#sad little meow meow in a straw hat
x-crowmancer-x · 4 months
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new angst baby just dropped
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heartsforseo · 2 months
Straw hats x cat! reader
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Summary: You were just playing around in your room and one of your spells made you a temporary cat. request=open requested: <yes> <no> wc: 1,120 ft: straw hats
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⭑First of all, Luffy would call out your name EVERYWHERE.
⭑If you didn't respond, he would use his Gum-Gum Fruit to climb the crow's nest.
⭑But, sadly, he didn’t see u. But instead, a small cat sitting on top of the merry’s head.
⭑He’d used his gum-gum powers to go to the cat and would tilt his head to the side due to confusion.
⭑But no worries since he’d smile and try to pet the cat.
⭑Would honestly forget about you and would just wanna play with the cat (which IS technically you...)
⭑The next day though, he'd try to look at the cat again (HE WANTS TO PLAY!!).
⭑Though when he saw you, he'd be happy again!
⭑Would invite you to look for the cat with him but give up 5 minutes later.
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⭑You promised Zoro to spar with him after lunch.
⭑However, when he arrived at the crow's nest, a cat was waiting for his arrival.
⭑He won't pay mind to the sitting cat, instead, he'd use that time to train.
⭑But, the sun is starting to set and the cat hasn't moved an inch. He's getting pissed.
⭑Would mumble a curse and say stupid. But the cat meowed at him.
⭑He FINALLY looked at the cat and said, "What?"
⭑You'd growl at him and scratch his pants.
⭑He was honestly deciding to kick you but noticed your similar features and FINALLY REALIZED.
⭑Would laugh at you and pet you. He also realized that he likes cuddling with you!
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⭑Poor man, save Sanji from this hell.
⭑When he didn't see u in the dining hall eating, he was worried.
⭑Would asked Robin and Nami if they saw you, but both the girls said no.
⭑After everyone left to do whatever and Sanji finally overcame his breakdown, he saw a small cat standing at the center of the table.
⭑He was honestly angry at first. Who's cat is this? And don't they know that they shed a lot!?
⭑But when he took a closer look at you and a super deep inhaling, he finally realized it was you.
⭑"Is that really you, Y/n?" he said.
⭑You meowed back, happy that Sanji recognized you immediately.
⭑He'd pet you and hug you (He wanna spend time with you ok? Especially if ur taller than him. NOW HE'S LARGER >:))
⭑The rest of the day was just u sleeping on the counter, occasionally getting pets from him.
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⭑You were hanging around Nami's tangerine trees, trying to hide from the sun.
⭑She finally finished drawing the last island that you guys went to. So, of course, she wanted to rest for a while.
⭑And what better way to do it than to eat one of her tangerines?
⭑She took a step forward but was blocked. She looked down and saw a little kitty sleeping.
⭑She cooed on the sleeping cat and picked it up gently, scared to awaken it.
⭑Nami would then go to her office and lay you on her desk, admiring your sleeping form.
⭑She would take a piece of paper to put every question she has for you and try to communicate with you.
⭑When she finally noticed that the cat was you, SHE WAS SQUEALING!
⭑She was kinda sad that you can't turn into a cat at will though.
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⭑Ussop was bored and was just walking on the green grass.
⭑Suddenly he tripped and fell. He then would look back and notice a cat sleeping.
⭑The cat, who was formally sleeping stretched its body.
⭑Ussop, honestly, was scared at first. He WAS sure there wasn't anything lying around. But when he turned around, he sent out a relief of sigh.
⭑"It was just a cat," he had thought, "WHAT IS A CAT DOING HERE?"
⭑Bro was shaking. Though you just glared at Ussop, disturbing your sleep.
⭑Would sit down and play with you.
⭑Bro exhausted you and got you back to your human form quicker than 24 hrs.
⭑W Ussop
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⭑Chopper was reading a book in his office when he heard some scratching on the other side of the door.
⭑Chopper opened the door and saw you frowning.
⭑He immediately recognized it was you. From your features to your smell.
⭑When I tell you his eyes were sparkling, it was SPARKLING.
⭑He invited you to his office and tried to talk to you. Since he was an animal by heart, it was the easiest to talk to him.
