#richie would enjoy pushing boundaries with them
losersclublol · 2 years
is it bc i’m from the uk or are uniforms just really cool
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malfoysmaybank · 3 years
richie x reader where he pretends to hate her but actually doesn’t and the losers don’t know why he hates her but he’s actually in love with her
The Quarry - Richie Tozier x Fem!Reader
a/n: of course!! nobody died/ moved away in this and some street layouts were changed to help with plot details!! also, this is in she/her pronouns as of the request, but lmk if i need to make an alternate version with different pronouns for anyone!! enjoy, and ty to this anon who sent in requests for a bunch of underrated characters!!
Finally, the last day of sophomore year. The Losers burst through the front entrance of Derry High School and headed towards the trash cans, like usual, to dump the contents of their school bags into the garbage. Y/N, the only other girl loser besides Bev, joined them as she had done since the 5th grade. 
Y/N had been brought to the group by Stan, the shyest but most friendly loser. The others had been suspicious of her at first, but she soon proved herself worthy of being a loser when she stood up to the Bowers Gang, who were making fun of the others.
Richie instantly liked Y/N. With her fiery personality and sarcastic humor that in ways rivaled his, how couldn’t he? They grew close fast, soon becoming best friends. They did everything together: homework, skating, they even killed Pennywise together when they were only 12. 
But in the 8th grade, he started pushing her away and blowing off plans with her, he never even told her why. They were obviously in the same friend group, so he couldn’t ignore her forever, so he went for the second best option: being a dick.
Now Y/N had very thick skin, but when he started hating her all of a sudden, she started to become very insecure and upset over him. Alas, she wasn’t about to let a man talk to her like that and not do anything. Eddie was the only one who knew how Y/N truly felt about how Richie treated her, having confided in him early on. But in the eyes of the other losers, Y/N didn’t give a shit what he said about her.
“Dude, why does she have to tag along for everything?” Richie groaned when he saw Y/N approach. “I don’t know, maybe cause these are my friends too? An odd concept to you, I know, since you think the world revolves around you.” She shot back and turned to the rest of the group. “What are you all doing tomorrow?” She asked. “I-I don’t know yet. I was thinking we sh-s-should go down to the quarry if everyone else is c-cool with that.” Bill said, still stuttering but only slightly, as he was growing out of it as he got older. 
The rest of the group agreed, including Richie, (surprising, considering he never agreed to anything if you did), and you made a plan to meet at the quarry with food at noon for a losers-only picnic. Y/N bid goodbye to her friends and walked back home.
“Bye, mom!” Y/N headed out of her house, backpack over her shoulder and bike in tow, to meet her friends at the quarry. As she neared the end of her street, she hopped on her bike and started riding down the sidewalk. “Yo Y/N, wait up!” She looked back to see Mike riding towards her, a couple of the others trailing behind. 
Mike, Ben, Stan, and Y/N all lived in the same area of Derry, while Bill, Beverly, Eddie, and Richie lived on the exact opposite side. Going anywhere usually meant each half of the group gathering and then meeting halfway. Speaking of the others...
“I still don’t understand why we can’t do anything without Y/N. She always makes everything so boring!” Richie complained as he walked to the quarry with the other 3 losers in his half. “Dude, you were just fine and dandy with her until the end of middle school when you started acting like she’s worthless!” Eddie argued back. 
“Look, I don’t know what the fuck has gotten into you, but you need to learn to at least deal with her, got it? She’s our friend and no matter what reason, you need to tolerate her because we love her.” Eddie gestured to Bill and Beverly who nodded, and then to Y/N and the other 3 losers approaching, who were all laughing at some dumb joke she said. I do too, he thought.
Richie’s heart skipped a beat and butterflies erupted in his stomach as he looked at you. Fuck, why does this always happen?! He suppressed the urge to hug you (why the fuck did he want to hug you for no reason?!) as he greeted the other three losers with a smile and wave. When she saw him smile, it was her turn to get butterflies in her stomach, as per usual. But forget it, she thinks. He hates you.
Y/N stripped down to her bathing suit and waited for the others to do the same. Richie subtly checked her out as he pulled his shirt off and turned to talk to Eddie and Bill. His muscles became more toned since last year, so Y/N was surprised when she saw him. She not-so-subtly checked him out as well. “Take a picture, it’ll last longer!” Richie calls behind him. “Could say the same to you, Tozier. I saw that, earlier!” Richie’s face flushed and he turned to Eddie again. That whole ‘jumping in the water with only undergarments on’ thing ended in 7th grade when everyone hit puberty, it just wasn’t going to work anymore (and for obvious reasons). 
Before anyone could battle her, she ran towards the edge of the cliff and jumped off. Her body hit the cold water and it felt amazing compared to the sweltering summer heat. She swam out of the way for the boys to follow and unsurprisingly, Richie was next. He was always the daredevil of the group. This was followed by Beverly, then Bill, Ben, Stan, and then Mike and Eddie at the same time.
After they all ate lunch, Y/N sat on the little shore on the edge of the water. She soon heard her name being called. “Y/N!! We’re playing chicken, get over here!” Beverly yelled. Y/N swam over and hoisted herself onto Bill’s shoulders. Beverly got onto Mike’s shoulders and the game started. Richie sat next to Stanley as he watched the game from the rocks. “You like her, don’t you?” Stan said gently. “What?! Of course not? Why would you even think that...” Richie wasn’t convincing him. “Whatever you say, my friend.” Stan said and patted him on the shoulder. Richie rolled his eyes and turned back to the game.
Y/N defeated Beverly for the second time and raised her arms in victory. That’s kinda cute, Richie thought. And he didn’t even second guess or correct himself this time. “We play the winner!” Stan yelled towards Bill and Y/N. “We do?” Richie whispered to him. “Yep, we do.” Stan replied and swam towards them. Richie soon followed suit. 
“Okay Richie, get on Stan’s shoulders. Whoever wins the most rounds out of 3 wins.” While Bill explained the game and all the rules, Y/N looked at Bev on the rocks. Bev gave her a wink and a thumbs up, whatever that was supposed to mean.
The game began and she tried her hardest to push Richie off of Stan’s shoulders. “Damn Stan, you got grip!” She laughed and Richie laughed too. Why was he being so friendly all of a sudden? She decided to talk to him about it later, she was having fun and she didn’t want to ruin it. 
Richie finally got her off of Bill’s shoulders and she tumbled into the water. She came back up and started laughing along with everyone else. “Y/N, we should clean that up real quick.” Eddie said and pointed to her elbow, which was scratched up. “Oh okay, that’s fine.” She said. “It must have happened when I was fighting Bev because it looks like it already started to heal up. I didn’t notice it at all.” She laughed and went up to the rocks to clean the small wound.
She grabbed the rubbing alcohol from Eddie’s backpack and started pouring some on the edge of a spare towel she brought. “Well, this is gonna hurt.” She said and hissed as she placed it on her elbow. She felt a hand rubbing her back and leaned her back onto the person’s chest, thinking it was Stanley, only to realize as she was reaching for the Neosporin and a bandaid that it was Richie. Since the other losers were maybe 10 feet away, she thought now would be a great time to confront him.
“What’s with you being all chill with me now? I thought you hated me.” She said and Richie sucked in a sharp breath. “Eddie talked to me earlier as about you. He said that I should ‘at least put up with you’ because you were part of the Losers Club and you deserve to be treated with respect because you’re their- our! Our friend.” He explained. Her heart sunk as she thought she realized what he meant.
“Oh, so you’re just being nice to me because you have to be?” She asked, dissapointed. “No no no!! Not at all, I’m genuinely sorry. To be honest... I don’t know why I was such a dick to you. I’m so sorry, Y/N. I should’ve had a mature conversation with you on why I was feeling so insecure and shit instead of ghosting you. Not only did it fuck up our friendship, but it fucked up any chances I had of being with you, as more than friends.” Wait, what did he just say? 
“It wasn’t cool and I feel so stupid knowing that I-” “Just shut up.” Y/N cut him off and placed her lips on his. He got over the shock fast, brought his hand up to hold her face, and kissed back. Their moment was cut short by Beverly. “Yeah Tozier, get some!!” She yelled and Y/N giggled as they pulled away and stood up. Richie laughed and flipped her off. 
“I know I’m not off scot-free, but does this mean you’ll at least give me a chance?” Richie asks hesitantly as they walk towards the other losers. Y/N put a finger to her chin and pretended to think. “Hmmm... okay. But only one. And we’ll be discussing boundaries and all that jazz tonight when I sneak you through my window and you stay the night.” She says with a serious tone and Richie nodded. He picked her up and spun her around. “Thank youuuuuuuu!” He sets her down and kisses her forehead, his lips lingering there for a moment. “Ewwww, do we have to deal with all your gross PDA now?” Ben and Mike say in sync and all the losers laugh. It’s not perfect, she thinks, but it’s pretty fucking close.
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water rippling
A/N: I’m so sorry this took so long, please let me know what you think! 
Summary: could you do a young losers x reader where the reader can’t swim but richie convinced her to come w them to the quarry bc he’ll teach her. but while he is pennywise comes underwater and tries to drown her so they have to save her
warnings: this whole chapter is basically about drowning and the fear of it so please don’t read it if that triggers you. 
‘I’m not getting in.’
‘If you don’t get in than I can’t teach you anything either. Fuck, just get in already.’
‘I told you I didn’t want to go swimming Richie, this is all your stupid idea so at the very least be fucking patient with me’, you bite as you dip in foot into the water, then lift it up higher again so the water can’t reach you. The scowl on your face deepens.
You never understood why people swim as a hobby. You’d get why everyone has to learn how to swim - even if you didn’t and never learned-, but actually enjoying swimming? No, those people must be out of their minds.
Richie laughs, mocking you, but all in good fun. ‘Start with one step. Just until the water reaches your ancles. You can’t drown from that Y/N.’
‘I could trip and drown.’
‘Literally how? I’m right here, the losers are further up keeping an eye on us, and all you would have to do is stand up. It’s not deep here.’
You sigh, but know that ultimately, Richie has a point.
Most people don’t automatically back away from water as soon as they catch a glimpse of it, but people hadn’t had a trauma related to it either.
Swimming always reminds you of the day you nearly drowned. It was on vacation, in the same resort your parents took you every year, and then left you in the Mini club while they went off and had a relaxing day. The animators who were supposed to be watching you, spoke a language you, at that time, hadn’t been able to disaffirm, and that’s where an almost deadly mistake was made.
The leaders lured you away from the club house, and you, like every other little kid present, followed them along unfearingly. They were older, and you trusted that they would keep you safe. Until one of them picked you up near a pool, and threw you in without any warning.
At the time, you hadn’t been able to swim by yourself without help, and so the second your feet left solid ground, you panicked. It didn’t seem to matter how many times you tried to wave your arms for help, none of the animators were glancing your way.
You can’t figure out how you somehow managed to reach the edge of the pool, but you did, only to get thrown right back in after by the animator, who thought you were having the time of your live.
Of course, you didn’t blame them. It’s not like you could tell them you couldn’t swim, so they had no way of knowing that, but it still scared the life out of you. For the rest of the trip, and after, you refused to go anywhere near the water. Not even your parents trying to persuade you with promises of ice cream and candy if you were brave, made you take another change in the thing that nearly killed you.
You never tried to swim again, and that meant you had no knowledge of how to do it. It was embarrassing, to decline going to swim during P.E and being forced to explain why. Your peers often ridiculed you for it, and it made you feel like a losers for being such a coward.
 But, cowardness is easy, especially when compared to facing your fears, and you never tried to learn how to swim, even after all the mockery. Only your new best friends hang out in the quarry all the time now, and you’re sick of being the one who has to watch from the shore as the others have fun.
Nothing bad has occurred to them in the water, -you’ve seen them go in about six times in three weeks now, and no one has come close to trouble - and Eddie, who is the most cautious person you’ve ever met, told you that statistically, there’s very little chance of you drowning. At your wits end, the only person you can think of asking for help, is Richie.
Richie might be an add choice, but he’s the only one who wouldn’t turn the lessons entirely boring and practical, like the others might. Richie jokes around a lot, brings humor into any situation, and you need that. You can’t get in your hard about the rippling water, or you’ll back out again.
‘Fine, I’ll go in, I’ll even sit down, but if I freak out and want to get out you’ll let me okay?’
‘Yeah I’m not gonna force you to stay. I’m not Eddie’s mom.’
Maybe you’ll be embarrassed by the motion later, but in the moment, you reach for Richie’s wrist, just to have some sort of support. Richie doesn’t mention it, just careful takes the same steps you do and lets you pick the pace at which you’re going.
It goes slow, but not at any point does Richie try to speed the process along. He does drop down in the water, on his ass, choosing a spot that just covers both of your torsos but is close to the shore.
You copy his every move, breathe deeply when you feel the water ripple around you and adjust to the new intrusion, until your closely packed to Richie’s side, in the water.
It takes a second to set in, that you’re sitting in the water and nothing is happening, but then you let out a breath of disbelief.
‘See, told you you could fucking do it. Repeat after me, you’re a woman who don’t need no man.’
‘You’ve been watching to many soap operas rich’, you tell him when you feel like you’re not on the verge of panicking anymore.
Inside the water, something pokes your leg, but you try to ignore it. You focus on breathing through the initial panic, remembering that nothing bad had happened to the losers despite being in the lake for a long time, and that pretty much ensures nothing would happen to you either.
‘Oh gross’, you utter as your try to force the slimy thing away from your feet. ‘You didn’t tell me there would be fish in here.’
Richie snorts, rolling his eyes as he grabs a handful of water and aims it at your face. He misses -Richie’s aim is always horrible whether you’re playing dodgeball or he’s trying to pass something on-, but he doesn’t care.
‘This is your fear Y/N/N, don’t try to scare me now. Besides, I’m not afraid of fish, Eddie’s mom vagina’s smells like a few died down there.’
You can’t focus on how disgustingly distasteful that joke is, because all you concentrate on is the slimy sensation, slowly sliding up your leg higher and higher.
‘Richie’, you beg, your voice reduced to that of a scared toddler. ‘Then what the fuck is touching me right now?’
A louder, slightly strained chuckle is produced by Richie, like he too is getting worried but is trying hard to convince himself everything is alright.
‘Stop fucking with me Y/N.’
Richie pushes the boundaries a lot, keeps going until somebody gets really annoyed and about ready to shut him up for a longer time, but the sincerity in his vox is so present that you’re instantly convinced he’s not messing around now.
‘I’m not fucking with you’, you raise your voice to a shrilled scream, so loud that the other losers, engaged in a game of chicken in the middle of quarry, also become aware of the situation. ‘Something is down there.’
It’s too late for them to help. The slimy blob, muddled by the water but visually a hand, tightens around your ancle, and snatches, hard.
Richie’s scrawny arms can’t resist against the strong haul, but he tries to hold on for as long as possible. His nails dig into your flesh, and the more you get pulled inside the water, the more marks his nails dig as you slide forward.
You shriek, arms flailing around now that the water is still too shallow for you to not be able to touch the bottom.
Plunges of water drip onto your face, both from your doing and Richie’s, and the others are advancing rapidly to come too your aid. Unfortunately nothing else can be done. Richie has no other options but to let you go, and the hand drags you to the middle of the lake.
Once you’re far enough away that you can’t touch the bottom with your feet anymore, the hand lets go, and you’re left to flounder on your own. Your legs slap around, trying with all your might to stay afloat and give the losers an opportunity to save you. A haunting chuckle breezes over the shell of your ear, and then the hand returns, satisfied with watching you struggle and panic for a while, but now ready to increase the terror.
You get one more chance to scream and suck in a handful of fresh air, and then your sinking down, under the surface.
The water douses your ears, muffles your ability to hear and see, and suffocates you with her insistence. You open your mouth, but it can’t produce a scream anymore, and you realize that you are completely as utterly doomed.
The hand has yet to free you, and it continues to pull you down. With each second that ticks by the fire in your chest spreads, and is unable to be ignored. After barely a few seconds, your movements turn sluggish, and you stop fighting against the hand. It’s at that time that it finally loosens his hold, but the fire has dilated up so much you can’t focus on anything other than the pain. Without ever learning how to swim, you wouldn’t be able to make it to shore anyway.
You read somewhere once that as soon as you swallow in water and it fills your lungs, you’ll die, and the pain will stop.
Your life plan hadn’t included dying this young in your life, but if you must go, you’d rather have it be quick. Losing the strength to hold out any longer, you open your mouth, and feel two separate pair of hands unclasps around your arms. The anxiety inside of you spikes, but you lack the energy to struggle against the grip, so you allow yourself to be guided. It’s not until your head breaks up from the water, and o2 greets you in plenty, that you see that the hands have brought you back up, instead of down.
You gasp, coughing up water, feeling as any minute you could pass out on the spot.
‘Jesus Y/N, stop struggling. We’re going to get you out.’
The two pairs of hands that saved you from drowning turn out to be Mike and Bill, and the float with you to the side of quarry where Eddie is gearing up to perform cpr if needed. If you had some breath back in your body, you would laugh at the sight.
Bev and Richie help drag you onto the dry rocks, away from the water, but still too close for your liking.
‘Get away’, you retches, crawling back in your arms. Eddie, who has been checking you over, tuts, but you don’t let it stop you.
‘It grabbed me. It fucking grabbed me. Get away from the water.’ You think you begin to cry, out of relief and alarm, but you can’t disentangle the water with your fluid.
‘There was nothing out there Y/N’, Ben tries to sooth, approaching you like a frightened animal. Eddie is less cautious, and stamps towards your with a frown on his face. He turns you on your side, his instruction not too brazen but still firm.
‘There was though guys. I swear on Eddie’s mom that something pulled her away.’
‘I saw it too,’ Eddie conforms, not looking away from your body, checking for any permanent damage.
‘Guys,’ Bev interject with a head shake. Her eyes gesture to you, shivering with wet clothes and crying hysterically. ‘Not now.’
‘Yeah. We’ll t-t-talk about it l-l-later.’
It’s Bev that gently ushers Eddie’s prodding hands away, as she opens her arms and awaits to see you reaction. You, once you pick up on what’s happening, accept gratefully, your tears subsiding only slightly once your wrapped up. The others join the cuddle pile soon enough, until there’s a shield of people protecting you and obstructing your view of the water.
‘Promise me we won’t ever go in there again. Not any of you. Please,’ you beg, afraid not solely for your life but for theirs as well.
‘Okay, okay Y/N. We promise.’
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downwiththeficness · 3 years
In the Bond-Chapter 13
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Summary: Lilah often wished she’d never said yes to working with the Gecko brothers—usually while dodging gunfire. At no time was she regretting that decision more than when she’s hanging upside down from the ceiling, staring down a group of hungry culebras and one (1) extremely powerful sun god.
Word Count: ~2,600
Warnings: None
A/N: This is an AU of my Story In the Blood, which can be read here. Basically, this fic explores what would have happened if Lilah had met up with Geckos before she met Brasa.
Taglist: @symbiont13
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Lilah swung the shopping bag in one hand, the other shoving the keys into her pocket. She’d ended out keeping the SUV Brasa had lent her the week previous, claiming that she liked the ‘rental’ so much that she’d made an offer to buy it outright. It was a believable lie, Lilah had a habit of picking up and dropping off cars on a whim. Easier to keep under the radar when no one knew what make and model she drove.
The air conditioning in the bar hit her hard, goosebumps rising along her arms. It was nearly empty, as it usually was mid-afternoon. Too late for the morning crowd to stay, too early for the night crowd to meander in. The room smelled vaguely of liquor and the sun streaming in through the windows cast unfamiliar shadows over the floor.
She noticed that Kate was sitting at the bar, nursing a soda. For once, Richie was nowhere to be seen. Lilah sidled on up to her, dropped the bag on the floor as she took a seat, and signaled to bartender.
“Bourbon and coke.”
Kate smiled at her, “Isn’t it a little early to be drinking?”
This was said with a smile that could potentially be described as sly. Lilah, like Seth, didn’t exactly adhere to a strict schedule when it came to alcohol. Too many nights that turned into days that turned into diving into a bottle to forget.
“It’ll be five o’ clock in...three hours,” Lilah quipped as she took the glass from the bartender, “Close enough.”
Lilah sat with her drink for a while, enjoying the fact that there was little to no activity going on in the bar. Aside from Kate and the bartender, the room was pretty much empty. She realized that she had spent almost all of her awake hours the last few days either catching up on what had happened while she was gone or in some kind of meeting.
Seth had taken a more active role in managing the staff, and he consulted with Lilah daily about one thing or another—usually some sort of internal conflict. She’d taken to writing down some basic policies and procedures for him to reference so that he wasn’t knocking on her door in the middle of the night with questions. Despite having just come back from a three month vacation, Lilah still needed to sleep.
A question floated across that train of thought, “What’s Richie been up to?”
Kate gave a little shrug, “The usual, trying to maintain some sort of order with our nocturnal friends.”
Nodding, Kate added, “Its not just Brasa’s people that are struggling to adjust. We’ve had some kickback here, too.”
To give herself a moment to think, Lilah took a slow pull from her glass, “And how is that going?”
“Well,” her voice had a soft tone of uncertainty, “They aren’t super happy that we’ve done some population control. Kind of kills the mood when we’re trying to get them to buy in to the new way of doing things.”
“I can imagine.”
Given what Lilah had seen in the cave not a few days before, she had a good idea of what Seth and Richie were facing on the other side of the fence. They offered work and beds to those who could staff the bar, but didn’t have the organization or power that Brasa seemed to have. It was lucky that Richie had such a mind that he could predict attacks with an uncanny accuracy. Otherwise, or both brothers would be dead by now.
Rolling her neck, Kate offered, “But, there are a surprising number that want to assimilate—they miss their old lives, you know?”
Lilah did know. There was still a part of her, slowly dwindling, that wanted to go back to the night she met Seth and tell him to fuck off. Everything would have been a whole lot simpler now, if she had. On the other hand, she wouldn’t have met Brasa. He’d become so critically ingrained in her everyday life that the thought of him not being there felt too strange to contemplate.
“Are you gonna talk about it now?” Kate asked without provocation. She had pushed her soda away and was fixing Lilah with a narrowed look.
Lilah blinked, “What?”
With a sigh borne out of frustration, Kate turned on her stool and faced Lilah head on, “The bond. Are you going to talk about it?”
Stunned, Lilah felt her jaw unhinge as she stared at Kate in shock. She went over her recent memories to double check that she hadn’t given it away. Lilah had kept it hidden, she was sure of it.
