#rory lewis
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sitting-on-me-bum · 10 months
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An ashy mining bee (Andrena cineraria) on an old dandelion head. A distinctive early spring bee, females burrow into the ground to make nests, creating a pile of soil by the entrance. Although they are solitary bees there may be many nests in a small area.
Photograph: Rory Lewis/Royal Entomological Society
Insect Week Photography Awards
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ocean-irl · 1 month
Doctor, girlboss, malewife is a top tier TARDIS dynamic actually
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tangerinelabyrinth · 1 month
(All Groups Are Randomized) Imagine you get trapped in the Tardis and can't leave.
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headcanonsandmore · 2 days
Doctor Who companions summarised in ten words or less (2005-2022 edition)
Rose Tyler: Working class girl unionises outer space.
Martha Jones: Hypercompetent doctor treated like second choice, understandably leaves.
Donna Noble: Woman finds platonic soul-mate in angsty alien mess.
Amy Pond: Scottish lady becomes mother-in-law to alien she fancied.
Rory Williams: Hypercompetent medical professional treated like moron for no reason.
River Song: MILF becomes her own parents' childhood friend.
Clara Oswald: Schoolteacher develops co-dependency issues with caretaker.
Nardole: Bald man insists on telling boss he sucks.
Bill Potts: Local lesbian falls in love with puddle.
Graham O'Brien: Retiree goes on gap year in time machine.
Ryan Sinclair: Dyspraxia be damned, my boy sure can run.
Dan Lewis: Scouse himbo is best third wheel ever.
Yasmin Khan: Pining sapphic accused of queerbaiting for not snogging crush.
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dalekofchaos · 16 days
Didn't have enough room for it, but the Paternoster Gang, so if you want that, just reply or reblog with that option
the Unified Intelligence Taskforce. The Power of the Doctor set up a new UNIT that recruited some of the Doctor's former companions so it feels like there's fertile ground for a show about who protects modern-day Earth when the Doctor's not available. An episodic structure would fit a UNIT show well, allowing it to shift from espionage thriller, to alien invasion, to weird science, like The X-Files.
An alternative UNIT show could follow in the footsteps of Star Trek: Lower Decks by focusing on a group of lowly officers who are left to pick up the pieces after one of the big exciting Doctor Who alien invasions. The Doctor always leaves a lot of destruction in their wake, so it would provide a lot of opportunities for an affectionate parody of Doctor Who. They could be led by a former UNIT operative like Sergeant Benton (John Levene) who would be an ideal character for an irreverent Doctor Who comedy. There's a lot of potential for UNIT in the new RTD era and hopefully, the Disney+ deal can help to realize it.
For obvious reasons, Jack and Mickey would be recast
Companions united.
Showing everyone who traveled with the Doctor saving the world in their own way. Each episode showing individual companions. From all the alive Classic Companions to all the New Who Companions.
Master Who? Basically The Master's show and showing what happens when The Doctor isn't there to stop The Master's universal conquest. And The Master taking on the worst people imaginable as companions. Could have Michelle Gomez, John Simm, Sascha Dhawan, Derek Jacobi, Geoffrey Beevers, Eric Roberts and Gordon Tipple return as their respective Masters/Missy
Time Lord Academy. The childhood of The Doctor, Master, and Rani during their years at the academy
Eighth Doctor adventures.
Finally giving Eight the run he deserves. Could bring in Charley or Lucie as his companions and lead into Eight in the Time War
Showing Romana and Leela on Gallifrey. During Romana's reign as Time Lady President. Leading to the Time War and how Romana was removed from power and Leela's last stand
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emjayewrites · 4 months
Private Landing (Lewis Hamilton Fanfic) (3/?)
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SUMMARY: In the high-speed world of Formula One, Lewis Hamilton subtly introduces a mysterious partner via Instagram after a slight mishap during an interview. Sparking media intrigue, everyone wants to know: who is the enigmatic figure that calls herself Mrs. Hamilton?
INSPO: this post
PAIRINGS: Sir Lewis Hamilton x Aurora "Rorie" Phillips-Hamilton (faceclaim is Justine Skye)
WARNINGS: drama, angst, sexual content, formula one b.s., pre-established relationship (with flashbacks). RATED M (18+)
TAGLIST: @queenshikongo3 @cocobutterqwueen @httpsserene @mauvecherie-writes @galatially @pausmoon @a-moment-captured @nikki01234 @yeea-nah @sirlew44 @melodichaeuxx-lacritquexx @weetjy @lewisroscoelove @hxneyclouds @questionable-behaviour @marzzrambles @lovebittenbyevans @tian-monique @alika-4466 @saintslewis @cherry2stems @mitruscity @burberryfilms @planetmimi @woderfulkawaii @d3kstar @liamundi @trinitoldyouso @scorpiobleue @pharaohanubis0 @certifiedlesbianbaddie @blveeeeeee @sugardontbesweet @omgsuperstarg @bluesole16 @serpenttines-library @peyiswriting @royallyprincesslilly @galatially @jasmindaughteroftheworld @laptiteantillaise
A/N: Please let me know if you want to be added/removed from the taglist. The headers/dividers are by @inklore
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CHAPTER 3: Nowhere to Hide, Baby
Flashback to October 2018, Manhattan
The dim lights of the bar at SoHo House illuminated the room, casting an amber glow onto every surface, and Lewis couldn't help but feel a tinge of excitement coursing through his veins. This year marked a turning point in his racing career, he was on the precipice of winning his fifth World Driver's Championship, and he was determined to savor every moment of it.
Seated at the sleek wooden bar, Lewis tapped his fingers aimlessly against the smooth surface, replaying the day's events in his head. From seeing his face plastered across Times Square to back-to-back interviews, it had been a long day full of press obligations. But despite his exhaustion, he couldn't shake off the adrenaline coursing through him for this week's race in Austin, Texas.
And then, amidst the chatter and clinking of glasses, Lewis's gaze landed on her. She stood among her coworkers, her vibrant red midi dress catching his eye like a beacon in the dark. Her mischievous laughter and sparkling eyes drew him in, captivating him completely. The noise of the bar faded into the background as he focused solely on this enchanting woman before him.
His eyes scanned her body hungrily, appreciating every curve and how the color of her dress complemented her deep skin tone. Lewis was known for his love of women, some would say too much as rumors swirled about his revolving door of relationships. But after an eight-year-long relationship, what else was a man to do? His most recent "flavor of the month" was rapper Nicki Minaj - he enjoyed her bold personality and unapologetic confidence, but he knew she wasn't wifey material. They were just casual, so nothing really mattered anyway.
