losing lives
Insurance insulation (I i am just saying)
I hurt the maintained upper tops
If I don’t
I’m sorry, I apologize for my inconvenience
In echo slander
Vulgarity is ammonia smelling Piss
Add bowels dead flesh
Smelly compromise
They lost lives where are bullets
For those autopsies
For the died on the road
An autopsy paid for by whom
What home?
The traveled passed for the great reach
I need morons more fucking getting my beer
Bring it to the table
Fuck Corona
Dirt piss alcohol
Whiskey or BlueMoon
Or something with Taste
Don’t fucking question
Just deliver
Need more beer
Blue in alcohol
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nart-is-a-monster · 4 months
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No thoughts head empty
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birdricks · 4 months
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you do it to yourself, you do / and that’s what really hurts
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dolcepuccino · 22 days
all the charlos authors, may i have your attention please? i honestly write for my own pleasure and since english isn’t my first language, i never publish my writings. but here’s what i truly hope i could caught charlos’ authors and here’s the prompt:
charles is the only non wag (obvi bc he’s a guy), he’s the only male partner on the paddock and his bf is none other than carlos, he’s the f1 driver for ferrari. the f1 tv shoots his face and shows his name and also the carlos sainz’s partner is also there babyyy
carlos wins in monaco gp, despite the thrill and adrenaline he goes to the crowd of his team, charles is in the middle of them. but smitten as he is in real life, he’s always so soft to charles and call him baby (in the middle of the crowd, duh bro is a loverboy). charles is proud of him and congratulate him
and ya’ll remember the photo charles kissed charlotte at singapore gp? i imagine how charles is in charlotte’s place and carlos is in his place, yea ofc they shared a kiss after carlos just won and the photo surfaced all over internet they got criticized since they’re gays, charles gets anxious but eventually overcome with the whole situation
but whoops that’s just a dream. in this universe charles a piano teacher and carlos is an automobile manufactures ceo. charles wakes up feeling happy with the dream. carlos asks what was he dreaming about and listen to charles enthusiastically, charles melts at that as he told his dream excitedly to carlos (this one is optional)
but it’s up to ya’ll, i’m so stoked on charles and charlotte kissing pic at singapore gp and what if it’s charles and carlos instead 🥹 i’m literally praying an author would make fic out of this prompt bc it’s so sad to see charlos ao3 isn’t growing with a complete fics. just a one shot, you’ll make my day 🤍
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zan0tix · 8 months
Overall i wanted to know have you read The epilogue or homestuckv2 and what do you think of it, or have you read it?
and i love ur arstyle!! so much gays and i love the style!!
I skimmed all of the epilogues and hs2 two years ago so i know what happens to each character in each timeline. I ACTUALLY GENUINELY HATE THEM.
I dont think i have to state that the writing decisions were horrible BUT HS2 OHHHH MY GOD hs2 actually makes me fume. It takes all the artistic intent with homestucks visual presentation and character design choices AND THROWS THEM OUT THE WINDOW?
Homestucks art and animation is so important to it. The design philosophy is literally the easiest thing to understand ever- the adults all have unique shapes and look like adults because they are adults and the children are small because theyre children!!!! BUT IN HS2 THEY ALL STILL LOOK LIKE TEENAGERS? It feels like comparing the 90s cats movie to the 2019 one its like that for me. LET ME EXPLAIN
The first one is a strange ambitious story for its medium, playing with the conventions people expect to see from something like it and using its cliches to its advantage and making them enjoyable. Theyre both so fun to look at and watch and have a huge cast with something for everyone, its a unique and strange experience that really nothing else can provide, and they will never leave you!
Then the second ones while they have things that are. Technically impressive and constructed well with the visuals- they completely miss all the artistic intent of the original and the very simple reasons the way they were built the way they were. It feels like a spit in the face of people who were really engaged in the original
DONT TKAE THIS TANGENT TOO SERIOUSLY Im just trying to say. I think the epilogues and hs2 feel really corporatised and mean spirited i cant enjoy them. I think dirkjake divorce is funny and can be interesting but otherwise i DONT CARE ABT ANYTHING ELSE GOING ON IN THERE ITS ALL SO BORING AND MEAN.
It really does sadden me because there was so much left to be explored and such a compelling cast of characters to work with and subjects in the air the tackle but NO. And all the charm of the presentation style was just Gone. IM NOT A FAN.
Hehe i was talking abt this with a friend but i think if you were to truly try and tackle something like homestuck with a cast as beloved as its and get them Correct youd need to assemble a team who are willing to dedicate themselves to doing character studies and charting out all their arcs and playing with their themes that were established previously.
I love homestuck with all my heart and i truly believe a continuation of canon could be really good in the hands of people who deeply care abt Homestuck (not just certain characters but Everything that went into it) but the post canon we got WAS NOT IT. Im a hater 👎
ALSO THANK YOUUU‼️‼️‼️All the gays. Gay the world
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thatoneluckybee · 3 months
Bee I’m died hashtag miami
Do NOT make me perform the ritual to bring you back
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daenystheedreamer · 1 year
ill never watch bridgerton ill never jerk off to the idea of the british nobility like you goddamn desperate petite bourgeoisie bootlickers. fuck a man in tights and curls where’s the blacksmith. actually i dont think they still had blacksmiths in the regency era. uhhh idk the tenant farmer. yeah the tenant pig farmer ill fuck the tenant pig farmer while you go out and suck his landlord’s willy silly
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talentless-witch · 10 months
Ever thought about my persona on the pfp??