Kate laughed, a high, clear sound that made Lilah flinch, “Richie told me about it months ago. You can’t hide that kind of thing from other culebras. Its supposed to be obvious, for safety’s sake. Keeps them from crossing boundaries accidentally.”
Lilah continued to stare, her chest tightening as she slowly began to panic. She’d ask Brasa about how it was ‘obvious’ later, when her mind had stopped spinning. For now, she had no lie to put things to right again.
Kate noted her stricken expression and laid a gentle hand on her arm, “Its okay. I won’t tell. I just thought you might need someone to talk to. I know I did.”
Dear holy fuck, but Lilah really needed someone to talk to. All of these months and months of keeping her mouth shut had built up in a way that took an immense effort to subsume.
After another moment’s pause, Lilah blurted, “I don’t know how to handle it. Its everywhere, all the time. And… the worst part is that I don’t care. I’m still struggling to accept it, but I want to keep it.”
The dichotomy of being both ashamed and deeply satisfied by her relationship with Brasa was the thing that kept her chest tight, her shoulders hunched. It sat next to her as she tried to sleep at night. It needled her in the quiet moments between tasks. Lilah rubbed at her forehead, feeling a headache coming on.
Kate’s smile was serene, “That’s good, because if Richie’s anything to go by, Brasa wouldn’t allow you to break the bond, even if you wanted to. He’d die to keep it intact.”
Lilah’s brows came together, “What does that mean?”
“Exactly what I said. He’d do anything to keep you with him. He kind of has to, anyways.”
“What does that mean?”
Kate lifted her hand to signal the bartender, “Two of what she’s having.” Then, she turned back to Lilah, “Listen, I don’t know if its matches up exactly with how my bond with Richie is, but Brasa is the one bonded to you, not the other way around.”
Lilah looked at her blank faced. The book had definitely not put it that way. Brasa had said he was the elder, he had said that he would be expected to lead.
The bartender brought their drinks and Kate fiddled with the little straw, stirring the ice around, “You’re weaker than he is.”
Lilah sneered, “Is it that obvious?”
Kate rolled her eyes, pushing Lilah’s glass at her, “Its always the strong party’s responsibility to protect and serve the weaker. Evens the playing field when—is it fate? Whenever whatever that decides these things steps in.”
“I don’t get it,” Lilah said blandly.
Honestly, she was getting tired of feeling confused. All these shifting realities were difficult enough to track and follow. She didn’t need to feel stupid on top of it.
Giving another little shrug, Kate took their drinks from the bartender, setting one in front of Lilah, “He’s like a billion years old and a literal demigod. The bond would weaken him long term, if he didn’t build you up, if he didn’t lend you some of his power.”
This rang of familiarity, and it made Lilah’s skin tighten with awareness of how she had never put two and two together. Still, the pieces weren’t locking into place cleanly enough for her to feel like she was on steady ground.
“What the fuck does that mean?”
Swirling the amber liquid in her glass, Kate fixed her with a coy smile, “It means that a large part of his life will be spent listening to and anticipating your needs. In return, your blood will make him stronger than he ever was, or ever could be without it.”
“That doesn’t make any sense.”
“Welcome to supernatural mating practices,” Kate deadpanned. “None of it really makes any sense.”
Lilah turned the whole thing around in her mind, “So, he has to do what I say?”
“He is inclined to do as you ask, but your safety and protection is his priority, above all.”
There was something in the statement that didn’t sit well with Lilah. She was used to commanding some sense of obedience during jobs, but this was far more intimate. It felt wrong to know that she could just...ask for something, and he would do it without question.
“But,” Lilah continued, “I don’t want to order him around.”
Kate set her glass down, “I don’t doubt it. I’ve had to learn to watch my words around Richie. If I even look at something in store for more than five seconds, It’ll be waiting for me when we get home.”
Lilah thought about it. Brasa hadn’t bought her anything, that she could tell, but he had given in to her will on numerous occasions. She couldn’t believe that she hadn’t figured it out yet.
“Have you had the dreams yet?”
Lilah snapped back to attention, “Dreams?”
“Yeah,” Kate prompted, her expression taking on a little excitement, “Where you’re sharing them?”
“Uh,” Lilah drawled, embarrassed, “A little.”
Kate nodded sagely, “If the bond is stressed, you’ll have more of them.”
“No idea,” Kate said as she fiddled with her glass.
There was a long silence, both of them lost in their thoughts. Lilah considered how far she’d come in her bond with Brasa, and how far she still needed to go. There were so many unknowns, and she feared that her reticence would eventually lead to him leaving her. And yet...Kate had said that he couldn’t—that would lead to worse things. Lilah could handle rejection, but eternal resentment was not something she was prepared to deal with.
“What’s he like?”
Lilah looked up at the question, her brows rising, “Who?”
Kate shot her a knowing look, “Brasa.”
Lilah considered the question, her breath flowing out of her lungs in a soft sigh, “He’s accommodating.”
Lilah felt another little wave of embarrassment well up. She wasn’t used to disclosing this kind of information, and the thought of gushing to a girlfriend about a lover made her cringe. Still, this was likely the only person in the world who could really understand what she was going through, who could put things into perspective and help her make good decisions.
“He’s...smart. So smart. Every time we talk about the business, I feel like I’m taking a master class. And, he really listens to me, wants to know my opinion on things.”
She thought further, “He’s attractive. Sometimes I look at him and I just…”
As she trailed off, Kate nudged her, “Have you had sex yet?”
“No,” Lilah admitted, “Although we’ve made out a few times—fuck, that makes me sound like a teenager.”
Kate chuckled, lifting her glass to her mouth, “That’s what I felt like, too. Although, I was actually, like, seventeen when Richie and I met.”
This was a story that Lilah had been waiting to hear. The two of them were so diametrically opposed in personality that the match seemed unlikely. She had asked Richie just the one time about how they got together, before Kate had been rescued from Amaru. His only answer was that he ‘kidnapped her.’
“Yeah?” Lilah prodded lightly.
“Yep,” she sat the glass down, “I don’t think either of us knew what was going on. Not until much later.”
“When did you finally figure it out?”
Kate pushed her dark hair from her face, her gaze contemplative, “After Amaru—in Xibalba, actually. We had a little time to talk when we were traveling between worlds. Richie had learned a lot while we were separated.” She paused, a smile forming on her lips, “He had to do a lot of convincing, but what Amaru knew, I knew. And, she knew about bonding. Even though I put it off for a bit, I knew eventually I would have to come to terms with it.”
Lilah felt the question she wanted to ask rise, and she almost tamped it down, but her lesser instincts kicked in, “Do you regret it?”
Kate shook her head, “Richie can be a real asshole, but he loves me. And all the other things that he is, all the things that make up our relationship, they satisfy me in ways I can’t describe.”
And that was exactly how Lilah felt, when she took the time to examine the bond more closely. All the restlessness of her life settled into a soothing, temperate pace when she was with him. Her eager ideas gained focus and precision, her impulsivity checked.
“You’ve given me a lot to think about,” Lilah said as she slumped in her chair.
Kate gave her sympathetic look, “I was trying to help you unload a bit of what you’ve been carrying around.”
To be fair, Lilah did feel lighter. There was still the issue of dealing with Seth and his temper when he found out, but she found that she liked having a secret ally in all of this. It lent her a small bit of safety that she appreciated.
Lilah glanced at her, “Does anyone else know?”
Shaking her head, Kate put her finger to her lips, “Its our secret, for now. But, it’ll come out eventually. Like I said, you can’t hide this kind of thing for long.”
“I know,” Lilah admitted, “Brasa is willing to keep this under wraps for the moment, but I can tell he’s frustrated by it.”
Kate watched her absorb that for a moment, then added, “Pro tip: Sleep with him.”
Lilah said her name in almost a yelp, shocked by the directive.
“I’m not kidding,” Kate said on a laugh, “Sex and blood are cornerstones of their relationships. They’re what bind them together, like it or not. Give him those things, and he’ll settle down enough so that you can figure this out.”
Lilah thought about it, then said the thing that had kept her hiding this secret for longer than she would like, “Seth is going to hate me.”
Kate acknowledged the statement with a salute of her drink, “He might not like it. He might mope around for a few months—hell, he might take off entirely. But, he’ll be back. He just has to have his tantrum first.”
“You think so?”
“I know so.”
Kate lifted a shoulder, “He did the same thing with Richie when he was turned. Ran off for a bit. He’ll come around. Once he realizes that being a big baby about it means that you won’t be in his life anymore.” She paused a second, then, “We’re a family, you know? All of us. And, the most important thing to Seth is family.”
“You think so?” Lilah echoed.
Kate smiled warmly, “I know so.”
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asteriismos · 4 years
Hard To Get -- Richie Tozier
Authors Note : I got this idea randomly and just had to write it. Idk if it is even that good but here I go
Warning(s) : smut, seventeen! losers club
Synopsis : As far as anyone knew in school, Y/N was untouchable by anyone. However, Richie Tozier plans to change that.
As far as anyone was concerned, Y/N L/N was off limits.
And it wasn't because you had a boyfriend. Quite the contrary in fact. You just didn’t think that high school guys were worth your time. It wasn't that unbelievable, most of them don’t bathe, expected a call back always, or put too much cologne on to the point where you gagged while passing them in the hallways.
Most people just rolled their eyes and called you picky.
You get what you can get, Y/N.
They’re not that bad once you give them a chance.
You weren't going to budge. Besides you had better things to do anyways in school. It was your senior year so the classes were the hardest you had ever had before, exams were coming up, and you had a social life that you tried to keep throughout all of the homework and studying bullshit. You had convinced yourself that you didn’t have time for a boyfriend, or even a one night stand. 
You used to be like that in your junior year of high school, going around parading yourself like a full course meal in front of the boys in your class. It scored you about two hookups, and after both of them happened, you decided to make some major changes to your life. Your mother told you that boys weren't going to get you anywhere, so you rolled with that.
That was until Richie Tozier came along.
“I don’t understand it,” Richie Tozier exclaims to Eddie Kaspbrak and Stanley Uris in seventh period study hall. “Holly calls me, tells me that she wants to go on a date, and then the minute she hooks up with me, she's horrible.” He was aware that the people seated around him and his two friends could probably hear their conversation, but it’s not like it mattered anyways. So what if the whole student body knew Holly was a bitch and bad in bed, Richie didn’t care.
Eddie sighed, “You keep believing that all the popular girls are what you need, and then once you’re proven wrong, you keep believing it anyways.” 
Maybe he was right. The girls at the school who threw themselves around like confetti were the worst people, and honestly, Richie didn’t want to give them any of his time if he was just going to get more depressed after the interaction.
“Yeah, but almost all the girls are like that at this goddamn school, name one that isn’t,” Richie said.
“Well, there’s Y/N,” Stan said quietly, waving his hand in an ‘I don’t know’ kind of manner.
Richie laughed, full belly laughed to fill the silence in the room. The teacher looked up from her book and gave him a look before shaking her head, putting her hand on her forehead and going back to whatever she was reading. Richie looked at Stan and said, “I don’t think Y/N has been like that since last year with what’s his face.” He was referring to your last hookup, Kevin Graden. The whole school probably remembered the day after you two hooked up and he yelled down the courtyard towards you that he wanted to marry you. It was embarrassing, not even for Kevin, but for you as well.
“So? You just implied that all the girls throw themselves around like candy, but she doesn’t,” Stan was now looking up from his calculus homework and at Richie instead. “What? Do you not think you could get her? Is that it, Tozier?”
Richie bit his lip, thinking of you. You were pretty kind towards him whenever he asked you questions in chemistry class, and you never did get mad at him for his stupid jokes. You were probably the only girl that hasn’t had some kind of a thing with a guy in the past year. Maybe he should go for you.
“No, I know I can get her,” Richie stated, pushing Stanley in the shoulder in a teasing manner. “Just wait and see, Uris.”
The bell rang, and it was now the passing period to get to 8th. Richie’s last class was chemistry, just like yours. He would figure out a way to ask you out on a date and work his way from there. 
Once he stepped into class, he saw that you were already sitting in your seat, the one in front of his own towards the back of the classroom. Richie admired how the sun shined just perfectly on your H/C hair, damn, you were actually really cute. 
He walked to his desk and sat down, pushing up his glasses by the rim and getting out his notebook from his backpack. You were doing the same, but dropped a pencil that you were reaching for. It rolled backwards on the floor and landed by Richie’s backpack. Before you could reach down and grab it, his hand was already there, grabbing the pencil and sitting up to look at you.
You looked at Richie and smiled, taking the pencil from his hand, saying, “Thanks, Rich.”
“It’s no problem Y/N,” Richie said. You were about to turn back around in your seat, but he interjected and said, “Hey, actually Y/N, I was meaning to talk to you about something.”
“Yeah? What’s up?”
“I was thinking,” He started, looking into your eyes through his glasses. “That maybe you and I could go to the ice cream parlor tonight?” 
Your face showed some confusion for a moment, and then displayed shock when you realized that he was trying to ask you on a date. 
“Rich, I-”
“Before you say no, just hear me out. Give me a shot, okay? I’m not looking to hook up with you, just a date.”
It was a minute of silence, and then finally, once the teacher started class, you turned around and whispered : yes.
And that sealed the deal. You went on the date with Richie and you enjoyed it more than you thought you would. He was funny, and he payed for the double scoop cone that you got. And then afterwards, he walked you home and gained a kiss on the cheek from you once he made sure you were at your home safely. 
You hated to admit it, but dating actually wasn't that bad. With Richie it seemed normal, it seemed like you didn't have to try and flaunt yourself around. And he never stepped over the boundaries that you had put in place. Every time he kissed you he made sure that it was right to do so, and when you two really got into it, he wouldn't push it further. It was a little strange that he hadn't tried anything, especially since he himself wasn't the most innocent boy in Derry. You had heard the stories of the numerous hookups he’s had. 
It had been two months since that initial date, and you two were now basically an exclusive couple. You hung out with his friends more often than not and you actually really liked them. They were all nice to you, and they were a good crowd, way better than the ones you’ve been in in the past. 
That’s where you were heading now, to get to the lunch table that you shared with Richie, Stanley, Eddie, Bill, Ben, and Beverly. You could see it as you walked closer, seeing that Richie was already there with an open seat next to his own for you, and Stanley was there sitting next to Eddie. The other three were probably still in the lunch line. 
Richie had his back to you, not seeing you walking closer to the table. As you got closer, you heard his voice, saying, “Yeah. We’re so close.”
Close? Close to what?
You slowed your walking down to stand there to eavesdrop more.
“I’ll be in her pants by the end of the week, I just know it,” Richie said to Stan and Eddie. The two of them looked past him and saw you standing there, your mouth agape, hands beginning to shake under the lunch tray that you held. 
Richie stopped talking, giving a confused to Eddie when the smaller boy pointed behind him and at you. 
You didn't know whether to scream or cry, but both of them seemed to come out at the same time. Tears welled up in your eyes, threatening to spill out past your eyelashes once Richie turned around to face you. He knew that he had fucked up, he knew that there was no way that he could get out of this. Still, he tried to bargain with you.
“Y/N I-” 
You cut him off. “Don’t. Don’t try to make this better Richie, I knew that you just wanted to get with me.”
He shook his head, walking towards you. You backed away, saying, “I didn’t want to fucking believe it, I thought that you were a good guy. But of course you had to get me, right? You heard the stories and you thought to yourself, man, I need to tap that. Well, too bad Tozier. Don’t ever fucking talk to me again.” 
Your shaking hands threw your lunch tray towards him, the pasta being served by the lunch lady was now spilled over the hawiian shirt that he wore, splattering onto his glasses. Before he could say anything else to you, you were running outside the building, turning the corner and beginning to cry harder.
You silently cursed yourself for letting this happen. You knew that you should’ve said no to him, that you should’ve listened to your inner voice and continued being single. But you had been so tired of being lonely.
The worst part was, you actually really began to like Richie. But no, he had broken your heart. He didn’t really like me, you thought to yourself.
And for the next two weeks, you didn’t talk to him at all. He never abided by your wishes of him doing the same. He always showed up to try and make up for his actions, tapping your shoulder in chemistry class to try and make you turn around, showing up at your locker after school. Hell, he even showed up at your house once. Each time you would look at him and then pretend like you didn't hear anything that he was saying. 
It really hurt to pretend that you wanted nothing to do with him when you so desperately did, but you weren't going to let yourself fall into his trap.
It was Friday night around six, your mom and dad went out on a date night so the house was to yourself. you were sitting in your room finishing up an English essay when your phone rang. You squinted your eyes in confusion, since you had only given out your personal phone number to a few people. One of those people being Richie, who you suspected was calling to try and make up. Half of you told yourself to go to your bathroom and take a shower, giving you more of a reason to avoid him if he called again. But the other half wanted to answer it, so you could finally give Richie a piece of your mind. 
The latter ended up winning, so you grabbed your phone and pulled it so that the cord reached to your seat at your desk. 
“Hello?” You said, waiting to hear Richie’s I’m so sorry’s and please forgive me’s.
“Hey, Y/N?” Stanley Uris.
“Stan, hey. Sorry I thought that you were Richie,” You said with a tiny laugh.
You heard a laugh on the other end of the line, followed by, “Yeah, I understand that. That’s what I’m actually calling you about.”
“If you’re going to apologize for him, tell him he can shove his apology up his-”
“No,” He interjected. “This is all from me, I swear.”
“Go on then.”
“I was the one who told him that he should go for you. I didn’t think that he was actually going to do it. And even when he did ask you out on a date, I thought that he was only trying to get with you to fuck,” He said. “ But as time went on and you two went on more dates, I could tell that he was really starting to like you a lot. He didn’t mean the things that he said. Hell, he hasn’t shut up about you for the past two weeks.”
“Then why did he say those things?” You asked. That was still the part that didn’t make much sense.
“He’s Richie. He’s stupid,” Stan said. You two both shared a laugh before he started talking again.
“He really likes you Y/N and he’s really sorry. I guess I’m asking you to give him another chance. Richie called me about ten minutes ago and said that he was going to go to your house and try and apologize, but that this was the last time. He’ll leave you alone after this if you want him to. So if you really want nothing to do with him, then you have the chance to tell him once he’s there. Bye Y/N.” 
The line disconnected.
You heard the doorbell ring and you knew exactly who it was.
Opening the door once you reached it, you saw Richie standing there, dressed in a black sweater and shorts. His hair was disheveled and he seemed to have been previously deep in thought. 
“Before you shut the door on my face, please just hear me out Y/N. If you really don’t want anything to do with me then I’ll leave but-”
“Shut up and kiss me Tozier.”
You leaned forward, clashing your lips against his own and balling your hand on his chest with his sweater in your fist. He kissed you back, pulling you closer to him with his arms wrapping around your waist. 
After a few minutes, you pulled away and wasted no time pulling him into your house, closing the door and pulling him into your room. You once again kissed him again, his glasses fogging due to the hot contact. The kiss was a little sloppy, but nonetheless it felt good. You forgot how much you missed him.
“Wait, wait,” Richie pulled away from you, putting his hand on your cheek to make sure you were looking into his eyes. “We don’t have to - I know how you feel about stuff like this and we don’t have to. You don’t have to forgive me this way if you don’t want to.”
You breathed out, your eyes never leaving his as you pulled off your shirt, throwing it behind him. His eyes widened. 
“I do want this, I want you, Rich,” You said, almost pleading with him. Your hands pawed at his chest, reaching down at the edges of his sweater, silently asking if you could pull it off. 
His arms raised up in an answer, allowing you to pull off his sweater and putting your hands on his toned chest.
He kissed you this time, pushing you to walk backwards until you were falling onto your bed. Your hands moved to push away the blankets and pillows, giving him room to lay down on top of you. His hands went to your sides, rubbing up and down gently, causing you to moan in his mouth. He took that chance to slip his tongue past your teeth, exploring before pulling away and peppering kisses along your jawline. 
Your hands went to his hair, pulling on his curly locks with adoration. You watched as he kissed your collarbone, neck, and chest. He didn't leave one spot unkissed, wanting to show you how much he truly felt for you. You were starting to get a bit impatient, wanting to see him in whole and feel him inside of you. You hadn’t had sex in a while and you forgot how good it felt. In addition, you knew that with Richie it was going to different than every other time. He truly cared for you, he wasn't just in it for the fuck.
“Richie, please, I want you now,” You whispered, pulling on his hair once again and watching him get rid of the rest of both your clothing.
He was positioned at your entrance, looking up at you for clarification for the last time to make sure that this was truly okay.
You nodded, hissing a tiny bit when he pushed into you and stretched you out. His hands came up to hold your face, his thumb rubbing your cheeks lovingly. He didn't move, waiting for you to give him the okay. When you whispered a soft go on, he started thrusting in and out at a slower pace, finally getting a good pace.
He thought that you looked beautiful, your hair spread on the bed like a halo as he made love to you. Your skin was glistened with sweat and made you look so gorgeous, it almost took his breath away. You thought that Richie also looked super good above you, his lips pink and flushed, just like his cheeks that he puffed out. 
You knew you could never get enough of him.
“Rich,” You moaned out, your fingers pressing into his back. His hand came down and messed with your clit, allowing you to get more and more close to your release. “I think I’m going to-”
“Let it out, darling,” He whispered, kissing you once again.
And you did, your high sneaking up on you and crashing you into a wall of pleasure. His hand helped you ride it out, as well as you started to move your hips with his to help him reach his own.
Richie finally did pulling out quickly, and soon enough both of you were muttering each others names and laid there together, breathing in and out in euphoria.
He got up and grabbed a towel from your laundry basket and wiped everything off of you and in between your legs, then laid down next to you and enveloped you into his arms, not letting go for dear life.
It was silent for another five minutes. Both of you just laying with each other, enjoying the feeling of being close to each other. 
“I think I love you,” You muttered to him, turning around and facing him. You kissed the tip of his nose, a smile appearing on your face as he grinned.
“I think I love you too, Y/N.”
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just-jordie-things · 4 years
Maybe 41 and 66 together?
Kiss Prompt #41: Forbidden Kiss Kiss #66: Staring At The Other’s Lips, Trying Not To Kiss Them, Before Giving In
The day you met Richie was life changing.  You’d never felt a spark with someone like you did with him, a pull, with the easy flow of conversation, to the playful banter -not to mention he was cute- it was like love at first meeting.  You started crushing on him right away.
He’d come over to Stan’s house for movie night, and was a bit early from wanting to be out of the house as soon as possible.  
