#ruby cruz has a role
b0ydyke · 8 months
they could make a lesbian fight club + superbad (= bottoms) but they couldn’t really make a lesbian ferris bueller’s day off. ferris bueller just has to exist as vague homoerotic queerbait in which the characters will never act upon their desires if they are to realize them at all + such desires are only visible to a select portion of viewers that have been oversaturated and turned off by excess annoying queer media and revert back to the classics does this make sense
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dani-luminae · 6 months
The only Tangled live action I will accept is with Maitreyi Ramakrishnan as Rapunzel and Ruby Cruz as Flynn Rider.
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See, Ruby's already got that "I'm so in love" look down pat.
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rubycruzin4abruzin · 23 days
I hate you, too
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Summary: Ruby is your acting rival as well as your sworn enemy. When you’re cast in the same movie, you struggle with the fight choreography, an area which your co-star excels at. What will you do when you have no choice but to swallow your pride and ask her for extra help?
Pairing: ruby cruz x actress!reader
Contains: mature language, some adult humor, kissing, angst, enemies to lovers, slow burn, forced proximity, walked in on while changing, non-sexual knife play, clumsy!reader, publicity tweets, there was only One Trailer
Word Count: 6.6k (told you it’s a slow burn)
A/N: This is a Real Person Fiction, RPF Guidelines still stand. Morally, I refuse to write smut for Ruby Cruz. That being said, I miss writing smut!! Dying to write some Kit Tanthalos smut after this, if anyone has a request feel free to send it in. That being said, Ruby is always super fun to write for, and I hope y’all enjoy! :)
If you never saw Ruby Cruz again, it would be too soon.
You first encountered her shortly after moving to Los Angeles to pursue acting. During a meeting with your agent to discuss a contract, she entered unannounced, as if the office belonged to her.
“Hey Estelle, I’m here to pick up the ‘Mare of Easttown’ audition sides,” she stated, barely glancing in your direction.
Estelle handed her a stack of papers before introducing you. “This is Ruby Cruz, one of my regular clients. You two will likely be seeing a lot of each other.”
Ruby finally turned toward you, assessing you with her bright blue eyes that seemed to pierce through your soul. She gave you a curt smile, and offered her hand.
“Nice to meet you. Estelle’s the best; you’re gonna love her.”
You shook her hand as Estelle chuckled at the flattery, shaking her head and modestly dismissing it.
“Ruby has an audition next week for that ‘Mare of Easttown’ show… which reminds me! I think you could also be a good fit for that. We can discuss more later, but for now, let me at least get you the audition sides.”
Estelle began to gather nearby papers into a stack, stapling the corner before handing them to you. Excitement bubbled in your chest at the thought of acting in a show as notable as ‘Mare of Easttown.’
Ruby hummed, clucking her tongue as you flipped through the stack of papers. Glancing up at her from your seat, you could have sworn you saw her eyes squint, almost as if she now saw you as nothing more than competition.
“In that case, hope you break a leg.”
With a wave goodbye to Estelle, she left the office. You couldn’t place it at the time, but something about her tone felt… off.
The audition came and went, and it was just your luck that Ruby ended up landing the role. Of course, it became her breakout role, one that juiced up her resume and propelled her career.
Initially, it didn’t bother you that much; after all it was just one audition. However, given that you were both conventionally attractive actresses in the same age range, Estelle frequently recommended you for the same roles. You began to see her face at every single audition, and frankly, you were sick of it.
That’s not to say you lost every role to Ruby Cruz; sure she was your competition, but you both had your share of the limelight. She was Hazel Callahan in “Bottoms,” and you were Harper McCallington in “Out & Uncool.” While she was busy filming for “Willow” as Princess Kit Tanthalos, you starred as Empress Kian Thorne in a limited series entitled “Cottonwood.”
You were a tad jealous that Ruby landed a continuing series while yours was limited, so when you found out about “Willow” being abruptly canceled after one season, you couldn’t help but revel in the schadenfreude.
Despite your individual successes, you harbored a deep dislike for Ruby. Yes, she was pretty, with pale blue eyes and dark hair that offset her ivory skin, but watching her stride into every audition wearing that all-too-familiar smug smile only fueled your resentment and made your blood boil.
Several months after moving to LA, one particular audition day commenced with a morning from hell. You woke up groggy with your hair in a rats nest, and spent the majority of the morning battling with the bathroom mirror in an attempt to render yourself presentable. Once you could actually run a comb through it, a quick glance at a clock revealed you were running late. Hastily, you grabbed your resume, poured some of your roommates' leftover coffee into a travel mug, and dashed out the door in a race against time.
Curses flew out of your mouth while you sat in the infamous LA traffic, fingers tapping anxiously against the steering wheel while your eyes darted towards the clock.
Arriving at the audition site, you parked haphazardly and rushed to the entrance, coffee sloshing against your mug with every step. Pushing open the doors, you immediately caught sight of the very person you knew you would see but secretly wished you wouldn’t.
There was Ruby, sitting in the waiting room, too focused on studying her audition material to even notice you had walked in. She wore a white blouse with floral patterns, jeans, and white converse—an undoubtedly effortless outfit that looked so good on her, it genuinely annoyed you.
Shaking your head, you tried to push aside any thoughts of Ruby and focus on the audition. As you stepped towards the sign-in table, your notorious clumsiness struck as you mis-stepped and tripped over your own foot. Fortunately, you managed to catch yourself before face-planting, but you lost control of your mug, ending up spilling coffee all over your sworn enemy.
Ruby stood up in shock, the lukewarm liquid staining her white blouse and smudging the ink on her papers. She lifted her head, glaring at you with narrowed eyes.
“What the hell!” She exclaimed.
Your eyes widened and your mouth fell open in shock. “Shit, Ruby, I’m so…”
“You did that on purpose!”
The brewing apology halted at her accusation. Indignation swelled within you, and the urge to defend yourself took over.
“Excuse me? It was an accident! Jesus!”
“You don’t think I know you don’t like me?” She spat back. “Do you think I’m fucking stupid?”
By now, everyone else in the waiting room was watching the two of you, while the stage manager at the sign-in table desperately tried to de-escalate the situation.
You felt your face flush at the unwanted attention as you attempted to lower your voice. “Ruby, I may not be your biggest fan, but I would never do something like that on purpose.”
“Oh please, I know your type. You would do anything to land a role, even if it’s underhanded!”
“For fucks sake, Ruby!” You rolled your eyes, exasperated at this conversation. “I land roles just fine on my own. Not everything is about you!”
“You’re seriously standing here telling me that ‘not everything is about me’ when you’re the one who ruined my blouse right before an audition?!”
“What is the meaning of this?!”
You and Ruby turned your heads toward the unidentified voice to see what appeared to be the director of the project standing in the doorway. He peered down at the two of you with an icy glare, while the stage manager stood next to him with her arms crossed.
A gulp involuntarily forced its way down your throat. You looked over at Ruby, who stood frozen with all the color seemingly drained from her face. Both of you waited with baited breath for the director's next move as his nostrils flared.
“Both of you. Out. Now.”
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“There’s good news, and bad news.”
You and Ruby stared at Estelle from across her desk, shame and embarrassment radiating from the both of you. Last week's altercation at the audition made headlines on LA Twitter news, prompting her to call an emergency meeting to discuss next steps.
“You already know the bad news,” Estelle sighed. “Word got out about your little ‘stunt.’ As of right now, neither of you have great reputations in the Hollywood eye.”
Estelle turned to look directly at you, making you shrink in your seat. “Not many people want to work with an actor who would sabotage another actor’s audition to get a leg-up.”
You opened your mouth to defend yourself but immediately closed it upon seeing the look on Estelle’s face. She looked away from you, focusing her attention on Ruby next.
“And no one wants to work with a hothead who causes scenes and goes on public cursing sprees.”
Ruby squirmed under Estelle’s scrutiny, looking down at her lap to avoid eye contact.
Estelle leaned back in her chair, glancing back and forth between the two of you. “Fortunately, there is some good news.”
Your ears perked up at this, curious as to what kind of good would come out of this kind of publicity. Glancing over at Ruby, you noticed she raised her gaze while still keeping her head lowered. Estelle continued.
“Another director caught wind of the situation and contacted me immediately. Apparently, he’s been toying with this idea for a movie about two rival mafia bosses who go undercover as high school cheerleaders. He is adamant that the two of you play the leading roles.”
Shock painted your features as you attempted to process what Estelle just told you. You looked over at Ruby, who seemed just as bewildered as you.
“So, this director wants to work with two people who can’t stand each other?” She inquired.
