#requests appreciated
ahhrenata · 11 days
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redraw of this ooooold piece
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hobgoblinbard · 3 months
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John and Arthur spending some quality kitten time as requested by @runnwaig! Quite some time ago...
I'm slow but I get there
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thechekhov · 2 months
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A Patreon request of Coronabeth and Judith as Miss Piggy and Kermit. This one really got a laugh out of me, and it was fantastic to draw.
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hellishgayliath · 5 months
Donnie isn't allowed to watch Mecha anime because he'd say "I can do it better"
The problem here is that he actually can do it better.
Well, it's a problem for everyone but Donnie, that is.
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How's it feel to be the funniest person rn anon
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kathonyy · 11 days
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Kate's outfits in BRIDGERTON 3x01 Out of the Shadows requested by anon
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dailyeloise · 20 days
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forestmossling · 25 days
you all seem to like steddie marrying and building a family together in their thirties so much, but what about them playing house together in elementary? never thought about that, huh? what about eddie weaving a flower crown for steve during recess and proposing to him with it behind the school in fifth grade? what about steddie marrying each other when they’re twelve with wayne officiating their wedding in the yard in front of their trailer at sunset? what’s with everybody being so keen on letting them fall for each other in high school at earliest? why not make a ten years old eddie profess his undying love and devotion to steve while he’s playing a knight defending his princess? why not let steve make amazing sand pies for his husband, who is hard at work looking for cool rocks for him outside? never thought about writing that, huh? cowards.
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gotchibam · 3 months
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Raboot ko-fi doodle for @lakefoundtheirexit!
I’m accepting pokemon ko-fi doodle requests here! ✨
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leah-lover · 1 month
Love in Ibiza. Barca x reader. Smut 18+
orgy. Part 1 Part 2
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After that Lucy sits closer to you, and moves her head milemeteres away from yours. “ are you sure?” she whispers. You lock your lips with hers as a response. 
As you lean in the kiss you feel Lucy pull away from you. “ no” you whisper for her only to hear. She pulls away still and sits a little far from you. 
“ I am not  sure you know what you are getting yourself into.” she says. 
“ I am sure of my will to have sex with you Lucy and with all of you in fact.” you respond to her. 
“ I told you she liked you luce.” said mapi to lucy. 
“ That's not why I brought her here.” 
“ I know but you owe me now.” 
“ you guys bet on me?” you say in surprise. 
“ Well not bet but you were a topic of a few conversations we had.” said ingrid. 
“ do tell.” you add. “ I find you attractive. Especially when you wear a dress like the one you are wearing right now.” said Lucy looking you up and down. You take off your jacket as a response showcasing your shoulder less black dress. You kept eye contact with Lucy while doing so. 
“ Why don't you come and show me how much you like it then.” you say bravely. You stare into Lucy's eyes for a second before she sits near you. You turn your head to kiss her. Your lips fit perfectly together. Hers were soft and dominating. She quickly took control of you, guided you to straddle her lap; her hands roaming freely on your back. She solicited a few moans from you when she moved on to your neck giving it bruising, mouth full kisses, leaving her mark in each section. Your hands move from her neck to her hair, massaging her scalp as she devours your neck. It was like you two were the only people in the world. She then puts her head on your chest and says “ is  my baby girl enjoying this?” Both you and ona say yes at the same time which makes you  feel a little bit awkward and embarrassed. 
“ It's okay we will make a fun little compaction of who will be my best girl.” She says giving the exposed part of your chest a kiss. 
“ She isn't yours Lucia.” Said Alexia from behind you, her shirt on the ground and her hair was a little bit messy. “ We will see about that “ answered Lucy before kissing you again. She unzips your dress smoothly and helps you take it off. You stay only in a black laced underwear. “ You are so beautiful.” She whispers before going  down on you again. she sucked, kissed, and marked her way down your body leaving red circles all over it.  When she reached  your core she noticed a wet patch on your panties which made her smile. She didn't say a word though. She just tossed them aside, opened your legs and slid between them. Your brain was hazy when she first made contact with your clit. You could even release a full moan with only whimpers and muffled sounds. She put your clit between her teeth sucking at it forcefully, Her hands roamed your stomach. She kept moving until she found the right rhythm that made you arch. Your whimpers were getting louder as she moved up her pace. Her hands continued to touch you all over which made you want to come even more. “ I want to come.” You whisper gently between your heavy breaths. “ Please let me come.” “ Okay be a good girl and come for me.” 