Driven by an irresistible force, Lewis found himself standing up from his seat and striding confidently towards her. As he closed the distance between them, a symphony of emotions stirred within him - excitement, nerves, and vulnerability. He had conquered countless racetracks, but this was uncharted territory.
With each step, Lewis exuded swagger and cockiness. When he reached her side, interrupting her conversation with friends, he mustered all the confidence he had left and extended his hand towards her.
"I'm Lewis," he introduced himself with a charming grin. He watched as her big, brown eyes skimmed over his hand before meeting his gaze. She had an inscrutable expression on her stunning face, but he knew that his usual dazzling smile and flirty batting of eyelashes could make any woman melt at his feet. So surely, she wouldn't be any different, right?
"I couldn't give any fucks," she declared boldly before taking a long sip of her martini. "Isn't it rude to barge into someone's conversation?"
Well damn, excuse me, he thought, taken aback by her brazenness.
He nodded slowly, dropping his hand at his side and biting the inside of his cheek. For the first time in a while, he had met someone who wasn't swayed by his charm. And yet, there was something about her that made him crave her attention and approval. She maintained an air of nonchalance as their eyes locked in a silent standoff.
"My apologies," he responded with a playful smirk, breaking the tension. "Can we start over?"
She chuckled, surprised and intrigued by his audacity. On the other hand, her friends were wide-eyed and nudging her, probably trying to figure out who he was. But despite it all, Lewis couldn't help but admire her confidence and effortless grace. Placing a finger on her chin, she hummed for a moment as if considering his request.
Her voice was low and seductive as she replied, "Sure..." causing him to inwardly cheer. "But only if you buy me another drink."
"Deal," he said quickly, leaning against the bar beside her and signaling the bartender for another round of drinks. "What brings you here tonight?" He couldn't hide his curiosity, his genuine interest shining in his eyes.
She shrugged casually. "Just winding down after a long day at the office," she answered, finishing her martini with a satisfied sigh before setting the empty glass on the counter. "I don't usually frequent bars like this, but my coworkers insisted on celebrating a recent success."
Lewis nodded, mesmerized by the way her eyes danced with mischief when she spoke. He couldn't resist the urge to challenge her. "Well, I'm glad they did," he said smoothly,his thumb lightly caressing her exposed skin. "Otherwise, I wouldn't have had the chance to meet someone as beautiful as you."
She raised an eyebrow, clearly unimpressed by his smooth talk. "You must be a real ladies' man," she remarked dryly.
Lewis chuckled. "I have my moments," he admitted with a smirk.
"I'll bet," she replied sarcastically. "So what do you do for a living?"
"I work with cars," Lewis responded casually, keeping his true job as a highly respected Formula One driver a secret, at least for now.
"Oh, a car guy," she said with a smirk of her own. "I guess that explains the cocky attitude."
Lewis couldn't help but laugh at her quick wit. He was intrigued by her and wanted to get to know her better. "What's your name?"
She glanced at him with a sly smile before answering, "Why don't you guess?"
"Hmm…" Lewis pretended to think for a moment before responding with a teasing tone. "Is it Angelina Jolie? Because you're definitely an angel."
She rolled her eyes playfully at his cheesy pick-up line but couldn't hide the small smile forming on her lips.
"Nope, not quite," she replied with a grin. "But nice try. My name is Aurora, but I go by Rorie."
"Rorie," he repeated in a deep voice. Although he was a cocky bastard, she couldn't deny that his British accent was incredibly sexy.
"Yeah," she said, glancing away to search for her friends. With his sexy voice and intense gaze, she felt herself melting, which was unusual because she never cracked under pressure. She quickly spotted her friends in a nearby booth and was about to gesture for them to come back over when he spoke again.
"A gorgeous name for a gorgeous woman," he flirted, his hands leaving her forearm to lightly graze the side of her face – something that made her extremely uncomfortable.
"What the hell do you think you're doing—"
"Do you know what would make your name even more beautiful, Aurora?" he interrupted with a smug smile.
Amused, she rolled her eyes and asked, "What?"
"My last name attached to it."
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Rorie's fame and influence were rapidly growing, captivating audiences all over the world. The media was obsessed with her, from interviewing her childhood friends to writing detailed pieces about her upbringing in Williamsport. It seemed like everyone couldn't get enough of her.
But with this level of attention came its own set of challenges for Rorie. She was constantly under a microscope, with every aspect of her life scrutinized and analyzed.
Despite their hectic schedules, Rorie and Lewis were determined to make their marriage and family work. However, with both of them immersed in their respective careers, worry crept into Rorie's mind.
Still, she couldn't contain her excitement as she awaited news from Yael about a potential partnership with Lancôme. After a successful meeting with the company, she eagerly waited for more details on the lucrative collaboration. Meanwhile, Lewis was preparing for his upcoming trip to England for the Silverstone race. He made sure to spend quality time with Rorie and Lyric before departing, knowing he would be away for some time.
As was their custom whenever he was home, Lewis and Rorie woke up early to go for a jog through the streets of Monaco. The sun was just starting to rise, casting a golden glow over the picturesque city. They ran side by side, taking in the beautiful views of the ocean and the luxurious yachts docked in the harbor. As they jogged, they talked about their plans for the day and caught up on each other's lives. Rorie couldn't help but feel a pang of sadness knowing that Lewis would soon be leaving for his race in England. She cherished these moments together and wished that they could spend more time as a family, but she also knew that Lewis's career was important to him and she didn't want to hold him back.
She supported him wholeheartedly, just as he did for her.
"You got it, move that ass!" Lewis cheered her on as they ran up a steep hill near their home. He playfully smacked her butt a few times, making her swat his hand away. "You always struggle with this hill, even though we've done it over a thousand times," he teased.
"Shut up," she replied, gasping for breath as she paused to wipe the sweat off her forehead. Staying in shape was important to her, but running up hills was her weakness. She placed her hands on her knees and bent over to catch her breath. Her braids, pulled back into a high ponytail, swung into her face.
"You okay, babe?" asked Lewis as he knelt beside her. Despite the sweat dripping down his face and darkening his gray muscle shirt, he still looked incredibly attractive. She couldn't help but give him a thorough once-over.
"I'm fine," she replied with a smirk. "But don't act like you're not enjoying the view as much as I am."