Her name is Alice and she's supposed to be a puella madoka magica inspired witch, I've slightly dug some of the context to make sure its slightly accurate and see what's up just to end up making more versions of alice.
The simple explanation is that when this magical girl turned into a witch and realized so, she refused to go full on it, therefore she's just a blob at first, running away from being fused with other witches and being awkwardly anti-social, until later on as she starts to forget what she is and why she's there for, yknow the witch stuff.
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So she turns into this big bad ball witch, eating people alive, the add up is that she just happens to appear when people imagine anything, even fake scenarios, numbers and others so this thing eats their imagination and soul unsuspecting of it.
But literally centuries later she just turns back into Alice over some sad kid story thingy I will not explain cuz of post length.
Try translating the witch language here ,each one is their actual names.
Also then there's this.
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Idk what this is/J
When the witch turned to Alice, by this point she was powerful, so she pulled a 100IQ move to prevent herself from dying by magical girls with the complexity of their persona made solely from their genie wishes granted by some funny looking bilingual bunny cat interspecies that should probably be burned to death.
She separated her own persona and with it created two witches, (like if witches are so good what about witches 2???) Both managing the same exact labyrinth, so even if a magical girl yeeted alice from existence, they'd still have to find this other one and destroy it so its fully defeated.
There's a lot going on behind this ,so you might as well ask me about the lore through private messages ,which will probably change overtime because I haven't structured the lore quite well yet. Here's everything else.
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Here are the sketches.
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Fun fact: I didn't personally color jack stuff except for the eyes on the floating girl, the backgrounds and dandelions, everything else is literally stock images of fabric placed upon the witch so it gives the actual witch vibe. Have fun with that thought.
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mimir97477906 · 7 months
ive been wearing thr same glasses for three years and it would akways bother me how my nose would look fat and i noticed a few minutes ago how much more refined my nose is now.. like woa im growing up whqt the hell... im actually changing.. like idk thats kinda crazy to me
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operasluvr · 2 years
i love opera now but opera's high school haircut >>>>
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dont get me wrong, opera's short hair + braid now is hot but like just short hair opera? immaculate
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lambourngb · 2 years
It’s a really good thing I couldn’t yeet my TV with TK when this episode had Michael saying he was a child and that he threw a tantrum after VITAL INFORMATION about THE MAN HE LOVES was kept from him by PEOPLE HE TRUSTED.
A man who admitted recently he went to the school of trust issues for 20 years, gets “protected” and “infantilized” by people who supposedly love him and then HE LETS THEM OFF THE HOOK and VALIDATES THEIR ACTIONS.
I dunno what that was, but it’s another in a long list of episodes that just tells Michael his feelings are an “overreaction” and it breaks my heart once again.
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stylezxsilvermoon · 1 year
vent post bc im actually so fucking sick of this
im so fucking sick of no one being there when im actually having an anxiety attack and the countless times when i have to HIDE IN THE BATHROOM in my own house, im screaming into the void again bc i feel like i physically cant breathe and im crying writing this bc ive been in a constant state of anxiety on/off for the past few HOURS, first it started with me being overstimulated bc i was being yelled at and then at school getting the life sucked out of me and me having an anxiety attack in 4th hour and NO ONE could help because i just had to sit there for the whole hour trying to fucking do my assignment and still running out of the lunch room early to get on the bus bc i cant stand being looked at by my "friends" and being ditched again and then when i get to my 2nd school of the day being late because of traffic therefore making my anxiety worse and now i STILL wanna cry now that im home bc NO ONE HELPED ME THROUGHOUT THE WHOLE DAY
honestly it just fucking shows i should rely on no one but myself but im literally crumbling and this is a scream for help bc i can barely keep myself upright mentally and no one fucking cares so might as well put it here, if i dissappeer you all know why
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autism-corner · 1 year
everytime i see it i get so happy =w= i love this game
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stitchwraith-stingers · 8 months
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been having massive brainrot over my nextgen fangan and shes the only one with a proper design so i drew her ........ hasumi souda jumpscare
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cansomeonetoldmewhoiam · 11 months
"Male privilege doesn't exist because most of the suicide are committed by men!"
You know that a lot of men who commit suicide are trans (now they count as men, does they?), gay, bi, queer, black, gender non-conforming, neurodivergent, Asian, poor ecc.? You know, the one you use to exclude, ignore, tell them that they aren't mainly enough, bully?
Don't complain about men who committed suicide if you're the one who push them on that way.
Also, surprise, women try suicide more than men.
If you really care about minorances only when you need to affirm your privilege, shut up.
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ilovetheater24601 · 1 year
Not me re entering my Spring Awakening phase after And Then There Were None came on when my music was on suffle
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