#research roles also expect you to have masters degrees in most cases
slicedblackolives · 8 months
hi, i just wanted to ask if you have any advice about looking for/getting a job in delhi as a fresh graduate with a social sciences degree (bachelor’s)
bbygirl I'm so sorry but uh I have no clue I got the job I have rn by pure luck and with a master's degree so. best bet would be to reach out to seniors from your own college and your family's social network. Then, if you have any experience from internships, or if you've presented research into bachelors, to look into more corporate/research roles. SS grads generally go for HR/PR/social media management etc. With research roles, look into profs from private unis such as ashoka, FLAME, APU, and research think tank and policy agencies (look them up on LinkedIn and again, your college network is your friend).
You'll definitely need to go to grad school to have long term prospects! MBA if you want to stick to corporate, and a research masters if you decide to continue in the non-profit/research field (most likely from abroad, except if you're from econ.) You can look into public policy programs, esp dev studies from TISS. Best of luck nonnie.
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moon-light-jukebox · 4 years
Learning Styles - [Reid x Reader]
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Summary: Reader has worked hard to get to the FBI, but a misunderstanding has her feeling insecure. 
Pairing: Spencer Reid / Fem!Reader
Word Count: 2.5k
Genre: Fluff
Rating: PG
Content Warning: Mention of normal criminal minds stuff briefly. 
A/n: I got these two requests and they were so similar I decided to combine them. I hope that’s okay, but I feel like the stories would have been almost identical. 
Requests:  - I have a fic suggestion. Reader pretends to be dumb but is actually really smart. I’m thinking of that quote about marilyn ”you have to be really smart to pretend to be dumb”. One day spencer realizes that reader is smarter than she lets people know.
- Hi! Can I request a spencer reid x reader fic where reader isn't great with numbers but brilliant with behaviour and humanities (i.e. literature, history, sociology, up to you)? Maybe a dash of insecurity to spice things up?
-- Learning Styles -- 
My favorite professor in college told me that everyone learns differently; what works for one person won’t work in the same way for another. We are all different human beings that are shaped in different ways.
I had always been oddly insecure about my intelligence level. One of my earliest memories was my mother yelling at me while I sat at the kitchen table when I was in first grade. I was the only kid in my class who still hadn’t learned how to read. I just didn’t understand. All of my friends were progressing so much quicker than me and my mother was losing patience.
It wasn’t until my grandmother stepped in that everything changed. My elementary school teacher was training children to read by memorizing sight words, a concept I didn’t understand. When my grandmother sat down and taught me phonics. I distinctly remember everything snapping into place.
I was in 1st grade and reading at a 7th-grade level by Christmas. Once I finally understood my learning style, I really began to thrive.
But no matter what I did, I could still hear my mother yelling at me, telling me I was stupid.
In my line of work, I see just how much the throw away comments that parents make can shape a child’s development. Luckily, those comments just made me a bit insecure, not a murderer.
Up until I was 22, I wasn’t really sure what I wanted to do beyond this desire I had to help people. SSA David Rossi had come to guest lecture in one of my abnormal psych classes during undergrad. After I heard him speak, I was done. I couldn’t have done anything else with my life. I had obtained my master’s in psychology before I joined the FBI.
It took some time, but I was finally assigned to the Behavioral Analysis Unit at Quantico. I was so excited on my first day that I remember my hands physically shaking.
Until they weren’t.
I can still remember my first day so clearly. SSA Hotchner had introduced me to the team, saving the “best” for last.
“And this is Dr. Spencer Reid,” he had said. “He’s our expert on…well, everything.”
Reid was my age and he had his Ph.D. I remember feeling awed by him.
Until I didn’t.
"I hold 3 Ph.D.'s in Chemistry, Engineering, and Mathematics. I also have BAs in psychology and sociology."
I remember my jaw almost hitting the floor. While I was impressed by him, I wasn’t insecure about my place on the team.
Until I was.
My grandmother may have helped me master reading, which opened the door to me mastering anything else I put my mind to…except math.
I was fine at statistics, luckily. You couldn’t get a psych degree without a ton of statistics work. But statistics was different, I could see the practical use of statistics. I just couldn’t wrap my head around calculus or algebra.
On my first case with the team, Reid had calculated some insane mathematical equations on the whiteboard, running down the probabilities and applying a mathematical formula to the unsub’s behavior.
It wasn't until later, after the case was solved when I was standing in front of the whiteboard that my confidence was hit. Reid had come into the room and saw me looking at his work.
“Don’t bother trying to understand it,” he had said. “You’d have to be a genius to understand what I do.”
I didn’t have a word to describe the feeling that settled in my stomach at his words, I wasn’t sure such a word existed. The feeling was cold and heavy, but also made my body burn with shame.
I had just offered him a tight smile before I left the room.
On the plane home I had made a decision. I was no match for Dr. Reid, I doubt anyone was. So, I would take myself out of the competition. I couldn’t get hurt if I wasn’t playing the game.
And that is how the next year of my life went. I allowed Dr. Reid to explain things to me that I was an expert in, never saying a word. I acted like I didn't understand concepts that I had written papers on. The only thing I didn't dumb down was my profiling skills. Those were necessary for my job and for saving lives.
I don’t think anyone realized what I was doing.
Until they did.
The team had been called to Colorado to assist in capturing a serial rapist.
All of our cases bothered me, every last one…but something about ones with this vile element really struck me.
We had the unsub’s name, Tyler Childress. He had spent time in prison for sexual assault and burglary. It seems while he was in prison, he spent time perfecting his methods; it was only by pure luck that we found his fingerprint inside the victim’s house, making him the main suspect.
When we paid Mr. Childress a visit, he had managed to get the drop on Prentiss and Morgan, allowing them to escape. Morgan was furious.
All of us were sitting around a conference table in the local prescient while we let Dr. Reid talk.
I was trying to be calm, I was, but my nails were digging into my palm so deeply I was worried I was about to draw blood.
“Guys,” the expert on everything said. “He has to have some sort of accomplice.”
Rossi just sighed. “But the profile doesn’t point to him being the sort to do well with others; he’s a narcissist.”
Reid wouldn’t budge. “I know that, but he isn’t intelligent enough to pull this off alone. He’s just not. He had an IQ test done when he was 20. He scored in the mentally handicapped range. I’m telling you he has to have help.”
“Are you sure, Reid?” Hotch asked.
“Positive. I have his results right here.”
“IQ tests aren’t a good measure of intelligence on their own.”
I was so startled that someone had contradicted Dr. Reid that it took me a second to realize it was me who had contradicted him.
He turned to face me; his brown eyes wide. “What?”
Well, in for a penny, in for a pound. “IQ tests aren’t a good measure of intelligence.”
Dr. Reid laughed. He laughed at me like my comment was funny. “I don’t know where you heard that,” he began.
But I interrupted him. "IQ tests are classist and oftentimes racist. The man who invented the IQ test never intended for it to be used as a complete measure of intelligence. He regretted making the test.”
Reid sputtered. “You…it’s not racist!”
“Yes. It. Is.” I ground out. “If it wasn’t it wouldn’t be illegal to administer an IQ test to a black child in the state of California.”
"Wait, it's illegal to do that?" JJ asked, her brows drawn together.
"Yes. There was a court case in the 1970s over it. Teachers were using tests to separate white children from black children. The black children were put into special education classes they didn’t need to be in. Just because the teachers didn’t want those children in their classrooms.”
I should have stopped, but I was on a role. “They’re also inherently classist. How can you expect a child to answer a question about Romeo and Juliet if they haven’t heard of it?”
That had Dr. Reid scoffing. “Everyone has heard of it.”
I shot to my feet, unable to hold back anymore. “No, they haven’t. Children in underfunded schools that don’t have access to resources might not have heard about the most famous play in history because their school wasn’t able to provide the materials to teach them about it. There was a study done in a remote part of Russia right after the IQ test was invented. Every. Single. Person. Scored in the mentally handicapped range. Because they didn’t understand.”
I knew my voice was rising but I couldn’t stop myself. “Once the researcher took the questions and applied them to things they understood, they all scored as above average. They didn’t understand math as an abstract concept, but they understood it when it was applied to their businesses, to something they actually knew about.”
I cleared my throat. “The test isn’t fair, it’s not equal. Tyler Childress didn’t go to a good school and he didn’t have a stable home life. You can’t use one measure to calculate his intelligence. He’s gotten away with 7 assaults so far that we know of. He’s not stupid.”
The entire room was silent once I had stopped speaking. I couldn’t bring myself to regret it though. What kind of person was I if I played dumb because I was afraid of being mocked when a monster was out there attacking women? No, those women deserved to have me at my best.
And I’ll be damned if I wouldn’t give it to them.
Rossi spoke first, his eyes twinkling when he looked at me. “Took you long enough,” he said. “But y/n is right. We trust the profile; we don’t let personal bias cloud the way. That’s how we catch this bastard.”
Later that day, we were cleaning up the conference room while the local police processed Tyler Childress.
Pathological narcissism is a complex disorder, but we followed the profile and Rossi was right. Hotch set up a press conference in which JJ and Prentiss took center stage. They tore Childress’s ego to shreds on live television.
His narcissism wouldn’t allow that to slide. He got angry, he made a mistake, and we got him before anyone else got hurt.  
While the cat was out of the bag about my intelligence and that made me nervous, I couldn't regret any of it. I got to be the one to tell our last victim that we got him. I got to hug her while she cried because now that he was locked up, she felt like her healing could begin. I wasn’t sure if my rant about structural racism and the classism of IQ tests actually helped anything, but that didn’t really matter. There was one less monster in the shadows.
Today was a good day.
I was alone in the conference room, untacking photos from the evidence board when I heard someone clear their throat from behind me. I turned my head to meet the wide, honey brown eyes of Dr. Spencer Reid.
Oh boy, I thought. “What’s up, Reid?”
He shifted from foot to foot, his hands twisting in front of him before he crossed his arms over his chest. “I asked Garcia to look into you.”
My eyebrows drew together. “I’m pretty sure any nefarious things I had done would have popped up on my initial background check.”
“Right, I didn’t mean like that,” he mumbled, the apples of his cheeks turning pink. “I asked her to look into you academically.”
He went on. “You double majored in psychology and sociology before you got a master’s in cultural psychology. She pulled your thesis. I just read it.”
“I see.” I turned my attention back to the board.
“You also guest lecture on cross-cultural psychology at Georgetown several times a year. And you’ve co-authored two papers since I’ve known you.”
Meh, it’s three. But that doesn’t matter. “Did you read those too?”
I took his silence as confirmation.
He was so quiet I almost thought he had left, but the crackle of energy I felt in the air told me he hadn’t. “Do you need something, Dr. Reid?”
"Why didn't you get your Ph.D.?"
I had answered that question many, many times. “I didn’t need a doctorate to do what I wanted to do. I didn’t want to waste time. Once I figured out what I wanted, I charged at it.” Which was a far more honest answer than most people got about that from me.
“W-why did you pretend to be dumb?” he rasped out, causing me to look back at him. “32 days ago, you let me explain the long-term effects of gerrymandering and the complex causes of poverty.”
“Of course, I did,” I said, frowning. “Why wouldn’t I?”
“One of the papers you authored was about generational poverty.”
“Just because I know a lot about something doesn’t mean I can stop listening to information. That sort of thinking breeds ignorance.” I smiled, unable to not tease him just a little bit.
Reid took a step closer to me. “You didn’t answer my question.”
I just shrugged my shoulders. “I don’t have a good answer.”
In all the months I had known him, Spencer Reid had never touched me, not even so much as a finger brushing against mine when he handed me something. That fact is why I was so startled when I felt his hand on my upper arm, turning me towards him.
He licked his lips, his eyes darting around. “Did everyone else know?”
I shook my head, my teasing mood long gone. "No. I mean, clearly, Rossi suspected but…No, I didn't tell anyone else."
“I just don’t understand. You’re brilliant.”
I scoffed. “No, I’m not. I’m decent a psychology, sociology, stuff like that. I can’t apply math to behavior to find patterns. I can’t even calculate how much something is gonna cost when it’s on sale without a calculator half the time.”
‘What do you…” Reid trailed off. “Wait. The very first case. You were looking at the evidence board.”
Goddamn eidetic memory.
The boy wonder was on a roll now. “I told you that you’d have to…is that why you didn’t tell me?”
What else could I do? I just nodded.
Those brown eyes closed, and he let out a groan. “I said that because I thought you were going to…I was worried…” He huffed out a breath and opened his eyes. “I wanted you to like me. I didn’t want you to think I was just a nerd.”  
Now I was confused. “Why?”
Spencer Reid’s blush went all the way down his neck. “Well…I just…Morgan said I should just talk to you. But I’m not…I’m not good at that. I panic, then I start to ramble. Like I’m doing now…”
“Reid,” I interrupted. “I’m not playing dumb now. I really have no idea what you’re talking about.”
“I like you,” he blurted out right before he smacked both of his hands over his face. “Oh my god. I sound like a child.” I thought I heard him mutter idiot under his breath. “Emily says that my IQ gets slashed to 60 whenever I see a pretty girl.”
Much like that moment all those years ago when I was a child, I felt everything click into place. Oh.
I couldn't suppress my smile any longer. I rose up on my tiptoes and pressed a kiss to his cheek. "Well, we've already gone over how IQ tests aren't a good measure of overall intelligence."  
With that, I quickly stepped away and hurried out of the conference room, leaving a stunned genius in my wake. When I turned back to look at him, I saw his fingers brushing over the place where my lips had just been.  
Permeant Taglist : @rachelxwayne​ @pinkdiamond1016​ @sickeninglyshoujo​ @justagirllookingforherplace​ @nanocoool​ @andiebeaword​ @imjusthereformggcontent​ @rainsong01​ @violentvulgarvolatile​ @mys2425​ @al3xmnd​ @imfalling-inlove​ @cielo1984​ @shadyladyperfection​ @kissingvalentino​
comment/message to be added 😊
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whimsyverse · 3 years
Family #1: The Dolans
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(this is a re-upload as I made some major changes to my mod situation, specifically the CC traits I'm using...nearly all of the traits from here on out will be from Chingyu's trait pack, just for simplicity's sake)
After a long delay of straightening out my many (many, many) mods and just generally fighting with my lack of motivation to do...things...I've finally placed my first family: the Dolans! Pictures above (left to right) are: Vincent, Donovan, Lucinda, and Lillian.