Lewis clicked his tongue disapprovingly. "Here I am trying to check on you and you're already trying to flirt with me. Shameful." He leaned in for a quick kiss before helping her stand back up.
Rorie chuckled, the sound laced with a hint of seduction. "Well, baby," she began, her voice dropping to a sultry tone, "you're just too damn sexy for me not to try and flirt with you." She reached out and ran her fingers through the sweat-dampened hair at the nape of his neck, causing a shiver to ripple down his spine.
Lewis couldn't help but smirk, his eyes sparkling with mischief. "Oh really? And here I thought I was just being a concerned husband."
Rorie stepped closer, the heat between them palpable. "Concerned or not, I know what you're thinking," she whispered, her breath dancing across his lips. "You want me as much as I want you."
Unable to resist any longer, Lewis pulled her into a passionate kiss. Their lips melded together, their tongues dancing in harmony as their bodies pressed against each other. His hands trailed sensually along her curves.
Rorie moaned into his mouth, surrendering to the pleasure coursing through her body, and deepened the kiss, pressing herself even closer to him.
They had been married for four years, but their chemistry was still as intense and intoxicating as it was when they first met. Rorie couldn't help but feel grateful that she had found someone who not only loved and supported her but also lit a fire within her like no one else could.
As they reluctantly broke apart for air, Lewis rested his forehead against hers. "God, I love you," he breathed out.
"I love you too," Rorie replied with a smile.
"What the fuck?" Lewis's eyes flickered behind Rorie, causing her to turn around. "Look over there. Who is that?" Lewis's voice was tense as he pointed to a man near a parked car, taking photos of them.
Rorie tried to appear composed, and she squinted in an attempt to identify him, but all she could make out was a mass of unruly curls that seemed vaguely familiar. "I have no idea," she responded. "Maybe some strange paparazzo?"
"In our neighborhood, babe? When have you ever seen paparazzi? They shouldn't even be out here; it's illegal."
Lewis glanced back at the man, who was now walking away with his camera. "I don't like this," he muttered, pulling Rorie closer to him protectively.
"Me neither," Rorie agreed, her heart racing with unease. "Let's just go home and forget about it."
But as they made their way back to their house, Rorie couldn't shake off the feeling of being watched. She kept looking over her shoulder nervously, but there was no sign of the paparazzi or anyone else.
Once they were safely inside their house, Lewis locked all the doors and windows before turning to Rorie with a concerned expression.
"Do you think someone is following us?" he asked, his voice serious.
"I don't know," Rorie replied with a shrug. "But let's not jump to conclusions. Maybe it was just a random guy trying to get some scandalous photos for money."
Lewis didn't look convinced, but he didn't press the matter further. Instead, he pulled Rorie into a comforting hug.
"I'll always protect you, no matter what," he whispered into her ear.
Rorie smiled and snuggled closer to him. "I know you will."
But even as she tried to relax in his arms, her mind kept going back to the mysterious man with the camera. Who was he and why was he taking pictures of them? And more importantly, how did he even know where they lived?
Lewis seemed to know exactly what she was thinking and offered a solution. "I'll arrange for extra security at the house while I'm away."
"That would be great," she responded sincerely.
"Actually, why don't you and Lyric join me at Silverstone? It's a safe place, and my parents will also be there."
He gently held her face in his hands and gazed into her eyes with intensity. "And Kaiden and Willow will be there too. It's been too long since Lyric has seen his cousins."
Rorie rolled her eyes playfully. "It's only been two months."
"Exactly, that's too long."
Rorie hesitated for a moment before nodding in agreement. She trusted Lewis to keep her safe, and she didn't want to deprive Lyric of spending time with his cousins.
"Okay," she said finally. "We'll go."
Lewis grinned. "Thank you."
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Rorie navigated through the busy crowds in the Silverstone paddock, where fans were eagerly anticipating the start of the British Grand Prix. The electric atmosphere was a testament to the prestige of this legendary track and its significance in the world of Formula One racing. For Lewis, Silverstone held special memories as the place where he had achieved some of his greatest victories, and she had no doubt he would continue to excel this weekend. This race was crucial for him - not just because it was his home Grand Prix, but also because he aimed to overtake Red Bull and claim P1.
She scanned the sea of helmets on the pit lane and felt a surge of pride as she spotted her husband's iconic helmet design, emblazoned with the number 44. She could see Lewis amidst the chaos, his muscled frame a stark contrast against the sea of mechanics, engineers, and crew members swarming around him. Despite the recent attention on their marriage, she knew that he would always be the same person she fell in love with - determined, passionate, and unwaveringly loyal.
"Mrs. Hamilton!" a lively voice with an Australian lilt chimed in singsong, causing her to shift her attention towards one of her other beloved drivers on the grid - Daniel Ricciardo; his toothy grin and bright brown eyes lighting up the room.
Rorie smiled and hugged him warmly. Her friendship with Daniel went beyond the racing world - they had bonded over their love for music and art, often exchanging playlists and art recommendations.
"How are you, Dan?" she asked as they pulled away from the embrace.
"Can't complain," he replied with a shrug. "How are you? How's my nephew?"
Rorie smiled at the mention of Lyric. "He's doing great, but he's getting to be a pain in my ass. He discovered the word 'no' last weekend so he's been using it quite often."
"Like father, like son," Daniel joked.
Rorie laughed and playfully swatted his arm. "Hey, Lewis is not that bad."
"Oh, I know," Daniel said with a smirk. "But it's always so much fun teasing you about it."
Rorie rolled her eyes but couldn't help smiling at their banter. They chatted for a few more minutes before Lewis joined them, dressed in his racing suit and helmet in hand.
"Hey mate," Daniel greeted him with a pat on the back. "Feeling confident for your home race?"
Lewis grinned. "Always."
A swell of admiration coursed through Rorie as she observed her husband seamlessly interact with his fellow racers. Despite their fierce competition on the track, they all shared a deep bond off it - a quality she found endearing about the world of Formula One.
Lewis gave Rorie one last kiss before heading out onto the track for the race. The paparazzi went into a frenzy, their cameras flashing wildly to capture the moment between the famous race car driver and his stunning wife. Rorie then made her way to their private box overlooking the starting grid, where she would watch the race alongside Lewis's family. She greeted Lewis's father, Anthony, with a warm hug and kiss on the cheek before turning to his stepmother, Linda.
"Rorie dear, you look radiant," Linda gushed, grasping her hands in hers. "How are you feeling?"
