#roman bilyk
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Лето, 2018
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shahananasrin-blog · 10 months
[ad_1] The frontman of a popular Russian rock band that had previously condemned the war in Ukraine has made a surprise visit to occupied eastern Ukraine to meet with Russian troops, as shown in a video published Monday by pro-war military bloggers. Roman Bilyk, whose stage name is Roma Zver, is the lead singer of the hit group Zveri. Following Russia's February 2022 invasion of Ukraine, the band called for an end to the hostilities on its Facebook page, while Bilyk personally spoke out against the war on Instagram. Both posts have since been deleted. Video shared on Monday by the pro-war Telegram channel WarGonzo shows Bilyk, wearing a helmet and flak jacket, observing Russian artillery fire, after which the video cuts to the musician playing his guitar for a military unit stationed in eastern Ukraine's Donetsk region. WarGonzo’s author Semyon Pegov touted Bilyk’s performance as “real rock’n’roll” and hinted that the soldiers are willing to forgive the singer for his past anti-war statements.  A number of prominent Russian cultural figures who publically oppose Moscow's invasion of Ukraine have faced backlash, including show cancellations.  Zveri's scheduled performance at the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum (SPIEF) in June was canceled abruptly after an official’s complaint over Bilyk’s anti-war remarks. Born in Russia to a Ukrainian father, Bilyk grew up in Mariupol, which was captured by Russian forces last May following a devastating siege that left the city in ruins.  Bilyk is at least the second Russian singer to recant his anti-war beliefs over the past year, according to exiled Russian blogger Michael Nacke. [ad_2]
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inapat16 · 1 year
Underground soviet rock and punk : Serebrennikov's Leto (Part 2/4)
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To start this journey around Serebrennikov work and his dedication in this new wave of the dissident movement let’s look into his movie Leto. 
Leto, which means summer in Russian, is a movie that came out in December of 2018 which stars Roman Bilyk, Irini Starshenbaum and Yoo Teo. It’s a beautiful movie in black and white that describes the situation in the Soviet Union during the late 80s. During this period, the country was going through the perestroika, which is a time when people could only listen to Occident music, and especially rock and punk music, underground. Those types of music, such as Lou Reed and David Bowie were exchanged in those underground networks. Some major groups emerged during this time. Leto describes the foundation of one of the most famous Russian rock groups, Kino with Viktor Tsoï. The movie is about this group but also the way they change the rock’n’roll industry in the Soviet Union. To do so, the whole movie is in black and white, there’s even the use of fake archive footage, and metaphoric characters as the punk or the septical, to show the story of rock. Kirill Serebrennikov wanted to do a film that has an echo of the situation in Russia in 2018: 
“Leto is a rock’n’roll story, during a hostile climate for rock music and occidental influences. Our story is based on the necessary faith to pass through this context and the recklessness of our heroes for the restrictions”. 
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adscinema · 2 years
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Leto - Kirill Serebrennikov (2018)
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bistovri · 5 years
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Leto (2018) dir. Kirill Serebrennikov
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speaklike-a-child · 5 years
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LETO - 2018
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junghwwwa · 5 years
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Leto, l’été en français, c’est la saison de l’insouciance en quelque sorte, durant laquelle la jeunesse désoeuvrée aime à se retrouver sur la plage pour boire, rire, flirter, autour d’un guitariste qui chante sous la lumière non d’un projecteur mais d’un feu de camp. L’été c’est aussi métaphoriquement cet âge où l’on est encore jeune mais plus un enfant, jeune adulte arrivé à maturation mais qui a encore la vie devant lui/elle. Kirill Serebrennikov en fait une oeuvre à cette image, empli de jeunesse éprise de rock et de liberté dans une U.R.S.S. bridée d’avant-perestroïka. On est au début des années 80, à Leningrad. Il y a là une scène rock où se produisent de jeunes groupes nourris de culture musicale anglo-saxonne. Parmi ces groupes, l’un a particulièrement le vent en poupe. Il s’appelle Zoopark et est mené par un leader charismatique, Mike Naumenko. C’est lui que l’on découvre sur scène dans l’incipit du film, entouré de groupies finalement comme un groupe occidental, mais de groupies que l’on maintient sagement tranquilles ou que l’on rappelle à l’ordre au moindre petit écart. On se voudrait punk à la Sex Pistols mais on doit rester politiquement correct et passer un comité de censure à qui l’on doit justifier chaque mot. Heureusement, le fantasme est permis et donne quelques scènes clippesques délirantes. La force de Leto c’est de nous immerger dans cet univers underground par une superbe mise en scène et une ambiance musicale très présente sans jamais n’en faire pourtant trop, délaissant le pur biopic (celui que Serebrennikov aurait pu faire de Viktor Tsoi, le leader du groupe russe Kino) au profit d’un portrait générationnel très réussi à travers une sorte de triangle amoureux d’une grande délicatesse. On oublie presque que ces gens ont existé et on a une furieuse envie de se passer en boucle la B.O. et de plonger dans Leto/l’été, à l’orée de l’hiver.