Your eyes were closed when you reached your climax. It was the best orgasm you have ever had. You keep your eyes closed as you ride you high while breathing very loudly.  Lucy gave you in your space to calm down. 
When you opened your eyes you found ona cleaning up your juices from Lucy's mouth. The scene in front of you made your clit pulse again. “ Thank you “ you whisper when she turns to face you. “ Don't know that just yet.” She winks at you and disappears in the hallway opposite you. 
You turn your eyes only to find Ingrid looking at you. You were naked, your legs open, and your juices running down your thighs. However, she didn't make you feel vulnerable. Her eyes made you feel safe. You continue your eye contact for a moment before you extend your arm in her direction inviting her to come next to you. She agrees to your silent request and joins you on your side of the couch. You quickly glance at her girlfriend who was knuckles deep inside Alexia before giving your attention back to Ingrid. 
“Right now Lucy will pride herself in making you look so fucking sexy. You looked amazing. We all stopped and just looked at you “ she said. You get up and sit next to her. “ how long have you been doing this.” You say stroking her arm. “ Well at the beginning it was just me, Maria, Alexia and Jenni . Then Lucy and ona joined. Then aitana. We started about a year ago and we only got together when we wanted to. It was often actually.” She said. “ Are you enjoying yourself so far? '’ ' very much so.” You respond and kiss her. 
This kiss was much softer, and more intimate. Ingrid didn't rush into you she took her time. “ Is your pussy still needy even after what Lucy just did?” She asks. “ I want more.” You respond. You two look at each other before you lay back and invite her over you. Without hesitation she hovers on top of you and quickly slid 2 fingers inside of you. You arch and release a loud moan as a response. Ingrid's thrusts were harder than you thought. She wanted to ruin you and it was obvious. She kept switching up her pace and trying to loosen you up more. “ So fucking tight around my fingers aren't you baby?” She asked l, her voice filled with list. This wasn't a side of Ingrid you have ever seen. She wanted your attention to be on her so when you would turn your head to the side she would turn it back towards her. You were able to notice the scene next to you briefly. Ona was sat on Lucy's lap, her thumb stroking ona’s clit while they were both looking at Ingrid fucking you. The scene turned you on even more but Ingrid's inconsistency didn't allow you to come. She Introduced a third finger which made you scream and arch more but it only made her laugh a little. “Please please please can I come please.” You started begging her, feeling your hole stretched out to what you thought was the max. You continue begging for a while and she speeds up even more. “Please Ingrid.” You beg again. “Okay, you can come now baby “ as soon as you reserved the okay you grabbed a chunk of the couch under you, released the loudest moan of the night and came. Seconds after you you heard ona’s cries as she came too. You in absolute bliss when Ingrid pecked your lips.
“ You may have been the first but I made her come harder.” Said Ingrid to Lucy.
“ Now it's our time to try.” Alexia pointed at herself and at mapi. 
Let me know what you think.
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helen-with-an-a · 2 months
Hi. So this was a request that I thought was such a cute idea. I hope you enjoy it.
Lucy Bronze x Reader
Description: Moments were Lucy helps take care of R when she's clumsy
Word Count: 2.8k
TW: Injury
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You were clumsy. That had been a fact of life since you were born. In nursey, you had a designated Mr Bump ice pack that was used solely by you. In primary school, the office lady who doubled as the nurse was your best friend, often spending more of your playtime with her getting something patched up than running around with your friends. In secondary school, things didn’t get any better. You often sported random bruises that you didn’t know where they came from. You would think that being placed into a sport that required a level of coordination and skill from a young age and then becoming a professional footballer would improve your balance and dexterity, yet you were often on the ground in matches due to your own idiocy rather than a harsh shove or poorly timed tackle from the opposition.