"I'm feeling great, thank you," Rorie replied with a smile. "Excited for the race."
Linda beamed. "I can't believe this is Lewis's home race. It feels like just yesterday he was just starting in karting."
Rorie nodded in agreement. "Time flies."
Their conversation was interrupted by the excited squeals of Kaiden and Willow as they ran up to them.
"Auntie Rorie!" Willow exclaimed, throwing herself into Rorie's arms for a hug.
Rorie chuckled and hugged her back tightly before ruffling Kaiden's hair.
"Hey there champ," she said with a wink.
Kaiden beamed up at her before running off to Lyric who was playing with his toy cars on the floor.
"You know they adore you," Linda commented with a smile as she watched the children play with Roscoe.
"I adore them too," Rorie replied sincerely.
Nicolas greeted his sister-in-law with a handshake, flashing a grin at her. "Hey sis," he said.
Rorie mirrored his gesture and replied, "Hey bro."
He chuckled. "You still remember our secret handshake, huh?"
"Of course," Rorie laughed. "It's one of those things you never forget."
Rorie settled into her seat next to Linda and Anthony, eagerly anticipating Lewis's race. The air was charged with excitement as the drivers revved their engines on the starting grid. As soon as the lights went out, they shot off down the track in a blur of speed and color.
"He's doing well so far," Anthony remarked, checking the live updates on his phone.
"Of course he is," Rorie replied proudly, her gaze fixed on Lewis's car as it weaved its way through the other racers.
The race was intense and nerve-wracking, but ultimately ended with Lewis securing a third-place finish. The crowd erupted into cheers and applause as he crossed the finish line.
It wasn't the place everyone wanted for Lewis, especially at his home race, but at least he made podium. Rorie excused herself and made her way toward the pit lane, where the drivers were being interviewed by the media.
Amid the chaotic scene, Carmen, George's girlfriend, and Lily, Alex Albon's girlfriend, were engaged in conversation near the pit wall. When Rorie approached, Carmen's eyes lit up and she immediately pulled her into a tight embrace. Lily joined in as well, welcoming Rorie with a warm smile.
"Oh my gosh, it's been so long since we've seen you!" Carmen exclaimed with genuine excitement. "We have so much to catch up on!"
She hadn't seen Carmen and Lily in person since the Monaco Grand Prix.
"I know, it's been too long," Rorie replied, hugging them back. "How have you both been?"
"Busy as always," Lily replied with a laugh. "Alex has been training non-stop for this race."
Carmen nodded in agreement. "And George has been working hard too. It's been tough with all the changes in the regulations this season."
Rorie listened intently as they talked about their partners' racing careers and the challenges they faced in the sport.
"How about you?" Lily asked, turning to Rorie. "How's everything with Lewis going?"
Rorie smiled softly at the mention of Lewis. "Everything is great. He's doing well and I'm really proud of him."
"I can imagine," Carmen said with a smile. "I saw the pictures of you attending shows at Paris Fashion Week. You looked stunning."
"Thank you," Rorie responded modestly. "It was all my team. I was just wearing the clothes."
"Well, you were definitely wearing them, Ro," complimented Lily. "That dress for Jean Paul Gaultier is my personal fave."
The conversation then turned to their plans of meeting up for dinner and the possibility of planning a girls' trip. After saying goodbye to Carmen and Lily, Rorie went inside the Mercedes garage where Lewis was still busy debriefing with his engineers.
"Hey babe," Lewis greeted Rorie with a kiss on her cheek as soon as he saw her.
"Hey Pookie," Rorie replied with a grin. "You did amazing out there."
Lewis shrugged nonchalantly. "Could've done better."
Rorie rolled her eyes playfully at his competitive attitude before reminding him about their plans for the evening.
"Oh right, I almost forgot about dinner," Lewis said with a smile. "I'll be done in an hour or two then we can leave to get ready."
Tonight's occasion was not just any ordinary dinner; it was a pre-celebration of Lyric and Rorie's birthday next week with Lewis' family.
"Alright, sounds good."
As promised, an hour and a half later, Lewis emerged from the garage, ready to head back to their hotel.
The dinner was held at a fancy restaurant near Piccadilly Circus in London. As they made their way into the private dining room, Rorie was met with warm hugs and beaming smiles from Lewis' sisters Samantha and Nicola, as well as his mother, Carmen.
"Happy early birthday, babe!" Nicola exclaimed as she handed Rorie a beautifully wrapped package.
Rorie's face lit up with surprise and gratitude as she opened the gift to a personalized photo album filled with memories from their past vacations and family gatherings. Rorie flipped through the pages of the photo album, and she couldn't help but feel overwhelmed with emotion. Every photo captured a special memory, from their trip to Greece where Lewis proposed to her to their recent family trip to Bali. She couldn't believe how much her life had changed since meeting Lewis.
"Thank you so much," Rorie said, wiping a tear from her eye.
"We had so much fun putting this together," Carmen replied with a smile. "It's not every day that my son meets someone as amazing as you."
Rorie's cheeks warmed at the compliment and hugged Carmen tightly. She was grateful to have such a supportive second family in Lewis' family.
The rest of the night was spent catching up and enjoying each other's company over delicious food and drinks.
Anthony and Linda surprised Lyric with an electric toddler car, causing Lewis to burst into laughter.
"Dad, what is this?" he exclaimed between chuckles as he watched his father place Lyric into the miniature car. "No way! Are you serious?"
Anthony's expression remained serious. "Why are you laughing? I'm just trying to get him ready," he replied, turning to his grandson. "A few more years and we'll have you racing on a track, Lyric."
Lyric babbled out a reply, his small hands fiddling with the steering wheel.
"He can barely talk and you've got my son driving for Merc?" Lewis chuckled, shaking his head in mock disapproval at his father. "What if he wants to be a footballer or something?"
"Pfft." Anthony gave him a dismissive wave, his fingers already moving deftly over the car's controller. "No way, he's going into the family business."
Rorie and Lewis exchanged a meaningful look, both knowing what the other was thinking. He wanted Lyric to have nothing to do with Formula One, and he knew how passionate his father could get. They had talked about it before, but Lewis was hesitant to bring it up with his father, especially in front of everyone, yet he realized that he had to have that conversation soon.
The low hum of the car's engine filled the air, distracting them both, and Lyric's little fingers held the wheel with determination as the vehicle started to move.
Lewis couldn't help but feel pride as he watched his son confidently sit in the car. "He's a natural," Lewis remarked with a smile.