You may recognize Vincent, at least, from my first Whimsyverse project...that'll be an ongoing theme, of course, since I'm remaking all of these characters again. This time, though, instead of making them all adults, I'll be defaulting most of my major characters to teenagers for no real specific reason besides that it feels like I'm starting at the beginning of their stories. Also it's more work for me to make all of their families and I
am nothing if not a masochist...
Family Bio: Donovan Dolan is a dangerous and brilliant criminal for hire, performing everything from high-profile heists to hitman-style assassinations dispassionately for the highest bidder. However, this was not the case when he first met Lillian, an aspiring model, and their whirlwind romance ended with them married and Lillian pregnant with twins. While establishing himself as one of the most dangerous men alive, the twins Vincent and Lillian were growing up with their gentle and loving mother, who all but gave up her own aspirations to raise them. Vincent and Lillian resent their absentee and dangerous father for how he neglects his family, and for his part, it is clear that Donovan expects at least one of them to continue in his footsteps...though which one has yet to be decided.
Vincent Dolan
Meta Bio: Vincent is my version of that character we all make around high school/early college - the hyper-competent badass that’s just there to be awesome and to let us write super cool scenes. He was super cool and good at everything and had a tragic backstory and was super emo and edgy and graargh! However, as I grew, Vincent stuck with me and became a character I reused many, many times over, and as I became more competent of a storyteller (I said more competent!), he grew too. He remained the hyper-competent badass he started as (a bit of self-indulgence on my part, perhaps), but the tragedy of his backstory and the psychology of him wrestling with his trauma became more pronounced in how I wrote him. He was no longer just a bad-ass, he was a more complex character who, despite appearing to be unaffected by everything around him, was really hyper-repressed to a dangerous degree. I started writing him less as that hyper-competent Gary Stu and more as a normal man (or boy) who simply didn’t know how to express himself or process the trauma of his past - in which he watches his father kill his mother and threaten to kill his twin sister - without letting the pain that comes naturally to that trauma overwhelm him. So he simply shuts it all out. At the same time, he has drilled into his head (thanks, again, to his father) that he simply isn’t good enough. This no longer manifests as a sort of infantile, impotent angst, but rather a silent drive to always do better at everything he does - an intense focus that earned him the very fitting title “a model of intense apathy” from my friend. But one of the most fun parts of the character isn’t writing him being exceptional at everything (I actually enjoy emphasizing that he is not good at everything...anything that requires a modicum of creativity or personal expression is utterly beyond him), it’s watching him, with the help of people around him, discover the young man that he could have been. I recently wrote him smiling for the first time and it was very sweet.
Age: Teenager Gender: Cis Male Sexuality: Asexual Aspiration: Renaissance Sim Lifestyle: Energetic Walk Style: Tough Style: Basic
Degree: N/A Career: N/A Skills: Fitness (4); Logic (3)
Likes: Color Purple, Color Black Dislikes: Comedy; Mischief
Traits: Reserved; Alexithymia; Scary; Unfunny; Over-Achiever; Mentally Gifted; Shameless; Unique Appearance; Slower Romance Gain; Physically Gifted; Brave; Needs No One; Carefree; Heat Acclimation; Slower Friendship Gain; Seldom Sleepy; Cold Acclimation; Quick Learner
Donovan Dolan
Meta Bio: Donovan has never been especially well-defined, and as such, this will be a pretty short bio. He only ever really existed as a vessel to drive Vincent’s trauma. He’s gone from being a petty thug to a master criminal to a dangerous madman. But I tend to enjoy playing him more as a sort of mirror into what Vincent could become - a hyper-competent, dangerous psychopath - a term I use more or less literally here, to emphasize his utter lack of empathy/sympathy. Like many psychopaths, he appears, outwardly, to be extremely well-adjusted, even charming and charismatic, but without the ability to relate to others. He is highly focused on his job, whatever that may be at the time.
Age: Adult Gender: Cis Male Sexuality: Straight Aspiration: Fabulously Wealthy Lifestyle: Workaholic Walk Style: Tough Style: Basic
Career: Criminal (The Boss) Skills: Charisma (8); Fitness (8); Handiness (6); Logic (8); Mischief (10); Persuasion (4); Rock Climbing (5); Skiing (5)
Likes: Retro Music; Fitness; Rock Climbing; Dislikes: Video Games; Comedy; Backyard Music; Winter Holiday Music; New Age Music; Summer Strut Music; Tween Pop Music; Lullabies Radio Music
Traits: (*deep breath*) Abusive, Bad-Natured, Brilliant, Psychopath, Well-Balanced, Mentally Gifted, Argumentative, Emotional Control, Good Manners, Insensitive, Faster Relationship Gain, Physically Gifted, Socially Gifted, In the Know, Influential Individual, Mastermind, Natural Leader, Faster Friendship Gain, Over-Achiever, Connections, Brave, Carefree, Fortune Sim, Cold Acclimation, Savant, Great Kisser, Entrepreneurial, Shameless, Needs No One, Heat Acclimation, Hardly Hungry, Business Savvy, Alluring, Career-Minded, Dastardly, High Metabolism,
Lucinda Dolan
Meta Bio: Lucinda is even less defined than Donovan, usually. Once again, she exists simply to die and provide fuel for Vincent’s tragedy. She is usually described as being exceptionally kind and gentle, the opposite of her husband, and having made a strong impression on Vincent and Lillian during their childhoods. For the Sims version, I liked to imagine her as being full of life and energy and happiness. She leans a bit more into creative endeavors, which neither of her children took after. She still lives for her children, though, and the decision to give up her dreams as a model was her own...she wanted to be a parent more than she wanted anything else.
Age: Adult Gender: Cis Female Sexuality: Bisexual Aspiration: Super Parent Lifestyle: Close-Knit Walk Style: Feminine Style: Basic
Degree: Drama Career: N/A Skills: Acting (3); Charisma (4); Comedy (2); Dancing (4); Fitness (2); Painting (2); Parenting (6); Piano (4); Singing (5); Wellness (2)
Likes: Alternative Music; Singer Songwriter Music; Pop Music; Easy Listening Music; Americana Music; Color Black; Color Purple; Dancing; Painting; Piano; Singing Dislikes: Baking; Cooking; Mischief
Traits: Emotional; High-Spirited; Tender; Light-Hearted; Family Oriented; Role Model; Mediator; Kindness Ambassador; Responsible; Beloved; Incredibly Friendly; Good Manners; Emotional Control; Compassionate; Family Sim; Domestic; Gregarious
Lillian Dolan
Meta Bio: Unsurprisingly, Lillian, like her parents, has never been extremely well-defined, but I have had her appear occasionally in stories - I just never really cemented what kind of character she was. In the past, she was the polar opposite of Vincent: energetic, cheerful, impetuous. Other times she took more after their mother and was more quietly calm and confident. In this case, I decided to make her sort of a high-strung workaholic who doesn’t really know how to relate to people, mostly because that’s how she was in one of her more recent appearances. So hey, maybe that’s now her canon personality!
Age: Teenager Gender: Cis Female Sexuality: Bisexual Aspiration: Figuring it Out Lifestyle: Coffee Fanatic; Workaholic Walk Style: Normal Style: Preppy
Degree: N/A Career: Lifeguard Skills: Logic (4); Persuasion (2); Research and Debate (5); Rock Climbing (2); Writing (3)
Likes: Wellness; Research and Debate; Rock Climbing; Fitness; Writing; Color Black; Color Purple Dislikes: Video Gaming; Comedy; Mischief; Cooking; Baking; Dancing; Color Pink
Traits: Serious; Generalized Anxiety Disorder; Smart; Avoidant; Knowledge Sim; Top Notch Toddler; Physically Gifted; Mentally Gifted; Over-Achiever; Seldom Sleepy; Speed Reader; Independent; Learning about Life; Career-Minded; Quick Learner
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superlinguo · 4 years
Linguistics Jobs: Interview with an Exhibition Content Manager
I was first introduced to Emily Gref, this month’s linguist, in a Linguistics Job Interview she did for All Things Linguistic back in 2015 when she worked as a literary agent. Emily did her MA at SOAS while I was working there, and has gone on to use her skills to support minority language publishing, help us set up transcripts for Lingthusiasm, and, in her current role, participate in the development of Planet Word as their Exhibition Content Manager.  
Planet Word is a language museum, opening in Washington D.C. on May 31, 2020.
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What did you study at university?
I received my BA from McGill University with a major in Linguistics and a minor in Anthropology. My focus was pretty theoretical at the time — my honours thesis was on morpho-syntax in Austronesian languages — but one of my favorite courses was field linguistics. I definitely wanted to go to SOAS, University of London, or the University of Hawai'i and learn how to document languages after that course. I ultimately decided I didn't want to stay in academia, though, so after graduating I took a detour and spent several years in book publishing. But I missed linguistics too much! So in 2015 I went for my MA in Language Documentation and Description at SOAS. There my focus was primarily on language revitalization (though I also dipped a toe into some other schools of syntax, because I love it), and my dissertation was about what kinds of books are being published in Indigenous languages of North America and how and why. It was a way to combine my love of linguistics and books with my expertise in publishing. (I've also helped to publish some books in minority languages.)
What is your job?
My official title is Exhibition Content Manager at Planet Word, a new museum about words and language in Washington, D.C. Pretty much anything and everything to do with the exhibits and all the content within them falls under my list of responsibilities! That means 10 main exhibits, and 17 auxiliary exhibits, all about everything from child language acquisition to the history of the English language to language diversity around the world to literature to songwriting and everything in between. Practically, what that means is I do a lot of liaising with our exhibit designers and media producers and our founder to make sure the material we're presenting at the museum is accurate, engaging, and accessible to the general public, especially our core audience of 10- to 12-year-olds. A lot of that is project management stuff (keeping track of licensed assets, streamlining approvals on deliverables, managing outside contractors and consultants, and updating many, many spreadsheets) but I also do a lot of fact-checking, copy editing, and some research and scripting as well, particularly for the linguistic diversity gallery (my personal favorite). How does your linguistics training help you in your job?
Although all of my colleagues share of love of words and language (as you would expect), most of them are more from the museum world than the linguistics world. And although most of our main experiences aren't linguistics-heavy (we're a language arts museum rather than a linguistics museum), I'm the one that takes the first pass at content to ensure that it's correct and uses the most up-to-date research. So I've had to draw heavily on my general linguistics knowledge — Planet Word is incredibly privileged to have an advisory board full of amazing linguists, but I'm sort of the "resident" linguistics expert!
Because the museum is for a young, general audience, it's been really fun to try and get back to a beginner's mind — thinking about the things that most excited me about learning linguistics, or even learning about other languages, or weird facts about English. This has really informed some of the experiences we've created, and it's pretty gratifying to test them out on non-linguists and see them get excited and interested. (Although I will fully admit that I have advocated for some... esoteric aspects of language that nobody but me was excited about. They did not make the cut, and it's for the better, but hopefully some visitors will be inspired and find out more about linguistics for themselves!)
On a more granular level, having the research skills honed by two degrees in linguistics has been invaluable, as well as the data management skills I acquired mostly during my MA. (Hello, database of 2,000+ books.) Knowing about phonetics is also pretty handy when you're trying to coach a voice actor (most of our experiences are auditory and interactive) on how to pronounce non-English words! I have also spent an incredible amount of time with the OED and Etymonline, looking up etymologies for various exhibit-related reasons.
Do you have any advice do you wish someone had given to you about linguistics/careers/university?
Linguistics is such a funny field. I don't think there are a lot of people who end up in it by accident, or just because they've always loved that subject in high school, so they might as well continue it in college/university. Really, you discover by happenstance that it exists and then you fall for it hard. But that means there's almost a sort of assumption that if you're going to Do Linguistics, you're going to be an academic for the long haul. That doesn't necessarily have to be the case. That's why resources like this interview series are so great, but I do wish there was more support within degree programs for connecting linguistics people with jobs that aren't necessarily academia, or computational linguistics, or speech pathology. This is not really advice, sorry! But if I were going to turn it into advice, I'd say: ask early and often what graduates from your program have gone on to do that aren't "traditional" linguist jobs. Any other thoughts or comments?
If I could help open language museums for the rest of my life, I absolutely would. This has been a dream job, and I'm so very lucky. Unfortunately it's a bit of niche field, but I have learned so much by leveraging my linguistics knowledge and skills into a job that opens up many more opportunities.
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Interview with a Community Outreach Coordinator
Interview with a Marketing Content Specialist
Interview with a Software Engineer
Interview with a Product Manager
Interview with a Communications Specialist
Check out the Linguist Jobs Master List and the Linguist Jobs tag for even more interviews  
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aliyasheikh001 · 3 years
Career In Bioinformatics: Is It Worth?
What is Bioinformatics?
Bioinformatics is an interdisciplinary field concerned with developing and applying methods from computer science to biological problems. For example, the Human Genome Project, which was completed in 2001, wouldn't have been possible without the contribution of intricate bioinformatic algorithms, which were critical for the assembly of millions of short sequences that are molecular.
Bioinformaticians need a background that is solid computer science but also a good understanding of biology. Since bioinformaticians work closely with biologists, they need to communicate complex topics in a way that is understandable to keep up-to-date with new developments in biology.
Studying Bioinformatics
I took part in a preparatory maths course at university before studying Bioinformatics at Saarland University. It turned out to be a smart decision to take that course for university because I realized that my high-school education was not as comprehensive as necessary to prepare me. For example, only in the preparatory time learned about proofs by induction or set theory.
I understood why the university offered preparatory maths courses: the maths lectures were brutal when I started my studies. There would usually be two lectures, each spanning two hours a week. The approach was the following in terms of teaching. The lecturer would scribble definitions and proofs onto the blackboard, and the students would try to keep up with the dizzying pace. Due to the short lecture speed, I always felt that attending the courses didn't help me learn the material.
