#sage x deadlock
scftm1ttens · 7 months
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mezzy-1 · 5 months
Radiant Recruit (Valorant x Reader)
Name: Y/N 
Class: Radiant
Callsign - Nomad
You had been at odds with Kingdom for causing your abilities, and saw Valorant as nothing more than another group trying to reign you in.  Your power store radiant energy and unleash it proved difficult to contain.  Even worse, you could turn to pure energy and phase away.  It was a trick you used to escape Valorant time and time again.  Where you came from was only for you to know, until you were captured.
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(An idea of what Nomad can do // source: Infamous: Second Son)
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“Stop Y/N!  There’s no place you can run to that I won’t find you!”  Fade yelled down the hallway.  She had you cornered in Bind, inside the Kingdom refinery
“Leave me ALONE!” you screamed, unleashing a wave of radiant power at nearby pipes.  Steam filled the hall and you sprinted further away
A screech behind you caught your attention as one of Fade’s nightmares spotted you.  A terror trail led from your feet
Snarling prowlers rushed towards you and lunged.  You raised a hand and blasted them as they pinned you down
One sunk its teeth into your leg and darkness filled your vision.  Whispers surrounded you as memories of Kingdom spying on you resurfaced
Radiant power surged into your eyes before blasting through your body.  In your fear, you burnt through the last reserves of energy
Suddenly a voice cut through the chaos
“I have you now, ”
Weak sparks shot from your palm in an attempt to block the ball of tendrils Fade tossed at your feet
Seized by her power, unable to destroy the bindings, you found yourself resorting to struggling against the tethers
Fade took a Sheriff from its holster, the gunmetal gleaming in the red alarm lights.  She began to raise it upward towards you
Then turned and emptied the cylinder, catching the bullets and storing them in a pocket
“Valorant is not what you think, we are trying to do something important for the world!”
“So was Kingdom, I don’t care about what your cause is.”
“I was where you are right now, Y/N.  I was hunted by Valorant too.”  Fade’s tone softened
“What are you talking about?” You were slightly intrigued
“I…blackmailed them.  They sent a squad to catch me and could’ve killed me.  They gave me a home instead.  I trust them.”
“Prove it, how do I know you aren’t lying to get my guard down.”
“You can’t, but you have my word that we will let you go if you want to leave.” She reached a hand to you.  “Deal?”
Against your better judgment you decided to come along.  In an hour you were being flown to a remote island in the middle of nowhere
“So you know my name, but what’s yours?” 
“Hazal.  Memnun oldum.”
Hazal sat with you, either for security or reassurance, in the conference room with Brimstone
“Y/N, I apologize for the methods we used but Valorant doesn’t have time for delicate approaches.  Fade has first hand experience with that.”
“I didn’t offer you another choice Brimstone,” Hazal seemed to feel some regret 
“We wanted to get your help with Omega Earth,” he directed you to a hologram that showed all current information
It was unnerving, the doppelgangers and your personal clone trying to destroy the world.  The situation didn’t leave you feeling like you could run away
“So…are you in Y/N?”
“Count me in,” you went over to shake Brimstone’s hand.  He took it and handed you a keycard to your room
“You’re part of Valorant now Y/N.”  Brimstone nodded to Fade and you exited the room with her
“You’ll be assigned a callsign Y/N,”  Fade said as she led you to your quarters.  “Did you have anything in mind?”
“Uh, I guess we should figure it out while we have time.”  Your opened the door to your room and took a seat on the bed
Fade took a seat at your desk, looking around at the sparse interior before settling on you
“Y/N, what do you think about going by Nomad?  It would fit, don't you think?”
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“Oh shi-” you were surprised by a bullet ricocheting past you and putting a hole in the elevator controls
“Nice try Y/N, but you aren’t getting out of here unless you come with me.”  Iso chambered another round.  “Or else.”
“Go to hell!” you triggered a maelstrom of energy inside your body.  Radiant pulses fired from you and Iso lept to cover
Shifting into energy, you charged straight at him, ready to plant your glowing fists directly into his face
Hexagons spilled out under your feet.  Violet light blinded you before placing you into a strange space made of similar shapes
“You’re all mine Y/N.” a familiar voice echoed.  Iso had somehow captured you 
The structures around you disappeared and a single shot rang out against the silence of the realm you were in
A bullet hit your chest, but the ballistic plate underneath stopped it.  It didn’t stop the force from slamming into you though
“Y/N, I admire your spirit but you lost this fight.  I won’t hurt you, I just want to show you what Valorant is trying to do.”
“And if I refuse?”  
“You won’t leave here.  Ever.”
He wasn’t bluffing, but he didn’t seem like he wanted to condemn you to that fate either.  His aim was steady but his eyes were more focused on your response
“I’ll go with you, but if you try anything you’ll regret it.”
Iso sighed something in Mandarin
Purple energy wrapped you and placed you back in the building.  Iso waited for you to get to your feet and led you at gunpoint 
The elevator controls were shot, so you and Iso took stairs to the roof.  When you arrived at the helipad, the VTOL was just landing
“Remember, I can trap you at anytime Y/N.  Don’t try to escape until we get to the island and we brief you.”  Iso was dead serious
He left you in the cargo hold of the VTOL while it took off.  He returned later on his phone and looked over at you
“Any requests for music?  I don’t like silence.”  Iso pointed at the phone
“(Your favorite artist).”
“I have a playlist for them, tell me what you think.”
The ride to the HQ was more pleasant than you expected
Subsequently, you were lead to a room with the leader of Valorant for more information
Brimstone finished explaining the situation.  Needless to say the Omega Earth version of you destroying city blocks was a frightening prospect
“Y/N, if you help us out you’ll be giving us the advantage.  We can let you go but we can’t guarantee your mirror won’t try to come after you.”
“I’ll join your protocol if it means I can protect people from my double.”
“Welcome to the fight Y/N.  Iso, take Y/N to the armory and get them fitted for their gear and run a basic shooting test.”  Brimstone shook you hand warmly
Iso and you walked down the hall, passing a few other agents that gave you a wave or raised an eye at your presence
Once you were in the armory, Iso went over ballistics and you did some basic target practice
“Y/N, have you given any thought to your callsign?”  Iso finished marking your grade in a tablet
“Not really, I do want something that sounds good and makes sense.”  you placed your rifle down and began a field strip test
“Since you were constantly on the run, how does Nomad work for you?”  He raised the tablet with the name entered in
“Sounds good.”
“I can’t wait to work with you, Nomad.” Iso nodded to you and handed you a magazine
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“Oh Y/N it’s precious that you think you can hide from me, but I like games of cat and mouse.”  Viper purred as you crept around Icebox
The woman had managed to cut off every escape from you, a fact she reveled in
“I assume you’re thinking that if you attack me, you can shut the toxins off and leave.” she was trying to draw you out, so you continued to sneak around
Viper turned and left 
Green fog began to empty from the vents everywhere, catching you off guard.  It was then you realized she had been waiting for the toxins to get in the system
“Is it hard to breathe?  Try not to die before I find you, I don’t want to explain that to Brimstone.”
Coughing loudly, you attempted to crawl away as vertigo set in.  The toxins smelled like acetone mixed with acrid sweetness
Viper’s silhouette appeared as you lost consciousness.  Her figure towered above you as your eyes shut
“You’re awake, good.  I need you to listen to me Y/N, can you do that?”  Viper had unmasked and was now looking you directly in the eye
You nodded your head weakly while taking account of your surroundings.  Toxins had rendered your powers and muscles useless
“What do you want from me?” you hissed
“Join Valorant, we could use your-”
“NOBODY’S using me.” you spat back.  Viper glared at you 
She removed a vial of poison and opened it.  She tilted the glass over your head, letting a drop hang over your eye
“Don’t interrupt me,” Viper narrowed her gaze, “Understood?”