Stan had told Richie and the others earlier that there would be someone new there tonight, and to be nice, but Richie hadn’t paid much attention at all to the announcement.  Honestly, he’d made fun of Stan, claiming that there was no one else besides the Losers who would freely hang out with him.  That was the end of the conversation.
But then he walked into the house to find you in the kitchen, arranging snacks on the counter (good snacks too. that’s how he knew you were The One) and you gave him a pleasant smile before saying hello and telling him your name, and just like that you started talking.  Small talk turned to teasing, which turned to flirting, and by the time Stan had gathered all the pillows and blankets from around the house, and the others had arrived, you were pretty well acquainted.
Stan had walked into the kitchen, finding you leaning over the counter towards Richie, dangerously close, and he certainly did not like the way you were batting your eyes at him.
“Hey! Tozier!” Stanley snapped, pushing you off the counter and almost making you fall from how aggressive the action was.  
Not to hurt you- just to get you as far away as possible from Richie Trashmouth Tozier as fast as he could.
“Paws off my sister!” Stan shouted.
“Sister?” Richie mumbled, glancing to you. 
Hell, he didn’t know Stan as well as he thought he did.  He did know he had a sister. You were rubbing your arm after it had awkwardly hit the stove, but you gave him a sheepish smile and a shrug.  He figured that was your apology for not telling him.
“Off limits! She’s off limits! Understand?”
Stan was snapping his fingers in front of Richie’s even wider-blown eyes.
“Y-yeah, okay, fine,” Richie put his hands up in surrender.  “Jesus Christ”
Richie walked out of the kitchen before Stan could vaguely threaten him anymore.  He needed to sit down so that he could wrap his mind around what the fuck just happened.
“And you!” He heard Stan hiss at you.  “Cut it with the goo goo eyes, it’s repulsive!”
“Oh fuck off, Stan,” You’d muttered back.  “You’re no fun at all.  He was cute”
And shit, if Richie’s heart didn’t soar-
But that’s how it had started.
It had been a few weeks since then, and still, Richie couldn’t shake the thought of you.
You’d hung out more with the group, going to the quarry, the arcade, whatever the boys did you usually tagged along.  And it had been fun, you got along well with Stan’s friends, and you sure did enjoy seeing Richie more.
You did however listen to your brother’s rules.  If he didn’t want you to pursue any of his friends romantically, then you wouldn’t.  You didn’t want to cause a rift in the group.  But that didn’t mean you didn’t slip a few lines here and there... a couple looks... maybe even a few delicate touches.
What? You liked the way he blushed when you looked him in the eyes, or brushed your hand over his arm.  You found it funny that he had the dirtiest mouth but flustered at the most innocent things.
You didn’t realize that Stan had caught most of these interactions, and the only reason he hadn’t confronted either of you, or forced you apart, was because Ben thought it was cute, and told him, and I quote ‘why don’t you let them just see where it goes.  I think he really likes her’
And Stan didn’t think that Richie had the capability to like you for real, he’d been certain it was nothing serious- it couldn’t be, this was Richie.  The only interest he had in women were the ones he could gawk at, or Eddie’s mom.  And neither gave him a good looking track history.  So his dislike towards the two of you was somewhat justified.
You were sat together on the clubhouse hammock, awkwardly side by side and bent over with your feet on the ground, because it would have been much worse if you’d tried laying down.  Richie had been excitedly telling you about a comic he was reading, and if you were being honest you didn’t really care for the comic, but oh lord it was a cuteness overload to see him gushing about it.
You leaned in a bit closer as he pointed to something, and as soon as you did, Richie’s eyes wandered from the comic to your intrigued expression.  There was an amused smile on your face, and your eyes scanned the page as you read the scene he’d been talking about.
He shouldn’t have looked at you like that, because now there was no way he was going to have the will to look away.
“Game time!” Stan hollered, making the pair on the hammock jump apart in a. flustered fashion.
The others eagerly agreed, and were already buzzing with ideas.  None of which Stan thought would affectively break his sister and Richie apart.
“How about hide and seek?” He offered, which seemed to work, because everyone shrugged and nodded.
“Hide and seek?” You questioned your brother.  “The clubhouse is barely big enough for all of us?” You were shaking your head in confusion of his odd choice.
You weren’t totally oblivious, you knew Stan was trying to put some space between you and Richie.  But you couldn’t help and test the boundaries a little.
“We’ll play in the woods” Stan muttered, giving you a glare.
You fired back by sticking your tongue out at him in a very sister-ly fashion.
“That would be fun!” Mike had spoken up, and you would’ve given him the same look if you didn’t think he was such a nice guy.
Almost immediately after, came the ‘not it!’ war, as everyone poked their fingers to their noses so they didn’t have to be the seeker.
Of course Stan lost, and of course you teased him for sucking at everything.  As siblings do.
“You’ll stay down here,” Beverly decided.  “Up against the wall, and count to... one hundred?” She glanced around to see if everyone thought it was a decent amount of time.  Everyone nodded, and she grinned.  “Great! Go count, Uris” 
Stanley groaned, but stood up, and covered his eyes as he stood directly in front of the wall.  When he started counting, and the others went wild.
Everyone scrambled for the ladder, laughing and squealing as they tried to get out of the clubhouse as fast as possible.
Before you could step onto the first rung, someone had grabbed your wrist.
You gave Richie a baffled look, and put a finger to his lips, before nodding off to the sort-of corner of the clubhouse, where there was an old wardrobe in horrible shape.
Your brows furrowed, but you let him pull your towards it, taking slow careful steps to keep quiet.  Stan was just eight feet away.
It felt like forever as he opened the doors so they wouldn’t creak, pulling you inside with him.  You held a hand over your mouth to hold back your giggles.
It wasn’t until he closed the doors, and you were plunged into darkness that you realized just how close you were to each other.
Was it still considered close if you were touching chest to chest?
You could just barely make out his silhouette, and when you glanced up to him.  He had an eye on the crack in the doors, where he could sort of see Stanley, sill counting.
He was at thirty.
And then he looked down to you, only to find you staring at him.
‘This was your idea?’ You mouthed slowly, hoping he could read lips alright.
‘Yep’ He mouthed back with a slight smirk.
You rolled your eyes, but smiled at him nonetheless.
‘He’s gonna find us right away’ You said again.
It took you a second to figure out what he’d said, because his lips had barely moved, and maybe you stared at them a little longer than necessary while your brain pieced it together.
And then maybe just a few extra seconds.  Long enough that he noticed, and he was smirking again.
Stan was at fifty.
Your eyes darted up to Richie’s, and shortly after he looked at you.
You felt like you should say something else, he was staring at you so intensely your heart was starting to do somersaults.
“Why is he such a slow counter?” Richie whispered just barely , but you still read his lips.
You shrugged your shoulders, at this point your heart was pounding in your chest too hard for you to trust your voice.  Sure, you could’ve mouthed something back, but you didn’t have anything to stay.
“100!” Stan called out, and you almost jolted from he sudden shout.  “Here I come!” 
You held a hand over your mouth, while Richie watched Stan do a quick scan of the clubhouse, before heading up the ladder.
“He left” 
Richie was still whispering, but at least you could actually hear him this time.
“I can’t believe this was your bright idea” You mumbled back, trying to look anywhere but him, but it was dark, and there were only a few old jackets hanging in the wardrobe.
“It worked, didn’t it?” He retorted.  “Of course no one would hide here, not when the whole woods his an option,”
Your brows furrowed as you pursed your lips.
“And this would be the last place he looked, dumbass”
“Hey that’s my brother” You muttered.
“Your dumbass brother” He replied, and you chuckled as you shook your head again.
“I don’t get why I like you, Tozier” You muttered, and he grinned at you charmingly.
You smiled back at him as your head hit the back of the wardrobe doors.
“Oh I’m sure you can think of one reason, babe” 
Your heart fluttered at the flirty nickname, but you didn’t give in so easy.
“Probably because you’re a massive dork” You teased, poking at his chest.
“Or maybe because of my massive-”
You slapped your hand over his mouth before he could finish that, and you could feel him grinning against your palm.
Slowly, your hand fell, and your eyes were drawn to the stupid smile that you were starting to fall in love with.
You had to bite back your own smile, as not to give him the satisfaction of making you grin at something so simple.
Your eyes flickered up to his before falling back to his lips again.  You knew he was staring at your lips too, and the thought that maybe he’d kiss you made your heart start beating rapidly again.
But you caught yourself before you could start to lean any closer.
“Wait I-” You gently placed your hands against his shoulders, pushing him back the smallest amount so that there was some distance between you.  
There was a crease in your brow as you met his eyes again.
“I can’t...” You mumbled, almost inaudibly.  “I told Stan I wouldn’t” 
He nodded, and despite being disappointed, he understood.  He didn’t want to come between you and your brother, no matter how badly he wanted to-
You almost believed yourself, almost pushed down the thought of kissing him.  But you just couldn’t.
So before you could chicken out, you leaned up again and slanted your lips over his.
Just when he thought he’d never get the chance.
His hands wrapped your your waist, deepening the kiss as he pulled you closer. You didn’t think you could get much closer in this tiny space, but he proved you wrong.
This might have been your one chance, so your hands traveled from his shoulders, to his neck, before carding through his hair.
His own hands reached upwards, practically seizing your jaw and tilting your head up more so he didn’t have to lean down as much to reach your lips.
A whimper died in the back of your throat, your lips parting in the slightest, and you took it as permission to slide his tongue over your lower lip.  You smiled into the kiss as he did so, hands falling from his hair to slide down his chest.
Your fingers slipped just under the hem, skimming delicately over his skin.  He tensed a bit from your cold fingertips, but the touch was very much welcomed.
Just as you were considering removing the shirt altogether- Stan was going to be looking for the others for a while, right?- the doors of the wardrobe were whipped open, from the outside.
Not only did you and Richie pull apart, but you both screamed bloody murder from the sudden action, and the light that blinded you both.
Your brother stood there, still holding the knobs of the wardrobe doors, staring at you both like he had just witnessed the most heinous crime.
(And he had)
“I found you...” He mumbled out, his tone void of the excitement it was supposed to hold when you find a hider.
“Uh...” You glanced between Stan and Richie, and gave him a horrible awkward smile.  “It’s not what it looks like?”
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secretleeblogging · 4 years
The Tickle Monster is Ticklish
Word count: 1,047
Fandom: IT
Ship: Hinted Reddie, Hinted Stenbrough
A/N: Thank you to @coolcactidude for this prompt! I hope you enjoy!
The clubhouse had cleared out by three members now, leaving only Richie, Eddie, Stan and Bill together.
Richie sat sat crosslegged with a comic open in his hands, tongue poking between his teeth in concentration. Behind him, sat Eddie, reading over Richie’s shoulder, resting his head in the crook of his neck. It was Stan’s turn in the hammock, so that’s where he resided, holding his bird book above his head as he read through the pages, taking in every intricate detail about the common redpoll.
And bill - to put it simply - was bored. Even with Richie around, the room was unnaturally quiet, and he had nothing to do. No books, no games, not even his Walkman. It was quiet. Too quiet.
Careful not to make a sound, he snuck up behind Eddie, before tasing both of his sides from behind with a grin. This resulted in a shriek from the shorter of the two, before he burst into shrilly and frantic laughter, pushing Bill’s hands away.
The sudden loud noise caused the other two both to jump, and Richie to raise a hand to his ear on the side of which Eddie had been resting his head. “Blimey, old chap! You’ll deafen is all if ya keep that up!” Richie told Eddie in a terrible british accent, which leant more towards Australian than it did british.
Bill stopped after a few moments, not wanting to push the asthmatics boundaries and cause him to have an Asthma attack.
Eddie, completely embarrassed, sat up, rubbing at his sides where the sensation had just been. His cheeks were flushed red and he quickly shuffled back over to Richie, looking down. And Richie couldn’t get enough of how adorable Eddie looked like that.
“Say, I don’t think any of us have ever gotten revenge on old Billy boy for all the times he’s tickled us lot..” Richie smirked, eyes now drawn completely away from his comic book and resting on Bill’s.
“That’s because we all fear what he’ll do to us when we’re done...” Eddie mumbled.
“Not if you get his lower ribs,” Stan stated completely calmly from the hammock, not a waver in his voice.
Richie’s eyes lit up with a mischievous glint. “Is that so~?” His voice was menacing and teasing, holding almost a tone of threat.
Bill’s cheeks were now an even darker shade of red than Eddie’s. “S-s-s-stan! You swore you’d keep that s-secret!” He hissed at the curly haired boy, who seemed completely unfazed by Bill’s whining.
“Aha! So it is true!” Richie grinned, turning his body completely around to face Bill, now backing him into the corner. Eddie followed right at his side, a smirk even more evil than Richie’s, which was definitely something to fear.
“N-n-no!” Bill attempted to protest, though he was already grinning and anticipation giggles were pouring from his lips.
“Y-y-yes!” Richie mocked, before launching forward and in one swift motion, tackled him into a lying position. Eddie moves just as fast as Richie, grabbing Bill’s flailing arms and pinning them down to the floor, above his head.
Bill barely even had a chance to try and talk his way out of it; Richie was already digging his fingers into the stuttering boy’s ribs.
A shriek, even higher and louder than Eddie’s had been just less than five minutes ago, sounded in the air, followed by fits of hysterical giggles.
The losers had heard Bill laugh before, but never like this. His laughter was hoarse, like his voice were about to crack, and it had an almost childlike quality to it.
“Ahhh! So the tickle monster is ticklish, Hmm~?” Richie teased, but was only met with more laughter.
He wriggled and squirmed under Richie’s evil touch, letting out the occasional squeal when Eddie felt brave and strong enough to flutter his fingers under his arms.
The tickling on his ribs soon moved further down to his sides, where Bill’s giggles died down, giving him a chance to catch his breath a little.
“If you’re looking to make him scream, try his knees,” Stan remarked in that same, flat tone.
Bill’s eyes widened. “Fuhuck y-y-yohohou Stan- aaAHAHAHAHA-!”
Stan’s brain was on autopilot. “Not right now, dear-“ he responded, before his eyes went wide and it was his turn for his cheeks to tint pink. A hand slapped over his mouth as if it would help the words that had just left his lips be silenced. Lucky for him, they weren’t silenced by his hands, but drowned out by Bill’s hysterical laughter as Richie squeezed at the flesh just above his knees.
“BAAAAAHAHA! R-R-RUH-R-AAAHAHAHA!” His stutter grew too heavy to speak and his loud laughter interrupted his sentence. He wasn’t even really sure what he was going to say, but all his mind was screaming at him was that this sensation was unbearable.
Bill’s laughter grew silent after a little too long, and Richie took this as his queue to stop. Eddie followed suit, releasing Bill’s pinned arms.
Instantly, Bill curled up on himself, residual giggles pouring from his lips and hair falling in his face.
Then, silence again.
Heads turned to Bill again, and there was another pause.
Bill had caught the hiccups from laughing too hard.
All three of the other’s cooed at how cute it was, only causing Bill’s cheeks to turn an impossible shade of pink. “Sh-sh-sh-shut up! Hic!”
“You’re just too cute, big Bill,” Richie grinned, messing up his hair before standing and sitting back where he had before, picking up his comic. But before he continued reading, he had to ask a burning question.
“Hey Stan?” Richie asked.
“How did you know all of Bill’s weak spots?” He asked.
“That’s not all of them. His tummy and neck are super sensitive to raspberries,” Stan stated plainly again, not even looking away from his book.
“Noted,” Richie grinned, eyes darting briefly over to the flustered boy still curled up in the corner, catching his breath. Then he looked back to stan. “But, how do you know that?”
There was the slightest pause.
“Private tickle fights,” Stan responded. And for the first time Richie had seen that evening, a flicker of a smile flashed over the Jew’s face. Just for a moment.
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cocastyle · 5 years
The In-Between Chapter 5
Stranger Things x It Crossover
with some Bill Denbrough x reader
Word Count - 4,949
Warning - Cursing (if some people don’t like that kind of stuff), feels because it’s finally time for the reunion😭💕
A/N- wow two chapters in one weekend, I’m on a roll🤩 so this chapter is pretty much going to be heavily focused on Y/N reuniting with the Party and explaining all that is going on, so no action packed scenes in this chapter lol. anyways, it’s the part of the series everyone has been looking forward to so yay!!! I really hope you guys like this!
if you would like to be added to the tag list, let me know!
T H E I N - B E T W E E N
Intro The Losers’ Club The Party Prolouge 1 2
3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Epilogue
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"L/N, still don't know how to stay out of trouble I see."
"Harrington, still don't know how to drive I see."
Steve feigned a look of hurt, but the corners of his mouth twitched up a little more as he looked at the girl. A screech broke the two apart as they turned to see that the demogorgon was starting to get up.
Steve's eyes widened and he looked at Y/N and the group before gesturing towards the back. "Get your asses in the car!" he yelled. "Hurry! Hurry! Hurry!"
The Losers all snapped out of their shock and began to run towards the car. Bill went towards Y/N and helped her up before brushing her hair behind her ear and whispering, "Are you okay?" She nodded and he took her hand before the two quickly crawled into the car, neither of them noticing the look on Steve's face after having seen Y/N, the girl who was practically his sister, holding hands with a boy he didn't even know.
Steve didn't snap out of his surprise until the door was shut and Y/N yelled, "Go!"
It was then that he put the car into reverse and quickly began to drive backwards down the street while the demogorgon chased after them. Steve quickly reversed into a driveway before pulling out and skidding down the street.
Y/N didn't know what had her doing it, but she found herself staring back at the house and the demogorgon. To her surprise, the demogorgon had stopped short, not passing the boundary of the house as it remained in the street much like Pennywise had done when they saw It yesterday. It was only when they were turning off the road that she noticed the demogorgon walk back into the house and she furrowed her eyebrows, confused as to why it just gave up.
"What the fucking hell was that?" Richie cried out causing Y/N to look at the boy with a smirk, her thoughts long forgotten.
"Believe me now, Tozier?" she asked, her voice raised and in a taunting tone just like his had been yesterday.
Richie made a face at her while a gasp of surprise left Steve's mouth. "What the hell. That kid looks just like Mike!" Steve exclaimed.
Richie's nose scrunched up in confusion. "How the fuck do you know Mike? And why would you think we look alike you dumbass?" Richie muttered.
"Different Mike, Richie," Y/N sighed. "It's that kid I told you the first day I met you that you looked like."
"Still don't believe you," Richie rolled his eyes.
Y/N chuckled softly, her small laugh and the usual arguing that goes on between Y/N and Richie easing the tension that had fallen among the group after that near death experience.
Y/N looked around at her friends and furrowed her eyebrows before looking over at Steve, "Where's everyone else?"
Steve glanced at her from the rear view mirror before saying, "What? No 'Hello, Steve. How are you? Thanks for saving my life.' I haven't seen you in two years and the first thing you ask is where the others are?"
Y/N rolled her eyes at the boy, knowing that he was just messing with her. "Hello, Harrington. How have you been? Thank the Lord for your awful driving skills or I would be a demogorgon's dinner right about now," she muttered sarcastically.
Steve made a small face at her and she laughed as she looked at the boy. She couldn't wait for them to get to her house so she could give him a hug. She had missed him a hell of a lot that was for sure.
"I've been doing just wonderful," Steve replied, a cheeky grin on his face. "As for your question, the others are all back at your house. We snuck into the basement because we weren't quite sure if your parents know about the whole situation or not. When you didn't show up, the kids sent me out to go find you."
"So they're here? You're all here?" Y/N asked, her voice just above a whisper as her eyes flickered with excitement.
Steve smiled at the girl and nodded his head. "We're all here, squirt. Drove seventeen fucking hours just to see you," he told her thoughtfully making her smile.
"I hate to break this moment up," Richie began only to have Eddie scoff and say, "No, you don't." Richie shot him a glare before looking to Steve and asking, "But who the fuck are you?"
Steve furrowed his eyebrows and looked at the boy through the mirror. "I could ask you the same thing, Trashmouth. You're the one in my car," he retorted, not knowing that he had used one of Richie's nicknames without even knowing him.
Richie frowned, but Y/N kicked him lightly to gain his attention. "This, Rich, is the one and only Steve Harrington. He's practically my brother so don't scare him off, okay?" Y/N asked.
"Steve," Y/N called out. "These are all of my friends. We've got Richie Tozier, Eddie Kaspbrak, Ben Hanscom, Beverly Marsh, Stanley Uris, and Bill Denbrough. We have another friend Mike Hanlon, but he-"
Y/N trailed off and Steve instantly knew what she was talking about, remembering part of what Dustin had been rambling about during the whole seventeen hour drive. Not wanting her to feel like she had to explain, Steve glanced at the kids through his rear view mirror and nodded at them in greeting before his eyes landed on Bill who he noticed was holding Y/N's hand.
"Just your friends?" Steve questioned, his eyes narrowing as he looked to Bill who gave him an awkward and nervous smile.
Y/N nodded her head in response. "Just friends," she assured him despite the ache in her heart from having to say that. The car got really quiet at that as the Losers looked between Y/N and Bill who had let go of each other's hands and were looking away from each other.
Richie let out a gasp that made the others all look at him. "We left our bikes," he groaned as his head fell into his hands.
This small comment instantly eased the tension in the car and Y/N let out a small laugh as she shook her head and leaned back against the window of Steve's car. She looked to the rear view mirror and watched as Steve glanced back at her before giving her a smile.
It was in that moment that she realized that her friends were all about to meet. It was weird to even think about, but all Y/N could hope for was that everything went okay. Cause if her friends didn't like each other. . .well, she didn't know what she would do.
So with those thoughts rushing through her head, Y/N took in a deep breath and let her eyes fall shut. She needed a moment to enjoy the calm before the storm as they turned down her street.
Cause waiting only a few houses away in her basement were Eleven, Wheeler, Max, Lucas, Dustin, and Will and in the car with her and Steve were Bill, Richie, Eddie, Stan, Ben, and Beverly. In less than five minutes her two worlds were going to collide.
The Party and the Losers' Club were about to meet.
- - -
Once they had reached her house, Y/N had Steve park on the other side of the street and in front of a house that was for sale so that way in case her parents got home, they wouldn't think twice upon seeing the car.
The moment Steve parked the car, Y/N was practically jumping out. Steve barely had time to even put his feet on the ground before the girl hugged him with such force that he went stumbling back.
Steve had to quickly use his hand to steady himself before he looked down to see that Y/N was shaking as she hugged him, tears sliding down her face as her hands curled into fists around his shirt. The boy smiled before wrapping his arms around her, his eyes pricking with tears as he realized he was finally getting to hug Y/N after two whole years without her.