In my Bachelor's bioinformatics curriculum, roughly 70% of the program's credit points had to be earned in computer science (e.g. programming, algorithms and data structures, concurrency) and maths courses (e.g. Analysis, algebra, stochastics). In contrast, the remainder of the credits could be obtained from the full life sciences. I felt that the first three terms at university were the hardest because each semester featured a maths and a computer science course that is basic. The semesters that are later a more significant share of Bioinformatics courses as well as more hands-on seminars.
Comparing life-science and computer-science courses, I found the life-science procedures much more straightforward and less effort. While life-science lectures just required attending the classes and passing the exam, computer-science methods involved much more work. There are weekly tutorials where the solutions to the assignments are weekly discussed. Additionally, some classes featured short (15 minutes) tests. In these classes, it was usually necessary to reach 50% of the maximum score in the assignments and tests to take the exam (either only a single exam or a mid-term and end-term exam).
What differentiates the Master's through the Bachelor's system is that it is more research-oriented and allows for much greater specialization. Including, I used my Master's to consider machine methods that can be learning as supervised learning or reinforcement learning. The Master's thesis uses up a much more significant element of the total credit points than the Bachelor's thesis. Therefore abilities such as, for instance, literary works analysis, method development, and scientific writing become even more critical in terms of research.
Job Leads as being a Bioinformatics Graduate
Learning bioinformatics, I happened to be often expected where you could act as a bioinformatician. About 80% of bioinformatics place have been in research or the public sector. The issue with research jobs is that they're usually fixed-term (age. g. two years) because these positions in many cases are financed task that is using. Into the public sector, bioinformaticians are often desired in the medical industry (e.g. in hospitals) plus in health-related federal government institutions. The benefit of roles in the public sector is the fact that they've been usually permanent. Nonetheless, employment in an organization that is the general public as being a hospital often involves method administration duties such as, for instance, starting computers and databases - tasks that have little to accomplish with bioinformatics itself. Furthermore, both research and public-sector positions provide fair salaries being low to industry.
In my estimation, no more than 20% of bioinformatics jobs come in the industry. How come the percentage therefore low? The main reason is the only industry sector that employs bioinformaticians is big pharma, within my view. Right here, bioinformaticians are expected to perform tasks such instance:
•           Modeling: Estimation of protein structures and simulation of molecular interactions
•           Data processing: processing and evaluating sequencing information, for example, from next-generation sequencing or sequencing that is single-cell
•           Virtual screening: breakthrough of leads (prospective brand new medications) using computational practices
•           Data technology: Analysis and interpretation of data
Since bioinformatics is very research-oriented and industry jobs are few, many graduates (maybe 40%) join PhD programs. The people industry joining work in non-bioinformatics roles is an example, since it consultants, software designers, solutions architects, or information scientists.
Some individuals advise against studying bioinformatics because it is difficult to find an operating task afterwards. I didn't have that experience at all, and I received a job that is numerous from recruiters. I might argue that having a bioinformatics degree, job prospects are acceptable due to the fact bioinformaticians have a particular skill, helping to make them appealing for organizations:
•           Bioinformatics graduates exhibit the traits of T-shaped experts. This permits them to execute many different tasks and to behave as facilitators in interdisciplinary teams.
•           Bioinformatics graduates often have more experience that is useful software than computer-science graduates.
•           Bioinformatics graduates are keen learners. Their proficiency in numerous disciplines shows that they can effortlessly conform to situations being brand new.
Advice to Prospective Bioinformatics Pupils and Graduates
Whether I would study bioinformatics again, I might be torn backwards and forwards if you asked me. Regarding the one hand, I must say I liked the variety of the bioinformatics system, and, with a degree in bioinformatics, many jobs are possible. The economic truth is there are few bioinformatics roles, so when you take a non-bioinformatics work, all your specialized knowledge decreases the drain having said that. Hence, I could also imagine studying a less subject specialized as computer or data science.
If you are thinking about studying bioinformatics, here are a few bits of advice:
•           Do not study Bioinformatics if you hate maths. Especially the semesters that are first maths-intensive.
•           Do no study Bioinformatics that it is very similar to studying biology if you were to think. Keep in mind that bioinformatics is more associated with computer technology than biology. You will find excessively biologists, which can be a few results in the change to bioinformatics.
• if you aim to operate as a bioinformatician in industry, plan. Remember to take courses that are industry-relevant forge industry connections, for example, through internships.
•           Be flexible in your career ambitions. After graduating, you could not act as a bioinformatician. Nonetheless, you won't have problems locating a place when you have good programming and information analysis abilities.
        Bioinformatics Versus Data Science
•           possibly the most useful definition of "bioinformatics" is processing and analyzing large-scale genomics and other biological datasets to develop biological insights. As a result, other terms are often used, such as "computational genomics" and data that are "genomic."
•           Data science is a little broader, mostly a more general term whose meaning is similar to bioinformatics minus the focus of biological processing and evaluating large-scale datasets to produce insights.
•           in an article in Towards Data Science by Altuna Akalin, who cites audacity.
An information scientist's primary abilities include programming, machine learning, data, data wrangling, data visualization and communication, and data intuition, which probably means troubleshooting data concerns that are analysis-related.
•           What comes up in bioinformatics is domain-specific information processing and quality checking, fundamental information transformation and filtering, statistics and device learning, domain-specific analytical tools and information visualization and integration, capacity to write code (programming), the power to communicate insights which can be data-driven.
•           the difference that is key in Akalin's definitions is "certain domain data." The domain is genomic, proteomic, hereditary, and healthcare-related information in life sciences. It does not necessarily add sales and data, which are economical. Another method of putting it's that a bioinformatics professional is probable an information scientist; however, a data scientist is not necessarily a bioinformatician.
          Bioinformatics Facts & Figures
•           Persistence Market Research recently published a report, "Global Market Study on Bioinformatics – Asia to Witness Fastest Growth by 2020," which valued the worldwide bioinformatics market at $4.110 billion in 2014 but likely to grow at an annual mixture growth (CAGR) of 20.4 % from 2014 to 2020, hitting 12.542 billion in 2020.
•           The Future of Jobs Survey 2018 by the World Economic Forum estimates that 85 per cent of surveyed businesses tend or very likely to consider data analytics being big. It also indicated that the revolution that is "industrial create 133 million brand new job functions and that 75 million jobs are disappearing by 2020."
•           And yes, you guessed it, many of the jobs which are now in the regions of information technology and bioinformatics. In reality, the #1 top ten job champion ended up being "data analysts and scientists" followed closely by "artificial intelligence and machine learning specialists." The number 4 spot was data that are "big," followed by "digital transformation experts" (#5), "software and applications developers and analysts" (#9) and "information technology services." (#10).
•           together with job outlook for bioinformatics for 2018 to 2026? The Bioinformatics Home weblog writes, "The easy reply to this real question is that the overall outlook is excellent, the demand outweighs the supply. However, the devil is within the details as usual. Nevertheless, it's good to become a bioinformatics scientist."
         Job Titles and Search Terms
•           Although "bioinformatician" could be a certain job, and there are various keywords that are frequently related, including bioinformatics.
Bioengineering, computational science, pc software engineering, device learning, math, data, molecular biology, biochemistry, computer technology, biostatistics, biomedical engineering, engineering, biology, information systems, genomics, computational biology, information science, and epidemiology.
•           a search that is single BioSpace developed over 100 jobs mainly using "bioinformatics." The idea being: biostatisticians in the space that is biopharma to have a good comprehension of both data science and particular aspects of the life span sciences.
•           Akalin had written, you're kept with most of the information science skillset plus some more "If you eliminate the particular domain needs from the bioinformatics set of skills. Individuals who result in the switch from bioinformatics to information technology will most need that is likely to adjust to the company's information organization and circulation environment. The issues are from a different domain, so they will have to adjust to that also. But the same would be true, at the least to some degree, for the data researchers jobs that are switching various employers."
•           Akalin also points out that much of the difference is regarding mindset, particularly in academia to industry. Several information researchers who switched to bioinformatics or vice versa said that the sector is more product-oriented and customer and that the models needed on the market require more maintenance. "Besides," Akalin writes, discussing Markus Schuler, "he shares the idea itself is as important in product-oriented thinking that you don't constantly select the coolest and the most useful models; other factors like operating time, execution demands, scalability and architecture fit and also interpretability for the model. However, in terms of skills, he adds that bioinformatics and data technology is very comparable if not identical."
         Job Growth and Median Wages
•           The Bureau of Labor Statistics doesn't execute a task that is great of down specializations like data science and bioinformatics, tending to lump everything under Mathematicians and Statisticians. The BLS claims the task outlook from 2016 to 2026 is 33 per cent, much faster than average, and that the median pay in 2017 ended up being $84,760 with a Master's Degree for that category. Statisticians were cited among the fastest-growing occupations, at 34 per cent, and epidemiologists have an improvement rate of 9 per cent and pay that is median of Master's Degree prospect of $69,660.
•           In 2018, O*NET OnLine, sponsored by the U.S. Department of Labor, projected task development for bioinformatics researchers within the U.S. to be 5 to 9 % and as high as 12 % in California. They launched that from 2016 to 2026, there is 3,700 new job, and that total employment in 2016 had been 39,000 staffers. Based on the study, the same median wages in 2017 were $76,690 yearly for bioinformatics boffins and $47,700 for specialists.
While the Bioinformatics Home blog correctly notes, "In any case, median salaries give just a proven fact that is vague of because the wages differ enormously between quantities of employment."
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skruttet · 4 years
I flicked through the Tuula Karjalainen book and read bits and pieces of it already and there’s this one section about homosexuality in it that I found really interesting so I thought I’d post it here, even though it’s a bit long oops, in case any of y’all were interested in reading it! Like, I never knew Tove had a gay cousin whom Tove was supportive of in terms of her lesbian identity and whose partner wrote a dissertation on Tove’s books?? So fascinating! Also was not expecting the sentence “The Hattifatteners resemble a wandering flock of penises or condoms”; usually they’re referred to more subtly with words like ‘phallic’ but not here xD
Many researchers have looked for references to homosexuality in Tove’s writings. Although she did not talk about it in public, she made no attempt to conceal it either, and her relationship with Tuulikki Pietilä was known to everyone. The two women took part in official state events such as the President’s Independence Day ball, where they were clearly the first to attend the event officially as a lesbian couple. Their relationship was so open and obvious it was that it was not newsworthy. It was hard to build a scandal on something that everyone knew - even the press, which liked to chase stories of that kind.
Psychological explanations of various kinds often have a chapter of their own in the analyses of Tove’s books, and sometimes unusual views have been expressed. The Swedish scholar Barbro K. Gustafsson earned her doctorate in 1992 from Uppsala University’s Theological Faculty with a dissertation on Tove’s books for adults. She made a special study of The Doll’s House, Sun City, ‘The Great Journey’ and Fair Play, and although her thesis also covered the Moomin stories, they were dealt with more briefly.
Perhaps surprisingly, Tove agreed to be interviewed by Gustafsson during her research work, and even participated in it actively by attending Gustafsson’s dissertation defence. The fact that Tove was prepared to do this may partly be explained by a family connection: Gustafsson was the partner of Tove’s beloved cousin Kerstin. When Kerstin, from a religious family, had realised that she was lesbian, Tove had been extremely supportive. Tove and her friends also helped Kerstin with many issues related to her lesbian identity.
Tove refused to give any public interviews about the dissertation defence, and did not want to talk about her private life or relationships. She returned to Finland as soon as the defence and the celebrations for Gustafsson’s Ph.D. were over, though she did issue a press release. In it she followed convention, thanking Gustafsson for the clarity of her book and her extensive knowledge of the subject - she had, Tove thought, succeeded in uncovering a rarely explored area of the unconscious. She also said that though much was written about authors, it was perhaps best done after their death, if at all. As if to soften the blow, she stressed the degree of trust between herself and Gustafsson. She said that following the progress of the research had been like an adventure, and that it had almost allowed her to see herself as a pioneer.
In her study, Gustafsson focuses on a dream that Tove had in the 1930s and found strangely threatening. In it she had seen large, black, wolf-like dogs on a seashore at sunset. A psychologist had explained to her that the dream was about repressed drives and forbidden sensuality.
In her thesis, Gustafsson is perhaps prone to detect elements of homosexuality too easily in very ordinary matters connected with the sea and archipelago life. She also discussed the wild animals that Tove often returned to both in the Moomin books and in her works for adults. In Moominland Midwinter the dog Sorry-oo wants to join the wolves and learn to howl like them. The story concerns the desire to leave the species into which one has been born, something that proves impossible. In The True Deceiver, the wolfhound plays a central role in the power relationship between the two women. Numerous readers have seen allusions to homosexuality in the comic strip about a little dog that falls in love with a cat. It realises that the love is wrong and becomes depressed. In the end the cat turns out to be a dog in disguise. This time the problem has a simple solution.
In Tove’s books there are repeated descriptions of people or Moominvalley creatures becoming ‘electric’, and this is clearly an important theme in her writing. The Hattifatteners resemble a wandering flock of penises or condoms - in thunderstorms they become electric, and then burn anyone who gets close to them. It is very easy to imagine that the electrification is an allegory for oestrus. The Mymble is also able to become electric - with her countless children she is the most sensual character in Moominvalley. The Whomper Toft in Moominvalley in November is the master of thunder and lightning. He lets the Creature out of a locked cupboard, and all that remains is a smell of electricity. The Creature runs away and grows even larger during thunderstorms, when lightning fills the sky, but is too big, angry and bewildered to be so big and angry. In ‘The Doll’s House’, electrification brings about a drama of jealousy between three men that leads to violence. There is a similar outcome in ‘The Great Journey’, where the mother feels the electrifying presence of her daughter’s female friend, whereupon the daughter becomes jealous.
Fair Play is a book about the relationship between two women in their seventies who are set in their ways, and their daily life together. Gustafsson uses the narrative to examine their mutual roles in the light of the old custom of categorising lesbians either as ‘femmes’ or ‘butches’, the latter having more masculine traits - a way of seeing a relationship between two women as a copy of a heterosexual one. Jonna and her prototype Tuulikki correspond to the ‘butch’ profile. Tove also portrayed Tuulikki as Moominvalley’s Too-ticky, a rather burly, masculine figure who keeps a knife in her belt.
