#rwby fault
aerithisms · 1 year
the little scene we got of team rwby talking about ruby's outburst was very telling with everyone's reaction.
blake didn't say much but she was sympathetic, and it makes sense - she's no stranger to depression or to lashing out and running from the people you care about. and she was still playing the leadership role in ruby's absence, mediating yang's frustration and keeping everyone together.
i think it's fascinating that yang was the angriest over it. yang loves ruby more than anything, but i think there is truth to the idea that the nature of her relationship with ruby as her big sister and protector made it harder for her to understand this side of ruby, because to yang ruby has always been her happy, brave little sister who she protected from the horrors of the world. and now she must be hating herself for that blindness (though of course it's not her fault).
and weiss seemed to understand ruby best. she got that ruby felt isolated, and put on a pedestal, and that she didn't think she could talk to them. and i think she gets it because as ruby's partner she feels responsibility over it. since volume 1, weiss has only ever wanted to be a good teammate and a good partner to ruby, and now she must feel like she failed.
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too bad rooster teeths dead atleast they made this guy
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idk what possessed me sorry i see a green old man and go insane
also, here's oscar :3
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thats all i have 20 hi3/scp wips waiting ...sorry audience
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artbyfuji · 12 days
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branwens & spardas 😁💥
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kaelidascope · 1 month
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👀 wip
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renabe4life · 3 months
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messy lil Qrow sketch i decided to colour as i ease back into drawing
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novankenn · 5 months
From Full House to Four of a Kind!
/===/ @ sirnoobsalot I mean May Zedong is a redhead. Neo could change her hair color on a fly. If you wanna go the Milf route Glynda is there, it's a good sequel since she'll be stopping this shenanigan (presumably) only for Pyrrha to hoist her over her shoulder and drag her back to her full house /== Master Post List ==/
The students of Beacon were giving Pyrrha a wide birth, with many red-heads and blonds donning hats or just dying their hair completely to hide from the "Red Queen" and her obsession with whatever she was doing with the girls she had already... absconded with.
Yang: I'm scared... like what if?
Blake: Pyrrha has already said you are off limits. You're my blond remember?
Yang: She's on the prowl again...
Blake: Well I doubt she'll... crud! Crap!! SHIT!
Yang: Blake?
Blake: The transfer students!!
Yang's eyes open wide, but it was too late. There wasn't enough time to warn any of them. It was like watching the circling of a shark as Pyrrha moved about the outskirts of the cafeteria, her emerald eyes watching, appraising, and then selecting.
Yang: Wish me luck.
Blake: Yang?
Yang jogged the short distance from where she and Blake and been standing to intercept Pyrrha as she prowled.
Yang: P-Money... what cha doing?
Pyrrha: I came to a revelation last night...
Yang: And that was... maybe you should stop collecting people?
Pyrrha: Heavens no! It was that four of a kind is better than a full house.
Yang: Four of a kind? You mean you're going to...
Pyrrha: Oh she's adorable...
Pyrrha points out a shy red-head wearing a beanie pulled down over one eye...
Pyrrha: How could I forget that Arslan was a blond! She's perfect! Excuse me.
Yang wanted to shout out a warning, but Pyrrha was upon her quarry in a heart beat.
May: (Cradled under Pyrrha's arm) EEP!
Arslan: (Thrown over Pyrrha's shoulder) NIKOS! WHAT THE HELL?
Pyrrha: You two are perfect! That's four of a kind for red-heads... but only three of a kind for blonds...
Arslan: Put me down!
May: Four of a kind?
Pyrrha: Hush! Jaune is very loving and will father so many beautiful children with you!
May/ Arslan: HUH???
Yang slowly made her way back over to Blake. As she and everyone else watched as Pyrrha started to walk off with two stunned young women...
Glynda: Ms Nikos! Enough of this! You are not only disrupting the peace of this school, and interfering with the composition of other teams... why are you looking at me like that?
Glynda took a step back, as Pyrrha adjusted Arslan and May, before taking a step forward, and strange unnerving smile on her face.
Pyrrha: You're... blond...
Glynda: Yes...
Pyrrha: Four of a kind!
Glynda: What? HEY! OUCH!
Pyrrha: Everyone comfy? Time to meet You baby daddy!
May/ Arslan: Baby Daddy?
Glynda: Help me! Call Ozpin! Call Ozpin!
Everyone just froze as Pyrrha walked out of the cafeteria. May Zedong under one arm, Arslan Altan over a shoulder, and dragging a panicking Glynda Goodwitch by the ankle behind her.
Glynda: (Desperately clinging to the door frame) Help me!?!? Please?
Pyrrha: Now, now professor... just think of all the blond bundles of joy you will give Mama Arc!
Glynda: Ahhhhhhh!!! Hhhhheeeeeellllllppppp!
Everyone shivered as the door frame leg go and the authoritarian professor vanished into the hallway.
Yang: Blake?
Blake: Yes Yang?
Yang: I am VERY happy to be your Blond.
Blake: Thank you Yang. That means a lot to me.
Off in a corner of the cafeteria silently sat a young woman. Her eyes narrowed as she watched the display of pure power and insanity. She titled her head to one side then the other. before standing up and making her way out of the cafeteria, hot on the heels of the one she was sure people were calling the "Red Queen".
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fanfictionsrookie · 1 year
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RWBY F1 AU anyone?
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instantbee · 1 year
It's up to you to make things better. Isn't it? Everything all depends on you! Your sister needs you. Your friends need you. The whole world needs you to keep fighting. For ever and ever! Against an invincible monster that took your mother!
