#sam shepard style
aceouttatime · 2 months
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Sam Shepard, for the lovely @swaps55! I had so much fun figuring out how I wanted to do his biotics--thank you again for your support; you're such a sweet person to work with
Commission type: Waist; Colored Sketch; $55 USD Interested in a comm? Check my availability, style, and pricing HERE!
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dandenbo · 2 months
spec reqs recs
so much good work this year, i've been trying to make my way through as many as i can. below are some of my favourites. authors are still anonymous and summaries are my own. thanks to the mods at @spectre-requisitions-exchange
my gifts
be gentle - E, nonbinary shepard/thane
it's art! it's explicit! it's OTTO!! there's dick here, be warned, all the more reason to go look at it. i'm blown away by this, it's so gorgeous, and i'm extremely touched that someone drew my oc. i love you i love you 🫶
make me a home even as i wander - T, nonbinary shepard clone/jack
postwar, the clone shows up at her doorstep and asks for her help. a great exploration of the ways jack does and doesn't change, and how bonds grow between hard-edged people. i'm in love with this clone, btw.
other recs
on the shore (from a distance) - M, kaidan alenko/male citadel doctor
really touching examination of trauma and healing. told from the oc pov, fascinating outside look at kaidan's story. really have to praise this one for its structure too, great use of flashbacks.
seeing a salarian about a ship - T, kaidan alenko/major coats
short, sweet slice of spectre life, a little peek at what things are like for both of them postwar. delightful and funny prose.
astronomy in reverse - G, female shepard/male shepard
not exactly a ship fic. and yet! heh. post-control ending, big existential questions, multiverse something or other. this one really got my gears turning, an inspiring piece of writing.
tell me when - E, samantha traynor/ashley williams
great premise that really delivers on conflict and resolution - ashley and sam are both on horizon and ashley's having a bad time. really strong characterisation, fantastic dialogue. also features a gay bar, which i don't see enough in ME fic.
out on the town - T, miranda lawson/liara t'soni
art in a very distinctive style that i always love. i'm studying the textures and colours, they're so cool. also, fashion!
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swaps55 · 4 months
First thing that came to mind was that you write icebergs. You have this very efficient style, less is more, and leave them wanting more, pacy and gimme the next chapter. And part of what makes it so compelling is the sense that there's so much more than the part we see, there's weight and momentum below the surface. There's something ominous about icebergs - danger that can't be stopped once its in motion.
Your writing is also very cool.
This is a hell of a compliment, and something I am very proud to be known for. Thank you. <3
One of the reasons I love Lord of the Rings so much is that all through the journey, if you kick a pebble off the path you're on, it would land in an entirely different story. I am no Tolkien, but I write with the hope of making the world feel bigger and more complex than the events unfolding right in front of you, or that what you're seeing isn't the complete picture.
One example that might fit this I can think of is from Cantata, where Sam's history with his mother gets doled out a piece at a time. You can tell their relationship is fraught, but you don't really know why, or what happened. And because the first time she appears in present action is from the POV who knows nothing about it, she's still largely a mystery you (hopefully) want to solve:
If the night wasn’t going off the rails enough, Clay nearly runs into Shepard rounding the corner to the ‘Yang’s airlock. He’s deep in heated conversation with a woman who, despite being several centimeters shorter, somehow still seems taller.
“Sir,” Clay stammers, as they both turn to look at him. It’s like seeing double, except she has shoulder-length silver hair instead of Shepard’s shaved head. Same cheekbones, same icy-cold stare, same posture. Aside from the gender difference, about the only way to tell them apart are the captain’s bars she wears on her uniform.
Also, she doesn’t look like shit, and Shepard…does. Christ on crutches what the hell did they do to him in Rio?
“Chief,” Shepard says, as if Clay was a deckhand he’d never laid eyes on before. The captain does not address him at all.
“Good to have you back,” Clay says, as anxious to get away from them as they appear to want to get away from each other. “I’ll see you on board.”
He hurries on, taking one quick glance over his shoulder before he reaches the airlock.
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deannastrois · 2 months
Aerti unchau, ashkaidan stargate, and chlodine fake date pls!
aerti unchau is in fact an aerith/tifa uncharted au I came up with with @edains like four years ago (haha what is time...) in this au tifa worked with barret to steal artifacts and return them to their rightful land but I as putting her more in the elena type role of uncharted and then aerith showed up as the last survivor from a place that had been ransacked years ago looking for the team to get her things back, so really less uncharted more generic but it started as an uncharted idea
"I can't really see you firing a gun." Tifa said, her voice low. "I can, Tseng taught me." Aerith laughed, her giggling echoing in the quiet van. She put a hand over her mouth and whispers an apology to Barret who grunted and went back to sleep."Not that I love doing it." Aerith said in a stage whisper to Tifa, leaning in across the way to talk to her. "Oh." Tifa replied, taken aback. "Is it...were you..." She faltered with her words and trying to find the right thing to say. Aerith smiled at her but for once it didn't meet her eyes. "It wasn't by choice. But! I can still take people in a fight." She winked at Tifa. "And I'm willing to fight for my peoples things. They've been gone for too long." "We'll get them back," Tifa promised, hoping beyond everything she could keep that promise, "And then we'll make Cloud carry them all back for us." Aerith giggled again and this time her smile was genuine. "The perfect pack mule."
ashkaidan stargate is also what it says on the lid where they're on a stargate team with shep as the leader and the rest of the me1 squad, and then me2 squad was it's own group, and me3 squad. legion was like a replicator style machine in this universe and tali was from the race that built the replicators but I never got around to writing that point in the story I just really liked it.
Ashley was fairly certain she could time how long the gate took to dial a planet to a T in her head. She'd seen it well over a hundred times but when the last connection was made and the gate whooshed open with a brilliant flash of blue and white it always made the breath catch in her throat. She shifted slightly, trying to get rid of some of excitement and nervous energy that always came with the start of a mission and traveling to a new world. The M.A.L.P. had shown them that this world would be covered in ice and snow though it shouldn't have been given the planets location to the sun. Kaidan nudged her as Shepard did one last inventory check before they left. "You sure you ready for this one Gunnery? If it gets to cold let me know, I've got a trick or two to keep war." Kaidan teased. Ashley rolled her eyes. "It doesn't get that cold up in Vancouver LT, don't act like you're the expert here. Just make sure your mom packed your sweater." She shot back and began walking up the plank to the gate on Shepard's signal. "That was one time." She heard Kaidan mutter behind her and tried to stiffle a laugh. She wasn't laughing by the time the cold hit her face, instantly making her eyes water. She scrambled to put on the glasses she should have before entering the gate. "Sure you don't need help?" Kaidan asked, his voice coming in her ear over the comms. Whatever response she was going to come up with was killed when Shepard held up her hand to signal for them to cut the chatter. "We're not alone, team."
chlodine fake dating is again what is says on the tin, these two start dating mostly to troll nate and sam and whoops it's real
Sam stared down at their joined hands and then back up at Nadine and Chloe. "No." He said. "Oh yes." Nadine gave him a sharp grin in reply. Chloe tried not to laugh at Sam's face of utter incredulity. "Something wrong Sam?" Chloe asked, as casual as she could. "You don't get more of a cut for being a couple." Sam finally huffed, crossing his arms. "Now hang on, that wasn't on the table. But it could be." Chloe let go of Nadine's hand and shook off the sudden chill as smoothly as possibly. "Let's talk number." Nadine turned her face, dropping her head onto Chloe's shoulder and making it look like she was either telling her sweet nothings or how to get a larger cut of the loot to Sam. In reality Chloe could feel more than hear Nadine's muffled laughter.
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ilovewhiteroses · 10 months
'The Bikeriders' release date and Boyd's 5 all-time favourite films
According to collider.com, The Bikeriders will be released on December 1.
Boyd's 5 favourite films:
The Last of the Mohicans 1992 Last of the Mohicans is one of my all-time favorite films. I've seen it hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of times. Why? I grew up in Kentucky, in East Appalachia, where the film mostly takes place. The Trail of Tears went through in my area, and there's a lot of Native American history where I grew up. There's something about pioneering films and, historically, what happened there. That was a film that really dawned on me the unforgiving nature that human existence can be, and it's such an authentic expression of that.