⭑You honestly had a good fun chat with Chopper.
⭑He told you fun facts about cats and how they used to be worshipped.
⭑Honestly, 10/10. Just come to Chopper.
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⭑Robin was just hanging around the deck of the merry. Reading as she pleased.
⭑Until she heard some meowing beside her.
⭑She looked down and saw a cat. Though it was her first time seeing it, she felt a sense of familiarity.
⭑"Y/n?" she spoke.
⭑You meowed back, happy that Robin noticed you.
⭑She made a few jokes about you staying like that forever. (It made u scared and u started meowing faster.)
⭑Robin chuckled and used her devil fruit to tickle you.
⭑And from exhaustion, it made you turn back to normal. YEY!!
⭑Now, whenever someone from the crew gets turned into a cat, Robin just needs to exhaust them, and they'll turn back to normal.
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⭑You were gonna surprise Franky 'bout being turned into a cat.
⭑You weren't looking in your direction and fell into a massive tub of cola.
⭑Franky saw you and used his mini hands to save you.
⭑You stuck your tongue out to the cyborg man who was in a state of confusion.
⭑"Owh! Y/n! This is SUPPPERRRR weird!" he said.
⭑He'd honestly play with you in your cat form. I mean, he's superrr excited!!
⭑He also got u back on ur normal form. YEY!!
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⭑Brook felt something heavy on top of his head.
⭑He tried taking off his hat and feeling his hair, but nothing was there.
⭑It's when Brook lost his balance and you fell on his hands. (Thanks to his great reflexes)
⭑You had a smug face when you saw the skeleton's shocked face.
⭑He'd just forget about it and make a welcoming song for you though.
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⭑Jimbei was just steering the ship when he heard meowing behind him.
⭑He saw a cat that was sitting down.
⭑Jimbei thought that it was somebody's pet. And since he was the newest person in the crew, he had no right to throw the cat.
⭑He picked you up and put you on his shoulders. The clean breeze hitting your fur.
⭑You fell asleep on his shoulders and woke up on your bed, feeling a sense of exhaustion on your hands and legs.
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namis-gf · 4 months
i love the dynamic law has with the straw hats. he’s a stray cat they adopted who goes many places without them and is super independent but sometimes he is also just a little sad sopping wet meow meow who needs to be looked after
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kee-writestrashh · 5 years
Guns for Hire
Ramsay Bolton x Reader
Summary:  You are the wife to the Heir of the Red Kings, Ramsay Bolton. living the undercover life of a mob wife has its perks, and you love your husband. But you find out something that seems to unfold a series of unwanted events…
Chapter 52: Wind of Change
[You: meet me in the den in 10.]
You stood there wondering if you had time to make it to your bedroom to change before having to be in the living area.
[Matt: already here.]
You'd better not risk it. Ramsay was already stressed and on the verge of a snap.
[Ben: 10-4]
[Alyn: give me like 5 min.]
[You: better hurry or I will break your knee caps, Alyn!]
You examined the ugly curtains as you walked down the hall. Those would definitely have to go. What century were they even from? Gross.
You entered the den to find Matt and Alyn, arguing over baseball teams.
"What's up?" Alyn asked as you took your seat beside him.
"I want to get Rams out for the night. He's turning into a cranky old businessman." You said with a heavy sigh.
"I can't go. Race night. Have a spot to defend." Alyn said with an apologetic shrug.
You frowned and shot a look at Matt, who quailed under your glare.
"I'm free." He said quickly as Ben walked in, looking rather angry.
"Stop yelling at me, woman!" He yelled as Carmen could be heard shouting from down the hall.
"Not even going to ask you, because you're coming. You could use a drink or five." You said as Ben threw himself in a chair with an irritable growl.
"Where we goin'?" Matt asked.
"Dunno. I'm always just along for the ride, you boys can choose."
"Well, what are you wanting to do?" Ben asked, eyeing you closely.
"Find someone for my husband to take his frustration out on." You said.
Ben gave an understanding nod, "right. Got a couple places we could go. Are you feeling expensive rich or just rich?"
You snorted, "does it matter?"
"Nah, rich people are shitbags." Ben chuckled, motioning to your group.