Estelle shrugged. “I’ve been told he’s very… method. Authenticity is everything to him, no matter what the consequences. Still, people say to trust his process because he’s extremely brilliant.”
She pulled out a couple business cards and handed them to the both of you, his name in thick black font jumping out from the white background.
Calvin Cunningham. Film Director.
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Calvin Cunningham turned out to be quite the character.
He was brutally honest, always saying exactly what he thought of something. He engaged with the cast and crew as if they were his best friends, but if something wasn’t up to his standards, he never hesitated to voice his dissatisfaction.
His methods were eccentric and unusual, with an unwavering commitment to authenticity. They were unorthodox, but if they proved to be effective, he couldn’t care less about the cost.
On the first day of shooting, after being given your trailer assignment, you were about to go inside when you saw something that made you stop dead in your tracks. There, hanging on the back of the trailer door, was a big gold star with two names engraved into it.
Yours… and Ruby’s.
Outraged, you turned and marched towards Calvin, only to find him already in conversation with a head of loathsome brunette locks.
“This has to be some mistake,” cried Ruby. “I can’t share a trailer with her!”
“Ditto.” You piped up, moving to stand next to your rival.
Calvin shook his head. “No mistake. You guys can’t stand each other, and I want to maintain that energy throughout filming. I figured some forced proximity could help to fuel that fire.”
“Please, Calvin. I will literally share with anyone else,” you pleaded, words falling on deaf ears as Calvin simply turned and walked away from the two of you.
Ruby turned to glare at you with shrunken pupils, and you reciprocated with a side-eye right back. As you both began your way over to your shared trailer, you couldn’t help but acknowledge: this might be the first time you and Ruby actually agreed on something.
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Filming was going well, all things considered. You and Ruby spent your days on set, hashing out all your hatred towards each other in front of the camera, and then pretty much ignored each other otherwise.
Changing could be slightly awkward, given the shared trailer, but you and Ruby had an unspoken agreement to keep to yourselves. Nevertheless, the trailer was a tight space, allowing you to see everything within your peripheral vision. Despite your disdain for Ruby, you couldn’t help but admire the delicate curve of her tapered waist and how it contrasted against her toned stomach. Even you could appreciate how her hair became disheveled every time she lifted a clothing item over her head, prompting her to shake it out until her short tresses tumbled over her shoulder.
You chalked it up to vanity, but sometimes you swore you caught her checking you out from the corner of her eye, too.
One day, while checking your schedule for the upcoming week, you noticed a choreography rehearsal planned for the big knife fight scene towards the end of the movie. Dread immediately consumed you, settling in your stomach like a boulder reaching the bottom of a hill.
It wasn’t because you were worried about getting into a knife fight with Ruby; you knew the weapons were harmless props and posed no threat to your safety. You dreaded any kind of choreography rehearsal, as you were notoriously an uncoordinated klutz. It was like you bore a curse of delayed reaction times and two left feet—a burden that weighed on your shoulders like an anchor.
On the day of the rehearsal, you walked into the stunt room to see Ruby already there, stretching in yoga pants and a crop top that hung just below her ribcage. Calvin stood in the corner conversing with the choreographer, Lucas: an effeminate man with a muscular build that offset his short stature.
Minutes after you started stretching, Lucas blew his whistle, calling you and Ruby over to the center of the room.
“Hey guys! Hope you’re as excited as I am to do some fight choreography.” He chirped, flashing a toothy grin.
While Lucas spoke, your attention shifted to Ruby. She stood confidently, her hands resting on her hips as she listened for instructions. You rolled your eyes. Of course she was confident, she had plenty of combat training during “Willow,” and even more during “Bottoms.”
As much as you hated to admit it, this was one area where Ruby outshone you.
“In this scene,” Lucas explained, handing each of you a prop knife labeled with your characters names. “Quinn and Gia both realize they’re from rival mafia families, and draw their weapons at the regional cheer competition.”
You turned the knife over in your hand, running your thumb over the “Quinn” sticker on the handle. ���Is this… a real knife?”
Lucas nodded. “Yes, but it’s been dulled for your safety. Don’t worry.”
You breathed out a sigh of relief, knowing your lack of coordination posed less of a threat now.
Lucas continued. “For the first part, Quinn, advance towards Gia with the knife raised, like you want to slit her throat. Gia, sidestep and dodge her attack.”
You positioned your knife and lunged at Ruby, releasing a breath you didn’t know you were holding after she successfully avoided the blade.
Lucas nodded in approval. “Great! Now Gia, advance towards Quinn with your weapon, and she’ll block and engage.”
Ruby lunged at you, but when you tried to block her attack, the knife slipped from your grip and fell from your hand. Your face flushed as you stared at the blade, now lying on the plush mat.
“What was that?” Calvin interrupted, still watching from the corner of the room.
Lucas shot him a sheepish grin. “It’s ok, Calvin. It’s just the first rehearsal.”
Calvin grumbled incoherently as you bent down to pick up your knife. You noticed Ruby’s lips curl into a subtle smirk at your mishap, provoking an eye-roll from you.
“Let’s try that again,” Lucas stated. “This time, Gia, why don’t you try advancing a little slower?”
Ruby nodded, and moved towards you seemingly in slow-motion. This time, you managed the block successfully and engaged your weapons without issue.
Lucas beamed in approval. “Great! Let’s move on.”
He went on with instructions, leading you through the engagement of your weapons. Despite the slow pace, you repeatedly made a fool of yourself throughout the entire rehearsal. Sweaty palms hindered your grip on the knife, and you even managed to confuse your left from your right. Calvin stood fuming in the corner, while Ruby’s initially smug demeanor gradually turned into one of annoyance.
“Alright,” Lucas started, wiping his brow and forcing a tight smile. “For this last part, Gia, focus on disarming your opponent, and then tackle her. Quinn, this should be pretty easy. All you have to do is keep yourself open and fall.”
You gulped and assumed the ‘ready’ position, locking eyes with Ruby. She advanced, carefully redirecting your blade before grabbing your shoulders to push you onto your back. Unfortunately, as you were going down, a misstep caused you to lose your footing. Your arms flailed out of instinct, and in the search for stability, you inadvertently dragged the blade across Ruby’s cheek, leaving a bright red cut in its wake.
Startled, she hissed and dropped you onto the mat, hands moving to cradle her injured cheek. “Ouch! What the hell?!”
Calvin and Lucas rushed to Ruby’s side while you stared at your freshly-bloodied knife and tried to process what had just happened. “I thought you said they were dulled!”
“Well yeah, but they’re still real knives!” Lucas exclaimed, moving Ruby’s hand to see the cut.
A stream of apologies flew from your mouth immediately, but Ruby only responded with an icy glare and Calvin mumbled something about the makeup artist before storming out of the room. A lump rose to your throat as you blinked back tears, humiliated and filled with guilt. Once again, your clumsiness managed to ruin things for the people around you.
As you got up to leave the room, you looked back and met Ruby’s gaze. This time, instead of annoyance or anger, her face held only a look of pity as she watched you walk away.
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At the end of the day, after you and Ruby were no longer needed on set, you found yourself standing outside your shared trailer, hands wringing in anticipation for what you were about to do.
Despite your best efforts, you knew your struggle to grasp the fight choreography was impeding production. Ruby, on the other hand, excelled at stage combat. You needed the extra practice, and Lucas had already gone home. After several hours of contemplation, you resolved to set aside your pride and seek help from your sworn enemy.
With a deep breath, you entered the trailer. Ruby was already inside, dressed in yoga pants and a sports bra, clearly in the middle of changing. You felt your cheeks flush as she spun around, revealing a neon green band-aid on her right cheek.
“Ever heard of knocking?” She spat, covering herself defensively.
Your brows furrowed in disbelief. “It’s my trailer too!”
She scoffed, turning around to finish putting her shirt on. You sighed, knowing the odds were already not in your favor.
“Fine, I’m sorry,” you began, prompting her to look back at you, puzzled. “Not about the trailer, but about the knife, and the coffee, and just… everything. I know you think I’m out to get you, but I’m not, I’m just really accident-prone, and for that I’m sorry.”
Her gaze softened slightly, and she nodded, silently accepting your apology. You continued, avoiding eye contact for what you were about to ask.
“Listen… I need your help.”
Your words took her by surprise. “With what?”
“Fight choreography,” you pressed. “I know we don’t really get along, and I wouldn’t ask if I had literally any other option, but you’re incredible at stage combat. Please, I could really use the practice.
“No argument there,” she snarled. “But why should I help you?”
“Because we’re co-stars, if I look good, you look good. Besides, do you really want to risk another one of those?” You gestured to the band-aid on her cheek.
