autisticundertale · 2 years
Our list of Frisks/Charas (ft Kris)
TW for cults (including sacrifices), attempted suicide, kidnapping, queerphobia, sexism, abuse/neglect, child abandonment, (non-detailed) CSA, ableism, experimentation/imprisonment, and attempted "correction" of physical/mental conditions
(Ps: we have fourteen versions of them. This is probably going to be a long post XD you better be dedicated if you read this!)
Our first ever Frisk and Chara are the ones you can see in our AUs Defining Happiness and Drought & Devastation.
Princess (Frisk) is biologically female, pangender, uses they/them pronouns, and is pansexual. They ran away from home and climbed Mt Ebott in hopes of suicide, but…kinda tripped into the underground before getting to where they were planning to jump. Their biological parents were abusive, and they have an older sister named Celest whom they adore (or younger sister in the context of Drought & Devastation.)
Riot (Chara) is intersex, agender, uses they/them pronouns, and is queer/unlabeled. They have PTSD, depression, and a condition that affects their soul. They climbed Mt Ebott and jumped into the first hole they saw, which is how they got underground. Their biological parents did unspeakable things to them, most of which are only known to Frisk or Flowey/Asriel.
Princess and Riot are inseparable. Riot smothers Princess in affection and constantly reads to them, since they are dyslexic and can’t read on their own. When they met initially, both of them were terrified of one another…but now the two have grown accustomed to one another to the point where neither of them could live in a world that didn’t include the other.
Our second Frisk and Chara concepts were inspired by this and this and sort of became full-fledged concepts after we all memed about it. It also inspired us to make this drawing.
Cryberry (Frisk) is biologically male, a demiboy, uses they/them pronouns, and is ace-panromantic. They climbed the mountain after hearing the legend of Monsters though they didn’t exactly believe it to be true (since all Monster history had been practically disowned and cut out by humans.) They jumped in the hole hoping for either suicide or a better life. They are an only child whose parents are always working, and now only talk to them through notes (they stopped talking to them officially when they came-out as queer.)
Snicker (Chara) is biologically female, genderfluid, uses they/them and it/its pronouns, and is omnisexual. They have severe depression and climbed the mountain in hopes of suicide. It was kicked out for being queer, so it has many similarities to Cryberry in that aspect. They were only nine when they were kicked out, so they lived homeless for several years.
Snicker and Cryberry are smitten with one another. They spend all their time in the underground cuddling, holding hands, hugging, kissing…its endless affection, due to how much love they both lacked in their lives.
Cryberry has yet to finish a pacifist route, due to being a bit of a scaredy-cat and running away from every danger, and stalling moving forward…or accidentally panicking and attacking monsters, then feeling guilty after killing them, and resetting.
But theyll eventually get there. With Snicker’s encouragement, they are bound to grow confident enough to get through it.
Our third Frisk and Chara concepts are based on the Soulless Pacifist / Post-Genocide route. We’re planning to make a few comics (mainly lyric comics) about them. Their nicknames are Aloe and Pastry.
Aloe (Frisk) is biologically male, girlflux, uses they/them pronouns, and is demisexual. They are incapable of feeling much of anything due to being soulless and from the lingering feeling of LOVE from their previous run, however they do feel about 10% of the emotions they could before.
Pastry (Chara) is biologically male, trans-fem agender, uses they/them pronouns, and is bisexual. They can feel emotions still, but get hit with intense apathy at times, due to having Aloe’s love-corrupted soul.
Pastry and Aloe were both raised by an anti-monster cult who tossed them into the mountain as a sacrifice. Every 100 years they would do so, in order to please their make-belief “God.” Pastry was the first sacrifice ever made, and the next six souls were future sacrifices as well.
When Aloe was tossed into the mountain, they were terrified of everything. Pastry’s ghostly presence only scared them more, and Flowey and Toriel’s ordeal did not help. The first few monsters they killed were out of fear and self-defense, but eventually, they got killed and were sent back to their last SAVE point.
This was when Aloe grew disconnected from reality, continuously dying on purpose to see if anything would change. Nothing did. So, they began experimenting. “What if I kill more people and reset?” Nothing changed. Which lead to them become derealised to reality, thinking “I must be in purgatory” due to how the Cult had taught them to think, and so they started killing everyone because they wanted to “reach the end” and move on to their afterlife. Pastry couldn’t break them out of their derealised spell and gave up, allowing the LOVE to corrupt them too.