The bruises to your ego hurt more than the ones on your skin, but you often just laughed it off, accepting the hands that came to help pick you up off the floor and wipe away the grass stains. The hand that, more often than not, belonged to Lucy. She was always the first to come to your aid with a poorly concealed laugh and a kind smile. In a match, it was followed by a raised eyebrow and a squeeze to your shoulder as she shook her head, trying to remain professional on the pitch. In training, it was a gentle kiss to the forehead and an arm around your waist as she steadied you. In your daily life outside the training ground, you could never fully fall as she often tucked you safely into her side or had a firm, supportive grip on you if that wasn’t possible. In your own home's privacy, you could hardly move without Lucy fretting over you. She had seen too many injuries occur for you to be allowed to do much without her personal supervision – not that you really minded your girlfriend’s near-permanent presence.
It was a wet and windy day as you battled it out on the pitch. It was not the most ideal conditions to play in regardless, but with your inability to stay on your feet, you were having more trouble than most. You were making a run up the wing when you tripped, stumbling over your own feet as you went flying, skidding painfully along the sodden grass. You groaned, embarrassed that you had, once again, ended up face down on the pitch. You lay there for a minute, waiting for your mind to catch up with what happened before rolling onto your back.
“You good, love?” Lucy laughed as she came to your side.
“Ow,” you groaned, but reaching for her to help pull you back to standing.
“Are you ok?” Lucy asked again, a hand coming to rest on your shoulder as you drew level with her again.
“Yeh, sweets, I’m ok,” you sighed, wiping the worst of the mud off your jersey. Her eyebrow raised, silently asking if you were being honest with her. "I might be a little sore tomorrow, but I’m okay,” you mused. You had gone down a little harder than normal and could already feel the ache in your body as a result.
“Do you need to come off, bubba?” She asked, face full of concern as she scanned you discreetly.
“No, I’m ok. My ego took more of a battering than I did,” you laughed, lifting your shoulder to trap Lucy’s hand between it and your cheek. She squeezed three times and winked at you. You stuck your tongue out in an attempt to playfully lick her hand, demonstrating to her that you were clearly fine.
“C’mon, then. Let’s try to stay vertical with your feet on the ground for the rest of the match, shall we?” Lucy teased as you moved back into your respective positions.
“I can try, but I make no promises,” you joked back, grinning widely at her as you separated.
She shook her head at you. “I love you,” you mouthed at her.
“I love you,” she mouthed back.
“Shit,” you said as you stumbled up the stairs to the training pitches.
“Careful, idiota maldestre.” Aitana called as she came to steady you.
“Mi héroe,” you thanked her, wrapping an arm around her shoulder. “And I’m not an idiot. I might be clumsy, but I’m not an idiot.” You slipped her into a headlock that she quickly broke out of.
You came to stand beside Lucy in the huddle before training started, her arm automatically drawing you into her side.
“No quiero ninguna herida,” Jona said as he finished his pre-training speech, his eyes lingering on you for a second longer than everyone else. You just smiled at him.
“Now, what are we going to do today, love?” Lucy asked in a serious tone, but you knew she was teasing. Her hands came to rest on your hips as the others split off into their training pairs.
“Stay upright,” you replied in an equally severe voice.
“Good.” She squeezed you lightly before glancing around and pressing a swift kiss to your cheek. You rolled your eyes at her antics and beamed anyway.
Your promise only lasted about 20 minutes. You were in a trio with Alexia and Patri; Alexia pushed against you with a yoga ball as Patri passed the ball for you to kick back. It was going well. You remained strong and firm, leaning back into the shoving and stabilising your core muscles. But you were so focused on keeping your body straight that you forgot where you planted your feet.
“Fuck,” you exclaimed as you went tumbling to the ground, Alexia and the giant blue ball following you. Patri stood, slightly stunned, as her group was no longer in front of her; instead, there was a pile of limbs on the floor. “Ay, dios mío. Estás bien?” Patri asked, recognising the grimace of pain on your face. “Ow,” you winced as you tried to wiggle it. Now standing again, Alexia left your side, heading toward your girlfriend.
“Bubba?” Lucy’s concerned voice reached you as you shifted to sitting, her hand coming to rub your back as she crouched by your side.