Ruby touched the bandaged wound, wincing from the pain.
Defeated, she groaned. “Fine, I’ll help you, but only on two conditions.”
She stepped closer until she was inches from your face, close enough that her warm breath grazed your skin. You felt the sharp jab of her finger in your chest as she locked eyes with you.
“First, during training, you do everything I say, exactly as I say it. And second…” she moved back, crossing her arms with a smirk. “…you owe me a favor.”
“Okay,” you shrugged. “What do you want?”
“I’ll let you know when I think of something,” she replied. “As of right now, we have a fight to train for.”
You followed her to the stunt room, now fully unoccupied as most of the crew had gone home. Ruby switched on the lights and made her way to the props table while you took your spot on one of the mats.
“Hmm,” she scrunched up her nose as she picked up the knives you had used to train earlier. “I really don’t trust you with a weapon right now. No offense.”
“None taken,” you replied, pleasantly surprised at the lack of offense.
Ruby moved around the room in search of a safer substitute. She ended up at a supply cabinet, and sifted through it until she proudly held up a miniature pool noodle.
“Noodles!” She announced, grabbing one and handing you another.
“Perfect,” you exhaled, relieved.
Ruby assumed the ‘ready’ position across from you while you mirrored her stance, gripping the pool noodle as if it were your knife.
“Alright,” she started. “Why don’t we skip the exposition, since there’s no issues there. Let’s jump to the weapon engagement.”
You stepped forward, engaging with Ruby’s noodle. She nodded in approval before continuing the choreography.
“Left, right, no… right. Wait… do you not know your left from your right?”
Embarrassed, you dropped your gaze to the mat. “I do… I just… have to stop and think about it sometimes…”
Ruby chuckled, rolling her eyes. “I am totally going to give you shit about that later, but for now, let’s just work on muscle memory.”
She moved behind you, reaching around to take hold of your wrists before leaning into whisper. “Is this ok?”
A shudder traveled down your spine as her breath tickled your ear, a subtle expression you prayed she didn’t notice. “Y-yeah… you’re good.”
The way her fingertips brushed so gently against your skin felt like a million tiny shocks of electricity, but you couldn’t for the life of you figure out why.
“Left, right, left-left, right,” she guided your dominant hand through the movements. “Over, under, around and right.”
She repeated the sequence once more before letting go of you, stepping back to observe. “Show it to me.”
You demonstrated flawlessly, earning a beam of approval.
“Good. Let’s move on.”
From there, Ruby continued to guide you through the combat sequence in its entirety, stopping repeatedly to work out the kinks and offer helpful tips. She taught you where to hold your body weight so you didn’t stumble, and even showed you how to look like you fell on purpose, if necessary. As much as you hated the girl, you had to admit, she was a pretty good teacher.
Eventually, after hours of training, you reached the last step of the routine. Both of you were drenched in sweat and panting hard, but determined to make it to the end.
“Now…” Ruby rested her hands on her knees as she attempted to catch her breath. “Last but not least: the fall. So to start, I push down on your shoulders…”
She placed her hands near your collarbone and gently pushed, causing your arms to flail and smack her with the pool noodle. Immediately letting go of you, she took a step back with her hands up. You froze, expecting her to yell at you, but to your surprise she threw her head back in laughter.
“And that…” she pointed to the band-aid on her cheek “…is how this happened.”
You forced a nervous giggle in response as you stared at her hysterical disposition. Her laugh was crisp, almost melodic, like windchimes in a summer breeze. You weren’t quite sure what she found so funny; perhaps she was so tired from the long rehearsal, she collapsed into a state of hysteria.
Ruby calmed down after a minute or two, wiping away a tear as her breathing subsided. “So, I’m guessing you don’t like having your shoulders touched?”
You shook your head. “It’s not that. I guess it just feels constricting to have someone pushing me while I’m trying to fall safely.”
She clicked her tongue, seemingly deep in thought. “Hmm… why don’t we modify it a little bit? I could push you by your hips, let you fall, and then pin you down.”
“Can we do that?” You asked, concerned about getting into trouble again.
“Yeah, it’s not a huge change. I’m sure Lucas won’t mind. Besides, actor safety is always number one priority… and that includes my own.” She gestured to her cheek again with a lopsided smirk, prompting you to grimace apologetically.
You centered your body weight as she approached you, grasping your sides before letting her fingers wrap around your hip bones. She met your eyes, searching for approval.
“Better?” She asked.
Your voice came out hoarse, almost a whisper. “Yeah. Much better.”
“The most important thing,” she explained, “is to keep your body open.”
She moved her hands from your hips up to your arms, positioning them until they were spread out on each side, as if you were preparing for a big hug.
“When I disarm you, move your arms to the side like this. That way, you’ll have more control over a fall, and I’ll have less chance of getting cut.”
You nodded in understanding as she took a step back, preparing for the attack.
“Slow motion, ok? No rush.”
She carefully walked towards you and grabbed your hips, pushing with gentle pressure. Keeping your body open, you fell safely to the mat, back flat on the floor and arms spread out to your sides.
Ruby stood over you wearing a look of pride and satisfaction before offering out her hand to help you up from the mat.
“Wow,” she exclaimed with a breathless chuckle. “I’m a really great teacher.”
You rolled your eyes at her familiar cocky attitude. “Mhm… so, is that it?”
“Not yet. One more time, from the top. Let’s put it all together.”
“Full speed?” You asked, getting into position.
She wiped a bead of sweat from her brow, breathing heavily as she moved to stand across from you. “Don’t you dare hold back.”
On her count, you lunged at her with your noodle before she sidestepped and dodged the attack. She reciprocated with an advance of her own, prompting you to block it and successfully engage your props.
“Left, right, left-left, right,” she called out. “Over, under, around and right.”
The two of you continued sparring, each movement now pristine and polished. Droplets of sweat scattered from your skin as your props flew at lightning speed, every advance met with a clean block or countered with the appropriate attack. It was like your bodies were in perfect sync, months of built up tension finally surfacing to glide seamlessly through combat.
As you reached the end of the routine, Ruby expelled your weapon, disarming you and prompting your arms to extend. She seized your hips, fingertips pressing into your plush sides, and pushed until you could fall safely. Back now flat against the mat, she crawled on top of you, straddling your hips while planting her hands on either side of your head.
Time seemingly froze as Ruby hovered above you, keeping you trapped underneath her. Her face was close, so close that you were panting into each other's mouths. You stared up at her, noticing her bright blue eyes had turned significantly darker, and you swore, just for a split second, you saw them glance down at your lips.
“You…” she panted, breathless. “Y-you…”
Your heart pounded in your chest, flustered from the mix of adrenalines. “W-what about me?”
“You… you smell… so bad.”
With that, she immediately picked herself off of you, leaving you lying in a heap on the mat.
Annoyed and confused, you sat up to glare at her. “Excuse me?”
“You heard me,” she turned away from you and cracked her back. “We’ve been in here for awhile, and you really need a shower.”
“Look who’s talking,” you spat back. “Your hair is literally sticking to your forehead!”
She reached up, awkwardly brushing her hair out of her face while mumbling something incoherent. It was like the air around you had suddenly turned thick with tension, neither of you daring to speak up for fear of saying what you were both thinking.
You decided to break the silence. “What time is it?”
Ruby glanced at her watch. “Almost 1am.”
“Shit,” you responded, not realizing it had gotten so late. “Guess we should…”
“Yeah,” she cut you off.
Without another word, the two of you gathered your things to leave for the evening. On the way out, neither of you offered a “bye” or “see you tomorrow,” but both of you turned to glance back when the other wasn’t looking.
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For the remainder of the week, you and Ruby avoided each other like the plague, but not necessarily in the way you had previously. Before, there was always a palpable negative energy looming between the two of you, something Calvin could exploit for the cameras. Now, your scenes read awkwardly, both of you too preoccupied the events of the other night to properly engage in animosity.
This shift in dynamic didn’t go unnoticed by the cast and crew, especially Calvin, who never hesitated to hide his frustration. He desperately sought chemistry, and realized that forcing you to share a trailer wasn’t cutting it anymore. At this point, he was willing to do whatever it took to reignite that spark.
One day, Calvin informed you that lunch would be served in the stunt room. It seemed odd, food being served in the industry equivalent to a trampoline park, but Calvin typically had some rationale behind his unconventional ideas, so you didn’t question it.
When lunch break rolled around, you walked into the stunt room to find it completely dark and empty, aside from Ruby, who stood in the center of the room looking confused. Upon seeing you, she froze.
“Uh… hey.” She muttered, pointing her gaze to the floor.
