#right along with bubblegum/marceline
candyredterezii · 5 months
The defense/reason Utena is lesbian because of her having heavy trauma related with various men is a biphobic statement and completely ignores that bi women can and do face abuse from various men in their lives as well but we aren't ready to talk bout that yet I think!
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koimethehorizon · 9 months
Adventure Time and Fionna and Cake Theory: The Victimhood of Simon + How the Series Might End
Prerequisite Watching for this Theory:
Adventure Time: Temple of Mars, Betty, Come Along With Me, Broke His Crown, I Remember You, Holly Jolly Secrets Part II
Gonna start this loaded theory with a bit of a hot take. I’ve never liked how Simon and Betty’s stories concluded in Come Along With Me.
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For Simon, I’ve always had trouble considering Simon and the Ice King as the same person. Holly Jolly Secrets and I Remember You, the pinnacle of depicting the dichotomy of the two characters is built on us seeing Simon as suffering irreversible memory loss and how his loved ones can grow to accept that. The context is most apt when viewed as a metaphor for dementia, Alzheimer’s, or simply old age.
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The scenes in which Ice King reacts so superfluously to characters desperately wishing for his old self to return are striking because of the cruel finality of his condition. Alternatively, the ones in which his loved ones hang around with him despite his condition are sweet in their own right.
One of my favorite Ice King scenes is in Broke His Crown where Marceline invites her girlfriend to meet her surrogate father.
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Bubblegum: What's this?
Ice King: It's a present, to bribe you for coming over!
Marceline: You don't have to bribe us silly, we're here because we WANT to hang out with you.
Ice King: No one has ever said that to me before.
*snatches present*
Ice King: You didn't say no takebacks.
There was a real poignancy to depicting an old man with memory-loss slowly having people come to accept him and realize that he’s still a swell guy to hang around. It may be depressing to see this good person who was once so unconditionally caring into a buffoon who could forget your name so easily and turn on you in the flip of a coin.
But even he deserved love from others. And in time, as a result of that love, he did improve.
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Which is why, even in Fionna and Cake, I find myself still disturbed seeing Simon in his normal state and Ice King completely erased from Ooo. It kills me that Betty and in extension, the show itself could not accept Ice King as he was and felt that his best course was to undo it all.
All of his experiences for 1000+ years all of a sudden no longer matter, and the acceptance of his peers no longer mattered as well. He's just back to who he used to be in a world where everything he's known is gone.
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Happily ever after
Even worse, however, is remembering the wish that allowed Simon to be cured. The person who sacrificed her individuality to get that good person back, because she couldn’t accept reality as it was.
And I’m going to put a second hot take. A spicy one. Simon needs to take the fault in Betty's fate and Fionna and Cake (the show not the characters) seems aware of this.
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Throughout Adventure Time, Simon Petrikov was never developed as a character. As far as the audience and the characters within Adventure Time knew, the only traits about Simon that mattered were: that he was intelligent, he was a kind man, and he loved Betty.
This wouldn’t really be a compelling character on its own, but when juxtaposed with the Ice King it’s a tragedy that he lost these traits. The compelling part of Simon was his victimhood to the ice crown and not really him as a person.
It’s why Obsidian’s version of Simon feels somewhat empty, he’s back to his intelligent, kind self but there’s no real hints to how he’s mentally adjusting other than that brief glimpse in Ice King’s robes again.
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And he looks really weird in this special too. Color me surprised when Simon Petrikov reads out the problems I've had for years about his ending while also making Simon into his own person. In many ways it just completely redos what we see of him in Obsidian.
He's still a kind man but even he can't handle being so maladjusted to a world so beyond his time. He's still intelligent but his passions aren't reciprocated, and that seems to have always been the case even in the past. Rather than a guy who doesn't take shit from guys like Marceline's ex or a first responder to his daughter's problems, he's a normal guy unable to handle the threats of Ooo's world even after 12 years of living in it. Rather than singing to large communities in bliss, he's a lonely alcoholic who can't even relate to his fellow humans anymore. He loves his adopted daughter but there are even some days he can't muster the courage to be honest with her. And most importantly, he doesn't seem to know how to live beyond his curse or his loneliness.
His mutual obsession with Betty is the only character trait of his that's ever had some distinct flaw and with this new show, the writers must have finally found a way to tackle the subject further. Betty is ultimately a greater victim than Simon. She ends up in a far worse fate than Simon has ever been in. Perhaps more disturbingly, she willingly chose to strip herself of her individuality.
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Fionna and Cake brings a contradiction to light about Simon and Betty’s seemingly perfect relationship. Simon and Betty's love is real and they do make each other happy. But there does exist a co-dependency that has worsened throughout the series as a result of their insecurity of letting a bad memory conclude their relationship. Betty's patterns are pretty clear throughout her tenure as Magic Woman but not too much with Simon. Not until now.
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In Jerry, Simon stops Betty from pursuing her dreams because he didn’t want her goodbye to be his last memory with her.
In Betty, Simon rewrites history and inadvertently summons her to Ooo because he didn’t want Betty’s look of contempt to be his last memory of her.
And through all of Fionna and Cake, Simon has turned into a suicidal man willing to resummon GOLBetty regardless of the reasons she can’t see him again. All because he didn’t want her sacrifice to be his last memory of her. Despite the fact that Betty’s final wish was to keep Simon safe.
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There's also this uneven power dynamic between the two. Simon was far more accomplished as a professor with PhDs even if no one took him seriously. Betty was just a student offering some help, knowing she wouldn't take any credit for helping.
I’ll preface that Betty is a consenting adult in the relationship and made many self-determined rash choices that Simon would never approve of with full context. We’ve enough scenes to show that Simon actively refuses Betty’s help if it means endangering her.
However, Simon’s perception of Betty and his own inadequacy did influence her personality for the worse. Fionna questions Simon on two occasions about how strange it was for “someone she just met to drop everything to go with you”. Even within the flashbacks Betty verbally describes her internal conflict between her individuality vs. her infatuation with Simon and the guy never picks up on it.
Whether he’s aware of it or not, Simon always ends up becoming the center of attention during Betty’s greatest life-changing events because he’s always suffering in some way. And sadly in-character, Betty always prioritizes him first because of how sorry she feels for him.
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Simon: Just hold my hand to your face, this will be my… last sensation.
Betty: Don’t be a wimp, Simon!
I don’t want to be too hard on Simon, his suffering is cosmologically depressing. An undeniable tragedy that no one deserves to be alone on. It would be unfair to say he’s being dramatic about something most if not any human would ever go through. He’s not a leech for desiring help, especially from his significant other.
But I do think it’s important to point out that he does have a major flaw in not reflecting on the consequences of Betty’s choices.
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Fionna: Damn, that’s romantic. So, you got on the bus with her?
Simon: Yup. Uh what? No. No. Why would I-
This is the reason this post exists. This is the show explicitly telling us that Simon has never really thought about what Betty lost because he thinks his love was greater than the passion Betty once had.
Let's go back to Betty once again for what is honestly the most justifiable takedown you could make of Simon's character prior to the miniseries.