"Of course, he is," Anthony interjected, "after all, he's a Hamilton."
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Rorie and Lewis set off on a short getaway to Ibiza, basking in the warmth of the tropical sun with a group of friends. The island welcomed them with open arms, its crystal clear waters sparkling in the light. They spent their days lounging on a luxurious yacht and their nights engulfed in music, dancing, and laughter.
Amidst the joyful celebration, Rorie received the incredible news from Yael that Lancome had selected her as their newest brand ambassador. As if that wasn't enough, Bustle magazine also reached out for an exclusive interview with her.
But just when she thought things couldn't get any better, it was time for her 30th birthday bash. To celebrate this special milestone, Lewis organized a lavish party at a trendy rooftop bar in London. Rorie's close friends and family, including her mother and sisters, were all in attendance.
As the elevator doors opened to the rooftop bar, Rorie was greeted with an incredible view of the London skyline.
"Happy birthday, my love," Lewis whispered into her ear, placing a gentle kiss on her cheek as they entered the venue.
Rorie's smile stretched from ear to ear as she looked around the room. The party was adorned with an array of flowers and colorful balloons. As she mingled through the well-dressed crowd, Rorie was greeted with numerous hugs and congratulatory messages from her friends and family. She couldn't contain her happiness as she took in the beautiful setting - this was a night that would be etched in her memory forever.
Hailey Bieber approached Rorie with her shining eyes, a deep sense of happiness gleaming from her face. She hugged Rorie tightly, whispering, "Happy birthday, Rorie! You deserve all this success and happiness, and I'm so proud of you!"
Rorie stepped back from the hug, her eyes glistening with tears of joy. "Thank you, Hailey," she said with a grateful smile. "You've always been there for me, through thick and thin."
Hailey returned the smile, placing a hand on Rorie's shoulder. "That's what friends are for. And we will continue to support you every step of the way."
After enjoying a delicious meal and drinks, it was time for Lewis to give a speech. He stood up in front of their loved ones and spoke about their journey together – from maintaining a long-distance relationship to building a life together. Rorie couldn't help but feel overwhelmed with emotion as Lewis openly expressed his love for her.
"And now," he concluded, "we stand here today celebrating Rorie's 30th birthday – a milestone that she will undoubtedly conquer with grace and style."
With a twinkle in his eye, Lewis came closer to Rorie, holding a small box wrapped in shiny silver paper. She eagerly took the box from him, her fingers tracing the delicate ribbon tied around it.
"What is it?" She asked, filled with excitement.
"Open it and find out," Lewis said with a grin.
Trembling with anticipation, Rorie untied the satin ribbon and slowly lifted the lid. Inside lay the keys to a brand-new G Wagon – something she had been dreaming of for months.
"Oh my god, Lewis!" she exclaimed, throwing her arms around him. "How did you manage this?"
He laughed, hugging her tightly. "Let's just say I have some connections."
Rorie pulled back to look at him in awe. "I can't believe this is real."
"It's all yours," Lewis said, kissing her forehead.
Rorie couldn't contain her happiness as she hugged him again. This truly was the best birthday ever. The crowd erupted into applause and cheers as Lewis directed Rorie to look over the railing, where her G-Wagon was parked with a big red bow on top.
"No fuckin' way! I love you so much, baby!"
Her husband chuckled. "I love you too."
The rest of the night was a blur of laughter, dancing, and celebrating with loved ones. Rorie couldn't stop smiling as she took endless pictures with her new car, feeling like the luckiest woman in the world.
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The party had ended, and Rorie and Lewis said their goodbyes to the guests before heading back to their hotel room. They slipped into bed together, the soft glow of the moon shining through the curtains. As they cuddled under the warm blankets, reflecting on their wonderful memories, their son Lyric slept peacefully in between them.
"I can't believe I'm thirty years old," Rorie whispered, gazing up at the ceiling.
"And you don't look a day over twenty-two," he commented with a mischievous grin.
Rorie turned to face him, caressing his cheek with her hand. "You know, you've given me the best gift today – not just the car, but your love and support throughout all these years. I feel so lucky to have you as my husband."
Lewis smiled and wrapped his arms tighter around her. "I will always support you and be by your side, no matter what."
He leaned in for a kiss, but Lyric stirred in his sleep. They both laughed softly before settling back down.
"I can't wait to see what the next 30 years hold for me," Rorie said dreamily.
Lewis intertwined their fingers together and placed them over Lyric's chest. "Whatever comes our way, I know we'll conquer it together."
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Lewis stirred in his sleep, feeling a pleasurable sensation in his lower extremities. He was in a daze, barely conscious of what was happening until he slowly opened his eyes and lifted the comforter. To his surprise, he discovered Rorie with his penis in her mouth.
Rorie looked up at him with a mischievous grin, her lips swollen from her ministrations. "Good morning, baby," she purred before taking him back into her mouth.
Lewis moaned softly, his hands tangling in her hair as she worked her magic. He could feel himself getting closer and closer to the edge. This was definitely not how he expected to start his day, but he wasn't complaining one bit. He let himself fully wake up and enjoy the sensation of her warm mouth on him.
Rorie loved the way his hands gripped her hair as his hips bucked against her. She had always enjoyed sucking him off, but this morning felt different – more intense, more passionate.
A low groan escaped Lewis' lips as he came hard into Rorie's mouth. She eagerly swallowed every drop, her tongue teasing him until he was gasping for air.
"Fuck, baby," he breathed out, his body still tingling from the intense orgasm.
Rorie crawled up to kiss him, her lips tasting of him. Lewis couldn't help but pull her closer, their bodies pressing together as they kissed deeply.
"I don't think I've ever had such a good wake-up call," he chuckled against her lips.
Rorie grinned and nipped at his bottom lip. "I aim to please."
"I should have bought you that G-Wagon sooner," he teased. "Who knew that a car would turn you into a lil' freak? I'll get you anything you want if this is the consequence."
"Anything?" she asked curiously.
"Yes," he replied, determinedly.
"Then give me another baby," she surprised him with her request.
They had just celebrated Lyric's first birthday in Monaco with a small gathering of loved ones and friends a few days ago, and now she wanted to start trying for a second. Lewis didn't object; he would be overjoyed to see her pregnant again. With their son being taken care of by Nina back home while they were at the Hungarian Grand Prix this week, it was the perfect time for them to try for another child.
"Are you serious?" he asked, his eyes shining with excitement.