"Hey, don't include me in that. I'm not rich." Matt chuckled.
"Nah, you just now have temporary residence in a manor where people wait on you hand and foot, make more money a week than most do in a month, own a brand new Corvette with thousands of dollars of custom work done on top of the list price, and head a street gang with a bloody reputation." Ben laughed, "oh, and at the age of eighteen. You are such a little Ramsay."
Matt flushed, shrugging in defeat, giving a shy grin.
Ramsay walked in, looking your group over. So small now with Damon gone. And even Yellow Dick. You wondered if Ramsay would fill in Yellow Dick's spot?
"Well?" He asked, looking over at you.
"I have two of three." You said, hopefully.
"Who's being a party foul?" Ramsay asked, frowning.
Alyn raised his hand, "Racing tonight."
Ramsay tutted and sucked his front teeth, "ever find out what happened to the Stark girl?"
Ben shook his head, "nothing. She's a ghost apparently. Like the rest of her family."
"Hm." Ramsay hummed, "Well I guess it doesn't matter. Where are we going?"
"There's a new club that just opened up on the north strip, not our kind of place. But it's  No Man's Land. I'm sure we could drop some elbows on Lions and Stags. Got some men itching to make some money." Ben said giving Ramsay a sly grin.
"Then let's go drop some elbows. We leave in three." Ramsay smirked, glancing down at his watch.
"I don't have to wear a tie do I? I'm really not cut out for that." Matt hummed, pulling his hat down over his eyes, crossing his arms, and pushing himself back into the couch as far as he could.
"I won't make you wear a tie, but you're not going to look like a slob, representing me." Ramsay said, kicking Matt's dirty shoes.
"Yessir." Matt yawned, pulling a blanket over him.
You rose from your seat, stomach rumbling.
"Well, I'm going to go raid the fridge." You said leaving the Boys.
You stood there staring at the shelves of the refrigerator with a small frown.
"Whatcha doin'?" Kaden asked, from his spot at the bar, drinking from his straw.
"Well it would seem that your Cousin Damon is hungry, but nothing seems appetizing to him." You sighed, closing the door.
"What kind of things does he like? Maybe you could add them all together." Kaden said, eyeing your belly.
You laughed, "I don't think it would taste very good honestly. What do you have goin' on there?"
Kaden held up a dinosaur chicken nugget, "Abuela made me dinner before she went to help mama. You can have some if you like."
"Dinos it is, then." You laughed. He beamed.
You made a plate and sat beside Kaden, who kicked his feet against his stool.
"What kind of vegetables do you like?" You asked.
"Peas are my favorite. And green beans. And corn." Kaden said brightly, looking down at his plate.
"Hm. Me too. Uncle Ramsay hates peas." You said, pushing your peas around on the plate.
"Well he just don't know what he's missin'." Kaden said, chewing on his straw.
You laughed. He sounded just like his father. Children. Perfect miniature versions of their parents. For the sake of your sanity, hopefully your son was more like you, not that you were any better than your husband... But maybe not quite so wild.
"So... do you eat the head or the tail first?" You asked, examining the t-rex closely.
"Depends." Kaden shrugged, tearing into his nugget.
"On?" You asked, watching the boy with a grin.
"Oh, don't be stupid. It depends on the time of day and rotational tilt of the earth in the fourth year in the trans-something-or-another orbital... shit." Ramsay said with an air of superiority, yet finishing rather lamely.
You snorted and rolled your eyes, pulling your hand away from him.
"Get your own, good sir." You shrieked, waving your husband away.
"I'm afraid mine have all gone extinct." Ramsay sighed in mock sadness, glancing down at his watch, "they all moved from Jurassic Park to Jurassic World."
You laughed. Kaden crinkled his brows in confusion.
"Kid! Why did you let her force those nasty little things on you?" Ramsay said in distaste, looking down at the peas.
"We like peas." You said, sticking your tongue out.
"Yeah. We like the good stuff." Kaden pipped up, finally setting his fork down long enough to speak.
"Knock some sense into you, boy." Ramsay tutted, taking a seat beside you.