“I’m ok, sweets. It’s just my ankle. I put my foot down wrong.” You tried to move it again, but it didn’t hurt, though it definitely felt funny.
“Ok, let’s get you up and to the medics.” Lucy moved to help you up, taking most of your weight. You gently added more pressure to your foot, relaxing slightly as no pain radiated up your leg. “What did I ask you about injuries?” Lucy sighed dramatically as she guided you to the bench where the physio was waiting.
“I’m sorry,” you said guiltily, your cheeks flaring with an embarrassed blush.
“I know you are, love,” she said, depositing you on the seat and pressing a lingering kiss to your forehead. “No funny business,” she said seriously as she cupped your face. "And listen to the doctors.” You nodded, taking her hand and kissing her palm lightly.
“I love you,” you whispered.
“I love you,” she answered, equally as quiet before she returned to training.
“Anem, anem,” Aitana chanted, her excited calls encouraging everyone to increase their speed as you walked to Manuela’s. There was finally a break in the busy schedule, so naturally, you used it to your advantage. The drinks were flowing, and the carefree atmosphere helped relax you immensely.
“Oops,” you muttered under your breath as you tripped over the uneven pavement. You didn’t go very far, not with Lucy's iron grip on your hand.
“Okay?” She asked you as you shook off the jolt.
“Yeh. You saved me, sweets. My knight in shining armour.” You lifted your intertwined hands and pressed a loving kiss on the back of hers.
“Ew, ustedes dos son asquerosas,” Mapi gagging as she fell in step with you. You clicked your teeth.
“Girl, you have no leg to stand on with that. You and Ingrid are so in love, it’s hideous to witness.” You laughed at how offended she seemed.
“Es cierto,” Lucy agreed. Ingrid giggled at her girlfriend’s expression.
“Uhh, mi Princesa, no deberías estar de acuerdo con ellos.” Mapi continued, outraged at the apparent attack on her relationship.
“She just recognises the truth,” you goaded, drawing Ingrid closer as she swung her arm around your shoulders.
“Relax, min skjønnhet. She’s only teasing.” Ingrid placated her girlfriend, extending her hand out for Mapi to take. You watched as she and Mapi fell into a quiet conversation, love clear on both of their faces. You turned to look at Lucy and found her already looking at you, her own adoration clear on her face, which you were sure echoed in yours. She squeezed your hand three times, causing a blush to bloom on your cheeks. You squeezed back three times and watched as she looked down, slightly shy under your intense gaze.
The problem with alcohol for you was that it caused you to fumble even more. You had gone outside with Ona and Keira to get some air – the sweaty club was getting to all of you.
“So, yeh. I think I want to try to get a long weekend away in soon ish,” Ona finished her conversation. You weren’t really paying attention, your minds drifting between the chicken nuggets you would pester Lucy for on the way home and if you wanted another drink or not – the world spinning slightly as you sucked in the cool night air.
“You alright over there, clumsy?” Keira asked, noticing you staggering somewhat as you drifted away from the pair.
“Um? Oh, yeh. I’m a-ok,” You threw Keira the universal ‘ok’ sign – pausing slightly as you commanded your fingers to do what you desired. Your drunkenness was obvious; you blinked a little too slowly, and you were clearly not in complete control of yourself, but your speech wasn’t slurred yet.
“Sure, you are,” Ona laughed as you tried to wedge yourself between them, throwing too much weight into the action and launching yourself forward. You crashed heavily into the ground, your knee taking most of the force. You yelped a little at the pain before flopping down on the floor behind the bar. You looked down, and a slight graze on your right hand captured most of your attention until Ona gasped.
“What?” You looked around, trying to see the cause of her alarm.
“Su rodilla,” she said as she pointed to your knee. Your drunk brain didn’t know what she was referring to, but you followed her finger and came to stare at your bloodied knee. You gasped.
“My knee,” you whined, only now becoming aware of the throbbing cut.
“I’ll get Lucy; you stay with her.” Keira rushed back inside.
“Oni, I fell,” you pouted. You looked from your knee to her and back again, your frown increasing with every minute. Ona had to admit, drunk you was very adorable.
