#ribbing stitch
the-sea-anemone · 5 months
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sainteddie · 25 days
Imagine, the 118 gets called to a car crash. They don't know too many details just that there is one person stuck in their vehicle unconscious. They get there and Buck sees a familiar vehicle but it can't be. Tommy was on his way home and this isn't his route. But the closer they get Buck gets more scared until they are by the car and Tommy is in there with his face covered in blood and unresponsive
and buck is FRANTIC immediately. because of course he is.
he forgets for a second that they have saws and jaws and the halligan. he just starts trying to pry the fucking door off with his bare hands.
“tommy! tommy, baby.. can you hear me?”
and tommy isn’t moving. WHY isn’t he moving? WHY was he on this road? WHY can’t he get a good enough grip on this stupid door.
and then there’s a hand on his shoulder. it’s bobby.
“buck, maybe you should step ba—”
and fuck that actually.
“don’t say it, cap. i HAVE to get in.”
the hand squeezes. he meets bobby’s gaze through the window.. desperate.
and bobby nods. “then let us help.”
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magpod-confessions · 1 month
Posting here because I, quite frankly, fear the short Jon anon.
I picture Jon as being average height and the perception of how tall he is changes based on the context. Like:
season 5 monster Jon: 5’8 is tall
While being kidnapped: 5’8 is short
(Not in a magic way but in a his demeanour makes him look smaller/bigger depending on the situation way.)
Oh this is fun as hell. I like short Jon a lot but this is rly fun
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melanodis · 8 months
when i say men should show more chest this is what i mean. michael was SO dedicated to being Tits Out that he made sure NOTHING was covering his chest. at all. not even his chest. i salute him for that. go gayboy go 🫡
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i dont think that animatronic has ever been to medical school
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milkweedman · 6 months
>knitting the second round of my first 2 round repeat
>get to the end of the round and realize it doesn't match up
>after some examination it looks like I started on the wrong stitch, (I don't mark the beginning of the round)
>well, it happens to the best of us
>tink back to the beginning of the round and restart round 2, this time for sure on the correct stitch
>make it to the end of round 2
>doesn't match up again !!!
>I must have just messed up somewhere during this round
>can't find the mistake but my eyes aren't that great and I can't count for shit
>I will just tink back until I find the mistake and then keep going again
>zone out while tinking back and don't realize until I hit the beginning of the round
>well at least I know im past the mistake, I'll just restart from here and try not to mess up this time
>get to the end of round 2 for the third time
>not again :(
>does not match up
>very annoyed by now, this is already an annoying round to do bc this is the round that establishes the pattern, so I have to pay attention the whole time (not that I am, evidently). Also, overall this is round 3 of the whole piece, so it's hard to read stitches bc there's so little there and it's all bunched up on my needles.
>determined to figure out how I messed up exactly so that I can fix it because I don't want to do that again
>can't figure it out
>ok I will just do this very painstakingly and slowly and check each stitch and make sure it's all going well
>*p3 k1* very slowly
>hang on
>halfway thru the round before this instead of k3 p1 I switched to k2 p1
>well that would do it
>I will just have to undo the stitch below, reknit it so that it's in pattern, then work the stitch above, until I'm back at the beginning of the round and out of this hell
>does so
>it takes a while but at least now I know im fixing it
>NO !!!!
>still doesn't match up. What now ?????
>has a sinking feeling I cast on the wrong number, too
>8 stitches too many (80 instead of 72)
>after all of that tinking (280 stitches ?) I still have to frog it
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valdrift · 2 months
this ai picture of knitting is KILLING MEE its so funny to me idk 😭
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scribefindegil · 2 months
oh poorly written knitting patterns . . . my old nemesis . . .
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viciousewe · 2 months
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finished my first colorwork sweater!!!!
( @trashpandacraft was right it probably could do with one more blocking sesh but tbh it's Good Enough and I was excited to wear it and also my blocking set up is in the most inconvenient place possible so.)
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feluka · 3 months
this morning my dad put on a scarf and said "i dont even remember buying this". it was a scarf that i hand knit for him 💀
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crochet-cat-lady · 1 month
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First time doing colourwork and it’s going about as well as you’d except
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noa-nightingale · 24 days
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Man wears cat ear beanie. :3
(Started knitting a bolero. Got side-tracked. Knitted a beanie instead. Will now return to bolero.)
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simplyscandiknitting · 2 months
Part 16 Part 17 Part 18
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david-box · 10 months
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I love how there's knitting patterns that walk you through each step line by line stitchy by individual stitch and then there's things like Selbu style mittens
Image ID: An edit of the "Draw the rest of the fucking owl" meme. The top caption reads, "How to knit a glove," and the first image where the initial foundational shapes of the owl would be has been replaced with a line from a pattern that reads, "Instructions: Alternating black and white, CO (cast on) 116 sts (stitches)." The caption underneath this reads, "1. Cast some stitches on." The second image shows an already completed Selbu mitten with multiple ornate motifs. The second instruction reads, "Knit the rest of the fucking glove." End ID"
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uncanny-tranny · 7 months
On a crochet note: I'm starting my first project using this really chunky, pretty blanket-like yarn (which the pattern I'm following will be for a hoodie)!
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pfhwrittes · 2 months
okay i’m gonna try to do some writing or something wish me luck
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aaandbackstabbed · 4 months
It is so important to me that you all understand how many scars Goldie has.
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