As stated earlier, Simon opens a portal to ask for Betty's forgiveness with a few seconds on the clock. And in that time, he essentially just unloads a giant drama bomb, trauma dump of his suffering leading Betty to ask what she can even do without him. And if the plan went as it was, Simon would've just left her a hundred questions that she'd never have answered for the rest of her life.
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Simon: Just know that I love you and I forgive you for leaving me. Author's Note: I dunno, isn't there something a bit off about how he worded this?
Now Simon didn't ask for Betty to jump into the portal, but he certainly was asking for it subconsciously. How else would he have expected a person who loves him dearly to act after this?
Taking any measures necessary and finding a way back together obviously. That's what he's doing too!
And reiterating again, this is the reason why Betty goes on her ego-suicidal quest. This is Simon's greatest mistake, his greatest moral failing as a person and he doesn't seem aware of this.
He’s not wrong that Betty lived happily with him. In spite of losing her dreams, Betty and Simon did love each other unconditionally. But he’s missing the bigger picture about how he could’ve been self-centered in deciding Betty’s fate for himself.
And maybe to stretch somewhat, I think even the quest to become Ice King again is somewhat motivated by his inability to live as anything more than a victim. Some of it is because the citizens of Ooo were being a bit inconsiderate about how much they liked Ice King yes, but Simon should be perfectly aware that Marceline, Betty, and now Fionna would be extremely concerned about him for doing this. Yet, he doesn’t really consider their feelings too much on the matter. He’s too used to the suffering.
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Please have one scene with Marceline, I'd be sad if we don't get to see at least one.
This leads me to how I believe Fionna and Cake may rewrite Simon’s ending.
The key is in the episode Temple of Mars.
Upon rewatching the episode, I’m convinced that the Adventure Time cast had a greater plan with the Betty and Simon arc that just never came to be due to production constraints. A lot of Betty’s history and the deconstruction of her relationship with Simon in Jerry are surprisingly details that have already been told.
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I thought it was an animation error that Betty’s glasses were different in Jerry but it turns out the continuity director is just that good.
The trip in six months, Simon stopping her, and the realization that Simon superseded her identity. Seeking independence from Simon is the lesson that Normal Man was trying failed to teach her.
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Betty: I’ve spent so much time dedicated on Simon that I’m not even sure if there’s any “me” left anymore.
But the most telling detail is how Betty passes Normal Man’s test.
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Finn: Even if you are a lost cause, she is not!
Betty: No, Finn’s right. You’ll thank me for this later past Betty.
In an alternate pocket reality, she changes her trip to the day before, preventing Simon from stopping her. And I think Simon will have to change fate once again to do the same.
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If Simon comes to realize that he was the one who set Betty to her terrible fate, that all this time his rose-colored lens of their relationship had been detrimental then he could give her identity back. But it can’t be as simple as changing the moment Betty turns into GOLB or Magic Woman or even bringing her through the portal in Betty.
He needs to let Betty go on the bus. Alone.
It’s the only way for Betty to have her life back. If not for his Betty, maybe at least to save one in the multiverse doomed to the same fate.
They both need to cherish their time on the Enchiridion trip back when it wasn’t too late for Betty to go on the trip. Back when they were both equals and not tied to Simon’s needs.
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Jerry is absolutely setting up something big with Simon and Betty’s relationship for next week and now that we’re going to the GOLB dimension, we’ll see how he remembers these moments again.
Personally, as someone who has been skeptical about Simon's peace for years, Fionna and Cake's second episode was like a sigh of relief. Simon hasn't found his ending yet, and my hope is that this epilogue will help me see the man happy without having to relive Betty's sacrifice for the rest of his life. Just like the rest of Adventure Time, it'll have to end with him cherishing the time he had with Betty regardless of the inevitability of losing that relationship.
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PS. Isn’t quite strange that at one point in time, Simon sought after magic objects that ostracized him from the normal world and now, he lives in a house full of 1980s-1990s objects that ostracized him from the magical world? Maybe he was never really satisfied with where he was in the present.
PSS. I really wanted to write something on Fionna for the Ep 3-6 releases, and I still have the idea, but I couldn’t make it coherent due to how much my brain overthinks everything to the point of cognitive collapse. If there’s enough interest, I’ll go back to write it again.
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inbarfink · 9 months
So when I talk about how the Winter King is, on some level, far more removed from original-flavor Simon than Ice King ever was - Betty is the most obvious example. Ice King’s whole obsession with princesses and the kidnapping therefore and general romantic neediness has always been a Mad, Sad and Magical reflection of just how much Simon misses Betty.
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Even when he was too far too gone to recognize Betty when she was standing right in front of his face
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Ice King always carried the hole she left in his heart. Meanwhile, the Winter King has full access to his old memories, he just forgotten her because he doesn’t care anymore. 
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Even while he was forcing Princess Bubblegum to dance along in a recreation of that same romantic grief.
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But still, I feel like what happened Winterworld version of Marceline is an ever more poetic example, even if figuring out what exactly happened includes a lot of inferences and headcanons.
In “I Remember You”, during yet another emotional breakdown, Ice King accidentally shoved Marceline - and he was immediately absolutely overcome with regret and shame
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Because although he didn’t consciously remember what Marceline meant to him, he still retained these feelings of fatherly care and affection. Some sort of core element of Simon’s being that persisted despite the effects of the Magic Crown. Because of that, he couldn't even stand the thought of hurting her, even slightly.
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Ice King was capable of doing some fucked-up things in his desperation and madness - but hurting Marceline was the one line he never ever wanted to cross.
But the Winter King?
We only have hints of what went down between Winterworld Simon and Winterworld Marceline. All we know is: 
The Winter King and Winterworld Marceline had the same Simon and Marcy backstory as in the Mainworld, and the Winter King fully remembers it - since he conjures a vision of them during his song. 
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Since Marceline’s Ax Bass still exists in its familiar form, it’s safe to say this version of Marceline did reach adulthood and probably had a pretty similar life to Mainworld Marceline.
The Winter King did something absolutely morally repugnant to the Candy Kingdom in general and Princess Bubblegum specifically. Although at the time the Winter King came to being, Marcy and Peebs were still reeling from that centuries-old breakup (assuming there are no other major divergences in the timeline) - I have no doubt that Marceline still had enough lingering feelings (and also maybe general human decency) that she would not stand for Simon’s actions.
And yet the real Marceline is 100% unaccounted for, only her Ax-Bass remains, in the Winter King’s possession. 
Or rather, in the possession of Ice Marcy, an icy duplicate of Marceline as a child living in a gilded cage in the Winter King’s palace - presumably just as lacking in Free Will as the Ice Scouts and any other creation of the Winter King.
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The Winter King’s little conversation with Simon about Betty is the best hint we have to Winter King’s motivation for making Ice Marcy. Namely, he suggested making an ‘Ice Betty’ as a way for Simon to get over losing the love of his life. And he’s fully aware that this is unethical - he just doesn’t care.
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I think it’s pretty reasonable to assume that Marceline and the Winter King would have some sort of confrontation about what he did to Bubblegum and since the Winter King implicitly compares it to the situation with ‘the dead one’ (Betty)… I honestly think it is not a stretch at all to assume the Winter King killed Marceline. 