After the Genocide route was over, Aloe felt…unsatisifed, and finally remembered that everything happening around them wasn’t a dream. It was reality. And thats when they finally came out of their derealised state. With what little emotions they had left, they broke down, realizing just how many terrible things they had done, and that they werent in purgatory.
So, they reset and did a Soulless True Pacifist run. But everything that happened could never truly leave Aloe and Pastry’s thoughts and souls. Not really.
Our fourth Frisk and Chara concepts are for our upcoming mini-comic series “Royal Disasters,” which is a story following Chara, Frisk, Asriel, and Flowey in a polyamorous relationship, struggling with human-monster cooperation as well as parenting.
Starlight (Frisk) is intersex, non-binary, uses they/them pronouns, and is gay for men and non-binary people. They climbed the mountain while seeking adventure and a new life, due to being tired of living in an orphanage. Their parents died in an avalanche when they were only 3-years-old.
Luna (Chara) is biologically female, a non-binary trans-man, uses they/them pronouns, and is polysexual. They suffer from PTSD, depression, and social anxiety. They were kidnapped as a child, and climbed the mountain while running away from their kidnapper after managing to escape. They were hoping to either get far away from him, or to jump off the mountain as suicide if all-else failed. They tripped and fell underground.
Luna and Starlight fell in love pretty quickly underground. Both being pre-teens, they started dating only a few weeks after the underground was freed, but kept t quiet since nobody knew Luna was even around as a spirit.
Eventually, Alphys was told about Luna, and she sought out to give them a body. She found a way to do so, as well as to revive Asriel (who now is conjoined with Flowey, as if they are conjoined twins).
Eventually Asriel and Flowey started dating Starlight and Luna as well, leading to a polyamorous quad between the four. The comic will take place right after the four get engaged.
Our fifth Frisk and Chara concepts are for our fanfic/AU "What A Lie", in which Frisk mysteriously and without explanation, resets their post-pacifist timeline.
Thorn (Chara) is biologically female, non-binary, uses they/them, and is queer/unlabeled. They were an orphan in an abusive "orphanage for girls" that forced them to do "ladylike" things, and abused them for being non-binary and queer. They went to the mountain to commit suicide and tripped.
Vengeance (Frisk) is biologically female, androgyne (presents femininely), uses they/them, and is pansexual. They lived with their grandparents after their single mother gave them up. Their grandparents took them on a camping trip on Mt Ebott, but they wandered too far, leading them to the hole that they fell in.
After freeing monsterkind, their grandparents got to know Toriel and Asgore, and shared custody over them. Thorn, Flowey, and Asriel were revived, and over fifteen years later, Asriel, Flowey, Thorn, Vengeance, and MK got engaged.
However, several weeks later, Vengeance mysteriously and without warning reset the timeline, and began Genocide. The timeline, however, having been untouched for so long, did not reset properly, leaving everyone with their memories of their time on the surface, and possibly other things not quite right...
Our sixth Frisk and Chara concepts were inspired by the AU Just The 2 Of Us by Silversoo. Its for an AU we're planning to make a few drawings for called "Addictive Melancholy" that takes place after a failed Genocide route.
Cardinal (Frisk) is intersex, an intergirl/trans-girl, pronoun non-conforming, uses they/them, and is aroace. They climbed the mountain purely for the sake of adventure, and fell into he Underground, at which the PLAYER was suddenly able to control them.
Falcon (Chara) is biologically male, androgyne, uses they/them, and is straight. They were abandoned by their parents at the mountainside, and climbed the mountain to suicide, tripping into the underground
The PLAYER controlled Cardinal (and in extension, Falcon) to do a genocide run. However, unable to beat Sans, the PLAYER abandoned the run, taking Cardinal's ability to reset/load with them. Now stuck in a timeline where almost everyone is dead, the only characters left alive are Cardinal, Falcon, Flowey, Sans, Alphys, Asgore, the amalgams, and what few people managed to be evacuated successfully.
After explaining what happened to Sans/Alphys/Asgore, the three adopted Cardinal. Alphys found a way to use Cardinal's soul without killing them, and were able to break out of the Underground using Cardinal's soul and the other six souls.
Monsterkind, now with under 100 left, decide to live around Mt Ebott, not announcing their arrival to humankid yet. Cardinal is despised by most Monsters, who do not believe their story about the PLAYER. Asgore, Sans, and Alphys keep them in sight at all times, as to make sure other monsters don't hurt them out of revenge/spite.