Rorie nodded, a smile spreading across her face. "I've been thinking about it for a while now, since Paris."
"I can't believe this," Lewis exclaimed, pulling her into a tight hug. "You've made me the happiest man in the world."
"Well, don't get too ahead of yourself," Rorie laughed. "It might take some time for us to get pregnant again."
"I don't care," Lewis said firmly. "I'll wait as long as I have to, especially since I can fuck you exactly how I want."
"And that entails?" she asked breathlessly, her body already trembling with desire.
"Bending you over every surface," he whispered, causing her to shiver at his words. "Filling you up so much that my cum leaks down your leg. Making you nice and sore, fucking that tight pussy to shreds."
His lips found the sweet spot on her throat and sucked gently, making Rorie moan. She could feel herself getting wetter by the second, the anticipation of what was to come almost unbearable.
"How long before you have to go to quali?" she managed to ask, her voice slightly shaky.
"I have an hour," he replied with a wide smile, wagging his eyebrows suggestively. "Why? You want to go on a lil' ride of your own?"
Rorie couldn't help but giggle at his playful tone, despite the intense desire coursing through her veins. She nodded eagerly and let him lead her to straddle his hips, her knees digging into the soft mattress. His hands immediately went to grip her waist as she slowly lowered herself onto him, a moan escaping both their lips as they were fully connected.
Lewis leaned back against the headboard, his eyes locked on Rorie's as he lifted her up and down on his manhood. He wanted to savor every moment with his wife before they had to leave for qualifying and he ran his hands up and down her body, exploring every inch of skin that was exposed to him.
Gripping her hips tighter, he guided her movements as she rode him harder and faster. Every thrust sent sparks of pleasure through both of their bodies, their moans growing louder with each passing second.
"Fuck," Lewis cursed under his breath, his fingers digging into Rorie's hips as her walls tightened around him. "I love this pussy so much, baby."
"It's all yours, Sir," she moaned heavenwards as she met him thrust for thrust.
"Say that shit again, baby. Who's pussy is this?"
"Yours, Sir!" She leaned in closer, pressing her hands against Lewis' chest as she picked up speed.
He gave her a playful slap on her ass. "That's what I like to hear."
Rorie was lost in a sea of ecstasy, her mind consumed by the feeling of being utterly owned by her husband, as their bodies moved in perfect harmony, their breaths coming out in ragged gasps as they chased their release. Lewis could feel the familiar tightening in his balls and he knew he was about to come undone. He reached between them and rubbed circles on Rorie's clit, wanting to bring her over the edge with him.
"Oh god," she cried out as he hit just the right spot.
Lewis felt himself explode inside her, his body shaking uncontrollably as he came hard. Rorie followed suit seconds later, collapsing against his chest, her body still trembling from the intense orgasm they had just shared. She felt his heart beating rapidly against hers and couldn't help but smile at the thought that she was the cause of it.
Lewis pressed a gentle kiss to her forehead before sliding out of her, causing a small whimper to escape Rorie's lips. They lay there in silence for a few moments, savoring the afterglow of their lovemaking.
"That was amazing," Rorie finally broke the silence, pressing a kiss to his chest.
"It always is with you," Lewis replied, running his fingers through her hair. "But we should probably get ready for qualifying."
Rorie sighed, not wanting to break the intimate bubble they were in but knowing that Lewis was right. He had an important race coming up and needed to focus.
They got up from bed and quickly got dressed, both of them still stealing glances at each other as they moved around the room. Rorie couldn't help but feel grateful for this moment with her husband amidst his hectic racing schedule.
Rorie and Lewis strode onto the paddock together, causing a frenzy among fans and media alike. A stranger watched them closely from only a few feet away. For the past few weeks, he had been keeping a close eye on them, ever since a representative from The Sun called him with mysterious instructions to do so.
He answered his phone again, interrupting his watchful surveillance. "Hello?"
"Any updates?" the voice on the other end asked.
"No, I'm still digging," he replied, glancing back at Rorie and Lewis as they walked arm in arm towards the Mercedes garage.
"Well, keep me updated. We can't afford any mistakes this time, and try not to get caught. We're still cleaning up the mess from Monaco."
The stranger hung up and turned back towards the couple. He reached for his camera and discreetly took a snapshot of them before blending back into the bustling crowd.
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audhd-nightwing · 8 days
okay doing this again
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chiefnooniensingh · 2 years
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Doctor Who + Planets (insp)
icon credit
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y'all poll, Doctor Who edition, part 3 (source)
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Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4
the "secondary" doctor who companions, aka the girlies
sorry I didn't include Sarah Jane :( I didn't think of her until now, I consider her more of a classic who companion, and not a "secondary" one as she spent a significant amount of time with the Doctor (and got her own spin off!)
tag list for the creators: (sorry if you don't watch Doctor Who and therefore don't understand!)