And even if he didn’t straight-up kill her, I think most scenarios that fall under Occam’s Razor still involve the Winter King knowingly inflicting a great amount of emotional and potentially physical damage to Marceline. And it definitely involves the Winter King claiming Marceline’s most beloved posession as his own and giving it to a false icy duplicate of her child self he made to replace her. 
I mean, the fact that he even bothered implies that he at least misses her more than Betty. But his discussion with Simon still means he considers replacing her with a nonsapient magic ice construct that copies not the person she was when she was speaking out against him but the child who adored him to be more than a suitable solution. Which is a demonstration that whatever sort of love remained in the Winter King’s heart for Marceline was a very twisted and selfish kind of love. 
Even if you want to argue that the Winter King has nothing to do with Marceline’s disappearance - the fact that this is how he dealt with her being gone shows how much of the love Simon genuinely had for Marcy is now become a hollow and self-centered sort of thing. This is also a form of hurting her.  And again, with the way the Winter King is in general - I think it’s very likely he has a lot to do with what happened to Marceline.
Meanwhile in the Mainverse, the Ice King couldn’t even lightly shove her away in a fit of emotions without being overcome with pain and regret.
So which Ice Wizard really retains more of what made Simon Petrikov who has is? The one who kept his identity and memories but has lost all of the love and care that has once motivated him more than anything? Or the one who can’t remember his name or his old face most days but still retains this ever-persistent echo of his romantic love for Betty and his fatherly love for Marceline even if he doesn’t fully understand where it comes from? 
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universallywriting · 9 months
There's this really short moment for Simon, right after everything with Golb, where things kind of work with Marceline.
He stays with her and it's all a mess at the beginning. But that's what works! It's always worked that way for them. For a very brief moment, they're in sync by being out of sync. He's as pathetic and crazy as Ice King because he's just lost Betty, so it works.
Six weeks after he's got a permanent place to live and he doesn't need to crash at her place anymore. He's not even happy when he walks into it, really, though he can't say why.
The why comes when Marceline comes over. Her eyes are bright and her voice is bubbly because she's back with Bubblegum, and it suddenly hits him - slams into him so hard that he's just standing there, his body nodding along while he's left it.
This is insane.
His mind knots itself up over and over again as he tries to make sense of it. He carried this little girl on his back through the fallout of an apocalypse (that's fine) and she grew up over a thousand years to a feral demon teen (it's really fi) and he tried to marry the girl she's in love with (it's so completely absolutely fine it's so) because he was crazy, he was really crazy, he was so crazy and he's not anymore and
One time, she comes over, and he says to one of her stories, "That's crazy, right?"
She laughs and goes. "Yeah! It was insane."
So he goes, "No, I mean it's crazy, Marceline. The whole world is crazy!"
And she looks at him. She looks at him and she smiles and she says, "You're not, Simon."
He loves her. He loves her so much. She knew him better than anyone else alive.
She knew him.
The moment ends.
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anacecherry · 9 months
I was looking through the Fionna and Cake trailer to look for scenes we haven't seen in the show yet, and I noticed how most of them are most likely from the same episode. So, on this post, I will be talking about my theories/speculations for Episode 7, The Star.[Spoilers for the episode synopsis under the cut]
So this is what we know about the episode right now.
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My first theory was that the title came from whatever happens in the gumlee subplot or maybe it was about Cake being "the star" of the vampire hunters, but then my friend Will reminded me how the previous episodes were all names of characters (Yes, Im counting Destiny idc), and said it could be a nickname for a pre existing character. Maybe it could be this world's Marcy's "Vampire Name". I dont know enough on the topic to be able to tell if it would fit in with the theme the vampires in Stakes had, but it does have an article at its start.
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For the first screenshots we have these. The first image shows up near the end of the trailer, its 3 vampires attacking. I think these two are back to back, as the vamps are exactly the same. In the second image the third vampire is in the background and appears to have knocked Fionna down, with Simon standing next to the vampire. Maybe Cake does that attack in rage due to them hurting Fionna.
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This is a one second scene and the frame where the explosions dont cover up the whole screen is very hard to catch, but these are the same garlic bombs Peppermint Butler had in Stakes. Maybe the Bubblegum of this universe, along with Pep But, is working with the vampire hunters.
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Following up on what I said about Marcy having a "Vampire Name". When I first read the synopsis I assumed that Marcy was the one leading the vamp hunters, as it only makes sense. Being a Vampire hunter was a big part of her backstory that led to her *becoming* one. But I then realized, what's going on here, might be completely different. Not only is she already a vampire, both in the trailer and on the poster this Marceline looks pretty smug for someone presumably fighting for her life, and she has that dress which looks very "royal"(to me, at least).
I thought maybe she embraced being the vampire queen, and attacked the humans, but that wouldn't make sense. Why would she hurt the beings she wiped out an entire species for? And then it clicked: this Marcy never had a Simon at all. She was found by vampires instead of him. Remember the conversation Simon and little Marcy had at the beginning of episode 2?
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Someone rich? Living in a castle? With people trained to tend to their every need? Sounds a hell lot like a king.
This conversation is going to come up again. Simon is going to find out that No, Marcy would NOT have been fine if he didn't find her. He's going to see what would really have happened to her if she never met him. In all the past episodes Simon's been constantly told that he sucks, that Ice King was "better" and "more fun". He's been feeling like he truly did not matter and had no value, that it would be better for everyone if he just went back to being Ice King. He's going to see that that's not true, that he does matter. That Marcy values and needs him, even if things are different now. Maybe he won't get it immediately, but he might start doubting his decision to wear the crown again. I'm so confident in this I will eat my door if it doesn't happen.
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Human huntress wizard with a garlic arrow. Obviously its from this episode. She must be a hunter(duh) and maybe she's the leader as well. Or maybe Im right about Bonnie being there and *she's* the leader.
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Im only assuming this scene is from this episode bc the background color scheme is similar, I dont have any other evidence for it. It may be after Cake beats the vampires, where she gets approached by the hunters to join in. Im kinda basing this theory off the voice line that goes along with it in the trailer ("Now that is a party I don't wanna miss" Who'd wanna miss out on the fun of hunting evil vampires?), but the voice line may be about something else and she could be praising herself to the hunters here (she just has that vibe in here).
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A gun(?) Lowers down to face the gang. They smile at it nervously. The ground theyre standing on is wet, and so is Cake. I don't know the reason for that, because they didn't immediately come here after leaving the Winter Kingdom. They might have gotten their clothes wet on some other universe and then came to this world, or maybe this is after they fight the vampires and they somehow got splashed with water during the process. I came up with two possibilities of what might be going on here:
Option A) It is the vampires spotting and trying to kill them. If thats the case they might've destroyed the gun before it could shoot them, or maybe Fionna got shot and thats why she's down on the scene where Cake is attacking. Both end up with the 3 vampire goons attacking.
