#ro is screeching
tujhse-raabta · 7 months
You had echo news yesterday, today you get Abby news.
Eddie nearly burnt his hand off with holy water (we have now learned Eddie is part demon apparently. Summonings are weird)
Jay and Vox (evil echo) fought, kinda. Jay won. Vox is defeated for now but not destroyed. Still pretty sure she's planning to kill God.
During the aforementioned fight, Jay burnt their hand in a Flame of Guilt. This was healed by being forgiven by various family members and then Uriel removing the pain
Also Eric helped Eddie burn away his guilt in Hellfire. There was a lot of screaming (because of the guilt not the Hellfire)
what the fuck
fucking hell
oh fuckfcukfuckf7ckfcc you do not UNDERSTAND luci is seeing too many parallels in this situation
for him, once he realises what happened, he's gonna subconsciously start thinking of ALL of his children as the Archangels and Vox as himself
"defeated but not destroyed" "plans against God" "evil, supposed to be the same as echo but with a different name and agenda" "hurt by a parent" "lost someone they love"
he's gonna be protecting Vox with everything in him y'all. not hurting any of his kids of course, but rn he's seeing something he never wanted to see again - and no matter what Vox does, this thing is gonna cloud his judgement
....guilt burns away in hellfire huh
can someone get linda these babies need some fucking therapy
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i have learned what shadowpeach is! and i think its hilarious
sun+moon coded, friends-to-enemies-to-?????? duo is so interesting i wanna put them under a microscope
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if-loki-was-a-fox · 1 year
It is. So unfair. That I was born a human instead of like, a cat or a bird or at least some sort of critter. I want to make random funny and inhuman noises, dangit >:|
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pinky-in-blankets · 4 months
(( okay I know I said no more tadc but I go reinvested thanks to my discord friends sksksks ))
(( so mayyybe 1-2 more tadc related stuff. Or not. Who knows. ))
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kbagraces · 2 months
Give me Love - LN4 PART2
Lando Norris x fwb!Reader
summary: in his previous relationships he couldn’t protect them from the backlash of simply being with him. but will protecting only end up hurting you?
(not proof read)
Rain or Shine
loosely based off ROS by mac miller
‘Just wanna ask a question umm, have you, have you, have you ever been in love before?’
Lando found himself lost without you. That saying where you never know what you’ve got until it’s gone never read more true to him. He hated how he left you there at the cafe. He knew throughout your relationship together all you wanted was to be fought for. With him leaving like that, he confirmed every doubt you ever had in him.
He knew throughout your relationship together all you wanted was to be fought for. With him leaving like that, he confirmed every doubt you ever had in him. His season continued at its slow pace, McLaren were disappointed with his lack of performance, especially since he was on fire in the beggining of the season he was on fire, when he was with you.
He spent his post season down time keeping tabs on your social media, daily pictures of your cafe kept him in the loop. Dan would often make an appearance in the background of some. A presence he chose to ignore.
Lando had never felt so insecure of himself. He was so sure that keeping you at a distance when you shared those two years together was best for the both of you. But now, being on the sidelines, watching you live your life from afar hurt him. He loved you and he never got the chance to tell you. He never uttered those words to you before.
‘You should probably take your heels off, ‘cause you've been running through my mind’
He remembered when you said it to him the first time, a year into your semi-relationship, you said it so causally, but the way you said it, captured him by the heart, he was yours in soul but he was too cowardly to be all for you.
He still lived in the UK at the time and you’d wandered into his house on a cold December evening after work, kicking off your shoes at his doorstep. He didn’t hear you come in but he remember how he screeched as you walked in on him wrapping up your Christmas presents.
He was so upset that you’d caught a glimpse of his surprise for you. You begged and begged for him to let you open them early, you knew what most of them were. He gave in saying you could open the smallest one, he rambled on as you opened it saying it was supposed to be a stocking filler.
You held in your palm a mintiture McLaren racecar, it was decorated with the chrome comeback livery. A nod to your support as you attended the British Grand Prix.
Your grin was wide, the Cheshire Cat would be jealous, “as we’re not together for Christmas I thought you could at least have a mini me around.”
“Oh my god. I love you. You’re adorable, this is adorable.”
You had said it so causally. He liked that, he liked that you never asked him to say it back, he wanted to so many times, but he never did. And now he was living with that regret.
He reminisced on every moment he had with you, every little thing reminded him of you.
He was back home for Christmas, he was sick of just seeing your cafe on a phone screen. He convinced himself he could just go on a quick run past the cafe, just to check in on you. He knew you’d be there bright and early before opening, if he could just catch a glimpse he’d feel closer to you.
He slows his pace as he nears the shop, glancing over the road he sees you in the cafe, unfortunately occupied by Dan. You were flailing your arms around, pointing at the sparse Christmas tree you’d added for decoration and then back at the man stood before you.
Lando’s brain couldn’t even catch up as his feel had already made the steps towards the front door.
“You’re so careless! How could you?!” You yelled.
“Get over it. Actually no I’m over it, over this. I’m done watching you pine over someone who doesn’t want you. I’m done.”
As Lando goes to open the door it swings towards him Dan storming out as he grunts “shops closed today pal” clearly not recognising him as he stormed past in anger.
Opening the door he finds you crouched on the floor, dustpan in hand. The ornament he gave you when you declared your love now in pieces on the floor before you. You mustn’t have heard him enter as you lower yourself to the floor sitting crossed legged, the mess in-front of you wondering if the pieces could stick back together.
You heard a creek of a floorboard behind you. Turning your head to see the last person you expected.
“I’m so sorry that I broke it.” You say still sat on the floor, glossy eyed.
“It’s not you that broke it, I wouldn’t worry too much. Maybe we can fix it? Glue it back together or something?” You both felt as if you weren’t talking about the decoration anymore.
You stand up, brushing your hands on your sweatpants, “I don’t think it can be. It’ll have cracks and they’ll show and it’ll only break again.”
“Then I will buy you a new one. We can start fresh and you can chose any livery you wanted.”
He wanted to start fresh to prove to you he could give you you deserved. You deserved a whole lot more than him, he hated that he treated you like a dirty secret. You were beautiful, kind, passionate and forgiving. And he took it all for granted.
“Why are you here Lando?” You sigh, finally getting to the point. No more decoration analogies, you wanted to know why he came back.
‘Love is power, swear there's something about her that make me nervous’
He was in his head trying to figure out what to say and how to say it. He was never the best with words and even worse with his actions. He always relied on you knowing how he felt about you with having to break down his walls and show his ‘weaker’ side.
“I’m here for you.”
His eyes looking adoringly into yours, you’d swoon if you weren’t so hurt. You wished he would’ve been there for you when you needed him. You wished you were good enough for him from the start.
“I’m here, because I wanted to tell you that I’ve always loved you y/n.”
His words hurt, like your heart was being stung by rose thorns, pretty but painful.
‘Your love is not too kind to me’
I dont think I deserved to be treated the way I was. And I don’t think you did love me until you lost me. I don’t want you to love me like that, your love hurts.” You’re picking at the skin beside your fingernails eyes welling with tears once more.
“I promise to love you differently, in the way that you deserve.” He breaks his rigid stance, stepping towards you, taking your hand in his.
I just want to be with you. Only you. I know there’s distance but we’ll make it through. I promise to you I will be better for you.
You shake your hands from his, pulling him into a hug, digging your face into his shoulder, his scent surrounding you, comforting you. You pull your head back slightly to look into his eyes, testing his sincerity.
Your lips touch as if it was the first time. It’s the first time he kisses you with love, not lust. The first time kissing you as if he needs it not wants it.
Although your past was broken scattered across the floor, there are new memory’s to be hung on next years Christmas tree.
‘And I will be yours through rain or through shine’
@norrizzandpia @letterlitter
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anonymous-dentist · 2 months
Part two of the Catboy in the Village AU
Cellbit wakes up handcuffed, which really doesn't bode well.
He's... moving. He's sitting up with his head pillowed on something soft, yet firm, and he's moving.
Ah. So he has been kidnapped, then. Great.
Groaning, Cellbit hides his face in his pillow's shoulder, confident that he isn't sticking his face anywhere it shouldn't be. He knows this shoulder, it's one of his favorites.
"Buenos días, gatinho," Roier warmly says. A kiss lands itself in Cellbit's hair right between his ears.
Cellbit fights the urge to purr (not now!), and he murmurs, "Am I going to be angry when I open my eyes?"
"Mmm, probably."
Cellbit sighs. So it's like that, then.
Eyes still closed, he pricks his ears up and tries to take in his environment. Horses, someone guiding them. Wheels noisily turning. Roier breathing, Cellbit himself breathing, someone else breathing. Three people total in the carriage- because they have to be in one, Cellbit doubts a supposed "prince" would be left to travel in a simple wagon.
Absolutely no signs of Richarlyson and Pepito. No arguing, no crying, no complaining. Nothing.
Slowly, Cellbit lets out a breath. He's calm.
"Roier," he asks, "where are our children?"
Roier stiffens minutely beneath him. "Um."
"Your children are fine," someone else says, and, ah, it would be her, wouldn't it?
Cellbit swallows his anger. He's calm.
He sits up, scooting closer to Roier so their arms are brushing because he is not about to be away from him right now. He opens his eyes, and he stares at the woman who has to be the newly-crowned Queen of the Gato Kingdom, and he hates.
"Your highness," he coolly says. "Where the fuck are my children?"
The queen's eyebrow twitches. "Don't call me that."
"Your highness. My children?"
"Not... with us at the moment, but I have my finest knights searching for them as we speak. Once we find them-"
She screeches as Cellbit lunges at her with his fangs bared. He can't use his hands, but that's fine, he was in prison once, he knows how to tear a throat out without using his claws.
He "oof"s as he's swiftly kicked in the chest by a heeled shoe and shoved back into his seat opposite the queen.
"What the fuck is wrong with you?" the queen demands.
Cellbit answers her with a snarl and a second attempt at political assassination. This time, though, he's stopped by Roier, who grabs him around the middle with both arms and pulls him to his chest.
Immediately, Cellbit feels his body relax. Damnit.
"I told you you'd be angry," Roier hums.
He slips a hand under Cellbit's shirt and just leaves it splayed across his stomach. The queen looks mildly disturbed. What, is she homophobic, too? Rich and homophobic? Pick a struggle.
"Of course I'm angry," Cellbit sneers. He glares at the queen, who glares right back. "We've been kidnapped."
The queen rolls her eyes. "You aren't being kidnapped. You are being escorted."
"In handcuffs!"
"Yeah!" Roier agrees. "Only I can put my husband in handcuffs!"
The queen's face goes mildly green. Oh, so she is homophobic. Great.
Cellbit, though, groans and slams his head against Roier's shoulder. Roier just grins at him, the piece of shit.
"Well," the queen hesitantly says, "it was either this or ropes."
Roier protests, "Only I can put my husband in ro-"
He cuts himself off with a moan as Cellbit pinches his thigh.
"Cállate," Cellbit huffs. "She doesn't need to know."
"I really don't," the queen agrees, complete with a nod of the head. "You're my brother, I don't want or need to be hearing any of this."
(Not that the 'any of this' is real. The most extreme thing Cellbit and Roier have done in bed is play board games and lose the pieces in their blankets, but it's just so fun to make people uncomfortable.)
"I'm not," Cellbit tells her.
He tilts his head back and looks up at Roier. "Did you know that she thinks I'm the missing Gato Kingdom prince?"
Roier laughs. "What, really? You?"
Cellbit smiles. "I know, right?"
"I'm right here," the queen flatly says. "And you are my brother. His name is Cellbit, your name is Cellbit. You have feline features. Only members of-"
Cellbit finishes her sentence for her: "-the Gato royal family are cat hybrids. I know. But you're wrong."
The queen crosses her arms and her legs, her foot bouncing impatiently on the floor.
"Oh, yeah?" she asks. "How?"
"Because," Cellbit simply says.
Nothing else.
Roier snorts. He adjusts his hold on Cellbit, halfway pulling him onto his lap and hooking his chin over Cellbit's shoulder.
Cellbit looks down at Roier's very un-handcuffed hands and pouts.
"Why aren't you restrained?" he complains.
"Because I haven't tried to kill the queen," Roier smugly says. He pokes Cellbit's nose, making Cellbit go cross-eyed. "This is what you get, pendejo."
"Fuck you," Cellbit grumbles. "You didn't try to fight her a little? For me?"
"Nah. I killed all her knights, though."
Cellbit's eyes practically glitter. "Wow. I bet you got real sweaty."
Roier nods. "And I took my shirt off."
Cellbit turns to glare at the queen. "You made me miss that!"
The queen's mouth opens in shock. "You tried stabbing me!"
"And you kidnapped me! I think stabbing you would've been worth it!"
"Calma, gatinho," Roier lightly says. He slips his other hand under Cellbit's shirt; his two hands link together, his thumb rubbing soothing little circles above Cellbit's bellybutton. "Don't threaten royalty when I don't have my sword."
"You aren't being kidnapped!" the queen shouts. "This could've gone a lot easier if you had just come with me to begin with!"
"And why the fuck would I do that?" Cellbit sneers.
"Because I'm your sister, idiot!"
"I'm an orphan, idiot!"
The queen bodily flinches, recoiling into the back of her seat with wide eyes and a trembling mouth.
Sensing a tense moment, Roier takes the opportunity to say, "You know, maybe he isn't your brother. Maybe I'm your brother, hm? Maybe my ears fell off in the war."
It's just the kind of statement that would blow Pepito's mind. Pepito, oh, Pepito...