The Losers clambered out of the car before glancing over at the small reunion going on. They didn't know why it felt like their stomachs had just dropped, but the way Y/N hugged the boy made them feel weird like they couldn't quite place what was wrong. They just knew that Y/N had never hugged any of them like that or even looked that happy to see them.
The two stood there hugging for a moment longer before Y/N pulled away and looked up at Steve. "I missed you," she whispered, still looking at him in disbelief and enough love that it made Steve's heart swell.
The older boy smiled and quickly wiped her tears away before sending a wink at her. "I missed you too, squirt," he whispered before ruffling her hair, earning a laugh to escape her lips.
She then grabbed onto Steve's hand before dragging him towards the house. "Come on!" she exclaimed, excitement coursing through her body as she realized her friends were only a few feet away.
The Losers watched Steve and Y/N make their way towards her house and frowned. "Did she just forget about us?" Stan asked confused, noticing that Y/N hadn't even looked their way since getting out of the car.
"What are we? Chopped liver?" Richie muttered with a roll of his eyes as he crossed his arms.
"Guys, come on. These are Y/N's friends who she hasn't seen in two years. Cut her some slack," Beverly said before shaking her head at the others and running after Steve and Y/N.
The others stood there for a moment before their eyes slowly flickered over to Bill who was standing their in shock. He noticed his friends stares and quickly gave them a small forced smile. "Bev is right. Besides, you all know how much Y/N cares about us. She wouldn't just push us aside like that," Bill assured them.
The others nodded, hanging their heads slightly in a guilty way for having accused Y/N of forgetting them. "Come on," Bill told them before he ran after the three, the others all following right behind.
By the time the Losers had caught up with Y/N and Steve, the basement door was open and Y/N was just blankly staring at the stairs. She couldn't process what was happening.
Were her friends really down those stairs? How much had they changed? Would they not like her as much once they saw how much she had changed in the past two years? What if they didn't like her friends? What if they didn't approve of Bill or Richie or Eddie or Stan or Beverly or Ben or even Mike when they got him back? How would she be able to deal with that?
"Stop," a voice called from behind her causing Y/N and Steve to glance back to see the Losers all staring at their friend.
"You're thinking too much," Eddie pointed out.
"They still love you," Beverly assured her.
"And you're fucking amazing so what is there to worry about?" Richie asked.
Steve glanced between the group and Y/N before noticing the way her shoulders relaxed and a smile appeared on her face.
Bill locked eyes with the girl and gave her a small nod. "Go see your friends," he told her, a smile on his face as he knew how much she had missed her friends from Hawkins.
Y/N grinned at him and the rest of the group before looking down at the stairs and beginning to make her descent. It was like all she could hear was her own heart beating in her ears as she made her way down the stairs, but it suddenly disappeared as soon as she reached the bottom.
She looked up and her eyes were wide as she watched the Party all stop talking and turn to look at the stairs. Their eyes widened slightly at the sight of her and the group all stared in silence for a minute, none of them moving because of how afraid they were that this wasn't real.
Eleven was the first to break the silence as she let out a small sob and bolted up from where she had been sitting on the ground next to Wheeler. Before Y/N could process what was happening, Eleven had wrapped her arms around the girl, soft sobs of relief escaping her lips.
Eleven's warm and loving hold on her was enough to make the girl break and Y/N let out a sob of relief as she instantly hugged Eleven back. No words were exchanged as the two girls hugged and Max had to pull Eleven away just so that she could take her turn in hugging Y/N.
Everyone in the Party had started to cry as they finally got to to see Y/N again. Two years was an awfully long time and only getting to talk to her every once in a while over the radio did not help with the long distance.
"Woah, it's my turn!" Lucas exclaimed as he gently pushed Max away.
"Hey! I only just started to hug her!" Max complained.
"Yeah? Well I was friends with Y/N first so when I say it's my turn, then it's my turn," Lucas argued before turning to the girl who had been his first friend. The two were both already crying but they let out a breathy laugh before hugging each other tightly.
"Fuck, I missed you guys," Y/N said as she pulled away from Lucas and went to the next closest person which was Dustin. "Dustin, thank you so much for getting everyone down here."
"Of course. We promised each other that if either of us ever needed anything we would be there, didn't we?" Dustin asked as he gave the girl a big squeeze before smiling widely at her as he struggled to wipe his own tears of joy away.
As soon as Dustin let her go, Will had launched himself at the girl causing Y/N to grin and yell out in excitement, "Will!" She hugged the boy back with just as much enthusiasm.
Will chuckled and the two pulled away and laughed slightly at how much the other was crying. Y/N reached out and wiped the boy's tears away while he did the same for her. The two then sent each other smiles before Y/N turned to the last person in the group who she hadn't hugged yet.
Wheeler stood with his hands in his pocket, tears falling down his face as he tried to suppress the huge grin that was begging to be let out. "L/N," he greeted making Y/N chuckle.
"Wheeler," Y/N greeted as she nodded at the boy.
Wheeler couldn't hold his grin back any longer and he let out a laugh as tears streamed down his face. He held his arms out and the two teens met halfway as they hugged each other.
"Holy shit! You've grown so much!" Y/N exclaimed as she pulled away to look at her friend in surprise. "What have they been feeding you?"
Wheeler chuckled and nudged the girl playfully. "Very funny," he told her.
Y/N smiled before taking a step back and looking at all of her friends. "Shit, I'm going to start crying again. I've missed you guys so much, like you don't understand," she said as she reached out and hugged Eleven again, the others all joining in so that it was a huge group hug.
By this point, Steve and the Losers had all made it to the bottom of the stairs. Steve watched the little reunion with a smile on his face while the Losers all blinked in surprise at finally getting to see the kids Y/N had been talking about for so long.
That was until Richie noticed that the boy that was hugging Y/N looked really familiar.
Richie let out a loud gasp before yelling out, "What the fuck! That kid looks like me! Why does that kid look like me?"
The Party all let go of Y/N, allowing for her to turn around and see that Richie and the rest of the Losers were all looking at Wheeler in surprise. Wheeler let out a small gasp of surprise as he looked at Richie, his eyebrows furrowing slightly.
Richie stormed down the stairs before stopping only inches away from Wheeler while everyone else just stared at the scene with wide eyes. "Who the hell are you? And why do you look like me? I know everyone wants to fucking be me but I didn't think anyone would take it this literal," Richie frowned, pissed at the prospect of someone looking just like him.
"Maybe it's one of those doppelgänger things," Max explained in a quiet voice as she looked between the two boys in surprise.
"No, this is a fucking prank. It has to be," Richie said, not believing a word anyone was telling him.
Wheeler frowned and snapped out of his shock before looking to Y/N. "Y/N, who is this guy?" he asked confused.
Y/N smiled and walked over before wrapping an arm around Beverly and Richie's shoulders. "Guys," Y/N said. "These are my friends." The grin on her face was unlike any other as she began to introduce her friends.
"We've got Eddie Kaspbrak," Y/N said as she pointed to the boy who gave them a small wave. "Ben Hanscom." Said boy smiled and nodded in greeting. "Stan the man Uris." Stan rolled his eyes at the girl but couldn't help the smile on his face as he waved at the Party. "Then we've got the one and only Beverly Marsh." Beverly mock saluted the group making the two girls giggle before Y/N turned to Richie. "This," she said as she ruffled the boy's hair earning a groan of complaint, "is Richie Tozier."
"And last but not least," Y/N grinned as she let go of Richie and Beverly to walk over to Bill. She stood behind the boy and put her hands on his arms as she peaked her smiling face out from behind his shoulder. "We've got Bill Denbrough."
Bill smiled down at her making the girl look up at him with a bright smile, the look on the teens' faces making Steve and all of the boy members of the Party frown and cross their arms protectively while Max and Eleven let out small squeals and gripped onto each other's arms.
The teens didn't even realize they were staring at each other for a while before Steve suddenly coughed awkwardly, breaking the two apart. Y/N sent a sharp glare in Steve's direction while he merely held his hands up in surrender as he tried to act innocent.
Y/N rolled her eyes and turned her attention to the Losers as she walked over to the Party. "Okay, Losers, listen up. These are the people you have heard me talk nonstop about, so please be nice, okay?" she asked. "I'm talking to you, Richie."
Richie feigned shock while Y/N rolled her eyes at the boy. She didn't wait for a response as she pointed towards Steve, "You've already had the pleasure of meeting Harrington over there. Sorry he had to be the first one you met."
Steve feigned a look of shock while Y/N ignored him and moved on. She may have been a little mad at him for breaking her and Bill apart, but she wasn't about to voice her feelings.
"This is Lucas Sinclair. He's been my best friend since we met back in the first grade," Y/N explained as Lucas nodded at the Losers. "Then we've got Dustin Henderson, the little shit that gives me a run for my money when it comes to science things." Dustin chuckled and waved at the group.
"Next we've got Mike Wheeler who, despite being a dumbass over half the time, is probably one of the best people you will ever get the chance to meet," Y/N said as Wheeler rolled his eyes and nudged the girl. "Then we've got Will Byers. He's an amazing artist and probably one of the best to ever play D&D," Y/N told them as she hugged Will from the side, the boy instantly hugging her back.
"D&D?" Richie questioned causing the Party and Y/N to gasp.
"Richard Tozier! I'm disappointed in you," Y/N frowned. "We've talked about Dungeons and Dragons before you dumbass."
"Oh, that game. Sorry, L/N. You know I'm more of an arcade type of person," Richie pointed out.
Y/N shook her head at the boy before moving onto the next person who was Max. "This stunner is Max Mayfield. She moved to Hawkins a little bit before I left and can beat anyone in a skateboarding race," Y/N said.
"And finally we've got the lovely Jane Hopper, but everyone calls her Eleven," Y/N told the Losers as she wrapped an arm around the girl and gave her a hug.
"It's n-n-nice to finally m-m-meet you guys," Bill said as he smiled at the Party. He knew how much these people meant to Y/N, so that meant that they automatically meant a lot to him to. The Party smiled back, but their eyes flickered over to Richie once they noticed him walking over.
Y/N should've known what Richie was going to say before he said it, but she didn't know why she hadn't realized what he was doing as he walked up to Max and Eleven. "L/N, you didn't tell me you had two smoking hot babes for best friends," Richie said as he winked at the two girls and smirked.
Y/N rolled her eyes before stepping out in front of the two girls and pushing Richie away. "I know Eddie and Stan are pretty hot, aren't they?" she asked making Richie frown while Eddie and Stan snickered. "Don't even think about it, Trashmouth. They're-"
"Taken," Wheeler announced as he went over to Eleven's side and protectively wrapped an arm around her waist.
"They're taken," Lucas declared again just to prove a point as his arm wrapped around Max's shoulders.
Both boys were sending Richie death glares while their girlfriends rolled their eyes at the boys. Richie held his hands up in surrender but that didn't stop him from winking at the two girls and saying, "Well, whenever you decide you want a real man, I-"
"They will make sure not to come to you," Y/N cut him off making the Losers all chuckle while Eddie rolled his eyes at Richie and shoved him behind him in an attempt to make the boy shut the hell up.
"Now that introductions are out of the way, just what the hell is going on?" Steve questioned as he stood at the front of the group with his hands on his hips.
"Yeah, why did you need us to drive all the way here?" Dustin asked.
Lucas glanced at Y/N and said, "What they said. What the hell is going on? Y/N, didn't your parents move you away from Hawkins to stay out of trouble?"
"You would think," Y/N chuckled nervously as she ran a hand through her hair in frustration. A deep feeling of guilt suddenly washed over her as she realized that for a moment she had pretty much forgotten about Mike and the whole Upside Down and It situation.
The Losers all gave her small nods that told her to go ahead and she took in a deep breath before beginning to tell the Party everything. She started with the night she took out the trash and went all the way until what had happened only a half an hour before.
The whole time, the Party remained blank face, none of them knowing how to respond to the news that the Upside Down was back or that a clown was terrorizing people.
"I'm sorry," Wheeler muttered as he shook his head. "Did you say clown?"
"I'm obviously the more superior one seeing as I wasn't dumb as fuck to not understand a single word she was saying," Richie muttered to Eddie making Wheeler glare at him.
"I'm sorry. What did you just say?" Wheeler asked, his eyes narrowing as he looked at Richie.
"I called you dumb as fuck," Richie said again, a smug smirk on his face.
Wheeler went to take a step forward, but Eleven was quick to grab his arm and pull him back, her hand soothingly running up and down his arm as she looked to Y/N. "I don't understand," she said.
Y/N sent her a small sympathetic smile before saying, "Okay, let me give the simpler version. Basically, our friend Mike Hanlon has been taken into the Upside Down by not only demogorgons, but a being that presents itself as a clown. The clown named Pennywise or It goes around terrorizing people and eating children. I called you guys down here because we need both groups.
"You," Y/N began as she gestured towards the Party, "know about the Upside Down and have fought it multiple times."
"They," Y/N said as she pointed to the Losers, "have fought It before and know how to handle him."
"If we combine both groups and what we know, we should, theoretically, be able to stop both It and the Upside Down while also saving Mike," Y/N explained.
"Demogorgons and a place called the Upside Down? Why does this sound more believable than It?" Stan muttered with a groan.
“I'm sorry, but there is literally no way this is true," Lucas muttered as he shook his head. "A demon clown? Do you hear yourself right now, Y/N?"
"Come on, Lucas," Y/N pleaded before she looked to the whole Party. "Guys, I wouldn't lie about something like this and you know it. My friend is trapped down there and we have no way of knowing of he is even alive or not without you guys. I need you guys to trust me on this one, okay? Please, it's all I ask."
The Party all softened at her words, the teens beginning to put their full trust into the girl. The only one that looked hesitant was Steve who was looking to the ground as he rubbed his neck. Y/N looked to the boy and whispered, "Steve."
Steve let his head lift up slightly, his eyes flickering over to the girl who was standing there almost hopelessly. He knew the Upside Down part was true because of the demogorgon, but a demon clown? There was no way. But then he saw the fright in the girl's eyes and it wasn't fright over the creatures terrorizing them. No, it was fright for her friend.
For a moment he was reminded of the other times he had seen that look like when Will had been taken or Eleven had to close the gate or even when they had been trapped in the Russian Lab together and he had forced her to leave him behind.
It was the same look that told him everything he needed to know. Y/N was right— she wouldn't lie about something like this. She needed them to believe her. She needed him to believe her and as her best friend and honorary brother, it was his job to believe her.
"This is ridiculous," Steve pointed out, his eyes not leaving Y/N's as he looked at her.
"Oh, it's real," she assured him, the tone of her voice making everyone in the room gulp slightly at those words. "Way more real than you or I could ever imagine."
There was a beat of silence as Y/N let her eyes flicker over all of her friends. She already knew the Losers believed her, especially after they had been there with her since the beginning. The only ones she had to convince were the Party and Steve and she really hoped she had been able to do just that.
"This is crazy. Like batshit crazy, but I believe you and I'm in," Lucas announced making Y/N smile.
"Me too," Will said as he nodded at the girl. "They'll never be gone, not really. It's just a matter of time before they come back again. So right now, we need to stop them while we still can."
"I'm in," Wheeler announced while Richie mockingly mimicked him from beside Eddie who elbowed him in the gut.
“Same here," Eleven and Max said at the same time before high fiving each other for speaking in unison.
Y/N looked to Dustin who sighed before giving her a smile. "You know I believe you. I always do," he told her.
Y/N smiled before letting her eyes flicker over to Steve once again, the last but most important person she needed to believe her. "Steve?" Y/N questioned, her eyes hopeful as she looked to him. Steve stared at the girl for a moment before sighing and letting a grin appear on his face.
"You're lucky I brought the bat."
* * *
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ticklishraspberries · 5 years
A/N: (Hello! Haven’t been round here in a while, but it’s still lovely; you’re still lovely. And here’s a dual thank-you-for-filling-my-late-it-cravings and I-miss-stan-he-deserves-some-fix-it-fluff-too thoughts. Hope you’re having a good one!!)
This is so cute!! I loved it, thank you for submitting!! - Raspberry xo
There was a time in Stan’s life where he couldn’t remember the last time he’d seen someone get tickled. It might happen occasionally; a poke here or there to accent a point or get someone to shift away. Then Richie decided he rather liked tickling, and well—
It’s not like any of the Losers had a lot of say when Richie wanted something.
But it wasn’t horrible, as much as Stan might’ve feared anyway. When half their time dissolved into wrestling matches, tussling and rolling around the carpet of Bill’s room, the addition of some wandering, wiggling fingers just meant less bruising (most of the time) and more laughing (all of the time).
This was probably due to the fact that the group, surprisingly or not, knew a lot about each person’s limits, even without saying so.
Richie didn’t have any, first of all. He was as content with ticklish tracing down his back as he was getting pinned to the ground and thoroughly taken apart. Of course, none of the Losers went full overboard or anything nasty, but even the more sadistic times they could remember left Richie cherry red and teary-eyed, beaming long after the tickling had stopped.
On the other side of the spectrum, Stan would have to put himself.
That’s not to say he had a problem participating in the suddenly numerous amount of tickle fights the group now had. If anything, he might even enjoy them, as long as Richie never found out. The gloating of his ‘genius idea’ would be unbearable and likely result in him getting tackled and wrecked—which is exactly what he wanted anyways, defeating the point entirely.
So yes, he enjoyed them, but almost strictly as the one doing the tickling.
Then he started dating Bill.
Dating Bill was easy, especially once their friends stopped their ‘subtle’ gawking and lame teasing. It was as cool and natural as their friendship, with the bonus of cuddles whenever Stan so desired (and he wouldn’t have thought that he’d want them all that much, but once he got them, he couldn’t imagine being without them).
And as their friendship slid easily into their relationship, so did their friend group’s element of random, frequent tickle fights.
And Stan liked them even more, if he were to be honest.
There is nothing in the world that can beat the sound of Bill Denbrough’s laughter or the look on his face as Stan scribbles quick and nimble fingers up his sides.
He’s a constant stream of babbling nonsense with no way to understand through his laughter and stutter combined. His hands tug uselessly at Stan’s sleeves, body squirming violently without going anywhere. His eyes get all crinkly with a smile so bright that when Stan stops, he feels more breathless than he thinks Bill might be.
Just the thought of Bill, flushed red and breathing deeply through stray giggles has Stan’s fingers itching for something to do, but—
That’s exactly what he shouldn’t do.
Stan blinks, eyes focusing back on his surroundings.
The TV is still on, at some part of the movie, though Stan has absolutely no idea where. He could’ve zoned out five minutes ago or fifty. This may even be a new movie; he’s not sure.
He can feel Bill take a deep breath behind him, chest raising enough to push lightly behind Stan’s back.
Bill’s hand lies still on his side.
And that—that’s what started Stan’s train of thought.
Because Bill, he was a bit of a fidgeter, at least when it came to touch.
He constantly had his hands moving; winding through Stan’s curls, rubbing over his back, caressing his cheeks. It was nice, one of Stan’s favorite things, actually. But Stan was perceptive, and he’d started to notice something.
He started to notice that Bill’s hands would sometimes, and with increasing frequency, come to a dead stop.
It happened when the were in his room, wasting the night away with slow kisses, his hands drifting slowly from Stan’s hair down his neck.
It happened in the night, when he held Stan from behind, a hand clasped over the front of his stomach.
And it happened just now, when his hand slipped from doodling small patterns over the sleeve of Stan’s upper arm to lay over his side.
Stan had noticed, though he hadn’t said a word. And he’d spent the week trying to put the pieces together, though it hadn’t really clicked until last night.
They were lounging around Bill’s room, splayed out over his bedsheets. It was all casual conversation when Bill shot off a snarky comment that had Stan poking a giggle out of him, a sound Stan felt compelled to chase after. And then after he’d wrestled Bill down and made him cry mercy—
Bill had sat up, a glint in his eyes.
A glint that had Stan’s eyes widening, skin prickling.
And then the look left, and Bill tugged him into a gentle and tired cuddle.
And it sounded dumb at the time, when Stan had tried to work out what just happened, but now-
Did Bill want to tickle him?
The thought sends heat crawling up Stan’s neck; it’s dumb and embarrassing, but-
It makes sense, if he thinks about it.
While Bill did get his fair share of attacks in the group, he’d never been one to turn down revenge. He’d even start a fight or two, if one of their friends looked a little bored or put out, just to liven them back up again.
Having a younger brother, Bill did have some of the most experience in this niche topic. He’d definitely sent more than one of the Losers into hysterics with his skilled, probing fingers.
And just the image of Bill, straddling a friend Stan can’t bother to conjure into better focus, with his head tilted, grin teasing, a devilish glint to his eyes—
Stan’s wants so badly to turn and check that Bill can’t feel the heat that’s burning his ears, but that’d probably look even more suspicious than what his paranoid brain is coming up with now.
So, what?
The problem had been found, mostly, kind of. It’s the closest thing to an answer Stan can reason to anyways, what with the small amount of information he’s gathered.
So this would be the part where he plans out the solution.
Stan shifts in muddled discomfort before he can really think about what he’s doing. He masks it as repositioning and settles back more snuggly against Bill’s chest, hoping his boyfriend hasn’t noticed.
He settles for worrying at his lip, still lost in thought.
He doesn’t know how ticklish he is. He doesn’t even know if he is ticklish.
When tickle frights became a normal thing in the Losers’ Club—and even the thought has Stan rolling his eyes—he’d been hesitant.
Alright, more than hesitant, he’d been opposed.
The thought of being squished against the floor, hands ruffling through his clothes, while he made any number of weird snorting (Bill), shrieking (Eddie), or combined (Richie) kind of noise—
It unsettled him.
And bless him, somehow all of his friends, down to Richie ‘no boundaries’ Tozier, had gotten it without being asked and let him be.
But now…
Now he hears a thump and screaming laughter and he’s not scared. He’s sometimes annoyed, sometimes entertained. But now, it’s the new normal and…
His eyes roll more forcefully, almost rolling right out of his head.
It’s the new normal and he kind of wishes someone had just gotten him involved already so he didn’t have to go through the process of giving his boyfriend permission to tickle him.
The movie is still going, but Stan is 100% sure Bill isn’t paying attention. If he were, he’d have already gone back to some mindless, endearing movement, but his hand still lies fixed on Stan’s waist.
So Stan flips forward onto his stomach before pushing himself up to straddle Bill’s legs. Now Bill seems to be paying attention, though he only get a small “w-wha-“ out before his mouth seals shut at Stan’s hands, slipping under his shirt to drum lightly on his stomach.