Option B) It's the vampire hunters seeing them, either after the fight or right as they arrive, and they think the gang are vampires as well until they show their teeth
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This isn't from the trailer its from a magazine. I think its from this episode because of the background, like that Cake screenshot. This may be after Cake is recruited. Fionna seems to be annoyed so maybe Cake is doing something wrong and Fionna's disagreeing with her. Or maybe Cake's trying to annoy Fionna and it's working. My friend @weirdlizard26 said this about it, which is far better than what I came up with:
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And that's it for the speculation! I wanted to talk about the rest of the scenes in the trailer as well but 1) this post is long enough as it is and 2) tumblr image limit is not being kind to me rn. I might make a separate post for those if I get the motivation. Untill then you'll have just one post of me going insane rambling about what could happen in a show about an old man having an existential crisis and a girlfailure with her cat.
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gameshamus · 9 months
(SPOILERS) Steve Wolfhard Confirmed PB and Marcelene in Adventure Time's Finale Intro
@gunterfan1992 and I were talking last night about our favorite show Adventure Time. I broke the news to him about Marcelene and PB's survival 1000+ following the events of "Come Along With Me."
A few years ago, I attended a twitch stream with Steve Wolfhard. I can recall the event very vividly. This was during the time of Distant Lands, quite a while before the episode Together Again aired. Steve was streaming his wife Leslie pickling vegetables. Leslie was on the right side of the screen at a counter with the pickling jars, one of which seemed to contain a carrot. The jars were of decent height but not dummy thicc. Steve was off camera some of the time especially when reading comments, but I got to see him enough to identify it was actually him and he answered the comments verbally.
I will spare the suspense and tell you that Marceline was confirmed to be the character in the intro in the brown parka and boots in the Ice Kingdom at that the pink hands gripping the ice bars were those of Princess Bubblegum's. Marcelene was in the Ice Kingdom to rescue PB. He also confirmed Patience St. Pim being in the egg and that Flame Princess and Slime Princess were both dead and had reincarnated into X and O who had been put into the intro to give closure to what happened to the fire and slime elementals. He said so basically Game Shamus, everyone is dead and then he laughed. He said everyone is dead except for Princess Bubblegum, Patience St. Pim, Sweet Pea, Gunter, and BMO. and maybe he mentioned the King of Ooo but I don't remember anymore, probably because I don't care about the king of Ooo. I primarily came because I wanted to know about Flame Princess.
Congratulations to the community on Bubbeline's relationship surviving well over 1000+ years!
I have quite a bit more information about other adventure time related stuff so just follow my blog if you want to keep updated.
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Gay wrongs tournament, round 2 of the major bracket
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For Princess Bubblegum and Marceline:
Princess Bubblegum is a mad scientist and dictator, Marceline likes to threaten to kill people.
For Nandor and Guillermo:
I feel like accessory to murder and cause of the murder counts, right? 
Classic vampire/human who wants to be a vampire except there's an understanding in the show of how messed up that is, down to Guillermo helping chop up the bodies of Nandor's victims to hide them for him. Then there's the added wrinkle of Guillermo finding out he's a vampire hunter by blood and actually very good at killing vampires. There is more than one incredibly erotically charged scene with Guillermo holding a stake to Nandor's chest. Their dynamic is fantastically complex, from Guillermo starting as Nandor's somewhat disgruntled servant to him besting the vampire in combat and becoming his bodyguard, to Guillermo getting tired of waiting and getting another vampire to turn him leading to a long jealousy arc culminating in Nandor nearly killing him... there's just so much going on with these two. Nandor flew to space just to impress Guillermo. They do a number of heinous things to humans and vampires alike, but through it all they are so in love and so rich with pining. One of these days they'll kiss, I'm sure of it. It's just a monumental slow burn with many vampiric atrocities along the way.
They aren't romantically canon yet, but dear lord. Both are canon queer, Guillermo is specifically gay while nandor is mentioned to be pansexual in interviews. Yeah they are everything and nothing. They fought and can kill eachother but they literally can't do it emotionally. Also forbidden love trope, vampire x vampire slayer /familiar/ body gaurd / best man. They make me unwell.
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dearladynightmare · 4 months
8 for the Entrapdak Ask Game! ✉️
What character(s) from another piece of media would Entrapta and/or Hordak be friends with?
First of all thanks for asking!! (And sorry for taking so long to answer!!)
I have to go with a "classic" which I have often seen on Pinterest or Tumblr🤭
I think they would get along just fine with Princess Bubblegum and Marceline! The princesses being crazy and ingenious scientists and the two loving emo batsies supporting their girls:3
Tbh I have barely seen every seen every Adventure time episode this just feels right haha (reminds me that I should keep watching...)
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deathmetalangel · 2 years
Good day/night! What about... Marceline's (from adventure time) platonic relationship with Princess Bubblegum's little sister aka the reader?
(The reader is an early teenager, who's age is between 11 and 14 years old)
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warnings: none just cute warning
y/n absolutely adores marceline and wants to be just as cool as she is
Y/n hears the familiar laugh of a vampire and runs quickly to her sisters side. Her small hands grab onto Bubblegum’s gown as she hides behind the fabric of the dress. She looks at Marceline who had yet to notice her presence.
“Y/n did you say hi to Marcy?” Bubblegum says catching the Marceline’s attention.
Y/n waves and awkwardly mumbles, “Good evening Marceline.” Bubblegum smiles at her sister and pats her head. Y/n absolutely adored her big sister and her girlfriend. Marcy was just so cool! And y/n was just a little dweeb.
“Hey short stack. You been giving Pb a hard time?” Marceline smiles at the younger girl who shakes her head no. She’s practically beaming at the smile Marcy gives her. Y/n strived for the approval of both older girls.
“I was wondering if you could show me how to play bass?” Y/n mumbles while playing with the hem of her dress. Bubblegum tilted her head slightly, she had no idea her sister had any inclination to play base. Especially having Marceline teach her.
Marceline thinks for a moment before smiling at the girl. “Of course! I’d be honored to teach a princess, but that’s if it’s okay with Bubblegum.” They both turn towards her expectantly.
“I suppose it would be good for your studies y/n. Music is a very good thing to learn, I dabble in music here and there.” Y/n lights up at her sisters answer. She would get to hang out with Marcy and learn bass. That’s so cool.
“Yay! Thank you so much Bubblegum! I’m gonna be so cool just like Marcy!” Marceline picks up the young princess and starts to float around, not high enough for it to be dangerous though.
“Yeah you’re gonna be cool. Just like me. And who’s cooler than me?” Pb watches the two of them with content. She was glad they were getting along so well. Bubblegum did everything for her sister. She was the last of the family she created which meant she held her close in fears of losing her too.
Even though Bubblegum would never say it out loud, she was a bit jealous though at how much her younger sister looked up to Marceline. Was she not cool enough for her? It hurt her feelings just a bit. Not enough for her to outwardly say something, but enough for it to sting when she wanted to hang out with the vampire and not her.
Perhaps it was just a children thing. Finn too found Marceline cool and exciting even though he enjoyed spending time with Bubblegum because of the boyish crush he harbored for her. Bubblegum true to her nature would remain silent. It’s not like y/n could grow out of that anyways. She was to remain a child forever. Much like she would never age past this point.
