#s: voltron legendary defender
ap-kinda-lit · 8 months
Krillin: It looks like Bulma's got a thing with Vegeta anyway.
Yamcha: A thing?
Roshi: Yeah, a thing. They're probably going to get married, have grumpy, blue haired babies with monkey tails, all that stuff.
Krillin: He's probably proposing to her right now.
Krillin, imitating Vegeta: Bulma, be my Queen of Saiyans.
Roshi, imitating Bulma: Oh, Vegeta, you bad boy. I thought you would never ask. Yes, a thousand times yes!
Yamcha: NO-
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corvus--rex · 9 months
This got a pretty "meh" response on the bird app. Let's see how it does here. This is parts 1 & 2 as of right now
pt 1
Ever think that the tight clothes, gloves, tiny jacket that does absolutely nothing are because Keith believes he doesn't deserve care, comfort, softness? Lance hadn't, until he really noticed Keith's body language for the first time after the Blade trials. The tightly crossed arms, how he kept himself separated from everyone else even when in the same room, how he always looked ready to bolt at the slightest whisper. He kept everyone at arm's length, reinforcing that distance with sharp-tongued jabs and insults.
It got so much worse after Shiro disappeared. Keith's normally prickly at best exterior had been dipped in venom and no one could stop him from disappearing for hours in Red, scouring space for any sign of his missing brother. Lance couldn't even begin to articulate the relief he felt when it came time to have Black pick a new paladin. He didn't want Keith to be forced into a role he was in no fit state to be in and had already decided that he wanted it to be himself instead. Keith may be an asshole, but Lance cared about that asshole.
Lance reluctantly sat in the pilot's seat, running reverent fingertips over the controls. He wasn't sure how long he sat there, the silence of the cockpit holding the weight of a tomb until he finally let out a shaky breath.
"Hey, Black. I-I know you probably don't want me, but it's only me and Keith left, and I know what Shiro said about him leading the team if anything happened, but…I don't think he can do it, and I know I'm not the best option, but I'd rather it be me than him. He needs time to come back from this. He needs to be taken care of for once, and if this is only way I can do that, if it means I have to lead the team, I'll do it. I know I'm not as smart as Pidge or Hunk, but I'm stubborn as fuck and I'll get there. Just, please, let me take this on so he doesn't have to."
If the silence had been heavy before, now it was oppressive. Slowly, the weight became pressure, a focused pressure in the back of his mind, silence growing into a whisper. A soft purr rolled through the cockpit as the controls flared to life, filling the space with an ultraviolet glow.
Lance released the breath he'd been holding all at once. "Thanks. I'll give it my best."
He tried to get up, but Black's mental presence pushed him back down, the projected image feeling more real than illusory. He recognized the mechanical angelic wings from when Shiro had last flown the lion, but then the image shifted, a fully formed Voltron taking up his field of vision with similar but much larger wings. The feeling he got from Black was one of reassurance and a hint of things to come. With another soft rumble, the mental pressure dissipated, and Lance stood, Blacks head lowering as he walked down the ramp to the collective shouts and cheers from the team.
Lance couldn't help but notice one voice missing. Keith stood leaning against the wall but instead of the closed-off posture he almost always adopted, his arms hung limply at his sides, the shock on his face overshadowed by the tears of pure relief threatening to spill over. Lance shot him a small smile, one that said 'it's ok, I got you'. Keith understood, shooting one back in thanks as he wiped the tears away and slipped out without anyone else noticing. Lance watched him go, a realization just as startling as Black accepting him as his paladin hitting with the force of that very lion.
Lance thought,
'Oh shit.'
He could barely hear the rest of the team over his own heartbeat pounding in his ears.
'I think I'm falling in love with him.'
pt 2
Lance tried to make the adjustment period as smooth as possible, but they were all dealing with Shiro's loss, all grieving in their own way, although none quite like Keith. He tried to accommodate him as much as possible - Lance knew too well the pain of losing family - but he still needed to run the team through drills, both on the training deck and in space, forming Voltron again and again until he was confident they could do it in the heat of battle, especially with Allura flying Blue.
Outside of training, Lance was having a harder time keeping his newly realized feelings in check. Keith was more closed off than he'd been in a while, so Lance kept an eye on him as best he could, inviting Keith to game and movie nights in the lounge, including him in more conversations during mealtimes, but never pushing, and always respecting the answers he got.
Keith had actually started to relax a bit, accepting invitations when he was up to it sitting alongside the team but not always participating in whatever they were doing that night, letting himself get drawn into conversations even if he wasn't actively adding anything, just listening. Lance was starting to think they were making progress, both as a team and with their healing process, until Thayserix.
They'd lost Lotor in the gas giant, and Lance had to watch as Red took off beyond the shortened range of Black's sensors. He knew Keith couldn't possibly hope to track Lotor through the gas, and landed on a nearby mineral structure to wait.