He immediately goes to bite his lip, fighting to keep the twitching of his mouth to a minimum. Stan can’t help the smile that takes his own face. And though he knows what his goal is, he can’t help a quick swipe of fingers that has Bill tensing, eyes shutting, and mouth puffing in a startled breath, before he continues the steady tap-tap-tap.
“S-Stan, come on. Are you r-re-really-“
Another gratuitous scribble of Stan’s fingers catches Bill mid-speech and pulls a bright laugh out of him before his mouth zips shut once again, stubbornly refusing to let Stan catch him off guard.
And then they’re silent—waiting—tension growing with every bored tap of Stan’s fingers.
And Stan, he was just going to say it.
Rather, his plan was to just go out and say it.
But for some reason, the words, “You can tickle me, if you want,” are stuck somewhere beneath his windpipe. And in the time it takes for Stan to wrestle them into his mouth, Bill’s smile has shifted from one of light torment to full-bodied amusement.
He raises an eyebrow, when Stan finally meets his gaze, a repressed huff of laughter shaking his chest even though Stan’s fingers have stilled.
And damn it if this deviates a little from the plan, but sometimes Bill is just asking for it.
So Stan decides to take the scenic route to his destination, scribbling his fingers over Bill’s lower stomach and admiring the view when his shocked expression quickly crumbles into unrestrained laughter.
Bill does as Bill always does, grabbing ahold of the fabric around Stan’s wrists without really doing much to block the movement of his fingers, spidering up to his rib cage and back down. He just needs something to hold onto and the thought would make Stan smile if he weren’t already.
As his fingers travel along the familiar space, tracing nonsense onto Bill’s stomach, kneading along his sides, and scratching at the bone and spaces of his ribs (maybe sneaking a poke or two under his arms when he’s dumb enough to keep them up), Bill’s squirming only grows more wild.
It’s kind of funny actually. Here Bill is, able to pin any one of them down in a wrestling match (or whenever he finds it necessary to help someone else get some well-deserved revenge), and yet he never tries to use any of that strength to just, say, buck his torturer off.
It’s really not that hard a conclusion to come to, even if your mind is preoccupied with something more…pressing. But Bill still manages to let that slip his mind entirely, every time, and instead squirms and jolts and writhes around until he’s spent.
Sometimes Stan thinks Richie isn’t the only one who’s taken a liking to this new pastime of their’s. But Stan is a nice boyfriend, so he won’t embarrass Bill with that conclusion yet.
There’s enough pink in Bill’s cheeks now to see in the dark of the living room, lit only by the television long forgotten in the corner. The color starts somewhere beneath the collar of his shirt and washes up to the tips of his ears. Stan’s fingers travel with a mind of their own, slipping up the side of Bill’s well-travelled torso to follow the path of color.
And although Bill’s movements had calmed slightly as the tickling went on, fingers spidering up the side of his neck are enough to get him going again. His shoulder flinches inward, hands moving to fist in Stan’s shirt and push him marginally back. A desperate and semi-clear, “p-p-plehehease!” squeaks out through the blubbering.
Stan lingers, long enough for Bill’s nose to scrunch up and deliver an unfairly adorable snort, kicking the color in his face up a notch, before he finally stops, leaving his hand to play with the wild hair mussed up around the nape of Bill’s neck.
It doesn’t take Bill too long to get his breath back, though the tingly feeling of Stan playing with his hair does punctuate his breathy ‘calm down’ laughter with a sharp giggle or two every now and then.
It’s a sight Stan can’t get enough of and who could blame him?
But then, he’s reminded of exactly how this all came to be and exactly what is waiting for him.
One hand slips loose of Stan’s shirt, settling behind Bill for him to use as leverage. He pushes himself up, a smile on his face, but one much more controlled, more devious than the one Stan had put on his face moments before. His eyes are sparkling with left over laughter and steely with a quiet determination.
The hand still gripping one side of Stan’s shirt, hovering over his side, is suddenly all Stan can think about.
But all too soon, Bill’s gaze starts to go soft again. Stan latently thinks of what he must look like, the deer-in-the-headlights look, the spike of fear that muddles the strange anticipation in his gut. It’s got to be this that has Bill backing down before he’s even touched him.
“You know, you can-“ Bill’s eyes find Stan’s from where he’s begun settling back into the pillows. Stan has to take a second to refocus. He swallows.
“You can get me back, if you want.”
And that seems to be the last thing Bill was expecting, if his eyebrows disappearing into his hairline means anything. His mouth hangs open for a second, trying to speak with no sound coming out. Bill clears his throat.
“S-Stan, are you-?”
The question fades out and Stan has absolutely no idea why it has him feeling twitchy. The need to slip off Bill’s lap, out of his hold, grows strong in the back of his head.
“I don’t know,” His tongue feels dry. “But you can—you can try.”
The statement ends high, like a question, with Stan shifting his position at how awkward it all sounds. Bill doesn’t move his hand an inch, from where it’s still fisted in his tee, but Stan’s own movements have the fabric ghosting against his side and tingling in a shockingly new and sensitive way.
And they just sit there, in silence. Bill probably still staring up at Stan; he wouldn’t know. For some reason—despite how confusing this situation is making him feel—he knows for a fact that he’ll blow a fuse if he keeps looking Bill in the eye after finally spitting that out, so he doesn’t.
They sit there so long—at least it feels ridiculously long—in such a tense silence that Stan feels the sudden need to apologize.
Maybe he got it wrong. Maybe Bill was just forming new habits and Stan read too much into it. Maybe now he’s gone and asked Bill to—to tickle him, basically, and now he’s weirded out!
Stan gets so caught up in his own internal rambling that he doesn’t recognize the soft yet persistent pinching against his side until he’s jerking away and into the couch cushions.
It stops upon impact, but as soon as Stan’s pushed himself back upright, it’s back and worse.
A gasp catches in his throat and his left arm is pushing at the feeling with no thought as to what is could be, just that it needs to stop.
Then three things happen, in rapid succession.
First, Stan’s fingers tangle with Bill’s.
Next comes the realization of what’s happening, a realization Bill seems to have at the same time.
Then, Bill’s sly grin makes a reappearance, and Stan feels breathless all over.
Of course, that’s nothing compared to what real breathlessness can be, Stan finds out.
Because it’s a quick tussle that leads to their positions reversed, Stan—frazzled and still in minor shock—pinned underneath Bill—whose smile seems to grow with every second.
And then Bill’s fingers are tripping up Stan’s sides, clumsy in their excitement, but very, very effective.
They’re so devastatingly effective that Stan doesn’t actually realize he’s laughing until the room is echoing with it.
It sounds almost foreign to his own ears, high and frantic and loud. He can’t remember the last time he laughed so long or hard, but it’s not the most prominent thought on his mind at the moment. What is front and center is the tingling, electric, and down right debilitating sensation sparking along his body.
If Stan could get a coherent word, or even thought in, he might compliment Bill on his thorough technique. All that comes out though is a series of mortifying squeals and varying degrees of laughter. Ironically enough, this seems to be all the compliment of skill Bill needs.
His hands work methodically to trace, prod, and spider over every conceivable tickle spot Stan might have. And while it answers Stan’s lingering curiosity of his body, he did not need to know with such depth (or any depth, really) the different pitches of his own laughter that come from Bill drilling into each and every one of his ribs. Of course, Bill finds this to be critical information, and it might drive Stan a little crazy.
It’s only once Bill wriggles his fingers into the space under Stan’s arms that he squeals and latches onto Bill’s wrists.
Oh, yes, self-defense is a thing. Maybe Stan wouldn’t judge Bill on forgetting that quite so harshly next time.
But even with Bill’s hands in his grasp, Stan can’t just…push them away.
He could—physically. Despite the barrage of giggles pouring from him, he knows he could shove Bill onto the carpet or at least away from his shockingly sensitive armpits with enough effort.
But when he peeks through damp lashes (when did he start tearing up?), Bill looks the happiest Stan can remember seeing in a while. And beneath all that giddiness is a look so fond, it warms Stan in a way even his useless struggling hasn’t done yet.
So he—gives in.
His hands stay clamped around Bill’s wrists but do little more than squeeze tighter when Bill’s mouth joins the fray, dotting kisses into the crook of Stan’s neck and making him squeak externally and groan internally at the sappy picture they must make.
And in what must be the most surprising revelation of the night, Stan finds that he…doesn’t hate this.
He didn’t expect to truly despise it or anything (though he can’t say the thought didn’t cross his mind). But even so, the fears he’d had before—about losing control and feeling silly—haven’t really been an issue. And the unexpected pros of Bill being touchy, fixed with that sunshine-bright smile, and leaving him with the pleasant ache of a good laugh—
It’s actually kind of nice.
Damn it, Richie.
Stan doesn’t have the mind to follow that thought though, or any other matter-of-fact, because as soon as it enter his head, Bill’s fingers have slipped into the dips of his hip bones and started drilling in.
And he may have—no, definitely—spoken too soon, because it’s not until that point that Stan really does loose his mind.
It’s like the tingles that’ve floated through his body have all decided to ricochet towards one unbelievably sensitive point, and the shriek leaves his mouth before he can even get the breath for it.
Stan’s hips buck up instinctually, trying frantically to displace the sudden, overwhelming feeling. He can hear weird shrieking and loud laughter that can’t possibly be coming from him, but he can’t place it over the number one priority of getting enough air in.
He doesn’t know what to do, what to say. His body and mind are live wires that won’t connect, so he does the only thing he can think to do.
“B-Bill, plehease!” Stan gasps out, and—just like that—Bill’s hands are rubbing firm, soothing, and decidedly non-tickly strokes over the lingering prickle in Stan’s hips.
Stan is still gasping, like he’d just run a marathon if not for the intermittent strings of laughter. When Bill slides off Stan’s legs and into the space beside him, Stan can’t comment, but he does shift closer to smother the last of his soft giggles into Bill’s chest.
At that point, Stan is put together enough to realize that Bill is laughing, albeit without making any noise, but still laughing at Stan. So Stan smacks his shoulder, without any of the force that he should be using, before snuggling back into Bill’s arms. It has the opposite effect in making Bill laugh more, but Stan can’t be bothered to care; all he wants right now is to nap.
And with Bill’s hand rubbing softly up and down his back, sometimes trailing lightly in a way Stan now recognizes as a little bit ticklish, it’s all he can do to not pass out then and there.
But first, his voice comes out low and slurred.
“You are not telling the others about this.”
Bill laughs again, this time out loud. The shaking of his chest earns another smack from Stan. But between that and the kiss he leaves on Stan’s forehead, Stan falls into a peaceful sleep, a soft smile still on his face.
(Of course, the others do end up finding out. And Stan knows Bill didn’t say anything—at least purposefully—by the shock of his wide eyes and the apologetic gaze he offers Stan when Richie throws the first teasing comment.
Stan figured this would happen honestly, but that doesn’t stop him from rolling his eyes and flipping Richie the bird.
Things don’t change too drastically, even so. Sometimes Richie will tase his sides to steal Stan’s attention away from his books. Sometimes Eddie will poke at his ribs to check if he’s paying attention to his lectures.
Once in a while someone will try to catch him unaware and launch an attack. And sometimes he’ll just—let it happen. Because it’s really not that bad and it can feel nice to laugh with friends—especially when Stan knows he can turn the tables at any moment.
The only thing that does worry him for some time is the thought of someone slipping their hands a little lower than his sides. Call it baby steps, but Stan doesn’t feel quite ready to let that loose in front of a crowd.
But thanks to the fact that Stan’s hipbones are secured safely underneath the band of his pants, a place even Richie wouldn’t venture in his little experiments (if only because of Bill’s glaring), Stan feels sure enough that his secret will stay safe.
As safe as possible, anyways, with Bill already abusing the information.
Because as many times as Stan thinks, and even calls, Bill a monster for using that secret so liberally when they’re alone, Bill will always shoot back, smiling ear to ear, that he’ll stop as soon as Stan asks him to.
And well, behind the lingering smile and buzzing warmth in his stomach, Stan finds himself ignoring the teasing comment and diving right back in to make sure Bill knows the same is true for him too.)
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softschnappi · 4 years
A Different Kind of Hangout
So after literally FOREVER I had tons of motivation to write and I came up with this…its basically just smut but there’s some pretty cute fluff as well! What can I say, I love my boys…also it got super fluffy at the end idk wtf happened to me but 3am writing hit different
Warnings: nsfw, smut, dry humping, some dirty talk , swearing, you get the idea
Word Count: 4.9K
Summary: Will wants to fool around with Richie for the first time…summary sucks but pls read lol
NSFW under the cut!
“I’m bored,” Richie whined as he hit the spacebar on his laptop, pausing the shitty movie that was very disinteresting to him. He turned to Will, who was cuddled into his side, and asked him, “Do you still wanna watch?”
Will shook his head in response, before telling Richie that he was bored as well. The movie was a low-budget horror flick, the plot being so ridiculously stupid to the point where you couldn’t even make fun of it. Sticking Charlie Sheen in a conspiracy movie about aliens and dinosaurs alongside Molly Ringwald was definitely something not worth seeing it through to the ending. The problem was, they had already watched a bunch of youtube videos prior, as well as having previously watched everything they deemed “good” on Netflix. 
“I’ve already seen BoJack too many times, we’ve seen Big Mouth, Shrek, yadda, yadda, yadda…” Richie trailed off as he sighed into his palm. Will hummed a quiet yeah in agreement and gently squeezed Richie’s interlaced hand, softly rubbing his thumb over the other’s. 
Richie looked over to him and was now overwhelmed with the sight of his boyfriend. Will was absolutely gorgeous every minute of every day, but this day was a sunny day, pastel yellow rays of light shining in through Richie’s bedroom window, cascading upon Will’s features. His bright hazel eyes were glimmering as he focused on fiddling with Richie’s hand, his hair was the slightest bit messy, looking adorably…floofy, as Richie always describes it, and the gleaming light made his skin appear the softest thing in the world, as if Richie’s calloused hands on him would cause scratches would appear. 
Will let out a small squeak as Richie ripped his hand apart from his own and pinched his cheek. 
“You’re just so cute!” He cooed, earning an annoyed glance from Will, who just laid there and took it. His Grandma used to pinch his cheek whenever he, Jonathan, and Joyce visited her in the country, and it doesn’t hurt any less now that he was in college and all grown up. In fact, Richie pinches his cheeks harder. 
Richie pulled his hand away and closed his laptop, leaning up slightly to place it on his bedside table. He rolled onto his side and ran a hand through Will’s hair, raising it up through his fingers and watching it flop back down each time. 
“Do you wanna just make out?” Will asked, avoiding eye contact, suddenly finding the drawstrings of his - Richie’s - sweatshirt to be very fascinating. He and Richie have been together for over a year, but Will was still on the shy side when it came to certain things. Richie told him he would never say no to kissing and cuddling, but Will always feared asking because that’s what being shy all your life does to you. Even though he’d become more confident and social over the past handful of years, Will just wished that Richie could just read his mind and automatically know that he wants a goodbye kiss or a hug without him actually having to ask.
Richie chuckled, “I was just about to say that!” Before cupping Will’s face and leaning in to press his lips against him. Will smiled into the kiss and wrapped his arm around Richie’s waist, pulling him closer so that they were chest to chest.
They stayed like that for a while, passionately connecting their lips together, before Richie’s tongue swiped across Will’s bottom lip. Will opened his mouth and allowed Richie’s tongue to enter his mouth, both of them lightly giggling at the weird sensation of their tongues touching. It was nothing new, but they didn’t know if they’d ever get used to the first few seconds of it. Will cringed at the flavour of ground beef and Coca Cola washing over his taste buds, recalling the Taco Bell breakfast - yes, breakfast since Richie woke up craving diabetes - date they had earlier in the day. Regardless, he still enjoyed the way his and Richie’s tongues danced lazily with each other and sighed in bliss.
However, Will’s dick had some other ideas. He felt it twitch in his pants and knew he had to be careful here. Because of how horny he’d been all week, and had been prone to masturbate more than usual, his mind was being filled with suggestive ideas. However, this was the first time he was getting aroused by a makeout session, or at all in someone’s presence. 
Growing up, Will’s hormones weren’t all over the place as opposed to his friends, who’s main priorities seemed to all lie in sex, sex, and more sex. Dustin, Mike, and Lucas all had girlfriends, while Will was struggling with his sexuality, so it made sense. Over the years after he came to terms that he was gay, he figured out what got himself going and touched himself the odd night, but he didn’t want anyone actually putting their hands on him outside what happened in his head. It wasn’t until a few months ago that he found himself wanting to be sexually involved with Richie. Will knew as a teen that eventually one day he would be comfortable enough with someone to let them see his private places, but even though his dick twitched again inside his pants as Richie began peppering kisses along his jaw, he wasn’t quite ready to expose that part of himself yet. However, he still wanted to do something, particularly involving one fantasy of his in which he often humped his pillow to.
Will waited until Richie took his lips off of his neck and kissed him again, placing his hands on his chest and gently pushing him on his back. Richie sighed into Will’s mouth as the latter hovered over him. Moments later, Will swung a leg over Richie’s crotch, lowering himself to sit just inches away from his dick. They’ve made it a rule to leave x amount of space between Richie’s dick and Will when he’s sitting in his lap (it was rarely the other way around) to avoid unwanted boners. And it worked pretty well. Richie would speak up if Will accidentally moved a little too close, and Will would stumble out an apology and scoot backwards, and they would continue doing whatever. But this time, he wanted Richie to get hard. 
Richie slid his hands down Will’s waist and down to his ass, giving it a good squeeze before raising his hand and delivering a firm smack to his right cheek. Will let out a shriek that dissolved into a small hum. Richie loved having his hands on his ass, and Will often wondered what else Richie might like to do with his ass– and okay, woah, he needed to calm down, and more importantly keep his dick down at least for now. 
Beginning to mouth at Richie’s neck, Will moved his hips forward so that he was sitting over the invisible boundary line on Richie’s crotch.
“Baby,” Richie panted, licking his lips and letting his head fall back onto a pillow. “You might wanna, y’ know, back up a little…”
When Will kept quiet and continued to press hot, open-mouthed kisses to his neck, Richie let out a whine. He did not want to sprint to the bathroom out of humiliation and have to jerk off while Will was in his room, waiting for him to come back and continue to simply kiss him.
“Baby, ‘m gonna get hard…”
Will pulled off and wrapped his arms around Richie’s neck, the long sleeves of his boyfriend’s stolen sweater flapping as he did so, and rested his head on his shoulder. He was extremely grateful to have such a caring boyfriend like Richie, who completely understood that Will wasn’t ready for anything sexual when he brought up taking things to third base in their relationship a long while ago, and Will’s wish to keep things as they are, with makeouts and ass grabs. Richie told him that once he decided he was ready, he would always ask permission to touch him to make sure that he was okay with everything, but said that Will didn’t need to ask to touch him. I will literally never say no, He remembered Richie explaining, If you get home and really want some dick, just use me as you please, no words needed. I’ll be more than happy to assist the monsieur! As…charming as that conversation was, Will didn’t feel right going ahead with this without Richie’s verbal consent.
“Um…” He whispered into Richie’s ear, before feeling his cheeks heat up, causing him to bury his head in the crook of Richie’s neck. Of course, things were just starting to get good and he had to get all shy. When he didn’t move, Richie asked him if there was something wrong. “N-No, no…I, uh,” Will started, screwing his eyes shut even though he knew Richie couldn’t see him. “I’m doing it on purpose…like, not moving back…because I kinda wanna, um, you know…is that okay?”
There was silence for a moment, and Will’s heart was beating out of his chest. He was ready to run out of the room until Richie spoke up.
“Oh…” He said quietly, and then it really clicked. “Oh. Oh! Oh, fuck! Okay, yeah, I get it now,” Richie laughed, calling himself an idiot. His demeanour shifted to a kid in a candy store, asking Will what exactly he wanted to do, his cock beginning to prick up at the idea of finally getting some action with his boyfriend.
Will pulled away from Richie’s neck and faced him, cheeks dusted a rosy pink and his lip flushed between his teeth. Richie couldn’t help but lean up and kiss him. 
“Well,” Will began after they parted, eyes glued to Richie’s mug on his bedside table. “I-I wanna keep my clothes on. I don’t want you to see…down there yet.” Richie nodded. He sensed Will’s insecurity in regards to the whole situation and rubbed a hand up and down his back to soothe him a little bit. “But, I still wanna…you know…”
“You want me to give you a handjob over your clothes?” Richie guessed.
“No…” Will replied, but fuck, he never even thought of that. “Well, maybe another time, but I wanna stay in this position…and…move-”
Richie snapped his finger and pointed it at Will. “You wanna grind on me!”
“Would you like a prize?” Will groaned, hand covering his beet-red face.
“The ‘prize’ is gonna be you humping me, baby, fuck…” He groaned, his dick further hardening in his sweatpants. Richie could get fully hard in two minutes, and it was looking like he was going down that road. It was a high probability that Will could feel his dick poking his thigh, but he didn’t say anything about it if he did.
Will didn’t remove his hand from his face after a few moments, and Richie resumed the position of rubbing his back. “Hey, I know I’m never serious, but you better cherish it because I’m going to be right now. If you wanna do this, then let’s do it. We’ll find a good rhythm and it’ll feel really good. If you don’t wanna do it, or wanna stop in the middle then you just tell me. I have no problem with that, okay? I just want to make sure you feel comfortable and enjoy this, and I want you to know that I would never make fun of you if you do something wrong, or come too early, or fart or something, because some things are just bound to happen,” He shrugged his shoulders, “So you have nothing to be embarrassed about, baby, okay?”
Will slowly put his hands back around Richie’s neck and looked into his eyes. He felt much more relaxed because Richie was telling the truth. This wasn’t going to play out perfectly or like studio porn because they were only doing this for the first time, and plus, Will wasn’t getting naked so he didn’t have to fret too much about his body. However, he was still a little on edge because he and Richie weren’t entirely in the same boat. This was going to be Will’s first time doing anything sexual with someone, while Richie, on the other hand, had already lost his virginity before college. He’d admitted that he and his best friend Beverly screwed around here and there, but it was never anything serious. Still, he had more experience than Will, which put a small damper on any confidence he had. However, Will had to push the thought out of his head because this was going to be Richie’s first sexual encounter with a boy, so there was going to be some shared firsts. 
“Okay…thank you. I don’t know who you are and what you did with my boyfriend, but-” Will paused upon Richie bursting into laughter and titling himself as Gandhi, which made no sense, but Will just snickered along. “Seriously, I want this.”