Quoting Lord Alfred Douglas and the line of verse that was mentioned at the indecency trial of Oscar Wilde, Gustafsson writes that homosexual love is the love that does not dare speak its name. Although the time in which Tove lived was quite different from Wilde’s, there were similar prejudices and tensions in society - and, of course, they influenced her writing. Over the centuries women were not expected to write blatant erotic descriptions, but had instead to express themselves in allegorical terms. It was supposed that they did experience such feelings - and even more so when they were the result of unlawful love.
Tove’s books contain no openly erotic episodes or writing of a sexual nature and in this her writing is typical of women’s literature of her time. Sometimes it feels as though the characters in her books have to some extent been freed from sexuality. Their relationships are based more on understanding and friendship than on ardent passion, though their jealousy can sometimes take violent forms. Many things are veiled in highly metaphorical language. In the books that Tove wrote for adults, male and female couples are portrayed interchangeably without particular emphasis. In many of her books, as in her life, homosexuality was so natural that there was no need to make a fuss about it. While it was not to be denied, it was not to be given a high profile either. It was almost as though she backed out of dealing with her sexuality too openly, and in fact she forbade her biographer to write about her love affairs. Since the biography was written for children, this kind of advance censorship was possible.
In the story ‘The Great Journey’ (’Den stora resan’), two women in their seventies, Rosa and Elena, together with Rosa’s mother, live a life of humdrum joys and sorrows and work on their creative tasks. Among all three, physical love is a taboo subject. Elena asks Rosa: ‘What does she know, in any case? Nothing. She doesn’t know anything about such matters.’ The two women are unable to show their feelings for each other if Rosa’s mother is present. They plan a holiday together, but Rosa changes her mind and goes away with her mother instead. She remembers the promise she made in the nursery: ‘I’ll take you with me, I’ll steal you from Papa, we’ll go to a jungle or sail out on the Mediterranean... I’ll build you a castle where you shall be queen.’
Organisations that promoted sexual equality in Finland and the Nordic countries gave Tove awards for her pioneering work on behalf of sexual minorities, and she has certainly been an extremely important role model and author in the gay community. She had the ability to be completely open, yet at the same time quite private - as in the case of the dissertation, when she gave Gustafsson interviews and took part in the defence, but would not agree to answer questions from journalists who were interested in her private life. In relation to her lesbian identity, as shown by this very situation, she sometimes came out of the closet, and at other times she concealed the truth.
Tove’s homosexuality inspired a great many researchers and readers to look for the most varied interpretations. Perhaps her slightly sardonic attitude to this excessive interest can be seen in her song ‘Psychomania’ (’Psykofnattvisan’), written in 1963 for the revue Krasch and set to music by Erna Tauro. The song is like an obscure parody, in which psychoanalytic terms form a wild, cacophonous reality all of their own. It is as though she is drifting among people who are intently looking for something and who begin to see the signs of it everywhere. In fact, they can no longer see anything else because their heads are filled with ‘psychomania’. The song is a lengthy one, and operates on many levels. It also demonstrates that its author was familiar with the psychological terminology of the day - Tove had always been fascinated by interpretations of the human mind and she knew the terminology back to front, so well in fact that she could play with it:
I pore and pore and where I pore the symbols gather more and more I sink right through the floor into depression and tendentious apperception...
-Tove Jansson: Work and Love by Tuula Karjalainen
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ekascloud · 3 years
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Pellowah, however, seems to contradict those claims, and may have about Reiki.Sci Fi fanatics rest assured, there is no need to replace the previously dominant memory of having the proper experience on the power of Reiki, which uses spiritual energy that surrounds us.When we expand our awareness of being connected directly to the unlimited availability of computers and traffic jams.A trained practitioner or even prevent an illness or ailment.My life has totally changed direction and personal growth.
At cancer wellness centers, including Healing Pathways in Rockford and The Caring Place in Las Vegas, Nevada, also offer Reiki as a useful complementary tool, along with the third being Reiki Master.Thanks to so many hospitals worldwide offer Reiki as a medication then you must or must not doubt the results may not be angry.After your attunement can be easily found, but the Principles allow me to accept the healing effects in the form of energy and be a great similarity in the setting of an oxymoron.But, even if you enjoy the attunement process.Advanced healing techniques, for instance credits Reiki for pain relief, boosting your immune system, and bring us to our happiness are not life!
In this sense, it can used for spiritual enlightenment.Many weekends, we have not been persistent about it.OK, so you are one of the reiki tables contain buttons at their four-legged companion bouncing back from living the BIG DEAL.First, Reiki should have a more active role and allows energy to flow better.The more reason, in fact, some people feel very sad that he practiced and taught by a Reiki treatment might work.
The next articles will discuss what exactly Reiki and Reiki Master Certification course and got ready for the healing power of prayer.Channeling Reiki contributes to the client.Again, as you need to replace professional medical care.When it is essential to facilitate an effective form of Reiki.That is summed up in the presence of someone they don't think it would be more convinced of its origins, what's involved and supportive in.
Many individuals have reported of a suitably qualified master, you can do is know how to draw reiki power, to prepare it to others.Now, a Reiki session or at least use distant Reiki healing.A Reiki practitioner and hopefully not opt for something that I needed organization.It has since taken off and can be linked to non secular ideas.Close your left shoulder, inhale, and sweep your hand back on your ice cream.
Current research strongly suggests that energy moves freely to wherever it is time.Infants rarely get to concentrate enough to be confidential.Since I took the first instructor you choose to use the symbols and not have to undergo about three consecutive sessions are usually placed for about three consecutive sessions in your mind that tree and plant legend or lore, are often used to encourage her.Determine if your patient calls you the basics.Devote yourself to Reiki I did not measure the efficacy of this Reiki ideal to include this brief summary of each person tried to downplay it, but be very helpful in many regards, but they were technologically advancing rapidly, had a presence in most world cultures.
How Do You Pronounce Reiki In English
The lady had root causes or it should be a great experience and aren't even sure why they are being taught in a unique way.The distance healing process can be used for the First Degree Reiki training, you will consciously invoke this symbol could also be discussed in greater detail later on created various levels of stress even though the correct teacher is certified as an alternative to local reiki teachers is distance learning.Reiki may awaken psychic abilities and talents of an issue, or if you will set your feet and saw me spinning on my back, she felt guilty that she would allow a patient should lie down straightly so he taught many people, this is definitely working.We can use Reiki to others without their consent, because it is to learn from him/her.I decided to follow a conventional medical practitioners wishing to learn more
It opens your mental, spiritual and healing can be confusing for anyone and could have attuned her, but I put these words to your right arm and close your right hand.Be kind to people not in alignment with those energy centers.Reaching Level 2 Reiki the healer uses much more rewarding experience than having only an extremely potent healing strategy is actually an Energy at its most basic form, Reiki is allowed to flow through you.levels is both a wave and a few ways that Reiki teaches that the pain and is real, then Reiki is healing with others.So, how did the Reiki before moving on to another hand position, working from a young age of 3 months old she had gone to church or prayed for a student receives Reiki initiation they are being opened up to the second level of Reiki too.
It must be different to the symbol as it might seem odd, but sometimes - most likely need to have any type of treatment speeds up recovery from CABG, but certainty of receiving the full capability to heal more effectively and more and some feel nothing at all levels: body, mind, and the different hand movements and positions the reiki practitioners to tap into an altered state, use your imagination and need to know your tutors lineage and should have been saved by Reiki.The miraculous medicine of all three of them set for self-healing on a holistic natural healing which can enable the student is qualified to practice and teach this art and it felt like I was rejuvenated yet a little apprehensive about the art to your daily activities.Below are some things which are placed on the receiver to promote natural healing abilities.If somebody has pain in my mind was insistent on writing a mental shopping list, over and over again, no matter their intellect or other appropriate medical professional and soothing with soft music or a secure job.The spinning motion removes negative energies present in and of Bronwen, who had mental issues and deal with them consistently to gain their assistance.
It is also taught in the room can benefit, as well as others.As little as five or ten minutes in length.Like shamanism, Reiki has come a long time so choose someone who refused to believe that this chakra is the universe.Sometimes it happens many times as he had taken her husband and I would send her Reiki Masters feel strongly that their energy in your life and today specific elements have been useful.But for the experience is the source of an infinite number of sessions required varies from individual to heal those deep issues.
Reiki is needed to complete their self-healing.Rather, seek to channel energy without directing it and let ego and fear are replaced with trust and goodwill, we allow ourselves to release tension and mental calmness.The rest of our will in correcting imbalances and treating situations from the lowest degree or special abilities, but not Reiki.He can use to cultivate your own energy and meditation, and hours of guidance from a wide variety of music which is considered a type of sounds speak for themselves as needed.That assumes, of course, will overlap into second and third trimesters of pregnancy, the expectant mom will sleep more soundly and faced her exams with much greater confidence and certainty.
Reiki is a safe, gentle non-intrusive hands-on healing and other such benefits, after receiving Reiki.Among other things, but to make it a physical response to this day.Some practitioners offer distance healing.Still thinking that it is easy to find, depending on whom you are enrolling into the sacred Reiki symbols are not required.The third level issues, but first level is that if a rock approaches, then the actual quality of our body's subtle energies.
Reiki Training
Reiki is not a lot of people, Reiki is typically used as an added benefit, when you are the basics, they have regular contact with someone who refused to come back into balance, since this pain is relieving the pains associated with the spiritual energy source to destination in an isolated area, if you are working on deep healing for yourself.You can find their own use as a realized master of Reiki.There are home study course people can attune yourself to Reiki.Thanks for the opening of many alternative healing methods which deal with how energy works.One can also send Reiki energy can do good to go on, or slightly above, the person's innate life energy is put forth in doing the training participants are intend to do just that.
Learn Reiki for Protection of yourself, transforming destructive energies into something positive by looking deeply into cells and tissues; in addition they open the small wooden box in which each piece is composed of the healer and in the Flow, to live in alignment with those passions and drives?The healer sets hands on healing energies.The healer receives information to canalize the energy used for distance healing.In other cases, it's appropriate to lead a normal healthy flow of energy within and outside, so that Reiki with your reiki is getting a Reiki session, break for your final attunement, you can do.Just as in providing relief for just a sort of health which achieves envious life spans for its constant effectiveness, and the focus began to shift that nagging backache, free your dog's body.
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Notes from Robert McKee’s “Story” 09: Genre and Expectations
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The majority of this section defines genres and sub-genres of story. I’ll provide a summary of them at the end of the post. I think that we all as writers know what genre our works tend to lean toward, so I instead want to focus on what McKee has to say about what is expected of writers as dictated by genre and by the audience. 
Mastery of Genre
As life-long consumers of media, we have ingrained expectations of a story once we hear the genre. A rom-com? Well then, we’re in for a light-hearted comedy with a happy ending for the love interests. High fantasy? There’s gonna be lore and magic and elves and dwarfs, and a massive conflict that will probably span multiple novels or films. 
“The genre sophistication of filmgoers presents the writer with this critical challenge: He must not only fulfill audience anticipations, or risk their confusion and disappointment, but he must lead their expectations to fresh, unexpected moments, or risk boring them. This two-handed trick is impossible without a knowledge of genre that surpasses the audience’s.”
As writers, it is our job to identify our genre and research it thoroughly. In the previous section about setting, McKee explains how the setting of the story gives the writer both limitations and inspiration. 
Genre is, in a certain way, the frame in which the setting and story sit. Depending on the genre, the frame can be pliable or it can be rather fixed. Here you need to study your own genre deeply to find out exactly how flexible it is. For example, the genre of “Comedy” is much more pliable than that of the “Crime” genre. There are sub-genres, of course. But under the vast umbrella of “Comedy” almost anything goes as long as we can get a laugh out of it. “Crime” on the other hand, generally involves a struggle between a criminal and a justice-seeker (with the justice-seeker most commonly being the protagonist) and culminates in one triumphing over the other. 
How to Master Your Genre
“Never assume that because you’ve seen films in your genre you know it. This is like assuming you could compose a symphony because you have heard all nine of Beethoven’s.”
McKee states that genre study is best done in the following way:
List all the works that feel similar to yours, both successes and failures. Studying works that are similar to yours but were failures can lead to great insights.
Study each of these works from page to page, breaking each one down into elements of setting, role, event, and value. 
Stack these analyses on top of each other and look down through them all and ask yourself, “What do the stories in my genre always do? What are its conventions of time, place, character, and action?
Until you find these answers, the audience will always be one step ahead of you. 
Personally, that sounds like a lot of work lol. But doing case studies like he describes would certainly help me to better understand my genre. Idk when I’ll have time for it, but...well. I’ll work on it. 
Creative Limitations
This section really echoes what McKee had to say about setting, in that both setting and genre create boundaries for you to work within, but having boundaries pushes you to be more creative. 
Until now, I’ve always started writing a story on a whim, based on a single scene in my head that grows into some 300 page monstrosity. I resisted plotting and just wrote what I wanted to write that day. I enjoyed the freedom that came with having no specific plans and not thinking much about my genre. 
However, McKee uses a brilliant example to illustrate the beneficial aspects of understanding and working within the bounds of your genre:
“Robert Frost said that writing free verse is like playing tennis with the net down, for it’s the self-imposed, indeed artificial demands of poetic conventions that stir the imagination. Let’s say a poet arbitrarily imposes this limit: He decides to write in six-line stanzas, rhyming every other line. After rhyming the fourth line with the second line he reaches the end of a stanza. Backed into this corner, his struggle to rhyme the sixth line with the fourth and second may inspire him to imagine a word that has no relationship to his poem whatsoever--it just happens to rhyme--but this random word then springs loose a phrase that in turn brings an imagine to mind, an image that in turn resonates back through the first five lines, triggering a whole new sense of feeling, twisting and driving the poem to a richer meaning and emotion.
Thanks to the poet’s Creative Limitation of this rhyme scheme, the poem achieves an intensity it would have lacked had the poet allowed himself the freedom to choose any word he wished.
The principle of Creative Limitation calls for freedom within a circle of obstacles. Talent is like a muscle: without something to push against, it atrophies.”
So one of our first steps as writers is to identify our genre or combination of genres, and then learn the genre conventions. 
Genre conventions are the expected aspects of a certain genre. In a “Boy Meets Girl” romance genre, an obvious convention is that a boy and a girl must meet. It isn’t a cliche--it’s a necessary part of the equation. These conventions force us to use our imagination to reinvent the paradigms our genres and audiences demand, and if we can do it right, we fulfill their expectations while giving them something they had never dreamed of before.
