ezrisdax-archive · 1 year
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gif ask challenge: @camalyng asked: wilenko + overlay/blending
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deannastrois · 2 months
Aerti unchau, ashkaidan stargate, and chlodine fake date pls!
aerti unchau is in fact an aerith/tifa uncharted au I came up with with @edains like four years ago (haha what is time...) in this au tifa worked with barret to steal artifacts and return them to their rightful land but I as putting her more in the elena type role of uncharted and then aerith showed up as the last survivor from a place that had been ransacked years ago looking for the team to get her things back, so really less uncharted more generic but it started as an uncharted idea
"I can't really see you firing a gun." Tifa said, her voice low. "I can, Tseng taught me." Aerith laughed, her giggling echoing in the quiet van. She put a hand over her mouth and whispers an apology to Barret who grunted and went back to sleep."Not that I love doing it." Aerith said in a stage whisper to Tifa, leaning in across the way to talk to her. "Oh." Tifa replied, taken aback. "Is it...were you..." She faltered with her words and trying to find the right thing to say. Aerith smiled at her but for once it didn't meet her eyes. "It wasn't by choice. But! I can still take people in a fight." She winked at Tifa. "And I'm willing to fight for my peoples things. They've been gone for too long." "We'll get them back," Tifa promised, hoping beyond everything she could keep that promise, "And then we'll make Cloud carry them all back for us." Aerith giggled again and this time her smile was genuine. "The perfect pack mule."
ashkaidan stargate is also what it says on the lid where they're on a stargate team with shep as the leader and the rest of the me1 squad, and then me2 squad was it's own group, and me3 squad. legion was like a replicator style machine in this universe and tali was from the race that built the replicators but I never got around to writing that point in the story I just really liked it.
Ashley was fairly certain she could time how long the gate took to dial a planet to a T in her head. She'd seen it well over a hundred times but when the last connection was made and the gate whooshed open with a brilliant flash of blue and white it always made the breath catch in her throat. She shifted slightly, trying to get rid of some of excitement and nervous energy that always came with the start of a mission and traveling to a new world. The M.A.L.P. had shown them that this world would be covered in ice and snow though it shouldn't have been given the planets location to the sun. Kaidan nudged her as Shepard did one last inventory check before they left. "You sure you ready for this one Gunnery? If it gets to cold let me know, I've got a trick or two to keep war." Kaidan teased. Ashley rolled her eyes. "It doesn't get that cold up in Vancouver LT, don't act like you're the expert here. Just make sure your mom packed your sweater." She shot back and began walking up the plank to the gate on Shepard's signal. "That was one time." She heard Kaidan mutter behind her and tried to stiffle a laugh. She wasn't laughing by the time the cold hit her face, instantly making her eyes water. She scrambled to put on the glasses she should have before entering the gate. "Sure you don't need help?" Kaidan asked, his voice coming in her ear over the comms. Whatever response she was going to come up with was killed when Shepard held up her hand to signal for them to cut the chatter. "We're not alone, team."
chlodine fake dating is again what is says on the tin, these two start dating mostly to troll nate and sam and whoops it's real
Sam stared down at their joined hands and then back up at Nadine and Chloe. "No." He said. "Oh yes." Nadine gave him a sharp grin in reply. Chloe tried not to laugh at Sam's face of utter incredulity. "Something wrong Sam?" Chloe asked, as casual as she could. "You don't get more of a cut for being a couple." Sam finally huffed, crossing his arms. "Now hang on, that wasn't on the table. But it could be." Chloe let go of Nadine's hand and shook off the sudden chill as smoothly as possibly. "Let's talk number." Nadine turned her face, dropping her head onto Chloe's shoulder and making it look like she was either telling her sweet nothings or how to get a larger cut of the loot to Sam. In reality Chloe could feel more than hear Nadine's muffled laughter.
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secondbeatsongs · 1 year
@camalyng replied to your post “you were ordained by the minister and turned a...”:
Those look like summer rolls to me - are they fried?
​not fried! tbh I don't know the difference between spring and summer rolls - the recipe I used called them spring rolls, but it could very well have been wrong.
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cobaltswriting · 1 year
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Hello there, reasonable person!