Our seventh Frisk and Chara concepts are for our AU "Angels Of The Ruins" which is our own personal recreation of the "Caretaker of The Ruins" AU (since the creator romanticized/sexualized abusive relationships.)
Cocoa (Chara) is biologically male, bigenderflux (demigirl/demiboy), uses they/them, and is polysexual. They were being severely bullied by their classmates, to which their biological parents always told them to "man up" over. Their classmates mocked them for being a "weak boy" and dared them to climb the mountain. They did, which led to them tripping and entering the Underground.
Instead of dying from the buttercup plan, Asriel caved in and told Toriel and Asgore what Cocoa was doing, which led to them being stopped. Toriel and Asgore never got divorced, the anti-human policy was never placed, and Cocoa grew up with Asriel, getting the psychological therapy they needed. Upon reaching adulthood, they went to stay in the Ruins with Asriel, watching for any humans that may fall. Asriel and Chara's relationship is ambiguous, and can be interpreted as platonic/familial/romantic by the viewers own desire.
Waffles (Frisk) is biologically female, quadgender/genderfluid (fluid between four genders), uses they/them, is aroace and a queerplatonic lesbian. They were an orphan that climbed the mountain after being sexually assaulted at school. They climbed it as a means of escape (not suicide) and were planning to camp out there for a while to get some space, bringing a backpack of supplies with them, but ended up curiously (and a bit foolishly) trying to climb down into the Underground using a rope they brought...the rope broke, leaving them to fall the rest of the way, and trapping them there.
Asriel and Chara found them, adopting them as their child.
Our eighth Frisk and Chara concept are for our AU "Underfamily" where Frisk decides not to fight Asgore and stays underground.
Guardian (Chara) is intersex, non-binary, uses they/them and it/its, and is abrosexual. It was accused of being a witch (it lived during the early 1700s) and was chased into the mountains by villagers. They tripped and fell underground.
Cupid (Frisk) is biologically female, agender, uses they/them, and is greyasexual panromantic. Unwilling to kill Asgore, Cupid goes to live with Papyrus and Sans (since they remembered Papyrus offering for them to stay with him after losing his fight three times.) They live out their life with the skelebros and Guardian (in spirit form).
For answers around their past (and present) go ask things @askunderfamilyfrisk
Our ninth Frisk and Chara concept is for Underfell (our own personal interpretation, anyways.)
Shimmer (Chara) is biologically male, unlabeled in gender, uses they/them, and is vincian/gay. They were abused and thrown underground by their step-mother and uncle.
Daylight (Frisk) is biologically male, omnigenderfluid (fluid between all genders,) uses they/them and she/her, and is bisexual. They live in a time of war, and were scouting out the mountain for a place for their three brothers to hide out safely. They accidentally fell underground, and are attempting to free monsterkind as well as get back to their brothers.
Our tenth Frisk and Chara concept is for Runetale, one of our own personal crossovers between Deltarune and Undertale.
Mochi (Chara) is intersex, non-binary, uses they/them, and is vincian panromantic. They were abandoned by their parents at the hospital after being born.
Butternut (Frisk) is biologically male, unlabeled in gender, uses they/them, and is queer/unlabeled. Their father (trans-male) died giving birth to them, and their parent (non-binary) gave them up due to being incapable of raising them.
Toriel, after the divorce with Asgore, decided to open up her home for fostering kids. Mochi and Butternut (not officially adopted) have been living with Toriel since.
Our eleventh Frisk and Chara (+Kris) concept is for Deltafamily, another crossover AU of Deltarune. Its our own personal interpretation of the "KFC as siblings" AU.
Sugar (Chara) is biologically female, bigender, uses they/them and he/him, and is aroace.
Pepper (Frisk) is biologically female, agender, uses they/them, and is toric (attracted to men.)
Salt (Kris) is intersex, agender, uses they/them and it/its, and is asexual panromantic/biromantic.
The three humans are all triplets in this AU. Their parents lost custody over them after being sent to prison for illegal activities. Asgore and Toriel met Salt during one of the "child meetups" that the foster system holds for seeking parents, and immediately knew they wanted to adopt them. They originally were only going to adopt one human, but once they found out Salt had two other siblings, they decided to get all three, as they didnt have the heart to separate the siblings.