Days of Heaven 1978 When I started getting into movies, I discovered this film. When you're in that phase, it's like really getting into particular types of movies and stuff like that. And this movie is probably the most poetic of all. It's Terrence Malick's second movie, with Sam Shepard. It's the most surreal in its beauty. Again, it is about pioneering the West in a way, but it's done in a fantastical way that really has adventure in it, and unknown characters that I felt like I'd never seen before.
Slam 1998 I really didn't know I wanted to be an actor until I was into my 20s, but this film called Slam, that was the first time that I saw somebody just express themselves. Saul Williams is the main actor and writer, and he was a poet. That was at the time of slam poetry, and Russell Simmons' Def Poetry Jam was my jam in high school.
I don't know how a person knows they want to be a doctor — maybe they just feel intelligent — but watching those performances, I just knew, 'That's what I'm going to do. That's who I am. That's what I have inside me. That's what must come out of me. That's how I will relate to people more.' I really didn't know that would turn into acting, but that particle of it was being born there.
Tombstone 1993 I could repeat verbatim that film from start to finish. I was living with my friend in high school, and we watched Tombstone, like Last of the Mohicans, probably in the hundreds of times. These old-time characters, they're definitively masculine. They're all rocks. And I just love that. I just love that story. I love the performances, from Val Kilmer, to Kurt Russell, to Billy Bob Thornton. 'Hanging out with you is like playing cards with my damn sister's kids.'
Midnight Cowboy 1969 I started studying acting at this point, and Dustin Hoffman was becoming my favorite actor. I was noticing like, 'Wow, this guy is so versatile.' Like, you see in John Wayne movies and all those where this guy's doing a one-note thing. And, in comparison, this actor is doing a lot of notes. He's playing a lot of different styles. [Jon] Voight is in the movie too, and just the stark differences in their characters, I thought, was incredible.
And also the lifestyle, getting turned on to, 'Wow, that type of thing in the world happens,' and discovering living in New York at the same time, and waking up to the world of what really goes on out there. But definitely, the performances in that are some of the best ever.
sources: collider.com, aframe.oscars.org
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carnageandculture · 10 months
Tag 9 people you’d like to get to know better.  Thank you @ameretat
Last song: My Ever Changing Moods - The Style Council
Currently watching: Cold in July - Jim Mickle
Currently reading: The Passenger - Cormac McCarthy; The One Inside - Sam Shepard
Current obsession: Drawings/paintings depicting bullfighting and clothes with neutral colors
Tagging: @ssuzii @nympheminist @nullheaven @blauestunden @suennno @desaventures @eyeofbrahma @gjnrock @the-funtime-autocrat
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erinhime83 · 3 months
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Not me waiting until the literal last minute to finish a birthday picture again like always.
IN ANYCASE, HAPPY BIRTHDAY, @anijeltaventry!!!
Probably should be of no surprise that you're birthday picture was going to be of Sam Shepard. Gotta keep that muse going, after all! the main reason I was finishing this up today and not, you know, being prepared and all that, was because my first picture of her was...sub par, and then I decided to redo it, and Jesus, did she turn out! Looks amazing in that outfit, and I was right that she looks good with her hair in her normal causal civilian style, lol.
Now, this was supposed to just be a Sam picture. I mean, she hadn't given us anything for Alek's casual wear. But...I though she needed something to balance her out. And knowing @anijeltaventry, I knew she'd prefer a couply picture. And I also knew that she probably wouldn't care, because, ya know, men's fashion isn't as fun to do as women's fashion. So I looked up some cybepunk outfits, found this jacket, and knew I had a winner. :D
Hell, this pose even inspired me to do a somewhat original background for them! Not exactly what I had original envisioned for it, but eh, close enough and probably better, anyway.
I'm not sure if she'd have scarring/gloves on when wearing this, but eh. I sort of like the idea that maybe most of her scarring is, like, upper body related? Whatever. She's pretty, and that's all that matters.
In any case, hope you like it as much as I do, and hope you're having a great birthday!
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vakarian-shepard · 2 years
fifty questions for pathfinder ryder
I keep trying to find an ask list for Ryder but I can't really find any so I guess I'll just make one. Based off of this ask list for Shepard.
1. Canon says that Ryder served in the Alliance. Did your Ryder(s) serve? Any regrets or ambitions? Do they miss it?
2. How did your Ryder feel about the Initiative prior to leaving the Milky Way?
3. How does your Ryder feel about the Initiative now?
4. How does Ryder feel about being the new Pathfinder? Scared? Excited? How do they feel about all the attention they're getting?
5. What was your Ryder's relationship with their mother?
6. What was their relationship like with Alec? How do they feel about his death?
7. Does your Ryder have any regrets about coming to Andromeda? Is there anything they miss in particular from the Milky Way?
8. Any tattoos or piercings?
9. Does your Ryder have any scars? If so, where?
10. What's your Ryder's personality like?
11. What's their leadership style like?
12. Can they drive? Or are the companions screaming the entire time they're in the Nomad like Shep's companions screamed in the Mako?
13. What's their relationship with the crew? Both when they first met and at the end of the game.
14. What's their favorite part of being Pathfinder?
15. What was their reaction to SAM? Do they have any particular feelings about having an AI in their head? Or the fact that SAM is pretty much the reason their life fell apart in the Milky Way? Does their initial reaction to SAM change throughout the game?
16. What's Ryder's combat style? Fighting fair or fighting dirty?
17. Were they trained as a biotic, or did they first experience biotics with SAM?
18. What's Ryder's favorite combat profile? Do they lean towards combat, tech, or biotics?
19. What color is their hair? Do they dye it often, or is it natural?
20. Do they have any ~gender feelings~? Are they trans or nonbinary? What was that like for them growing up if they are?
21. What's their room on the Tempest like? Do they personalize it, or is it kept pretty much as it was when they first started out?
22. Do they ever get an apartment on the Nexus? Do they plan to settle in one of the colonies? If they had to choose, which colony would they live in?
23. Did they bring anything with them from the Milky Way?
24. Do they have any hobbies? What are they?
25. Are there any squadmates that they don't get along with?
26. Who are their favorite squadmates?
27. Who did they romance? What drew them to that person?
28. How do they feel about their sibling? Were they close growing up, or did the Cain Instinct take over a lot of the time?
29. Are they good at flirting, or a total mess?
30. Who's on the dream team? Which two companions come with Ryder the most?
31. Do you have any AUs for your Ryders?
32. Who does Ryder go to for comfort? For advice? Who do they gossip with the most?
33. Are they religious? What's their relationship with religion?
34. Hyperfixations? Is there a topic that can get your Ryder rambling for an hour?
35. How active is Ryder? Do they work out a lot, or do they prefer something quieter for downtime?
36. Any unusual talents or skills? Or just anything that might surprise the people around them?
37. How does Ryder dress? Do they prefer something more casual, or more professional? How do they feel about getting dressed up?
38. Favorite weapon?
39. Do they direct the Initiative more towards research or military?
40. How do they feel about the Nexus authority?
41. Reyes or Sloan?
42. How does Ryder feel about being the first person to interact with alien species like the Angara?
43. Does Ryder speak any other languages besides English? Which ones? Do they want to learn any?
44. Are they going to revive their mother? Or let her rest in peace?
45. What's their favorite color?
46. What's their favorite abilities to use in combat?
47. What does Ryder dream of after their Pathfinding work is done? What's their happy ending?
48. Do they want kids? Why or why not?
49. How did they feel about Gil's 'situation' with his friend?
50. Does Ryder have any pets? Do they plan to get any?
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writemarcus · 1 year
Finalists/Semifinalists Revealed For 46th Bay Area Playwrights Festival
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The festival received 614 applications from playwrights across the United States.