“I’d rather die than be some kind of weapon for a bunch of sociopaths.”
“You aren’t in a position to argue, but we are going to play nice and show you the protocol.”
“Easy to do when I’m your prisoner.”
“Exactly Y/N.”  
Minutes later you were being flown somewhere new, but had no idea what was waiting for you once you regained your motor functions
Viper and Brimstone sat with you, going over confidential files on Omega Earth and their agents.  It was shocking to your face among them as well
“We know they’ll end up using your mirror against us, so we need all the support we can get.”  Brimstone passed a keycard to you
You took it and shook his hand
“I’ll take Y/N to the medical wing and run biometrics so we can plan countermeasures against their double.”  Viper motioned for you to join her
The biometrics were mainly just scans and a blood test, but Viper took time to explain what each piece would be used for
“Y/N, you need a callsign for me to enter your information under.  Any ideas?”
“Not really.  I guess there’s the fact I was always escaping, that could be something.”
“Well you didn’t escape me,” Viper smugly raised an eyebrow.  “But I do like that idea, how about Nomad?”
“I like that, it sounds mysterious.”
“Perfect, now let's get you to your quarters and finish the tour so I can get back to my lab.”
“Can I see the lab?”
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“I thought you were supposed to be fast!  So much for the protocol’s ‘Sprinter.” you taunted as you sped away down a street in your energy form
Neon trailed behind you, each pace pulsing with electricity.  She had almost caught you but a quick energy burst saved you
Now it was a matter of running, which was easy for you to do because you could move through obstacles
That was your thought until you ran out of radiant power in the middle of the street
“Slow huh?” Neon was on you quickly.  You decided to fight, unleashing what little energy you had left in missiles of force
She dodged and closed the distance, using her speed to shift her target faster than you could aim
In the blink of an eye Neon grabbed your arm.  Volts spasmed down your body, paralyzing you
“No more running Y/N.”  Neon dragged you to the side of the road and away from the public.  She hid you under a bridge, seating you on a bench 
“So Valorant sends you to catch me and then what?  Lock me in a cell until you need to destroy something?”  
“No, we want you to learn how to control the power before you hurt anyone.”  Neon trailed off, lost in thought
“Do you really control your power or is it just them letting you loose on anyone they want?”  You needled at her doubt
“So you must have lost control at some point then, did they show up and lock you away?  Just like what you want to do to me?”  Provoking her was the only thing you could do
“It wasn’t like that!  They found me…but after I had lost control,” 
“Don’t lie to me, they can’t help me and they can’t you either!”
“SHUT UP!”  Sparks scorched the ground near Neon’s legs
Neon’s anger turned to regret “They gave me training for it and helped me make the best of it.”
Neon began to smile a bit as an arc of electricity moved up her hand
“I’m sure we’ll do the same for you.”
Once you could move, you and her walked back to a extraction point 
“Do you really think they don’t want to use my power for themselves?  You were sent on this mission right?”
“I volunteered for this, Y/N.  You won’t have to fight unless you want to but we have Radiants that want to help you control your abilities.”
It wasn’t much reassurance without definitive proof, but it was good to hear as you stepped onto the VTOL
“Plus you’ll train with me Y/N.  So I’m hoping you decide to stay with us so we can have a rematch.”
Neon fidgeted in her chair at the conference with Brimstone and Sage.  Reyna stood in the back eying you over and occasionally muttering something in Spanish
“Y/N, your power is going to make the difference in the fight against Omega Earth.  We need you to back us up.”
“I- I want to but I’m not,” 
Neon looked over at you and her nervousness switched something in you
“I can get ready for the field.  I’m on board sir.”  Neon relaxed at your response
“Good Y/N, glad to have you here.  We’ll enter some information for your file, in the meantime Neon can show you to the gym for a physical assessment.”
He passed her a tablet 
Neon led you around the protocol and took you to the training area.  She took the tablet Brimstone gave her and had you start the tests
It wasn’t a great couple of hours, especially because Neon kept her eyes on you struggling the entire time 
Finally the running test came up, and Neon readied a stopwatch
“Y/N, do you want to race?” Neon tossed the stopwatch in the air towards you
“Sure,” you caught the watch and readied it.  “Go!”
She cleared the mile in under 7 minutes without her power before taking the watch
“Beat that Y/N.” 
Your mile was about 9 minutes, which was expected from someone who didn’t run often.  Neon did tone her taunting down during the run which was a welcome change
“So…Y/N what callsign do you want?  I have to put one here so what do you want?”
“I don’t really have anything.  I would pick something about running or escaping-” Neon looked up disapprovingly “-but I guess that’s your thing right.”
“Well you aren’t fast, just hard to keep in the same place.  Like a nomad. Oh that could work!”
Neon put down Nomad in name entry
“We even sort of match too.  I like Nomad, enter it in!”  You nodded to her and got ready for the next step in becoming an agent
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“Tienes miedo?  I love a good chase Y/N.”  Reyna’s voice barely held her sadistic excitement back 
Carefully, you hid behind cover while Reyna stalked through the courtyard of Sunset.  Loading your pistol, you sprang from the cover and opened fire
A glaring eye filled your vision, and you shot blindly at the space.  The bullets dissipated the eye, but Reyna was gone
“I’ve heard so much about you, your power.  Don’t disappoint me.”  Reyna’s skin turned to shadows and glowed with unnatural energy
“I WON’T!” you bellowed.  Particles of radiant energy spiraled around your body and blasted straight through Reyna
She made no effort to dodge your most powerful blast as it corkscrewed into her.  At first you thought she was going to die
It was much more terrifying than that
Reyna walked calmly through the beam toward you, her intangible state keeping her from damage.  The blast lost power and stopped
“Que fuerte, but not enough.”  Reyna grabbed your throat and slammed you to the ground
“If you struggle, I will continue to have fun with you.”  Her grip tightened to emphasize the point
“I’m not joining your damn organization.  You and Kingdom are all the same, just preying on Radiants.”
“QUE DEMONIOS ME DIJISTE?”  Reyna yelled, she drove her nails into your neck.  “I- We are nothing like them.”
Her outrage was enough to quiet you down
“Kingdom is our enemy Y/N, we can bring them down together.  Join me and we will destroy them.”  Reyna reached a hand out
You took it
Reyna leaned in and whispered in your ear
“Somos unido, contra el mundo.  Do not forget they are terrified of us.”
Reyna sat at your side at the table in the conference room.  Brimstone and Sage went over the situation with Omega
“If Omega uses the mirror version of you, we would have a hell of a fight ahead of us without you to help us out.”  Brimstone gave a worried look to the holographic files
“Don’t worry, I’ll join the protocol if I can make a difference.”
“Come with me Y/N, we will see how useful you can be to us.”  Reyna took your arm and moved you to the training room
A few bots appeared and Reyna took a seat 
“Go on, end them Y/N.”
It took little effort to turn the bots into scrap metal and burnt plastic.  In your elation, you blasted a hole in the window near Reyna
“Que increible Y/N, you certainly have potential.”  She ran her fingers over the scorch marked bots
“The protocol requires a callsign,” she passed you a tablet with an input.  “I would put in my suggestions but I don’t want to speak for you.”