“Hey yourself,” you replied awkwardly. “Uhm, did Calvin tell you lunch was being served here?”
“Yeah, actually,” she furrowed her brow, glancing around the room. “But I haven’t seen any caterers or anything.”
“Weird, I wonder why he would-“
Suddenly, you were cut off by a door slam, followed by the sharp click of a lock. You and Ruby stared at each other, panic-stricken on your faces before rushing to try the door handle.
“What the… hey! Let us out!” Ruby shouted, pounding on the door after the handle wouldn’t budge.
As you watched Ruby struggle against the door, realization hit you like a ton of bricks. “Calvin!”
“What are you talking about?” Ruby growled.
“Think about it,” you explained. “He’s been frustrated with us all week, our scenes have sucked, he lied to both of us…”
Giving up on the door, Ruby leaned against it and turned to glare at you. “You think he locked us in here on purpose?”
You shot her a knowing look. She groaned frustratedly, squeezing her eyes shut and throwing her head back against the door.
“That is exactly something he would do,” she exclaimed.
“Someone’s going to sue that man one day,” you huffed.
Ruby snickered in agreement. “Why don’t we?”
“Pretty sure that would require us to actually talk to each other.”
Silence fell between the two of you, as what was supposed to be a lighthearted joke turned into you accidentally addressing the elephant in the room.
“It’s not like we ever talked much before…” Ruby muttered, breaking the silence.
“That’s not true,” you argued. “We used to bicker constantly. Now we’re just… weird.”
“This whole week has been weird.” Ruby agreed.
“Why?” You pushed, squinting at her. “You helped me out with a fight scene, and now we’re like two twelve-year-olds at a middle school dance. How does that make sense?”
“I don’t know! I just…” Ruby sighed exasperatedly, and put her head in her hands.
Your gaze softened as you realized the brunette was struggling with her words. Usually, she radiated confidence, an attribute of hers that made you burn with jealousy. Now, she exuberated hesitance like you’d never seen, with her body backed up against the door and her face covered with her hands.
You took a step towards her, and spoke softly. “Ruby, you and I both know we’re not getting out of here until we start talking.”
Realizing you had a point, Ruby groaned and dropped her hands. She refused to look you in the eye, instead opting to stare at your feet while she searched for the right words.
“When we were… fighting,” she began, chewing on each word as if it were molasses. “There was a moment where… I had you pinned…”
She swallowed involuntarily at the blatant description. Your face flushed, but you nodded in an attempt to coax more out of her.
“I was looking down at you… and… I guess… I just realized… maybe I don’t… hate you… as much as I thought I did.”
The moisture drained from your mouth as her confession caught you completely off guard. Half of you had the urge to make fun of her, and the other half just wanted to grab her shoulders and kiss her until she couldn’t breathe.
Instead, you decided to probe on. “You don’t?”
“I don’t think I ever did,” she confessed in a half-whisper. “I never really got to know you before, I think I just… saw you as competition. I mean, you were at every audition, how could I not? I think my mind just filled in the blanks? I don’t know.”
“Well, what do you know?” You asked, moving closer and causing her breath to hitch as she was caught between you and the door.
“I think… no, I know… you don’t… hate me either?”
She apprehensively searched your features for an answer, as what was supposed to be a statement came out as more of a question. You nodded, prompting her to exhale in relief before continuing.
“I know that I don’t have to see you as competition. I know that it may have taken me a while to realize it, but the time we’ve spent together on set has been the best month of my life. I know that I hate feeling vulnerable, so if you ever tell anyone about this I’ll deny it… and then I probably actually will hate you.”
You chuckled at her joke, and she began to relax as a warm smile spread across her face. By now, you had moved close enough that your faces were mere inches from each other, and you could just barely hear her breathing over the pounding of your heartbeat.
“So… what now?” You asked, secretly hoping for one specific answer.
She glanced down at your lips, eyeing them hungrily as she hesitated. “I, uh… I think I know… what I want that favor to be.”
Your eyes widened, surprised at her sudden bold demeanor. But as you gazed at her flushed cheeks, her parted lips, and eyes filled with a mixture of longing and apprehension, you knew there was nothing in the world that could stop you from fulfilling that favor.
Grabbing her jaw, you brought her face closer and crashed your lips together. A small gasp escaped her lips at first, but she soon grasped at your sides and started to kiss back. Her lips were soft, but her kisses were rough and passionate, something you weren’t surprised at given her usual fiery personality.
Her middle finger wrapped around one of the belt loops on your jeans, giving her leverage to pull you closer to her. A quiet whimper erupted from the back of your throat, the feeling of her body pressed against yours being enough to make your knees buckle. You grabbed onto the back of her neck for support, simultaneously pulling her towards you even more and spurring moans of approval from your newfound lover.
Eventually, you pulled apart, both of you gasping to catch your breath, but neither of you letting go of the other. As you stood there, wrapped in Ruby’s embrace, you couldn’t help but survey her features. Her eyes had darkened from overwhelming desire, and her lips were pink and puffy, coated with your saliva. Her originally shiny brunette locks were now disheveled, stray hairs sticking out from the static electricity of being thrust against the door.
She was a mess, but in that moment, you swore you had never seen anything more beautiful.
A breathy chuckle left her parted lips, breaking the silence. “I, uh… I was actually just gonna ask if you knew how to pick a lock.”
Your jaw dropped in shock as you stared at her, completely dumbfounded. “Are you serious?”
She shook her head no, erupting into laughter at her own joke. You glared at her, unamused, but soon found yourself stifling a giggle. Enemies or otherwise, Ruby was always going to be a sarcastic hothead, and nothing could change that.
“Wow…” she sighed breathlessly.
“I know…” you agreed. “Guess we should thank Calvin, huh?”
Ruby began to chuckle before her eyes suddenly widened in horror. “Shit, Calvin!”
“Yeah?” You questioned, confused at her change in demeanor. “What about Calvin?”
“He casted us together because we hated each other,” she whisper-screamed, eyes darting between you and the locked door. “Everything he’s done has been to fuel the fire: forcing us to share a trailer, locking us in here! He wants us to hate each other, he doesn’t care what it takes! If he finds out about this…”
Panic washed over you as your mind swarmed with possible things Calvin would do to taint your relationship if he found out about your feelings for each other.
“Shit,” you exclaimed. “What do we do?”
Ruby pursed her lips, deep in thought as she racked her brain for ideas. Suddenly, as if a lightbulb went off in her head, she turned to you with a wicked grin.
“We’re actors,” she replied. “We act.”
Gripping your shoulders, she walked you backwards before letting go and returning to her original position. Confusion painted your features; you didn’t know what Ruby was up to, but you were curious to find out.
“You are the most insufferable person I’ve ever met,” she exclaimed loudly. “In fact, you’re the last person I’d ever want to be stuck filming with!”
Her sudden shift in attitude left you puzzled and a little hurt, but you quickly understood her intentions after she shot you a sly wink.
“Oh yeah?” You retorted, playing along. “Right back atcha! In fact, if I never saw you again, it’d be too soon!”
Ruby stifled a laugh before quickly getting back into character. “I hate you!”
“I hate you more!”
At this last remark, the sharp click of the lock sounded again, and the door swung open. Calvin stood in the doorway, a huge ear-to-ear grin spread across his face.
“Welcome back, you two.”
He left the door open, and motioned for you to follow him out. You started to exit the room, but as soon as Calvin’s back was turned, Ruby grabbed your wrist and spun you around to capture your lips in hers once again.
A sharp inhale echoed against the back of your throat as she took you by surprise, but you pulled her close and kissed her back in a heartbeat. This kiss was different from the last, with the newfound excitement mixing with the terrifying prospect of being caught. The rush of adrenalines had never tasted so sweet.
Ruby pulled back with haste, immediately looking over her shoulder to make sure Calvin didn’t see. When the coast was clear, she turned back to you with half-lidded eyes.
“I hate you,” she muttered, a goofy grin spreading across her face.
You giggled, covering your mouth to suppress the sound before leaning in to whisper in her ear.
“I hate you, too.”
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crimson-amarone · 3 months
Fancasting for a Trigun live-action tv series/movie!! I know we got just Trigun Stampede, but we can’t let Cowboy Bebop get a live action and not Trigun right??
For all my selections I would say about 75-80% are actors I have seen in one or more of their most well known roles. For anyone else I narrowed down to 2-4 options and I did extra research into their filmography, interviews to hear their voices and general vibe, etc. And I also looked at what kind of roles they trended towards—sci-fi/fantasy and superhero media giving them bonus points.
See below for info about the actors and my runner up choices for each character. I included tidbits like their age, height, and notable roles.