Richie vigorously nodded his head. “Okie Dokie! And I know you said you wanted to keep your clothes on, so would you wanna do this in our boxers? I mean, it eliminates two layers, and I think it’ll feel better, but it’s all up to you.”
Will thought about it for a long moment, having only imagined doing this with everything on, but recognized Richie’s point that it would feel better without pants, and nodded his head. “Yeah, okay.”
He rose up and hovered over Richie’s lower half, hooking his hands inside the waistband of his sweatpants, pulling them down to his ankles before Richie kicked them fully off. Will knew Richie was hard, he could feel his dick against him a few moments ago, but seeing the large tent in his grey boxers made his mouth go dry as he felt a wave of arousal wash over him, blood rushing down to his own hardening cock. When he tore his eyes away to look up at his face, Richie was blushing. 
Will crawled towards him and kissed him before they switched positions. Richie pulled down his black track pants and slipped his ankles out of the cuffs before balling it up and throwing it across his room. As he was about to look back to Will and get down to business, he jumped off of the bed and locked his door. He almost forgot to do that, and what a story it would be if Bill came back to the dorm anytime soon and saw some things he shouldn’t. Richie turned back to the beauty on his bed and smirked at him.
“Can this be the part where we get even and I stare at your dick?”
“Shut up!” Will giggled and instinctively closed his legs, before opening them again a few moments after. “Although…I guess it’s only fair, but I’m only a little bit hard…”
Richie could tell. Will was drowning in his sweater, the bottom sightly draping over his crotch, but Richie could still recognize the small bulge in his blue boxers. It wasn’t as prominent as his own, but the only thing he cared about at the moment was the soon reality of Will grinding against him, using him to make himself feel good.
He crawled back on the bed and laid beside Will, the latter resuming to hover over Richie. Panic washed over him as he realized he needed to find a good position, and he gulped. But Richie flew to action, as usual, and wrapped his arms around Will’s waist, pulling him close, but Will’s hips still remained to hover. He assured Richie that he wasn’t going to back out, but he was still a little anxious. They decided to put on some music to try and relieve the stiff tension of silence in the room, and Will thought to himself that rock ‘n’ roll wasn’t exactly the most appropriate for the situation, but it did make things a little less awkward. 
Richie would’ve bucked his hips up to make the first move, but Will was too far back, so he couldn’t. But he decided he’d need to give him a little push in the right direction. He leaned up and connected their lips whilst he rubbed Will’s back, and pulled back after Will sighed into his mouth. 
“Come on and make yourself feel good baby,” Richie prompted, smirking to himself as he watched Will shut his eyes and bite his lip. 
That was it. Of course Richie would be good at talking like he was straight out of Will’s wet dreams. Of course he would be. Will felt his cock begin to ache at his words and decided to get this show on the road. It was no different than what he did in the privacy of his own room, sticking a pillow between his legs and rutting against it until he came, imagining it was Richie anyway, but now he was finally going to be doing the real thing, so he pushed all of his worries behind him. Will sucked in a shaky breath, wrapped his arms around Richie’s neck while he kissed him, and lowered his hips down until he felt his cock lightly brush against his boyfriend’s. They both lightly gasped, barely audible over the music playing, and Richie’s hands flew to Will’s ass, pushing him fully down onto his crotch. 
Will weakly thrust his cock against Richie’s, burying his face into the crook of his neck, holding back a whimper at the delicious friction in an attempt to keep silent, as opposed to Richie, who let out a low groan as he bucked his hips up at the same time. Will was much too embarrassed to let any noises slip, unwilling to expose any more parts of himself, but as they picked up a steady rhythm, Richie wondered if Will was enjoying himself. He was cursing and moaning, while Will was solely panting against his neck. 
“Will, baby, are you– does this feel good?”
He felt Will nod into his neck, followed by a muffled, “Feels so good.” 
“Okay, just making sure,” Richie squeezed his ass before letting out a small grunt as Will jutted his hips forward again. “It’s just because I don’t hear anything and I worry…” 
Will mumbled about it being embarrassing, and Richie did his best to reassure him that it’s definitely not embarrassing, but rather hot and a turn on. Will agreed that he liked hearing Richie moan, and the latter told him he would sound so cute if he let the filter slip a little, gently begging him to make some noise for him. One thing about Richie is that he could be quite convincing sometimes, and as a result, in the next few moments Will was letting out soft uh uh uh ‘s into Richie’s ear. 
Richie’s dick twitched as he listened to Will and felt his hot breath on his ear. He let out a loud fuck as he leaned his head back onto the pillow. He was so fucking hard in his boxers, cock sticking straight up and stretching the fabric, and he could feel the slightest amount of wetness on his tip. Will wasn’t much different, cock curved to the left inside of his boxers, throbbing and leaking as well. 
Raising his head, Will sloppily pressed his lips to Richie’s, shoving his tongue inside of his mouth. Richie tightened his grasp on Will’s ass, pushing him forward and guiding him to move his hips faster. He broke away instantly, turning his head to the side, eyebrows scrunching together and mouth falling slack as he let out a small whimper at the sudden rush of pleasure. Richie couldn’t help but bite at his throat until Will retreated back to burying his face into his neck. 
“You’re so fucking cute,” Richie groaned out, “Grinding on me while wearing my sweater, like shit, baby, you could kill me.” Will panted, That’s the goal, into his ear and mouthed at his neck. “I gotta ask,” Richie started, cursing as the friction his cock was receiving began to steadily build a knot in his stomach. “Did making out really rile you up this much?”
“B-Been horny all week,” Will replied, internally screaming because he would never dare say that out loud on a regular day. “Why did I tell you that?” He groaned.
Richie lowly chuckled, “You can’t think straight when you’re feeling so good. Also, welcome to my life whenever you come around.”
“I-I make you horny when we hang out?”
“Fuck yes, I was horny at Taco Bell this morning, I just hide it well and keep it in my pants.” 
Will let out an unbashful moan and quickly slapped a hand over his mouth. Oops, he accidentally let one slip. But he forgot about it within seconds, and ground his cock down harder against Richie’s, chasing the waves of pleasure that ran down his spine. Feeling the increased dampness of the fabric around his tip, the tightening of his balls, and his cock having a full-on heartbeat, Will knew he was going to last about five minutes or less. 
“F-Fuck, Richie, what do you think about?”
Noticing the sudden change in Will’s behaviour, Richie figured he was getting closer, and he wasn’t too far behind. He bit his lip, bucked his hips up faster, and explained to Will, “I just wanna make you feel good, baby. I-I want you to moan my name, I wanna suck your cock, stick a couple of fingers in you before I fuck your cute little ass real good…” Richie moaned at his own words, feeling the knot in his lower stomach growing.
“Oh, keep talking, please, I’m close!” Will whined loudly, not caring what he sounded like anymore, he was too far gone. He sped his hips up, grinding as fast as he could, cock begging for release.
Richie internally laughed for a moment, having thought nobody would ever ask him to continue talking instead of shutting the fuck up, but shook his head and got back to reality. Will was shaking in his arms, humping him like there was no tomorrow, and the sight was the hottest fucking thing he’d ever seen.
“I masturbate to you every night,” Richie moaned, “ I come so hard thinking about you, making you feel good. Last night I imagined sucking you off underneath the table while you draw–”
“Holy fucking shit, yes!” Will practically shouted.
“Yeah? You want me to do that, baby?” Richie panted against Will’s neck.
“Yes yes yes yes yes! Oh shit–I’m gonna–I’m gonna-”
“That’s it, baby, be a good boy and cum for me,” Richie whispered, unknowing of where this sudden pet name came from, but boy did it have a magical effect on Will.
He pulled Richie in as close as he possibly could and stilled his hips, letting out a loud string of cries as he came, boxers filling up with shot after shot of hot cum. Richie could feel it seeping through the fabric, and faster than he could even let Will know, his back arched and he was coming into his own boxers with a roar. Will was trembling in Richie’s arms, and both of their orgasms seemed to go on forever, loud moans echoing the bedroom, but Will eventually slumped down into Richie’s hold, breathing heavily and heartbeat pounding in his ears. Richie was trying to catch his breath as his body relaxed into the mattress, and both of their energy was completely drained, neither one making any move to get up. 
Will felt as if his cheeks were on fire, stinging with heat as he came back to his senses and realized that he really just had the most intense orgasm of his life from grinding on his boyfriend…and also came in his underwear and oh my fucking shit he came in his underwear and it felt disgusting and there was probably an enormous stain–
“Hey, you alive?” Richie poked his back. 
“Good. That was fucking amazing!”
“Yeah, it was,” Will smiled, pecking him on the cheek. 
There was silence for a moment.
“So…” Richie started, turning to face Will. “Do you actually wanna do that stuff I said? Or did you just say yes in the heat of the moment…”
Will reached up and began swirling Richie’s hair with his fingers. “I do, but not yet. I mean, you haven’t even seen my dick yet, but we can work up to everything if you want to do it too.”
Eagerly nodding, Richie replied, “Fuck yes. Yes, I want to. Whenever you’re ready, though. I don’t want to put any pressure on you.”
“Thank you,” Will hummed and gently pressed his lips against Richie’s. 
“Of course,” Richie said, “So, about you being horny all week–”
Will cringed and sat up on Richie’s lap. “Uh, we don’t need to talk about that…” He placed his hands in front of his crotch as he looked at Richie. 
“Nuh-uh, you don’t get out of it,” Richie motioned for Will to take his hands away. “We’re both sporting a lake here, so lemme see.”
Slowly pulling his hands back, Will let Richie look at his stained boxers. He looked to Richie’s, and couldn’t help but giggle as he noticed a recognizable pattern in the mess. Richie looked up to him, his face deadpanned, and eyebrow raised as if to say, What the fuck are you laughing at?
“Oh, no I’m not–I would never–” Will just pointed to his crotch. “It looks like a heart!”
Richie looked down, cracking into a smile. “Holy shit, it does! Just for you, baby,” He said, making kissing noises in Will’s direction. “And I think I see a pattern in yours! It’s…a fuck ton of cum!” 
“Charming,” Will replied. He looked down for the first time, and yeah, that is a fuck ton of cum. It was drying too, and becoming sticky and gross. “I think I need to go clean up. But I’m all sweaty, so can I take a shower?”
“Mi casa es su casa! Just wash out your boxers and put them in my laundry, I’ll wash it for you.” Richie was definitely going to wash it. Totally not right after he jerked off to it. No way! 
When Will climbed off of the bed, Richie went into his closet and fetched him a towel. “Now, do you want to go commando when you get out or do you want to borrow one of my boxers?”
Will’s eyes lit up at the idea of getting to wear something of Richie’s. He loved wearing or using anything that belonged to his boyfriend, like his sweater and towel. He’s even stolen a few shirts from Richie’s dresser when he uses the bathroom. “I’ll just borrow yours, but I think my pants are dirty too,” He innocently complained, but Richie saw right through him.
“Oh yeah? Is my sweater, too? Do you want me to give you another one?”
“You gave this to me! And no, I think it’s just fine the way it is.”
Richie playfully shook his head as he got out a pair of red track pants, a pair of boxers, and a bonus Motley Crue t-shirt to make Will happy because why the hell not. He liked to tease Will for his obsession of wearing his stuff, but he couldn’t deny that he didn’t look absolutely adorable in everything. 
Richie laid on the bed scrolling on his phone, patiently waiting for Will to return. He’d picked out his own clothes to change into once he took a shower afterwards, and luckily, Will only took a few minutes and was soon back in the room. Richie did a double-take on him because it looked like Will was being swallowed by his clothes. Will was shorter than he was, so the pants slightly dragged on the floor and the t-shirt looked more like a short dress than anything. His hair was long and wet, no longer looking floofy, unfortunately, but he still looked-
“So fucking cute,” Richie squealed at him, hopping off the bed and pinching his cheek once again. 
Will whacked his hand away. “Stop it!” He lightly laughed. 
Richie couldn’t believe how lucky he was to end up with a complete treasure like Will, but he wouldn’t trade it for anything in the world. And even though he’d spent all day with him, it still wasn’t enough. 
“Hey, why don’t you stay the night?” Richie invited, “We can eat nearly expired iced cream and I promise we’ll find something fun to do!” Ever since mid-terms began, they each balanced their time between studying and hanging out, which meant neither of them stayed overnight. But now that bullshit was done and over so Richie wanted to make up for lost spooning in the night and burnt toast breakfasts.
“Yeah, sure, but I don’t care about doing something fun, I just wanna cuddle with you for hours after you shower…” Will looked up at him dreamily. “So get to it! You smell!” 
“Yes, sir!” Richie saluted and slapped Will’s ass as he walked out of the room. 
He grinned to himself the entire time he was in the shower. They seriously just humped each other and came together! What the fuck! Richie would be furious if he awoke from a dream any second, but luckily it was real. Everything was real. What a lovesick puppy he was.
When he came back to the room, Will was bundled up on his bed in the blankets and had his arms outstretched for Richie to climb in with him. He looked like a giant fluffy marshmallow, and Richie would be damned if he didn’t dive into bed and hold him in his arms for as long as possible. Hopefully forever.
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skepticalcatfrog · 4 years
Stay Ahead and Stay Alive Chapter 1
First Chapter Next Chapter
Summary: When Bill Denbrough starts his third summer at Camp Half Blood, everything seems perfect. He's finally getting used to his cabin, he gets to see his friends again, and he's even getting the hang of fighting with a sword. But that perfection is quickly turned on its head when his little brother goes missing. Bill is determined to do whatever it takes to find him, even if that means he and his friends need to go to the Underworld.
Pairings: (Eventual) Reddie, Stenbrough, and Benverly
Word count: 3,254
Author's Notes: New series! This one isn't Sanders Sides, because I've recently gotten very into the It fandom, and I figured I'd try something new. For those of you who are currently reading Among The Stars, don't worry, that will still be continuing. Chapters might just be coming out a little slower than usual. Now, on to the important information! As some of you may have noticed, there's a new category under these notes. That's because this fic will be switching perspectives between the main characters from chapter to chapter. Enjoy!
POV: Bill Denbrough
I held my brother's hand tightly as we ran up Half Blood hill towards the camp boundaries. We weren't running from anything, just wanting to get to camp as fast as possible. I smiled when I saw the pine tree at the top of the hill, using my free hand to point towards it.
"N-not much further!" I glanced at my brother. "Think y-you can m-ma-make it?"
"Yup! You've got nothing to worry about!" Georgie said confidently, speeding up a little bit to prove his point. I just smiled a little wider.
We ran all the way up the hill and stopped only once we were sure we were past the boundaries, sitting down to try and catch our breath. We looked at each other then started laughing, for no reason in particular. I leaned back into the grass to get a better view of the sky. Georgie did the same. Everything was quiet for a moment, aside from the chatter from the other campers in the background. I just watched the clouds pass by. Then something (or someone, rather) blocked my view.
I smiled up at one of my best friends, Stanley Uris. He was the head counselor of the Athena cabin, and had been going to Camp Half Blood the longest out of all of us. Six years as of this summer, nearly twice as long as how many years I've been here. His eyes were a dark silver, like a sky full of storm clouds. He had brown hair, which was almost untamable due to how curly it was. If you got close enough, you'd notice freckles across his cheeks. Not that I'd ever gotten that close. He dressed like that kid in class who got straight A's every year, all button down shirts and khaki shorts. He offered me his hand and when I took it, he helped me stand up again.
"Hey, Bill. When did you get here?" He asked me, letting go of my hand quickly as soon as I was standing.
"Just now." I told him. Georgie stood up and was next to me again. "W-w-what about Richie and Eddie? Have y-you heard anything from th-them yet?"
"I have, yeah. Richie's only been here for four hours and he's already been to the infirmary twice. Eddie's taking care of him." Stan said. He gestured towards the infirmary. "It's nothing serious though, so he should be out again soon."
"Figures." I laughed. "S-s-sometimes it's li-like he does it on p-p-p-purpose."
As if on cue, Richie Tozier sauntered out of the infirmary, followed closely by a clearly frustrated Eddie Kaspbrak. Richie was a Hermes kid, which meant he was prone to getting into trouble. And more often than not, he would end up getting hurt. Then he would go to the infirmary, where he would be patched up and then scolded by Eddie. Eddie was an Apollo kid. He was probably one of the most qualified people in the infirmary, because he knew an unhealthy amount about diseases. He was like a tiny ball of anger and medical supplies. As they got closer to us, I could hear their conversation a little more clearly. But they didn't stop walking, so we just had to walk right alongside them.
"Arts and crafts? Are you kidding me? How do you get hurt in arts and crafts?" Eddie's nose scrunched up as he spoke.
"It's the beads, Eds. Their sharp edges will get you when you least expect it." Richie shrugged.
"The beads?! The beads are round, Richie. They have no sharp edges." Eddie's mouth was running a mile a minute, like a fast-forwarded recording. "The box says three and up. Are you over three? Because last time I checked, you were. But sometimes I can't tell based on how often you do stupid things. First it was the rock wall accident, now this. You do know that we don't have contests at the infirmary, right? You won't get a prize for being our most frequent customer."
"It was an accident!" Richie held his hands up in an 'I surrender' motion. Then he finally noticed me, Georgie and Stanley. "Hey, Stan the Man, answer me a question. Is it possible to cut yourself on a bead?"
"Maybe if it broke in half, then it might have a sharper edge. Otherwise, no, not possible. Especially not by accident." Stan shook his head.
"Aha! I was right." Eddie poked Richie on the shoulder. He suddenly remembered that there were other people there, and turned towards me and Georgie. "Oh, hi, by the way."
"Hey." I waved at him.
"Hi!" Georgie waved even more enthusiastically. He looked up to my friends for some reason, which was probably a mistake. Really the only good role model in our group was Stan.
"Speaking of our good friend Bill, what are your plans for this summer Mr. Son of Aphrodite?" Richie nudged me with his elbow. "Maybe finally asking Beverly out?"
Oh, right. Beverly Marsh. Beverly was the current Oracle of Delphi, plus the girl who I'd had a confusing relationship with since I first got to camp. Everyone thought we liked each other, and I guess it was kind of true, but there wasn't really anything there anymore.
"Since when do you like Beverly?" Stan asked, looking around at everything except for me.
"I-I-It's complicated." I sighed. "Long story sh-short, I'm p-p-probably not going to ask her out."
"Did you know that they kissed two years ago? There weren't many witnesses, but there were a few, so you can ask them if you don't believe me." Richie said, his voice just a little too loud for my liking.
"Oh m-my gods Richie c-c-could you please just be quiet?" I hissed, my charmspeak kicking in near the end. Some children of Aphrodite, including me, can use charmspeak. To put it simply, it's kind of like hypnosis. For example, when I said that, Richie finally decided to shut up.
"Speaking of Beverly…" Stan muttered.
There she was, waving at us from the mess hall. Her curly red hair had grown a bit since she'd cut it near the end of last summer, but her icy blue eyes were still the same. She also had freckles, and when I say freckles I mean a lot of them. She walked up to us, hands in her pockets.
"Hey, guys! I haven't seen you yet, when did you get here?" She asked.
"I've been here the whole time." Stan crossed his arms. He stayed at camp year-round, instead of leaving at the end of the summer like the rest of us. I never really knew why, but he always said it was because he knew he'd be safer there.
"Well obviously I know that, you do that every year. But I haven't seen any of them yet." Beverly gestured to the rest of us. "What have you guys been up to?"
"Me and Billie just got here. We ran from the car all the way up the hill, and it was so fun!" Georgie told her, practically jumping up and down from excitement. A small smile grew on my face and I nodded, confirming the story.
"Richie got here a few hours ago, but he's been too busy in the infirmary to do anything." Eddie scowled "He's already been there twice in the four hours he's been here, and I've had to take care of him. I thought that maybe this year he wouldn't get hurt as much, but I shouldn't have gotten my hopes up. Like seriously, how hard is it to just-"
"That's nice, Eddie." Beverly cut him off. The rest of us let out a sigh of relief, because we knew that if she hadn't done that, then Eddie could've gone on for hours. "I've got to get going, but hopefully I'll see you guys later!"
"Y-yeah, hopefully!" I waved as she walked away. Richie started clapping quietly.
"Bravo, encore!" He teased. "You're a true poet Bill, you really do have a way with words."
"Leave him alone, Rich. At least he tried." Stan's sharp gray eyes glared at Richie.
"Yeah, a-at least I t-tri-tried." I echoed. Sometimes I just didn't know what to say, but for some reason Stanley always seemed to be able to think of something. "Georgie and I still need to g-get settled in, so we'll b-b-be in our cabin if you n-need us."
"Okay. I actually have to go too, they'll probably need counselors to deal with new campers." Stan nodded.
"I'll go too then." Richie went to follow Stan.
"Richie, you're not a counselor. The whole camp would be in flames if you were a counselor. You can go with Eddie, I'm sure you'll be able to find something to do." Stan pointed to our blond friend, who was indignant.
"Nope, no, not a chance. I have important things that I need to do, and I don't need Richie to be there while I do them." Eddie protested.
"Too bad then, I guess." Richie wrapped his arm around Eddie's shoulders, which Eddie immediately pushed away. "Looks like we're stuck with each other, Eddie Spaghetti."
"Fine. But I really do have work to do, so don't be distracting." Eddie turned around and started walking away, Richie following him.
"Alright, well, just find me if you need anything. If we don't get a chance to talk then I'll see you tomorrow." Stan waved and went back to his cabin. Georgie and I went to ours as well.
The Aphrodite cabin was definitely intense, if you were looking for a way to describe it. The first thing you'd notice would be the smell of things like perfume, hairspray, and nail polish. It would hit you like a brick wall the second you walked through the door. Posters of various celebrities were all over the pink walls, and a circular rug sat in the center of the room. There was a row of beds on one wall, and another one on the opposite side of the room. Everything was very neat and orderly, except for a few stray love letters. They came to the Aphrodite cabin regularly, since most of my half siblings were the subjects of many crushes at camp. Multiple small chandeliers hung from the ceiling, being the only light source aside from the windows. Overall, it was never boring in cabin 10. There was always some sort of activity, and no matter what it was, it always caused excitement.