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cadwalladery · 5 years
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Films seen in 2019
# 112 - Leto (Kirill Serebrennikov, 2018)
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natehoodreviews · 5 years
When Kirill Serebrennikov’s Leto first premiered last year at Cannes, it was overshadowed by the director’s recent house arrest under accusations of embezzlement against the state. The film world reacted with outraged scorn, seeing his imprisonment as blatant retaliation by the Russian government against an artist known for outspoken opinions on gay rights, the annexation of Crimea, and—perhaps most damningly—Vladimir Putin himself. Indeed, his previous film The Student (2016) about a teenager who starts a cultish movement in his high school can be read as a Putin-era allegory against authoritarianism. And now, months before the debut of Leto, a film charting the rise of the Soviet underground rock scene in pre-perestroika Leningrad, Serebrennikov suddenly gets accused of federal crimes and locked up. Convenient.
But Serebrennikov persisted, getting assistants to shoot incomplete scenes based on his notes and rehearsals while wrapping up post-production work on a computer not connected to the internet. The film was well received at Cannes, competing for the Palme d’Or—it would lose to another highly politicized film about outsiders, Hirokazu Kore-eda’s Shoplifters. Now almost a year later, Leto has finally made it over to the United States, home of the very rock music its characters idolized, only to discover that the cinematic landscape changed. Inured by several years under our own increasingly authoritarian president, American audiences seem exhausted by rabble-rousing agitprop in favor of escapism and reassuring, all-is-well pablum; how else to explain the Academy Award-winning success of Peter Farrelly’s Green Book the same year that Spike Lee got his groove back? In particular, rock music biopics have come into vogue, particularly Bryan Singer’s car crash Bohemian Rhapsody (2018) and Dexter Fletcher’s upcoming Rocketman. Even Danny Boyle, one of Europe’s great kineticists, looked at the crumbling state of Western democracy and civil rights and dared to ask the question of what if everybody forgot about The Beatles?
To read the rest of this piece, click on the link!
Published on TheYoungFolks.com
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lerayonvert-revue · 4 years
Il aura fallu passer par le Leningrad du début des années 80 et « Leto » pour se réjouir à nouveau de ce que l’on n’a pourtant jamais cessé de savoir : le rock est une culture libertaire couturée d’histoires bouleversantes d’amitié, c’est aussi une discipline de l’émancipation individuelle et collective.
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themoviewaffler · 5 years
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New UK Trailer & Poster For Russian Rock Epic LETO
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Лето, 2018
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ecoamerica · 2 months
Watch the 2024 American Climate Leadership Awards for High School Students now: https://youtu.be/5C-bb9PoRLc
The recording is now available on ecoAmerica's YouTube channel for viewers to be inspired by student climate leaders! Join Aishah-Nyeta Brown & Jerome Foster II and be inspired by student climate leaders as we recognize the High School Student finalists. Watch now to find out which student received the $25,000 grand prize and top recognition!
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swampflix · 5 years
Leto (2019)
Leto (2019); a musical film about Russia's revolutionary rock movement in the early 1980s
Russian director Kirill Serebrennikov is known for criticizing Russian government with his work on stage and screen, putting him high on Putin’s radar. During the final week of wrapping up and editing his most recent film, Leto, Serebrennikov was arrested for “fraud” charges, forcing him to complete his work on the film under house arrest. Many (including myself) believe this arrest was…
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thepeoplesmovies · 5 years
Watch UK Trailer For Leto Ode To Leningrad's 1980's Underground Music Scene
Watch UK Trailer For Leto Ode To Leningrad’s 1980’s Underground Music Scene
Palme d’Or selected should give you a clue how highly regarded Kirill Serebrennikov’s Leto is. Next month his exuberant and evocative musical love letter is getting it’s UK Release. 2018 Cannes film Festival film will be distributed by MUBI who have released the film’s UK Trailer.