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maxillness · 6 months
This list is gonna be updated whenever I post a new one-shot or if I decide to do series
The layout is inspired by @val-made-a-mistake's masterlist
FYI - I don't condone my work being reposted, plagiarized or rewritten in any form, all rights are reserved, plagiarism is illegal
This master list does not include my Music Monday's, but they have their own masterlist here
Laura Barton - mcu
Laura had begun a habit of flirting with her wife's brother, just to irritate her
Fingering, jealous!reader, poorly written
Quick fuck
Laura shows up at her girlfriend's work for a quickie
Fingering, quickie, poorly written
May Parker - mcu
May gets caught masturbating
Masturbating, fingering, use of 'mommy' twice, oral, poorly written
May get a visit from a pretty woman
Just fluff
Jack Thompson - mcu
"You look distracted, Hunny"
Peggy Carter asks Y/N Stark to be a distraction at the gala where they have a mission. Y/N is distracting but doesn’t follow the plan
Sex p/v, dirty talk, bottom!Jack
Mads Mikkelsen - Celebrity
"I want this one"
Y/N is into oversized clothes, but she doesn’t have any shirts to sleep in, so she asks Mads if she can borrow one of his. He gives in and gives her one, but seeing her in his clothes makes him turned on
Sex (p/v), oral (r receiving), bathroom sex
Spencer Reid - Criminal Minds
Dropping Grades
Reader has low grades and asks her extremely attractive professor about extra credits
Unprotected sex (P/V), oral (m reviving), praise kink, student x teacher (reader is of age)
Fernando Alonso - Formula One
Bébé Gorçon
In which reader fuck her brother's rival
18+, age gap (Reader’s 23), Forbidden love, unprotected sex, oral (M&F receiving), praising kink, orgasm denial, choking, marking
Stranger Danger
In which reader fucks a stranger in a public bathroom
18+, implied age gap, unprotected sex, bathroom sex, semi-public sex, fingering, orgasm denial
In which reader gets fucked by her dad’s bestfriend
18+, unprotected sex, kitchen sex, dbf! Nando, age-gap (reader is of age), degrading kink, slapping, mean!reader, oral (M&F reviving), breeding kink (If you squint)
Toto Wolff - Formula One
Pretty Boy
Reader hates it when her boyfriend works late, so she does something about it
18+, praise kink, dry humping, degrading kink, oral (M reviving), dacryphilia (if you squint)
If Daddy Knew Daddy Knows(pt. 2)
In which reader has a thing for her father's biggest rival
18+, hair pulling, oral (M&F reviving), handjob, fingering, degrading kink, praise kink
Wet Body
In which Toto's assistant visits him while he's in the shower
18+, unprotected sex, alcohol consumption, tit sucking, nipple play, handjob, oral (M&F Receiving), praise kink, fingering
Happy Fucking New Years
A bad new years turned into a good one
18+, age gap, alcohol consuming, praise kink, degrading kink, Toto is called a Needy slut🤭, handjob, oral (M reviving), over stimulation
Max Verstappen - Formula One
Fucking Whore
A heated argument turns into something else that's heated
18+, degrading kink, mean!reader, dacryphilia, marking, oral (M reviving)
You Say You Hate Me
Reader gives his boyfriend a boner during his stream
18+, unprotected sex, google translated Dutch, sub!Max, PDA (reader kisses Max’ neck during stream), oral (f), fingering, hair pulling, marking, choking, praise kink
Kevin Magnussen - Formula one
Cold Hands
In which Kevin fantasises about his co-workers hands
18+, Hand kink, Semi-public sex, bathroom sex, marking, handjob
Christmas Sex
Reader bakes Danish Christmas cookies to surprise her boyfriend and gets bent over the kitchen counter
18+, unprotected, kitchen sex, oral (F reviving), fingering, praise kink
Pierre Gasly - Formula One
She's What I Like
In which reader fucks her best friend
18+, marking, handjob, fingering, oral (M reviving), praise kink (if you squint), orgasm denial, unprotected sex, degrading, breeding kink
Lewis Hamilton - Formula One
So Good For Her
In which Reader comforts her boyfriend after Abu Dhabi 2020
18+, praise kink, unprotected sex, bathroom sex, tub sex, fingering, degrading kink, breeding kink
Let Me Show You How Sorry I Am
Interviewer!reader tells Lewis she’s sorry in a special way
18+, oral (M receiving), masturbation (f)
Sir Lewis
In which reader uses Lewis’ sir kink against him
18+, unprotected sex, sir kink, humping, oral (m), fingering
Braid me
In which reader helps Lewis redo his braid, but she notices what her touch does to him
18+, hand kink (if you squint), sub!Lewis, (kinda) degrading kink, oral (m)
Lando Norris - Formula One
Only For Me To Hear
In which reader punishes Lando
18+, Unprotected sex, mean!reader, spanking, Dacryphilia, Degrading kink, handjob, overstimulation, mommy kink, orgasm delay, mention of safe word(not actually used), super fluffy and sweet aftercare
Blow Me
In which reader is bored and horny. Not a good combination
18+, blowjob, PDA (blowjob during stream), (slight) sub!lando
Nico Hülkenberg - Formula One
A Little Too Much Kirschwasser
Reader can’t find her brother and ends up fucking his teammate
18+, unprotected sex, age gap, oral (m receiving), praise kink, degrading kink
What A Mess
Nico convinces his daughters babysitter to stay the night
18+, unprotected sex, kitchen sex, daddy kink (if you squint), orgasm denial
Lorenzo Leclerc - Formula One
Dangerous game
Reader goes on vacation with her best friend and his family, and ends up tangled in the sheets with his brother
18+, unprotected sex, marking, handjob, praise kink, degrading kink (if you squint), Enzo’s refusing aftercare
Kimi Räikkönen - Formula One
A Good Use Of That Mouth
Kimi makes readers mouth a good use
18+, unprotected sex, oral (M receiving), hair pulling, google translated Finnish, self inflicted orgasm denial, fingering
Charles Leclerc - Formula One
So Pretty, And Just For Me
Charles with glasses does something to his girlfriend
18+, unprotected sex, glasses!charles (he should be a warning himself 🤭), hair pulling, oral (M), google translate French, praise kink
Different Kind Of Good Morning
In which Charles wakes up his girlfriend horny
18+, somnophilia (if you lean into it), horny!charles, praise kink, mean!reader, dry humping, coming in pants, mommy kink, reader slaps Char, degrading kink
Sebastian Vettel - Formula One
Praises And Babies
Sebastian gets baby fever after he wins his 3rd wdc
18+, unprotected sex, praise kink, breeding kink, oral (f), nipple play
I Love You
In which Sebastian confesses his love for engineer!reader
18+, unprotected sex, taking virginity, virgin!seb, alcohol consumption, thigh grinding, praise kink, orgasm denial, nipple play
Christian Horner - Formula One
My Ass
Christian makes sure that his wife knows who her ass belongs to
18+, unprotected sex, ass slapping, (slight) nipple play, oral (f), fingering, spanking
Lance Stroll - Formula One
That's What Girlfriend's Are For
After Lance's broken wrists, his girlfriend helps him with his needs, but he wants to show her he can still take control doing a blowjob (Unsuccessfully)
18+, handjob, oral (m), quickie, sub!Lance, bathroom sex, hair pulling
Niklas Landin - Handball
Loving Rivalry
Niklas unintentionally ruins his own match
18+, unprotected sex, alcohol consumption, drunk(ish) sex, yearning, oral (F receiving), fingering, praise kink, marking up
Dad’s Best Friend
In which reader has some fantasies about her dad’s best friend
18+, unprotected sex, age gap, yearning, hand kink, choking kink (if you squint), talk of absent mother, slow burn-ish
Rory Lowe - Yeah Mad
Reader gets fucked in the bathroom
18+, unprotected sex, fatherless!reader, alcohol consumption, bathroom sex, thigh riding, oral (F receiving), fingering, hair pulling, orgasm denial
265 notes · View notes
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Oh my god, this portrait. 😳
Behind the scenes + bonus gifs.