“Wait, what did you have in mind?” you looked over to Reyna while she leaned against the exit
“Pues, I was thinking something that felt unburdened.  Something freeing.  Viajero, no como se dice,” she paused feeling for the English word, “Nomad.”
“It means someone on the run or that moves around.  That does sound like me.” 
“Claro, I think it suits you perfectly Y/N.  Now, let's begin your training and sharpen your strength.”
She sauntered across the room and started up more bots
“Mataremos, Nomad.”  You and Reyna tore into them together
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“Do not make me pursue you further Y/N, I wish no harm on you.”  Sage cried to you
“Then let me leave,” you readied an energy bolt, “I doubt you could even hurt me!”  You shot, directly into her chest
“So be it.” Sage muttered
Jade, tougher than steel, coated her hands and began to work into her skin.  Life energy flowed in and she rose up
Her skin healed as she charged you.  You burnt through your power to launch a vortex of radiant energy
The sphere engulfed her, but when it passed she was completely gone to your surprise.  A hand landed on your shoulder, then a chop connected to your temple
Sage had catapulted herself over the vortex using her wall, and gotten directly behind you
As a monk, she was adept in martial arts.  It didn’t help that the barrage of fists, palms, and kicks was hard as iron
You tried to swing back, but couldn’t move.  Sage coated you in jade, effectively restraining you with every blow
“Do you doubt I could hurt you now Y/N?”  Sage’s tone was retributive but took satisfaction in her position over you
“I don’t care what you try, you can’t force me to work with Valorant.  You chased me down like an animal, just like Kingdom.”  
“We did pursue you Y/N, but we aren’t like Kingdom.  We want to help you, not use you.”
“I’m not interested in what you have to say, I’ll break free eventually.”
“No you won’t, it is unmoving and you are too.  I want you to see what Valorant truly is, not what you think it is.”
“I don’t give a shit what Valorant is, you tracked me and trapped me in this.”  
“We tried to bring you in but you refused because you thought we were Kingdom.  I want to prove we’re better than them.”
“By encasing me in rock and hauling me somewhere against my will?  Just like Kingdom tried before?”
“You’d run away otherwise, and I went easy on you.  I could have broken your legs and healed them later, but I wanted you to see we aren’t cruel.”
It was true, she had held back enough not to render you unconscious or cripple you.  Plus she didn’t sound like she was lying, her tone was honest
“I don’t know if I can fully trust you, but if you want to show me Valorant I don’t really have a choice do I?”
“Not particularly, but I promise you are safe while under my watch.”
She had your petrified body loaded onto a VTOL and flown to the HQ
Once you had been briefed, and Sage released you, she passed you a keycard.  Brimstone finished his report on Omega
“Y/N, please lend us your aid.”  Sage pleaded
“I’m in, don’t worry.  I was wrong about you all, I’m happy to join.”  
“Sage, take Y/N to the clinic and give them a check up.  I’ll finish Y/N’s file and send word to the agents that we have a new member.”
You and her went over to the clinic and she sat you down on the table before taking a few instruments out
“Y/N, please remove your clothes.” she took a tablet and started marking things as you cautiously took your clothing off.  You blushed the entire time
Sage moved quickly, giving you questions while she looked you over.  She finished her check up and had you dress back up
“Y/N, do not worry I have seen the entire protocol naked.  I am just doing my job.”
“I know, it’s just strange because I don’t know you that well.”
“Then I hope we become close,” Sage smiled at you, “I must ask you about what you want to use for a callsign.”
“I didn’t think about that.  Do you have any ideas?”  
Sage responded with a long pause
“I suppose something that suggests your strengths.  You are flexible and spirited.”
“Do you have anything that sounds like either of those?”
“Would you accept Nomad?  It is the word for people that have no single place they call home.”
“Nomad…” you thought about it for a second.
“I love it!”
“Wonderful, now let’s finish your recruitment Nomad.”
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“I’m not gonna work with the woman that destroyed Venice!” you screamed as you launched a volley of energy at Jett 
The backstreets of Split had turned into a storm of bullets and radiant explosions, Jett was lurking in the rafters while you stuck to the ground
She nimbly dashed from cover to avoid the bursts of plasma, then took aim with her Vandal
“Shut up!  You don’t know what you’re talking about!”  Jett’s serious tone cut through the chaos.  Her gun ran dry and she began to reload
“You can’t lie to me!  I’m never joining Valorant!”  A gathering of particles rushed through your hands, charging a pulse of energy that blasted Jett from cover
Her body flew through the air from the force, and you watched with satisfaction.  Then she suspended herself in midair, turning to you
“I’m done with your shit, Y/N.” Jett summoned her knives, and sent them for you
Acting quickly, you used the rest of your energy to blast the knives from their paths.  Each failed to connect as the knives moved on their own, weaving around 
Blades sped past you, then sinking into your clothes and pinning you to the ground.  Jett drifted down and knelt next to you, a smug grin painted on her face
“So,” a blade twirled over her finger, “care to correct what you said about me and Venice?”
“I saw the footage, it was you.  I won’t work for people who shelter a monster.”
“IT WASN’T ME!”  Jett’s control slipped and the knife embedded itself next to your neck
“She took everything from me,” a few tears fell down from Jett’s cheek.  “You of all people should know what being slandered feels like!”
It was true Kingdom had done their best to scare the public after they lost track of you, and wasted no time showing how dangerous you were
“You want me to feel bad for you when you’re hunting me like them?  They took so much from me and you’re no different.” 
“Y/N, you don’t have anywhere to go.  Valorant stood with me against the world, I stay with them because they know I’m not the enemy.”
Silence gave you time to digest how genuine she was being.  You could see how wounded she was and what Valorant meant to her
“I want them to help you Y/N.  We both had our lives ruined but Valorant is our second chance.”
“I’m not against it, but even if I was you’ve already caught me.”
Jett rolled her eyes and helped you up
“Valorant will help you, it’s like a second family to me.  I hope it becomes that for you too.”
The fact Jett’s double had ruined her life was made clear to you once you were in the care of Valorant
Her anger flared whenever the photo would appear in the report Brimstone gave you.  Wind would pick up in the room, moving papers about
You signed on immediately when you realized that you could make a difference and stop the mirrors from unleashing more Spikes
“Jett, I’m sure Y/N is going to need some help navigating the protocol.  Do you mind giving them a tour of the premises?”
“Yeah, let’s go Y/N.  This place is huge so we should start now.”
You and Jett took a walk through the corridors of Valorant.  Jett took you first to the training room and showed you the scoresheet
“As you can see, I have some high marks but no big deal.”  Jett gloated, making sure a nearby Phoenix could hear here
She took you next to the living quarters and introduced you to Killjoy and Raze, both of whom greeted you excitedly
Jett next took you to the cafeteria, mainly to flex the fact she cooked last night
“I bet you’re hungry after everything, we can probably take a minute here and have some of the chap chae I made.”
You and her reheated the noodles and added some onions and carrots to it
“So Y/N,” Jett practically inhaled her food, “what were you thinking for a codename?”
You finished a bit of food, “I don’t really know what I’d go with.”  
“How about Nomad?  I mean it makes sense ‘cause you’re hard to catch.  Plus it sounds cool.”
“It does, we should use that!” you agreed
You and her finished up and cleaned your plates, then finished the tour 
“Y/N, Nomad, tomorrow Phoenix, Neon, and I are gonna get together for movie night.  You should totally join us!”
“I’ll be there!”  