By: Chloe Rabinowitz
Jun. 01, 2023
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Playwrights Foundation, the West Coast's premier launchpad for exceptional new plays and playwrights, has revealed the semifinalists and finalists for the 46th Bay Area Playwrights Festival, which will be presented in a hybrid festival (both in-person and streamed attendance options) April 12-21, 2024, per Playwrights Foundation's recent announcement to shift to a biennial festival structure. BAPF continues to uphold its legacy as one of the oldest and most successful new play festivals uplifting playwrights' new works early in their career.
The festival received 614 applications from playwrights across the United States. Applicants underwent a thorough evaluation process and were reviewed by Playwrights Foundation staff in collaboration with 189 committee readers-local and national theatre professionals serving as evaluators, with 57% who identify as playwrights. From this pool of 614 applicants, 148 semifinalists were carefully chosen based on the writer's voice, skills, and the play's potential. Applicants were narrowed down further to 45 finalists encompassing unique voices, under-represented narratives, and bold theatrical forms across various levels of experiences. Ultimately, five playwrights will be selected among the finalists and announced at a later point.
"The current landscape of contemporary playwriting is so vibrant. There is an abundance of writing which blooms with strong points of view, memorable plots and characters, and risk-taking moments of stagecraft." says Literary Manager Heather Helinsky. "Our community of readers were highly engaged by a wide range of theatrically innovative styles, compelling narratives, and poignant issues and themes. The semifinalists and finalists are deserving of reaching audiences in need of catharsis-from communal grieving to a good laugh."
Bay Area Playwrights Festival is one of the oldest and most successful new play festivals for new works in their early stages. Established in 1976 by acclaimed director Robert Woodruff, the festival has built a respected reputation for uplifting original and distinctive new voices in the theater, investing in the development of their work, and launching storied careers. Among the first writers developed at the inaugural BAPF was the young Sam Shepard. Since then, more than 500 prize-winning, nationally significant playwrights have received one of their first professional experiences at the BAPF, including Pulitzer Prize winners Nilo Cruz, Jackie Sibblies Drury, Paula Vogel, and Annie Baker; and acclaimed playwrights Lauren Gunderson, Rajiv Joseph, Katori Hall, Christopher Chen, Lauren Yee, and Marcus Gardley. BAPF's ongoing success in supporting and amplifying exceptional, newly emerging writers and launching their ground-breaking new work is its enduring legacy.
"We are excited to spotlight these talented playwrights and incredible plays in this year's BAPF semifinalists and finalists," says Executive Artistic Director Jessica Bird Beza. "There are an abundance of powerful narratives included on the list that made for an incredibly difficult selection process. We want to uplift and advocate for the dynamic work of this next generation of playwrights to other theatermakers and hope to see them on stages around the country."
After listening closely to playwrights and other constituents, Playwrights Foundation recently announced that the Bay Area Playwrights Festival model will shift from an annual festival to a biennial hybrid festival in order to expand the pre-festival program from 4 to 12 months. This change will allow staff to be more intentional and responsive to each playwright's needs and increase the amount of time, care, and resources dedicated to each playwright.
"The past few years have been a time for reflection and growth at Playwrights Foundation, resulting in newly expressed purpose, vision, and values," said Beza. "We move forward with a deeper commitment to center and empower the playwrights we serve, guided by a strategic plan co-created with significant playwright representation, and the 46th Bay Area Playwrights Festival program model changes reflect this."
Calley N. Anderson, The Alligator
Jennifer Barclay, Behave Yourself
Nikki Brake-Sillá, ReWombed
Karen Marguerite Caronna, Dream of a Marginal Deity
Sam Chanse, Fellowship
Sean-Joseph Choo, otou-san
Avery Deutsch, The Last Beach Day
NJ Draine, The Housing Situation on Neptune
Lisa Sanaye Dring, Seven Hoshi
Jahna Ferron-Smith, Are We There Yet?
Noa Gardner, Nan
Sara Guerrero, Have to Believe We Are Magic
Mya Ison, Laure
Hasti Jafari, Superposition: A Crawling Play in Two Parts
Alicia Kester, Water Spirits
Garrett David Kim, Belligerency
Claire Koenig, DYKER BYKES
Molly Olis Krost, Nanay
Melissa Leilani Larson, A Form of Flattery
Minna Lee, My Home on the Moon
Jeffrey Lo, Balikbayan Box
Ethan Luk, Flight of a Legless Bird
Zizi Majid, They Came in the Night
Nick Malakhow, Optional Boss Battle
Divya Mangwani, Vigil-Auntys
Schaeffer Nelson, Hottest Church Dads
Miles Orduña, Lola
Rena Patel, Pyar aur Coffee
a.k. payne, Dwellers
Aidaa Peerzada, Children of the Wise
Phanésia Pharel, R&B
Eliana Pipes, Cowboy and the Moon
Christina Pumariega, Her Math Play
Ankita Raturi, Fifty Boxes of Earth
Aurora Real de Asua, The Pride Before
Harrison David Rivers, maybe the saddest thing
Nia Akilah Robinson, The Great Privation: How to flip ten cents into a dollar.
TyLie Shider, Whittier
DeAndre Short, At Ease
Phillip Christian Smith, Riverside Drive
Caridad Svich, Chelsea & Ivanka
Jason Tseng, Fear & Wonder
Emma Watkins, Elizabeth is Going into the Ground
Madison Wetzell, The Body Play
David Zheng, Ching Chong Maka Haya
Ai Aida, The True Tale of Princess Kaguya
Boni B. Alvarez, Sticky Rice
Amanda L. Andrei, Lena Passes By
Brent Askari, The Refugees
Alayna Jacqueline, You Know I'd Never (Even If I Did)
Jen Browne, Standing in the River While the World Falls Down
Phillip Gregory Burke, The Suncatchers of Sahel: An Ancestral Tale Told To Today's Griot, Part II: The Two Twilights
B.J. Burton, Maddie on Her Way Home
Nora Sørena Casey, The Censorship of Dreams
Chima Chikazunga, 1 Letter Shy of Coincidence
Matthew Chong, Lessons
Xavier Clark, backstroke boys
Katie Coleman, The Madonna of Logan Square
Lynne Conner, The Mother
Samantha Cooper, She Lives with a Shrine
Kate Danley, Working for Crumbs
Angela J. Davis, Griswold
Maddie Dennis-Yates, We're Just Redoing The Kitchen
Nelson Diaz-Marcano, 1898 or How Sugar Conquered the Enchantment
Judy M. Dove, Shinsei (rebirth)
Sean Dunnington, The Children's Farm
Alisha Espinosa, The Dirt is Fertile
Helen Everbach, Tea Patches
Zachariah Ezer, The Stones of Life
Jeanette Farr, Hedda on Fire: A Play Inspired by Ibsen and Climate Grief
Gina Femia, the thing about air
Lisa Dellagiarino Feriend, Come Again
Elizabeth Flanagan, Meth
Jeremy Gable, Carpenter Gorge
Craig Garcia, The Here and Now
Taylor Dodd Geu, Passing Over
Ruth Geye, These and Those
Emma Gibson, Lumin
Maximillian Gill, Blank Slate
Mikki Gillette, American Girl
lily gonzales, my eyes are up here honey
Franky D. Gonzalez, Escobar's Hippo
Ahon Gooptu, Seasons of Love
Keiko Green, Hells Canyon
Malique Guinn, Bounty on Our Heads
Katherine Gwynn, All I Want to Do is Be Pretty Like You
Rach Harris, Trophically Cascaded
Andrea Hart, Mounds or Talking Shit about a Pretty Sunset
Alli Hartley-Kong, People Should Talk About What's Real
Steven Hayet, Hugo Saves Christmas...in May!