You looked at your husband fondly. He was quite a character. How could someone so full if anger and rage, and yet act like he had no emotions, be so charming and funny? How did he do it?
"Ah! There you are, tiny ese. I've been looking everywhere for you." Ben sighed, walking in.
"Sorry, he was my dinner date." You said, offering a smile, holding up your nugget and biting its head off.
"Nah, it's cool. Just didn't want my ass chewed by the devil woman." Ben said, glancing around hopefully for food, swiping a handful of nuggets from the tray. "You know, these are the best drunk food. Kid you not."
"Children." Ramsay tutted, rolling his eyes.
"Says the man with thirty boxes of Scooby-Doo gummy snacks." You said with a sly grin.
He shrugged, pushing his stool away from the bar and standing.
You finished the last of your food, "sweetheart, I enjoyed our dinner. Maybe we can do it again sometime. Maybe you can help me make pizza. I make really good pizza dough."
"The best." Alyn added, walking in, "right I'm out of here. Need to change tires. I'll be back sometime tonight. Don't plan on racing all night, but got some other shit to do."
"Like what?" Matt asked, walking in behind Alyn, swiping a soda off the counter.
"Your mom." Alyn chuckled, side stepping Matt's fist and shaking Ramsay's hand.
"Well, I'm going to go get dressed, I guess, while you three pregame." You said, sliding from your stool.
Ramsay slapped your ass as you walked past. You threw him a dirty look, heat rising in your face as Kaden giggled.
Halfway up the stairs you ran into Carmen.
"Have you seen my little one?" She asked.
"Him and I just finished dinner. He was still in the kitchen with Ben when I left." You smiled, pushing up the stairs.
You glanced out a window at a cloudy, twilit sky as you walked past.
"Whew. I'm getting too pregnant for this." You muttered, crossing your room to your closet. You glanced the dresses over with a small frown as the door clicked behind you. Grey fuzz and a tiny meow wound around your leg as you turned to see Ramsay standing there.
"There you are. I was beginning to worry you were lost somewhere." You said with a small smile, glancing down at Herman. You looked up at your husband, "what am I dressing for? Is it cold?"
"A bit of a chill in the air. Just be grungy. We are rich enough to afford that look without being looked down on." Ramsay shrugged, pulling his tie from over his head and tossing it on the bed.
You crossed over to him, slowly unbuttoning his shirt and kissing each bit of skin you exposed.
He drew a deep breath, resting his hands on your hips as you kissed across his chest. The cuts from the night before still hot and angry, yet scabbed over nicely... or as nicely as scabs and cuts went.
"How was work?" You asked, resting you cheek to his left breast and listening to his heartbeat.
"Fucking bullshit. Losing roughly twelve point five in sales, as everything burnt to the ground. Someone, and if I ever find out who, they are more than dead, set up some dodgy fucking insurance scam. So all building and replacing will come out of pocket. So that's easily another three to four months of lost income." He said bitterly.
"Yes, maybe... But, the bar opens next Saturday. And you've projected a decent amount of legit income from that." You said with an encouraging smile as you pulled away from him to find a pair of jeans and band tee.
"When is the last time you talked to Olyvar?" He asked, stepping into the closet with you, nudging the cat out of the way.
"Hmm... been a couple days. Why?" You said, grabbing a pair of jeans from a hanger.
"Just curious. You seem rather distant from him in the last few months." He shrugged, examining two pairs of jeans.
"We've all had a lot going on. He understands. But after the bar opens, we will be able to see one another a lot more." You said, sliding your pants down, and pulling your shirt off to change.
"Is it weird that I find you extremely fucking hot while you're pregnant?" He asked, running his eyes over you with a wolfish grin.
"I'm going to say no, for the sake of my self-esteem." You grinned, struggling to button your pants and finally giving up with a frustrated sigh.
Ramsay pulled you into him, nipping at your ear, "leave them like that. I will make it worth it."
"Is that so?" You purred, pushing a finger into his bare chest.
"Have I ever failed you yet, little mama?"
You gave an embarrassed grin, pulling a shirt from its hanger and sliding it over your head.
"How long do I have?" You asked, walking into the bathroom and crossing the cold marble floor to a vanity in the corner.