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“Don’t try and run Y/N, you can’t escape me.”  Deadlock’s eyes trained on you, watching for any movement
She had you at gunpoint, pointing a Phantom at your chest ready to fire.  Her finger was slightly above the trigger
“Nobody is taking me prisoner!” you shouted before leaping out of the way and phasing into energy
Deadlock fired through you, the bullets disintegrating as they passed through you.  You sprinted through a wall and detransformed
That wasn’t so bad you thought to yourself as you began to make your way across the room you had entered
A beeping noise caught your attention as you exited, you searched for its source.  Then you looked to your left and saw the Sound Sensor
It concussed you and sent you reeling into the main room of the Kingdom outpost.  You spotted the exit on the second floor and dashed up the stairs
“YOU’RE NOT LEAVING MY TERRITORY Y/N!” a yell caught you off guard.  A blue string floated in front of your face for a single second
Then an onslaught of fibres wrapped your arms and legs, restraining you.  You did everything you could to escape but it was too late
The cocoon floated somewhere, but a brief minute later you felt yourself being picked up and carried outside
Bitter cold crept in through the gaps in the nanowire, causing you to shiver.  Then you felt yourself being rested on snow 
A knife cut through the web, a centimeter from your face.  It opened your face up to the chilling weather and Deadlock’s stoic expression
“Are you cold?  You keep moving like you’re shivering.”  Her voice was flat, unbothered by the freezing winds
“I-I’m f-f-fine, I don’t, n-need any he-help.” you did your best not to let her notice your teeth chattering
“You are an awful liar, we’re going back to the station.” Deadlock began a march back and threw you over her shoulder
“Put me down!” 
“You’ll freeze Y/N, I don’t want you to get frostbite.”
“Why?  You opened fire at me why does it matter if I get cold?”
“I know you don’t deserve to suffer out here, and I didn’t shoot to kill.  Valorant sent me to collect you but we won’t mistreat you.”  
“You’re part of Kingdom, I know you are.”
“I’m not, when our extraction arrives we’ll take you to our headquarters and you can see that we have your best interests at heart.”
You went silent, confused at the fact she was taking you back to the outpost instead of directly to her allies.  It wasn’t something a typical mercenary or Kingdom would do
“How long until they arrive?”
“A few minutes from now.”  Deadlock shut the door and laid you against a wall near a heating vent
“Rest Y/N, I don’t want you to freeze.”
Hours later, you were in the tropics at the Valorant HQ
You exited Brimstone’s office with a newfound appreciation for Valorant.  Your Mirror concerned both you and the agents around you
Brimstone had finished signing you up with the protocol, and you agreed to go to the armory to get an idea of what you would be training with 
Deadlock led you through the headquarters, giving you a brief tour of the base before stopping at the weapon room
“Y/N, we are going to go over weaponry while the others finish notifying the protocol about you and readying your quarters.”  Deadlock handed you a Guardian
“Take it and see how it feels.”  She watched you explore the rifle and attempt to take it apart.  Field stripping was not your strength
Deadlock began to help you, as well as go over the rest of the armory’s collection.  You learned how to clean the guns which seemed to be enough for Deadlock
“I’ll have a kit sent to your room, but I have to ask what were you thinking for a code name?”
“Every agent gets one, so we have to assign you one.”  She referred to her own ID card and took a seat at the firing range 
“Come on, I don’t have the slightest idea of what to put for one.  What would you put?”
Looking upwards in thought, Deadlock paused for a second before meeting your gaze
“They gave me my name because I can stall the enemy.  You specialize in moving and being unpredictable.”
You nodded in agreement
“Perhaps, Nomad?” Deadlock shrugged her shoulders
“You know that sounds good.  Put Nomad as my codename please.”  You felt the name around a bit before settling into the callsign
“Hey Deadlock,”
“Thank you for the name and for not letting me freeze.”
“It was no trouble at all.” 
(This might be the first of many -X Reader things, so follow me if you're interested. Comment your favorite parts so I know what people like to see!)
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illubean · 5 months
omg!! you’re doing valorant 👀
Can i ask you’re thoughts (head cannons) on how the agents would be around children? (who would hate them, tolerate, love, be extremely confused what to do)
Valorant Protocol with Kids
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Characters: Valorant Protocol except for a few of them Type: Headcanons
Warnings: none
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❥ They're practically still a kid themselves! Needless to say, they get along great with children and there's never a dull moment with them. They come up with countless games to play, getting the children tired enough by their bedtimes just because of all the fun they had.
-Gekko, Jett, Neon, Phoenix, Raze
❥ These agents are great with kids but don't relate with them on a personal level like some of the others. They're responsible and relyable if you ask them to babysit, making sure that the kids are safe and entertained. Maybe they can't come up with a million games to play, but they manage by letting the kid come up with a fun activity.
-Brimstone, Harbor, Sage, Skye, Sova
❥ Oh god why would you make them be around kids! They have no clue what they're doing and are so awkward, especially if the kids don't understand their adult language. Jeez, why can't these things just come built in with big words? The kids probably think these agents are boring or are afraid of them.
- Cypher, Deadlock, Fade, Iso, Killjoy, Reyna, Omen
❥ They don't necessarily like kids but make great babysitters none the less. They really rather not be bothered, but if they have to they're making sure to follow all of the babysitting instructions to a T. They're strict on bedtimes and will not negotiate if the kid asks for extra candy after dinner. They are always sure that the kids are fed, bathed with their teeth brushed and off to bed no later than 9pm!
-Chamber, Viper, Yoru
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wisteriaiswriting · 7 months
𝕊𝕖𝕟𝕥𝕚𝕟𝕖𝕝 𝕙𝕖𝕒𝕕𝕔𝕒𝕟𝕠𝕟𝕤
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Includes : If they smoke, vape, do blunts or none | Fav ice-cream flavours | Fav kissing places - giving and receiving | Height | Age | Extras
Words: 1317
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In his daily life he won’t do any. The exception being when he’s with any other rich people, most likely smoking one cigar of their choice before calling it quits.
He is someone who likes to put up a front, meaning the smallest things will be covered up, including his favourite ice-cream flavour. When with others he’ll only get vanilla, maybe even a milkshake. But when alone, he’ll eat a tub of honey comb. (Regretting it later for the brain freeze.)
Receiving: While everyone thinks he’s into pda he’s really not, preferring to have any affection behind closed doors. Loving gentle kisses on the side of his neck and butterfly kisses anywhere, since he can’t do the same unless he wants to not see you. Giving: He’s a fan of the classic hand and/or wrist, as it can lead to other things. Mainly grabbing your hand to lead you away, or at night he’ll let it cup his cheek while pulling you closer.
5’10 / 177cm
27 years old
Ever since his late teenage years his eyesight deteriorated, leading to him needing glasses 24/7 now. Unable to see anything clearly without them.
His parents were lightly into astrology, he was given a few books which led him to searching more about it. Currently he has an interest in it, which has been hidden well. But from time to time he will search for Astra around the base to ask and find out some things.
Back at his main residence he has a cat he raised since it was a kitten. It’s a pure white fluffy cat with mismatched eyes, a light brown and a light blue eye. Somehow Fade found out and managed to blackmail him to bring the cat over, for a visit. (It wasn’t a visit.) Eventually the cat just stayed.
The cat quickly found her favourites, Astra, Omen, Fade, Yoru and Reyna. If you looked for her most likely she would be with the protocols other cats. (Standing out since most of them were strays.)
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Has smoked in his younger years but when he met his wife she helped him slow down, completely stopping when she revealed she was pregnant with his child. Even after her death he never picked it back up.