Howard Ho, Reset
Daniel Holzman, Me & Who
Poliento Ico, A Love Letter to Loss
J. Lynn Jackson, Lucía Fuentes
Keenya J. Jackson, The Return of the Shogun
KJ Jarboe, Soured Milk
Jen Jarnagin, demolition extreme
Jacob Juntunen, See You in a Minute
Lisa Y. Kang, American Migration
M.J. Kang, The Battle of Saratoga
Ambata Kazi-Nance, M Power: A (Re)Birth Story
Lisa Kenner Grissom, here comes the night
Alex Lead, Easter Eggs for a Statistic
Tracey Conyer Lee, The First Time
Matthew Libby, Sisters
Alex Lin, Bad Chinese Daughter
Alicia Louzoun-Heisler, Bashert
John Mabey, Desert Oceans
Gloria Majule, Uncut
Eric Marlin, AirSpace
Leigh M. Marshall, The Hunters & All the Haunted
C. Meaker, Ghosts in the Graveyard
Francisco Mendoza, Piggyback
Alison Minami, Sinkhole
LJ Morizono, Transcending the Belly of the Beast
Aya Sophie Nassif, Without Her
Asia Nichols, The Incredible Darling(s)
Cynthia Galaz Ochoa, Matriarch
Dave Osmundsen, More of a Heart
Novid Parsi, Remains and Returns
José Pérez IV, Very Berry Dead
Reynaldo Piniella, Son of an Unknown Father
Zahida Rahemtulla, The Frontliners
Andrew Rincón, El Mito or The Myth of my Pain
Colette Robert, [landscape play]
Jacob K. Robinson, The Lark Ascending
Kira Rockwell, Space Bound
Ashley Lauren Rogers, Don't Think About Elephants
Lisa Marie Rollins, Token
Madeline Rouverol, You're Not a Mystery to Me
Martine Sainvil, Indispensable
Marcus Scott, There Goes the Neighborhood
Mak Shealy, exceptional
Nic A. Sommerfeld, Pieces
Sebastian Timpe, The House of Mulberry Street
Amy Tofte, The Rest of Us
Jackson Tucker-Meyer, The Perfection of the Donut
Josiah Thomas Turner, BECOMING!!, or, The Making of the Musical Sensation of 2279 and All that Followed
James Anthony Tyler, Pranayama
Joseph D. Valdez, Warrior's Blood
Hope Villanueva, Brackish
Caity-Shea Violette, Rx Machina
Stephanie Kyung Sun Walters, Come to Me, Cling to You
LaDarrion Williams, Hurt People
Lauren Wimmer, The Cookie Institute
Susan Yassky, The Women's Center
Laura Zlatos, Show Trial
Playwrights Foundation, led by Executive Artistic Director Jessica Bird Beza, was founded in 1978 and is widely recognized as one of the top playwright service organizations and new play incubators in the U.S., dedicated to supporting and championing playwrights' artistic growth and careers while uplifting their voices on a national level. PF envisions a future where playwrights are radically centered as visionary leaders who transform the world through storytelling. Serving emerging and mid-career playwrights from the Bay Area and around the country, PF has identified over 500 exceptional writers early in their careers and given them space, time and professional artistic collaborators to explore new theatrical ideas free from the pressures of the marketplace for more than 45 years. Playwrights PF has worked with have won every award in the theater including the Pulitzer, the Tony, the Obie, the National Critics Circle Award, the Susan Smith Blackburn Award, and many more. On its 40th Anniversary, Playwrights Foundation was recognized with a Theatre Bay Area Legacy Award for its substantial impact on the field. PF has received two Glickman Awards for best new play to premiere in the Bay Area through its Producing Partnership Initiative. Among the many PF-developed works that have premiered across the country are Katori Hall's The Mountaintop, Rajiv Joseph's Bengal Tiger at the Baghdad Zoo, Jihae Park's Hannah and the Dread Gazebo, Lauren Gunderson's The Revolutionists, Lauren Yee's King of the Yees, Madhuri Shekar's House of Joy, Mike Lew's Teenage Dick, and Mona Mansour's We Swim, We Talk, We Go To War, and many more.
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michaelchallpics · 2 years
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These stills are from the movie “Cold In July” with Michael C. Hall, Don Johnson and the late great Sam Shepard.
It´s a 80´s style thriller which was directed by Jim Mickle (”Sweet Tooth”, “Hap and Leonard”, “We are what we are” and “In the shadow of the moon” (also a project with Michael).
It got a lot of praise and many people were reminded of a John Carpenter movie which is a huge compliment and also true.
Still pictures by Ryan Muir.
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remixinc · 1 year
Adidas x Human Race from Krzysztof Trojnar on Vimeo.
@adidasoriginals + @humanrace by @pharrell Director - Duncan Loudon Production company - @somesuchandco Producer - @craigdxn DOP - @krzysztof_trojnar Production Designer - @lukemoranmorris Set Construction - @cloudandhorse Audio - Koreless @koreless Colourist - @cjcoolbear Offline Editor - @benelkaim Wardrobe Stylist - @natalieroar Casting - @goodcatch_
Agency - Jonny Lu Studio Creative Director - @jonnylu Agency Producer - @natalievrandich Agency Producer (on set) - Isla Gordon-Crozier Creative Assistant - @slatterychloe
Exec. Producer - Tash Tan Head of Production - Georgina Fillmore Production Manager - @luluandred Production Assistant - @mayabury Production Trainee - Rayyanah Munye 1st Assistant Director - @philips_nortey 2nd Assistant Director - Jen Sims 3rd Assistant Director - Denis Nortey Runner - Rory Purdy Runner - Zarife Sevin 1st Assistant Camera - @barneybatch Clapper Loader - Will Crafts Camera Trainee - Trey Joél Robinson Key Grip - Adrian McCarthy 2nd Grip - Malcolm Cooper Louma Technician - Adam Samuelson Video Playback Operator - Von Adams Gaffer - Sam Alberg Electrician - Stefan Mitchell Electrician - Paul Rowe Electrician - Al Brown Lighting Desk Operator - Ed Riley Lighting Trainee - Lena Jan Master Rigger - Steve Daly Lighting Rigger - Ian Thomson Assistant Art Director - @ellen_works
Props Person - Edd Barker Art Department Trainee - Melissa Grima Construction Manager - Sean Wild Head Carpenter - Chris Cooper Construction - Tom Ranicar Construction - Matt Mcmanus Construction - Jim Shepard Construction - James Cox Art Department Rigger - Joe Gee Styling Assistant - Tiolu Enitan Styling Assistant - Brittany Newman Hair & Makeup Artist - Melanie Szabo Hair & Makeup Assistant - Christine Bateman Film Stock - Frame24 Film Process and Scan - Digital Orchard Edit House – @trimediting Assistant Editor - Chris Day Offline Producer - Polly Kemp VFX - @electric.theatre.collective
VFX Producer - Oscar Wendt
Production Coordinator - Rosie Corbett Sound Supervisor - Sian Rowe Label - Young @young_ BTS - @pdtakahashi Medic - Oluwayemisi Atanda Test Medic - Mark Doree
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essayly · 2 years
Style of Sam Shepard’s “Buried Child” Play
Style of Sam Shepard’s “Buried Child” Play
Introduction Sam Shepard wrote the play Buried Child in the year 1978. The play is an extraordinary piece of work, and it received the Pulitzer award in 1979. Buried child is part of a family trilogy by Shepard, and it gives us a clear glance into a broken American family. The play has been found to carry the theme of family corruption, and it also shows how the secrets in families could…
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tilbageidanmark · 2 years
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Movies I watched this Week - #82
My first film with actor Tom Hardy - a movie about cement. Locke is a character piece that features only one person, and takes place exclusively inside a BMW driving from Birmingham to London at night. Like the Danish thriller ‘The Guilty’, its power comes from the gripping roller-coaster story that unfolds in stages. It tells of a responsible construction foreman whose life unravels as he drives to be present for the birth of a child conceived during a one-night stand. Highly recommended!
The unique film of the week!
2 Peak Jack Nicholson Roles:
🍿 ...”I’m tired of what’s right and wrong”…
Re-watch: The Postman Always Rings Twice (1981 version). Peak Jessica Lange and another depression-era Jack Nicholson drifter in a hard-core, sadomasochistic and “steamy” affair. The first hour of their sexual attraction was sensational, and their plan to kill her husband riveting. The second hour, from the moment the husband was dead, was very weak.
RIP, Bob Rafelson!