Cellbit wants his kids.
The queen ignores Roier. She continues staring at Cellbit, instead.
"What happened to you?" she asks, voice hoarse.
Cellbit gives her a flat look in response. "What hasn't. I'm not who you think I am. I'm... me. You have the wrong guy."
He twists his wrists in his handcuffs. They're simple enough...
"This really isn't a good first impression," Roier adds.
As Roier continues speaking, Cellbit pops his thumb out of its socket and starts subtly pulling his hand through the cuff.
Roier says, "Like, I get you wanted to see him, but this is kinda fucked, you know? You couldn't have sent a letter? We could have had brunch, but, noooooo, you just had to show up like this and freak him out."
"I'm not freaked out," Cellbit grumbles.
(And now the other hand...)
"I didn't want it to be this way," the queen says. She looks painedly at Cellbit. "It's- I- we need you back, Cellbit. Our parents- the king and queen are both dead. You promised that you would help me when I took the throne. I've been looking for you for years, and-"
"Okay," Roier interrupts. "See? Talking's good. Gatinho, do you have anything to say?"
"Yeah," Cellbit replies. He looks at the queen, and he says, "Guapito, hold on."
He sticks his tongue out at the queen (childish, maybe, but she's pissing him off), and he slams himself against the carriage door.
And... nothing happens.
He smacks his head, and he sees stars, and he falls backwards onto the carriage's floor with a pained grunt.
The queen gives him a mocking look. "What, you didn't think I would lock the door? You really are my brother, dumbass. You haven't changed a bit."
Roier, at least, looks somewhat pitying.
"That would've been cool if it had worked?" he tries.
Cellbit just groans in response and drops his head back down onto the floor.
He used to be an escape artist. And now he's trapped in a carriage with an insane woman.
"Sit tight," the queen says, settling back into her seat and making sure to kick Cellbit in the side as she does so. "It's a long trip back to the castle."
"If I don't see my children when we're there, I'll actually kill you," Cellbit threatens.
Her lips quirk into a smirk. "You can try."
And he hates her.
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cultofdixon · 3 months
A long road to recovery
Daryl Dixon • She/Her Pronouns • Her screams will forever haunt the archer especially with the visual aid permanently in his mind. But there’s only so much he could do for her • ANGST/SFW • TW: Femur Fracture / Major Injuries / Blood Loss / Mentions of Amputation
Requested by: Anon
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In the Apocalypse, you’re going to face some threats that want to make it unsafe for your family.
First it was Shane, now it’s this man who calls himself “The Governor”
No one really encountered him until a ghost of the past decided to make himself present again. But even Merle didn’t know how far the Governor decided to go.
“We’ve got another hostage. 2 actually…more willing to give us answers”
“How are you sure?” Merle questions the Governor who only gave him an annoyed look before two other soldiers took the redneck by the arms detaching his blade. “What the hell are you doing?!”
“What I should’ve done the second that son of bitch yelled your name” and without a second thought, the governor knocked out Merle letting the men take him to what he had planned next…
After he tried to get more information out of the two he captured in the heat of it all…
Daryl and Y/N
While Daryl was chained to one side of the room blindfolded, Y/N was completely aware of their surroundings as she tugged at her own restraints. She saw what he did to Glenn and was afraid the same treatment will happen to Daryl.
“Please. We don’t want any trouble. Just let us go we were only following orders” Whatever needs to be said, Y/N. Without giving too much away.
“Mm. Oh but you did. You didn’t want to give us what we wanted to hear…now you’re just doing the same as them” The Governor knelt to her level grabbing her jaw harshly feeling and watching her resistance. “But this time I know exactly how to get it out of yea” he let go of her face before rising to his feet and snapping at the archer’s direction to let his men know to untie the blindfold resulting in a crazed enraged look from the man. “He’ll give me what I want”
Daryl scoffs knowing he’s not going to say a word, nor is Y/N. But the way the devil-like man smirked in his direction caused all his blood to run cold watching him wind up his fist that instantly landed itself against Y/N’s cheek.
“No! NO!” He shouted tugging against the restraints as every time he managed to stand, he would get knocked back down…continuing to watch every punch land on its target.
Eventually Y/N spat out blood avoiding eye contact toward everyone in the room. She brought her attention toward the Governor watching the anger spill out of him.
“All either of yea have to do, is tell me how fucking many of you there are. Then no more of this” His fists clenched listening to Y/N chuckle weakly hanging her head low as her jaw hurt too much to speak. He quickly grabs a fistful of her hair gripping onto it tight causing the tears to spill from her eyes. “TELL ME OR ILL FUCKING KILL HER”
The look in her eyes tells Daryl not to say a word. But every fiber of his being was screaming against him.
“Over my dead b-body…” He said with hesitation watching his anger spill out as the Governor tosses her to the ground bringing his leg up and harshly bringing it down on her thigh.
The crack caused an unbridled screech to escape her lungs as she now laid on her side not being able to control the pain filled screams just from her own movement caused by the break he had down. Daryl lost it. He couldn’t. He couldn’t anymore.
“I-I-I…There’s not m-many” Daryl sobbed. “Most of us are children and old folk…o-o-or too weak to fight” he screams out his sobs tugging harshly at the chains as Y/N’s screams over powered his. They were strong enough to fight. But he just. He needed something to be a lie.
“Good.” The Governor scoffs before driving his foot into her stomach for extra measure turning to the archer watching him fall apart but not share more. He got what he needed. “Get them up. It’s time”
As the big man makes his way out of the room, Daryl watches two men come in to grab Y/N as he couldn’t believe what he saw. Now his anxiety started to eat at him watching her get taken away and before he could fight…a sack was thrown over his head.
Now he’s lost
But it didn’t take long
For the sack to be removed and for his unrestrained self is standing beside his brother whom he thought was dead in an arena of sorts.
“Let’s get these walkers hungry YEAH?!” The Governor shouts with a huge smile as the cheering grew louder.
The Dixon brothers instantly turned to the sobbing mess that was Y/N and as she was dropped, the walkers were released on their chains. Without a second thought, Merle leaped the moment the walker tripped letting the undead sink its teeth into its metal nub before it got to Y/N. She looked up at him through a tearful gaze thanking him but also wishing she wasn’t in this position in the first place.
“Merle you dumb bitch!” Glenn shouted at the eldest Dixon that ran through almost a sea of walkers to get to the building closest to the one the Atlanta group was held up in.
“He’s going to get himself killed” Andrea sighs watching this all unfold.
Merle dodged several walkers and right as he miscalculated how close one got, he felt his whole body get tugged into the nearest building. In a safe yet temporary hiding spot, Merle locked eyes with Y/N. The one his brother’s fancies.
“How the fuck did you sneak out of the clothing store?”
“I’m more useful than you fuckers think and I knew you wouldn’t make it quick enough before curfew” Y/N scoffs punching him in the arm resulting in an enraged expression. “What the fuck was I gonna tell Daryl if you became Walker bait?”
“That I’m one less problem for the pig back at base to deal with”
“Fuck Shane and what he thinks. Just fuck off and thank me for saving your life”
“Hell no! I’ll just save yea as my own form of thanks”
“You know I’ll take that as a thanks right?” Y/N rolls her eyes taking out a flash grenade she found from one of the tanks they scavenged a few nights ago, tossing it across the sea as the second it went off the two left that spot returning to the rest of the group.
Once Merle killed the walker that almost got Y/N, a gun was met at his head by one of the other soldiers but he was met with a bullet that came from Maggie.
“LETS GO!” She shouts as Rick joined in the cover fire.
Daryl quickly ran to Y/N grabbing one of her arms to throw over his shoulder as Merle did the same with the other. Both carried her out avoiding the fire the best that they could.
“Don’t move her too much”
“The fuck happened?!”
“Son of a bitch broke her leg!”
Y/N tuned out all of their voices when they loaded her up in the car letting her take up the whole backseat which meant Glenn and Michonne would hold up in the trunk. But that didn’t happen right away.
What she didn’t know because the pain flooded all of her thoughts, Daryl left with Merle because of the whole “blood” spiel. No one can really argue with such, or really want to. They just. Didn’t want a piece of their family to leave.
No one wanted to tell Y/N but she got the idea. She knows Merle enough and knows what he’d done so it wouldn’t be sane of them to welcome him with open arms. She just wished her partner didn’t leave.
“What the hell happened?!” Carol shouts when Rick and Glenn were the ones carrying Y/N in as she still hadn’t controlled her painful outbursts.
“Get her in a bed and Glenn you know where the old pallets are? Take some wood pieces off and you, whatever you name is” Hershel gestured toward the prisoner. “We have duct tape anywhere?!”
It wasn’t the best splint but it would have to do. Hershel duct taped two blanks on other side of Y/N’s right thigh to stabilize the broken femur. A bone you should never break. He’s already told her if worse comes for worse, they would have to take the leg and she had a semi-easier recovery.
But that’s worse case scenario.
Right now Y/N laid uncomfortably, with a minor tremor whenever she tried to do anything else besides lay there in a pool of pain and sweat from the stress of said pain.
“Why’d you save her? From that walker?”
“The fuck you on about?” Merle scoffs. “Y/N? Oh because I have the hots for her” the sarcasm poured out him with those words. Daryl grabbed his brother’s arm harshly pulling his attention to him. “WHAT?! YOU THINK IMMA LET THE ONLY GOOD GODDAMN THING IN YOUR LIFE FUCKING DIE?! Hell! Why the fuck did you even leave with me? They ain’t ever gonna let me in and those Woodbury fucks aren’t gonna either.”
Daryl was left speechless and with that the silence just grew between the brothers until the youngest had about enough of their situation.
“You’re coming with”
“They won’t—-“
“You’ll listen to everythin’ they fucking have yea do. Even if that means being in a cell”
And with that the Dixon brothers returned and Merle was instantly put in the cell that they held Michonne.
Hershel felt the eyes on him as he was sat beside Y/N’s bed after scrounging up a sedative through the few pills the group scavenged from the farm to the prison. He quickly turned to the cell door finding Daryl standing there anxiously as his eyes were glued on her swollen thigh.
“She might lose it if we don’t figure out a way to get the swelling down. Good pain killers can help. Ibuprofen works best”
“Like we’d manage to find any or hell, make it. The best for that are those ice packs in quick first aids. The ones with an activator that makes it cold.” Hershel checked her pulse out of an anxious habit because he didn’t know how strong the sedative would work on her. But given no tears and screaming, it did wonders.
“Didn’t Carl find all the med shit in this place?”
“Yes. But none of those ice packs. I’m glad nothing is bleeding or we would use the whole supply to cut her open, let the excess blood spill, then wrap and wrap until it stops”
Hearing all that didn’t sit well with Daryl as he had to step out coming face to face with Rick who came to check on Y/N himself.
“You alright?” The man seemed to never worry for himself at times.
“Nah. I won’t be until she is. I gotta go out there”
“Daryl. This Governor guy is on us and will know our scavenge points from what information any of yall gave. We have to take him down before it’s safe to go out”
Things only escalated with the Governor which at one time had them moving Y/N’s body so that they could trap the soldiers in a section to take them out. Merle also gave his life to try and solve the problem for them by killing the guy coming up unsuccessful. But when Daryl found his body, and his belongings, he found most of the med supplies one of the Governor’s trucks had. Including those ice packs.
Now in the rebuilding time, which meant the defeat of the Governor and infusion of the Woodbury folk…Daryl listened to Hershel with everything he instructed when it came to caring for Y/N while she wouldn’t be able to do much of anything. But something she tried to keep to herself was the pain becoming unbearable at night. They slowly started going on runs and developing a flow while making the prison a home, so meds come in very scarce.
She doesn’t have to keep a front just so they don’t run out of meds. They know what she’s dealing with.
Daryl entered the cellblock after taking a night watch the second Y/N fell asleep. But he was met with soft sobs escaping their shared cell. At first he thought someone was walking a fussy Judith but when he entered their cell he heard Y/N cry in a half fetal position hugging onto a pillow. The swelling gone down quite a bit but the pain was still unbearable and the break was going to take some time to heal.
“Sunshine, how bad is it?” Daryl whispers kneeling beside the bed resting his hand on her shoulder while glancing to her leg to make sure she’s trying not to bend it.
“It’s f-fine” Y/N sobbed hiding her face in the pillow so she couldn’t see the annoyed but worried look on Daryl’s face. “I-It’ll pass”
“Hun. Hershel said it’s best to take the pain medicine to help the healing process. This ain’t some addict shit—-“ Sometimes addicts who have surgery, refuse pain meds. To stay clean.
“It’s a rare resource” Y/N pulled her face away from hiding, feeling Daryl’s rough but gentle touch rest on her cheek brushing the tears that fell with his thumb. “I-I…I can’t use it a-all. What it—-“
“Nah. No what ifs. You need it. You ain’t gonna sit here and suffer. We’ll find more. When you’re better you can even help find more”
“Heh…like you’d let me out of the walls” Y/N softly laughs watching a twitch of a smile grace the corner of his lips as he rolls his eyes.
“Listen. As much as I wanna protect yea…after all we lost and shit…I don’t want to make yea hate me by keeping you confined longer than you already have”
“I could never hate you, Daryl. You just owe me a ride when I’m fucking okay again” She laughs whole heartedly this time giving Daryl a chance to lean into her pressing his lips against hers for a chaste kiss before getting up to get the pain meds and his canteen.
Daryl helped her sit up so she could take the pill and drink the water without spilling on her, but as Y/N was sat up he snuck his way behind her so that when she laid back down it’d be against him.
His comforting embrace
A long. Four. Months. Later.
