incorrectdarmok · 9 months
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fragmentedblade · 5 months
Goodness, apparently Argenti's One and Only is named in Chinese after Rocinante, which is so fitting for him, especially with Himeko's words about him in mind
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bloggingboutburgers · 6 months
Trick or treat!
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gofancyninjaworld · 1 year
the Cult of Bald
the enemy within
With thanks to @iwillgetridofyourangerforyou​ for bouncing ideas off. I’ve been joking/not joking about how Genos’s regard for Saitama is getting almost cultic, and I thought it merited a little bit more thought. If you're wondering how intelligent, capable people fall into a cult, this is a textbook illustration of how.
Right now his impressions are as follows.
Saitama can do anything.
He can do nothing.
They're very isolated.
Enemies are all around.
The end times are near.
For a guy who can do anything, Saitama sure requires a lot of Genos's time and energy.  Even money.
Sometimes Saitama barely seems to notice him, and then he does, in huge lumps. So one moment, it's warm words and fireworks...and then we're back to off-hand, so Genos is never entirely sure where he stands w.r.t. Saitama. Otherwise, he'd not have been glaring at a dog.
Just to add a tiny extra grind of pepper to the whole spicy mix, just two days ago, Genos was advocating for Saitama with an intensity that would make your average Karen look like a kitten, with the upshot of Saitama finally having a legal place to stay after years of squatting. And here we have Saitama taking it like it's his due.
Now there's nothing wrong with greatly loving, respecting, believing in, and being fiercely loyal to someone. It ceases to be good when it starts to erode one's sense of self, efficacy, and purpose. When it starts to be parasitic on one's dreams and ambitions. When it starts to warp one's judgment.
The fact that there is no actual religion being promulgated, that there is no cynical leader exploiting the good faith of his followers, and that a lot of points 1-7 are objectively true makes no difference. Their world really is a dark and dangerous place, and Genos knows this better than most. There really are enemies all around, many of whom can take any shape they wish. The end times really are near. There really seems to be no limit to what Saitama can do and he does seem to be the answer to what ails the world. Human psychology is what it is and ONE uses it all. Even wholesome peak experiences are part of ONE’s weaponry.
What’s happened here?  Not long ago, Saitama’s incredible example used to inspire Genos to dream of being far greater than he’d ever imagined and set himself amazing goals.  He’s done incredible things since.
What happened to that sense of purpose?
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I think the time-travel thing has been the real killer. Some people go ‘assumption’ but only untested assumptions are bad. And there’s no assumption involved in Genos continuing to believe that Saitama travelled through time. You know how it’s been mathematically proven that two large snowflakes cannot be identical?  That’s cause there are many possible ways each water atom will add onto the growing crystal. Iterate this a billion times and you have more possibilities than there are atom in the universe. Now, you might not have thought of it, but metals are crystalline materials, with three-dimensional crystals where no two are exactly the same. Here’s a basic steel:
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(source: https://www.quora.com/What-is-the-microstructure-of-medium-carbon-steel)
Even if one takes and inspects one small part from each of the cores, they will be identical. To any degree of precision one cares to use. The chance of the two parts being identical by chance is as impossible as there being not only two identical snowflakes, but two snowballs where every snowflake within them is identical. It’s no assumption: it’s plain fucking science. Impossible as it is, the facts are that the two cores are one and the same.
And then you look at their internal clocks and notice the time discrepancy between the two. And then the successive layers of ‘dirt’ on the time traveling core are samples of the atmospheres and soils it has been in. There’s a reason Genos hasn’t had it cleaned: that patina is its testable attestation. Anyone with the right kit can test for themselves and understand that it’s been off the planet.
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If Tatsumaki tells Genos to shut up about Saitama because it was he Genos who was there when she was having a tough time, I can see Genos going 'ah, but Saitama would have brought you back.'
I watched Genos face off against a planet-scalping monster and wondered just what his next challenge would be -- there’s not a lot of runway for bigger monsters, after all. Not if a viable planet is desired. ONE smiled and has moved to the next phase: the deadliest enemy of all, Genos himself.
How exactly he’ll find again his sense of self and purpose remains to be seen. But hey, if there’s any one thing we’ve learned about Genos, it’s precisely when one is least sure how he’ll cope that he finds some way of overcoming.
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lineffability · 8 months
Word ask: "risable"
 Just to be safe – although the notion of safety seemed quite risible under the current circumstances.
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beastheads · 5 months
still negotiating wrt the rent increase proposed by my apartment building but love to read all the cases my rental company has lost with renters when going to trial
so, renters have a month to reject a rent increase while still renewing their lease when giving a rent increase notice. if they do NOT sent a return notice to their landlord one month, the lease automatically renews at the increased rent price.
if they do send the notice in time, the landlords then have one month to file a motion to go to court and have the tribunal administratif du logement (TAL) set a fixed rent price. if the landlord does NOT file within one month, then the lease renews at the old rent price.
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now the thing is, one month means like 1st of may to 1st of june, not 30/31 days, because months can vary in length.
now this landlord got a notice on february 16 that a tenant refused the rent increase, and then filed to go to court to get a fixed rent price. but. on march 17. which is 1 day past a month. and so the landlord tried to be like "well it was 30 days, isn't that a month?"
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"The lack of diligence from the landlord and ignorance of the law cannot, however, constitute a valid excuse."
