#rubbing my hands together gleefully
134340am · 2 years
THE DABI FIC YOU'RE LOOKING FOR I BELIEVE IS "If he's a serial killer, whats the worse that could happen to a girl who's hurt?" BY WILLOWSER AND GOOD ITS SO GOOD IM SOBBING BECAUSE I REMEMBER GOING INSANE OVER THAT FIC!!! PLEASE PLEASE I RECOMMEND READING WILLOWSER'S TOUYA FIC CALLED " I’m melting in your eyes, like my first time that i caught fire (just stay with me, lay with me now)—" anyways sorry for going rabid on your ask box. Hope u enjoy your day! Many hugs and kisses <3
omfgggg ANON U R A LEGEND!!!! kissing u soooo hard for this because this is exactly it and i'm shaking like an overexcited chihuahua because i can't wait to read this fic again (☆▽☆) THANK YOU SO SO MUCH!!!
i m actually ashamed of myself bc i love willowser's stuff but i haven't read a lot of it ; o ; i'm trying to read more long fics but my attention span is very poor bfhjev fdcv AND THANK YOU FOR THE REC!!! i'm intrigued, just from the title alone!!! :O
naurrr don't apologise i'd love to hear if you have any other recs, or if you wanna ramble in my inbox about cool stuff you've read lately please do!!! ^o^ i want to hear everything!!!
many hugs and kisses to YOU, sweet anon <3
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roughentumble · 2 years
bestie reblogs post w/ just the tag ">:3"
me: :O !!!!!!! >:3
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letterful · 26 days
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(the book in question - The Years of Theory: Lectures on Modern French Thought - is set to come out in October)
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reactionimagesdaily · 8 months
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llondonfog · 23 days
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Literally Silver and General Lilia (I am delusional about them a normal amount)
i am so Normal about tropes involving memory loss/alteration ok! i am so Normal about replaying the scene over and over of gen vanrouge instinctively diving in front of his son to take a blast of magical energy that would have killed a lesser man! i am so Normal about gen vanrouge being his cold, jaded self and doing his very best to ignore the way that miserable whelp of a human child is burning holes into his back with the stare of a thousand kicked puppies left out in the pouring rain! i am so Normal about how much lilia loves silver that it transcends time and memory! i am so Normal about how their true love is what ultimately saves each other from lives of unfulfilled loneliness, i am so Normal— /is dragged offstage
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friend-crow · 1 year
Anybody care to guess what my latest plant acquisition is??
No guessing if I already talked to you about it :(
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greentrickster · 5 months
how do you feel about people using the "edgeworth loses color vision when stressed/scared" headcanon for their own works? im thinking of writing something about it but wanted to check since it is your idea.
Hmmm... I'd say okay, as long as you tick the "This work is a remix, a translation, a podfic, or was inspired by another work" box for posting it on AO3 and then add Saturation as the inspiration work. It makes it clear where you got the headcanon from, with the added bonus that it'll make a link to your fic appear at the bottom of whatever Saturation's latest chapter is, meaning my readers (who presumably enjoy this concept) can more easily find and read your piece as well!
Thank-you so much for checking ahead of time, it's really appreciated, and have fun with your writing! ^U^
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saintbehemoth · 8 months
I always wonder what would have happened if Jace had survived the dance instead of Aegon and Viserys, what kind of man would he have become after the war and the loss of his entire family. would he have come to rule? or would he have been forced to leave? they say Targaryen madness comes from the desire for power but in Jace's case I can see him losing control of himself in despair and grief
i think he would have become king, i think his grief and rage would necessitate it. what would be the point of all the pain and war and death of his family if he doesn’t end up on the throne? i think that’s how he would think of it
i can see a ruthlessness that aegon iii didn’t have but jace would - like he wouldn’t stand for the suggestion of treason. he would take cregan’s route post dance and execute all those involved on the green side. bc of this i think people would view him the way they do daemon - half think of him as a tyrant, the other half as a just king who punishes all crimes as befits it. that’s like decades later, immediately after when he kills alicent and jaehaera (by dragon or sword or ‘under mysterious circumstances’) he would immediately regarded a third maegor and have to put down another rebellion/false king thing. many possibilities out there <3
after the war i think the smallfolk would generally admire him for his good policies but the houses he punishes through idk taxation and social shunning bc of their role in the war - eg hightowers and lannisters - would absolutely hate him and trying to sidle back into his good graces for various reasons
if vermax also survives i think that would cement jace’s place as ruler, the last dragon king. credibility and authority etc etc and also having a fucking giant murder tool.