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For Vash and Knives I wanted to first look for real life identical twins. After some research, I believe I found a fitting pair. Cole and Dylan Sprouse, best know for their childhood roles in the Suite Life of Zack and Cody. Although I don’t think I knew their adult roles as well as their Zack and Cody days, that real twin dynamic just adds that extra layer.
Of the two, I found Cole having a softer look, and lately it appears he’s been going with black hair which seemed fitting if we think about black-haired Vash at the end of TriMax. Dylan’s look has just that different sharpness and edginess that I slotted him to Knives.
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Ruby Cruz (Kit Tanthalos, Disney+’s Willow) is a very talented young woman and recently made a feature length movie debut as Hazel Callahan in Bottoms (2023) and will be starring in an upcoming rom-com The Threesome. (See notes about edit below.)
Milly was a tricky one for me. I have a couple of runners up below. My current pick is Mina Sundwall, especially for her role as Penny Robinson in Netflix’s space family drama Lost in Space.
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Although I’m on board with the HC that Wolfwood is Latinx, I had to go with famous werewolf Jacob Black from Twilight, Taylor Lautner. I got a couple other choices below too.
Liam Hemsworth (or Chris idkkkk). Nuff said?
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Rem was a bit hard to choose. I had to go with Candice Patton as a personal big fan of her role as Iris West in The Flash as a DC fan. She has just the right oh-crap-I-have-kids-I-am-not-prepared-at-all motherly acting vibe down pat that is essential for Rem.
Despite the fact that Christopher Daniel Barnes is always smiling in photos, his breath of filmography makes him such a good fit for wise Drunkle Roberto.
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Being so effing hyped about Nicholas playing Lex Luthor in Superman Legacies (2025) he has the perfect mix of heroic and villain roles for Legato’s psychotic righteousness. And he’s already had blue hair (and fur all over his whole body) as Hank “Beast” McCoy, c’mon too easy.
Zazie Beetz… that couldn’t have been a coincidence? Like Studio Orange must have know about this actress when they worked on the Beast’s revamped design. For a second option I’d probably pick a child/adolescent actor but Zazie can pretty much take whatever form they want, so why not both? Edit: I’m going with Scarlett (Trixie from Lucifer). Very very talent young woman. She’s funny, smart, sassy.
Role: Vash the Stampede
Actor: Cole Sprouse
Age: 31
Height: 6’0”
Best known role: Cody Martin ( The Suite Life of Zack & Cody)
Runner-up Actor: Mason Dye (Jason Carver, Stranger Things)
Role: Millions Knives
Actor: Dylan Sprouse
Age: 31
Height: 6’0”
Best known role: Zack Martin ( The Suite Life of Zack & Cody)
Runner-up Actor: Christopher Lowell (Sebastian “Bash” Howard, GLOW and Jess, How I Met Your Father)
Role: Meryl Stryfe
Actor: Ruby Cruz
Age: 23
Height: 5’3”
Best known role: (Kit Tanthalos, Disney+’s Willow)
Edit: I swapped Ruby Cruz in for Bex as I learned how far along Bex was in their gender journey. As much as I respect Bex’s journey and the gender representation is important, I still want to pick someone I feel leans more feminine for Meryl.
Runner-up Actor: tbd, maybe Christine Lee or Ana Yi Puig
Role: Nicholas D. Wolfwood
Actor: Taylor Lautner
Age: 32
Height: 5’8”
Best known role: Jacob Black (Twilight movies)
Runner-up Actor: David Castro (Raphael Santiago, Freeform’s Shadowhunters)
Role: Roberto De Niro
Actor: Christopher Daniel Barnes
Age: 51
Height: 5’11”
Best known role: Spiderman (Spider-Man 90s), Prince Eric (The Little Mermaid 89)
Runner-up Actor: Edgar Ramirez (Bourne Ultimatum 2007, Carlos the Jackal, HBO’s The Undoing)
Role: Milly Thompson
Actor: Mina Sundwall
Age: 22
Height: 5’6”
Best known role: Penny Robinson (Lost in Space, 2018)
Runner-up Actors: Liana Liberato, Kennedy McGann, Ellie Gall, Luna Wedler
Role: Rem Saverem
Actor: Candice Patton
Age: 35
Height: 5’4”
Best known role: Iris West (CW’s The Flash)
Runner-up Actor: Lyrica Okano (Nico Minoru, Hulu’s Runaways)
Role: Legato Bluesummers
Actor: Nicholas Hoult
Age: 34
Height: 6’3”
Best known role: Nux (Mad Max Fury Road), Hank “Beast” McKoy (X-Men movies), Lex Luthor (Superman Legacies, 2025)
Runner-up Actors:
2. Samuel Larson (Joe Hart, Glee) 3. Charlie Heaton (Jonathan Byers, Stranger Things) or 4. Brenton Twaites (Dick Grayson aka Nightwing, DC’s Titans)
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dear-indies · 1 month
hello hello! i'm looking for some face claims that could fit the vibe of a street graffiti artist? it's quite vague but i got the urge to have this kind of muse but i'm stuck on fcs unfortunately! any ethnicity is good, and preferably female or nonbinary fcs in their 20s please! thank you so much ♥
Lee Joo Young (1992) Korean - in Green Night.
Jenny Zeng (1993) Korean - in Lighter and Princess.
Chelsea Rendon (1993) Latina, possibly Mexican - her role in Vida.
Devery Jacobs (1993) Mohawk - is queer.
Bae Suzy (1994) Korean.
Midori Francis (1994) Japanese / White - is queer.
Jaz Sinclair (1994) African-American / White.
Jasmin Savoy Brown (1994) African-American / White - is queer - has spoken up for Palestine!
Rachel Sennott (1995)
Jessie Mei Li (1995) Hongkonger / English - is a gender non-conforming woman who uses she/they - has spoken up for Palestine!
Sasha Calle (1995) Colombian.
Mason Alexander Park (1995) Mexican and Spanish - is non-binary (they/them).
Sasha Lane (1995) African-American, Māori, White - is gay and has schizoaffective disorder.
Ayo Edebiri (1995) Yoruba Nigerian / Barbadian - is queer.
Kehlani (1995) African-American, Blackfoot, Cherokee, Mexican, Filipino, Choctaw White - is a non-binary womxn, lesbian and polyamorous (she/they) - has spoken up for Palestine!
Ally Beardsley (1996) - is non-binary (they/them) - has spoken up for Palestine!
Florence Pugh (1996) - has spoken up for Palestine!
Tati Gabrielle (1996) African-American 1/4 Korean.
Emma Mackey (1996)
Ruth Codd (1996) - is an amputee.
Myha'la Herrold (1996) Afro Jamaican / White - is queer - has spoken up for Palestine!
Sierra McCormick (1997)
Lizeth Selene (1997) Mexican [Black and Unspecified Indigenous]- is genderfluid and queer (she/they).
Kiana Ledé (1997) African-American, Swedish, Mexican, Cherokee - has spoken up for Palestine!
Piper Curda (1997) Korean / English, Scottish - is apsec - has spoken up for Palestine!
Blu del Barrio (1997) Argentinian - is non-binary (they/them).
Chloé Hayden (1997) - is autistic, has ADHD, and is chronically ill.
Kiara Pichardo (1997) Dominican.
Evan Mock (1997) Bisaya Filipino / White.
Quintessa Swindell (1997) African-American / White - is non-binary (they/he) - has spoken up for Palestine!
Ayesha Madon (1998) Indian.
Julia Dalavia (1998) Brazilian.
MK xyz (1998) African-American / Filipino - is a lesbian and uses she/they.
Maya Hawke (1998)
Andy Blossom (1998) Chinese.
Chella Man (1998) Hongkonger and Jewish - is deaf, trans genderqueer and pansexual (he/they) - especially in Titans role - has spoken up for Palestine!
Zoe Terakes (2000) Greek Australian - is a trans masc non-binary guy (they/he) - has spoken up for Palestine!
Odessa A'zion (2000) Ashkenazi Jewish, English, some Irish, Northern Irish, Welsh, German - has spoken up for Palestine!
Paulina Alexis (2000) Nakoda Sioux.
Ruby Cruz (2000) - is queer.
Beabadoobee (2000) ilonggo Filipino / White.
D’Pharaoh Woon-A-Tai (2001) Ojibwe, Cree, Chinese Guyanese, Afro Guyanese and White.