Our twelfth Frisk and Chara (+Kris) concept is for Underune, yet another crossover UT-DR crossover.
Narrow (Frisk) is biologically male, androgyne, uses they/them and rock/rocks, and is aggressively queer. They live in a trailer hidden in the forest around hometown, with their older brother Jareb. Their parents died while on a case (they were police officiers), and Jareb has had to take care of Narrow ever since. He tries his best, but the two siblings have grown into a dysfunctional bond, and argue a lot.
Kriscross (Kris) is biologically male, transfeminine non-binary, uses they/them, and is asexual panromantic/biromantic. They were adopted by Asgore and Toriel as a child (same as in canon Deltarune.)
Cherub (Chara) is biologically female, genderfluid, uses all pronouns, and is polysexual. They struggled with verbal and psychological abuse/bullying (from their parents and classmates). They ran up the mountain after a field trip that their school was doing went wrong and they publicly were humiliated. They tripped underground, and the rest is history.
In this AU, Narrow and Kriscross are inseperable friends. When Kriscross fell into the Dark World with Susie in the closet, Narrow was in the bathroom and fell into a different world...the Undertale world, specifically. This landed them in the flowerbed at the start of the game around the same time Kriscross and Susie were just meeting Ralsei.
After Kriscross sealed the first dark fountain, and Narrow escaped the Underground, the entrances to both worlds combined, meaning that Darkners could enter the Undertale Universe, as well as any lightners that joined Kriscross, Narrow, and Susie through the portal. This means that characters such as UT Mettaton can meet Rouxls, Kriscross can meet Flowey, etc, etc.
Cherub is also now bound to Narrow, but only when they are in the Darkworld/Underground. Kris can see and hear them too.
Our thirteenth Frisk and Chara are abusive shitheads. Plain and simple. We made them because evil characters can be fun, and it leaves real angst potential.
Siren (Frisk) is biologically male, non-binary, uses she/her + they/them, and is queer. Their parents spoiled her relentlessly, leading them to become entitled and full of herself. They became a school bully, and ended up finding sadistic joy in tormenting others. Her parents are hunters, and taught them how to hunt at a young age. They climbed the mountain after deciding to go on a hunting trip alone, and fell in.
Scythe (Chara) is biologically female, androgyne, uses they/them, he/him, and she/her, and is bisexual. To put it simply, she lacks empathy and sympathy for others, prioritizing himself. They like to feel in-control of others, and will do anything to manipulate people's emotions (even something as drastic and painful as eating buttercups, to make Asriel feel more inclined to feel guilt/empathy, and obey her.) He is a pathological liar, who makes up sad (but entirely fictional) stories about their life to garner sympathy.
These two can be put in any routes (assifist, genocide, neutral runs, etc) but we don't pair them up with each other. We like to make mini AUs where they are paired up with our other Frisks and Charas, since it adds better plot and angst that way. For example, we have written some short stories for Cryberry and Scythe & Siren and Guardian.
Our fourteenth Frisk and Chara (who are also our last Frisk and Chara...at least until we finish with some of our others) are for an AU we like to call "Flickering Constellations." This is the only AU we plan to make where multiverse travel is a plot-point.
Constel (Chara, but they actually use the nickname in the AU itself) is a transsex-male (AFAB), unlabeled in gender (transmasculine), uses they/them, and is aroace.
The town Constel lived in was made up entirely of ableists and corrupted scientists who decided to cultivate together into their own space. They all had a mindset to wipe out anyone who was not mentally or physically "normal." This meant anyone with physical or mental disabilities, disorders, illnesses, ailments, and syndromes. They intended to do this by studying the groups to learn new ways to alter genetics and brains.
The town opened a Psychward and Hospital, advertised and designed to draw in people in need who expected help. Instead, they were met with cruel and illegal experimentation. Constel was one of these people, having been sent to the psychward by their dads. They were cruelly mistreated and experimented on, until driven to a point of riot, where the mistreated patients stood up and fought back against the "doctors". They managed to free all other patients and set fire to the corrupt town. Constel was chased up the mountain by the remaining "doctors" which is where they tripped and fell in. The rest is history.
Fritza (Frisk, but they also use the name Fritza) is intersex, intergender/non-binary, uses they/them + fae/faer, and is toric. They live with faer grandparents after their parents divorced and gave them custody. Fae was obsessed with mythology and legends, and climbed the mountain in search of adventure. They willingly jumped in.
