#sam winchester's hell trauma
traumatizedsam · 9 months
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Charles Bukowski, Burning in Water, Drowning in Flame
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serendipity0930 · 4 months
oh don't mind me just doing my weekly scroll-through of the "post-lucifer's cage" tag on ao3
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sammygender · 1 month
its so so insane how dean has like. the huge fanbase he does. he is AWFUL!!!! i love him truly but im known for loving awful characters in fandoms im used to characters who act like him being viciously hated!!! and the only explanation i can think of is that hes played by jensen ackles (aka pretty white man). theres the fact that the narrative favours dean a lot when hes not actually right (a la s4) but thats not just it because dean is pretty clear-cut presesnted as getting morally greyer to the point of antihero territory in like s9 (where im at) at least. and Yet. he is unproblematic ally king to all??? supportive brother of the century??? Girl what???? do you know who dean winchester is? he is a controlling possessive clingy manipulative aggressive unstable thirty five year old who cant grow past his own damage and never really will because the narrative is perpetuated by the cycles he keeps perpetuating
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sampegger · 1 month
do you guys think the writers would have taken it more seriously if it had been alastair around relentlessly tormenting dean in late seasons as opposed to lucifer with sam
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boywifesammy · 24 days
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trapped in the Garden | post-cage wincest
It's been a week since Sam got his soul back. When Dean slips into his bed, desperate for what they had before the Cage, Sam lets him have it. He thought it'd be easier to give him what he wants than to explain- and it was, until it all becomes too much and he shuts down during sex.
(gif by @/angel-e-v-a)
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suncaptor · 2 months
I actually think it is very significant too that anything done to Dean in Hell he most likely did to others because he cannot PROCESS what happened to him without also going through the intense moral injury of what that must have meant for what he did to someone else. He can't actually tackle how he was a victim without potentially being thown into extreme guilt and dissolution of self.
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sampilled · 8 months
AU where Cas only gets Sam out of hell long after dean is already dead.
Cas is so lonely, he sees no point in continuing to try so he goes on a suicide mission to get sam from the cage, he doesn't expect to succeed but he does.
he rebuilds his body around his mutilated soul.
no dean. no bobby. no no one.
they are each others everything, cas puts everything into trying to heal sam, theres only so much he can do but he spends every minute taking care of him. his new purpose is to care for sam, this is all he has!! hes not gonna give him up or let anyone take him!!
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Huh just. Sam not really remembering anything from before the cage. He was there for how many years? his brain just simply would not remember. Like. The memories are there, he has a small idea of whats supposed to be in those mind blanks that he has but its just all fuzzy, like trying to remember your really early days in childhood. Dean would reference something from before standford era and Sam would just look at him with a completely blank face like. What the hell are you talking about, Dean? And Dean would just stare back with such an affronted look because how do you not remember that Sammy? I used to make fun of you all the time for that. And Sam would just be like dude I have no idea what you're talking about, and yeah anyways I just think it'd be cool if Sam actually had permanent damage from the cage
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jackexmachina · 2 years
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Sam & Castiel The very touch of you corrupts.
image description: scenes from “It’s the Great Pumpkin, Sam Winchester,” “Heaven and Hell,” “99 Problems,” “The Man Who Knew Too Much,” “Meet the New Boss,” and “The Born-Again Identity” overlaid with the above quote from “Reading is Fundamental.”
4x07: Sam looks earnestly at Castiel, gesturing with his hand to encourage him to shake it. Castiel pauses before taking Sam’s hand.
4x10: Sam pleads in an attempt to stall Castiel. But Castiel lightly touches his forehead with two fingers and Sam collapses to the ground.
5x17: Sam tries to tell Castiel about the apparent prophet they’ve found, and puts a reassuring hand on Castiel’s shoulder. Castiel is still drunk, and he rolls his eyes a little.
6x22: Sam, Dean, and Bobby are surprised when Castiel disappears, but then he reappears in front of Sam. Sam looks confused and then his eyes roll back as Castiel lightly touches his temple. Then we see Sam in his mindscape, with limited memories, re-living this and shaking slightly.