The archer was working on his bike to prepare for an incoming run when he heard the familiar whistle coming from his girl. He quickly stood approaching her as Y/N made her way to him with a bit of a limp. You think a break like that will heal straight?
“Making your laps?”
“Yeah, I’ve been doing so for a month and wanted to see what my partner would be doing at this hour” Y/N smiles bringing herself close feeling Daryl’s arms snake around her waist as his eyes checked their surroundings of any bystanders. “Don’t worry. No one is watching”
“Mm. Like I care who sees me kiss my woman”
“Oh? Is that what I’m receiving while I’m here?”
“Oh I don’t have t—-“
“Just kiss me already, Dixon” Y/N smiles grabbing his vest carefully and pulling him down for her to connect their lips enjoying this moment. A moment she felt like she waited forever to have.
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lincolndjarin · 7 months
Best Kept Secret
chapter twenty seven : the apostate
ao3 link ✿ series masterlist ☆ main masterlist ✧
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pairing : bodyguard!Din Djarin x afab!princess!reader
rating : 18+ mdni
word count : 6.0k
summary : judgement day. (din's version)
warnings: language, angst, violence, gore, blood, torture, murder, death, ro makes things up about infection bc they're too scared to google it (what if there's gross pics??), din is morally grey at times, pregnancy
a/n: worked a ten hour shift, got home, made an iced coffee, hammered away at my anvil until this was written and edited. now it's bed time lol
That’s all there is in his brain. 
It’s hard enough as is for him to hear. It doesn’t help when he’s been beaten half to death. All it had taken was a few firm punches to the side of the head and any remaining hearing in that ear was lost. 
It’s not looking great. Or sounding great, all he can hear is ringing as he hits the ground, hard. He knows someone is yelling at him but how the fuck is he supposed to know what they’re saying when he can feel a thin bead if blood dripping from his ear canal. 
He never manages to figure out what they’re saying but he gets the gist of it when his armor is ripped from his body. He puts up as much of a fight as he can manage, his efforts skyrocketing when they yank his helmet off, leaving him bare before a couple of guards. 
For the first time in his life he knows what it's like to have that choice taken away from him. 
And he cannot hide the fear and discomfort that come with losing his helmet behind a mask any longer. Thankfully he isn’t exposed for very long, per Kodo’s orders his face is to remain covered. Of course they go with the most humiliating option, a fabric bag thrown over his head. It’s somehow worse than being exposed, now he can’t hear or see. 
So there’s no warning for the beating that immediately follows his imprisonment. 
He’s been in countless fights through the course of his life but nothing like this. He’s never been unable to fight back. They restrain him and beat him senseless, and he can’t so much as hold his hands up in defense. 
And then they leave.
He has no way to tell the time. So he simply sits and waits in the emptiness that is his life now. 
Until someone new comes in to beat the shit out of him. 
It’s a horrific existence, to sit in the cold darkness, unable to hear an approaching threat until they’re actively upon you. He doesn’t know when it happens but at one point he loses all feeling in one of his legs, he knows he was cut there but he has no idea how bad it is. He spends his time trying to assess his wounds, he stretches out what parts of himself he can as he does his best to keep his blood flowing. 
And the entire time all he can think of is you.
He knows nothing of what’s become of you. He did everything in his power to ensure that you would be blameless but he has no idea if it worked, that itself is a worse torture than any of this. He’s in agony wondering if you’re down here in a cell receiving the same treatment as he is. 
He didn’t think things could possibly get worse. 
Until the day when the footsteps stopped before his cell and the door to Elaine’s swung open instead. 
He heard most of it. 
Every wet, gory sound. 
He took his time with her, laughing all the while and when he was finally done Din called out to her. 
All he got in response was the faint, distant sounds of her agony. 
The next day he feared they had returned to finish her off when he heard the ear piercing screech of her door opening but Elaine’s screams turned to soft whines. After a while his own door shrieked open, it took him a while to realize who it was but after she repeated herself a few times he was able to make out the word Lysa and was able to relax briefly. She tried to feed him but he told her he was fine, despite the twisting pain in his stomach, he’d lost too much. 
His face is all he has left. It’s all he can cling to now.
She tries every day despite his protests but he doesn’t mind. He likes having someone to talk to, it helps his hearing when he can focus on one person speaking at a time. 
Then came the day where he felt hands on his chest and he tensed in anticipation of a hit that never came. 
It took a while to register and for a moment he thought it was a trick but he recognized the smell of you, and the familiar, gentle nature of your touches. 
You were an angel. 
Feeding him, being with him, loving him. 
He would have done almost anything for five more minutes with you when Lysa told you it was time to leave but he knew you couldn’t be caught down here, it just wasn’t safe, so he let you go.
And he found peace in the knowledge that you were unharmed. 
From that point forward he endured for you. 
Not in hopes that you would find some way to get him out, or that he might find his way back to you. He endured simply for you. For the idea that he might get to look upon your face one last time before he goes.
He had just about accepted his fate when Lysa came to him, unlocking his cuffs. 
“I messed with the shift schedule.” She speaks in a hushed whisper directly into his ear so he can hear her.
“I messed with the schedule, for the next two hours there will be no guards, one empty window. I’m taking Elaine, gonna get her off planet.”
“Nevarro.” They’ll be safe there, maybe someday he’ll bring you to visit them. 
“Where is that?”
“It’s an outer rim territory, go there, find Greef Karga and tell him Din Djarin sent you.” 
“I will.” She presses the key into his palm. “You won’t get a second chance. Don’t waste this.”
“Thank you.”
“I’m not doing this for you.” It isn’t said with cruelty, it’s a fact. 
That’s okay, he’s doing this for you as well. 
And just like that she’s gone, when he takes the bag off his head he’s alone. Immediately he gets to his feet, nearly screaming in pain as he tries to figure out what his next move is. 
“Don’t waste this.” 
She’s right. 
He won’t get another chance, he can’t mess this up. 
If he leaves Naboo he knows he’ll never get you back. They will lock you away, you’ll be hidden in some tower making heirs for that monster, never allowed back in the public eye while the “dangerous” Mandalorian is free. 
That’s his reasoning. He tries not to think too hard about the other aspect of running away. 
That you might think he left you. 
Finding you and taking you with him sounds like a good option but when he really thinks about it he realizes the risks are simply too high. 
If they realize he’s gone and you’re gone before you can get on a ship they’ll close every port on Naboo, you’ll be trapped on this wretched planet and hunted like animals. 
It wouldn’t matter much anyway, getting that far would require him being able to run. With the condition he’s in he isn’t even sure he can walk. It takes some work, and a lot of biting his own fist to silence himself but he manages to stumble across his cell. 
So running isn’t an option. 
And he can’t leave you. 
He promised himself he would never leave you again, he stayed when you told him to go, he stayed those four days of waiting, and he’ll stay now. 
But he has to be smart, and he has to be lucky. 
So he sits back against the wall, sliding his wrists back into the cuffs, leaving them unlocked.
And he waits. 
He can’t make out much of what the man is saying but he recognizes the low, gravely timber. It’s the same man who’s tormented him several times but more importantly it’s the man who hurt Elaine. 
The bag is ripped off of him and he can’t help but light up at the sight of only one man. 
He can handle one man. 
He’s weaker than usual, and he isn’t expecting it when his mouth is forced open, a knife slicing into his tongue. 
It’s more difficult than it ever has been to fight, every muscle and injury screams for him to stop but he still manages to get the man on his back, from there all he has to do is slam his head into the stone. 
It’s been a long time since he had to kill someone. 
He thought it would feel worse, he’d be lying if he said that being around you hasn’t softened him up. But he feels fine, almost accomplished. He’s one step closer to you. He drags the body to an open cell a few down from his, taking the man’s uniform he dresses himself and takes his own clothes, tossing them back into his cell as he moves as fast as he can with a barely working leg. 
The guard's uniform fits but the man's skin is significantly paler than Din’s, he’ll never pass as him. 
“You won’t get a second chance.” 
Walk and think. 
Think of a plan on your way to it. 
He marches out of the dungeons, every step is agony, and his mouth continues to bleed as he tries to think of people he wouldn’t mind killing who wouldn’t raise any eyebrows. 
The answer comes to him while he’s rubbing the raw skin of his wrists. 
He’s known since he started working here just how shitty the security is. Even in his current state it’s rather easy for him to sneak into the guards station at the front entrance of the castle. It’s even easier for him to search through their bracelet database and find out exactly where the bastard is. 
He wasn’t sure why he planted the bracelet on him that day in the market, a small part of him always did want to go back and find him, maybe teach him some manners. It was easy to slip the tracker into his bag, he even truly considered killing him at one point just to send a message to any one else who might try to touch you but you wouldn’t have wanted that, so he let it be. 
He hopes you won’t be too mad. 
He simply finds the tracker labeled ‘Mandalorian - LOST’ and memorizes the location, thankfully it appears to be in a residential area just outside the castle. He takes one extra moment to search through a few extra files, when he finds the staff lists he’s met with three blank spaces.
He fills in one of them.
Every step is blistering pain but he breathes heavily through his mouth, continuing to push through as he descends the steps towards his goal. He can’t help but wonder if he even has the strength to do any of this but what else is there to do? He has to get back to you. 
Whatever it takes. 
Later on, when he tells you what happened on this night he makes up a story, simple and believable, because in all honesty he doesn’t even know how he did any of it. His own strength in that moment frightens him a bit, all he knows is that he was looking for the man who accosted you in the markets all those moons ago and the next thing he knew he was standing in a halo of broken glass in the man's home. 
He knows you probably wouldn’t approve but he had wanted to kill him the first time he had grabbed you in the market, after the second time he wanted to make it hurt. The dungeons are a mercy compared to what Din would do to him. 
He’s running out of time so he has to improvise, he knocks the man out when he finds him in his bedroom, tearing the welding goggles off the nameless man's head. He cuts his hair with a shard of glass from the window, trying and failing to make it resemble his own.
It’ll have to do. 
He tells himself before dragging the body in through the back servant's entrance he’s used several times to sneak in and out of the castle with you.
He’s slick with sweat, at least his leg doesn’t hurt anymore, by the time he gets to the bottom of the steps there's barely any feeling in it at all. 
It’s one hell of a task, getting the nameless man into the cell and chained to the wall unnoticed but by some stroke of luck he does it, finishing his task by removing the man's tongue in one swift motion with a knife. Silencing the only witness to his escape. 
He looks over everything, making sure it’s all in its perfect place before adding the finishing touch, a bag over his head. Once it’s done he rushes towards the dungeon's entrance. 
He should move, get out of there and fast but he can’t help himself. Not after what they did to Elaine. 
So he checks the shift schedule, he waits until the last possible moment, when the next shift of guards arrives he hands them the tongue, trying not to wince at the undisturbed look on their faces, and he tells them that he’s going to do one last sweep before they switch. They all seem more than happy to have someone else doing the rounds. And he takes his time, slowly and methodically checking every cell until he gets to Elaine’s, and even then he waits just a little longer, giving them as much time as possible to get on a ship and far away from here. 
Even if it’s just a few extra seconds. 
Then he yells. 
His words make no sense and are garbled because of the state of his tongue but he gets the message across just fine. 
He yells that there’s been an escape, that a prisoner is missing and in the commotion of it all he slips away. On his way back to you. 
He’s so focused on seeing you again it never even crosses his mind just how many people have now seen him without his helmet. 
“You won’t get a second chance. Don’t waste this.”
Lysa’s words continue to echo through his head. 
He has to do this exactly right. Or he’ll lose you all over again. 
He has to get into the castle. The quickest way to you is going to be being a staff member, but first he has to make himself presentable. So he goes to the cabin. Surprisingly untouched, Kodo must not have cared enough to have it vacated. 
He’s barely standing when he stumbles in through the door, heading straight to the fresher and peeling back the boards that hide his bacta stash. 
He is so fucked up when he finally looks in the mirror. He's practically a wild animal as he scrambles to get a vial of bacta open.
It’s unbelievable that no one asked him if he was okay, his face is mangled. Large gashes originate at his mouth and move up and down his face. A deep cut runs across the bridge of his nose, coincidentally directly over a scar he already had. 
He makes quick work of it. Lathering a thick layer of bacta onto each wound before opening his mouth. Thankfully his tongue is still attached in some places, it’s easy to coat in the healing ointment but it’s difficult to keep it from bleeding, but he manages. The real challenge is his leg. He limps out to the kitchen with a bottle of bacta between his teeth. Grabbing himself a knife from the drawer as he sits at the kitchen table, propping his leg up on a chair with a groan. 
He’s seen enough battle injuries to know just how bad it is. Dark lines that he knows mean infection run along his calf. 
“Fuck.” He verbalizes his distress as he peels back more of his pants.
The infection doesn’t go past his knee. 
He doesn’t have time to be in denial over how bad it is.
He has the credits to cover a prosthetic but he doesn’t have the time. He’ll be in recovery for ages and that simply isn’t an option now. He can fight off the infection for a few more weeks but after that there’s no way he’ll be able to keep his leg. 
He can’t leave you alone in that castle with Kodo. 
So he steels himself, grabbing a wooden spoon off the counter to bite down on as he cautiously cuts away any decaying flesh as well as chunks of meat where the infection is worst. He’s lightheaded when he fumbles through one of his drawers for his cauterizer, sealing each wound with an unsettling sizzling sound. 
He feels half dead when he finishes, haphazardly pouring the contents of the bacta bottle onto his leg before passing out on the kitchen floor.