🍿 The Pledge, the third film directed by Sean Penn, and one of Nicholson’s last great roles. And what an ensemble cast: Benicio del Toro, Sam Shepard, Harry Dean Stanton, Vanessa Redgrave, Mickey Rourke, Helen Mirren,  Patricia Clarkson, Robin Wright Penn (with a chipped front tooth), Lois Smith and Aaron Eckhart. Also, a terrific Hans Zimmer score. 7/10.
A newer Werner Herzog thriller with Michael Shannon I never heard of? With a hostage taking plot against an ecological disaster on the salt flats in Bolivia? Sign me up. However, Salt and Fire, written by Herzog in only 5 days, was BAD! Stilted dialogue, terrible acting, meaningless story. The only positive was the lovely score. 2/10.
2 Older Korean women protecting their difficult sons/grandsons:
🍿 Poetry, my 4th lyrical masterpiece by Lee Chang-dong, (After ‘Burning’. ‘Peppermint Candy’ and ‘A girl at my door’). He is now one of my all-time favorite directors. Another 100% “Fresh” on Rotten Tomatoes, and deservedly so.
A 66-year-old grandmother discovers that her growing memory loss is caused by early-onset Alzheimer, but the story is not about how her life deteriorates. Instead, it tells about her enrolling in a poetry class, and her dealing with her rebellious grandson. Wistful, poetic and moving. 10/10.
🍿I thought that the story of Bong Joon-ho’s Mother would be similar, as the write up sounded somehow similar. But it didn’t compare. Here, the mother of an intellectually-challanged boy accused of murder, becomes an investigator in order to clear his name. But there was no depth to the story, and no ‘poetry’ to the film-making. 3/10.
In the last year I saw 5 of Roy Andersson’s 6 Feature films (I can’t find ‘Gilliap’ anywhere!), but I had to watch A Pigeon Sat on a Branch Reflecting on Existence again today. (Photo Above).
It’s so Swedish, so funny and so sad.
My first two by Takashi Miike:
🍿 Audition - Sammy challenged me to see it, “one of the most fucked up movies that he ever saw”, and I was apprehensive for quite a while because I won’t watch horror films. But it wasn’t straight ‘torture-porn’. Before it turns into a sadistic revenge-shocker at the third act, the story of a widower producer who uses a false casting audition to find a woman to marry was nuanced and well-done. The ‘normal’ psychology of the first half, felt extra unsettling at the end. 7/10.
🍿 His completely different The Happiness of the Katakuris. A bizarre genre-bender: A surrealist and lovely comedy about a family of six (plus their dog Pochi) who buys a bed & breakfast out in the country, but nobody visits it, and the few that do, end up dying. The Macabre and insane story is broken up with stylistic anomalies: Wild Claymation and dream sequences, a karaoke-style sing-alongs, and every few minutes over-the-top song and dance numbers, like ‘The feeling of love’, and ‘That’s happiness’. Unique and delightful. 8/10.
The milk of sorrow, my first award-winning film from Peru about violence and trauma, directed by Claudia Llosa (the daughter of Mario Vargas Llosa). Magaly Solier, who was also wonderful at ‘Lina from Lima’, stars as a impoverished woman tormented. The suffering of the local women has passed from one generation to the next in fears which paralyze their lives. Tragic magical realism, troubling and transcendental. 8/10.
How to make a masterpiece with a near-zero budget - Where Is My Friend's House? My 4th film by Abbas Kiarostami, and again, like ‘Homework’, about ordinary first graders at a poor Iranian village. An 8-year-old boy have to return his friend's notebook that he took by mistake, or the friend will be punished. One of Kurosawa's favorite films and one of the greatest films about childhood I’ve ever seen. The final shot is heart-stopping. 10/10.
Laugh or Die, a strange comedy from Finland, about a a group of theater actors in a prison camp, who must stage a comedy play for the camp commandant - or be executed. This is during the Finnish civil war of 1918, on which I knew very little beforehand. 🍿 
”… The horse blew first…”
Between the two verifiable masterpieces ‘The Gold Rush’ and ‘City Lights’, Chaplin directed The Circus. The sentimental, melancholy story of a selfless clown, who can only be funny unintentionally. Also, I never realized how much makeup he used for his eyes. Re-watch.
Making It Big: The History of Gay Adult Film, a feature-length documentary (or rather a YouTube video essay, made and narrated by one guy) about the history of gay porn in America. Not XXX-explicit, but about hard-core gay porn. "I did not know that!..."
Picnic, about a no-good vagrant who comes to a small Kansas town and messes up wherever he goes. A cheesy drama of 1955 social and sexual morals, that rings fake and cringy today. With young Kim Novak and Cliff Robertson, and starring 37-year-old William Holden, who looked 47, and was wooing in the movie Novak’s high-school little sister.
I could only finish this stagey, artificial Oh shucks Mid-America Mid-century hokum with gritted teeth and by giving myself small hits on the head.
Joanne Woodward and Paul Newman X 2:
🍿 As much as I didn’t like the movie, Paul Newman made his Broadway theater debut in the original 1953 production of ‘Picnic'.
I learnt that in Ethan Hawke’s new 6-part series The Last Movie Stars, a double biography of the classy, handsome Hollywood couple, who were super successful actors, as well as a loving husband and wife for 50 years.
The self-indulgent framing of the project as a Covid / Zoom interviews was unnecessary, but the bulk of the documentary was fascinating and absorbing. I binged it all in one day - 8/10.
(Also, I didn’t realize that Joanne Woodward was diagnosed with Alzheimer in 2008, just as her husband died, and is still alive today at 92).
🍿 So I’m going to go through as many of their films as I can find, the 16 films they did together, as well as the many others they played separately.
Unfortunately, my first random pick, Paris Blues, was disappointing. A Martin Ritt romantic melodrama of expat jazz cats Sidney Poitier and Paul Newman who fall in love with two American fans, one black and one Joanne Woodward. All the cliches of 1961 bohemian Paris were there, from the snapping of the fingers to the groovy beat, and the cocaine-addict gypsy guitarist, to the loaves of baguettes sticking out of paper shopping bags. Two scenes with Louis Armstrong and the Duke Ellington score elevated this banal soap opera a bit. 3/10.
Before becoming an irreverent critic of right-wing hypocrisy (and more recently, an old man shouting at ‘woke’ kids to get off his libertarian lawn), Bill Maher was a youngish actor wannabe, trying his luck in Hollywood B-movies. His 'greatest’ success was in the ridiculous ‘comedy’ Cannibal Women in the Avocado Jungle of Death, a soft-porn fantasy written by a 14-year-old for an audience of 11-year-olds. But even his piggish guide “Jim” was not the stupidest part of this moronic, childish story. Even though it was obviously shot at the University of Riverside, the ditzy, scantly-clad bimbo joining the mission, had never been to San Bernardino ‘on the edge of the California avocado belt’. 1/10. 
- - - - -
(My complete movie list is here)
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swaps55 · 1 year
Writer's first line meme
Rules: post the first sentence of your last ten fics. If you haven’t written ten fics, share as many first sentences as you have.
Tagged by @otemporanerys. Thank you!!
Tagging @dearophelia @stormikins @urrone @mrsd-writes and anyone else who would like to play!
I just went down the Ao3 list, and left out the prompt collections.
Fugue – Alchera & the 2 year gap (ALMOST FINISHED, aaaahhhhh)
The first salvo hit with Shepard in mid-laugh.
2. Capriccio – A father’s love for a whirlwind of a child.
Forget relays and first contact wars and discovering aliens. The real test of courage and mettle is having an eight-year-old named Sam Shepard
3. Heartstoppers From Beyond The Veil - Sam & Kaidan First Kiss AU
Shepard thunders through the ‘Yang’s airlock like it’s a day of reckoning, and every single person between him and the crew deck makes the quick and wise decision to get the hell out of his way before they wind up being the one he reckons with.
4. Space Talk – Another Sam & Kaidan first kiss AU. :D
Kaidan nearly slips going down the hill towards the prothean artifact.
5. Concerto: Vimire
New Message, Shepard, Sam, Staff Commander, 5923-AC-2826
-You awake?
6. Warm With You: Post-Leviathan snuggles
The pale light of Shepard’s fish tank casts an eerie glow around the otherwise dark cabin.