“Ya know what how about the three of us go to get some grub. I’m starving. Fries sound kind of good right now.” Marceline floats over to her girlfriend with a giggling y/n still in her arms.
“Fries are my favorite!” She shouts happily wanting to be just like the older girl she admired. Bubblegum smiles happily.
“That sounds like a good idea Marcy. Y/n hasn’t eaten all day.”
It was true, she was so nervous when she heard Marceline was coming over she spent the whole day trying to find a cool outfit to wear. “Can I get a cool bass like yours Marcy?”
The vampire chuckles and puts the younger girl down. “Of course short stack. We can start a band and everything. Marceline the Vampire Queen and y/n the Gumdrop Princess.” Y/n was beaming with excitement.
“Come on let’s go! What are you slow pokes waiting for?” Y/n rushes the two older girls and pulls them along. Everything just felt perfect. Bubblegum giggles at her sisters excitement and smiles at Marceline. She mouths a silent ‘thank you’ making the vampire heat up in the face.
“Yeah Pb it’s no prob.”
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jakesuit0 · 8 months
Video Makers Review
“Video Makers” is probably Adventure Time’s most effective use of its side characters thus far. Pretty much every main and secondary character besides Ice King and Gunter show up. All of Finn and Jake’s closest friends are at movie club: Marceline, BMO, Princess Bubblegum, Lady Rainicorn, Tree Trunks, Lumpy Space Princess, and Shelby. While several of these characters were also in the opening scene of “Power Animal”, this is much more intimate. It’s really cool how each guest gets a unique drink that fits their character. Princess Bubblegum has a sentient candy drink. She uses candy biomass to control her age. This must be how she maintains the body of an eighteen year old despite being about 835 in this episode. I also love her rocking a casual outfit this time. I mentioned in my “Go With Me” review that Finn’s friendships with Marceline and Bubblegum caused them to see each other more frequently. Even though they are sitting apart and not seen chatting, it’s interesting that they both attend a small, weekly get together. Marceline actually gets a couple of lines, making it her only speaking cameo in the first four and a half seasons. 
It’s funny how worried Finn is about adhering to the copyright warning. It totally fits Finn’s character, but obviously it isn’t referring to showing the movie to a few friends. And Jake is right that those laws aren’t in effect anymore. We get our first mention of The Great Mushroom War, another example of significant lore being dropped so casually. It was pretty obvious already that Ooo was post-apocalyptic, especially from “Business Time”, but this was further confirmation for people who hadn’t pieced it together yet. 
I love all the scenes of Finn, Jake, and BMO filming Ooo. It feels like they are making an art movie or a documentary. It does a terrific job capturing the beauty and weirdness of the mundanity in everyday Ooo. Despite Finn and Jake calling it “random junk”, I’d totally watch it. They basically filmed Adventure Time season six. Finn and Jake try to film more structured scenes. The scenes don’t play out the way Finn and Jake intend, causing them to argue over what genre they want their film to be. The way the actors go off script is much more funny and entertaining. Finn and Jake should take their movie less seriously, and just go with the flow. We get appearances from more recurring characters: Slime Princess, Cinnamon Bun, Mr Cupcake, and Peppermint Butler. This episode is a real milestone in Adventure Time’s worldbuilding, showing off a structured world with various established elements they can naturally pull from. Shelby also says his iconic catchphrase, “check please”, for the first time. 
The ending of the episode is fantastic. BMO’s reaction to Finn and Jake feels like a child reacting uncomfortably to their parents arguing. BMO’s song is very touching. In addition to BMO finally getting to tag along with Finn and Jake for an entire episode, it provides his first truly impactful scene, which still holds up as one of his best moments. I like how quickly it causes Finn and Jake to make up, who of course wouldn’t stay mad about this long. Lumpy Space Princess’s intense reactions to all of this are also really funny. She’s eating this drama up. 
Grade: A-
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moronic-validity · 8 months
The Homecoming
Me: The Suitor is the last fic I'm posting out of order Also me: hehehe, oops
This is actually part of the original lineup, but I took it out because I didn't love how it flowed.
But here we are!
I asked, you guys answered, so here it is, the missing fic!
18+ bc the rest of the series is, I don't think there are any warnings
Simon’s vision went out of focus as he left Prismo’s time room, and refocused as he entered this new version of Ooo. 
He looked around for a moment, confirming where he was, then pulled out his phone. 
Marceline answered on the first ring.
“Hey dad, I’ve got you on speaker, Finn and Peebs are here too!” a chorus of hey’s followed her greeting.
“Marcy, I did it,” Simon had to stop himself from cheering, “I really did it!”
Marceline looked to her girlfriend and friend, tears in her eyes. She pushed the phone towards Finn, who was also doing his best not to cry. 
Finn pushed the phone to Princess Bubblegum, who was doing the best out of the three.
“We’re really happy for you Simon, promise you’ll call?” 
“Of course I’ll call, every time I have a chance,” Simon assured, “hey, I am going to go for now, just so I can find Winter. I’ll update you guys soon!”
He hung up the call right as Marceline and Finn burst into tears. Bonnibel put her arms around both her crying friends and sniffled. It’d be so different without him.
Simon tucked his phone into the pocket of his jacket, and made his way along the slick path to the castle.
The King sat on his throne, high above the rest of the throne room. It was a slow day. He took the meetings of any citizen who needed to air grievances of any kind. Most were petty disputes and bored him greatly. 
Simon had been prepared to beg for an audience with the king, but he was able to walk right into the throne room. The worst he had to do was join the line that had formed. 
It took Winter a few seconds to realize it was Simon.
Winter stood up and the crowd went silent.
“Fair citizens of our Winter Wonder World, I’m afraid I can not take anymore meetings today, though my door is always open for my wonderful subjects!” He bowed graciously to the few people still present. 
Simon’s head dropped as he walked out with the rest of those in attendance. 
“Simon Petrikov, I’m afraid I’ll need you to stay here for a moment longer.” He did his best to keep his voice as steady as it had been. 
He stopped and turned back around. 
Winter didn’t step down from his throne, but he lowered it to the floor, standing across the room from the other Petrikov. 
“You came back?” He took a step towards him. 
Simon didn’t respond, choked up at the sight of Winter standing and breathing, no longer a pile of ash. 
He broke out into a run, wanting to hold him so badly. 
Simon made it halfway across the room before he slid. He was so certain he could right himself, attempting to lean back to prevent face planting. 
Certain, until he nearly kicked himself in the head as he fell. 
Winter was there before he hit the ground, catching him before he made contact. 
“You caught me?” Simon wasn’t sure if it was the adrenaline from the fall, but his heart was beating out of his chest. 
“Of course,” Winter smiled, “I’m radical, remember?” He rightened them both and helped Simon straighten his clothes. 
“I can’t believe you used that line again,” Simon laughed this time. 
Simon stood there for a moment, unsure of what to do now; so he turned and hugged the taller man. 
Winter wrapped his arms around him and squeezed him
Neither wanted to let go. 
Winter had to pull away first. 
“Simon, why did you come back?” He held the man at arm’s length, still wanting to hold him, but also wanting to see his face.
“Things didn’t feel right when I left..” Simon trailed off, not wanting to tell Winter everything that had happened. 