i can see jace super isolating himself, trusting no one entirely. lonely and melancholy like aeg3 but also with this festering rage. lowkey always looking for an excuse to let it out. most of the court defo has to tread carefully around him. any hint of conspiring behind his back - imagined or real - and jace is immediately like [crazy eyes] Do We Have A Problem :) (→ worst smile you’ve ever seen in your life)
if baela and rhaena survive he’d defo have to marry one. i think it would be good if it was rhaena… like not marrying baela would be the ultimate symbol of the loss of the security of their youth and of what they were promised in their youth… the castle of childhood finally crumbling to ruin and they have to live in the real world where nothing worked out as they wanted it to…
also the jace-angst of baela being like ‘actually i want to marry alyn, your maybe half brother who looks more legitimate than you do, who is replacing your little brother’s place in the world’ WAIT WAIT WAIT even as i type the thoughts r flowing… post war baela saying to jace i hardly recognise you anymore and calls off their betrothal. anyway then of course baela and alyn have a horrible marriage and she majorly regrets it but can’t do anything abt it because now rhaena is queen ^-^ i think being married to rhaena would help heal some of his wounds, like she understands they were her family too. i feel like rhaena is calmer compared to the fieriness of jace and baela so might help balance him out. downside of that is he walks right over her when he believes his way is righteous
longer than i anticipated but yeah there are a few thoughts!!! rotating the concept in my mind now veryyy much 😵‍💫
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karinyosa · 3 days
cooking up an every couple i want you mitski iwtv edit (or as every couple as i can manage)
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cunningmagpie · 25 days
ohohoho some extremely pleasingly round numbers in the stats on one of my fics this morning! 😁
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charlotterenaissance · 11 months
not me finding out i share a birthday with kevin mcdonald
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wimbledon2008 · 1 year
will darling no. 2 chapter 13 might actually be nastier than the king's rising tent scene holy shit
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boxedblondes · 1 year
girls when the horror starts getting horrific
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bitterscampi · 2 months
I am so behind on wrestling but one simply cannot not watch bloodsport
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oukabarsburgblr · 20 days
filthy drabble...
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"Yeah, put it in me- mmff! I'm a cum dump. I'm a cum dump definitely- anggh!"
His hands were strapped to rubber cuffs that was connected to elastic ropes, its ends hooked on the upper corner of the beds. The (h/c) could pulls his hands but to a certain extent, he was still restrained, vulnerable under the men who was playing with his ass, shoving toys and groping his skin.
Someone slapped his butt, a whine from (m/n) as he pushed his hips back, grinding more on the toy that was deep and vibrating inside of his anus. He was intoxicated, so drunk that he couldn't even tell who was fucking him right now.
The toy was pulled out and he whined but moaned gleefully when a wet dick entered his ass. His knees dug into the plush bed, a room he didn't recognise but based off of the toys and bdsm equipment, it was definitely a love hotel.
"God, you're a pro at this. Good cunts get to have cum in their butts. You want it? You wanna drink some cum?" Someone was pounding his ass, their skin slapping together as (m/n) nodded ferverently, pulling on his restraints to the man that sat in front of him, gripping his jaw.
"I want it. I want some dick." He salivated and stuck out his tongue, drool pooling in the middle of the muscle. "Use me. Use me like a toilet, please." (m/n) squirmed, his face hot and his legs sticky. The stranger chuckled as he shimmied off his boxers, pulling out his cock as he ruffled (h/c) hair.
"If you lick it like an ice cream, I'll stick it in with him." He gestured to the other guy who was going to town with his hole. "Your hole is so good-mmff! Gonna cum in here." The man slapped his ass. "Make it leak and all, you'd like that wouldn't you?"
(m/n) couldn't respond, his tongue swirling around the tip of the cock in his face before shoving himself into the man's crotch, moving his throat to massage the base. The man hissed, shallowly thrusting in the (h/c)'s mouth while gripping his hair.
Ropes of cum shot out of (m/n)'s cock, the man behind him rubbing him as he gave one last thrust, spilling his seed deep inside his ass, rubbing his tip against his prostate. "Mmmgghh- oh fuck oh fuck." The (h/c) pulled his mouth away when the man behind him wouldn't stop jacking him off.
"I'm gonna cum again- wait wait-!" He squirted onto the bed, his hole tense and squeezed around the base that was still in him, his rim now dripping cum. "Don't forget about me." His hair was grabbed and he was forcefully shoved into a crotch, his mouth full as he gagged on the tip, the man moaning his name and as he thrusted into his face.