7. Cantata: The Making of Commander Shepard, in which my opening sentence is a sex joke that neither I nor Kaidan clocked until much later, oops. XD
Kaidan has never even heard of the Docking Station, a poorly named bar on the fringes of Arcturus’ torus ring that is about as far from the actual docking bays as anyone can get.  
8. Untitled Goose Fic: Another Sam & Kaidan First Kiss AU, that was spawned because upon discovering there is an Ao3 tag for “Soulmate Goose of Enforcement,” I asked, “is anyone gonna write one for Mass Effect?” and did not wait for an answer.
“So,” Shepard says, surveying the lake with a critical eye. “You have a lake.”
9. The Things We’ve Done: Sam & Kaidan first sex AU, with my favorite tag ever, “you’re not dead let’s have sex about it.” This is actually a chapter of Cantata, but I posted it as a separate story because of the AU ending.
Suit alarm. Another blood pressure alert.
10. Late Nights, Slow Dances: Mixing business with pleasure, Citadel DLC style. The clone won’t be part of Opus proper, but this idea hit me after I took a very fluffy screenshot, and I couldn’t resist.  
The oscillating lights over the casino dance floor are a bit much, but between the music and the formalwear and Shepard on his arm, this infiltration mission almost feels like…a date.
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burkedeboer · 6 years
Wanting, Before the Storm
1 F, 2 M. 
Stranded on a Colorado mountain pass is a beautiful car that is broken on the inside. Its frantic riders are two beautiful people who are broken on the inside. After a one night stand, the coke-addled pair of lovers ripped off the St. Louis mob and hit the highway for California. Now the mob comes from the east. A blizzard comes from the west.
This is a story of bad decisions.
First read at the Oregon Playwrights Society, February 2016. First staged at Western Oregon University, February 2017. Full text below the break.
Along the highway. VALENTINA CAVALLARO stands in the cold. She wears a Halloween costume, the sort that is bought on the cheap and shows a lot of leg. HORSE is in the car grinding the starter. He wears a helmet that would announce him as a centurion legionnaire, were it not for the fact that, like his arms bracers, it is plastic. They are that reckless age that allows one to behave as they do.
Evening is settling. A storm’s coming.
VALENTINA God damn it, Val.
VALENTINA How in the fuck… (She sighs, looks around. A pause. And then - )
HORSE What?!
VALENTINA I wasn’t talking to you! (She produces her cell phone, looks at it.) Fuck.
HORSE (Hops out of the car, but knocks his head against the doorframe. He nearly sprawls out on the ground but catches himself. He flings the helmet.) This goddamn thing!
VALENTINA One bar. Come on, just gimme one bar…
HORSE I think there was one in Wanting.
HORSE That town we went through? I think there was a bar in that town back there.
VALENTINA What the fuck are you talking about?
HORSE I don’t know. (He goes to the hood of the car, opens it.) You know anything about motors?
VALENTINA Horse, I don’t even know what this car is.
HORSE Really?
VALENTINA Don’t say shit.
VALENTINA I see it in your eyes, you were gonna say some shit. Just don’t.
HORSE Maybe I wasn’t!
VALENTINA Then it’ll be easy for you.
HORSE These cocksuckin’... (Rips the plastic Roman arm bracers off.) Why are we still in our costumes?
VALENTINA It’s not like you gave us time to change.
HORSE You got any cell service?
VALENTINA No! I don’t! Cars don't break down: your car breaks down. I always have service: now I don't have service. And everyone in the world owns a cell phone, except for your broke ass. That’s just the way it works, isn’t it?
HORSE (Putting his arms around her.) Yeah, but you know what babe?
VALENTINA What’s that.
HORSE Your luck can only change if you keep playing.
VALENTINA Did that philosophy work for you in Kansas City?
HORSE (Breaking – back to the engine.) Yeah, yeah. Kansas City was an anomaly. (He fights and rips a part out from the engine. He looks at it. He’s not sure what it is.)
VALENTINA It’s not even luck at this point, it’s fate. Destiny. I’m going to die. And if it doesn’t happen in Chicago, or St. Louis, it’ll happen here. Buttfuck Nowhere, Colorado.
HORSE If that’s what this place is called maybe we should stay here a while.
HORSE Ah, it’s not that serious anyway.
VALENTINA It’s not? You went a hundred all across Kansas because it’s not that serious?
HORSE I only hit a hundred a couple times!
VALENTINA Talking the whole time about “beating the snow.” “Gotta beat the snow.”
HORSE Well she’s a Mustang, babe.
HORSE Don’t worry about it, I’m gonna head back into town and sniff out a mechanic.
VALENTINA What, you’re gonna leave me here?
HORSE Someone needs to stay. Just to watch the car.
VALENTINA Stay here, watch the car, freeze to death. I got it.
HORSE You can wait inside, can’t ya? Turn on the heater.
VALENTINA Don’t worry about it.
HORSE That’s what I’m saying! It won’t be long, beautiful. Two shakes. (exits)
VALENTINA (Watches him go with lustful appreciation. After he’s significantly gone, she shakes her head.) God damn it, Val. That’s how the fuck you got here. (Pulls off the veil and tosses it with the other Halloween scraps.) I’m an embarrassment. Left St. Louis, left the casino, left Stephen, all for fucking California? Not even California, because I’m going to die on this mountain pass. So it’s all for… Some country bumpkin talking about California. (She checks her phone again – a gasp of pleasant surprise. She quickly dials, then speaks into it.) …Hey, Stevie baby. I know, I know-… I’m in Colorado. …Yeah, well. …I want to come home. …Good! Then come get me. …Along the highway, straight through Kansas, and, uh, what was that? …What? I’m sorry, I didn’t quite catch that… Yeah. Yeah, I’m with Horse so what. …Yeah, we got all the coke, but we’re broke down outside of fucking “Wanting.” That’s the name of the town. Wanting, Colorado. As in “I’m not Wanting to be in Colorado.” …I’m sorry, I can’t hear you. …No, the-… What? (She listens a bit to the utter nothingness on the line. Looks at her phone. Rages at it. Sighs.) Okay. This is fine. Horse is right, I just need to, ah… Need to relax. (From the backseat of the car she produces a duffel bag. From this she begins to knuckle up a bump of coke.) Just a bump. Just taking the edge off. For clarity! (Does the bump.) Okay!! For clarity… I completely lack self-control, that’s clear. Because evidently I’m ruled by my vagina. That is clear. That tight butt of his, those arms. And that smile. That’s really all it took? Damn it, Drunk Valentina. Okay. Past Me is an asshole. Present Me is paying the price for it. And unless Present Me makes some better decisions, Future Me is totally fucked. (Does another bump.) Now things are twice as clear. If I get back to St. Louis, I can go back to The Sundowner. They can’t fire me. I’m Valentina fucking Cavallaro, they can’t fire me! So I go back to work, and Stephen will take me back. He always does. Sweet Stephen. As well he should though, ‘cause it’s his fucking fault, moving to St. Louis. Wouldn’t have happened if we stayed in Chicago. But okay, there we go. Right? Just get a motel, and wait for Stephen. It’s not the worst plan. There have probably been worse plans. Like going to California with someone you’ve only known for four hours. That was pretty fucking stupid. This dumbass cowpuncher. Well, he’s not so dumb. He cleaned house in that basement game after all, and Fat Daniel was playing in that. Fat Daniel never loses, especially at Texas Hold ‘Em. The family always makes sure of that. You’d have to be a halfway genius to pull that off. So you got to admit, he’s pretty sharp. And he’s pretty fine. But for fuck’s sake. What do I care about a tight ass? Why is that so important? What am I gonna do, am I gonna fuck that ass? … I could. I mean if he wants to stay in Buttfuck Nowhere a while. Christ. Don’t even know anything about the son of a bitch. I know he’s from Omaha. Or at least that’s what he said. Might as well believe him, at this point. I know he calls himself “Horse.” Jesus. That’s real classy, you know, a man calling himself “Horse.” At least the name fits or I’d really be mad. And that’s how you let yourself get suckered. …But then again… Why is that a bad thing? That’s something else I don’t know. What’s so bad about feeling good? That’s why you work in the first place: to have money, to buy things, to feel good. So what the fuck, why are you beating yourself up? It’s all going to be okay. (After a moment, a realization.) He is going to kill him though. Stephen is going to kill him. He’s going to walk Horse out into the woods, and he’s going to shoot him in the head. (Horse enters with TRAVIS.)