“Love?” Lucy appeared, looking around frantically for you.
“Sweets?” You perked up, looking somewhat like a meerkat.
“Hey, lovely. How are you doing?” She asked gently, taking a seat next to you.
“I fell,” you said wetly through the tears that had begun to roll down your cheeks.
“Oh, Bubba. It’s ok.” She cooed, drawing you to lay your head on her collarbone. She shushed you gently, used to your drunken antics after the number of years you had dated. It was easier for her to treat every issue with just as much seriousness as you did. “It’s just a small cut. Let’s get you patched up, and we can head home, ok?” You nodded, refusing to leave the sanctuary of Lucy’s chest. “Do you want me to do it, or are you ok with Manuela’s staff doing it?” she asked, leaning back slightly to hear your answer.
“Want Mazza to do it,” Lucy sighed. You often missed your best friend when you were in Barcelona and she was back in Manchester.
“Mary’s not here, Bubba. How about Keira?” Lucy comforted you, nodding to Keira to take the first aid kit from the security guard who had joined you outside. You sniffled slightly, burring yourself further into Lucy as the alcohol wipe stung your cut.
“Can I have nuggets?” You asked, your mind still lingering on the food you craved.
“Sure, love.” Lucy laughed as you sat up straighter at her response.
“I love you,” you said, staring straight into her eyes.
“I love you,” she responded, leaning in to press a kiss to the corner of your mouth.
You stared at your relatively empty fridge. An onion, a pepper, some leftover chicken, and 3 eggs stared back at you. It's not particularly inspiring, but it would do. You gathered the ingredients, deposited them on the chopping board, and started cutting. You should have started with the pepper to avoid having watery eyes as you chopped everything, but you weren’t thinking and now you were regretting it. The lingering sting of the onion made it harder to see what you were doing. The front door opening also distracted you even more. Lucy’s calls of arrival made you not watch where you placed the knife and try to cut the pepper.
“Fuck,” you swore loudly. The red liquid came streaming out alarmingly quickly. “Ow, ow, ow.” You blinked away the tears.
“Love, what’s wrong? Are you ok?” Lucy ran around the corner, skidding on the hard floors as she rushed into the kitchen. You were aware of how scary it must have looked, you standing wide-eyed at Lucy, blood running down your hand with a knife in the other.
“Oh, Bubba.” Lucy soothed, her gentle fingers taking the knife from your hand and manoeuvring you to stand by the sink, letting cool water wash over the cut. “What happened, lovely?” she asked her.
“I was trying to make us tea,” you said dejectedly. Why couldn’t you do anything right? All you wanted was to do one small thing for Lucy, and here you were, bleeding into her sink. You looked up to the ceiling, trying really hard not to let the tears fall. She gently patted your finger with a clean towel before holding it tightly, trying to stop the bleeding. “So stupid,” you whispered dejectedly.
“Hey, stop that. Accidents happen.” She chastised gently, pushing some hair out of your face.
“Not just this,” you waved your injured hand around. “I constantly trip and fall, and it’s just so stupid. I’m an adult. I’m an athlete. I should be less of a fucking clumsy idiot.” You had heard it your whole life – people teasing you over your clumsiness, calling you affectionate nicknames based on your inability to stay upright. You sniffed, staring hard at the floor.
“Hey, no, stop it.” She said firmly, her free hand forcing your chin up until you had to look at her. “I love that you trip all the time. It’s part of who you are,” she kissed your cheek. “And I like that I can help you,” she admitted softly. “It makes me feel important,” she whispered.
“Oh,” you said, surprised. “You are important. And not just to me. And not just because you help me when I trip.” You spoke with such conviction. She leant in to press a passionate kiss on your lips. You hummed quietly at the feeling. “I love you,” you proudly stated when she drew away.
“I love you,” she said declared back.
You weren’t really paying attention as Leah moaned about something someone had done to her. It was very trivial, but she took it as a personal attack. You spotted Lucy walking down the path to the field with two water bottles. You saw her spot you and speed up slightly, smiling at the thought of her hurrying to get to you. She was practically speed walking down the gentle slope, her movements slowly becoming less controlled. You saw her foot catch the uneven pavement from a tree root. Before you knew it, you had abandoned your conversation with Leah and rushed to Lucy’s side, getting her just in time to stop her from falling painfully onto the concrete.