(m/n) mewled when the dick bursted in his mouth, suffocating him as he coughed deliberately, feeling a sharp pain up his nasal holes. "Did it came out your nose? Fuck, my bad." The stranger cheekily wiped his nose, grabbing a tissue to help (m/n) who blew his nostrils into it.
"There's so much, look!" He tossed the wet fabric at the guy behind him. "You're gross, man." "Shut up." The (h/c) was panting, drooling milky fluid from his lips as he shoved his ass against the man behind him. "C'mon, I need more. More cum, more cock-" He slobbered, wiggling his ass.
"So eager." The guy in front cooed at him.
"Pull him up."
"Ahh! Ah! Anggh! Urmm! S'deep- mmff! Cock's so big-!"
(m/n) wailed, his hips pulled behind him, as his arms was restricted with a leather fabric. He was suspended in the air, ropes pulling his arms from the hook of the ceiling and the only thing that was close to a surface was the penis that was nestled in his ass, pounding up into him.
"You're so beautiful like this. A waste if we don't use it, hmm?" The (h/c) nodded, kissing the stranger in front of him, the other man still fucking his back as they had switched their spots. His toes could barely reach the floor and his nipples were pinched by a toy clip, intensifying his pleasure as the man in front played with the pressure, releasing and clipping his sensitive buds.
Their tongues mashed together along with their dicks. The stranger humping onto his stomach, their precum dripping heavily onto the floor. "Mm ahh! Ackk-!" He gagged when the man shoved his tongue deep inside his mouth, somehow touching his uvula as he licked his palate, coating his mouth with his drool.
His ass was moving harshly against the man behind, skin was irritated from being pounded and previous cum was dripping onto the floor. (m/n)'s hands moved to grab his buttcheeks, spreading it so his rim was entirely exposed, liking the full bare pressure on his hole. "F-fucking perv'- mmngg! With an ass fat full of cum, I'm shocked if you're not pregnant after this."
The man licked his ear, sucking on his shell and thrusting his tongue into the canal earning a squeal from the (h/c). His cock was grabbed and was jacked off, the man behind him speeding up his pounds as he bursted his semen into (m/n)'s hole, pouring deeply along his walls.
The clips snapped on his chest, (m/n) screaming and creaming into the hand, someone bit his cheek, playfully pulling the skin. "Someone deserves a reward. For being such a good bucket for us." He pulled out, laughing at the amount of cum that dripped while holding the (h/c)'s hips.
(m/n)'s stomach was coated with fluids, the man in front cumming and slobbered the tip all over his skin. (e/c) eyes were drowsy as they moved him, his legs touching the floor as he sat obediently like a dog infront of the two who were jacking off to his face.
"Nice body, nice face...man, you're just built for this, aren't you?"
He nodded drowsily, whining as he grappled onto their dicks, greedily pointing it into his mouth. "No, no. Only good bitches get to drink cum. And you're the best one out there." The man slapped his face, (m/n) whimpered as he stared up at the two, pouting.
"Fucking hell, I can't with that look..." The other jerked off faster, moaning as he rubbed (m/n)'s cheek. "He's a bit rough, does it hurt?" "I like it. I like getting slapped." (m/n) confessed drunkenly, with a grin like telling his mother he got an A on his test.
The man laughed, rambling on how cute and confident the (h/c) is before slapping him as well. The (h/c) hissed, pulling his face back to face them with his mouth open. "Told ya' he's the best."
Both of them fastened their pace, inching closer to (m/n) who was eyeing their red tips, eager to swallow the salty liquid before one of them pushed his lower jaw up to close his mouth. "Not there."
Suddenly, they placed their tips onto his forehead, cumming sperm onto his skin, dripping down his face, cheeks and it slobbered over his eyelids. Some of it got into his hair as (m/n) whined. "What a waste.." One of them, the one who had slapped him first, rubbed the semen into his cheek, running his thumbs in circles.
"It won't be. You've got two dicks to cover for. Unless you're that fucking greedy."
(m/n) wasn't sure how coherent he was, sure he was drunk but his body was tired used over and over again. So many rounds and so many toys. His body was submitted into so many forms of horny torture.
His waist was strapped, his cock was tied with a ribbon, his hole was explored, them playing archer to see who could shoot his cum the most into his twitching hole while they locked his mouth with a gag ball.
His back had whip marks, one of them using a leather toy to whip his skin when he was riding the other. (m/n) had came so much at that time, shooting his sperm so much that it hit the guy's face he was bouncing on.