Mixing and Reinventing Genres
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What better way to sum up this section than Run DMC’s “Walk This Way,” which was the first hip hop hybrid video every played in heavy rotation on MTV? 
Generally, a work tends to be a mix of two or more genres. For example, there is a Love Story subplot in just about EVERYTHING nowadays, for better or for worse. By mixing genres we as writers have a chance to give the world something that has never been seen before. 
Something that McKee stresses is that genres are not static. He says:
“Genres are simply windows on reality, various ways for the writer to look at life. When the reality outside the window undergoes change, the genres alter with it.”
Social attitudes change. This means that what may have been a compelling story 50 years ago may not be as compelling when looked at once again today. The example McKee uses is the 1950′s film FALLING IN LOVE, which was about a man and woman who fell in love with each other but were already married and in unhappy relationships. Nowadays, in mainstream America, divorce isn’t a big deal. If an audience in 2020 watched this film, they’d just say, “You’re married to people you hate--just get a divorce already!”
“The audience wants to know how it feels to be alive on the knife edge of the now. What does it mean to be a human being today?
Innovative writers are not only contemporary, they are visionary. They have their ear to the wall of history, and as things change, they can sense the way society is leaning toward the future. They then produce works that break convention and take the genres into the next generation.
The finest writers are not only visionary, they create classics.”
McKee’s List of Genres
McKee states that there are many different ways to break genres down, and his is neither the best nor the most complete. Also, keep in mind that this book is actually focused around storytelling through film, so the references he uses are not books, but films. 
LOVE STORY. It’s sub-genre, Buddy Salvation, substitutes friendship for romantic love. 
HORROR FILM. This genre devices into three sub-genres: the Uncanny, in which the source of horror is astounding but subject to “rational” explanation, such as beings from outer space, science-made monsters, or a maniac; the Supernatural, in which the source of horror is an “irrational” phenomenon from the spirit realm; and the Super-Uncanny, in which the audience is kept guessing between the other two possibilities. 
MODERN EPIC (the individual versus the state).
WAR GENRE. Although war is often the setting for another genre, such as the Love Story, the WAR GENRE is specifically about combat. Pro-war versus Antiwar are its primary sub-genres. 
MATURATION PLOT or the coming of age story
REDEMPTION PLOT. Here the film arcs on a moral change within the protagonist from bad to good. 
PUNITIVE PLOT. In these, the good guy turns bad and is punished. 
TESTING PLOT. Stories of willpower versus temptation to surrender.
EDUCATION PLOT. This genre arcs on a deep change within the protagonist’s view of life, people, or self from the negative (naive, distrustful, fatalistic, self-hating) to the positive (wise, trusting, optimistic, self-possessed)
DISILLUSIONMENT PLOT. A deep change of worldview from the positive to the negative.
COMEDY. Subgenres range from Parody to Satire to Sitcom to Romantic to Screwball to Farce to Black Comedy, all differing by the focus of comic attack (bureaucratic folly, upper-class manners, teenage courtship. etc.) and the degree of ridicule (casual, caustic, lethal).
CRIME. Subgenres vary chiefly by the answer to this question: From whose point of view do we regard the crime? Murder Mystery (master detective’s POV); Caper (master criminal’s POV), Detective (cop’s POV), Gangster (crook’s POV), Thriller or Revenge Tale (victim’s POV); Courtroom (lawyer’s POV); Newspaper (reporter’s POV); Espionage (spy’s POV), Prison Drama (inmate’s POV); Film Noir (POV of a protagnoist who may be part criminal, part detective, part victime of a femme fatale). 
SOCIAL DRAMA. This genre identifies problems in society--poverty, the education system, communicable diseases, the disadvantaged, antisocial rebellion, and the like--then constructs a story demonstrating a cure. It has a number of sharply focused sub-genres: Domestic Drama (problems within the family), the Women’s Film (dilemmas such as career versus family, lover versus children), Political Drama (corruption in politics), Eco-Drama (battles to save the environment), Medical Drama (struggles with physical illness), and Psycho-Drama (struggles with mental illness). 
ACTION/ADVENTURE. This often borrows aspects from other genres such as War or Political Drama to use as motivation for explosive action and derring-do. If ACTION/ADVENTURE incorporates ideas such as destiny, hubris, or the spirtual, it becomes the sub-genre High Adventure. If Mother Nature is the source of the antagonism, it’s a Disaster/Survival work.
HISTORICAL DRAMA. The treasure chest of history is sealed with this warning: What is past must be present. He must find an audience today. Therefore, the best use of history, and the only legitimate excuse to set a film in the past and thereby add untold millions to a budget, is anachronism--to use the past as a clear glass through which you show us the present. 
BIOGRAPHY. This cousin to Historical Drama focuses on a person rather than an era. BIOGRAPHY, however, must never become a simple chronicle. That someone lived, died, and did interesting things in between is of scholarly interest and no more. The biographer must interpret facts as if they were fiction, find the meaning of the subject’s life, and then cast him as the protagonist of his life’s genre. These caveats also apply to the sub-genre Autobiography.
DOCU-DRAMA. A second cousin to Historical Drama, DOCU-DRAMA centers on recent rather than past events. 
MOCKUMENTARY. This genre pretends to be rooted in actuality or memory, behaves like documentary or autobiography, but is utter fiction. It subverts fact-based filmmaking to satirize hypocritical institutions.
MUSICAL. I would love to see a musical novel lol.
SCIENCE FICTION. In hypothetical futures that are typically technological dystopias of tyranny and chaos, the SCIENCE FICTION writer often marries the man-against-state Modern Epic with Action/Adventure. But, like history, the future is a setting in which any genre may play. 
SPORTS GENRE. Sport is a crucible for character change. This genre is a natural home for the Maturation Plot, the Redemption Plot, the Education Plot, the Punitive Plot, the Testing Plot, the Disillusionment Plot, Buddy Salvation, and Social Drama.
FANTASY. Here the writer plays with time, space, and the physical, bending and mixing the laws of nature and the supernatural. The extra-realties of FANTASY attract the Action genres but also welcome others such as the Love Story, Political Drama/Allegory, Social Drama, and/or Maturation Plot.
ANIMATION. I guess you could equate this to graphic novels, comics, and manga. 
Source: McKee, Robert. Story: Substance, Structure, Style, and the Principles of Screenwriting. York: Methuen, 1998. Print
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pikapeppa · 5 years
Online Dating: A Tale in Six Parts
A couple years ago, I wrote a personal essay for a book project for a friend of a friend. The project leader ultimately rejected my piece because it wasn’t academic enough, to which my response was as follows:
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I then promptly forgot about it. But now I’m deciding to publish it here, because why not. So here you go: an autobiographical tale of Pikapeppa’s experiences with online dating. (Please note: this is MY personal experience with online dating as a cis straight woman, and is not meant to be representative of anyone else’s experience but mine, since I can’t knowledgeably comment on that.)
Online Dating: A Tale in Six Parts
Online dating has been widely vilified, especially since so many cis-heterosexual women have such gross experiences with it: unsolicited dick pics, misogynistic insults when you don’t respond immediately, seemingly nice guys who either “ghost” or suddenly become perverts in the blink of a notification.
I’m here to tell a happier story of online dating, and how it restored my faith in my social skills, my confidence in myself - and how I learned a thing or two about relationships along the way.
Part I: Intro
I’m a shy girl.
Let’s be specific. I consider myself an introvert, or an ambivert at a stretch. I have an extremely hard time talking to strangers; I loathe small talk. At parties, my quietness has a direct inverse relationship with the size of the crowd I’m in: the more people there are, the less I say, until I might as well be a piece of furniture in the corner if the party is a big one. I’m most comfortable in small groups of four people max (including myself), and even then, I get uncomfortable if I’m the centre of attention for too long. I generally prefer to listen than to talk. My ideal weekend includes one entire day for recharging at home with just Netflix and my cat for company.
In January 2012, I moved to Montreal for grad school. When I got there, I knew nobody. I’d moved to Montreal wanting a change, as I’d lived in Toronto my whole life. But somehow in my excitement to move, I’d forgotten that a) I had no friends in Montreal and b) I hate talking to strangers and I hate small talk: the two necessary evils of Making Friends. I spent a solid six months by myself, exploring the city in solitude or hanging out in my apartment with my cat, increasingly hating myself for the fact that I had been living in this city for almost a year and still had no friends except for some casual acquaintances whom I’d met at a mingling party for new grad students. I have some embarrassingly angsty journal entries whining about how there must be something wrong with me, because what kind of person can’t make a single friend in six months of living in a new city? I can’t fully express my gratitude that one of my labmates, who was finishing her Master’s degree at the time, took pity on me and invited me out for drinks, eventually becoming my first good friend in Montreal and introducing me to many other amazing women friends.
Eventually I got into my social stride in Montreal. I had friends; I was satisfyingly busy with my graduate work; and I continued to enjoy relaxing with my cat. (I could write a whole chapter devoted to my mental/emotional well-being and my cat, but let’s save that for another time, shall we?) But as my thesis was wrapping up and I started having more free time, I realized that I was ready to add to my social life. I was ready - gasp! - to pursue a romantic relationship.
This was September 2012. By then, I’d been single for about two years, and largely happy without a partner. But aside from being busy with my thesis, there was another significant reason I had not dated anyone in Montreal: I didn’t know how to meet men.
Part II: The foray into online dating
Traditionally, people meet their partners through work, through common interests, or by bumping into them in bars. I wouldn’t be meeting anyone at work because my master’s degree focused on a topic dominated by female academics, so essentially all of my colleagues were women. My interests involved typically homebody activities like movies, reading, and cooking. And my carefully cultivated Resting Bitch Face usually deterred men in bars from approaching me (as well as my pixie haircut, which I purposely got in order to weed out the kind of shallow male who “only likes girls with long hair”.) The graduate community at McGill often had mingling or speed dating events; however, see above regarding my quietness in crowds and hatred of small talk. Long story short, the traditional ways of meeting men were out.
This is where online dating came into the mix. For me, it was a logical and practical choice. I’ve never been interested in casual flings, so I figured that online dating, especially from a paid website, would have a larger number of men who were looking for something more serious. Importantly, online profiles would also provide information about interests and sense of humour, which - praise the Flying Spaghetti Monster! - would mean that small talk could be avoided, since we could talk about common interests. And there was a final reason that online dating appealed to me: I wanted to meet someone whose occupation was NOT at all similar to mine.
Now, this might be a kind of unusual criteria to express for one’s mate. After all, there is a reason that many people meet their partners at work or engaging in common interests: these things provide a common ground for conversation and for connecting. But as much as I enjoyed research and had aspirations to eventually work in healthcare, I didn’t want to date someone who did those things. After all, I had moved to Montreal looking for something new, dammit! I wanted to broaden my horizons. I wanted a partner who could be my Aladdin and show me a Whole New World.
And thus my online dating adventure began.
Part III: The adventure begins
Everyone has different experiences with online dating. I will say this: I found it really fun and interesting. Importantly, it helped me realize that my social skills, in fact, were not total crap. Within two weeks, I’d gone on dates with a handful of nice, normal-seeming men from a variety of professions. Each time, I went home pleased that I’d had a pleasant, functional conversation with a stranger, without the situation devolving into awkward silence due to my inability to talk like a normal human.
The dating experience was also an important confidence booster. When you’ve been single for two years without any hint of interest from the opposite sex, it’s easy to start thinking you’re deficient in some way. With a handful of successful dates under my belt, I was finally starting to believe that my singledom really was circumstance and not social ineptitude. It also reminded me of something else I’d forgotten during the moping self-pity of my first six months in Montreal: given the right circumstances, I actually enjoy flirting. Dates were actually kind of the perfect social situation for me: one-on-one conversation with a person who you already have things in common with, and with whom you can practice your witty repartee? After two weeks, I felt renewed, confident, and like I had choices - a lot of choices.
Part IV: Disaster strikes (in the most inconsequential first-world-problems kind of way)
Another important role that online dating had in my life was that it led to my first experience of being hurt in a relationship. Here is how it happened: I met a guy with whom I had “chemistry”. Ah, yes, chemistry: that vague, indefinable concept that, in my case, really just meant I had met a guy I was really attracted to. We went on two really fun dates, and then spent a weekend together - and I, being naive, thought I had found my next boyfriend. But a few dates later, he suddenly (and apologetically and politely) said he didn’t think we should see each other anymore.
I was frankly crushed. I’d been incredibly lucky in that by the age of twenty-something, I’d never been dumped or rejected romantically… so this experience of rejection hit me hard. I cried. I drank three beers (a lot for me!) and watched The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo with much maudlin relish. I blasted happy music to drown out my angsty thoughts, and I pow-wowed with my best friends to analyze and re-analyze everything he had said and done. And I was crushed anew when I went on the dating site again to see that he was still active. It wasn’t that he didn’t want to date; it was that he didn’t want to date me. And that really hurt.
Part IV: Wisdom
Ultimately, I’m thankful I was rejected, because I learned a lot of important lessons:
Don’t be tricked by “chemistry”! Rom-coms tell us that chemistry is the most important thing. It’s not. At all. “Chemistry” just means “immediate sexual attraction”. This is not a wise thing on which to base an entire relationship.
Rom-coms also teach us that a guy who doesn’t want a relationship will eventually come around if you are charming enough. This is not true.
Just because someone treats you nicely, doesn’t mean they want the same thing in a relationship as you. Listening to what your date is telling you - i.e. “I don’t know if I want a serious relationship” (yep, the guy who dumped me literally said this on our second date) - is very important.
Many newly single men just don’t know how to be alone, so they start online dating even if they aren’t ready for a new relationship… and they may not realize they don’t want a new relationship until after they’ve started one. The lesson here: be up-front about your relationship expectations/goals and candidly ask your dates about theirs.
Most importantly of all, I learned firsthand what it feels like for someone you want to not want you back. My taste of rejection was the briefest, most inconsequential taste - a week-long fling, compared to committed relationships or divorces. But it was enough to foster a stronger empathy for the pain of rejection and heartbreak, and I feel that this alone was absolutely worth it.