If he buys his ice-cream he will buy a tub of hazelnut, he always has a tub somewhere ‘just in case.’ But if he manages to find the time he will make his own ice-cream, making different flavours of tea ice-cream. Storing them away from the others or they will be eaten.
Receiving: When you just start the relationship he won’t accept much kissing, except the occasional back of the hand. Later on he’ll open himself up to pulling his mask just over his nose for a cheek kiss, quickly pulling it down to hide the slight blush. Giving: Majority of his time on base is spent in his lab, which gives the perfect moments to surprise you. Any moment is perfect for him.
5’9 / 175cm
39 years old
We’ve seen how he likes his tea, but he also likes his coffee. Hand pressed coffee grounds, putting a small amount of sugar and creamer inside.
He already gets tea imported but will get more just for him and Sage to share. (They have a list of what ones they enjoy in order.)
In his room, tucked away but still grabable. Is a clearly aged box which he won’t replace, it’s a bunch of stuff from his wife and child. Photo albums, letters, some of her accessories. A pile of baby clothes and accessories, even their birth certificate is in a plastic folder.
The box is something he’ll never look at twice in one sitting. Only seeing the contents once a month.
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Iselin is one of the many agents who vape daily, although she can survive without it for a few. Has smoked a blunt a few times in her teenage years and once or twice in between missions, but has slowed down usage.
She will get a small craving from time to time, which she always listens to by indulging in cookies and cream ice-cream.
Receiving: No matter how far into your relationship she will always be 50/50 about kisses, but each end is alway extreme. On the affectionate side she’s all over you, they are also your lazy days. Not getting out of bed due to her crashing on you, leaving long and lazy kisses over your cheek and neck. The other side includes her staying away all day, using any excuse possible. Only seeing you when you both crash for the night. Giving: Ever since you started dating she’s quickly gained a habit after a shared mission, seeking you out to check up on you, ending it in a rushed but emotional kiss. Only ending when someone calls you both back, walking back all red and embarrassed.
5’9 / 175cm
26 years old
Ever since being recruited at the protocol she refuses to work with Gekko and his buddies, and due to her past she was granted an exemption.
Her relationship with Gekko is ‘complicated,’ (In her words.) she won’t say it but in reality she doesn’t hate him.
Ever since she got her prosthetic arm phantom pains have become a lot more present, and after being recruited into the protocol they’ve started showing at least once every week. Majority of them leave her arm unusable, this is a problem Sage is trying to help with.
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Killjoy has never done a blunt, smoked or directly vaped, but she has shotgunned with Raze. (Never doing it again.) She is borderline asthmatic so she stays away from most people when they do anything.
She isn’t the biggest ice-cream fan but will eat it. Is also a huge chocolate fan, causing her to get chocolate chip or double chocolate ice-cream.
Receiving: Loves affection but will not let that interfere with her work, on the battlefield and in her lab. Anytype will have it wait until she steps out of her lab, then she’ll smoother you in affection to make up for your lack of love. Giving: Out of all the agents at the protocol she could be labeled the biggest cuddler. Mixing all her love for affection will lead to constant cuddling sessions where you two just lay down and lazily exchange kisses.
5’8 / 175cm
24 years old
If you search her lab (not needing to go far) you’ll find her sketchbooks, many being covered in a range of stuff, mainly paint and oil. They are all full of drawings of 3 things, the other agents, her future tech plans or rare but detailed full page drawings. They are mostly places on missions.
She never sleeps, sometimes having 10 hours over the week. Meaning if you are around you’ll be forced to drag her back to bed, and not hers. Otherwise she’ll get up in the night, take her to yours and lock the door, then she’ll finally get a full night’s sleep. But once she’s in bed she’s out like a light.
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Sage  has never been interested in any and won’t do them if asked. Is a massive gum addict, mainly of mint.
Likes her ice-cream kinda basic, strawberry with extra chopped up strawberries.
Receiving: Sometimes she want’s what she gives, so please kiss her injuries once patched up. Enjoys having slower and more intimate kisses, doesn’t like rushing in any aspect. Giving: Isn’t a person who enjoys pda, so all types of affection will be behind closed doors. During her time at the protocol many of the agents have joked about her ‘kissing their injuries better,’ eventually leading her to do it for your injuries. 
5’7 / 173cm
28 years old
She is an avid tea drinker, and will only drink coffee if she’s having a late night. (Her and Cypher will have tea imported only for them to enjoy.)
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jesjokes · 2 months
My agent head canons :3
Brimstone: he’s such a supportive dad but also I could see him being a bear
Phoenix: Bisexual trans man
Sage: probably bisexual definitely a woman liker and trans fem
Sova: Trans man and mlm (hes so in love with harbor t4t)
Viper: Lesbian. No other way around that
Cypher: demiboy and 100% pan he doesn’t care and maybe poly
Rayna: bi and Demi girl
Killjoy: in lesbians with Raze 😻/ref also agender
Breach: trans bear 🙏 bi
Omen: aroace and agender, even pre accident he doesn’t seem like he’d be into anyone that and prefer platonic relationships and doesn’t fuck with gender
Jett: she likes women there’s no way (also trans fem)
Raze: lesbian
Skye: definitely Bi
Yoru: trans masc nb and mlm
Astra: non binary and pan
Kay/O: robot :3 (hes supportive and maybe a little fruity)
Chamber: token straight/J (hes the gayest of them all 🇫🇷) no but Fr he’s probably bi and a trans man
Neon: pan and non binary
Fade: butch lesbian (please save me 🙏)
Harbor: bi and leans towards men also trans man
Gekko: 100% trans masc nb and gay (hes so nb4nb with Iso)
Deadlock: Butch agender lesbian (again PLEASE save meee 🙏🙏🙏😋😋)
Iso: trans masc non-binary aroaceflux
Clove: amab Non binary and pan
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nyctophiliq · 11 months
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this series will include the following agents; reyna, viper, sage, neon, fade, killjoy, jett, deadlock, (later might include gekko, yoru, omen, sova, and harbor)
content warnings ! all of the stories will be public sex themed, reader always receiving, all chapters appropriately tagged on their own page
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keeping up appearances w/ sage ! x female-bodied reader, mention of jett
keeping up appearances w/ reyna ! x female-bodied reader
keeping up appearances w/ deadlock ! x trans girl reader, || ao3 exclusive
keeping up appearances w/ viper !
keeping up appearances w/ killjoy !
keeping up appearances w/ neon !
keeping up appearances w/ fade !
keeping up appearances w/ jett !
keeping up appearances w/ deadlock !
keeping up appearances w/ viper ! x trans girl reader, ao3 exclusive
keeping up appearances w/ killjoy ! x trans girl reader, ao3 exclusive
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valorant-drabbles · 7 months
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Here to declare that the Request Box is open!
I have writing experience spanning from literate to novella standards, though occasionally lack inspiration for prompts- so I welcome you to submit any ideas you’d like to see done!
You can request;
- Drabbles
- Headcanons
- xReader fics/hcs
- And More!
However, I will not be accepting:
- Smut / Kinks
- Intense/Detailed Gore
- Harmful Requests against a race, religion, sexuality, etc.