His ass was soft from how much they pounded into him, smacked and they loved it when their cum spilled out of his hole, dripping down his thighs as they fucked themselves into him more, watching how it squelched and the sticky strands connecting their skin together.
Currently, he was laying on someones chest, his legs pushed up as he mumbled incoherently with a dick static deep in him. "I...ugh...urm..." (m/n) didn't react much when a finger dipped inside his filled hole, pulling at his rim and he hissed when they pushed his walls. His mind was somehow clouded and blank, letting the two strangers stretch their hole, as one of them climbed on top of him, coating himself with lube.
"This one's for you, (m/n)." He cooed at the drunk (h/c) who gripped onto the man under them for stability, digging his nails into his bicep. The (h/c) couldn't breathe, his ass full with a cock and a tip slowly pushing past his strained rim. "I-It's gonna rip. Fuck- t-too full!"
"You were the one begging to have your ass shoved up with two dicks. Did you forget already?" He teased the drowsy (h/c), slowly pushing in as (m/n) clenched onto both of them, whining how much it hurts with his dick flat against his stomach.
"You'll be okay, it won't tear." The man under him comforted him, rubbing his nipples and licking at his nape. "This is your reward, remember? For being the best cum dump."
They moved slowly together, moaning at the heat and tightness and (m/n) had it the most. Screaming and cumming when they fucked him gently before gradually speeding up, using him as a cocksleeve. Grabbing his waist and pulling at it to slam him on both their cocks, the (h/c) crying how his ass was too full and they were bound to break his hole.
"Ngg-gah! Too much-TOO MUCH!" He screamed again when he both tips pushed against his prostate, kissing it as they pounded into him more and more, his legs pushed up to his shoulders. "Mmng angh anh shit shit!" He cussed as he felt like he was gonna come again, but tilted his head when nothing came out of his dick.
It was a drygasm, his hole unconsciously squeezing harshly onto both cocks. The one under him stayed still inside, yelping as he bursted inside (m/n)'s hole while the other pulled out, shooting his sperm at the (h/c)'s twitching rim, painting both the stranger's balls and (m/n)'s hole with his cum.
(m/n) wasn't sure what happened after, he was lying on the bed numb and full. The two men were talking to each other, their hands stroking his hair and his sore thighs. They turned their attention to him when he whined, annoyed how their focus wasn't on him.
"Prince finally woke up. Thought you died there, got him thinking we killed you with our dicks." "I was worried, you asshole. You went crazy on his body like a damn animal." "You slapped him first??"
They argued and (m/n) realised he had been laying in someone's lap. His thighs were gently massaged and his hair was being played with. He could get used to this.
"It was...good. I feel satisfied." He rambled mindlessly, the man rubbing his legs laughed. "If two men can't satisy you, then I'm worried what will." They were all chatting like friends despite being strangers in each other mere hours ago.
"Annh." (m/n) opened his mouth as he kneeled on the floor, showing off his tongue and he caught the guy off guard, his face amused and shocked by his enthusiasm. "Wow. I'm impressed, really. Don't have anymore in me. Unless you wanna be a real toilet."
"Just give me whatever. Whatever it is, I'll take it like a good whore." The other rubbed his hair, raking his fingers through his locks. "Consider it as a present then." He mumbled as the other one rubbed his penis in (m/n)'s face.
"Open wide!"
He jokingly slurred, pouring hot liquid onto (m/n)'s face who grinded onto their feet, squealing as the fluid came into contact with his skin. "Hah...hah...ha..." It wasn't cum. It definitely wasn't cum.
"We're going to have so much fun."
Afterthoughts :
I got horny mb
Keep in mind that these are empty characters, no connection to my ocs and these are just me being horny after class again. Please dont rq more of these weirdos cuz i genuinely donno who theyre gonna be. Ong someone tip me cuz im going broke ARGH Goodbye LOL
Edit : got off of my high...i donno what to feel abt this. The fact that theres no set character makes it feel bland, its literally just my desire to be squished in a threesome. Oh well this just proves that sex is better w feelings🥰 (im watching blue lock tonight!)
@tehyunnie @rainnyydaysworld @webwanderer @a-short-ass-disappointment @chikai-k @mello-life25 @miyuuuki @simpsations
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cyberm4n · 4 months
alastor and lucifer sharing you pt 2!