My brother and I put our bags down on our respective beds, and unpacked all of our stuff. Some other campers had gotten there earlier than we had, and were already settled in. By the time we had all of our stuff put away, we had to go to the mess hall for dinner. The tables were sorted by cabin, so I didn't get to sit next to any of my friends. The table for the Hermes cabin was always more crowded than anywhere else, because it held all the children of Hermes, as well as kids who didn't know who their godly parent was yet. I remember staying there for a while at the beginning of my first year at Camp Half Blood. It was where I'd met Richie. After dinner, we all sat around the campfire for a little while. We sang songs, talked, and told jokes until it was completely dark out. Georgie looked like he was about to fall asleep where he sat by the end of it. I couldn't blame him, the first day of camp was always tiring. We walked back to our cabin and got ready for bed.
It felt like forever before I started to fall asleep. I was tired, but for some reason I just couldn't sleep. I got there eventually, but then I was woken up by a tapping on my face. I opened my eyes, and what I saw was Georgie sitting next to my bed and tapping me on the forehead.
"Georgie, w-what are you s-s-still doing up?" I whispered. I didn't want to disturb anyone else.
"I'm not tired. I slept for a little while, but then I woke up, and now I'm not tired anymore." Georgie explained quietly, a small pout on his face.
"Well what do y-you want me to d-d-do about i-it?" I asked.
"Let's go on an adventure!" Even with the whispering, the excitement in his voice was clear.
"Georgie, you know we're n-not supposed to be out thi-this late." I shook my head.
"Since when do you care about the rules?" He asked. I couldn't deny that he was right, I'd snuck out even later than that many times. I hesitated.
"Fine." I reluctantly got out of bed. My brother grinned.
"Yes! I knew you'd do it!" He stood up.
I quickly got dressed and grabbed a flashlight from my bag. I looked out the window. The magical barrier around the camp kept bad weather out, but I could tell it was raining outside the border.
"Get your j-j-jacket." I told Georgie. We usually ended up wandering outside the boundaries of camp anyway, so I figured wearing our jackets would be a safe choice. "It c-could be cold in the ra-ain."
"Okay." He nodded, getting his raincoat.
We left once I had my jacket on. I put the hood up, because since it was a dark color, I would be less visible. Plus it would protect my head when we were in the rain. I didn't turn my flashlight on yet, either. I knew we were outside the barrier when I heard the pattering of the raindrops hitting the hood of my jacket. I flipped the switch on my flashlight and saw the beam of light spring forward, illuminating a path ahead of us.
"Well, we're h-here. What now?" I asked, glancing at my brother. He looked around and thought for a moment.
"Let's go… that way." He pointed towards a forest that had a dirt road cutting through the middle. He immediately started walking, and I had to walk a little faster just to keep up with him.
I slowly started to lose my nervousness about being in the woods that late. We weren't even supposed to be out of our cabins at night, let alone out of the camp completely. It was like a free meal for monsters. But I'd left camp so many times before that I barely thought about it.
"At least the t-tr-trees block most of the r-rain." I held out my hand and only felt a couple of raindrops hit it.
"But there are still puddles on the ground!" Georgie stepped in one of the puddles, then frowned and looked down at his feet. He didn't have rain boots on, only sneakers. "Oh… now my feet are all wet."
"D-d-do you want to g-go back to camp?" I reached out and took his hand. He had a tendency to run off when he saw something interesting, and I just didn't want to lose him.
"No, I'm fine." He shook his head, starting to walk again as if nothing had happened. "They'll get dry again in a little while."
"Okay, if you're sh-sure." I nodded.
Suddenly, a steep hill stood right in our path. It was so tall that we couldn't see what was on the other side. I let go of my brother's hand.
"I'm just going to ch-check and see i-i-if it's safe on the other s-side." I looked at Georgie, and my charmspeak kicked in. I knew he probably would've done whatever I said anyway, but I wasn't going to take any chances. "I n-need you to stay right here until I get back, okay?"
"Okay." He nodded. I started to walk away, and he stood completely still as I did.
I climbed up the side of the hill. It was steep, and the grass was slick with rain, so I had to hold on to trees to stop myself from slipping. It was even more difficult to climb down the other side. I didn't fall, but I did slide about half the way down. Once I regained my footing, I looked around for a moment. All that was on the other side of the hill was more forest, there didn't seem to be anything too bad. I was about to turn around and climb back up the hill… and that's when I heard it.
"BILLIE!" My brother cried out from the other side of the hill.
My eyes widened and I could feel my heart beating. I turned around and started running, but I didn't get very far up the hill before I fell forward and slid down again. I got back up and tried again, now covered in mud. I used the trees to brace myself as I dashed up the hill as fast as I could. I slipped again when I got to the top, and sliding down the other side felt almost like falling into Tartarus. At the bottom of the hill, I was met with my worst fear. A puddle of water, stained red. My brother was nowhere to be found.
My hand started to shake, and my grip tightened on the flashlight I was holding. I started to run, as fast as I could, back the way we'd come from. I didn't stop to think, I didn't stop to collect myself, I just ran. My hood flew off of my head, but I didn't care. When the camp was in my sights I sped up. The second I was past the border I stopped, looking around frantically. No one would be awake, I wasn't even supposed to be awake, so who could I go to? I could only think of one person who might be able to help me.
I opened the door to the Athena cabin as quietly as I could in my panicked state. When I saw Stanley, I knelt down next to his bed and put my hand on his shoulder. He was completely asleep. I shook him a little bit.
"Stan? Stanley?" I tried to be quiet, but it wasn't easy. "Stanley Uris I s-swear, if you don't w-wake up right n-n-now-"
"I know, you can't sleep, but that doesn't mean you have to-" Stanley muttered. He opened his eyes, but his eyelids were heavy from drowsiness. When he saw me, he seemed to wake up a little more. "Bill? Why are you here, you're supposed to be asleep. And why are you covered in mud?"
"I'll explain l-later, right now I just n-n-need your help." I told him, wiping the tears from my face.
"What's wrong, what happened?" Stan sat up, suddenly becoming much more alert.
"I-I-It's Georgie, he's m-m-m-m-m-" I could barely get the word out. Because saying it made it real, and I knew it couldn't be real.
"It's okay, just breathe." Stan was about to take my hand, but he hesitated, and decided against it. "Everything's going to be okay. Now, do you think you can tell me what happened?"
"Georgie… is m-missing. We w-were out in the w-w-woods, and I l-l-left him alone, and now..." I burst into tears, burying my face in my hands. "Shit, I left him a-a-alone!"
Stan seemed surprised at my sudden outburst. "Are you sure? Are you sure it wasn't just a bad dream?"
"Y-y-yes, of course I'm sure!" I looked up again and met his eyes. "And I n-need you to help me f-find him."
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In the 27 years
That the Losers club forgets, Richie turns to a lot of successful, high end comedy writers to find someone to write his material, having lost all confidence in his jokes with no memory of anyone ever laughing at them.
Some writers look at his style, think crude humour, and then make the leap to bully humour. But nobody is as bad as Larry Michaels.
Richie was stupid to sign a contract with him. The jokes he sends out are mysoginistic pieces of crap, mixed in with distasteful shock humour. But it gets the audience rolling, gets a few big laughs for all its worth.
But Larry keeps wanting to push the boundaries, meaner, harder, angrier.
The real moment the penny drops for Richie is when his next script is handed to him. There, on the top page is a joke involving a bit with a guy with a stutter trying to stand up for himself.
And it strikes Richie, out of the blue, how unfunny this is, how much he hates it, how against this is joke he is. He's gotten up on that stage and done some truly low brow bits, but this rubs him wrong.
He sends it back to Larry almost as quickly as he got it and requests a new script asap, ignoring Larry's stink face.
The next one, Richie hardly gets a look at. Larry offers to set up a cue prompt as Richie is vomiting over the side of the railing, shaking apart, memories of a demonic clown, and Derry, and Georgie and BILL who had the stutter that made Richie so mad about the joke and... there's someone else, his brain is reaching for the name...
And then he's on stage, and the joke is queued up, some bit about a woman's Facebook page, and masturbating, and Richie stops. He freezes.
Eddie. His Eddie Spaghetti, with the perfectly polished hair and the booty shorts and fanny pack. Eddie the little gremlin, who gave as good as he got, who scrapped against bullies like the rest of them. Who's smile shone in the sun and who held Richie when he announced his parents were moving out of Derry and promised him "I'll never forget you, please don't forget me."
And Richie remembers the shame of the feelings he felt for him, the horror that someone else would find out, carving their initials onto the kissing bridge. He's frozen on stage, as the memories of the one person he's ever truly loved comes crashing over him in waves.
Someone boos from the crowd, Richie laughs, "I've forgotten the joke" and some guy heckles back "You suck"
Richie nods, "yeah, would've been a shit joke any way, like I would open some Karen's Facebook page to masturbate when I have your face, cutie" and he points to the heckler.
And the cue prompt is still rolling, but the words don't register with him as he runs with his own material, gaining surprised laughs out of an audience that thought they would need to be drunk to enjoy the show.
And when the half way break starts and he gets a round of applause, before he nips out the back for a cigarette and to make some calls to organise a flight to Derry, he stops by Larry's office and give him his notice.
Richie is gonna kill that fuckin clown, and he's going to do it with his own fuckin jokes.
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emmettspeakz · 5 years
Strike headcanons
Compiled by me and @g-ay-gatsby <3
Bisexuals: Dangerously adorable
Richie: you right, you right
Eddie: hell yeah he’s dangerous adorable
Eddie: but, well, mostly he’s just adorable and he thinks he’s dangerous
Stan: who are we talking about? Bill? Mike?
Richie: no you other boyfriend
Stan: Eddie?
Eddie, Bill, Mike: *blushing*
Richie: ….
Stan just being like “I love my boyfriend!!
Eddie, Mike, Bill, Richie at once: Which one?
Eddie and Richie are making out on one side of the couch, Mike and Bill are making out on the other side and Stan is just sitting in the middle BEAMING with HAPPINESS because his boyfriends are so good and he appreciates them so much but also is fine with not making out with them most of the time just being there is good
-Stan is just holding Bil and Richie’s hands in the middle and sighing contentedly 
Richie: did you want a turn at some point stan?
Stan: nah it’s okay I just wanna hold your hand for now
Richie: alright stan lemme know how you’re doing *returns to eddie*
Stan and Richie cuddles with Edie next to Richie at the end o the couch, Mike at the other end of the couch and Bil has his head resting on Stan’s lap and Stan is just BEAMING and blushing so hard cuz he’s soo happy
Richie totally calls him stan the man at the worst possible time and he rolls his eyes/blushes so the other 3 do it as well
Easily embarrassed!Stanley Uris; he’s embarrassed no matter what they call hiM
Protective!Bill Denbrough is canon
Stan decides to try to join in a bit and is kissing bill or something and richie walks in and goes “stan the man! Feeling brave today” but not in a mean way he knows it’s okay and respects stan’s boundaries and stan just gapes at him with his mouth wide open
Bill: Shut up richie
Overusing pet names for stan
Richie: don’t be a ucking pussy stan!
Richie: I was just jok--
All of them are so respectful of his sexuality and take it easy and slow with him and never push him. Richie is the one who always talks him through everything and explains stuff to him. But bill is the one that gets SO ANGRY if anyone says SHIT about his beautiful ace boyfriend
Richie teases him but only in a soft, richie way where stan knows it’s light hearted and all in good fun
Mike is more quiet about it. Never initiates anything with stan cause he’s scared to do something wrong
Mike is super protective of Bill though, especially about his stutter
Stan and mike just at the library casually holding hands and reading books cuz stan is too shy to ask him to kiss or do anything remotely sexual
Asexual spectrum! Mike Hanlon - demisexual? Shy!Mike
Mike is comfortable with Bill and they’ve figured out what works for both of them, for the other 3 he’s more...not scared just less confident in what he should be doing
Mike i could see as being someone else along with Stan maybe even Bill if he has needs to be more sexual. But he assures stan that he’s enough and is pure and loving
Bill reassures Mike that he’s safe with all 4 o them no matter what and he talks him through what to do
Reddie is just going at it, as they do, stan is smiling, watching, loving life. Bill joins in and they’re used to mike sorta being nervous and bill just whispering something in his ear and mike turns red but agrees cause he trusts bill
Mike isn’t as comfortable with himself around Richie and Eddie. Might be a bit more distant from them cuz they’re always connected at the hips so it takes time for him to loosen up
Bill being secretly kinky with mike
Bill and mike go off to be sexual and stan is just like “what do i do now?” and richie and eddie cuddle him and watch a movie until he falls asleep
Since mike is so safe with bill he tries new things sometimes and explores his comfort zone but that’s ONLY WITH BILL, with the rest of them he stays with what he knows is okay
Mike doesn’t like that the others know they’re specifically leaving to be sexual so he asks bill to make an excuse every time and it gets more and more ridiculous - but mike asks him to do it every time even though he knows that they know what’s goin on and he knows that he won’t be judged
-“We’re gonna go watch paint dry”
“We’re off to destroy the patriarchy!”
Richie: destroy the patriarchy...alone in your bedroom?
Eddie slaps him
Stan is still just beaming
Mike: yeah, toxic masculinity and all that. Come ON Bill and he makes *that* face
Bill’s just like “s-sorry stan” and Stan acts like he’s okay but he’s clearly feeling insecure and Eddie and Richie cuddle him on either side and make him feel happy again
Stan is often super uncomfortable with it but every once in a while he’ll talk to eddie about stuff. Cause he knows eddie is co comfortable with sex and stuff, and he won’t joke around like richie. So he just asks him specific questions about things without being judged and then eddie hugs him so hard 
*richie walks in and sees them hugging* hey, why wasn’t I invited?
Eddie and stan are best friends and boyfriends like they could easily come off as just friends to other people except eddie will hold his hand in public and be super lowkey flirty
Eddie: it’s eds’ turn rich
Stan: quit interrupting tozier
Mike and stan being super jokingly sexual cause they know neither person is really interested in being sexual with the other
Mike only wants to have sex with bill and stan just wants to be soft and hold hands so they overdo it 
“Wanna go strip off out clothes off and go skinny dipping?”
“Pfft as if!”
Mike would be more shy but stan would totally start picking up on sexual jokes from spending too much time with richie
Stan being super uncomfy with naked boys’ bodies at first like having a pool party and them being shirtless he’s like “what do i do”
And one day he makes a super inappropriate joke in front of bev and she’s like ….what?
STAN never gets over seeing his boyfriend change and stuff, like eds changes his shirt in front of him and he just blushes
Ben is like “when did you turn into richie?”
Richie: *pretending to wipe away a tear* i taught him everything he knows
Eddie: that’s not something to brag about trashmouth
Richie takes of his shirt and he’s just like “want a taste?” and stan just goes “i’m not even gonna attempt to beep you. You know what you did.”
Eddie teaches stan about sexual things, bill teaches him about finding a comfort zone and richie fully just gives him lessons and talking dirty
“So stan when you flirt with a girl--”
“I’m gay.”
“In case you forgot you’re also gay”
“Oh shit, is that why i have four boyfriends?”
“You’re beautiful mike. You know who else is beautiful?”
Stan: “literally all of you. Fuck all of you for being pretty.”
Richie: i didn’t think you were into that
Bill: shut up richie
Stan is attracted to all of them but mostly romantically. So one day reddie are just being so damn cute and telling each other how much they love each other and how attractive the other is and what they wanna do to each other
Eddie: gosh your lips are beautiful richie i just wanna--
Stan: but you know what’s more important? You have a BEAUTIFUL PERSONALITY
Richie: yeah that’s great thanks stan but can we get back to what we’re gonna do with our lips?
They’re planning the next time they’re all gonna meet up and stan, being an ace stereotype occasionally offers to bring snacks
Richie is like  “I NEED ALL THE SHOTS”
Mike’s like: oh fuck yeah stan brings the best snacks
Stan to richie: you strip when you drink please don’t
Richie snorts
Eddie: *under his breath* please do
Stan: i’m just gonna go get some snacks. Y’al fucking behave
Mike: i’ll help
-Bill: i guess i’ll help too (* is so attached to his baby*)
-And, oh shit, they left reddie alone again
-They come back and reddie are making out on the couch, of course
-Stan is holding both Bill and Mike’s hands so it’s hard for them to bring the snacks but stan doesn’t want them to let go
-Bill is organizing, richie is in charge of alcohol, mike and stan bring snacks, and eds is responsible and brings protection 
Stan has to be holding someone’s hand at all times, otherwise he gets all nervous
Richie: a condom? What’s this for?
Eddie: so you don’t--
Stan: So i don’t get tozier diseases
-Richie has cooties
Richie slicks his hair back, fingers guns out* you already got em baby
Stan is holding richie’s hand while richie and eddie are about to have sex and richie just goes, “hey uh stan do you think you could hold bill’s hand for a bit?”
“Sure, why?”
“I think i’m gonna need both hands for this”
*eddie giggling*
Mike and Bill: we were about to ask you the same thing
Stan: *not having it* Y’all need to leave
Stan can go hold ben’s hand cause he doesn’t stand for any toxic masculinity around here
Bev is like “you can hold my hand” and ben’s like “hey that’s my job”
They joke about ben being the only one they haven’t taken and ben jokes along with them and bev rolls her eyes
“Why don’t you join them already?”
Bev doesn’t care if they joke cuz she just KNOWS ben loves her and ONLY HER
So there’s just moans being heard from all over upstairs and stan just goes “so how’s life you guys?” to ben and beverly
Stan is super red but they don’t point it out
Bill and stan makeout sessions are the ultimate soft fest - Those are the only times stan moans cuz he’s enjoying stuff
Stan and Richie have a neck THING
Richie thinks stan’s moans are the cutest thing and has to hide his arousal coming into the room with bill making out with him
Bill: “Do you mind tozier?”
R: nope not one bit
B: get the fuck out richie
Richie just goes and kisses stan on the forehead
R: have fun you too *leaves*
Stan is at work and bill brings him lunch or something and kisses him on the cheek and stan is blushing like crazy of course and this happens a lot but also eddie comes by sometimes just to check in on him and in general he gets visits from his boyfriends and all of stan’s co-workers are getting confused
Make is panromantic? But homosexual
Co-worker A: omg stans boyfriend is so hot
Co-worker B: yeah i love his curly hair
Co-worker A: *meant bill and is so confused*
“Yeah i just met richie, he’s pretty funny.”
“I thought his name was Eddie.”
Bev drops stan off at work and kisses his forehead and just says something like “have a good day honey” cause she’s ultimate mon friend and everyone is just like?
Each co-worker only meets one boyfriend like the one who meets richie only knows richie, etc. 
“Stan, you straight now?”
“Ew, no, what would give you that idea?”
*co-worker gestures vaguely towards Beverly*
Co-workers somehow manage to always be in the room with the same boyfriend
Mike and Bill are holding hands talking to someone and she’s like, 
“Do one of you work here?” and at the same time they say
“Yeah my boyfriend does”
Richie and eddie get there last
Random co-worker: there really seems to be a lot of gay couples here?
Stan: No just us I think *not realizing it looks like two separate couples plus stan*
Someone’s like: hey stan where’s your boyfriend?
Stan: they’re almost here I think
Then everyone assumes he has one boyfriend who uses they/them pronouns
Richie, Eddie, Bill, and Mike all basically line up and kiss Stan and every co-worker is thrown for a loop
One co-worker who always saw stan with eddie at work, then at the party they see stan holding mike’s hand and later they’re like “oh stan i’m so sorry to see you broke up with eddie!” and stan gets really worries that they heard eddie say something
He’s completely oblivious to the fact that not everyone is in a polyamorous relationship with four men, like he has no idea that anyone would be surprised by it
Stan is like “are we okay?” to eddie who’s like “yeah babe what’s wrong?” and consoles him
One co-worker who is down with everything, who is stan’s advisor just shakes his head and goes, “stan you’re a lucky man” and stan’s face turns TOMATO red
Jealous co-worker is just like “you have four men but I can’t even get one?? wtf??”
Stan: sucks to be you i guess
Richie: *pretending to tear up* i taught him how to do that. That’s my sassy boyfriend!!
Bill is hugging stan from behind and eddie is holding mike’s hand while richie is off being hilarious and making people fall in love with him by accident and then out of nowhere richie yells “SWITCH SHIFTS” and they very naturally switch to stan cuddling with richie, mike and bill being soft and cute and eddie is checking the food and pointing out what’s unsanitary to the poor people who happen to be at the food table
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Nothing like her part two
Summary: the reader follows Richie and Eddie in the sewers, where something terrible happens 
A/N: This was requested by anon so I really hope you enjoy haha! If you have any other requests please send them in! 
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You, despite everything that had happened the last few days, had never been as mind blown as right now. The group of best friends that you had mostly only met two weeks ago, were looking at you with wide eyes full of confusion, probably as to why you were here. Your eyes are also wide, but with terror.
The last two weeks have been the best weeks of your life. Richie was the missing piece, you never knew you needed. You had never been as happy as you were now. You were certain that Eddie felt the same, and for what you could see, Richie was insanely happy aswell. You had never expected to like Richie as much as you did. When you first met him he made you cry, he made you think that you were like Sonia, and thought that himself. Hopefully you had already proved him wrong.
Richie, you learned, had been pretty lonely in his adult life, so he suddenly having two people that loved him very much was quite the adjustment. He seemed to appreciate it though, as he was constantly kissing Eddie’s and your cheek, and holding your hands tightly. You noticed that he had a very loud personality, with a though facade, but behind that you could tell he was a sensitive person, who was a little insecure. He bickered with Eddie a lot, basically all the time, but you didn’t mind that. In fact, that was something that you really loved. It proved that both of them were comfortable enough to be themselves.
Eddie was more open spoken about his affection. He kissed you and Richie constantly and he didn’t hesitate to pull the both of you close to him at night, causing the three of you to become a tangled mess of limbs and devotion. This was to be expected however, considering Eddie was the only one who had been in love with the both of you before you and Richie even met. Richie and you had only ever known Eddie before, not the other, and though the both of you definitely loved each other as much you loved Eddie, you didn’t know each others boundaries yet.  
You were by far the most reserved. You got a warm feeling while thinking of both Eddie and Richie, but you still you weren’t sure if this was going to work. You couldn’t imagine your relationship without Richie anymore, but you had always been lacking of confidence, and you were a tad worried that Richie and Eddie would choose to pursue this relationship without you. It was a stupid thought of course, Richie doesn’t think he had ever taking a liking to someone this fast, and Eddie had been in love with you for about 10 years.  
Eddie knew you, so he knew this was how felt, but Richie had no idea. At least he didn’t until Eddie told him, and when he did, the both of them did everything they could to show you that they are serious and they loved you just as much as they loved each other. They took you out on dates, showed you every place they visited when they were kids and explained what those places meant to them. They also never you go somewhere alone, which seemed a bit strange to you, but you weren’t complaining, you got to spend time with your two favorite people. Richie even took you to the kissing bridge and added the first letter of your name with theirs.