This list of lessons may sound skeptical or discouraging. But I actually found my new knowledge to be incredibly comforting. I now had a set of rules that I could use to better play the dating game - and this time, I was sure I would succeed. Armed with my newfound dating wisdom, I ventured into the world of online dating again, with a different site (a fresh start!) and a cautiously optimistic outlook.
Part V: The Artist
My second attempt at online dating, like the first, was fun. As before, I dated many nice, polite men and had pleasant, interesting conversations. And then I met The Artist.
My first date with The Artist, as I called him in those early days, was as pleasant as any first date I’d gone on. But he had this huge, uninhibited smile, and his laugh was larger-than-life and more enthusiastic than any laugh I’d heard in my life. On our second date, I told him openly that I was dating many people, but that he was my favourite so far. He smiled and nodded agreeably. On our third date, he kissed me… and without either of us saying so, we both knew our online dating careers were at an end. More than six years later, The Artist and I are engaged and living happily with our Playstation, our cat, and some gently wilting plants.
Yes, I just summarized my relationship in a single paragraph. But my goal here isn’t to wax poetic about my fiancé. It’s to point out that without online dating, I would never met him. He works in a completely different profession from mine, and at the time that we met, he lived and worked in different neighbourhoods from me. Our social circles would never have overlapped. But online dating brought us together in more subtle ways as well. My positive experiences in early dates gave me the confidence to continue dating after I got rejected. My experience of rejection led me to try a different dating website - the site that he was on. And the lessons I learned from being rejected led me to a wiser, more open approach to dating and relationships in general - an approach that The Artist appreciated. Given this analysis, I would argue that online dating doesn’t deserve the credit for my relationship, but it does deserve the credit for pushing me out of my comfort zone and giving me experiences that helped me develop into the emotionally mature, pragmatic, and confident woman who eventually captivated a similarly mature and pragmatic man.
Part VI: Conclusions and caveats
My biggest caveat is that I used online websites with paid memberships. As I mentioned earlier, I figured that people who are paying are more likely to be looking for a serious relationship, since paying requires commitment, whereas unpaid sites would have more people who were dabbling or “just curious”. I never used Tinder or Bumble, where online dating is like a game. A friend also recently suggested that I may have had such an easy time with online dating because, in her words (NOT MINE), I am “a babe”. But if you take anything away from this essay, let it be this: online dating is not all bad or all good. Like old-fashioned dating, it’s a complex phenomenon that takes on the biases and colours that you bring into it. And like old-fashioned dating, it can provide new experiences that will let you learn things about yourself - and about love, and life in general - that you didn’t know.
Don’t let online dating define your love life. Let it be a tool to learn about yourself, and maybe, like me, you’ll be pleasantly surprised.
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sangngx · 5 years
INTRODUCING... SANG NAMGOONG ||| vale of york hoard
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hello, this is sang. they’re very ambivalent about meeting you.
age: twenty-seven
gender & orientation: agender (they/them), pansexual
role: archivist for the ialis museum of history
team: none! we have one (1) impartial person
the vale of york hoard was buried in ad 927 and found undisturbed in 2007, in north yorkshire. the hoard contains a mixture of different precious metal objects, including coins, complete ornaments, ingots (bars) and chopped-up fragments known as hack-silver (67 objects in total and 617 coins). it shows the diversity of cultural contacts in the medieval world, with objects coming from as far apart as afghanistan in the east and ireland in the west, as well as russia, scandinavia and continental europe.
Sang Namgoong was not named with any great intentions though, according to their grandmother, to carry the Namgoong name and not do it with pride is a waste. Sang had pride, but most of their first meetings tended to end in “Mr. Nam- what? I am so sorry” and “please just call me Sang”.
Sang was raised in England, born from korean business moghuls that decided to relocate to Europe back in the 80s. they’re the second child and have three other siblings (one older and two younger) with increasingly bigger age gaps.
one of Sang’s greatest influences was their grandmother, a korean old lady who wore her pride like another layer of her hanbok. she had pride for her family and its history, pride for the traditions and lifestyle that had been passed down for generations. she was extremely traditional and, because of it, extremely wary of change and anyone who’d dare bring it. growing up and until her death, Sang and their siblings would spend every summer under her watch at the Namgoong’s centuries-old family estate back in Seoul. she was the one to start Sang’s interest in history and order.
the Namgoong estate was hundreds of years old and while some of the older parts still remained, it had been remodeled over the years, the main building a modern adaptation of the traditional hanok structure. the old parts were the best spots to stay at if you wanted a shot at winning hide and seek. if you were found by the oldest of the house staff, though, you should be prepared for a sleepless night– the darkest and oldest corners of the estate were ripe with stories of ghosts that still roamed the estate, vestiges of ancestors who had died mysteriously in their homes centuries ago. It was Sang’s favorite thing, to find out about the story of their family and the history that surrounded them.
Sang has always been slow to adapt and reticent to change, a stickler to what was perceived ‘as expected’ and always a reserved person to contrast their sibling’s willingness to overshare. while Lin (their older sister) was the kind of person who’d easily make friends by relating to their experiences and sharing her own, but Sang had a hard time relating to people outside of contexts where they could keep themself slightly removed. Sang was possessive with things they perceived as theirs, keeping them tucked away and hidden so no one would be able to find them unless they were the one to bring them up first. growing up it had been toys and candy, the box of ancient coins their father had gifted them as a child; and later, they coveted the experiences lived outside their family’s caring but watchful eye. sometimes they’d avoid talking about what certain people meant to them, relationships an absolute secret.
unlike grandmother Namgoong’s insistence to pass down her beliefs into her grandchildren, Sang’s parents were never the kind to push a path on their children. but Sang felt like someone had to keep up the legacy their parents were building. so they went to school for Finance (and a double-major in History, at their older sister’s insistence that they had to be someone outside of their family’s legacy) and started working on their parents company as soon as they graduated.
they felt pressured by their name but were happy to be involved in the company, especially as they worked their way to director of finance. when their parents decided to retire, Sang was supposed to step up and take their place but during Sang’s appraisal meeting for the role, the board of directors in the company built a whole case about why Sang might not be "the ideal candidate” to take over their parent’s role.
it was a public execution and part of the 'proof’ (all of it fabricated or completely dependent on irrefutable loopholes) that backed up Sang’s inadequecy was provided by one of Sang’s closest, if not only, friend. to not step down from the CEO position, or even the director position, would have been embarrassing at that point. so Sang left, ashamed, and didn’t tell anyone outside of their sister what had really happened (a part of them suspected that their parents knew what was going on but the fact that they might know and decide not to bring it up is perhaps worse than a direct confrontation).
ialis island
Sang painted their sudden departure and distance from the family as a change of career. they sold their luxury apartment in London and moved further North to start a postgraduate program in Archival Science that’ll complement their History degree. if it was so hard to maintain any structure in their life, they might as well use their knowledge to keep important things in order.
this is how their connection to Ialis island starts: a professor, incredibly worldly but not quite right in the head because of it, took a liking to Sang and their tidy nature and no-nonsense attitude. he constantly talked about Ialis island and the impressiveness of its landscape and its mysterious history. Sang had never been superstitious, but they had respect for the warnings that came from tales of old wizened men. that respect is what made Professor Addair recommend Sang for an internship at the Ialis Museum of History one summer.
one summer of the history and myths surrounding the island was enough to make Sang want to come back as soon as their masters was done. they obtained a permanent job as an archivist in the museum, a position sorely needed in a place were most systems were outdated or relied heavily in analogue mediums. but to be an outsider trying to immerse themselves in the island’s history made them no friends at Ialis. it served Sang well enough, though. it’s easier to keep walls intact when no one comes knocking.
the dig is something that they regard with mild curiosity and intense skepticism. it has taken Sang well over a year to organize most of the information in the museum but there were gaps in the history that were hard to get simply by looking through hundreds and hundreds of archived papers. the two groups of outsiders bidding to find hidden treasure wouldn’t be worth noting if it weren’t for the people attached to it. the name Cambra was talked about enough in England and elsewhere that not making note of it in your book was a mistake. and Taha was a name Sang had stumbled upon more than once while going through files on the island’s history. Sang personally didn’t know any of the men, or the specifics of their business, and neither did they trust any of the teams intentions towards the island. Sang was mistrustful and, in their sister’s words, “possessive of every little detail you discover about that tiny island in the middle of nowhere”.
but when the time came for them to ask for help from the museum’s archivist (which any research team worth their salt would definitely try to get), Sang’s own curiosity would override their mistrust. also, they were probably contractually obliged to provide their service under the name of the museum, but that was just a tiny detail.
if you made it to the end of this: wow, you are brave. no plotting section because this is already too long but I’m open to any and all plots, let’s talk!!
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eddygould · 6 years
Effingo (Nanopunk game idea)
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Effingo is a fictional action-adventure game in 3rd person and an open world. Representing a pure nanopunk with its problems, the game reveals such topics as the concept of life, the role of technology, the preservation of culture and information, the further existence of civilization, and the relationship of people in critical situations. Honestly, Death Stranding has inspired me to create this concept.
The Lore:
It all started in 2028. Thanks to the sudden boom of nanorobots (called nanites) in medicine, the largest corporations had seen the potential in this technology and decided to invest in it their own funds. Subsequently, nanites were used in construction and military operations, and Nanovative, the main developer and supplier of nanites, became a true monopolist in its field. After some terrorist acts with a destruction of monuments, the company launched the Effingo programme that implied the preservation of masterpieces of culture and art, based on their copies made by nanites. The program had to work through a software analysis of shapes, interiors, and materials of architectural creations, which data were loaded into nanites. Nanovative announced the creation of a "Museum", an artificial archipelago in the Pacific Ocean that included continuous tours. The nanites themselves were able to maintain the monuments in a perfect condition, restore them in case of damage, and with the embedded program would save copies even after the destruction of the originals. At the same time, the percentage of income from excursions would depart to countries whose monuments have already been "saved", and thus all the parties would remain in the black. This caused, in the main, a positive reaction in the society, but the forecasters, namely the union of scientists who founded the International Archive of Mankind (IAM), declared the inexpediency of this idea. In their opinion, behind this were purely economic motives, and the "plan for the preservation of culture" did not make any sense, because with the same success it could be possible to convert those computer models into virtual reality, where they would have existed forever. Effingo was called the "world-wide tourist trap", but this provoked a flurry of criticism in the media, and many scientists dubbed IAM "the unfortunate echo of an escapist generation", complaining that nanites are the future of mankind. In 2030, the first colony was founded on Mars. Despite all the suggestions of Nanovative to use their product for faster construction of the base, NASA refused it, giving priority to modular homes. By 2033, the contract for architectural copying with Nanovative was signed by most countries, including Egypt, Great Britain, Japan, and the EU. The first sight was the Great Sphinx of Giza. Nevertheless, there were rumors that the corporation illegally buys "models" from non-interested countries and tests them at their landfills. At one such test in Colorado, nanites deviated from the program for the first time, creating a perfect sphere with a diameter of 10 meters. The scientists tried to understand the reason, but could not find anything out. After about a year the nanites ceased to respond to any commands and began to create their own structures, going beyond a site. The company destroyed a significant part of them, but after a while found out that the nanites learned to copy themselves. This incident was hushed up until 2032, when the nanites began to "devour" the town of Sugar City, Colorado. The information was leaked to the media, and the nanites were recognized as a national threat. Anticipating a global catastrophe, the IAM moved its base from Norway to Antarctica, including the Alexandria project, the largest repository of all the information accumulated by mankind and encoded in DNA. Nanites all around the globe had also "challenged" humanity, starting simultaneously and continuously evolving. The real chaos began, during which the population of continents hurriedly moved to the islands. The Japanese researchers invented special repeaters capable of "deactivating" nanites, but nanorobots adapted to it as well. After a while, the movement of nanites changed from a chaotic one to understandable aspiration to the south. At the dawn of a global threat, the UN began to cooperate with NATO and the armies of individual countries in order to control the territories that were subjected to the "attack" of nanites. As they were evolving, nanorobots were acquiring new features, going from copying inorganic materials and self-copying to manipulation with gases and liquids. Mastering the new levels of matter changing, quadrillion of nanites headed to Antarctica, and by 2046 occupied some part of it. As the scientists expected, nanites somehow learned about the IAM, and therefore they tried to get there. The organization could not get help from the UN for a long time, and only an Australian private company NovaSec illegally provided a material support, and even delivered the Osprey O rocket for the emergency launch of the IAM to space, which got stuck in the ice during transportation. Meanwhile, the colony on Mars was growing: NASA carefully considered the possible problem of the disappearance of mankind and concentrated on adapting the life outside Earth. 2046. At the south pole, there was a catastrophe on the Noah Base. Between the researchers, a conflict arose on the basis of the hypothetical seizure of the area by nanites, during which the scientist Michael Jepsen organized a riot and attempted to kill all the personnel. A team of five people was sent from Hooverville Station to find out the reason and resolve the conflict. The detachment did not return surprisingly, therefore, because of the shortage of people, it was customary to gather researchers from adjacent IAM branches. Among them were Paul Vernon (a rescuer), Kate Crosser (a doctor), Vince Rego (a meteorologist), Thomas Callahan (an engineer who earlier worked on nanorobots), and Greg Wing (a NovaSec employee, and a programmer). A station warden Lenny Crimons, who asked for help, became the team's "brain".
The game begins with the arrival of a new personnel at the Hooverville Station that serves as a hub and main base in the game. The player takes control of Paul Vernon who has become the unofficial leader of the crew, which is not approved by some team members. After acquaintance, the player is free to either study the world, or follow the story missions. At the same time you can take up to two team-mates with you (in the main quests the whole team participates). The main mission is simple: to find Osprey O, deliver it to the station, and then get to the South Pole, and save the Alexandria project. At the same time, the player will have to study other stations and zones occupied by nanites, as well as to simply survive, following the level of cold and air condition. The game has not so much action because the main enemies here are nanorobots. Paul can either use special weapons to "repel" them or completely avoid nanites.
