daulliriton · 5 months
Кто-нибудь ещё смотрел Таракан робот, кроме меня? Почему этот мультик такой не популярный? Он же шикарен, особенно второй сезон!
Раньше мне нравился Редж, этот маленький, заносчивый, но такой милый таракан, а сейчас его брат Руб, чересчур добрый, чересчур милый и просто прелестнейший персонаж😊
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nikitalovesmelissa · 6 months
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Reg (Roboroach) in Demon Slayer Outfit
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oumarmichaelkonate · 7 months
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Up next, flying all the way to the tenth day of Teletober are the reckless cybernetic roach and his big brother, Rube and Reg.
RoboRoach © J.D. Smith, Lila Rose & Carolyn Hay
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eievuiisms · 1 year
honestly thinking abt the obscure shows i grew up w/ as a kid as an adult is rlly funny bc on one hand im like [deep analysis, particularly of the main charas' gender identity + sexuality] and on the other im just like [points @ them] whores
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electrozeistyking · 3 months
Even more questions:
What if Tessa met Beanie? How would she react to N being a father?
Does Beanie hang upside down using her tail? If she can of course.
Does she like reading? If yes then what's her favorite book?
What if J met Beanie?
What if Uzi didn't have to die?
Does she play with her dad's hair?
How does V spend time with Beanie?
What if Beanie somehow found out about what happened to her mother?
Does Beanie have any fears? Like things that make her uncomfortable, scared and ect.
What does make Beanie happy?
For that first question, I’m just going to say I think Tessa would be disgruntled and confused. N (and V) spent eight years on Copper-9, and suddenly he’s a dad??? As for the other questions, I have spent all day drawing stuff for.
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I assume Beanie would like generic children’s books (though I assume they’d be pretty wacky, considering they’d be written by drones). However, she has once stolen and read a whole dictionary. She may be a little WordGirl in the making, but hell if she can pronounce any of them.
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So I debated on whether I should unveil GD!J’s design for this, and I decided “Eh. Why not?” I believe J and Beanie’s first meeting would not go over well, which would certainly make Bea develop a hatred towards J (like mother like daughter!). In her words, J is a bum.
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N definitely would not have ghost sight, and would have kept his old (if a little well-loved at this point) outfit. Seeing as Beanie was named by N when he put Uzi’s hat on her head whilst being sleep-deprived, I highly doubt that she would still have that name here. Also N still gets kisses. :D
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Like a little kitty cat, especially when he’s recharging. She likes batting at his bangs a lot. Who knows why.
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I like the idea V would accept the role of being Beanie’s wacky aunt. They are a force to be reckoned with, and they’re sometimes very unhelpful put together. (By the way, Bea inherited N’s dialect, meaning they both pronounce certain words the same way. In this case, they both say “Awn-tee.”)
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She... probably wouldn’t take it well in the wrong context. She may like biting things, but she only bites other drones when she’s scared. The above comic features Beanie overhearing that N technically killed her mother, and terrified by the idea he could hurt his loved ones, she bites him for the first (and possibly only) time.
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While Beanie is scared of strangers and freaky dark places, that’s nothing in compared to how terrified and worried she becomes when separated from her father for long periods of time, thanks to him always being around her. She could wander away from him, but she’ll always toddle back to him.
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Outside of her family and turtlenecks, what I’ve taken to calling “roboroaches” make Beanie happy! She gets an extra blast of serotonin when she sees them, and she may be some kind of “cute little bug” whisperer at this point.
Thanks for the questions! Hope you enjoyed the responses :3
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ghoulinfuschia · 2 months
you know in murder drones cyn had a pretty cool drink of just straight up 2 roboroaches and oil, but assuming it was drinkable, would you drink it?
Ive eaten straight up miso paste before, absolutely.
I love eating things then immediately regretting it. Have you ever had vanilla ice cream with soy sauce?
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speaksleazy · 4 months
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⚠︎ ⟮ A gender relating to the robotic cockroaches from Murder Drones, being a robotic cockroach, etc. ⟯ ~ Self-indulgent
﹫ ❲ Please credit me when reposting the flag, no credit is needed for personal use! ^_^ ❳ ... Alt flag colors under cut
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farcillesbian · 1 year
Canadian kids tv shows poll part 2c: teletoon 3 (there are so many I gotta split it into three entire polls)
inspired by the PBS kids polls going around. this one's for the Canadians & people who watched Canadian shows (ik at least some were broadcast internationally). would love to know if you're not from Canada answering this but if u don't wanna say that's ok!