I also reserve the right to delete/reject any prompts that make me uncomfy :)
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cutiewutiepatootie · 2 months
I decided that I am confident enough in my writing to start writing my own fics so here’s a little bit about myself, what I will and won’t do, and the characters and fandoms I will write from. ENJOYYY
intro: Hello, my name is Emma and I’m a lesbian from the USA. A little bit about me is that I love resident evil, I love kpop and collecting kpop albums. I love twice, loona, childish Gambino, laufey, and a lot more!!…like seriously…I like way more artists than that. Not only do I enjoy to write but I also have a very deep passion for art (although I do get mad when my art doesn’t run out how envisioned it in my head…😣). That’s enough about me let’s get on to my info for fics
for fics I really won’t do multi chapter five as I just don’t have the time for it. I mostly enjoy doing drabbles, head cannons, and fics that are sort of lengthy if it’s a prompt I like.
what I 100% will write: fluffy stuff, angst, chubby reader, serious topics (as long as they aren’t too icky but if it’s like let’s say just for example somebody requests the reader/character has problems with their body image I will do that),character x character (depends if I like the ship or not tbh… but I probably will in most cases), wlw, afab reader(x reader is mostly what I’m specializing in🙏), and really anything unless it’s not on my ‘what I won’t write’ list but if you request something that has a certain prompt/though that isn’t on any of these lists but I don’t like it, just remember I’m allowed to freely decline;)
what I 100% won’t write: pregnancy (sorry….), smut, HEAVY angst, anything like at all that has to do with body fluids that aren’t blood (I know this one mostly dabbles into the smut topic but the people on this app seriously can have some peculiar ideas so I just felt the need to incorporate it🤷‍♀️), amab reader, trans reader (I know this can be taken the wrong way but I’m a fully cis person so if I were to write a trans character or reader the amount of times I’d probably say something that doesn’t make sense for the person being trans would get me deleted off the surface of the earth out of embarrassment 🧍‍♀️), mlm(again, can be taken wrongly, but I really just want to do wlw stuff😣😭), mlw (again, I really only want to do wlw stuff please don’t come for me…),any sort on non-con (I know it’s a serious topic and it also dabbles into the whole smut thing…which it really shouldn’t…that’s just like one of the only serious things that I’m not comfortable with writing)
Ok the moment you have been waiting for…what characters I right for!!
resident evil
Helena harper
Ada Wong
Claire Redfield
Jill Valentine
Ashley Graham
Sheva Alomar
Lara Croft
Samantha Nishimura
Ellie Williams
My inbox is fully open for requests and I currently have no ideas for fics so do what you can with that my lovelies <3
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onlyfrags · 2 months
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Last Updated: 5/24/2024
| Key: ✿ → SFW | ✦ → NSFW | β → Omegaverse | ⚠︎ → Dark content |
If you see someone you want that is not on this list, feel free to send me a request at any time! Just make sure to read the [Request Rules]
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*Untitled* | NSFW x GN Reader (In progress)
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Coffee talk | NSFW X GN Reader (IN PROGRESS)
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Reunions | Gekko X GN Reader (in Progress)
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Self Worth | Iso x Reader (in Progress) Iso is so used to being a weapon for others. What happens when someone reminds him that hes worth more than that now?
After work | NSFW x Reader (In progress) You and Iso help each other relax after another stressful mission
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✿ Yoru X Draconic Radiant S/O | Yoru X Male Reader ✿
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tsukioooo · 6 months
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Deadlock x Reader
Mentions of blood and wounds.
The loud booming sounds of runshoots seemed to be completely silent. The yelling, the shuffling of everyone's feet hitting the ground and taking off after each other. All the struggles and the heart wrenching sounds fell into a buzzing sound so silent yet so loud it disoriented you almost completely. 
Freezing cold feelings of dread took over your body. Hands slick with blood, you could get your pounding head to *think*. Your heart shrivels into nothing, almost completely stopping. 
A yell of your name shook you violently out of your panicked thoughts. 
You froze yet again. You couldn't just leave them here, you are their healer. As you made quick work of your ability on the fallen comrade you took in the look on their face, the paleness of their face to their open gunshot wound. 
You see the look in their eye, the one that begged you not to leave them. 
Another call of what sounded like Jett this time and from the sounds of it, yet another person was down. 
So much chaos, so much *pressure*. It was almost too much for you but you pulled yourself together. Completely healing the person laying on the ground in front of you, who let out a relieved sigh before jumping to their feet and taking in the dire situation. You made quick work of the next person, who somehow was in worse shape than the first.
 You sighed deeply once it was over. All of you completely silent on the way home, taking in the feeling of the adrenaline dropping and leaving you all sore. Most of your comrades asked for your help on the ride back to headquarters, trying to ease their torn muscles and tired bodies. 
You happily gave out your ability, even as you felt the fatigue catch up to you slowly but surely. 
Once you all made it back, you found yourself in the medical bay. Sitting your desk in your personal office, you decided a stiff drink was in order. 
As you were pouring out the alcohol into your whisky cup, you heard your door open slowly. 
“You choked.” 
You couldn’t help but flinch at the disappointed tone of voice.
You didn't want to turn around, you knew you’d see those normally kind soft eyes tinted with an emotion that put a pit in your stomach. That made you feel like despite the win, you still lost. 
“You can't do it again. You are their healer, their lifeline. As my underling, you must do better than what I just read in the report.” Her soft voice made you perk up a bit. Glancing back you took in the black haired monk who recruited you. Though she was stern there was a soft look in her eye. One of understanding. 
“Yes ma’am. It won't happen again.” 
“Good, now make your rounds and pour out the alcohol. Omen needs you in room 3.” 
You couldn't help but sigh as you poured out your drink, you didn't even get to take a sip. 
You shrugged it off as you did your rounds. The thoughts of your hesitation played over and over in your head for hours before you are released from your shift. 
You walked into your room, taking off the white professional jacket as your own smell hit you directly in the face like a brick wall. 
Damn you needed a shower. 
After you got back, you had no time. People needed tending to and Skye was still on a mission so you are the only other healer besides Sage here to take care of the agents. 
It felt nice to be in the hot shower. Feeling as the steaming hot water washed over you, calming your mind and loosening your stressed body. A much needed stress relief from a very bad day. 
You opened the curtains, getting ready to step out into the semi wet floor of the shared public shower house. The floor was a lot more slick than you anticipated because the next second, you are on your back in a puddle of shower water that completely soaked your fresh pair of pajamas. 
You felt tears gather in your eyes. 
What the hell was this? This day just kept getting worse and worse and there was nothing you could do but try and weather the storm. It makes your stress slowly creep into your muscles yet again, tightening your body up like a pretzel.
You slowly got up and made your way back to your room with a slight limp. 
A sweet smell of a familiar shampoo hung in your room as you came in. A certain blond perked up as you walked in, her eyes traveled over your half soaked body. She would have smiled if she didn't notice the look on your face. Defeat. Tired. Sad. Stressed. It was written all across your face, the tears you fought off earlier started to make themselves known at the sight of such a comforting and safe space with the person you love. 
She immediately stood up with a slightly alarmed face. There are no words as she crossed the room in seconds and had you pulled into her arms quickly. Her smell so soft, so familiar and comforting. It hit you so strongly it brought tears to your eyes.
She was so sweet as you talked to you as you changed. Avoiding asking about your day until you were ready to talk about it on your own. You spoke quietly about your day, talking about how everything went wrong. 
“Sit. I’ll do your hair.” She grabbed the semi wet towel and made you sit on the ground between her legs on your shared bed. 
“You did great. Despite what you may think, you are a wonderful agent. You deserve a break after today, maybe ask for some time off and we can go on that date we’ve been talking about?” A soft kiss to the top of your head made you smile. You nodded. 
She moved from doing your hair to giving you a quick massage of the shoulders and neck. By the time she was done you were completely tired and calmed down. 