As eager as he is to get back into the castle he knows he needs at least one more day to recover. So he tends to his wounds, and tries to teach himself how to walk all over again. 
He takes no breaks, keeping himself in a constant state of motion until the next day. He dresses in the provided clothes from the cabin, a wave of self consciousness washes over him as he walks up the palace steps in broad daylight, face on display for all. 
He gives the name he had put into the files at the door. 
Written on a slip of paper.
Din Djarin
His tongue is still healing, when he tries to speak all he can manage is a few incoherent syllables so he doesn’t bother.
He barely holds it together when he’s face to face with Kodo, he can’t believe that he’s directly dealing with servants until he begins explaining to them that they are to report any and all strange behavior from the queen back to him. 
And then he’s taken into a room. 
And he gets to see you for the first time in weeks. 
He doesn’t even get to feel a fleeting sense of joy because there is something terribly wrong with you. 
That’s the first thought that crosses his mind when he’s finally brought before you. 
It’s the scariest thing he’s ever done, to stand before you, face bare. His good leg shakes like all hell and he can’t figure out what to do with his hands. Being found out isn’t even a concern at this point; he just hopes you’re okay because it’s more than clear to him that you aren’t well. 
Your face looks hollow and his immediate worry is that you haven’t been eating. Your eyes have gone dull, his heart aches as he realizes the fire that he fell for is gone. 
He yearns to step forward and fix it. To reignite what’s burned out but you won’t even look at him. 
He so badly wishes you would just look, maybe, somehow you’d know. 
But you never do. 
You just leave, locking yourself away once more and he’s stuck with a week of staff training before he gets to see you again. 
You aren’t the same after the execution. 
He had tried to warn you, to give you some kind of sign that you weren’t alone, but you’d thrown the daisies into a wall and he couldn’t do a thing to help you. He wanted so badly to say something, anything, to let you know it was him but he was only just starting to get singular words out and he just couldn’t keep up when you ran, his leg getting worse by the day. 
You just wouldn’t look at him. 
He had managed to purchase a hearing aid for his still working ear so he was able to hear the rumors the other servants said about you.
They were all mostly the same.
That you’d lost it. 
That Kodo had driven you mad and you were going to snap. 
He kept a closer eye on you after that, he had even tried leaving a different flower, blue lilies, like the ones you had back home, but they received the same treatment as the daisies. 
It was the day he started talking again that you snapped. 
After two weeks of bacta treatments he had regained feeling in his tongue completely and could speak, it was late at night when he’d finally done it and he wasted no time going to find you. Instead he found your room empty, when he knocked the guards told him you’d left. 
So he searched for you.
As quickly as someone with a barely working leg could. 
He caught sight of you just as you started making your way up the tower steps, Kodo’s hand in yours. The sight made his stomach drop but he followed you regardless. To say that he was in anguish was an understatement. He had been avoiding stairs for a while now and suddenly he had to climb an entire tower's worth. 
He was slow moving, making progress at a snail's pace until he heard your screams. High above him he heard raw and pained cries and suddenly it was like he had no limp at all, as he ran the rest of the way to you. 
When he found you he couldn’t stand upright any longer, he collapsed on the floor and pulled you to him, his hands shook as he got to feel your warmth for the first time in ages. 
Any pain he was in temporarily fizzled out when you held him back.
He made it back to you.
You can’t stop looking at him. 
You’re aware of the circumstances, you should act first, look later but he’s here. Actually, really here. You aren’t imagining it, you can feel him under your trembling palms, he’s real. 
Your Din. 
You don’t even know where to start. 
How did you miss all this? 
The hawkish nose you’ve felt against your skin countless times. Plush lips, thick eyelashes, and dark eyes you’ve only ever dreamed about. It’s hard in the darkness but you can see just how pretty he is. Your pretty boy. 
“We should run. No more wasting time, no more excuses. Just you and me on a ship.” His voice becomes urgent and you know he’s right but you can’t get on a ship, they’ll never let you leave the grounds. 
“They’ll never stop looking for us. Maybe before I killed Kodo we could have gotten away with some cunning escape, but now? I just committed regicide. They won’t let us go.” Your voice is starting to go shrill as your panic rises. 
“What other choice do we have?” 
Can’t stay, can’t leave.    
Your mind races as you close your eyes to think, letting the pieces fall together until you have a coherent plan. 
“What if there was a way no one would ever come looking for us?” You take his hand, intertwining your fingers. “We wouldn’t have to hide. No more secrets, just us. We live here and no one objects.” 
“Cyare, that just isn’t a possibility.” 
But it is.
“I’ve been reading a lot, when I lost you, I read a lot. And not just romance books, every book I could get my hands on, I learned a little about this planet's history. According to Naboo royalty traditions, I take Kodo’s place as the reigning monarch.” 
“I thought it passed to the closest living male relative.” He gives you a skeptical look.
Not if they think you’re carrying the last king's child.
“No… it goes to me.” You mumble, thinking over everything else. You have to think fast and you have to think smart. He doesn’t dare interrupt as you focus.
You’ve covered everything on your mental checklist when a dark thought crosses your mind. 
“Would you think less of me if I did something out of spite?” You whisper, holding him tighter. “If I wanted to do something terrible?” 
“I would kill a man for looking at you if you asked me to.”
You don’t doubt that. 
“Do you trust me?” You start to stand, taking his hands as you help him to his feet. 
“Then I need you to get Leo for me.” He frowns the moment you say his name. 
“You’re sure?” You nod, pressing your face into his neck. 
“I need you to do it, I can’t.” He knows you aren’t just asking him to bring Leo here, you’re asking him to end this. 
“Of course.” He murmurs. “One last terrible thing.”
One last terrible thing. 
Then you’re done.
“Bring him here, then I need you to follow my lead from there, there’s no more time to deliberate. We have to act, now.” You both know you’ve spent too much time planning, you pull him close, hugging him tightly before letting him rush back down the stairs. Your brow furrows when you see just how hard walking seems to be for him. 
You spend the few minutes that he is away trying to steady your breathing. Your mind is having a hard time deciding what to focus on. All you want to think about is Din but you know you’ll have plenty of time to do that once the two of you are safe. 
 It doesn’t take long, eventually you see Leo making his way up the stairs, Din isn’t far behind. 
You consider for the briefest moment, just forgiving him. 
For the longest time you considered Leo to be nothing more than someone who could be a bit annoying, you never thought of him as downright cruel. 
But then you see his expression. 
He looks at you as if he’s owed something and all your resistance snaps. You know he can’t see Kodo’s body in the darkness so you let him walk to you. 
“My queen…” He approaches skeptically as Din blocks the entrance.
“I wanted to talk to you about the Mandalorian.” You clear your throat and he immediately frowns.
“I do not think that is wise.”
“Did you know him, at all?” This has nothing to do with your plan, you just need to know. 
“I only interacted with him in brief instances.” You nod slowly. 
“And you knew how much he meant to me when you handed him that death sentence, right?” At this moment it doesn’t matter that Din is alive and well. You don’t care about that. You care about the days of agony he was put through, the pain Elaine had inflicted upon her when she got caught in the crossfire. 
“There’s no reason for us to have this conversation.” He almost turns to leave but you speak again. 
“I love him.”
“Loved.” He snaps back quickly, as if this entire ordeal is exhausting to him. 
Your jaw twitches. 
“Do you think he suffered down there?”
“Not at all, he was given a swift death, I’d consider him lucky.” 
“What about Elaine?” You’re surprised when Din speaks, Leo seems just as taken aback as you are. 
“She got what she deserved for witnessing an act of treason and doing nothing about it.” 
That’s the final straw for both of you.
“You know what, I think you are deserving of a reward, Leo. Din?” You look just over Leodall’s shoulder where Din’s eyes have gone nearly black. 
“Turn around and cover your ears.” The voice that speaks is one you didn’t think you’d ever hear again, it isn’t Din, it’s darker, deadlier. The Mandalorian is speaking now and you do exactly as you’re told. You turn, squeezing your eyes shut, you put your hands over your ears but even that cannot keep out the sounds of the carnage behind you. 
He takes his time. 
At first you aren’t sure how he kept him so quiet but when Din turns you around to face him you see how. It would be hard to call for help with a broken jaw, especially after your own tongue was shoved down your throat. 
You squint, searching over the damage to his body and see where Din carefully wrapped Leo’s stiff fingers around the vibroblade. 
“Are you okay?” He’s covered in gore when he asks and you simply nod, a few stray tears in your lash line. 
“I’m going to finish this.” You mumble, giving him one last look of reassurance before you do the thing you’ve been doing quite a lot of lately. 
You scream. 
You shriek, holding yourself closely to Din. It’s mostly an act, your wails of terror that echo through the halls. But a small part of you truly wonders if you’ll ever recover from the things you’ve done tonight.
After a few nerve wracking minutes you’ve got dozens of guards taking in the sight of your mess. 
You both play your parts perfectly. 
You cling to Din like a lifeline as you tell the head guard what happened. 
“Kodo and I, we- we were walking around the castle, he wanted to show me the view from the tower.” With a quivering finger you point to the window you know has the best view of the castle grounds. “We were celebrating. We were so happy we didn’t even see Leo following us.” You hide your face in Din’s tunic, letting out a shuddering exhale to imitate a sob. “I had just told him I was with child when Leodall attacked me.” You make a real spectacle of yourself as you weep against Din’s shirt, Din who notably goes rigid. “Kodo tried to protect me, he wanted to protect his heir but Leo just- he-” You whimper, earning yourself a room full of sympathetic gazes. “I screamed for help and thankfully this servant was here, he saved my life.” 
That’s all they need to be convinced, after all, who wouldn’t believe the queen.
At one point you’re asked why Leo would ever do such a thing. 
You tell them he hated Kodo.
Because he refused to make him a lord. 
And you speak loud enough for every guard in the room to hear you when you tell them that Elaine was innocent, that Leo falsely accused her. 
There were never any follow up questions. All of it made sense to them and even though it came from a terrible thing you’re free. You’re more than free. According to the way the monarchy on Naboo is structured you’re technically queen regent until your child comes of age. 
Kodo gets to die a hero.
The king who sacrificed his life for his unborn child. (That bothers you for quite some time.) 
But he dies nonetheless. 
And you can live with that because at the end of the day they’re putting him in the ground and you’re up here, with Din. You’ll have to wait an appropriate amount of mourning time before you take his hand in public, but he’s yours now. No one can tell you otherwise, what kind of person tells a widowed queen what she can and can’t do?
When the room clears you take him to your chambers, dismissing the guards who stand watch. 
“Kodo’s dead, leave me be.” Is all you say as you push past them with Din, you hear a brief worried discussion outside your door before they leave in a hurry. Din looks around the destruction of your room with a look of concern before his eyes settle on you. “Sorry, I- uh, didn’t handle things well when I thought you were- well.” You mumble apologetically but his look of worry is no longer focused on your room, it’s on your stomach as he makes his way over to you, carefully stepping over the mess.  
“Are you- are you really…?” 
“Yeah.” You smile at him but his reaction isn’t exactly what you were expecting. 
He cups your face in his hands, searching your eyes for any signs of distress but you know he won’t find any. Right now it doesn’t matter that you’ve done unimaginable things. It doesn’t matter that you’ve killed. Because somehow, despite it all, Din is okay. 
“I’m so sorry. If I had known I would have killed him long before you did.” He murmurs. 
“Hmm?” You hum softly, unable to tear your eyes away from his intense gaze. In the light you can see a little scar across the bridge of his nose, you want to reach out and touch it. 
“It doesn’t matter to me. We can do whatever you want, I’ll raise them as my own. I am more than willing to love this piece of you.” There’s a painful sincerity in his face and you become hyper aware of the fact that he assumes your baby really is Kodo’s. 
“Din-” Almost immediately he interrupts you; he drags his hands down your body, resting them on your stomach. 
“And we can live in the cabin. I’ll build a nursery the moment everything settles down, I will be the only father they ever know.”
“Din.” You say a bit more stern, trying to snap him out of his rambling. 
“Sarad’ika.” His thumb rubs a small circle against the fabric of your nightie. 
“It isn’t Kodo’s.” You give him a reassuring smile as he freezes in place. 
And you get to see it all. 
Every emotion you never got to enjoy when he was hidden behind steel. 
You get to watch as his concern melts away into a brief confusion that is quickly replaced with shock and processing. You get to see the way his eyes soften, and his lips part ever so slightly as he inhales a shuddering breath. If you had known just how expressive he was you never would have let him wear the helmet in the first place. He chews on his bottom lip briefly as he stares at you. Swallowing loudly.
“It’s mine?” The single sentence is shaky and breathless as you nod. 
“All yours.” You whisper back. 
His arms cage you in as he pulls your body flush with his, nearly lifting you off the ground.
“How is that- we were so careful…” He turns his head, pressing a series of kisses into your hair. You give him a skeptical look as you laugh.
“Were we?” 
“I guess not.” He shrugs, grinning from ear to ear as he looks at you. 
“It’s really mine?” He leans down to kiss you before you can even answer, making you laugh against his lips. 
“It’s really yours, and I already picked out a name.” Your heart flutters as his eyes light up, you just want to stare at him all day, partially because a part of you is worried he’ll disappear from your life all over again.
“Without me?” He sounds genuinely hurt, you lean up to kiss him again, hoping to soothe him.
“I think you’ll like it.” You mumble against his mouth after a moment. 
“How do you know it’s going to suit them, it’s too early.” He chuckles. 