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(i tagged people who commented asking for part 2 but lmk if you want to be untagged)
pt1, pt3
tags: @lu-ferri12 @my-anime-garden @princessdreamss @polytheatrix
cw: explicit smut, not thoroughly proofread, lucifer has a daddy kink, still in a hinge type relationship, hints to radioapple if you squint
other: i wrote part of this while very high so if there's a random perspective change just know i was cooking so hard with writing that i forgot to write in 2nd person pov
■ let's be honest neither of them are particularly interested in the other halfs involvement in this equation
■ but it's incredibly hard to deny that they work well together with you in the bedroom
■ when they want to, of course.
■ so there's a silent agreement between them that they usually put their beef aside cause like. they have you atleast.
■ i think alastor would still want to be close though, so most often your head is laid in his lap or he's touching you somehow
■ but there is a VERY strict line of sight he follows because depending on what exactly is going on this position makes it far too easy for the two men to just be staring at each other and that is 100% a no go for them
■ which i mean, fair enough
■ lucifer does tend to get a little possessive on the rare occasion alastor decides he wants to participate a little
"oh sweetheart, daddy is making you feel so good, right?" he would coo at you as he bullies his cock into you again.
alastor, tilting your head back with his hand, claws scraping at the soft skin of your neck. a good portion of your upper body is laid out on him, his other hand pinning your arm down.
"eyes on me, darling" he'd say, only for lucifer to give a particularly rough thrust, trying to get your attention back.
the main ground rule you had set is that they were not allowed to bicker with each other during intimate moments, so after a whine escapes your throat the two set it aside. for now.
■ i feel like alastor is strictly a dom, especially considering most of the time he's not really physically participating
■ lucifer id say is more of a service top. he wants you to feel good and he wants to know how good you feel.
■ i think he'd bottom if you really wanted him too but like only if he gets to make you feel good yk
■ alastor does particularly enjoy watching lcuifer go down on you, seeing you writhe in pleasure and moan so sweetly is like music to his ears.
■ he'd love to broadcast this
■ there is sometimes alastor takes a complete backseat though
■ maybe he's not in the mood or just wanting a different angle
■ so that's how you ended up riding lucifer while alastor gleefully watches from a chair beside the bed
"s'ok princess, you can do it" lucifer would say, hands on your hips as he guides you down on his cock. you squirm and whimper as he stretches you open.
with his guidance you start gently grinding your hips down, and lucifer lulls his head back, sweet praises falling out of his mouth.
"fuck.. that's it. ride daddy's cock. you're such a good girl" he'd moan as he rubs your clit. it's not long before he gets impatient though, wanting to hear more moans coming out of his pretty girl, hands returning to your hips as he bucks into you.
"you like it when he watches?" lucifer practically growls, hips thrusting up harder now. "cmon baby, talk to me" he'd gently tut, slowing down to such a painfully slow pace.
you're practically reduced to nothing, giving a weak moan, both of their smiles growing wider. "such a good duckling, letting daddy get his fill. gonna fill you up princess" lucifer says as he pulls you in for a sloppy kiss, another thing lucifer loved to do.
■ alastor has never been a fan of the more personalized petnames lucifer calls you
■ "duckling" "ducky" "doll"
■ but he has some of his own
you're on your knees in alastors radio tower, the very rare occasion lucifer just isnt feeling up to it. he's never been a big fan of receiving head, and he's just not feeling it today, comfortably sat in a chair.
alastor on the other hand, his hands are wound tight into your hair as you suck him off. "oh my sweet doe, so desperate to please" alastor would purr, feeling your tongue swirl around his cock.
"i understand why you... indulge so often. our little pet is such a people pleaser, isn't she?" he'd chime to lucifer, who doesn't respond, not really atleast.
■ but aftercare
■ oh aftercare from these two is amazing
■ the only time they firmly agree with each other and leave everything else behind is during after care.
■ it doesn't matter which of them you want or what you want they're gonna make it happen
■ if you want both of them that's great! and they definitely won't get mildy possessive of you at all!!
■ lucifer is definitely a big cuddler
■ and i feel like alastor would be about praise and affirmations, especially after playing "bad cop" the whole time.
■ not that he minds that, mind you.
"darling you were amazing, im so proud of you" he'd say in a much gentler tone, stroking your hair as you lay on lucifers chest, whos pressing soft kisses across your face.
lucifers hands trace soft circles on your back as they both murmur affections to you, and when you finally slump your forehead to lucifers shoulder, they both breathe out a smile.
if he's feeling particularly charitable, lucifer will nod to alastor to take you, to cuddle with you. most of the time alastor declines respectfully, still not really prone to expose himself to touch.
but on the rare occasion he takes the offer, switching places as he cuddles into you, lucifer cracks a little smile.
they really do make a good team, don't they?
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