“Come lay down.” Her soft voice filled my ears.
Once I was laying in the warmth of my bed I felt the day hit me. The stress and the pain, it was all washed away by calm and comforting hands. They traced my skin softly and slowly. Their warmth spread across my skin and warmed me up on the inside. It all made my heart ache with longing. 
I glanced up at her beautiful expression, gentle blue eyes waiting for me to settle down and fall asleep. My body seemed to relax her arms, her sweet eyes making my body go slack. 
The effect she had on me and my body was unfair. She calmed me down so fast. Made me feel safe. Made me feel at home. 
I couldn’t stop the smile from forming and neither could she. I almost stopped breathing when her lips touched mine. Quickly and quietly, a soft little peck to my lips made my entire being react. My toes curled, my breath hitched, my fingers found themselves grabbing onto her slightly. The feelings swirling inside me were calming and chaotic all at once. It was exhilarating. 
I wouldn’t stop the giggles as the blush on my checks went to my ears. I tucked my head into her chest and she wrapped her arms tightly around my body once more. Chuckling under her breath, she brought a hand to my ear to give it a gentle squeeze only to laugh at the squeak I released.
We both ended up falling asleep. Dreaming of each other and all was right in the arms of the one I love.
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scftm1ttens · 8 months
spreading the sage x deadlock agenda ❗️☝️
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mezzy-1 · 3 months
Hi! Yes! I’m the ask! I’m very excited hehe. The 4 agents I chose for: Iso, Jett, Sage and Deadlock. If I had to describe the reader’s personality they’d be like private/reserved sort of very calm and an experienced fighter, reader could be fighting against the selected agents (sort of like how you did Nomad and their recruitment? I really like Nomad btw).
I unfortunately wasn’t able to find Acheron’s exact capabilities but I did decide on a basis for the reader’s abilities (Ice or snow) also I did find a few clips for reference:
Reader Profile//  SNOWFALL
Your status as a radiant made you stand out in the world, and your abilities terrified those around you.  The Scions of the Hourglass made a deal with you, they would train and care for you and you’d help maintain their secrecy.  Abandoning your lonely existence, you became a master of your ability over ice and did work for the Scions.  Soon, you began to doubt your allies and were assigned a Valorant agent to kill as a final test of loyalty.  
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There was a stillness in the air, brought on by a combination of the night and the cold that blew through the streets of a desolate industrial district
You waited outside with binoculars trained on the sidewalks, waiting for your target.  Deciding that your stakeout was taking too long, you looked over the dossier again
Li Zhao Yu, aka. Iso, defected from the Scions months ago to join an organization called Valorant.  His skills rivaled yours, and his power over radianite was strong too
The picture included didn’t match up with the face of a hardened killer though
Below you spotted something purple flash from the windows of an abandoned factory.  You narrowed your eyes and watched for more
Iso was locked in combat with a number of radiants.  If it wasn’t for the dossier you would've been shocked at how dangerous he was
He dropped each of the radiants one by one.  All the while, he maintained an air of calmness with each shot
He exited the building carrying some strange triangular device.  He put his finger to his ear and muttered something to an unknown receiver
Realizing he was calling in some kind of extraction, you put your plan into action and activated your radiance
Wind began to swirl around as frost collected on broken windows.  You pulled your knife from its sheath and let ice collect along the blade
Swinging the blade, you launched the collected frost towards Iso.  Your careful aim drove the ice spear into his shoulder
Leaping from your vantage point, you jumped from the building and slid down to street level.  You readed a pistol as you got to Iso
“You shouldn’t have left us,” you said, cocking the action back on your gun.  “People like you are one of a kind.”
“If you’re with the Scions, then don’t waste my time.  I work with Valorant now, and I washed my hands of those monsters.”
“They aren’t monsters, they saved me!  I was nothing before they came and trained me!”
“I read some files on you, Y/N.  You were missing for years and turned into a weapon for them.  They fear you, they only want to control you and use your power.”
“Is that what you think?  Is that why you left for some bullshit organization that pretends to care about you?  The Scions are my family now, and I won’t disappoint them.”
“Valorant would take care of you if you decide to come with me.  We can avoid this fight if you stand down.”
“I’d rather die than be a traitor like you.”
“...fine Y/N.  What happens now is on you.”  Iso grabbed the ice embedded in his shoulder and threw it to the ground
Taking your chance to shoot, you suddenly found yourself on the defensive.  Iso had reached for his Sheriff while removing the ice
Bullets almost reached your head as you took cover and blocked out the area with a sudden freezing mist
You heard a window break and ran after the sound, finding yourself inside an abandoned machine shop
With your first steps in, a bullet ricocheted off the wall behind you and sparks danced from the impact
As you moved farther in, more shots came from the darkness.  Iso was tired, injured, and had to hide
“Good.” you thought.  You began dropping the temperature around you while placing your knife in its sheath and charging it with cold
Iso’s breath was now visible from the frigid air.  He was hidden behind a hydraulic press and breathing quietly
You pulled the knife slowly from the sheath, letting ice condense onto it and extending it into a long icy blade
Silently, you moved about the shop.  Your footsteps were quiet from the stealth training you endured
As you moved towards Iso, violet hexagons crept underneath you and made contact.  You fell into the floor and were dropped into some strange realm
The dossier missed the fact that Iso could do this, because you were quickly disoriented by the rush of purple
“Y/N this is your last chance to stand down.  I’m not here to kill you, I want to leave that part of me in the past with the Scions.” echoed throughout the space
Iso appeared in front of you and you charged forwards with your blade, directly for his neck.  You sliced and crescent of frozen air spun towards his throat
He raised his hand and conjured a wall in front of him.  The ice slammed into the hardened tiles as you continued with your attack
Iso turned his wrist and pulled the trigger once.  The bullet went right for your head, and by closing the distance you were in even more danger
Suddenly you were back in the shop and Iso was in front of you
“Dui Bu Qi” he whispered before the world went dark around you
You awoke in a room lit by a single light and restrained in a chair.  Your head was sore and the room was almost spinning
“You’re finally up Y/N.  Hao de, we can finally talk.”
“I have nothing to say to you, just kill me because I won’t tell you anything about the Scions!” you spat back
“I already have all the information I could ever want on them.  I don't need you to betray them for me.”
“You’re one to talk about betraying the Scions.”
“They won’t come to save you, now that they know you’ve been captured.  If anything they’ll either try and kill you or assume you’re dead.”
“No!  They’ll come for me, they’ll make you pay for taking me prisoner!”
“You were sent to kill me when I defected.”
Iso’s truth buried itself in a growing pit of despair in your stomach.  It was so obvious they would save you but something in you began to pull at that conviction
Tears streaked down your face and turned to snowflakes as they fell.  The realization that you would never have your life in order finally fell on you
A warm hand found its way onto your shoulder.  Iso’s palm met yours despite the freezing cold temperature
“Bie ku Y/N.  Don’t worry I know it looks lonely but you won’t be walking away from them alone.  I’m here for you if you need to talk.”
“They were everything to me, but they…they’d kill me just like they’d kill anyone.  Did I ever mean anything to them at all?” you asked already knowing the answer
“It doesn’t help to think of them right now, what matters is that Valorant will care about you.  We aren’t here to kill or control, we just want to do right.” 
You looked up and in your state your power began to escape.  You began to grow colder and shivered slightly
Iso took his hand off of you and began to unzip his jacket
He draped it over your shoulders
“Y/N, you’re freezing.”