HORSE But if you could do it without having to tow her I’d really appreciate it.
TRAVIS I’m sure you would.
VALENTINA He’s going to make me watch too.
TRAVIS ’68 Fastback! I think I might have to tow this after all.
TRAVIS To my house. Park it in the car port.
HORSE Oh yeah. (Climbs into the car and begins to dig through the back seat.)
TRAVIS I’ve got a 2007 GT, this would look real good right next to it, the classic and the current. (Sees engine) Jesus H. W. Bush.
HORSE Uh, there’s – baby, can you hand him that thing? On the ground out there?
VALENTINA The helmet?
HORSE The what? The… No, that thing.
VALENTINA Right. Here, he took this out. (She hands him the part. He looks at it. Sighs and nods.)
HORSE (Emerges, holding a pool cue case.) Yeah, that didn’t look right to me.
TRAVIS Well it shouldn’t have looked wrong. (Goes to work.)
HORSE (Sees duffel bag.) Whoa. Yeah, let’s put that away. (He does, and then sits in the driver’s seat to screw the two-piece cue together.)
VALENTINA Just trying to stay warm.
HORSE It is a bit chilly, huh? I might have to warm up myself in a bit.
TRAVIS Where you kids from anyhow?
TRAVIS Would you quit grunting so much? “Huh.” You kick a pig on the butt and it says “Huh.”
TRAVIS That’s better.
HORSE …What?! (Goes to hop out of the car. Hits his head on the frame again, and this time he does lay himself out.)
VALENTINA How do those clouds look to you?
HORSE (Sits up) I’m not a fuckin’ weather man.
TRAVIS Where’d you learn to talk like that in front of a lady?
HORSE Could you-
VALENTINA Yeah, why do you cuss so much? (Horse scowls. She laughs.)
HORSE (Gathers up himself and his cue.) Could you just… Could you just fix the motor?
TRAVIS I’m trying. It’s a process.
HORSE Yeah, I’m sure. Well, I’m off again.
HORSE I was right, they do have a bar in town. With four pool tables. I’ve got some money to make.
HORSE Yeah, babe.
VALENTINA I’m gonna need you to not. Right now. Okay?
HORSE Wh-... Aw, shit, you don’t gotta worry about Travis, he’s just fixing the motor.
VALENTINA I’m talking about this. (Gestures at the cue.) This was why you had to leave St. Louis. This was why you said we couldn’t stop in Kansas City.
HORSE Uh, no it’s not.
HORSE This is not why I had to leave Kansas City and St. Louis.
HORSE That was because of poker, horse racing, and sports bets. This is pool!
VALENTINA Well when you put it like that.
HORSE How about I put it like this: that redneck bar was full of cowboys and oilers. It was like Texas football in there. They got all that cattle and oil money and if it’s not burning holes in their pockets yet, all I’ve gotta do is strike the match.
VALENTINA You just threw like three metaphors and a simile at me, give me a second to digest that.
TRAVIS I wouldn’t try to hustle any of those roughnecks.
HORSE Aw, I’m not worried about bravado, Trav. Everywhere you go thinks it’s the toughest place in the world. (to Valentina) And I’ll tell ya something else. St. Louis, Kansas City, Omaha, there was all organization there. The Sons of Silence, the Irish mob, and the folks you work for. The Italian folks. This outfit is just some working stiffs.
VALENTINA “Folks.” “Outfit.” Who the fuck are you?
HORSE I’m your man.
TRAVIS All right, now, I got after him for swearing in front of you. You don’t get off the hook.
VALENTINA If I wanted any shit from you I’d scrape it off your teeth. (to Horse) Wait, Omaha?
HORSE …Omaha. It’s where I’m from.
VALENTINA Right. You said that. But you never said that you were run out of Omaha.
HORSE …Well. I was.
VALENTINA What happened in Omaha?
HORSE Don’t worry about Omaha.
TRAVIS You guys sound like Peyton Manning before the snap.
HORSE (processes this, then laughs) “Omaha! Hut hut!” Yeah, this is Broncos country, huh? Better get outta here.
TRAVIS You a Chiefs fan?
HORSE Naw, Vikings. I look too good in purple.
VALENTINA Oh no, it’s not gonna work out.
VALENTINA I’m a Bears fan. Obviously.
HORSE Hey, I can be a Bears fan. You saying I can’t be a Bears fan? Well I’m a Bears fan now, who gives a shit.
VALENTINA Is switching teams that easy?
HORSE For you, beautiful, anything’s easy.
VALENTINA Horse… (They make out.)
TRAVIS Not to interrupt anything but…
TRAVIS But I will anyway. I do have to haul this into the shop.
HORSE No, please, no you fuckin’ don’t.
TRAVIS You’re right, I don’t. I could just leave you stranded here.
HORSE You haven’t even tried to start it again. (He runs to the car. The cue doesn’t fit through the door and he bounces off and goes rolling.)
TRAVIS Well your starter’s wore down so I don’t really need to. That’s just one of the problems.
HORSE Fine! You know what. Fine. Guess we’ll stay the night here.
TRAVIS Probably gonna stay a couple.
HORSE (Pops trunk, begins unloading bags) Don’t worry, baby, that just means we get to see all the sights of Wanting. Almost seven thousand people here, something’s got to entertain them.
VALENTINA What about… I thought we needed to beat the snow?
TRAVIS You’ll definitely need to beat the snow. This rig will not handle in it at all.
VALENTINA And what about those clouds? Just look out there, the snow’s coming.
HORSE That’s one possibility.
TRAVIS Those clouds do look pretty rank.
HORSE They might not even start dumping until they’re on the other side of us.
TRAVIS No, son, just look out there, over the foothills. Look, come over here and look.
HORSE (Now getting bags from the backseat.) I don’t need to look! I don’t need to look.
TRAVIS You can see it down over the foothills. It’s already snowing, and it’s coming this way.
HORSE Then let it snow. Let it dump everything it’s got on the foothills, and we’ll just go south. Go around it. Take the long way to California. Hell, it might even quit at any moment.
TRAVIS I doubt the odds of that one.
HORSE The smallest odds have the biggest payouts.
TRAVIS So am I towing your car or not?
VALENTINA We need to get out of here, babe.
HORSE Aw... Aw man.
HORSE You never called me “babe” before.
VALENTINA That wasn’t the important part of that sentence.
HORSE It was a pretty great part though.
VALENTINA Okay, babe, listen to me.
HORSE Listening.
VALENTINA We need to leave.
HORSE I don’t see why. We’re already not beating the snow, supposedly. You’ve got to play the hand you’re dealt; all there is to it.
VALENTINA I think we need to get this snow between us and…
HORSE And what? St. Louis? They’re not that sore over me.
VALENTINA You’d be surprised.
HORSE Would I?
VALENTINA My fiancé’s coming.
VALENTINA My fiancé. I told him where we were.
HORSE Well why’d you do that?
VALENTINA I don’t know. I wasn’t thinking clearly. But I am now, and-
HORSE You can whip this into shape at your shop, Trav?
TRAVIS I can get it going again.
HORSE Tonight?
TRAVIS No not tonight. It’s past five, my shop’s closed.
HORSE Can’t ya open it?
TRAVIS I can. I won’t.
HORSE Well aren’t you a lotta help. How long’ll this take?
TRAVIS Couple days, I said.
HORSE Couple days, he said. Then I guess I get to meet this chump. You’re really engaged?
VALENTINA Technically, yes.
HORSE What’s “technically” mean?
VALENTINA He asked me to marry him and I said yes.
HORSE When was this?
HORSE June? And you’re not married by October?
TRAVIS It’s November now.
HORSE It’s November now! Even worse.
VALENTINA We were planning for spring.