Hey anon! I just want to make people aware that I don't reply to asks for "women and non-binary" faceclaims because people in the community like to treat non-binary people was "women lite" and It infuriates me to no end, but since you said preferably I'm more than happy to reply and I hope these suggestions help you! <3
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glenngaylord · 9 months
Bloody Good - Film Review: Bottoms: ★★★★
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For me, anything remotely socially redeeming has always felt like the death knell for comedies. Whenever Hollywood has a lesson to teach me, I would prefer to skip school, thank you very much. I like my teenage movie heroes dazed, confused, and taking days off if they want to make me laugh. Well thank goodness Emma Seligman and Rachel Sennott got the memo, because their new film, Bottoms, aims gorgeously, deliriously, perfectly low and hits a bullseye. Think Porky’s meets Fight Club only with horny lesbians lusting through those shower peepholes and kicking serious ass. Oh, and did I mention, it’s hilarious?
Seligman’s feature debut, Shiva Baby, which starred Sennott, skillfully showcased their abilities to sustain a claustrophobic, nervous energy over its 77 minute runtime. Working together again, this time co-writing the screenplay, they’ve tackled a completely different tone, opting for an over-the-top sensibility yet with two very grounded characters at the center of it all. PJ (Sennott) and Josie (The Bear standout Ayo Edebiri) play two outcast high school seniors who start an all-female fight club as a front for losing their virginity to a pair of hot cheerleaders. They also want to improve their station at school. Improving things with violence! What could go wrong?!
PJ’s messy, a bit of a braggart, overly confident, and let’s face it, kind of an asshole, while Josie stays crushingly in a low self-esteem deadpan space. Sennott and Edebiri, who in real life, along with Seligman, met in college, have such a vivid chemistry, they make this outrageous premise feel strangely purposeful and with real emotional stakes. That’s no easy feat when the film is so completely bonkers.
Imagine a high school in which the football players wear their uniforms to class, or that has a P.A. system blaring humiliations no Board Of Education would ever allow. Into this fray we have our heroines who concoct a fake murderous backstory. They claim they did time in juvenile hall in order to lead their self-defense workshops and enlist a teacher, Mr G. (the scene-stealing Marshawn Lynch) to barely serve as an adult supervisor. Next they invite as many girls as they can for some truly bloody hand-to-hand combat, roping in their true targets, Brittany (Kaia Gerber) for PJ and Isabel (Havana Rose Liu) for Josie. The latter has an on again/off again relationship with the horribly douchey quarterback Jeff (Red, White & Royal Blue breakout star Nicholas Galitzine), but it’s not a stretch to see that Josie’s the better choice. Galitzine is a comic wonder in the role, leaping off the screen, using his elastic facial expression and loose body language to create a sensational villain. This actor has quite a range. Same goes for Miles Fowler as his overly protective BFF Tim. They’re two of the gayest straight characters I’ve seen onscreen in a long time, perhaps a nod to the gay football players from Heathers. Out SNL regular Punkie Johnson also contributes a funny scene about the insane lore of the rival football team. Ruby Cruz and Summer Joy Campbell also shine as standout members of the fight club with emotions dangerously close to the surface.
Seligman and Sennott pile on so many details about past traumas, who’s lusting after who, player allergies, and opposing team threats that it’s easy to dismiss the film as sheer nonsense. To that I say, it proudly wears that on its blood-soaked sleeves. This remains especially true during the insane third act when the filmmakers go for broke and attempt South Park levels of violence and conflict. Our main characters learn absolutely nothing, or at least kick that can down the road for another day. Their reaction to all that has come before, in fact, that usual moment in most films where someone learns a valuable lesson, earned the biggest spit-take laugh from me. Seligman has outdone herself for her sophomore effort going from twitchy indie to a comedy I’ll be watching over and over again for years to come. Likewise, Sennott and Edebiri make for a powerhouse comedy team because you want to lean in and eavesdrop while simultaneously shielding your eyes from their oh-so-wrongdoings. Give these bottoms all the power.
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noreturnz · 1 year
Love that the young stars are having much fun in willow, especially delightful because i have seen most of them in some super serious dramas prior?!
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While i personally found mare of easttown a bit more gratuitous crime drama than preferred, Ruby Cruz has this scene (i think episode 6?)where i was at the edge of the seat tense and worried for her character. So well acted.
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Ellie Bamber was the best part of the serpent, a total surprise !
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Considering the show already had the excellent Tahir Rahim as the antagonist (and Jenna Coleman supporting roles), imagine my surprise when I came out impressed completely by the young actresses playing the diplomat partner.
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There is this tennis scene that establishes her character and she plays it so different from what we typically expect - setting the tone for rest of her delightful performance.
(we have seen glimpses of her acting chops when she is reacting to kit in the cliff scenes you know)
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We are truly lucky to get them acting chops for our silly adventure (adoring). Win win!
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pynkhues · 6 months
I know the musical version is coming out soon but who would you recast in a non-musical mean girls? 🤍🤍🤍🤍
Ah, fun! I kind of feel like the magic of the original Mean Girls is impossible to duplicate (which certainly uhhh, seems to be the case with the new musical trailer - and I say that as someone who loves musicals!) It's such a product of its time in many ways, but it's always fun to try and envision how these things could be updated, and y'know, I love fancasting stuff, haha. SO!
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Auli'i Cravalho as Cady Heron. I was genuinely thrilled when I read that Auli'i had been cast in the new movie musical version, but it was a bit of a record scratch when I learned she'd been cast as Janis? I think she's a pretty versatile and extremely personable actress, and to me, that's really what the role of Cady needs as she's the character who has the most interesting evolution/devolution across the course of the movie. Not casting her as the lead I think was a real misfire, and I say that as someone who quite likes Angourie Rice.
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Ruby Cruz as Janis Ian. Whereas I kinda think Ruby Cruz would be perfect as Janis. She's got the look and the energy and I think has the right amount of vulnerability and acidity to play her really well.
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Luke Islam as Damien Leigh. I saw Theater Camp a few weeks ago, and man, Luke Islam was just so much fun in it. I haven't seen him in anything else (I believe he's in the Mighty Ducks reboot which is delightful), but even just from Theater Camp he has the energy, the attitude and the right amount of camp to kill it.
Aaron Samuels and the Plastics under the cut!
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Niles Fitch as Aaron Samuels I think I might have recast someone else with Niles Fitch before, haha, but I just think he's really charming in that all-American-boy way that Aaron Samuels kind of embodies.
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Diana Silvers as Regina George. One of the things that's kind of getting to me about the trailer for the musical remake is the fact that it seems like they've made Regina more of an outward bully whereas one of the things that I think the original movie did so well was the way Regina was a lot more insidious about the way she managed her own popularity and her relationships? Anyway, I think Diana could do that really well! She has a bit of that sort of tone in Booksmart, and I think is good in Ma and Glass too, so a role like this could be a good opportunity to stretch her skills.
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Meg Donnelly as Karen Smith. I kinda feel like Meg Donnelly's career has stalled because she's probably up for the same roles as Kathryn Newton, which is a bit of a bummer because I think Meg Donnelly's a pretty solid comedic actress with a lot of charisma on screen. She really sold the ditzy daughter role in American Housewife, and I think she could pretty much walk into Karen and play her really well. Her style's just different enough from Amanda's too that hopefully she'd bring something fresh to the role too.
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Priya Kansara as Gretchen Wieners. Fun fact, Gretchen's actually my favourite Mean Girls character. I love a girl who straddles the line between uptight and unhinged, and she just does it so well! As does Priya in Polite Society! I love her a lot, and think she could make Gretchen her own.
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softavasilva · 1 year
I got another one for you. Ruby Cruz who plays Kit in Willow. She could play Vi. Also since I'm so obsessed with kty, I'm thinking about what other roles she could play. Maybe Gemma Chan's sister in Crazy Rich Asians 2, where the story revolves around Astrid and her family. Kty can be the rebel sister (lesbian, surfer, no steady job, tattoos).
Ooh i havent watched willow but i can see their features as vi! they def rocks the short haircut too! PLS I LOVE THAT SO MUCH. kty already acts out the royalty/rich vibe so well from beatrice and honestly that woman has travelled around so much doing everything from nature , music, and the arts that she could authentically play this character skjdnf with the treat of badassery and wittiness (we all know this char is gonna be sarcastic af but in a humble way skjdnf) also ill lose my mind if i see her surf + tats in 4k
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corinneecrivaine · 1 year
Queer romance Willow
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I thought Disney was different from all the other distributors in the film industry. But I was wrong. It isn't.
The Disney Firm claims to be in favor of wokism by bringing to life a mermaid of color or a Tinkerbell, but I don't think it's in favor of queer characters in their stories. It's as if Bob Iger wanted to remove the entire Willow series as if it never existed.
I've read a lot of posts on various social networking sites from people in the queer community who are hurt by this terrible decision by the Disney Company. All these people feel betrayed, abandoned, always having to fight to assert their value and existence.