"Long as you want." Ramsay shrugged, leaning in the doorway and watching you as you plugged a curling iron in.
"Well, give me about thirty minutes and I will be ready." You said, looking at him through the mirror.
"Aye, aye." Ramsay hummed, pushing off the door frame and leaving.
Ramsay helped you from the car, dropping the keys in the valet's hand and grabbed the teenager by the front of his shirt, "fuck her up at all and I will kill you. Literally." He growled, shoving the kid away from him.
"Y-yes sir." The kid nodded, eyes wide in fear, clutching the keys to his chest.
You grabbed Ramsay's hand and pulled him along, "stop being so grouchy."
Ramsay clucked, "I'm not grouchy, woman."
"Mhm, and I'm not almost six months pregnant." You replied, leading him to where Ben and Matt were leaning against a wall.
"Haven't seen that shirt in a minute." Ben said, glancing your shirt over.
You had chosen one of Ramsay's old band tees, as none of your shirts were long enough to hide the fact that your pants were unbuttoned and only halfway zipped.
"Yeah, guess I had left it in my closet when I left home. Shit ton of other things I forgot I had." Ramsay said, looking at the shirt with an almost uncharacteristically sad smile, that made you feel as though you should have chosen something else.
"Scorpions, man. Best concert ever. I miss Dame whistling 'Wind of Change'. He always did it at the worst times." Ben grinned with the same sad look.
You gave Matt a quick glance who gave you the same look. Two outsiders intruding on heartbreak.
Ramsay laced his fingers in yours and led you through the doors.
It was loud, dim, and you could feel the music drumming in your chest as people walked around wearing glow sticks and very revealing clothing.
You pulled Ramsay along with you to an empty table near the most vacant side of the club.
You made to sit but Ramsay pulled you into his lap as Matt and Ben waded through the crowd towards the bar.
You watched people dance, laugh, and shout at one another in loud, drunken voices as Ramsay rested his chin on your shoulder, occasionally biting at your neck.
Ben returned with a tray of shots, and a few moments later Matt returned with Tyene on his arm, who was closely followed by Obella.
You smiled brightly at them both and gave them brief one armed hugs.
Ben passed out the shots and Matt sat a glass of water in front of you as you shed your jacket, placing it in the empty chair beside you were a shot for Damon had been set.
"So glad you came. We have some news." Tyene said, sitting beside you and Ramsay.
"Well, spill the beans." You prompted, leaning forward to rest your elbows on the table as Ramsay ran his hand up the back of your shirt, tugging at your bra strap.
"Tyrion Lannister has been spotted, in the presence of some blonde. No one seems to know exactly who she is. Working on that. Cersei is going off the deep end. Really twisting the Tyrell's into doing all her dirty work. Heard she's about to put in for running for mayor", -Ramsay snorted into his glass- "Right? Anyways, Feds are crawling all over. Upturning every rock. Asking all kinds of questions to all kinds of people. Offering safety and amnesty for cooperation and shit. It's getting weird." Tyene finished by taking a long drink from Matt's glass.
"Maybe I should have Alyn drop the spot and not race tonight..." Ramsay said thoughtfully, glancing at his watch again.
You squirmed in discomfort as baby movements caught you unawares in the ribs.
"But you girls are safe? No problems from anyone?" You asked, glancing the club over and taking a sip of water.
"Not yet. Just a matter of time. With Papa's record, we will be targeted." Obella cut in.
You looked at the two girls and frowned, "keep your ears and eyes open, but don't engage in anything. Please. For your safety. The Boys and Kings can take care of the muscle. Report anything suspicious to me immediately. I will come by the shop tomorrow. I'm taking my soon to be sister in law dress shopping and all that jazz. Mostly I'm just ready to cake taste, but... whatevs."
"You didn't tell me that." Ramsay frowned, giving you a hard look and digging a nail into your back.
"Sorry baby. I guess I forgot. Kind of been a long few days." You said, offering an apologetic smile.
He merely clucked in annoyance, watching people walk by.
You leaned back into Ramsay who seemed to have melted into his chair as he continued to drink and light cigarette after cigarette.
"You okay?" You asked, kissing at his ear.