“Well, you’re definitely not the Ice King, but Fionna and Cake aren’t with you; were you able to get them back home?” 
“It’s a really long story, but they are home!” He laughed again, “I’ll have to tell you all about it some time!” 
“Well, I’ve effectively cleared the rest of my day so…I guess you have a story to tell,” Winter motioned to a table that appeared out of the floor, “Sit for a spell?”
They sat there and drank hot chocolate as Simon recounted the tales of his travels through the many versions of Ooo, conveniently leaving out the part about the other man’s death.
Winter hung onto every word, awed by Simon’s travels and the heartache that came with them. 
“So your version of Betty got absorbed into Golb and she managed to save you, again?” 
“She did and she did,” Simon nodded, “though I haven’t even asked, what happened when we left?”
Winter shrugged. 
“Well, not that much, as you know, the madness of the crown was broken by Fionna, freeing both me and the Cand- Princess Bubblegum.” 
Simon raised an eyebrow. 
“So things are back to normal?”
“Well, normal is a bit of a stretch. As anyone could expect, she was absolutely furious,” he rubbed the back of his neck, “She wanted me imprisoned for my apparent ‘war crimes’,” he did air quoted around the phrase war crimes, rolling his eyes, “but with me being an acting ruler, diplomatic immunity and all, she wasn’t able to actually do much, other than beat the daylights out of me.”
“But things are better now?” 
“Oh, absolutely not, but we make do.”
Simon snorted. 
“So Dr. Petrikov, how long do you plan to stay for your visit?” 
Simon’s face fell. 
He fully expected Winter to extend another invitation to stay.
“I…well…” Simon trailed off, “I was looking at moving here.” 
Winter beamed in delight.
“You’re staying? How wonderful! Do you have a place already?” 
“Oh, not yet,” Simon paused for only a moment, but that was long enough.
“Perfect, you’ll stay in the castle with me then. I have a room set up for you already!”
“I don’t need a room to myself,”
“Oh, then you’ll stay in my room with me?”
“I’ll probably just sleep at this table with how comfortable you made these chairs,” Simon laughed, “Plus, I couldn’t invade your space like that.”
“Oh please, if you think the chairs are comfortable, you’ll love the bed!”
“Winter, I couldn’t. I’m already a guest in your home.”
“No, not a guest…my advisor! You’ll be my advisor and everyone who works with me, must have their own quarters,” Winter clapped his hands, having solved the issue. 
“Well, how about you show me my quarters and I’ll sleep there tonight, deal?” 
Winter took Simon’s hand and led him down the hall and to the left. 
“Welcome to your new home!” Winter said as he opened the door. 
It looked nearly identical to his college dorm room, down to the periodic table poster with the line ‘I only have sex periodically’ hanging above the writing desk. The only noticeable difference was that this room was made out of ice, and in his memory, his dorm room had not been. 
Simon smiled at the gesture, walking into the room, basking in his vague memories from undergrad. 
“Thank you Winter, I really appreciate this. More than you know.” Simon sat on the edge of the bed, looking at the man who hadn’t left the doorway. 
The king smiled, glad he had built this when they were visiting all those months ago. 
“Well, I must be heading to bed, royal business to take care of in the morning and all; good night Simon!” He turned and left, heading further down the hall to his own room.
Simon waited until he was sure Winter was asleep, then took the pillow and blanket from the bed and walked back to the throne room. 
He appreciated the gesture, that part was true, but he hadn’t slept in silence since before he put on the crown.
Now, without it, he couldn’t sleep in the quiet. 
He made a makeshift bed on the table, listening to the hum of life that came from the kingdom and fell asleep counting the stars glimmering through the dome.
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weirdlizard26 · 10 months
The Nimona (comic) style really reminds me of adventure time. Whatre your opinions on a crossover
omgggg that would be awesome??? nimona (the character) would definitely fit RIGHT in and would def get along with jake,, ballister would probably see bubblegum and be like omg science buddy :D and then after spending some time getting to know each other he would go wait. isnt thats unethical. and pb would be like pshhh noooooo (<- lying)
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inbarfink · 9 months
Okay, so here is my Thought…
It’s already being established that the majority of worlds in the AT Multiverse are born from wishes granted by Prismo. I mean, we know there are other types of alternative universes (Like Flapjack’s universe) - but Prismo’s exposition implies they are the exceptions and not the rule. And we already know the Wish that birthed Farmworld, and we even got a Word of God about Babyworld (a Wish made by BMO) but… 
Was Winterworld also born from someone’s wish?
While first watching the episode, I was wondering if that was a universe born from Ice King’s wish to, like, make Princess Bubblegum madly in love with him or something. But after all of the reveals at the end of the episode and thinking about it a bit more - I feel like this is unlikely. 
I mean for once, there is the question of how the ‘One Wish Per Person' rule works with the existence of a multiverse. Because we know our Simon also tried using his Prismo Wish
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(And from their interactions in Episode 4 it seems like Prismo considers Ice King and Simon to be the same person, So a Wish made by Ice King would also count as the one Wish for Simon)
So like… if Ice King made a Wish with Prismo and then got teleported into Winterworld where his wish was granted and then like… a duplicate of him keeps going in Mainworld Ooo and that one’s actually the Simon we follow… would that Simon get his own Wish from Prismo? Or would the Winter King count as the separate Simon who didn’t waste his Wish yet? Finn has already used up his own Wish but his situation is kinda unique cause he, like, came back from being Farmworld Finn. I’m not sure about the rules here but I’m feeling like it shouldn’t work, Simon used up his one Wish failing to bring Betty back so that means he probably didn’t wish up Winterworld.
I don’t feel super-confident about that, but I feel a bit more sure of this next observation; Prismo says that the Wishes he grants, whatever he wants them to or not, always have some sort of a Monkey’s Paw or ironic twist thing going on. They never go quite right for the Wisher. And the Winter King was doing extremely well until our Free Radicals came along.
I mean… maybe the fact that Pre-Curse Simon would’ve been disgusted with the Winter King’s actions counts. Or maybe the implication is that with the Candy Queen’s recent ‘escalation’ he would’ve been killed sooner or later even without the Multiverse Trio’s intervention.
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But… compared to how throughly and how quickly Farmworld went badly for Finn specifically- that honestly feels like a stretch. I think that if Winterworld was born from the Wish of any character - it was most likely Marceline.
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She has all the motivation to Wish for Simon to have his memories and/or sanity back - and had it for the longest time out of all of his acquaintances. And if it was her Wish - then it sure as hell has gone extremely wrong for her. 
The woman that she loves has been doomed to the same torturous existence Simon has been trapped in alongside her entire kingdom. And Simon might have his sanity and identity again, but this vile man who willingly and knowingly condemned PB to a life of suffering in his stead is so much farther away from the kindly father figure Marceline remembers than Ice King the crazy old Wizard ever was.
And then he also stole Marceline's most beloved personal possessions and like… probably killed her and definitely replaced her with an icy duplicate who is forever the child he wants her to be. If this Wish is some sort of Ironic Monkey's Paw to anyone, I think Marceline makes the most sense. 