I'm a part of a community of which we're only 5% of the population, and the difference, the suffering linked to difference, I experience on a daily basis.
We're in the 21st century and the fight is far from over.
For once, a story featuring a queer romance as the main character could be considered a step forward, but no, Disney is going backwards. Up until now, queer characters have always been secondary, either the super boy friend or the super girl friend that everyone adores, confidants, always sexualized, but never a beautiful romance like Kit and Jade's. A beautiful romance that arises naturally throughout their epic adventure.
Without any judgment of their fellow travelers, but with everyone's acceptance.
It is this beautiful romance that is the strength of these 2 characters. Many people found themselves in their story, many people identified with them.
Maybe the Willow series came too soon ? I don't know. But the strength of Willow is that this story has always been inclusive.
When the film came out in 1988, for the 1st time it featured a little man as the main character, alongside Val Kilmer, a renowned actor who had just finished Top Gun and was in great demand in Hollywood. Up until then, Warwick Davis had only played roles, hidden behind an uniform. Willow introduces us to this extraordinary actor who, throughout the film, must protect a baby wanted by the forces of evil in order to destroy it and put an end to a prophecy.
2022, the Willow series revives inclusivity by featuring 2 main characters in a queer romance. Lost between their feelings of friendship and love. The strength and richness of Kit and Jade in the fact that they are portrayed by 2 queer actresses, not straight actors who have to pretend or get in the way. Their interpretation was so natural that in an interview, actress Erin Kellyman explained that it was a pleasure for her to work with Ruby Cruz and that certain scenes were improvised by the 2 actresses and not scripted.
Reading all these posts on social networks, which moved me deeply, I wanted to use this article to compare the main characters to our current society and show that Willow is not just a little entertainment story, but goes far beyond it.
Willow: A brave man with a big heart, but lacking in self-confidence. All his life, he's heard people tell him he's not a great sorcerer, that he's just a farmer. Doubt crept into his mind. But if he'd believed in himself and not let all those bad words overwhelm him, he'd have reached that level of confidence. For all those who don't believe in themselves and are totally lacking in confidence. And yet Elora chose him to protect her.
Airk: Lost in his own life, with no bearings, abandoned by his father. Looking for recognition and love through all his conquests. All he wants is to know who he really is and what he's capable of in life. For all those who are searching for their path in life.
Elora: For all those filled with love and compassion who fight for justice and good in this world. A symbol of love. She sees in every human being the goodness and love that vibrates in their soul. She believes in people, in love. She's the one who will make Kit understand her true feelings for Jade.
Kit : Suffering in silence from abandonment. Who only expresses this pain through anger and spite. Because she has no other way of expressing herself. Everyone around her intentionally lies to her, hurts her and, above all, doesn't believe in her. And yet, she will show courage, strength and determination to see her mission through. She's the one who stops Boorman and Jade from killing Graydon. She's the one who encourages Elora to believe in her magic and save Graydon. She's the one who saves her brother from the Wyrm and is worthy of wearing the Kymerian cuirass. A princess who doesn't want this life imposed on her. She wants to live her own dreams, her own choices, her own life, with the person she wants by her side, and whom the protocol of royalty prevents from fully embracing her own destiny. She doesn't hesitate to leave her comfort zone and head off into the unknown. She's willing to be vulnerable in front of Jade when she confesses her feelings.
Jade: Raised on lies. Upright, obedient. Raised to be a great knight and to obey and serve the Queen. For her, this is the only way she can stay close to Kit. She doesn't hesitate to sacrifice her dream to follow Kit and always protect her at the risk of her life. She doesn't hesitate to keep her true feelings buried, even her anger. The only time she expresses her anger is when she's fighting. It's as if she keeps all her emotions locked up in a box. It took the plums of truth to finally release all her feelings, and meeting her sister to finally accept the person she really is. Talking, saying what you feel, opening up to others.
Graydon: A totally self-effacing person. Convinced he's incapable, a disgrace to his family. Belittled by a father who rejects the person he is. He too has no interest in royalty. He's an artist, someone who loves languages, literature, music and writing. But he doesn't feel like a fighter. Who falls in love with Elora but accepts the fact that she doesn't love him back. And yet he finds the courage to fight for her, even to the point of sacrificing his life. Courage is in all of one of us. Never let the words of others destroy our soul.
Boorman: A liar and grave robber who acts only in his own interests, but chosen by Madmartigan in his quest for the Kymerian cuirass. Boorman isn't as bad as he makes out. He's just a protective facade. Perhaps he's suffered in his past. He's the one who takes Jade in his arms and comforts her after she killed Ballantine. He's the one who encourages Kit to believe in her, when he gives her the Kymerian cuirass. He becomes Kit and Jade's protector, like a surrogate big brother. He'll love both and be loved in return.
This is how I see the characters in the series. This remains my personal analysis.
Everyone can find themselves in each of these characters. That's why they're endearing. That's why Willow must not cease to exist.
Each of the protagonists belongs to a different ethnic community.
The problem in this world isn't being different. The problem is the way others look at difference.
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legion1227 · 1 year
Willow: TV show review
The show is just as endearing as the movie.
In 1998, the fantasy adventure film, "Willow" was released in theaters to mixed reviews but found success at the box office. In the movie, a young farmer named Willow stumbles upon a special baby he must protect from an evil queen. I watched the film a few months back and found myself mildly but pleasantly enjoyed. It reeks of cheesy goodness. The special effects whenever magic users utilize magic spells, the direction of action scenes, and a predictable story attribute to the corniness of the 90's film. If anything, what fuels the movie are the performances. Warwick Davis brings authenticity to his character Willow Ulfgood. The supporting cast also does a fine job with their characters. Val Kilmer as Madmartigan was a fun romp, and Ruth Greenfield as Elora Danan was equally enjoyable. "Willow" isn't anything to sing the highest praises about, but a family film. It reminds me of "The NeverEnding Story," though not as good, in my opinion.
I had never heard of Willow until I heard they were making a series continuation on Disney Plus. Upon viewing the trailer for the film, I found myself enchanted. I was not disappointed with the film; it was pretty much how I expected it to be. And I liked it enough to check out the Disney Plus original.
The show is just as good as the movie.
Twenty years after Willow found that baby and basically saved the world, he returns with a new group of heroes who venture on a new quest. Once again, Warwick Davis returns as the titular character, Willow, and he hasn't missed a step. Davis picked up right where he left off with the Willow, and it's fun to see him in the role again. He is probably the best part of the series.
His supporting cast is…okay. By the end of the eight-episode run, I didn't care for any of them as much as I did Davis as Willow. The baby Willow found in the film has grown up and finds herself learning magic from Willow. The prodigal student Elora, played by Ellie Bamber, is decent in her role. Alongside Willow and Elora are a handful of newcomers. Ruby Cruz plays Princess Kit Tanthalos, a princess looking to save her twin brother from nefarious clutches. Erin Kellyman is Jade, a knight in training. Tony Revolori is Graydon, the prince of a different kingdom from Kit, and Amar Hadha-Patel is Boorman, a previously imprisoned, recently set free swordsman and treasure hunter. I like the representation of minorities in the show. Amongst a predominantly straight, white cast, you've got Revolori and Hadha-Patel, of Guatemalan and Indian origin, and a blossoming relationship between Jade and Kit. It helps that the characters are likable enough to keep the show going. The action scenes are nothing to write home about but passable. The dialogue between characters doesn't flow as well as it should. There are attempts at comedy that don't necessitate a laugh from me. None of these aspects are particularly so egregious to bring it down horrendously. It's just things I hope are improved upon in the next season.
Really, the only thing I straight up don't like is the soundtrack. None of the songs used throughout the show work, too poppy and unfitting for a show of this genre.
If you're looking for a light fantasy adventure series to enjoy somewhat casually though then Willow is the way to go. It's not the deepest, ground-breaking, thought-provoking media out there, but it's absolutely fine for what it is. If you haven't seen the film, I recommend checking it out, and if you like it, then watch the show. Both "Willow," the movie and the series, are 3/5 to me.