I'm not entirely sure what you mean by 'clear' but that it might just be that Ashley is noting what she sees. She hangs out in the same area as Garrus and Wrex, and shares the same strength in combat that they bring. Garrus also brings tech and Wrex also brings biotics, but Ashley is just straight out combat strength, according to the stats when you're putting together a team.
I also vaguely remember her saying something to do with Liara, which showed a little jealousy. She just doesn't seem to have much fondness for aliens and of course the "I'm not racist" line, which always raises a few red flags.
I'm also just gonna put a few comments here...
Ashley: With all due respect, Commander, should they really have full access to the ship?
Ashley: I’m not sure I’d call the Council races ‘allies’…
Ashley: I can't tell the aliens from the animals.
You can definitely see why people would think Ashley's racist.
And the thing is, you can't necessarily tell if that's changed by the time of Mass Effect 2. She still works for the alliance, is on a human settlement, and doesn't join up. Pretty much just chews you out for being dead for 2 years and not contacting her during that time and refuses to join you since you're working with/for Cerberus.
I can also see why she wouldn't say much about Tali specifically. Tali keeps quiet and usually stays in engineering, I wouldn't be surprised if Ashley forgets Tali exists at times.
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I guess I must have missed that side quest. To be fair, by the time I was getting to the end game I was getting... a bit tired of the first Mass Effect game. I did a few side quests but I didn't explore the galaxy all that much.
And yeah, tolerance isn't her main thing. I actually had to reload my save to save Wrex, because I was hoping if I kept talking to him, we'd get to a point where Shepherd would say 'look, we'll download any data Saren has that points towards a genophage cure while we're infiltrating' and Ashley decided that just shooting him would be the best idea. So I had to reload and just calm Wrex down directly. Luckily it is fairly easy to do if you went and got his family armour back for him.
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Appearance wise, it was fairly obvious to me. The hairstyle change, and the pronounced lips just struck me as something that was fairly out of place with the straightforward soldier we knew in Mass Effect 1.
This could be put down to her simply employing a different style because we were on Earth, so she wasn't fighting any wars, but then we get to the mission on Mars... She could have easily tied her hair back, keep it out of the way, but no. She got some armour, yes, but... I dunno. She also just didn't seem quite as straight forward as she was in Mass Effect 1 and 2.
I dunno how else to put it. It just hardly feels like Ashley at all to me.
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flame2ashes · 2 years
your tags passed peer review cos it was a solid point and tbh was the reason why I picked that Shep line - the closest to canonical since it wasn't morality aligned ✌🏼 like when even Shep is likely to be spacist regardless of morality, what's with all the pants on heads about Ash? so. thank you for your contribution!!
Oh yeah, I'm not saying that either of us were wrong to point it out!! I'm glad you included it because for so long it was a "I can't be the only one who thought this was weird" thing for me
I appreciate you making the GIFset regardless :) Ashley deserves better from both the writers and the fandom
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oodlyenough · 8 months
I haven't bothered with posts about the anime episodes because for the most part they've been like... fine to moderately amusing and there's not really anything to say beyond that. 2x06 Sound the Turnabout Melody (what a title) was uh not like that lmao so
started off strong with that terrible Wright & Co commercial. god bless you Maya.
ever since they introduced the concept of the friendship keychains I've been wondering if Larry still has his or if Larry is a normal person and the keychains are a consequence of Phoenix and Edgeworth specifically being Like That.
I thought s1 really tried to be like "a no homo trio of besties!!!" so I assumed it was likely Larry did. instead not even 3 years later Larry is like "lmao you still have that?" and Phoenix is both embarrassed and defensive which is much better and funnier than I expected from this show lmfao god bless
Larry discovering girls while Phoenix is STILL thinking about Miles and then deciding to dedicate songs on the radio to him fahfkdhlhkhglh .... incredible. showstopping
the dedication just kept going and going, too. i thought it would end with like, 'to signal red from signal blue' but it went on and on. i know she read page one of his ten page letter. didn't even mention the illustrated annexes of red and blue holding hands 😔
edgeworth thanking phoenix aloud and meanwhile phoenix sensing a disturbance in the force and turning around to look ... lmaoooooooo?!?!?... I mean even by the high bar set by their game canon I was pretty stunned
the flipside of all the crazy but believably IC baby narumitsu stuff was I found the Von Karma stuff all kind of weird and not particularly believable/IC
I appreciate the anime making it unambiguous that Edgeworth was raised by MVK, I feel like in the games there's a bit of vagueness for no real reason despite it being the most logical explanation for everything. so that was nice. but:
as hilariously cruel as it is to imagine MVK raising this kid for three years before turfing him to an orphanage, even applying 5d chess psychological torment logic I can't really make sense of that. why would he wait that long lol. why would he have taken miles in to begin with if not part of a long-term scheme.