“I just know.” You really do. A part of you had always had a vision of them, a little carbon copy of Din. A baby boy with his dark eyes and hair, you can feel it. “Can we go to the cabin? I don’t think I can stomach another night in here. The next few days I’m gonna have to deal with everything I did tonight, and I just want to spend tonight with you.” He nods, pulling you into one more embrace, unable to keep his hands off of you as he smiles. As much as you adore finally being able to look at him you suddenly worry that he might not be comfortable. “I have your helmet, if you want it.” You turn to fetch it but he keeps you pinned to him. 
“Don’t bother.”
“Are you sure? What about the creed?” The corners of his eyes crinkle as his smile softens. 
“You’re my creed. Everything I have, everything I am, it’s all for you. For both of you.” 
“You know you don’t have to be so poetic with me, I’m already yours, you’ve already wooed me.” You tease. 
“Then let’s go home.” He whispers. You smile as you leave your room, sneaking out the back entrance until the two of you are walking hand in hand across the courtyard and into the trees.
a/n : did a classic bks all nighter for this and im so tired, the edit was done through weary eyes lmao, feel free to lmk if there's any glaring issues
i no longer have a tag list!! follow @lincolndjarinnotifs for updates!!
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nostalgik-ai · 12 days
just my contribution for the self aware delulu peopelk.
This is my first time doing this,
kinda nerbus👉👈
A faint sound of something rings through Rovers ears...
What is that sound..? Jingle of bells?... Of keys?
Questions after questions filled our dear Rovers head until they woke up.
(I forgot wtf happened in the prologue much🥰)
Rover sometimes felt disconnected in their surroundings leading to them not remembering what happened in the past couple hours but they persevere
After they "settled" into their surroundings, they can still hear faint noises that aren't supposed to be there
Such noises are: Wind chimes, Water droplets, Ruffling of what seems to be sheets, Heart thumping, Mechanical taps, Lights flickering and some more
Rover thought that the sounds would fade away after a couple more days but...
It grew more loud.
Now the noises includes: Laughter, Screeching, Owl hoo? and words that the rover still can't understand.
Its bothering them, but they noticed that every time these sounds grow louder they too grow in strength.
So they endured the sometimes loud screams screeching in their ears
But today they heard someone called their name but there's no one around and the voice is different than Yangyang and Chixia.
"Rover..ro...r....m...com...ing..over....o..ver" (If you get my reference then good jobs)
Rover is ?
Then they heard it again more clearly than before
"There's a chest over there.."
Rover suddenly felt their body moved without their control.
Rover now understands why sometimes they feel disconnected in their body as they "faint"
Liike it? Yes yes its very nice! Thanky ou!
Im dealing with my own devils rn sorry
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maddogofshimano · 27 days
Hello! Seeing this blog was an insta-follow. JW, did u do a translation somewhere of…whatever this is? https://youtu.be/tfAqq15hv5s?si=xXzvWG1ImZ_qGGGb
I’d love to know what she’s saying, I’m scraping and scrounging for more Goromi content. There *is* a translation in the comments section, but it’s worded strangely…
hey thanks!! I am waaaaaaaaay less confident in translating spoken stuff, especially with Goromi's wildly fluctuating accent and general screeching but at one point I did go through and do some of the easier ones. however!! a kind soul has transcribed everything in the comments since the last time I checked so I'm doing this proper now. under a cut because it got long lol
italics is Goromi dropping into the masc Majima-style voice
0:00 どーもー ゴロ美でーす。真島? あ? 誰やそれ つべこべ言わんと はよドンペリ入れんかい! Hiii I'm Goromi. Majima? Huh? Don't talk about whoever that is, hurry up and bring out the Dom Perignon! 0:13 はぁあん 仕事もできる女 それがゴ・ロ・美 またモテてまうわぁ はぁ 参るなぁ Haaa~ A woman can do work too. That's Go - ro - mi. She'll be popular again. Haa~ Give me a call~ 0:28 めっちゃジロジロ見られたわぁ 嫌やわぁ セクハラちゃうー? I'm gettin' stared at so much. I don't like it. Is this sexual harassment? 0:35 よっしゃー! 暴れるでぇお前らー! All right! I'm gonna go ballistic on you all! 0:39 あ? パンツ見えてる? だからなんやねん Huh? Ya can see my panties? Watch where you're lookin'! 0:46 あーあ 早う桐生ちゃん来んかのぉー Ahhhh… won't Kiryu-chan hurry up~? 0:53 なんや 俺は安い女とちゃうで  What is it? I ain't a cheap gal. 0:59 あ? パンツ見えてる? いやーんこのドスケベー 目ん玉くり抜いたろかぁ! Ya can see my panties? Ooooh ya perv~! I'll gouge out your fuckin' eyes!* 1:08 いやーん ええ飲みっぷりやないかぁ ちょっと見直したでぇ Oooh, you seem like ya can hold your drink~ I'm startin' to come around on ya~ 1:16 うち 強い奴が好きやねん うちを その気にさせたいんならぁ 殺す気で来いやぁ! Me, I like strong guys. If ya want me to like you… then ya better come at me like ya want me dead!* 1:27 やだ ゴロ美ったらドキドキしてる 気に入ったでぇ おぉ! ドス持ってこいやぁ! いっちょやり合おうやないかー! No way, ya got Goromi's heart all flutterin'. Oh! This is perfect for my dagger! Time to fight!" 1:39 うちも一杯もらってええか? 今日はなんだか飲みたい気分やねん Is it alright if I get one too? Today I'm in the mood to drink. 1:48 はい どーぞっ! ゴロ美特性 ゲロマズカクテルやでぇ なぁ 飲めや Here you go! Goromi's special super yucky cocktail! …Hey, drink it. 1:57 桐生ちゃん 驚くやろなぁ Kiryu-chan's a surprisin' guy~ 2:01 ゴロ美 ドキドキしちゃう You're gonna make Goromi's heart flutter.* 2:04 うちが ナンバーワンキャバ嬢 ゴロ美や 覚えときー I'm the number one cabaret girl Goromi, ya better remember that. 2:12 ヒーヒッヒヒヒー 惚れても知らんでぇ Hehehehee not my fault if you're fallin' for me~* 2:16 ますますべっぴんになってくでぇ I'm becoming more and more beautiful~ 2:20 奇麗なバラには トゲがあるんやでぇ A beautiful rose still has its thorns. 2:26 魔性の女 それがゴロ美やでぇ Goromi, a woman with a devilish nature~ 2:31 ゴロ美の新たな魅力 感じてやぁ Experience Goromi's fresh new glamor. 2:36 ふぉーん なかなか見どころあるやないかぁ ま、けどアフターはお預けや There's a lot of good things to see, aren't there? Well, that will have to wait for the after hours date. 2:45 やるやないかぁ へえぇ ゴロ美アフター権 進呈したるわ このボケがぁ! Well it can't be helped. I'm presentin' ya with the rights to an after hours date with Goromi. Ya dumb ass! 2:56 ご指名 おおきに Thank ya for requestin' me.* 2:59 男女がやる事いうたらー 喧嘩しかないやろがぁ! There's a thing that men and women do together… They fight each other! 3:06 か弱いレディーに 何するんじゃボケェ! This weak lady, what the hell are ya doin' to her, idiot! 3:10 あかーん そんなんじゃゴロ美は濡れへんでぇ! Siiiilly, that kind of thing won't get Goromi wet! (tl note: I……………………. I feel like there's something I'm misreading here. but. turns out I'm not!!) 3:14 当店はお触り禁止じゃぁ! We don't allow touching in this establishment!!! 3:17 野暮な男は嫌いやでぇ! I hate men with no manners!!
(tl note: the rest of these are various battle callouts) 3:24 ボトル入りまーす! Bottle comin' through! 3:26 これ うちの名刺! Here's… my business card! 3:30 ゴロ美に惚れたら 火傷するでぇ! If ya fall for Goromi… You're gonna get burned! 3:35 お客様は神様 なわけあるかボケェ! The customer is king… what a stupid idea! 3:41 イーヒッヒヒヒー 太客認定したるわぁ! Eeehehehehee, I just bagged a big spender! 3:46 シャンパン入りまーす! Champagne comin' through! 3:49 花は いつか散るんやでぇ Flowers will… always scatter… 3:54 終わりがあるから 美しいんやでぇ Because they must end… They are beautiful… 4:01 またのご来店 お待ちしてまーす! We look forward to seeing you agaaaaiiiin! 4:05 はぁ うちをもっと燃えさす奴はおらんのかいなぁ Haaa… is there no one left who can get me fired up? 4:11 ゴロ美の「み」は 皆殺しの「み」じゃぁ! The "mi" in "Goromi" is… from the "mi" in "minagoroshi"! (tl note: wholesale slaughter) 4:16 稼ぎ時を逃さん女 それがゴロ美じゃボケェ! Goromi, a woman who's never let a chance to make a profit escape her! 4:23 ヒヒッ ゴロ美 ほてってきたでぇ Hehe, Goromi's burnin' hot! 4:29 ヒヒッ 延長やぁ 当たり前やろ! Hehe, an extension. Obviously! (tl note: for using a continue in a fight) 4:36 ごっついのぉ Real strong, huh… (tl note: for losing)
whew! as usual if I fucked something else please tell me some of this stuff gets real in the weeds. all I can do is my best
thanks again for the follow and for suggesting this! I'm real glad I took another look, that minagoroshi line really made me laugh. unrelated to Goromi but I'll have a new event up in a week or so because the one going on right now is so incredibly funny to me. it's a Saejima event. look forward to it * Edit: a couple of line corrections thanks to @imustbenuts Thank you again!!!
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tujhse-raabta · 7 months
im gonna cry UGH
bhai jab maine pani puri teekha banaaney ko kaha i thought it should be common sense that I didn't mean it in the sense of "make my mouth burn till the day I die"
why bestie. maine aapka kya bigaada. my tastebuds have already perished and you are the murderer.
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hunnidmilly · 1 year
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porn w/ no plot. tehehe.
“Roman! Ah! Ah! A-Fuck me!” You scream after each pound he makes to your cunt
“You’re gonna take it. Fucking hell, this pussy is so good. Whose pussy is this? Tell daddy it's his pussy! It’s my fucking cunt! Say it, I want to hear you say it!” His voice echoes off the walls
“It’s your pussy daddy! It’s your cunt!” You cry out gripping the ties on your wrist
Roman adored it when you submitted to his request in the bedroom. Giving up your complete control, allowing him to do what he wanted to your body. Call him a hedonist, but it gave him complete pleasure to see you fucked out, doing and saying whatever he pleased.
Roman reached forward—leaning over your back—and tangled a hand into your curly and sweaty hair, lifting your head from the pillow and slowing his thrust, “I can feel you dripping all over my cock.”
His voice filled with need whispering in your ear, “You like when fuck this pussy? Make you cum? Tell me what you like, baby.”
He takes his hand from your hair to reach around your body to your neck; choking you, and bringing your head up.
“I like when you fuck my pussy.” You answer with a whine and tear stained face, “Ro please. . .” you weap off feeling the affects of your screaming in your tonsils
Roman let’s go of your throat, leaning back up. With a harsh breath he pulls out slowly. Taking a moment to watch you wetness, and essence seap out your cunt down your thighs. He grabs your waist to flip you over onto your back.
You pant harshly to regain some of your energy, just as your eyes start to close. The Tribal Chief leans down to mimic his earlier actions, by lapping at your now swollen clit.
You open your mouth on a silent gasp that never released from your throat. Your chest moved up and down, trying so desperately to regain the air that your lungs lost.
You once again pull on the ties making the bed frame clash against the beige painted wall. Romans tongue darts in and out of you so quick, you couldn’t even tell if you were still conscious or not.
You take your hips to get more of his mouth, and he moves his large tattooed arm over you, pushing you back into the mattress.
“Roman! I—“
Your voice was cut off, by Roman taking his tongue and licking a long stripe up your cunt, making eye contact with you. You let out a squeal as his tongue connected with your small bundle of nerves.
You could feel yourself fading in and out of consciousness, with Romans skilled mouth working you closer and closer to your orgasm.
“Look at me.” Roman urges removing his mouth, and replacing it with his long index finger, “I said look at me.” he forcefully reiterates
You bring yourself back down to earth, to face Romans clouded eyes.
This is who he is. You love him like this.
“Tell daddy what you want.” He questions closely observing your body
“I—“ you begin to stammer as he adds another finger, abusing your g-spot
“Cmon baby, talk to daddy. Tell daddy, what makes his baby girl, go wild. You want my tongue on that juicy clit? You want my fingers? How about my dick pounding this tight cunt till you remember your name?”
Yes. All 3 at the same damn time.
“Roman, just fuck me please!” You screeched to the top of your lungs
Roman lets out an evil chuckle, moving his hands behind your knees and pushing them back to your ears, and slamming right back into you.
Your eyes roll to the back of your head, as his hips snapped again. Not long after, you could feel your stomach tightening with that delicious burn. You felt Roman, swell inside you letting you know he was near as well.
“Ah fuck, y/n. Cum on my cock, baby girl. Give daddy what he wants. Give it to me!” he moans leaning down to your face, taking your bottom lip into his mouth
Your legs now trembling on his shoulders, as you both panted heavily in each other’s mouth. The both of you simultaneously let out a loud moan, as his warm thick spurts short deep into your cunt.
Your toes curl and pop, as that feeling in your stomach explodes, making you clench around his cock, coating it; mixing your juices together. You can feel, Roman shiver from the feeling of your pussy hanging on like a death grip— milking him for every single drop.
Every. Single. Drop.
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the-tired-merc · 19 days
Metal footsteps echoed throught the city as Amber's flea ran, laughing echoing through her cockpit
"Come on boys, you would struggle finding water fallin outta boat!"