Once Fritza freed the underground, fae helped Alphys revive Constel. Fritza lived happily with their grandparents, while Constel lived with the Dreemurrs.
When Fritza grew older, they married Maek (MK). Constel, being aroace and uninterested in marriage, but still wanting to have kids, requested to have kids with Maek and Fritza. They accepted, and all three are parents together over nine kids.
Constel also decided to become a therapist, as to overcome their past trauma and to offer real help to struggling people. After some years of this, Gaster told them about the multiverse, and Constel now travels through the void to AUs (only ones that welcome them, though) to offer therapy to struggling people.
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colorbyclio · 2 years
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The woman in the photograph is said to be Marie Therese of France, daughter of Marie Antoinette and King Louis XVI.
• She was the only child of her parents to reach adulthood and the only family member to survive the French Revolution.
• In 1799 she married her cousin Louis Antoine, Duke of Angoulême, the eldest son of Charles, Count of Artois. After her marriage, Marie-Thérèse was known as Duchess of Angoulême. She became Dauphine of France upon the accession of her uncle and father-in-law, Charles X, to the French throne in 1824.
• Technically she was queen for twenty minutes, on 2 August 1830, between the time her father-in-law signed the instrument of abdication and the time her husband, reluctantly, signed the same document.
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anastasiaofrussia · 3 years
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Anastasia to Maria Feodorovna:
5 June, 1915. Tsarskoe Selo.
My dear Babushka,
Thank you awfully, awfully much for the wonderful bracelet and books. I shall wear it a lot, it is so appetising. Thank you once again, darling Babushka.
Lovingly yours, your granddaughter, Anastasia.
GD Maria's diary:
5 June, Sunday. 1916.
Went to Obednya 4 with Mama.
Had breakfast with same and Anya. Rode 4 with Mama. Sat with Nastenka and looked at albums. Went to the sisters' infirmary. Played bloshki.
Tsar Nicholas II’ diary:
5 June, Tuesday. 1918.
Dear Anastasia turned 17 already.
The heat outside and inside was great. Continue reading 3rd volume of Saltykov- engaging and intelligent. The entire family walked before tea.
Since yesterday Kharitonov has been cooking our food, they bring provisions every two days. The daughters are learning to cook from him and are kneading dough in the evenings, and bake the bread in the morning! Not bad!
If you repost give credits.
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princei-archive · 7 years
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goodnight bird!
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princessiphigenia · 5 years
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Happy Birthday to Grand Duchess Tatiana Nikolaevna
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duchescatherine · 5 years
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Compilation of Prince Harry, Prince William, Prince George and Princess Charlotte sticking their tongue out to the press 
Princess Charlotte on the King’s Cup regetta on 8 th august 2019
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european-royalties · 3 years
Posted with @DittoRepost #dittorepost • @theroyalpages Princess Charlotte and Louis welcoming their mother the Duchess of Cambridge home 🌸 Repost! #princesscharlotte #princesscharlotteofcambridge #charlotteofcambridge #prinzessincharlotte #prinsessancharlotte #princelouisofcambridge #duchessofcambridgeforever #theduchessofcambridge #momsback #backhome🏡 #royalkids #royalchildren #royalreels #theroyalpages #britishroyals #britroyals https://www.instagram.com/p/CUIPyV7goUV/?utm_medium=tumblr
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sortirdanslesud · 3 years
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Reposted from @royalkids_istres #istres #sortirdanslesud #royalkids (à Istres) https://www.instagram.com/p/CSPZDMvDQWN/?utm_medium=tumblr
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ksisterslove · 3 years
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Rise and Slay 🔥 @royal_kids_collection . #thefutureiskid . . . . #ksisters #royalkidscollection #royalkids #hypekids #hypebae #streetstyle #streetfashion #slay #slayqueenslay #borntoslay #girlsrock #streetwearchick #bandanastyle #hypedshots #kidzfashion #trendylook #coolkidsclub #kidshairstyles #kidsfashion #fashionkids #gifted #ストリート系女子 #ストリートコーデ #ストリートファッション #キッズモデル #キッズコーデ (at San Diego, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/CQhqeGGHMl9/?utm_medium=tumblr
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lachandagatson · 3 years
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New New 🎉 Check out the @royal_kids_collection featured in @sheenmagazine Model: @a.bailey___ @daycisworld HMUA: @lachandagartistry Styling: @sirjoeexclusive Photography: @claudio.a.robles #royalkids #lachandagatson #curls #hair #childmodel #potd #spacebuns #afrofuturism #pictureoftheday #curlyhair #cutekids #childhair #picoftheday #sheenmagazine https://www.instagram.com/p/COT_f7wMt2o/?igshid=1g04fy6ypu6i2
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autisticundertale · 2 years
Our Undertale Shippies
Time to make an update on our ship list because we have some new thoughts! If you are gonna start discourse on this post, get lost, this post is supposed to be fun. You’ll be blocked if you try.