Link to YTV poll
Link to Teletoon poll 1: #-F shows
Link to Teletoon poll 2: F-P shows
will link subsequent polls in the notes
(These are based on shows I remember watching a lot so if you're missing your fave feel free to mention it in the replies or tags)
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xenosagaepisodeone · 1 year
I’ve returned to bother you about anime
Top five mecha anime let’s go
roboroach 5 times
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tusilencio · 3 months
durup dururken roboroach da ki reg gibi -neden ben?! neden her zaman ben!?- diye bağırasım geliyor
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vague-humanoid · 2 years
@bogleech @mrchicsaraleo
Ruben was a cockroach captured for scientific experiments and turned into a cyborg. Upon his eventual escape, Ruben decided to use his robotic powers for good. That was the premise of RoboRoach, a Canadian kids' show that ran for two seasons in the early 2000s.
It is now also a real-life fact, apparently. A team of researchers at RIKEN institute in Japan have engineered actual roboroaches. It is unclear whether the series inspired the research at all, but these robobugs, just like Ruben, were not built to act with free will either.
For cyborg insects to be practical, handlers must be able to control them remotely for long periods of time – which, according to researchers, was easier said than done. Eventually, they found a way by attaching a solar cell to a rechargeable battery that powers a wireless control module. It sits on a cockroach like a tiny backpack.
"Keeping the battery adequately charged is fundamental – nobody wants a suddenly out-of-control team of cyborg cockroaches roaming around," RIKEN said and was probably not wrong.
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nikitalovesmelissa · 9 months
Chika Fujiwara: Alright Guys what movie are we Watching
Reg Roach: all Marvel Phase Four movies
Chika Fujiwara: um no Reg
Reg Roach: Why Not
Chika Fujiwara: because its millennium writing i dont like millennium writing in today's movies
Reg Roach: yeah you're right
SpongeBob Squarepants: Star Wars The Empire Strikes Back
Chika Fujiwara: Oh heck yeah let's watch it
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eievuimultimuse · 22 days
3, 6, 9 for the character ask game!
3. Is there any themes, tropes, or cliches that you like giving to muses ?
RECOVERY, BABEYYY !! There’s nothing more that I love than allowing characters to recover after going through hell ( esp if they don’t get that reprieve in their canon material rippp ). Given the types of muses I gravitate towards, it’s often a long and painful journey & they’re usually stubborn as hell about it but it’s so so worth it because they’re happy in the end and ouuUUGHHH I want them to be happy so bad man they deserve it 🥺🥺
6. List some random facts about any muse of your choice !
Gonna go w/ REG for this since he’s one of my most obscure ones along w/ zosky. He’s from an old canadian early 2000s show called roboroach which iirc was made by the same guy tht wrote for the beetle.juice cartoon so that’s pretty sick. He’s the older sibling to a superhero, he’s got chronic pain & is also genderfluid ( that one’s more of a HC but he’s also openly expressed interest in traditionally feminine stuff & altho early 2000s shit is usually idk abt that, as a NB person I’m reclaiming it. his gender is for Me to decide now lol ). A single soggy noodle has better mental stability than he does. he apparently has a thing for women like 3 times his size. I love him < 3
9. For canon characters, tell what drew you to use a character to make them a muse? Any of your choice.
I’m gonna choose SUN WUKONG for this one bc it’s a short but sweet story: basically about a couple years ago now, I had a bit of an Epiphany regarding my mixed Chinese heritage and wanted to get in touch w/ it a lil more. Part of that was reintroducing myself to Sun Wukong by reading through Journey to the West along w/ watching some media tht features him and I absolutely fell in love w/ him. He’s become a very special character to me for this reason & is like an old family friend to me < 3
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sergejbiohazardov · 2 months
Какие-то новости
Политика, экономика, космос
РФ бомбили. Пашинян заявил, что Армения приостановила своё участие в ОДКБ, военные базы РФ не закрывают, а Песков уточнил, что Армения не направляла официальных уведомлений. Первый частный космический аппарат США Odysseus удачно прилунился в районе южного полюса Луны, стартовал с Земли 15 февраля. Самолёт Лаврова в Бразилии отказались заправлять, из-за страха перед санкциями США. В РФ произошла крупнейшая утечка данных — спиздили сразу 500 миллионов записей. На Солнце произошла крупнейшая за семь лет вспышка и это уже третья за 24 часа. Президент Эквадора заявил, что его страна не будет передавать военную технику Украине, т.к. не желает быть частью вооруженного конфликта. Биржевые цены на газ в Европе впервые с весны 2021 года опустились ниже $250 за 1000 м3. В Польше продолжают высыпать на землю украинское зерно. Правительство Германии поддержало легализацию марихуаны: уже с 1 апреля людям старше 18 лет будет разрешено иметь при себе 50 граммов для личного употребления в частных помещениях, 25 граммов — в общественных.