She was greeted by yells and screeches through her radio, currently connected to the Blakist's forces
"Ya'll slower than a 1 legged horse!"
She threw out insult after insult, drawing the ire of the escorts, currently chasing her through the city, judging by radar signature, 3-4 mechs chasing her, some close than she would like, as she threw mech to the side, a missile flying past the flea
"Nice shot jackass!"
She turned down alleyways peaking around corners take potshots at the enemies she can see, a few shots would scrape the sides, blaring alarms warning her as the armor takes hits
Adrenaline ran through Amber's body, laughing like a madwoman as she piloted, this is what she was born for, so absorbed in the acts of firing and dodging, she missed a blip flanking on the radar, untill it was in her face, a Bucaneer stepped from behind a building, staring down the Flea. For a moment, everything slowed, as Amber stared directly into the enemy's cockpit, as it raised it's arm, and an ER Large Laser lit up the alleyway, slamming directly into the cockpit, as Amber's screams echoes through both enemy and allied comms, before suddenly silencing.
The Bucaneer stepped ro the side as the flea lopped past, before slowing down, and finally stopping. Silence perminating the comms
"Finally got he-" one of the Blakists finally began to say, before a manic laughter echoes through comms, punctuated by the static of a damaged comms unit. The Flea flipped around, alpha striking directly into the Bucaneer's back, penetrating the armor, and setting off the reactor before the pilot could even scream, erupting the mech in flames
"Thats the best you got!?" Screeched through the comms, followed by heavy brrathing as the Flea rocketed off, before any of the others could respond, mad laughter flowing out, striking another mech, before doding behind the building, circlikg the confused, and frankly terrified Blakists,
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multi-fan-dom-madness · 8 months
Midnight Masquerade - Rex and Cody
Chapter Summary: The bottle lands perfectly between Rex and Cody. You've never been one to back down from a challenge.
Chapter Warnings: 18+ content; angel!Rex x f!reader x devil!Cody; kinks: threesome + dirty talk; praise kink, degradation kink, spanking (one instance), oral (both m and f receiving), bratting and brat training, spitroast, poorly translated Mando'a, 'monster' interpreted rather loosely for this one, absolutely no cl0nc3st, if I missed any please let me know!
A/N: Not fully happy with the monster part of this, but in terms of smut, come get y'all juice! some inspo taken from the lovely @sev-on-kamino for the part where Cody asks a leading question. Mando'a roughly translates to "plaything" (geroya for 'play' and 'kebis' for 'thing')
Word Count: 4.0k (do not perceive me)
Read the intro here! | Suggested listening
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No, Cody. 
No. Hang on. You lean down and align your vision with the direct line of sight of the bottle’s mouth, and realize with a jolt that it’s perfectly between the two men. Blinking, you straighten up. The entire table gives you an expectant look, but none more so than the two men the bottle seems stuck between. Nerves and arousal pulse through you, drying your mouth. Kark, would they...?
Into the momentary silence, Cody speaks, one eyebrow raised. His wings, dominating the space with jet black feathers, rustle in impatience. “Clearly, it’s pointing at me.” 
Next to him, Rex’s face, bathed in the light of his halo, scrunches in a frown. “Are you sure about that, vod?” He gestures to the bottle. “Look, it’s pointing at my arm.” 
“Yeah, and mine is right next to yours, di’kut.” 
They devolve into petty bickering, jostling each other as they try to prove which one of them the bottle actually points to. Worrying your bottom lip, you spare a glance around the table. The others have moved on from the moment, having not been chosen, and have resumed their own conversations. 
With a sigh, you stand, chair screeching on the stone floor. Both Rex and Cody snap their attention to you, frozen in mid-wrestle, Rex’s head nearly pinned beneath Cody’s arm. 
Hands on your hips, you tilt your head. “Boys,” you tut. “There’s no need to fight. If you can’t decide, I will.” 
Cody reluctantly lets go of his brother, a scowl threatening to mar his features. 
“What’s your choice, mesh’la?” Rex asks. The look on his face is serene, angelic—there’s no other word for it. Whatever decision you make, he’ll be okay with.
“Yes,” you say. At their blank stares, you chuckle. “Both. And. What do you say?” 
Cody and Rex exchange a single glance before both men scramble out of their chairs. Well—Cody scrambles, knocking empty shot glasses askew and sending them hurtling off the table to shatter on the flagstones beneath. He ignores the grumbles of protest from the rest of the troopers, skidding to a halt in front of you with a smirk damn near as devilish as the ram’s horns curling out of his head. 
For his part, Rex stands, exuding calmness even from across the table, and spreads his wings. The white, pearlescent feathers seem to glow dully from within for a moment—and then he beats them once, gliding over the table in one smooth movement.
Your mouth falls agape as Rex settles onto his feet beside you. “Woah.” 
He gives you a small smile, one that steals your breath. The look he gives you makes you feel like there’s some long-standing inside joke that only you and he share; butterflies flutter in your veins.
“Are you gonna just stand there eye-fucking her, or are you gonna actually fuck her, vod?” Cody’s voice jolts you out of the golden depths of Rex’s gaze. 
Meeting Cody’s eyes, you shiver despite yourself. His eyes are dark, boring into your very soul. Goosebumps erupt over your skin at the sensation of your deepest desires being dredged up from the vaults of your mind. Core clenching with need, you whimper almost silently. 
“What was that about eye-fucking, Codes?” Rex teases. 
Cody rolls his eyes. “Yeah, yeah. C’mon. Let’s get somewhere private before I change my mind and fuck you right here.” 
Chest tightening with blazing desire, you have no choice but to allow yourself to be ushered forward by them both. You can only imagine the sight you present to the rest of the partygoers, a literal angel and devil at your shoulders. Rex to your left, Cody on your right, your hands itch to reach out and grab theirs. You can feel their wings, feathers soft and warm, tickling at the backs of your legs as you walk; idly, you wonder what those feathers might feel like beneath your palms. 
It’s Rex who makes the first move. His fingers are strong and cool where he laces them through your own, and the reassuring smile he gives you makes you melt. 
Not one to be outdone, Cody grabs your other hand. His skin is so warm it’s nearly hot, like he’s burning from within with hellfire. Kriff, you’re not one who buys into some of the metaphysical beliefs you’ve heard from various folks on Coruscant, but if there is an afterlife where souls are either punished or blessed for eternity, you’re pretty sure which side this night is about to land you in.
You don’t really care. 
The two men escort you through a series of hallways to a random door, which opens onto a sparsely furnished bedroom. Seems your hosts know exactly what their guests would want from this night of revelry. Aside from the massive bed, hanging from the ceiling is a wrought iron chandelier with lit candles that cast flickering lights on the cobblestone walls, giving the space a rather fantasy-esque feel. Tucked in one corner stands a washbasin with a full water jug. Good. You’re going to need hydration after tonight.
Licking your lips, you glance between the other two out of the corners of your eyes, before dropping their hands. As you step deeper into the room, Rex shuts and bolts the door. The two men remain close by the entrance. They regard you with unabashed curiosity, though you pick up their wildly different intentions: one bright and willing to support, one dark and willing to break. 
You urge your racing heart to settle. “So. Ground rules. Someone says ‘red,’ and this all stops. That clear?” 
Cody gives a single, terse nod while Rex smiles encouragingly. 
“Great.” You shimmy out of your clothing, leaving you in nothing but your shoes in front of both men. Rex’s white toga, belted with gold trim, begins to tent as his cheeks flush, taking in the sight of your nude form. Cody’s hands twitch toward unbuttoning his black shirt, his own bulge growing noticeable. 
Your chest rises and falls with each shallow breath. In the chilled air of the chamber, your nipples stiffen, goosebumps arising once again all over your body. Their gazes are heavy on your skin, lingering in all your dips and curves. 
“She’s beautiful, isn’t she, Cody?” Rex murmurs. His wings shift against his back. “Bet she’s gonna be such a good girl for us.” 
Cody snorts. “Bet she’s gonna be a good slut for us. Isn’t that right, princess?” When your thighs press together without realizing, Cody smirks. “Yeah, she is. Filthy little plaything.” 
Body flushed with warmth, you can’t decide who to focus on as they begin to approach, one step at a time. Rex flanks to your right, while Cody moves to you directly. His hands roughly cup your face and drag you forward to close the distance. Lips crashing into yours, you can’t help the moan that escapes you as Cody grips the back of your neck with one hand. His other hand immediately finds a home at your breast, tweaking your already-sensitive nipple, squeezing the soft flesh. His kiss is dizzying in its demand: his mouth moves against yours with feverish intent, dead set on making your knees wobble. 
And when they do wobble, your legs threatening to buckle, Rex is right there. One of his arms snakes around your waist to hold you upright against his chest, now bare. The fingertips of his other hand trail lightly over your thigh, skating close to your heated core. When Cody plies your mouth open with his tongue—forked tongue, you realize, you groan, arching back into Rex. 
“Such a sweet thing,” Rex murmurs in your ear between soft kisses to your shoulder. “So soft for us. Gonna make you feel so good, mesh’la.” 
Cody lets you break the kiss, your chest heaving with ragged breaths. His eyes glint in the candlelight. Swollen lips pulling back in a roguish grin, his forked tongue flickers out to lick his teeth. 
“G’on, geroy’bis, give Rex some love,” Cody husks. 
Already dizzy and dazed with lust, you find you don’t have it in you to turn in Rex’s embrace. Rather, you simply lean your head back and tilt to find his mouth, already seeking your own. You sigh in contentment as his lips slot against yours. His kiss is soft, gentle, and yet no less debilitating for it. Your head swims with pleasure as Cody continues to tug on your nipples. When his mouth latches onto one of them, you keen into Rex’s mouth—he uses the opportunity to taste you, his tongue sliding against your own.
Your eyes flutter open in surprise when one of Cody’s thick, hot fingers trails over your slit. You whine as his finger traces the lightest circle around your aching clit, but he withdraws his touch before you can properly react. Rex pulls away from your lips to give you a smirk that, if he didn’t have a halo and angel’s wings, could be called sinful. 
“What d’you want, sweetheart, hm?” Rex asks. His grip shifts to tilt your head back toward Cody. “Tell him what you want. Use your words like a good girl.” 
Fidgeting under Cody’s heavy stare, you try to recall some of the confidence you’d had just a few minutes ago, back at the table. “W-Well, Commander? Aren’t you going to touch me like the slut you say I am?” 
The dark smirk that sprawls over his face makes you immediately regret your words. 
“Oh, no, geroy’bis,” he purrs, voice dangerously low as he crowds into your personal space. You try and fail to not cower back into Rex’s embrace. “No, no. Sluts take what they’re given and don’t talk back. Brats, on the other hand...” His eyes rake your trembling form. “Brats get their mouths stuffed until they learn their manners.” 
You stiffen in Rex’s arms, breath freezing halfway in your lungs as desire blazes through you. When you don’t move, gaze locked on Cody’s self-assured smirk, Rex shifts behind you.
“Cody,” Rex warns. “Cyare, color?” 
“Green,” you gasp out. 
“Good girl,” he murmurs, as Cody chucks under your chin with a smug, “That’s what I thought.” 
“On your knees,” Cody commands, voice hard as the stone your knees crack against as your body betrays you. You’d intended to take your time, continue pushing the devil’s buttons, but the moment Rex released you, your legs collapsed. 
Body burning with embarrassment and lust alike, you peer up through your eyelashes as Cody makes quick work of the zipper of his pants to free his cock. Flushed and weeping, the head of his dick bobs in front of your face, making you go cross-eyed as you try to appraise its full size. Maker, he’s big, thick and long. Your mouth waters. Cody steps closer; his hard length taps against the side of your face, smearing precum along your cheek. 
Behind you, you’re aware of Rex watching with equal parts amusement and concern. And all around you, feathers, warm and insulating, envelope the three of you. Black over white, white over black, they both stretch their wings in a protective circle to embrace you. Stars, you want to reach out and touch, to feel the down beneath the flight primaries—but then Cody grips your jaw just hard enough to force your mouth open, and you accept his flushed tip in your mouth. 
Your lips stretch to accommodate him as best as you can. There’s just so much of him. Lapping at the vein on the underside, you hollow your cheeks as he slowly pushes further into your hot, wet mouth. His teeth grind as his eyes drill into yours, dark and slitted. His cock is heavy on your tongue. Whining around him, you shift on your knees to alleviate the growing discomfort there. 
“Rex,” Cody says, voice strained. “Play with her cunt. Wanna watch her eyes cross while I fuck her face.” 
A gush of slick drools from your folds, coating the insides of your thighs. Rex repositions himself, at first you think to reach around from behind you, but then one hand gently nudges your knees apart as his grip lifts your ass just enough for him to shimmy beneath. You inhale sharply through your nose at his hot breath on your folds. 
As Rex wraps his arms around your thighs and tugs you down, Cody thrusts into your mouth shallowly. You jerk and groan, mind and body short-circuiting between the two very different stimuli. Rex’s tongue is cool and languid where it swirls over your pussy; Cody’s length is hard and domineering as he ruts into your mouth. All you want to do is kneel there and take it; but you want more than that. Hollowing your cheeks, you suck with every pull back even as you grind your hips down against Rex’s mouth. Moans claw out of your chest and vibrate around Cody’s length, making him grit his teeth. 
“Kriff, geroy’bis,” he huffs out. “Got such a dirty fuckin’ mouth. Suckin’ my cock like a karkin’ pro.” 