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bocadosdefilosofia · 1 year
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«El primer punto sobre el cual quiero llamar la atención es que, fuera de lo propiamente humano, no existe nada cómico. Podrá un paisaje ser hermoso, sublime, insignificante o feo, pero nunca será ridículo. Cuando reímos a la vista de un animal, es porque hemos sorprendido en él una actitud o una expresión humana. Un sombrero nos hace reír, por la forma que los hombres le dieron, por el capricho humano en que se moldeó, y no porque el fieltro o la paja de que se compone susciten por sí mismos nuestra risa. No entiendo cómo un hecho tan importante dentro de su sencillez, no haya llamado mayormente la atención de los filósofos. Muchos definieron al hombre “un animal que ríe”. Habrían debido definirle también como un animal que mueve a risa, porque cuando algún otro animal o cualquier cosa inanimada motiva la risa, es en todos los casos por su parecido con el hombre, por la huella dejada por el hombre o por el uso hecho por el hombre».
Henri Bergson: Introducción a la metafísica. La risa. Editorial Porrúa, S. A., págs. 49-50.  México, 1986
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mariocki · 2 years
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An uncredited Nicholas Courtney popping in to deliver some disturbing news, as an unnamed police officer in The Saint: The Contract (3.14, ITC, 1965)
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stoportotouch · 2 years
The parallel of Khan and Vlad jr both spending the duration of the game living away from their fathers in little hide-outs is so funny. Khan is a child unfairly expected to take on the burden of his adult family’s needs (ALSO in p1 he is shown to have been living in maria’s wing/Nina’s former which is SUPER interesting because Nina died YEARS ago and I think that demonstrates a really interesting separation and level of emotional neglect between Khan and his father and remaining uncle)
Meanwhile Vlad jr is enabled by his status + Vlad sr’s hands-off approach to family management (extremely funny that he both knows about and doesn’t care about Capella’s child mafia. She started this herself and he’s completely happy to let her do as she wants especially as it doesn’t directly involve or impede him or his business) to perpetually act like a child, his relationship with his sister is awful because he can’t take responsibility for his own emotional needs and won’t stop himself from upsetting or boring her by ranting about his trauma with the dead mother she barely knew or talking about something she doesn’t know or care anything about. He arrogantly prods too far into his kin studies without regard for the consequences and then hides from them in a “secret” clubhouse that seemingly everyone knows about.
YEAH it's such a hilarious parallel honestly and i am... kind of disappointed now that i've played both pathologic classic hd and pathologic 2 that they changed the kain and olgimsky family dynamics around so much? i don't actually have anything particularly intelligent to say here just that you're right (and also capella's child mafia is such a funny way to phrase it).
also PLEASE continue to put things about young vlad in my inbox i may not be capable of a Long And Informed Reply but i am boiling your opinions up into the stock for a delicious soup
(also: paging @nerdkiller bc i know khan is your Boy.)
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zmediaoutlet · 1 year
happy wincest wednesday z! what do you think we need MORE of in wincest fics/creations/meta? like we have a lot of tropes but what are we lacking?
happy wincest wednesday, thank you for the ask!
hmmmmmm I think, very unpopularly, that we need more appreciation for... what I'm gonna call normalcy wincest, lol. There are so many people who dig on the family horror posting and the Oh They Are So Awful And Toxic posting and who write, you know, Sam's gotta suck blood from Dean's nipples and Dean goes literally batshit murderously mad any time Sam looks at another human who's not him -- etc. And I get it, people dig that kind of thing. Fandom wouldn't be fandom if it didn't go to the most hilarious extremes all the time. This goes the other direction, too -- coffee shop AUs where everything's sweetness and light and there's never been any conflict are the exact same thing as the jealous cannibal stump fucking; the set dressing is different, but it's still eXtreme.
What I find so interesting about the show, though, is how... totally 'normal' they are, most of the time, specifically because that normalcy really highlights the moments when they aren't. By 'normal' I mean -- they're socialized... pretty normally. Sam and Dean are both attractive (ostensibly-)straight white men with great social skills who treat each other like pretty regular brothers... I'm gonna say 89% of the time. Considering how they were raised and the nature of their job and the various layers of WILDLY traumatic things that have happened to them, this Should Not Be The Case. But it is! Isn't that weird, all by itself?
Of course, some people who do their horrorposting or their sugarposting are doing it in a 'fix-it' way, because they think it would make more sense (or be wish-fulfillment) for the show to be more like their meta or fic or whatever. Or they're just doing for the lulz, which is equally valid. But that contrast is what I looove. I just LOVE that Sam can be ragging on Dean for some normal brotherly thing, and then Dean is missing and Sam's like torturing civilians to get him back. Nutty! Rad! It would be way less interesting to me if the torture were preceded by Sam keeping vials of Dean's blood in his underwear drawer to sip from every night like a glass of warm milk.
So -- that, I guess. And I know it's not nearly as fun, and I know from sad experience that it's WAY not popular, but -- it's what I like, so I wish there were more of it!
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sule-skerry · 10 months
I recently realized that when I read a fanfic I remember the good part/s and just forget the bad parts, and I'd like to be able to apply this forgiving lense to my entire life actually.
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parlerenfleurs · 2 years
Me every time I have to search something on the internet and the results and processes are confusing, hard to find, fruitless
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I am, shall see say, not one to handle stress well
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dooareyastudy · 2 years
Donc, Elisabeth Borne comme première ministre ?
J'avoue ne pas connaître les détails de son CV mais elle se fond très bien dans la ligne de ses prédécesseurs masculins : polytechnicienne, habituée des cabinets ministériels, préfète (!!)
La preuve que nommer une femme n'est pas gage d'une quelconque rupture.
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elainemorisi · 4 months
not news I realize, but fb for some reason has decided to show me a bunch of those grindset book list types of spammy engagement farming accounts and man, it's just like. sad
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latinthusiast · 5 months
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insertdragonpun · 8 months
I just saw the word risible for the first time
I kept thinking it meant rizz-able
I'm shaking rn
Because it was the big bad of this arc saying it to the mc right before he absolutely blows his shit away
I can't read it any other way now that I've seen it
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