HORSE Well ain’t that just fucking typical. I wouldn’t marry you in spring. I wouldn’t be so typical. You’re not a typical girl.
VALENTINA We’re engaged. And he’s coming after us.
HORSE “Engaged.” You sign anything?
HORSE You shake on it?
Then what the hell.
TRAVIS You generally don’t shake on engagements.
HORSE Stay outta this, Travis. (to Valentina) So how ‘bout it?
VALENTINA How ‘bout what?
HORSE It’s not spring right now. I’m ready to go. Dump the chump, trade your draft pick.
VALENTINA You’re asking me to marry you?
HORSE Yeah. Look. (Takes the ring off her finger. Gets on his knee.) Valentina-… Uh… Valentina. Would you make me the happiest man in the world?
VALENTINA Oh my fucking God.
HORSE I’ve never been with anyone as good as you. I bust four nuts last night.
VALENTINA You really wanna get married, Horse?
HORSE Only if you’d have me.
VALENTINA You fucking know it, baby. (He rises, picking her up. They kiss. Travis slow claps.)
HORSE Let’s stop in Vegas. Find us an Elvis.
TRAVIS You don’t even need to go to Vegas.
HORSE Nuh uh?
TRAVIS No. Colorado doesn’t have a waiting period for marriage licenses either.
HORSE Well… Well what do you think, beautiful?
VALENTINA Get married here?
HORSE Go find the justice of the peace of Wanting, Colorado. It’s the American thing to do.
VALENTINA Sure. And the car is old. All that poker money is new.
HORSE Yeah yeah yeah, there you go. And all the coke is “borrowed.”
VALENTINA That’s right, it is.
HORSE What’s next?
TRAVIS Something blue.
HORSE How about my Levis?
VALENTINA I think I need to be wearing the blue thing.
HORSE (Sets to kicking off his boots.) Well we can take care of that quick enough.
VALENTINA We’ve got everything we need right here! Yeah, let’s do it. Let’s fucking do it. (They make out, Horse pulling off his pants.)
TRAVIS I for one am very happy for you. I’m gonna go get that tow truck now. (exits)
HORSE All right. (Hands Valentina his pants. Peers out to the west as he puts his boots back on and she puts on the jeans.) Damn, that is a storm. I told you though, didn’t I? I told you Halloween was the shift. It’s like flipping a switch, it’s autumn one day, then November starts and suddenly everything freezes over. Suddenly there’s frost on the pumpkin.
VALENTINA You sound like a farmer.
HORSE Yeah, huh? The weather is serious conversation for my people.
VALENTINA I’m a little scared, Horse.
HORSE You don’t gotta be scared, it’s just some snow.
VALENTINA He knows where we are. He’s coming after us.
HORSE Who? Your ex?
HORSE Well, from what I know about him he sure likes to take his time. Let him come. And let the snows come too. The micks, the Omaha bail bondsmen, those Sons of Silence sonsabitches, let ‘em come. Bring ‘em all on. Who is this chump anyway? Your ex, what’s his story?
VALENTINA He works for the family. He works with me.
HORSE What, at The Sundowner?
VALENTINA Yeah. All of our St. Louis operations are through the casino.
HORSE What was his name?
HORSE Stephen at The Sundowner? One of the bouncers?
VALENTINA That’s one of his jobs.
HORSE Yeah it is, isn’t it. Stephen Vacchese?
VALENTINA You know him.
HORSE Sure. He’s weak. Not physically, of course. But emotionally.
VALENTINA You’re totally right. I could never put it into words.
HORSE I could kick his ass. Emotionally.
VALENTINA You’re so right.
HORSE You’re too much woman for a guy like that. You can see it in his eyes, how nice he is.
VALENTINA I mean… He has killed people before.
HORSE Oh. Has he really?
VALENTINA Two guys. That I know of.
HORSE Why’d he kill ‘em?
VALENTINA I don’t know. We told him to, I guess.
VALENTINA Yeah, you know. The Cavallaros.
HORSE Oh. You’re a Cavallaro. Right.
HORSE Your last name’s Cavallaro.
VALENTINA Did you not know that?
You don’t just “work at The Sundowner.”
VALENTINA I’m not cooking the books or anything. But yeah. I’m a Cavallaro.
HORSE Okay. Okay. (He goes to the duffel bag.) See, but that’s just what I was saying, isn’t it? He’s weak. Just because he’s told to kill someone, he does it. Not because he wants to, just because he’s told. See, I’m an asshole like that, I’ve never killed anybody. (He palms a handful of coke.) Ain’t a man on the goddamn planet can make me kill someone. Call me an asshole. I accept it.
VALENTINA What’s the matter?
HORSE Nothing’s the matter. I just need to clear my head.
VALENTINA For clarity.
HORSE For clarity! (Snorts the coke in a wild rip, dusting his entire face.)
HORSE Yeah baby!
VALENTINA It’s starting to snow.
HORSE You’re telling me! (Rubs his gums. He looks to the sky.) Ah. Huh. Okay. You know what. This actually solves all our problems.
VALENTINA I thought we were trying to avoid the snow.
HORSE See, if you’re a Cavallaro and we get married, then the Cavallaros won’t want to kill me. They can’t kill me. I’ll be in the family.
VALENTINA Just like they can’t fire me.
HORSE Yeah. What? Yeah! They can’t fire this beautiful woman, and that’s exactly who’s vouching for me. If this beautiful woman vouches for me.
VALENTINA I’ll vouch for you.
HORSE Aw, babe. You got my back.
VALENTINA Of course! It’s the best part of you. (She twirls her hand and at the command he spins around for a booty dance. She squeals with glee.)
HORSE And Kansas City won’t be able to touch me either or they’d be starting a war with Chicago.
VALENTINA They probably wouldn’t go to war over you.
VALENTINA Chicago. My dad. Probably wouldn’t go to war if you got killed.
HORSE Well, I know that, I just mean, fuckin’… Kansas City don’t know that! It’s like the Cold War, baby, the Cuban Missile Crisis. The fear of bombs being dropped is enough to stop the bombs from dropping.
VALENTINA Yeah, okay!
HORSE So Chicago can’t touch me, Kansas City won’t touch me, St. Louis is smoothed over… Hell, I don’t need to go to California. And since I don’t need to live off these winnings in California, I can use them to pay off Omaha. Hot damn. I fuckin’ love you babe.
VALENTINA I love you.
HORSE You’re saving my skin right now in a million ways. We just need to seal the deal. Which means – (He offers his hand. She shakes it.) Babe.
VALENTINA I love you too.
HORSE Remember what I was saying earlier, about luck changing? I think our luck has changed, don’t you? (He climbs into the car, this time without incident.) And when your luck is good you’ve got to ride that luck. As long as luck is giving, you’ve got to keep on taking. (The starter grinds and then FIRES UP! Cheers from the two and HORSE bolts from the car. He slams the hood. They run , gathering all their bags and pitching them frantically into the trunk. Each with bags in hand, they collide, but don’t quite go tumbling. They laugh, they kiss. Then the car gurgles and dies.) Well I'll be a son of a bitch.
VALENTINA ...You’re a wanted felon, right?
VALENTINA If there are bail bondsmen after you. You’re a felon. For jumping bail? If we go to the justice of the peace, that'll come up.
HORSE Oh. Oh yeah. Odds are they would. (At this, his eyes light up.) Odds are!
VALENTINA The odds are against us.
HORSE Just where we want 'em. Come on babe, let’s get back to town before we’re totally froze!
The storm is swelling. He crouches, offering his back. She jumps onto him, pool cue in hand as a lance. Their laughter is drowned out by the howling wind. It comes in fierce and freezing. They gallop off, unaware that the storm has set upon them.
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7thartheaven · 4 years
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"I swept her outside into the cold wind and snow and popped the question. We jumped up and down together like little kids, giggling in the snow." - Sam Shepard
"I wouldn’t call Sammy easygoing and funny, but everybody has their dark side, and he always does it with a sense of humor." - Jessica Lange
Sam Shepard and Jessica Lange by Bruce Weber, Santa Fe, New Mexico, 1984.
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