kapo-shoponline · 2 years
Sacca sportiva lavabile Westford Mill
Cordoncini laterali regolabili
100% cotone
9 colori
Misure: 45x37
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forumelettrico · 3 months
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La mia nuova sacca per bici pieghevole... che non serve più :-) . Avevano messo l'obbligo di sacca per trasportare le bici pieghevoli sui Frecciarossa e poi l'han tirato via, ma ormai che ho la sacca me la tengo che non si sa mai https://www.forumelettrico.it/forum/la-mia-nuova-sacca-per-bici-pieghevole-che-non-serve-piu-t36476.html #bici #elettrica #pieghevole #sacca
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fabrizio-campanella · 2 years
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camyfilms · 1 year
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Let me tell you something. There's no nobility in poverty. I have been a rich man and I have been a poor man. And I choose rich every fuckin' time. Because, at least as a rich man, when I have to face my problems, I show up in the back of the limo, wearing a $2000 suit and a $40,000 gold fuckin' watch.
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kp777 · 2 years
By Herb Scribner
Oct. 26, 2022
Climate change impacts "national security, it affects supply chains, it affects daily life," Chris Sacca, founder of Lowercase Capital, said at the Axios BFD event Wednesday.
What he said: "It's bad," Sacca said on the state of the climate. "What's worse is that it's exposed how climate just isn't hippy sh*t."
The big picture: Sacca said this will provide businesses an opportunity for the "biggest economic transformation in the history of the planet."
"There is no line of business that will not be impacted by climate," he added.
Flashback: Sacca wrote a 12-page letter to potential investors in Lowercarbon Capital, the climate-focused firm he launched in 2021, that the "climate is f’d. Even worse than it seems."
Go deeper: Watch: Axios BFD
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“Never remain silent in the face of injustice. For the wind to change, on the contrary, it is essential to denounce, act, mobilize. Work for a different future.”
This is the message that the Sephardi Chief Rabbi of Argentina Isaac Sacca shared with Pope Francis during a private audience in the Vatican which was attended by Argentinian and Brazilian Jewish representatives.  This was an occasion, in the context of an intense exchange of ideas, to present the variety of philanthropic activities in support of children’s rights and assistance to  less developed countries sponsored by Rav Sacca.
David Gerbi was also part of the Jewish delegation.  Gerbi, president of the ASTREL association, has in recent months promoted  many initiatives dedicated to the Jews of Libya, their history and culture (most recently at the Beth El Temple in Rome ). With the Pope Gerbi   addressed the failure to recognize the “refugee ” status of those who lived  through the pain of exile from Libya and the rest of the Arab world. He has collected to-date several dozen testimonies of Libyan Jews on the trauma of ’67 and its aftermath.
“We are forgotten refugees, ” he wrote recently, “because we have not made enough noise. Our silence derives from the fact that we have invested the time, energy and effort to rebuild our life in an honest way and without disturbing anyone “. “But now”, he says, “it’s time to let us to be heard.”
Read article in full (Italian)
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phjlavtia · 9 months
ma quanto cazzo ci lucrano i professori universitari sui libri che fanno comprare per forza agli alunni perché non è normale che Casualmente. su tre libri obbligatori. uno l'ha scritto lui e l'altro è di una collana diretta da lui.
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nothingunrealistic · 1 year
a moment in 4x04 on paper:
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the same moment in 4x04 on screen:
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brilliant blocking. i know when i want to have a private conversation with someone, i move all of two feet away from where they walked up to me, making sure we’re still right in the middle of a public space
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ilfascinodelvago · 4 months
La memoria. Sacca piena di cianfrusaglie che rotolano fuori per caso e finiscono col meravigliarti, come se non fossi stato tu a raccoglierle, a trasformarle in oggetti preziosi.
Q, Luther Blisset
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ggpost · 9 months
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C'è un brutto vizio, quello di dare per scontate le "brave persone", ritenendo che queste rimarranno a prescindere proprio perché "brave".. Ma anche le brave persone, per quanto disponibili e generose, a un certo punto si stancano delle briciole e scelgono di scegliersi.. E per fortuna lo fanno.. perché è l'inizio della loro risalita.. Le brave persone hanno diritto di essere amate e valorizzate da chi davvero le apprezza e non le usa e basta..
- Francesca Sacca'
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finestradifronte · 1 month
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Sacca di Scardovari Delta del Po
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fabrizio-campanella · 2 years
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difensoredelfocolare · 8 months
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Un grande ritorno: la zucca!