“It happens when I’m worried, I think I’ll be fine.”  you tried to avert your eyes but couldn’t pull them from Iso
“Are you saying you want to join Valorant then?”  Iso leaned in towards you
“I don’t have anywhere else to go, but you’ve been so patient with me.  I feel horrible for what I tried to do, but you’re being kind and I want to repay that somehow.” 
“I’ll talk to my higher ups and get you a room at the HQ.  While we wait, we should find a way to keep you warm.  Do you drink tea?”
“Sure, what kind do you have?” 
Having tea with Iso was the first of many moments you shared with the assassin.  Both of you had your respective pasts entwined, but that only brought you closer
Eventually it became a routine, meeting with Iso and just talking for hours on end about whatever you both thought
Months later, you realized that Valorant had become a second home for you.  It was all thanks to Iso
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illubean · 5 months
Valorant Masterlist
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The Orange Theory Valorant Protocol with Kids
The Orange Theory Valorant Protocol with Kids Valorant Protocol as Highschool Stereotypes
The Orange Theory Valorant Protocol with Kids
The Orange Theory Valorant Protocol with Kids
The Orange Theory Valorant Protocol with Kids
The Orange Theory Valorant Protocol with Kids Valorant Protocol as Highschool Stereotypes
The Orange Theory Valorant Protocol with Kids
The Orange Theory Valorant Protocol with Kids Sugar and Stardust If You Need a Muse Rainy Days Clay and Crushes Valorant Protocol as Highschool Stereotypes
The Orange Theory Valorant Protocol with Kids Valorant Protocol as Highschool Stereotypes
The Orange Theory Valorant Protocol with Kids Valorant Protocol as Highschool Stereotypes
The Orange Theory Valorant Protocol with Kids Valorant Protocol as Highschool Stereotypes
The Orange Theory Valorant Protocol with Kids
The Orange Theory Valorant Protocol with Kids Valorant Protocol as Highschool Stereotypes
The Orange Theory Valorant Protocol with Kids Valorant Protocol as Highschool Stereotypes
The Orange Theory Valorant Protocol with Kids
The Orange Theory Valorant Protocol with Kids Valorant Protocol as Highschool Stereotypes
The Orange Theory Valorant Protocol with Kids Valorant Protocol as Highschool Stereotypes
The Orange Theory Valorant Protocol with Kids
The Orange Theory Valorant Protocol with Kids From Spite to Sunshine Jealousy is Green Valorant Protocol as Highschool Stereotypes
The Orange Theory Valorant Protocol with Kids Valorant Protocol as Highschool Stereotypes Mr. Arrogant
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wisteriaiswriting · 1 month
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| Playlist🎧 |
Headcanons ❀
Fear of Needles ❀
Being Brave ❀
Voiceline Headcanons ❀
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| Playlist🎧 |
Headcanons ❀
Fear of Needles ❀
Easy Peasy Lemon Squeezy ❀
Underestimated ❀
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| Playlist🎧 |
Headcanons ❀
Jealous Headcanons ❀
Scarred ﹅
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| Playlist🎧 |
Headcanons ❀
Kissing Headcanons ❀
Danger Prone S/O ❀
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| Playlist🎧 |
S/O Who Likes To Garden ❀
Headcanons ❀
Hair Headcanons ❀
Domestic Hcs ❀
S/O Spiked Drink
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caramel1mochi · 10 months
Weekend Together [Gekko x F! Reader] [2]
Heya! Welcome back!
Thanks for all of the likes, reblogs and follows, I can't tell you how much I appreciate every interaction on my posts! Also I feel a bit better I'm not the only one simping for fictional men, haha...
Anyway, please be patient with my abhorrent formatting I JUST discovered that shift + enter is a thing that exists and I'm very humiliated.
Gekko x F! Reader
Part 1 - Part 2
Genre: Fluff
Synopsis: Gekko gets over his anxiety and finally asks you out, watching delightfully as you finally let your guard down. Or so he thinks.
。+❤ฺ·。❤ฺ·。+❤ฺ· +❤·。❤ฺ·。+❤ฺ·
Jett looked toward the group, clearly irritated.
“그 잘난 체하는 작은… we’ll show him, I’ll empty his wallet one of these days!” <That smug little…>
“Are you gonna mug him, or something?”
Gekko joked, but was quickly silenced once everyone’s eyes locked onto him; a sense of determination flooding each and every one of them. Maybe... too much determination.
Killjoy spoke up.
“Warten! The date! You’re going on that date, Gekko!” <Wait!>
“That’s right! You’ll go on that date and ask her where she’s from!”
Wingman gurgled on Jett’s lap, forcing a smile on the Korean’s face. Gekko quickly looked down on his bag to notice the empty display. But after the fifth time, he was hardly surprised she managed to steal him under his nose.
“See? Even Wings agrees!”
“That’s not what he–”
“Please, Gekko? For me? Think what that money could–”
Just as she went to speak another word to guilt him into following through, he put a hand on her face and pushed her away with an unamused expression.
“I’m not using A/N just so you guys can win a bet. She'd kill us if she found out, you know that?”
“Come on, fam. You’ve stalled for a whole week already! She’s probably forgotten about that Deadlock thing by now!”
Gekko blushed and leaned back on the seat once more. True. He’d even picked out a location and everything. Even the perfect time to go, one that would align with your schedule. But he just couldn’t make the first move, not when you’d barely even bother to say ‘hey’ back.
“Chale, man, I don’t even know how to ask her.” <No way,>
“Mate, look around you! You’ve got so much good advice just waiting to be handed to you. All you have to do is ask!”
He lifted his chin and looked towards the obvious solution that sat literally just opposite to him. That’s right, Killjoy and Raze, a set of warm smiles lifting their cheeks. The first ever officially established couple in the protocol.  How could he be so stupid? They're right there! He could just ask–
“Erm, mate, I wasn’t talking about them.”
Gekko met his gaze with a raised eyebrow.
“Okay, fine. Show me your ways, wise sage.”
Even when you were getting ready for bed, you had to run around for your nightly routine to make sure everything was ready. And by the time you finally laid down, covered yourself with the blanket and closed the lamp next to you, your phone buzzed with a notification.
With a deep sigh, you took the phone and checked the oncoming text. But it was from the last person you’d expect.
‘Are you free tomorrow?’
Ugh. Tomorrow was supposed to be your private time. By the looks of things, he was about to follow up on that promise he made a week ago.  And what you hated more was that you remembered.
‘Yes. What is it?’
‘I was wondering if we could go out?’
Oh. Wow. 
You didn’t know what to say, really. He actually followed through. When’d he get so bold, anyway? He could hardly muster up a sentence around you, not when he starts acting like a teen who’s experiencing their first ever crush in their entire life. 
Oh wait.
But it still surprised you. Usually, you’d hang out with the posh ones. Professional, poise, well spoken. Two-faced. Which is why you were one of the superiors. So, in a way, Gekko was a refreshing change of pace.
So, whatever.
‘Sure. What time?’
Unbeknownst to you, as you put your phone down and covered yourself with your blanket, this simple text made Gekko’s heart skip enough beats it nearly constituted an emergency.
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darthladyofillusions · 7 months
I want to look into Fade ships’ canon material (voicemails, mails, agent takeovers etc) and to see what is there and also share my opinion on why it may be popular/unpopular and also my opinions/ headcanons on it.
I will make sure to be as unbiased as I can be. So…
Not all ships that have at least one piece of content made about them are here. If you want to see a ship that is not on the poll you can comment it and I will take it into consideration. 😊
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