"Fine." He sighed, wrapping his arms around you, resting his hands on your belly.
"Liar." You hissed, grinding your ass into his pants.
He pushed his hips into you and let a smirk form.
"You are evil." He chuckled, sitting up straight and pulling you further back into him.
"I learned from the best." You winked, nipping the corner of his mouth.
"Have you found someone yet? I'm getting bored. This place blows."
"Bored? Well we can't have that now, can we?" You said, standing up and glancing around.
"What are you doing?" He asked, resting his elbows on the table and watching you through narrowed eyes.
"Making it a bit more fun." You grinned walking away into the crowd.
You glanced back to see Ramsay sitting there in momentary confusion before he rose from his seat, as someone bumped you in the arm.
You turned to see who it was. A very drunk man, who grabbed your arm painfully with a grin.
You looked at him in disgust and pulled away from him. You glanced him over quickly, taking his image in so you could find him later before pushing on further into the alcohol perfumed crowd.
You glanced around to find yourself alone in a group of strangers, all having a good time. It was hot and you quickly grew tired of people bumping into you, afraid someone may accidentally hurt your pregnant belly. You pushed through the crowd until the breathing air became a bit cooler, and moving space was more ample. You turned to give a sweeping glance over the crowd again, grinning in triumph that you had given your husband the slip.
You turned back around and stifled a small gasp as Ramsay pressed his lips harshly to yours.
"Nice try. But I believe you are now 'it'." He chuckled, pulling you in closer, and sliding his tongue in your mouth.
You closed your eyes, relaxing into him, running your tongue over his, tasting the alcohol and cigarette smoke.
He pulled away from you when you were both breathless.
"I found the man I want to kill." You panted, pulling him back in for another kiss.
"Show me." He murmured against your lips with a dark grin.
"I don't know where he went. But he's wearing a dark button up with a purple tie. Dark hair, grey eyes. Wearing a stupid smirk like he owns the goddamn place." You said, glancing around again.
"Dark shirt, purple tie. Got it." He hummed, tugging you back along to your table.
It was as if the heavens knew how to deliver, as the man sat at your table, having a seemingly good time with your girls, Ben, and Matt.
Ramsay caught your eye and you gave a tiny nod and shrug.
"And who is our friend here?" Ramsay asked in polite interest, eyes glittering in the thrill of the hunt.
"Names Cley. Cley Cerwyn." The man said, glancing you over again.
"Hm. That last name sounds familiar?" Ramsay said, pretending to take an interest and sitting at the table, pulling you possessively into his lap.
"Yeah, maybe. Family full of cops. My father worked a lot with Ned Stark and his son." Cley said with a nod.
Ramsay snapped his fingers and gave a mock gasp of shock, "that's right. I know your father. Or knew your father, rather. I stomped his fucking head in a couple months back. Real pain in the ass he was."
You watched the man stare dumbfounded at Ramsay, who motioned to Matt and Ben before the man could register what was going on.
"Let's go have a bit of fun." Ramsay smirked, sliding you from his lap as Ben seemed to do no more than pat the guy on the shoulder as he slumped forward, unconscious. Looking simply as a passed out drunk.
"Oh, I love when you do that." Ramsay chuckled, looking down at the man.
Ben gave a grin and a wink as you waved to Obella and Tyene.
"Well, this is new." You said, glancing around the abandoned building.
"Just found it. Haven't used it yet. Just a run down apartment complex. Set to be demolished soon." Ramsay said, opening a door for you.
You entered the flat, glancing around the empty place bathed in the orange glare from the street light outside. It had the smell of a house that had been left to sit and rot. You glimpsed a mouse running across the floor to get away from you.
Ramsay grabbed your hand and tugged you into a small kitchen. The cabinets open, appliances gone, but the outline of them etched on the walls. Ramsay turned on the sink tap, grinning as the water came out. He had no doubt had the water turned on, ready to use this place at least once before it was gone. You assumed it to be like a tiny little hidden gem for him and his sick games. There sat a bucket, which Ramsay had grabbed up to start filling with water, and a simple wooden chair. On the floor beside the chair sat a box of surgical gloves, a flashlight, and a rusty looking knife.