“Easy, sweets,” you teased, leaning your body into her to help steady the both of you. “You ok?” you asked her, scanning her features for any discomfort.
“I’m all good, bubba. You caught me.” She smiled broadly at you.
“You always catch me. I thought it was only fair.” You pressed a kiss to the underneath of her jaw.
“I love you,” she said happily.
“I love you,” you replied, equally as joyful.
I hope you enjoyed it <3<3<3<3
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remthegremlin · 3 months
HUSK LASER POINTER!!!!!!! <3333 please <33333333 i love ur art btw ;]] in case u didnt know
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anything for you sbc, love you sm <3 thanks for requesting the sillies they mean so much to me :)
close ups under the cut
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bridgertonladies · 3 months
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Kate Sharma in Spencer Jackets
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radiosummons · 1 year
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God. He's just ... so fucking stupid.
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 5 months
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💙❤️Happy Holidays!❤️💙
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hrokkall · 7 months
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EDIT: Okay guys I realize I missed the obvious joke here. Here you go
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bellarkeselection · 6 months
for cole walter, could you do one where reader replaces jackie (so her fam died and she moved in with the walter’s) and cole doesn’t really like her. one day she gets a cold, and cole takes care of her (begrudgingly) and realizes she isn’t so bad 🫶🏼🥹
Cole Walter Does Care
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Tag list- send me an ask to be added @cognacdelights @connieisthesun
I rolled over in my bed and felt a headache coming on the second I woke up which really sucked. Slowly sitting up I thought I would feel better that only seemed to make it worse. My nose was beginning to get stuffy and my throat felt dry. Footsteps came from the hallway and I heard whoever it was pause outside my door. “Hey Y/n, my mom is making breakfast. Woah you don’t look too good.”
“Thanks Alex - uh I didn’t know that.” I started coughing and then reached over needing to blow my nose into some tissues.
He entered my room with a sad expression. “I can get my mom to check you out if you want.”
“Please do.” I whimpered, sounding so helpless tugging the covers back over my chest.
He nodded, rushing out of the room and going downstairs to go get her. “On it, Y/n.” Once he was gone I yanked the coves over my head screaming and coughing into my blankets.
“Sounds like there’s a dying angry animal in here. Oh no sorry it’s just you Y/n.” I noticed the voice of Cole who when I peaked my head above the blanket saw that he was leaning in my doorway.
Grumbling under my breath I really wasn’t in the mood for his teasing. “Go away Cole. I’m not feeling good and you’ll just make it worse.”
“Ah now I’m offended since most people find my company to be quite enjoyable.” He walked into my bedroom sitting down on the side of my bed moving the cover down from my eyes so he could see some of my face.
“Well I d-don’t-“ I attempted to say but another coughing fit had to hit me right before his mother and Alex came back into my bedroom.
Catherine sat down and pushed Cole off the bed, putting a hand to my forehead. “Oh you're burning up. You'll just have to stay in bed today and miss the fair.”
“Okay Skylar and Tara won't be happy.” I responded in a tired breath.
She shakes her head eyeing her older son. “I'm sure they'll understand honey. Cole, I need you to stay and take care of her.”
“What the hell!” He raised his voice, accidentally cursing at his mother.
I sat upright on the pillows but had a coughing fit as a result. “No! He doesn't need to be here…”
“This is not up for discussion. Y/n you are really sick and Cole you will be staying home to take care of her. Because you're grounded after we found out you were sneaking girls out of the house. Come on, Alex.” She got to her feet and she left with Alex following her downstairs leaving us alone in my bedroom together.
Laying my head back down on the pillows I yanked the covers over my head screaming into it until Cole made a comment. “Don't think I'm happy about this either.”
“Oh sure. I'm sorry my illness prevented you from hooking up with Erin or Olivia or Paige!” I snapped at him.
His green eyes glared at me. “You don't have the right to judge my life.”
“Neither do you about me then!” I growled turning my back towards him.