Main ships!
-Chara x Frisk x Asriel (any combination of this ship, so long as the story/AU doesn’t portray them as siblings. If an AU treats them as siblings, we don’t ship them in that AU.)
-Chara x Frisk x Flowey (same as above)
-Frisk x Monster Kid (occasionally, we also ship MK with Chara, Asriel, or Flowey. It depends on the story/AU though.)
-Sans x Asgore x Toriel (any combination of this ship)
-Sans x Grillby 
-Papyrus x Mettaton
-Alphys x Undyne (x Mad Mew Mew)
Side ships!  (ships we like, but aren’t majorly invested in)
-Gaster x Asgore x Toriel (any combination of this ship...and it depends on the AU)
-RG01 x RG02
-Dogamy x Dogaressa
-Nicecream Guy x Burgerpants
-Burgerpants x Catty x Bratty (only if all three got character development though)
-Nacarat Jester x Mouse Monster
-Fuku x Skateboard Girl
Queerplatonic ships!
-Papyrus x Doggo (this post is to blame for igniting that concept)
-Alphys x Sans (especially during the Queen-Alphys Neutral route)
And finally...the crack ships!
-Moldsmol x Frisk (…what a meaningful conversation!)
-Tsundereplane x Frisk (b-baka!)
-Sans x Mettaton (we sometimes like to imagine them as a past hookup that now awkwardly laughs about how theyre gonna be brothers-in-law due to MTT marrying Papyrus. And by hookup we dont mean sex we mean smooching it up because they both were drunk and lonely one night)
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colorbyclio · 2 years
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Princesses Alix and Marie of Hesse and by Rhine.
• if you repost please give credits.
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anastasiaofrussia · 3 years
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𝗚rowing up, Alexandra’s family hid a dark secret. The men of their royal line tended to suffer from the often-fatal disease hemophilia, an illness that prevents blood from clotting. When Alexandra was barely a year old, her hemophiliac brother Frederich died after a nasty fall. Meanwhile, the women of the line were often carriers of the gene, including Alexandra herself.
𝓓eath visited the royal House of Hesse in 1878. A violent outbreak of diphtheria entered the palace, and many of the children fell ill, along with their father Louis. Alexandra was among them. Her mother Princess Alice refused to leave their sides and nursed most of them back to health, but her loyalty came at a great cost.
In December of that year, Alice took ill and died along with Alexandra’s most beloved sister, Marie. The young Alexandra was reportedly so bereft at the loss that her whole personality turned from cheerful to solemn.
Later in her life, the nervous and fear-wracked Empress was addicted to Veronal, a kind of sedative. As she once confessed to a friend, “I’m literally saturated with it.”
𝓣he romantic love story of Alexandra and her husband Tsar Nicholas II is one for the ages. They first met at her sister’s wedding in 1884, when Alexandra was only 12 years old. Over the years, they grew closer and closer, and soon they were both very much in love. Nicholas even spoke of her with aching adoration in his diary.
He wrote: “It is my dream to one day marry Alix H. I have loved her for a long time…For a long time, I have resisted my feeling that my dearest dream will come true.”
𝓝icholas and Alexandra may have loved each other fiercely, but they were in for utter heartbreak at first. Nicholas’ parents Alexander and Maria were staunchly anti-German and refused him flat out when he asked to marry her. As for Alexandra’s side of the family, Queen Victoria wasn’t too pleased with Russia, and she personally detested Nicholas’ father.
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princei-archive · 7 years
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hiya!! bunni here! did you know that the apple App Store has a "free app of the week"? right now it's toca boca school life! ive gotten heaps of cute apps from this, and it's usually games! so it's really cool for people who can't or don't wanna spend money on kiddie apps (cause lots of them are costly!) happy playing!!
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princessiphigenia · 5 years
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Grand Duchesses Maria and Anastasia Romanov
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royalmamastots · 3 years
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