#reusing those tags
joshuamj · 6 months
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A continuation of my last post cuz I just had to draw the red life version, its also just so good.
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ganondoodle · 10 months
to be honest i liked the zonau more when they were a barely if ever mentioned mystery and a meme in the part of the fandom that watched theory videos
i know their designs are neat but i think their sudden introduction was pretty unnecessary and robbed us of more interesting concepts than it gave us new ones
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I'm mentioned in this blog post about National Reuse Day! (Which is tomorrow.)
It really is a shame that recycling gets all the attention when reducing and reusing are realistically the much more important parts of "reduce, reuse, recycle."
Reusing materials and old, worn out clothes for art and things with new utilities, stuff like upcycling and visible mending... It all shows a story in the resulting items, and that's really charming to me.
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sadrien · 18 days
my miraculous buttons haven’t moved at cons so i’m gonna make discount mystery bags, but i need to stuff them with some stickers too since i need something else to put in there (and maybe i’ll make like one charm to come in for my next con) but i’m kinda outta the loop so what are the best characters to have on these for mystery bags
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atempause-art · 1 year
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so anyway mája is also joining the au which aint even au anymore but the same timeline, just.. ya know. modern. somewhat. learning about slavic vampires gave me the last bits of lore i needed to get her in lol
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also a lot of slavic monsters are tied to messing up the burials or their graves in someway? huh.
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chipper-smol · 2 years
i wish there was a way to stop people from reusing your tags on their reblogs
like a button to turn it off from my end
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teatual · 4 months
Penrose and 3, please!
3 - What is the origin of the character's name?
lmao Penrose was one of the names an old mutual used! I really liked it but they ended up blocking me for talking about transmasc oppression so I stole it <3
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uglydragons · 9 months
HEHEHEHE i am. sick but i have a suprise for yallll
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alicuntisms · 2 years
“Kate and Edwina Sharma are soulmates, even when they are fighting,” I say into the mic.
The crowd boos. I begin to walk off in shame, when a voice speaks and commands silence from the room.
“She’s right,” they say. I look for the owner of the voice. There in the 9th row stands: Kate Sharma herself.
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desperatepleasures · 5 months
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the bucket of mud that lives in my bedroom
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namelessokamiart · 7 months
Hello!!! Love your Slugcat pole plant OC!
It seemed like a very interesting concept to me and that
And well, the truth is that just today I found out that it is an OC because a friend sent me the image on discord and I really didn't pay much attention to the small letters :'⟨
And well, since I have Discord, I used your OC a little to create a bot and play with my friend and so on, I mean I'm sorry if it bothers you but I really loved it. You draw super beautifully, what I would give to draw like you 😭
The thing is, I just wanted to say love your OC qwq
(and sorry for making a bot without asking [how curious that I named it Nameless and that your name is nameless])
Aw, well first off I'm flattered! Also haha that IS a funny coincidence xD
I'm glad you decided to reach out to me, I really appreciate it that~ and yes, it's totally fine if you use my work like that, as long as you aren't claiming the art as your own and not making money off it, then I think it's cool :3
I suppose just word to the wise, not all artists are cool with that so make sure you get permission first next time. Personally I prefer if I am told first but hey, its really hard to find the original poster sometimes.
If you're curious, his/their name is Mimic~! I have some vague personality ideas but they're mostly a fun doodle design for now.
(Also I peeked at your blog, I like your stuff! Keep up the good work! :3)
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evilbiomes · 11 months
oh yeah i should probably mention this but theres a very high chance ill be scrapping victor/vic and edge from the perrariaverse altogether… i made them during a time where i was Kind Of Burnt Out from making terraria ocs and bc of that i really don’t like them that much anymore lol..
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cordlessgryphon · 1 year
So someone informed me that some of y'all in the US east coast cosplay community follow my whereabouts as a like. Mysterious chameleon cosplayer who no one remembers get the name of? (I was not aware this was a thing? I was/am a bit of a loon, Internet fame is not my dragon to chase anymore.) Several months after learning this neato fun fact about myself, someone else subsequently informed me that some of yall think im dead??? Upon checking my pulse, I regret to inform anyone who made bets and has subsequently lost large sums of money, that I am, in fact, still alive!! And Intend to remain that way!! I just havent been going to cons bc I have No Money, Burnout, A Job, and Chronic Illnesses. (i actually happen to need a wheelchair, walking at cons is a living hell, here's the plug.)
But uh. yeah. If you recognize me from any of the below photos (these are just the ones I know people have mentioned) and have been speading weird and baseless rumors: Stop telling people im dead! There's a reason you can still hear my voice, dummy!!
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cosmicfruits · 2 years
I think that Error would use xenogenders. like the ones related to viruses and glitches and 90s tech
itd also use it/glitch and probably find more tech related neos
(my reasoning: i say so + it feels like it makes sense for error to prefer to detach itself away from monsters, its just a silly glitch guys, not like an ACTUAL monster, let it be that way!!)
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golby-moon · 11 months
made art for a fic that's another part in this thing that somehow became a series ghkgli
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still can't shade to save my soul but I think it's better than what I came up with for the fic that started this little series at least
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also little bonus doodle of Dean and Cas reenacting the spaghetti scene from Lady and the Tramp but with a fruit roll up and they're dressed as Han Solo and Princess Leia...idk where that came from either but enjoy that
behold, the fic:
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Orange Side
Vibes/pov: I interpret orange to be a fusion of logan and Janus. Plus orange is a beautiful mixture of my own headcannons of Logan and Janus so it works perfectly.
Tags: No tags
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