For the most part, their efforts payed off. The only thing that seemed suspicious to you, was that it seemed that they were up to something. On multiple occasions did you catch Eddie and Richie talking with their other friends about something called IT, and Mike saying that they needed to do something soon.
It gave you a strange vibe, and when you tried to question Richie and Eddie about it, the would kiss you on the head and told you not to worry about it. It annoyed you, because you wanted to help with whatever was wrong.
That was the reason you decided to follow them, after they snuck out in the middle of the night. To be fair though, they had woken you up. You were spooning with Eddie, while your head was on Richie’s chest, when both pulled away seemingly at the same time. You felt the cold settle in your bones and when you wanted to shuffle closer to your boyfriends, you noticed that both of them were gone. You had heard the door close, and had quickly followed the both of them outside.
You should not have done that. You should have listened to Eddie and Richie telling you to not worry about it. Instead you were now in serious trouble. You didn’t know what was standing right in front of you, but the monster seemed to be the ‘IT’ Mike had been talking about. It was a spider with a clown face, and you had no idea how that was even possible.
‘Y/N’, you could hear Eddie’s shaky voice say behind you. You wanted to answer, but your voice felt stuck while you stared down the throat of a fucking clown.
You swallowed hard, your heartbeat spiking while a hand gripped your elbow tightly and pulled you back. You looked up sharply, but relaxed when you saw it was Richie, although the look on his face told you that you were in deep trouble. Both Eddie and Richie stepped in front of you, protecting you physically from ‘IT’. You gripped the shirts of Eddie and Richie tightly, while you looked around for an exit out of the cave. The monster grinned even more, before extracting a claw aiming for the losers club, causing all of you to jump out of the way.
You fell a few feet behind Richie and Eddie, who were both scramming up quickly. They both looked at you. ‘Y/N’, Richie called out, both him and Eddie reaching out to you. You too jumped up quickly, but before you could run towards your boyfriends, IT banged down one of his claws between the three of them.
‘Eddie, Richie, please’, you didn’t know what you were saying please for, you just knew that you were scared, and you wanted to get out of here.
Before long Bill pulled you back against him, turning the both of you around quickly. ‘We have to run Y/N, don’t stop’, he yelled at you, while the two of you started running. You wanted to ask what the hell was happening, but you couldn’t because all of the sudden you were flung back against the wall, and blacked out.
You weren’t sure how long you were out for, but you awake to screams of Richie’s name. When you opened your eyes, the first thing you saw was Mike calling out to Richie, his voice sounding desperate. You followed his eyes and shocked on a sob once you saw what he was looking at. Richie was hanging high in the air, his eyes completely white, looking into a bright line something told you you shouldn’t look at, while blood was dripping upwards from his nose. He looked like he was dead.
‘Richie’. You could hear your own voice called out in despair. You wanted to help him, but you weren’t sure how. You pushed yourself up from the ground, desperate for something you could help Richie with, but you saw nothing useful. You could only hope that at least Eddie was somewhere safe.
Suddenly you could hear a voice call out. ‘If you believe it does, if you believe it does’, Eddie screamed, running indeterminately towards the monster. Your eyes widened, you hadn’t even noticed him there. He drew his arm back, throwing the spear he held in hands forward, impaling the throat of the monster. For a long second nothing happened. It looked like the spear didn’t do anything, and you felt the fear inside of you spreading even further, even though you didn’t think that was even possible.
Then out of nowhere IT drew back, falling backwards. On that exact moment, Richie dropped down too, only meters away from where you were standing. You rushed forward, dropping down next to Richie. You kissed his forehead, the tears starting to stream down your face. You had never been so scared in your life. Eddie appeared besides you, and while keeping Richie close, you pulled Eddie closer aswell. You sniffled and Eddie pressed a kiss on your lips, before doing the same to Richie. ‘I did it Richie, Y/N, I think I killed IT’. Eddie’s faced turned into a smile, he looked so proud of himself, you were so proud of him. In that moment, no mather how scared you might have been before, only the feeling of complete and other love for your two boyfriends were the only thing you felt.
However, from the corner of your eyes, you could see movement. The clowns face lifted up and in a split second you could see it’s hand heading straight for Eddie. In that moment, without any fear, because you would die for your boyfriends, you jumped behind Eddie. Instead of it taking Eddie, it took you, but IT seemed to be okay with that, considering he lifted you up and brought you closer to it’s face.  
He smirked, and behind you both Richie and Eddie were calling out to you. You turned your head behind as much as you could staring down at them, and you opened your mouth, but before you could utter a single word, IT plunged his hand inside your chest. The very last thing you ever felt, was the excruciating pain of getting your heart ripped out of your chest.
Richie and Eddie were frozen, frozen in pain and fear. IT let go of your body, dropping it down to the floor carelessly, only still holding your heart in his hands. Your body flops down on the ground, harder than Richie’s did. Eddie find his voice first.
‘Y/N, Y/N’? It sound so insecure and scared that Richie’s heart clenches even more painfully than it’s already doing. They both step forward slowly, as if both of them that don’t want accept that you are in fact dead.
When they get close enough, their eyes are immediately dragged toward the large gaping hole in the place your heart was supposed to be. Eddie drops to his knees, his hand shaking as he reaches out towards you. Richie wraps his arms around you, your face dropping down against his shoulders, while Richie joins Eddie in sobbing. Eddie’s hand grips yours and squeeze, hoping against all hope that you would squeeze back. You don’t. Eddie feels completely broken.  
Richie grips the back of your head tightly. ‘Y/N, I’m sorry, I’m so sorry. Just please open your eyes, open your eyes.’ Richie pleads, his voice cracking on multiple occasion. ‘Just fucking open you eyes please’, he yells out suddenly. Eddie looks up from your hands, locking eyes with Richie.
‘Rich, please’, he whispers. Eddie wraps his arms around Richie’s, in this way holding both you and Richie.
‘Hmm, tasty flesh’. Pennywise chuckles his eyes wide open with glee while your heart disappears down his throat.
Eddie, in that moment, has never felt so much anger as he did in that moment. He lets go of you cold hands and pulls your body away from Richie. Richie holds on tight, but he turns his body towards Eddie to indicate that he was listening.
‘Rich, Rich honey listen to me, she’s gone. This isn’t her anymore, if she was here, she would want us to end this goddamn motherfucking clown.’
Eddie still has tears glistering in his eyes, but his words are loud and clear. Richie lets out one last sob, before his eyes turns dark with determination. He pulls back, holding your face in his hands, and kisses you with the most love he had ever done, before turning to Eddie and kisses him the same way. He places you on the ground gently, before moving away and leaving space for Eddie.
Eddie too reaches down to kiss you as tender as he possibly can be, your lips already feel cold and Eddie has to move away, because if he think too much about the fact that you will never kiss him back, he will never be able to kill the clown. He kisses you twice more, quick more like pecks. Each time he reaches down your lips taste saltier, because of the tears that keep streaming down his face.
When he find the strength to stand up again Richie reaches for his hands. They both glance down on you. ‘We’re going to avenge you Y/N, I promise, I.. love you’. Richie chocks out.
‘I love you too Y/N’, Eddie adds in the same tone.
‘Let’s go kill this fucking clown.’
Only two days later Richie and Eddie are packing their stuff and getting ready to get the hell out of Derry. Leaving here felt wrong somehow, like they were leaving Y/N behind even more. The aura in the room was bad, neither Richie or Eddie talking. They had cried a lot the first day, and talked a little bit about what they were going to do, and they had decided to go to New York, to Richie’s house. Still it didn’t feel like they were complete anymore, not without you.  
Richie grabbed one of your dresses you had worn the first day he met you, and dropped down on the bed, doing his best to not burst out in tears again. He let out a sigh and grabbed the dress tighter, and for a second he was afraid he would rip it. Eddie came out of the bathroom at Richie sigh and put his toiletry down before making his way next Richie.
Instantly when Eddie sat down Richie, he put his arm around him, a habit he seemed to have picked up. It seemed as if Richie was now constantly making sure that Eddie was safe, even if there was nothing  scary going on. ‘What’s wrong Rich, talk to me. I’m here for you.’ Eddie spoke, forcing eye contact with Richie.
‘I’m just so worried, she was scared of us leaving her behind and that is exactly what we’re doing. I don’t even know if she liked me all that much, if we had even know each other long enough for that. What if she would have wanted us to spilt up Eds?’ Richie spoke, his voice full of worry and doubt. Eddie mulled his words over in his head, trying to choose the perfect words to say.
‘Rich, she loved us. The both of us, even if she was too nervous to say it out loud. She was happier than I had ever seen her before, and I’m sure given a little time, she would have told you she loved you.’ She just never got the chance, Eddie thought bitterly. ‘She would have wanted us to be happy Rich, no Mather what. We have to keep living, for her.’
Richie looked in Eddie’s eyes. He was right, again. They had to keep going, to live their life’s the way they would have if she was still around, they had to live in her memory.
He squeezed his eyes shut, a few stray tears escaping, as he rested his forehead against Eddie’s. ‘I wished I could have told her how I felt too’.
Eddie laughed softly, but bitterly. ‘Yeah, me too. I hope she knew that. I hope that in her final moments she knew she was loved’. Richie kissed Eddie once more. ‘She knew’, he whispered. ‘She knew.’
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toshis-puppycat · 4 years
Dreamscape Part Two
A/N: So I'm bored and I have quite a bit written already so shit why not post more?
Warning in this: Drugged, attempted assault, nondescript violence bcs I cant write it but ya know if you ever thought of how to fuck someone up for this. Its that.
Saturday night found you dressed as Dorothy from the Wizard of Oz in front of a sorority house. Richie did tell you he'd be a little late trying to make his friend come over and when your friends knew they were ecstatic. 
"Y/n, I know you don't give a shit but Richie is a total babe." One of the girls told you. They thought you didn't notice? You did, you weren't blind. Richie was hot in that soft boy, bad boy way but he wasn't your type. To be fair though you didn't really know your type. Maybe he secretly was, you did get flustered around him sometimes and you couldn't forget how hed stair at you sometimes like he wanted something from you. But you respected and honestly liked how he never pushed that boundary you clearly put up when you met two weeks prior. You were very uncomfortable with people flirting anyways, but Richie really did act like that with everyone. You caught him once or twice "flirting" with new workers at the Slice of Heaven Pizzeria it didn't matter if they were male or female either. He clearly liked it both ways. For the first time you felt comfortable with a man and trusted him enough to call him your friend. You felt your phone, buzz.
'Hey doll, were running later than I thought. It took forever to convince Stan to go, I'll let you know when we're there. Don't get too drunk without me (;' 
You rolled your eyes, seems like one of his friends really didn't want to go if he made them this late. 'But', you thought feeling yourself soften as you walked inside, 'they didn't want to leave their friend alone' and that was sweet. 
Stan was furious. He could really kill something right now despite his record of not attacking living things. Richie fucking dragged him out of the apartment complex and forced him into a degrading costume (he knew Richie chose it. Who the fuck would be 'Inspector Gadget?) and is now making him go to a halloween party. "My friend invited me! You guys will love her!" He said, Stan just felt his scowl deepen. Who the fuck enjoyed hanging out with Richie with a sane mind? He wouldn't like this at all. He could feel it as he was walking into the sorority house with the others. He wouldn't like this at all.
You were 3 shots in when you felt your phone buzz again, you drunkenly grabbed it and quickly read the text from Richie. 'We're here doll, where are you?' You lept up with joy and quickly sent a text back telling him where to find you, although it probably wasnt english the more you thought about it. 'But alcohol is way more fun right now' you thought, pouting a little you were going to leave when you felt a pull on your arm.
"Aw come on babe, why not stay a little longer?" Someone asked, you didn't realize with all the drinking you were left with the frat boys of the girls you were with.
"I gotta go see friends, go drink more by yourselves." You said yanking your arm away from him. You felt heavy all of a sudden, the world became a little more blurry. They fucking drugged you! You thought angrily, but you couldn't do much as you felt your body go limp. 
Upstairs Richie could feel something, and it was important as the group walked in. He was looking for you immediately, you'd sent him gibberish that he assumed said youd meet him in the front room, because you were getting drunk downstairs. But there he was with his friends surrounded by a bunch of drunk humans waiting for you to show up. "I'm gonna look for her, she usually responds quick even when shes a little drunk." Richie said, looking at the others. Bev looked a bit worried. 
"Rich, we shouldn't be here." She said, a little fearful. 
"We feel like fledglings again Rich, someone's here and they smell good." Bill said. Richie could've smacked himself, he completely forgot.
"That's her! I'm sorry I spaced out on telling you guys, but I got used to her scent." He exclaimed, the group looked unimpressed especially Stan. 
"Rich well help, but you owe us later." Ben said. 
They all went their separate ways. Your scent happened to be everywhere they found, but you yourself weren't anywhere. Richie felt himself get very worried all of a sudden. Like something bad was going to happen if they didn't find you. And whenever Richie felt that, it usually meant something bad would happen. 
The night got worse, for Stan at least. He was searching for some dumb friend of Richies who couldn't even hold their own alcohol! He could just feel his scowl deepen. Then he caught a scent, and it was good. But it was twinged with panic and fear too. Not good. He heard muttering, and very faintly rustling fabric. Eyes narrowed he walked to the area of the faint scent. The faint muttering from before became louder and he could actually make out what was being said. 
"God does this bitch ever stop wiggling?" and "those girls better have not lied to us, she better be a virgin like they said." 
'Ah yes. The wonders of humanity.' He thought with a sneer. 'How pure of them attacking someone like this because of a construct like virginity or purity. How pitiful. No one in humanity was pure.' But he wasn't about to stand there and let some humans attack someone who was obviously defenseless. He walked to the door and knocked. All the muttering stopped. He could hear the blood rushing through their veins. 
"Go the fuck away, this is a private affair!" One of the boys shouted. Stan felt himself tense, the smell was stronger, like it was filled with more fear. 
"If you wanna play hard to get, we can." He said, immediately kicking the door down.
There was the smell, tied down only in her bra and underwear, a small thing with such a delicious scent. He quickly fucked up some frat boys shits almost killing them if it weren't for the form tied to the bed. He quickly untied the frail thing they wanted to attack so bad. He could almost react to her fear filled scent, almost. He did react however to seeing her face, as she quickly attempted to dress herself in the costume she had on before. If he had a heartbeat it would've stopped, you were there and the world suddenly felt right again. He quickly took his jacket off and covered you with it as he heard footsteps rushing up. He knew it was the group, an it was confirmed when he saw Beverly's furious face rushing into the room quickly taking in the scene and looking at several knocked out frat boys and the sobbing figure Stan had been able to cover. The others soon ran in. Richie being the last and evidently the most furious. That's when it hit him, you were the scent. You were with Richie. It was a punch to the gut he never wanted to expect. You were back, but you were with Richie of all people. 
"Y/n!" Richie shouted, pushing past the group as they all shook themselves. They were reacting like fledglings again, and suddenly Stan felt himself tense, suddenly feeling angry at you even though you did nothing but exist again. 
"Dont fucking drink alcohol if you cant handle it." He growled out, furiously pushing past the others and going downstairs. Richies "dont be a fucking asshole Stan!" Barely even heard by the furious older vampire. Logically he knew you were drugged by them, but just knowing you were with Richie broke the heart and he didnt think hed ever be the same knowing you were alive.
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zenexitwrites · 4 years
title: overslept rated: M character(s): richie tozier, richie tozier’s parents additional tags: ADHD, vent fic, references to depression, growing up, canon compliant, hurt no comfort, author projecting onto richie tozier, hypersomnia, untreated mental illness words: 1658 read on AO3
When Richie was a kid, smaller and somehow even worse than when he had met the losers, his teachers had wanted to strangle him just as much. He had a hard time being ignored, deciding instead to just repeat the question louder and louder until he was answered. When his parents and teachers got upset, Richie just got more confused. It was never meant to be an attack when he did this, something only his parents seemed to understand. Something Maggie Tozier would often try to repeat to young Richie, is how much harder people would listen to his words if he wasn’t yelling them. Something he never quite could get his head around. How were people supposed to listen harder then, when they already seemed to be working so hard to ignore him even when he yelled? It was something that taught Richie to yell and speak with his mouth first over all else, and made his insides feel more hollow over in the process.
There was a time when Richie was around the age of 6, sitting behind an elementary school’s small wooden desk, when someone had broken into his school with a knife. The small town of Derry did what all towns did, and went into lock-down. Richie stood there defiant, while other students were hiding under their desks as they had been taught with the lights off. Richie loudly proclaimed this was all fake. It was a lie, a scam, a tall tale. He had nothing but the best intentions in doing it, in trying to rally his fellow second graders against The Man , but what he had unknowingly done was just added more tinder to the funeral pyre of his life. Instead of looking like a comic book hero, he had just looked like an idiot.
When Richie was first called Trashmouth, he really hadn’t been that impressed with it as a nickname. It didn’t seem that clever, and more than anything it almost felt like a compliment. Or at least, at first. When Richie became known for only running his mouth, when it stopped people from wanting to be his friends or be around him, then it kind of meant something a little different. It stopped feeling so fun. Richie started to get then, finally, that his voice and the things he said were bothering others. Like any young boy filled with anger and rejection, it did the opposite of shutting him up, teaching him to run his mouth more. Even if in the back of his head sometimes he could hear little comments from his teachers still ring out. Snide remarks asking if his jaw ever hurt. He could see the eye rolls he faced in class from both his teachers and peers, he could feel the rejection still like it was fresh over everyone pushing him away, being sick of him, while he was desperately clawing at trying to be liked. Even at a time when he was just a child, and couldn’t truly begin to understand how it was hurting.
Growing older didn’t really help either. Life moved on and Richie moved out of Derry with his family, for better or for worse. School went from easy to frustrating. Not because it became less easy, because all in all it was still a breeze of easy concepts and easy A’s. He went to summer school in middle school, a punishment for the one class he’d finally decided to not bother with, boredly enjoying fucking around with the other kids over learning anything. When High School came around, Richie found it to be the last on his list of to dos.There was no reason he felt he should care. Richie found himself sleeping through remedial classes which he proceeded to passing with outstanding marks. There was no challenge in literally any of his subjects, easy or not, so it didn’t matter. It didn’t matter what classes he took if they all felt exactly the same, at least in this one he got to catch up on sleep. Richie didn’t want to go to college, so what did his grades matter? He found himself skipping classes he was excited to take, tiredly playing solitaire in the school bathroom stalls instead of going to class. Maybe it was depression, but Richie didn’t really think he had all that much to be sad about. He did pass his classes though, like he always did, with little effort. When he had moved onto college, before Richie dropped out completely. Richie wasn’t doing bad per say… He just wasn’t doing anything. He had no idea what he wanted to do in college, so it was hard to stay motivated. In the end, he just worked constantly while going to school and ended up doing bad at both.
When Richie left college, dropping out and disappointing his parents like he always knew he would, he ended up mostly floating from place to place. The first move had been a brash trip to California, blowing all his money on an expensive move he hadn’t planned out. He lived on the road in his own car, or in cheap motels, or occasionally in an apartment if he could find one for cheap enough. It was lonely. It was working nights, and suffering by himself. Richie spent all days off wasting away in a sense, laying on the couch. Any day off was spent sleeping all day. He would wake up, hungry, and decided it wasn’t worth it to do anything else. Maybe crawling out of bed to grab fast food and getting back in. Richie learned then the more he slept, the more he would want to keep sleeping. Maybe, sometimes, when he wasn’t feeling horrible dread filled evenings, when he was awake, when he knew he should be doing otherwise, he would sit and write. He would write jokes, stand-up, stories, anything. The kind of stuff he could tell at bars and get loud rancorous applause.
Richie started to do better at it then, comedy. He got more people who would ask when his next show was, where it would be. People who would want to find him. He’d laugh and smile and give an answer, but a lead feeling filled his gut. He kept distracting from the pain, doing other things to juggle time. Feeling tired became the norm, and it wasn’t from sleepless nights. 12 or 14 hours of sleep in a day just became Richie's life. Richie’s empty haunting life, where he laid in beds while his body got too hot. Completely alone he would strip down the blankets and lay face down, covered in his own sweat while he just laid there silently. He would flip and move and writhe, ruining his bed sheets and ripping them off. Leaving them there like that for more nights to come. It was piles of clothes in an apartment he could somehow afford, that he wasn’t used to feeling like he should be in. Richie had put in work, to become known for his comedy, and to be liked for it. But to him, it hadn’t felt like work, so none of this felt deserved. Richie Tozier wasn’t sure what trying his best felt like, but he was positive it wasn’t this. So when Maggie and Wentworth Tozier would call, checking in on their loving son, Richie would just smile and nod and tell them every good thing that had happened. Trying desperately to gain their approval, hoping it would fill a void. A void he would sink right back into when the phone was hung up, when the glow was gone. When Richie was left with putting down that mask he showed to sink back into his own couch cushions.
It wasn’t all some big depressed pity party though. If anything, it was rarely that. Only that when Richie burned away days and nights seeking so skip forward in time. If anything, Richie had a bit of a problem with signing up for too many things. In his newfound career that he had stumbled upon, it worked out a bit better. But before that, it was signing up for anything people needed help with. Richie knew his ‘kindness’ would surprise his new friends, whose names he would forget when it came time to feel worthless, and it would fill him with something for a moment. He would feel stimulated, and better. It would feel like he was doing something. But the moment the project was over, or Richie was done seeing faces that couldn’t even appear in his own tired dreams, he would go back to his apartment and sit there. Facing cold tile floors, much nicer and cleaner than the last place he had lived in, as now for some inconceivable reason he could afford to pay someone to clean his home so he wouldn’t have to. When there was something to do in the day, Richie felt like he had a purpose. The moment that was over though, he would be sitting in his home waiting for something to happen or something to instigate. He might not know the word or the feeling, but he’d sit in limbo waiting for a task to start itself that never would. Maybe Richie would put something on the TV, something distracting and bright. Maybe he would pick up a book or a game. But Richie always ended it the same, leaning over himself and reading things on his dulled phone screen before deciding he would rather go back to his bed to writhe in a sleep that felt more like purgatory.
It wasn’t a bad existence, as it was the only one Richie had ever known. On paper he was smiley and friendly, personable asshole with a tendency to overstep every boundary that had ever existed. But it was a face, in a way, that Richie wasn’t sure himself how much was real or fake.
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