He couldn't contact the team, and there was nothing to see within visual range, so he was left with only his own thoughts. Lance thought about how he was handling leading the team - he was honestly a little surprised they'd accepted him as Black Paladin, but when Lance brought it up just after training one day Allura had said that Black chose him for a reason, just as all the lions had chosen their Paladins. Both Hunk and Pidge told him that they had been friends for a while, far longer than they'd been in space, he'd been their pilot back when they were a flight crew at the Garrison, and while he may have been a little unhinged, they trusted him then and they still did. Coran echoed all of their sentiments, adding that he understood how hard it was to push forward while so far from home and that he was genuinely proud of Lance for continuing on in spite of everything. Lance nearly broke down in front of the whole team, instead accepting one of Coran's patented Dad Hugs™.
What Keith had said surprised him. He'd gotten pulled into what became the group hug with Coran on Lance's other side, and when they broke apart, he'd said quietly, for Lance only, "Shiro trusted you. He'd be happy it was you to fly Black. I trust you too. Black picked you and I'm happy he did. You're a better leader than I could be."
The soft, /shy/ look on Keith's face made Lance's brain short-circuit. He scrambled to come up with something, anything, even remotely coherent as he watched Keith walk out with the rest of the team.
The only thought that came to mind was 'How dare he be that cute?' Lance froze. 'Oh I am so fucked.'
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kyoobie · 9 months
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This is based on a tweet I made about single dad lance and teacher Keith that kinda blew up :)
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mitsuributmexican · 1 year
why isnt there any pegging fic for him
l mean- look at that manspread and tell me he's a top
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he'd call u mommy and be a whiny little bitch-
i dont make the rules
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0xy--m0r0n · 8 months
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scars // keithtober week 1
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vldsideblog · 6 months
Okay so, I may be a little bit in love with her.
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Hey! Answering your tag!
Lotor, Voltron: Legendary Defender, maaaybe 15-20 if thats reasonable?
Catra, She-Ra, same as Lotor
Ummm I can’t think of anyone else 😅 hope that helps!
they can never make me hate you
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(collages by me)
request rules :))
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sugarbear2001 · 3 months
Shiro and Zoro would be besties
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dawn-of-adira · 8 months
Couldn't find the fic I wanted to read, so I wrote it myself and then realized it hit so close to home I couldn't immediately share it. That being said I'm very proud of it, and I hope it finds the people who need a story like this but have never found it
Aromantic Keith who never told anyone that—at least, not before Lance said "I really like you."
Full summary under the cut
For the record, no one told Keith that Lance was in love with him until Lance said those short words and sent him into a tailspin of sorts. This is not his fault.
On the one hand, Keith would’ve been absolutely fine without their relationship changing dynamics. On the other hand, he wouldn’t have ever known it could unless Lance had confessed, and now that he knows, he wants something other than just friendship.
The third thing is that Keith needs to fix this.
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ap-kinda-lit · 25 days
Goku: So what’s the plan? We go in there and just—BOW BOW BOW—free the prisoners?
Vegeta: What was that?
Goku: Laser sounds.
Raditz: No, Kakarot. They sound like POW! POW! POW! PEW!
Broly: That sounds like fireworks.
Nappa: I think they go more like PA-CHEW PA-CHEW.
Vegeta: Enough with the bad sound effects!
Vegeta: …besides, it’s more like BLAM BLAM BLAM.
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has-brain-rot · 2 years
OKAY SO SO SO that was a WILD season and the showdown in the last 2 episodes? it was so dramatic and deserved. Really interesting to see the mages(?) get more screentime (though barely) because they are so funky. what are they doing why are they there. but anyways like last time I'lll put the rest below xD
BACK ABOUT THE MAGES. I don't remember their names but the head mage gives off "puppeteering-everything-from-the-background" vibes. I wouldn't be surprised if they turned out to be the real mastermind behind it all. Like if the magic was used to corrupt some minds and help build the empire. Although I don't know what that would do to the world building?
Shiro. WHERE DID SHIRO GO. Like they went HARD on Shiro this season. He's trying his best but life keeps attacking him. The mind battles he has are super cool and WOW this man can fight. but also Shiro do you ever sleep. does he sleep. does he believe in self care. I don't think he's ever heard of sleep before.
Pidge gives off some of the vibes of Haruhi from OHHC. They both have similar genders. Love how she gets time to shine at the tech planet!
Hunk being a master chef is cool, especially considering he's probably never seen any of those ingredients before. Still kinda disappointing that they made 3/4 of his personality food. I also think he'd be good at hugs lol
Keith my man are you okay?? I'm getting vibes of orphan club which like same xD. But also now that Shiro is gone Keith is probably going to have to take over? The red lion has shown to act independently so if Keith takes over the black lion then they could still form voltron? (the black lion has show to not care as mucha bout who's in it, at least compared to the red lion.
ALSO the red lion acting independently feels kind of like a parallel to hyper-vigilance. Keith doesn't feel safe often so his lion is always on guard and ready to protect, unlike a lot of people who generally don't have such a hyperactive "I must protect myself at all costs" mentality. It's the constantly engaged survival instincts you honour
Love how lance is just some guy. I am not invested in him and I feel like he would not be invested in me if we ever met xD. Love how he's just some guy while Shiro has gone through insurmountable psychological and physical trauma. he's just there.