100 g di farina “0”
100 g di semola di grano duro
2 uova
olio extravergine d’oliva
300 g di zucca delica cotta (mezza zucca cruda)
150 g di Parmigiano Reggiano
noce moscata
sale se necessario
Elimina i semi dalla zucca, tagliala in pezzi e cuocila in forno a 200°C per 40/50 minuti. Dovrà risultare molto morbida;
Nel frattempo prepara la pasta all’uovo nel solito modo, avvolgila nella pellicola e falla riposare per almeno 30 minuti;
Quando la zucca sarà cotta lasciala raffreddare e poi raccogli tutta la polpa in una ciotola, schiacciala con una forchetta e poi aggiungi il Parmigiano grattugiato, la noce moscata e, se serve, il sale;
Raccogli il ripieno in una sacca da pasticciere;
Stendi la pasta fino a raggiungere uno spessore non troppo sottile, taglia dei dischi di 5 cm di diametro, oppure dei quadrati con i lati di 7 cm e aggiungi al centro il ripieno;
Piega a metà i dischi e poi unisci le estremità avvolgendole sul dito;
Disponi i tortelli su un secca-pasta o su un vassoio foderato con carta da forno;
Cuocili in acqua salata e condiscili con burro e salvia oppure con dell’ottimo ragù di carne.
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abatelunare · 4 months
Cinque termini non consueti incontrati durante le mie letture
1) Frombola = Fionda composta da una sacca contenente il proiettile. 2) Cesio = Azzurro chiaro, celeste. 3) Crocidare = Gracchiare. 4) Auletride = Suonatrice di flauto. 5) Fumido = Fumoso, fumante.
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amniotic · 2 months
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I do love to make little mixtapes for my ships. well, this got out of hand, so there's the lyrics and the vibes i get of each of these songs. i'ts first time that i make a "story" with the songs, so each one is from zoro or sanji pov, kind of progressing cause my headcanon it's that they started like frenemies with benefits to married husbands cause i'm a romantic at heart.
˗ˏˋ listen here ˎˊ˗
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lyrics under the cut ♫₊˚.🎧 ✧
Montero (call me by your name) - lil nas x
Romantic talking? You don't even have to try. You're cute enough to fuck with me tonight. You know that you can Call me when you want, call me when you need Call me in the morning, I'll be on the way Oh, call me by your name. Tell me you love me in private, Call me by your name.I do not care if you lying
Amarrame - Mon Laferte
Ignórame. Ven y pierde la razón. Quiero que me ruegues y me mires a los ojos. Dame la espalda, desenfócame. Tómame del pelo y repíteme mi nombre. Y ámame, pero sin querer
Kiss with a fist - Florence + the machine
You gave a kick. I gave a slap. You smashed a plate over my head Then I set fire to our bed I spilled your blood upon the floor. You broke my leg in return So sit back and watch the bed burn. Love sticks. Sweat drips. A kick to the teeth is good for some. A kiss with a fist is better than none
Rush - Troye Sivan
Big communication, tell me what you want Translate your vibration, let your body talk to me I feel the rush, Addicted to your touch
I Wanna Be Yours - Arctic Monkeys
If you like your coffee hot, Let me be your coffee pot Secrets I have held in my heart, Are harder to hide than I thought, Maybe I just wanna be yours, I wanna be yours, I wanna be yours
Good Old fashion lover boy - queen
What're you doing tonight? Hey, boy, Set my alarm, turn on my charm. That's because I'm a good old-fashioned lover boy. Let me feel your heartbeat, can you feel my love heat?