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(I will give an honorable mention to Betty, because she also very much has the motivation and it is kinda weird we haven’t seen her try and save Simon with a Prismo wish. But I think that while, like, dying in the Mushroom War unmourned and unremembered by the man you did all of this for is a pretty miserable fate.... I still think that Marceline’s narrative fits the idea of cruel irony a lot better)
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huntinglove · 6 months
Blind Date AU with Simon?
Hi hi!! Thank you so much for the ask!! I got really carried away with this one so it got a bit long, but I hope you'll enjoy it!! :DD
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As the wind blew gently outside, Finn and Marceline sat around inside the treehouse, playing videogames on BMO to pass the time. After a silent moment, Marceline peeked over at Finn and spoke calmly.
"Who's that lady you've been hanging out with recently? I've never seen you go to the beach so often, aren't you scared of the ocean?"
Finn thought for a second, before realizing who the vampire was referring to.
"Oh! You mean Ocean Princess? She's kind of like my swim instructor! She's helping me get over that, actually..."
"Oh, cool!"
Silence coated the room once again, allowing the two to play yet another level of their game. Marceline's performance immediately flunked, making Finn curious.
"Are you alright, Marcy? You were kicking my butt just a second ago, but you're goofing up all over!"
The woman let go of her controller as she stuck her tongue out slightly, eyes avoiding Finn's as she thought about her next words.
"Listen... I think Simon has been a bit... Lonely recently. I think it'd do him some good to get back on the dating scene. But every time I bring it up with him he just ignores me!"
Tilting his head in confusion, Finn questioned Marceline.
"And what exactly does that have to do with OP?"
"Listen, you know I keep an eye on you and Jake when I have nothing else going on... I've seen the way she talks, how she acts, she seems fun! I think she would be a cool person to have Simon hang out with, y'know?"
The boy pouted slightly as he thought about the situation, eventually nodding along.
"Do you want me to talk to her about it? She told me she's crazy about romance and all that junk!"
"Nah, I have a different idea... I think we should set her and Simon to meet up instead! Like a blind date!"
"Oh yeah, Jake tried that for me after the stuff with Flame Princess... I met some pretty cool people, maybe it'd work!"
And so their minds were set. It took them days to come up with a good plan, Marceline being assisted by Princess Bubblegum and Finn writing down Jake's advice on a small notepad.
They'd meet up every now and then to discuss their ideas, trashing anything that could go wrong and keeping whatever else they could agree on. It was a complicated situation, it was hard to take Ocean Princess away from the shoreline, just as hard to get Simon out of the house.
Soon enough, they had the perfect plan. Now it was time to make it work.
Finn headed to the beach during the afternoon, being almost immediately greeted by Ocean Princess, sitting on the sand and admiring all the shells she had collected.
"Finn!! How have you been, I haven't seen you in a few weeks... Don't tell me you're giving up on your lessons!"
"No no, that's not it at all Princess! I'm actually having a bit of a... Different problem."
"Hm? What's wrong? I'll help you if I can!"
A knot formed on the boy's throat, nervousness spreading across his body. Finn never really learned how to be a good liar.
"Yeah, um... I've been dealing with something else instead... I'm super totally scared of lakes right now!"
With a squint, the royal approached the boy, watching as he fidgeted with the brim of his shirt. Soon after, Ocean Princess' expression changed into one of worry, placing her hand on Finn's shoulder.
"Oh dear, you're trembling and sweating just talking about it huh? That's okay, I'm sure I can help you with this! Do you know anywhere we can practice?"
"Yeah! I mean... Yeah. There's a lake in the woods, a few minutes away from here."
"Alright! Show me the way!"
And so Finn had concluded his part of the plan, bringing Ocean Princess to the spot Marceline chose for them to meet.
Earlier that day, Marceline was setting her half of the plan as well. She had been pestering Simon about an artifact that Bubblegum needed for an experiment.
"I told her I could do it but it didn't work out when I tried it on my own... Please help me out here!"
With a shake of his head and a tired sigh, Simon decided to entertain the situation. As he looked at Marceline with a raised brow and crossed arms, he questioned:
"And how am I supposed to help, exactly?"
Trying her best to hold back a smug smile, Marceline handed the man a book, written in a language she herself couldn't understand.
Weeks prior, she had asked Bubblegum to sneak into the Ocean Kingdom and take a book from the library, to catch Simon's attention.
"You understand a lot of stuff about magic, mythos and everything, right? Well, I can't make out a single word from this, and it's the incantation that needs to be cited to get the monster to hand over the artifact that PB needs!"
Simon gave her a suspicious look, adjusting his glasses as he ran his fingers through the pages of the book. The feeling of the pages gave him many memories of the days when he used to explore different temples and spend hours researching about his finds.
His eyes shifted down, analyzing the words on the yellowed out pages. With a defeated sigh and a nostalgic smile across his face, the man stuffed the book under his arm and got up, placing a hand on Marceline's shoulder.
"Alright, alright. I think I can help you out. Where do we need to go?"
Unable to hold back her smile, Marceline picked up Simon and began flying with him in her arms, trying her best to keep conversation going about her plan.
Once they arrived at the forest, Marceline lowered both of them close to the ground, allowing Simon to walk around and take in the scenery.
A large lake was what first caught his attention, the whole place was surrounded by tall and dark trees. Next to it, a large fallen log, centering two stumps, held a large basket, overflowing with food.
Trying to keep his composure, Simon walked up to the log "table", gripping the book tightly.
"What's.. All this for?"
Marceline shrugged, floating above the ground.
"An offering, I think monsters are easier to deal with if they're well fed!"
A small gulp could be heard as Simon tried his best to stay calm.
Soon enough,Marceline heard rustling coming from a few trees behind her. Quickly making her way over to Simon, she rushed over her explanation.
"Alright, I'm gonna hide on one of the trees so I can catch the monster once you say the incantation, okay? I'm counting on you!"
Before Simon could answer, the vampire had disappeared. Little did he know, Marceline had picked up Finn and sat him on a branch on one of the trees, talking over their plan as they watched the commotion below.
Ocean Princess continued walking, looking for the boy who ended up scurrying off before she could catch up to him.
"Where are you? Come on, I'm just trying to help!"
Simon froze for a split second, flipping through the pages of the book until he could find the one Marceline had marked out for him.
Soon enough, they caught sight of one another. The man was caught off guard by the sight of the being before him. Body, clothes and hair entirely made out of water, making her necklace, crown and glasses stand out. As he mumbled to himself, his voice came out louder than intended:
"You're... Not as creepy as I had imagined."
Being prepared for this to be some sort of trap, Simon read and re-read the incantation in his head. He remembered the pronounciation as clear as day, but the meaning of the words escaped him.
Meanwhile, Ocean Princess smiled patiently, confused as she calmly spoke.
"Hello! Have you seen a-"
Before she could finish her sentence, Simon read the words out loud, structured like a poem. Soon after, he shut his eyes tightly, putting one of his arms up, waiting for the worse.
After a moment of quietness, the man peeked back at the royal, confused as she simply stood still. Bewilderment clearly adorning her face as she blushed and slowly approached Simon, tears forming in her eyes.