THE MERMAID ADVENTURE WAS SUPER NEAT. LOVE HOW THE QUEEN DIDN'T TURN OUT TO BE BAD (maybe? it felt a little rushed when it got to that point). The suspense of figuring out what was causing the mind control was pretty neat. Also the giant worm beast was living it's life. technically wasn't decimating the mermaid population so.. (joking joking I just really liked its design)
Black lion trust battles are super cool. But I gotta say the black lion has like, reverse trust issues. please just stop trying to pick the genocidal dictator that keeps killing millions of people. please. Though it does make me wonder if part of the reason the black lion accepted Shiro so fast was because Shiro reminded the black lion of the previous paladin? With the arm and vibes and everything?
Coran is growing on me. he's just built like that and honestly good for him. He's like a space dad. Also emo Coran is great, might be a heavy stereotype but you know what we can ignore that and let him own it. Give him back that haircut. Also how he speaks sometimes makes me think that he's not from the same planet Allura is? Like maybe he's from a sister planet of a species that evolved extremely similar but not identical. Because he can't do everything Allura can. UNLESS Allura can do it because she's a princess whichhhh eh. It's cool for her but also tiring to see the whole "royal families are good and deserve their positions because they are inherently more special and valuable" sort of message.
ALLURA. QUEEN. SHE IS FLEXING HER POWER AND I SUPPORT HER ON THAT ENDEAVOUR. She was being mean to Keith but all things considering I can understand her hesitance considering everything. Stills sucks that Keith had to go through her projections. but also DAMN when she blends in to sneak onto the ship I loved seeing her fight. like her fighting style there was literally "what if I just slam everything together". I love that for her
also Keith being only half(?) human is really cool but WOW the team was not very understanding. Just let the guy be. He's trying his best but he also needs time to process and adapt. And I don't think he adapted too well if his first(ish) reaction to being part galra was to throw himself into enemy ships and nearly die AGAIN
red lion going feral is cool. Love how it has a stronger personality compared to the others, but it makes the other lions seem less powerful? not powerful perse but more so they get almost kidnapped a lot more and don't really do anything about it while the red lion will fight for its own freedom.
ANYWHO I should probably go watch the third season because I MUST know where Shiro went. is he okay <- judging by his character he is one of the MOST least okay characters.
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n0ctiluquee · 11 months
Little doodle that that I ended up coloring
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Allura <3
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Keith’s not the only one that goes berserk Galra mode
Immra’h (my oc) is mine, more info about her will be out eventually, but here’s a rough idea of what she’d look like in the heat of battle
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sometimes i think about voltron and then sometimes i have to stop because my heart aches just so and my brain hurts
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jankwritten · 1 year
alternatively to my other post how fucking funny would it be if Keith "you're my brother I love you" Kogane was dumped into a fluffy ass coffee shop trope au. Like Canonical Keith Kogane is dropped into a fucking cutesy flouncy little AU like that where everything around him is anime and sparkles and he is operating an espresso machine the same way he would pilot the BLack Lion and he's just trying SO HARD to get ANYBODY to take him seriously.
i am cracking myself up this idea is so funny. Lance swooning over Allura and Shiro who is batting his eyelashes and whatnot but he's still got the scar and the arm and Keith is like "WHAT THE FUCK WHY ARE YOU ALL JUST SO CHILL ABOUT THIS" because they don't even have the Garrison or the Galra why does Shiro still have the fucking Galra arm someone needs to save him immediately.
i think this would be a fun Series of fics, wherein the paladins get separated and launched into separate realities while fighting Honerva, like instead of letting her destroy so many of the realities they actually figure a Plan of Attack. but in the process Voltron gets yanked apart and split up and they just have to Survive wherever they land until the point in which an extraction is possible.......
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jiveyuncle · 3 months
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“But this…this is exactly why we are going to come up with something; a code or a phrase or something – so that if I am not here and you need me for whatever reason, you can message me that word and I will drop everything I’m doing so we can talk.” - Broken Things: Ch2 Code by ErithEl
Broken Things is one of my favorite fics ever, so here’s me professing my love for @erithel ’s work once again 😭💕🛐 (Scenes depicted are from Ch4 Weakness and Ch10 Yours)
“I am going to kill you.” Lance was seeing red. His fingers wrapped so tightly around the blade in his hand, it felt like an extension of his own body.
“Not today, little lion.”
“If you fucking touch him I will –“
The Galra was suddenly leaning down – his yellow eyes only inches away from Lance’s. His words, a whisper in Lance’s ear: A threat; a promise. “Oh, I am not going to touch him. He is the half-breed son of the woman who murdered my sister. He is the leader of Voltron. No, I am not going to touch him…I am going to break him.”
Or: Two years after season 8, a Blade mission goes wrong, and Keith is perceived to be dead. Lance refuses to believe that, and goes in search of him. What he finds, however, is worse than anything he imagined.
You can read it here (mind the tags - there’s some heavy topics):
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