baby franziska was cute as hell but i think she was too nice. i totally believe she'd be obsessed with her new little brother and want his attention/approval/etc. i ...don't really believe she's emotionally equipped to go about it so sweetly, lol.
miles' prosecutor vs defense ambition arc was convoluted to me, and an example where i feel like the games already gave us reason enough for the switch (the idea that greg's murderer got away + mvk's influence) without the anime now presenting something that makes less sense. (i'm still playing AAI but i sense i'll have similar criticisms of it, as in, "you're offering me a new explanation that makes less sense than the original". a common issue for prequel media.)
the cravat-giving scene felt like it was presented very earnestly despite being objectively kind of creepy given, you know, everything.
dog person miles edgeworth REAL
why'd they name that puppy napalm 😭😭😭😭
oh most importantly THE EPISODE TAG?? LMAO? edgeworth giving them the only like on their commercial why can't i find a clip or gifset of it the people need to know NEVERMIND @camalyng has bravely answered the call with a gifset
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abelunwilling · 11 months
last line challenge
Rules: in a new post, show the last line you wrote (or drew) and tag as many people as there are words (or however many you like)
got tagged by @seascribbling, thank yoooou! this excerpt has been lovingly presented by the worms in my brain ❤️
His voice shorts out unexpectedly, like it’s been unplugged at the source, but Crosshair leans his weight into him firmly, as if to anchor him there.
I'm taggingggg @sandhowl @come-chaos @camalyng & anyone else who feels like it 🥰
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gaykarstaagforever · 1 year
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No no no. I backed off of saying she is racist. She isn't.
But now she dares to accuse ME of being effed-up in working for Cerberus, and abandons me.
I have a problem with her as a character for that. Like her ENTIRE THING is supposed to be how she doesn't trust the Council / Alliance to varying degrees for turning on her grandfather. But then when I'm being pragmatic trying to stop the Reaper threat she knows is real, that no one is taking seriously, she's like "Cerberus are terrorists, fuck you."
Like she sees no parallels between her family history and this? She doesn't give me a goddamn chance here? That is bullshit.
I am mad at her for an entirely different reason now.
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omegastation · 4 years
camalyng replied to your post “Re: more romances in the remaster. Did you know there were lines…”
Closed canon buddies 😂
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ezrisdax-archive · 1 year
characters forced to take on a name from a predecessor post... got me thinkin of clone Shep now
send me a ☕️ and a topic and i’ll talk about how i feel about it
rhrfgjkdhk there's a reason I'm tumblr user ezrisdax here and rcdimusprime on my other blog because I relate too much to characters suddenly forced into a legacy/name from a predecessor and living with it.
but like it's tragic!! it's just the whole ghost haunting you thing and even worse if you didn't know the person properly and also somehow kinda do? And absolutely for clone Shep in that regard the previous person is put on this unreachable pedestal that you're always aiming for. And if you try to live up to them in some way then you're told you can't and if you don't try at all you're told you're wasting the name. (I'm forever haunted by Garak saying Jadzia was 'vital and alive. she owned herself' to Ezri okay, you just know clone Shep hearing that would have them rampaging)
it's always a no win scenario for characters like that. clone Shep was doomed from the beginning for several reasons and that's just one of them. Even if they'd got the Normandy off the ground somehow you know they'd tear themself apart still trying to live up to Shepard regardless; people would tell them they seem different and that little remark would drive them to do dangerous things in an attempt to prove they were the better Shepard.
also there's just the identity aspect: who are you if you're trying to live up to someone else's ideals? What line do you draw between them and yourself and how far will you go to push that to others. There's this one line in dark matter when a character finds out they're a copy of someone else "I don't know how to put it into words but her existence somehow diminishes me. I'm a lesser version of someone else. A diluted imperfect facsimile." which I think really sums up the struggle for these types of characters and how they view themselves.