Coinciding with film’s release in cinemas and on the service will be a season of music films and documentaries on MUBI
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deepredradio · 5 years
Story: Der Film spielt Anfang der 1980er Jahre in Leningrad. Er handelt von der Beziehung zwischen dem 19-jährigen Wiktor Zoi, dem 26-jährigen Mike Naumenko und seiner Frau Natascha. Angetrieben von der Musik von David Bowie, Lou Reed, Iggy Pop, T. Rex, Talking Heads und Blondie ebneten sie der Rockmusik in Russland den Weg. Für die Handlung diente lose die Biografie des sowjetischen Rockpioniers…
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0ffbrcnd3d-archive · 6 years
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Welcome to the Under.
In a world of known supernatural beings, Miami, Florida has the hottest new club opening: The Under. In The Under you won’t find girls in cages or men stripping, you’ll instead find the walls lined with tanks. Men and women with bright, scaly tails swim in the waters of the tanks, enticing all who enter. People and Supernaturals flock to The Under to try and glimpse at the merfolk, never truly believing in their existence, and chances are, the ones that you gawk at will just be someone in a silicone suit. But if you want to test your luck, you might just come across the real deal. A few merfolk, not wanting to hide in a world so open have chosen to work at The Under, hiding in plain sight. You’ll still find dancing bartenders and shot girls in The Under, but we know why you’re really here. Just be careful who you set your sights on, and never accept gifts from the workers if you want to keep a level head. Merfolk will craft necklaces of their own scales to give to a beloved, casting a spell of love over them. And once you’re caught, you’re stuck with them forever. Are you willing to take a chance on eternal love? If so, we welcome you to The Under.
The Rules
This is a Discord group verse.
This is an 18+ RP ONLY, as smut will happen!
18+ for both MUN AND MUSE
IC drama is allowed, encouraged even! OOC Drama however, won’t be tolerated. Seek out an admin if someone is making you feel uncomfortable or unwelcome.
Duplicate FC’s will be allowed as long as it’s discussed first.
We welcome muses from fandoms and OC’s, as long as the muses are all of age.
You can have up to SIX muses in this verse. If the group gets bigger that number may change.
Admins need to know about plotted connections before being put into the plotted-connection channel by both parties involved, however, any admin can be messaged!
Let an admin know if you need to take a hiatus, or you just want out from The Under, it’s cool either way!
Applications can be sent to @0ffbrcnd3d or @scarredtohell, once accepted, track the tag gv: below the waves
The App
Mun Name/Age/blog: Muse Name/fc/age: Species: (not everyone can be an actual merfolk, Lisette and I have two mermaid spots reserved.) Sexuality: Position at club: (Mermaid, bar tender, yada yada yada, reg customer)
Short bio:
Three Actual Merfolk spots available Still.
Newt Patriokolus -  Cody Christian - Shot boy - Cain (0ffbrcnd3d)
Alaric Toeren - Bob Morley - Mermaid - Cain 
Anderson Patriokolus - Chris Hemsworth - Bartender/bouncer - Cain
Bryan Trainior - Stephen Lunsford - Bar manager - Cain
Alfredo Mykonos - Henry Cavill - Mermaid - Cain
Evan Hayes - Daniel Sharman - Mermaid/Bartender -Lisette( Scarredtohell)
Adam Cloud - Jensen Ackles - Bar Owner - Lisette 
Aylin "Lynn" Damaron - Crystal Reed - Bouncer - Lisette
 Evelyn "Evie" Morris - Candice Patton - DJ - Lissette
Alice Yung - Barbara Palvin - Mermaid - Gabby (savicredhcart)
Jerry Dandridge - Colin Farrel - Bartender - Andy (Accio-colin)
Beaux Hayes - Aaron Tveit - Mermaid - Andy
Jamie Walton - Dylan Sprayberry - Gogo boy - Jay (houseofboys-indie)
Heath Hadeson - Tyler Posey - Dancing Bar Tender - Jay
Roman Halliwell - KJ Apa  - Head Chef - Jay
Ethan Torres - Luke Bilyk - Mermaid - Zaria (Daddyittleangelsrp)
Nadya Zima- Elsa Hosk - Mermaid - Ati
Reserved FC or Characters
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ecoamerica · 2 months
Watch the American Climate Leadership Awards 2024 now: https://youtu.be/bWiW4Rp8vF0?feature=shared
The American Climate Leadership Awards 2024 broadcast recording is now available on ecoAmerica's YouTube channel for viewers to be inspired by active climate leaders. Watch to find out which finalist received the $50,000 grand prize! Hosted by Vanessa Hauc and featuring Bill McKibben and Katharine Hayhoe!
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