You hum in satisfaction. Beneath you, Rex nudges your clit with his nose as he fucks your hole with his tongue. Pleasure ripples through you, centered at your heated core and pulsing outward. 
Out of curiosity, you reach down with one hand and tentatively wrap your fingers around Rex’s halo. All at once, your body jerks taut with a cry. Blinding radiance floods your body—and just for a moment, you can feel Rex as if he is you. You taste yourself on your tongue, feel the way your folds part under Rex’s ministrations, feel the aching length of arousal at the apex of his thighs. Rex groans; you feel it rumble in your chest like the sound comes from you.
Yanking your hand back, you peer with wide, teary eyes up at Cody, who clearly doesn’t understand what just happened. 
Rex lifts your hips. “K-Kriff. Are you okay?” 
You motion vaguely a thumbs-up so he can see. 
He hesitates, before delving back into your folds. Despite the sensation of being linked is gone, the knowledge of how much this is affecting Rex throws you right back into your pleasure, the cord in your belly winding tighter with every wag of his tongue. 
“If I pull out, you gonna be good and ask nicely for what you want?” Cody asks. He doesn’t relent in his pace. His cock drives incrementally deeper into your mouth with each thrust. Tears dew at the corners of your eyes as you try not to gag, squeezing your fists tight. You can’t answer, can’t even nod.
Cody hums. “That’s too bad.” He holds the back of your neck with a firm grasp. “Guess you still haven’t learned manners.” 
Eyes widening, you wail brokenly around Cody as he begins to fuck your face in earnest. His fat cock pushes to the back of your throat with every stutter of his hips forward. To match the intensity, Rex begins rocking your hips back and forth across his face. His lips latch around your clit and he sucks. Your toes curl. Vision going blurry, you squirm, trapped between them.
Cody releases you and takes a shaky step backward. You cough and sputter, tears leaking down your face, yet you can’t help the way your core lurches at the sight of Cody so affected. What little of his skin you can see beneath his clothes is shiny with a layer of sweat, his cheeks flushed, hair disheveled where his fingers ran through it. 
While you try to regain your breath, you can feel your orgasm approaching, a molten thread pulling taut in your belly. Dropping your gaze to Rex, you keen at the sight of his face slick with your juices, shining in the warm light of his halo. 
“Gonna- gonna—” You gasp. 
Rex digs his fingers into the meat of your thighs as you ride out your high, twitching against his mouth as he continues to lick and suck you through it. Once you begin to come down, panting harshly, Rex gently lifts you off his face. You become aware of a new sensation. Along your arms, something cool and ticklish brushes against your skin. 
Peeking your eyes open, you gasp in wonder at the long, luminescent feathers dragging slowly up your biceps. Rex flexes his wings to caress you. A shiver cascades down your spine.
“Did so good for us, mesh’la,” Rex croons. “So pretty when you cum like that. So pretty when your mouth is stuffed full of cock.” 
Without thinking, you reach out to touch one of Rex’s wings. The feathers are soft, and he holds still to let you stroke the long primary feathers, fondle the shorter coverts. He shudders beneath you. 
“Feel good?” you murmur. 
He hums in response, eyes sliding shut. When you burrow your fingers beneath the stiffer feathers, seeking the down beneath, Rex groans low in his throat. Your nails gently scrape over the warm, membranous skin of his wings, cushioned by downy under-feathers. Under your fingers, you can feel the blood pumping through his veins, fast and hard, just as affected as you are. You watch in fascination as Rex’s expression contorts into one of serene bliss as you stroke your thumb over his skin.
“Mesh’la,” he croons. 
You glance up at Cody shyly. “Can I- Can I touch yours, too?” 
“Greedy,” he accuses, but there’s no real heat behind his words. “Let’s move you to the bed, and then yes, you can touch.”
On unsteady legs, you hobble to the bed, Rex and Cody in tow just as soon as they strip completely. Cody positions you in the center of the bed and, one leg folded beneath him, slots himself at your side. Rex mirrors his pose on the other side, face still sticky with your slick. Once more, their wings spread with a gentle rustle to envelop you. At a nod from Rex, you reach with both hands and bury your fingers into white and black feathers. 
Cody’s forehead drops against your shoulder with a low moan. Rex captures your lips in a sweet kiss, setting your head spinning again. The taste of yourself makes you whimper. His lips curve against yours as you let your hands wander. Brushing over their wings, you smooth your palms over Rex’s and Cody’s thighs, feeling the powerful muscles there flex in response. Drawing farther up, you grope blindly for their lengths. 
All three of you sigh simultaneously as your fingers wrap around them. Rex is shorter than Cody, but thicker too. You moan in anticipation. 
“Filthy fuckin’ thing,” Cody mumbles against your shoulder. His heated body makes sweat begin to dew on your skin. “Couldn’t just pick one or the other, could you? Had to have two cocks. We’re gonna ruin you, princess. Split you open so good you’ll never want another dick.” 
Rex nudges you to turn and face Cody. As the devil’s lips smother yours, Rex trails a featherlight hand down your spine, pressing open-mouthed kisses to your shoulder and neck. 
“You’re so good for us, mesh’la,” Rex praises quietly. “Made to take us.” 
You whine in agreement, nodding within Cody’s grip. 
“Gonna fuck you now, geroy’bis,” Cody says as he pulls away. His eyes never leave yours, hot and dark, as he continues, “You should feel her mouth, vod. Feel how sinful those lips are when they’re wrapped around you.” 
Whimpering, you flutter your eyelashes at the implication of Cody’s words. 
He grins at you, wolfish and lustful. “That’s right. Hands and knees, filthy girl.” 
Crouched on your elbows, your ass presented to Cody, you bite your lip as Rex’s cock fills your vision. Cody’s steadying grasp on your hip keeps you grounded. His fingers gather some of your slick to spread over his length, and then the blunt head of him presses into you. 
You flick your tongue against the underside of Rex’s tip, moaning at the way your cunt stretches to fit Cody. The deeper Cody pushes, the farther into your mouth you draw Rex, until finally, they’re both seated fully within your holes, one dripping slick and one drooling spit. Cody’s hands splay over your ass for a moment before—
You jolt with a surprised, muffled yelp at the stinging ass smack. 
“Doing so good for us,” Rex coos. His breathing is strained, coming in harsh gasps, but he gives you a smile when you glance up to see his expression. “Cody, on three?” 
Cody grunts out an affirmative. “One, two—” 
They set a devastating rhythm. As Cody withdraws from your tight heat, Rex pushes just a bit more down your throat—then drags your head back as Cody pushes his hips flush against your ass. You’re manhandled between the two of them; Rex’s hands on your head keep you stable while Cody pounds against the spot in your cunt that makes you see stars. Whining, drooling, you relax your throat to take Rex as deep as you can as Cody takes what he wants from you.
The air is full of the sounds of both of them fucking you. The wet squelch of your pussy echoes in direct counterpart to the way you gag on Rex’s length; and orchestrating it all are both men’s voices, muttering filth and praise and worship. At some point, you lose track of who says what, their voices blending into the buzzing in your ears as your orgasm begins to build again. 
“That’s it, little one, take those fuckin’ cocks.” 
“You’re doing so well, sweetheart, letting us use you like this.” 
“Yeah, you gettin’ close? Feel that tight pussy chokin’ me. Cum for us. You can do it.” 
That last is in response to the way that you wail, the sound tearing from your chest as Cody reaches around and presses his fingers to your clit. Body locking up, you pull from Rex’s length with a messy pop as your orgasm crashes into you. Cody fucks you through it, hard and fast, unrelenting. Even when you begin to shake, overstimulated, he slides his cock into you until, with a growl, he buries himself to the hilt and moans. 
You nearly cum again at the feeling of his cock pulsing in you, spilling his hot seed into your sopping cunt. “C-Cody.” 
He slips his softening length from you, but then Rex is immediately there to fill the gap. Using both of your spends as extra lube, Rex’s length splits you apart at the seams. Dimly you’re aware of Cody collapsing on the bed next to you, his gaze warm and caring, horns retracting into his skull. But then Rex tilts your hips just a little, and you can’t even scream, the breath knocked from you as he grinds into you.
Where Cody was rough and insistent, Rex is gentle yet firm. Even as your body jolts in blinding pleasure, he holds you completely still so he can hit that devastating spot in you with deadly precision. You’re swept away by your third orgasm; it hits you so suddenly that you don’t have time to cry out, instead small squeaks falling from your lips. 
Like Cody, Rex stills deep in you and spurts his cum into your stretched, wrecked hole. He nearly collapses on top of you, barely catching himself on his hands. The three of you pant and lay there, trying to recover from the mind-melding experience you just shared. With trembling fingers you reach to trace the scar around Cody’s eye. He hums, leaning into your touch. 
A giggle escapes you, tired and fucked-out. “Holy shit.” 
“You can say that again,” Rex mutters, pulling out at last. 
You whimper at the loss and at the sensation of both of their spends welling out of your spent cunt. Rex pushes some of it back in with his thumb. Moaning, you plant your face in the cushioned bed. 
“Just relax, cyare,” Cody says with a contented sigh. “We’ll take care of you.” 
“You already did,” you mumble thickly, gesturing to your lower half. 
Two rumbling chuckles echo in the room. Rex says, “You know what he meant.” 
Turning your head to meet Cody’s eyes once again, you simply smile. “I know.”
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Ye Olde Ragu Liste: @the-hexfiles @thorsterstrudle @dystopicjumpsuit @clonemedickix @freesia-writes @littlemissmanga @wolffegirlsunite @anxiouspineapple99 @wings-and-beskar @sinfulsalutations @523rdrebel @sunshinesdaydream @moonlightwarriorqueen @sev-on-kamino @starrylothcat @deejadabbles @starqueensthings @mandos-mind-trick @idontgetanysleep @eyeluvmusic21 @wizardofrozz @mythical-illustrator @sleepycreativewriter @dreamie411 @bobaprint @imarvelatthestars @originalcollectionartistry @droids-you-are-looking-for @goblininawig @lune-de-miel-au-paradis @9902sgirl if your name has a strikethrough, I can't tag you so check your settings! (if you'd like to be added or removed, click here!)
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ccraccz · 6 months
How about a request where the reader is a security guard at the movie setting where the boys were filming and instead of arresting the boys for trespassing they decide ro help them with shooting and offering the boys props.
Characters: Hearsteel boys x GN!Reader
Implied male reader (reader can be seen as fit and not very bulky. They are taller than ezreal but shorter than k'sante and Sett. It says cleavage once, mostly because i have a slight obsession with man boobs, sorry not sorry) the characters are color coded, Alune is bold white (Looks like this)
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You had been standing around, walking back and forth, sitting, crouching, counting tiles, all the sorts to keep you entertained in this job. Your partner had gone to the bathroom an hour ago, and you've begun thinking that he'd sunk into the toilet, but he's probably either sleeping or he ditched you.
So, in uncomfortable shoes and the mandatory clothing you're made to wear, you fiddle around with whatever you can that is not your phone or watch. Your phone, sadly, had died, and your watch kept the time for your sanity, so if you started to tweet with it, you wouldn't be able to keep track of time and that'd be horrible for you.
Though, your thought process was placed on pause when you heard some masculine voices and the padding of a pup walking around.
"This is a bad idea."
"Yeah, but it's gonna be great for this music video! We just have to check if there's any security around"
"I'd think it would be best to ask if we can use this place for recording.."
"But that's not funnnnn"
"It's logical so we don't get charged for breaking into a place we shouldn't be in!"
They sounded quite far away from you
'This would be fun,' you thought, thinking of ideas to entertain yourself in this boring setting.
You could totally scare them while they're recording or something. While thinking, you forgot that you were out in the open, though still in the dark.
Their dog, a cute Rottweiler, waltzed right up and leaned on your legs, getting his short fur drilled into the fibers of your uniform pants, not that you cared. You looked up from the dog to see a green haired boy, looking around as if lost.
"Ernest?! Ernest, where are you? We need you for this scene!"
He wasn't lost then. He just wanted to look for the dog.
Sadly, even though you wanted to have some fun and joke around with them, you couldn't. First, you didn't want to stress out the pup in your arms, and second, you were extremely tired.
You sighed and crouched down to the level of the dog, petting him before slotting one of your arms under his chest and the other around his hips before lifting him. You had expected him to wiggle around on your arms, but he surprisingly didn't, Ernest seemed to be very tame, or well trained, you guessed.
You walked out of the shadows, dog in arms, and walked towards the male from behind. You were quite a bit taller than him, his head most likely being around your shoulder or cleaveage.
"You looking for this pup?"
You asked, knowing that he forsure was looking for the dog in your arms. You just didn't know how you could approach him other than asking him something like that. Why did you ask that again?
The green haired boy jumped up higher than a cartoon cat and let out this ear piercing screech that your work partner most likely heard (from wherever he is). He teleported three times, once farther away from you, once behind you, and once in front of you with a shy smile.
You noticed that he really had one of the cutest smiles and wait. He can teleport?
You blinked once. Twice. Three times.
"You can teleport??" "WHERE THE HELL DID YOU COME FROM???"
"I asked you a question first?!"
"You're the one who scared me!!!"
"OH my fuckin- whatever. Not the weirdest thing I've seen. Anyways, are you looking for this dog?"
He looked at your arms, the dog he'd been srarching for was litterally asleep and just dangling from your strong arms. He blinked and chuckled before nodding.
A rainbow of voices (see what I did there?) echoed down the hall with a few loud and quick thuds from behind you, making you turn around and the dog to wake up.
Placing down the pup, you grimaced at the need to explain to the group of men and lady because she's also running with them. This made you nervous.