Cole watched me for a little while hearing me doze off for a few hours of sleep. He sure found you annoying at times but there was something about you that he liked. It was the fact that you fought with him over the most ridiculous stuff. Most girls just fell at his beck and call except you. He walked around the room noticing a notebook laying on the desk. “Y/n's diary…hmm. I can't deny that I may have feelings for Cole even though he drives me nuts.” He debated reading it but when he flipped to one of the middle he heard you groan waking up.
“Cole, I'm gonna puke.” I moaned, struggling to get out from under the blankets.
He dropped the book rushing over to me, he put one arm underneath my shoulder and the other under the back of my knees carrying me through the door and across to the bathroom on this floor. “I've got ya…I've got ya.” He reassured me when I collapsed onto my knees puking in the toilet.
I felt one of his hands holding my hair back and the other was rubbing my back till I was finished. “Thanks Cole…”
“You’re welcome. See I'm not a total asshole.” He responded sitting across from me on the floor. His honey blonde hair was tossed and in his eyes like always.
Hugging my knees to my chest, my hair was a wreck and my nose was red. I looked like a complete mess and I didn't care for it one bit. His green eyes remained on me before I asked him not to handle the silence well. “If you wanna say something to me just go on and get it out, Walter.”
“I read part of your diary after you fell asleep. I know how you feel about me and honestly I'm shocked given how I've treated you.” He shrugged his shoulders like it was just a casual thing to say to someone.
I raised my voice in frustration grabbing a tissue when I had to sneeze two or three times. “You read my diary! Cole, you have no right to that. How much did you read - god I want to crawl in a hole now I'm so embarrassed.” Covering my face that was red as a tomato avoiding his gaze.
“Aren't you going to ask me how I felt about it?” Cole questioned with a curious look on his face.
Knitting my brows at the former star football player. “You’re telling me you have a crush on me. Yeah right. I'll believe it in another universe.”
“Do you believe me when I do this?” He shifted onto his knees coming closer to me.
Lifting my head up he cut my question off. “What are you doing-” His lips landed right on mine. Cole scooted closer and placed his hands on either side of my face. I wanted to push him away because I was sick and two because he shouldn't even couldn’t really be kissing me now.
Trailing my hands up his chest my arms wrapped around his neck and he moaned into the kiss after we had gotten closer. Cole tugged me up to sit down on his lap wrapping his arms around my waist holding me close to his chest as possible. “Cole, stop - Cole stop. We can’t be doing this.” Pushing my hands on his chest he drew back confused.
“Because you're sick. I don't care about that. I just needed you to know that I actually care about you, Y/n.” He declared still cupping my face on his hands green eyes so focused on me.
Moving one hand through his honey hair, my other drops to his shoulder blade. “I can't believe it, Cole Walter has a crush on me. Here I was thinking you hated me.” I chuckled with a half grin.
“Why did you think I only picked on you when you first got here. I figured you had a thing for bad guys in you somewhere. Just had to bring it out of ya, darling.” Cole tucked hair behind my ear before he could hear a lot of footsteps heading up the wooden stairs outside the shut bathroom door.
“What do we - uh do!” I sneezed where Cole gave me a tissue and I wiped my nose watching him get to his feet.
He scooped me up bridal style once more where I wrapped my arms around his neck enjoying the feeling of being in his arms like this. “Don't worry, we'll go to my room. They all know better than to go in there…now where we're we?” He carried me quickly out and into his room, closing and locking the door.
“Cole, I'm nowhere near ready for that kind of thing. Sorry if that disappoints you.” I apologize for crawling under the covers on his bed, blushing a deep shade of red.
He kicked off his shoes and got in beside me, gently pushing my head down in the crock of his neck so I would fall asleep. “I don't care about sleeping with you yet. I just wanted to see you blush.”
“Cole!” I punched his chest hearing him laugh and it was music to me considering he rarely ever laughs.
He kissed the crown of my head and watched my eyes begin to close shut. “I'm just playing with ya, Y/n. Now get some rest.” I closed my eyes and looped my hand with his freehand that wasn't playing with hair to make me dose off in his arms.
Comments really appreciated ❤️
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