You looked out the kitchen window, watching a stray dog forage through rotten garbage at an over flowing dumpster. You had never been to this side of town other than when Ramsay made you sit and wait in the Nova as he took care of some financial business.
"How, um... populated is this area?" You asked, looking back at Ramsay, who sat the bucket of water down.
He shrugged and lit a cigarette, "pretty dense. But if you're afraid of anyone hearing anything or seeing anything it's all for not. People around here don't trust cops and have a serious bystander effect disease. Nobody wants the cops over here. Too much illegal shit going on."
You simply nodded as Ben and Matt came in, dragging Cley along, depositing him in the chair, tying his hands behind him, and securing his legs to the legs of the chair.
"Thank you, Boys. You are both free to go." Ramsay said, running his eyes over the still unconscious man.
"You sure?" Ben asked, looking from man to Ramsay.
Ramsay nodded, "just be sure to leave the front door unlocked for me."
Ben chuckled, grabbed Matt by the elbow and they both disappeared into the dark.
You sat up on the counter as Ramsay flipped the flashlight on. He said nothing until a minute or two after you heard the front door close.
"What's up? I know you didn't want to do this for shits and giggles. You look ready to pass out any second with your pregnant ass." Ramsay said, lighting a cigarette and leaning against the counter you sat on.
You sighed, "you told me never to fuck up. So I won't. I never meant to. I just... I love you Ramsay. So I thought we could have a heart to heart while making hearts stop."
"You are just a bleeding romantic, aren't ya?" He laughed, exhaling smoke through his nose.
You gave a laugh, "Well, maybe a bit. But really baby, we need to talk."
"Fire away." He murmured, pulling gloves on and glancing over at the unconscious man.
"I spoke to your father today." You said meekly.
"Why?" He asked, picking up a bucket of water.
"Because I hate him and I'm tired of him hurting you." You said, sliding from the counter, pulling your own gloves, and picking up the knife.
"He doesn't hurt me, baby doll." Ramsay replied, dumping the bucket of water on the man, who awoke with a scream.
Cley's eyes were wide in fear as he struggled against his restraints, trying to make words but failing miserably.
"Yes he does, baby. Last night... When you were in there. I walked in. I was worried about you. I heard the things you said. The things he said. You were hurting and upset." You said gently, stuffing the man's mouth with a cloth you pulled from Ramsay's back pocket.
Ramsay turned to you and gave you a long, sweeping look through glittering eyes, taking the knife from you.
"Why are you telling me this?" He demanded, rosy patches appearing on his cheeks.
You gave a soft smile and stepped into him. You grabbed him by the front of the shirt and pressed your lips to his.
He did not kiss you back immediately, but you pressed your lips harder to his, sliding your tongue in his mouth. He opened his mouth under yours and cupped your face.
You pulled away from him when you were winded, looking up at him with the same soft smile, "I'm telling you because I love you. I'm tired, baby. I am physically and mentally exhausted. I'm no good at all this sneaky, secret keeping bullshit. I'm good at things like... cooking, and riding horses, and shooting skeet. I'm not stupid, but I am a bit slow. You're always going. And I don't understand how. Damon told me you had to or you get lost in your head. What does that mean?"
"Damon told you that, huh?" He said, raising a brow and turning to the man you two were supposed to be torturing.
"The day he brought those pictures. I think he knew something was wrong. Told me not to fuck up. Told me I'm the foundation and not to crack." You said, taking the knife from your husband, and pressing the blade to the man's chest to cut away his shirt.
"He just meant that I'm suicidal. Which is apparent. But sometimes it's hard for me to tell if I want to engage in self harm to feel the rush or to end the rush. I don't want to die, but I couldn't give a shit if I did." Ramsay shrugged, grabbing the knife back.
"Baby, what did your father do to you?" You asked, watching him lean over the man to slide the knife just under the skin.
Cley screamed out in pain, making violent movements and further damaging his skin as the knife hacked and sawed at him in his struggle. The blood came down thick and bright red, like a continuous stream from the sink tap.
"Why does it matter?" He asked, making a quick, complicated movement and peeling flesh from the man.
You looked away as an unpleasant queasiness set in.
"Please tell me. I want to understand. I want to help you heal, the healthy way."