"That was... Beautiful. That's one of the ancient love poems from Atlantis, isn't it?"
As Simon scrambled over his words, flipping the pages of the book to make sure he had read the right thing, Ocean Princess walked over to the table beside him, scanning the contents of the basket.
"You even brought my favorite food! Oh my, I just told one of my friends how I was craving some of these!! You're so sweet, thank you!!"
The woman hugged Simon, causing him to drop the book. Somehow, her body felt warm and soft. It made the man's heart race as he instinctively wrapped his arms around her as well.
A few moments later, they both sat down, as they talked.
"And that's why I'm here! I can't find my friend anywhere though... I really hope he's okay. His name is Finn... Do you know him?"
Realization struck Simon as he chuckled, shaking his head.
"Yeah, I know him. You have nothing to worry about, he'll be just fine."
A relieved look manifested itself on Ocean Princess' expression. She had never met Marceline before, so she had no idea about what was going on.
Meanwhile, Simon was begining to enjoy his little night out, grabbing things from the basket and setting them between him and the royal, pouring them drinks and getting them played of food.
Conversation flowed naturally between them, laughter and loving looks being shared between them as they spoke about their day and the romance book Simon had brought with him.
High above, on the branch where Finn and Marceline sat and watched, a small high-five could be heard.
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vwritesawholelothm · 2 years
Companion Post to the First Annual Vampire Music Fest Fic
All right my dudes, listen up! There are a whole lotta characters from a whole lotta properties in this fic! So, if you don't know who some of the characters are, then here's a helpful list of all of them, along with links to their wiki articles. Enjoy!
Death and the Horsemen:
Death: From the Sandman (TV). The anthropomorphic personification of Death. Not a vampire in canon. “A Winter’s Tale” (song) is based on the comic of the same name that talks about her struggles. Her brother is the anthropomorphic personification of Dreams. She’s very kind and caring. Lead singer/lead guitar.
Baz Pitch: From the Carry On series. A vampire who goes to a magic school, he’s dating the main character (Simon Snow) and is a posh little fucker. Cold but warming up. Rhythm guitar.
Simon Lewis: From Shadowhunters (TV). Gets turned into a vampire tragically and later gets turned into a daywalker, who can walk in the light. Very nerdy and anxious, but badass. Plays the bass in canon! Bassist.
Lazlo Cravensworth: From What We Do In The Shadows (TV). A vampire from Staten Island who lives with other vampires. Crude, rude, and a bit odd. Plays the piano in canon. Keyboardist.
  Pluto and the Dwarf Planets:
A band from Milky Way and the Galaxy Girls, a passion project by Lauren Faust before she worked on My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
Pluto: The anthropomorphic personification of the (dwarf) planet Pluto, named after the Roman god of the dead and wealth. Though, anyone who read the fic because it has Solangelo in it knows that already. She’s as cold as her namesake planet and punk rock, and very angry about her planet being reclassified as a dwarf planet. (Seriously, don’t mention it!)
Eris: The anthropomorphic personification of the (dwarf) planet Eris, named after the Roman goddess of chaos. She’s on drums!
Ceres: The anthropomorphic personification of the (dwarf) planet Ceres, named after the Roman goddess of agriculture. She’s a quiet bassist.
Neon Shadow:
This is a band from Shadow High, a doll brand and the sister series to Rainbow High. Not to be confused with the Shadow High of the Ever After High/Monster High universe, even if that also exists since Draculaura is also in attendance at this festival.
Mara Pinkett is on drums. A punk-rock prankster, she’s known for causing a bunch of Neon Shadow’s break ups, by virtue of playing pranks during performances.
Harley Limestone is the singer-songwriter of Neon Shadow. She’s got quite the taste for stardom, somewhat caused by the fact she grew up in Vegas, baby!
Uma Van Hoose is the band’s guitarist, known for two things: shredding on her guitar and shredding on her skateboard. Though, one of those ‘shedding’ is more accurate than the other, as she tends to destroy her guitars. Oops!
The song "Hope Ur Afraid of the Dark" is the song they sang during Rainbowvision. (Also it's really good, please go listen to it).
Children of Death
Marceline: From Adventure Time. She’s a half-demon vampire who lived through the apocalypse and killed the other remaining vampires. She’s in a loving relationship with Princess Bubblegum, as of the series finale.
Hazel Levesque: From the Riordanverse (Percy Jackson). Not a vampire in canon. Daughter of the Roman god Pluto. Controls cursed gems. She’s kind but has a lot of anxiety. Also uses magic. Rhythm guitarist.
Alice Cullen: From Twilight. Edward Cullen’s sister. Can see the future. In love with Bella Swan in the ideal version of Twilight. Cool, smart, and canonically committing fraud. Bassist.
Nico di Angelo: From the Riordanverse (Percy Jackson). Not a vampire in canon. Son of the Greek god Hades. Controls the dead. Dating Will Solace. Shy but badass. Drummer
Dracula: Everyone knows him, but this time he’s specifically the incarnation of him from Monster High.
Draculaura: The daughter of Dracula from Monster High!
Count Von Count: From Sesame Street. We don’t really have to explain him, do we?
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redemptioninterlude · 2 years
🌂 kiss in the rain / bonnie and marcccccy
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let's go on a date meme ( accepting ) + @bubblaegum​ // bonnie
Afternoon classes aren’t meant to be skipped ; but on rainy days, Marceline can’t really help herself, now, can she? Fingers that pull and tear at the edges of notebooks, only ever seemed destined to wiggle into the spaces of a lock, to free her bag before the destined time. And who was she to expect to find the school nerd herself standing there watching her, ready to squeal about delinquency and more before Marceline caught her by the arm and pulled her along with her outside of the door, OUT INTO THE RAIN. “You’re breaking out with me!” was all she said, glee sticking to the roof of her mouth, it’s there when she sees her, and maybe she was hoping, just a little bit, to find someone like Bonnie to take a little break with.
It’s not like she doesn’t notice her, noticing her. Like at the shows she plays where Bonnie can’t help but stop and stare up at the stage, where she’ll wink and throw her a piece of her in the moment, and that she can TELL FROM HERE that she’s falling in love with a rock star. And it’s wonder she doesn’t make a move, when she’s all prissy confidence in every margin otherwise, and it’s all too funny, that switch and difference, which is why she’ll drag her down with her now, her hand easing into Bonnibel’s own like a promise, come with me... she has a feeling she can crack her open, and leave her all the more free for it.
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And it’s still raining as she pulls her protesting counterpart with her across the field, she’s laughing when Bonnie sputters and tries to pull back, but it’s a pause taken when her fingers slip at her hips and at the edge of the top of that skirt, Marceline’s arms wrapping around her to sway, DIP HER LOW, and on that pull right back up... so what if she’s the one playing pushing? Lips finding hers within the downpour, water dripping from their noses, their lashes, but all she tastes is that bubblegum that Bonnie always chews, all sugar pink and all too much... fingers through her hair and pulling her close with that insistence loaded like a gun, who cares, she wants to whisper to her, urgent. Who cares about everyone else, when we could have this.
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