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YouTube: A Glimpse into the Timeless World of Andy Serkis.
Rory Lewis' Instagram:
"The photoshoot, a seamless collaboration between Lewis and Serkis, captures the essence of the actor’s enigmatic presence. Through Lewis’s lens, the viewer is invited to explore the layers beneath Serkis’s iconic roles, unveiling the artistry that goes beyond the boundaries of time."
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Ages of each actor in their first appearance as a companion (new who edition):
Bernard Cribbins (Wilf) : 79
Bradley Walsh (Graham): 58
John Bishop (Dan): 55
Alex Kingston (River): 45
Matt Lucas (Nardole): 41
John Barrowman (Jack): 38
Catherine Tate (Donna): 37
Noel Clarke (Mickey): 30
Pearl Mackie (Bill): 30
Mandip Gill (Yaz): 30
Freema Agyeman (Martha): 28
Arthur Darvill (Rory): 28
Jenna Coleman (Clara): 26
Tosin Cole (Ryan): 26
Billie Piper (Rose): 23
Karen Gillan (Amy): 23
Millie Gibson (Ruby): 19
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tangerinelabyrinth · 1 month
(All groups are Randomized)
If you wanted to have the most Fun traveling around the universe which group, would you choose?
or just which group do you think would be the most fun?
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The thing to me about the Doctor's companions is that they are, at their very cores, ordinary. And that's not an insult. They are human, flawed and messy and chaotic and petty and obsessive and clingy and kind and mortal and ordinary. And yet the Doctor chooses them again and again. Every Doctor is given a moment where they could choose to leave them behind. To keep moving. To go find someone else. To let them be ordinary. And yet the Doctor chooses the companion, sees some extraordinary in all of these ordinary people, because seven billion people and counting and the Doctor's never met someone like them.
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scienceandfandoms · 2 months
I was talking on Discord and accidentally spent an hour giving my thoughts on how well each new Who companion could take care of a baby. Note that I think most everyone on this list is capable of taking care of a baby for some amount of time. As such I'm adding how long I think they could do so/additional stipulations in bold. Also of note that a lot of these depend on when in their timeline we mean. I split some ratings based on this. Also also this is just for fun
So without further ado... How well New Who companions would do taking care of a baby (under the cut)
Rose Tyler: When we meet her she is so so young to be caring for an infant for a significant amount of time. But by the end of her time on screen? Sure. In EU content she's even got a kid. Rating: a few days at the start, long term at the end
Mickey Smith: Era specific. Definitely not for early Mickey. But once he's matured after spending time in Pete's World he could probably do it. Rating: maybe for an afternoon at the start, long term at the end
Captain Jack Harkness: Has had children canonically. This does not, however, fill me with confidence. Probably knows how to keep them alive more or less though unless their death would save the world haha who said that. Rating: inevitable heartbreak/10
Martha Jones: I'd trust her to do so at the start if she had to bc of her medical training and being slightly older/with her shit together. My confidence has only increased with time. Rating: most competent so far, could probably handle it long term if she had to right at the start
Donna Noble: Has successfully, canonically, on screen raised a spectacular daughter who is also a companion. A large portion of her time on screen in The Star Beast is dedicated to how good of a mother she is. Rating: companion I would trust the most with a baby for any amount of time
River Song: Another one that depends in part on place in the timeline and I'm not even gonna get into the thing where the Library makes her a parent or something at the end of that episode bc that feels forced af to me. But I feel like she'd lack confidence in her ability to care for a kid of any age, but take to it surprisingly well if she really had to do it. Rating: earlier in her timeline just no. Later in her timeline she could probably manage long term
Amy Pond and Rory Williams (they're a couple so doing them together): at the beginning they're also quite young (not even counting Amelia era Amy). They could do it but I think Rory would be picking up a lot of the slack for the same reasons I think early Martha could do it. Dubiously canonly they DID raise a kid (though it's unclear if it was from infancy), and in general there's so many timeskips they're a lot older and more mature by their departure and I think they'd be fine. Rating: carried by Rory to squeak out mid-long term success early on, but in a better position long term later in their lives
Clara Oswald: Clara has experience with children, yes, but ones that are SCHOOL age. Clara is not equipped to handle an infant. You can't be clever at an infant. Unless you speak baby. Maybe she forces the Doctor to teach her to speak baby. I doubt it would help. Rating: I wouldn't leave a baby with Clara Oswald for more than an afternoon and even that much is a gamble
Nardole: Has been seen looking after babies before. Seems reasonably competent at it. Up there honestly. Rating: long term right from the start. Or at least from his second episode he's just kinda doofy in THORS and there's a significant time skip after that
Bill Potts: While not as young as someone like Rose, her position in life is still one that makes caring for a baby for a significant duration difficult. Could she do it? Yeah probably if she really had to. But I want her to live her life. Rating: living situation complicates anything more than short term early on, probably capable of long term with resources even then
Ryan Sinclair: Chibnall companions are kinda nothing to me. Sorry. Please don't come at me for not being a Chibnall enjoyer. But it can be hard to get a read on them to me. Ryan is pretty young though so I'm gonna say best not. Maybe if he was written by someone capable of developing a character. Rating: short term would probably be okay
Graham O'Brien: Also Chibnall. In a better position age wise. Loses points for all the ableism with Ryan so maybe if the kid isn't disabled I guess. Rating: another short term candidate I suppose
Yaz Khan: Also Chibnall. Also young. Still probably not. I'm sorry canon Yaz is kinda nothing to me I know a lot of people really like her. Rating: competent enough for short term probably
Dan Lewis: Maybe the Chibnall companion I'd trust with a baby the most? I mean he's not barely an adult, and his main crime is outing someone which isn't really relevant to a baby. I think it's a bit outside his wheelhouse but he'd manage it okay. Though if he never unshrunk his house that might make it a bit more difficult for anything longer term. Rating: congratulations you get short term with longer term conditional on the assumption you have somewhere to go with said baby
Rose Noble: She's 15. But on the other hand she could ask her mom for help so if that's an option she's fine actually. Rating: probably a great short term babysitter, has the resources to get excellent assistance if she were to end up with a baby in the long term
Ruby Sunday: Another Quite Young companion and her introduction literally does feature a baby in her care getting kidnapped. She does get that baby back though and it's shown that she helps her mom with childcare a lot so big babysitter energy. Rating: short-mid term on her own, longer term with assistance
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