Федерация хоккея Латвии приостановила лицензии спортсменов, принявших участие в Играх будущего в Казани. Консультативный комитет Рамочной конвенции о защите национальных меньшинств Совета Европы представил общественности четвертое мнение по Латвии, которое содержит резкую критику по поводу притеснения "национальных меньшинств", правительство Латвии объяснило всё "исторической ситуацией". Представители предприятий лесной и деревообрабатывающей промышленности объявили, что 5 марта они проведут акцию протеста возле здания кабинета министров.
Россиянин «лечился» мухоморами, чтобы улучшить настроение и повысить активность. Правда в итоге 40-летний житель Ижевска попал в реанимацию, где вёл себя очень буйно — врачи заявили, что он представлял опасность для медперсонала. Медики промыли пациенту желудок и назначили курс лечения, почти сутки он провел в отделении реанимации. Когда мужчина пришёл в себя, он рассказал, что принимал дома сушёные мухоморы. «Употребление ядовитых грибов чревато не только тяжелыми отравлениями, но и наркотической зависимостью и развитием психических изменений», — предупреждают врачи.
Чот мне подсказывает, что о�� жрал не только мухоморы.
На фото новый мегадевайс. Тараканов теперь можно использовать для шпионажа. Гаджет RoboRoach представляет собой чип, который нужно «приделать» к насекомому. И через импульсы им можно будет управлять с помощью приложения. Стоит ноу-хау примерно 150 евро. Так. А как же перерождение и всё такое?
#какиетоновости #картинканемоя #BDSN #news #sergejbiohazardov
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electrozeistyking · 3 months
Questions (sorry if it's too much):
What does Beanie like? (Shows, Series, Books, food(?) or/and other stuff)
Also does she like dogs like how her dad used to?
Does her dad still like dogs.
Why does V exactly call Beanie her niece? Did V become a sister to N or/and Uzi?
NO, IT'S NOT TOO MUCH! I love the amount of questions I'm getting, shows people really care about this AU! (Which is making me cry a little bit, I am so happy.)
Beanie likes turtlenecks, roboroaches (aka "cute little bugs,") sweet things like her dad, biting things like her mom, dictionaries (she stole one and read the whole thing once, hoping there were "grownup terms" in it), and like both of her parents, she's a dog person!
(dude, uzi seemed relieved upon reading that calendar in canon... either n has worried about what happened to copper-9's dog population and she was relieved that she can tell him they're fine, or she actually likes dogs too... aww, they're both dog people! win!)
N still likes dogs, don't worry. How could he not? I think it'd be a lil weird if he suddenly stopped liking them, soo... N is still a dog person. He likes all animals, but his top favourite is the dog.
V lands up becoming N's other sister. I like to think he started referring to her as "Auntie V" in front of Beanie, and she went "Yeah, I'll be her aunt. Why not?" And now she considers N as being her brother.
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frombehindthepen · 2 years
Cyborg Cockroaches? What in the Creepy Crawlers is Going on?
Cyborg Cockroaches? What in the Creepy Crawlers is Going on? #Insects #Technology #Rescue #MadagascarHissingCockroaches #JapaneseResearch #RoboRoach
Image Source: The Indian Express OK, I think most of us are not too keen on cockroaches, waterbugs, or whatever you want to call those paraphyletic groups of insects. They give many of us the heebie-jeebies, especially when we turn on the lights and find one furiously scurrying to quickly locate a hiding spot away from the sole of a homicidal shoe. So when I was reading an article about cyborg…
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