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Ohh Ruby is not okay. This is all your fucking fault
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anthurak · 1 year
So I’ve been thinking about the whole theory of ‘Poly-STR’ that a lot of the fandom seems to have started latching onto recently, particularly with the revelation/confirmation that Summer and Raven were a LOT closer than anyone (aside from Rosebird shippers) thought.
And the funny thing is, I don’t think anyone really appreciates the fact that the theory of Summer, Taiyang and Raven having been in a polycule is actually built on an incredibly shaky foundation.
See, let’s consider for a moment where the theory of Poly-STR comes from; that this ship wasn’t created all on its own, but is simply the latest interpretation of a Summer-Tai-Raven dynamic that we’ve known about since Volume 2 when Yang explained her family backstory to Blake. That Raven was Tai’s first love and the two of them had Yang together, only for Raven to vanish without a trace. And sometime afterward, Tai got together with Summer and they had Ruby together. And sometime after that, Summer left on a mission and never came home.
Now if you’ve been with the fandom since Volume 2, you should know that there have been a number of different interpretations and developments of the dynamic between these three over the years; That Summer is Tai’s second love who stepped in after his first love Raven ran away. That there was some kind of outright love-triangle with Summer and Raven rivaling over Taiyang. And most recently, that Summer, Tai and Raven were in a polycule.
But here’s the wrinkle that I don’t think anyone is really appreciating:
This whole idea of a Summer-Tai-Raven dynamic that the fandom has been drawing all these ideas/ships from is based almost entirely off of YANG’s story that she told to Blake back in Volume 2.
And it is becoming very clear, especially after this latest episode, that Yang’s knowledge of her parents and family is in fact EXTREMELY flawed/limited. Even as early in the show as Yang’s very conversation with Blake in V2, we’ve known that Yang seemingly didn’t even know that Raven was her birth mother until AFTER Summer vanished. Then in Volume 3 we and Yang learn that Qrow has actually been in on-and-off contact with Raven for all these years and even has a pretty good idea where she is. Then when we learn about her bird transformation and portaling semblance, it becomes clear that, far from being ‘gone without a trace, never to return’, Raven has been around quite a bit and keeping an eye on Yang, and likely Ruby as well. And it’s pretty easy to guess that Qrow and Tai almost certainly KNEW about this, and DIDN’T tell Yang or Ruby.
Then in Volume 7, we and Ruby learn from Qrow that neither he, nor Tai, nor even Ozpin has any real idea what Summer’s final mission was even about. As Qrow puts it, this wasn’t an ‘Oz secret’, but a Summer secret.
Now at the end of Volume 9, we get a glimpse at just how little Ruby and Yang REALLY know. It turns out that Summer deliberately lied to nearly ALL of her friends and family about the true nature of her mysterious mission. And it turns out that Summer and Raven were FAR CLOSER than Yang or Ruby ever had any inkling of. With Summer apparently trusting Raven above all others with helping her on this secret mission, with Raven herself acting much friendlier with Summer than she has with ANYONE else we’ve seen.
Basically, I think all that we’ve seen calls pretty much EVERYTHING Yang told Blake about her family past during Volume 2 into question. You know, that very same conversation that the fandom has based much of, if not almost their entire perception of the Summer-Tai-Raven dynamic on?
Remember that RWBY has at this point a long and consistent history of both unreliable narrators and mentors/leaders/parents concealing VERY important information from their kids/our heroines. So should it really be so surprising there is a LOT that Ruby and Yang are wrong about concerning their parents and family?
It’s why I find it so interesting to see how some people seem so convinced about something like Poly-STR being a thing.
Like when I hear people say things like ‘Tai and Raven were definitely a couple’ or ‘Summer was definitely Tai’s second love’ or ‘Tai is definitely Ruby’s father’, I can’t help but wonder; ‘Are you sure? Are you really sure?’
Simply put, I don’t think much of the fandom really appreciates just how IN THE DARK we really are concerning the details of Team STRQ and what was REALLY going on before Ruby and Yang were old enough to fully remember.
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bloodraven55 · 1 year
team rwby when they found out that oz and salem’s messy divorce started the war they got drafted into:
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geekykinkygirl · 9 months
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lesbianneopolitan · 1 year
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Nevermore Academy AU for Neo
Of course she would end up modifying the uniform by herself, she designs clothes for fun at times, why wouldn't she?
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artbyfuji · 1 year
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She left me roses by the stairs,Surprises let me know she cares.
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wizard-email · 10 months
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me when the way I draw a character is so completely divorced from the source material that she may as well be an oc
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melxody · 3 months
Uh reminder that while WB shutting down the company and making 100s lose their jobs in a moment is shitty….that Rooster Teeth’s history of shitty actions is what lead is here and started well before they sold to any company’s. You can be sad about it and what you liked, hell I have some conflicting feelings because I’ve had some friendships for over ten years now thanks to it and the OG RVB as problematic as it is never fully let go of my brain. But we still need to honestly recognize that this was a final domino in a long chain of them. There are to many people to count who left that company over this past decade who have talked about how awful they were treated and the terrible work environment. Do not forget the awful crunch times the animators were put through….and then they fired the animation department. LGBTQ staff has been treated poorly by other staff and the public without any defense. The really awful handling of the connect the hots incident when Geoff and Gavin admitted to following women in their car as a game. The list goes on and on y’all. You can be mad at WB and other big company’s that’s fine, just remember that the people in higher positions at Rooster Teeth this past decade is why we got here. A lot of us watched this in real time and watched them not do much about it. And what’s really shitty? A lot of the people who contributed to the negatives are going to be fine. The people who are screwed over are the rest of the employees who had nothing to do with it and were just trying to make a living in their dream careers
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fanstuffrantings · 6 months
Hey rwby fans, if you don't like a ship. Block the content and don't tell me you don't like it. I don't care. I'll just block you.
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