And that's not even getting into how fandom perceives said characters because hoo boy they'll always be the replacement for a better character in their eyes. And sometimes that's valid! And the reason the character was changed in the first place is unfair (*cough*jadzia*cough*) but man is it hard for that character to win any place in fandom eyes too.
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deannastrois · 2 months
Last line challenge
Rules: in a new post, show the last line(s) you wrote (or drew) and tag as many people as there are words (or as many as you feel like). 
it's from a b7 story that currently sits unfinished, who's surprised
Very well. (created by: user_sofnine) Not so productive now are you, Seven. (created by: user_btorres) B’Elanna. (created by: user_kjaneway) Sorry captain. (created by: user_btorres)
basically a story told in reports/logs
tagging, if you wanna, @trillscienceofficer, @camalyng, and anyone else who wants to
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zeromorph · 4 years
camalyng gönderini yanıtladı “there are things that virtual conventions lack but fortunately one of...”
My home con used to be in winter (and is returning to winter because of a corona postponement) and is in a cold stadium, I have definitely seen people at panels in blankets. Can't relate to summer cons!
ah that sounds so cozy! blanket weather is pretty limited here, alas, we get some eventually but rarely for any sustained length and not until well into winter--my hometown has a late autumn book festival, and one year I tried to wear a cloak and thought I was going to pass out from the heat by early afternoon.
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camalyng · 4 years
↖️ @pohutukaryl
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angelwingsl3 · 3 years
Sibling Love
One thing I love about gift exchanges is that it’s a great way to get the content I love reading. So here are the sibling love stories I’ve been gifted over the years. 
<3 Thank you to all of the authors listed, you’re wonderful!
Shooting the Breeze by Cavaticarose / @cavaticarose
Garrus tries to mend things with his sister with a fun outing. Solana's just worried about her little brother. Rated T. 
Team Vakarian by Wafflesrock / @wafflesrock16
A look at Garrus and Solana’s sibling relationship and childhood. Rated G.
And Then There Were Two by Kahika / @camalyng
From the moment he's born, Garrus is never alone. There's no Vakarian without... - Rated T
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asiantheatre · 4 years
rEMOTION - an online play festival from the Asian Creative Network
This was shared to us by one of our followers @camalyng who performed in one of the plays! 
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These are live recordings of 16 performances from the two-day festival, originally airing from June 27 - 28th, 2020. Hosted on YouTube here. 
The festival director’s note is this
This year has been an extraordinary time for everyone. From pandemic and isolation to anti-racism and anti-fascist movements, we have all been feeling a shared global experience, be it trauma or resistance. In either case, to me, the world felt like it grinded to a halt, emotionally and societally. rEMOTION was my response. My aim was to create a festival to give back to people emotionally, to rejuvenate the tired spirits. That small idea grew to an amazing world-wide collaboration with amazing artists. I’m incredibly grateful to all the hard work everyone has put into this festival.
Watch on Youtube / Online Playbill 
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abelunwilling · 1 year
Tag 9 people you want to get to know better
Tagged by @come-chaos c:
First ship: It’s tough to cast my mind back that far (plus a lot of them are pretty embarrassing), but one of the first ones I took really, really seriously and stand by to this day was Elliot/Leo (Pandora Hearts).
Three ships: Poly!Bad Batch (the worm that has been eating holes in my brain for more than a year now), Genesis/Sephiroth/Angeal (an old worm that returned after I recently played the Crisis Core remake and wow, I sure do like those genetically-engineered super-soldiers with a lot of personal baggage to hold hands, huh?) & Shuuji/Ryo (a newer, but nonetheless important and beloved worm).
Last song: In Our Bedroom After the War by Stars 
Last movie: Extremely unfortunately, I got dragged along to see the new Avatar movie for my sister’s birthday. It certainly is... a film that exists.
Currently reading: I’ve been reading a lot of webcomics lately! I’m currently keeping up with What Happens Next and rereading the first half of Stand Still, Stay Silent. I want to read more actual books this year, too, but most of the recommendations I get IRL end up being really... just not for me, haha.
Currently consuming: Water
Currently craving: More time off work. I’m drowing rn 🙃
Tagging: @aerykai, @anstarwar, @camalyng, @cacodaemonia, @gallyg, @imrowanartist, @millipedish, @palvanic, @voynichs however, I have no power over u so no pressure to fill this out--on the flipside, if you wanna just steal it, go ahead!
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