"Torture I guess is about all that needs to be said." Ramsay said, slowly sawing at the skin where it was still attached to the body, and watching the piece of flesh fall to the ground.
"Like?" You coaxed, stepping behind him and wrapping your arms around him, closing your eyes tight, ignoring the screams of agony and torture.
"He beat me, raped me, burned me, shocked me, half drown me... You know, stupid shit." Ramsay shrugged.
You listened to the rumble of his chest with a deep frown.
"Why is he still alive?" You asked, a fresh wave of anger forming as you pulled away from Ramsay and took the knife from him, stabbing the man in the leg as he continued to beg and scream into the gag.
"Because, now I get to force my company on him, and he has to endure twenty seven years worth of lost time with his youngest son." Ramsay smirked, biting his bottom lip as he watched you wrench the knife from the man's leg.
"I'm going to kill him. I am." You said, baring your teeth and pointing the knife at your husband.
"Oh?" Ramsay asked with a wicked grin.
You sat in a chair, ready to recount your encounter, thinking next time you would just record it. If there was a next time.
You took a deep breath and began your story.
He made a face, lit a cigarette, and turned back to the man who seemed to have passed out in pain. He made a small tsking noise and pushed the bucket to you.
You picked it up to fill it at the sink, watching him out of the corner of your eye as he listened to you recite the conversation from today with Roose. His face remained impassive and no emotion registered as you struggled with the heavy bucket.
He glanced at you, stepping in to take the bucket from you. Your words had long since ended, but he remained silent as he dumped the water on the victim, sat down on the bucket, and pushed a burning cigarette cherry into an open wound.
You watched the man scream and writhe in pain, trying to get away from Ramsay, tears streaking his face.
If carving skin could be considered an art, Ramsay Bolton would surely have been the Leonardo Da Vinci at it. Even with his dull, rusty blade, he seemed to cut through the flesh like sharp scissors to wrapping paper.
He offered you the knife but you declined with a small smile, assuring him that this victim was for him to play with, and you would help him with the next one.
You looked down in surprise when your phone rang, and even more surprised when you read Chase.
You stepped out into the next room, "hello?"
"Hey, I'm working nights this week. And one of the guys said I missed the excitement earlier. So I asked what was up, right? Two feds came in. Took all the case information on Clay's death and also wanted a gander at courthouse records on who bought all the land around here in the last few months." Chase blurted quickly.
You frowned, "any idea what their names were?"
"No. But I'll text it to you. Stay safe."
"Always. You too. Keep me posted. Oh! And you and the whole gang better be here next Saturday night." You said before hanging up.
You slid your phone back in your pocket and walked back into the room. With a purposeful stride you walked over to Ramsay, took his knife, and gutted your victim.
"Hey! What did you do that for? I was having fun." Ramsay chided, giving you a very displeased glare.
"We need to go home." You said, annoyed you couldn't keep your voice steady.
"What's wrong?" Ramsay asked, narrowing his eyes at you.
"Chase just called. Said some Feds came by the station to get information on Clay's death and got the information about who has bought all the land in the surrounding area. I'm afraid it's those Lannister men." You said, heaving a sigh and pinching the bridge of your nose, "what if they connect it all to us? What if they threaten my parents?"
"Baby girl, they can't possibly connect us. Yes, some of the purchased land is in my name, but there's nothing suspicious about that. It's your hometown, we are rich, of course I'm going to buy up land there for you. It's clean land. Nothing on it but a couple of houses that need demolished. I've covered my tracks." Ramsay said, taking the knife from you and giving a sad glare at the dead man.
"Still, if they are Lannister's, they know." You said, fear setting in at the thought of your parents.
"We will go home and clean up and I will see what's going on." Ramsay said, kissing your cheek as he walked past you to the door. He suddenly stopped, turned, and beamed at you with a mischievous grin.
"What?" You asked, raising a brow.
"You. You're funny. It's like you have a vendetta against men with the name Clay." He chuckled.
You looked over at Cley, his insides slowly pushing themselves further out of his gut, and gave a shrug. "Yeah, maybe so. Fucking douchebags. Now, let's go home. I'm fucking tired."
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