O sarracino - Renato Carosone
'O sarracino, 'o sarracino. Tutt"e ffemmene fa 'nnammurá Ll'uocchie 'e brigante e 'o sole 'nfaccia. Ogne figliola s'appiccia si 'o vede 'e passá. Na sigaretta 'mmocca, na mana dint"a sacca. E se ne va smargiasso, pe' tutt"a cittá
Pienso en tu mirá - Rosalía
Me da miedo cuando sales Sonriendo pa' la calle Porque todos pueden ver Los hoyuelitos que te salen Me da miedo cuando sales Pienso en tu mirá', tu mirá', clavá', es una bala en el pecho
Algo contigo - Rita payes
Y me quedan muy pocos caminos. Y aunque pueda parecerte un desatino, no quisiera yo morirme sin tener algo contigo
Hallucinate - Dua Lipa
I hallucinate when you call my name, Got stars in my eyes, And they don't fade when you come my way No, I couldn't live without your touch, No, I could never have too much, I'll breathe you in forever and ever, Hallucinate Kill me slowly with your kiss, Wrap me 'round your fingertips
Washing machine heart - mitski
Baby, will you kiss me already? And toss your dirty shoes. In my washing machine heart. Baby, bang it up inside Baby, though I've closed my eyes, I know who you pretend I am
Your best american girl - Mitski
You're the sun, you've never seen the night. But you hear its song from the morning birds. Well, I'm not the moon, I'm not even a star. But awake at night I'll be singing to the birds. Don't wait for me, I can't come You're the one. You're all I ever wanted. I think I'll regret this
誰かの願いが叶うころ - Utada Hikaru
あなたの幸せ願うほど わがままが増えてくよ. それでもあなたを引き止めたい いつだってそう それならあなたを抱き寄せたい できるだけぎゅっと
Can't help falling in love - elvis presley
"Only fools rush in". But I can't help Falling in love with you. Shall I stay? Would it be a sin. If I can't help Falling in love with you? Take my hand. Take my whole life too
One of your girls - troye sivan
Give me a call if you ever get lonely.I'll be like one of your girls or your homies Say what you want, and I'll keep it a secret. You get the key to my heart, and I need it
Sei la mia cittá - cosmo
Sei la mia città, fuori dal tempo. Sei la mia città, è un complimento. Sei la mia città, ti sento dentro
koko de kissu shite - shiina ringo
I´ll never be able to give up on you. So never say good bye And kiss me once again 行かないでね. 何処にだってあたしと一緒じゃなきゃ厭よ. あなたしか見て無いのよ 今すぐに此処でキスして Don't go. Wherever you go, you have to be with me. I only see you. Kiss me here right now
Eres para mí - Julieta Venegas
Temes sentir más de la cuenta. El corazón es un músculo, Si no late revienta. Extraño mirarte de lejos. De hacernos los tontos, parecemos tan viejos. Tiempo, mm, ¿quieres más tiempo?. Mírame la piel, ¿no ves acaso lo que siento?
Tú eres para mí, yo soy para ti El viento me lo dijo con un soplo suavecillo
Strawberry blond - mitski
I love it when you look my way. Look at you, strawberry blond. Fields rolling on, I love it when you call my name. All I need, darling, is a life in your shape I picture it, soft and I ache
there is a light that never goes out - the smiths
Oh, please don't drop me home¨. Because it's not my home, it's their home And I'm welcome no more To die by your side Is such a heavenly way to die. And if a ten-ton truckKills the both of us To die by your side. Well, the pleasure, the privilege is mine
From the start - laufey
Don't you dare look at me that way I don't need reminders of how you don't feel the same. Oh, the burning pain Listening to you harp on 'bout some new soulmate "She's so perfect", blah, blah, blah That when I talk to you Oh, Cupid walks right through And shoots an arrow through my heart. And I sound like a loon, but don't you feel it, too? Confess I loved you from the start
Enamorada - Miranda!
Mi corazón palpitaba, Cada vez que ese hombre se me acercaba. Y con el tiempo me empezó a gustar. Debo decir que no me fue tan mal Ahora estoy mucho mejor, Porque me di cuenta que tuvo sentido Haber recorrido lo que recorrí. Si al final de cuentas él era mi recompensa, Qué suerte que nunca me fui
Somethin' Stupid - Frank Sinata
And then I go and spoil it all. By saying something stupid like "I love you"
Dreams - the cranberries
Then I open up and see. The person falling here is me A different way to be And now I tell you openly, You have my heart so don't hurt me. You're what I couldn't find
Love on top - beyoncé
I can feel the sun whenever you're near. Every time you touch me, I just melt away Nothing's perfect, but it's worth it. After fighting through my tears And finally, you put me first. Baby, it's you.
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ross-nekochan · 9 months
Cosa pensi del fatto che i turisti ora debbano prenotare e pagare un biglietto di 5 euro per entrare a Venezia?
Penso che se fosse così facile risolvere un problema mondiale come quello del turismo di massa, sarebbe già bell'e finito.
Non conosco nel dettaglio tutti i punti ma da quel che ho letto:
1. Non pagano i residenti in Veneto
Durante il weekend mezzo Veneto va a fare la "passeggiata" a Venezia perché tanto tutte le altre province sono vicine, massimo 1 oretta di macchina e ti fai un giro coi controcoglioni in una bella città. Ergo, tra Sabato e Domenica tra Piazza San Marco e Riva degli Schiavoni c'è così tanta gente che se non stai attento ti schianti con qualcuno.
2. Non paga chi pernotta nel centro storico di Venezia
Venezia è già un albergo di per sé (famoso il conteggio degli alloggi che ha superato quello dei residenti nella libreria Marco Polo), questa soluzione non aiuta per niente chi a Venezia ci abita e ci vive.
3. Per i turisti internazionali e nazionali che vengono da lontano, 5€ sono una nullità che vale la pena spendere per una città come Venezia.
In definitiva, cosa ha risolto Brugnaro? Si è messo qualche altro milione nella sacca da spendere per cretinaggini con la scusa di fare bene alla città. Easy peasy.
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