This is not one of the reasons you wanted this job. Whatever.
"We deeply apologize for breaking in and disturbing you,"
"We're really sorry, we will leave in a few, we just need to put the things we used to record away."
"There's no need to apologize. You guys didn't seem to know, and it's all completely understandable. Since you guys are done with recording, and I'm just about to leave to go home, I'll help out in picking things up!"
While speaking to the two, who introduced themselves as Yone and Alune, you watched as the boys played around with Ernest or sat around watching (Aphelios, Alune told you when she saw you looking at him. You really were just entraced by his hair color). They seemed like sibling to each other.
"There's no need to do that. We're the ones intruding in the space we're we shouldn't be"
"Nah, it's fine. I'm probably going to quit this job either way. My co-worker ditched me, and I don't get paid enough. Not only that, the boss is just rude in general."
"Whatever you say, but we wouldn't want to bother you with such.."
"Like I said, it's fine! Also, I would rather do something like this than walk around for 7 hours."
Walking away, Yone following you, and Alune telling the boys to start getting ready to move to the next location that Sett had planned out for all of them.
You helped Yone carry some of the heavy stuff before K'sante, with a gentle and kind smile, took it from both of your hands, like the strong man he is. Yone, kindly asked you if you would carefully carry some of the recording equipment and mics, and with a soft smile, you took some of the equipment and followed behind Aphelios outside the building where he shows you were their truck is.
They were parked behind your, now totaled, car. You were shocked and almost dropped the easily breakable equipment in your hands because of the sight.
Aphelios was no different. When he heard you gasp, he turned towards you and turned to see what you were looking at. From your eyes and body language, he could tell that the car that was in front of theirs was yours.
He grabbed the objects from your hands and placed them on the floor near the car before standing in disbelief. When they got here, Sett had parked well enough, that car was not fucked up when they arrived.
Just what happened?
Ezreal, Sett, and Alune were close behind, and they saw you both just standing there. Curious, they looked at each other before walking over to ask. Their reactions were exactly the same. They froze in place.
They knew who did it though.
Kayn and K'sante were next, but they didn't react as bad as the group did. Yone exited right after him, empty-handed and ready to go, but he really didn't expect to see the whole group looking as if they were ghosts.
That is before he saw the cause of such reactions.
That rage filled call-out shock all of you out of your stupor and made Aphelios crouch down, pick up the cameras and mics from the ground, and run towards their truck. Everyone, minus Alune, else did the same, minus Kayn and yourself.
After the long, loud, and embarrassing scolding that Kayn got from Yone, he was sent to the back of their truck, where he would hold the objects.
Yone apologized again and again and again, asking you how much you'd like to repay or buy a new car. Anything.
But you weren't as mad as you thought you'd be. Maybe it was because you were still on shock, or it was because you were bored of the car, or maybe it needed repairing. You don't know, but you just shrugged his offers off.
"Please, we have to repay this mess one way or another? How can we help? Don't you need a ride back home? I bet you're tired from work. Are you sure?"
"Actually.... Yone..."
"I'd like to work with you guys"
That took Yone off guard. You must have gone insane! Your car, right in front of you, is completely destroyed, and here you're asking to work with them? After one person of their group literally just killed your source of transportation???
"You... want to work with us?? Like a dancer or singer? Or like an assistant manager??"
"I wouldn't mind either or actually. Though I would think being an assistant manager would be best"
Yone shakes his head in disbelief. You've truly gone insane. He sighs before reaching out his hand forwards, you instantly taking it in yours and shaking it.
"Welcome to Heartsteel [Name], we'll talk more about joining tomorrow"
"Also, Yone, I'll take you up on that ride"
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So so sorry it took so long! School just started again so I have to get used to the rhythm of school days again.
I decided to write this in a different format because I wanted to try something new. Not only that, I tried to add a bit of everyone, but I really wasn't able to 😰😰.
Either way!!! I truly hope you enjoy this little goofy thing. Thank you so much for requesting lovely anon!! 🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡
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strawhatsoraya · 1 year
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GOJO X FEM READER (eventually gojo x reader x geto) | SFW WC: 1.9k CW: none, it's fluff if anything, awkward teenage exchange, some minor mentions of blood, possible second hand embarrassment, gojo is a little shit no matter the age, high school shoujo romance tropes abound SUMMARY: a high school teen romance (might jump forwards and backards in time as inspiration strikes)--Y/N is quiet and reserved, happy to remain as an outlier. Gojo Satoru is charismatic, dazzling, and popular. Although they're both in the same year, they've never interacted before. At least to Y/Ns knowledge. Gojo seems to have a different version of the events but he's not sharing so willingly.
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Years from now, you’d look back at this moment, and realize that it had always been like that. That when you were in pain, when your knees were scraped up and bleeding as they were now, the boy with the mysterious aquamarine eyes would suddenly appear; like a phantom, like a thief, like a gift.
Years from now, your heart would race at the sight of him, just like now but the ache that bloomed would be different. That painful scar would come from a wound yet inflicted.
You stand stupefied just within the entrance of the nurse’s office. There was a clumsiness that haunted your bones, ever since you could remember. The floor and you were greatly acquainted. There currently wasn’t a sharp corner of a desk, or door that you weren’t familiar with. Yet, none of it had stopped you moments ago from tripping over what seemed like air in the courtyard. 
It was the laughter of your peers, the weight of shame that propelled you forward, and before you knew it you had been blitzing down the hall wondering why the hell you couldn’t have fallen straight through the earth’s crust. At least you would have died in the hellfire of the earth’s core and not have to suffer this embarrassment.
If you had died then, you wouldn’t be standing there like a fool, staring at the sleeping form of a white haired boy. Even laying still as he was, you recognized him. You may be awkward, and a bit of an outsider, but you weren’t completely unaware of your surroundings. It was hard to not know who Gojo Satoru was. Nervously, you drum your fingers against your thighs, trying to decide on what to do.
Nurse Luci  was nowhere to be seen. If memory serves you right, you knew exactly where the first aid kit was. You move quietly, taking big slow steps. Every sound you made seemed amplified. Your fingers grasp the handle of the drawer you were aiming for and pull.
There’s a loud screech. Your heart races. You turn your head slowly. Gojo seems to still be sleeping. You almost scream when he turns his body to face the wall. Your hand now against your mouth, you feel nauseous and foolish. Trying to regulate your breathing, you turn your attention  back to the drawer. You clasp the first aid kit with whitening knuckles.
“Taking without permission counts as stealing, you know,” says a voice you don’t immediately recognize.
You scream this time, throwing the first aid kit in the air. It lands with a clatter as you spin in place, breath refusing to come back into your lungs. You think your heart might burst, that you’ll throw up on the floor and your brand new school shoes when you spot Gojo Satoru now sitting casually on the edge of the bed.
It’s painful, the way your heart beats against your cage. It feels too big for the small space. It takes up enough room that it seems hard to breathe.
“I wasn’t stealing,” you say quietly, finding the sense to respond. Gojo Satoru doesn’t seem to care about your logic. He cards his long fingers through his platinum hair, brushing it off his forehead. The sun glimmers through the tall windows of the nurse’s office. Its light is bright, and it shines on Gojo’s fair skin, turning it slightly pink. You watch him wince and bring a hand to shield his eyes.
“Ohhh~” he quips at last, shutting his eyes as he paws at the top of the bedside table. Finally, his white fingers grasp his round dark sunglasses. Gojo quickly puts them on, his shoulders relaxing immediately. “So you’re a liar too. Two for two,” he finishes, bringing up his hand to hold up two fingers.
“I’m not lying!” you protest in a loud hiss, clutching your fists by your side. “I was borrowing it!”
Gojo grows quiet. You choose to take his possible contemplativeness for disinterest. It didn’t matter. You’d never speak to Gojo Satoru again after this. It wasn’t in the cards. You didn’t even hang in the same circles. You didn’t even have a circle. 
A wistful sigh flies out of your mouth before you can stop it. You flush, embarrassed at the sliver of hope that you didn’t  know you were still clinging on to. Desperate to remove yourself from this situation you kneel down to grab the abandoned first aid kit. It had flown open, sending bandaids, and bandages flying everywhere. You groan to yourself, clumsily gathering all the materials.
The thing with Gojo Satoru was that he didn’t think before he spoke. In fact, even if he did, he almost always said the wrong thing. It was something he would laugh off when brought up. He’d wave a large hand, flash a dazzling smile. It was enough to disarm even the most cautious person. They’d forgive and he would never have to face his own flaws head on. 
It still bothered him. It bothered him more than he could ever let on.
The dripping drop of blood from your knee down to your shin, soaking in on your white tube socks catches his attention. Gojo takes a deep breath and pushes off the mattress. You don’t seem to even be bothered by your scraped up knees, kneeling there, shoving things back into the first aid kit case haphazardly.
He kneels down beside you, as your fingers wrap around an iodine swab.
“Clumsy too!” he declares with amusement. You glance up to see his crooked smile, aimed at the top of your curly head. You look away quickly before he can notice the way heat beats on your cheeks until red. “I guess that’s three?” He asks you teasingly, turning his head and lowering himself to slip into your field of vision. He’s holding up those long annoying fingers again. 
You look up through your lashes, full of aggravation. He was not only handsome, but annoying. How many crimes could a tall freak like him commit at once? 
“So what?” you  reply with a pout. You’re trying to keep your tone neutral, but managing your facial expression is an entirely different problem. Gojo laughs silently at your sulking face. “Is that a crime? I’m not hurting anybody.”
“Yeah, nobody but your poor bony knees,” he says with a dramatic frown and pointing at your knees with an index finger. 
You suck your teeth and groan, really wishing he would stop pointing at you, or using his hands period. You pointedly ignore the fact that he called your knees bony. Was that an insult?
“Leave me and my bony knees alone,” you insist, nodding your head as you stand up. Gojo stands up with you,  holding on to some stray supplies you hadn’t gotten to shove back into the first aid kit. 
“Uh, sorry, can’t do that!” he declares with a shrug and a tilt of his head. His fluffy hair sways with his movements. It looks silky and soft. You’re annoyed again. 
“Why not?” you ask him, walking past him and towards the bed that Gojo Satoru had now abandoned. “You don’t even know me. It should be easy. Goodbye, Gojo Satoru!” you say sardonically, waving a hand as you plaster a fake smile on your lips. You drop the expression at once, and sit down on the edge of the bed.
Gojo stands in the middle of the nurse’s office, hands slipping into his pockets. You stare back at him, his tall imposing figure. His broad shoulders, and dark glasses make him surreal; something straight out of a book or a TV show. It reminds you of the big gap between the two of you. It’s unbearable to watch any further so you set the first aid kid on the bed, ready to finally patch up your knees and get back to your quiet school life.
“I do know you, actually,” Gojo says softly. His tone comes as a surprise. Usually he sounds playful, mischievous even. There was always something hidden in his words, like a riddle you couldn’t quite figure out. He approaches you as you look up, and takes the first aid kit from the bed.
You breathe out in frustration, ready to go to battle with him again when he takes a seat next to you. There’s a hitch in your breath, one that you try to hide with a cough. You hope the coughing fit also helps restart your heart because at the pace it’s going you might end up in heart failure before your junior year is over. Gojo grabs a few items from the kit that you just can’t seem to pay attention to. You’re too busy trying to calm the trembling in your hands. There’s a high pitch scream that echoes in your head, over and over, as Gojo gently pats the cuts and scrapes on your knees with a gauze.
“We’ve met before, actually,” he says as softly as before; just as softly, he drags an alcohol prep pad up your shin, cleaning the trail of blood that dried there. You try to hide the shiver that courses through your body by laughing sardonically. “You don’t remember. I’m wounded,” he says with playfulness back in his voice.
You feel more at ease when he finally puts large bandaids over each knee. Now you had two ugly knee pads. Wonderful.
“You’re lying,” you tell him as you pat your own knees before bouncing off the bed. There’s electricity in your feet, begging you to run out the door, far far away from Gojo Satoru. 
“Hmmm!” Gojo hums contemplatively; and there it was again: the riddle you couldn’t solve, the puzzle behind his small smile. “Am I?” He watches you, not moving from his bed as you back up to the door.
You’re almost out when you turn, feeling out of sorts and slightly guilty. 
“Thank you,” you say finally, forcing the words out. Your tongue feels stiff, unaccustomed to this much talking. “For the ugly knee pads.” You point down at them with a winding finger.
Gojo laughs softly, and nods.
“See you around, Knee Pads!” he declares with a grin, and drops backwards on the bed again. He folds his arms behind his head, as you gape at him, face turning red.
“My name is not Knee Pads!” you shout. You begin to formulate an argument, in fact you almost tell him your name until you realize that maybe this was part of his masterplan. “Huh. You almost got me there,” you tell him, pointing at him.
Gojo turns his head slightly to look at you from behind his sunglasses. “Huh?” he replies, confusion weaving in his voice. 
“Nothing,” you say. You hesitate, unsure why you couldn’t just leave, like you had wanted to all along. There was a sudden curiosity that grew inside of you. You wanted to know more. You wanted to know if he really had met you before. You wanted to know if he knew your name. How much did he know about you? You wanted to know why he was hiding out in the nurses’ office in the first place when he seemed perfectly fine.
Yet, you couldn’t bring yourself to ask. You roll your eyes at your own indecision and settle for the way things were. You were now Knee Pads, the thief, the liar, the clumsy one. Enough damage had been done. You didn’t need to give Gojo Satoru more reason to wound your pride.
You leave without another word, rubbing a sore spot on your chest, hoping the strange ache would go away on its own; never to return again.
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