7x01: In Crowley’s lab, Castiel sits on the floor, leaning against a small cabinet. Sam is crouched in front of him, with hands on Castiel’s knee and shoulder.
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traumatizedsam · 11 months
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You'd do well to say yes to me.
—Ptolemaea, Ethel Cain
Version 2.0
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angelic-omega · 1 month
Depression will have you watching supernatural all the way through NOT once…not twice but THREE FULL TIMES
If you use supernatural as a means of escapism please seek therapy
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batcavescolony · 1 month
S4 E8 Supernatural
Careful what you wish for, literally. Them being teddy bear doctors and the bear gaining sentience and automatically having an Existential Crisis cus the world is horrible. The amount of Disney stars on Supernatural, Calum Worthy was in this one. Sam wants Dean to tell him about hell, but Dean doesn't want to. Dean isn't handling it well, and he's leaning heavy on the alcohol.
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samsrosary · 7 months
does anyone think about how dean going vegan/vegetarian after hell would be so interesting? idk. i just think if he came out so scathed he couldn't touch the food he used to eat every day that would be fucked up. i just think the dissonance between this guy who used to make fun of sam lightheartedly for not eating burgers or bacon or whatever the hell and this man who meekly asks sam over the phone to pick up a pie and a.... salad. for him would have been A Fun Watch
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suncaptor · 7 months
I am also obsessed with like. How Alastair is personally involved with Dean in terms of deep job satisfaction and Dean being an Important One. but meaningfully Dean doesn't mean much to him. Like he is a job to break. He is something Alastair just. Succeeded at.
But also To Dean He's known Alastair longer than anyone. He feels completely fundamentally shaped and changed by Alastair. Which is like. As opposed to Sam and Lucifer where Lucifer had overtly romanticised and has personal reasons wrapped up in Sam, Alastair is more just, working in the mechanisms Lucifer created. AND to avoid pain and to be taught Dean DID need Alastair's personal approval. So Dean has all these incredibly complex feelings for someone who he isn't really that significant to in comparison.
So he's like. Reflecting back this sort of position John's filled. And it's so interesting in that Alastair had probably also even known John longer than Dean has. Alastair knew John first.
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quietwingsinthesky · 1 year
Cage Torture: Michael Edition + Sam being devotedly in love with Lucifer when he’s pulled out thoughts.
Because what if Michael was the one who turned his anger at destiny being thrown away onto Sam? Sam slips out of Lucifer’s grasp or Michael takes him away by force, but either way, he’s at Michael’s mercy now. And now, Michael can see that Lucifer isn’t the problem. Lucifer might have protested, might have asked Michael for another way out of the Apocalypse, but in the end, he was willing to do what they were always bound to.
No. Sam is the problem. Because to Michael, vessels are tools. Instruments of an angel’s will. Their goals are the goals of the angel possessing them, but Sam made a choice that wasn’t Lucifer’s. (There’s lingering resentment about Dean here, obviously there is.) Or, to be clearer, he made a choice that wasn’t Lucifer. He chose Dean.
Michael’s looking at this mirror of his brother, Lucifer who was cast out for saying he would love God above all else, and Sam didn’t play his part right. Sam chose Dean. Sam chose humanity. He was supposed to choose Lucifer.
He doesn’t love Lucifer enough, clearly. So. Michael fixes that. He rips Sam up and puts him back together, takes away pieces he knows Sam won’t need to play this role, (lobotomizes him, you might say, lmao) and when he’s done, and what’s left of Sam is terrified and utterly devoted to Lucifer, that’s when Michael gives him back.
(There’s a fundamental disconnect here between them. Lucifer values choice in a way Michael doesn’t. During the Apocalypse, he didn’t really believe there was any other path except the one they were on, but it mattered to him that Sam would walk it beside Lucifer of his own free will. And Michael can’t see how that’s important to him. It doesn’t matter if Lucifer wants this from Sam or not, he doesn’t want it like this, because Michael has removed Sam’s agency from the equation.)
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this is so fucked up
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