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A list of my muses by series (both male and female) as well as AUs
RWBY: Jaune Arc, Sun Wukong, Lie Ren, Neptune Vasilias, Oscar Pine, Pyrrha Nikos, Nora Valkyrie, Ruby Rose, Weiss Schnee, Blake Belladonna, Yang Xiao Long, Glynda Goodwitch, Cinder Fall, Emerald Sustrai, Winter Schnee, Willow Schnee, Summer Rose, Raven Branwen, An Ren, Kali Belladonna, Sienna Khan, Harriet Bree, Elm Ederne, Penny Polendina, Velvet Scarlatina, Neopolitan, Neon Katt, Carmine Escalados, Arrastra Skye, Dark Jade, Ivy Thickety, Khaki, Mina Lavender
My Hero Academia: Izuku Midoriya, Tenya Iida, Ochako Uraraka, Momo Yaoyorozu, Tsuyu Asui, Pony Tsunotori, Mirko, Mt Lady, Kyouka Jirou, Mitsuki Bakugou, Inko Midoriya
Persona: Ren Amamiya, Yu Narukami, Ann Takamaki, Makoto Niijima, Haru Okumura, Sumire Yoshizawa, Chie Satonaka, Yukiko Amagi, Naoto Shirogane, Kotone Shiomi, Yukari Takeba, Mitsuru Kirijo, Fuuka Yamagishi, Elizabeth
Super Mario: Mario, Luigi, Peach, Daisy, Rosalina, Pauline, Captain Syrup, Princess Shokora, Queen Merelda
DC: Wally West, Kyle Rayner, Beast Boy, Jaime Reyes, Wonder Woman, Batgirl, Zatanna, Harley Quinn, Poison Ivy, Catwoman, Supergirl, Vixen, Starfire, Raven, Livewire, Ice, Blackfire, Jessica Cruz, Aya, Hawkgirl, Wonder Girl, Cassandra Cain, Cheetah
Marvel: Peter Parker, Sam Alexander, Daniel Rand, Miles Morales, Spider-Gwen, Storm, Captain Marvel, Scarlet Witch, She-Hulk, Squirrel Girl, Silk, Black Cat, Rogue, Psylocke, Silver Sable, Elektra, Phoenix, Emma Frost, Kamala Kahn, Elsa Bloodstone, Shuri, Viper, Jessica Jones
Invincible: Mark Grayson, Atom Eve, Dupli-Kate
Skylanders: Stealth Elf, Hex, Sprocket, Chill, Ninjini, Smolderdash, Roller Brawl, Punk Shock, Star Strike, Tuff Luck, Head Rush, Bat Spin, Déjà Vu, Torch, Nightfall, Splat, Stormblade, Aurora, Barbella, Boom Bloom, Ember, Tidepool
Yandere Simulator: Taro Yamada, Ayano Aishi, Osana Najimi, Amai Odayaka, Kizana Sunobu, Oka Ruto, Asu Rito, Muja Kina, Mida Rana, Osoro Shidesu, Megami Saikou, Kuroko Kamenaga, Akane Toriyasu, Aoi Ryugoku, Shiromi Torayoshi, Ryoba Aishi, Midori Gurin, Kokona Haruka, Saki Miyu, Sakyu Basu, Inkyu Basu
Danganronpa: Makoto Naegi, Hajime Hinata, Shuichi Saihara, Kyoko Kirigiri, Junko Enoshima, Kaede Akamatsu, Maki Harukawa, Aoi Asahina, Miu Iruma, Mukuro Ikusaba, Mikan Tsumiki, Sonia Nevermind, Peko Pekoyama, Ibuki Mioda, Chiaki Nanami
The Legend of Zelda: Link (Champion of the Wild), Link (Hero of Twilight), Zelda (Link Between Worlds), Zelda (Twilight Princess), Hilda, Mipha, Urbosa, Impa (Age of Calamity), Impa (Hyrule Warriors), Twili Midna, Cia, Linkle
Law AU: Muse A (in the role of the police officer) catches Muse B (in the role of the criminal), but Muse B talks Muse A into intimacy
Fantasy AU: Muse A (in the role of the bard of the party) had decided to go into the domain of Muse B (as the ruler of the demons), due to the natural seduction that had helped Muse A survive up to this point, Muse B is helpless to deny Muse A of their lewd desires
Celebrity AU: Muse A (in the role of the fan) had gotten the opportunity to meet their idol, Muse B (in the role of the Celeb), after their event, and the fun begins backstage
College AU: Muse A (in the role of the Professor) has Musa B (in the role of the student) stay after class, and Muse B ends up as Muse A’s TA
Coffee Shop AU: Muse A (in the role of the customer) had arrived to the local Coffee Shop, when Muse B (in the role of the Baristo/Barista) had given them their coffee and a proposal to romance/lust, which gets requited.
Justice AU: Muse A (in the role of the superhero/heroine) had gotten captures my Muse B (in the role of the supervillain/villainess), but Muse B falls victim to the charisma of Muse A
Royal AU: Muse A (in the role of a royal figure) is away in foreign affairs, where they have a 1 night stand with Muse B (in the role of the individual whom isn’t royal)
Convention AU: Muse A (as the famous person) is paid to be a special guest for a piece of media Muse B (as the convention attendee) really likes, Muse B secretly even lusts over Muse A, when Muse A lets it slip that he has been looking for some companionship, where Muse B jumps at that opportunity
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gonehollywoodrp · 3 months
Tumblr media
CONGRATULATIONS, MEL! your role of AYO EDEBIRI has been accepted and we’re happy to welcome you to GONE HOLLYWOOD! now that your application has been accepted, here are a few things that you should do and we’re looking forward to seeing you on the dash!
send your account in within 24 hours.
follow everyone on the blog roll.
follow all the tracked tags.
make sure you’re following all the guidelines for your new role.
send us a message if you’d like a link to our OOC blog.
AGE: 31
TIME ZONE: EST (Eastern Standard)
BACKUP CELEBRITY: your second choice!
AGE & BIRTHDAY: 28, October 3, 1995
CAREER: Actress
WANTED CONNECTIONS: Jeremy Allen White, Ebon Moss-Bachrach, Rachel Sennott, Molly Hordon, Havana Rose Liu, Kaia Geber, Ruby Cruz, Nicholas Galitzine
MISC: Ayo is single with no prior history.
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deadlinecom · 4 months
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bcofl0ve · 6 months
In regards to IG and his lack of promotion with all things I question his goal in being successful. You stated plenty of successful actors don’t have IG, but those actors are at a level where they are household names and will never struggle getting a role. Austin is not at that level. Maybe fame freaked him out and he decided he just doesn’t really want this anymore.
that’s not true though. household names like brad pitt yes, but there are plenty of actors not that at level that don’t have instagram. when i was trying to find everyone in the narrow road to the deep north cast to follow recently there are a handful that don’t have instagram at all, odessa young is very talented but i don’t think she’s at “will never struggle to get a role” career territory yet. and that’s just one example. ruby cruz is another one.
olivia gets tagged in quite a few fan cast collages of random actors, a lot of who i haven’t heard of, and 9/10 times not everyone in these collages has a taggable instagram. they just don’t make the ‘actors without instagrams!’ listicles bc they aren’t brad pitt 🤷🏼‍♀️
i really don’t see the point in catastrophizing when we don’t have an actual tangible reason to think he “doesn’t want this anymore”. every reason people have ever thrown at me as proof i need to accept his doom can be refuted. until there’s something i absolutely can’t refute (which i would be honest about, i value you guys too much to lie to you) i’m not worried and don’t think anyone else should be either.
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dear-indies · 30 days
Hi Cat! I hope you're doing as well as anyone can these days. I was wondering if you could please recommend a faceclaim? I am ideally looking for a woman in their early-to-mid twenties, someone a little rough around the edges, kind of dragged backwards through a hedge but we're making it work vibe. Open to any and all ethnicities. Thanks!
Emma Mackey (1996) - has younger roles in Sex Education!
Ruth Codd (1996) - is an amputee - in The Midnight Club.
Alaqua Cox (1997) Menominee, Mohican - is deaf and an amputee - in Echo.
Daisy Edgar-Jones (1998) - in War of the Worlds, Fresh.
Benedetta Porcaroli (1998) - has spoken up for Palestine!
Maya Hawke (1998)
Erin Kellyman (1998) Afro Jamaican / White - is a lesbian - in Top Boy.
Camren Bicondova (1999) - in Festival of the Living Dead.
Milly Alcock (2000) - in Upright.
Odessa A'zion (2000) Ashkenazi Jewish, English, some Irish, Northern Irish, Welsh, German - has spoken up for Palestine!
Thomasin McKenzie (2000) - in How Can I Help You.
Sophie Thatcher (2000) - after the 7th posted pro Israel content but now regularly posts Palestinian content so I think she's educated herself!
Ruby Cruz (2000) - is queer.
Paulina Alexis (2000) Nakoda Sioux - in Reservation Dogs.
Freya Allan (2001) - in Baghead - has spoken up for Palestine!
Angourie Rice (2001) - in The Last Thing He Told Me.
I hope this helps you out, anon!
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