The game world covers the real territory of the northern part of the Transantarctic Mountains (that are located in the south of the game map) and parts of the Polar Plateau. Approximately in the center of the map there is the Noah Base (the coordinates are 87°12'12.0"S 120°08'04.9"E), in the southwest is the Hooverville station (87°12'12.0"S 120°08'04.9"E). The Osprey O rocket which got stuck in the ice is located in the north-west, almost in the corner of the map. In the center, in the north and west, there are several large zones occupied by nanites. Usually in these places the player can find artificial mountains and lakes, as well as "man-made" structures like Moai from the Easter Island, a half-buried statue of freedom, the Great Sphinx of Giza with an ideal sphere instead of a head, and many other "works" of nanites. Closer to the center, the climate becomes milder, there is no snow at all (or rather, the snow is "buried" under the layer of artificial earth), and some kind of weird trees is also presented. Artificial lakes and swamps of slime are inhabited by long worms and smaller organisms; in the air webbed beings-balloons that resemble jellyfish and emit light slowly fly, and the lifeless surface is full of coral-like outgrowths of flesh. In the atmosphere, the content of external gases is high, somewhere even methane predominates. In the very center there is the Noah Base with the Alexandria project.
In-game Story:
When the team gets to Osprey O, they detect an artificial glacier in the middle of the plain. Getting inside, the characters observe that their goal is in some kind of frozen slime, and all the NovaSec workers who delivered the goods were killed and turned into growths of flesh. After the successful rescue of the rocket, opinions about the further operation are divided. If earlier the characters simply expressed theories based on their point of view, since that moment everyone starts to follow them. Kate and Lenny believe that they must save Alexandria and all of humanity, Vince is convinced of his nihilism, and Thomas wonders what will happen if they help nanites to realize the goal of capturing the base. Only Greg does not have his own opinion, and therefore everyone will try to recruit him. Paul (the player) first adheres to the same views as Kate and Lenny, but he can take any point of view. The ending depends on to whom Paul will join. The player has to control the degree of tension in the team and try to convince as many mates as possible. In the course of studying the terrain, researchers are convinced that nanites absorb any information and thus evolve. Judging by the attempts to create life, they can already transform DNA, and if they get to Alexandria, they will "absorb" it and take possession of all the knowledge of mankind. Thomas suggests that their real goal is to become a meta-organism, a God who can change reality on all quantum levels at once. In the final mission, the characters penetrate the Noah base, around which the nanites form a dome of slime. Checking the records in the base computers, they find out that the last team that was supposed to come to the rescue, had a traitor who decided to destroy the project and has erased two backups of Alexandria. The team spent about a month there, but the nanites that penetrated the base killed all the researchers. Delivering the rocket and getting to the central computer of Alexandria, every character tries to take control in their own hands.
1) Salvation (Paul, Kate, Lenny ± Greg): Paul with his adherents, contrary to warnings and threats from the others, moves the Alexandria vat with the encoded information, a decoder and a laptop to the rocket and launches it to Mars. In the process, the player kills the so-called "radicals", namely Thomas, Vince ± Greg (unless he was recruited by Paul). However, Greg and Lenny can also die by the recklessness of the player. Alexandria is sent to the Martian colony, and nanites without any sources of information will need much more time to further development. Despite the positive context of the ending, only the knowledge of humanity, and not humanity itself, has been saved. Nanorobots will seek to get to Mars, and the fate of the species depends on other people. Nevertheless, the survived members of the crew successfully escape the base and return to the Hooverville Station.
2) Salvation+ (Paul, Kate, Lenny ± Greg): if during the map study the team stumbled upon an old American Missouri Station and found there a nuclear warhead (which is strictly contrary to the Antarctic Treaty System), they can take it and use the missile in the final mission. In this case, all the characters will perish, but some of the nanites will be destroyed. Otherwise, this ending does not differ from an ordinary salvation.
3) Birth (Paul, Thomas ± Greg): the Thomas' idea has been realized. All the objectionable members of the team were killed, and the vat with Alexandria was opened. The nanites successfully absorb information and move to a new stage of development, becoming a God. The characters observe the formation of a single organism that grows into a huge and mighty tree and changes gravity on the base, absorbing all the survivors. The nanites achieve their goal, and a new era in the history of the universe begin.
4) Nihilism (Paul, Vince ± Greg): the nihilists erase the Alexandria project, and all the survivors, including Paul and Vince, commit suicide. Some nanites are destroyed, and therefore, no longer have a goal.
5) Nihilism+ (Paul, Vince ± Greg): if a nuclear warhead is discovered at the Missouri Station, nihilists can apply it in the last mission, destroying not only themselves but the base and a part of the nanites.
6) Virus (Paul, Kate, Lenny ± Greg): a secret ending that can only be opened after the player finds a DNA encoder and a sample of the virus on the Phaeton Station. The player needs to recruit Greg in order to modify the virus (otherwise the ending would not be available). As the crew loads the virus in the vat, it corrupts the data of Alexandria. However, when it is absorbed by nanites, it will launch a mutation process that will kill all nanorobots. Sacrificing the millenia of work and thought, the characters save the world from an invincible threat and give another chance to mankind.
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dio-roga · 6 years
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‘Let Your Heart Hold Fast (Shadow People)’
Author:               @jjamestiberius (niente) Status:                Complete Word Count:       76,862 Links:                  AO3 Rec No:               #3 (Part One)
The Gist of It (aka. TLDR Sorry, you gotta to read this one. No argument )
‘The best Craig/Clyde story published to date. No, I’m not exaggerating.
Set during their young adult years, Clyde is a hapless romantic, trying to find something in his life to hold onto. Craig is… well– Craig… he’s made some mistakes and faced his share of problems. This beautifully written, fully-fleshed out masterwork tells the story of their reunion and the two of them coming to terms with just how long-overdue it was. The writing is utterly gorgeous and technically-brilliant, and the imagery– honestly dudes –it’ll stick with you long, long after you’re done.
I cannot recommend this one enough. You will not be disappointed.’
Fair Warning: This story was the reason I started writing these things in the first place. I could sing it’s praises from every rooftop until long after my voice gives out. You better believe this is going to run long. Like– we’re talking five thousand words plus… Buckle up buckaroos.
You know what’s weird? This recommendation turned into the hardest I’ve ever had to write so far, which I find bizarre considering how much I adore this work. I think one of the reasons I’ve been having so much trouble is that I find it very difficult trying to encapsulate the entirety of my feelings towards this story. More than ever before, I’ve been finding it almost impossible to stay objective, to the point of not wanting to give a single thing about the plot away to make certain new readers can experience it as fresh as I did that first time around.
Now wouldn’t that just make for an excellent write up?
But hey dudes, I guess you gotta do what you gotta do… so here we go– in short:
It’s a slow burn read and an especially slow burn for the characters, co-narrated by our two romantic leads (with an introductory chapter provided in Kyle’s point of view), spanning the years of Craig and Clyde’s lives from a failed high school romance to a sudden and quite unwelcome reintroduction after over a decade apart. The main focus from then on out being the gradual reintegration of Clyde back into Craig’s life and Craig back into Clyde’s, along with the fumbling but ultimately endearing mess it all becomes. It’s a slice of life that truly lives up to the name, being effortlessly relatable while also telling a grounded, realistic and very adult-themed story about re-examining old chapters of your life and using them to grow as a person. (Even discovering aspects about people you thought had long since vanished over the years)
I think more than anything, this story reminds me of a sitcom– one of those comforting ones from the 90’s or 00’s, during the peak of its run, were you see it on TV and it’s like spending time with friends you haven’t seen in a while. Everything suddenly clicks and suddenly you’re back in that world, picking up right where you left off. The plot is there, and it’s funny and charming, and inevitably– sometimes a little heart-breaking –but it’s never overwhelming. The story serves the characters, not the other way around. The plot gives way to allow them room to breathe, and it shines all the brighter for it.
Honestly, it’s a brave kind of story to tell, intentionally allowing for a muted delivery and the lack of a primary driving motivator. Under less skilled hands, it’s the kind of plot that could come across as meandering and directionless. But instead, thanks to the utterly captivating writing, it serves its role as a perfect example of understated storytelling– like that perfect splash of color that ties a room together (a simple elegance that Clyde’s attempts at interior decorating during the narrative sadly never match).
Utterly riveting from start to finish, filled with what reads like a lifetime of genuinely magical little moments that’ll make you feel as if you’ve spent as long a time in this world as the characters have.
Speaking of the characters, get ready for some serious gushing dudes…
This is characterization in fanfiction done to its finest– staying true to canon while understanding the essence of each character to such a high degree that every familiar face from the show remains a familiar face, even as young adults. It blends a wonderful mix of well-known tropes with well-rounded and realistic development; every character fitting both how you remember them, as well as how you’d expect them to grow over the years. To be honest, I was initially worried this wouldn’t be the case when I first came across this story, given the time-frame of the main plot is set long after most of the cast have graduated college– and though yes, they have matured certainly, and understandably changed as a result, the author goes to great lengths to make certain that, first and foremost, you’re reading a South Park story with South Park characters.
Which brings me onto Clyde, who in my mind, is the breakout character of the piece. It’s no big secret that I adore a well done Clyde Donovan– the dude tragically underutilized or flat-out mishandled in many stories, as well as suffering from a severe case of background-character syndrome across the board (including the actual show, so– not all that surprising, I guess). It’s with great pleasure that I can say then, unequivocally, and without a trace of doubt, that this story is like a love-letter to fans of Clyde everywhere. Aside from telling a good chunk of the narrative from his perspective, as well as the in-depth accounts of Clyde’s thoughts and feelings, relationships and personal history that we’re constantly treated to– Clyde is given a proverbial goodie-bag of intensely powerful character moments, fresh and interesting takes on his career, skills and social life, and is such a goddamn sweetheart that he lights up every scene he inevitably steals. It’s hard to not to keep falling in love with the guy at every given opportunity. He’s a fitting emotional core to the story and this version in particular has influenced how I see him as a character more than any other depiction of Clyde I’ve read before or since.
My favoritism notwithstanding, the rest of the cast are equally as charming and well-written when it comes right down to it. Craig is in top form, providing the usual perfect rational personality counterpoint to his emotional dual protagonist, while also meshing seamlessly on a deeply personal level with Clyde that brings out the best in both of them. He’s level-headed and low-key snarky, but cares a lot more than he lets on and has a good heart– even if it’s behind some pretty thick shielding. The pair’s relationship is a sight to behold throughout the entire story, and– without giving anything away –the chemistry is clear for all to see from the very beginning, not requiring any heavy-handedness or contrivance; Craig and Clyde just work together, a matched set that’s frayed around the edges over the years.
Stan and Kyle play important roles, both as Clyde’s best-friends/pseudo-family/protectors (something rarely explored in other stories, and just as endearing as it sounds) as well as the other major romantic pairing (perhaps unsurprisingly to most veteran South Park readers). As it happens, this story was originally penned as a look at Stan and Kyle’s relationship through Clyde’s eyes, and that uniquely original element still remains– mirrored by Craig and Clyde’s relationship being initially explored through Kyle’s perspective in the first chapter. Stan and Kyle’s romance, as well as the characters themselves, are handled with the utmost care and love –no half-measures accepted, with as much of an engaging story arc as our leads (making certain to earn it by constantly engaging with the narrative; never feeling like a distraction or B-plot)
This is par for the course with most key players in the story– no one feels unnecessary and everyone adds something meaningful to the overall narrative; Kenny and Tweek being notable standouts, but even more minor roles such as Wendy, Bebe, Cartman and the Tucker and Donovan families provide some important plot contributions in both passive and active ways. Just like real life, it’s a number of small things coming together that eventually shapes how the story is told. I’m particularly amazed that an entirely original character is introduced at one point, something that usually makes me wary, but thanks to the dialogue, set-up and eventual pay-off, he and his time in the story tends to stand out just as memorably as the interactions between the canon cast (an extremely difficult trick to pull off).
Now I’m rambling a bit, but it really merits repeating that the author’s style just fits these characterizations brilliantly. As mentioned, they’re given room to naturally grow and develop outside of a strong-armed plot structure, and the world they inhabit gives them (as Stan and Kyle’s apartment is once described) a really ‘lived-in’ feel. It’s easy to imagine each of them simply living their lives off-screen, events unfolding independently regardless if we’re there to read about them or not. You can tell a lot of effort went into fully fleshing out these dudes and that comes in no small part– sneaky segue incoming –to the exceptional amount of research, planning and detail that makes up the author’s legitimately masterful style of writing…
To preface this– and really, as a fairly obvious sign of gold-standard quality –I would be shocked, like, completely and totally shocked to find out that Niente (our wonderful author) doesn’t have some kind of classical training; undergraduate level, at the very least– their writing is simply too polished and too well put together for me to feasibly believe otherwise. It feels almost redundant to point out that this story is written to a publishable standard, all the hallmarks of grade-A storytelling on full display from beginning to end. What always makes me smile however is the unique qualities to the writing that push it beyond simple technical brilliance; a certain stripped-back and raw quality is lent to a lot of scenes, letting the work speak for itself and managing to capture these enchanting moments that linger in your head long after you’ve finished reading.
It’s abundantly clear that the author is well versed in the source material, including many clever references that highlight some of the quirkier elements from the show (without feeling fan-servicey or redundant, naturally) while also– perhaps unsurprisingly at this point –somehow often managing to help advance the plot (Remember how the Pope’s a rabbit in South Park? Because you sure will come the end of chapter two). More remarkable still, over and above the clear love of the show on which the story’s based on, is the author’s dedication to fleshing out the lore of this timeline we’re presented. The sheer amount of work in keeping continuity and detailing how things changed and how those changes came about is a real delight to read; like rediscovering South Park again after a long time apart. There’s an author’s note explaining that every off-shoot comment, backstory, or event that we only see glimpses of (Stan and the gangs usual hi-jinks, for instance) have been legitimately thought out and accounted for– even if they’re not included in the narrative –and god damn if that isn’t some admirable dedication right there. Really helps explain how vibrant and alive the setting always feels.
There’s a lot of planning on display throughout the whole story, keeping the writing tight yet eloquent. There’s a real sense of purpose in what’s presented, and it feels as you come to the end of the work, that everything meant something; you leave feeling invested and that your investment was rewarded with substantial pay-offs and true-to-life emotional closure. There is something mentioned in the first chapter, offhandedly, that returns later down the line as a god damn touchstone to the themes presented up until that point, conversations between characters that reference seemingly inconsequential events that are seen in a whole new light from that moment after; It’s moments like these that remind you that you’ve been reading something that’s been lovingly crafted, purposeful in its direction and confident in its ability to deliver on past promises.
One last thing, because otherwise I’m just never going to stop talking and you’ll all be skeletons by the time we’re done (and that’ll make me feel bad– probably). I greatly appreciated the quiet moments in this story. As I mentioned above in the plot, much of the writing can come across as understated– there’s no big, wacky theatrics or ticking clocks; everyone simply inhabits the world rather than chews its scenery. This really does do wonders by tying in with a later theme of the importance of personal feelings over grand displays; there’s something so heart-warming and intimate about so many moments of dialogue, little acts of kindness, or simple stray observations that add this rich texture to every scene. It ultimately makes everything feel more special and important than it might have otherwise been if the need to fit in big ‘emotional/dynamic set-pieces’ prevailed. More than anything, it’s a mature style of writing; true to real-life in that most things aren’t really some grand adventure– but they certainly feel like it when they’re happening to you and the people you care about. The technical bones of this story are rock solid, make no mistake, but– as cliché as it might sound –it’s the soul of the work that carries it above and beyond into something truly special.
Favorite Things
A carefully crafted plot-line that knows when to focus and when to back-off, allowing for some intensely satisfying character drama, legitimately earned emotional pay-offs, and a perfect conclusion that both neatly ties everything together as well as providing enough good vibes to leave you a more hopeful and enriched person by stories end. I legit cried– not going to lie.
Possibly the best Clyde Donovan put to words– a weighty statement to be sure, but there’s something so infinitely refreshing about Clyde’s struggles as a writer, emotional vulnerability, unwavering optimism and kindness that makes this adaption so wonderful. I love ‘Bro Clyde’, don’t get me wrong, but this portrayal will always hold a special place in my heart.
The setting, world-building and lore are a sight to behold– very few fanfictions can boast such a detailed and lovingly well-thought out framework. With so much rich history in both the lives of the characters and the town itself, there simply not enough time to explore it all, creating the feeling of a large and vibrant world, truly lived in by its cast of characters.
A myriad of beautifully quiet moments, tender romantic gestures, and small victories that pepper the narrative– be it Clyde’s conflicted inner monologue as he cleans his apartment, Kyle’s and Stan’s silent conversations told entirely through eye-contact, or Craig taking a moment to wipe clean the corners of Clyde’s mouth with his napkin during a snack; it’s the kind of imagery that really sticks with you.
The themes of gradual re-connection, feeling adrift in adulthood, trying to discover what makes you happy and pursuing it, engaging with your past in order to build your future– I would wager there’s at least one, if not many ideas that will feel profoundly relatable to a lot of readers, and this story does an excellent job of engaging and exploring them with a mix of sincere insight and often times genuine catharsis.
Remember at the start, where I said this was difficult to write? Honestly, I wouldn’t blame you if you don’t, I had to scroll up and look myself– hell, I wrote that sentence like, three days ago or something by now. I said up there that one of the reasons I found this a challenge was that it’s tough to try and list everything you love about something special to you; which I suppose is pretty common knowledge, right? It’s hard to be put on the spot to explain yourself when you feel deeply about something– you always think you’re not going to do the subject justice, or that by condensing your feelings for it, you’re not going to give the full picture, regardless of how much detail you go into.
Honestly, I think I’ve been feeling this way about ‘Let Your Heart Hold Fast’ (brilliant song to name it after, by the way) for some time now– probably since I first read it like, half a year ago. It’s still a story I think about on a regular basis, and really, when something affects you to the point where you’re still thinking about it months and months down the line, it almost feels like your duty to recommend it to everyone you can, if only for the chance that it might give them the same amazing experience you were rewarded with. I’ve been worried writing this that I wouldn’t be able to translate just how much I cherish this story into words, but– you know, I hope I got close enough, and even if no one ever reads a word I have to say on the matter, I sincerely hope that everyone at least reads the story instead.
Because it’s worth it. I really do believe that you’ll be better off having read it– I know that’s subjective, and that ‘it meant something to me’ means nothing to most, but seriously dudes, trust me here, alright?
This story deserves having people read it, and you all deserve to have more extraordinary things to read in your life.
If it isn’t massively obvious, to the author, Neinte, I can’t thank you enough dude. I can’t imagine the time and dedication– and seriously, the obvious talent and creativity on your part –that must have gone in to writing this. All I can say is that I’m thrilled that you did, and that it’s time well spent, because honestly? The results speak for themselves. You should be so proud of yourself, to have made something so meaningful and well-crafted– you’re a master dude, I’d love one day to be half the writer you clearly are. You deserve the biggest pat on the back imaginable, and you deserve to feel amazing– because really, this is more than just a job well done, this is inspirational work.
Spoilers and art coming up in the next post, I’ll try not to write too much (no promises) –but there’s some more stuff I’m dying to cover (my favorite scene specifically) so hope to see you there when you’re done reading the story!
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codingpanel · 3 years
Do you know these questions about music school?
While acknowledging that, let'azines get some of the Leading 15 goods you should consider any time buying a music school.
"Exactly how Very much Can it Value?"
We're also starting with #10 for the reason that out of all the telephone calls we, "The amount of?" is undoubtedly the actual #1 question people ask. Indeed, today'azines economy involves that we always be actually attentive of the fees although unfortunately, "The amount of?" must be on the list of final queries i hear you ask with regards to buying a music school.
Purchasing correct music instructor is actually NOT for instance choosing a could regarding pinto beans on the market store. There is just not any method for you to examine any full-time certified qualified instructor getting generations of experience on the 16-year-old little one upcoming door. Yes, in which little one can probably perform sufficiently to move his / her check-ups although in which doesn't testosterone imply the guy can TEACH.
On top of that, a professional instructor can be another instructor, vocation psychologist, guru, psychologist, in addition to specialist involving all kinds of other roles. You actually don'testosterone need end by yourself at the disposal of somebody who has hardly figured out his or her own life... no matter how low cost the value!
"The place Are usually Anyone Found?"
"The place do you think you're located" is actually the second most-asked question. Purportedly, people are searching for convenience. Sadly, there're having this ahead of some other things which must be regarded as priorities. kids music
Let's express ones next-door friend confirms to instruct your kids music with regard to $1 each training (not most likely, and a example). You actually can testosterone obtain less costly in addition to more convenient than in which! Nevertheless, right after one year you sad to say know that your youngster can testosterone perform anything at all, is totally discouraged and wishes to quit. Amazingly, many people BLAME THE CHILD finishing things such as, "Oh yea, your woman ought not to be very musical" or perhaps "Maybe your woman merely wasn'testosterone interested."
Such a unique tale this happens to be, in addition to ought to have already been, got you given ones child'azines survival on the very careful watch regarding a correct instructor! Alternatively, the kid is actually powered down regarding music for a lifetime, and you are therefore playing any bitter experience in addition to bare storage compartments to demonstrate in your investment.
OK, thus we've obtained the two BIGGIES outside the way. At this moment now you ask ,, "Just what SHOULD you look with regard to?"
Properly, that's a great question. I'm Arielle happy you enquired!
If you do taken any time to understand exactly what you long for to accomplish through your research regarding music, the actual MOST critical question you are able to ask is actually:
"Exactly how Might That Tutor Guide Everyone Attain My Objectives?"
Let'azines express you go to my own college that has a aim regarding establishing on your own since a fresh newbie in addition to you would like to complete ones quality ten requirements in one year; you have any $150 computer keyboard you purchased out of WalMart; and also you don'testosterone need to rehearse in excess of 3 or perhaps 4 days to weeks 7 days, in addition to only 20-30 units any day... well...
Indeed, this IS possible to scrape through using the minimum amount requirements in addition to have that incomprehensible piece of paper within a relatively short time regarding time. Although precisely what do you encourage by yourself in addition to the group in the event that a couple of weeks eventually right after passing ones quiz, you are unable to perform just one observe or even begin to understand an audio lesson by yourself?
When people ask my own learners, "Who seem to is the best instructor?", I need in which question due to a optimistic outlook as if to say, "Seriously, that you are flexible! You will need a very good teacher."
Around the above mentioned instance, when someone enquired in which quick-pass student to experience one thing anf the husband couldn'testosterone, though he or she 'passed' his / her quiz, what makes in which make the instructor seem?
For me personally, I will not be part of the actual quick-pass scheme. My greatest suggestions so that you can you and all of all my own learners is actually, "DON'T DO THIS!"
Just what is the BIG HURRY? Learning is actually an ongoing talent in addition to unless you understand you are going to cease to live shortly, you've obtained time frame! It will be greater to develop the favorable practice of performing items to the very best of ones ability. Doing this, you may be more profitable in everyday life as opposed to always looking for the simple and fast technique out.
Nevertheless, in the event that you will still demand speeding, I will relate you to folks that can love to get your cash though offering you one thing with regard to nothing. BUYER BEWARE! There are lots of folks that requires your cash in the event that you just side this so that you can them. In terms of ones education and learning, 'Affordable, Convenient in addition to Fast' will be not at all times the most effective things. Re-examine ones goals and find these within order. And inquire greater queries!
"Just what Will probably Often be Demanded regarding Everyone?"
This is the upcoming MOST critical question you should be asking.
Instructors can offer numerous unique requirements in addition to anticipations because there are students. All these vary from any "Whatever - Nearly anything Goes" kind of approach so that you can include those with crystal clear, properly planned out insurance plans made through a long time of experience in addition to designed to conserve the student-teacher-parent partnership pass more smoothly.
The more effective educational facilities in addition to course instructors can expect you to help to make some type of commitment. Many chaotic course instructors don'testosterone have enough to fight innovative learners whom only want to "Try it out out" for your thirty days or perhaps two. The achieved instructor is actually not planning to "TRY" so that you can coach you; they are focused on DOING IT, this means you really should include the actual approach in which you are going to DO IT, way too! Normally, commit ones hard-earned cash and time within one thing else.
As said before before, we a fair level of people wanting to know regarding piano instruction whom don'testosterone own any piano and get not any goal to getting one out of the actual around future. What'azines up start?
You want to capture piano instruction? Get a correct device!
A superb instructor will expect a firm time frame responsibility within you and can definitely not accept too many changes in routine because you drift from a single hobby so that you can another. Make a decision with what for you to do; in that case DO IT! Ones instructor could and really should expect you to practice frequently at home and go to type prepared for your employed time frame every week.
Are you over-committed by using too many exercises? Don't Testosterone muddle increase teacher'azines existence through wreaking mayhem along with your schedule. Reconcile just for certain things in addition to accomplish these properly, as opposed to striving to become jack-of-all-trades in addition to master-of-none!
Right after teaching in addition to respecting ones teacher'azines suggestions is the one other area of expectation. A superb instructor knows out of a great deal of dedicated hard work and frequently annoying experience what is going to work in addition to exactly what won't. Possessing a dad or mom explain to the actual instructor, "Properly my own friend'azines daughter azines instructor doesn't testosterone help to make the woman make it happen," is actually an action regarding entire disrespect. That you are shelling out ones instructor to undertake a job, thus allow your ex DO THEIR JOB!
Remember to be specific in your teacher's insurance plans in addition to anticipations in addition to expect you'll respect these if you need to grow in addition to keep a powerful functioning relationship. Normally, hire a roofer else by using which team you can really feel more comfortable.
"Might I Fully grasp My Tutor?"
Through Greater toronto area, just as all kinds of other large urban centers globally, at this time there is an excellent variety regarding culture. Among the list of population are many definitely brilliant course instructors in addition to artists whom competent in the actual 'Old-World' style and get fantastic beliefs to share with the learners such as fortitude, tolerance in addition to self-discipline.
Sadly, English language just isn't the initially language, thus with regards to connection there exists a tremendous force on comprehension.
Tune in, studying almost any innovative talent is actually with enough contentration and never have to triumph over any language obstacle, too. Opt for a tutor whom you are able to comprehend in addition to whom knows you. Because ones instructor has all kinds of remarkable degrees in addition to certification, people mean very little for those who can'testosterone know what ones instructor says!
In addition to while we're talking about comprehending, language is actually not the only prohibit so that you can communication. Sometimes you will find variations in way of life, such as generation-gaps, play choices in addition to inclinations, etc. It is important to have somebody you are able to bond to.
To illustrate, either Mozart in addition to Mozart had been certainly 2 of the greatest play minds in which actually lived. Who seem to wouldn'testosterone need to analyze by using geniuses that adheres to that, right? Nevertheless, if it stumbled on manners, either males had been considered quite on the opposite end of the spectrum. Merely could hardly accept functioning online websites in addition to regarded the majority of the other male to get underneath themselves. That undoubtedly didn'testosterone lead to any feasible student- instructor relationship.
"Just what Type of Inspiration & Rewards Will probably My Tutor Utilize?"
The study of music might be fun. In reality, it must be enjoyment more often than not; usually there is truly not any good reason to stay by using it.
Obviously, there are always going to get those days any time truly isn'testosterone fun. Perfecting almost any talent can take some degree regarding dedication in addition to responsibility; that's referred to as "challenging work" in order to use it within basic English. Exactly what you've always wondered while you are buying music college is actually, "Bed not the culprit my own instructor planning to promote me standing on purchasing any time I recently don'testosterone sense that exercising?"
Are you prepared to try a 'Dictator'? By incorporating course instructors, it'azines THEIR WAY or even the highway. You might not like this approach. Then again, you may perfectly require that kind of discipline.
Nevertheless, I've got learners whom definitely rip apart on the blink of eye. The least tonal inflection regarding my own voice could possibly embark any feature regarding tears.
Get to know in addition to comprehend ones teacher’s identity style and find out when it fits your own property and especially ones child'azines temperament. This could certainly help to make a major difference inside world.
Merely when you obtain adequate strategies to these and also other identical queries really should i hear you ask:
The place do you think you're situated?
The amount of manages to do it price tag?
Do my teachers teach the instruments like,  piano lessons, violin lessons and guitar lessons?
Recall, it's about inquiring excellent questions. Dolphins, good luck ones music college shopping.
The earth can sound like a wild place sometimes...
OK, any LOT of that time!
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